diff --git a/common/utils/T/T_messages.txt b/common/utils/T/T_messages.txt
index d1807080bcc1b5f370b91d5cd0c76759f0bacfd5..014c616e5469ca2974edd8c38bc79bb3eb9c2142 100644
--- a/common/utils/T/T_messages.txt
+++ b/common/utils/T/T_messages.txt
@@ -1938,3 +1938,78 @@ ID = VCD_FUNCTION_RECV_IF5
     DESC = VCD function RECV_IF5
     FORMAT = int,value
+#### UE LOGS ####
+#general logs
+    DESC = UE master tick - one tick per ms, to be used as "reference clock", mostly for ticktime view
+    FORMAT = int,eNB_ID : int,frame : int,subframe
+#PHY logs
+    DESC = UE uplink tick - one tick per ms at start of uplink processing
+    FORMAT = int,eNB_ID : int,frame : int,subframe
+    DESC = UE downlink tick - one tick per ms at start of downlink processing
+    FORMAT = int,eNB_ID : int,frame : int,subframe
+    DESC = UE downlink UE specific DCI as sent by the PHY layer
+    FORMAT = int,eNB_ID : int,frame : int,subframe : int,UE_id : int,rnti : int,dci_format : int,harq_pid : int,mcs : int,TBS
+    DESC = UE downlink UE ACK as seen by the PHY layer in process_HARQ_feedback
+    FORMAT = int,eNB_ID : int,frame : int,subframe : int,UE_id : int,rnti : int,harq_pid
+    DESC = UE downlink UE NACK as seen by the PHY layer in process_HARQ_feedback
+    FORMAT = int,eNB_ID : int,frame : int,subframe : int,UE_id : int,rnti : int,harq_pid
+    DESC = UE uplink UE specific DCI as sent by the PHY layer
+    FORMAT = int,eNB_ID : int,frame : int,subframe : int,UE_id : int,rnti : int,harq_pid : int,mcs : int,round : int,first_rb : int,nb_rb : int,TBS
+    DESC = UE uplink UE ACK as seen by the PHY layer
+    FORMAT = int,eNB_ID : int,frame : int,subframe : int,UE_id : int,rnti : int,harq_pid
+    DESC = UE uplink UE NACK as seen by the PHY layer
+    FORMAT = int,eNB_ID : int,frame : int,subframe : int,UE_id : int,rnti : int,harq_pid
+    DESC = UE received signal in the time domain for a duration of 1ms
+    FORMAT = int,eNB_ID : int,frame : int,subframe : int,antenna : buffer,rxdata
+    DESC = UE channel estimation in the time domain
+    FORMAT = int,eNB_ID : int,UE_ID : int,frame : int,subframe : int,antenna : buffer,chest_t
+    DESC = UE PDCCH received IQ data
+    FORMAT = int,eNB_ID : int,UE_ID : int,frame : int,subframe : int,I : int,Q
+    DESC = UE PDSCH 1 energy and threshold
+    FORMAT = int,eNB_ID : int,UE_ID : int,frame : int,subframe : int,energy : int,threshold
+    DESC = UE PDSCH received IQ data
+    FORMAT = int,eNB_ID : int,UE_ID : int,frame : int,subframe : int,nb_rb : int,N_RB_UL : int,symbols_per_tti : buffer,pusch_comp
+    DESC = UE PDSCH 1 energy and threshold
+    FORMAT = int,eNB_ID : int,UE_ID : int,frame : int,subframe : int,energy : int,threshold
+    DESC = UE PUSCH  tx power
+    FORMAT = int,eNB_ID : int,UE_ID : int,frame : int,subframe : int,power
+    DESC = UE PDSCH 1 energy and threshold
+    FORMAT = int,eNB_ID : int,UE_ID : int,frame : int,subframe : int,power
diff --git a/common/utils/T/tracer/Makefile b/common/utils/T/tracer/Makefile
index 71f1d25f9251b375dd5f57d88b59d78f979b3b11..f6c65f64000e6da238d14d843d1fe36e8325eda2 100644
--- a/common/utils/T/tracer/Makefile
+++ b/common/utils/T/tracer/Makefile
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ CFLAGS=-Wall -g -pthread -DT_TRACER -I.
 LIBS=-lX11 -lm -lpng -lXft
-all: record replay extract_config textlog enb vcd macpdu2wireshark
+all: record replay extract_config textlog enb ue vcd macpdu2wireshark
 record: utils.o record.o database.o config.o
 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o record $^ $(LIBS)
@@ -26,6 +26,11 @@ enb: utils.o enb.o database.o event.o handler.o config.o \
 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o enb $^ $(LIBS)
+ue: utils.o ue.o database.o event.o handler.o config.o \
+         event_selector.o view/view.a gui/gui.a logger/logger.a \
+         filter/filter.a
+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o ue $^ $(LIBS)
 vcd: utils.o vcd.o database.o event.o handler.o config.o \
          event_selector.o view/view.a gui/gui.a logger/logger.a \
diff --git a/common/utils/T/tracer/ue.c b/common/utils/T/tracer/ue.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a36df6a2cbe18fe1741188c4347f8383ec329faf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/utils/T/tracer/ue.c
@@ -0,0 +1,728 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include "database.h"
+#include "event.h"
+#include "handler.h"
+#include "logger/logger.h"
+#include "view/view.h"
+#include "gui/gui.h"
+#include "filter/filter.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+#include "../T_defs.h"
+#include "event_selector.h"
+#include "openair_logo.h"
+#include "config.h"
+typedef struct {
+  view *phyview;
+  view *macview;
+  view *rlcview;
+  view *pdcpview;
+  view *rrcview;
+  view *legacy;
+  widget *current_ue_label;
+  widget *prev_ue_button;
+  widget *next_ue_button;
+  widget *pdsch_iq_ue_xy_plot;
+  widget *dl_estimate_ue_xy_plot;
+  widget *pdcch_energy_ue_xy_plot;
+  widget *pdcch_iq_ue_xy_plot;
+  widget *dl_ul_harq_ue_label;
+  widget *dl_mcs_xy_plot;
+  widget *ul_mcs_xy_plot;
+  logger *pdsch_iq_ue_logger;
+  logger *dl_estimate_ue_logger;
+  logger *pdcch_energy_ue_threshold_logger;
+  logger *pdcch_energy_ue_energy_logger;
+  logger *pdcch_iq_ue_logger;
+  logger *dl_dci_logger[8];
+  logger *dl_ack_logger[8];
+  logger *dl_nack_logger[8];
+  logger *ul_dci_logger[8];
+  logger *ul_dci_retransmission_logger[8];
+  logger *ul_ack_logger[8];
+  logger *ul_nack_logger[8];
+  logger *dl_mcs_logger;
+  logger *ul_mcs_logger;
+} ue_gui;
+typedef struct {
+  int socket;
+  int *is_on;
+  int nevents;
+  pthread_mutex_t lock;
+  ue_gui *e;
+  int ue;                /* what UE is displayed in the UE specific views */
+  void *database;
+} ue_data;
+void is_on_changed(void *_d)
+  ue_data *d = _d;
+  char t;
+  if (pthread_mutex_lock(&d->lock)) abort();
+  if (d->socket == -1) goto no_connection;
+  t = 1;
+  if (socket_send(d->socket, &t, 1) == -1 ||
+      socket_send(d->socket, &d->nevents, sizeof(int)) == -1 ||
+      socket_send(d->socket, d->is_on, d->nevents * sizeof(int)) == -1)
+    goto connection_dies;
+  if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&d->lock)) abort();
+  return;
+  close(d->socket);
+  d->socket = -1;
+  if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&d->lock)) abort();
+void usage(void)
+  printf(
+"    -d <database file>        this option is mandatory\n"
+"    -on <GROUP or ID>         turn log ON for given GROUP or ID\n"
+"    -off <GROUP or ID>        turn log OFF for given GROUP or ID\n"
+"    -ON                       turn all logs ON\n"
+"    -OFF                      turn all logs OFF\n"
+"                              note: you may pass several -on/-off/-ON/-OFF,\n"
+"                                    they will be processed in order\n"
+"                                    by default, all is off\n"
+"    -ip <host>                connect to given IP address (default %s)\n"
+"    -p <port>                 connect to given port (default %d)\n"
+"    -debug-gui                activate GUI debug logs\n",
+  );
+  exit(1);
+static void *gui_thread(void *_g)
+  gui *g = _g;
+  gui_loop(g);
+  return NULL;
+static filter *ticktime_filter(void *database, char *event, int i, int ue)
+  /* filter is "harq_pid == i && UE_id == 0 && eNB_id == 0" */
+  return
+    filter_and(
+      filter_eq(filter_evarg(database, event, "harq_pid"), filter_int(i)),
+      filter_and(
+        filter_eq(filter_evarg(database, event, "UE_id"), filter_int(ue)),
+        filter_eq(filter_evarg(database, event, "eNB_ID"), filter_int(0))));
+static void set_current_ue(gui *g, ue_data *e, int ue)
+  int i;
+  char s[256];
+  sprintf(s, "[UE %d]  ", ue);
+  label_set_text(g, e->e->current_ue_label, s);
+  sprintf(s, "PDSCH IQ [UE %d]", ue);
+  xy_plot_set_title(g, e->e->pdsch_iq_ue_xy_plot, s);
+  sprintf(s, "DL estimated channel [UE %d]", ue);
+  xy_plot_set_title(g, e->e->dl_estimate_ue_xy_plot, s);
+  sprintf(s, "PDCCH energy [UE %d]", ue);
+  xy_plot_set_title(g, e->e->pdcch_energy_ue_xy_plot, s);
+  sprintf(s, "PDCCH IQ [UE %d]", ue);
+  xy_plot_set_title(g, e->e->pdcch_iq_ue_xy_plot, s);
+  sprintf(s, "DL/UL HARQ (x8) [UE %d]", ue);
+  label_set_text(g, e->e->dl_ul_harq_ue_label, s);
+  sprintf(s, "DL MCS [UE %d]", ue);
+  xy_plot_set_title(g, e->e->dl_mcs_xy_plot, s);
+  sprintf(s, "UL MCS [UE %d]", ue);
+  xy_plot_set_title(g, e->e->ul_mcs_xy_plot, s);
+  logger_set_filter(e->e->pdsch_iq_ue_logger,
+      filter_eq(
+        filter_evarg(e->database, "UE_PHY_PDSCH_IQ", "UE_ID"),
+        filter_int(ue)));
+  logger_set_filter(e->e->dl_estimate_ue_logger,
+      filter_eq(
+        filter_evarg(e->database, "UE_PHY_DL_CHANNEL_ESTIMATE", "UE_ID"),
+        filter_int(ue)));
+  logger_set_filter(e->e->pdcch_energy_ue_threshold_logger,
+      filter_eq(
+        filter_evarg(e->database, "UE_PHY_PDCCH_ENERGY", "UE_ID"),
+        filter_int(ue)));
+  /*logger_set_filter(e->pucch1_energy_ue_energy_logger,
+      filter_eq(
+        filter_evarg(e->database, "ENB_PHY_PUCCH_1_ENERGY", "UE_ID"),
+        filter_int(ue)));*/
+  logger_set_filter(e->e->pdcch_iq_ue_logger,
+      filter_eq(
+        filter_evarg(e->database, "UE_PHY_PDCCH_IQ", "UE_ID"),
+        filter_int(ue)));
+  for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+    logger_set_filter(e->e->dl_dci_logger[i],
+        ticktime_filter(e->database, "UE_PHY_DLSCH_UE_DCI", i, ue));
+    logger_set_filter(e->e->dl_ack_logger[i],
+        ticktime_filter(e->database, "UE_PHY_DLSCH_UE_ACK", i, ue));
+    logger_set_filter(e->e->dl_nack_logger[i],
+        ticktime_filter(e->database, "UE_PHY_DLSCH_UE_NACK", i, ue));
+    logger_set_filter(e->e->ul_dci_logger[i],
+        ticktime_filter(e->database, "UE_PHY_ULSCH_UE_DCI", i, ue));
+    /*logger_set_filter(e->ul_dci_retransmission_logger[i],
+        ticktime_filter(e->database,
+            "ENB_PHY_ULSCH_UE_NO_DCI_RETRANSMISSION", i, ue));*/
+    logger_set_filter(e->e->ul_ack_logger[i],
+        ticktime_filter(e->database, "UE_PHY_ULSCH_UE_ACK", i, ue));
+    logger_set_filter(e->e->ul_nack_logger[i],
+        ticktime_filter(e->database, "UE_PHY_ULSCH_UE_NACK", i, ue));
+  }
+  logger_set_filter(e->e->dl_mcs_logger,
+      filter_eq(
+        filter_evarg(e->database, "UE_PHY_DLSCH_UE_DCI", "UE_id"),
+        filter_int(ue)));
+  logger_set_filter(e->e->ul_mcs_logger,
+      filter_eq(
+        filter_evarg(e->database, "UE_PHY_ULSCH_UE_DCI", "UE_id"),
+        filter_int(ue)));
+static void click(void *private, gui *g,
+    char *notification, widget *w, void *notification_data)
+  int *d = notification_data;
+  int button = d[0];
+  ue_data *ed = private;
+  ue_gui *e = ed->e;
+  int ue = ed->ue;
+  if (button != 1) return;
+  if (w == e->prev_ue_button) { ue--; if (ue < 0) ue = 0; }
+  if (w == e->next_ue_button) ue++;
+  if (pthread_mutex_lock(&ed->lock)) abort();
+  if (ue != ed->ue) {
+    set_current_ue(g, ed, ue);
+    ed->ue = ue;
+  }
+  if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&ed->lock)) abort();
+static void ue_main_gui(ue_gui *e, gui *g, event_handler *h, void *database,
+    ue_data *ed)
+  widget *main_window;
+  widget *top_container;
+  widget *line, *col;
+  widget *logo;
+  widget *input_signal_plot;
+  logger *input_signal_log;
+  view *input_signal_view;
+  widget *timeline_plot;
+  logger *timelog;
+  view *timeview;
+  view *subview;
+  //widget *text;
+  //view *textview;
+  int i;
+  widget *w, *w2;
+  view *v;
+  logger *l;
+  main_window = new_toplevel_window(g, 1200, 900, "eNB tracer");
+  top_container = new_container(g, VERTICAL);
+  widget_add_child(g, main_window, top_container, -1);
+  line = new_container(g, HORIZONTAL);
+  widget_add_child(g, top_container, line, -1);
+  logo = new_image(g, openair_logo_png, openair_logo_png_len);
+  /* logo + prev/next UE buttons */
+  col = new_container(g, VERTICAL);
+  widget_add_child(g, col, logo, -1);
+  w = new_container(g, HORIZONTAL);
+  widget_add_child(g, col, w, -1);
+  w2 = new_label(g, "");
+  widget_add_child(g, w, w2, -1);
+  e->current_ue_label = w2;
+  /* TODO: use button widget, not label widget */
+  w2 = new_label(g, "  [prev UE]  ");
+  widget_add_child(g, w, w2, -1);
+  label_set_clickable(g, w2, 1);
+  e->prev_ue_button = w2;
+  w2 = new_label(g, "  [next UE]  ");
+  widget_add_child(g, w, w2, -1);
+  label_set_clickable(g, w2, 1);
+  e->next_ue_button = w2;
+  widget_add_child(g, line, col, -1);
+  input_signal_plot = new_xy_plot(g, 256, 55, "input signal", 20);
+  widget_add_child(g, line, input_signal_plot, -1);
+  xy_plot_set_range(g, input_signal_plot, 0, 7680*10, 20, 70);
+  input_signal_log = new_framelog(h, database,
+      "UE_PHY_INPUT_SIGNAL", "subframe", "rxdata");
+  /* a skip value of 10 means to process 1 frame over 10, that is
+   * more or less 10 frames per second
+   */
+  framelog_set_skip(input_signal_log, 10);
+  input_signal_view = new_view_xy(7680*10, 10,
+      g, input_signal_plot, new_color(g, "#0c0c72"), XY_LOOP_MODE);
+  logger_add_view(input_signal_log, input_signal_view);
+  /* UE x PDSCH IQ data */
+  w = new_xy_plot(g, 55, 55, "", 50);
+  e->pdsch_iq_ue_xy_plot = w;
+  widget_add_child(g, line, w, -1);
+  xy_plot_set_range(g, w, -1000, 1000, -1000, 1000);
+  l = new_iqlog(h, database, "UE_PHY_PDSCH_IQ", "nb_rb",
+      "N_RB_UL", "symbols_per_tti", "pusch_comp");
+  v = new_view_xy(100*12*14,10,g,w,new_color(g,"#000"),XY_FORCED_MODE);
+  logger_add_view(l, v);
+  e->pdsch_iq_ue_logger = l;
+  /* UE x estimated DL channel */
+  w = new_xy_plot(g, 280, 55, "", 50);
+  e->dl_estimate_ue_xy_plot = w;
+  widget_add_child(g, line, w, -1);
+  xy_plot_set_range(g, w, 0, 512*10, -10, 80);
+  l = new_framelog(h, database,
+      "UE_PHY_DL_CHANNEL_ESTIMATE", "subframe", "chest_t");
+  //framelog_set_skip(input_signal_log, 10);
+  framelog_set_update_only_at_sf9(l, 0);
+  v = new_view_xy(512*10, 10, g, w, new_color(g, "#0c0c72"), XY_LOOP_MODE);
+  logger_add_view(l, v);
+  e->dl_estimate_ue_logger = l;
+  /* UE x PDCCH energy */
+  w = new_xy_plot(g, 128, 55, "", 50);
+  e->pdcch_energy_ue_xy_plot = w;
+  widget_add_child(g, line, w, -1);
+  xy_plot_set_range(g, w, 0, 1024*10, -10, 80);
+  l = new_ttilog(h, database,
+      "UE_PHY_PDCCH_ENERGY", "frame", "subframe", "threshold", 0);
+  v = new_view_tti(10, g, w, new_color(g, "#ff0000"));
+  logger_add_view(l, v);
+  e->pdcch_energy_ue_threshold_logger = l;
+  /* UE x PDCCH IQ data */
+  w = new_xy_plot(g, 55, 55, "", 50);
+  e->pdcch_iq_ue_xy_plot = w;
+  widget_add_child(g, line, w, -1);
+  xy_plot_set_range(g, w, -2000, 2000, -2000, 2000);
+  l = new_iqdotlog(h, database, "UE_PHY_PDCCH_IQ", "I", "Q");
+  v = new_view_xy(500, 10, g, w, new_color(g,"#000"), XY_LOOP_MODE);
+  logger_add_view(l, v);
+  e->pdcch_iq_ue_logger = l;
+  /* UE x DL mcs */
+  line = new_container(g, HORIZONTAL);
+  widget_add_child(g, top_container, line, -1);
+  w = new_xy_plot(g, 128, 55, "", 20);
+  xy_plot_set_range(g, w, 0, 1024*10, -2, 30);
+  e->dl_mcs_xy_plot = w;
+  widget_add_child(g, line, w, -1);
+  l = new_ticked_ttilog(h, database, "UE_PHY_DL_TICK", "frame", "subframe",
+      "UE_PHY_DLSCH_UE_DCI", "mcs", 0, -1);
+  v = new_view_tti(10, g, w, new_color(g, "#0c0c72"));
+  logger_add_view(l, v);
+  e->dl_mcs_logger = l;
+  /* UE x UL mcs */
+  w = new_xy_plot(g, 128, 55, "", 20);
+  xy_plot_set_range(g, w, 0, 1024*10, -2, 30);
+  e->ul_mcs_xy_plot = w;
+  widget_add_child(g, line, w, -1);
+  l = new_ticked_ttilog(h, database, "UE_PHY_DL_TICK", "frame", "subframe",
+      "UE_PHY_ULSCH_UE_DCI", "mcs", 0, -1);
+  v = new_view_tti(10, g, w, new_color(g, "#0c0c72"));
+  logger_add_view(l, v);
+  e->ul_mcs_logger = l;
+  /* downlink/uplink UE DCIs */
+  widget_add_child(g, top_container,
+      new_label(g,"DL/UL TICK/DCI/ACK/NACK [all UEs]"), -1);
+  line = new_container(g, HORIZONTAL);
+  widget_add_child(g, top_container, line, -1);
+  timeline_plot = new_timeline(g, 512, 8, 5);
+  widget_add_child(g, line, timeline_plot, -1);
+  container_set_child_growable(g, line, timeline_plot, 1);
+  for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+    timeline_set_subline_background_color(g, timeline_plot, i,
+        new_color(g, i==0 || i==4 ? "#aaf" : "#eee"));
+  timeview = new_view_time(3600, 10, g, timeline_plot);
+  /* DL tick logging */
+  timelog = new_timelog(h, database, "UE_PHY_DL_TICK");
+  subview = new_subview_time(timeview, 0, new_color(g, "#77c"), 3600*1000);
+  logger_add_view(timelog, subview);
+  /* DL DCI logging */
+  timelog = new_timelog(h, database, "UE_PHY_DLSCH_UE_DCI");
+  subview = new_subview_time(timeview, 1, new_color(g, "#228"), 3600*1000);
+  logger_add_view(timelog, subview);
+  /* DL ACK */
+  timelog = new_timelog(h, database, "UE_PHY_DLSCH_UE_ACK");
+  subview = new_subview_time(timeview, 2, new_color(g, "#282"), 3600*1000);
+  logger_add_view(timelog, subview);
+  /* DL NACK */
+  timelog = new_timelog(h, database, "UE_PHY_DLSCH_UE_NACK");
+  subview = new_subview_time(timeview, 3, new_color(g, "#f22"), 3600*1000);
+  logger_add_view(timelog, subview);
+  /* UL tick logging */
+  timelog = new_timelog(h, database, "UE_PHY_UL_TICK");
+  subview = new_subview_time(timeview, 4, new_color(g, "#77c"), 3600*1000);
+  logger_add_view(timelog, subview);
+  /* UL DCI logging */
+  timelog = new_timelog(h, database, "UE_PHY_ULSCH_UE_DCI");
+  subview = new_subview_time(timeview, 5, new_color(g, "#228"), 3600*1000);
+  logger_add_view(timelog, subview);
+  /* UL retransmission without DCI logging */
+  //timelog = new_timelog(h,database,"ENB_PHY_ULSCH_UE_NO_DCI_RETRANSMISSION");
+  //subview = new_subview_time(timeview, 5, new_color(g, "#f22"), 3600*1000);
+  //logger_add_view(timelog, subview);
+  /* UL ACK */
+  timelog = new_timelog(h, database, "UE_PHY_ULSCH_UE_ACK");
+  subview = new_subview_time(timeview, 6, new_color(g, "#282"), 3600*1000);
+  logger_add_view(timelog, subview);
+  /* UL NACK */
+  timelog = new_timelog(h, database, "UE_PHY_ULSCH_UE_NACK");
+  subview = new_subview_time(timeview, 7, new_color(g, "#f22"), 3600*1000);
+  logger_add_view(timelog, subview);
+  /* harq processes' ticktime view */
+  e->dl_ul_harq_ue_label = new_label(g, "");
+  widget_add_child(g, top_container, e->dl_ul_harq_ue_label, -1);
+  line = new_container(g, HORIZONTAL);
+  widget_add_child(g, top_container, line, -1);
+  timeline_plot = new_timeline(g, 512, 2*8+2, 3);
+  widget_add_child(g, line, timeline_plot, -1);
+  container_set_child_growable(g, line, timeline_plot, 1);
+  for (i = 0; i < 2*8+2; i++)
+    timeline_set_subline_background_color(g, timeline_plot, i,
+        new_color(g, i==0 || i==9 ? "#ddd" : (i%9)&1 ? "#e6e6e6" : "#eee"));
+  timeview = new_view_ticktime(10, g, timeline_plot);
+  ticktime_set_tick(timeview,
+      new_ticklog(h, database, "ENB_MASTER_TICK", "frame", "subframe"));
+  /* tick */
+  timelog = new_ticklog(h, database, "ENB_MASTER_TICK", "frame", "subframe");
+  /* tick on DL view */
+  subview = new_subview_ticktime(timeview, 0, new_color(g,"#bbb"), 3600*1000);
+  logger_add_view(timelog, subview);
+  /* tick on UL view */
+  subview = new_subview_ticktime(timeview, 9, new_color(g,"#bbb"), 3600*1000);
+  logger_add_view(timelog, subview);
+  /* DL DCI */
+  for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+    timelog = new_ticklog(h, database, "UE_PHY_DLSCH_UE_DCI",
+        "frame", "subframe");
+    subview = new_subview_ticktime(timeview, i+1,
+        new_color(g,"#55f"), 3600*1000);
+    logger_add_view(timelog, subview);
+    e->dl_dci_logger[i] = timelog;
+  }
+  /* DL ACK */
+  for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+    timelog = new_ticklog(h, database, "UE_PHY_DLSCH_UE_ACK",
+        "frame", "subframe");
+    subview = new_subview_ticktime(timeview, i+1,
+        new_color(g,"#282"), 3600*1000);
+    logger_add_view(timelog, subview);
+    e->dl_ack_logger[i] = timelog;
+  }
+  /* DL NACK */
+  for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+    timelog = new_ticklog(h, database, "UE_PHY_DLSCH_UE_NACK",
+        "frame", "subframe");
+    subview = new_subview_ticktime(timeview, i+1,
+        new_color(g,"#f22"), 3600*1000);
+    logger_add_view(timelog, subview);
+    e->dl_nack_logger[i] = timelog;
+  }
+  /* UL DCI/retransmission without DCI */
+  for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+    /* first transmission */
+    timelog = new_ticklog(h, database, "UE_PHY_ULSCH_UE_DCI",
+        "frame", "subframe");
+    subview = new_subview_ticktime(timeview, i+9+1,
+        new_color(g,"#55f"), 3600*1000);
+    logger_add_view(timelog, subview);
+    e->ul_dci_logger[i] = timelog;
+    /* retransmission */
+    /*
+    timelog = new_ticklog(h, database,
+        "ENB_PHY_ULSCH_UE_NO_DCI_RETRANSMISSION", "frame", "subframe");
+    subview = new_subview_ticktime(timeview, i+9+1,
+        new_color(g,"#99f"), 3600*1000);
+    logger_add_view(timelog, subview);
+    e->ul_dci_retransmission_logger[i] = timelog;
+    */
+  }
+  /* UL ACK */
+  for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+    timelog = new_ticklog(h, database, "UE_PHY_ULSCH_UE_ACK",
+        "frame", "subframe");
+    subview = new_subview_ticktime(timeview, i+9+1,
+        new_color(g,"#282"), 3600*1000);
+    logger_add_view(timelog, subview);
+    e->ul_ack_logger[i] = timelog;
+  }
+  /* UL NACK */
+  for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+    timelog = new_ticklog(h, database, "UE_PHY_ULSCH_UE_NACK",
+        "frame", "subframe");
+    subview = new_subview_ticktime(timeview, i+9+1,
+        new_color(g,"#f22"), 3600*1000);
+    logger_add_view(timelog, subview);
+    e->ul_nack_logger[i] = timelog;
+  }
+#if 0
+  /* phy/mac/rlc/pdcp/rrc textlog */
+  line = new_container(g, HORIZONTAL);
+  widget_add_child(g, top_container, line, -1);
+  container_set_child_growable(g, top_container, line, 1);
+  /* phy */
+  col = new_container(g, VERTICAL);
+  widget_add_child(g, line, col, -1);
+  container_set_child_growable(g, line, col, 1);
+  widget_add_child(g, col, new_label(g, "PHY"), -1);
+  text = new_textlist(g, 100, 10, new_color(g, "#afa"));
+  widget_add_child(g, col, text, -1);
+  container_set_child_growable(g, col, text, 1);
+  textview = new_view_textlist(10000, 10, g, text);
+  e->phyview = textview;
+  /* mac */
+  col = new_container(g, VERTICAL);
+  widget_add_child(g, line, col, -1);
+  container_set_child_growable(g, line, col, 1);
+  widget_add_child(g, col, new_label(g, "MAC"), -1);
+  text = new_textlist(g, 100, 10, new_color(g, "#adf"));
+  widget_add_child(g, col, text, -1);
+  container_set_child_growable(g, col, text, 1);
+  textview = new_view_textlist(10000, 10, g, text);
+  e->macview = textview;
+  line = new_container(g, HORIZONTAL);
+  widget_add_child(g, top_container, line, -1);
+  container_set_child_growable(g, top_container, line, 1);
+  /* rlc */
+  col = new_container(g, VERTICAL);
+  widget_add_child(g, line, col, -1);
+  container_set_child_growable(g, line, col, 1);
+  widget_add_child(g, col, new_label(g, "RLC"), -1);
+  text = new_textlist(g, 100, 10, new_color(g, "#aff"));
+  widget_add_child(g, col, text, -1);
+  container_set_child_growable(g, col, text, 1);
+  textview = new_view_textlist(10000, 10, g, text);
+  e->rlcview = textview;
+  /* pdcp */
+  col = new_container(g, VERTICAL);
+  widget_add_child(g, line, col, -1);
+  container_set_child_growable(g, line, col, 1);
+  widget_add_child(g, col, new_label(g, "PDCP"), -1);
+  text = new_textlist(g, 100, 10, new_color(g, "#ed9"));
+  widget_add_child(g, col, text, -1);
+  container_set_child_growable(g, col, text, 1);
+  textview = new_view_textlist(10000, 10, g, text);
+  e->pdcpview = textview;
+  line = new_container(g, HORIZONTAL);
+  widget_add_child(g, top_container, line, -1);
+  container_set_child_growable(g, top_container, line, 1);
+  /* rrc */
+  col = new_container(g, VERTICAL);
+  widget_add_child(g, line, col, -1);
+  container_set_child_growable(g, line, col, 1);
+  widget_add_child(g, col, new_label(g, "RRC"), -1);
+  text = new_textlist(g, 100, 10, new_color(g, "#fdb"));
+  widget_add_child(g, col, text, -1);
+  container_set_child_growable(g, col, text, 1);
+  textview = new_view_textlist(10000, 10, g, text);
+  e->rrcview = textview;
+  /* legacy logs (LOG_I, LOG_D, ...) */
+  widget_add_child(g, top_container, new_label(g, "LEGACY"), -1);
+  text = new_textlist(g, 100, 10, new_color(g, "#eeb"));
+  widget_add_child(g, top_container, text, -1);
+  container_set_child_growable(g, top_container, text, 1);
+  e->legacy = new_view_textlist(10000, 10, g, text);
+  set_current_ue(g, ed, 0);
+  register_notifier(g, "click", e->prev_ue_button, click, ed);
+  register_notifier(g, "click", e->next_ue_button, click, ed);
+void view_add_log(view *v, char *log, event_handler *h, void *database,
+    int *is_on)
+  logger *textlog;
+  char *name, *desc;
+  database_get_generic_description(database,
+      event_id_from_name(database, log), &name, &desc);
+  textlog = new_textlog(h, database, name, desc);
+  logger_add_view(textlog, v);
+  free(name);
+  free(desc);
+  on_off(database, log, is_on, 1);
+int main(int n, char **v)
+  extern int volatile gui_logd;
+  char *database_filename = NULL;
+  void *database;
+  char *ip = DEFAULT_REMOTE_IP;
+  int port = DEFAULT_REMOTE_PORT;
+  char **on_off_name;
+  int *on_off_action;
+  int on_off_n = 0;
+  int *is_on;
+  int number_of_events;
+  int i;
+  event_handler *h;
+  gui *g;
+  ue_gui eg;
+  ue_data ue_data;
+  /* write on a socket fails if the other end is closed and we get SIGPIPE */
+  if (signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN) == SIG_ERR) abort();
+  on_off_name = malloc(n * sizeof(char *)); if (on_off_name == NULL) abort();
+  on_off_action = malloc(n * sizeof(int)); if (on_off_action == NULL) abort();
+  for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
+    if (!strcmp(v[i], "-h") || !strcmp(v[i], "--help")) usage();
+    if (!strcmp(v[i], "-d"))
+      { if (i > n-2) usage(); database_filename = v[++i]; continue; }
+    if (!strcmp(v[i], "-ip")) { if (i > n-2) usage(); ip = v[++i]; continue; }
+    if (!strcmp(v[i], "-p"))
+      { if (i > n-2) usage(); port = atoi(v[++i]); continue; }
+    if (!strcmp(v[i], "-on")) { if (i > n-2) usage();
+      on_off_name[on_off_n]=v[++i]; on_off_action[on_off_n++]=1; continue; }
+    if (!strcmp(v[i], "-off")) { if (i > n-2) usage();
+      on_off_name[on_off_n]=v[++i]; on_off_action[on_off_n++]=0; continue; }
+    if (!strcmp(v[i], "-ON"))
+      { on_off_name[on_off_n]=NULL; on_off_action[on_off_n++]=1; continue; }
+    if (!strcmp(v[i], "-OFF"))
+      { on_off_name[on_off_n]=NULL; on_off_action[on_off_n++]=0; continue; }
+    if (!strcmp(v[i], "-debug-gui")) { gui_logd = 1; continue; }
+    usage();
+  }
+  if (database_filename == NULL) {
+    printf("ERROR: provide a database file (-d)\n");
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  database = parse_database(database_filename);
+  load_config_file(database_filename);
+  number_of_events = number_of_ids(database);
+  is_on = calloc(number_of_events, sizeof(int));
+  if (is_on == NULL) abort();
+  h = new_handler(database);
+  g = gui_init();
+  new_thread(gui_thread, g);
+  ue_data.ue = 0;
+  ue_data.e = &eg;
+  ue_data.database = database;
+  ue_main_gui(&eg, g, h, database, &ue_data);
+  for (i = 0; i < number_of_events; i++) {
+    logger *textlog;
+    char *name, *desc;
+    database_get_generic_description(database, i, &name, &desc);
+    if (!strncmp(name, "LEGACY_", 7)) {
+      textlog = new_textlog(h, database, name, desc);
+      logger_add_view(textlog, eg.legacy);
+    }
+    free(name);
+    free(desc);
+  }
+  on_off(database, "UE_PHY_UL_TICK", is_on, 1);
+  on_off(database, "UE_PHY_DL_TICK", is_on, 1);
+  on_off(database, "UE_PHY_DLSCH_UE_DCI", is_on, 1);
+  on_off(database, "UE_PHY_DLSCH_UE_ACK", is_on, 1);
+  on_off(database, "UE_PHY_DLSCH_UE_NACK", is_on, 1);
+  on_off(database, "UE_PHY_ULSCH_UE_DCI", is_on, 1);
+  on_off(database, "UE_PHY_ULSCH_UE_ACK", is_on, 1);
+  on_off(database, "UE_PHY_ULSCH_UE_NACK", is_on, 1);
+  on_off(database, "UE_PHY_INPUT_SIGNAL", is_on, 1);
+  on_off(database, "UE_PHY_DL_CHANNEL_ESTIMATE", is_on, 1);
+  on_off(database, "UE_PHY_PDCCH_IQ", is_on, 1);
+  on_off(database, "UE_PHY_PDCCH_ENERGY", is_on, 1);
+  on_off(database, "UE_PHY_PDSCH_IQ", is_on, 1);
+  on_off(database, "UE_PHY_PDSCH_ENERGY", is_on, 1);
+  on_off(database, "UE_PHY_PUSCH_TX_POWER", is_on, 1);
+  on_off(database, "UE_PHY_PUCCH_TX_POWER", is_on, 1);
+  /*
+  on_off(database, "LEGACY_GROUP_INFO", is_on, 1);
+  on_off(database, "LEGACY_GROUP_ERROR", is_on, 1);
+  on_off(database, "LEGACY_GROUP_WARNING", is_on, 1);
+  */
+  view_add_log(eg.phyview, "UE_PHY_UL_TICK", h, database, is_on);
+  view_add_log(eg.phyview, "UE_PHY_DL_TICK", h, database, is_on);
+  view_add_log(eg.phyview, "UE_PHY_DLSCH_UE_DCI", h, database, is_on);
+  view_add_log(eg.phyview, "UE_PHY_DLSCH_UE_ACK", h, database, is_on);
+  view_add_log(eg.phyview, "UE_PHY_DLSCH_UE_NACK",h, database, is_on);
+  view_add_log(eg.phyview, "UE_PHY_ULSCH_UE_DCI", h, database, is_on);
+  view_add_log(eg.phyview, "UE_PHY_ULSCH_UE_ACK", h, database, is_on);
+  view_add_log(eg.phyview, "UE_PHY_ULSCH_UE_NACK", h, database, is_on);
+  /* deactivate those two by default, they are a bit heavy */
+  //on_off(database, "ENB_MAC_UE_UL_SDU_WITH_DATA", is_on, 0);
+  //on_off(database, "ENB_MAC_UE_UL_PDU_WITH_DATA", is_on, 0);
+  for (i = 0; i < on_off_n; i++)
+    on_off(database, on_off_name[i], is_on, on_off_action[i]);
+  ue_data.socket = -1;
+  ue_data.is_on = is_on;
+  ue_data.nevents = number_of_events;
+  if (pthread_mutex_init(&ue_data.lock, NULL)) abort();
+  setup_event_selector(g, database, is_on, is_on_changed, &ue_data);
+  clear_remote_config();
+  ue_data.socket = connect_to(ip, port);
+  /* send the first message - activate selected traces */
+  is_on_changed(&ue_data);
+  /* read messages */
+  while (1) {
+    char v[T_BUFFER_MAX];
+    event e;
+    e = get_event(ue_data.socket, v, database);
+    if (e.type == -1) goto restart;
+    if (pthread_mutex_lock(&ue_data.lock)) abort();
+    handle_event(h, e);
+    if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&ue_data.lock)) abort();
+  }
+  return 0;
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/LTE_ESTIMATION/lte_dl_channel_estimation.c b/openair1/PHY/LTE_ESTIMATION/lte_dl_channel_estimation.c
index 45ed0f11c0d1a359fd19db11ccbf019a68091e4b..6067aba917d3eb7554dd864121661f4ecfe43578 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/LTE_ESTIMATION/lte_dl_channel_estimation.c
+++ b/openair1/PHY/LTE_ESTIMATION/lte_dl_channel_estimation.c
@@ -738,6 +738,12 @@ int lte_dl_channel_estimation(PHY_VARS_UE *ue,
              (int16_t*) ue->common_vars.dl_ch_estimates_time[eNB_offset][(p<<1)+aarx],1);
+        T(T_ENB_PHY_UL_CHANNEL_ESTIMATE, T_INT(eNB_id), T_INT(ue->Mod_id),
+          T_INT(ue->proc.proc_rxtx[(Ns>>1)&1].frame_rx), T_INT(ue->proc.proc_rxtx[(Ns>>1)&1].subframe_rx),
+          T_INT(0), T_BUFFER(ue->common_vars.dl_ch_estimates_time[eNB_offset][0][0], 512  * 4));
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/dci.c b/openair1/PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/dci.c
index 75583678176047ce1cb1f32484e9c5a6718675d5..c511afba5e3a2ea8fcbbfd7ffa7edcfec5d0dc97 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/dci.c
+++ b/openair1/PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/dci.c
@@ -1754,7 +1754,6 @@ int32_t rx_pdcch(LTE_UE_COMMON *common_vars,
   LOG_I(PHY,"subframe %d: pdcch log2_maxh = %d (%d,%d)\n",subframe,log2_maxh,avgP[0],avgs);
   for (s=0; s<n_pdcch_symbols; s++) {
@@ -1851,6 +1850,7 @@ int32_t rx_pdcch(LTE_UE_COMMON *common_vars,
       /*#ifdef DEBUG_PHY
@@ -1858,6 +1858,11 @@ int32_t rx_pdcch(LTE_UE_COMMON *common_vars,
+  T(T_UE_PHY_PDCCH_IQ, T_INT(eNB_id), T_INT(0),
+    T_INT(-1), T_INT(subframe),
+    T_INT(0), T_BUFFER(pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->llr[0], frame_parms->N_RB_DL*12*n_pdcch_symbols* 4));
   // decode pcfich here
   n_pdcch_symbols = rx_pcfich(frame_parms,
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/dlsch_decoding.c b/openair1/PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/dlsch_decoding.c
index 4a80110b22fbd86bbdbeb23d49fab26c3747347a..48ea525fe812232fe7e931c592d635b102f6c62d 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/dlsch_decoding.c
+++ b/openair1/PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/dlsch_decoding.c
@@ -629,6 +629,8 @@ uint32_t  dlsch_decoding(PHY_VARS_UE *phy_vars_ue,
       harq_process->status = SCH_IDLE;
+    T(T_UE_PHY_DLSCH_UE_NACK, T_INT(0), T_INT(-1), T_INT(subframe), T_INT(phy_vars_ue->Mod_id), T_INT(dlsch->rnti),
+                  T_INT(harq_pid));
   } else {
     harq_process->status = SCH_IDLE;
@@ -640,6 +642,9 @@ uint32_t  dlsch_decoding(PHY_VARS_UE *phy_vars_ue,
     LOG_D(PHY,"[UE %d] DLSCH: Setting ACK for subframe %d (pid %d, round %d, TBS %d)\n",phy_vars_ue->Mod_id,subframe,harq_pid,harq_process->round,harq_process->TBS);
+    T(T_UE_PHY_DLSCH_UE_ACK, T_INT(0), T_INT(-1), T_INT(subframe), T_INT(phy_vars_ue->Mod_id), T_INT(dlsch->rnti),
+                      T_INT(harq_pid));
+    //LOG_D(PHY,"[UE %d] DLSCH: Setting ACK for subframe %d (pid %d, round %d)\n",phy_vars_ue->Mod_id,subframe,harq_pid,harq_process->round);
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/dlsch_demodulation.c b/openair1/PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/dlsch_demodulation.c
index 33d798576871a02d75ee81e59e8c4cbe09f7e7b9..2415007d7118d1e6230252037d53e38847edf0ca 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/dlsch_demodulation.c
+++ b/openair1/PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/dlsch_demodulation.c
@@ -825,6 +825,13 @@ int rx_pdsch(PHY_VARS_UE *ue,
+  T(T_UE_PHY_PDSCH_IQ, T_INT(eNB_id), T_INT(ue->Mod_id), T_INT(-1),
+    T_INT(subframe), T_INT(nb_rb),
+    T_INT(frame_parms->N_RB_UL), T_INT(frame_parms->symbols_per_tti),
+    T_BUFFER(pdsch_vars[eNB_id]->rxdataF_comp0[eNB_id][0],
+             2 * /* ulsch[UE_id]->harq_processes[harq_pid]->nb_rb */ frame_parms->N_RB_UL *12*frame_parms->symbols_per_tti*2));
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/phich.c b/openair1/PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/phich.c
index 989567ca3498d075237a8b50982460748ab7cf69..f896fc84ee0a9c296ebac3eeae7809249929f62e 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/phich.c
+++ b/openair1/PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/phich.c
@@ -1414,7 +1414,8 @@ void rx_phich(PHY_VARS_UE *ue,
           //LOG_I(PHY,"[HARQ-UL harqId: %d] PHICH NACK ==> subframe_scheduling_flag = %d round: %d\n", harq_pid, ulsch->harq_processes[harq_pid]->subframe_scheduling_flag,ulsch->harq_processes[harq_pid]->round);
+    T(T_UE_PHY_ULSCH_UE_NACK, T_INT(ue->Mod_id), T_INT(proc->frame_rx), T_INT(subframe), T_INT(i), T_INT(ulsch->rnti),
+      T_INT(harq_pid));
   } else {  //ACK
     if (ue->ulsch_Msg3_active[eNB_id] == 1) {
@@ -1449,7 +1450,8 @@ void rx_phich(PHY_VARS_UE *ue,
     // inform MAC?
     ue->ulsch_Msg3_active[eNB_id] = 0;
-   //LOG_I(PHY,"[HARQ-UL harqId: %d] PHICH ACK ==> subframe_scheduling_flag = %d round: %d\n", harq_pid, ulsch->harq_processes[harq_pid]->subframe_scheduling_flag, ulsch->harq_processes[harq_pid]->round);
+    T(T_UE_PHY_ULSCH_UE_ACK, T_INT(ue->Mod_id), T_INT(proc->frame_rx), T_INT(subframe), T_INT(i), T_INT(ulsch->rnti),
+      T_INT(harq_pid));
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/defs.h b/openair1/PHY/defs.h
index daf560a736739b5f46852d8cb2f4a8fce4d7a3d9..846e0be1bafb184f270fdd1b9d8dd8ab690e3505 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/defs.h
+++ b/openair1/PHY/defs.h
@@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ static inline void* malloc16_clear( size_t size )
 #include "PHY/TOOLS/defs.h"
 #include "platform_types.h"
+#define OPENAIR_LTE
 #include "PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/defs.h"
diff --git a/openair1/SCHED/phy_procedures_lte_ue.c b/openair1/SCHED/phy_procedures_lte_ue.c
index 1c6aa6b20cdc3c7f03653dc83c8c719c07ec50cf..8b8f948c5eaeb347e2f8c2d9fd226bf2b57dc1ba 100644
--- a/openair1/SCHED/phy_procedures_lte_ue.c
+++ b/openair1/SCHED/phy_procedures_lte_ue.c
@@ -1885,6 +1885,8 @@ void phy_procedures_UE_TX(PHY_VARS_UE *ue,UE_rxtx_proc_t *proc,uint8_t eNB_id,ui
+  T(T_UE_PHY_UL_TICK, T_INT(ue->Mod_id), T_INT(frame_tx), T_INT(subframe_tx));
   ue->generate_ul_signal[eNB_id] = 0;
@@ -2587,7 +2589,7 @@ int ue_pdcch_procedures(uint8_t eNB_id,PHY_VARS_UE *ue,UE_rxtx_proc_t *proc,uint
-      //      dump_dci(&ue->frame_parms, &dci_alloc_rx[i]);
+      //dump_dci(&ue->frame_parms, &dci_alloc_rx[i]);
       if ((ue->UE_mode[eNB_id] > PRACH) &&
@@ -2602,6 +2604,12 @@ int ue_pdcch_procedures(uint8_t eNB_id,PHY_VARS_UE *ue,UE_rxtx_proc_t *proc,uint
 					     ue->transmission_mode[eNB_id]<7?0:ue->transmission_mode[eNB_id])==0)) {
+          T(T_UE_PHY_DLSCH_UE_DCI, T_INT(eNB_id), T_INT(frame_rx), T_INT(subframe_rx), T_INT(ue->Mod_id),
+                  T_INT(dci_alloc_rx[i].rnti), T_INT(dci_alloc_rx[i].format),
+                  T_INT(ue->dlsch[eNB_id][0]->current_harq_pid),
+                  T_INT(ue->dlsch[eNB_id][0]->harq_processes[ue->dlsch[eNB_id][0]->current_harq_pid]->mcs),
+                  T_INT(ue->dlsch[eNB_id][0]->harq_processes[ue->dlsch[eNB_id][0]->current_harq_pid]->TBS));
@@ -2746,6 +2754,19 @@ int ue_pdcch_procedures(uint8_t eNB_id,PHY_VARS_UE *ue,UE_rxtx_proc_t *proc,uint
 	LOG_D(PHY,"[UE  %d] Generate UE ULSCH C_RNTI format 0 (subframe %d)\n",ue->Mod_id,subframe_rx);
+	LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms = &ue->frame_parms;
+    uint8_t harq_pid = subframe2harq_pid(frame_parms,
+                                 pdcch_alloc2ul_frame(frame_parms,proc->frame_rx,proc->subframe_rx),
+                                 pdcch_alloc2ul_subframe(frame_parms,proc->subframe_rx));
+    T(T_UE_PHY_ULSCH_UE_DCI, T_INT(eNB_id), T_INT(proc->frame_rx), T_INT(proc->subframe_rx), T_INT(ue->Mod_id),
+      T_INT(dci_alloc_rx[i].rnti), T_INT(harq_pid),
+      T_INT(ue->ulsch[eNB_id]->harq_processes[harq_pid]->mcs),
+      T_INT(ue->ulsch[eNB_id]->harq_processes[harq_pid]->round),
+      T_INT(ue->ulsch[eNB_id]->harq_processes[harq_pid]->first_rb),
+      T_INT(ue->ulsch[eNB_id]->harq_processes[harq_pid]->nb_rb),
+      T_INT(ue->ulsch[eNB_id]->harq_processes[harq_pid]->TBS));
     } else if( (dci_alloc_rx[i].rnti == ue->ulsch[eNB_id]->cba_rnti[0]) &&
 	       (dci_alloc_rx[i].format == format0)) {
@@ -3312,6 +3333,11 @@ int phy_procedures_UE_RX(PHY_VARS_UE *ue,UE_rxtx_proc_t *proc,uint8_t eNB_id,uin
+  T(T_UE_PHY_DL_TICK, T_INT(ue->Mod_id), T_INT(frame_rx), T_INT(subframe_rx));
+  T(T_UE_PHY_INPUT_SIGNAL, T_INT(ue->Mod_id), T_INT(frame_rx), T_INT(subframe_rx), T_INT(0),
+    T_BUFFER(&ue->common_vars.rxdata[0][subframe_rx*ue->frame_parms.samples_per_tti],
+             ue->frame_parms.samples_per_tti * 4));