diff --git a/doc/BUILD.md b/doc/BUILD.md
index bdac5ae962bb2e9dbb42ee753710e958606b56ac..1c05cbfb13d9a56143f4cbfeb91cf3e076e2e372 100644
--- a/doc/BUILD.md
+++ b/doc/BUILD.md
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ The oai softmodem supports many use cases, and new ones are regularly added. Mos
 - all simulators, with exception of PHY simulators, which are distinct executables.
-Calling the `build_oai` script with the -h option gives the list of all available options, but a process to simplify and check the requirements of all these options is on-going. Check the [table](BUILD.md	"`build_oai` options") At the end of this page to know the status of `buid_oai` options which are not described hereafter.
+Calling the `build_oai` script with the -h option gives the list of all available options, but a process to simplify and check the requirements of all these options is on-going. Check the [table](BUILD.md "build_oai options") At the end of this page to know the status of `buid_oai` options which are not described hereafter.
 # Building PHY Simulators
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ or
 `./build_oai  --build-lib telnetsrv`
-You can get documentation about the telnet server  [here](common/utils/telnetsrv/DOC/telnetsrv.doc)
+You can get documentation about the telnet server  [here](common/utils/telnetsrv/DOC/telnetsrv.md)
 ## USRP record player