From b3829736e352919c11e17341e7f29b2652807af8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Lionel Gauthier <>
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2014 10:51:56 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] For EPC, tested scenario is IMSI attach with EURECOM NAS UE,
 (not GUTI)

git-svn-id: 818b1a75-f10b-46b9-bf7c-635c3b92a50f
 openair-cn/COMMON/messages_def.h              |    2 +-
 openair-cn/COMMON/messages_types.h            |    2 +-
 openair-cn/COMMON/mme_app_messages_def.h      |    3 +
 openair-cn/COMMON/mme_app_messages_types.h    |   33 +
 openair-cn/COMMON/nas_messages_def.h          |    7 +-
 openair-cn/COMMON/nas_messages_types.h        |  122 +-
 openair-cn/COMMON/s1ap_messages_types.h       |   30 +-
 openair-cn/COMMON/s6a_messages_types.h        |   30 +-
 openair-cn/COMMON/sgw_lite_messages_types.h   |  745 +++++++++++-
 openair-cn/GTPV1-U/gtpv1u_eNB.c               |   60 +-
 openair-cn/GTPV1-U/gtpv1u_eNB_defs.h          |    9 +-
 openair-cn/GTPV1-U/gtpv1u_task.c              |   29 +-
 openair-cn/INSTALL                            |    8 +-
 openair-cn/MME_APP/                |    2 +
 openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_authentication.c   |  145 ++-
 openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_bearer.c           |  776 ++++++++----
 openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_capabilities.c     |   64 +
 openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_config.c           |  286 +++++
 openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_config.h           |   43 +
 openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_context.c          |  112 +-
 openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_defs.h             |   85 +-
 openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_extern.h           |   56 +-
 openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_itti_messaging.h   |   69 +-
 openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_location.c         |  156 +++
 openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_main.c             |   83 +-
 openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_statistics.c       |   34 +-
 openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_statistics.h       |   31 +
 openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_ue_context.h       |  161 ++-
 openair-cn/MME_APP/s6a_2_nas_cause.c          |   46 +-
 openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/emm/Attach.c   |   31 +-
 openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/emm/IdleMode.c |    5 +-
 openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/emm/emmData.h  |   48 +-
 .../NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/emm/emm_data_ctx.c    |    3 +
 .../EURECOM-NAS/src/emm/msg/AttachAccept.c    |   94 +-
 .../NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/emm/sap/emm_as.c      |    2 +
 .../NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/emm/sap/emm_cn.c      |  212 +++-
 .../NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/emm/sap/emm_cn.h      |    2 +-
 .../NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/emm/sap/emm_cnDef.h   |   12 +-
 .../NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/emm/sap/emm_sap.h     |    4 +-
 .../NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/emm/sap/emm_send.c    |   22 +
 .../esm/DefaultEpsBearerContextActivation.c   |    7 +-
 .../NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/esm/PdnConnectivity.c |   27 +-
 openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/esm/esm_ebr.c  |    7 +
 .../NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/esm/esm_ebr_context.c |   90 ++
 .../ActivateDefaultEpsBearerContextRequest.c  |   57 +-
 .../NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/esm/msg/esm_msg.c     |   18 +-
 .../NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/esm/sap/esm_recv.c    |   21 +-
 .../NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/esm/sap/esm_sap.c     |   11 +-
 .../NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/esm/sap/esm_send.c    |    6 +
 openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/nas_proc.c     |   26 +-
 openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/nas_proc.h     |    3 +-
 .../NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/util/OctetString.c    |   26 +
 .../NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/util/OctetString.h    |   30 +
 openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/tools/ue_data.c    |    5 +-
 openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/tools/usim_data.c  |   18 +-
 openair-cn/NAS/nas_itti_messaging.h           |  154 ++-
 openair-cn/NAS/nas_main.c                     |   10 +-
 openair-cn/OPENAIRHSS/conf/hss.conf           |    4 +-
 openair-cn/OPENAIRHSS/conf/hss_fd.conf        |    8 +-
 openair-cn/S11/s11_mme_session_manager.c      |    3 +-
 openair-cn/S11/s11_mme_task.c                 |    2 +-
 openair-cn/S11/s11_sgw.c                      |    2 +-
 openair-cn/S11/s11_sgw_bearer_manager.c       |    3 +-
 openair-cn/S11/s11_sgw_session_manager.c      |    6 +-
 openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_eNB.c                    |   18 +-
 openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_eNB_decoder.c            |    4 +-
 openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_eNB_handlers.c           |    5 +-
 openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_eNB_nas_procedures.c     |   44 +-
 openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_eNB_nas_procedures.h     |    9 +-
 openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_eNB_nnsf.c               |    4 +-
 openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_mme.c                    |    9 +-
 openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_mme_decoder.c            |   11 +-
 openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_mme_handlers.c           |   56 +-
 openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_mme_itti_messaging.h     |   32 +
 openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_mme_nas_procedures.c     |  317 +++--
 openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_mme_nas_procedures.h     |    2 +-
 openair-cn/S6A/s6a_auth_info.c                |   20 +-
 openair-cn/S6A/s6a_task.c                     |    2 +-
 openair-cn/S6A/s6a_up_loc.c                   |  173 +--
 openair-cn/SCTP/sctp_primitives_server.c      |    6 +-
 openair-cn/SGI/sgi_nf.c                       |    6 +-
 openair-cn/SGI/sgi_task.c                     |    4 +-
 openair-cn/SGW-LITE/               |    3 +-
 openair-cn/SGW-LITE/pgw_lite_paa.c            |  177 +++
 openair-cn/SGW-LITE/pgw_lite_paa.h            |   47 +
 openair-cn/SGW-LITE/sgw_lite.h                |   33 +-
 .../SGW-LITE/sgw_lite_context_manager.c       |    3 +-
 .../SGW-LITE/sgw_lite_context_manager.h       |    2 +-
 openair-cn/SGW-LITE/sgw_lite_defs.h           |   27 +-
 openair-cn/SGW-LITE/sgw_lite_handlers.c       |  506 ++++----
 openair-cn/SGW-LITE/sgw_lite_handlers.h       |   14 +-
 openair-cn/SGW-LITE/sgw_lite_task.c           |   12 +-
 openair-cn/SGW-LITE/spgw_config.c             |  139 ++-
 openair-cn/SGW-LITE/spgw_config.h             |   26 +-
 openair-cn/UDP/udp_primitives_server.c        |    2 +-
 openair-cn/UTILS/conversions.h                |   22 +
 openair-cn/UTILS/mme_config.c                 |   10 +
 openair-cn/UTILS/mme_config.h                 |    5 +
 openair-cn/                       |   11 +-
 openair2/COMMON/s1ap_messages_types.h         |    2 +-
 openair2/LAYER2/MAC/ue_procedures.c           |    6 +-
 openair2/LAYER2/PDCP_v10.1.0/pdcp.c           |    1 +
 openair2/NETWORK_DRIVER/UE_IP/Makefile        |   83 +-
 openair2/NETWORK_DRIVER/UE_IP/netlink.c       |   48 +-
 openair2/RRC/LITE/rrc_eNB.c                   |    6 +-
 openair2/RRC/LITE/rrc_eNB_S1AP.c              |   26 +-
 openair2/UTIL/LOG/log.c                       |    5 +-
 openair2/UTIL/LOG/log.h                       |    5 +-
 .../MESSAGES/ASN1/R11.2/X2AP-Constants.asn    |   10 +-
 .../MESSAGES/ASN1/R11.2/X2AP-Containers.asn   |    1 +
 .../X2AP/MESSAGES/ASN1/R11.2/X2AP-IEs.asn     |  167 ++-
 .../MESSAGES/ASN1/R11.2/X2AP-PDU-Contents.asn | 1080 +++++++++--------
 .../X2AP/MESSAGES/ASN1/R11.2/X2AP-PDU.asn     |   64 +-
 openair2/X2AP/                    |    7 +-
 openair2/X2AP/x2ap_common.c                   |    6 +-
 openair2/X2AP/x2ap_common.h                   |  389 +++---
 targets/Makefile.common                       |   29 +-
 .../                    |   13 +-
 .../                   |   18 +-
 .../start_enb_and_ue_virt.bash                |    9 +-
 targets/SIMU/USER/Makefile                    |   24 +-
 targets/SIMU/USER/oaisim_config.c             |  342 +++---
 122 files changed, 5836 insertions(+), 2474 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_capabilities.c
 create mode 100755 openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_config.c
 create mode 100755 openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_config.h
 create mode 100755 openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_location.c
 create mode 100755 openair-cn/SGW-LITE/pgw_lite_paa.c
 create mode 100755 openair-cn/SGW-LITE/pgw_lite_paa.h

diff --git a/openair-cn/COMMON/messages_def.h b/openair-cn/COMMON/messages_def.h
index 9c81a1b255..66df39e9ad 100644
--- a/openair-cn/COMMON/messages_def.h
+++ b/openair-cn/COMMON/messages_def.h
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
 // Messages files used between tasks
 #include "gtpv1_u_messages_def.h"
 #include "ip_forward_messages_def.h"
-#include "mme_app_messages_def.h"
 #include "nas_messages_def.h"
 #include "s11_messages_def.h"
 #include "s1ap_messages_def.h"
@@ -13,3 +12,4 @@
 #include "sctp_messages_def.h"
 #include "sgw_lite_def.h"
 #include "udp_messages_def.h"
+#include "mme_app_messages_def.h"
diff --git a/openair-cn/COMMON/messages_types.h b/openair-cn/COMMON/messages_types.h
index bbfc60b304..26b0f16114 100644
--- a/openair-cn/COMMON/messages_types.h
+++ b/openair-cn/COMMON/messages_types.h
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
 #include "gtpv1_u_messages_types.h"
 #include "ip_forward_messages_types.h"
-#include "mme_app_messages_types.h"
 #include "s11_messages_types.h"
 #include "s1ap_messages_types.h"
 #include "nas_messages_types.h"
@@ -23,5 +22,6 @@
 #include "sctp_messages_types.h"
 #include "sgw_lite_messages_types.h"
 #include "udp_messages_types.h"
+#include "mme_app_messages_types.h"
 #endif /* MESSAGES_TYPES_H_ */
diff --git a/openair-cn/COMMON/mme_app_messages_def.h b/openair-cn/COMMON/mme_app_messages_def.h
index e1594abb9b..4edb3f280a 100644
--- a/openair-cn/COMMON/mme_app_messages_def.h
+++ b/openair-cn/COMMON/mme_app_messages_def.h
@@ -1,2 +1,5 @@
 //WARNING: Do not include this header directly. Use intertask_interface.h instead.
+MESSAGE_DEF(MME_APP_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHMENT_IND  , MESSAGE_PRIORITY_MED, mme_app_connection_establishment_ind_t  , mme_app_connection_establishment_ind)
+MESSAGE_DEF(MME_APP_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHMENT_CNF  , MESSAGE_PRIORITY_MED, mme_app_connection_establishment_cnf_t  , mme_app_connection_establishment_cnf)
+MESSAGE_DEF(MME_APP_INITIAL_CONTEXT_SETUP_RSP     , MESSAGE_PRIORITY_MED, mme_app_initial_context_setup_rsp_t  ,    mme_app_initial_context_setup_rsp)
diff --git a/openair-cn/COMMON/mme_app_messages_types.h b/openair-cn/COMMON/mme_app_messages_types.h
index 1d636c0848..ca5b205fb1 100644
--- a/openair-cn/COMMON/mme_app_messages_types.h
+++ b/openair-cn/COMMON/mme_app_messages_types.h
@@ -2,5 +2,38 @@
+#define MME_APP_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHMENT_IND(mSGpTR)     (mSGpTR)->ittiMsg.mme_app_connection_establishment_ind
+#define MME_APP_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHMENT_CNF(mSGpTR)     (mSGpTR)->ittiMsg.mme_app_connection_establishment_cnf
+#define MME_APP_INITIAL_CONTEXT_SETUP_RSP(mSGpTR)        (mSGpTR)->ittiMsg.mme_app_initial_context_setup_rsp
+typedef struct mme_app_connection_establishment_ind_s {
+    uint32_t            mme_ue_s1ap_id;
+    nas_establish_ind_t nas;
+    /* Transparent message from s1ap to be forwarded to MME_APP or
+     * to S1AP if connection establishment is rejected by NAS.
+     */
+    s1ap_initial_ue_message_t transparent;
+} mme_app_connection_establishment_ind_t;
+typedef struct mme_app_connection_establishment_cnf_s {
+    ebi_t                   eps_bearer_id;
+    FTeid_t                 bearer_s1u_sgw_fteid;
+    qci_t                   bearer_qos_qci;
+    priority_level_t        bearer_qos_prio_level;
+    pre_emp_vulnerability_t bearer_qos_pre_emp_vulnerability;
+    pre_emp_capability_t    bearer_qos_pre_emp_capability;
+    ambr_t                  ambr;
+    nas_conn_est_cnf_t       nas_conn_est_cnf;
+} mme_app_connection_establishment_cnf_t;
+typedef struct mme_app_initial_context_setup_rsp_s {
+    uint32_t                mme_ue_s1ap_id;
+    ebi_t                   eps_bearer_id;
+    FTeid_t                 bearer_s1u_enb_fteid;
+} mme_app_initial_context_setup_rsp_t;
diff --git a/openair-cn/COMMON/nas_messages_def.h b/openair-cn/COMMON/nas_messages_def.h
index 86d5bf8a4c..f3021fd3e5 100644
--- a/openair-cn/COMMON/nas_messages_def.h
+++ b/openair-cn/COMMON/nas_messages_def.h
@@ -35,9 +35,10 @@ MESSAGE_DEF(NAS_RAB_RELEASE_REQ,                MESSAGE_PRIORITY_MED,   nas_rab_
 MESSAGE_DEF(NAS_AUTHENTICATION_PARAM_REQ,       MESSAGE_PRIORITY_MED,   nas_auth_param_req_t,       nas_auth_param_req)
 /* MME app -> NAS layer messages */
-MESSAGE_DEF(NAS_BEARER_PARAM,                   MESSAGE_PRIORITY_MED,   nas_bearer_param_t,         nas_bearer_param)
-MESSAGE_DEF(NAS_AUTHENTICATION_PARAM_RSP,       MESSAGE_PRIORITY_MED,   nas_auth_param_rsp_t,       nas_auth_param_rsp)
-MESSAGE_DEF(NAS_AUTHENTICATION_PARAM_FAIL,      MESSAGE_PRIORITY_MED,   nas_auth_param_fail_t,      nas_auth_param_fail)
+MESSAGE_DEF(NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP,           MESSAGE_PRIORITY_MED,   nas_pdn_connectivity_rsp_t,  nas_pdn_connectivity_rsp)
+MESSAGE_DEF(NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_FAIL,          MESSAGE_PRIORITY_MED,   nas_pdn_connectivity_fail_t, nas_pdn_connectivity_fail)
+MESSAGE_DEF(NAS_AUTHENTICATION_PARAM_RSP,       MESSAGE_PRIORITY_MED,   nas_auth_param_rsp_t,        nas_auth_param_rsp)
+MESSAGE_DEF(NAS_AUTHENTICATION_PARAM_FAIL,      MESSAGE_PRIORITY_MED,   nas_auth_param_fail_t,       nas_auth_param_fail)
 #if defined(DISABLE_USE_NAS)
 MESSAGE_DEF(NAS_ATTACH_REQ,                     MESSAGE_PRIORITY_MED,   nas_attach_req_t,           nas_attach_req)
diff --git a/openair-cn/COMMON/nas_messages_types.h b/openair-cn/COMMON/nas_messages_types.h
index 1ba3423981..ec2d751c8c 100644
--- a/openair-cn/COMMON/nas_messages_types.h
+++ b/openair-cn/COMMON/nas_messages_types.h
@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
 #define NAS_DL_DATA_REQ(mSGpTR)                     (mSGpTR)->ittiMsg.nas_dl_data_req
 #define NAS_DL_DATA_CNF(mSGpTR)                     (mSGpTR)->ittiMsg.nas_dl_data_cnf
 #define NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_REQ(mSGpTR)            (mSGpTR)->ittiMsg.nas_pdn_connectivity_req
+#define NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(mSGpTR)            (mSGpTR)->ittiMsg.nas_pdn_connectivity_rsp
+#define NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_FAIL(mSGpTR)           (mSGpTR)->ittiMsg.nas_pdn_connectivity_fail
 #define NAS_CONN_EST_IND(mSGpTR)                    (mSGpTR)->ittiMsg.nas_conn_est_ind
 #define NAS_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHMENT_CNF(mSGpTR)    (mSGpTR)->ittiMsg.nas_conn_est_cnf
 #define NAS_BEARER_PARAM(mSGpTR)                    (mSGpTR)->ittiMsg.nas_bearer_param
@@ -34,6 +36,8 @@
 #define NAS_DATA_LENGHT_MAX     256
 typedef enum {
     EMM_MSG_HEADER = 1,
@@ -67,6 +71,8 @@ typedef enum {
 } emm_message_ids_t;
 typedef enum {
     ESM_MSG_HEADER = 1,
@@ -93,50 +99,103 @@ typedef enum {
 } esm_message_ids_t;
 typedef struct nas_raw_msg_s {
     uint32_t                        lenght;
     uint8_t                         data[NAS_DATA_LENGHT_MAX];
 } nas_raw_msg_t;
 typedef struct nas_emm_plain_msg_s {
     emm_message_ids_t               present;
     EMM_msg                         choice;
 } nas_emm_plain_msg_t;
 typedef struct nas_emm_protected_msg_s {
     nas_message_security_header_t   header;
     emm_message_ids_t               present;
     EMM_msg                         choice;
 } nas_emm_protected_msg_t;
 typedef struct nas_esm_plain_msg_s {
     esm_message_ids_t               present;
     ESM_msg                         choice;
 } nas_esm_plain_msg_t;
 typedef struct nas_esm_protected_msg_s {
     nas_message_security_header_t   header;
     esm_message_ids_t               present;
     ESM_msg                         choice;
 } nas_esm_protected_msg_t;
 typedef struct nas_paging_ind_s {
 } nas_paging_ind_t;
 typedef struct nas_pdn_connectivity_req_s {
-    char                  imsi[16];
-    uint8_t               imsi_length;
-    OctetString           apn;
-    OctetString           pdn_addr;
-    int                   mme_pdn_index;
-    network_qos_t         esm_qos;
-    int                   is_emergency;
+    int                    pti;   // nas ref  Identity of the procedure transaction executed to activate the PDN connection entry
+    unsigned               ue_id; // nas ref
+    char                   imsi[16];
+    uint8_t                imsi_length;
+    network_qos_t          qos;
+    OctetString            apn;
+    OctetString            pdn_addr;
+    int                    pdn_type;
+    void                  *proc_data;
+    int                    request_type;
 } nas_pdn_connectivity_req_t;
+typedef struct nas_pdn_connectivity_rsp_s {
+    int                     pti;   // nas ref  Identity of the procedure transaction executed to activate the PDN connection entry
+    unsigned                ue_id; // nas ref
+    network_qos_t           qos;
+    OctetString             apn;
+    OctetString             pdn_addr;
+    int                     pdn_type;
+    void                   *proc_data;
+    int                     request_type;
+    unsigned                eNB_ue_s1ap_id:24;
+    uint32_t                mme_ue_s1ap_id;
+    /* Key eNB */
+    uint8_t                 keNB[32];
+    ambr_t                  ambr;
+    ambr_t                  apn_ambr;
+    /* EPS bearer ID */
+    unsigned                ebi:4;
+    /* QoS */
+    qci_t                   qci;
+    priority_level_t        prio_level;
+    pre_emp_vulnerability_t pre_emp_vulnerability;
+    pre_emp_capability_t    pre_emp_capability;
+    /* S-GW TEID for user-plane */
+    Teid_t                  sgw_s1u_teid;
+    /* S-GW IP address for User-Plane */
+    ip_address_t            sgw_s1u_address;
+} nas_pdn_connectivity_rsp_t;
+typedef struct nas_pdn_connectivity_fail_s {
+    unsigned                ue_id; // nas ref
+} nas_pdn_connectivity_fail_t;
 typedef struct nas_conn_est_ind_s {
     nas_establish_ind_t nas;
@@ -146,8 +205,10 @@ typedef struct nas_conn_est_ind_s {
     s1ap_initial_ue_message_t transparent;
 } nas_conn_est_ind_t;
 typedef nas_establish_rsp_t nas_conn_est_rej_t;
 #if defined(DISABLE_USE_NAS)
 typedef struct nas_conn_est_cnf_s {
     uint32_t ue_id;
@@ -160,56 +221,35 @@ typedef struct nas_conn_est_cnf_s {
 typedef nas_establish_cnf_t nas_conn_est_cnf_t;
-typedef struct nas_bearer_param_s {
-    unsigned eNB_ue_s1ap_id:24;
-    uint32_t mme_ue_s1ap_id;
-    /* Key eNB */
-    uint8_t keNB[32];
-    ambr_t   ambr;
-    ambr_t   apn_ambr;
-    /* EPS bearer ID */
-    unsigned ebi:4;
-    /* QoS */
-    qci_t                   qci;
-    priority_level_t        prio_level;
-    pre_emp_vulnerability_t pre_emp_vulnerability;
-    pre_emp_capability_t    pre_emp_capability;
-    /* S-GW TEID for user-plane */
-    uint32_t     sgw_s1u_teid;
-    /* S-GW IP address for User-Plane */
-    ip_address_t sgw_s1u_address;
-} nas_bearer_param_t;
 typedef struct nas_conn_rel_ind_s {
 } nas_conn_rel_ind_t;
 typedef ul_info_transfer_ind_t nas_ul_data_ind_t;
 typedef dl_info_transfer_req_t nas_dl_data_req_t;
 typedef dl_info_transfer_cnf_t nas_dl_data_cnf_t;
 typedef struct nas_non_del_ind_s {
 } nas_non_del_ind_t;
 typedef struct nas_rab_est_req_s {
 } nas_rab_est_req_t;
 typedef struct nas_rab_est_rsp_s {
 } nas_rab_est_rsp_t;
 typedef struct nas_rab_rel_req_s {
 } nas_rab_rel_req_t;
 typedef struct nas_attach_req_s {
     /* TODO: Set the correct size */
     char apn[100];
@@ -219,6 +259,7 @@ typedef struct nas_attach_req_s {
     s1ap_initial_ue_message_t transparent;
 } nas_attach_req_t;
 typedef struct nas_auth_req_s {
     /* UE imsi */
     char imsi[16];
@@ -229,6 +270,7 @@ typedef struct nas_auth_req_s {
     int cause;
 } nas_auth_req_t;
 typedef struct nas_auth_resp_s {
     char imsi[16];
 } nas_auth_resp_t;
@@ -244,10 +286,11 @@ typedef struct nas_auth_param_req_s {
     /* Indicates whether the procedure corresponds to a new connection or not */
     uint8_t  initial_req:1;
-    uint8_t re_synchronization:1;
-    uint8_t auts[14];
+    uint8_t  re_synchronization:1;
+    uint8_t  auts[14];
 } nas_auth_param_req_t;
 typedef struct nas_auth_param_rsp_s {
     /* UE identifier */
     uint32_t ue_id;
@@ -267,6 +310,7 @@ typedef struct nas_auth_param_fail_s {
     nas_cause_t cause;
 } nas_auth_param_fail_t;
 #if defined(DISABLE_USE_NAS)
 typedef struct nas_attach_accept_s {
     s1ap_initial_ctxt_setup_req_t transparent;
diff --git a/openair-cn/COMMON/s1ap_messages_types.h b/openair-cn/COMMON/s1ap_messages_types.h
index 035c00cc7b..a8dca51e3b 100644
--- a/openair-cn/COMMON/s1ap_messages_types.h
+++ b/openair-cn/COMMON/s1ap_messages_types.h
@@ -5,23 +5,23 @@
 #define S1AP_DEREGISTER_UE_REQ(mSGpTR)    (mSGpTR)->ittiMsg.s1ap_deregister_ue_req
 typedef struct s1ap_initial_ue_message_s {
-    unsigned eNB_ue_s1ap_id:24;
-    uint32_t mme_ue_s1ap_id;
-    cgi_t    e_utran_cgi;
+    unsigned     eNB_ue_s1ap_id:24;
+    uint32_t     mme_ue_s1ap_id;
+    cgi_t        e_utran_cgi;
 } s1ap_initial_ue_message_t;
 typedef struct s1ap_initial_ctxt_setup_req_s {
-    unsigned eNB_ue_s1ap_id:24;
-    uint32_t mme_ue_s1ap_id;
+    unsigned                eNB_ue_s1ap_id:24;
+    uint32_t                mme_ue_s1ap_id;
     /* Key eNB */
-    uint8_t keNB[32];
+    uint8_t                 keNB[32];
-    ambr_t   ambr;
-    ambr_t   apn_ambr;
+    ambr_t                  ambr;
+    ambr_t                  apn_ambr;
     /* EPS bearer ID */
-    unsigned ebi:4;
+    unsigned                ebi:4;
     /* QoS */
     qci_t                   qci;
@@ -30,16 +30,16 @@ typedef struct s1ap_initial_ctxt_setup_req_s {
     pre_emp_capability_t    pre_emp_capability;
     /* S-GW TEID for user-plane */
-    uint32_t teid;
+    Teid_t                  teid;
     /* S-GW IP address for User-Plane */
-    ip_address_t s_gw_address;
+    ip_address_t            s_gw_address;
 } s1ap_initial_ctxt_setup_req_t;
 typedef struct s1ap_ue_cap_ind_s {
-    unsigned eNB_ue_s1ap_id:24;
-    uint32_t mme_ue_s1ap_id;
-    uint8_t  radio_capabilities[100];
-    uint32_t radio_capabilities_length;
+    unsigned  eNB_ue_s1ap_id:24;
+    uint32_t  mme_ue_s1ap_id;
+    uint8_t   radio_capabilities[100];
+    uint32_t  radio_capabilities_length;
 } s1ap_ue_cap_ind_t;
diff --git a/openair-cn/COMMON/s6a_messages_types.h b/openair-cn/COMMON/s6a_messages_types.h
index e8ba720c5b..5046fa139c 100644
--- a/openair-cn/COMMON/s6a_messages_types.h
+++ b/openair-cn/COMMON/s6a_messages_types.h
@@ -5,23 +5,37 @@
 typedef struct s6a_update_location_req_s {
-    unsigned skip_subsriber_data:1;
+    unsigned skip_subscriber_data:1;
 #define INITIAL_ATTACH       (0x1)
     unsigned initial_attach:1;
-    char       imsi[IMSI_DIGITS_MAX + 1];
-    uint8_t    imsi_length;
-    plmn_t     visited_plmn;
-    rat_type_t rat_type;
+    char       imsi[IMSI_DIGITS_MAX + 1]; // username
+    uint8_t    imsi_length;               // username
+    plmn_t     visited_plmn;              // visited plmn id
+    rat_type_t rat_type;                  // rat type
+    // missing                           // origin host
+    // missing                           // origin realm
+    // missing                           // destination host
+    // missing                           // destination realm
 } s6a_update_location_req_t;
 typedef struct s6a_update_location_ans_s {
+    s6a_result_t        result;              // Result of the update location request procedure
+    subscription_data_t subscription_data;   // subscriber status,
+                                             // Maximum Requested Bandwidth Uplink, downlink
+                                             // access restriction data
+                                             // msisdn
+    apn_config_profile_t  apn_config_profile;// APN configuration profile
+    network_access_mode_t access_mode;
+    rau_tau_timer_t       rau_tau_timer;
     char    imsi[IMSI_DIGITS_MAX + 1];
     uint8_t imsi_length;
-    /* Result of the update location request procedure */
-    s6a_result_t        result;
-    subscription_data_t subscription_data;
 } s6a_update_location_ans_t;
 typedef struct s6a_auth_info_req_s {
diff --git a/openair-cn/COMMON/sgw_lite_messages_types.h b/openair-cn/COMMON/sgw_lite_messages_types.h
index 68a569d8b5..d301841dfb 100644
--- a/openair-cn/COMMON/sgw_lite_messages_types.h
+++ b/openair-cn/COMMON/sgw_lite_messages_types.h
@@ -42,6 +42,14 @@
+#define SGW_CREATE_SESSION_REQUEST(mSGpTR)  (mSGpTR)->ittiMsg.sgwCreateSessionRequest
+#define SGW_CREATE_SESSION_RESPONSE(mSGpTR) (mSGpTR)->ittiMsg.sgwCreateSessionResponse
+#define SGW_MODIFY_BEARER_REQUEST(mSGpTR)   (mSGpTR)->ittiMsg.sgwModifyBearerRequest
+#define SGW_MODIFY_BEARER_RESPONSE(mSGpTR)  (mSGpTR)->ittiMsg.sgwModifyBearerResponse
+#define SGW_DELETE_SESSION_REQUEST(mSGpTR)  (mSGpTR)->ittiMsg.sgwDeleteSessionRequest
+#define SGW_DELETE_SESSION_RESPONSE(mSGpTR) (mSGpTR)->ittiMsg.sgwDeleteSessionResponse
 /** @struct SgwCreateSessionRequest
  *  @brief Create Session Request
@@ -52,29 +60,266 @@
  * - Tracking Area Update procedure with Serving GW change
  * - S1/X2-based handover with SGW change
-typedef struct {
+typedef struct SgwCreateSessionRequest_s{
     Teid_t             teid;                ///< S11- S-GW Tunnel Endpoint Identifier
-    Imsi_t             imsi;
-    Msisdn_t           msisdn;
-    Mei_t              mei;
-    Uli_t              uli;
-    ServingNetwork_t   serving_network;
-    rat_type_t         rat_type;
+    Imsi_t             imsi;                ///< The IMSI shall be included in the message on the S4/S11
+                                            ///< interface, and on S5/S8 interface if provided by the
+                                            ///< MME/SGSN, except for the case:
+                                            ///<     - If the UE is emergency attached and the UE is UICCless.
+                                            ///< The IMSI shall be included in the message on the S4/S11
+                                            ///< interface, and on S5/S8 interface if provided by the
+                                            ///< MME/SGSN, but not used as an identifier
+                                            ///<     - if UE is emergency attached but IMSI is not authenticated.
+                                            ///< The IMSI shall be included in the message on the S2b interface.
+    Msisdn_t           msisdn;              ///< For an E-UTRAN Initial Attach the IE shall be included
+                                            ///< when used on the S11 interface, if provided in the
+                                            ///< subscription data from the HSS.
+                                            ///< For a PDP Context Activation procedure the IE shall be
+                                            ///< included when used on the S4 interface, if provided in the
+                                            ///< subscription data from the HSS.
+                                            ///< The IE shall be included for the case of a UE Requested
+                                            ///< PDN Connectivity, if the MME has it stored for that UE.
+                                            ///< It shall be included when used on the S5/S8 interfaces if
+                                            ///< provided by the MME/SGSN.
+                                            ///< The ePDG shall include this IE on the S2b interface during
+                                            ///< an Attach with GTP on S2b and a UE initiated Connectivity
+                                            ///< to Additional PDN with GTP on S2b, if provided by the
+                                            ///< HSS/AAA.
+    Mei_t              mei;                 ///< The MME/SGSN shall include the ME Identity (MEI) IE on
+                                            ///< the S11/S4 interface:
+                                            ///<     - If the UE is emergency attached and the UE is UICCless
+                                            ///<     - If the UE is emergency attached and the IMSI is not authenticated
+                                            ///< For all other cases the MME/SGSN shall include the ME
+                                            ///< Identity (MEI) IE on the S11/S4 interface if it is available.
+                                            ///< If the SGW receives this IE, it shall forward it to the PGW
+                                            ///< on the S5/S8 interface.
+    Uli_t              uli;                 ///< This IE shall be included on the S11 interface for E-
+                                            ///< UTRAN Initial Attach and UE-requested PDN Connectivity
+                                            ///< procedures. It shall include ECGI&TAI. The MME/SGSN
+                                            ///< shall also include it on the S11/S4 interface for
+                                            ///< TAU/RAU/X2-Handover/Enhanced SRNS Relocation
+                                            ///< procedure if the PGW has requested location information
+                                            ///< change reporting and MME/SGSN support location
+                                            ///< information change reporting. The SGW shall include this
+                                            ///< IE on S5/S8 if it receives the ULI from MME/SGSN.
+    ServingNetwork_t   serving_network;     ///< This IE shall be included on the S4/S11, S5/S8 and S2b
+                                            ///< interfaces for an E-UTRAN initial attach, a PDP Context
+                                            ///< Activation, a UE requested PDN connectivity, an Attach
+                                            ///< with GTP on S2b, a UE initiated Connectivity to Additional
+                                            ///< PDN with GTP on S2b and a Handover to Untrusted Non-
+                                            ///< 3GPP IP Access with GTP on S2b.
+    rat_type_t         rat_type;            ///< This IE shall be set to the 3GPP access type or to the
+                                            ///< value matching the characteristics of the non-3GPP access
+                                            ///< the UE is using to attach to the EPS.
+                                            ///< The ePDG may use the access technology type of the
+                                            ///< untrusted non-3GPP access network if it is able to acquire
+                                            ///< it; otherwise it shall indicate Virtual as the RAT Type.
+                                            ///< See NOTE 3, NOTE 4.
+    indication_flags_t indication_flags;    ///< This IE shall be included if any one of the applicable flags
+                                            ///< is set to 1.
+                                            ///< Applicable flags are:
+                                            ///<     - S5/S8 Protocol Type: This flag shall be used on
+                                            ///<       the S11/S4 interfaces and set according to the
+                                            ///<       protocol chosen to be used on the S5/S8
+                                            ///<       interfaces.
+                                            ///<
+                                            ///<     - Dual Address Bearer Flag: This flag shall be used
+                                            ///<       on the S2b, S11/S4 and S5/S8 interfaces and shall
+                                            ///<       be set to 1 when the PDN Type, determined based
+                                            ///<       on UE request and subscription record, is set to
+                                            ///<       IPv4v6 and all SGSNs which the UE may be
+                                            ///<       handed over to support dual addressing. This shall
+                                            ///<       be determined based on node pre-configuration by
+                                            ///<       the operator.
+                                            ///<
+                                            ///<     - Handover Indication: This flag shall be set to 1 on
+                                            ///<       the S11/S4 and S5/S8 interface during an E-
+                                            ///<       UTRAN Initial Attach or a UE Requested PDN
+                                            ///<       Connectivity or aPDP Context Activation procedure
+                                            ///<       if the PDN connection/PDP Context is handed-over
+                                            ///<       from non-3GPP access.
+                                            ///<       This flag shall be set to 1 on the S2b interface
+                                            ///<       during a Handover to Untrusted Non-3GPP IP
+                                            ///<       Access with GTP on S2b and IP address
+                                            ///<       preservation is requested by the UE.
+                                            ///<
+                                            ///<       ....
+                                            ///<     - Unauthenticated IMSI: This flag shall be set to 1
+                                            ///<       on the S4/S11 and S5/S8 interfaces if the IMSI
+                                            ///<       present in the message is not authenticated and is
+                                            ///<       for an emergency attached UE.
     FTeid_t            sender_fteid_for_cp; ///< Sender F-TEID for control plane (MME)
     FTeid_t            pgw_address_for_cp;  ///< PGW S5/S8 address for control plane or PMIP
+                                            ///< This IE shall be sent on the S11 / S4 interfaces. The TEID
+                                            ///< or GRE Key is set to "0" in the E-UTRAN initial attach, the
+                                            ///< PDP Context Activation and the UE requested PDN
+                                            ///< connectivity procedures.
     char               apn[APN_MAX_LENGTH + 1]; ///< Access Point Name
     SelectionMode_t    selection_mode;      ///< Selection Mode
+                                            ///< This IE shall be included on the S4/S11 and S5/S8
+                                            ///< interfaces for an E-UTRAN initial attach, a PDP Context
+                                            ///< Activation and a UE requested PDN connectivity.
+                                            ///< This IE shall be included on the S2b interface for an Initial
+                                            ///< Attach with GTP on S2b and a UE initiated Connectivity to
+                                            ///< Additional PDN with GTP on S2b.
+                                            ///< It shall indicate whether a subscribed APN or a non
+                                            ///< subscribed APN chosen by the MME/SGSN/ePDG was
+                                            ///< selected.
+                                            ///< CO: When available, this IE shall be sent by the MME/SGSN on
+                                            ///< the S11/S4 interface during TAU/RAU/HO with SGW
+                                            ///< relocation.
     pdn_type_t         pdn_type;            ///< PDN Type
+                                            ///< This IE shall be included on the S4/S11 and S5/S8
+                                            ///< interfaces for an E-UTRAN initial attach, a PDP Context
+                                            ///< Activation and a UE requested PDN connectivity.
+                                            ///< This IE shall be set to IPv4, IPv6 or IPv4v6. This is based
+                                            ///< on the UE request and the subscription record retrieved
+                                            ///< from the HSS (for MME see 3GPP TS 23.401 [3], clause
+                                            ///<, and for SGSN see 3GPP TS 23.060 [35], clause
+                                            ///< 9.2.1). See NOTE 1.
     PAA_t              paa;                 ///< PDN Address Allocation
-    /* Shall include APN Restriction but not used in our case */
-    ambr_t             ambr;                ///< Aggregate Maximum Bit Rate
-    /* TODO: add Protocol Configuration options */
-    FQ_CSID_t          mme_fq_csid;
-    UETimeZone_t       ue_time_zone;
-    UCI_t              uci;                 ///< User CSG Information
+                                            ///< This IE shall be included the S4/S11, S5/S8 and S2b
+                                            ///< interfaces for an E-UTRAN initial attach, a PDP Context
+                                            ///< Activation, a UE requested PDN connectivity, an Attach
+                                            ///< with GTP on S2b, a UE initiated Connectivity to Additional
+                                            ///< PDN with GTP on S2b and a Handover to Untrusted Non-
+                                            ///< 3GPP IP Access with GTP on S2b. For PMIP-based
+                                            ///< S5/S8, this IE shall also be included on the S4/S11
+                                            ///< interfaces for TAU/RAU/Handover cases involving SGW
+                                            ///< relocation.
+                                            ///< The PDN type field in the PAA shall be set to IPv4, or IPv6
+                                            ///< or IPv4v6 by MME, based on the UE request and the
+                                            ///< subscription record retrieved from the HSS.
+                                            ///< For static IP address assignment (for MME see 3GPP TS
+                                            ///< 23.401 [3], clause, for SGSN see 3GPP TS 23.060
+                                            ///< [35], clause 9.2.1, and for ePDG see 3GPP TS 23.402 [45]
+                                            ///< subclause 4.7.3), the MME/SGSN/ePDG shall set the IPv4
+                                            ///< address and/or IPv6 prefix length and IPv6 prefix and
+                                            ///< Interface Identifier based on the subscribed values
+                                            ///< received from HSS, if available. The value of PDN Type
+                                            ///< field shall be consistent with the value of the PDN Type IE,
+                                            ///< if present in this message.
+                                            ///< For a Handover to Untrusted Non-3GPP IP Access with
+                                            ///< GTP on S2b, the ePDG shall set the IPv4 address and/or
+                                            ///< IPv6 prefix length and IPv6 prefix and Interface Identifier
+                                            ///< based on the IP address(es) received from the UE.
+                                            ///< If static IP address assignment is not used, and for
+                                            ///< scenarios other than a Handover to Untrusted Non-3GPP
+                                            ///< IP Access with GTP on S2b, the IPv4 address shall be set
+                                            ///< to, and/or the IPv6 Prefix Length and IPv6 prefix
+                                            ///< and Interface Identifier shall all be set to zero.
+                                            ///<
+                                            ///< CO: This IE shall be sent by the MME/SGSN on S11/S4
+                                            ///< interface during TAU/RAU/HO with SGW relocation.
+    // APN Restriction Maximum_APN_Restriction ///< This IE shall be included on the S4/S11 and S5/S8
+                                            ///< interfaces in the E-UTRAN initial attach, PDP Context
+                                            ///< Activation and UE Requested PDN connectivity
+                                            ///< procedures.
+                                            ///< This IE denotes the most stringent restriction as required
+                                            ///< by any already active bearer context. If there are no
+                                            ///< already active bearer contexts, this value is set to the least
+                                            ///< restrictive type.
+    ambr_t             ambr;                ///< Aggregate Maximum Bit Rate (APN-AMBR)
+                                            ///< This IE represents the APN-AMBR. It shall be included on
+                                            ///< the S4/S11, S5/S8 and S2b interfaces for an E-UTRAN
+                                            ///< initial attach, UE requested PDN connectivity, the PDP
+                                            ///< Context Activation procedure using S4, the PS mobility
+                                            ///< from the Gn/Gp SGSN to the S4 SGSN/MME procedures,
+                                            ///< Attach with GTP on S2b and a UE initiated Connectivity to
+                                            ///< Additional PDN with GTP on S2b.
+    // EBI Linked EPS Bearer ID             ///< This IE shall be included on S4/S11 in RAU/TAU/HO
+                                            ///< except in the Gn/Gp SGSN to MME/S4-SGSN
+                                            ///< RAU/TAU/HO procedures with SGW change to identify the
+                                            ///< default bearer of the PDN Connection
+    // PCO protocol_configuration_options   ///< This IE is not applicable to TAU/RAU/Handover. If
+                                            ///< MME/SGSN receives PCO from UE (during the attach
+                                            ///< procedures), the MME/SGSN shall forward the PCO IE to
+                                            ///< SGW. The SGW shall also forward it to PGW.
     bearer_to_create_t bearer_to_create;    ///< Bearer Contexts to be created
+                                            ///< Several IEs with the same type and instance value shall be
+                                            ///< included on the S4/S11 and S5/S8 interfaces as necessary
+                                            ///< to represent a list of Bearers. One single IE shall be
+                                            ///< included on the S2b interface.
+                                            ///< One bearer shall be included for an E-UTRAN Initial
+                                            ///< Attach, a PDP Context Activation, a UE requested PDN
+                                            ///< Connectivity, an Attach with GTP on S2b, a UE initiated
+                                            ///< Connectivity to Additional PDN with GTP on S2b and a
+                                            ///< Handover to Untrusted Non-3GPP IP Access with GTP on
+                                            ///< S2b.
+                                            ///< One or more bearers shall be included for a
+                                            ///< Handover/TAU/RAU with an SGW change.
-    indication_flags_t indication_flags;
+    ///bearer_to_remove_t bearer_to_remove;    ///< This IE shall be included on the S4/S11 interfaces for the
+                                            ///< TAU/RAU/Handover cases where any of the bearers
+                                            ///< existing before the TAU/RAU/Handover procedure will be
+                                            ///< deactivated as consequence of the TAU/RAU/Handover
+                                            ///< procedure.
+                                            ///< For each of those bearers, an IE with the same type and
+                                            ///< instance value shall be included.
+    // Trace Information trace_information  ///< This IE shall be included on the S4/S11 interface if an
+                                            ///< SGW trace is activated, and/or on the S5/S8 and S2b
+                                            ///< interfaces if a PGW trace is activated. See 3GPP TS
+                                            ///< 32.422 [18].
+    // Recovery Recovery                    ///< This IE shall be included on the S4/S11, S5/S8 and S2b
+                                            ///< interfaces if contacting the peer for the first time
+    FQ_CSID_t          mme_fq_csid;         ///< This IE shall be included by the MME on the S11 interface
+                                            ///< and shall be forwarded by an SGW on the S5/S8 interfaces
+                                            ///< according to the requirements in 3GPP TS 23.007 [17].
+    FQ_CSID_t          sgw_fq_csid;         ///< This IE shall included by the SGW on the S5/S8 interfaces
+                                            ///< according to the requirements in 3GPP TS 23.007 [17].
+    //FQ_CSID_t          epdg_fq_csid;      ///< This IE shall be included by the ePDG on the S2b interface
+                                            ///< according to the requirements in 3GPP TS 23.007 [17].
+    UETimeZone_t       ue_time_zone;        ///< This IE shall be included by the MME over S11 during
+                                            ///< Initial Attach, UE Requested PDN Connectivity procedure.
+                                            ///< This IE shall be included by the SGSN over S4 during PDP
+                                            ///< Context Activation procedure.
+                                            ///< This IE shall be included by the MME/SGSN over S11/S4
+                                            ///< TAU/RAU/Handover with SGW relocation.
+                                            ///< C: If SGW receives this IE, SGW shall forward it to PGW
+                                            ///< across S5/S8 interface.
+    UCI_t              uci;                 ///< User CSG Information
+                                            ///< CO This IE shall be included on the S4/S11 interface for E-
+                                            ///< UTRAN Initial Attach, UE-requested PDN Connectivity and
+                                            ///< PDP Context Activation using S4 procedures if the UE is
+                                            ///< accessed via CSG cell or hybrid cell. The MME/SGSN
+                                            ///< shall also include it for TAU/RAU/Handover procedures if
+                                            ///< the PGW has requested CSG info reporting and
+                                            ///< MME/SGSN support CSG info reporting. The SGW shall
+                                            ///< include this IE on S5/S8 if it receives the User CSG
+                                            ///< information from MME/SGSN.
+    // Charging Characteristics
+    // MME/S4-SGSN LDN
+    // SGW LDN
+    // ePDG LDN
+    // Signalling Priority Indication
+    // Private Extension
     /* S11 stack specific parameter. Not used in standalone epc mode */
     void              *trxn;                ///< Transaction identifier
@@ -92,17 +337,157 @@ typedef struct {
  * - Tracking Area Update procedure with SGW change
  * - S1/X2-based handover with SGW change
-typedef struct {
+typedef struct SgwCreateSessionResponse_s{
     Teid_t                   teid;                ///< Tunnel Endpoint Identifier
-    SGWCause_t               cause;
+    // here fields listed in 3GPP TS 29.274
+    SGWCause_t               cause;               ///< If the SGW cannot accept any of the "Bearer Context Created" IEs within Create Session Request
+                                                  ///< message, the SGW shall send the Create Session Response with appropriate reject Cause value.
+    // change_reporting_action                    ///< This IE shall be included on the S5/S8 and S4/S11
+                                                  ///< interfaces with the appropriate Action field if the location
+                                                  ///< Change Reporting mechanism is to be started or stopped
+                                                  ///< for this subscriber in the SGSN/MME.
+    // csg_Information_reporting_action           ///< This IE shall be included on the S5/S8 and S4/S11
+                                                  ///< interfaces with the appropriate Action field if the CSG Info
+                                                  ///< reporting mechanism is to be started or stopped for this
+                                                  ///< subscriber in the SGSN/MME.
     FTeid_t                  s11_sgw_teid;        ///< Sender F-TEID for control plane
-    FTeid_t                  s5_s8_pgw_teid;      ///< Sender F-TEID for control plane
+                                                  ///< This IE shall be sent on the S11/S4 interfaces. For the
+                                                  ///< S5/S8/S2b interfaces it is not needed because its content
+                                                  ///< would be identical to the IE PGW S5/S8/S2b F-TEID for
+                                                  ///< PMIP based interface or for GTP based Control Plane
+                                                  ///< interface.
+    FTeid_t                  s5_s8_pgw_teid;      ///< PGW S5/S8/S2b F-TEID for PMIP based interface or for GTP based Control Planeinterface
+                                                  ///< PGW shall include this IE on the S5/S8 interfaces during
+                                                  ///< the Initial Attach, UE requested PDN connectivity and PDP
+                                                  ///< Context Activation procedures.
+                                                  ///< If SGW receives this IE it shall forward the IE to MME/S4-
+                                                  ///< SGSN on S11/S4 interface.
+                                                  ///< This IE shall include the TEID in the GTP based S5/S8
+                                                  ///< case and the GRE key in the PMIP based S5/S8 case.
+                                                  ///< In PMIP based S5/S8 case, same IP address is used for
+                                                  ///< both control plane and the user plane communication.
+                                                  ///<
+                                                  ///< PGW shall include this IE on the S2b interface during the
+                                                  ///< Attach with GTP on S2b, UE initiated Connectivity to
+                                                  ///< Additional PDN with GTP on S2b and Handover to
+                                                  ///< Untrusted Non-3GPP IP Access with GTP on S2b
+                                                  ///< procedures.
     PAA_t                    paa;                 ///< PDN Address Allocation
-    APNRestriction_t         apn_restriction;
-    bearer_context_created_t bearer_context_created;
-    FQ_CSID_t                pgw_fq_csid;
-    FQ_CSID_t                sgw_fq_csid;
+                                                  ///< This IE shall be included on the S5/S8, S4/S11 and S2b
+                                                  ///< interfaces for the E-UTRAN initial attach, PDP Context
+                                                  ///< Activation, UE requested PDN connectivity, Attach with
+                                                  ///< GTP on S2b, UE initiated Connectivity to Additional PDN
+                                                  ///< with GTP on S2b and Handover to Untrusted Non-3GPP IP
+                                                  ///< Access with GTP on S2b procedures.
+                                                  ///< The PDN type field in the PAA shall be set to IPv4, or IPv6
+                                                  ///< or IPv4v6 by the PGW.
+                                                  ///< For the interfaces other than S2b, if the DHCPv4 is used
+                                                  ///< for IPv4 address allocation, the IPv4 address field shall be
+                                                  ///< set to
+    APNRestriction_t         apn_restriction;     ///< This IE shall be included on the S5/S8 and S4/S11
+                                                  ///< interfaces in the E-UTRAN initial attach, PDP Context
+                                                  ///< Activation and UE Requested PDN connectivity
+                                                  ///< procedures.
+                                                  ///< This IE shall also be included on S4/S11 during the Gn/Gp
+                                                  ///< SGSN to S4 SGSN/MME RAU/TAU procedures.
+                                                  ///< This IE denotes the restriction on the combination of types
+                                                  ///< of APN for the APN associated with this EPS bearer
+                                                  ///< Context.
+    ambr_t             ambr;                      ///< Aggregate Maximum Bit Rate (APN-AMBR)
+                                                  ///< This IE represents the APN-AMBR. It shall be included on
+                                                  ///< the S5/S8, S4/S11 and S2b interfaces if the received APN-
+                                                  ///< AMBR has been modified by the PCRF.
+    // EBI Linked EPS Bearer ID                   ///< This IE shall be sent on the S4/S11 interfaces during
+                                                  ///< Gn/Gp SGSN to S4-SGSN/MME RAU/TAU procedure to
+                                                  ///< identify the default bearer the PGW selects for the PDN
+                                                  ///< Connection.
+    // PCO protocol_configuration_options         ///< This IE is not applicable for TAU/RAU/Handover. If PGW
+                                                  ///< decides to return PCO to the UE, PGW shall send PCO to
+                                                  ///< SGW. If SGW receives the PCO IE, SGW shall forward it
+                                                  ///< MME/SGSN.
+    bearer_context_created_t bearer_context_created;///< EPS bearers corresponding to Bearer Contexts sent in
+                                                  ///< request message. Several IEs with the same type and
+                                                  ///< instance value may be included on the S5/S8 and S4/S11
+                                                  ///< as necessary to represent a list of Bearers. One single IE
+                                                  ///< shall be included on the S2b interface.
+                                                  ///< One bearer shall be included for E-UTRAN Initial Attach,
+                                                  ///< PDP Context Activation or UE Requested PDN
+                                                  ///< Connectivity , Attach with GTP on S2b, UE initiated
+                                                  ///< Connectivity to Additional PDN with GTP on S2b, and
+                                                  ///< Handover to Untrusted Non-3GPP IP Access with GTP on
+                                                  ///< S2b.
+                                                  ///< One or more created bearers shall be included for a
+                                                  ///< Handover/TAU/RAU with an SGW change. See NOTE 2.
+    // Bearer_Context bearer_contexts_marked_for_removal ///< EPS bearers corresponding to Bearer Contexts to be
+                                                  ///< removed that were sent in the Create Session Request
+                                                  ///< message.
+                                                  ///< For each of those bearers an IE with the same type and
+                                                  ///< instance value shall be included on the S4/S11 interfaces.
+    // Recovery Recovery                          ///< This IE shall be included on the S4/S11, S5/S8 and S2b
+                                                  ///< interfaces if contacting the peer for the first time
+    // FQDN charging_Gateway_name                 ///< When Charging Gateway Function (CGF) Address is
+                                                  ///< configured, the PGW shall include this IE on the S5
+                                                  ///< interface.
+                                                  ///< NOTE 1: Both Charging Gateway Name and Charging Gateway Address shall not be included at the same
+                                                  ///< time. When both are available, the operator configures a preferred value.
+    // IP Address charging_Gateway_address        ///< When Charging Gateway Function (CGF) Address is
+                                                  ///< configured, the PGW shall include this IE on the S5
+                                                  ///< interface. See NOTE 1.
+    FQ_CSID_t                pgw_fq_csid;         ///< This IE shall be included by the PGW on the S5/S8 and
+                                                  ///< S2b interfaces and, when received from S5/S8 be
+                                                  ///< forwarded by the SGW on the S11 interface according to
+                                                  ///< the requirements in 3GPP TS 23.007 [17].
+    FQ_CSID_t                sgw_fq_csid;         ///< This IE shall be included by the SGW on the S11 interface
+                                                  ///< according to the requirements in 3GPP TS 23.007 [17].
+    // Local Distinguished Name (LDN) SGW LDN     ///< This IE is optionally sent by the SGW to the MME/SGSN
+                                                  ///< on the S11/S4 interfaces (see 3GPP TS 32.423 [44]),
+                                                  ///< when contacting the peer node for the first time.
+                                                  ///< Also:
+                                                  ///< This IE is optionally sent by the SGW to the MME/SGSN
+                                                  ///< on the S11/S4 interfaces (see 3GPP TS 32.423 [44]),
+                                                  ///< when communicating the LDN to the peer node for the first
+                                                  ///< time.
+    // Local Distinguished Name (LDN) PGW LDN     ///< This IE is optionally included by the PGW on the S5/S8
+                                                  ///< and S2b interfaces (see 3GPP TS 32.423 [44]), when
+                                                  ///< contacting the peer node for the first time.
+                                                  ///< Also:
+                                                  ///< This IE is optionally included by the PGW on the S5/S8
+                                                  ///< interfaces (see 3GPP TS 32.423 [44]), when
+                                                  ///< communicating the LDN to the peer node for the first time.
+    // EPC_Timer pgw_back_off_time                ///< This IE may be included on the S5/S8 and S4/S11
+                                                  ///< interfaces when the PDN GW rejects the Create Session
+                                                  ///< Request with the cause "APN congestion". It indicates the
+                                                  ///< time during which the MME or S4-SGSN should refrain
+                                                  ///< from sending subsequent PDN connection establishment
+                                                  ///< requests to the PGW for the congested APN for services
+                                                  ///< other than Service Users/emergency services.
+                                                  ///< See NOTE 3:
+                                                  ///< The last received value of the PGW Back-Off Time IE shall supersede any previous values received
+                                                  ///< from that PGW and for this APN in the MME/SGSN.
+    // Private Extension                          ///< This IE may be sent on the S5/S8, S4/S11 and S2b
+                                                  ///< interfaces.
     /* S11 stack specific parameter. Not used in standalone epc mode */
     void                    *trxn;               ///< Transaction identifier
@@ -121,15 +506,208 @@ typedef struct {
  * - UE requested PDN connectivity
  * - X2-based handover without SGWrelocation
-typedef struct {
-    Teid_t                     teid;                       ///< Tunnel Endpoint Identifier
-//    FTeid_t                    s11_sgw_teid;               ///< S11- S-GW Tunnel Endpoint Identifier
+typedef struct SgwModifyBearerRequest_s {
+    Teid_t                     teid;             ///< S11 SGW Tunnel Endpoint Identifier
+    // MEI                    ME Identity (MEI)  ///< C:This IE shall be sent on the S5/S8 interfaces for the Gn/Gp
+                                                 ///< SGSN to MME TAU.
+    Uli_t                      uli;              ///< C: The MME/SGSN shall include this IE for
+                                                 ///< TAU/RAU/Handover procedures if the PGW has requested
+                                                 ///< location information change reporting and MME/SGSN
+                                                 ///< support location information change reporting.
+                                                 ///< An MME/SGSN which supports location information
+                                                 ///< change shall include this IE for UE-initiated Service
+                                                 ///< Request procedure if the PGW has requested location
+                                                 ///< information change reporting and the UE’s location info
+                                                 ///< has changed.
+                                                 ///< The SGW shall include this IE on S5/S8 if it receives the
+                                                 ///< ULI from MME/SGSN.
+                                                 ///< CO:This IE shall also be included on the S4/S11 interface for a
+                                                 ///< TAU/RAU/Handover with MME/SGSN change without
+                                                 ///< SGW change procedure, if the level of support (User
+                                                 ///< Location Change Reporting and/or CSG Information
+                                                 ///< Change Reporting) changes the MME shall include the
+                                                 ///< ECGI/TAI in the ULI, the SGSN shall include the CGI/SAI
+                                                 ///< in the ULI.
+                                                 ///< The SGW shall include this IE on S5/S8 if it receives the
+                                                 ///< ULI from MME/SGSN.
+    ServingNetwork_t           serving_network;  ///< CO:This IE shall be included on S11/S4 interface during the
+                                                 ///< following procedures:
+                                                 ///< - TAU/RAU/handover if Serving Network is changed.
+                                                 ///< - TAU/RAU when the UE was ISR activated which is
+                                                 ///<   indicated by ISRAU flag.
+                                                 ///< - UE triggered Service Request when UE is ISR
+                                                 ///<   activated.
+                                                 ///< - UE initiated Service Request if ISR is not active, but
+                                                 ///<   the Serving Network has changed during previous
+                                                 ///<   mobility procedures, i.e. intra MME/S4-SGSN
+                                                 ///<   TAU/RAU and the change has not been reported to
+                                                 ///<   the PGW yet.
+                                                 ///< - TAU/RAU procedure as part of the optional network
+                                                 ///<   triggered service restoration procedure with ISR, as
+                                                 ///<   specified by 3GPP TS 23.007 [17].
+                                                 ///<
+                                                 ///< CO:This IE shall be included on S5/S8 if the SGW receives this
+                                                 ///< IE from MME/SGSN and if ISR is not active.
+                                                 ///< This IE shall be included on S5/S8 if the SGW receives this
+                                                 ///< IE from MME/SGSN and ISR is active and the Modify
+                                                 ///< Bearer Request message needs to be sent to the PGW as
+                                                 ///< specified in the 3GPP TS 23.401 [3].
+    rat_type_t                 rat_type;         ///< C: This IE shall be sent on the S11 interface for a TAU with
+                                                 ///< an SGSN interaction, UE triggered Service Request or an I-
+                                                 ///< RAT Handover.
+                                                 ///< This IE shall be sent on the S4 interface for a RAU with
+                                                 ///< MME interaction, a RAU with an SGSN change, a UE
+                                                 ///< Initiated Service Request or an I-RAT Handover.
+                                                 ///< This IE shall be sent on the S5/S8 interface if the RAT type
+                                                 ///< changes.
+                                                 ///< CO: CO If SGW receives this IE from MME/SGSN during a
+                                                 ///< TAU/RAU/Handover with SGW change procedure, the
+                                                 ///< SGW shall forward it across S5/S8 interface to PGW.
+                                                 ///< CO: The IE shall be sent on the S11/S4 interface during the
+                                                 ///< following procedures:
+                                                 ///< - an inter MM TAU or inter SGSN RAU when UE was
+                                                 ///<   ISR activated which is indicated by ISRAU flag.
+                                                 ///< - TAU/RAU procedure as part of optional network
+                                                 ///<   triggered service restoration procedure with ISR, as
+                                                 ///<   specified by 3GPP TS 23.007 [17].
+                                                 ///< If ISR is active, this IE shall also be included on the S11
+                                                 ///< interface in the S1-U GTP-U tunnel setup procedure during
+                                                 ///< an intra-MME intra-SGW TAU procedure.
+    indication_flags_t         indication_flags; ///< C:This IE shall be included if any one of the applicable flags
+                                                 ///< is set to 1.
+                                                 ///< Applicable flags are:
+                                                 ///< -ISRAI: This flag shall be used on S4/S11 interface
+                                                 ///<   and set to 1 if the ISR is established between the
+                                                 ///<   MME and the S4 SGSN.
+                                                 ///< - Handover Indication: This flag shall be set to 1 on
+                                                 ///<   the S4/S11 and S5/S8 interfaces during an E-
+                                                 ///<   UTRAN Initial Attach or for a UE Requested PDN
+                                                 ///<   Connectivity or a PDP Context Activation
+                                                 ///<   procedure, if the PDN connection/PDP context is
+                                                 ///<   handed-over from non-3GPP access.
+                                                 ///< - Direct Tunnel Flag: This flag shall be used on the
+                                                 ///<   S4 interface and set to 1 if Direct Tunnel is used.
+                                                 ///< - Change Reporting support Indication: shall be
+                                                 ///<   used on S4/S11, S5/S8 and set if the SGSN/MME
+                                                 ///<   supports location Info Change Reporting. This flag
+                                                 ///<   should be ignored by SGW if no message is sent
+                                                 ///<   on S5/S8. See NOTE 4.
+                                                 ///< - CSG Change Reporting Support Indication: shall
+                                                 ///<   be used on S4/S11, S5/S8 and set if the
+                                                 ///<   SGSN/MME supports CSG Information Change
+                                                 ///<   Reporting. This flag shall be ignored by SGW if no
+                                                 ///<   message is sent on S5/S8. See NOTE 4.
+                                                 ///< - Change F-TEID support Indication: This flag shall
+                                                 ///<   be used on S4/S11 for an IDLE state UE initiated
+                                                 ///<   TAU/RAU procedure and set to 1 to allow the
+                                                 ///<   SGW changing the GTP-U F-TEID.
+    FTeid_t                  sender_fteid_for_cp; ///< C: Sender F-TEID for control plane
+                                                  ///< This IE shall be sent on the S11 and S4 interfaces for a
+                                                  ///< TAU/RAU/ Handover with MME/SGSN change and without
+                                                  ///< any SGW change.
+                                                  ///< This IE shall be sent on the S5 and S8 interfaces for a
+                                                  ///< TAU/RAU/Handover with a SGW change.
+    ambr_t                   apn_ambr;            ///< C: Aggregate Maximum Bit Rate (APN-AMBR)
+                                                  ///< The APN-AMBR shall be sent for the PS mobility from the
+                                                  ///< Gn/Gp SGSN to the S4 SGSN/MME procedures..
     /* Delay Value in integer multiples of 50 millisecs, or zero */
-    DelayValue_t               delay_dl_packet_notif_req;
-    bearer_context_to_modify_t bearer_context_to_modify;
-    FQ_CSID_t                  mme_fq_csid;
-    indication_flags_t         indication_flags;
-    rat_type_t                 rat_type;
+    DelayValue_t               delay_dl_packet_notif_req; ///<C:This IE shall be sent on the S11 interface for a UE
+                                                  ///< triggered Service Request.
+                                                  ///< CO: This IE shall be sent on the S4 interface for a UE triggered
+                                                  ///< Service Request.
+    bearer_context_to_modify_t bearer_context_to_modify;///< C: This IE shall be sent on the S4/S11 interface and S5/S8
+                                                  ///< interface except on the S5/S8 interface for a UE triggered
+                                                  ///< Service Request.
+                                                  ///< When Handover Indication flag is set to 1 (i.e., for
+                                                  ///< EUTRAN Initial Attach or UE Requested PDN Connectivity
+                                                  ///< when the UE comes from non-3GPP access), the PGW
+                                                  ///< shall ignore this IE. See NOTE 1.
+                                                  ///< Several IEs with the same type and instance value may be
+                                                  ///< included as necessary to represent a list of Bearers to be
+                                                  ///< modified.
+                                                  ///< During a TAU/RAU/Handover procedure with an SGW
+                                                  ///< change, the SGW includes all bearers it received from the
+                                                  ///< MME/SGSN (Bearer Contexts to be created, or Bearer
+                                                  ///< Contexts to be modified and also Bearer Contexts to be
+                                                  ///< removed) into the list of 'Bearer Contexts to be modified'
+                                                  ///< IEs, which are then sent on the S5/S8 interface to the
+                                                  ///< PGW (see NOTE 2).
+    // Bearer Context   Bearer Contexts to be removed; ///< C: This IE shall be included on the S4 and S11 interfaces for
+                                                  ///< the TAU/RAU/Handover and Service Request procedures
+                                                  ///< where any of the bearers existing before the
+                                                  ///< TAU/RAU/Handover procedure and Service Request
+                                                  ///< procedures will be deactivated as consequence of the
+                                                  ///< TAU/RAU/Handover procedure and Service Request
+                                                  ///< procedures. (NOTE 3)
+                                                  ///< For each of those bearers, an IE with the same type and
+                                                  ///< instance value, shall be included.
+    // recovery_t(restart counter) recovery;      ///< C: This IE shall be included if contacting the peer for the first
+                                                  ///< time.
+    UETimeZone_t               ue_time_zone;      ///< CO: This IE shall be included by the MME/SGSN on the S11/S4
+                                                  ///< interfaces if the UE Time Zone has changed in the case of
+                                                  ///< TAU/RAU/Handover.
+                                                  ///< C: If SGW receives this IE, SGW shall forward it to PGW
+                                                  ///< across S5/S8 interface.
+    FQ_CSID_t                  mme_fq_csid;       ///< C: This IE shall be included by MME on S11 and shall be
+                                                  ///< forwarded by SGW on S5/S8 according to the
+                                                  ///< requirements in 3GPP TS 23.007 [17].
+    FQ_CSID_t                  sgw_fq_csid;       ///< C: This IE shall be included by SGW on S5/S8 according to
+                                                  ///< the requirements in 3GPP TS 23.007 [17].
+    UCI_t                      uci;               ///< CO: The MME/SGSN shall include this IE for
+                                                  ///< TAU/RAU/Handover procedures and UE-initiated Service
+                                                  ///< Request procedure if the PGW has requested CSG Info
+                                                  ///< reporting and the MME/SGSN support the CSG
+                                                  ///< information reporting. The SGW shall include this IE on
+                                                  ///< S5/S8 if it receives the User CSG Information from
+                                                  ///< MME/SGSN.
+    // Local Distinguished Name (LDN) MME/S4-SGSN LDN ///< O: This IE is optionally sent by the MME to the SGW on the
+                                                  ///< S11 interface and by the SGSN to the SGW on the S4
+                                                  ///< interface (see 3GPP TS 32.423 [44]), when communicating
+                                                  ///< the LDN to the peer node for the first time.
+    // Local Distinguished Name (LDN) SGW LDN     ///< O: This IE is optionally sent by the SGW to the PGW on the
+                                                  ///< S5/S8 interfaces (see 3GPP TS 32.423 [44]), for inter-
+                                                  ///< SGW mobity, when communicating the LDN to the peer
+                                                  ///< node for the first time.
+    // MMBR           Max MBR/APN-AMBR            ///< CO: If the S4-SGSN supports Max MBR/APN-AMBR, this IE
+                                                  ///< shall be included by the S4-SGSN over S4 interface in the
+                                                  ///< following cases:
+                                                  ///< - during inter SGSN RAU/SRNS relocation without
+                                                  ///<   SGW relocation and inter SGSN SRNS relocation
+                                                  ///<   with SGW relocation if Higher bitrates than
+                                                  ///<   16 Mbps flag is not included in the MM Context IE
+                                                  ///<   in the Context Response message or in the MM
+                                                  ///<   Context IE in the Forward Relocation Request
+                                                  ///<   message from the old S4-SGSN, while it is
+                                                  ///<   received from target RNC or a local Max
+                                                  ///<   MBR/APN-AMBR is configured based on
+                                                  ///<   operator's policy.
+                                                  ///<   - during Service Request procedure if Higher
+                                                  ///<   bitrates than 16 Mbps flag is received but the S4-
+                                                  ///<   SGSN has not received it before from an old RNC
+                                                  ///<   or the S4-SGSN has not updated the Max
+                                                  ///<   MBR/APN-AMBR to the PGW yet.
+                                                  ///< If SGW receives this IE, SGW shall forward it to PGW
+                                                  ///< across S5/S8 interface.
+    // Private Extension   Private Extension
     /* S11 stack specific parameter. Not used in standalone epc mode */
     void                      *trxn;                        ///< Transaction identifier
@@ -147,33 +725,116 @@ typedef struct {
  * - UE requested PDN connectivity
  * - X2-based handover without SGWrelocation
-typedef struct {
-    Teid_t           teid;               ///< Tunnel Endpoint Identifier
-    SGWCause_t       cause;
+typedef struct SgwModifyBearerResponse_s{
+    Teid_t                   teid;                ///< S11 MME Tunnel Endpoint Identifier
+    // here fields listed in 3GPP TS 29.274
+    SGWCause_t               cause;               ///<
+    ebi_t                    linked_eps_bearer_id;///< This IE shall be sent on S5/S8 when the UE moves from a
+                                                  ///< Gn/Gp SGSN to the S4 SGSN or MME to identify the
+                                                  ///< default bearer the PGW selects for the PDN Connection.
+                                                  ///< This IE shall also be sent by SGW on S11, S4 during
+                                                  ///< Gn/Gp SGSN to S4-SGSN/MME HO procedures to identify
+                                                  ///< the default bearer the PGW selects for the PDN
+                                                  ///< Connection.
+    ambr_t                   apn_ambr;            ///< Aggregate Maximum Bit Rate (APN-AMBR)
+                                                  ///< This IE shall be included in the PS mobility from Gn/Gp
+                                                  ///< SGSN to the S4 SGSN/MME procedures if the received
+                                                  ///< APN-AMBR has been modified by the PCRF.
+    APNRestriction_t         apn_restriction;     ///< This IE denotes the restriction on the combination of types
+                                                  ///< of APN for the APN associated with this EPS bearer
+                                                  ///< Context. This IE shall be included over S5/S8 interfaces,
+                                                  ///< and shall be forwarded over S11/S4 interfaces during
+                                                  ///< Gn/Gp SGSN to MME/S4-SGSN handover procedures.
+                                                  ///< This IE shall also be included on S5/S8 interfaces during
+                                                  ///< the Gn/Gp SGSN to S4 SGSN/MME RAU/TAU
+                                                  ///< procedures.
+                                                  ///< The target MME or SGSN determines the Maximum APN
+                                                  ///< Restriction using the APN Restriction.
+                                                  // PCO protocol_configuration_options         ///< If SGW receives this IE from PGW on GTP or PMIP based
+                                                  ///< S5/S8, the SGW shall forward PCO to MME/S4-SGSN
+                                                  ///< during Inter RAT handover from the UTRAN or from the
+                                                  ///< GERAN to the E-UTRAN. See NOTE 2:
+                                                  ///< If MME receives the IE, but no NAS message is sent, MME discards the IE.
-    unsigned         present:1;          ///< Choice present in union choice
+    unsigned                 bearer_present:1;    ///< Choice present in union choice
     union {
-        bearer_context_modified_t bearer_modified;      ///< Bearer to be modified
-        bearer_for_removal_t      bearer_for_removal;   ///< Bearer to be removed
-    } choice;
+        bearer_context_modified_t bearer_contexts_modified;///< EPS bearers corresponding to Bearer Contexts to be
+                                                  ///< modified that were sent in Modify Bearer Request
+                                                  ///< message. Several IEs with the same type and instance
+                                                  ///< value may be included as necessary to represent a list of
+                                                  ///< the Bearers which are modified.
+        bearer_for_removal_t      bearer_for_removal;///< EPS bearers corresponding to Bearer Contexts to be
+                                                  ///< removed sent in the Modify Bearer Request message.
+                                                  ///< Shall be included if request message contained Bearer
+                                                  ///< Contexts to be removed.
+                                                  ///< For each of those bearers an IE with the same type and
+                                                  ///< instance value shall be included.
+    } bearer_choice;
+    // change_reporting_action                    ///< This IE shall be included with the appropriate Action field If
+                                                  ///< the location Change Reporting mechanism is to be started
+                                                  ///< or stopped for this subscriber in the SGSN/MME.
+    // csg_Information_reporting_action           ///< This IE shall be included with the appropriate Action field if
+                                                  ///< the location CSG Info change reporting mechanism is to be
+                                                  ///< started or stopped for this subscriber in the SGSN/MME.
+    // FQDN Charging Gateway Name                 ///< When Charging Gateway Function (CGF) Address is
+                                                  ///< configured, the PGW shall include this IE on the S5
+                                                  ///< interface during SGW relocation and when the UE moves
+                                                  ///< from Gn/Gp SGSN to S4-SGSN/MME. See NOTE 1:
+                                                  ///< Both Charging Gateway Name and Charging Gateway Address shall not be included at the same
+                                                  ///< time. When both are available, the operator configures a preferred value.
+    // IP Address Charging Gateway Address        ///< When Charging Gateway Function (CGF) Address is
+                                                  ///< configured, the PGW shall include this IE on the S5
+                                                  ///< interface during SGW relocation and when the UE moves
+                                                  ///< from Gn/Gp SGSN to S4-SGSN/MME. See NOTE 1:
+                                                  ///< Both Charging Gateway Name and Charging Gateway Address shall not be included at the same
+                                                  ///< time. When both are available, the operator configures a preferred value.
+    FQ_CSID_t                pgw_fq_csid;         ///< This IE shall be included by PGW on S5/S8and shall be
+                                                  ///< forwarded by SGW on S11 according to the requirements
+                                                  ///< in 3GPP TS 23.007 [17].
+    FQ_CSID_t                sgw_fq_csid;         ///< This IE shall be included by SGW on S11 according to the
+                                                  ///< requirements in 3GPP TS 23.007 [17].
+    // recovery_t(restart counter) recovery;      ///< This IE shall be included if contacting the peer for the first
+                                                  ///< time.
+    // Local Distinguished Name (LDN) SGW LDN     ///< This IE is optionally sent by the SGW to the MME/SGSN
+                                                  ///< on the S11/S4 interfaces (see 3GPP TS 32.423 [44]),
+                                                  ///< when contacting the peer node for the first time.
+    // Local Distinguished Name (LDN) PGW LDN     ///< This IE is optionally included by the PGW on the S5/S8
+                                                  ///< and S2b interfaces (see 3GPP TS 32.423 [44]), when
+                                                  ///< contacting the peer node for the first time.
+    // Private Extension Private Extension        ///< optional
     /* S11 stack specific parameter. Not used in standalone epc mode */
     void                         *trxn;                      ///< Transaction identifier
 } SgwModifyBearerResponse;
-typedef struct {
+typedef struct SgwDeleteSessionRequest_s{
     Teid_t      teid;                   ///< Tunnel Endpoint Identifier
     EBI_t       lbi;                    ///< Linked EPS Bearer ID
     FTeid_t     sender_fteid_for_cp;    ///< Sender F-TEID for control plane
     /* Operation Indication: This flag shall be set over S4/S11 interface
-     * if the SGW needs to forward the Delete Session Request message to 
-     * the PGW. This flag shall not be set if the ISR associated GTP 
+     * if the SGW needs to forward the Delete Session Request message to
+     * the PGW. This flag shall not be set if the ISR associated GTP
      * entity sends this message to the SGW in the Detach procedure.
      * This flag shall also not be set to 1 in the SRNS Relocation Cancel
-     * Using S4 ( in 3GPP TS 23.060 [4]), Inter RAT handover 
-     * Cancel procedure with SGW change TAU with Serving GW change, 
+     * Using S4 ( in 3GPP TS 23.060 [4]), Inter RAT handover
+     * Cancel procedure with SGW change TAU with Serving GW change,
      * Gn/Gb based RAU (see,, D.3.5 in 3GPP TS 23.401 [3],
      * respectively), S1 Based handover Cancel procedure with SGW change.
@@ -197,7 +858,7 @@ typedef struct {
  * - X2 Based Handover with SGW Relocation
  * - S1 Based handover cancel with SGW change
-typedef struct {
+typedef struct SgwDeleteSessionResponse_s{
     Teid_t      teid;                   ///< Remote Tunnel Endpoint Identifier
     SGWCause_t  cause;
diff --git a/openair-cn/GTPV1-U/gtpv1u_eNB.c b/openair-cn/GTPV1-U/gtpv1u_eNB.c
index f078f9eb3f..0fbc78fe79 100644
--- a/openair-cn/GTPV1-U/gtpv1u_eNB.c
+++ b/openair-cn/GTPV1-U/gtpv1u_eNB.c
@@ -535,6 +535,9 @@ static int gtpv1u_create_s1u_tunnel(gtpv1u_enb_create_tunnel_req_t *create_tunne
     int                      i;
     ebi_t                    eps_bearer_id        = 0;
     int                      ipv4_addr            = 0;
+    int                      ip_offset            = 0;
+    in_addr_t                in_addr;
+    int                      addrs_length_in_bytes= 0;
     message_p = itti_alloc_new_message(TASK_GTPV1_U, GTPV1U_ENB_CREATE_TUNNEL_RESP);
     GTPV1U_ENB_CREATE_TUNNEL_RESP(message_p).ue_index    = create_tunnel_req_pP->ue_index;
@@ -542,6 +545,7 @@ static int gtpv1u_create_s1u_tunnel(gtpv1u_enb_create_tunnel_req_t *create_tunne
     GTPV1U_ENB_CREATE_TUNNEL_RESP(message_p).num_tunnels = 0;
     for (i = 0; i < create_tunnel_req_pP->num_tunnels; i++) {
+        ip_offset               = 0;
         eps_bearer_id = create_tunnel_req_pP->eps_bearer_id[i];
         GTPU_DEBUG("Rx GTPV1U_ENB_CREATE_TUNNEL_REQ ue_index %u eps bearer id %u\n",
             create_tunnel_req_pP->ue_index, eps_bearer_id);
@@ -564,36 +568,44 @@ static int gtpv1u_create_s1u_tunnel(gtpv1u_enb_create_tunnel_req_t *create_tunne
         // PDCP->GTPV1U mapping
         hash_rc = hashtable_get(gtpv1u_data_g.ue_mapping, create_tunnel_req_pP->ue_index, (void **)&gtpv1u_ue_data_p);
-        if (hash_rc == HASH_TABLE_KEY_NOT_EXISTS) {
-            gtpv1u_ue_data_p = calloc (1, sizeof(gtpv1u_ue_data_t));
-            gtpv1u_ue_data_p->ue_id       = create_tunnel_req_pP->ue_index;
-            gtpv1u_ue_data_p->instance_id = 0; // TO DO
-            memcpy(&GTPV1U_ENB_CREATE_TUNNEL_RESP(message_p).enb_addr.buffer,
-                &gtpv1u_data_g.enb_ip_address_for_S1u_S12_S4_up,
-                sizeof (in_addr_t));
-            GTPV1U_ENB_CREATE_TUNNEL_RESP(message_p).enb_addr.length = sizeof (in_addr_t);
-            AssertFatal(create_tunnel_req_pP->sgw_addr[i].length == 4, "Bad transport layer address for next operation, TO DO");
-            gtpv1u_ue_data_p->bearers[eps_bearer_id - GTPV1U_BEARER_OFFSET].sgw_ip_addr = *((in_addr_t*)create_tunnel_req_pP->sgw_addr[i].buffer);
+        if ((hash_rc == HASH_TABLE_KEY_NOT_EXISTS) || (hash_rc == HASH_TABLE_OK)) {
-            gtpv1u_ue_data_p->bearers[eps_bearer_id - GTPV1U_BEARER_OFFSET].state    = BEARER_IN_CONFIG;
-            gtpv1u_ue_data_p->bearers[eps_bearer_id - GTPV1U_BEARER_OFFSET].teid_eNB = s1u_teid;
-            gtpv1u_ue_data_p->bearers[eps_bearer_id - GTPV1U_BEARER_OFFSET].teid_sgw = create_tunnel_req_pP->sgw_S1u_teid[i];
-            hash_rc = hashtable_insert(gtpv1u_data_g.ue_mapping, create_tunnel_req_pP->ue_index, gtpv1u_ue_data_p);
-            AssertFatal(hash_rc == HASH_TABLE_OK, "Error inserting ue_mapping in GTPV1U hashtable");
-            GTPV1U_ENB_CREATE_TUNNEL_RESP(message_p).enb_S1u_teid[i] = s1u_teid;
-        } else if (hash_rc == HASH_TABLE_OK) {
+            if (hash_rc == HASH_TABLE_KEY_NOT_EXISTS) {
+                gtpv1u_ue_data_p = calloc (1, sizeof(gtpv1u_ue_data_t));
+                hash_rc = hashtable_insert(gtpv1u_data_g.ue_mapping, create_tunnel_req_pP->ue_index, gtpv1u_ue_data_p);
+                AssertFatal(hash_rc == HASH_TABLE_OK, "Error inserting ue_mapping in GTPV1U hashtable");
+            }
             gtpv1u_ue_data_p->ue_id       = create_tunnel_req_pP->ue_index;
-            gtpv1u_ue_data_p->instance_id = 0; // TO DO
-            memcpy(&GTPV1U_ENB_CREATE_TUNNEL_RESP(message_p).enb_addr.buffer,
-                &gtpv1u_data_g.enb_ip_address_for_S1u_S12_S4_up,
-                sizeof (in_addr_t));
-            GTPV1U_ENB_CREATE_TUNNEL_RESP(message_p).enb_addr.length = sizeof (in_addr_t);
-            gtpv1u_ue_data_p->bearers[eps_bearer_id - GTPV1U_BEARER_OFFSET].sgw_ip_addr = *((in_addr_t*)create_tunnel_req_pP->sgw_addr[i].buffer);
+                gtpv1u_ue_data_p->instance_id = 0; // TO DO
+              memcpy(&GTPV1U_ENB_CREATE_TUNNEL_RESP(message_p).enb_addr.buffer,
+                      &gtpv1u_data_g.enb_ip_address_for_S1u_S12_S4_up,
+                      sizeof (in_addr_t));
+              GTPV1U_ENB_CREATE_TUNNEL_RESP(message_p).enb_addr.length = sizeof (in_addr_t);
+              addrs_length_in_bytes = create_tunnel_req_pP->sgw_addr[i].length / 8;
+              AssertFatal((addrs_length_in_bytes == 4) ||
+                      (addrs_length_in_bytes == 16) ||
+                      (addrs_length_in_bytes == 20),
+                      "Bad transport layer address length %d (bits) %d (bytes)",
+                      create_tunnel_req_pP->sgw_addr[i].length, addrs_length_in_bytes);
+            if ((addrs_length_in_bytes == 4) ||
+                (addrs_length_in_bytes == 20)) {
+                in_addr = *((in_addr_t*)create_tunnel_req_pP->sgw_addr[i].buffer);
+                ip_offset = 4;
+                gtpv1u_ue_data_p->bearers[eps_bearer_id - GTPV1U_BEARER_OFFSET].sgw_ip_addr = in_addr;
+            }
+            if ((addrs_length_in_bytes == 16) ||
+                (addrs_length_in_bytes == 20)) {
+                memcpy(gtpv1u_ue_data_p->bearers[eps_bearer_id - GTPV1U_BEARER_OFFSET].sgw_ip6_addr.s6_addr,
+                        &create_tunnel_req_pP->sgw_addr[i].buffer[ip_offset],
+                        16);
+            }
             gtpv1u_ue_data_p->bearers[eps_bearer_id - GTPV1U_BEARER_OFFSET].state    = BEARER_IN_CONFIG;
             gtpv1u_ue_data_p->bearers[eps_bearer_id - GTPV1U_BEARER_OFFSET].teid_eNB = s1u_teid;
             gtpv1u_ue_data_p->bearers[eps_bearer_id - GTPV1U_BEARER_OFFSET].teid_sgw = create_tunnel_req_pP->sgw_S1u_teid[i];
             GTPV1U_ENB_CREATE_TUNNEL_RESP(message_p).enb_S1u_teid[i] = s1u_teid;
         } else {
             GTPV1U_ENB_CREATE_TUNNEL_RESP(message_p).enb_S1u_teid[i] = 0;
             GTPV1U_ENB_CREATE_TUNNEL_RESP(message_p).status         = 0xFF;
diff --git a/openair-cn/GTPV1-U/gtpv1u_eNB_defs.h b/openair-cn/GTPV1-U/gtpv1u_eNB_defs.h
index 871609689c..ad0b74cd8b 100644
--- a/openair-cn/GTPV1-U/gtpv1u_eNB_defs.h
+++ b/openair-cn/GTPV1-U/gtpv1u_eNB_defs.h
@@ -68,10 +68,11 @@ typedef struct gtpv1u_teid_data_s {
 typedef struct gtpv1u_bearer_s {
     /* TEID used in dl and ul */
-    teid_t         teid_eNB;         ///< eNB TEID
-    teid_t         teid_sgw;         ///< Remote TEID
-    in_addr_t      sgw_ip_addr;
-    tcp_udp_port_t port;
+    teid_t          teid_eNB;         ///< eNB TEID
+    teid_t          teid_sgw;         ///< Remote TEID
+    in_addr_t       sgw_ip_addr;
+    struct in6_addr sgw_ip6_addr;
+    tcp_udp_port_t  port;
     //NwGtpv1uStackSessionHandleT stack_session;
     bearer_state_t state;
 } gtpv1u_bearer_t;
diff --git a/openair-cn/GTPV1-U/gtpv1u_task.c b/openair-cn/GTPV1-U/gtpv1u_task.c
index a223a40f78..7f8e3b1e79 100644
--- a/openair-cn/GTPV1-U/gtpv1u_task.c
+++ b/openair-cn/GTPV1-U/gtpv1u_task.c
@@ -167,22 +167,24 @@ NwGtpv1uRcT gtpv1u_process_stack_req(
             data_ind_p->local_S1u_teid       = pUlpApi->apiInfo.recvMsgInfo.teid;
             if (data_ind_p->buffer == NULL) {
                 GTPU_ERROR("Failed to allocate new buffer\n");
-                free(message_p);
+                itti_free(ITTI_MSG_ORIGIN_ID(message_p), message_p);
+                message_p = NULL;
             } else {
                 memcpy(data_ind_p->buffer, buffer, buffer_len);
                 data_ind_p->length = buffer_len;
                 if (itti_send_msg_to_task(TASK_FW_IP, INSTANCE_DEFAULT, message_p) < 0) {
                     GTPU_ERROR("Failed to send message to task\n");
-                    free(message_p);
+                    itti_free(ITTI_MSG_ORIGIN_ID(message_p), message_p);
+                    message_p = NULL;
         default: {
             GTPU_ERROR("Received undefined UlpApi (%02x) from gtpv1u stack!\n",
@@ -222,13 +224,12 @@ static int gtpv1u_create_s1u_tunnel(Gtpv1uCreateTunnelReq *create_tunnel_reqP)
     memset(gtpv1u_teid2enb_info, 0, sizeof(gtpv1u_teid2enb_info_t));
     gtpv1u_teid2enb_info->state       = BEARER_IN_CONFIG;
-#warning !!! hack because missing modify session request, so force enb address
-    gtpv1u_teid2enb_info->enb_ip_addr.pdn_type = IPv4;
-    gtpv1u_teid2enb_info->enb_ip_addr.address.ipv4_address[0] = 192;
-    gtpv1u_teid2enb_info->enb_ip_addr.address.ipv4_address[1] = 168;
-    gtpv1u_teid2enb_info->enb_ip_addr.address.ipv4_address[2] = 1;
-    gtpv1u_teid2enb_info->enb_ip_addr.address.ipv4_address[3] = 2;
-    gtpv1u_teid2enb_info->state       = BEARER_IN_CONFIG;
+//#warning !!! hack because missing modify session request, so force enb address
+//    gtpv1u_teid2enb_info->enb_ip_addr.pdn_type = IPv4;
+//    gtpv1u_teid2enb_info->enb_ip_addr.address.ipv4_address[0] = 192;
+//    gtpv1u_teid2enb_info->enb_ip_addr.address.ipv4_address[1] = 168;
+//    gtpv1u_teid2enb_info->enb_ip_addr.address.ipv4_address[2] = 1;
+//    gtpv1u_teid2enb_info->enb_ip_addr.address.ipv4_address[3] = 2;
     message_p = itti_alloc_new_message(TASK_GTPV1_U, GTPV1U_CREATE_TUNNEL_RESP);
@@ -384,7 +385,7 @@ static void *gtpv1u_thread(void *args)
             case UDP_DATA_IND: {
                 udp_data_ind_t *udp_data_ind_p;
                 udp_data_ind_p = &received_message_p->ittiMsg.udp_data_ind;
-                nwGtpv1uProcessUdpReq(gtpv1u_sgw_data.gtpv1u_stack, 
+                nwGtpv1uProcessUdpReq(gtpv1u_sgw_data.gtpv1u_stack,
@@ -407,7 +408,7 @@ static void *gtpv1u_thread(void *args)
                 memset(&stack_req, 0, sizeof(NwGtpv1uUlpApiT));
-                 * typedef struct 
+                 * typedef struct
                 NW_IN    NwU32T                       teid;
                 NW_IN    NwU32T                       ipAddr;
@@ -470,7 +471,7 @@ static void *gtpv1u_thread(void *args)
-        free(received_message_p);
+        itti_free(ITTI_MSG_ORIGIN_ID(received_message_p), received_message_p);
         received_message_p = NULL;
     return NULL;
diff --git a/openair-cn/INSTALL b/openair-cn/INSTALL
index 6e90e07d27..a1e89e18ad 100644
--- a/openair-cn/INSTALL
+++ b/openair-cn/INSTALL
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Installation Instructions
-Copyright (C) 1994-1996, 1999-2002, 2004-2012 Free Software Foundation,
+Copyright (C) 1994-1996, 1999-2002, 2004-2011 Free Software Foundation,
    Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
@@ -309,10 +309,9 @@ causes the specified `gcc' to be used as the C compiler (unless it is
 overridden in the site shell script).
 Unfortunately, this technique does not work for `CONFIG_SHELL' due to
-an Autoconf limitation.  Until the limitation is lifted, you can use
-this workaround:
+an Autoconf bug.  Until the bug is fixed you can use this workaround:
-     CONFIG_SHELL=/bin/bash ./configure CONFIG_SHELL=/bin/bash
+     CONFIG_SHELL=/bin/bash /bin/bash ./configure CONFIG_SHELL=/bin/bash
 `configure' Invocation
@@ -368,3 +367,4 @@ operates.
 `configure' also accepts some other, not widely useful, options.  Run
 `configure --help' for more details.
diff --git a/openair-cn/MME_APP/ b/openair-cn/MME_APP/
index 0fa2c4a17c..415932e6ff 100644
--- a/openair-cn/MME_APP/
+++ b/openair-cn/MME_APP/
@@ -19,10 +19,12 @@ noinst_LTLIBRARIES =
 libmmeapp_la_LDFLAGS = -all-static
 libmmeapp_la_SOURCES = \
+    mme_app_capabilities.c                          \
 	mme_app_context.c								\
 	mme_app_main.c	mme_app_defs.h					\
 	mme_app_bearer.c								\
 	mme_app_authentication.c						\
+    mme_app_location.c                              \
 	mme_app_statistics.c	mme_app_statistics.h	\
 	mme_app_defs.h	mme_app_extern.h				\
 	mme_app_itti_messaging.h						\
diff --git a/openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_authentication.c b/openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_authentication.c
index 6dfe2005b1..f66b285d64 100644
--- a/openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_authentication.c
+++ b/openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_authentication.c
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
-  Eurecom OpenAirInterface
-  Copyright(c) 1999 - 2013 Eurecom
+Eurecom OpenAirInterface Core Network
+Copyright(c) 1999 - 2014 Eurecom
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
@@ -22,10 +21,13 @@
   Contact Information
   Openair Admin:
   Openair Tech :
-  Forums       :
-  Address      : EURECOM, Campus SophiaTech, 450 Route des Chappes
-                 06410 Biot FRANCE
+Forums       : http://forums.eurecom.fsr/openairinterface
+Address      : EURECOM,
+               Campus SophiaTech,
+               450 Route des Chappes,
+               CS 50193
+               06904 Biot Sophia Antipolis cedex,
+               FRANCE
 #include <stdio.h>
@@ -55,8 +57,8 @@ int mme_app_request_authentication_info(const mme_app_imsi_t imsi,
                                         const plmn_t *plmn,
                                         const uint8_t *auts)
-    s6a_auth_info_req_t *auth_info_req;
-    MessageDef          *message_p;
+    s6a_auth_info_req_t *auth_info_req = NULL;
+    MessageDef          *message_p     = NULL;
     DevAssert(plmn != NULL);
@@ -77,20 +79,21 @@ int mme_app_request_authentication_info(const mme_app_imsi_t imsi,
     return itti_send_msg_to_task(TASK_S6A, INSTANCE_DEFAULT, message_p);
-int mme_app_handle_nas_auth_resp(nas_auth_resp_t *nas_auth_resp_p)
+int mme_app_handle_nas_auth_resp(const nas_auth_resp_t * const nas_auth_resp_pP)
-    struct ue_context_s *ue_context;
-    uint64_t imsi;
+    struct ue_context_s *ue_context = NULL;
+    uint64_t             imsi       = 0;
-    DevAssert(nas_auth_resp_p != NULL);
+    DevAssert(nas_auth_resp_pP != NULL);
-    MME_APP_STRING_TO_IMSI((char *)nas_auth_resp_p->imsi, &imsi);
+    MME_APP_STRING_TO_IMSI((char *)nas_auth_resp_pP->imsi, &imsi);
     MME_APP_DEBUG("Handling imsi %"IMSI_FORMAT"\n", imsi);
     if ((ue_context = mme_ue_context_exists_imsi(&mme_app_desc.mme_ue_contexts,
                       imsi)) == NULL) {
         MME_APP_ERROR("That's embarrassing as we don't know this IMSI\n");
+        AssertFatal(0, "That's embarrassing as we don't know this IMSI\n");
         return -1;
@@ -101,8 +104,8 @@ int mme_app_handle_nas_auth_resp(nas_auth_resp_t *nas_auth_resp_p)
     /* Now generate S6A ULR */
-        MessageDef                *message_p;
-        s6a_update_location_req_t *s6a_ulr;
+        MessageDef                *message_p = NULL;
+        s6a_update_location_req_t *s6a_ulr   = NULL;
         message_p = itti_alloc_new_message(TASK_MME_APP, S6A_UPDATE_LOCATION_REQ);
@@ -112,26 +115,27 @@ int mme_app_handle_nas_auth_resp(nas_auth_resp_t *nas_auth_resp_p)
         s6a_ulr = &message_p->ittiMsg.s6a_update_location_req;
-        memcpy(s6a_ulr->imsi, nas_auth_resp_p->imsi, 16);
+        memcpy(s6a_ulr->imsi, nas_auth_resp_pP->imsi, 16);
         s6a_ulr->initial_attach = INITIAL_ATTACH;
         s6a_ulr->rat_type = RAT_EUTRAN;
         /* Check if we already have UE data */
-        s6a_ulr->skip_subsriber_data = 0;
+        s6a_ulr->skip_subscriber_data = 0;
         return itti_send_msg_to_task(TASK_S6A, INSTANCE_DEFAULT, message_p);
     return -1;
-int mme_app_handle_authentication_info_answer(s6a_auth_info_ans_t
-        *s6a_auth_info_ans_p)
+        const s6a_auth_info_ans_t * const s6a_auth_info_ans_pP)
     struct ue_context_s *ue_context;
     uint64_t imsi;
-    DevAssert(s6a_auth_info_ans_p != NULL);
+    DevAssert(s6a_auth_info_ans_pP != NULL);
-    MME_APP_STRING_TO_IMSI((char *)s6a_auth_info_ans_p->imsi, &imsi);
+    MME_APP_STRING_TO_IMSI((char *)s6a_auth_info_ans_pP->imsi, &imsi);
     MME_APP_DEBUG("Handling imsi %"IMSI_FORMAT"\n", imsi);
@@ -141,15 +145,15 @@ int mme_app_handle_authentication_info_answer(s6a_auth_info_ans_t
         return -1;
-    if ((s6a_auth_info_ans_p->result.present == S6A_RESULT_BASE) &&
-            (s6a_auth_info_ans_p->result.choice.base == DIAMETER_SUCCESS)) {
+    if ((s6a_auth_info_ans_pP->result.present == S6A_RESULT_BASE) &&
+            (s6a_auth_info_ans_pP->result.choice.base == DIAMETER_SUCCESS)) {
         /* S6A procedure has succeeded.
          * We have to request UE authentication.
         /* Check that list is not empty and contain only one element */
-        DevCheck(s6a_auth_info_ans_p->auth_info.nb_of_vectors == 1,
-                 s6a_auth_info_ans_p->auth_info.nb_of_vectors, 1, 0);
+        DevCheck(s6a_auth_info_ans_pP->auth_info.nb_of_vectors == 1,
+                 s6a_auth_info_ans_pP->auth_info.nb_of_vectors, 1, 0);
         if (ue_context->vector_list == NULL) {
             ue_context->vector_list = malloc(sizeof(eutran_vector_t));
@@ -161,22 +165,25 @@ int mme_app_handle_authentication_info_answer(s6a_auth_info_ans_t
             DevAssert(ue_context->vector_list != NULL);
-               &s6a_auth_info_ans_p->auth_info.eutran_vector, sizeof(eutran_vector_t));
+               &s6a_auth_info_ans_pP->auth_info.eutran_vector, sizeof(eutran_vector_t));
         ue_context->vector_in_use = &ue_context->vector_list[ue_context->nb_of_vectors];
-        ue_context->nb_of_vectors += s6a_auth_info_ans_p->auth_info.nb_of_vectors;
+        ue_context->nb_of_vectors += s6a_auth_info_ans_pP->auth_info.nb_of_vectors;
         mme_app_itti_auth_rsp(ue_context->ue_id, 1,
-                              &s6a_auth_info_ans_p->auth_info.eutran_vector);
+                              &s6a_auth_info_ans_pP->auth_info.eutran_vector);
     } else {
         /* Inform NAS layer with the right failure */
-        if (s6a_auth_info_ans_p->result.present == S6A_RESULT_BASE) {
+        if (s6a_auth_info_ans_pP->result.present == S6A_RESULT_BASE) {
             mme_app_itti_auth_fail(ue_context->ue_id, s6a_error_2_nas_cause(
-                s6a_auth_info_ans_p->result.choice.base, 0));
+                s6a_auth_info_ans_pP->result.choice.base, 0));
         } else {
             mme_app_itti_auth_fail(ue_context->ue_id, s6a_error_2_nas_cause(
-                s6a_auth_info_ans_p->result.choice.experimental, 1));
+                s6a_auth_info_ans_pP->result.choice.experimental, 1));
@@ -221,6 +228,7 @@ int mme_app_handle_attach_req(nas_attach_req_t *attach_req_p)
         ue_context->eNB_ue_s1ap_id = attach_req_p->transparent.eNB_ue_s1ap_id;
         ue_context->mme_ue_s1ap_id = attach_req_p->transparent.mme_ue_s1ap_id;
+        ue_context->ue_id          = attach_req_p->transparent.mme_ue_s1ap_id;
 //         STAILQ_INIT(&ue_context->vector_list);
         DevAssert(mme_insert_ue_context(&mme_app_desc.mme_ue_contexts, ue_context) == 0);
@@ -292,8 +300,9 @@ request_auth: {
     return 0;
-void mme_app_handle_nas_auth_param_req(nas_auth_param_req_t
-                                       *nas_auth_param_req_p)
+        const nas_auth_param_req_t * const nas_auth_param_req_pP)
     static const plmn_t visited_plmn_eur = {
         .MCCdigit3 = 2,
@@ -312,20 +321,35 @@ void mme_app_handle_nas_auth_param_req(nas_auth_param_req_t
         .MNCdigit1 = 0xF,
-    plmn_t *visited_plmn;
-    struct ue_context_s *ue_context;
-    uint64_t imsi = 0;
-    DevAssert(nas_auth_param_req_p != NULL);
-#if 1
-    visited_plmn = &visited_plmn_eur;
-    visited_plmn = &visited_plmn_dongle;
-    MME_APP_STRING_TO_IMSI(nas_auth_param_req_p->imsi, &imsi);
-    MME_APP_DEBUG("Handling imsi %"IMSI_FORMAT"\n", imsi);
+    plmn_t              *visited_plmn  = NULL;
+    struct ue_context_s *ue_context    = NULL;
+    uint64_t             imsi          = 0;
+    plmn_t               visited_plmn_from_req = {
+            .MCCdigit3 = 0,
+            .MCCdigit2 = 0,
+            .MCCdigit1 = 0,
+            .MNCdigit1 = 0,
+            .MNCdigit2 = 0,
+            .MNCdigit3 = 0,
+        };
+    DevAssert(nas_auth_param_req_pP != NULL);
+    //visited_plmn = &visited_plmn_eur;
+    //visited_plmn = &visited_plmn_dongle;
+    visited_plmn = &visited_plmn_from_req;
+#warning "assume MNC on 2 digits only"
+    visited_plmn_from_req.MCCdigit3 = nas_auth_param_req_pP->imsi[0];
+    visited_plmn_from_req.MCCdigit2 = nas_auth_param_req_pP->imsi[1];
+    visited_plmn_from_req.MCCdigit1 = nas_auth_param_req_pP->imsi[2];
+    visited_plmn_from_req.MNCdigit1 = 0;
+    visited_plmn_from_req.MNCdigit2 = nas_auth_param_req_pP->imsi[3];
+    visited_plmn_from_req.MNCdigit3 = nas_auth_param_req_pP->imsi[4];
+    MME_APP_STRING_TO_IMSI(nas_auth_param_req_pP->imsi, &imsi);
+    MME_APP_DEBUG("%s Handling imsi %"IMSI_FORMAT"\n", __FUNCTION__, imsi);
+    MME_APP_DEBUG("%s Handling imsi from req  %s\n", __FUNCTION__, nas_auth_param_req_pP->imsi);
     /* Fetch the context associated with this IMSI */
     ue_context = mme_ue_context_exists_imsi(&mme_app_desc.mme_ue_contexts, imsi);
@@ -334,18 +358,23 @@ void mme_app_handle_nas_auth_param_req(nas_auth_param_req_t
         /* Currently no context available -> trigger an authentication request
          * to the HSS.
-        MME_APP_DEBUG("UE context doesn't exist -> create one\n");
-        if ((ue_context = mme_create_new_ue_context()) == NULL) {
-            /* Error during ue context malloc */
-            /* TODO */
-            DevMessage("mme_create_new_ue_context");
-            return;
+        MME_APP_DEBUG("UE context search by IMSI failed, try by ue id\n");
+        ue_context = mme_ue_context_exists_nas_ue_id(&mme_app_desc.mme_ue_contexts, nas_auth_param_req_pP->ue_id);
+        if (ue_context == NULL) {
+            // should have been created by initial ue message
+            MME_APP_ERROR("UE context doesn't exist -> create one\n");
+            if ((ue_context = mme_create_new_ue_context()) == NULL) {
+                /* Error during ue context malloc */
+                /* TODO */
+                DevMessage("mme_create_new_ue_context");
+                return;
+            }
+            ue_context->ue_id          = nas_auth_param_req_pP->ue_id;
+            ue_context->mme_ue_s1ap_id = nas_auth_param_req_pP->ue_id;
+            DevAssert(mme_insert_ue_context(&mme_app_desc.mme_ue_contexts, ue_context) == 0);
         ue_context->imsi  = imsi;
-        ue_context->ue_id = nas_auth_param_req_p->ue_id;
-        DevAssert(mme_insert_ue_context(&mme_app_desc.mme_ue_contexts, ue_context) == 0);
         /* We have no vector for this UE, send an authentication request
          * to the HSS.
@@ -360,7 +389,7 @@ void mme_app_handle_nas_auth_param_req(nas_auth_param_req_t
     } else {
         memcpy(&ue_context->guti.gummei.plmn, visited_plmn, sizeof(plmn_t));
-        mme_app_request_authentication_info(imsi, 1, visited_plmn, nas_auth_param_req_p->auts);
+        mme_app_request_authentication_info(imsi, 1, visited_plmn, nas_auth_param_req_pP->auts);
diff --git a/openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_bearer.c b/openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_bearer.c
index c28dda89cd..bf8ebb09da 100644
--- a/openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_bearer.c
+++ b/openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_bearer.c
@@ -1,33 +1,40 @@
-  Eurecom OpenAirInterface
-  Copyright(c) 1999 - 2013 Eurecom
-  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-  under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
-  version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
-  This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
-  more details.
-  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-  this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-  51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-  The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in
-  the file called "COPYING".
-  Contact Information
-  Openair Admin:
-  Openair Tech :
-  Forums       :
-  Address      : EURECOM, Campus SophiaTech, 450 Route des Chappes
-                 06410 Biot FRANCE
+Eurecom OpenAirInterface Core Network
+Copyright(c) 1999 - 2014 Eurecom
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
+version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
+more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in
+the file called "COPYING".
+Contact Information
+Openair Admin:
+Openair Tech :
+Forums       : http://forums.eurecom.fsr/openairinterface
+Address      : EURECOM,
+               Campus SophiaTech,
+               450 Route des Chappes,
+               CS 50193
+               06904 Biot Sophia Antipolis cedex,
+               FRANCE
+/*! \file mme_app_bearer.c
+* \brief
+* \author Sebastien ROUX, Lionel Gauthier
+* \company Eurecom
+* \email:
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <string.h>
@@ -42,246 +49,388 @@
 #include "secu_defs.h"
 #include "assertions.h"
+#include "common_types.h"
-int mme_app_create_bearer(s6a_update_location_ans_t *ula_p)
-    uint64_t imsi;
-    uint8_t i;
-    task_id_t to_task;
-    struct ue_context_s *ue_context;
-    MessageDef              *message_p;
-    SgwCreateSessionRequest *session_request_p;
-    /* Keep the identifier to the default APN */
-    context_identifier_t        context_identifier;
-    struct apn_configuration_s *default_apn;
+    struct ue_context_s * const ue_context_pP)
+  uint8_t                     i                 = 0;
+  task_id_t                   to_task           = TASK_UNKNOWN;
+  /* Keep the identifier to the default APN */
+  context_identifier_t        context_identifier;
+  MessageDef                 *message_p         = NULL;
+  SgwCreateSessionRequest    *session_request_p = NULL;
+  struct apn_configuration_s *default_apn_p     = NULL;
-    DevAssert(ula_p != NULL);
+  DevAssert(ue_context_pP != NULL);
-    to_task = TASK_S11;
+  to_task = TASK_S11;
-    to_task = TASK_SPGW_APP;
+  to_task = TASK_SPGW_APP;
-    if (ula_p->result.present == S6A_RESULT_BASE) {
-        if (ula_p->result.choice.base != DIAMETER_SUCCESS) {
-            /* The update location procedure has failed. Notify the NAS layer
-             * and don't initiate the bearer creation on S-GW side.
-             */
-            DevMessage("ULR/ULA procedure returned non success\n");
-        }
-    } else {
-        /* The update location procedure has failed. Notify the NAS layer
-         * and don't initiate the bearer creation on S-GW side.
-         */
-        DevMessage("ULR/ULA procedure returned non success\n");
-    }
-    MME_APP_STRING_TO_IMSI((char *)ula_p->imsi, &imsi);
+  MME_APP_DEBUG("Handling imsi %"IMSI_FORMAT"\n", ue_context_pP->imsi);
+  if (ue_context_pP->sub_status != SS_SERVICE_GRANTED) {
+      /* HSS rejected the bearer creation or roaming is not allowed for this
+       * UE. This result will trigger an ESM Failure message sent to UE.
+       */
+      DevMessage("Not implemented: ACCESS NOT GRANTED, send ESM Failure to NAS\n");
+  }
+  message_p = itti_alloc_new_message(TASK_MME_APP, SGW_CREATE_SESSION_REQUEST);
+  /* WARNING:
+   * Some parameters should be provided by NAS Layer:
+   * - ue_time_zone
+   * - mei
+   * - uli
+   * - uci
+   * Some parameters should be provided by HSS:
+   * - PGW address for CP
+   * - paa
+   * - ambr
+   * and by MME Application layer:
+   * - selection_mode
+   * Set these parameters with random values for now.
+   */
+  session_request_p = &message_p->ittiMsg.sgwCreateSessionRequest;
+  memset(session_request_p, 0, sizeof(SgwCreateSessionRequest));
+  /* As the create session request is the first exchanged message and as
+   * no tunnel had been previously setup, the distant teid is set to 0.
+   * The remote teid will be provided in the response message.
+   */
+  session_request_p->teid = 0;
+  MME_APP_IMSI_TO_STRING(ue_context_pP->imsi, (char *)session_request_p->imsi.digit);
+  // message content was set to 0
+  session_request_p->imsi.length = strlen((const char *)session_request_p->imsi.digit);
+  /* Copy the MSISDN */
+  memcpy(
+      session_request_p->msisdn.digit,
+      ue_context_pP->msisdn,
+      ue_context_pP->msisdn_length);
+  session_request_p->msisdn.length = ue_context_pP->msisdn_length;
+  session_request_p->rat_type = RAT_EUTRAN;
+  /* Copy the subscribed ambr to the sgw create session request message */
+  memcpy(
+      &session_request_p->ambr,
+      &ue_context_pP->subscribed_ambr,
+      sizeof(ambr_t));
+  if (ue_context_pP->apn_profile.nb_apns == 0) {
+      DevMessage("No APN returned by the HSS");
+  }
+  context_identifier = ue_context_pP->apn_profile.context_identifier;
+  for (i = 0; i < ue_context_pP->apn_profile.nb_apns; i++) {
+      default_apn_p = &ue_context_pP->apn_profile.apn_configuration[i];
+      /* OK we got our default APN */
+      if (default_apn_p->context_identifier == context_identifier)
+          break;
+  }
+  if (!default_apn_p) {
+      /* Unfortunately we didn't find our default APN... */
+      DevMessage("No default APN found");
+  }
+  memcpy(&session_request_p->bearer_to_create.bearer_level_qos.gbr,
+         &default_apn_p->ambr, sizeof(ambr_t));
+  memcpy(&session_request_p->bearer_to_create.bearer_level_qos.mbr,
+         &default_apn_p->ambr, sizeof(ambr_t));
+  session_request_p->bearer_to_create.bearer_level_qos.qci =
+      default_apn_p->subscribed_qos.qci;
+  session_request_p->bearer_to_create.bearer_level_qos.pvi =
+      default_apn_p->subscribed_qos.allocation_retention_priority.pre_emp_vulnerability;
+  session_request_p->bearer_to_create.bearer_level_qos.pci =
+      default_apn_p->subscribed_qos.allocation_retention_priority.pre_emp_capability;
+  session_request_p-> =
+      default_apn_p->subscribed_qos.allocation_retention_priority.priority_level;
+  /* Asking for default bearer in initial UE message.
+   * Use the address of ue_context as unique TEID: Need to find better here
+   * and will generate unique id only for 32 bits platforms.
+   */
+  session_request_p->sender_fteid_for_cp.teid           = (uint32_t)ue_context_pP;
+  session_request_p->sender_fteid_for_cp.interface_type = S11_MME_GTP_C;
+  session_request_p->bearer_to_create.eps_bearer_id     = 5;
+  ue_context_pP->mme_s11_teid = session_request_p->sender_fteid_for_cp.teid;
+  ue_context_pP->sgw_s11_teid = 0;
+  memcpy(session_request_p->apn, default_apn_p->service_selection,
+         default_apn_p->service_selection_length);
+  /* Set PDN type for pdn_type and PAA even if this IE is redundant */
+  session_request_p->pdn_type = default_apn_p->pdn_type;
+  session_request_p->paa.pdn_type = default_apn_p->pdn_type;
+  if (default_apn_p->nb_ip_address == 0) {
+      /* UE DHCPv4 allocated ip address */
+      memset(session_request_p->paa.ipv4_address, 0, 4);
+      memset(session_request_p->paa.ipv6_address, 0, 16);
+  } else {
+      uint8_t j;
+      for (j = 0; j < default_apn_p->nb_ip_address; j++) {
+          ip_address_t *ip_address;
+          ip_address = &default_apn_p->ip_address[j];
+          if (ip_address->pdn_type == IPv4) {
+              memcpy(session_request_p->paa.ipv4_address, ip_address->address.ipv4_address, 4);
+          } else if (ip_address->pdn_type == IPv6) {
+              memcpy(session_request_p->paa.ipv6_address, ip_address->address.ipv6_address, 16);
+          }
+//             free(ip_address);
+      }
+  }
-    MME_APP_DEBUG("Handling imsi %"IMSI_FORMAT"\n", imsi);
+  config_read_lock(&mme_config);
+  session_request_p->peer_ip = mme_config.ipv4.sgw_ip_address_for_S11;
+  config_unlock(&mme_config);
-    if ((ue_context = mme_ue_context_exists_imsi(&mme_app_desc.mme_ue_contexts, imsi)) == NULL) {
-        MME_APP_ERROR("That's embarrassing as we don't know this IMSI\n");
-        return -1;
-    }
+  session_request_p->serving_network.mcc[0] = ue_context_pP->e_utran_cgi.plmn.MCCdigit1;
+  session_request_p->serving_network.mcc[1] = ue_context_pP->e_utran_cgi.plmn.MCCdigit2;
+  session_request_p->serving_network.mcc[2] = ue_context_pP->e_utran_cgi.plmn.MCCdigit3;
+  session_request_p->serving_network.mnc[0] = ue_context_pP->e_utran_cgi.plmn.MNCdigit1;
+  session_request_p->serving_network.mnc[1] = ue_context_pP->e_utran_cgi.plmn.MNCdigit2;
+  session_request_p->serving_network.mnc[2] = ue_context_pP->e_utran_cgi.plmn.MNCdigit3;
+  session_request_p->selection_mode = MS_O_N_P_APN_S_V;
+  return itti_send_msg_to_task(to_task, INSTANCE_DEFAULT, message_p);
-    ue_context->subscription_known = SUBSCRIPTION_KNOWN;
-    ue_context->sub_status = ula_p->subscription_data.subscriber_status;
-    ue_context->access_restriction_data = ula_p->subscription_data.access_restriction;
-    /* Copy the subscribed ambr to the sgw create session request message */
-    memcpy(&ue_context->subscribed_ambr, &ula_p->subscription_data.subscribed_ambr,
-           sizeof(ambr_t));
-    memcpy(ue_context->msisdn, ula_p->subscription_data.msisdn,
-           MSISDN_LENGTH);
+        nas_pdn_connectivity_req_t * const nas_pdn_connectivity_req_pP)
+  struct ue_context_s *ue_context_p = NULL;
+  uint64_t             imsi         = 0;
+  DevAssert(nas_pdn_connectivity_req_pP != NULL);
+  MME_APP_STRING_TO_IMSI((char *)nas_pdn_connectivity_req_pP->imsi, &imsi);
+  MME_APP_DEBUG("Handling imsi %"IMSI_FORMAT"\n", imsi);
+  if ((ue_context_p = mme_ue_context_exists_imsi(&mme_app_desc.mme_ue_contexts,
+                    imsi)) == NULL) {
+      MME_APP_ERROR("That's embarrassing as we don't know this IMSI\n");
+      return -1;
+  }
+  /* Consider the UE authenticated */
+  ue_context_p->imsi_auth = IMSI_AUTHENTICATED;
+  // Temp: save request, in near future merge wisely params in context
+  memset(ue_context_p->pending_pdn_connectivity_req_imsi,0, 16);
+  AssertFatal((nas_pdn_connectivity_req_pP->imsi_length > 0) &&
+          (nas_pdn_connectivity_req_pP->imsi_length < 16),
+          "BAD IMSI LENGTH %d", nas_pdn_connectivity_req_pP->imsi_length);
+  AssertFatal((nas_pdn_connectivity_req_pP->imsi_length > 0) &&
+          (nas_pdn_connectivity_req_pP->imsi_length < 16),
+          "STOP ON IMSI LENGTH %d", nas_pdn_connectivity_req_pP->imsi_length);
+  memcpy(ue_context_p->pending_pdn_connectivity_req_imsi,
+          nas_pdn_connectivity_req_pP->imsi,
+          nas_pdn_connectivity_req_pP->imsi_length);
+  ue_context_p->pending_pdn_connectivity_req_imsi_length = nas_pdn_connectivity_req_pP->imsi_length;
+  DUP_OCTET_STRING(nas_pdn_connectivity_req_pP->apn, ue_context_p->pending_pdn_connectivity_req_apn);
+  FREE_OCTET_STRING(nas_pdn_connectivity_req_pP->apn)
+  // dup OctetString
+  DUP_OCTET_STRING(nas_pdn_connectivity_req_pP->pdn_addr, ue_context_p->pending_pdn_connectivity_req_pdn_addr);
+  FREE_OCTET_STRING(nas_pdn_connectivity_req_pP->pdn_addr)
+  ue_context_p->pending_pdn_connectivity_req_pti          = nas_pdn_connectivity_req_pP->pti;
+  ue_context_p->pending_pdn_connectivity_req_ue_id        = nas_pdn_connectivity_req_pP->ue_id;
+  memcpy(&ue_context_p->pending_pdn_connectivity_req_qos,
+         &nas_pdn_connectivity_req_pP->qos,
+         sizeof(network_qos_t));
+  ue_context_p->pending_pdn_connectivity_req_proc_data    = nas_pdn_connectivity_req_pP->proc_data;
+  nas_pdn_connectivity_req_pP->proc_data = NULL;
+  ue_context_p->pending_pdn_connectivity_req_request_type = nas_pdn_connectivity_req_pP->request_type;
+  //if ((nas_pdn_connectivity_req_pP->apn.value == NULL) || (nas_pdn_connectivity_req_pP->apn.length == 0)) {
+      /* TODO: Get keys... */
+      /* Now generate S6A ULR */
+      return mme_app_send_s6a_update_location_req(ue_context_p);
+  //} else {
+      //return mme_app_send_s11_create_session_req(ue_context_p);
+  //}
+  //return -1;
-    ue_context->rau_tau_timer = ula_p->subscription_data.rau_tau_timer;
-    ue_context->access_mode   = ula_p->subscription_data.access_mode;
-    ue_context->rau_tau_timer = ula_p->subscription_data.rau_tau_timer;
-    memcpy(&ue_context->apn_profile, &ula_p->subscription_data.apn_config_profile,
-           sizeof(apn_config_profile_t));
-//     mme_app_dump_ue_contexts();
+// sent by NAS
+        const nas_conn_est_cnf_t * const nas_conn_est_cnf_pP)
+    struct ue_context_s                    *ue_context_p        = NULL;
+    MessageDef                             *message_p           = NULL;
+    mme_app_connection_establishment_cnf_t *establishment_cnf_p = NULL;
+    bearer_context_t                       *current_bearer_p    = NULL;
+    ebi_t                                   bearer_id           = 0;
-    if (ula_p->subscription_data.subscriber_status != SS_SERVICE_GRANTED) {
-        /* HSS rejected the bearer creation or roaming is not allowed for this
-         * UE. This result will trigger an ESM Failure message sent to UE.
-         */
-        DevMessage("Not implemented: ACCESS NOT GRANTED, send ESM Failure to NAS\n");
-    }
-    message_p = itti_alloc_new_message(TASK_MME_APP, SGW_CREATE_SESSION_REQUEST);
-    /* WARNING:
-     * Some parameters should be provided by NAS Layer:
-     * - ue_time_zone
-     * - mei
-     * - uli
-     * - uci
-     * Some parameters should be provided by HSS:
-     * - PGW address for CP
-     * - paa
-     * - ambr
-     * and by MME Application layer:
-     * - selection_mode
-     * Set these parameters with random values for now.
-     */
-    session_request_p = &message_p->ittiMsg.sgwCreateSessionRequest;
-    memset(session_request_p, 0, sizeof(SgwCreateSessionRequest));
-    /* As the create session request is the first exchanged message and as
-     * no tunnel had been previously setup, the distant teid is set to 0.
-     * The remote teid will be provided in the response message.
-     */
-    session_request_p->teid = 0;
-    memcpy(session_request_p->imsi.digit, ula_p->imsi,
-           ula_p->imsi_length);
-    session_request_p->imsi.length = ula_p->imsi_length;
-    /* Copy the MSISDN */
-    memcpy(session_request_p->msisdn.digit, ula_p->subscription_data.msisdn,
-           ula_p->subscription_data.msisdn_length);
-    session_request_p->msisdn.length = ula_p->subscription_data.msisdn_length;
-    session_request_p->rat_type = RAT_EUTRAN;
-    /* Copy the subscribed ambr to the sgw create session request message */
-    memcpy(&session_request_p->ambr, &ula_p->subscription_data.subscribed_ambr,
-           sizeof(ambr_t));
-    if (ula_p->subscription_data.apn_config_profile.nb_apns == 0) {
-        DevMessage("No APN returned by the HSS");
+    ue_context_p = mme_ue_context_exists_nas_ue_id(&mme_app_desc.mme_ue_contexts, nas_conn_est_cnf_pP->UEid);
+    if (ue_context_p == NULL) {
+        MME_APP_ERROR("UE context doesn't exist\n");
+        return;
-    context_identifier = ula_p->subscription_data.apn_config_profile.context_identifier;
-    for (i = 0; i < ula_p->subscription_data.apn_config_profile.nb_apns; i++) {
-        default_apn = &ula_p->subscription_data.apn_config_profile.apn_configuration[i];
-        /* OK we got our default APN */
-        if (default_apn->context_identifier == context_identifier)
-            break;
-    }
+    message_p           = itti_alloc_new_message(TASK_MME_APP, MME_APP_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHMENT_CNF);
+    establishment_cnf_p = &message_p->ittiMsg.mme_app_connection_establishment_cnf;
+    memset(establishment_cnf_p, 0, sizeof(mme_app_connection_establishment_cnf_t));
-    if (!default_apn) {
-        /* Unfortunately we didn't find our default APN... */
-        DevMessage("No default APN found");
+    memcpy(&establishment_cnf_p->nas_conn_est_cnf,
+            nas_conn_est_cnf_pP,
+            sizeof(nas_conn_est_cnf_t));
+    bearer_id = ue_context_p->default_bearer_id;
+    current_bearer_p = &ue_context_p->eps_bearers[bearer_id];
+    establishment_cnf_p->eps_bearer_id = bearer_id;
+    establishment_cnf_p->bearer_s1u_sgw_fteid.interface_type = S1_U_SGW_GTP_U;
+    establishment_cnf_p->bearer_s1u_sgw_fteid.teid = current_bearer_p->s_gw_teid;
+    if ((current_bearer_p->s_gw_address.pdn_type == IPv4) ||
+        (current_bearer_p->s_gw_address.pdn_type == IPv4_AND_v6)) {
+        establishment_cnf_p->bearer_s1u_sgw_fteid.ipv4 = 1;
+        memcpy(&establishment_cnf_p->bearer_s1u_sgw_fteid.ipv4_address,
+                current_bearer_p->s_gw_address.address.ipv4_address,
+                4);
+    if ((current_bearer_p->s_gw_address.pdn_type == IPv6) ||
+            (current_bearer_p->s_gw_address.pdn_type == IPv4_AND_v6)) {
+            establishment_cnf_p->bearer_s1u_sgw_fteid.ipv6 = 1;
+            memcpy(establishment_cnf_p->bearer_s1u_sgw_fteid.ipv6_address,
+                   current_bearer_p->s_gw_address.address.ipv6_address,
+                   16);
+        }
+    establishment_cnf_p->bearer_qos_qci                    = current_bearer_p->qci;
+    establishment_cnf_p->bearer_qos_prio_level             = current_bearer_p->prio_level;
+    establishment_cnf_p->bearer_qos_pre_emp_vulnerability  = current_bearer_p->pre_emp_vulnerability;
+    establishment_cnf_p->bearer_qos_pre_emp_capability     = current_bearer_p->pre_emp_capability;
+    establishment_cnf_p->ambr                              = ue_context_p->used_ambr;
-    memcpy(&session_request_p->bearer_to_create.bearer_level_qos.gbr,
-           &default_apn->ambr, sizeof(ambr_t));
-    memcpy(&session_request_p->bearer_to_create.bearer_level_qos.mbr,
-           &default_apn->ambr, sizeof(ambr_t));
-    session_request_p->bearer_to_create.bearer_level_qos.qci =
-    default_apn->subscribed_qos.qci;
-    session_request_p->bearer_to_create.bearer_level_qos.pvi =
-    default_apn->subscribed_qos.allocation_retention_priority.pre_emp_vulnerability;
-    session_request_p->bearer_to_create.bearer_level_qos.pci =
-    default_apn->subscribed_qos.allocation_retention_priority.pre_emp_capability;
-    session_request_p-> =
-    default_apn->subscribed_qos.allocation_retention_priority.priority_level;
-    /* Asking for default bearer in initial UE message.
-     * Use the address of ue_context as unique TEID: Need to find better here
-     * and will generate unique id only for 32 bits platforms.
-     */
-    session_request_p->sender_fteid_for_cp.teid = (uint32_t)ue_context;
-    session_request_p->sender_fteid_for_cp.interface_type = S11_MME_GTP_C;
-    session_request_p->bearer_to_create.eps_bearer_id = 5;
-    ue_context->mme_s11_teid = session_request_p->sender_fteid_for_cp.teid;
-    ue_context->sgw_s11_teid = 0;
-    memcpy(session_request_p->apn, default_apn->service_selection,
-           default_apn->service_selection_length);
-    /* Set PDN type for pdn_type and PAA even if this IE is redundant */
-    session_request_p->pdn_type = default_apn->pdn_type;
-    session_request_p->paa.pdn_type = default_apn->pdn_type;
-    if (default_apn->nb_ip_address == 0) {
-        /* UE DHCPv4 allocated ip address */
-        memset(session_request_p->paa.ipv4_address, 0, 4);
-        memset(session_request_p->paa.ipv6_address, 0, 16);
-    } else {
-        uint8_t j;
-        for (j = 0; j < default_apn->nb_ip_address; j++) {
-            ip_address_t *ip_address;
-            ip_address = &default_apn->ip_address[j];
-            if (ip_address->pdn_type == IPv4) {
-                memcpy(session_request_p->paa.ipv4_address, ip_address->address.ipv4_address, 4);
-            } else if (ip_address->pdn_type == IPv6) {
-                memcpy(session_request_p->paa.ipv6_address, ip_address->address.ipv6_address, 16);
-            }
-//             free(ip_address);
+    itti_send_msg_to_task(TASK_S1AP, INSTANCE_DEFAULT, message_p);
+// sent by S1AP
+        const mme_app_connection_establishment_ind_t * const conn_est_ind_pP)
+    struct ue_context_s *ue_context_p  = NULL;
+    MessageDef          *message_p     = NULL;
+    ue_context_p = mme_ue_context_exists_mme_ue_s1ap_id(
+            &mme_app_desc.mme_ue_contexts,
+            conn_est_ind_pP->mme_ue_s1ap_id);
+    if (ue_context_p == NULL) {
+        MME_APP_DEBUG("We didn't find this mme_ue_s1ap_id in list of UE: %08x\n",
+                conn_est_ind_pP->mme_ue_s1ap_id);
+        MME_APP_DEBUG("UE context doesn't exist -> create one\n");
+        if ((ue_context_p = mme_create_new_ue_context()) == NULL) {
+            /* Error during ue context malloc */
+            /* TODO */
+            DevMessage("mme_create_new_ue_context");
+            return;
+        ue_context_p->mme_ue_s1ap_id = conn_est_ind_pP->mme_ue_s1ap_id;
+        ue_context_p->ue_id          = conn_est_ind_pP->mme_ue_s1ap_id;
+        DevAssert(mme_insert_ue_context(&mme_app_desc.mme_ue_contexts, ue_context_p) == 0);
+        // test
+        ue_context_p = mme_ue_context_exists_mme_ue_s1ap_id(
+                    &mme_app_desc.mme_ue_contexts,
+                    conn_est_ind_pP->mme_ue_s1ap_id);
+        AssertFatal(ue_context_p != NULL, "mme_ue_context_exists_mme_ue_s1ap_id Failed");
-    config_read_lock(&mme_config);
-    session_request_p->peer_ip = mme_config.ipv4.sgw_ip_address_for_S11;
-    config_unlock(&mme_config);
+    message_p  = itti_alloc_new_message(TASK_MME_APP, NAS_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHMENT_IND);
+    memcpy(&NAS_CONN_EST_IND(message_p).nas,
+            &conn_est_ind_pP->nas,
+            sizeof (nas_establish_ind_t));
-    session_request_p->serving_network.mcc[0] = ue_context->e_utran_cgi.plmn.MCCdigit1;
-    session_request_p->serving_network.mcc[1] = ue_context->e_utran_cgi.plmn.MCCdigit2;
-    session_request_p->serving_network.mcc[2] = ue_context->e_utran_cgi.plmn.MCCdigit3;
+    itti_send_msg_to_task(TASK_NAS_MME, INSTANCE_DEFAULT, message_p);
-    session_request_p->serving_network.mnc[0] = ue_context->e_utran_cgi.plmn.MNCdigit1;
-    session_request_p->serving_network.mnc[1] = ue_context->e_utran_cgi.plmn.MNCdigit2;
-    session_request_p->serving_network.mnc[2] = ue_context->e_utran_cgi.plmn.MNCdigit3;
-    session_request_p->selection_mode = MS_O_N_P_APN_S_V;
-    return itti_send_msg_to_task(to_task, INSTANCE_DEFAULT, message_p);
-int mme_app_handle_create_sess_resp(SgwCreateSessionResponse *create_sess_resp_p)
+        const SgwCreateSessionResponse * const create_sess_resp_pP)
-    struct ue_context_s *ue_context_p;
-    bearer_context_t    *current_bearer_p;
+    struct ue_context_s *ue_context_p     = NULL;
+    bearer_context_t    *current_bearer_p = NULL;
+    MessageDef          *message_p = NULL;
     int16_t bearer_id;
-    DevAssert(create_sess_resp_p != NULL);
+    DevAssert(create_sess_resp_pP != NULL);
-    MME_APP_DEBUG("Received create session response from S+P-GW\n");
     ue_context_p = mme_ue_context_exists_s11_teid(&mme_app_desc.mme_ue_contexts,
-                                                  create_sess_resp_p->teid);
+                                                  create_sess_resp_pP->teid);
     if (ue_context_p == NULL) {
         MME_APP_DEBUG("We didn't find this teid in list of UE: %08x\n",
-                      create_sess_resp_p->teid);
+                      create_sess_resp_pP->teid);
         return -1;
     /* Store the S-GW teid */
-    ue_context_p->sgw_s11_teid = create_sess_resp_p->s11_sgw_teid.teid;
-    bearer_id = create_sess_resp_p->bearer_context_created.eps_bearer_id/* - 5*/;
+    ue_context_p->sgw_s11_teid = create_sess_resp_pP->s11_sgw_teid.teid;
+    //---------------------------------------------------------
+    // Process SgwCreateSessionResponse.bearer_context_created
+    //---------------------------------------------------------
+    bearer_id = create_sess_resp_pP->bearer_context_created.eps_bearer_id/* - 5*/;
     /* Depending on s11 result we have to send reject or accept for bearers */
-    DevCheck((bearer_id < BEARERS_PER_UE) && (bearer_id >= 0), bearer_id,
-             BEARERS_PER_UE, 0);
+    DevCheck((bearer_id < BEARERS_PER_UE) && (bearer_id >= 0),
+            bearer_id,
+            BEARERS_PER_UE,
+            0);
+    ue_context_p->default_bearer_id = bearer_id;
-    if (create_sess_resp_p->bearer_context_created.cause != REQUEST_ACCEPTED) {
+    if (create_sess_resp_pP->bearer_context_created.cause != REQUEST_ACCEPTED) {
         DevMessage("Cases where bearer cause != REQUEST_ACCEPTED are not handled\n");
-    DevAssert(create_sess_resp_p->bearer_context_created.s1u_sgw_fteid.interface_type == S1_U_SGW_GTP_U);
+    DevAssert(create_sess_resp_pP->bearer_context_created.s1u_sgw_fteid.interface_type == S1_U_SGW_GTP_U);
     /* Updating statistics */
     current_bearer_p = &ue_context_p->eps_bearers[bearer_id];
-    current_bearer_p->s_gw_teid = create_sess_resp_p->bearer_context_created.s1u_sgw_fteid.teid;
-    switch (create_sess_resp_p->bearer_context_created.s1u_sgw_fteid.ipv4 +
-        (create_sess_resp_p->bearer_context_created.s1u_sgw_fteid.ipv6 << 1))
+    current_bearer_p->s_gw_teid = create_sess_resp_pP->bearer_context_created.s1u_sgw_fteid.teid;
+    switch (create_sess_resp_pP->bearer_context_created.s1u_sgw_fteid.ipv4 +
+        (create_sess_resp_pP->bearer_context_created.s1u_sgw_fteid.ipv6 << 1))
         case 0: {
@@ -292,58 +441,221 @@ int mme_app_handle_create_sess_resp(SgwCreateSessionResponse *create_sess_resp_p
             /* Only IPv4 address */
             current_bearer_p->s_gw_address.pdn_type = IPv4;
-                   &create_sess_resp_p->bearer_context_created.s1u_sgw_fteid.ipv4_address, 4);
+                   &create_sess_resp_pP->bearer_context_created.s1u_sgw_fteid.ipv4_address, 4);
         } break;
         case 2: {
             /* Only IPv6 address */
             current_bearer_p->s_gw_address.pdn_type = IPv6;
-                   create_sess_resp_p->bearer_context_created.s1u_sgw_fteid.ipv6_address, 16);
+                   create_sess_resp_pP->bearer_context_created.s1u_sgw_fteid.ipv6_address, 16);
         } break;
         case 3: {
             /* Both IPv4 and Ipv6 */
             current_bearer_p->s_gw_address.pdn_type = IPv4_AND_v6;
-                   &create_sess_resp_p->bearer_context_created.s1u_sgw_fteid.ipv4_address, 4);
+                   &create_sess_resp_pP->bearer_context_created.s1u_sgw_fteid.ipv4_address, 4);
-                   create_sess_resp_p->bearer_context_created.s1u_sgw_fteid.ipv6_address, 16);
+                   create_sess_resp_pP->bearer_context_created.s1u_sgw_fteid.ipv6_address, 16);
         } break;
+    current_bearer_p->p_gw_teid = create_sess_resp_pP->bearer_context_created.s5_s8_u_pgw_fteid.teid;
+    memset(&current_bearer_p->p_gw_address,0, sizeof(ip_address_t));
+    if (create_sess_resp_pP->bearer_context_created.bearer_level_qos != NULL) {
+        current_bearer_p->qci                    = create_sess_resp_pP->bearer_context_created.bearer_level_qos->qci;
+        current_bearer_p->prio_level             = create_sess_resp_pP->bearer_context_created.bearer_level_qos->pl;
+        current_bearer_p->pre_emp_vulnerability  = create_sess_resp_pP->bearer_context_created.bearer_level_qos->pvi;
+        current_bearer_p->pre_emp_capability     = create_sess_resp_pP->bearer_context_created.bearer_level_qos->pci;
+        current_bearer_p->prio_level  = create_sess_resp_pP->bearer_context_created.bearer_level_qos->pl;
+    }
-    /* Generate attach accepted */
-        uint8_t *keNB;
-        MessageDef *message_p;
+        uint8_t *keNB = NULL;
-        message_p = itti_alloc_new_message(TASK_MME_APP, NAS_BEARER_PARAM);
+        message_p = itti_alloc_new_message(TASK_MME_APP, NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP);
+        memset((void*)&message_p->ittiMsg.nas_pdn_connectivity_rsp,
+                0,
+                sizeof(nas_pdn_connectivity_rsp_t));
         derive_keNB(ue_context_p->vector_in_use->kasme, 156, &keNB);
-        memcpy(NAS_BEARER_PARAM(message_p).keNB, keNB, 32);
+        memcpy(NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(message_p).keNB, keNB, 32);
-        NAS_BEARER_PARAM(message_p).eNB_ue_s1ap_id = ue_context_p->eNB_ue_s1ap_id;
-        NAS_BEARER_PARAM(message_p).mme_ue_s1ap_id = ue_context_p->mme_ue_s1ap_id;
+        NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(message_p).pti            = ue_context_p->pending_pdn_connectivity_req_pti;   // NAS internal ref
+        NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(message_p).ue_id          = ue_context_p->pending_pdn_connectivity_req_ue_id; // NAS internal ref
+        // TO REWORK:
+        if ((ue_context_p->pending_pdn_connectivity_req_apn.value != NULL)
+            && (ue_context_p->pending_pdn_connectivity_req_apn.length != 0)) {
+            DUP_OCTET_STRING(
+                    ue_context_p->pending_pdn_connectivity_req_apn,
+                    NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(message_p).apn);
+        } else {
+            int i;
+            context_identifier_t context_identifier = ue_context_p->apn_profile.context_identifier;
+            for (i = 0; i < ue_context_p->apn_profile.nb_apns; i++) {
+                if (ue_context_p->apn_profile.apn_configuration[i].context_identifier == context_identifier) {
+                    AssertFatal(ue_context_p->apn_profile.apn_configuration[i].service_selection_length > 0, "Bad APN string (len = 0)");
+                    if (ue_context_p->apn_profile.apn_configuration[i].service_selection_length > 0) {
+                        NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(message_p).apn.value  = malloc(ue_context_p->apn_profile.apn_configuration[i].service_selection_length + 1);
+                        NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(message_p).apn.length = ue_context_p->apn_profile.apn_configuration[i].service_selection_length;
+                        AssertFatal(ue_context_p->apn_profile.apn_configuration[i].service_selection_length <= APN_MAX_LENGTH,
+                                "Bad APN string length %d",
+                                ue_context_p->apn_profile.apn_configuration[i].service_selection_length);
+                        memcpy(NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(message_p).apn.value,
+                                ue_context_p->apn_profile.apn_configuration[i].service_selection,
+                                ue_context_p->apn_profile.apn_configuration[i].service_selection_length);
+                        NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(message_p).apn.value[ue_context_p->apn_profile.apn_configuration[i].service_selection_length] = '\0';
+                        MME_APP_DEBUG("SET APN FROM HSS ULA: %s\n", NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(message_p).apn.value);
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        MME_APP_DEBUG("APN: %s\n", NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(message_p).apn.value);
+        switch (create_sess_resp_pP->paa.pdn_type) {
+            case IPv4:
+                NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(message_p).pdn_addr.length = 4;
+                NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(message_p).pdn_addr.value  = malloc(NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(message_p).pdn_addr.length+1);
+                DevAssert(NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(message_p).pdn_addr.value != NULL);
+                memcpy(
+                        NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(message_p).pdn_addr.value,
+                        create_sess_resp_pP->paa.ipv4_address,
+                        NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(message_p).pdn_addr.length);
+                NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(message_p).pdn_addr.value[NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(message_p).pdn_addr.length] = '0';
+                break;
+            case IPv6:
+                DevAssert(create_sess_resp_pP->paa.ipv6_prefix_length == 64); // NAS seems to only support 64 bits
+                NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(message_p).pdn_addr.length = create_sess_resp_pP->paa.ipv6_prefix_length/8;
+                NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(message_p).pdn_addr.value  = malloc(NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(message_p).pdn_addr.length+1);
+                DevAssert(NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(message_p).pdn_addr.value != NULL);
+                memcpy(
+                        NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(message_p).pdn_addr.value,
+                        create_sess_resp_pP->paa.ipv6_address,
+                        NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(message_p).pdn_addr.length);
+                NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(message_p).pdn_addr.value[NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(message_p).pdn_addr.length] = '0';
+                break;
+            case IPv4_AND_v6:
+                DevAssert(create_sess_resp_pP->paa.ipv6_prefix_length == 64); // NAS seems to only support 64 bits
+                NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(message_p).pdn_addr.length = 4 + create_sess_resp_pP->paa.ipv6_prefix_length/8;
+                NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(message_p).pdn_addr.value  = malloc(NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(message_p).pdn_addr.length+1);
+                DevAssert(NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(message_p).pdn_addr.value != NULL);
+                memcpy(
+                        NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(message_p).pdn_addr.value,
+                        create_sess_resp_pP->paa.ipv4_address,
+                        4);
+                memcpy(
+                        &NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(message_p).pdn_addr.value[4],
+                        create_sess_resp_pP->paa.ipv6_address,
+                        create_sess_resp_pP->paa.ipv6_prefix_length/8);
+                NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(message_p).pdn_addr.value[NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(message_p).pdn_addr.length] = '0';
+                break;
+            case IPv4_OR_v6:
+                NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(message_p).pdn_addr.length = 4;
+                NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(message_p).pdn_addr.value  = malloc(NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(message_p).pdn_addr.length+1);
+                DevAssert(NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(message_p).pdn_addr.value != NULL);
+                memcpy(
+                        NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(message_p).pdn_addr.value,
+                        create_sess_resp_pP->paa.ipv4_address,
+                        NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(message_p).pdn_addr.length);
+                NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(message_p).pdn_addr.value[NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(message_p).pdn_addr.length] = '0';
+                break;
+            default:
+                DevAssert(0);
+        }
+        NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(message_p).pdn_type       = create_sess_resp_pP->paa.pdn_type;
+        NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(message_p).proc_data      = ue_context_p->pending_pdn_connectivity_req_proc_data;    // NAS internal ref
+        ue_context_p->pending_pdn_connectivity_req_proc_data = NULL;
+        memcpy(&NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(message_p).qos,
+                &ue_context_p->pending_pdn_connectivity_req_qos,
+                sizeof(network_qos_t));
+        memset(&ue_context_p->pending_pdn_connectivity_req_qos,
+                0,
+                sizeof(network_qos_t));
+        NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(message_p).request_type   = ue_context_p->pending_pdn_connectivity_req_request_type; // NAS internal ref
+        ue_context_p->pending_pdn_connectivity_req_request_type = 0;
+        // here at this point OctetString are saved in resp, no loss of memory (apn, pdn_addr)
-        NAS_BEARER_PARAM(message_p).ebi = bearer_id;
+        NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(message_p).eNB_ue_s1ap_id = ue_context_p->eNB_ue_s1ap_id;
+        NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(message_p).mme_ue_s1ap_id = ue_context_p->mme_ue_s1ap_id;
-        NAS_BEARER_PARAM(message_p).qci = current_bearer_p->qci;
-        NAS_BEARER_PARAM(message_p).prio_level = current_bearer_p->prio_level;
-        NAS_BEARER_PARAM(message_p).pre_emp_vulnerability = current_bearer_p->pre_emp_vulnerability;
-        NAS_BEARER_PARAM(message_p).pre_emp_capability = current_bearer_p->pre_emp_capability;
+        NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(message_p).ebi = bearer_id;
-        NAS_BEARER_PARAM(message_p).sgw_s1u_teid = current_bearer_p->s_gw_teid;
-        memcpy(&NAS_BEARER_PARAM(message_p).sgw_s1u_address,
+        NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(message_p).qci = current_bearer_p->qci;
+        NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(message_p).prio_level = current_bearer_p->prio_level;
+        NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(message_p).pre_emp_vulnerability = current_bearer_p->pre_emp_vulnerability;
+        NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(message_p).pre_emp_capability = current_bearer_p->pre_emp_capability;
+        NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(message_p).sgw_s1u_teid = current_bearer_p->s_gw_teid;
+        memcpy(&NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(message_p).sgw_s1u_address,
                &current_bearer_p->s_gw_address, sizeof(ip_address_t));
-        memcpy(&NAS_BEARER_PARAM(message_p).ambr, &ue_context_p->subscribed_ambr,
+        memcpy(&NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(message_p).ambr, &ue_context_p->subscribed_ambr,
         return itti_send_msg_to_task(TASK_NAS_MME, INSTANCE_DEFAULT, message_p);
     return 0;
+        const mme_app_initial_context_setup_rsp_t * const initial_ctxt_setup_rsp_pP)
+    struct ue_context_s *ue_context_p  = NULL;
+    MessageDef          *message_p     = NULL;
+    task_id_t            to_task       = TASK_UNKNOWN;
+    ue_context_p = mme_ue_context_exists_mme_ue_s1ap_id(
+            &mme_app_desc.mme_ue_contexts,
+            initial_ctxt_setup_rsp_pP->mme_ue_s1ap_id);
+    if (ue_context_p == NULL) {
+        MME_APP_DEBUG("We didn't find this mme_ue_s1ap_id in list of UE: %08x %d(dec)\n",
+                initial_ctxt_setup_rsp_pP->mme_ue_s1ap_id,
+                initial_ctxt_setup_rsp_pP->mme_ue_s1ap_id);
+        return;
+    }
+  to_task = TASK_S11;
+  to_task = TASK_SPGW_APP;
+  message_p = itti_alloc_new_message(TASK_MME_APP, SGW_MODIFY_BEARER_REQUEST);
+    AssertFatal(message_p != NULL, "itti_alloc_new_message Failed");
+    memset((void*)&message_p->ittiMsg.sgwModifyBearerRequest,
+            0,
+            sizeof(SgwModifyBearerRequest));
+    SGW_MODIFY_BEARER_REQUEST(message_p).teid                      = ue_context_p->sgw_s11_teid;
+    /* Delay Value in integer multiples of 50 millisecs, or zero */
+    SGW_MODIFY_BEARER_REQUEST(message_p).delay_dl_packet_notif_req = 0; // TO DO
+    SGW_MODIFY_BEARER_REQUEST(message_p).bearer_context_to_modify.eps_bearer_id  = initial_ctxt_setup_rsp_pP->eps_bearer_id;
+    memcpy(&SGW_MODIFY_BEARER_REQUEST(message_p).bearer_context_to_modify.s1_eNB_fteid,
+            &initial_ctxt_setup_rsp_pP->bearer_s1u_enb_fteid,
+            sizeof(SGW_MODIFY_BEARER_REQUEST(message_p).bearer_context_to_modify.s1_eNB_fteid));
+    SGW_MODIFY_BEARER_REQUEST(message_p).mme_fq_csid.node_id_type  = GLOBAL_UNICAST_IPv4; // TO DO
+    SGW_MODIFY_BEARER_REQUEST(message_p).mme_fq_csid.csid          = 0; // TO DO ...
+    SGW_MODIFY_BEARER_REQUEST(message_p).indication_flags          = 0; // TO DO
+    SGW_MODIFY_BEARER_REQUEST(message_p).rat_type                  = RAT_EUTRAN;
+    /* S11 stack specific parameter. Not used in standalone epc mode */
+    SGW_MODIFY_BEARER_REQUEST(message_p).trxn                      = NULL;
+    itti_send_msg_to_task(to_task, INSTANCE_DEFAULT, message_p);
diff --git a/openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_capabilities.c b/openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_capabilities.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..2188b77423
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_capabilities.c
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+Eurecom OpenAirInterface Core Network
+Copyright(c) 1999 - 2014 Eurecom
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
+version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
+more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in
+the file called "COPYING".
+Contact Information
+Openair Admin:
+Openair Tech :
+Forums       : http://forums.eurecom.fsr/openairinterface
+Address      : EURECOM,
+               Campus SophiaTech,
+               450 Route des Chappes,
+               CS 50193
+               06904 Biot Sophia Antipolis cedex,
+               FRANCE
+/*! \file mme_app_bearer.c
+* \brief
+* \author Lionel Gauthier
+* \company Eurecom
+* \email:
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "intertask_interface.h"
+#include "mme_config.h"
+#include "mme_app_extern.h"
+#include "mme_app_ue_context.h"
+#include "mme_app_defs.h"
+#include "secu_defs.h"
+#include "assertions.h"
+#include "common_types.h"
+        const s1ap_ue_cap_ind_t  const * s1ap_ue_cap_ind_pP)
+  DevAssert(s1ap_ue_cap_ind_pP != NULL);
+  //unsigned eNB_ue_s1ap_id:24;
+  //uint32_t mme_ue_s1ap_id;
+  //uint8_t  radio_capabilities[100];
+  //uint32_t radio_capabilities_length;
+  return 0;
diff --git a/openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_config.c b/openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_config.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..fdb8d1a782
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_config.c
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+Eurecom OpenAirInterface Core Network
+Copyright(c) 1999 - 2014 Eurecom
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
+version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
+more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in
+the file called "COPYING".
+Contact Information
+Openair Admin:
+Openair Tech :
+Forums       : http://forums.eurecom.fsr/openairinterface
+Address      : EURECOM,
+               Campus SophiaTech,
+               450 Route des Chappes,
+               CS 50193
+               06904 Biot Sophia Antipolis cedex,
+               FRANCE
+/*! \file mme_app_config.c
+ * \brief
+ * \author Lionel GAUTHIER
+ * \version 1.0
+ * \company Eurecom
+ * \email:
+ */
+#define MME_APP
+#include <string.h>
+#include <libconfig.h>
+#include "mme_app_config.h"
+int mme_app_config_init(char* lib_config_file_name_pP, mme_app_config_t* config_pP) {
+  config_t          cfg;
+  config_setting_t *setting_sgw                          = NULL;
+  char             *sgw_interface_name_for_S1u_S12_S4_up = NULL;
+  char             *sgw_ipv4_address_for_S1u_S12_S4_up   = NULL;
+  char             *sgw_interface_name_for_S5_S8_up      = NULL;
+  char             *sgw_ipv4_address_for_S5_S8_up        = NULL;
+  char             *sgw_interface_name_for_S11           = NULL;
+  char             *sgw_ipv4_address_for_S11             = NULL;
+  config_setting_t *setting_pgw                  = NULL;
+  config_setting_t *subsetting                   = NULL;
+  config_setting_t *sub2setting                  = NULL;
+  char             *pgw_interface_name_for_S5_S8 = NULL;
+  char             *pgw_ipv4_address_for_S5_S8   = NULL;
+  char             *pgw_interface_name_for_SGI   = NULL;
+  char             *pgw_ipv4_address_for_SGI     = NULL;
+  char             *delimiters=NULL;
+  char             *saveptr1= NULL;
+  char             *astring = NULL;
+  char             *atoken  = NULL;
+  char             *atoken2 = NULL;
+  char             *address = NULL;
+  char             *cidr    = NULL;
+  char             *mask    = NULL;
+  int               num     = 0;
+  int               i       = 0;
+  int               jh, jn;
+  unsigned char     buf_in6_addr[sizeof(struct in6_addr)];
+  struct in6_addr   addr6_start;
+  struct in6_addr   addr6_mask;
+  int               prefix_mask;
+  uint64_t          counter64;
+  unsigned char     buf_in_addr[sizeof(struct in_addr)];
+  struct in_addr    addr_start;
+  struct in_addr    addr_end;
+  memset((char*)config_pP, 0 , sizeof(mme_app_config_t));
+  config_init(&cfg);
+  if(lib_config_file_name_pP != NULL)
+  {
+      /* Read the file. If there is an error, report it and exit. */
+      if(! config_read_file(&cfg, lib_config_file_name_pP))
+      {
+          MME_APP_ERROR("%s:%d - %s\n", lib_config_file_name_pP, config_error_line(&cfg), config_error_text(&cfg));
+          config_destroy(&cfg);
+          AssertFatal (1 == 0, "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s!\n", lib_config_file_name_pP);
+      }
+  }
+  else
+  {
+      SPGW_APP_ERROR("No SP-GW configuration file provided!\n");
+      config_destroy(&cfg);
+      AssertFatal (0, "No SP-GW configuration file provided!\n");
+  }
+  setting_sgw = config_lookup(&cfg, SGW_CONFIG_STRING_SGW_CONFIG);
+  if(setting_sgw != NULL) {
+      subsetting = config_setting_get_member (setting_sgw, SGW_CONFIG_STRING_NETWORK_INTERFACES_CONFIG);
+      if(subsetting != NULL) {
+          if(  (
+                     config_setting_lookup_string( subsetting, SGW_CONFIG_STRING_SGW_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U_S12_S4_UP, (const char **)&sgw_interface_name_for_S1u_S12_S4_up)
+                  && config_setting_lookup_string( subsetting, SGW_CONFIG_STRING_SGW_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U_S12_S4_UP,   (const char **)&sgw_ipv4_address_for_S1u_S12_S4_up)
+                  && config_setting_lookup_string( subsetting, SGW_CONFIG_STRING_SGW_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S5_S8_UP,      (const char **)&sgw_interface_name_for_S5_S8_up)
+                  && config_setting_lookup_string( subsetting, SGW_CONFIG_STRING_SGW_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S5_S8_UP,        (const char **)&sgw_ipv4_address_for_S5_S8_up)
+                  && config_setting_lookup_string( subsetting, SGW_CONFIG_STRING_SGW_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S11,           (const char **)&sgw_interface_name_for_S11)
+                  && config_setting_lookup_string( subsetting, SGW_CONFIG_STRING_SGW_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S11,             (const char **)&sgw_ipv4_address_for_S11)
+                )
+            ) {
+              config_pP->sgw_config.ipv4.sgw_interface_name_for_S1u_S12_S4_up = strdup(sgw_interface_name_for_S1u_S12_S4_up);
+              cidr = strdup(sgw_ipv4_address_for_S1u_S12_S4_up);
+              address = strtok(cidr, "/");
+              mask    = strtok(NULL, "/");
+              IPV4_STR_ADDR_TO_INT_NWBO ( address, config_pP->sgw_config.ipv4.sgw_ipv4_address_for_S1u_S12_S4_up, "BAD IP ADDRESS FORMAT FOR S1u_S12_S4 !\n" )
+              config_pP->sgw_config.ipv4.sgw_ip_netmask_for_S1u_S12_S4_up = atoi(mask);
+              free(cidr);
+              config_pP->sgw_config.ipv4.sgw_interface_name_for_S5_S8_up = strdup(sgw_interface_name_for_S5_S8_up);
+              cidr = strdup(sgw_ipv4_address_for_S5_S8_up);
+              address = strtok(cidr, "/");
+              mask    = strtok(NULL, "/");
+              IPV4_STR_ADDR_TO_INT_NWBO ( address, config_pP->sgw_config.ipv4.sgw_ipv4_address_for_S5_S8_up, "BAD IP ADDRESS FORMAT FOR S5_S8 !\n" )
+              config_pP->sgw_config.ipv4.sgw_ip_netmask_for_S5_S8_up = atoi(mask);
+              free(cidr);
+              config_pP->sgw_config.ipv4.sgw_interface_name_for_S11 = strdup(sgw_interface_name_for_S11);
+              cidr = strdup(sgw_ipv4_address_for_S11);
+              address = strtok(cidr, "/");
+              mask    = strtok(NULL, "/");
+              IPV4_STR_ADDR_TO_INT_NWBO ( address, config_pP->sgw_config.ipv4.sgw_ipv4_address_for_S11, "BAD IP ADDRESS FORMAT FOR S11 !\n" )
+              config_pP->sgw_config.ipv4.sgw_ip_netmask_for_S11 = atoi(mask);
+              free(cidr);
+          }
+      }
+  }
+  setting_pgw = config_lookup(&cfg, PGW_CONFIG_STRING_PGW_CONFIG);
+  if(setting_pgw != NULL)
+  {
+      subsetting = config_setting_get_member (setting_pgw, SGW_CONFIG_STRING_NETWORK_INTERFACES_CONFIG);
+      if(subsetting != NULL) {
+          if(  (
+                  config_setting_lookup_string(subsetting,
+                          PGW_CONFIG_STRING_PGW_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S5_S8,
+                          (const char **)&pgw_interface_name_for_S5_S8)
+                  && config_setting_lookup_string(subsetting,
+                          PGW_CONFIG_STRING_PGW_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S5_S8,
+                          (const char **)&pgw_ipv4_address_for_S5_S8)
+                  && config_setting_lookup_string(subsetting,
+                          (const char **)&pgw_interface_name_for_SGI)
+                  && config_setting_lookup_string(subsetting,
+                          PGW_CONFIG_STRING_PGW_IPV4_ADDR_FOR_SGI,
+                          (const char **)&pgw_ipv4_address_for_SGI)
+                )
+            ) {
+              config_pP->pgw_config.ipv4.pgw_interface_name_for_S5_S8 = strdup(pgw_interface_name_for_S5_S8);
+              cidr = strdup(pgw_ipv4_address_for_S5_S8);
+              address = strtok(cidr, "/");
+              mask    = strtok(NULL, "/");
+              IPV4_STR_ADDR_TO_INT_NWBO ( address, config_pP->pgw_config.ipv4.pgw_ipv4_address_for_S5_S8, "BAD IP ADDRESS FORMAT FOR S5_S8 !\n" )
+              config_pP->pgw_config.ipv4.pgw_ip_netmask_for_S5_S8 = atoi(mask);
+              free(cidr);
+              config_pP->pgw_config.ipv4.pgw_interface_name_for_SGI = strdup(pgw_interface_name_for_SGI);
+              cidr = strdup(pgw_ipv4_address_for_SGI);
+              address = strtok(cidr, "/");
+              mask    = strtok(NULL, "/");
+              IPV4_STR_ADDR_TO_INT_NWBO ( address, config_pP->pgw_config.ipv4.pgw_ipv4_address_for_SGI, "BAD IP ADDRESS FORMAT FOR SGI !\n" )
+              config_pP->pgw_config.ipv4.pgw_ip_netmask_for_SGI = atoi(mask);
+              free(cidr);
+          }
+      }
+      subsetting = config_setting_get_member (setting_pgw, PGW_CONFIG_STRING_IP_ADDRESS_POOL);
+      if(subsetting != NULL) {
+          sub2setting = config_setting_get_member (subsetting, PGW_CONFIG_STRING_IPV4_ADDRESS_LIST);
+          if(sub2setting != NULL) {
+              num     = config_setting_length(sub2setting);
+              for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
+                  astring = config_setting_get_string_elem(sub2setting,i);
+                  if (astring != NULL) {
+                      trim(astring, strlen(astring)+1);
+                      if (inet_pton(AF_INET, astring, buf_in_addr) < 1) {
+                          // failure, test if there is a range specified in the string
+                          atoken = strtok(astring, PGW_CONFIG_STRING_IP_ADDRESS_RANGE_DELIMITERS);
+                          if (inet_pton(AF_INET, astring, buf_in_addr) == 1) {
+                              memcpy (&addr_start, buf_in_addr, sizeof(struct in_addr));
+                              // valid address
+                              atoken2 = strtok(NULL, PGW_CONFIG_STRING_IP_ADDRESS_RANGE_DELIMITERS);
+                              if (inet_pton(AF_INET, atoken2, buf_in_addr) == 1) {
+                                  memcpy (&addr_end, buf_in_addr, sizeof(struct in_addr));
+                                  // valid address
+                                  for (jh = ntohl(addr_start.s_addr); jh <= ntohl(addr_end.s_addr); jh++) {
+                                      DevAssert(PGW_MAX_ALLOCATED_PDN_ADDRESSES > config_pP->pgw_config.pool_pdn_addresses.num_ipv4_addresses);
+                                      jn = htonl(jh);
+                                      if (IN_CLASSA(addr_start.s_addr)) {
+                                          if ((jh & 0xFF) && (jh & 0xFF) != 0xFF) {
+                                              config_pP->pgw_config.pool_pdn_addresses.ipv4_addresses[config_pP->pgw_config.pool_pdn_addresses.num_ipv4_addresses++].s_addr = jn;
+                                          }
+                                      } else if (IN_CLASSB(addr_start.s_addr)) {
+                                          if ((jh & 0xFF) && (jh & 0xFF) != 0xFF) {
+                                              config_pP->pgw_config.pool_pdn_addresses.ipv4_addresses[config_pP->pgw_config.pool_pdn_addresses.num_ipv4_addresses++].s_addr = jn;
+                                          }
+                                      } else if (IN_CLASSC(addr_start.s_addr)) {
+                                          if ((jh & 0xFF) && (jh & 0xFF) != 0xFF) {
+                                              config_pP->pgw_config.pool_pdn_addresses.ipv4_addresses[config_pP->pgw_config.pool_pdn_addresses.num_ipv4_addresses++].s_addr = jn;
+                                          }
+                                      } else {
+                                          printf("ERROR ON ADDRESS CLASS %d.%d.%d.%d\n", NIPADDR(jn));
+                                      }
+                                  }
+                              }
+                          }
+                      } else {
+                          DevAssert(PGW_MAX_ALLOCATED_PDN_ADDRESSES > config_pP->pgw_config.pool_pdn_addresses.num_ipv4_addresses);
+                          memcpy (&addr_start, buf_in_addr, sizeof(struct in_addr));
+                          config_pP->pgw_config.pool_pdn_addresses.ipv4_addresses[config_pP->pgw_config.pool_pdn_addresses.num_ipv4_addresses++].s_addr = addr_start.s_addr;
+                      }
+                  }
+              }
+          }
+          sub2setting = config_setting_get_member (subsetting, PGW_CONFIG_STRING_IPV6_ADDRESS_LIST);
+          if(sub2setting != NULL) {
+              num     = config_setting_length(sub2setting);
+              for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
+                  astring = config_setting_get_string_elem(sub2setting,i);
+                  if (astring != NULL) {
+                      trim(astring, strlen(astring)+1);
+                      if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, astring, buf_in6_addr) < 1) {
+                          // failure, test if there is a range specified in the string
+                          atoken = strtok(astring, PGW_CONFIG_STRING_IPV6_PREFIX_DELIMITER);
+                          if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, astring, buf_in6_addr) == 1) {
+                              atoken2 = strtok(NULL, PGW_CONFIG_STRING_IPV6_PREFIX_DELIMITER);
+                              prefix_mask = atoi(atoken2);
+                              // arbitrary values
+                              DevAssert((prefix_mask < 128) && (prefix_mask >= 64));
+                              memcpy (&addr6_start, buf_in6_addr, sizeof(struct in6_addr));
+                              memcpy (&addr6_mask,  buf_in6_addr, sizeof(struct in6_addr));
+                              sgw_ipv6_mask_in6_addr(&addr6_mask, prefix_mask);
+                              if (memcmp(&addr6_start, &addr6_mask, sizeof(struct in6_addr)) != 0) {
+                                  AssertFatal(0, "BAD IPV6 ADDR CONFIG/MASK PAIRING %s/%d\n", astring, prefix_mask);
+                              }
+                              counter64 = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF >> prefix_mask; // address Prefix_mask/0..0 not valid
+                              do {
+                                  addr6_start.s6_addr32[3] = addr6_start.s6_addr32[3] + htonl(1);
+                                  if (addr6_start.s6_addr32[3] == 0) {
+                                      addr6_start.s6_addr32[2] = addr6_start.s6_addr32[2] + htonl(1);
+                                      if (addr6_start.s6_addr32[2] == 0) {
+                                          // should not happen since mask is no less than 64
+                                          addr6_start.s6_addr32[1] = addr6_start.s6_addr32[1] + htonl(1);
+                                          if (addr6_start.s6_addr32[1] == 0) {
+                                              addr6_start.s6_addr32[0] = addr6_start.s6_addr32[0] + htonl(1);
+                                          }
+                                      }
+                                  }
+                                  memcpy (&config_pP->pgw_config.pool_pdn_addresses.ipv6_addresses[config_pP->pgw_config.pool_pdn_addresses.num_ipv6_addresses++],
+                                          &addr6_start,
+                                          sizeof(struct in6_addr));
+                                  counter64 = counter64 - 1;
+                              } while (counter64 > 0);
+                          }
+                      } else {
+                          DevAssert(PGW_MAX_ALLOCATED_PDN_ADDRESSES > config_pP->pgw_config.pool_pdn_addresses.num_ipv6_addresses);
+                          memcpy (&config_pP->pgw_config.pool_pdn_addresses.ipv6_addresses[config_pP->pgw_config.pool_pdn_addresses.num_ipv6_addresses++],
+                                  buf_in6_addr,
+                                  sizeof(struct in6_addr));
+                      }
+                  }
+              }
+          }      }
+  }
+  return 0;
diff --git a/openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_config.h b/openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_config.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..e72ff58372
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_config.h
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Eurecom OpenAirInterface Core Network
+Copyright(c) 1999 - 2014 Eurecom
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
+version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
+more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in
+the file called "COPYING".
+Contact Information
+Openair Admin:
+Openair Tech :
+Forums       : http://forums.eurecom.fsr/openairinterface
+Address      : EURECOM,
+               Campus SophiaTech,
+               450 Route des Chappes,
+               CS 50193
+               06904 Biot Sophia Antipolis cedex,
+               FRANCE
+/*! \file mme_app_config.h
+ * \brief
+ * \author Lionel GAUTHIER
+ * \version 1.0
+ * \company Eurecom
+ * \email:
+ */
+#ifndef MME_APP_CONFIG_H_
+#define MME_APP_CONFIG_H_
+#endif /* MME_APP_CONFIG_H_ */
diff --git a/openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_context.c b/openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_context.c
index 7a78cfe0fc..1f3e833815 100644
--- a/openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_context.c
+++ b/openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_context.c
@@ -1,31 +1,33 @@
-  Eurecom OpenAirInterface
-  Copyright(c) 1999 - 2013 Eurecom
-  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-  under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
-  version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
-  This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
-  more details.
-  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-  this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-  51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-  The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in
-  the file called "COPYING".
-  Contact Information
-  Openair Admin:
-  Openair Tech :
-  Forums       :
-  Address      : EURECOM, Campus SophiaTech, 450 Route des Chappes
-                 06410 Biot FRANCE
+Eurecom OpenAirInterface Core Network
+Copyright(c) 1999 - 2014 Eurecom
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
+version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
+more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in
+the file called "COPYING".
+Contact Information
+Openair Admin:
+Openair Tech :
+Forums       : http://forums.eurecom.fsr/openairinterface
+Address      : EURECOM,
+               Campus SophiaTech,
+               450 Route des Chappes,
+               CS 50193
+               06904 Biot Sophia Antipolis cedex,
+               FRANCE
 #include <pthread.h>
@@ -62,6 +64,11 @@ RB_GENERATE(ue_context_map, ue_context_s, rb_entry,
 static inline int ue_context_compare_identifiers(
     struct ue_context_s *p1, struct ue_context_s *p2)
+    MME_APP_DEBUG(" ue_context_compare_identifiers IMSI           %"SCNu64"\n", p1->imsi);
+    MME_APP_DEBUG(" ue_context_compare_identifiers mme_s11_teid   %08x\n"       , p1->mme_s11_teid);
+    MME_APP_DEBUG(" ue_context_compare_identifiers mme_ue_s1ap_id %08x\n"       , p1->mme_ue_s1ap_id);
+    MME_APP_DEBUG(" ue_context_compare_identifiers ue_id          %08x\n"       , p1->ue_id);
     if (p1->imsi > 0) {
         /* if IMSI provided */
         if (p1->imsi > p2->imsi) {
@@ -78,6 +85,23 @@ static inline int ue_context_compare_identifiers(
         if (p1->mme_s11_teid < p2->mme_s11_teid) {
             return -1;
+    } else if (p1->mme_ue_s1ap_id > 0) {
+        MME_APP_DEBUG(" with mme_ue_s1ap_id          %d\n"       , p2->mme_ue_s1ap_id);
+        /* if s1ap ue id provided */
+        if (p1->mme_ue_s1ap_id > p2->mme_ue_s1ap_id) {
+            return 1;
+        }
+        if (p1->mme_ue_s1ap_id < p2->mme_ue_s1ap_id) {
+            return -1;
+        }
+    }  else if (p1->ue_id > 0) {
+        /* if nas ue_id provided */
+        if (p1->ue_id > p2->ue_id) {
+            return 1;
+        }
+        if (p1->ue_id < p2->ue_id) {
+            return -1;
+        }
     } else {
         uint16_t mcc1;
         uint16_t mnc1;
@@ -144,14 +168,44 @@ struct ue_context_s *mme_ue_context_exists_s11_teid(mme_ue_context_t *mme_ue_con
     DevAssert(mme_ue_context != NULL);
     memset(&reference, 0, sizeof(struct ue_context_s));
-    reference.imsi = 0;
     reference.mme_s11_teid = teid;
     return RB_FIND(ue_context_map, &mme_ue_context->ue_context_tree,
-struct ue_context_s *mme_ue_context_exists_guti(mme_ue_context_t *mme_ue_context,
+ue_context_t *mme_ue_context_exists_mme_ue_s1ap_id(
+        mme_ue_context_t *mme_ue_context,
+        uint32_t mme_ue_s1ap_id)
+    struct ue_context_s  reference;
+    DevAssert(mme_ue_context != NULL);
+    memset(&reference, 0, sizeof(struct ue_context_s));
+    reference.mme_ue_s1ap_id = mme_ue_s1ap_id;
+    return RB_FIND(ue_context_map, &mme_ue_context->ue_context_tree,
+                   &reference);
+ue_context_t *mme_ue_context_exists_nas_ue_id(
+        mme_ue_context_t *mme_ue_context,
+        uint32_t nas_ue_id)
+    struct ue_context_s  reference;
+    DevAssert(mme_ue_context != NULL);
+    memset(&reference, 0, sizeof(struct ue_context_s));
+    reference.ue_id = nas_ue_id;
+    return RB_FIND(ue_context_map, &mme_ue_context->ue_context_tree,
+                   &reference);
+ue_context_t *mme_ue_context_exists_guti(mme_ue_context_t *mme_ue_context,
                                                 GUTI_t guti)
     struct ue_context_s  reference;
diff --git a/openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_defs.h b/openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_defs.h
index 829c6adc74..ae07505885 100644
--- a/openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_defs.h
+++ b/openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_defs.h
@@ -1,31 +1,33 @@
-  Eurecom OpenAirInterface
-  Copyright(c) 1999 - 2013 Eurecom
-  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-  under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
-  version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
-  This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
-  more details.
-  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-  this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-  51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-  The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in
-  the file called "COPYING".
-  Contact Information
-  Openair Admin:
-  Openair Tech :
-  Forums       :
-  Address      : EURECOM, Campus SophiaTech, 450 Route des Chappes
-                 06410 Biot FRANCE
+Eurecom OpenAirInterface Core Network
+Copyright(c) 1999 - 2014 Eurecom
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
+version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
+more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in
+the file called "COPYING".
+Contact Information
+Openair Admin:
+Openair Tech :
+Forums       : http://forums.eurecom.fsr/openairinterface
+Address      : EURECOM,
+               Campus SophiaTech,
+               450 Route des Chappes,
+               CS 50193
+               06904 Biot Sophia Antipolis cedex,
+               FRANCE
 /* This file contains definitions related to mme applicative layer and should
@@ -56,22 +58,37 @@ typedef struct {
 extern mme_app_desc_t mme_app_desc;
-int mme_app_create_bearer(s6a_update_location_ans_t *ula_p);
 #if defined(DISABLE_USE_NAS)
 int mme_app_handle_attach_req(nas_attach_req_t *attach_req_p);
-int mme_app_handle_create_sess_resp(SgwCreateSessionResponse *create_sess_resp_p);
+int mme_app_handle_s1ap_ue_capabilities_ind  (const s1ap_ue_cap_ind_t const * s1ap_ue_cap_ind_pP);
+int mme_app_send_s11_create_session_req      (struct ue_context_s * const ue_context_pP);
+int mme_app_send_s6a_update_location_req     (struct ue_context_s * const ue_context_pP);
+int mme_app_handle_s6a_update_location_ans   (const s6a_update_location_ans_t * const ula_pP);
+int mme_app_handle_nas_pdn_connectivity_req  ( nas_pdn_connectivity_req_t * const nas_pdn_connectivity_req_p);
+void mme_app_handle_conn_est_cnf             (const nas_conn_est_cnf_t * const nas_conn_est_cnf_pP);
+void mme_app_handle_conn_est_ind             (const mme_app_connection_establishment_ind_t * const conn_est_ind_pP);
+int mme_app_handle_create_sess_resp          (const SgwCreateSessionResponse * const create_sess_resp_pP);
+int mme_app_handle_establish_ind             (const nas_establish_ind_t * const nas_establish_ind_pP);
-int mme_app_handle_establish_ind(nas_establish_ind_t *nas_establish_ind_p);
+int mme_app_handle_authentication_info_answer(const s6a_auth_info_ans_t * const s6a_auth_info_ans_pP);
-int mme_app_handle_authentication_info_answer(s6a_auth_info_ans_t *s6a_auth_info_ans_p);
+int mme_app_handle_nas_auth_resp             (const nas_auth_resp_t * const nas_auth_resp_pP);
-int mme_app_handle_nas_auth_resp(nas_auth_resp_t *nas_auth_resp_p);
+nas_cause_t s6a_error_2_nas_cause            (const uint32_t s6a_errorP, const int experimentalP);
-nas_cause_t s6a_error_2_nas_cause(uint32_t s6a_error, int experimental);
+void mme_app_handle_nas_auth_param_req       (const nas_auth_param_req_t * const nas_auth_param_req_pP);
-void mme_app_handle_nas_auth_param_req(nas_auth_param_req_t *nas_auth_param_req);
+void mme_app_handle_initial_context_setup_rsp(const mme_app_initial_context_setup_rsp_t * const initial_ctxt_setup_rsp_pP);
 #endif /* MME_APP_DEFS_H_ */
diff --git a/openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_extern.h b/openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_extern.h
index 6907199584..7966433a7b 100644
--- a/openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_extern.h
+++ b/openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_extern.h
@@ -1,31 +1,33 @@
-  Eurecom OpenAirInterface
-  Copyright(c) 1999 - 2013 Eurecom
-  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-  under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
-  version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
-  This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
-  more details.
-  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-  this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-  51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-  The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in
-  the file called "COPYING".
-  Contact Information
-  Openair Admin:
-  Openair Tech :
-  Forums       :
-  Address      : EURECOM, Campus SophiaTech, 450 Route des Chappes
-                 06410 Biot FRANCE
+Eurecom OpenAirInterface Core Network
+Copyright(c) 1999 - 2014 Eurecom
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
+version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
+more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in
+the file called "COPYING".
+Contact Information
+Openair Admin:
+Openair Tech :
+Forums       : http://forums.eurecom.fsr/openairinterface
+Address      : EURECOM,
+               Campus SophiaTech,
+               450 Route des Chappes,
+               CS 50193
+               06904 Biot Sophia Antipolis cedex,
+               FRANCE
 #ifndef MME_APP_EXTERN_H_
diff --git a/openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_itti_messaging.h b/openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_itti_messaging.h
index c36475cac8..05b4e21124 100644
--- a/openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_itti_messaging.h
+++ b/openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_itti_messaging.h
@@ -1,37 +1,42 @@
-  Eurecom OpenAirInterface
-  Copyright(c) 1999 - 2013 Eurecom
-  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-  under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
-  version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
-  This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
-  more details.
-  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-  this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-  51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-  The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in
-  the file called "COPYING".
-  Contact Information
-  Openair Admin:
-  Openair Tech :
-  Forums       :
-  Address      : EURECOM, Campus SophiaTech, 450 Route des Chappes
-                 06410 Biot FRANCE
+Eurecom OpenAirInterface Core Network
+Copyright(c) 1999 - 2014 Eurecom
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
+version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
+more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in
+the file called "COPYING".
+Contact Information
+Openair Admin:
+Openair Tech :
+Forums       : http://forums.eurecom.fsr/openairinterface
+Address      : EURECOM,
+               Campus SophiaTech,
+               450 Route des Chappes,
+               CS 50193
+               06904 Biot Sophia Antipolis cedex,
+               FRANCE
-static inline void mme_app_itti_auth_fail(uint32_t ue_id, nas_cause_t cause)
+static inline void
+        const uint32_t ue_id,
+        const nas_cause_t cause)
     MessageDef *message_p;
@@ -43,8 +48,12 @@ static inline void mme_app_itti_auth_fail(uint32_t ue_id, nas_cause_t cause)
     itti_send_msg_to_task(TASK_NAS_MME, INSTANCE_DEFAULT, message_p);
-static inline void mme_app_itti_auth_rsp(uint32_t ue_id, uint8_t nb_vectors,
-                                         eutran_vector_t *vector)
+static inline void mme_app_itti_auth_rsp(
+        const uint32_t                 ue_id,
+        const uint8_t                  nb_vectors,
+        const  eutran_vector_t * const vector)
     MessageDef *message_p;
diff --git a/openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_location.c b/openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_location.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..35c2f84502
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_location.c
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+Eurecom OpenAirInterface Core Network
+Copyright(c) 1999 - 2014 Eurecom
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
+version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
+more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in
+the file called "COPYING".
+Contact Information
+Openair Admin:
+Openair Tech :
+Forums       : http://forums.eurecom.fsr/openairinterface
+Address      : EURECOM,
+               Campus SophiaTech,
+               450 Route des Chappes,
+               CS 50193
+               06904 Biot Sophia Antipolis cedex,
+               FRANCE
+/*! \file mme_app_location.c
+ * \brief
+ * \author Sebastien ROUX, Lionel GAUTHIER
+ * \version 1.0
+ * \company Eurecom
+ * \email:
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "intertask_interface.h"
+#include "mme_config.h"
+#include "mme_app_extern.h"
+#include "mme_app_ue_context.h"
+#include "mme_app_defs.h"
+#include "secu_defs.h"
+#include "assertions.h"
+#include "common_types.h"
+    struct ue_context_s * const ue_context_pP)
+  struct ue_context_s       *ue_context_p = NULL;
+  uint64_t                   imsi         = 0;
+  MessageDef                *message_p    = NULL;
+  s6a_update_location_req_t *s6a_ulr_p    = NULL;
+  MME_APP_STRING_TO_IMSI((char *)ue_context_pP->pending_pdn_connectivity_req_imsi, &imsi);
+  MME_APP_DEBUG("Handling imsi %"IMSI_FORMAT"\n", imsi);
+  if ((ue_context_p = mme_ue_context_exists_imsi(&mme_app_desc.mme_ue_contexts,
+                    imsi)) == NULL) {
+      MME_APP_ERROR("That's embarrassing as we don't know this IMSI\n");
+      return -1;
+  }
+  message_p = itti_alloc_new_message(TASK_MME_APP, S6A_UPDATE_LOCATION_REQ);
+  if (message_p == NULL) {
+      return -1;
+  }
+  s6a_ulr_p = &message_p->ittiMsg.s6a_update_location_req;
+  memset((void*)s6a_ulr_p, 0, sizeof(s6a_update_location_req_t));
+  MME_APP_IMSI_TO_STRING(imsi, s6a_ulr_p->imsi);
+  s6a_ulr_p->imsi_length         = strlen(s6a_ulr_p->imsi);
+  s6a_ulr_p->initial_attach      = INITIAL_ATTACH;
+  memcpy(&s6a_ulr_p->visited_plmn, &ue_context_p->guti.gummei.plmn, sizeof(plmn_t));
+  s6a_ulr_p->rat_type            = RAT_EUTRAN;
+  /* Check if we already have UE data */
+  s6a_ulr_p->skip_subscriber_data = 0;
+  return itti_send_msg_to_task(TASK_S6A, INSTANCE_DEFAULT, message_p);
+        const s6a_update_location_ans_t * const ula_pP)
+    uint64_t                    imsi              = 0;
+    struct ue_context_s        *ue_context_p      = NULL;
+    DevAssert(ula_pP != NULL);
+    if (ula_pP->result.present == S6A_RESULT_BASE) {
+        if (ula_pP->result.choice.base != DIAMETER_SUCCESS) {
+            /* The update location procedure has failed. Notify the NAS layer
+             * and don't initiate the bearer creation on S-GW side.
+             */
+            DevMessage("ULR/ULA procedure returned non success\n");
+        }
+    } else {
+        /* The update location procedure has failed. Notify the NAS layer
+         * and don't initiate the bearer creation on S-GW side.
+         */
+        DevMessage("ULR/ULA procedure returned non success\n");
+    }
+    MME_APP_STRING_TO_IMSI((char *)ula_pP->imsi, &imsi);
+    MME_APP_DEBUG("%s Handling imsi %"IMSI_FORMAT"\n", __FUNCTION__, imsi);
+    if ((ue_context_p = mme_ue_context_exists_imsi(&mme_app_desc.mme_ue_contexts, imsi)) == NULL) {
+        MME_APP_ERROR("That's embarrassing as we don't know this IMSI\n");
+        return -1;
+    }
+    ue_context_p->subscription_known = SUBSCRIPTION_KNOWN;
+    ue_context_p->sub_status = ula_pP->subscription_data.subscriber_status;
+    ue_context_p->access_restriction_data = ula_pP->subscription_data.access_restriction;
+    /* Copy the subscribed ambr to the sgw create session request message */
+    memcpy(&ue_context_p->subscribed_ambr, &ula_pP->subscription_data.subscribed_ambr,
+           sizeof(ambr_t));
+    memcpy(
+            ue_context_p->msisdn,
+            ula_pP->subscription_data.msisdn,
+            ula_pP->subscription_data.msisdn_length);
+    ue_context_p->msisdn_length = ula_pP->subscription_data.msisdn_length;
+    AssertFatal(ula_pP->subscription_data.msisdn_length != 0, "MSISDN LENGTH IS 0");
+    AssertFatal(ula_pP->subscription_data.msisdn_length <= MSISDN_LENGTH, "MSISDN LENGTH is too high %u", MSISDN_LENGTH);
+    ue_context_p->msisdn[ue_context_p->msisdn_length] = '\0';
+    ue_context_p->rau_tau_timer = ula_pP->subscription_data.rau_tau_timer;
+    ue_context_p->access_mode   = ula_pP->subscription_data.access_mode;
+    memcpy(&ue_context_p->apn_profile, &ula_pP->subscription_data.apn_config_profile,
+           sizeof(apn_config_profile_t));
+    return mme_app_send_s11_create_session_req(ue_context_p);
diff --git a/openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_main.c b/openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_main.c
index 1bb4c629d7..6041fd09d6 100644
--- a/openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_main.c
+++ b/openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_main.c
@@ -1,31 +1,33 @@
-  Eurecom OpenAirInterface
-  Copyright(c) 1999 - 2013 Eurecom
-  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-  under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
-  version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
-  This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
-  more details.
-  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-  this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-  51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-  The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in
-  the file called "COPYING".
-  Contact Information
-  Openair Admin:
-  Openair Tech :
-  Forums       :
-  Address      : EURECOM, Campus SophiaTech, 450 Route des Chappes
-                 06410 Biot FRANCE
+Eurecom OpenAirInterface Core Network
+Copyright(c) 1999 - 2014 Eurecom
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
+version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
+more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in
+the file called "COPYING".
+Contact Information
+Openair Admin:
+Openair Tech :
+Forums       : http://forums.eurecom.fsr/openairinterface
+Address      : EURECOM,
+               Campus SophiaTech,
+               450 Route des Chappes,
+               CS 50193
+               06904 Biot Sophia Antipolis cedex,
+               FRANCE
 #include <stdio.h>
@@ -71,13 +73,18 @@ void *mme_app_thread(void *args)
             case S6A_UPDATE_LOCATION_ANS: {
                 /* We received the update location answer message from HSS -> Handle it */
-                mme_app_create_bearer(&received_message_p->ittiMsg.s6a_update_location_ans);
+                mme_app_handle_s6a_update_location_ans(&received_message_p->ittiMsg.s6a_update_location_ans);
             } break;
             case SGW_CREATE_SESSION_RESPONSE: {
             } break;
+            case SGW_MODIFY_BEARER_RESPONSE: {
+                // TO DO
+            } break;
 #if defined(DISABLE_USE_NAS)
             case NAS_ATTACH_REQ: {
@@ -91,6 +98,24 @@ void *mme_app_thread(void *args)
             } break;
+            case NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_REQ: {
+                mme_app_handle_nas_pdn_connectivity_req(&received_message_p->ittiMsg.nas_pdn_connectivity_req);
+            } break;
+                mme_app_handle_conn_est_cnf(&NAS_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHMENT_CNF(received_message_p));
+            } break;
+                mme_app_handle_conn_est_ind(&MME_APP_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHMENT_IND(received_message_p));
+            } break;
+                mme_app_handle_initial_context_setup_rsp(&MME_APP_INITIAL_CONTEXT_SETUP_RSP(received_message_p));
+            } break;
             case TIMER_HAS_EXPIRED: {
                 /* Check if it is the statistic timer */
                 if (received_message_p->ittiMsg.timer_has_expired.timer_id ==
@@ -105,7 +130,7 @@ void *mme_app_thread(void *args)
             } break;
             case S1AP_UE_CAPABILITIES_IND: {
-                // TO DO;
+                mme_app_handle_s1ap_ue_capabilities_ind(&received_message_p->ittiMsg.s1ap_ue_cap_ind);
             } break;
             default: {
diff --git a/openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_statistics.c b/openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_statistics.c
index 5bf5f4e11b..99b67c47d8 100644
--- a/openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_statistics.c
+++ b/openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_statistics.c
@@ -1,3 +1,34 @@
+Eurecom OpenAirInterface Core Network
+Copyright(c) 1999 - 2014 Eurecom
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
+version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
+more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in
+the file called "COPYING".
+Contact Information
+Openair Admin:
+Openair Tech :
+Forums       : http://forums.eurecom.fsr/openairinterface
+Address      : EURECOM,
+               Campus SophiaTech,
+               450 Route des Chappes,
+               CS 50193
+               06904 Biot Sophia Antipolis cedex,
+               FRANCE
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
@@ -7,7 +38,8 @@
 #include "mme_app_defs.h"
 #include "mme_app_statistics.h"
-int mme_app_statistics_display(void)
     fprintf(stdout, "================== Statistics ==================\n");
     fprintf(stdout, "        |   Global   | Since last display |\n");
diff --git a/openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_statistics.h b/openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_statistics.h
index e5d63f2048..3fbd699a1f 100644
--- a/openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_statistics.h
+++ b/openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_statistics.h
@@ -1,3 +1,34 @@
+Eurecom OpenAirInterface Core Network
+Copyright(c) 1999 - 2014 Eurecom
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
+version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
+more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in
+the file called "COPYING".
+Contact Information
+Openair Admin:
+Openair Tech :
+Forums       : http://forums.eurecom.fsr/openairinterface
+Address      : EURECOM,
+               Campus SophiaTech,
+               450 Route des Chappes,
+               CS 50193
+               06904 Biot Sophia Antipolis cedex,
+               FRANCE
diff --git a/openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_ue_context.h b/openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_ue_context.h
index 3147262239..b84a45f413 100644
--- a/openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_ue_context.h
+++ b/openair-cn/MME_APP/mme_app_ue_context.h
@@ -1,31 +1,33 @@
-  Eurecom OpenAirInterface
-  Copyright(c) 1999 - 2013 Eurecom
-  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-  under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
-  version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
-  This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
-  more details.
-  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-  this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-  51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-  The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in
-  the file called "COPYING".
-  Contact Information
-  Openair Admin:
-  Openair Tech :
-  Forums       :
-  Address      : EURECOM, Campus SophiaTech, 450 Route des Chappes
-                 06410 Biot FRANCE
+Eurecom OpenAirInterface Core Network
+Copyright(c) 1999 - 2014 Eurecom
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
+version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
+more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in
+the file called "COPYING".
+Contact Information
+Openair Admin:
+Openair Tech :
+Forums       : http://forums.eurecom.fsr/openairinterface
+Address      : EURECOM,
+               Campus SophiaTech,
+               450 Route des Chappes,
+               CS 50193
+               06904 Biot Sophia Antipolis cedex,
+               FRANCE
 /*! \file mme_app_ue_context.h
@@ -42,6 +44,8 @@
 #include <inttypes.h>   /* For sscanf formats */
 #include <time.h>       /* to provide time_t */
+#include "nas_messages_types.h"
+#include "s6a_messages_types.h"
 #include "security_types.h"
 #include "tree.h"
@@ -67,13 +71,13 @@ typedef uint64_t mme_app_imsi_t;
 typedef struct bearer_context_s {
     /* S-GW Tunnel Endpoint for User-Plane */
-    uint32_t     s_gw_teid;
+    Teid_t       s_gw_teid;
     /* S-GW IP address for User-Plane */
     ip_address_t s_gw_address;
     /* P-GW Tunnel Endpoint for User-Plane */
-    uint32_t     p_gw_teid;
+    Teid_t       p_gw_teid;
     /* P-GW IP address for User-Plane */
     ip_address_t p_gw_address;
@@ -98,47 +102,48 @@ typedef struct ue_context_s {
     /* Basic identifier for ue. IMSI is encoded on maximum of 15 digits of 4 bits,
      * so usage of an unsigned integer on 64 bits is necessary.
-    mme_app_imsi_t imsi;
+    mme_app_imsi_t         imsi;                        // set by nas_auth_param_req_t
 #define IMSI_AUTHENTICATED    (0x1)
     /* Indicator to show the IMSI authentication state */
-    unsigned imsi_auth:1;
+    unsigned               imsi_auth:1;                 // set by nas_auth_resp_t
-    unsigned eNB_ue_s1ap_id:24;
-    uint32_t mme_ue_s1ap_id;
+    unsigned               eNB_ue_s1ap_id:24;
+    uint32_t               mme_ue_s1ap_id;
     /* ue_id is equal to mme_ue_s1ap_id */
-    uint32_t ue_id;
-    uint8_t nb_of_vectors;
+    uint32_t               ue_id;                       // set by nas_auth_param_req_t
+    uint8_t                nb_of_vectors;               // updated by S6A AUTHENTICATION ANSWER
     /* List of authentication vectors for E-UTRAN */
-    eutran_vector_t  *vector_list;
-    eutran_vector_t  *vector_in_use;
+    eutran_vector_t       *vector_list;                 // updated by S6A AUTHENTICATION ANSWER
+    // pointer in vector_list
+    eutran_vector_t       *vector_in_use;               // updated by S6A AUTHENTICATION ANSWER
 #define SUBSCRIPTION_KNOWN      0x1
-    unsigned subscription_known:1;
+    unsigned               subscription_known:1;        // set by S6A UPDATE LOCATION ANSWER
+    uint8_t                msisdn[MSISDN_LENGTH+1];     // set by S6A UPDATE LOCATION ANSWER
+    uint8_t                msisdn_length;               // set by S6A UPDATE LOCATION ANSWER
-    uint8_t               msisdn[MSISDN_LENGTH+1];
-    uint8_t               msisdn_length;
-    mm_state_t mm_state;
+    mm_state_t             mm_state;                    // not set/read
     /* Globally Unique Temporary Identity */
-    GUTI_t        guti;
-    me_identity_t me_identity;
+    GUTI_t                 guti;                        // guti.gummei.plmn set by nas_auth_param_req_t
+                                                        // read by S6A UPDATE LOCATION REQUEST
+    me_identity_t          me_identity;                 // not set/read except read by display utility
     /* TODO: Add TAI list */
     /* Last known cell identity */
-    cgi_t e_utran_cgi;
+    cgi_t                  e_utran_cgi;                 // set by nas_attach_req_t
+                                                        // read for S11 CREATE_SESSION_REQUEST
     /* Time when the cell identity was acquired */
-    time_t cell_age;
+    time_t                 cell_age;                    // set by nas_auth_param_req_t
     /* TODO: add csg_id */
     /* TODO: add csg_membership */
-    network_access_mode_t access_mode;
+    network_access_mode_t  access_mode;                  // set by S6A UPDATE LOCATION ANSWER
     /* TODO: add ue radio cap, ms classmarks, supported codecs */
@@ -147,27 +152,37 @@ typedef struct ue_context_s {
     /* TODO: add DRX parameter */
-    apn_config_profile_t apn_profile;
-    ard_t access_restriction_data;
+    apn_config_profile_t   apn_profile;                  // set by S6A UPDATE LOCATION ANSWER
+    ard_t                  access_restriction_data;      // set by S6A UPDATE LOCATION ANSWER
+    subscriber_status_t    sub_status;                   // set by S6A UPDATE LOCATION ANSWER
+    ambr_t                 subscribed_ambr;              // set by S6A UPDATE LOCATION ANSWER
+    ambr_t                 used_ambr;
-    subscriber_status_t sub_status;
-    ambr_t subscribed_ambr;
-    ambr_t used_ambr;
-    rau_tau_timer_t rau_tau_timer;
+    rau_tau_timer_t        rau_tau_timer;               // set by S6A UPDATE LOCATION ANSWER
     /* Store the radio capabilities as received in S1AP UE capability indication
      * message.
-    char *ue_radio_capabilities;
-    int   ue_radio_cap_length;
-    uint32_t mme_s11_teid;
-    uint32_t sgw_s11_teid;
-    bearer_context_t eps_bearers[BEARERS_PER_UE];
+    char                  *ue_radio_capabilities;       // not set/read
+    int                    ue_radio_cap_length;         // not set/read
+    Teid_t                 mme_s11_teid;                // set by mme_app_send_s11_create_session_req
+    Teid_t                 sgw_s11_teid;                // set by S11 CREATE_SESSION_RESPONSE
+    PAA_t                  paa;                         // set by S11 CREATE_SESSION_RESPONSE
+    // temp
+    char                   pending_pdn_connectivity_req_imsi[16];
+    uint8_t                pending_pdn_connectivity_req_imsi_length;
+    OctetString            pending_pdn_connectivity_req_apn;
+    OctetString            pending_pdn_connectivity_req_pdn_addr;
+    int                    pending_pdn_connectivity_req_pti;
+    unsigned               pending_pdn_connectivity_req_ue_id;
+    network_qos_t          pending_pdn_connectivity_req_qos;
+    void                  *pending_pdn_connectivity_req_proc_data;
+    int                    pending_pdn_connectivity_req_request_type;
+    ebi_t                  default_bearer_id;
+    bearer_context_t       eps_bearers[BEARERS_PER_UE];
 } ue_context_t;
 typedef struct {
@@ -199,12 +214,28 @@ inline
 ue_context_t *mme_ue_context_exists_s11_teid(mme_ue_context_t *mme_ue_context,
                                              uint32_t teid);
+/** \brief Retrieve an UE context by selecting the provided mme_ue_s1ap_id
+ * \param mme_ue_s1ap_id The UE id identifier used in S1AP MME (and NAS)
+ * @returns an UE context matching the mme_ue_s1ap_id or NULL if the context doesn't exists
+ **/
+ue_context_t *mme_ue_context_exists_mme_ue_s1ap_id(mme_ue_context_t *mme_ue_context,
+                                             uint32_t mme_ue_s1ap_id);
+/** \brief Retrieve an UE context by selecting the provided nas_ue_id
+ * \param nas_ue_id The UE id identifier used in S1AP MME and NAS
+ * @returns an UE context matching the nas_ue_id or NULL if the context doesn't exists
+ **/
+ue_context_t *mme_ue_context_exists_nas_ue_id(mme_ue_context_t *mme_ue_context,
+                                             uint32_t nas_ue_id);
 /** \brief Retrieve an UE context by selecting the provided guti
  * \param guti The GUTI used by the UE
  * @returns an UE context matching the guti or NULL if the context doesn't exists
-struct ue_context_s *mme_ue_context_exists_guti(mme_ue_context_t *mme_ue_context,
+ue_context_t *mme_ue_context_exists_guti(mme_ue_context_t *mme_ue_context,
                                                 GUTI_t guti);
 /** \brief Insert a new UE context in the tree of known UEs.
diff --git a/openair-cn/MME_APP/s6a_2_nas_cause.c b/openair-cn/MME_APP/s6a_2_nas_cause.c
index e27c55dd6e..98b2b93e1b 100644
--- a/openair-cn/MME_APP/s6a_2_nas_cause.c
+++ b/openair-cn/MME_APP/s6a_2_nas_cause.c
@@ -1,31 +1,33 @@
+Eurecom OpenAirInterface Core Network
+Copyright(c) 1999 - 2014 Eurecom
-  Eurecom OpenAirInterface
-  Copyright(c) 1999 - 2013 Eurecom
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
+version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
-  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-  under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
-  version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
+more details.
-  This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
-  more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-  this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-  51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-  The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in
-  the file called "COPYING".
-  Contact Information
-  Openair Admin:
-  Openair Tech :
-  Forums       :
-  Address      : EURECOM, Campus SophiaTech, 450 Route des Chappes
-                 06410 Biot FRANCE
+The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in
+the file called "COPYING".
+Contact Information
+Openair Admin:
+Openair Tech :
+Forums       : http://forums.eurecom.fsr/openairinterface
+Address      : EURECOM,
+               Campus SophiaTech,
+               450 Route des Chappes,
+               CS 50193
+               06904 Biot Sophia Antipolis cedex,
+               FRANCE
 #include "as_message.h"
diff --git a/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/emm/Attach.c b/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/emm/Attach.c
index b5e4f79bff..6bfb52521a 100644
--- a/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/emm/Attach.c
+++ b/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/emm/Attach.c
@@ -220,14 +220,22 @@ int emm_proc_attach(emm_proc_attach_type_t type)
         /* Check whether the selected PLMN is neither the registered PLMN
          * nor in the list of equivalent PLMNs */
         if ( (!_emm_data.is_rplmn) && (!_emm_data.is_eplmn) ) {
+            LOG_TRACE(INFO, "EMM-PROC  - Initiate EPS attach with IMSI");
             /* Include the IMSI */
             emm_as->UEid.imsi = _emm_data.imsi;
+        } else {
+            LOG_TRACE(INFO,
+                    "EMM-PROC  - Initiate EPS attach with NO IMSI, is registered PLMN %d, is equivalent PLMN %d",
+                    _emm_data.is_rplmn,
+                    _emm_data.is_eplmn);
     } else if (_emm_data.guti) {
+        LOG_TRACE(INFO, "EMM-PROC  - Initiate EPS attach with GUTI");
         /* Include a valid GUTI and the last visited registered TAI */
         emm_as->UEid.guti = _emm_data.guti;
         emm_as->UEid.tai = _emm_data.tai;
     } else if (!_emm_data.is_emergency) {
+        LOG_TRACE(INFO, "EMM-PROC  - Initiate EPS attach with IMSI cause is no emergency and no GUTI");
         /* Include the IMSI if no valid GUTI is available */
         emm_as->UEid.imsi = _emm_data.imsi;
     } else {
@@ -235,8 +243,10 @@ int emm_proc_attach(emm_proc_attach_type_t type)
          * does not hold a valid GUTI */
         if (_emm_data.imsi) {
             /* Include the IMSI if valid (USIM is present) */
+            LOG_TRACE(INFO, "EMM-PROC  - Initiate EPS attach with IMSI cause is emergency and no GUTI");
             emm_as->UEid.imsi = _emm_data.imsi;
         } else {
+            LOG_TRACE(INFO, "EMM-PROC  - Initiate EPS attach with IMSI cause is emergency and no GUTI and no IMSI");
             /* Include the IMEI if the IMSI is not valid */
             emm_as->UEid.imei = _emm_data.imei;
@@ -2118,7 +2128,7 @@ static int _emm_attach(void *args)
         /* Assign the TAI list the UE is registered to */
         /* Allocate parameters of the retransmission timer callback */
-        attach_data_t *data = (attach_data_t *)malloc(sizeof(attach_data_t));
+        attach_data_t *data = (attach_data_t *)calloc(1,sizeof(attach_data_t));
         if (data != NULL) {
             /* Setup ongoing EMM procedure callback functions */
@@ -2134,6 +2144,7 @@ static int _emm_attach(void *args)
             data->ueid = emm_ctx->ueid;
             /* Reset the retransmission counter */
             data->retransmission_count = 0;
+#if defined(ORIGINAL_CODE)
             /* Setup the ESM message container */
             data->esm_msg.value = (uint8_t *)malloc(esm_sap.send.length);
             if (data->esm_msg.value) {
@@ -2156,6 +2167,9 @@ static int _emm_attach(void *args)
                     rc = emm_sap_send(&emm_sap);
+            rc = RETURNok;
     } else if (esm_sap.err != ESM_SAP_DISCARDED) {
@@ -2196,6 +2210,10 @@ static int _emm_attach(void *args)
     LOG_FUNC_RETURN (rc);
+int emm_cn_wrapper_attach_accept(emm_data_context_t *emm_ctx, void *data)
+    return _emm_attach_accept(emm_ctx,(attach_data_t *)data);
  **                                                                        **
  ** Name:    _emm_attach_accept()                                      **
@@ -2228,13 +2246,13 @@ static int _emm_attach_accept(emm_data_context_t *emm_ctx, attach_data_t *data)
         /* Implicit GUTI reallocation;
          * include the new assigned GUTI in the Attach Accept message  */
         emm_sap.u.emm_as.u.establish.UEid.guti = emm_ctx->old_guti;
-        emm_sap.u.emm_as.u.establish.new_guti = emm_ctx->guti;
+        emm_sap.u.emm_as.u.establish.new_guti  = emm_ctx->guti;
     } else {
         emm_sap.u.emm_as.u.establish.UEid.guti = emm_ctx->guti;
-        emm_sap.u.emm_as.u.establish.new_guti = NULL;
+        emm_sap.u.emm_as.u.establish.new_guti  = NULL;
-    emm_sap.u.emm_as.u.establish.n_tacs = emm_ctx->n_tacs;
-    emm_sap.u.emm_as.u.establish.tac = emm_ctx->tac;
+    emm_sap.u.emm_as.u.establish.n_tacs  = emm_ctx->n_tacs;
+    emm_sap.u.emm_as.u.establish.tac     = emm_ctx->tac;
     emm_sap.u.emm_as.u.establish.NASinfo = EMM_AS_NAS_INFO_ATTACH;
     /* Setup EPS NAS security data */
@@ -2242,6 +2260,9 @@ static int _emm_attach_accept(emm_data_context_t *emm_ctx, attach_data_t *data)
     /* Get the activate default EPS bearer context request message to
      * transfer within the ESM container of the attach accept message */
     emm_sap.u.emm_as.u.establish.NASmsg = data->esm_msg;
+    LOG_TRACE(INFO,"EMM-PROC  - NASmsg  src size = %d NASmsg  dst size = %d ",
+            data->esm_msg.length, emm_sap.u.emm_as.u.establish.NASmsg.length);
     rc = emm_sap_send(&emm_sap);
     if (rc != RETURNerror) {
diff --git a/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/emm/IdleMode.c b/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/emm/IdleMode.c
index bf1f77bceb..22d09136d7 100644
--- a/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/emm/IdleMode.c
+++ b/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/emm/IdleMode.c
@@ -509,7 +509,8 @@ int emm_proc_initialize(void)
          * When switched on, the UE will try to automatically register
          * to each previous PLMN within the ordered list of available
          * PLMNs regardless of the network selection mode of operation */
-        _emm_plmn_list.hplmn = _emm_plmn_list.n_plmns;
+         _emm_plmn_list.hplmn = _emm_plmn_list.n_plmns - 1;
+         // LG_emm_plmn_list.hplmn = _emm_plmn_list.n_plmns;
         /* Add the highest priority PLMN in the list of "equivalent HPLMNs"
            if present and not empty, or the HPLMN derived from the IMSI */
@@ -891,9 +892,11 @@ int emm_proc_plmn_selection_end(int found, tac_t tac, ci_t ci, AcT_t rat)
         if (_emm_plmn_list.splmn != -1) {
             if (_emm_plmn_list.splmn == _emm_plmn_list.rplmn) {
                 /* The selected PLMN is the registered PLMN */
+                LOG_TRACE(INFO, "EMM-IDLE  - The selected PLMN is the registered PLMN");
                 _emm_data.is_rplmn = TRUE;
             } else if (_emm_plmn_list.splmn < _emm_plmn_list.hplmn) {
                 /* The selected PLMN is in the list of equivalent PLMNs */
+                LOG_TRACE(INFO, "EMM-IDLE  - The selected PLMN is in the list of equivalent PLMNs");
                 _emm_data.is_eplmn = TRUE;
diff --git a/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/emm/emmData.h b/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/emm/emmData.h
index b2e59fe281..a15a664d06 100644
--- a/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/emm/emmData.h
+++ b/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/emm/emmData.h
@@ -326,30 +326,30 @@ typedef struct emm_data_context_s {
     RB_ENTRY(emm_data_context_s) entries;
-    unsigned int ueid;   /* UE identifier                    */
-    int is_dynamic;  /* Dynamically allocated context indicator      */
-    int is_attached;     /* Attachment indicator                 */
-    int is_emergency;    /* Emergency bearer services indicator          */
-    imsi_t *imsi;    /* The IMSI provided by the UE or the MME       */
-    imei_t *imei;    /* The IMEI provided by the UE              */
-    int guti_is_new;     /* New GUTI indicator                   */
-    GUTI_t *guti;    /* The GUTI assigned to the UE              */
-    GUTI_t *old_guti;    /* The old GUTI                     */
-    int n_tacs;      /* Number of concecutive tracking areas the UE is
-              * registered to                    */
-    tac_t tac;       /* Code of the first tracking area the UE is
-              * registered to                    */
-    int ksi;         /* Security key set identifier provided by the UE   */
-    int eea;         /* EPS encryption algorithms supported by the UE    */
-    int eia;         /* EPS integrity algorithms supported by the UE     */
-    auth_vector_t vector;        /* EPS authentication vector        */
-    emm_security_context_t *security;    /* Current EPS NAS security context */
-    OctetString esm_msg; /* ESM message contained within the initial request */
-    int emm_cause;   /* EMM failure cause code               */
-    emm_fsm_state_t _emm_fsm_status;
+    unsigned int ueid;        /* UE identifier                                   */
+    int          is_dynamic;  /* Dynamically allocated context indicator         */
+    int          is_attached; /* Attachment indicator                            */
+    int          is_emergency;/* Emergency bearer services indicator             */
+    imsi_t      *imsi;        /* The IMSI provided by the UE or the MME          */
+    imei_t      *imei;        /* The IMEI provided by the UE                     */
+    int          guti_is_new; /* New GUTI indicator                              */
+    GUTI_t      *guti;        /* The GUTI assigned to the UE                     */
+    GUTI_t      *old_guti;    /* The old GUTI                                    */
+    int          n_tacs;      /* Number of consecutive tracking areas the UE is
+                               * registered to                                   */
+    tac_t       tac;          /* Code of the first tracking area the UE is
+                               * registered to                                   */
+    int         ksi;          /* Security key set identifier provided by the UE  */
+    int         eea;          /* EPS encryption algorithms supported by the UE   */
+    int         eia;          /* EPS integrity algorithms supported by the UE    */
+    auth_vector_t vector;/* EPS authentication vector                            */
+    emm_security_context_t *security;    /* Current EPS NAS security context     */
+    OctetString esm_msg;      /* ESM message contained within the initial request*/
+    int         emm_cause;    /* EMM failure cause code                          */
+    emm_fsm_state_t    _emm_fsm_status;
     esm_data_context_t esm_data_ctx;
 } emm_data_context_t;
diff --git a/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/emm/emm_data_ctx.c b/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/emm/emm_data_ctx.c
index 7fadc87f65..bf09bf1103 100644
--- a/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/emm/emm_data_ctx.c
+++ b/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/emm/emm_data_ctx.c
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 #include "assertions.h"
 #include "tree.h"
 #include "emmData.h"
+#include "nas_log.h"
 static inline
 int emm_data_ctxt_compare_ueid(struct emm_data_context_s *p1,
@@ -48,11 +49,13 @@ struct emm_data_context_s *emm_data_context_get(
 struct emm_data_context_s *emm_data_context_remove(
     emm_data_t *emm_data, struct emm_data_context_s *elm)
+    LOG_TRACE(INFO, "EMM-CTX - Remove in context %p UE id %u", elm, elm->ueid);
     return RB_REMOVE(emm_data_context_map, &emm_data->ctx_map, elm);
 void emm_data_context_add(emm_data_t *emm_data, struct emm_data_context_s *elm)
+    LOG_TRACE(INFO, "EMM-CTX - Add in context %p UE id %u", elm, elm->ueid);
     RB_INSERT(emm_data_context_map, &emm_data->ctx_map, elm);
diff --git a/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/emm/msg/AttachAccept.c b/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/emm/msg/AttachAccept.c
index 04a4e82b88..9d80f6ecd0 100644
--- a/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/emm/msg/AttachAccept.c
+++ b/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/emm/msg/AttachAccept.c
@@ -157,39 +157,45 @@ int encode_attach_accept(attach_accept_msg *attach_accept, uint8_t *buffer, uint
     int encoded = 0;
     int encode_result = 0;
     /* Checking IEI and pointer */
     *(buffer + encoded) = (encode_u8_eps_attach_result(&attach_accept->epsattachresult) & 0x0f);
     if ((encode_result = encode_gprs_timer(&attach_accept->t3412value, 0, buffer
-         + encoded, len - encoded)) < 0)        //Return in case of error
-        return encode_result;
-    else
+         + encoded, len - encoded)) < 0) {        //Return in case of error
+        LOG_TRACE(WARNING, "Failed encode_gprs_timer");
+        LOG_FUNC_RETURN(encode_result);
+    } else
         encoded += encode_result;
     if ((encode_result =
          encode_tracking_area_identity_list(&attach_accept->tailist, 0, buffer
-         + encoded, len - encoded)) < 0)        //Return in case of error
-        return encode_result;
-    else
+         + encoded, len - encoded)) < 0) {       //Return in case of error
+        LOG_TRACE(WARNING, "Failed encode_tracking_area_identity_list");
+        LOG_FUNC_RETURN(encode_result);
+    } else
         encoded += encode_result;
     if ((encode_result =
          encode_esm_message_container(&attach_accept->esmmessagecontainer, 0,
-         buffer + encoded, len - encoded)) < 0)        //Return in case of error
-        return encode_result;
-    else
+         buffer + encoded, len - encoded)) < 0) {       //Return in case of error
+        LOG_TRACE(WARNING, "Failed encode_esm_message_container");
+        LOG_FUNC_RETURN(encode_result);
+    } else
         encoded += encode_result;
     if ((attach_accept->presencemask & ATTACH_ACCEPT_GUTI_PRESENT)
         if ((encode_result = encode_eps_mobile_identity(&attach_accept->guti,
-             ATTACH_ACCEPT_GUTI_IEI, buffer + encoded, len - encoded)) < 0)
+             ATTACH_ACCEPT_GUTI_IEI, buffer + encoded, len - encoded)) < 0) {
             // Return in case of error
-            return encode_result;
-        else
+            LOG_TRACE(WARNING, "Failed encode_eps_mobile_identity");
+            LOG_FUNC_RETURN(encode_result);
+        } else
             encoded += encode_result;
@@ -199,10 +205,11 @@ int encode_attach_accept(attach_accept_msg *attach_accept, uint8_t *buffer, uint
         if ((encode_result =
-             len - encoded)) < 0)
+             len - encoded)) < 0) {
+            LOG_TRACE(WARNING, "Failed encode_location_area_identification");
             // Return in case of error
-            return encode_result;
-        else
+            LOG_FUNC_RETURN(encode_result);
+        } else
             encoded += encode_result;
@@ -211,10 +218,11 @@ int encode_attach_accept(attach_accept_msg *attach_accept, uint8_t *buffer, uint
         if ((encode_result = encode_mobile_identity(&attach_accept->msidentity,
              ATTACH_ACCEPT_MS_IDENTITY_IEI, buffer + encoded, len - encoded)) <
-             0)
+             0) {
+            LOG_TRACE(WARNING, "Failed encode_mobile_identity");
             // Return in case of error
-            return encode_result;
-        else
+            LOG_FUNC_RETURN(encode_result);
+        } else
             encoded += encode_result;
@@ -223,10 +231,10 @@ int encode_attach_accept(attach_accept_msg *attach_accept, uint8_t *buffer, uint
         if ((encode_result = encode_emm_cause(&attach_accept->emmcause,
              ATTACH_ACCEPT_EMM_CAUSE_IEI, buffer + encoded, len - encoded)) <
-             0)
+             0) {
             // Return in case of error
-            return encode_result;
-        else
+            LOG_FUNC_RETURN(encode_result);
+        } else
             encoded += encode_result;
@@ -235,10 +243,11 @@ int encode_attach_accept(attach_accept_msg *attach_accept, uint8_t *buffer, uint
         if ((encode_result = encode_gprs_timer(&attach_accept->t3402value,
              ATTACH_ACCEPT_T3402_VALUE_IEI, buffer + encoded, len - encoded)) <
-             0)
+             0) {
+            LOG_TRACE(WARNING, "Failed encode_gprs_timer");
             // Return in case of error
-            return encode_result;
-        else
+            LOG_FUNC_RETURN(encode_result);
+        } else
             encoded += encode_result;
@@ -247,10 +256,11 @@ int encode_attach_accept(attach_accept_msg *attach_accept, uint8_t *buffer, uint
         if ((encode_result = encode_gprs_timer(&attach_accept->t3423value,
              ATTACH_ACCEPT_T3423_VALUE_IEI, buffer + encoded, len - encoded)) <
-             0)
+             0) {
+            LOG_TRACE(WARNING, "Failed encode_gprs_timer");
             // Return in case of error
-            return encode_result;
-        else
+            LOG_FUNC_RETURN(encode_result);
+        } else
             encoded += encode_result;
@@ -259,10 +269,11 @@ int encode_attach_accept(attach_accept_msg *attach_accept, uint8_t *buffer, uint
         if ((encode_result = encode_plmn_list(&attach_accept->equivalentplmns,
              ATTACH_ACCEPT_EQUIVALENT_PLMNS_IEI, buffer + encoded, len -
-             encoded)) < 0)
+             encoded)) < 0) {
+            LOG_TRACE(WARNING, "Failed encode_plmn_list");
             // Return in case of error
-            return encode_result;
-        else
+            LOG_FUNC_RETURN(encode_result);
+        } else
             encoded += encode_result;
@@ -272,10 +283,11 @@ int encode_attach_accept(attach_accept_msg *attach_accept, uint8_t *buffer, uint
         if ((encode_result =
              ATTACH_ACCEPT_EMERGENCY_NUMBER_LIST_IEI, buffer + encoded, len -
-             encoded)) < 0)
+             encoded)) < 0) {
+            LOG_TRACE(WARNING, "Failed encode_emergency_number_list");
             // Return in case of error
-            return encode_result;
-        else
+            LOG_FUNC_RETURN(encode_result);
+        } else
             encoded += encode_result;
@@ -285,10 +297,11 @@ int encode_attach_accept(attach_accept_msg *attach_accept, uint8_t *buffer, uint
         if ((encode_result =
              ATTACH_ACCEPT_EPS_NETWORK_FEATURE_SUPPORT_IEI, buffer + encoded,
-             len - encoded)) < 0)
+             len - encoded)) < 0) {
+            LOG_TRACE(WARNING, "Failed encode_eps_network_feature_support");
             // Return in case of error
-            return encode_result;
-        else
+            LOG_FUNC_RETURN(encode_result);
+        } else
             encoded += encode_result;
@@ -298,13 +311,14 @@ int encode_attach_accept(attach_accept_msg *attach_accept, uint8_t *buffer, uint
         if ((encode_result =
              ATTACH_ACCEPT_ADDITIONAL_UPDATE_RESULT_IEI, buffer + encoded, len
-             - encoded)) < 0)
+             - encoded)) < 0) {
+            LOG_TRACE(WARNING, "Failed encode_additional_update_result");
             // Return in case of error
-            return encode_result;
-        else
+            LOG_FUNC_RETURN(encode_result);
+        } else
             encoded += encode_result;
-    return encoded;
+    LOG_FUNC_RETURN(encoded);
diff --git a/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/emm/sap/emm_as.c b/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/emm/sap/emm_as.c
index 176b9f9940..37b39b1143 100644
--- a/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/emm/sap/emm_as.c
+++ b/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/emm/sap/emm_as.c
@@ -1708,6 +1708,8 @@ static int _emm_as_establish_cnf(const emm_as_establish_t *msg,
     /* Setup the initial NAS information message */
     if (emm_msg != NULL) switch (msg->NASinfo) {
             case EMM_AS_NAS_INFO_ATTACH:
+                LOG_TRACE(WARNING, "EMMAS-SAP - emm_as_establish.nasMSG.length"\
+                          "=%d", msg->NASmsg.length);
                 size = emm_send_attach_accept(msg, &emm_msg->attach_accept);
diff --git a/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/emm/sap/emm_cn.c b/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/emm/sap/emm_cn.c
index 21122359e4..b44b3cc174 100644
--- a/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/emm/sap/emm_cn.c
+++ b/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/emm/sap/emm_cn.c
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Product     NAS stack
 Subsystem   EPS Core Network
-Author      Sebastien Roux
+Author      Sebastien Roux, Lionel GAUTHIER
@@ -30,6 +30,26 @@ Description
 #include "emm_proc.h"
 #include "emm_cause.h"
+#include "esm_send.h"  // LG
+#include "esm_proc.h"  // LG
+#include "esm_cause.h" // LG
+#include "assertions.h"// LG
+#include "emmData.h"   // LG
+#include "esm_sap.h"   // LG
+#include "EmmCommon.h"   // LG
+extern int emm_cn_wrapper_attach_accept(emm_data_context_t *emm_ctx, void *data);
+ * Internal data used for attach procedure
+ */
+typedef struct {
+    unsigned int ueid;          /* UE identifier        */
+    unsigned int retransmission_count;  /* Retransmission counter   */
+    OctetString esm_msg;        /* ESM message to be sent within
+                     * the Attach Accept message    */
+} attach_data_t;
  * String representation of EMMCN-SAP primitives
@@ -37,8 +57,13 @@ static const char *_emm_cn_primitive_str[] = {
+#define EMM_CN_SAP_BUFFER_SIZE 4096
+static char _emm_cn_sap_buffer[EMM_CN_SAP_BUFFER_SIZE];
 static int _emm_cn_authentication_res(const emm_cn_auth_res_t *msg)
     emm_data_context_t *emm_ctx = NULL;
@@ -111,6 +136,183 @@ static int _emm_cn_deregister_ue(const UInt32_t ue_id)
     LOG_FUNC_RETURN (rc);
+static int _emm_cn_pdn_connectivity_res(const emm_cn_pdn_res_t *msg_pP)
+    int                        rc                    = RETURNok;
+    struct emm_data_context_s *emm_ctx_p             = NULL;
+    esm_proc_pdn_type_t        esm_pdn_type          = ESM_PDN_TYPE_IPV4;
+    esm_proc_data_t           *esm_proc_data_p       = NULL;
+    ESM_msg                    esm_msg;
+    EpsQualityOfService        qos;
+    OctetString                rsp                   = { 0, NULL};
+    int                        is_standalone         = 0; // warning hardcoded
+    int                        triggered_by_ue       = 1; // warning hardcoded
+    attach_data_t             *data_p                = NULL;
+    int                        esm_cause             = ESM_CAUSE_SUCCESS;
+    int                        pid                   = 0;
+    unsigned int               new_ebi               = 0;
+    emm_ctx_p = emm_data_context_get(&_emm_data, msg_pP->ue_id);
+    if (emm_ctx_p == NULL) {
+                  "Failed to find UE associated to id %u...", msg_pP->ue_id);
+        LOG_FUNC_RETURN (rc);
+    }
+    memset(&esm_msg, 0 , sizeof(ESM_msg));
+    switch (msg_pP->pdn_type) {
+    case IPv4:
+        esm_pdn_type = ESM_PDN_TYPE_IPV4;
+        break;
+    case IPv6:
+        esm_pdn_type = ESM_PDN_TYPE_IPV6;
+        break;
+    case IPv4_AND_v6:
+        esm_pdn_type = ESM_PDN_TYPE_IPV4V6;
+        break;
+    default:
+        esm_pdn_type = ESM_PDN_TYPE_IPV4;
+    }
+    qos.bitRatesPresent           = 1;
+    qos.bitRatesExtPresent        = 0;
+    qos.qci                       = msg_pP->qos.qci;
+    qos.bitRates.maxBitRateForUL  = msg_pP->qos.mbrUL;
+    qos.bitRates.maxBitRateForDL  = msg_pP->qos.mbrDL;
+    qos.bitRates.guarBitRateForUL = msg_pP->qos.gbrUL;
+    qos.bitRates.guarBitRateForDL = msg_pP->qos.gbrDL;
+    qos.bitRatesExt.maxBitRateForUL  = 0;
+    qos.bitRatesExt.maxBitRateForDL  = 0;
+    qos.bitRatesExt.guarBitRateForUL = 0;
+    qos.bitRatesExt.guarBitRateForDL = 0;
+    /*************************************************************************/
+    /* CODE THAT WAS IN esm_recv.c/esm_recv_pdn_connectivity_request()       */
+    /*************************************************************************/
+    /* Execute the PDN connectivity procedure requested by the UE */
+    pid = esm_proc_pdn_connectivity_request(
+        emm_ctx_p,
+        msg_pP->pti,
+        msg_pP->request_type,
+        &msg_pP->apn,
+        esm_pdn_type,
+        &msg_pP->pdn_addr,
+        NULL,
+        &esm_cause);
+    LOG_TRACE(INFO, "EMM  -  APN = %s ", (char *)(msg_pP->apn.value));
+    if (pid != RETURNerror) {
+        /* Create local default EPS bearer context */
+        rc = esm_proc_default_eps_bearer_context(
+            emm_ctx_p,
+            pid,
+            &new_ebi,
+            &msg_pP->qos,
+            &esm_cause);
+        if (rc != RETURNerror) {
+            esm_cause = ESM_CAUSE_SUCCESS;
+        }
+    } else {
+        LOG_FUNC_RETURN (rc);
+    }
+    /**************************************************************************/
+    /* END OF CODE THAT WAS IN esm_recv.c/esm_recv_pdn_connectivity_request() */
+    /**************************************************************************/
+    LOG_TRACE(INFO, "EMM  -  APN = %s ", (char *)(msg_pP->apn.value));
+    /*************************************************************************/
+    /* CODE THAT WAS IN esm_sap.c/_esm_sap_recv()                            */
+    /*************************************************************************/
+    /* Return default EPS bearer context request message */
+    rc = esm_send_activate_default_eps_bearer_context_request(
+        msg_pP->pti,
+        new_ebi, //msg_pP->ebi,
+        &esm_msg.activate_default_eps_bearer_context_request,
+        &msg_pP->apn,
+        esm_pdn_type,
+        &msg_pP->pdn_addr,
+        &qos,
+    if  (rc != RETURNerror)  {
+        /* Encode the returned ESM response message */
+        int size = esm_msg_encode(&esm_msg, (uint8_t *)_emm_cn_sap_buffer,
+                                      EMM_CN_SAP_BUFFER_SIZE);
+        LOG_TRACE(INFO, "ESM encoded MSG size %d ", size);
+        if (size > 0) {
+            rsp.length = size;
+            rsp.value  = (uint8_t *)(_emm_cn_sap_buffer);
+        }
+        /* Complete the relevant ESM procedure */
+        rc = esm_proc_default_eps_bearer_context_request(
+            is_standalone,
+            emm_ctx_p,
+            new_ebi, //0, //ESM_EBI_UNASSIGNED, //msg->ebi,
+            &rsp,
+            triggered_by_ue);
+        if (rc != RETURNok) {
+            /* Return indication that ESM procedure failed */
+            LOG_FUNC_RETURN (rc);
+        }
+    } else {
+        LOG_TRACE(INFO, "ESM send activate_default_eps_bearer_context_request failed");
+    }
+    /*************************************************************************/
+    /* END OF CODE THAT WAS IN esm_sap.c/_esm_sap_recv()                     */
+    /*************************************************************************/
+    LOG_TRACE(INFO, "EMM  -  APN = %s ", (char *)(msg_pP->apn.value));
+    data_p = (attach_data_t *)emm_proc_common_get_args(msg_pP->ue_id);
+    /* Setup the ESM message container */
+    data_p->esm_msg.value = (uint8_t *)malloc(rsp.length);
+    if (data_p->esm_msg.value) {
+        data_p->esm_msg.length = rsp.length;
+        LOG_TRACE(INFO, "EMM  - copy ESM MSG %d bytes", data_p->esm_msg.length);
+        memcpy(data_p->esm_msg.value,
+                rsp.value,
+                rsp.length);
+    } else {
+        data_p->esm_msg.length = 0;
+    }
+    /* Send attach accept message to the UE */
+    rc = emm_cn_wrapper_attach_accept(emm_ctx_p, data_p);
+    if (rc != RETURNerror) {
+        if (emm_ctx_p->guti_is_new && emm_ctx_p->old_guti) {
+            /* Implicit GUTI reallocation;
+             * Notify EMM that common procedure has been initiated
+             */
+            emm_sap_t emm_sap;
+            emm_sap.primitive = EMMREG_COMMON_PROC_REQ;
+            emm_sap.u.emm_reg.ueid = msg_pP->ue_id;
+            rc = emm_sap_send(&emm_sap);
+        }
+    }
+    LOG_TRACE(INFO, "EMM  -  APN = %s ", (char *)(msg_pP->apn.value));
+    LOG_FUNC_RETURN (rc);
+static int _emm_cn_pdn_connectivity_fail(const emm_cn_pdn_fail_t *msg)
+    int rc = RETURNok;
+    LOG_FUNC_RETURN (rc);
 int emm_cn_send(const emm_cn_t *msg)
     int rc = RETURNerror;
@@ -134,6 +336,14 @@ int emm_cn_send(const emm_cn_t *msg)
             rc = _emm_cn_deregister_ue(msg->u.deregister.UEid);
+            rc = _emm_cn_pdn_connectivity_res(msg->u.emm_cn_pdn_res);
+            break;
+            rc = _emm_cn_pdn_connectivity_fail(msg->u.emm_cn_pdn_fail);
+            break;
             /* Other primitives are forwarded to the Access Stratum */
             rc = RETURNerror;
diff --git a/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/emm/sap/emm_cn.h b/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/emm/sap/emm_cn.h
index b65e9890b2..d4a13ba180 100644
--- a/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/emm/sap/emm_cn.h
+++ b/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/emm/sap/emm_cn.h
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Product     NAS stack
 Subsystem   EPS Core Network
-Author      Sebastien Roux
+Author      Sebastien Roux, Lionel GAUTHIER
diff --git a/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/emm/sap/emm_cnDef.h b/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/emm/sap/emm_cnDef.h
index c31454bedc..71b1c26950 100644
--- a/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/emm/sap/emm_cnDef.h
+++ b/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/emm/sap/emm_cnDef.h
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Product     NAS stack
 Subsystem   EPS Core Network
-Author      Sebastien Roux
+Author      Sebastien Roux, Lionel GAUTHIER
@@ -31,13 +31,17 @@ typedef enum emmcn_primitive_s {
 } emm_cn_primitive_t;
 #if defined(EPC_BUILD)
-typedef nas_auth_param_rsp_t  emm_cn_auth_res_t;
-typedef nas_auth_param_fail_t emm_cn_auth_fail_t;
+typedef nas_auth_param_rsp_t        emm_cn_auth_res_t;
+typedef nas_auth_param_fail_t       emm_cn_auth_fail_t;
+typedef nas_pdn_connectivity_rsp_t  emm_cn_pdn_res_t;
+typedef nas_pdn_connectivity_fail_t emm_cn_pdn_fail_t;
 typedef struct emm_cn_deregister_ue_s {
     UInt32_t UEid;
@@ -49,6 +53,8 @@ typedef struct emm_mme_ul_s {
         emm_cn_auth_res_t       *auth_res;
         emm_cn_auth_fail_t      *auth_fail;
         emm_cn_deregister_ue_t   deregister;
+        emm_cn_pdn_res_t        *emm_cn_pdn_res;
+        emm_cn_pdn_fail_t       *emm_cn_pdn_fail;
     } u;
 } emm_cn_t;
diff --git a/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/emm/sap/emm_sap.h b/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/emm/sap/emm_sap.h
index b4100f7c62..fb097589c7 100644
--- a/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/emm/sap/emm_sap.h
+++ b/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/emm/sap/emm_sap.h
@@ -110,7 +110,9 @@ typedef enum {
 #ifdef EPC_BUILD
 } emm_primitive_t;
diff --git a/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/emm/sap/emm_send.c b/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/emm/sap/emm_send.c
index 6ba7469cf4..68703ff0c4 100644
--- a/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/emm/sap/emm_send.c
+++ b/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/emm/sap/emm_send.c
@@ -177,6 +177,7 @@ int emm_send_attach_request(const emm_as_establish_t *msg,
     /* Mandatory - EPS mobile identity */
     if (msg->UEid.guti) {
+        LOG_TRACE(INFO, "EMMAS-SAP - Send Attach Request message with GUTI");
         /* Set GUTI mobile identity */
         GutiEpsMobileIdentity_t *guti = &emm_msg->oldgutiorimsi.guti;
         guti->typeofidentity = EPS_MOBILE_IDENTITY_GUTI;
@@ -191,6 +192,7 @@ int emm_send_attach_request(const emm_as_establish_t *msg,
         guti->mncdigit2 = msg->UEid.guti->gummei.plmn.MNCdigit2;
         guti->mncdigit3 = msg->UEid.guti->gummei.plmn.MNCdigit3;
     } else if (msg->UEid.imsi) {
+        LOG_TRACE(INFO, "EMMAS-SAP - Send Attach Request message with IMSI");
         /* Set IMSI mobile identity */
         ImsiEpsMobileIdentity_t *imsi = &emm_msg->oldgutiorimsi.imsi;
         imsi->typeofidentity = EPS_MOBILE_IDENTITY_IMSI;
@@ -211,6 +213,7 @@ int emm_send_attach_request(const emm_as_establish_t *msg,
         imsi->digit14 = msg->UEid.imsi->u.num.digit14;
         imsi->digit15 = msg->UEid.imsi->u.num.digit15;
     } else if (msg->UEid.imei) {
+        LOG_TRACE(INFO, "EMMAS-SAP - Send Attach Request message with IMEI");
         /* Set IMEI mobile identity */
         ImeiEpsMobileIdentity_t *imei = &emm_msg->oldgutiorimsi.imei;
         imei->typeofidentity = EPS_MOBILE_IDENTITY_IMEI;
@@ -897,6 +900,8 @@ int emm_send_attach_accept(const emm_as_establish_t *msg,
     LOG_TRACE(INFO, "EMMAS-SAP - Send Attach Accept message");
+            size);
     /* Mandatory - Message type */
     emm_msg->messagetype = ATTACH_ACCEPT;
@@ -908,6 +913,8 @@ int emm_send_attach_accept(const emm_as_establish_t *msg,
     /* Mandatory - T3412 value */
     emm_msg->t3412value.unit = GPRS_TIMER_UNIT_0S;
+            GPRS_TIMER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH, size);
     /* Mandatory - Tracking area identity list */
@@ -921,10 +928,20 @@ int emm_send_attach_accept(const emm_as_establish_t *msg,
     emm_msg->tailist.mncdigit2 = msg->UEid.guti->gummei.plmn.MNCdigit2;
     emm_msg->tailist.mncdigit3 = msg->UEid.guti->gummei.plmn.MNCdigit3;
     emm_msg->tailist.tac = msg->tac;
+            "EMMAS-SAP - size += "\
+            size);
     /* Mandatory - ESM message container */
     size += ESM_MESSAGE_CONTAINER_MINIMUM_LENGTH + msg->NASmsg.length;
     emm_msg->esmmessagecontainer.esmmessagecontainercontents = msg->NASmsg;
+            "EMMAS-SAP - size += "\
+            size);
     /* Optional - GUTI */
     if (msg->new_guti) {
@@ -941,6 +958,11 @@ int emm_send_attach_accept(const emm_as_establish_t *msg,
         emm_msg->guti.guti.mncdigit1 = msg->new_guti->gummei.plmn.MNCdigit1;
         emm_msg->guti.guti.mncdigit2 = msg->new_guti->gummei.plmn.MNCdigit2;
         emm_msg->guti.guti.mncdigit3 = msg->new_guti->gummei.plmn.MNCdigit3;
+        LOG_TRACE(INFO,
+                "EMMAS-SAP - size += "\
+                "EPS_MOBILE_IDENTITY_MAXIMUM_LENGTH(%d)  (%d)",
+                size);
     LOG_FUNC_RETURN (size);
diff --git a/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/esm/DefaultEpsBearerContextActivation.c b/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/esm/DefaultEpsBearerContextActivation.c
index 0b768da4b5..e63b07f4cb 100644
--- a/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/esm/DefaultEpsBearerContextActivation.c
+++ b/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/esm/DefaultEpsBearerContextActivation.c
@@ -177,13 +177,16 @@ int esm_proc_default_eps_bearer_context_request(int is_standalone,
-    LOG_TRACE(INFO,"ESM-PROC  - Initiate default EPS bearer context activation "
-              "(ueid=%u, ebi=%d)", ctx->ueid, ebi);
     if (is_standalone) {
         /* Send activate default EPS bearer context request message and
          * start timer T3485 */
+        LOG_TRACE(INFO,"ESM-PROC  - Initiate standalone default EPS bearer context activation "
+                  "(ueid=%u, ebi=%d)", ctx->ueid, ebi);
         rc = _default_eps_bearer_activate(ctx, ebi, msg);
+    } else {
+        LOG_TRACE(INFO,"ESM-PROC  - Initiate non standalone default EPS bearer context activation "
+                  "(ueid=%u, ebi=%d)", ctx->ueid, ebi);
     if (rc != RETURNerror) {
diff --git a/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/esm/PdnConnectivity.c b/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/esm/PdnConnectivity.c
index 6bddcc2b92..e0f3f74f00 100644
--- a/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/esm/PdnConnectivity.c
+++ b/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/esm/PdnConnectivity.c
@@ -617,10 +617,11 @@ int esm_proc_pdn_connectivity_request(emm_data_context_t *ctx, int pti,
     LOG_TRACE(INFO, "ESM-PROC  - PDN connectivity requested by the UE "
-              "(ueid=%u, pti=%d) PDN type = %s, APN = %s", ctx->ueid, pti,
+              "(ueid=%u, pti=%d) PDN type = %s, APN = %s pdn addr = %s", ctx->ueid, pti,
               (pdn_type == ESM_PDN_TYPE_IPV4)? "IPv4" :
               (pdn_type == ESM_PDN_TYPE_IPV6)? "IPv6" : "IPv4v6",
-              (apn) ? (char *)(apn->value) : "null");
+              (apn) ? (char *)(apn->value) : "null",
+              (pdn_addr) ? (char *)(pdn_addr->value) : "null");
 #if !defined(EPC_BUILD)
     /* UE identifier sanity check */
@@ -634,6 +635,9 @@ int esm_proc_pdn_connectivity_request(emm_data_context_t *ctx, int pti,
      * Check network IP capabilities
     *esm_cause = ESM_CAUSE_SUCCESS;
+    LOG_TRACE(INFO, "ESM-PROC  - _esm_data.conf.features %08x", _esm_data.conf.features);
+#warning "Uncomment code about _esm_data.conf.features & (MME_API_IPV4 | MME_API_IPV6) later"
+#if defined(ORIGINAL_CODE)
     switch (_esm_data.conf.features & (MME_API_IPV4 | MME_API_IPV6)) {
         case (MME_API_IPV4 | MME_API_IPV6):
             /* The network supports both IPv4 and IPv6 connection */
@@ -660,11 +664,19 @@ int esm_proc_pdn_connectivity_request(emm_data_context_t *ctx, int pti,
                 rc = RETURNok;
-    }
+        default:
+            LOG_TRACE(ERROR,
+                    "ESM-PROC  - _esm_data.conf.features incorrect value (no IPV4 or IPV6 ) %X",
+                    _esm_data.conf.features);
+    }
+    rc = RETURNok;
     if (rc != RETURNerror) {
-        mme_api_ip_version_t mme_pdn_index;
         int is_emergency = (request_type == ESM_PDN_REQUEST_EMERGENCY);
+#if defined(ORIGINAL_CODE)
+        mme_api_ip_version_t mme_pdn_index;
         mme_api_qos_t qos;
         switch (pdn_type)
@@ -692,20 +704,21 @@ int esm_proc_pdn_connectivity_request(emm_data_context_t *ctx, int pti,
             LOG_FUNC_RETURN (RETURNerror);
         /* Create new PDN connection */
         pid = _pdn_connectivity_create(ctx, pti, apn, pdn_type,
                 pdn_addr, is_emergency);
+#if defined(ORIGINAL_CODE)
         /* Setup ESM QoS parameters */
         if (esm_qos) {
             esm_qos->gbrUL = qos.gbr[MME_API_UPLINK];
             esm_qos->gbrDL = qos.gbr[MME_API_DOWNLINK];
             esm_qos->mbrUL = qos.mbr[MME_API_UPLINK];
             esm_qos->mbrDL = qos.mbr[MME_API_DOWNLINK];
-            esm_qos->qci = qos.qci;
+            esm_qos->qci   = qos.qci;
         if (pid < 0) {
             LOG_TRACE(WARNING, "ESM-PROC  - Failed to create PDN connection");
             *esm_cause = ESM_CAUSE_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES;
diff --git a/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/esm/esm_ebr.c b/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/esm/esm_ebr.c
index 5e183dcc37..e274e69efe 100644
--- a/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/esm/esm_ebr.c
+++ b/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/esm/esm_ebr.c
@@ -358,6 +358,8 @@ int esm_ebr_start_timer(emm_data_context_t *ctx, int ebi, const OctetString *msg
     if ( (ebi < ESM_EBI_MIN) || (ebi > ESM_EBI_MAX) ) {
+        LOG_TRACE(ERROR, "ESM-FSM   - Retransmission timer bad ebi %d",
+            ebi);
         LOG_FUNC_RETURN (RETURNerror);
@@ -365,6 +367,7 @@ int esm_ebr_start_timer(emm_data_context_t *ctx, int ebi, const OctetString *msg
     ebr_ctx = ctx->esm_data_ctx.ebr.context[ebi - ESM_EBI_MIN];
     if ( (ebr_ctx == NULL) || (ebr_ctx->ebi != ebi) ) {
         /* EPS bearer context not assigned */
+        LOG_TRACE(ERROR, "ESM-FSM   - EPS bearer context not assigned");
         LOG_FUNC_RETURN (RETURNerror);
@@ -401,6 +404,10 @@ int esm_ebr_start_timer(emm_data_context_t *ctx, int ebi, const OctetString *msg
         LOG_TRACE(INFO, "ESM-FSM   - Retransmission timer %d expires in "
                   "%ld seconds", ebr_ctx->, ebr_ctx->timer.sec);
+    } else {
+        LOG_TRACE(ERROR, "ESM-FSM   - ebr_ctx->args == NULL(%p) or ebr_ctx-> == NAS_TIMER_INACTIVE_ID == -1 (%d)" ,
+            ebr_ctx->args,
+            ebr_ctx->;
diff --git a/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/esm/esm_ebr_context.c b/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/esm/esm_ebr_context.c
index 9b19a3d1b1..4c210934b8 100644
--- a/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/esm/esm_ebr_context.c
+++ b/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/esm/esm_ebr_context.c
@@ -34,6 +34,14 @@ Description Defines functions used to handle EPS bearer contexts.
 # include "assertions.h"
+#ifdef NAS_UE
+    #include <sys/socket.h>
+    #include <netinet/in.h>
+    #include <arpa/inet.h>
 /****************  E X T E R N A L    D E F I N I T I O N S  ****************/
@@ -184,6 +192,88 @@ int esm_ebr_context_create(
                 if (pdn->is_emergency) {
                     esm_ctx->emergency = TRUE;
+#ifdef NAS_UE
+                // LG ADD TEMP
+                {
+                    char          *tmp          = NULL;
+                    char           ipv4_addr[INET_ADDRSTRLEN];
+                    char           ipv6_addr[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
+                    char          *netmask      = NULL;
+                    char           broadcast[INET_ADDRSTRLEN];
+                    struct in_addr in_addr;
+                    char           command_line[128];
+                    int            res;
+                    switch (pdn->type) {
+                        case NET_PDN_TYPE_IPV4V6:
+                            ipv6_addr[0] = pdn->ip_addr[4];
+                            // etc
+                        case NET_PDN_TYPE_IPV4:
+                            in_addr.s_addr  = pdn->ip_addr[0] << 24;
+                            in_addr.s_addr |= pdn->ip_addr[1] << 16;
+                            in_addr.s_addr |= pdn->ip_addr[2] << 8;
+                            in_addr.s_addr |= pdn->ip_addr[3] ;
+                            tmp = inet_ntoa(in_addr);
+//                            AssertFatal(tmp ,
+//                                    "error in PDN IPv4 address %x",
+//                                    in_addr.s_addr);
+                            strcpy(ipv4_addr, tmp);
+                            if (IN_CLASSA(in_addr.s_addr)) {
+                                netmask = "";
+                                in_addr.s_addr = pdn->ip_addr[0] << 24;
+                                in_addr.s_addr |= 255 << 16;
+                                in_addr.s_addr |= 255 << 8;
+                                in_addr.s_addr |= 255 ;
+                                tmp = inet_ntoa(in_addr);
+//                                AssertFatal(tmp ,
+//                                        "error in PDN IPv4 address %x",
+//                                        in_addr.s_addr);
+                                strcpy(broadcast, tmp);
+                            } else if (IN_CLASSB(in_addr.s_addr)) {
+                                netmask = "";
+                                in_addr.s_addr = pdn->ip_addr[0] << 24;
+                                in_addr.s_addr |= pdn->ip_addr[1] << 16;
+                                in_addr.s_addr |= 255 << 8;
+                                in_addr.s_addr |= 255 ;
+                                tmp = inet_ntoa(in_addr);
+//                                AssertFatal(tmp ,
+//                                        "error in PDN IPv4 address %x",
+//                                        in_addr.s_addr);
+                                strcpy(broadcast, tmp);
+                            } else if (IN_CLASSC(in_addr.s_addr)) {
+                                netmask = "";
+                                in_addr.s_addr = pdn->ip_addr[0] << 24;
+                                in_addr.s_addr |= pdn->ip_addr[1] << 16;
+                                in_addr.s_addr |= pdn->ip_addr[2] << 8;
+                                in_addr.s_addr |= 255 ;
+                                tmp = inet_ntoa(in_addr);
+//                                AssertFatal(tmp ,
+//                                        "error in PDN IPv4 address %x",
+//                                        in_addr.s_addr);
+                                strcpy(broadcast, tmp);
+                             } else {
+                                netmask = "";
+                                strcpy(broadcast, ipv4_addr);
+                            }
+                            res = sprintf(command_line,
+                                    "ifconfig oip1 %s netmask %s broadcast %s up",
+                                    ipv4_addr, netmask, broadcast);
+//                            AssertFatal((res > 0) && (res < 128),
+//                                    "error in system command line");
+                            LOG_TRACE(INFO, "ESM-PROC  - executing %s ",
+                                    command_line);
+                            system(command_line);
+                            break;
+                        case NET_PDN_TYPE_IPV6:
+                            break;
+                        default:
+                            break;
+                    }
+                }
+//                AssertFatal(0, "Forced stop in NAS UE");
             /* Return the EPS bearer identity of the default EPS bearer
diff --git a/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/esm/msg/ActivateDefaultEpsBearerContextRequest.c b/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/esm/msg/ActivateDefaultEpsBearerContextRequest.c
index dce2b8a46e..e1b1ebd725 100644
--- a/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/esm/msg/ActivateDefaultEpsBearerContextRequest.c
+++ b/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/esm/msg/ActivateDefaultEpsBearerContextRequest.c
@@ -139,23 +139,26 @@ int encode_activate_default_eps_bearer_context_request(activate_default_eps_bear
     if ((encode_result =
-         0, buffer + encoded, len - encoded)) < 0)        //Return in case of error
+         0, buffer + encoded, len - encoded)) < 0) {       //Return in case of error
+        LOG_TRACE(ERROR, "ESM  ENCODE epsqos");
         return encode_result;
-    else
+    } else
         encoded += encode_result;
     if ((encode_result =
-         0, buffer + encoded, len - encoded)) < 0)        //Return in case of error
+         0, buffer + encoded, len - encoded)) < 0) {       //Return in case of error
+        LOG_TRACE(ERROR, "ESM  ENCODE accesspointname");
         return encode_result;
-    else
+    } else
         encoded += encode_result;
     if ((encode_result =
-         0, buffer + encoded, len - encoded)) < 0)        //Return in case of error
+         0, buffer + encoded, len - encoded)) < 0) {       //Return in case of error
+        LOG_TRACE(ERROR, "ESM  ENCODE pdnaddress");
         return encode_result;
-    else
+    } else
         encoded += encode_result;
     if ((activate_default_eps_bearer_context_request->presencemask & ACTIVATE_DEFAULT_EPS_BEARER_CONTEXT_REQUEST_TRANSACTION_IDENTIFIER_PRESENT)
@@ -164,10 +167,11 @@ int encode_activate_default_eps_bearer_context_request(activate_default_eps_bear
         if ((encode_result =
-             buffer + encoded, len - encoded)) < 0)
+             buffer + encoded, len - encoded)) < 0) {
+            LOG_TRACE(ERROR, "ESM  ENCODE transactionidentifier");
             // Return in case of error
             return encode_result;
-        else
+        } else
             encoded += encode_result;
@@ -177,10 +181,11 @@ int encode_activate_default_eps_bearer_context_request(activate_default_eps_bear
         if ((encode_result =
-             buffer + encoded, len - encoded)) < 0)
+             buffer + encoded, len - encoded)) < 0) {
+            LOG_TRACE(ERROR, "ESM  ENCODE negotiatedqos");
             // Return in case of error
             return encode_result;
-        else
+        } else
             encoded += encode_result;
@@ -190,10 +195,11 @@ int encode_activate_default_eps_bearer_context_request(activate_default_eps_bear
         if ((encode_result =
-             buffer + encoded, len - encoded)) < 0)
+             buffer + encoded, len - encoded)) < 0) {
+            LOG_TRACE(ERROR, "ESM  ENCODE negotiatedllcsapi");
             // Return in case of error
             return encode_result;
-        else
+        } else
             encoded += encode_result;
@@ -203,10 +209,11 @@ int encode_activate_default_eps_bearer_context_request(activate_default_eps_bear
         if ((encode_result =
-             buffer + encoded, len - encoded)) < 0)
+             buffer + encoded, len - encoded)) < 0) {
+            LOG_TRACE(ERROR, "ESM  ENCODE radiopriority");
             // Return in case of error
             return encode_result;
-        else
+        } else
             encoded += encode_result;
@@ -216,10 +223,11 @@ int encode_activate_default_eps_bearer_context_request(activate_default_eps_bear
         if ((encode_result =
-             buffer + encoded, len - encoded)) < 0)
+             buffer + encoded, len - encoded)) < 0) {
+            LOG_TRACE(ERROR, "ESM  ENCODE packetflowidentifier");
             // Return in case of error
             return encode_result;
-        else
+        } else
             encoded += encode_result;
@@ -229,10 +237,11 @@ int encode_activate_default_eps_bearer_context_request(activate_default_eps_bear
         if ((encode_result =
-             encoded, len - encoded)) < 0)
+             encoded, len - encoded)) < 0) {
+            LOG_TRACE(ERROR, "ESM  ENCODE apnambr");
             // Return in case of error
             return encode_result;
-        else
+        } else
             encoded += encode_result;
@@ -242,10 +251,11 @@ int encode_activate_default_eps_bearer_context_request(activate_default_eps_bear
         if ((encode_result =
-             + encoded, len - encoded)) < 0)
+             + encoded, len - encoded)) < 0) {
+            LOG_TRACE(ERROR, "ESM  ENCODE esmcause");
             // Return in case of error
             return encode_result;
-        else
+        } else
             encoded += encode_result;
@@ -279,13 +289,14 @@ int encode_activate_default_eps_bearer_context_request(activate_default_eps_bear
         if ((encode_result =
-             buffer + encoded, len - encoded)) < 0)
+             buffer + encoded, len - encoded)) < 0) {
+            LOG_TRACE(ERROR, "ESM  ENCODE protocolconfigurationoptions");
             // Return in case of error
             return encode_result;
-        else
+        } else
             encoded += encode_result;
+    LOG_TRACE(INFO, "ESM  ENCODED activate_default_eps_bearer_context_request");
     return encoded;
diff --git a/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/esm/msg/esm_msg.c b/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/esm/msg/esm_msg.c
index c7cbd07838..fd6a10b6d5 100644
--- a/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/esm/msg/esm_msg.c
+++ b/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/esm/msg/esm_msg.c
@@ -219,10 +219,12 @@ int esm_msg_encode(ESM_msg *msg, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t len)
     /* First encode the ESM message header */
     header_result = _esm_msg_encode_header(&msg->header, buffer, len);
     if (header_result < 0) {
-	LOG_TRACE(ERROR, "ESM-MSG   - Failed to encode ESM message header "
-		  "(%d)", header_result);
-	LOG_FUNC_RETURN(header_result);
+            LOG_TRACE(ERROR, "ESM-MSG   - Failed to encode ESM message header "
+                    "(%d)", header_result);
+            LOG_FUNC_RETURN(header_result);
+    LOG_TRACE(INFO, "ESM-MSG   - Encoded ESM message header "
+          "(%d)", header_result);
     buffer += header_result;
     len -= header_result;
@@ -299,6 +301,7 @@ int esm_msg_encode(ESM_msg *msg, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t len)
             LOG_TRACE(ERROR, "ESM-MSG   - Unexpected message type: 0x%x",
             encode_result = TLV_ENCODE_WRONG_MESSAGE_TYPE;
+            break;
     if (encode_result < 0) {
@@ -390,13 +393,14 @@ static int _esm_msg_encode_header(const esm_msg_header_t *header,
     /* Check the buffer length */
     if (len < sizeof(esm_msg_header_t)) {
+        LOG_TRACE(ERROR, "ESM-MSG   - buffer too short");
+        return (TLV_ENCODE_BUFFER_TOO_SHORT);
     /* Check the protocol discriminator */
     else if (header->protocol_discriminator != EPS_SESSION_MANAGEMENT_MESSAGE) {
-	LOG_TRACE(ERROR, "ESM-MSG   - Unexpected protocol discriminator: 0x%x",
-		  header->protocol_discriminator);
+        LOG_TRACE(ERROR, "ESM-MSG   - Unexpected protocol discriminator: 0x%x",
+                header->protocol_discriminator);
     /* Encode the EPS bearer identity and the protocol discriminator */
diff --git a/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/esm/sap/esm_recv.c b/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/esm/sap/esm_recv.c
index a9258de8b7..f1936bfcaa 100644
--- a/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/esm/sap/esm_recv.c
+++ b/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/esm/sap/esm_recv.c
@@ -29,7 +29,9 @@ Description Defines functions executed at the ESM Service Access
 #include "esm_proc.h"
 #include "esm_cause.h"
+#ifdef NAS_MME
+#include "nas_itti_messaging.h"
 #ifdef NAS_UE
 #include <stdlib.h> // malloc, free
 #include <string.h> // memset
@@ -729,6 +731,7 @@ int esm_recv_pdn_connectivity_request(emm_data_context_t *ctx, int pti, int ebi,
         request_type = ESM_PDN_REQUEST_EMERGENCY;
     } else {
         /* Unkown PDN request type */
+        LOG_TRACE(ERROR, "ESM-SAP   - Invalid PDN request type");
     /* Get the value of the PDN type indicator */
@@ -740,6 +743,7 @@ int esm_recv_pdn_connectivity_request(emm_data_context_t *ctx, int pti, int ebi,
         esm_data->pdn_type = ESM_PDN_TYPE_IPV4V6;
     } else {
         /* Unkown PDN type */
+        LOG_TRACE(ERROR, "ESM-SAP   - Invalid PDN type");
@@ -765,7 +769,7 @@ int esm_recv_pdn_connectivity_request(emm_data_context_t *ctx, int pti, int ebi,
         //TODO: rc = esm_proc_information_request();
+#if defined(ORIGINAL_CODE)
     /* Execute the PDN connectivity procedure requested by the UE */
     int pid = esm_proc_pdn_connectivity_request(ctx, pti, request_type,
@@ -773,6 +777,7 @@ int esm_recv_pdn_connectivity_request(emm_data_context_t *ctx, int pti, int ebi,
     if (pid != RETURNerror) {
         /* Create local default EPS bearer context */
         int rc = esm_proc_default_eps_bearer_context(ctx, pid, new_ebi,
@@ -781,7 +786,17 @@ int esm_recv_pdn_connectivity_request(emm_data_context_t *ctx, int pti, int ebi,
             esm_cause = ESM_CAUSE_SUCCESS;
+    int is_emergency = (request_type == ESM_PDN_REQUEST_EMERGENCY);
+    nas_itti_pdn_connectivity_req(
+        pti,
+        ctx->ueid,
+        ctx->imsi,
+        esm_data,
+        request_type);
+    esm_cause = ESM_CAUSE_SUCCESS;
     /* Return the ESM cause value */
     LOG_FUNC_RETURN (esm_cause);
diff --git a/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/esm/sap/esm_sap.c b/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/esm/sap/esm_sap.c
index f235873eb4..d6c9ca8d70 100644
--- a/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/esm/sap/esm_sap.c
+++ b/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/esm/sap/esm_sap.c
@@ -756,6 +756,8 @@ static int _esm_sap_recv(int msg_type, int is_standalone,
                 esm_proc_data_t data;
                 memset(&data, 0, sizeof(esm_proc_data_t));
+                LOG_TRACE(DEBUG, "ESM-SAP   - PDN_CONNECTIVITY_REQUEST pti %u ebi %u", pti, ebi);
                  * Process PDN connectivity request message received from the UE
@@ -773,6 +775,7 @@ static int _esm_sap_recv(int msg_type, int is_standalone,
                     /* No ESM status message should be returned */
                     esm_cause = ESM_CAUSE_SUCCESS;
                 } else {
+#if defined(ORIGINAL_CODE)
                     /* Setup PDN type */
                     int pdn_type = -1;
                     if (data.pdn_type == ESM_PDN_TYPE_IPV4) {
@@ -842,14 +845,20 @@ static int _esm_sap_recv(int msg_type, int is_standalone,
                              pti, ebi,
                              ebi, &qos, &pkfs, 2);
+                    esm_procedure = esm_proc_default_eps_bearer_context_request;
+                    esm_cause = ESM_CAUSE_SUCCESS;
                     /* Setup the callback function used to send default EPS bearer
                      * context request message onto the network */
-                    esm_procedure = esm_proc_default_eps_bearer_context_request;
+                    //esm_procedure = esm_proc_default_eps_bearer_context_request;
             case PDN_DISCONNECT_REQUEST:
                  * Process PDN disconnect request message received from the UE
diff --git a/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/esm/sap/esm_send.c b/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/esm/sap/esm_send.c
index e130fcad67..918de9587f 100644
--- a/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/esm/sap/esm_send.c
+++ b/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/esm/sap/esm_send.c
@@ -541,6 +541,12 @@ int esm_send_activate_default_eps_bearer_context_request(int pti, int ebi,
     /* Mandatory - EPS QoS */
     msg->epsqos = *qos;
+    if ((apn == NULL) || ((apn  != NULL) && (apn->value == NULL))) {
+        LOG_TRACE(WARNING, "ESM-SAP   - apn is NULL!");
+    }
+    LOG_TRACE(INFO, "ESM-SAP   - apn is %s", apn->value);
     /* Mandatory - Access Point Name */
     msg->accesspointname.accesspointnamevalue = *apn;
diff --git a/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/nas_proc.c b/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/nas_proc.c
index c418420a8d..db9a7d1413 100644
--- a/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/nas_proc.c
+++ b/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/nas_proc.c
@@ -1490,16 +1490,38 @@ int nas_proc_deregister_ue(UInt32_t ue_id)
     LOG_FUNC_RETURN (rc);
-int nas_proc_bearer_param(nas_bearer_param_t *nas_bearer_param_pP)
+int nas_proc_pdn_connectivity_res(emm_cn_pdn_res_t *emm_cn_pdn_res)
     int rc = RETURNerror;
+    emm_sap_t emm_sap;
+    emm_sap.primitive = EMMCN_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RES;
+    emm_sap.u.emm_cn.u.emm_cn_pdn_res = emm_cn_pdn_res;
+    rc = emm_sap_send(&emm_sap);
+    LOG_FUNC_RETURN (rc);
+int nas_proc_pdn_connectivity_fail(emm_cn_pdn_fail_t *emm_cn_pdn_fail)
+    int rc = RETURNerror;
+    emm_sap_t emm_sap;
-    rc = RETURNok;
+    emm_sap.primitive = EMMCN_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_FAIL;
+    emm_sap.u.emm_cn.u.emm_cn_pdn_fail = emm_cn_pdn_fail;
+    rc = emm_sap_send(&emm_sap);
     LOG_FUNC_RETURN (rc);
 # endif
 #endif // NAS_MME
diff --git a/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/nas_proc.h b/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/nas_proc.h
index 09a6691daa..7ca212e5b3 100644
--- a/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/nas_proc.h
+++ b/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/nas_proc.h
@@ -138,7 +138,8 @@ int nas_proc_ul_transfer_ind(UInt32_t ueid, const Byte_t *data, UInt32_t len);
 int nas_proc_auth_param_res(emm_cn_auth_res_t *emm_cn_auth_res);
 int nas_proc_auth_param_fail(emm_cn_auth_fail_t *emm_cn_auth_fail);
 int nas_proc_deregister_ue(UInt32_t ue_id);
-int nas_proc_bearer_param(nas_bearer_param_t *nas_bearer_param_pP);
+int nas_proc_pdn_connectivity_res(nas_pdn_connectivity_rsp_t *nas_pdn_connectivity_rsp);
+int nas_proc_pdn_connectivity_fail(nas_pdn_connectivity_fail_t *nas_pdn_connectivity_fail);
 #endif /* __NAS_PROC_H__*/
diff --git a/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/util/OctetString.c b/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/util/OctetString.c
index 7314505ced..1892a6b9d0 100644
--- a/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/util/OctetString.c
+++ b/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/util/OctetString.c
@@ -6,6 +6,32 @@
 #include "TLVDecoder.h"
 #include "OctetString.h"
+OctetString* dup_octet_string(OctetString *octetstring)
+    OctetString *os_p = NULL;
+    if (octetstring) {
+        os_p = calloc(1,sizeof(OctetString));
+        os_p->length = octetstring->length;
+        os_p->value = malloc(octetstring->length+1);
+        memcpy(os_p->value, octetstring->value, octetstring->length);
+        os_p->value[octetstring->length] = '\0';
+    }
+    return os_p;
+void free_octet_string(OctetString *octetstring)
+    if (octetstring) {
+        if (octetstring->value) free(octetstring->value);
+        octetstring->value  = NULL;
+        octetstring->length = 0;
+        free(octetstring);
+    }
 int encode_octet_string(OctetString *octetstring, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t buflen)
     CHECK_PDU_POINTER_AND_LENGTH_ENCODER(buffer, octetstring->length, buflen);
diff --git a/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/util/OctetString.h b/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/util/OctetString.h
index 4dc1715c7c..9c791ae5c3 100644
--- a/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/util/OctetString.h
+++ b/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/src/util/OctetString.h
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 #include <stdint.h>
+#include <assert.h>
 #ifndef OCTET_STRING_H_
 #define OCTET_STRING_H_
@@ -7,6 +8,35 @@ typedef struct OctetString_tag {
     uint32_t  length;
     uint8_t  *value;
 } OctetString;
+#define FREE_OCTET_STRING(oCTETsTRING)                     \
+    do {                                                   \
+        if ((oCTETsTRING).value != NULL) {                 \
+            free((oCTETsTRING).value);                     \
+            (oCTETsTRING).value = NULL;                    \
+        }                                                  \
+        (oCTETsTRING).length = 0;                          \
+    } while (0);
+#define DUP_OCTET_STRING(oCTETsTRINGoRIG,oCTETsTRINGcOPY)                     \
+    do {                                                                      \
+        if ((oCTETsTRINGoRIG).value == NULL) {                                \
+            (oCTETsTRINGcOPY).length = 0;                                       \
+            (oCTETsTRINGcOPY).value = NULL;                                     \
+            break;                                                            \
+        }                                                                     \
+        (oCTETsTRINGcOPY).length = strlen((const char*)(oCTETsTRINGoRIG).value);\
+        assert((oCTETsTRINGoRIG).length == (oCTETsTRINGcOPY).length);         \
+        (oCTETsTRINGcOPY).value  = malloc((oCTETsTRINGoRIG).length+1);        \
+        memcpy((oCTETsTRINGcOPY).value,                                       \
+            (oCTETsTRINGoRIG).value,                                          \
+            (oCTETsTRINGoRIG).length);                                        \
+        (oCTETsTRINGcOPY).value[(oCTETsTRINGoRIG).length] = '\0';             \
+    } while (0);
+OctetString* dup_octet_string(OctetString*octetstring);
+void free_octet_string(OctetString *octetstring);
 int encode_octet_string(OctetString *octetstring, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t len);
diff --git a/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/tools/ue_data.c b/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/tools/ue_data.c
index 2b71609aed..98477e6e52 100644
--- a/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/tools/ue_data.c
+++ b/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/tools/ue_data.c
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ int main (int argc, const char* argv[])
     if (argc != 2) {
 	fprintf(stderr, "Invalid parameter\n");
-	exit(EXIT_FAILURE);	
     else if ( (strcmp(argv[1], "--gen") == 0) ||
 	      (strcmp(argv[1], "-g") == 0) ) {
@@ -272,7 +272,8 @@ static void _gen_emm_data(emm_nvdata_t* data)
     data->imsi.u.num.digit3 = 8;	// MCC digit 3
     data->imsi.u.num.digit4 = 1;	// MNC digit 1
     data->imsi.u.num.digit5 = 0;	// MNC digit 2
-    data->imsi.u.num.digit6 = 0xF;	// MNC digit 3
+    data->imsi.u.num.digit6 = 0;  // MNC digit 3
+    //LG data->imsi.u.num.digit6 = 0xF;  // MNC digit 3
     data->imsi.u.num.digit7 = 0;
     data->imsi.u.num.digit8 = 0;
     data->imsi.u.num.digit9 = 0;
diff --git a/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/tools/usim_data.c b/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/tools/usim_data.c
index d43fec188f..c598594171 100644
--- a/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/tools/usim_data.c
+++ b/openair-cn/NAS/EURECOM-NAS/tools/usim_data.c
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ int main (int argc, const char* argv[])
     if (argc != 2) {
 	fprintf(stderr, "Invalid parameter\n");
-	exit(EXIT_FAILURE);	
     else if ( (strcmp(argv[1], "--gen") == 0) ||
 	      (strcmp(argv[1], "-g") == 0) ) {
@@ -121,7 +121,8 @@ int main (int argc, const char* argv[])
 	usim_data.imsi.u.num.digit3 = 8;                // MCC digit 3
 	usim_data.imsi.u.num.digit4 = 1;                // MNC digit 1
 	usim_data.imsi.u.num.digit5 = 0;                // MNC digit 2
-	usim_data.imsi.u.num.digit6 = 0b1111;           // MNC digit 3
+	// LG usim_data.imsi.u.num.digit6 = 0b1111;     // MNC digit 3
+    usim_data.imsi.u.num.digit6 = 0;                // MNC digit 3
 	usim_data.imsi.u.num.digit7 = 0;
 	usim_data.imsi.u.num.digit8 = 0;
 	usim_data.imsi.u.num.digit9 = 0;
@@ -298,7 +299,12 @@ int main (int argc, const char* argv[])
 	usim_data.nasconfig.NMO_I_Behaviour.value[0] = 0x00;
 	usim_data.nasconfig.AttachWithImsi.type = USIM_ATTACH_WITH_IMSI_TAG;
 	usim_data.nasconfig.AttachWithImsi.length = 1;
+#undefine START_WITH_GUTI
+#if defined(START_WITH_GUTI)
 	usim_data.nasconfig.AttachWithImsi.value[0] = 0x00;
+    usim_data.nasconfig.AttachWithImsi.value[0] = 0x01;
 	usim_data.nasconfig.MinimumPeriodicSearchTimer.type = USIM_MINIMUM_PERIODIC_SEARCH_TIMER_TAG;
 	usim_data.nasconfig.MinimumPeriodicSearchTimer.length = 1;
 	usim_data.nasconfig.MinimumPeriodicSearchTimer.value[0] = 0x00;
@@ -491,7 +497,7 @@ static void _display_usim_data(const usim_data_t* data)
     printf("\tLAI\t: PLMN = "); PRINT_PLMN(data->loci.lai.plmn);
     printf(", LAC = 0x%.2x\n", data->loci.lai.lac);
     printf("\tstatus\t= %d\n\n", data->loci.status);
     printf("\tP-TMSI = 0x%.4x\n", data->psloci.p_tmsi);
     printf("\tsignature = 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x\n",
@@ -502,7 +508,7 @@ static void _display_usim_data(const usim_data_t* data)
     printf(", LAC = 0x%.2x, RAC = 0x%.1x\n",
 	   data->psloci.rai.lac, data->psloci.rai.rac);
     printf("\tstatus\t= %d\n\n", data->psloci.status);
     printf("\tGUTI\t: GUMMEI\t: (PLMN = ");
@@ -511,11 +517,11 @@ static void _display_usim_data(const usim_data_t* data)
     printf(", M-TMSI = 0x%.4x\n", data->epsloci.guti.m_tmsi);
     printf("\tTAI\t: PLMN = ");
-    PRINT_PLMN(data->epsloci.tai.plmn);    
+    PRINT_PLMN(data->epsloci.tai.plmn);
     printf(", TAC = 0x%.2x\n",
     printf("\tstatus\t= %d\n\n", data->epsloci.status);
     printf("\tNAS_SignallingPriority\t\t: 0x%.2x\n",
diff --git a/openair-cn/NAS/nas_itti_messaging.h b/openair-cn/NAS/nas_itti_messaging.h
index 75c7d73266..6839952148 100644
--- a/openair-cn/NAS/nas_itti_messaging.h
+++ b/openair-cn/NAS/nas_itti_messaging.h
@@ -32,47 +32,136 @@
 #include <stdint.h>
 #include <ctype.h>
+#include "assertions.h"
 #include "intertask_interface.h"
+#include "esm_proc.h"
 # if ((defined(EPC_BUILD) && defined(NAS_MME)) || (defined(ENABLE_NAS_UE_LOGGING) && defined(UE_BUILD) && defined(NAS_UE)))
-int nas_itti_plain_msg(const char *buffer, const nas_message_t *msg, const int length, const int instance);
-int nas_itti_protected_msg(const char *buffer, const nas_message_t *msg, const int length, const int instance);
+int nas_itti_plain_msg(
+    const char *buffer,
+    const nas_message_t *msg,
+    const int lengthP,
+    const int instance);
+int nas_itti_protected_msg(
+    const char *buffer,
+    const nas_message_t *msg,
+    const int lengthP,
+    const int instance);
 # endif
 # if defined(EPC_BUILD) && defined(NAS_MME)
 #include "conversions.h"
-int nas_itti_dl_data_req(const uint32_t ue_id, void *const data,
-                         const uint32_t length);
+int nas_itti_dl_data_req(
+    const uint32_t ue_idP,
+    void *const    data_pP,
+    const uint32_t lengthP);
+static inline void nas_itti_pdn_connectivity_req(
+    int                     ptiP,
+    unsigned int            ueidP,
+    const imsi_t           *const imsi_pP,
+    esm_proc_data_t        *proc_data_pP,
+    esm_proc_pdn_request_t  request_typeP)
+    MessageDef *message_p = NULL;
+    AssertFatal(imsi_pP       != NULL, "imsi_pP param is NULL");
+    AssertFatal(proc_data_pP  != NULL, "proc_data_pP param is NULL");
-static inline void nas_itti_establish_cnf(const uint32_t ue_id,
-        const nas_error_code_t error_code, void *const data,
-        const uint32_t length)
+    message_p = itti_alloc_new_message(TASK_NAS_MME, NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_REQ);
+    memset(&message_p->ittiMsg.nas_pdn_connectivity_req,
+            0,
+            sizeof(nas_pdn_connectivity_req_t));
+    hexa_to_ascii((uint8_t *)imsi_pP->u.value,
+                  NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_REQ(message_p).imsi,
+                  8);
+    NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_REQ(message_p).pti             = ptiP;
+    NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_REQ(message_p).ue_id           = ueidP;
+    NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_REQ(message_p).imsi[15]        = '\0';
+    if (isdigit(NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_REQ(message_p).imsi[14])) {
+        NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_REQ(message_p).imsi_length = 15;
+    } else {
+        NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_REQ(message_p).imsi_length = 14;
+        NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_REQ(message_p).imsi[14] = '\0';
+    }
+    DUP_OCTET_STRING(proc_data_pP->apn,      NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_REQ(message_p).apn);
+    DUP_OCTET_STRING(proc_data_pP->pdn_addr, NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_REQ(message_p).pdn_addr);
+    switch (proc_data_pP->pdn_type) {
+    case ESM_PDN_TYPE_IPV4:
+        NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_REQ(message_p).pdn_type = IPv4;
+        break;
+    case ESM_PDN_TYPE_IPV6:
+        NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_REQ(message_p).pdn_type = IPv6;
+        break;
+    case ESM_PDN_TYPE_IPV4V6:
+        NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_REQ(message_p).pdn_type = IPv4_AND_v6;
+        break;
+    default:
+        NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_REQ(message_p).pdn_type = IPv4;
+        break;
+    }
+    // not efficient but be careful about "typedef network_qos_t esm_proc_qos_t;"
+    NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_REQ(message_p).qos.gbrUL = proc_data_pP->qos.gbrUL;
+    NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_REQ(message_p).qos.gbrDL = proc_data_pP->qos.gbrDL;
+    NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_REQ(message_p).qos.mbrUL = proc_data_pP->qos.mbrUL;
+    NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_REQ(message_p).qos.mbrDL = proc_data_pP->qos.mbrDL;
+    NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_REQ(message_p).qos.qci   = proc_data_pP->qos.qci;
+    NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_REQ(message_p).proc_data = proc_data_pP;
+    NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_REQ(message_p).request_type  = request_typeP;
+    itti_send_msg_to_task(TASK_MME_APP, INSTANCE_DEFAULT, message_p);
+static inline void nas_itti_establish_cnf(
+    const uint32_t         ue_idP,
+    const nas_error_code_t error_codeP,
+    void            *const data_pP,
+    const uint32_t         lengthP)
-    MessageDef *message_p;
+    MessageDef *message_p = NULL;
     message_p = itti_alloc_new_message(TASK_NAS_MME, NAS_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHMENT_CNF);
+    memset(&message_p->ittiMsg.nas_conn_est_cnf,
+            0,
+            sizeof(nas_conn_est_cnf_t));
+    NAS_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHMENT_CNF(message_p).UEid            = ue_idP;
+    NAS_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHMENT_CNF(message_p).errCode         = error_codeP;
+    NAS_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHMENT_CNF(message_p)     = data_pP;
+    NAS_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHMENT_CNF(message_p).nasMsg.length   = lengthP;
-    NAS_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHMENT_CNF(message_p).UEid            = ue_id;
-    NAS_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHMENT_CNF(message_p).errCode         = error_code;
-    NAS_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHMENT_CNF(message_p)     = data;
-    NAS_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHMENT_CNF(message_p).nasMsg.length   = length;
-    itti_send_msg_to_task(TASK_S1AP, INSTANCE_DEFAULT, message_p);
+    itti_send_msg_to_task(TASK_MME_APP, INSTANCE_DEFAULT, message_p);
-static inline void nas_itti_auth_info_req(const uint32_t ue_id,
-        const imsi_t *const imsi, uint8_t initial_req, const uint8_t *auts)
+static inline void nas_itti_auth_info_req(
+    const uint32_t      ue_idP,
+    const imsi_t *const imsi_pP,
+    uint8_t             initial_reqP,
+    const uint8_t      *auts_pP)
     MessageDef *message_p;
     message_p = itti_alloc_new_message(TASK_NAS_MME, NAS_AUTHENTICATION_PARAM_REQ);
+    memset(&message_p->ittiMsg.nas_auth_param_req,
+            0,
+            sizeof(nas_auth_param_req_t));
-    hexa_to_ascii((uint8_t *)imsi->u.value,
+    hexa_to_ascii((uint8_t *)imsi_pP->u.value,
                   NAS_AUTHENTICATION_PARAM_REQ(message_p).imsi, 8);
     NAS_AUTHENTICATION_PARAM_REQ(message_p).imsi[15] = '\0';
@@ -83,13 +172,13 @@ static inline void nas_itti_auth_info_req(const uint32_t ue_id,
         NAS_AUTHENTICATION_PARAM_REQ(message_p).imsi_length = 14;
         NAS_AUTHENTICATION_PARAM_REQ(message_p).imsi[14] = '\0';
-    NAS_AUTHENTICATION_PARAM_REQ(message_p).initial_req = initial_req;
-    NAS_AUTHENTICATION_PARAM_REQ(message_p).ue_id = ue_id;
+    NAS_AUTHENTICATION_PARAM_REQ(message_p).initial_req = initial_reqP;
+    NAS_AUTHENTICATION_PARAM_REQ(message_p).ue_id = ue_idP;
     /* Re-synchronisation */
-    if (auts != NULL) {
+    if (auts_pP != NULL) {
         NAS_AUTHENTICATION_PARAM_REQ(message_p).re_synchronization = 1;
-        memcpy(NAS_AUTHENTICATION_PARAM_REQ(message_p).auts, auts, AUTS_LENGTH);
+        memcpy(NAS_AUTHENTICATION_PARAM_REQ(message_p).auts, auts_pP, AUTS_LENGTH);
     } else {
         NAS_AUTHENTICATION_PARAM_REQ(message_p).re_synchronization = 0;
         memset(NAS_AUTHENTICATION_PARAM_REQ(message_p).auts, 0, AUTS_LENGTH);
@@ -98,14 +187,19 @@ static inline void nas_itti_auth_info_req(const uint32_t ue_id,
     itti_send_msg_to_task(TASK_MME_APP, INSTANCE_DEFAULT, message_p);
-static inline void nas_itti_establish_rej(const uint32_t ue_id,
-        const imsi_t *const imsi, uint8_t initial_req)
+static inline void nas_itti_establish_rej(
+    const uint32_t      ue_idP,
+    const imsi_t *const imsi_pP
+    , uint8_t           initial_reqP)
     MessageDef *message_p;
     message_p = itti_alloc_new_message(TASK_NAS_MME, NAS_AUTHENTICATION_PARAM_REQ);
+    memset(&message_p->ittiMsg.nas_auth_param_req,
+            0,
+            sizeof(nas_auth_param_req_t));
-    hexa_to_ascii((uint8_t *)imsi->u.value,
+    hexa_to_ascii((uint8_t *)imsi_pP->u.value,
                   NAS_AUTHENTICATION_PARAM_REQ(message_p).imsi, 8);
     NAS_AUTHENTICATION_PARAM_REQ(message_p).imsi[15] = '\0';
@@ -114,10 +208,10 @@ static inline void nas_itti_establish_rej(const uint32_t ue_id,
         NAS_AUTHENTICATION_PARAM_REQ(message_p).imsi_length = 15;
     } else {
         NAS_AUTHENTICATION_PARAM_REQ(message_p).imsi_length = 14;
-        NAS_AUTHENTICATION_PARAM_REQ(message_p).imsi[14] = '\0';
+        NAS_AUTHENTICATION_PARAM_REQ(message_p).imsi[14]    = '\0';
-    NAS_AUTHENTICATION_PARAM_REQ(message_p).initial_req = initial_req;
-    NAS_AUTHENTICATION_PARAM_REQ(message_p).ue_id = ue_id;
+    NAS_AUTHENTICATION_PARAM_REQ(message_p).initial_req = initial_reqP;
+    NAS_AUTHENTICATION_PARAM_REQ(message_p).ue_id       = ue_idP;
     itti_send_msg_to_task(TASK_MME_APP, INSTANCE_DEFAULT, message_p);
@@ -126,9 +220,9 @@ static inline void nas_itti_establish_rej(const uint32_t ue_id,
 # if defined(UE_BUILD) && defined(NAS_UE)
 int nas_itti_cell_info_req(const plmn_t plmnID, const Byte_t rat);
-int nas_itti_nas_establish_req(as_cause_t cause, as_call_type_t type, as_stmsi_t s_tmsi, plmn_t plmnID, Byte_t *data, UInt32_t length);
+int nas_itti_nas_establish_req(as_cause_t cause, as_call_type_t type, as_stmsi_t s_tmsi, plmn_t plmnID, Byte_t *data_pP, UInt32_t lengthP);
-int nas_itti_ul_data_req(const uint32_t ue_id, void *const data, const uint32_t length);
+int nas_itti_ul_data_req(const uint32_t ue_idP, void *const data_pP, const uint32_t lengthP);
 int nas_itti_rab_establish_rsp(const as_stmsi_t s_tmsi, const as_rab_id_t rabID, const nas_error_code_t errCode);
 # endif
diff --git a/openair-cn/NAS/nas_main.c b/openair-cn/NAS/nas_main.c
index 1c04fefd60..f42cdf021f 100644
--- a/openair-cn/NAS/nas_main.c
+++ b/openair-cn/NAS/nas_main.c
@@ -134,6 +134,14 @@ next_message:
             } break;
+            case NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP: {
+              nas_proc_pdn_connectivity_res(&NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_RSP(received_message_p));
+            } break;
+            case NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_FAIL: {
+              nas_proc_pdn_connectivity_fail(&NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_FAIL(received_message_p));
+            } break;
             case TIMER_HAS_EXPIRED: {
 #if !defined(DISABLE_USE_NAS)
@@ -180,7 +188,7 @@ int nas_init(mme_config_t *mme_config_p)
     NAS_DEBUG("Initializing NAS task interface\n");
 #if !defined(DISABLE_USE_NAS)
-    nas_log_init(0x2F);
+    nas_log_init(0x3F);
diff --git a/openair-cn/OPENAIRHSS/conf/hss.conf b/openair-cn/OPENAIRHSS/conf/hss.conf
index c718de1aa4..7fcc3ec5f6 100644
--- a/openair-cn/OPENAIRHSS/conf/hss.conf
+++ b/openair-cn/OPENAIRHSS/conf/hss.conf
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 ## MySQL mandatory options
 MYSQL_server = "";
-MYSQL_user   = "hssadmin";
-MYSQL_pass   = "admin";
+MYSQL_user   = "root";
+MYSQL_pass   = "linux";
 MYSQL_db     = "oai_db";
 ## Freediameter options
diff --git a/openair-cn/OPENAIRHSS/conf/hss_fd.conf b/openair-cn/OPENAIRHSS/conf/hss_fd.conf
index b1e088553c..3f68d5b26c 100644
--- a/openair-cn/OPENAIRHSS/conf/hss_fd.conf
+++ b/openair-cn/OPENAIRHSS/conf/hss_fd.conf
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
 Identity = "hss.eur";
 # TLS configuration (see previous section)
-TLS_Cred = "/homes/roux/lte-epc/openair3/OPENAIRHSS/conf/hss.cert.pem",
-TLS_CA = "/homes/roux/lte-epc/openair3/OPENAIRHSS/conf/cacert.pem";
+TLS_Cred = "/usr/local/src/trunk_co/openair-cn/OPENAIRHSS/conf/hss.cert.pem",
+TLS_CA = "/usr/local/src/trunk_co/openair-cn/OPENAIRHSS/conf/cacert.pem";
 # Disable use of TCP protocol (only listen and connect in SCTP)
 # Default : TCP enabled
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ AppServThreads = 4;
 #LoadExtension = "rt_default.fdx" : "rtd.conf";
 # Uncomment (and create acl.conf) to allow incoming connections from other peers.
-#LoadExtension = "acl_wl.fdx" : "/homes/roux/lte-epc/openair3/OPENAIRHSS/conf/acl.conf";
+#LoadExtension = "acl_wl.fdx" : "/usr/local/src/trunk_co/openair-cn/OPENAIRHSS/conf/acl.conf";
 # Uncomment to display periodic state information
 #LoadExtension = "dbg_monitor.fdx";
diff --git a/openair-cn/S11/s11_mme_session_manager.c b/openair-cn/S11/s11_mme_session_manager.c
index 2c96dac8da..2a3d5dca49 100644
--- a/openair-cn/S11/s11_mme_session_manager.c
+++ b/openair-cn/S11/s11_mme_session_manager.c
@@ -156,7 +156,8 @@ int s11_mme_handle_create_session_response(NwGtpv2cStackHandleT *stack_p,
     if (rc != NW_OK)
         /* TODO: handle this case */
-        free(message_p);
+        itti_free(ITTI_MSG_ORIGIN_ID(message_p), message_p);
+        message_p = NULL;
         rc = nwGtpv2cMsgParserDelete(*stack_p, pMsgParser);
         DevAssert(NW_OK == rc);
diff --git a/openair-cn/S11/s11_mme_task.c b/openair-cn/S11/s11_mme_task.c
index 96c71a22c8..6eeaa75576 100644
--- a/openair-cn/S11/s11_mme_task.c
+++ b/openair-cn/S11/s11_mme_task.c
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ static void *s11_mme_thread(void *args)
-        free(received_message_p);
+        itti_free(ITTI_MSG_ORIGIN_ID(received_message_p), received_message_p);
         received_message_p = NULL;
     return NULL;
diff --git a/openair-cn/S11/s11_sgw.c b/openair-cn/S11/s11_sgw.c
index 8ffa29145a..2d37652a53 100644
--- a/openair-cn/S11/s11_sgw.c
+++ b/openair-cn/S11/s11_sgw.c
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ static void *s11_sgw_thread(void *args)
-        free(received_message_p);
+        itti_free(ITTI_MSG_ORIGIN_ID(received_message_p), received_message_p);
         received_message_p = NULL;
     return NULL;
diff --git a/openair-cn/S11/s11_sgw_bearer_manager.c b/openair-cn/S11/s11_sgw_bearer_manager.c
index cd1546af49..3b8a1b655a 100644
--- a/openair-cn/S11/s11_sgw_bearer_manager.c
+++ b/openair-cn/S11/s11_sgw_bearer_manager.c
@@ -142,7 +142,8 @@ int s11_sgw_handle_modify_bearer_request(NwGtpv2cStackHandleT *stack_p,
         rc = nwGtpv2cProcessUlpReq(*stack_p, &ulp_req);
         DevAssert(NW_OK == rc);
-        free(message_p);
+        itti_free(ITTI_MSG_ORIGIN_ID(message_p), message_p);
+        message_p = NULL;
         rc = nwGtpv2cMsgParserDelete(*stack_p, pMsgParser);
         DevAssert(NW_OK == rc);
diff --git a/openair-cn/S11/s11_sgw_session_manager.c b/openair-cn/S11/s11_sgw_session_manager.c
index 43532d5b50..65d8b71fd2 100644
--- a/openair-cn/S11/s11_sgw_session_manager.c
+++ b/openair-cn/S11/s11_sgw_session_manager.c
@@ -227,7 +227,8 @@ int s11_sgw_handle_create_session_request(NwGtpv2cStackHandleT *stack_p,
         rc = nwGtpv2cProcessUlpReq(*stack_p, &ulp_req);
         DevAssert(NW_OK == rc);
-        free(message_p);
+        itti_free(ITTI_MSG_ORIGIN_ID(message_p), message_p);
+        message_p = NULL;
         rc = nwGtpv2cMsgParserDelete(*stack_p, pMsgParser);
         DevAssert(NW_OK == rc);
@@ -427,7 +428,8 @@ int s11_sgw_handle_delete_session_request(NwGtpv2cStackHandleT *stack_p,
         rc = nwGtpv2cProcessUlpReq(*stack_p, &ulp_req);
         DevAssert(NW_OK == rc);
-        free(message_p);
+        itti_free(ITTI_MSG_ORIGIN_ID(message_p), message_p);
+        message_p = NULL;
         rc = nwGtpv2cMsgParserDelete(*stack_p, pMsgParser);
         DevAssert(NW_OK == rc);
diff --git a/openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_eNB.c b/openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_eNB.c
index a241f8a7e9..963ac8f17d 100644
--- a/openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_eNB.c
+++ b/openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_eNB.c
@@ -72,9 +72,9 @@ void s1ap_eNB_handle_sctp_association_resp(instance_t instance, sctp_new_associa
 uint32_t s1ap_generate_eNB_id(void)
-    char *out;
-    char  hostname[50];
-    int   ret;
+    char    *out;
+    char     hostname[50];
+    int      ret;
     uint32_t eNB_id;
     /* Retrieve the host name */
@@ -93,9 +93,9 @@ static void s1ap_eNB_register_mme(s1ap_eNB_instance_t *instance_p,
                                   net_ip_address_t    *mme_ip_address,
                                   net_ip_address_t    *local_ip_addr)
-    MessageDef                 *message_p;
-    sctp_new_association_req_t *sctp_new_association_req_p;
-    s1ap_eNB_mme_data_t        *s1ap_mme_data_p;
+    MessageDef                 *message_p                   = NULL;
+    sctp_new_association_req_t *sctp_new_association_req_p  = NULL;
+    s1ap_eNB_mme_data_t        *s1ap_mme_data_p             = NULL;
     DevAssert(instance_p != NULL);
     DevAssert(mme_ip_address != NULL);
@@ -107,10 +107,12 @@ static void s1ap_eNB_register_mme(s1ap_eNB_instance_t *instance_p,
     sctp_new_association_req_p->port = S1AP_PORT_NUMBER;
     sctp_new_association_req_p->ppid = S1AP_SCTP_PPID;
-    memcpy(&sctp_new_association_req_p->remote_address, mme_ip_address,
+    memcpy(&sctp_new_association_req_p->remote_address,
+            mme_ip_address,
-    memcpy(&sctp_new_association_req_p->local_address, local_ip_addr,
+    memcpy(&sctp_new_association_req_p->local_address,
+            local_ip_addr,
     /* Create new MME descriptor */
diff --git a/openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_eNB_decoder.c b/openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_eNB_decoder.c
index edd4b768fa..d3ce2c1fcf 100644
--- a/openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_eNB_decoder.c
+++ b/openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_eNB_decoder.c
@@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ static int s1ap_eNB_decode_initiating_message(s1ap_message *message,
             S1AP_ERROR("Unknown procedure ID (%d) for initiating message\n",
-            //AssertFatal( 0 , "Unknown procedure ID (%d) for initiating message\n",
-            //           (int)initiating_p->procedureCode);
+            AssertFatal( 0 , "Unknown procedure ID (%d) for initiating message\n",
+                       (int)initiating_p->procedureCode);
             return -1;
diff --git a/openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_eNB_handlers.c b/openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_eNB_handlers.c
index ee41ec5c43..2ca4f8a52e 100644
--- a/openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_eNB_handlers.c
+++ b/openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_eNB_handlers.c
@@ -454,8 +454,8 @@ int s1ap_eNB_handle_initial_context_request(uint32_t               assoc_id,
     S1AP_INITIAL_CONTEXT_SETUP_REQ(message_p).nb_of_e_rabs =
-    S1AP_INITIAL_CONTEXT_SETUP_REQ(message_p).ue_ambr.br_ul = initialContextSetupRequest_p->uEaggregateMaximumBitrate.uEaggregateMaximumBitRateUL;
-    S1AP_INITIAL_CONTEXT_SETUP_REQ(message_p).ue_ambr.br_dl = initialContextSetupRequest_p->uEaggregateMaximumBitrate.uEaggregateMaximumBitRateDL;
+    S1AP_INITIAL_CONTEXT_SETUP_REQ(message_p).ue_ambr.br_ul = 64;// TO DO(bitrate_t)(initialContextSetupRequest_p->uEaggregateMaximumBitrate.uEaggregateMaximumBitRateUL);
+    S1AP_INITIAL_CONTEXT_SETUP_REQ(message_p).ue_ambr.br_dl = 1024;//(bitrate_t)(initialContextSetupRequest_p->uEaggregateMaximumBitrate.uEaggregateMaximumBitRateDL);
     S1AP_INITIAL_CONTEXT_SETUP_REQ(message_p).security_capabilities.encryption_algorithms =
@@ -473,6 +473,7 @@ int s1ap_eNB_handle_initial_context_request(uint32_t               assoc_id,
         item_p = (S1ap_E_RABToBeSetupItemCtxtSUReq_t *)initialContextSetupRequest_p->e_RABToBeSetupListCtxtSUReq.s1ap_E_RABToBeSetupItemCtxtSUReq.array[i];
         S1AP_INITIAL_CONTEXT_SETUP_REQ(message_p).e_rab_param[i].e_rab_id = item_p->e_RAB_ID;
         if (item_p->nAS_PDU != NULL) {
             /* Only copy NAS pdu if present */
             S1AP_INITIAL_CONTEXT_SETUP_REQ(message_p).e_rab_param[i].nas_pdu.length = item_p->nAS_PDU->size;
diff --git a/openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_eNB_nas_procedures.c b/openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_eNB_nas_procedures.c
index 6b64ee3772..94c5903efd 100644
--- a/openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_eNB_nas_procedures.c
+++ b/openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_eNB_nas_procedures.c
@@ -52,16 +52,16 @@
 int s1ap_eNB_handle_nas_first_req(
     instance_t instance, s1ap_nas_first_req_t *s1ap_nas_first_req_p)
-    s1ap_eNB_instance_t          *instance_p;
+    s1ap_eNB_instance_t          *instance_p = NULL;
     struct s1ap_eNB_mme_data_s   *mme_desc_p = NULL;
-    struct s1ap_eNB_ue_context_s *ue_desc_p;
+    struct s1ap_eNB_ue_context_s *ue_desc_p  = NULL;
     s1ap_message message;
-    S1ap_InitialUEMessageIEs_t *initial_ue_message_p;
+    S1ap_InitialUEMessageIEs_t *initial_ue_message_p = NULL;
-    uint8_t  *buffer;
-    uint32_t  length;
+    uint8_t  *buffer = NULL;
+    uint32_t  length = 0;
     DevAssert(s1ap_nas_first_req_p != NULL);
@@ -134,7 +134,9 @@ int s1ap_eNB_handle_nas_first_req(
         if ((collision_p = RB_INSERT(s1ap_ue_map, &instance_p->s1ap_ue_head, ue_desc_p))
                 == NULL)
-            S1AP_DEBUG("Found usable eNB_ue_s1ap_id: 0x%06x\n", ue_desc_p->eNB_ue_s1ap_id);
+            S1AP_DEBUG("Found usable eNB_ue_s1ap_id: 0x%06x %d(10)\n",
+                    ue_desc_p->eNB_ue_s1ap_id,
+                    ue_desc_p->eNB_ue_s1ap_id);
             /* Break the loop as the id is not already used by another UE */
@@ -151,6 +153,7 @@ int s1ap_eNB_handle_nas_first_req(
     initial_ue_message_p->rrC_Establishment_Cause = s1ap_nas_first_req_p->establishment_cause;
     if (s1ap_nas_first_req_p->ue_identity.presenceMask & UE_IDENTITIES_s_tmsi) {
         initial_ue_message_p->presenceMask |= S1AP_INITIALUEMESSAGEIES_S_TMSI_PRESENT;
@@ -159,6 +162,7 @@ int s1ap_eNB_handle_nas_first_req(
     if (s1ap_nas_first_req_p->ue_identity.presenceMask & UE_IDENTITIES_gummei) {
         initial_ue_message_p->presenceMask |= S1AP_INITIALUEMESSAGEIES_GUMMEI_ID_PRESENT;
@@ -210,15 +214,15 @@ int s1ap_eNB_handle_nas_first_req(
     return 0;
-int s1ap_eNB_handle_nas_downlink(uint32_t               assoc_id,
-                                 uint32_t               stream,
-                                 struct s1ap_message_s *message_p)
+int s1ap_eNB_handle_nas_downlink(const uint32_t               assoc_id,
+                                 const uint32_t               stream,
+                                 const struct s1ap_message_s *const message_p)
-    S1ap_DownlinkNASTransportIEs_t *downlink_NAS_transport_p;
+    S1ap_DownlinkNASTransportIEs_t *downlink_NAS_transport_p = NULL;
-    s1ap_eNB_mme_data_t   *mme_desc_p;
-    s1ap_eNB_ue_context_t *ue_desc_p;
-    s1ap_eNB_instance_t   *s1ap_eNB_instance;
+    s1ap_eNB_mme_data_t   *mme_desc_p                        = NULL;
+    s1ap_eNB_ue_context_t *ue_desc_p                         = NULL;
+    s1ap_eNB_instance_t   *s1ap_eNB_instance                 = NULL;
     DevAssert(message_p != NULL);
@@ -232,8 +236,9 @@ int s1ap_eNB_handle_nas_downlink(uint32_t               assoc_id,
     if ((mme_desc_p = s1ap_eNB_get_MME(NULL, assoc_id, 0)) == NULL) {
-        S1AP_ERROR("[SCTP %d] Received NAS downlink message for non "
-                   "existing MME context\n", assoc_id);
+        S1AP_ERROR(
+                "[SCTP %d] Received NAS downlink message for non existing MME context\n",
+                assoc_id);
         return -1;
@@ -242,9 +247,10 @@ int s1ap_eNB_handle_nas_downlink(uint32_t               assoc_id,
     if ((ue_desc_p = s1ap_eNB_get_ue_context(s1ap_eNB_instance,
          downlink_NAS_transport_p->eNB_UE_S1AP_ID)) == NULL)
-        S1AP_ERROR("[SCTP %d] Received NAS downlink message for non "
-        "existing UE context: 0x%06x\n", assoc_id,
-        downlink_NAS_transport_p->eNB_UE_S1AP_ID);
+        S1AP_ERROR("[SCTP %d] Received NAS downlink message for non existing UE context: 0x%08x %l(10)\n",
+                assoc_id,
+                downlink_NAS_transport_p->eNB_UE_S1AP_ID,
+                downlink_NAS_transport_p->eNB_UE_S1AP_ID);
         return -1;
@@ -358,7 +364,7 @@ int s1ap_eNB_nas_uplink(instance_t instance, s1ap_uplink_nas_t *s1ap_uplink_nas_
     return 0;
-void s1ap_eNB_nas_non_delivery_ind(instance_t instance, 
+void s1ap_eNB_nas_non_delivery_ind(instance_t instance,
                                    s1ap_nas_non_delivery_ind_t *s1ap_nas_non_delivery_ind)
     struct s1ap_eNB_ue_context_s *ue_context_p;
diff --git a/openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_eNB_nas_procedures.h b/openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_eNB_nas_procedures.h
index 61435c990d..8e6e552b38 100644
--- a/openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_eNB_nas_procedures.h
+++ b/openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_eNB_nas_procedures.h
@@ -31,13 +31,14 @@
-int s1ap_eNB_handle_nas_downlink(uint32_t               assoc_id,
-                                 uint32_t               stream,
-                                 struct s1ap_message_s *message_p);
+int s1ap_eNB_handle_nas_downlink(
+        const uint32_t               assoc_id,
+        const uint32_t               stream,
+        const struct s1ap_message_s *const message_p);
 int s1ap_eNB_nas_uplink(instance_t instance, s1ap_uplink_nas_t *s1ap_uplink_nas_p);
-void s1ap_eNB_nas_non_delivery_ind(instance_t instance, 
+void s1ap_eNB_nas_non_delivery_ind(instance_t instance,
                                    s1ap_nas_non_delivery_ind_t *s1ap_nas_non_delivery_ind);
 int s1ap_eNB_handle_nas_first_req(
diff --git a/openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_eNB_nnsf.c b/openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_eNB_nnsf.c
index 2d3a964ffd..c0245f795f 100644
--- a/openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_eNB_nnsf.c
+++ b/openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_eNB_nnsf.c
@@ -168,9 +168,9 @@ s1ap_eNB_nnsf_select_mme_by_gummei(s1ap_eNB_instance_t       *instance_p,
                                    rrc_establishment_cause_t  cause,
                                    s1ap_gummei_t                   gummei)
-    struct s1ap_eNB_mme_data_s *mme_data_p = NULL;
+    struct s1ap_eNB_mme_data_s *mme_data_p             = NULL;
     struct s1ap_eNB_mme_data_s *mme_highest_capacity_p = NULL;
-    uint8_t current_capacity = 0;
+    uint8_t                     current_capacity       = 0;
     RB_FOREACH(mme_data_p, s1ap_mme_map, &instance_p->s1ap_mme_head) {
         struct served_gummei_s *gummei_p = NULL;
diff --git a/openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_mme.c b/openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_mme.c
index 975cdb5dcd..9f1dabed9a 100644
--- a/openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_mme.c
+++ b/openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_mme.c
@@ -157,8 +157,13 @@ void *s1ap_mme_thread(void *args)
             } break;
-                s1ap_handle_conn_est_cnf(&NAS_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHMENT_CNF(received_message_p));
+            // handled by MME_APP know
+            //    s1ap_handle_conn_est_cnf(&NAS_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHMENT_CNF(received_message_p));
+            //} break;
+                s1ap_handle_conn_est_cnf(&MME_APP_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHMENT_CNF(received_message_p));
             } break;
diff --git a/openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_mme_decoder.c b/openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_mme_decoder.c
index c72f19899b..819f7d7d0f 100644
--- a/openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_mme_decoder.c
+++ b/openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_mme_decoder.c
@@ -140,12 +140,11 @@ static int s1ap_mme_decode_initiating(
 static int s1ap_mme_decode_successfull_outcome(
     s1ap_message *message, S1ap_SuccessfulOutcome_t *successfullOutcome_p)
-    int ret = -1;
-    MessageDef *message_p;
-    char       *message_string = NULL;
-    size_t      message_string_size;
-    MessagesIds message_id;
+    int ret                         = -1;
+    MessageDef *message_p           = NULL;
+    char       *message_string      = NULL;
+    size_t      message_string_size = 0;
+    MessagesIds message_id          = MESSAGES_ID_MAX;
     DevAssert(successfullOutcome_p != NULL);
diff --git a/openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_mme_handlers.c b/openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_mme_handlers.c
index a9a8dbd446..fe67f5eaa9 100644
--- a/openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_mme_handlers.c
+++ b/openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_mme_handlers.c
@@ -488,26 +488,27 @@ int s1ap_mme_handle_initial_context_setup_response(
     struct s1ap_message_s *message)
-    S1ap_InitialContextSetupResponseIEs_t *initialContextSetupResponseIEs_p;
-    S1ap_E_RABSetupItemCtxtSURes_t        *eRABSetupItemCtxtSURes_p;
-    ue_description_t       *ue_ref;
-    SgwModifyBearerRequest *modify_request_p;
-    MessageDef             *message_p;
+    S1ap_InitialContextSetupResponseIEs_t *initialContextSetupResponseIEs_p = NULL;
+    S1ap_E_RABSetupItemCtxtSURes_t        *eRABSetupItemCtxtSURes_p         = NULL;
+    ue_description_t                      *ue_ref                           = NULL;
+    MessageDef                            *message_p                        = NULL;
     initialContextSetupResponseIEs_p = &message->msg.s1ap_InitialContextSetupResponseIEs;
     if ((ue_ref = s1ap_is_ue_mme_id_in_list(
         (uint32_t)initialContextSetupResponseIEs_p->mme_ue_s1ap_id)) == NULL) {
-        S1AP_DEBUG("No UE is attached to this mme UE s1ap id: 0x%08x\n",
+        S1AP_DEBUG("No UE is attached to this mme UE s1ap id: 0x%08x %u(10)\n",
+                   (uint32_t)initialContextSetupResponseIEs_p->mme_ue_s1ap_id,
         return -1;
     if (ue_ref->eNB_ue_s1ap_id !=
             initialContextSetupResponseIEs_p->eNB_UE_S1AP_ID) {
-        S1AP_DEBUG("Mismatch in eNB UE S1AP ID, known: 0x%06x, received: 0x%06x\n",
-                   ue_ref->eNB_ue_s1ap_id,
-                   (uint32_t)initialContextSetupResponseIEs_p->eNB_UE_S1AP_ID);
+        S1AP_DEBUG("Mismatch in eNB UE S1AP ID, known: 0x%06x %u(10), received: 0x%06x %u(10)\n",
+                ue_ref->eNB_ue_s1ap_id,
+                ue_ref->eNB_ue_s1ap_id,
+                (uint32_t)initialContextSetupResponseIEs_p->eNB_UE_S1AP_ID,
+                (uint32_t)initialContextSetupResponseIEs_p->eNB_UE_S1AP_ID);
         return -1;
@@ -519,29 +520,32 @@ int s1ap_mme_handle_initial_context_setup_response(
     ue_ref->s1_ue_state = S1AP_UE_CONNECTED;
-    message_p = itti_alloc_new_message(TASK_SPGW_APP, SGW_MODIFY_BEARER_REQUEST);
+    message_p = itti_alloc_new_message(TASK_S1AP, MME_APP_INITIAL_CONTEXT_SETUP_RSP);
-    if (message_p == NULL) {
-        return -1;
-    }
+    AssertFatal(message_p != NULL,"itti_alloc_new_message Failed");
+    memset((void*)&message_p->ittiMsg.mme_app_initial_context_setup_rsp,
+            0,
+            sizeof(mme_app_initial_context_setup_rsp_t));
     /* Bad, very bad cast... */
     eRABSetupItemCtxtSURes_p = (S1ap_E_RABSetupItemCtxtSURes_t *)
-    modify_request_p = &message_p->ittiMsg.sgwModifyBearerRequest;
-//     modify_request_p->teid = ue_ref->teid;
-    modify_request_p->bearer_context_to_modify.eps_bearer_id =
-        eRABSetupItemCtxtSURes_p->e_RAB_ID;
-    modify_request_p->bearer_context_to_modify.s1_eNB_fteid.teid = *((
-                uint32_t *)eRABSetupItemCtxtSURes_p->gTP_TEID.buf);
-    modify_request_p->bearer_context_to_modify.s1_eNB_fteid.ipv4 = 1;
-    memcpy(&modify_request_p->bearer_context_to_modify.s1_eNB_fteid.ipv4_address,
-           eRABSetupItemCtxtSURes_p->transportLayerAddress.buf, 4);
-    return itti_send_msg_to_task(TASK_SPGW_APP, INSTANCE_DEFAULT, message_p);
+    MME_APP_INITIAL_CONTEXT_SETUP_RSP(message_p).mme_ue_s1ap_id                      = ue_ref->mme_ue_s1ap_id;
+    MME_APP_INITIAL_CONTEXT_SETUP_RSP(message_p).eps_bearer_id                       = eRABSetupItemCtxtSURes_p->e_RAB_ID ;
+    MME_APP_INITIAL_CONTEXT_SETUP_RSP(message_p).bearer_s1u_enb_fteid.ipv4           = 1; // TO DO
+    MME_APP_INITIAL_CONTEXT_SETUP_RSP(message_p).bearer_s1u_enb_fteid.ipv6           = 0; // TO DO
+    MME_APP_INITIAL_CONTEXT_SETUP_RSP(message_p).bearer_s1u_enb_fteid.interface_type = S1_U_ENODEB_GTP_U;
+    MME_APP_INITIAL_CONTEXT_SETUP_RSP(message_p).bearer_s1u_enb_fteid.teid           = *((uint32_t *)eRABSetupItemCtxtSURes_p->gTP_TEID.buf);
+    memcpy(&MME_APP_INITIAL_CONTEXT_SETUP_RSP(message_p).bearer_s1u_enb_fteid.ipv4_address,
+            eRABSetupItemCtxtSURes_p->transportLayerAddress.buf,
+            4);
+    return itti_send_msg_to_task(TASK_MME_APP, INSTANCE_DEFAULT, message_p);
 int s1ap_mme_handle_ue_context_release_request(uint32_t assoc_id,
         uint32_t stream, struct s1ap_message_s *message)
@@ -802,6 +806,7 @@ int s1ap_handle_new_association(sctp_new_peer_t *sctp_new_peer_p)
 //************************* E-RAB management *********************************//
 int s1ap_handle_create_session_response(SgwCreateSessionResponse
@@ -824,6 +829,7 @@ int s1ap_handle_create_session_response(SgwCreateSessionResponse
     S1ap_InitialContextSetupRequestIEs_t *initialContextSetupRequest_p;
     S1ap_E_RABToBeSetupItemCtxtSUReq_t    e_RABToBeSetup;
+    AssertFatal(0, "Not called anymore");
     DevAssert(session_response_p != NULL);
     DevCheck(session_response_p->bearer_context_created.cause == REQUEST_ACCEPTED,
diff --git a/openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_mme_itti_messaging.h b/openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_mme_itti_messaging.h
index 0970449857..5ce8ef0d5e 100644
--- a/openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_mme_itti_messaging.h
+++ b/openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_mme_itti_messaging.h
@@ -45,6 +45,36 @@ int s1ap_mme_itti_nas_uplink_ind(const uint32_t ue_id, uint8_t *const buffer,
 int s1ap_mme_itti_nas_downlink_cnf(const uint32_t ue_id,
                                    nas_error_code_t error_code);
+static inline void s1ap_mme_itti_mme_app_establish_ind(
+    const uint32_t  ue_id,
+    const uint8_t * const nas_msg,
+    const uint32_t  nas_msg_length,
+    const long      cause,
+    const uint16_t  tac)
+    MessageDef  *message_p = NULL;
+    message_p = itti_alloc_new_message(TASK_S1AP, MME_APP_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHMENT_IND);
+    MME_APP_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHMENT_IND(message_p).mme_ue_s1ap_id           = ue_id;
+    MME_APP_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHMENT_IND(message_p).nas.UEid                 = ue_id;
+    /* Mapping between asn1 definition and NAS definition */
+    MME_APP_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHMENT_IND(message_p).nas.asCause              = cause + 1;
+    MME_APP_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHMENT_IND(message_p).nas.tac                  = tac;
+    MME_APP_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHMENT_IND(message_p).nas.initialNasMsg.length = nas_msg_length;
+    MME_APP_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHMENT_IND(message_p)   = malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * nas_msg_length);
+    memcpy(MME_APP_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHMENT_IND(message_p), nas_msg, nas_msg_length);
+    // should be sent to MME_APP, but this one would forward it to NAS_MME, so send it directly to NAS_MME
+    // but let's see
+    itti_send_msg_to_task(TASK_MME_APP, INSTANCE_DEFAULT, message_p);
 static inline void s1ap_mme_itti_nas_establish_ind(
     const uint32_t ue_id, uint8_t * const nas_msg, const uint32_t nas_msg_length,
     const long cause, const uint16_t tac)
@@ -62,6 +92,8 @@ static inline void s1ap_mme_itti_nas_establish_ind(
     NAS_CONN_EST_IND(message_p) = malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * nas_msg_length);
     memcpy(NAS_CONN_EST_IND(message_p), nas_msg, nas_msg_length);
+    // should be sent to MME_APP, but this one would forward it to NAS_MME, so send it directly to NAS_MME
+    // but let's see
     itti_send_msg_to_task(TASK_NAS_MME, INSTANCE_DEFAULT, message_p);
diff --git a/openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_mme_nas_procedures.c b/openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_mme_nas_procedures.c
index 51a16b146b..2bc27ee822 100644
--- a/openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_mme_nas_procedures.c
+++ b/openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_mme_nas_procedures.c
@@ -55,6 +55,8 @@
 static uint32_t mme_ue_s1ap_id = 0;
 static uint8_t  mme_ue_s1ap_id_has_wrapped = 0;
 int s1ap_mme_handle_initial_ue_message(uint32_t assoc_id, uint32_t stream,
                                        struct s1ap_message_s *message)
@@ -130,15 +132,27 @@ int s1ap_mme_handle_initial_ue_message(uint32_t assoc_id, uint32_t stream,
         /* We received the first NAS transport message: initial UE message.
          * Send a NAS ESTABLISH IND to NAS layer
-        s1ap_mme_itti_nas_establish_ind(ue_ref->mme_ue_s1ap_id,
-                                        initialUEMessage_p->nas_pdu.buf,
-                                        initialUEMessage_p->nas_pdu.size,
-                                        initialUEMessage_p->rrC_Establishment_Cause,
-                                        tac);
+#if defined(ORIGINAL_CODE)
+        s1ap_mme_itti_nas_establish_ind(
+                ue_ref->mme_ue_s1ap_id,
+                initialUEMessage_p->nas_pdu.buf,
+                initialUEMessage_p->nas_pdu.size,
+                initialUEMessage_p->rrC_Establishment_Cause,
+                tac);
+        s1ap_mme_itti_mme_app_establish_ind(
+                ue_ref->mme_ue_s1ap_id,
+                initialUEMessage_p->nas_pdu.buf,
+                initialUEMessage_p->nas_pdu.size,
+                initialUEMessage_p->rrC_Establishment_Cause,
+                tac);
     return 0;
 int s1ap_mme_handle_uplink_nas_transport(uint32_t assoc_id, uint32_t stream,
         struct s1ap_message_s *message)
@@ -168,6 +182,8 @@ int s1ap_mme_handle_uplink_nas_transport(uint32_t assoc_id, uint32_t stream,
     return 0;
 int s1ap_mme_handle_nas_non_delivery(uint32_t assoc_id, uint32_t stream,
                                      struct s1ap_message_s *message)
@@ -199,7 +215,7 @@ int s1ap_generate_downlink_nas_transport(const uint32_t ue_id, void * const data
         /* We have fount the UE in the list.
          * Create new IE list message and encode it.
-        S1ap_DownlinkNASTransportIEs_t *downlinkNasTransport;
+        S1ap_DownlinkNASTransportIEs_t *downlinkNasTransport = NULL;
         s1ap_message message;
@@ -223,6 +239,10 @@ int s1ap_generate_downlink_nas_transport(const uint32_t ue_id, void * const data
             // TODO: handle something
             return -1;
+        S1AP_DEBUG("Send S1ap_ProcedureCode_id_downlinkNASTransport ue_id = 0x%08X mme_ue_s1ap_id = 0x%08X eNB_UE_S1AP_ID = 0x%08X\n",
+                ue_id,
+                downlinkNasTransport->mme_ue_s1ap_id,
+                downlinkNasTransport->eNB_UE_S1AP_ID);
         s1ap_mme_itti_send_sctp_request(buffer_p, length,
@@ -359,30 +379,179 @@ int s1ap_handle_attach_accepted(nas_attach_accept_t *attach_accept_p)
-void s1ap_handle_conn_est_cnf(nas_conn_est_cnf_t *nas_conn_est_cnf_p)
+//void s1ap_handle_conn_est_cnf(nas_conn_est_cnf_t *nas_conn_est_cnf_p)
+//    /* We received create session response from S-GW on S11 interface abstraction.
+//     * At least one bearer has been established. We can now send s1ap initial context setup request
+//     * message to eNB.
+//     */
+//    uint8_t supportedAlgorithms[] = { 0x00, 0x00 };
+//    uint8_t offset = 0;
+//    uint8_t *buffer_p;
+//    uint32_t length, teid = 12;
+//    ue_description_t *ue_ref = NULL;
+//    s1ap_message message;
+//    S1ap_InitialContextSetupRequestIEs_t *initialContextSetupRequest_p;
+//    S1ap_E_RABToBeSetupItemCtxtSUReq_t    e_RABToBeSetup;
+//    S1ap_NAS_PDU_t                        nas_pdu;
+//    DevAssert(nas_conn_est_cnf_p != NULL);
+//    if ((ue_ref = s1ap_is_ue_mme_id_in_list(nas_conn_est_cnf_p->UEid)) == NULL) {
+//        S1AP_DEBUG("This mme ue s1ap id (%08x) is not attached to any UE context\n",
+//                nas_conn_est_cnf_p->UEid);
+//        DevParam(nas_conn_est_cnf_p->UEid, 0, 0);
+//    }
+//    /* Start the outcome response timer.
+//     * When time is reached, MME consider that procedure outcome has failed.
+//     */
+////     timer_setup(mme_config.s1ap_config.outcome_drop_timer_sec, 0, TASK_S1AP, INSTANCE_DEFAULT,
+////                 TIMER_ONE_SHOT,
+////                 NULL,
+////                 &ue_ref->outcome_response_timer_id);
+//    /* Insert the timer in the MAP of mme_ue_s1ap_id <-> timer_id */
+////     s1ap_timer_insert(ue_ref->mme_ue_s1ap_id, ue_ref->outcome_response_timer_id);
+//    memset(&message, 0, sizeof(s1ap_message));
+//    memset(&e_RABToBeSetup, 0, sizeof(S1ap_E_RABToBeSetupItemCtxtSUReq_t));
+//    message.procedureCode = S1ap_ProcedureCode_id_InitialContextSetup;
+//    message.direction     = S1AP_PDU_PR_initiatingMessage;
+//    initialContextSetupRequest_p = &message.msg.s1ap_InitialContextSetupRequestIEs;
+//    initialContextSetupRequest_p->mme_ue_s1ap_id = (unsigned long)ue_ref->mme_ue_s1ap_id;
+//    initialContextSetupRequest_p->eNB_UE_S1AP_ID = (unsigned long)ue_ref->eNB_ue_s1ap_id;
+//    /* uEaggregateMaximumBitrateDL and uEaggregateMaximumBitrateUL expressed in term of bits/sec */
+////    initialContextSetupRequest_p->uEaggregateMaximumBitrate.uEaggregateMaximumBitRateDL = initial_p->ambr.br_dl;
+////    initialContextSetupRequest_p->uEaggregateMaximumBitrate.uEaggregateMaximumBitRateUL = initial_p->ambr.br_ul;
+//    initialContextSetupRequest_p->uEaggregateMaximumBitrate.uEaggregateMaximumBitRateDL = 1024 * 1024;
+//    initialContextSetupRequest_p->uEaggregateMaximumBitrate.uEaggregateMaximumBitRateDL = 512 * 1024;
+////    e_RABToBeSetup.e_RAB_ID = initial_p->ebi;
+//    e_RABToBeSetup.e_RAB_ID = 5;
+////    e_RABToBeSetup.e_RABlevelQoSParameters.qCI = initial_p->qci;
+//    e_RABToBeSetup.e_RABlevelQoSParameters.qCI = 0;
+//    memset(&nas_pdu, 0, sizeof(nas_pdu));
+//    nas_pdu.size = nas_conn_est_cnf_p->nasMsg.length;
+//    nas_pdu.buf  = nas_conn_est_cnf_p->;
+//    e_RABToBeSetup.nAS_PDU = &nas_pdu;
+//    e_RABToBeSetup.e_RABlevelQoSParameters.allocationRetentionPriority.priorityLevel =
+//            S1ap_PriorityLevel_lowest;
+//    e_RABToBeSetup.e_RABlevelQoSParameters.allocationRetentionPriority.pre_emptionCapability =
+//            S1ap_Pre_emptionCapability_shall_not_trigger_pre_emption;
+//    e_RABToBeSetup.e_RABlevelQoSParameters.allocationRetentionPriority.pre_emptionVulnerability =
+//            S1ap_Pre_emptionVulnerability_not_pre_emptable;
+//    INT32_TO_OCTET_STRING(teid, &e_RABToBeSetup.gTP_TEID);
+////    e_RABToBeSetup.e_RABlevelQoSParameters.allocationRetentionPriority.priorityLevel
+////    = initial_p->prio_level; //No priority
+////    e_RABToBeSetup.e_RABlevelQoSParameters.allocationRetentionPriority.pre_emptionCapability
+////    = initial_p->pre_emp_capability;
+////    e_RABToBeSetup.e_RABlevelQoSParameters.allocationRetentionPriority.pre_emptionVulnerability
+////    = initial_p->pre_emp_vulnerability;
+//    /* Set the GTP-TEID. This is the S1-U S-GW TEID */
+////    INT32_TO_OCTET_STRING(initial_p->teid, &e_RABToBeSetup.gTP_TEID);
+//    /* S-GW IP address(es) for user-plane */
+////    if ((initial_p->s_gw_address.pdn_type == IPv4) ||
+////        (initial_p->s_gw_address.pdn_type == IPv4_AND_v6))
+////    {
+////        e_RABToBeSetup.transportLayerAddress.buf = calloc(4, sizeof(uint8_t));
+////        /* Only IPv4 supported */
+////        memcpy(e_RABToBeSetup.transportLayerAddress.buf,
+////               initial_p->s_gw_address.address.ipv4_address,
+////               4);
+////        offset += 4;
+////        e_RABToBeSetup.transportLayerAddress.size = 4;
+////        e_RABToBeSetup.transportLayerAddress.bits_unused = 0;
+////    }
+////    if ((initial_p->s_gw_address.pdn_type == IPv6) ||
+////        (initial_p->s_gw_address.pdn_type == IPv4_AND_v6))
+////    {
+////        if (offset == 0) {
+////            /* Both IPv4 and IPv6 provided */
+////            /* TODO: check memory allocation */
+////            e_RABToBeSetup.transportLayerAddress.buf = calloc(16, sizeof(uint8_t));
+////        } else {
+////            /* Only IPv6 supported */
+////            /* TODO: check memory allocation */
+////            e_RABToBeSetup.transportLayerAddress.buf
+////            = realloc(e_RABToBeSetup.transportLayerAddress.buf, (16 + offset) * sizeof(uint8_t));
+////        }
+////        memcpy(&e_RABToBeSetup.transportLayerAddress.buf[offset],
+////               initial_p->s_gw_address.address.ipv6_address,
+////               16);
+////        e_RABToBeSetup.transportLayerAddress.size = 16 + offset;
+////        e_RABToBeSetup.transportLayerAddress.bits_unused = 0;
+////    }
+//    ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&initialContextSetupRequest_p->e_RABToBeSetupListCtxtSUReq,
+//                     &e_RABToBeSetup);
+//    initialContextSetupRequest_p->ueSecurityCapabilities.encryptionAlgorithms.buf =
+//        (uint8_t *)supportedAlgorithms;
+//    initialContextSetupRequest_p->ueSecurityCapabilities.encryptionAlgorithms.size = 2;
+//    initialContextSetupRequest_p->ueSecurityCapabilities.encryptionAlgorithms.bits_unused
+//        = 0;
+//    initialContextSetupRequest_p->ueSecurityCapabilities.integrityProtectionAlgorithms.buf
+//        = (uint8_t *)supportedAlgorithms;
+//    initialContextSetupRequest_p->ueSecurityCapabilities.integrityProtectionAlgorithms.size
+//        = 2;
+//    initialContextSetupRequest_p->ueSecurityCapabilities.integrityProtectionAlgorithms.bits_unused
+//        = 0;
+////    initialContextSetupRequest_p->securityKey.buf  = initial_p->keNB; /* 256 bits length */
+//    uint8_t keNB[32];
+//    memset(keNB, 0, sizeof(keNB));
+//    initialContextSetupRequest_p->securityKey.buf = keNB;
+//    initialContextSetupRequest_p->securityKey.size = 32;
+//    initialContextSetupRequest_p->securityKey.bits_unused = 0;
+//    if (s1ap_mme_encode_pdu(&message, &buffer_p, &length) < 0) {
+//        // TODO: handle something
+//        DevMessage("Failed to encode initial context setup request message\n");
+//    }
+//    free(nas_conn_est_cnf_p->;
+//    s1ap_mme_itti_send_sctp_request(buffer_p, length, ue_ref->eNB->sctp_assoc_id,
+//                                    ue_ref->sctp_stream_send);
+void s1ap_handle_conn_est_cnf(const mme_app_connection_establishment_cnf_t * const conn_est_cnf_pP)
     /* We received create session response from S-GW on S11 interface abstraction.
      * At least one bearer has been established. We can now send s1ap initial context setup request
      * message to eNB.
-    uint8_t supportedAlgorithms[] = { 0x00, 0x00 };
-    uint8_t offset = 0;
-    uint8_t *buffer_p;
-    uint32_t length, teid = 12;
-    ue_description_t *ue_ref = NULL;
-    s1ap_message message;
-    S1ap_InitialContextSetupRequestIEs_t *initialContextSetupRequest_p;
+    uint8_t                               supportedAlgorithms[] = { 0x00, 0x00 };
+    uint8_t                               offset                = 0;
+    uint8_t                              *buffer_p              = NULL;
+    uint32_t                              length                = 0;
+    ue_description_t                     *ue_ref                = NULL;
+    S1ap_InitialContextSetupRequestIEs_t *initialContextSetupRequest_p = NULL;
     S1ap_E_RABToBeSetupItemCtxtSUReq_t    e_RABToBeSetup;
     S1ap_NAS_PDU_t                        nas_pdu;
+    s1ap_message                          message;
-    DevAssert(nas_conn_est_cnf_p != NULL);
+    DevAssert(conn_est_cnf_pP != NULL);
-    if ((ue_ref = s1ap_is_ue_mme_id_in_list(nas_conn_est_cnf_p->UEid)) == NULL) {
+    if ((ue_ref = s1ap_is_ue_mme_id_in_list(conn_est_cnf_pP->nas_conn_est_cnf.UEid)) == NULL) {
         S1AP_DEBUG("This mme ue s1ap id (%08x) is not attached to any UE context\n",
-                nas_conn_est_cnf_p->UEid);
-        DevParam(nas_conn_est_cnf_p->UEid, 0, 0);
+                conn_est_cnf_pP->nas_conn_est_cnf.UEid);
+        DevParam(conn_est_cnf_pP->nas_conn_est_cnf.UEid, 0, 0);
     /* Start the outcome response timer.
@@ -407,72 +576,66 @@ void s1ap_handle_conn_est_cnf(nas_conn_est_cnf_t *nas_conn_est_cnf_p)
     initialContextSetupRequest_p->eNB_UE_S1AP_ID = (unsigned long)ue_ref->eNB_ue_s1ap_id;
     /* uEaggregateMaximumBitrateDL and uEaggregateMaximumBitrateUL expressed in term of bits/sec */
-//    initialContextSetupRequest_p->uEaggregateMaximumBitrate.uEaggregateMaximumBitRateDL = initial_p->ambr.br_dl;
-//    initialContextSetupRequest_p->uEaggregateMaximumBitrate.uEaggregateMaximumBitRateUL = initial_p->ambr.br_ul;
+    initialContextSetupRequest_p->uEaggregateMaximumBitrate.uEaggregateMaximumBitRateDL = conn_est_cnf_pP->ambr.br_dl;
+    initialContextSetupRequest_p->uEaggregateMaximumBitrate.uEaggregateMaximumBitRateUL = conn_est_cnf_pP->ambr.br_ul;
-    initialContextSetupRequest_p->uEaggregateMaximumBitrate.uEaggregateMaximumBitRateDL = 1024 * 1024;
-    initialContextSetupRequest_p->uEaggregateMaximumBitrate.uEaggregateMaximumBitRateDL = 512 * 1024;
+    e_RABToBeSetup.e_RAB_ID                    = conn_est_cnf_pP->eps_bearer_id; //5;
+    e_RABToBeSetup.e_RABlevelQoSParameters.qCI = conn_est_cnf_pP->bearer_qos_qci;
-//    e_RABToBeSetup.e_RAB_ID = initial_p->ebi;
-    e_RABToBeSetup.e_RAB_ID = 5;
-//    e_RABToBeSetup.e_RABlevelQoSParameters.qCI = initial_p->qci;
-    e_RABToBeSetup.e_RABlevelQoSParameters.qCI = 0;
     memset(&nas_pdu, 0, sizeof(nas_pdu));
-    nas_pdu.size = nas_conn_est_cnf_p->nasMsg.length;
-    nas_pdu.buf  = nas_conn_est_cnf_p->;
+    nas_pdu.size = conn_est_cnf_pP->nas_conn_est_cnf.nasMsg.length;
+    nas_pdu.buf  = conn_est_cnf_pP->;
     e_RABToBeSetup.nAS_PDU = &nas_pdu;
+#if defined(ORIGINAL_S1AP_CODE)
     e_RABToBeSetup.e_RABlevelQoSParameters.allocationRetentionPriority.priorityLevel =
     e_RABToBeSetup.e_RABlevelQoSParameters.allocationRetentionPriority.pre_emptionCapability =
     e_RABToBeSetup.e_RABlevelQoSParameters.allocationRetentionPriority.pre_emptionVulnerability =
-    INT32_TO_OCTET_STRING(teid, &e_RABToBeSetup.gTP_TEID);
-//    e_RABToBeSetup.e_RABlevelQoSParameters.allocationRetentionPriority.priorityLevel
-//    = initial_p->prio_level; //No priority
-//    e_RABToBeSetup.e_RABlevelQoSParameters.allocationRetentionPriority.pre_emptionCapability
-//    = initial_p->pre_emp_capability;
-//    e_RABToBeSetup.e_RABlevelQoSParameters.allocationRetentionPriority.pre_emptionVulnerability
-//    = initial_p->pre_emp_vulnerability;
+    e_RABToBeSetup.e_RABlevelQoSParameters.allocationRetentionPriority.priorityLevel =
+            conn_est_cnf_pP->bearer_qos_prio_level;
+    e_RABToBeSetup.e_RABlevelQoSParameters.allocationRetentionPriority.pre_emptionCapability =
+            conn_est_cnf_pP->bearer_qos_pre_emp_capability;
+    e_RABToBeSetup.e_RABlevelQoSParameters.allocationRetentionPriority.pre_emptionVulnerability =
+            conn_est_cnf_pP->bearer_qos_pre_emp_vulnerability;
     /* Set the GTP-TEID. This is the S1-U S-GW TEID */
-//    INT32_TO_OCTET_STRING(initial_p->teid, &e_RABToBeSetup.gTP_TEID);
+    INT32_TO_OCTET_STRING(conn_est_cnf_pP->bearer_s1u_sgw_fteid.teid, &e_RABToBeSetup.gTP_TEID);
     /* S-GW IP address(es) for user-plane */
-//    if ((initial_p->s_gw_address.pdn_type == IPv4) ||
-//        (initial_p->s_gw_address.pdn_type == IPv4_AND_v6))
-//    {
-//        e_RABToBeSetup.transportLayerAddress.buf = calloc(4, sizeof(uint8_t));
-//        /* Only IPv4 supported */
-//        memcpy(e_RABToBeSetup.transportLayerAddress.buf,
-//               initial_p->s_gw_address.address.ipv4_address,
-//               4);
-//        offset += 4;
-//        e_RABToBeSetup.transportLayerAddress.size = 4;
-//        e_RABToBeSetup.transportLayerAddress.bits_unused = 0;
-//    }
-//    if ((initial_p->s_gw_address.pdn_type == IPv6) ||
-//        (initial_p->s_gw_address.pdn_type == IPv4_AND_v6))
-//    {
-//        if (offset == 0) {
-//            /* Both IPv4 and IPv6 provided */
-//            /* TODO: check memory allocation */
-//            e_RABToBeSetup.transportLayerAddress.buf = calloc(16, sizeof(uint8_t));
-//        } else {
-//            /* Only IPv6 supported */
-//            /* TODO: check memory allocation */
-//            e_RABToBeSetup.transportLayerAddress.buf
-//            = realloc(e_RABToBeSetup.transportLayerAddress.buf, (16 + offset) * sizeof(uint8_t));
-//        }
-//        memcpy(&e_RABToBeSetup.transportLayerAddress.buf[offset],
-//               initial_p->s_gw_address.address.ipv6_address,
-//               16);
-//        e_RABToBeSetup.transportLayerAddress.size = 16 + offset;
-//        e_RABToBeSetup.transportLayerAddress.bits_unused = 0;
-//    }
+    if (conn_est_cnf_pP->bearer_s1u_sgw_fteid.ipv4)
+    {
+        e_RABToBeSetup.transportLayerAddress.buf = calloc(4, sizeof(uint8_t));
+        /* Only IPv4 supported */
+        memcpy(e_RABToBeSetup.transportLayerAddress.buf,
+               &conn_est_cnf_pP->bearer_s1u_sgw_fteid.ipv4_address,
+               4);
+        offset += 4;
+        e_RABToBeSetup.transportLayerAddress.size = 4;
+        e_RABToBeSetup.transportLayerAddress.bits_unused = 0;
+    }
+    if (conn_est_cnf_pP->bearer_s1u_sgw_fteid.ipv6)
+    {
+        if (offset == 0) {
+            /* Both IPv4 and IPv6 provided */
+            /* TODO: check memory allocation */
+            e_RABToBeSetup.transportLayerAddress.buf = calloc(16, sizeof(uint8_t));
+        } else {
+            /* Only IPv6 supported */
+            /* TODO: check memory allocation */
+            e_RABToBeSetup.transportLayerAddress.buf
+            = realloc(e_RABToBeSetup.transportLayerAddress.buf, (16 + offset) * sizeof(uint8_t));
+        }
+        memcpy(&e_RABToBeSetup.transportLayerAddress.buf[offset],
+               conn_est_cnf_pP->bearer_s1u_sgw_fteid.ipv6_address,
+               16);
+        e_RABToBeSetup.transportLayerAddress.size = 16 + offset;
+        e_RABToBeSetup.transportLayerAddress.bits_unused = 0;
+    }
@@ -503,9 +666,13 @@ void s1ap_handle_conn_est_cnf(nas_conn_est_cnf_t *nas_conn_est_cnf_p)
         DevMessage("Failed to encode initial context setup request message\n");
-    free(nas_conn_est_cnf_p->;
+    free(conn_est_cnf_pP->;
-    s1ap_mme_itti_send_sctp_request(buffer_p, length, ue_ref->eNB->sctp_assoc_id,
-                                    ue_ref->sctp_stream_send);
+    s1ap_mme_itti_send_sctp_request(
+            buffer_p,
+            length,
+            ue_ref->eNB->sctp_assoc_id,
+            ue_ref->sctp_stream_send);
diff --git a/openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_mme_nas_procedures.h b/openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_mme_nas_procedures.h
index d088513f84..7328d5ad41 100644
--- a/openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_mme_nas_procedures.h
+++ b/openair-cn/S1AP/s1ap_mme_nas_procedures.h
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ int s1ap_mme_handle_nas_non_delivery(uint32_t assocId, uint32_t stream,
 #if defined(DISABLE_USE_NAS)
 int s1ap_handle_attach_accepted(nas_attach_accept_t *attach_accept_p);
-void s1ap_handle_conn_est_cnf(nas_conn_est_cnf_t *nas_conn_est_cnf);
+void s1ap_handle_conn_est_cnf(const mme_app_connection_establishment_cnf_t * const conn_est_cnf_p);
 int s1ap_generate_downlink_nas_transport(const uint32_t ue_id, void * const data,
diff --git a/openair-cn/S6A/s6a_auth_info.c b/openair-cn/S6A/s6a_auth_info.c
index e826e37dd3..70dbc7288e 100644
--- a/openair-cn/S6A/s6a_auth_info.c
+++ b/openair-cn/S6A/s6a_auth_info.c
@@ -179,13 +179,13 @@ int s6a_aia_cb(struct msg **msg, struct avp *paramavp,
                struct session *sess, void *opaque,
                enum disp_action *act)
-    struct msg *ans;
-    struct msg *qry;
-    struct avp *avp;
-    struct avp_hdr *hdr;
+    struct msg           *ans                = NULL;
+    struct msg           *qry                = NULL;
+    struct avp           *avp                = NULL;
+    struct avp_hdr       *hdr                = NULL;
-    MessageDef          *message_p;
-    s6a_auth_info_ans_t *s6a_auth_info_ans_p;
+    MessageDef          *message_p           = NULL;
+    s6a_auth_info_ans_t *s6a_auth_info_ans_p = NULL;
     int skip_auth_res = 0;
@@ -223,6 +223,10 @@ int s6a_aia_cb(struct msg **msg, struct avp *paramavp,
             S6A_ERROR("Got error %u:%s\n", hdr->avp_value->u32,
             goto err;
+        } else {
+            S6A_DEBUG("Received S6A Result code %u:%s\n",
+                s6a_auth_info_ans_p->result.choice.base,
+                retcode_2_string(s6a_auth_info_ans_p->result.choice.base));
     } else {
         /* The result-code is not present, may be it is an experimental result
@@ -340,11 +344,11 @@ int s6a_generate_authentication_info_req(s6a_auth_info_req_t *air_p)
     /* Adding the visited plmn id */
-        uint8_t plmn[3] = { 0x02, 0xF8, 0x29 };
+      uint8_t plmn[3] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }; //{ 0x02, 0xF8, 0x29 };
         CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_new(s6a_fd_cnf.dataobj_s6a_visited_plmn_id, 0, &avp));
+        PLMN_T_TO_TBCD(air_p->visited_plmn, plmn); = plmn;
         value.os.len  = 3;
         CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_setvalue(avp, &value));
diff --git a/openair-cn/S6A/s6a_task.c b/openair-cn/S6A/s6a_task.c
index 5328ba1b85..d3fd50c5b7 100644
--- a/openair-cn/S6A/s6a_task.c
+++ b/openair-cn/S6A/s6a_task.c
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ void *s6a_thread(void *args)
                           ITTI_MSG_ID(received_message_p), ITTI_MSG_NAME(received_message_p));
             } break;
-        free(received_message_p);
+        itti_free(ITTI_MSG_ORIGIN_ID(received_message_p), received_message_p);
         received_message_p = NULL;
     return NULL;
diff --git a/openair-cn/S6A/s6a_up_loc.c b/openair-cn/S6A/s6a_up_loc.c
index df97b6a995..38c6983b77 100644
--- a/openair-cn/S6A/s6a_up_loc.c
+++ b/openair-cn/S6A/s6a_up_loc.c
@@ -40,68 +40,71 @@
 #include "s6a_defs.h"
 #include "s6a_messages.h"
-int s6a_ula_cb(struct msg **msg, struct avp *paramavp,
-               struct session *sess, void *opaque,
-               enum disp_action *act)
-    struct msg *ans;
-    struct msg *qry;
-    struct avp *avp;
-    struct avp_hdr *hdr;
-    MessageDef                *message_p;
-    s6a_update_location_ans_t *s6a_update_location_ans_p;
+int s6a_ula_cb(
+    struct msg      **msg_pP,
+    struct avp       *paramavp_pP,
+    struct session   *sess_pP,
+    void             *opaque_pP,
+    enum disp_action *act_pP)
+    struct msg                *ans_p                     = NULL;
+    struct msg                *qry_p                     = NULL;
+    struct avp                *avp_p                     = NULL;
+    struct avp_hdr            *hdr_p                     = NULL;
+    MessageDef                *message_p                 = NULL;
+    s6a_update_location_ans_t *s6a_update_location_ans_p = NULL;
-    DevAssert(msg != NULL);
+    DevAssert(msg_pP != NULL);
-    ans = *msg;
+    ans_p = *msg_pP;
     /* Retrieve the original query associated with the asnwer */
-    CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_answ_getq(ans, &qry));
+    CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_answ_getq(ans_p, &qry_p));
-    DevAssert(qry != NULL);
+    DevAssert(qry_p != NULL);
     message_p = itti_alloc_new_message(TASK_S6A, S6A_UPDATE_LOCATION_ANS);
     s6a_update_location_ans_p = &message_p->ittiMsg.s6a_update_location_ans;
-    CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_search_avp(qry, s6a_fd_cnf.dataobj_s6a_user_name, &avp));
-    if (avp) {
-        CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_hdr(avp, &hdr));
-        memcpy(s6a_update_location_ans_p->imsi, hdr->avp_value->, hdr->avp_value->os.len);
-        s6a_update_location_ans_p->imsi[hdr->avp_value->os.len] = '\0';
-        s6a_update_location_ans_p->imsi_length = hdr->avp_value->os.len;
+    CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_search_avp(qry_p, s6a_fd_cnf.dataobj_s6a_user_name, &avp_p));
+    if (avp_p) {
+        CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_hdr(avp_p, &hdr_p));
+        memcpy(s6a_update_location_ans_p->imsi, hdr_p->avp_value->, hdr_p->avp_value->os.len);
+        s6a_update_location_ans_p->imsi[hdr_p->avp_value->os.len] = '\0';
+        s6a_update_location_ans_p->imsi_length = hdr_p->avp_value->os.len;
         S6A_DEBUG("Received s6a ula for imsi=%*s\n",
-                  (int)hdr->avp_value->os.len,
-                  hdr->avp_value->;
+                  (int)hdr_p->avp_value->os.len,
+                  hdr_p->avp_value->;
     } else {
         DevMessage("Query has been freed before we received the answer\n");
     /* Retrieve the result-code */
-    CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_search_avp(ans, s6a_fd_cnf.dataobj_s6a_result_code, &avp));
-    if (avp) {
-        CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_hdr(avp, &hdr));
+    CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_search_avp(ans_p, s6a_fd_cnf.dataobj_s6a_result_code, &avp_p));
+    if (avp_p) {
+        CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_hdr(avp_p, &hdr_p));
         s6a_update_location_ans_p->result.present = S6A_RESULT_BASE;
-        s6a_update_location_ans_p->result.choice.base = hdr->avp_value->u32;
+        s6a_update_location_ans_p->result.choice.base = hdr_p->avp_value->u32;
-        if (hdr->avp_value->u32 != ER_DIAMETER_SUCCESS) {
-            S6A_ERROR("Got error %u:%s\n", hdr->avp_value->u32,
-                      retcode_2_string(hdr->avp_value->u32));
+        if (hdr_p->avp_value->u32 != ER_DIAMETER_SUCCESS) {
+            S6A_ERROR("Got error %u:%s\n", hdr_p->avp_value->u32,
+                      retcode_2_string(hdr_p->avp_value->u32));
             goto err;
     } else {
         /* The result-code is not present, may be it is an experimental result
-         * avp indicating a 3GPP specific failure.
+         * avp_p indicating a 3GPP specific failure.
-        CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_search_avp(ans, s6a_fd_cnf.dataobj_s6a_experimental_result, &avp));
-        if (avp) {
+        CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_search_avp(ans_p, s6a_fd_cnf.dataobj_s6a_experimental_result, &avp_p));
+        if (avp_p) {
             /* The procedure has failed within the HSS.
              * NOTE: contrary to result-code, the experimental-result is a grouped
              * AVP and requires parsing its childs to get the code back.
             s6a_update_location_ans_p->result.present = S6A_RESULT_EXPERIMENTAL;
-            s6a_parse_experimental_result(avp, &s6a_update_location_ans_p->result.choice.experimental);
+            s6a_parse_experimental_result(avp_p, &s6a_update_location_ans_p->result.choice.experimental);
             goto err;
         } else {
@@ -115,14 +118,14 @@ int s6a_ula_cb(struct msg **msg, struct avp *paramavp,
     /* Retrieving the ULA flags */
-    CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_search_avp(ans, s6a_fd_cnf.dataobj_s6a_ula_flags, &avp));
-    if (avp) {
-        CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_hdr(avp, &hdr));
+    CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_search_avp(ans_p, s6a_fd_cnf.dataobj_s6a_ula_flags, &avp_p));
+    if (avp_p) {
+        CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_hdr(avp_p, &hdr_p));
         /* This bit, when set, indicates that the HSS stores SGSN number
          * and MME number in separate memory. A Rel-8 HSS shall set
          * the bit.
-        if (!FLAG_IS_SET(hdr->avp_value->u32, ULA_SEPARATION_IND)) {
+        if (!FLAG_IS_SET(hdr_p->avp_value->u32, ULA_SEPARATION_IND)) {
             S6A_ERROR("ULA-Flags does not indicate the HSS is post Rel.8: "
                       "This behaviour is not compliant\n");
             goto err;
@@ -137,20 +140,20 @@ int s6a_ula_cb(struct msg **msg, struct avp *paramavp,
         goto err;
-    CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_search_avp(ans, s6a_fd_cnf.dataobj_s6a_subscription_data, &avp));
-    if (avp) {
-        CHECK_FCT(s6a_parse_subscription_data(avp, &s6a_update_location_ans_p->subscription_data));
+    CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_search_avp(ans_p, s6a_fd_cnf.dataobj_s6a_subscription_data, &avp_p));
+    if (avp_p) {
+        CHECK_FCT(s6a_parse_subscription_data(avp_p, &s6a_update_location_ans_p->subscription_data));
 #if defined(DISABLE_USE_NAS)
-        DevParam(0, 0, 0);
+        // LG COMMENTED THIS (2014/04/01)-> DevParam(0, 0, 0);
-    ans = NULL;
+    ans_p = NULL;
     itti_send_msg_to_task(TASK_MME_APP, INSTANCE_DEFAULT, message_p);
@@ -159,41 +162,43 @@ err:
     return 0;
-int s6a_generate_update_location(s6a_update_location_req_t *ulr_p)
+int s6a_generate_update_location(s6a_update_location_req_t *ulr_pP)
-    struct avp     *avp;
-    struct msg     *msg;
-    struct session *sess;
+    struct avp     *avp_p  = NULL;
+    struct msg     *msg_p  = NULL;
+    struct session *sess_p = NULL;
     union avp_value value;
-    DevAssert(ulr_p != NULL);
+    DevAssert(ulr_pP != NULL);
     /* Create the new update location request message */
-    CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_new(s6a_fd_cnf.dataobj_s6a_ulr, 0, &msg));
+    CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_new(s6a_fd_cnf.dataobj_s6a_ulr, 0, &msg_p));
     /* Create a new session */
-    CHECK_FCT(fd_sess_new(&sess, fd_g_config->cnf_diamid,
+    CHECK_FCT(fd_sess_new(&sess_p, fd_g_config->cnf_diamid,
                           fd_g_config->cnf_diamid_len, (os0_t)"apps6a", 6));
         os0_t sid;
         size_t sidlen;
-        CHECK_FCT(fd_sess_getsid(sess, &sid, &sidlen));
-        CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_new(s6a_fd_cnf.dataobj_s6a_session_id, 0, &avp));
+        CHECK_FCT(fd_sess_getsid(sess_p, &sid, &sidlen));
+        CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_new(s6a_fd_cnf.dataobj_s6a_session_id, 0, &avp_p)); = sid;
         value.os.len  = sidlen;
-        CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_setvalue(avp, &value));
-        CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_add(msg, MSG_BRW_FIRST_CHILD, avp));
+        CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_setvalue(avp_p, &value));
+        CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_add(msg_p, MSG_BRW_FIRST_CHILD, avp_p));
-    CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_new(s6a_fd_cnf.dataobj_s6a_auth_session_state, 0, &avp));
+    CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_new(s6a_fd_cnf.dataobj_s6a_auth_session_state, 0, &avp_p));
     /* No State maintained */
     value.i32 = 1;
-    CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_setvalue(avp, &value));
-    CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_add(msg, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp));
+    CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_setvalue(avp_p, &value));
+    CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_add(msg_p, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp_p));
     /* Add Origin_Host & Origin_Realm */
-    CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_add_origin(msg, 0));
+    CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_add_origin(msg_p, 0));
@@ -206,79 +211,79 @@ int s6a_generate_update_location(s6a_update_location_req_t *ulr_p)
         hostlen = strlen(host);
-        CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_new(s6a_fd_cnf.dataobj_s6a_destination_host, 0, &avp));
+        CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_new(s6a_fd_cnf.dataobj_s6a_destination_host, 0, &avp_p)); = (unsigned char *)host;
         value.os.len  = hostlen;
-        CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_setvalue(avp, &value));
+        CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_setvalue(avp_p, &value));
-        CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_add(msg, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp));
+        CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_add(msg_p, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp_p));
     /* Destination_Realm */
         char *realm     = mme_config.realm;
         size_t realmlen = strlen(realm);
-        CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_new(s6a_fd_cnf.dataobj_s6a_destination_realm, 0, &avp));
+        CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_new(s6a_fd_cnf.dataobj_s6a_destination_realm, 0, &avp_p)); = (unsigned char *)realm;
         value.os.len  = realmlen;
-        CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_setvalue(avp, &value));
+        CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_setvalue(avp_p, &value));
-        CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_add(msg, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp));
+        CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_add(msg_p, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp_p));
     /* Adding the User-Name (IMSI) */
-    CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_new(s6a_fd_cnf.dataobj_s6a_user_name, 0, &avp));
- = (unsigned char *)ulr_p->imsi;
-    value.os.len  = strlen(ulr_p->imsi);
-    CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_setvalue(avp, &value));
-    CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_add(msg, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp));
+    CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_new(s6a_fd_cnf.dataobj_s6a_user_name, 0, &avp_p));
+ = (unsigned char *)ulr_pP->imsi;
+    value.os.len  = strlen(ulr_pP->imsi);
+    CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_setvalue(avp_p, &value));
+    CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_add(msg_p, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp_p));
     /* Adding the visited plmn id */
         uint8_t plmn[3];
-        CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_new(s6a_fd_cnf.dataobj_s6a_visited_plmn_id, 0, &avp));
+        CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_new(s6a_fd_cnf.dataobj_s6a_visited_plmn_id, 0, &avp_p));
-        PLMN_T_TO_TBCD(ulr_p->visited_plmn, plmn);
+        PLMN_T_TO_TBCD(ulr_pP->visited_plmn, plmn);
         printf("PLMN: %3s\n", plmn);
  = plmn;
         value.os.len  = 3;
-        CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_setvalue(avp, &value));
+        CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_setvalue(avp_p, &value));
-        CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_add(msg, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp));
+        CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_add(msg_p, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp_p));
     /* Adding the RAT-Type */
-    CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_new(s6a_fd_cnf.dataobj_s6a_rat_type, 0, &avp));
-    DevCheck(ulr_p->rat_type == RAT_EUTRAN, ulr_p->rat_type, 0, 0);
-    value.u32 = ulr_p->rat_type;
-    CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_setvalue(avp, &value));
-    CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_add(msg, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp));
+    CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_new(s6a_fd_cnf.dataobj_s6a_rat_type, 0, &avp_p));
+    DevCheck(ulr_pP->rat_type == RAT_EUTRAN, ulr_pP->rat_type, 0, 0);
+    value.u32 = ulr_pP->rat_type;
+    CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_setvalue(avp_p, &value));
+    CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_add(msg_p, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp_p));
     /* Adding ULR-Flags */
-    CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_new(s6a_fd_cnf.dataobj_s6a_ulr_flags, 0, &avp));
+    CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_new(s6a_fd_cnf.dataobj_s6a_ulr_flags, 0, &avp_p));
     value.u32 = 0;
     /* Identify the ULR as coming from S6A interface (i.e. from MME) */
     FLAGS_SET(value.u32, ULR_S6A_S6D_INDICATOR);
     /* Set the ulr-flags as indicated by upper layer */
-    if (ulr_p->skip_subsriber_data) {
+    if (ulr_pP->skip_subscriber_data) {
-    if (ulr_p->initial_attach) {
+    if (ulr_pP->initial_attach) {
         FLAGS_SET(value.u32, ULR_INITIAL_ATTACH_IND);
-    CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_setvalue(avp, &value));
-    CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_add(msg, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp));
+    CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_setvalue(avp_p, &value));
+    CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_add(msg_p, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp_p));
-    CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_send(&msg, NULL, NULL));
+    CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_send(&msg_p, NULL, NULL));
-    S6A_DEBUG("Sending s6a ulr for imsi=%s\n", ulr_p->imsi);
+    S6A_DEBUG("Sending s6a ulr for imsi=%s\n", ulr_pP->imsi);
     return 0;
diff --git a/openair-cn/SCTP/sctp_primitives_server.c b/openair-cn/SCTP/sctp_primitives_server.c
index 9498a95711..932b79c4ec 100644
--- a/openair-cn/SCTP/sctp_primitives_server.c
+++ b/openair-cn/SCTP/sctp_primitives_server.c
@@ -188,6 +188,7 @@ static int sctp_remove_assoc_from_list(int32_t assoc_id)
+    assoc_desc = NULL;
     sctp_desc.number_of_connections --;
     return 0;
@@ -535,6 +536,7 @@ void *sctp_receiver_thread(void *args_p)
             SCTP_ERROR("[%d] Select() error: %s",
                        sctp_arg_p->sd, strerror(errno));
+            args_p = NULL;
@@ -547,6 +549,7 @@ void *sctp_receiver_thread(void *args_p)
                     if ((clientsock = accept(sctp_arg_p->sd, NULL, NULL)) < 0) {
                         SCTP_ERROR("[%d] accept: %s:%d\n", sctp_arg_p->sd, strerror(errno), errno);
+                        args_p = NULL;
                     } else {
                         FD_SET(clientsock, &master); /* add to master set */
@@ -578,6 +581,7 @@ void *sctp_receiver_thread(void *args_p)
+    args_p = NULL;
     return NULL;
@@ -627,7 +631,7 @@ static void *sctp_intertask_interface(void *args_p)
             } break;
-        free(received_message_p);
+        itti_free(ITTI_MSG_ORIGIN_ID(received_message_p), received_message_p);
         received_message_p = NULL;
     return NULL;
diff --git a/openair-cn/SGI/sgi_nf.c b/openair-cn/SGI/sgi_nf.c
index e293fc94b7..2180deab72 100755
--- a/openair-cn/SGI/sgi_nf.c
+++ b/openair-cn/SGI/sgi_nf.c
@@ -256,7 +256,8 @@ static int sgi_nfqueue_callback(struct nfq_q_handle *myQueue, struct nfgenmsg *m
   data_req_p->buffer = malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * len);
   if (data_req_p->buffer == NULL) {
       SGI_IF_ERROR("Failed to allocate new buffer\n");
-      free(message_p);
+      itti_free(ITTI_MSG_ORIGIN_ID(message_p), message_p);
+      message_p = NULL;
       return -1;
   } else {
@@ -272,7 +273,8 @@ static int sgi_nfqueue_callback(struct nfq_q_handle *myQueue, struct nfgenmsg *m
     	  if (itti_send_msg_to_task(TASK_GTPV1_U, INSTANCE_DEFAULT, message_p) < 0) {
     		  SGI_IF_ERROR("Failed to send message to task\n");
-    		  free(message_p);
+    	        itti_free(ITTI_MSG_ORIGIN_ID(message_p), message_p);
+    	        message_p = NULL;
     	  verdict = NF_STOLEN;
     	  return nfq_set_verdict(myQueue, id, verdict, 0, NULL);
diff --git a/openair-cn/SGI/sgi_task.c b/openair-cn/SGI/sgi_task.c
index 80235fdb53..77f5ae7f0a 100644
--- a/openair-cn/SGI/sgi_task.c
+++ b/openair-cn/SGI/sgi_task.c
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ static void* sgi_task_thread(void *args_p)
                 req_p = &received_message_p->ittiMsg.sgiCreateEndpointReq;
                 sgi_create_endpoint_request(sgi_data_p, req_p);
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ static void* sgi_task_thread(void *args_p)
-        free(received_message_p);
+        itti_free(ITTI_MSG_ORIGIN_ID(received_message_p), received_message_p);
         received_message_p = NULL;
     return NULL;
diff --git a/openair-cn/SGW-LITE/ b/openair-cn/SGW-LITE/
index 80a0815f49..ad49432f8f 100644
--- a/openair-cn/SGW-LITE/
+++ b/openair-cn/SGW-LITE/
@@ -20,4 +20,5 @@ libsgw_lite_la_SOURCES=							\
 	sgw_lite_task.c								\
 	sgw_lite_handlers.c			sgw_lite_handlers.h	\
 	sgw_lite_context_manager.c	sgw_lite_context_manager.h \
-	sgw_lite.h	sgw_lite_defs.h	sgw_lite_ie_defs.h	
+	sgw_lite.h	sgw_lite_defs.h	sgw_lite_ie_defs.h	\
+	pgw_lite_paa.c              pgw_lite_paa.h
diff --git a/openair-cn/SGW-LITE/pgw_lite_paa.c b/openair-cn/SGW-LITE/pgw_lite_paa.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..e538aed5c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openair-cn/SGW-LITE/pgw_lite_paa.c
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+Eurecom OpenAirInterface core network
+Copyright(c) 1999 - 2014 Eurecom
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
+version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
+more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in
+the file called "COPYING".
+Contact Information
+Openair Admin:
+Openair Tech :
+Forums       : http://forums.eurecom.fsr/openairinterface
+Address      : EURECOM,
+               Campus SophiaTech,
+               450 Route des Chappes,
+               CS 50193
+               06904 Biot Sophia Antipolis cedex,
+               FRANCE
+/*! \file pgw_lite_paa.c
+* \brief
+* \author Lionel Gauthier
+* \company Eurecom
+* \email:
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <arpa/inet.h>
+#include "intertask_interface.h"
+#include "assertions.h"
+#include "queue.h"
+#include "pgw_lite_paa.h"
+#include "sgw_lite_defs.h"
+#include "spgw_config.h"
+#include "sgw_lite.h"
+extern pgw_app_t     pgw_app;
+// Load in PGW pool, configured PAA address pool
+void pgw_lite_load_pool_ip_addresses(void) {
+    struct pgw_lite_conf_ipv4_list_elm_s *conf_ipv4_p = NULL;
+    struct pgw_lite_ipv4_list_elm_s      *ipv4_p      = NULL;
+    struct pgw_lite_conf_ipv6_list_elm_s *conf_ipv6_p = NULL;
+    struct pgw_lite_ipv6_list_elm_s      *ipv6_p      = NULL;
+    char                                  print_buffer[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
+    STAILQ_INIT(&pgw_app.pgw_lite_ipv4_list_free);
+    STAILQ_INIT(&pgw_app.pgw_lite_ipv4_list_allocated);
+    STAILQ_INIT(&pgw_app.pgw_lite_ipv6_list_free);
+    STAILQ_INIT(&pgw_app.pgw_lite_ipv6_list_allocated);
+    STAILQ_FOREACH(conf_ipv4_p, &spgw_config.pgw_config.pgw_lite_ipv4_pool_list, ipv4_entries) {
+        ipv4_p = calloc(1, sizeof(struct pgw_lite_ipv4_list_elm_s));
+        ipv4_p->addr.s_addr = ntohl(conf_ipv4_p->addr.s_addr);
+        STAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pgw_app.pgw_lite_ipv4_list_free, ipv4_p, ipv4_entries);
+        SPGW_APP_DEBUG("Loaded IPv4 PAA address in pool: %s\n",
+                inet_ntoa(conf_ipv4_p->addr));
+    }
+    STAILQ_FOREACH(conf_ipv6_p, &spgw_config.pgw_config.pgw_lite_ipv6_pool_list, ipv6_entries) {
+        ipv6_p = calloc(1, sizeof(struct pgw_lite_ipv6_list_elm_s));
+        ipv6_p->addr          = conf_ipv6_p->addr;
+        ipv6_p->prefix_len    = conf_ipv6_p->prefix_len;
+        ipv6_p->num_allocated = 0;
+        STAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pgw_app.pgw_lite_ipv6_list_free, ipv6_p, ipv6_entries);
+        if (inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &ipv6_p->addr, print_buffer, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN) == NULL) {
+            SPGW_APP_ERROR("Could not Load IPv6 PAA address in pool: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+        } else {
+            SPGW_APP_DEBUG("Loaded IPv6 PAA prefix in pool: %s\n",print_buffer);
+        }
+    }
+    while ((conf_ipv4_p = STAILQ_FIRST(&spgw_config.pgw_config.pgw_lite_ipv4_pool_list))) {
+        STAILQ_REMOVE_HEAD(&spgw_config.pgw_config.pgw_lite_ipv4_pool_list, ipv4_entries);
+        free(conf_ipv4_p);
+    }
+    while ((conf_ipv6_p = STAILQ_FIRST(&spgw_config.pgw_config.pgw_lite_ipv6_pool_list))) {
+        STAILQ_REMOVE_HEAD(&spgw_config.pgw_config.pgw_lite_ipv6_pool_list, ipv6_entries);
+        free(conf_ipv6_p);
+    }
+int pgw_lite_get_free_ipv4_paa_address(struct in_addr * const addr_pP) {
+    struct pgw_lite_ipv4_list_elm_s  *ipv4_p = NULL;
+    if (STAILQ_EMPTY(&pgw_app.pgw_lite_ipv4_list_free)) {
+        addr_pP->s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
+        return -1;
+    }
+    ipv4_p = STAILQ_FIRST(&pgw_app.pgw_lite_ipv4_list_free);
+    STAILQ_REMOVE(&pgw_app.pgw_lite_ipv4_list_free, ipv4_p, pgw_lite_ipv4_list_elm_s, ipv4_entries);
+    STAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pgw_app.pgw_lite_ipv4_list_allocated, ipv4_p, ipv4_entries);
+    addr_pP->s_addr = ipv4_p->addr.s_addr;
+    return 0;
+int pgw_lite_release_free_ipv4_paa_address(const struct in_addr * const addr_pP) {
+    struct pgw_lite_ipv4_list_elm_s *ipv4_p = NULL;
+    STAILQ_FOREACH(ipv4_p, &pgw_app.pgw_lite_ipv4_list_allocated, ipv4_entries) {
+        if (ipv4_p->addr.s_addr ==  addr_pP->s_addr) {
+            STAILQ_REMOVE(&pgw_app.pgw_lite_ipv4_list_allocated, ipv4_p, pgw_lite_ipv4_list_elm_s, ipv4_entries);
+            STAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pgw_app.pgw_lite_ipv4_list_free, ipv4_p, ipv4_entries);
+            return 0;
+        }
+    }
+    return -1;
+int pgw_lite_get_free_ipv6_paa_prefix(struct in6_addr * const addr_pP) {
+    struct pgw_lite_ipv6_list_elm_s  *ipv6_p = NULL;
+    if (STAILQ_EMPTY(&pgw_app.pgw_lite_ipv6_list_free)) {
+        *addr_pP = in6addr_any;
+        return -1;
+    }
+    ipv6_p = STAILQ_FIRST(&pgw_app.pgw_lite_ipv6_list_free);
+    ipv6_p->num_allocated += 1;
+    ipv6_p->num_free      -= 1;
+    if (ipv6_p->num_free == 0) {
+        STAILQ_REMOVE(&pgw_app.pgw_lite_ipv6_list_free, ipv6_p, pgw_lite_ipv6_list_elm_s, ipv6_entries);
+        STAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pgw_app.pgw_lite_ipv6_list_allocated, ipv6_p, ipv6_entries);
+    }
+    *addr_pP = ipv6_p->addr;
+    return 0;
+int pgw_lite_release_free_ipv6_paa_prefix(const struct in6_addr * const addr_pP) {
+    struct pgw_lite_ipv6_list_elm_s *ipv6_p = NULL;
+    ipv6_p = STAILQ_FIRST(&pgw_app.pgw_lite_ipv6_list_free);
+    if (IN6_ARE_ADDR_EQUAL(&ipv6_p->addr, addr_pP)) {
+        ipv6_p->num_allocated -= 1;
+        ipv6_p->num_free      += 1;
+    }
+    STAILQ_FOREACH(ipv6_p, &pgw_app.pgw_lite_ipv6_list_allocated, ipv6_entries) {
+        if (IN6_ARE_ADDR_EQUAL(&ipv6_p->addr, addr_pP)) {
+            STAILQ_REMOVE(&pgw_app.pgw_lite_ipv6_list_allocated, ipv6_p, pgw_lite_ipv6_list_elm_s, ipv6_entries);
+            ipv6_p->num_allocated -= 1;
+            ipv6_p->num_free      += 1;
+            STAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pgw_app.pgw_lite_ipv6_list_free, ipv6_p, ipv6_entries);
+            return 0;
+        }
+    }
+    return -1;
diff --git a/openair-cn/SGW-LITE/pgw_lite_paa.h b/openair-cn/SGW-LITE/pgw_lite_paa.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..4c1d727f71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openair-cn/SGW-LITE/pgw_lite_paa.h
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+Eurecom OpenAirInterface core network
+Copyright(c) 1999 - 2014 Eurecom
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
+version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
+more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in
+the file called "COPYING".
+Contact Information
+Openair Admin:
+Openair Tech :
+Forums       : http://forums.eurecom.fsr/openairinterface
+Address      : EURECOM,
+               Campus SophiaTech,
+               450 Route des Chappes,
+               CS 50193
+               06904 Biot Sophia Antipolis cedex,
+               FRANCE
+/*! \file pgw_lite_paa.h
+* \brief
+* \author Lionel Gauthier
+* \company Eurecom
+* \email:
+#ifndef PGW_LITE_PAA_H_
+#define PGW_LITE_PAA_H_
+void pgw_lite_load_pool_ip_addresses       (void);
+int pgw_lite_get_free_ipv4_paa_address     (struct in_addr * const addr_P);
+int pgw_lite_release_free_ipv4_paa_address (const struct in_addr * const addr_P);
+int pgw_lite_get_free_ipv6_paa_prefix      (struct in6_addr * const addr_pP);
+int pgw_lite_release_free_ipv6_paa_prefix  (const struct in6_addr * const addr_pP);
diff --git a/openair-cn/SGW-LITE/sgw_lite.h b/openair-cn/SGW-LITE/sgw_lite.h
index 3dc727a04c..4144f67c1c 100755
--- a/openair-cn/SGW-LITE/sgw_lite.h
+++ b/openair-cn/SGW-LITE/sgw_lite.h
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ Address      : EURECOM,
 #ifndef SGW_LITE_H_
 #define SGW_LITE_H_
+#include <netinet/in.h>
 #include "hashtable.h"
 #include "tree.h"
 #include "commonDef.h"
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ Address      : EURECOM,
 #include "sgw_lite_context_manager.h"
 typedef struct sgw_app_s{
     char     *sgw_interface_name_for_S1u_S12_S4_up;
     uint32_t  sgw_ip_address_for_S1u_S12_S4_up;
@@ -63,22 +63,33 @@ typedef struct sgw_app_s{
 	// the key of this hashtable is the S11 s-gw local teid.
 	hash_table_t *s11_bearer_context_information_hashtable;
 } sgw_app_t;
-typedef struct ipv4_address_s {
-typedef struct ipv6_address_s {
+struct pgw_lite_ipv4_list_elm_s {
+    STAILQ_ENTRY(pgw_lite_ipv4_list_elm_s) ipv4_entries;
+    struct in_addr  addr;
+struct pgw_lite_ipv6_list_elm_s {
+    STAILQ_ENTRY(pgw_lite_ipv6_list_elm_s) ipv6_entries;
+    struct in6_addr addr;
+    int             prefix_len;
+    int             num_allocated;
+    int             num_free;
+} ;
 typedef struct pgw_app_s{
-    STAILQ_HEAD(free_ipv4_addresses_head_s,      ipv4_address_s) free_ipv4_addresses_head;
-    STAILQ_HEAD(free_ipv6_addresses_head_s,      ipv6_address_s) free_ipv6_addresses_head;
-    STAILQ_HEAD(allocated_ipv4_addresses_head_s, ipv4_address_s) allocated_ipv4_addresses_head;
-    STAILQ_HEAD(allocated_ipv6_addresses_head_s, ipv6_address_s) allocated_ipv6_addresses_head;
+    STAILQ_HEAD(pgw_lite_ipv4_list_free_head_s,      pgw_lite_ipv4_list_elm_s) pgw_lite_ipv4_list_free;
+    STAILQ_HEAD(pgw_lite_ipv4_list_allocated_head_s, pgw_lite_ipv4_list_elm_s) pgw_lite_ipv4_list_allocated;
+    STAILQ_HEAD(pgw_lite_ipv6_list_free_head_s,      pgw_lite_ipv6_list_elm_s) pgw_lite_ipv6_list_free;
+    STAILQ_HEAD(pgw_lite_ipv6_list_allocated_head_s, pgw_lite_ipv6_list_elm_s) pgw_lite_ipv6_list_allocated;
 } pgw_app_t;
diff --git a/openair-cn/SGW-LITE/sgw_lite_context_manager.c b/openair-cn/SGW-LITE/sgw_lite_context_manager.c
index 88bb6ed28c..8a84266173 100644
--- a/openair-cn/SGW-LITE/sgw_lite_context_manager.c
+++ b/openair-cn/SGW-LITE/sgw_lite_context_manager.c
@@ -237,6 +237,7 @@ sgw_pdn_connection_t * sgw_lite_cm_create_pdn_connection(void)
     if ( pdn_connection->sgw_eps_bearers == NULL) {
         SPGW_APP_ERROR("Failed to create eps bearers collection object\n");
+        pdn_connection = NULL;
         return NULL;
@@ -353,7 +354,7 @@ sgw_eps_bearer_entry_t * sgw_lite_cm_create_eps_bearer_entry_in_collection(hash_
         SPGW_APP_DEBUG("Invalid sgw_eps_bearers hashtable for display\n");
     /* CHECK DUPLICATES IN HASH TABLES ? if (temp == 1) {
-        SPGW_APP_WARNING("This EPS bearer entry already exists: %u\n", eps_bearer_idP);
+        SPGW_APP_WARN("This EPS bearer entry already exists: %u\n", eps_bearer_idP);
         new_eps_bearer_entry = collision_p;
diff --git a/openair-cn/SGW-LITE/sgw_lite_context_manager.h b/openair-cn/SGW-LITE/sgw_lite_context_manager.h
index bd7917e36c..fc8d2d16fe 100644
--- a/openair-cn/SGW-LITE/sgw_lite_context_manager.h
+++ b/openair-cn/SGW-LITE/sgw_lite_context_manager.h
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ typedef struct sgw_eps_bearer_context_information_s {
     void                  *trxn;
     uint32_t               peer_ip;
-    MessageDef*      initial_message_p;
+    SgwCreateSessionRequest saved_message;
 } sgw_eps_bearer_context_information_t;
diff --git a/openair-cn/SGW-LITE/sgw_lite_defs.h b/openair-cn/SGW-LITE/sgw_lite_defs.h
index 54e6619c1f..ba3eb7a247 100644
--- a/openair-cn/SGW-LITE/sgw_lite_defs.h
+++ b/openair-cn/SGW-LITE/sgw_lite_defs.h
@@ -39,19 +39,24 @@ Address      : EURECOM,
 #ifndef SGW_LITE_DEFS_H_
 #define SGW_LITE_DEFS_H_
-# define SPGW_APP_DEBUG(x, args...) do { fprintf(stdout, "[SPGW-APP] [D]"x, ##args); } \
-    while(0)
-# define SPGW_APP_WARNING(x, args...) do { fprintf(stdout, "[SPGW-APP] [W]"x, ##args); } \
-    while(0)
-# define SPGW_APP_ERROR(x, args...) do { fprintf(stderr, "[SPGW-APP] [E]"x, ##args); } \
-    while(0)
+#if defined(ENB_MODE)
+# include "UTIL/LOG/log.h"
+# define SPGW_APP_ERROR(x, args...) LOG_E(SPGW, x, ##args)
+# define SPGW_APP_WARN(x, args...)  LOG_W(SPGW, x, ##args)
+# define SPGW_APP_TRACE(x, args...)  LOG_T(SPGW, x, ##args)
+# define SPGW_APP_INFO(x, args...) LOG_I(SPGW, x, ##args)
+# define SPGW_APP_DEBUG(x, args...) LOG_I(SPGW, x, ##args)
+# define SPGW_APP_ERROR(x, args...) do { fprintf(stdout, "[SPGW-APP][E]"x, ##args); } while(0)
+# define SPGW_APP_WARN(x, args...)  do { fprintf(stdout, "[SPGW-APP][W]"x, ##args); } while(0)
+# define SPGW_APP_TRACE(x, args...)  do { fprintf(stdout, "[SPGW-APP][T]"x, ##args); } while(0)
+# define SPGW_APP_INFO(x, args...) do { fprintf(stdout, "[SPGW-APP][I]"x, ##args); } while(0)
+# define SPGW_APP_DEBUG(x, args...) do { fprintf(stdout, "[SPGW-APP][D]"x, ##args); } while(0)
 int sgw_lite_init(char* config_file_name_pP);
 #endif /* SGW_LITE_DEFS_H_ */
diff --git a/openair-cn/SGW-LITE/sgw_lite_handlers.c b/openair-cn/SGW-LITE/sgw_lite_handlers.c
index 64960c5db2..83011e1017 100644
--- a/openair-cn/SGW-LITE/sgw_lite_handlers.c
+++ b/openair-cn/SGW-LITE/sgw_lite_handlers.c
@@ -42,8 +42,10 @@ Address      : EURECOM,
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <stdint.h>
 #include <string.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
 #include "assertions.h"
+#include "conversions.h"
 #include "common_types.h"
 #include "intertask_interface.h"
 #include "mme_config.h"
@@ -52,22 +54,27 @@ Address      : EURECOM,
 #include "sgw_lite_handlers.h"
 #include "sgw_lite_context_manager.h"
 #include "sgw_lite.h"
+#include "pgw_lite_paa.h"
 extern sgw_app_t sgw_app;
-int sgw_lite_handle_create_session_request(SgwCreateSessionRequest *session_req_p)
+        const SgwCreateSessionRequest * const session_req_pP)
-    mme_sgw_tunnel_t*                          new_endpoint                                  = NULL;
-    s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_context_information_t* s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_context_information = NULL;
-    sgw_eps_bearer_entry_t*                    eps_bearer_entry_p                              = NULL;
-    MessageDef*                                message_p                                     = NULL;
+    mme_sgw_tunnel_t*                             new_endpoint_p                     = NULL;
+    s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_context_information_t* s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_ctxt_info_p = NULL;
+    sgw_eps_bearer_entry_t*                       eps_bearer_entry_p                 = NULL;
+    MessageDef*                                   message_p                          = NULL;
     /* Upon reception of create session request from MME,
      * S-GW should create UE, eNB and MME contexts and forward message to P-GW.
-    if (session_req_p->rat_type != RAT_EUTRAN) {
-        SPGW_APP_WARNING("Received session request with RAT != RAT_TYPE_EUTRAN: type %d\n",
-                    session_req_p->rat_type);
+    if (session_req_pP->rat_type != RAT_EUTRAN) {
+        SPGW_APP_WARN("Received session request with RAT != RAT_TYPE_EUTRAN: type %d\n",
+                    session_req_pP->rat_type);
     /* As we are abstracting GTP-C transport, FTeid ip address is useless.
@@ -78,29 +85,31 @@ int sgw_lite_handle_create_session_request(SgwCreateSessionRequest *session_req_
      * Communication between MME and S-GW involves S11 interface so we are expecting
      * S11_MME_GTP_C (11) as interface_type.
-    if ((session_req_p->sender_fteid_for_cp.teid == 0) &&
-            (session_req_p->sender_fteid_for_cp.interface_type != S11_MME_GTP_C)) {
+    if ((session_req_pP->sender_fteid_for_cp.teid == 0) &&
+            (session_req_pP->sender_fteid_for_cp.interface_type != S11_MME_GTP_C)) {
         /* MME sent request with teid = 0. This is not valid... */
-        SPGW_APP_WARNING("F-TEID parameter mismatch\n");
+        SPGW_APP_WARN("F-TEID parameter mismatch\n");
         return -1;
-    new_endpoint = sgw_lite_cm_create_s11_tunnel(session_req_p->sender_fteid_for_cp.teid, sgw_lite_get_new_S11_tunnel_id());
-    if (new_endpoint == NULL) {
-        SPGW_APP_WARNING("Could not create new tunnel endpoint between S-GW and MME "
+    new_endpoint_p = sgw_lite_cm_create_s11_tunnel(
+            session_req_pP->sender_fteid_for_cp.teid,
+            sgw_lite_get_new_S11_tunnel_id());
+    if (new_endpoint_p == NULL) {
+        SPGW_APP_WARN("Could not create new tunnel endpoint between S-GW and MME "
                     "for S11 abstraction\n");
         return -1;
     SPGW_APP_DEBUG("Rx CREATE-SESSION-REQUEST MME S11 teid %u S-GW S11 teid %u APN %s EPS bearer Id %d\n",
-        new_endpoint->remote_teid,
-        new_endpoint->local_teid,
-        session_req_p->apn,
-        session_req_p->bearer_to_create.eps_bearer_id);
+        new_endpoint_p->remote_teid,
+        new_endpoint_p->local_teid,
+        session_req_pP->apn,
+        session_req_pP->bearer_to_create.eps_bearer_id);
     SPGW_APP_DEBUG("                          IMSI %c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c\n",
-        IMSI(&session_req_p->imsi));
+        IMSI(&session_req_pP->imsi));
-    s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_context_information = sgw_lite_cm_create_bearer_context_information_in_collection(new_endpoint->local_teid);
-    if (s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_context_information != NULL) {
+    s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_ctxt_info_p = sgw_lite_cm_create_bearer_context_information_in_collection(new_endpoint_p->local_teid);
+    if (s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_ctxt_info_p != NULL) {
         /* We try to create endpoint for S11 interface. A NULL endpoint means that
         * either the teid is already in list of known teid or ENOMEM error has been
         * raised during malloc.
@@ -109,20 +118,20 @@ int sgw_lite_handle_create_session_request(SgwCreateSessionRequest *session_req_
         // copy informations from create session request to bearer context information
-        memcpy(s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_context_information->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.imsi.digit, session_req_p->imsi.digit, IMSI_DIGITS_MAX);
-        memcpy(s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_context_information->pgw_eps_bearer_context_information.imsi.digit, session_req_p->imsi.digit, IMSI_DIGITS_MAX);
-        s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_context_information->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.imsi_unauthenticated_indicator = 1;
-        s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_context_information->pgw_eps_bearer_context_information.imsi_unauthenticated_indicator = 1;
-        s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_context_information->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.mme_teid_for_S11               = session_req_p->sender_fteid_for_cp.teid;
-        s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_context_information->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.s_gw_teid_for_S11_S4           = new_endpoint->local_teid;
-        s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_context_information->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.trxn                           = session_req_p->trxn;
-        s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_context_information->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.peer_ip                        = session_req_p->peer_ip;
+        memcpy(s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_ctxt_info_p->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.imsi.digit, session_req_pP->imsi.digit, IMSI_DIGITS_MAX);
+        memcpy(s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_ctxt_info_p->pgw_eps_bearer_context_information.imsi.digit, session_req_pP->imsi.digit, IMSI_DIGITS_MAX);
+        s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_ctxt_info_p->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.imsi_unauthenticated_indicator = 1;
+        s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_ctxt_info_p->pgw_eps_bearer_context_information.imsi_unauthenticated_indicator = 1;
+        s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_ctxt_info_p->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.mme_teid_for_S11               = session_req_pP->sender_fteid_for_cp.teid;
+        s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_ctxt_info_p->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.s_gw_teid_for_S11_S4           = new_endpoint_p->local_teid;
+        s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_ctxt_info_p->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.trxn                           = session_req_pP->trxn;
+        s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_ctxt_info_p->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.peer_ip                        = session_req_pP->peer_ip;
         // may use ntohl or reverse, will see
-            (&session_req_p->sender_fteid_for_cp) ,
-            (&s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_context_information->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.mme_ip_address_for_S11));
+            (&session_req_pP->sender_fteid_for_cp) ,
+            (&s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_ctxt_info_p->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.mme_ip_address_for_S11));
         // PDN connection
@@ -134,48 +143,52 @@ int sgw_lite_handle_create_session_request(SgwCreateSessionRequest *session_req_
             SPGW_APP_ERROR("Failed to create new PDN connection\n");
             return -1;
-        memset(&s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_context_information->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.pdn_connection, 0, sizeof(sgw_pdn_connection_t));
-        s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_context_information->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.pdn_connection.sgw_eps_bearers = hashtable_create(12, NULL, NULL);
-        if ( s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_context_information->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.pdn_connection.sgw_eps_bearers == NULL) {
+        memset(&s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_ctxt_info_p->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.pdn_connection, 0, sizeof(sgw_pdn_connection_t));
+        s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_ctxt_info_p->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.pdn_connection.sgw_eps_bearers = hashtable_create(12, NULL, NULL);
+        if ( s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_ctxt_info_p->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.pdn_connection.sgw_eps_bearers == NULL) {
             SPGW_APP_ERROR("Failed to create eps bearers collection object\n");
             DevMessage("Failed to create eps bearers collection object\n");
             return -1;
-        if (session_req_p->apn) {
-        	s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_context_information->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.pdn_connection.apn_in_use     =  strdup(session_req_p->apn);
+        if (session_req_pP->apn) {
+        	s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_ctxt_info_p->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.pdn_connection.apn_in_use     =  strdup(session_req_pP->apn);
         } else {
-        	s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_context_information->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.pdn_connection.apn_in_use     = "NO APN";
+        	s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_ctxt_info_p->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.pdn_connection.apn_in_use     = "NO APN";
-        s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_context_information->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.pdn_connection.default_bearer =  session_req_p->bearer_to_create.eps_bearer_id;
+        s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_ctxt_info_p->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.pdn_connection.default_bearer =  session_req_pP->bearer_to_create.eps_bearer_id;
-        //obj_hashtable_insert(s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_context_information->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.pdn_connections, pdn_connection->apn_in_use, strlen(pdn_connection->apn_in_use), pdn_connection);
+        //obj_hashtable_insert(s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_ctxt_info_p->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.pdn_connections, pdn_connection->apn_in_use, strlen(pdn_connection->apn_in_use), pdn_connection);
         // EPS bearer entry
         eps_bearer_entry_p = sgw_lite_cm_create_eps_bearer_entry_in_collection(
-        		s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_context_information->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.pdn_connection.sgw_eps_bearers,
-        		session_req_p->bearer_to_create.eps_bearer_id);
+        		s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_ctxt_info_p->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.pdn_connection.sgw_eps_bearers,
+        		session_req_pP->bearer_to_create.eps_bearer_id);
         if (eps_bearer_entry_p == NULL) {
             SPGW_APP_ERROR("Failed to create new EPS bearer entry\n");
-            // TO DO FREE new_bearer_context_information_p and by cascade...
+            // TO DO FREE new_bearer_ctxt_info_p and by cascade...
             return -1;
-        eps_bearer_entry_p->eps_bearer_qos =  session_req_p->bearer_to_create.bearer_level_qos;
+        eps_bearer_entry_p->eps_bearer_qos =  session_req_pP->bearer_to_create.bearer_level_qos;
-        //s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_context_information->sgw_eps_bearer_context_informationteid = teid;
+        //s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_ctxt_info_p->sgw_eps_bearer_context_informationteid = teid;
         /* Trying to insert the new tunnel into the tree.
          * If collision_p is not NULL (0), it means tunnel is already present.
-        //s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_context_information->sgw_eps_bearer_context_informations_gw_ip_address_for_S11_S4 =
+        //s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_ctxt_info_p->sgw_eps_bearer_context_informations_gw_ip_address_for_S11_S4 =
+        memcpy(&s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_ctxt_info_p->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.saved_message,
+                session_req_pP,
+                sizeof(SgwCreateSessionRequest));
         /* Establishing EPS bearer. Requesting S1-U (GTPV1-U) task to create a
         * tunnel for S1 user plane interface. If status in response is successfull (0),
@@ -183,35 +196,40 @@ int sgw_lite_handle_create_session_request(SgwCreateSessionRequest *session_req_
         message_p = itti_alloc_new_message(TASK_SPGW_APP, GTPV1U_CREATE_TUNNEL_REQ);
         if (message_p == NULL) {
-        	sgw_lite_cm_remove_s11_tunnel(new_endpoint->remote_teid);
+            sgw_lite_cm_remove_s11_tunnel(new_endpoint_p->remote_teid);
             return -1;
-        message_p->ittiMsg.gtpv1uCreateTunnelReq.context_teid  = new_endpoint->local_teid;
-        message_p->ittiMsg.gtpv1uCreateTunnelReq.eps_bearer_id = session_req_p->bearer_to_create.eps_bearer_id;
+        message_p->ittiMsg.gtpv1uCreateTunnelReq.context_teid  = new_endpoint_p->local_teid;
+        message_p->ittiMsg.gtpv1uCreateTunnelReq.eps_bearer_id = session_req_pP->bearer_to_create.eps_bearer_id;
         SPGW_APP_DEBUG("Tx GTPV1U_CREATE_TUNNEL_REQ -> TASK_GTPV1_U, Context: S-GW S11 teid %u eps bearer id %d (from session req)\n",
-        		message_p->ittiMsg.gtpv1uCreateTunnelReq.context_teid,
-        		message_p->ittiMsg.gtpv1uCreateTunnelReq.eps_bearer_id);
+            message_p->ittiMsg.gtpv1uCreateTunnelReq.context_teid,
+            message_p->ittiMsg.gtpv1uCreateTunnelReq.eps_bearer_id);
         return itti_send_msg_to_task(TASK_GTPV1_U, INSTANCE_DEFAULT, message_p);
     } else {
-        SPGW_APP_WARNING("Could not create new transaction for SESSION_CREATE message\n");
-        free(new_endpoint);
+        SPGW_APP_WARN("Could not create new transaction for SESSION_CREATE message\n");
+        free(new_endpoint_p);
+        new_endpoint_p = NULL;
         return -1;
-int sgw_lite_handle_sgi_endpoint_created(SGICreateEndpointResp *resp_p)
+        const SGICreateEndpointResp * const resp_pP)
     task_id_t to_task;
-    SgwCreateSessionResponse                     *create_session_response_p        = NULL;
-    s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_context_information_t *new_bearer_context_information_p = NULL;
-    MessageDef                                   *message_p                        = NULL;
-    hashtable_rc_t                                  hash_rc;
+    SgwCreateSessionResponse                     *create_session_response_p = NULL;
+    s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_context_information_t *new_bearer_ctxt_info_p    = NULL;
+    MessageDef                                   *message_p                 = NULL;
+    hashtable_rc_t                                hash_rc;
     SPGW_APP_DEBUG("Rx SGI_CREATE_ENDPOINT_RESPONSE,Context: S11 teid %u, SGW S1U teid %u EPS bearer id %u\n",
-    		resp_p->context_teid, resp_p->sgw_S1u_teid, resp_p->eps_bearer_id);
-    hash_rc = hashtable_get(sgw_app.s11_bearer_context_information_hashtable, resp_p->context_teid, (void**)&new_bearer_context_information_p);
+            resp_pP->context_teid, resp_pP->sgw_S1u_teid, resp_pP->eps_bearer_id);
+    hash_rc = hashtable_get(sgw_app.s11_bearer_context_information_hashtable, resp_pP->context_teid, (void**)&new_bearer_ctxt_info_p);
     to_task = TASK_MME_APP;
@@ -226,21 +244,25 @@ int sgw_lite_handle_sgi_endpoint_created(SGICreateEndpointResp *resp_p)
     create_session_response_p = &message_p->ittiMsg.sgwCreateSessionResponse;
+    memset(create_session_response_p, 0, sizeof(SgwCreateSessionResponse));
     if (hash_rc == HASH_TABLE_OK) {
-        create_session_response_p->teid = new_bearer_context_information_p->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.mme_teid_for_S11;
+        create_session_response_p->teid = new_bearer_ctxt_info_p->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.mme_teid_for_S11;
         /* Preparing to send create session response on S11 abstraction interface.
          *  we set the cause value regarding the S1-U bearer establishment result status.
-        if (resp_p->status == 0) {
+        if (resp_pP->status == 0) {
             uint32_t address = sgw_app.sgw_ip_address_for_S1u_S12_S4_up;
-            create_session_response_p->bearer_context_created.s1u_sgw_fteid.teid           = resp_p->sgw_S1u_teid;
+            create_session_response_p->bearer_context_created.s1u_sgw_fteid.teid           = resp_pP->sgw_S1u_teid;
             create_session_response_p->bearer_context_created.s1u_sgw_fteid.interface_type = S1_U_SGW_GTP_U;
             create_session_response_p->bearer_context_created.s1u_sgw_fteid.ipv4           = 1;
             /* Should be filled in with S-GW S1-U local address. Running everything on localhost for now */
             create_session_response_p->bearer_context_created.s1u_sgw_fteid.ipv4_address   = address;
+            memcpy(&create_session_response_p->paa,
+                    &resp_pP->paa,
+                    sizeof(PAA_t));
             /* Set the Cause information from bearer context created.
              * "Request accepted" is returned when the GTPv2 entity has accepted a control plane request.
@@ -250,10 +272,10 @@ int sgw_lite_handle_sgi_endpoint_created(SGICreateEndpointResp *resp_p)
             create_session_response_p->cause                        = M_PDN_APN_NOT_ALLOWED;
             create_session_response_p->bearer_context_created.cause = M_PDN_APN_NOT_ALLOWED;
-        create_session_response_p->s11_sgw_teid.teid                    = resp_p->context_teid;
-        create_session_response_p->bearer_context_created.eps_bearer_id = resp_p->eps_bearer_id;
-        create_session_response_p->trxn                                 = new_bearer_context_information_p->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.trxn;
-        create_session_response_p->peer_ip                              = new_bearer_context_information_p->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.peer_ip;
+        create_session_response_p->s11_sgw_teid.teid                    = resp_pP->context_teid;
+        create_session_response_p->bearer_context_created.eps_bearer_id = resp_pP->eps_bearer_id;
+        create_session_response_p->trxn                                 = new_bearer_ctxt_info_p->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.trxn;
+        create_session_response_p->peer_ip                              = new_bearer_ctxt_info_p->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.peer_ip;
     } else {
         create_session_response_p->cause                        = CONTEXT_NOT_FOUND;
         create_session_response_p->bearer_context_created.cause = CONTEXT_NOT_FOUND;
@@ -270,16 +292,22 @@ int sgw_lite_handle_sgi_endpoint_created(SGICreateEndpointResp *resp_p)
     return itti_send_msg_to_task(to_task, INSTANCE_DEFAULT, message_p);
-int sgw_lite_handle_gtpv1uCreateTunnelResp(Gtpv1uCreateTunnelResp *endpoint_created_p)
+        const Gtpv1uCreateTunnelResp * const endpoint_created_pP)
     task_id_t to_task;
-    SgwCreateSessionResponse                          *create_session_response_p        = NULL;
-    s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_context_information_t      *new_bearer_context_information_p = NULL;
-    SGICreateEndpointReq                              *sgi_create_endpoint_req_p        = NULL;
-    MessageDef                                        *message_p                        = NULL;
-    sgw_eps_bearer_entry_t                            *eps_bearer_entry_p               = NULL;
-    hashtable_rc_t                                       hash_rc;
+    SgwCreateSessionResponse                          *create_session_response_p = NULL;
+    s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_context_information_t      *new_bearer_ctxt_info_p    = NULL;
+    SGICreateEndpointReq                              *sgi_create_endpoint_req_p = NULL;
+    MessageDef                                        *message_p                 = NULL;
+    sgw_eps_bearer_entry_t                            *eps_bearer_entry_p        = NULL;
+    hashtable_rc_t                                     hash_rc;
+    struct in_addr                                     inaddr ;
+    struct in6_addr                                    in6addr                   = IN6ADDR_ANY_INIT;
     to_task = TASK_MME_APP;
@@ -288,19 +316,28 @@ int sgw_lite_handle_gtpv1uCreateTunnelResp(Gtpv1uCreateTunnelResp *endpoint_crea
     SPGW_APP_DEBUG("Rx GTPV1U_CREATE_TUNNEL_RESP, Context S-GW S11 teid %u, S-GW S1U teid %u EPS bearer id %u status %d\n",
-                   endpoint_created_p->context_teid,
-                   endpoint_created_p->S1u_teid,
-                   endpoint_created_p->eps_bearer_id,
-                   endpoint_created_p->status);
-    hash_rc = hashtable_get(sgw_app.s11_bearer_context_information_hashtable, endpoint_created_p->context_teid, (void**)&new_bearer_context_information_p);
+            endpoint_created_pP->context_teid,
+            endpoint_created_pP->S1u_teid,
+            endpoint_created_pP->eps_bearer_id,
+            endpoint_created_pP->status);
+    hash_rc = hashtable_get(
+            sgw_app.s11_bearer_context_information_hashtable,
+            endpoint_created_pP->context_teid,
+            (void**)&new_bearer_ctxt_info_p);
     if (hash_rc == HASH_TABLE_OK) {
-        hash_rc = hashtable_get (new_bearer_context_information_p->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.pdn_connection.sgw_eps_bearers, endpoint_created_p->eps_bearer_id, (void**)&eps_bearer_entry_p);
+        hash_rc = hashtable_get (
+                new_bearer_ctxt_info_p->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.pdn_connection.sgw_eps_bearers,
+                endpoint_created_pP->eps_bearer_id,
+                (void**)&eps_bearer_entry_p);
         DevAssert(hash_rc == HASH_TABLE_OK);
-        SPGW_APP_DEBUG("Updated eps_bearer_entry_p eps_b_id %u with SGW S1U teid %u\n", endpoint_created_p->eps_bearer_id, endpoint_created_p->S1u_teid);
-        eps_bearer_entry_p->s_gw_teid_for_S1u_S12_S4_up = endpoint_created_p->S1u_teid;
+        SPGW_APP_DEBUG("Updated eps_bearer_entry_p eps_b_id %u with SGW S1U teid %u\n",
+                endpoint_created_pP->eps_bearer_id,
+                endpoint_created_pP->S1u_teid);
+        eps_bearer_entry_p->s_gw_teid_for_S1u_S12_S4_up = endpoint_created_pP->S1u_teid;
@@ -309,17 +346,64 @@ int sgw_lite_handle_gtpv1uCreateTunnelResp(Gtpv1uCreateTunnelResp *endpoint_crea
         if (message_p == NULL) {
             return -1;
         sgi_create_endpoint_req_p = &message_p->ittiMsg.sgiCreateEndpointReq;
+        memset(sgi_create_endpoint_req_p, 0, sizeof(SGICreateEndpointReq));
         // IP forward will forward packets to this teid
-        sgi_create_endpoint_req_p->context_teid  = endpoint_created_p->context_teid;
-        sgi_create_endpoint_req_p->sgw_S1u_teid  = endpoint_created_p->S1u_teid;
-        sgi_create_endpoint_req_p->eps_bearer_id = endpoint_created_p->eps_bearer_id;
+        sgi_create_endpoint_req_p->context_teid  = endpoint_created_pP->context_teid;
+        sgi_create_endpoint_req_p->sgw_S1u_teid  = endpoint_created_pP->S1u_teid;
+        sgi_create_endpoint_req_p->eps_bearer_id = endpoint_created_pP->eps_bearer_id;
+        // TO DO NOW
+        sgi_create_endpoint_req_p->paa.pdn_type = new_bearer_ctxt_info_p->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.saved_message.pdn_type;
+        switch (sgi_create_endpoint_req_p->paa.pdn_type) {
+            case IPv4_OR_v6:
+                if (pgw_lite_get_free_ipv4_paa_address(&inaddr) == 0) {
+                    IN_ADDR_TO_BUFFER(inaddr, sgi_create_endpoint_req_p->paa.ipv4_address);
+                } else {
+                    SPGW_APP_WARN("Failed to allocate IPv4 PAA for PDN type IPv4_OR_v6\n");
+                    if (pgw_lite_get_free_ipv6_paa_prefix(&in6addr) == 0) {
+                        IN6_ADDR_TO_BUFFER(in6addr, sgi_create_endpoint_req_p->paa.ipv6_address);
+                    } else {
+                        SPGW_APP_ERROR("Failed to allocate IPv6 PAA for PDN type IPv4_OR_v6\n");
+                    }
+                }
+                break;
+            case IPv4:
+                if (pgw_lite_get_free_ipv4_paa_address(&inaddr) == 0) {
+                    IN_ADDR_TO_BUFFER(inaddr, sgi_create_endpoint_req_p->paa.ipv4_address);
+                } else {
+                    SPGW_APP_ERROR("Failed to allocate IPv4 PAA for PDN type IPv4\n");
+                }
+                break;
+            case IPv6:
+                if (pgw_lite_get_free_ipv6_paa_prefix(&in6addr) == 0) {
+                    IN6_ADDR_TO_BUFFER(in6addr, sgi_create_endpoint_req_p->paa.ipv6_address);
+                } else {
+                    SPGW_APP_ERROR("Failed to allocate IPv6 PAA for PDN type IPv6\n");
+                }
+                break;
+            case IPv4_AND_v6:
+                if (pgw_lite_get_free_ipv4_paa_address(&inaddr) == 0) {
+                    IN_ADDR_TO_BUFFER(inaddr, sgi_create_endpoint_req_p->paa.ipv4_address);
+                } else {
+                    SPGW_APP_ERROR("Failed to allocate IPv4 PAA for PDN type IPv4_AND_v6\n");
+                }
+                if (pgw_lite_get_free_ipv6_paa_prefix(&in6addr) == 0) {
+                    IN6_ADDR_TO_BUFFER(in6addr, sgi_create_endpoint_req_p->paa.ipv6_address);
+                } else {
+                    SPGW_APP_ERROR("Failed to allocate IPv6 PAA for PDN type IPv4_AND_v6\n");
+                }
+                break;
+            default:
+                AssertFatal(0,"BAD paa.pdn_type %d", sgi_create_endpoint_req_p->paa.pdn_type);
+                break;
+        }
-        //create_sgi_endpoint_req_p->pdn_type = new_bearer_context_information_p->
         // TO DO TFT, QOS
         return itti_send_msg_to_task(TASK_FW_IP, INSTANCE_DEFAULT, message_p);
     } else {
-        SPGW_APP_DEBUG("Rx SGW_S1U_ENDPOINT_CREATED, Context: teid %u NOT FOUND\n", endpoint_created_p->context_teid);
+        SPGW_APP_DEBUG("Rx SGW_S1U_ENDPOINT_CREATED, Context: teid %u NOT FOUND\n", endpoint_created_pP->context_teid);
         message_p = itti_alloc_new_message(TASK_SPGW_APP, SGW_CREATE_SESSION_RESPONSE);
         if (message_p == NULL) {
             return -1;
@@ -332,14 +416,18 @@ int sgw_lite_handle_gtpv1uCreateTunnelResp(Gtpv1uCreateTunnelResp *endpoint_crea
-int sgw_lite_handle_gtpv1uUpdateTunnelResp(Gtpv1uUpdateTunnelResp *endpoint_updated_p)
+        const Gtpv1uUpdateTunnelResp * const endpoint_updated_pP)
-    SgwModifyBearerResponse                           *modify_response_p                = NULL;
-    SGIUpdateEndpointReq                              *update_request_p                 = NULL;
-    s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_context_information_t      *new_bearer_context_information_p = NULL;
-    MessageDef                                        *message_p                        = NULL;
-    sgw_eps_bearer_entry_t                            *eps_bearer_entry_p               = NULL;
-    hashtable_rc_t                                       hash_rc;
+    SgwModifyBearerResponse                           *modify_response_p      = NULL;
+    SGIUpdateEndpointReq                              *update_request_p       = NULL;
+    s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_context_information_t      *new_bearer_ctxt_info_p = NULL;
+    MessageDef                                        *message_p              = NULL;
+    sgw_eps_bearer_entry_t                            *eps_bearer_entry_p     = NULL;
+    hashtable_rc_t                                     hash_rc;
     task_id_t                                          to_task;
@@ -349,22 +437,22 @@ int sgw_lite_handle_gtpv1uUpdateTunnelResp(Gtpv1uUpdateTunnelResp *endpoint_upda
     SPGW_APP_DEBUG("Rx GTPV1U_UPDATE_TUNNEL_RESP, Context teid %u, SGW S1U teid %u, eNB S1U teid %u, EPS bearer id %u, status %d\n",
-                   endpoint_updated_p->context_teid,
-                   endpoint_updated_p->sgw_S1u_teid,
-                   endpoint_updated_p->enb_S1u_teid,
-                   endpoint_updated_p->eps_bearer_id,
-                   endpoint_updated_p->status);
+                   endpoint_updated_pP->context_teid,
+                   endpoint_updated_pP->sgw_S1u_teid,
+                   endpoint_updated_pP->enb_S1u_teid,
+                   endpoint_updated_pP->eps_bearer_id,
+                   endpoint_updated_pP->status);
-    hash_rc = hashtable_get(sgw_app.s11_bearer_context_information_hashtable, endpoint_updated_p->context_teid, (void**)&new_bearer_context_information_p);
+    hash_rc = hashtable_get(sgw_app.s11_bearer_context_information_hashtable, endpoint_updated_pP->context_teid, (void**)&new_bearer_ctxt_info_p);
     if (hash_rc == HASH_TABLE_OK) {
-    	hash_rc = hashtable_get (new_bearer_context_information_p->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.pdn_connection.sgw_eps_bearers, endpoint_updated_p->eps_bearer_id, (void**)&eps_bearer_entry_p);
+    	hash_rc = hashtable_get (new_bearer_ctxt_info_p->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.pdn_connection.sgw_eps_bearers, endpoint_updated_pP->eps_bearer_id, (void**)&eps_bearer_entry_p);
         if ((hash_rc == HASH_TABLE_KEY_NOT_EXISTS) || (hash_rc == HASH_TABLE_BAD_PARAMETER_HASHTABLE)) {
             SPGW_APP_DEBUG("Sending SGW_MODIFY_BEARER_RESPONSE trxn %p bearer %u CONTEXT_NOT_FOUND (sgw_eps_bearers)\n",
-                    new_bearer_context_information_p->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.trxn,
-                    endpoint_updated_p->eps_bearer_id);
+                    new_bearer_ctxt_info_p->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.trxn,
+                    endpoint_updated_pP->eps_bearer_id);
             message_p = itti_alloc_new_message(TASK_SPGW_APP, SGW_MODIFY_BEARER_RESPONSE);
             if (message_p == NULL) {
@@ -372,11 +460,11 @@ int sgw_lite_handle_gtpv1uUpdateTunnelResp(Gtpv1uUpdateTunnelResp *endpoint_upda
             modify_response_p = &message_p->ittiMsg.sgwModifyBearerResponse;
             memset(modify_response_p, 0, sizeof(SgwModifyBearerResponse));
-            modify_response_p->present                                      = MODIFY_BEARER_RESPONSE_REM;
-            modify_response_p->choice.bearer_for_removal.eps_bearer_id      = endpoint_updated_p->eps_bearer_id;
-            modify_response_p->choice.bearer_for_removal.cause              = CONTEXT_NOT_FOUND;
-            modify_response_p->cause                                        = CONTEXT_NOT_FOUND;
-            modify_response_p->trxn                                         = new_bearer_context_information_p->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.trxn;
+            modify_response_p->bearer_present                                 = MODIFY_BEARER_RESPONSE_REM;
+            modify_response_p->bearer_choice.bearer_for_removal.eps_bearer_id = endpoint_updated_pP->eps_bearer_id;
+            modify_response_p->bearer_choice.bearer_for_removal.cause         = CONTEXT_NOT_FOUND;
+            modify_response_p->cause                                          = CONTEXT_NOT_FOUND;
+            modify_response_p->trxn                                           = new_bearer_ctxt_info_p->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.trxn;
             return itti_send_msg_to_task(to_task, INSTANCE_DEFAULT, message_p);
         } else if (hash_rc == HASH_TABLE_OK) {
@@ -387,17 +475,17 @@ int sgw_lite_handle_gtpv1uUpdateTunnelResp(Gtpv1uUpdateTunnelResp *endpoint_upda
             update_request_p = &message_p->ittiMsg.sgiUpdateEndpointReq;
             memset(update_request_p, 0, sizeof(SGIUpdateEndpointReq));
-            update_request_p->context_teid = endpoint_updated_p->context_teid;
-            update_request_p->sgw_S1u_teid = endpoint_updated_p->sgw_S1u_teid;
-            update_request_p->enb_S1u_teid = endpoint_updated_p->enb_S1u_teid;
-            update_request_p->eps_bearer_id = endpoint_updated_p->eps_bearer_id;
+            update_request_p->context_teid = endpoint_updated_pP->context_teid;
+            update_request_p->sgw_S1u_teid = endpoint_updated_pP->sgw_S1u_teid;
+            update_request_p->enb_S1u_teid = endpoint_updated_pP->enb_S1u_teid;
+            update_request_p->eps_bearer_id = endpoint_updated_pP->eps_bearer_id;
             return itti_send_msg_to_task(TASK_FW_IP, INSTANCE_DEFAULT, message_p);
     } else {
         SPGW_APP_DEBUG("Sending SGW_MODIFY_BEARER_RESPONSE trxn %p bearer %u CONTEXT_NOT_FOUND (s11_bearer_context_information_hashtable)\n",
-                new_bearer_context_information_p->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.trxn,
-                endpoint_updated_p->eps_bearer_id);
+                new_bearer_ctxt_info_p->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.trxn,
+                endpoint_updated_pP->eps_bearer_id);
         message_p = itti_alloc_new_message(TASK_SPGW_APP, SGW_MODIFY_BEARER_RESPONSE);
         if (message_p == NULL) {
@@ -406,23 +494,27 @@ int sgw_lite_handle_gtpv1uUpdateTunnelResp(Gtpv1uUpdateTunnelResp *endpoint_upda
         modify_response_p = &message_p->ittiMsg.sgwModifyBearerResponse;
         memset(modify_response_p, 0, sizeof(SgwModifyBearerResponse));
-        modify_response_p->present                                      = MODIFY_BEARER_RESPONSE_REM;
-        modify_response_p->choice.bearer_for_removal.eps_bearer_id      = endpoint_updated_p->eps_bearer_id;
-        modify_response_p->choice.bearer_for_removal.cause              = CONTEXT_NOT_FOUND;
-        modify_response_p->cause                                        = CONTEXT_NOT_FOUND;
-        modify_response_p->trxn                                         = new_bearer_context_information_p->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.trxn;
+        modify_response_p->bearer_present                                 = MODIFY_BEARER_RESPONSE_REM;
+        modify_response_p->bearer_choice.bearer_for_removal.eps_bearer_id = endpoint_updated_pP->eps_bearer_id;
+        modify_response_p->bearer_choice.bearer_for_removal.cause         = CONTEXT_NOT_FOUND;
+        modify_response_p->cause                                          = CONTEXT_NOT_FOUND;
+        modify_response_p->trxn                                           = new_bearer_ctxt_info_p->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.trxn;
         return itti_send_msg_to_task(to_task, INSTANCE_DEFAULT, message_p);
     return -1;
-int sgw_lite_handle_sgi_endpoint_updated(SGIUpdateEndpointResp *resp_p)
+        const SGIUpdateEndpointResp * const resp_pP)
-    SgwModifyBearerResponse                           *modify_response_p              = NULL;
-    s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_context_information_t      *new_bearer_context_information_p = NULL;
-    MessageDef                                        *message_p                      = NULL;
-    sgw_eps_bearer_entry_t                            *eps_bearer_entry_p               = NULL;
-    hashtable_rc_t                                       hash_rc;
+    SgwModifyBearerResponse                           *modify_response_p      = NULL;
+    s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_context_information_t      *new_bearer_ctxt_info_p = NULL;
+    MessageDef                                        *message_p              = NULL;
+    sgw_eps_bearer_entry_t                            *eps_bearer_entry_p     = NULL;
+    hashtable_rc_t                                     hash_rc;
     task_id_t                                          to_task;
@@ -432,11 +524,11 @@ int sgw_lite_handle_sgi_endpoint_updated(SGIUpdateEndpointResp *resp_p)
     SPGW_APP_DEBUG("Rx SGI_UPDATE_ENDPOINT_RESPONSE, Context teid %u, SGW S1U teid %u, eNB S1U teid %u, EPS bearer id %u, status %d\n",
-                   resp_p->context_teid,
-                   resp_p->sgw_S1u_teid,
-                   resp_p->enb_S1u_teid,
-                   resp_p->eps_bearer_id,
-                   resp_p->status);
+                   resp_pP->context_teid,
+                   resp_pP->sgw_S1u_teid,
+                   resp_pP->enb_S1u_teid,
+                   resp_pP->eps_bearer_id,
+                   resp_pP->status);
     message_p = itti_alloc_new_message(TASK_SPGW_APP, SGW_MODIFY_BEARER_RESPONSE);
     if (message_p == NULL) {
@@ -445,58 +537,62 @@ int sgw_lite_handle_sgi_endpoint_updated(SGIUpdateEndpointResp *resp_p)
     modify_response_p = &message_p->ittiMsg.sgwModifyBearerResponse;
     memset(modify_response_p, 0, sizeof(SgwModifyBearerResponse));
-    hash_rc = hashtable_get(sgw_app.s11_bearer_context_information_hashtable, resp_p->context_teid, (void**)&new_bearer_context_information_p);
+    hash_rc = hashtable_get(sgw_app.s11_bearer_context_information_hashtable, resp_pP->context_teid, (void**)&new_bearer_ctxt_info_p);
     if (hash_rc == HASH_TABLE_OK) {
-        hash_rc = hashtable_get (new_bearer_context_information_p->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.pdn_connection.sgw_eps_bearers,
-                               resp_p->eps_bearer_id,
+        hash_rc = hashtable_get (new_bearer_ctxt_info_p->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.pdn_connection.sgw_eps_bearers,
+                               resp_pP->eps_bearer_id,
         if ((hash_rc == HASH_TABLE_KEY_NOT_EXISTS) || (hash_rc == HASH_TABLE_BAD_PARAMETER_HASHTABLE)) {
             SPGW_APP_DEBUG("Rx SGI_UPDATE_ENDPOINT_RESPONSE: CONTEXT_NOT_FOUND (pdn_connection.sgw_eps_bearers context)\n");
-            modify_response_p->teid                                         = resp_p->context_teid; // TO BE CHECKED IF IT IS THIS TEID
-            modify_response_p->present                                      = MODIFY_BEARER_RESPONSE_REM;
-            modify_response_p->choice.bearer_for_removal.eps_bearer_id      = resp_p->eps_bearer_id;
-            modify_response_p->choice.bearer_for_removal.cause              = CONTEXT_NOT_FOUND;
-            modify_response_p->cause                                        = CONTEXT_NOT_FOUND;
-            modify_response_p->trxn                                         = 0;
+            modify_response_p->teid                                           = resp_pP->context_teid; // TO BE CHECKED IF IT IS THIS TEID
+            modify_response_p->bearer_present                                 = MODIFY_BEARER_RESPONSE_REM;
+            modify_response_p->bearer_choice.bearer_for_removal.eps_bearer_id = resp_pP->eps_bearer_id;
+            modify_response_p->bearer_choice.bearer_for_removal.cause         = CONTEXT_NOT_FOUND;
+            modify_response_p->cause                                          = CONTEXT_NOT_FOUND;
+            modify_response_p->trxn                                           = 0;
             return itti_send_msg_to_task(to_task, INSTANCE_DEFAULT, message_p);
         } else if (hash_rc == HASH_TABLE_OK) {
             // accept anyway
-            modify_response_p->teid                                         = resp_p->context_teid; // TO BE CHECKED IF IT IS THIS TEID
-            modify_response_p->present                              = MODIFY_BEARER_RESPONSE_MOD;
-            modify_response_p->choice.bearer_modified.eps_bearer_id = resp_p->eps_bearer_id;
-            modify_response_p->choice.bearer_modified.cause         = REQUEST_ACCEPTED;
-            modify_response_p->cause                                = REQUEST_ACCEPTED;
-            modify_response_p->trxn                                 = new_bearer_context_information_p->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.trxn;
+            modify_response_p->teid                                                 = resp_pP->context_teid; // TO BE CHECKED IF IT IS THIS TEID
+            modify_response_p->bearer_present                                       = MODIFY_BEARER_RESPONSE_MOD;
+            modify_response_p->bearer_choice.bearer_contexts_modified.eps_bearer_id = resp_pP->eps_bearer_id;
+            modify_response_p->bearer_choice.bearer_contexts_modified.cause         = REQUEST_ACCEPTED;
+            modify_response_p->cause                                                = REQUEST_ACCEPTED;
+            modify_response_p->trxn                                                 = new_bearer_ctxt_info_p->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.trxn;
         return itti_send_msg_to_task(to_task, INSTANCE_DEFAULT, message_p);
     } else {
-        modify_response_p->teid                                         = resp_p->context_teid; // TO BE CHECKED IF IT IS THIS TEID
-        modify_response_p->present                                      = MODIFY_BEARER_RESPONSE_REM;
-        modify_response_p->choice.bearer_for_removal.eps_bearer_id      = resp_p->eps_bearer_id;
-        modify_response_p->choice.bearer_for_removal.cause              = CONTEXT_NOT_FOUND;
-        modify_response_p->cause                                        = CONTEXT_NOT_FOUND;
-        modify_response_p->trxn                                         = 0;
+        modify_response_p->teid                                           = resp_pP->context_teid; // TO BE CHECKED IF IT IS THIS TEID
+        modify_response_p->bearer_present                                 = MODIFY_BEARER_RESPONSE_REM;
+        modify_response_p->bearer_choice.bearer_for_removal.eps_bearer_id = resp_pP->eps_bearer_id;
+        modify_response_p->bearer_choice.bearer_for_removal.cause         = CONTEXT_NOT_FOUND;
+        modify_response_p->cause                                          = CONTEXT_NOT_FOUND;
+        modify_response_p->trxn                                           = 0;
         return itti_send_msg_to_task(to_task, INSTANCE_DEFAULT, message_p);
-int sgw_lite_handle_modify_bearer_request(SgwModifyBearerRequest *modify_bearer_p)
+        const SgwModifyBearerRequest * const modify_bearer_pP)
-    SgwModifyBearerResponse                           *modify_response_p                = NULL;
-    Gtpv1uUpdateTunnelReq                             *gtpv1u_update_tunnel_req_p       = NULL;
-    s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_context_information_t      *new_bearer_context_information_p = NULL;
-    MessageDef                                        *message_p                        = NULL;
-    sgw_eps_bearer_entry_t                            *eps_bearer_entry_p               = NULL;
-    hashtable_rc_t                                       hash_rc;
+    SgwModifyBearerResponse                           *modify_response_p          = NULL;
+    Gtpv1uUpdateTunnelReq                             *gtpv1u_update_tunnel_req_p = NULL;
+    s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_context_information_t      *new_bearer_ctxt_info_p     = NULL;
+    MessageDef                                        *message_p                  = NULL;
+    sgw_eps_bearer_entry_t                            *eps_bearer_entry_p         = NULL;
+    hashtable_rc_t                                     hash_rc;
     task_id_t                                          to_task;
@@ -506,25 +602,25 @@ int sgw_lite_handle_modify_bearer_request(SgwModifyBearerRequest *modify_bearer_
     SPGW_APP_DEBUG("Rx MODIFY_BEARER_REQUEST, teid %u, EPS bearer id %u\n",
-                   modify_bearer_p->teid,
-                   modify_bearer_p->bearer_context_to_modify.eps_bearer_id);
+                   modify_bearer_pP->teid,
+                   modify_bearer_pP->bearer_context_to_modify.eps_bearer_id);
     hash_rc = hashtable_get(
-        modify_bearer_p->teid,
-        (void**)&new_bearer_context_information_p);
+        modify_bearer_pP->teid,
+        (void**)&new_bearer_ctxt_info_p);
     if (hash_rc == HASH_TABLE_OK) {
-        new_bearer_context_information_p->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.pdn_connection.default_bearer = modify_bearer_p->bearer_context_to_modify.eps_bearer_id;
-        new_bearer_context_information_p->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.trxn = modify_bearer_p->trxn;
+        new_bearer_ctxt_info_p->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.pdn_connection.default_bearer = modify_bearer_pP->bearer_context_to_modify.eps_bearer_id;
+        new_bearer_ctxt_info_p->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.trxn = modify_bearer_pP->trxn;
         hash_rc = hashtable_is_key_exists (
-            new_bearer_context_information_p->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.pdn_connection.sgw_eps_bearers,
-            modify_bearer_p->bearer_context_to_modify.eps_bearer_id);
+            new_bearer_ctxt_info_p->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.pdn_connection.sgw_eps_bearers,
+            modify_bearer_pP->bearer_context_to_modify.eps_bearer_id);
         if (hash_rc == HASH_TABLE_KEY_NOT_EXISTS) {
             message_p = itti_alloc_new_message(TASK_SPGW_APP, SGW_MODIFY_BEARER_RESPONSE);
@@ -533,23 +629,23 @@ int sgw_lite_handle_modify_bearer_request(SgwModifyBearerRequest *modify_bearer_
             modify_response_p = &message_p->ittiMsg.sgwModifyBearerResponse;
             memset(modify_response_p, 0, sizeof(SgwModifyBearerResponse));
-            modify_response_p->present                                      = MODIFY_BEARER_RESPONSE_REM;
-            modify_response_p->choice.bearer_for_removal.eps_bearer_id      = modify_bearer_p->bearer_context_to_modify.eps_bearer_id;
-            modify_response_p->choice.bearer_for_removal.cause              = CONTEXT_NOT_FOUND;
-            modify_response_p->cause                                        = CONTEXT_NOT_FOUND;
-            modify_response_p->trxn                                         = modify_bearer_p->trxn;
+            modify_response_p->bearer_present                                 = MODIFY_BEARER_RESPONSE_REM;
+            modify_response_p->bearer_choice.bearer_for_removal.eps_bearer_id = modify_bearer_pP->bearer_context_to_modify.eps_bearer_id;
+            modify_response_p->bearer_choice.bearer_for_removal.cause         = CONTEXT_NOT_FOUND;
+            modify_response_p->cause                                          = CONTEXT_NOT_FOUND;
+            modify_response_p->trxn                                           = modify_bearer_pP->trxn;
-                modify_bearer_p->bearer_context_to_modify.eps_bearer_id);
+                modify_bearer_pP->bearer_context_to_modify.eps_bearer_id);
             return itti_send_msg_to_task(to_task, INSTANCE_DEFAULT, message_p);
         } else if (hash_rc == HASH_TABLE_OK) {
             // TO DO
             hash_rc = hashtable_get (
-                new_bearer_context_information_p->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.pdn_connection.sgw_eps_bearers,
-                modify_bearer_p->bearer_context_to_modify.eps_bearer_id,
+                new_bearer_ctxt_info_p->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.pdn_connection.sgw_eps_bearers,
+                modify_bearer_pP->bearer_context_to_modify.eps_bearer_id,
-            FTEID_T_2_IP_ADDRESS_T( (&modify_bearer_p->bearer_context_to_modify.s1_eNB_fteid) , (&eps_bearer_entry_p->enb_ip_address_for_S1u) );
-            eps_bearer_entry_p->enb_teid_for_S1u = modify_bearer_p->bearer_context_to_modify.s1_eNB_fteid.teid;
+            FTEID_T_2_IP_ADDRESS_T( (&modify_bearer_pP->bearer_context_to_modify.s1_eNB_fteid) , (&eps_bearer_entry_p->enb_ip_address_for_S1u) );
+            eps_bearer_entry_p->enb_teid_for_S1u = modify_bearer_pP->bearer_context_to_modify.s1_eNB_fteid.teid;
             // UPDATE GTPV1U mapping tables with eNB references (teid, addresses)
             message_p = itti_alloc_new_message(TASK_SPGW_APP, GTPV1U_UPDATE_TUNNEL_REQ);
@@ -558,15 +654,15 @@ int sgw_lite_handle_modify_bearer_request(SgwModifyBearerRequest *modify_bearer_
             gtpv1u_update_tunnel_req_p = &message_p->ittiMsg.gtpv1uUpdateTunnelReq;
             memset(gtpv1u_update_tunnel_req_p, 0, sizeof(Gtpv1uUpdateTunnelReq));
-            gtpv1u_update_tunnel_req_p->context_teid           = modify_bearer_p->teid;
+            gtpv1u_update_tunnel_req_p->context_teid           = modify_bearer_pP->teid;
             gtpv1u_update_tunnel_req_p->sgw_S1u_teid           = eps_bearer_entry_p->s_gw_teid_for_S1u_S12_S4_up;     ///< SGW S1U local Tunnel Endpoint Identifier
             gtpv1u_update_tunnel_req_p->enb_S1u_teid           = eps_bearer_entry_p->enb_teid_for_S1u;                ///< eNB S1U Tunnel Endpoint Identifier
             gtpv1u_update_tunnel_req_p->enb_ip_address_for_S1u = eps_bearer_entry_p->enb_ip_address_for_S1u;
             gtpv1u_update_tunnel_req_p->eps_bearer_id          = eps_bearer_entry_p->eps_bearer_id;
-            SPGW_APP_DEBUG("Rx MODIFY_BEARER_REQUEST, gtpv1u_update_tunnel_req_p->context_teid           = %u\n",modify_bearer_p->teid);
+            SPGW_APP_DEBUG("Rx MODIFY_BEARER_REQUEST, gtpv1u_update_tunnel_req_p->context_teid           = %u\n",modify_bearer_pP->teid);
             SPGW_APP_DEBUG("Rx MODIFY_BEARER_REQUEST, gtpv1u_update_tunnel_req_p->sgw_S1u_teid           = %u\n",gtpv1u_update_tunnel_req_p->sgw_S1u_teid);
             SPGW_APP_DEBUG("Rx MODIFY_BEARER_REQUEST, gtpv1u_update_tunnel_req_p->enb_S1u_teid           = %u\n",gtpv1u_update_tunnel_req_p->enb_S1u_teid);
-            //SPGW_APP_DEBUG("Rx MODIFY_BEARER_REQUEST, gtpv1u_update_tunnel_req_p->enb_ip_address_for_S1u = %u\n",modify_bearer_p->enb_ip_address_for_S1u);
+            //SPGW_APP_DEBUG("Rx MODIFY_BEARER_REQUEST, gtpv1u_update_tunnel_req_p->enb_ip_address_for_S1u = %u\n",modify_bearer_pP->enb_ip_address_for_S1u);
             SPGW_APP_DEBUG("Rx MODIFY_BEARER_REQUEST, gtpv1u_update_tunnel_req_p->eps_bearer_id          = %u\n",gtpv1u_update_tunnel_req_p->eps_bearer_id);
             return itti_send_msg_to_task(TASK_GTPV1_U, INSTANCE_DEFAULT, message_p);
@@ -578,27 +674,31 @@ int sgw_lite_handle_modify_bearer_request(SgwModifyBearerRequest *modify_bearer_
         modify_response_p = &message_p->ittiMsg.sgwModifyBearerResponse;
-        modify_response_p->present                                      = MODIFY_BEARER_RESPONSE_REM;
-        modify_response_p->choice.bearer_for_removal.eps_bearer_id      = modify_bearer_p->bearer_context_to_modify.eps_bearer_id;
-        modify_response_p->choice.bearer_for_removal.cause              = CONTEXT_NOT_FOUND;
-        modify_response_p->cause                                        = CONTEXT_NOT_FOUND;
-        modify_response_p->trxn                                         = modify_bearer_p->trxn;
+        modify_response_p->bearer_present                                 = MODIFY_BEARER_RESPONSE_REM;
+        modify_response_p->bearer_choice.bearer_for_removal.eps_bearer_id = modify_bearer_pP->bearer_context_to_modify.eps_bearer_id;
+        modify_response_p->bearer_choice.bearer_for_removal.cause         = CONTEXT_NOT_FOUND;
+        modify_response_p->cause                                          = CONTEXT_NOT_FOUND;
+        modify_response_p->trxn                                           = modify_bearer_pP->trxn;
-            modify_bearer_p->teid);
+            modify_bearer_pP->teid);
         return itti_send_msg_to_task(to_task, INSTANCE_DEFAULT, message_p);
     return -1;
-int sgw_lite_handle_delete_session_request(SgwDeleteSessionRequest *delete_session_req_p)
+        const SgwDeleteSessionRequest * const delete_session_req_pP)
     task_id_t    to_task;
     hashtable_rc_t hash_rc;
-    SgwDeleteSessionResponse                     *delete_session_resp_p;
-    MessageDef                                   *message_p     = NULL;
-    s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_context_information_t *ctx_p         = NULL;
+    SgwDeleteSessionResponse                     *delete_session_resp_p = NULL;
+    MessageDef                                   *message_p             = NULL;
+    s_plus_p_gw_eps_bearer_context_information_t *ctx_p                 = NULL;
     to_task = TASK_MME_APP;
@@ -612,34 +712,34 @@ int sgw_lite_handle_delete_session_request(SgwDeleteSessionRequest *delete_sessi
     delete_session_resp_p = &message_p->ittiMsg.sgwDeleteSessionResponse;
-    SPGW_APP_WARNING("Delete session handler needs to be completed...\n");
+    SPGW_APP_WARN("Delete session handler needs to be completed...\n");
-    if (delete_session_req_p->indication_flags & OI_FLAG) {
+    if (delete_session_req_pP->indication_flags & OI_FLAG) {
         SPGW_APP_DEBUG("OI flag is set for this message indicating the request"
                        "should be forwarded to P-GW entity\n");
     hash_rc = hashtable_get(sgw_app.s11_bearer_context_information_hashtable,
-                          delete_session_req_p->teid,
+                          delete_session_req_pP->teid,
     if (hash_rc == HASH_TABLE_OK) {
-        if ((delete_session_req_p->sender_fteid_for_cp.ipv4 != 0) &&
-            (delete_session_req_p->sender_fteid_for_cp.ipv6 != 0)) {
+        if ((delete_session_req_pP->sender_fteid_for_cp.ipv4 != 0) &&
+            (delete_session_req_pP->sender_fteid_for_cp.ipv6 != 0)) {
             /* Sender F-TEID IE present */
             if (delete_session_resp_p->teid != ctx_p->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.mme_teid_for_S11) {
                 delete_session_resp_p->teid  = ctx_p->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.mme_teid_for_S11;
                 delete_session_resp_p->cause = INVALID_PEER;
                 SPGW_APP_DEBUG("Mismatch in MME Teid for CP\n");
             } else {
-                delete_session_resp_p->teid = delete_session_req_p->sender_fteid_for_cp.teid;
+                delete_session_resp_p->teid = delete_session_req_pP->sender_fteid_for_cp.teid;
         } else {
             delete_session_resp_p->cause = REQUEST_ACCEPTED;
             delete_session_resp_p->teid  = ctx_p->sgw_eps_bearer_context_information.mme_teid_for_S11;
-        delete_session_resp_p->trxn    = delete_session_req_p->trxn;
-        delete_session_resp_p->peer_ip = delete_session_req_p->peer_ip;
+        delete_session_resp_p->trxn    = delete_session_req_pP->trxn;
+        delete_session_resp_p->peer_ip = delete_session_req_pP->peer_ip;
         return itti_send_msg_to_task(to_task, INSTANCE_DEFAULT, message_p);
     } else {
@@ -652,15 +752,15 @@ int sgw_lite_handle_delete_session_request(SgwDeleteSessionRequest *delete_sessi
         delete_session_resp_p = &message_p->ittiMsg.sgwDeleteSessionResponse;
-        if ((delete_session_req_p->sender_fteid_for_cp.ipv4 == 0) &&
-            (delete_session_req_p->sender_fteid_for_cp.ipv6 == 0)) {
+        if ((delete_session_req_pP->sender_fteid_for_cp.ipv4 == 0) &&
+            (delete_session_req_pP->sender_fteid_for_cp.ipv6 == 0)) {
             delete_session_resp_p->teid = 0;
         } else {
-            delete_session_resp_p->teid = delete_session_req_p->sender_fteid_for_cp.teid;
+            delete_session_resp_p->teid = delete_session_req_pP->sender_fteid_for_cp.teid;
         delete_session_resp_p->cause   = CONTEXT_NOT_FOUND;
-        delete_session_resp_p->trxn    = delete_session_req_p->trxn;
-        delete_session_resp_p->peer_ip = delete_session_req_p->peer_ip;
+        delete_session_resp_p->trxn    = delete_session_req_pP->trxn;
+        delete_session_resp_p->peer_ip = delete_session_req_pP->peer_ip;
         return itti_send_msg_to_task(to_task, INSTANCE_DEFAULT, message_p);
diff --git a/openair-cn/SGW-LITE/sgw_lite_handlers.h b/openair-cn/SGW-LITE/sgw_lite_handlers.h
index cbfe37c017..835e3cfd90 100644
--- a/openair-cn/SGW-LITE/sgw_lite_handlers.h
+++ b/openair-cn/SGW-LITE/sgw_lite_handlers.h
@@ -39,12 +39,12 @@ Address      : EURECOM,
-int sgw_lite_handle_create_session_request(SgwCreateSessionRequest *session_req_p);
-int sgw_lite_handle_sgi_endpoint_created  (SGICreateEndpointResp   *resp_p);
-int sgw_lite_handle_sgi_endpoint_updated  (SGIUpdateEndpointResp   *resp_p);
-int sgw_lite_handle_gtpv1uCreateTunnelResp(Gtpv1uCreateTunnelResp  *endpoint_created_p);
-int sgw_lite_handle_gtpv1uUpdateTunnelResp(Gtpv1uUpdateTunnelResp  *endpoint_updated_p);
-int sgw_lite_handle_modify_bearer_request (SgwModifyBearerRequest  *modify_bearer_p);
-int sgw_lite_handle_delete_session_request(SgwDeleteSessionRequest *delete_session_p);
+int sgw_lite_handle_create_session_request(const SgwCreateSessionRequest * const session_req_p);
+int sgw_lite_handle_sgi_endpoint_created  (const SGICreateEndpointResp   * const resp_p);
+int sgw_lite_handle_sgi_endpoint_updated  (const SGIUpdateEndpointResp   * const resp_p);
+int sgw_lite_handle_gtpv1uCreateTunnelResp(const Gtpv1uCreateTunnelResp  * const endpoint_created_p);
+int sgw_lite_handle_gtpv1uUpdateTunnelResp(const Gtpv1uUpdateTunnelResp  * const endpoint_updated_p);
+int sgw_lite_handle_modify_bearer_request (const SgwModifyBearerRequest  * const modify_bearer_p);
+int sgw_lite_handle_delete_session_request(const SgwDeleteSessionRequest * const delete_session_p);
 #endif /* SGW_LITE_HANDLERS_H_ */
diff --git a/openair-cn/SGW-LITE/sgw_lite_task.c b/openair-cn/SGW-LITE/sgw_lite_task.c
index a01e8f6125..a30c355ab5 100644
--- a/openair-cn/SGW-LITE/sgw_lite_task.c
+++ b/openair-cn/SGW-LITE/sgw_lite_task.c
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ Address      : EURECOM,
 #include "sgw_lite.h"
 #include "hashtable.h"
 #include "spgw_config.h"
+#include "pgw_lite_paa.h"
 spgw_config_t spgw_config;
 sgw_app_t     sgw_app;
@@ -109,19 +110,25 @@ static void *sgw_lite_intertask_interface(void *args_p)
             default: {
                 SPGW_APP_DEBUG("Unkwnon message ID %d:%s\n",
-                               ITTI_MSG_ID(received_message_p), ITTI_MSG_NAME(received_message_p));
+                               ITTI_MSG_ID(received_message_p),
+                               ITTI_MSG_NAME(received_message_p));
             } break;
-        free(received_message_p);
+        itti_free(ITTI_MSG_ORIGIN_ID(received_message_p), received_message_p);
         received_message_p = NULL;
     return NULL;
 int sgw_lite_init(char* config_file_name_pP)
+    SPGW_APP_DEBUG("Initializing SPGW-APP  task interface\n");
     spgw_config_init(config_file_name_pP, &spgw_config);
+    pgw_lite_load_pool_ip_addresses();
     sgw_app.s11teid2mme_hashtable = hashtable_create (8192, NULL, NULL);
     if (sgw_app.s11teid2mme_hashtable == NULL) {
@@ -151,7 +158,6 @@ int sgw_lite_init(char* config_file_name_pP)
     //sgw_app.sgw_ip_address_for_S5_S8_cp          = spgw_config.sgw_config.ipv4.sgw_ip_address_for_S5_S8_cp;
     sgw_app.sgw_ip_address_for_S5_S8_up          = spgw_config.sgw_config.ipv4.sgw_ipv4_address_for_S5_S8_up;
-    SPGW_APP_DEBUG("Initializing SPGW-APP  task interface\n");
     if (itti_create_task(TASK_SPGW_APP,
                                         &sgw_lite_intertask_interface, NULL) < 0) {
diff --git a/openair-cn/SGW-LITE/spgw_config.c b/openair-cn/SGW-LITE/spgw_config.c
index 1386e37739..a94c26ac3c 100755
--- a/openair-cn/SGW-LITE/spgw_config.c
+++ b/openair-cn/SGW-LITE/spgw_config.c
@@ -82,7 +82,14 @@ Address      : EURECOM,
          && ((((__const uint32_t *) (a))[2] & (((__const uint32_t *) (m))[2])) == (((__const uint32_t *) (b))[2] & (((__const uint32_t *) (m))[2])))  \
          && ((((__const uint32_t *) (a))[3] & (((__const uint32_t *) (m))[3])) == (((__const uint32_t *) (b))[3] & (((__const uint32_t *) (m))[3]))))
-void trim(char* srcP, int sizeP)
+void trim(char* srcP, int sizeP);
+void sgw_ipv6_mask_in6_addr( struct in6_addr *addr6_pP, int maskP);
+        char* srcP,
+        int sizeP)
     if(srcP == NULL)
@@ -99,7 +106,13 @@ void trim(char* srcP, int sizeP)
     srcP[i] = '\0';
-void sgw_ipv6_mask_in6_addr( struct in6_addr *addr6_pP, int maskP) {
+        struct in6_addr *addr6_pP,
+        int maskP)
     int      addr8_idx;
     addr8_idx = maskP / 8;
@@ -113,6 +126,8 @@ void sgw_ipv6_mask_in6_addr( struct in6_addr *addr6_pP, int maskP) {
         addr6_pP->s6_addr[addr8_idx++] = 0;
 /*int is_valid_ip_address(char *addr_pP, int ai_familyP , struct sockaddr *sock_addr_pP) {
     struct addrinfo      hints;
     struct addrinfo     *result, *rp;
@@ -170,27 +185,31 @@ int spgw_config_init(char* lib_config_file_name_pP, spgw_config_t* config_pP) {
   char             *pgw_ipv4_address_for_SGI     = NULL;
   char             *delimiters=NULL;
-  char             *saveptr1= NULL;
-  char             *astring = NULL;
-  char             *atoken  = NULL;
-  char             *atoken2 = NULL;
-  char             *address = NULL;
-  char             *cidr    = NULL;
-  char             *mask    = NULL;
-  int               num     = 0;
-  int               i       = 0;
+  char             *saveptr1 = NULL;
+  char             *astring  = NULL;
+  char             *atoken   = NULL;
+  char             *atoken2  = NULL;
+  char             *address  = NULL;
+  char             *cidr     = NULL;
+  char             *mask     = NULL;
+  int               num      = 0;
+  int               i        = 0;
   int               jh, jn;
   unsigned char     buf_in6_addr[sizeof(struct in6_addr)];
   struct in6_addr   addr6_start;
   struct in6_addr   addr6_mask;
-  int               prefix_mask;
-  uint64_t          counter64;
+  int               prefix_mask = 0;
+  uint64_t          counter64   = 0;
   unsigned char     buf_in_addr[sizeof(struct in_addr)];
   struct in_addr    addr_start;
-  struct in_addr    addr_end;
+  struct in_addr    addr_mask;
+  pgw_lite_conf_ipv4_list_elm_t *ip4_ref = NULL;
+  pgw_lite_conf_ipv6_list_elm_t *ip6_ref = NULL;
   memset((char*)config_pP, 0 , sizeof(spgw_config_t));
+  STAILQ_INIT(&config_pP->pgw_config.pgw_lite_ipv4_pool_list);
+  STAILQ_INIT(&config_pP->pgw_config.pgw_lite_ipv6_pool_list);
@@ -210,6 +229,7 @@ int spgw_config_init(char* lib_config_file_name_pP, spgw_config_t* config_pP) {
       AssertFatal (0, "No SP-GW configuration file provided!\n");
+  SPGW_APP_INFO("Parsing configuration file provided %s\n", lib_config_file_name_pP);
   setting_sgw = config_lookup(&cfg, SGW_CONFIG_STRING_SGW_CONFIG);
   if(setting_sgw != NULL) {
@@ -299,42 +319,49 @@ int spgw_config_init(char* lib_config_file_name_pP, spgw_config_t* config_pP) {
                       trim(astring, strlen(astring)+1);
                       if (inet_pton(AF_INET, astring, buf_in_addr) < 1) {
                           // failure, test if there is a range specified in the string
-                          atoken = strtok(astring, PGW_CONFIG_STRING_IP_ADDRESS_RANGE_DELIMITERS);
-                          if (inet_pton(AF_INET, astring, buf_in_addr) == 1) {
+                          atoken = strtok(astring, PGW_CONFIG_STRING_IPV4_PREFIX_DELIMITER);
+                          if (inet_pton(AF_INET, atoken, buf_in_addr) == 1) {
                               memcpy (&addr_start, buf_in_addr, sizeof(struct in_addr));
                               // valid address
-                              atoken2 = strtok(NULL, PGW_CONFIG_STRING_IP_ADDRESS_RANGE_DELIMITERS);
-                              if (inet_pton(AF_INET, atoken2, buf_in_addr) == 1) {
-                                  memcpy (&addr_end, buf_in_addr, sizeof(struct in_addr));
-                                  // valid address
-                                  for (jh = ntohl(addr_start.s_addr); jh <= ntohl(addr_end.s_addr); jh++) {
-                                      DevAssert(PGW_MAX_ALLOCATED_PDN_ADDRESSES > config_pP->pgw_config.pool_pdn_addresses.num_ipv4_addresses);
-                                      jn = htonl(jh);
-                                      if (IN_CLASSA(addr_start.s_addr)) {
-                                          if ((jh & 0xFF) && (jh & 0xFF) != 0xFF) {
-                                              config_pP->pgw_config.pool_pdn_addresses.ipv4_addresses[config_pP->pgw_config.pool_pdn_addresses.num_ipv4_addresses++].s_addr = jn;
-                                          }
-                                      } else if (IN_CLASSB(addr_start.s_addr)) {
-                                          if ((jh & 0xFF) && (jh & 0xFF) != 0xFF) {
-                                              config_pP->pgw_config.pool_pdn_addresses.ipv4_addresses[config_pP->pgw_config.pool_pdn_addresses.num_ipv4_addresses++].s_addr = jn;
-                                          }
-                                      } else if (IN_CLASSC(addr_start.s_addr)) {
-                                          if ((jh & 0xFF) && (jh & 0xFF) != 0xFF) {
-                                              config_pP->pgw_config.pool_pdn_addresses.ipv4_addresses[config_pP->pgw_config.pool_pdn_addresses.num_ipv4_addresses++].s_addr = jn;
-                                          }
-                                      } else {
-                                          printf("ERROR ON ADDRESS CLASS %d.%d.%d.%d\n", NIPADDR(jn));
-                                      }
+                              atoken2 = strtok(NULL, PGW_CONFIG_STRING_IPV4_PREFIX_DELIMITER);
+                              prefix_mask = atoi(atoken2);
+                              if ((prefix_mask >= 2)&&(prefix_mask < 32)) {
+                                  memcpy (&addr_start, buf_in_addr, sizeof(struct in_addr));
+                                  memcpy (&addr_mask,  buf_in_addr, sizeof(struct in_addr));
+                                  addr_mask.s_addr = addr_mask.s_addr & htonl(0xFFFFFFFF << (32 - prefix_mask));
+                                  if (memcmp(&addr_start, &addr_mask, sizeof(struct in_addr)) != 0) {
+                                      AssertFatal(0, "BAD IPV4 ADDR CONFIG/MASK PAIRING %s/%d addr %X mask %X\n",
+                                              astring, prefix_mask, addr_start.s_addr, addr_mask.s_addr);
+                                  counter64 = 0x00000000FFFFFFFF >> prefix_mask; // address Prefix_mask/0..0 not valid
+                                  counter64 = counter64 - 1;
+                                  do {
+                                      addr_start.s_addr = addr_start.s_addr + htonl(1);
+                                      ip4_ref = calloc(1, sizeof(pgw_lite_conf_ipv4_list_elm_t));
+                                      ip4_ref->addr       = addr_start;
+                                      STAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&config_pP->pgw_config.pgw_lite_ipv4_pool_list, ip4_ref, ipv4_entries);
+                                      counter64 = counter64 - 1;
+                                  } while (counter64 > 0);
+                              } else {
+                                  SPGW_APP_ERROR("CONFIG POOL ADDR IPV4: BAD MASQ: %s\n", atoken2);
+                          } else {
+                              SPGW_APP_ERROR("CONFIG POOL ADDR IPV4: ADDR not recognized: %s\n", atoken);
                       } else {
-                          DevAssert(PGW_MAX_ALLOCATED_PDN_ADDRESSES > config_pP->pgw_config.pool_pdn_addresses.num_ipv4_addresses);
                           memcpy (&addr_start, buf_in_addr, sizeof(struct in_addr));
-                          config_pP->pgw_config.pool_pdn_addresses.ipv4_addresses[config_pP->pgw_config.pool_pdn_addresses.num_ipv4_addresses++].s_addr = addr_start.s_addr;
+                          ip4_ref = calloc(1, sizeof(pgw_lite_conf_ipv4_list_elm_t));
+                          ip4_ref->addr = addr_start;
+                          STAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&config_pP->pgw_config.pgw_lite_ipv4_pool_list, ip4_ref, ipv4_entries);
+          } else {
           sub2setting = config_setting_get_member (subsetting, PGW_CONFIG_STRING_IPV6_ADDRESS_LIST);
           if(sub2setting != NULL) {
@@ -360,34 +387,20 @@ int spgw_config_init(char* lib_config_file_name_pP, spgw_config_t* config_pP) {
                                   AssertFatal(0, "BAD IPV6 ADDR CONFIG/MASK PAIRING %s/%d\n", astring, prefix_mask);
-                              counter64 = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF >> prefix_mask; // address Prefix_mask/0..0 not valid
-                              do {
-                                  addr6_start.s6_addr32[3] = addr6_start.s6_addr32[3] + htonl(1);
-                                  if (addr6_start.s6_addr32[3] == 0) {
-                                      addr6_start.s6_addr32[2] = addr6_start.s6_addr32[2] + htonl(1);
-                                      if (addr6_start.s6_addr32[2] == 0) {
-                                          // should not happen since mask is no less than 64
-                                          addr6_start.s6_addr32[1] = addr6_start.s6_addr32[1] + htonl(1);
-                                          if (addr6_start.s6_addr32[1] == 0) {
-                                              addr6_start.s6_addr32[0] = addr6_start.s6_addr32[0] + htonl(1);
-                                          }
-                                      }
-                                  }
-                                  memcpy (&config_pP->pgw_config.pool_pdn_addresses.ipv6_addresses[config_pP->pgw_config.pool_pdn_addresses.num_ipv6_addresses++],
-                                          &addr6_start,
-                                          sizeof(struct in6_addr));
-                                  counter64 = counter64 - 1;
-                              } while (counter64 > 0);
+                               ip6_ref = calloc(1, sizeof(pgw_lite_conf_ipv6_list_elm_t));
+                               ip6_ref->addr       = addr6_start;
+                               ip6_ref->prefix_len = prefix_mask;
+                               STAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&config_pP->pgw_config.pgw_lite_ipv6_pool_list, ip6_ref, ipv6_entries);
                       } else {
-                          DevAssert(PGW_MAX_ALLOCATED_PDN_ADDRESSES > config_pP->pgw_config.pool_pdn_addresses.num_ipv6_addresses);
-                          memcpy (&config_pP->pgw_config.pool_pdn_addresses.ipv6_addresses[config_pP->pgw_config.pool_pdn_addresses.num_ipv6_addresses++],
-                                  buf_in6_addr,
-                                  sizeof(struct in6_addr));
+                          SPGW_APP_WARN("CONFIG POOL ADDR IPV6: FAILED WHILE PARSING %s\n", astring);
-          }      }
+          }
+      }
   return 0;
diff --git a/openair-cn/SGW-LITE/spgw_config.h b/openair-cn/SGW-LITE/spgw_config.h
index 2e6d830ee6..d314223f39 100755
--- a/openair-cn/SGW-LITE/spgw_config.h
+++ b/openair-cn/SGW-LITE/spgw_config.h
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ Address      : EURECOM,
 #include <netinet/in.h> // inet_aton
 #include <arpa/inet.h>  // inet_aton
+#include "queue.h"
 #define SGW_CONFIG_STRING_SGW_CONFIG                            "S-GW"
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ Address      : EURECOM,
 #define PGW_CONFIG_STRING_IP_ADDRESS_POOL                       "IP_ADDRESS_POOL"
 #define PGW_CONFIG_STRING_IPV4_ADDRESS_LIST                     "IPV4_LIST"
 #define PGW_CONFIG_STRING_IPV6_ADDRESS_LIST                     "IPV6_LIST"
+#define PGW_CONFIG_STRING_IPV4_PREFIX_DELIMITER                 " /"
 #define PGW_CONFIG_STRING_IPV6_PREFIX_DELIMITER                 " /"
 #define PGW_CONFIG_STRING_INTERFACE_DISABLED                    "none"
@@ -96,6 +96,20 @@ typedef struct sgw_config_s {
 // may be more
+typedef struct pgw_lite_conf_ipv4_list_elm_s {
+    STAILQ_ENTRY(pgw_lite_conf_ipv4_list_elm_s) ipv4_entries;
+    struct in_addr  addr;
+} pgw_lite_conf_ipv4_list_elm_t;
+typedef struct pgw_lite_conf_ipv6_list_elm_s {
+    STAILQ_ENTRY(pgw_lite_conf_ipv6_list_elm_s) ipv6_entries;
+    struct in6_addr addr;
+    int             prefix_len;
+} pgw_lite_conf_ipv6_list_elm_t;
 typedef struct pgw_config_s {
     struct {
         char     *pgw_interface_name_for_S5_S8;
@@ -107,12 +121,8 @@ typedef struct pgw_config_s {
         int       pgw_ip_netmask_for_SGI;
     } ipv4;
-    struct {
-        int              num_ipv4_addresses;
-        struct in_addr   ipv4_addresses[PGW_MAX_ALLOCATED_PDN_ADDRESSES];
-        int              num_ipv6_addresses;
-        struct in6_addr  ipv6_addresses[PGW_MAX_ALLOCATED_PDN_ADDRESSES];
-    } pool_pdn_addresses;
+    STAILQ_HEAD(pgw_lite_ipv4_pool_head_s,      pgw_lite_conf_ipv4_list_elm_s) pgw_lite_ipv4_pool_list;
+    STAILQ_HEAD(pgw_lite_ipv6_pool_head_s,      pgw_lite_conf_ipv6_list_elm_s) pgw_lite_ipv6_pool_list;
 } pgw_config_t;
 typedef struct spgw_config_s {
diff --git a/openair-cn/UDP/udp_primitives_server.c b/openair-cn/UDP/udp_primitives_server.c
index 641e4505fd..e1d329ed2c 100644
--- a/openair-cn/UDP/udp_primitives_server.c
+++ b/openair-cn/UDP/udp_primitives_server.c
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ static void *udp_intertask_interface(void *args_p)
             } break;
-        free(received_message_p);
+        itti_free(ITTI_MSG_ORIGIN_ID(received_message_p), received_message_p);
         received_message_p = NULL;
     return NULL;
diff --git a/openair-cn/UTILS/conversions.h b/openair-cn/UTILS/conversions.h
index 7c77559edf..6c9350d054 100644
--- a/openair-cn/UTILS/conversions.h
+++ b/openair-cn/UTILS/conversions.h
@@ -50,6 +50,28 @@
 # define hton_int16(x) (x)
+#define IN_ADDR_TO_BUFFER(X,bUFF) INT32_TO_BUFFER((X).s_addr,(char*)bUFF)
+#define IN6_ADDR_TO_BUFFER(X,bUFF)                     \
+    do {                                               \
+        ((uint8_t*)(bUFF))[0]  = (X).s6_addr[0];  \
+        ((uint8_t*)(bUFF))[1]  = (X).s6_addr[1];  \
+        ((uint8_t*)(bUFF))[2]  = (X).s6_addr[2];  \
+        ((uint8_t*)(bUFF))[3]  = (X).s6_addr[3];  \
+        ((uint8_t*)(bUFF))[4]  = (X).s6_addr[4];  \
+        ((uint8_t*)(bUFF))[5]  = (X).s6_addr[5];  \
+        ((uint8_t*)(bUFF))[6]  = (X).s6_addr[6];  \
+        ((uint8_t*)(bUFF))[7]  = (X).s6_addr[7];  \
+        ((uint8_t*)(bUFF))[8]  = (X).s6_addr[8];  \
+        ((uint8_t*)(bUFF))[9]  = (X).s6_addr[9];  \
+        ((uint8_t*)(bUFF))[10] = (X).s6_addr[10]; \
+        ((uint8_t*)(bUFF))[11] = (X).s6_addr[11]; \
+        ((uint8_t*)(bUFF))[12] = (X).s6_addr[12]; \
+        ((uint8_t*)(bUFF))[13] = (X).s6_addr[13]; \
+        ((uint8_t*)(bUFF))[14] = (X).s6_addr[14]; \
+        ((uint8_t*)(bUFF))[15] = (X).s6_addr[15]; \
+    } while(0)
 #define BUFFER_TO_INT8(buf, x) (x = ((buf)[0]))
 #define INT8_TO_BUFFER(x, buf) ((buf)[0] = (x))
diff --git a/openair-cn/UTILS/mme_config.c b/openair-cn/UTILS/mme_config.c
index b4bd45d735..948e6913f1 100644
--- a/openair-cn/UTILS/mme_config.c
+++ b/openair-cn/UTILS/mme_config.c
@@ -185,6 +185,16 @@ static int config_parse_file(mme_config_t *mme_config_p)
                 mme_config_p->unauthenticated_imsi_supported = 0;
+        if(  (config_setting_lookup_string( setting_mme, MME_CONFIG_STRING_ASN1_VERBOSITY, (const char **)&astring) )) {
+            if (strcasecmp(astring , MME_CONFIG_STRING_ASN1_VERBOSITY_NONE) == 0)
+                mme_config_p->verbosity_level = 0;
+            else if (strcasecmp(astring , MME_CONFIG_STRING_ASN1_VERBOSITY_ANNOYING) == 0)
+                mme_config_p->verbosity_level = 2;
+            else if (strcasecmp(astring , MME_CONFIG_STRING_ASN1_VERBOSITY_INFO) == 0)
+                mme_config_p->verbosity_level = 1;
+            else
+                mme_config_p->verbosity_level = 0;
+        }
         // ITTI SETTING
         setting = config_setting_get_member (setting_mme, MME_CONFIG_STRING_INTERTASK_INTERFACE_CONFIG);
diff --git a/openair-cn/UTILS/mme_config.h b/openair-cn/UTILS/mme_config.h
index 9eca57975d..e93ca49e6b 100644
--- a/openair-cn/UTILS/mme_config.h
+++ b/openair-cn/UTILS/mme_config.h
@@ -73,6 +73,11 @@
+#define MME_CONFIG_STRING_ASN1_VERBOSITY                      "VERBOSITY"
+#define MME_CONFIG_STRING_ASN1_VERBOSITY_NONE                 "none"
+#define MME_CONFIG_STRING_ASN1_VERBOSITY_ANNOYING             "annoying"
+#define MME_CONFIG_STRING_ASN1_VERBOSITY_INFO                 "info"
 typedef struct mme_config_s {
     /* Reader/writer lock for this configuration */
diff --git a/openair-cn/ b/openair-cn/
index 278c2c8d2a..837d207c72 100644
--- a/openair-cn/
+++ b/openair-cn/
@@ -191,6 +191,13 @@ AC_ARG_ENABLE([nas],
 AM_CONDITIONAL([DISABLE_USE_NAS], [test x$enable_nas == xno])
+              AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-s11], [Disable S11 layer]),
+              [CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -DDISABLE_S11"],
+              [])
+AM_CONDITIONAL([DISABLE_S11], [test x$enable_s11 == xno])
 dnl *** Enable PCAP for SGI ***
               AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-pcap-for-sgi], [Enable PCAP for SGI layer]),
@@ -371,4 +378,6 @@ fi
 if test x$raw_socket_for_sgi == xtrue; then
     echo "SGI raw socket.: yes"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/openair2/COMMON/s1ap_messages_types.h b/openair2/COMMON/s1ap_messages_types.h
index 5c3caa76fd..ce500a9a2a 100644
--- a/openair2/COMMON/s1ap_messages_types.h
+++ b/openair2/COMMON/s1ap_messages_types.h
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ typedef struct transport_layer_addr_s {
      * silently forward it to S1-U.
     uint8_t length;
-    uint8_t buffer[20];
+    uint8_t buffer[20]; // in network byte order
 } transport_layer_addr_t;
diff --git a/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/ue_procedures.c b/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/ue_procedures.c
index ab139fb4a2..ce16e6e505 100644
--- a/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/ue_procedures.c
+++ b/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/ue_procedures.c
@@ -1053,7 +1053,7 @@ void ue_get_sdu(module_id_t module_idP,frame_t frameP,sub_frame_t subframe, uint
   vcd_signal_dumper_dump_function_by_name(VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_FUNCTIONS_UE_GET_SDU, VCD_FUNCTION_IN);
 #ifdef CBA
   if (*access_mode==CBA_ACCESS){
       LOG_D(MAC,"[UE %d] frameP %d subframe %d try CBA transmission\n",
@@ -1264,7 +1264,7 @@ void ue_get_sdu(module_id_t module_idP,frame_t frameP,sub_frame_t subframe, uint
       bsr_s, // short bsr
       post_padding); // long_bsr
   LOG_I(MAC,"[UE %d] Generate header :bufflen %d  sdu_length_total %d, num_sdus %d, sdu_lengths[0] %d, sdu_lcids[0] %d => payload offset %d,  dcch_header_len %d, dtch_header_len %d, padding %d,post_padding %d, bsr len %d, phr len %d, reminder %d \n",
       module_idP,buflen, sdu_length_total,num_sdus,sdu_lengths[0],sdu_lcids[0],payload_offset, dcch_header_len,  dtch_header_len,
       short_padding,post_padding, bsr_len, phr_len,buflen-sdu_length_total-payload_offset);
@@ -1413,7 +1413,7 @@ UE_L2_STATE_t ue_scheduler(module_id_t module_idP,frame_t frameP, sub_frame_t su
           ((1+rach_ConfigCommon->ra_SupervisionInfo.mac_ContentionResolutionTimer)<<3)) {
           UE_mac_inst[module_idP].RA_active = 0;
           // Signal PHY to quit RA procedure
-          LOG_E(MAC,"Contention resolution timer expired, RA failed\n");
+          LOG_E(MAC,"Module id %u Contention resolution timer expired, RA failed\n", module_idP);
diff --git a/openair2/LAYER2/PDCP_v10.1.0/pdcp.c b/openair2/LAYER2/PDCP_v10.1.0/pdcp.c
index acf2396c07..83e59da9b5 100755
--- a/openair2/LAYER2/PDCP_v10.1.0/pdcp.c
+++ b/openair2/LAYER2/PDCP_v10.1.0/pdcp.c
@@ -431,6 +431,7 @@ boolean_t pdcp_data_ind(
   } else {
       rb_id = rb_idP % maxDRB;
       AssertError (rb_id < maxDRB, return FALSE, "RB id is too high (%u/%d) %u %u!\n", rb_id, maxDRB, ue_mod_idP, enb_mod_idP);
+      AssertError (rb_id > 0, return FALSE, "RB id is too low (%u/%d) %u %u!\n", rb_id, maxDRB, ue_mod_idP, enb_mod_idP);
       if (enb_flagP == ENB_FLAG_NO) {
           if (srb_flagP) {
diff --git a/openair2/NETWORK_DRIVER/UE_IP/Makefile b/openair2/NETWORK_DRIVER/UE_IP/Makefile
index 170b548af0..c3816876be 100755
--- a/openair2/NETWORK_DRIVER/UE_IP/Makefile
+++ b/openair2/NETWORK_DRIVER/UE_IP/Makefile
@@ -3,12 +3,14 @@
 NAS_UPDIR	:= $(shell /bin/pwd)
 KERNEL_NAME=$(shell echo `uname -r`)
 KERNEL_MAIN_TYPE=$(shell echo `uname -r | cut -d. -f-2  | tr "." "_"`)
 KERNEL_MAIN_VERSION=$(shell echo `uname -r | cut -d. -f-1`)
+KERNEL_ARCH=$(shell echo `uname -m`)
+#SET_REGPARM=$(shell if [ $(KERNEL_ARCH) = 'i686' -a $(SUBVERSION) -ge 20 ]; then echo true ; fi)
 ifeq ($(IS_LINUX), 1)
 SUBVERSION=$(shell echo `grep '^SUBLEVEL =' /usr/src/linux/Makefile | sed -e 's, ,,g' | sed -e 's/SUBLEVEL=//'`)
@@ -18,32 +20,51 @@ else
 SUBVERSION=$(shell echo `grep '^SUBLEVEL =' /usr/src/linux-headers-$(KERNEL_NAME)/Makefile | sed -e 's, ,,g' | sed -e 's/SUBLEVEL=//'`)
+SET_X64=$(shell if [ $(KERNEL_ARCH) = 'x86_64' -a $(SUBVERSION) -ge 20 ]; then echo true ; fi)
+IS_KERNEL2_SUBVERSION_GREATER_THAN_20=$(shell if [ $(SUBVERSION) -ge 20 ] ; then echo true ; fi)
+IS_KERNEL2_SUBVERSION_GREATER_THAN_22=$(shell if [ $(SUBVERSION) -ge 22 ] ; then echo true ; fi)
+IS_KERNEL2_SUBVERSION_GREATER_THAN_29=$(shell if [ $(SUBVERSION) -ge 29 ] ; then echo true ; fi)
+IS_KERNEL2_SUBVERSION_GREATER_THAN_30=$(shell if [ $(SUBVERSION) -ge 30 ] ; then echo true ; fi)
+IS_KERNEL2_SUBVERSION_GREATER_THAN_32=$(shell if [ $(SUBVERSION) -ge 32 ] ; then echo true ; fi)
-IS_KERNEL_SUBVERSION_GREATER_THAN_20=$(shell if [ $(SUBVERSION) -ge 20 ] ; then echo true ; fi)
-KERNEL_ARCH=$(shell echo `uname -m`)
-#SET_REGPARM=$(shell if [ $(KERNEL_ARCH) = 'i686' -a $(SUBVERSION) -ge 20 ]; then echo true ; fi)
-SET_X64=$(shell if [ $(KERNEL_ARCH) = 'x86_64' -a $(SUBVERSION) -ge 20 ]; then echo true ; fi)
-IS_KERNEL_SUBVERSION_GREATER_THAN_22=$(shell if [ $(SUBVERSION) -ge 22 ] ; then echo true ; fi)
-IS_KERNEL_SUBVERSION_GREATER_THAN_29=$(shell if [ $(SUBVERSION) -ge 29 ] ; then echo true ; fi)
-IS_KERNEL_SUBVERSION_GREATER_THAN_30=$(shell if [ $(SUBVERSION) -ge 30 ] ; then echo true ; fi)
-IS_KERNEL_SUBVERSION_GREATER_THAN_32=$(shell if [ $(SUBVERSION) -ge 32 ] ; then echo true ; fi)
 # Add global rule for V3 kernels
+ifeq ($(IS_LINUX), 1)
+PATCHLEVEL=$(shell echo `grep '^PATCHLEVEL =' /usr/src/linux/Makefile | sed -e 's, ,,g' | sed -e 's/PATCHLEVEL=//'`)
+PATCHLEVEL=$(shell echo `grep '^PATCHLEVEL =' /usr/src/linux-$(KERNEL_NAME)/Makefile | sed -e 's, ,,g' | sed -e 's/PATCHLEVEL=//'`)
+PATCHLEVEL=$(shell echo `grep '^PATCHLEVEL =' /usr/src/linux-headers-$(KERNEL_NAME)/Makefile | sed -e 's, ,,g' | sed -e 's/PATCHLEVEL=//'`)
+   SET_X64=$(shell if [ $(KERNEL_ARCH) = 'x86_64' ]; then echo true ; fi)
+   IS_KERNEL3_PATCHLEVEL_GREATER_THAN_2=$(shell if [ $(PATCHLEVEL) -ge 2 ] ; then echo true ; fi)
+   IS_KERNEL3_PATCHLEVEL_GREATER_THAN_5=$(shell if [ $(PATCHLEVEL) -ge 5 ] ; then echo true ; fi)
+   IS_KERNEL3_PATCHLEVEL_GREATER_THAN_8=$(shell if [ $(PATCHLEVEL) -ge 8 ] ; then echo true ; fi)
+   IS_KERNEL3_PATCHLEVEL_GREATER_THAN_9=$(shell if [ $(PATCHLEVEL) -ge 9 ] ; then echo true ; fi)
 #  D E B U G   F L A G S
@@ -53,7 +74,7 @@ V3= $(if $(IS_KERNEL_MAIN_VERSION_IS_3),-DKERNEL_MAIN_VERSION_IS_3=1)
-EXTRA_CFLAGS = -I$(OPENAIR2_DIR)/COMMON -fno-common $(if $(IS_KERNEL_SUBVERSION_GREATER_THAN_20),-mregparm=3  -fno-stack-protector -mpreferred-stack-boundary=4)  $(if $(SET_X64),-DARCH_64,) $(if $(SET_X64),-mcmodel=kernel,) $(if $(SET_X64),-m64,) $(GT2622) $(GT2629) $(V3) $(GT32)
+EXTRA_CFLAGS = -I$(OPENAIR2_DIR)/COMMON -fno-common $(if $(IS_KERNEL_SUBVERSION_GREATER_THAN_20),-mregparm=3  -fno-stack-protector -mpreferred-stack-boundary=4)  $(if $(SET_X64),-DARCH_64,) $(if $(SET_X64),-mcmodel=kernel,) $(if $(SET_X64),-m64,) $(GT2622) $(GT2629) $(GT2632) $(V3) $(GT32) $(GT35) $(GT38) $(GT39)
@@ -80,14 +101,20 @@ endif
-	@echo linux kernel ge 22: $(IS_KERNEL_SUBVERSION_GREATER_THAN_22)
-	@echo kernel name : $(KERNEL_NAME)
-	@echo subversion : $(SUBVERSION)
-	@echo flag gt2622: $(GT2622)
-	@echo  linux kernel ge 29: $(IS_KERNEL_SUBVERSION_GREATER_THAN_29)
-	@echo flag gt2629: $(GT2629)
-	@echo  linux kernel ge 30: $(IS_KERNEL_SUBVERSION_GREATER_THAN_30)
+	@echo KERNEL_NAME         : $(KERNEL_NAME)
+	@echo SET_X64             : $(SET_X64)
+	@echo flag gt2620         : $(GT2620)
+	@echo flag gt2622         : $(GT2622)
+	@echo flag gt2629         : $(GT2629)
+	@echo flag gt2632         : $(GT2632)
+	@echo flag gt32           : $(GT32)
+	@echo flag gt35           : $(GT35)
+	@echo flag gt38           : $(GT38)
+	@echo flag gt39           : $(GT39)
 	rm -f *.ko
 	rm -f .*.ko.cmd
diff --git a/openair2/NETWORK_DRIVER/UE_IP/netlink.c b/openair2/NETWORK_DRIVER/UE_IP/netlink.c
index 6e57b7ab1d..901b1ec663 100755
--- a/openair2/NETWORK_DRIVER/UE_IP/netlink.c
+++ b/openair2/NETWORK_DRIVER/UE_IP/netlink.c
@@ -43,26 +43,40 @@ Address      : EURECOM,
 #include <linux/netlink.h>
 #include <net/sock.h>
 #include <linux/kthread.h>
 #include <linux/mutex.h>
 #include "local.h"
 #include "proto_extern.h"
-//#define NETLINK_DEBUG 1
 #define NAS_NETLINK_ID 31
 #define NL_DEST_PID 1
+static inline void nasmesh_lock(void);
+static inline void nasmesh_unlock(void);
+static void nas_nl_data_ready (struct sk_buff *skb);
+static int nas_netlink_rx_thread(void *data);
+static void nas_nl_data_ready (struct sock *sk,int len);
+int ue_ip_netlink_init(void);
 static struct sock *nas_nl_sk = NULL;
 static int exit_netlink_thread=0;
-static int nas_netlink_rx_thread(void *);
+struct netlink_kernel_cfg cfg = {
+    .input = nas_nl_data_ready,
 static DEFINE_MUTEX(nasmesh_mutex);
 static inline void nasmesh_lock(void)
@@ -137,7 +151,10 @@ static int nas_netlink_rx_thread(void *data) {
-static void nas_nl_data_ready (struct sock *sk, int len)
+void nas_nl_data_ready (
+    struct sock *sk,
+    int len)
@@ -150,18 +167,23 @@ int ue_ip_netlink_init(void)
   printk("[UE_IP_DRV][NETLINK] Running init ...\n");
   nas_nl_sk = netlink_kernel_create(
-				    &init_net,
+          &init_net,
-				    NAS_NETLINK_ID,
-				    0,
-				    nas_nl_data_ready,
+          NAS_NETLINK_ID,
+          &cfg
+          NAS_NETLINK_ID,
+          0,
+          nas_nl_data_ready,
-				    &nasmesh_mutex, // NULL
+          &nasmesh_mutex, // NULL
+          THIS_MODULE
-				    THIS_MODULE);
+  );
   if (nas_nl_sk == NULL) {
@@ -221,7 +243,9 @@ int ue_ip_netlink_send(unsigned char *data,unsigned int len) {
   nlh->nlmsg_pid = 0;      /* from kernel */
   NETLINK_CB(nl_skb).pid = 0;
   printk("[UE_IP_DRV][NETLINK] In nas_netlink_send, nl_skb %p, nl_sk %x, nlh %p, nlh->nlmsg_len %d\n",nl_skb,nas_nl_sk,nlh,nlh->nlmsg_len);
diff --git a/openair2/RRC/LITE/rrc_eNB.c b/openair2/RRC/LITE/rrc_eNB.c
index 14cf458834..0d9a4e5b1d 100644
--- a/openair2/RRC/LITE/rrc_eNB.c
+++ b/openair2/RRC/LITE/rrc_eNB.c
@@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ static void init_MCCH(
 static void init_MBMS(
     module_id_t enb_mod_idP,
     frame_t frameP) {
-    // init the configuration for MTCH 
+    // init the configuration for MTCH
     if (eNB_rrc_inst[enb_mod_idP].MBMS_flag > 0) {
@@ -1428,7 +1428,7 @@ void rrc_eNB_generate_RRCConnectionReconfiguration_handover(
     ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&SRB_configList2->list, SRB1_config);
-    //2nd: now reconfigure phy config dedicated 
+    //2nd: now reconfigure phy config dedicated
     physicalConfigDedicated2 = CALLOC(1, sizeof(*physicalConfigDedicated2));
     *physicalConfigDedicated = physicalConfigDedicated2;
@@ -1535,7 +1535,7 @@ void rrc_eNB_generate_RRCConnectionReconfiguration_handover(
     physicalConfigDedicated2->antennaInfo->present = PhysicalConfigDedicated__antennaInfo_PR_explicitValue;
     //     AntennaInfoDedicated__transmissionMode_tm2);
-    /*  
+    /*
        switch (transmission_mode){
        case 1:
        physicalConfigDedicated2->antennaInfo->choice.explicitValue.transmissionMode=     AntennaInfoDedicated__transmissionMode_tm1;
diff --git a/openair2/RRC/LITE/rrc_eNB_S1AP.c b/openair2/RRC/LITE/rrc_eNB_S1AP.c
index bca5fdb2ba..37ffb007e6 100644
--- a/openair2/RRC/LITE/rrc_eNB_S1AP.c
+++ b/openair2/RRC/LITE/rrc_eNB_S1AP.c
@@ -279,9 +279,7 @@ void rrc_eNB_send_S1AP_INITIAL_CONTEXT_SETUP_RESP(uint8_t mod_id, uint8_t ue_ind
       S1AP_INITIAL_CONTEXT_SETUP_RESP (msg_p).e_rabs[e_rab].e_rab_id = UE_info->e_rab[e_rab].param.e_rab_id;
       // TODO add other information from S1-U when it will be integrated
           S1AP_INITIAL_CONTEXT_SETUP_RESP (msg_p).e_rabs[e_rab].gtp_teid = UE_info->enb_gtp_teid[e_rab];
-#warning "hardcoded address of S1U enb"
-          //S1AP_INITIAL_CONTEXT_SETUP_RESP (msg_p).e_rabs[e_rab].eNB_addr = UE_info->enb_gtp_addrs[e_rab];
-          inet_aton("", S1AP_INITIAL_CONTEXT_SETUP_RESP (msg_p).e_rabs[e_rab].eNB_addr.buffer);
+          S1AP_INITIAL_CONTEXT_SETUP_RESP (msg_p).e_rabs[e_rab].eNB_addr = UE_info->enb_gtp_addrs[e_rab];
           S1AP_INITIAL_CONTEXT_SETUP_RESP (msg_p).e_rabs[e_rab].eNB_addr.length = 4;
     else {
@@ -394,6 +392,8 @@ void rrc_eNB_send_S1AP_NAS_FIRST_REQ(uint8_t mod_id, uint8_t ue_index,
     MessageDef *message_p;
     message_p = itti_alloc_new_message (TASK_RRC_ENB, S1AP_NAS_FIRST_REQ);
+    memset(&message_p->ittiMsg.s1ap_nas_first_req, 0, sizeof(s1ap_nas_first_req_t));
     eNB_rrc_inst[mod_id].Info.UE[ue_index].ue_initial_id = get_next_ue_initial_id (mod_id);
     S1AP_NAS_FIRST_REQ (message_p).ue_initial_id = eNB_rrc_inst[mod_id].Info.UE[ue_index].ue_initial_id;
@@ -418,6 +418,11 @@ void rrc_eNB_send_S1AP_NAS_FIRST_REQ(uint8_t mod_id, uint8_t ue_index,
         S1AP_NAS_FIRST_REQ (message_p).ue_identity.presenceMask |= UE_IDENTITIES_s_tmsi;
         S1AP_NAS_FIRST_REQ (message_p).ue_identity.s_tmsi.mme_code = s_TMSI->mme_code;
         S1AP_NAS_FIRST_REQ (message_p).ue_identity.s_tmsi.m_tmsi = s_TMSI->m_tmsi;
+        LOG_I(S1AP, "[eNB %d] Build S1AP_NAS_FIRST_REQ with s_TMSI: MME code %u M-TMSI %u ue_index %d\n",
+                mod_id,
+                S1AP_NAS_FIRST_REQ (message_p).ue_identity.s_tmsi.mme_code,
+                S1AP_NAS_FIRST_REQ (message_p).ue_identity.s_tmsi.m_tmsi,
+                ue_index);
       if (rrcConnectionSetupComplete->registeredMME != NULL) {
@@ -429,14 +434,27 @@ void rrc_eNB_send_S1AP_NAS_FIRST_REQ(uint8_t mod_id, uint8_t ue_index,
           if ((r_mme->plmn_Identity->mcc != NULL) && (r_mme->plmn_Identity->mcc->list.count > 0)) {
             /* Use first indicated PLMN MCC if it is defined */
             S1AP_NAS_FIRST_REQ (message_p).ue_identity.gummei.mcc = *r_mme->plmn_Identity->mcc->list.array[0];
+            LOG_I(S1AP, "[eNB %d] Build S1AP_NAS_FIRST_REQ adding in s_TMSI: GUMMEI MCC %u ue_index %d\n",
+                    mod_id,
+                    S1AP_NAS_FIRST_REQ (message_p).ue_identity.gummei.mcc,
+                    ue_index);
           if (r_mme->plmn_Identity->mnc.list.count > 0) {
             /* Use first indicated PLMN MNC if it is defined */
             S1AP_NAS_FIRST_REQ (message_p).ue_identity.gummei.mnc = *r_mme->plmn_Identity->mnc.list.array[0];
+            LOG_I(S1AP, "[eNB %d] Build S1AP_NAS_FIRST_REQ adding in s_TMSI: GUMMEI MNC %u ue_index %d\n",
+                    mod_id,
+                    S1AP_NAS_FIRST_REQ (message_p).ue_identity.gummei.mnc,
+                    ue_index);
         S1AP_NAS_FIRST_REQ (message_p).ue_identity.gummei.mme_code = BIT_STRING_to_uint8 (&r_mme->mmec);
         S1AP_NAS_FIRST_REQ (message_p).ue_identity.gummei.mme_group_id = BIT_STRING_to_uint16 (&r_mme->mmegi);
+        LOG_I(S1AP, "[eNB %d] Build S1AP_NAS_FIRST_REQ adding in s_TMSI: GUMMEI mme_code %u mme_group_id %u ue_index %d\n",
+                mod_id,
+                S1AP_NAS_FIRST_REQ (message_p).ue_identity.gummei.mme_code,
+                S1AP_NAS_FIRST_REQ (message_p).ue_identity.gummei.mme_group_id,
+                ue_index);
@@ -541,6 +559,7 @@ int rrc_eNB_process_S1AP_INITIAL_CONTEXT_SETUP_REQ(MessageDef *msg_p, const char
             int i;
             message_gtpv1u_p = itti_alloc_new_message(TASK_S1AP, GTPV1U_ENB_CREATE_TUNNEL_REQ);
+            memset(&message_gtpv1u_p->ittiMsg.Gtpv1uCreateTunnelReq, 0 , sizeof(gtpv1u_enb_create_tunnel_req_t));
             eNB_rrc_inst[instance].Info.UE[ue_index].nb_of_e_rabs = S1AP_INITIAL_CONTEXT_SETUP_REQ (msg_p).nb_of_e_rabs;
             for (i = 0; i < eNB_rrc_inst[instance].Info.UE[ue_index].nb_of_e_rabs; i++) {
@@ -550,6 +569,7 @@ int rrc_eNB_process_S1AP_INITIAL_CONTEXT_SETUP_REQ(MessageDef *msg_p, const char
                 GTPV1U_ENB_CREATE_TUNNEL_REQ(message_gtpv1u_p).eps_bearer_id[i]       = S1AP_INITIAL_CONTEXT_SETUP_REQ (msg_p).e_rab_param[i].e_rab_id;
                 GTPV1U_ENB_CREATE_TUNNEL_REQ(message_gtpv1u_p).sgw_S1u_teid[i]        = S1AP_INITIAL_CONTEXT_SETUP_REQ (msg_p).e_rab_param[i].gtp_teid;
                     &S1AP_INITIAL_CONTEXT_SETUP_REQ (msg_p).e_rab_param[i].sgw_addr,
diff --git a/openair2/UTIL/LOG/log.c b/openair2/UTIL/LOG/log.c
index d01f4f6d91..25dadb47f2 100755
--- a/openair2/UTIL/LOG/log.c
+++ b/openair2/UTIL/LOG/log.c
@@ -627,7 +627,10 @@ void logRecord_mt(const char *file, const char *func, int line, int comp,
     // do not apply filtering for LOG_F
     // only log messages which are enabled and are below the global log level and component's level threshold
-    if ((level != LOG_FILE) && ((level > c->level) && (level > g_log->level))) {
+    if ((level != LOG_FILE) &&
+            ((level > c->level) ||
+             (level > g_log->level) ||
+             ( c->level > g_log->level))) {
diff --git a/openair2/UTIL/LOG/log.h b/openair2/UTIL/LOG/log.h
index 2fc16d55a6..7e34645ad1 100755
--- a/openair2/UTIL/LOG/log.h
+++ b/openair2/UTIL/LOG/log.h
@@ -129,11 +129,11 @@ extern "C" {
 #define logIt(component, level, format, args...) logRecord_mt(__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, component, level, format, ##args)
 #else //default
 #define logIt(component, level, format, args...) logRecord(__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, component, level, format, ##args)
 #define logIt(component, level, format, args...) logRecord_mt(NULL, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, component, level, format, ##args)
-#else // default 
+#else // default
 #define logIt(component, level, format, args...) logRecord(NULL, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, component, level, format, ##args)
@@ -256,6 +256,7 @@ typedef enum {
+    SPGW,
diff --git a/openair2/X2AP/MESSAGES/ASN1/R11.2/X2AP-Constants.asn b/openair2/X2AP/MESSAGES/ASN1/R11.2/X2AP-Constants.asn
index c8a0fba283..4740da1949 100755
--- a/openair2/X2AP/MESSAGES/ASN1/R11.2/X2AP-Constants.asn
+++ b/openair2/X2AP/MESSAGES/ASN1/R11.2/X2AP-Constants.asn
@@ -57,17 +57,17 @@ x2ap-maxNrOfErrors								INTEGER ::= 256
 x2ap-maxnoofPDCP-SN								INTEGER ::= 16
 x2ap-maxnoofEPLMNs								INTEGER ::= 15
 x2ap-maxnoofEPLMNsPlusOne						INTEGER ::= 16
-x2ap-maxnoofForbLACs								INTEGER ::= 4096
-x2ap-maxnoofForbTACs							    INTEGER ::= 4096
+x2ap-maxnoofForbLACs							INTEGER ::= 4096
+x2ap-maxnoofForbTACs							INTEGER ::= 4096
 x2ap-maxnoofBPLMNs								INTEGER ::= 6
 x2ap-maxnoofNeighbours							INTEGER ::= 512
-x2ap-maxnoofPRBs									INTEGER ::= 110
+x2ap-maxnoofPRBs								INTEGER ::= 110
 x2ap-maxPools									INTEGER ::= 16
 x2ap-maxnoofCells								INTEGER ::= 16
 x2ap-maxnoofMBSFN								INTEGER ::= 8
 x2ap-maxFailedMeasObjects						INTEGER ::= 32
-x2ap-maxnoofCellIDforMDT							INTEGER ::= 32
-x2ap-maxnoofTAforMDT								INTEGER ::= 8
+x2ap-maxnoofCellIDforMDT						INTEGER ::= 32
+x2ap-maxnoofTAforMDT							INTEGER ::= 8
 x2ap-maxnoofMBMSServiceAreaIdentities			INTEGER ::= 256
diff --git a/openair2/X2AP/MESSAGES/ASN1/R11.2/X2AP-Containers.asn b/openair2/X2AP/MESSAGES/ASN1/R11.2/X2AP-Containers.asn
index 22359b9bfd..020eeccf9d 100755
--- a/openair2/X2AP/MESSAGES/ASN1/R11.2/X2AP-Containers.asn
+++ b/openair2/X2AP/MESSAGES/ASN1/R11.2/X2AP-Containers.asn
@@ -175,6 +175,7 @@ ProtocolExtensionField {X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION : ExtensionSetParam} ::= SEQUENC
 	extensionValue		X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION.&Extension		({ExtensionSetParam}{@id})
 -- **************************************************************
 -- Container for Private IEs
diff --git a/openair2/X2AP/MESSAGES/ASN1/R11.2/X2AP-IEs.asn b/openair2/X2AP/MESSAGES/ASN1/R11.2/X2AP-IEs.asn
index a6065ffc0b..3926516351 100755
--- a/openair2/X2AP/MESSAGES/ASN1/R11.2/X2AP-IEs.asn
+++ b/openair2/X2AP/MESSAGES/ASN1/R11.2/X2AP-IEs.asn
@@ -45,21 +45,24 @@ IMPORTS
 FROM X2AP-Constants
+	x2ap-maxProtocolExtensions,
 FROM X2AP-CommonDataTypes
-	ProtocolExtensionContainer{},
-	ProtocolIE-Single-Container{},
-FROM X2AP-Containers
+--	ProtocolExtensionContainer{},
+--	ProtocolIE-Single-Container{},
+--FROM X2AP-Containers
+X2ap-IE-Extensions ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..x2ap-maxProtocolExtensions)) OF X2ap-IE
 -- A
@@ -74,8 +77,9 @@ X2ap-ABSInformationFDD ::= SEQUENCE {
 	abs-pattern-info					BIT STRING (SIZE(40)),
 	numberOfCellSpecificAntennaPorts	ENUMERATED {one, two, four, ...},
 	measurement-subset					BIT STRING (SIZE(40)),
-	iE-Extensions						ProtocolExtensionContainer { { X2ap-ABSInformationFDD-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
-	...
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE 	iE-Extensions						ProtocolExtensionContainer { { X2ap-ABSInformationFDD-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
+    	...
@@ -84,9 +88,11 @@ X2ap-ABSInformationFDD-ExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
 X2ap-ABSInformationTDD ::= SEQUENCE {
 	abs-pattern-info					BIT STRING (SIZE(1..70, ...)),
-	numberOfCellSpecificAntennaPorts	ENUMERATED {one, two, four, ...},
+--EURECOM COMMENT	numberOfCellSpecificAntennaPorts	ENUMERATED {one, two, four, ...},
+	numberOfCellSpecificAntennaPortsTDD	ENUMERATED {one, two, four, ...},
 	measurement-subset					BIT STRING (SIZE(1..70, ...)),
-	iE-Extensions						ProtocolExtensionContainer { { X2ap-ABSInformationTDD-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE 	iE-Extensions						ProtocolExtensionContainer { { X2ap-ABSInformationTDD-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
@@ -97,7 +103,8 @@ X2ap-ABSInformationTDD-ExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
 X2ap-ABS-Status ::= SEQUENCE {
 	dL-ABS-status								X2ap-DL-ABS-status,
 	usableABSInformation						X2ap-UsableABSInformation,
-	iE-Extensions								ProtocolExtensionContainer { {X2ap-ABS-Status-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE 	iE-Extensions								ProtocolExtensionContainer { {X2ap-ABS-Status-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
@@ -110,7 +117,8 @@ X2ap-DL-ABS-status::= INTEGER (0..100)
 X2ap-AS-SecurityInformation ::= SEQUENCE {
 	key-eNodeB-star		X2ap-Key-eNodeB-Star,
 	nextHopChainingCount			X2ap-NextHopChainingCount,
-	iE-Extensions						ProtocolExtensionContainer { { X2ap-AS-SecurityInformation-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE 	iE-Extensions						ProtocolExtensionContainer { { X2ap-AS-SecurityInformation-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
@@ -123,7 +131,8 @@ X2ap-AllocationAndRetentionPriority ::= SEQUENCE {
 	priorityLevel				X2ap-PriorityLevel,
 	pre-emptionCapability		X2ap-Pre-emptionCapability,
 	pre-emptionVulnerability	X2ap-Pre-emptionVulnerability,
-	iE-Extensions				ProtocolExtensionContainer { {X2ap-AllocationAndRetentionPriority-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE 	iE-Extensions				ProtocolExtensionContainer { {X2ap-AllocationAndRetentionPriority-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
@@ -221,7 +230,8 @@ X2ap-CauseTransport ::= ENUMERATED {
 X2ap-CellBasedMDT::= SEQUENCE {
 	cellIdListforMDT	X2ap-CellIdListforMDT,
-	iE-Extensions		ProtocolExtensionContainer { {X2ap-CellBasedMDT-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE 	iE-Extensions		ProtocolExtensionContainer { {X2ap-CellBasedMDT-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
@@ -236,7 +246,8 @@ X2ap-Cell-Size ::= ENUMERATED {verysmall, small, medium, large, ... }
 X2ap-CellType ::= SEQUENCE {
 	cell-Size						X2ap-Cell-Size,
-	iE-Extensions					ProtocolExtensionContainer { { X2ap-CellType-ExtIEs}}	OPTIONAL,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE 	iE-Extensions					ProtocolExtensionContainer { { X2ap-CellType-ExtIEs}}	OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
@@ -247,7 +258,8 @@ X2ap-CellType-ExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
 X2ap-CompositeAvailableCapacityGroup	::= SEQUENCE {
 	dL-CompositeAvailableCapacity					X2ap-CompositeAvailableCapacity,
 	uL-CompositeAvailableCapacity					X2ap-CompositeAvailableCapacity,
-	iE-Extensions									ProtocolExtensionContainer { { X2ap-CompositeAvailableCapacityGroup-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE 	iE-Extensions									ProtocolExtensionContainer { { X2ap-CompositeAvailableCapacityGroup-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
@@ -258,7 +270,8 @@ X2ap-CompositeAvailableCapacityGroup-ExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
 X2ap-CompositeAvailableCapacity ::= SEQUENCE {
 	cellCapacityClassValue							X2ap-CellCapacityClassValue				OPTIONAL,
 	capacityValue									X2ap-CapacityValue,
-	iE-Extensions									ProtocolExtensionContainer { { X2ap-CompositeAvailableCapacity-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE 	iE-Extensions									ProtocolExtensionContainer { { X2ap-CompositeAvailableCapacity-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
@@ -269,7 +282,8 @@ X2ap-CompositeAvailableCapacity-ExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
 X2ap-COUNTvalue ::= SEQUENCE {
 	pDCP-SN					X2ap-PDCP-SN,
 	hFN						X2ap-HFN,
-	iE-Extensions			ProtocolExtensionContainer { { X2ap-COUNTvalue-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE 	iE-Extensions			ProtocolExtensionContainer { { X2ap-COUNTvalue-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
@@ -283,7 +297,8 @@ X2ap-CriticalityDiagnostics ::= SEQUENCE {
 	triggeringMessage				X2ap-TriggeringMessage				OPTIONAL,
 	procedureCriticality			X2ap-Criticality						OPTIONAL,
 	iEsCriticalityDiagnostics		X2ap-CriticalityDiagnostics-IE-List	OPTIONAL,
-	iE-Extensions					ProtocolExtensionContainer { {X2ap-CriticalityDiagnostics-ExtIEs} }	OPTIONAL,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE 	iE-Extensions					ProtocolExtensionContainer { {X2ap-CriticalityDiagnostics-ExtIEs} }	OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
@@ -297,7 +312,8 @@ X2ap-CriticalityDiagnostics-IE-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..x2ap-maxNrOfErrors))
 		iECriticality			X2ap-Criticality,
 		iE-ID					X2ap-ProtocolIE-ID,
 		typeOfError				X2ap-TypeOfError,
-		iE-Extensions			ProtocolExtensionContainer { {X2ap-CriticalityDiagnostics-IE-List-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+	--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE 	iE-Extensions			ProtocolExtensionContainer { {X2ap-CriticalityDiagnostics-IE-List-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
@@ -354,7 +370,8 @@ X2ap-FDD-Info ::= SEQUENCE {
 	dL-EARFCN						X2ap-EARFCN,
 	uL-Transmission-Bandwidth		X2ap-Transmission-Bandwidth,
 	dL-Transmission-Bandwidth		X2ap-Transmission-Bandwidth,
-	iE-Extensions				ProtocolExtensionContainer { {X2ap-FDD-Info-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE 	iE-Extensions				ProtocolExtensionContainer { {X2ap-FDD-Info-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
@@ -367,7 +384,8 @@ X2ap-TDD-Info ::= SEQUENCE {
 	transmission-Bandwidth			X2ap-Transmission-Bandwidth,
 	subframeAssignment				X2ap-SubframeAssignment,
 	specialSubframe-Info				X2ap-SpecialSubframe-Info,
-	iE-Extensions				ProtocolExtensionContainer { {X2ap-TDD-Info-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE 	iE-Extensions				ProtocolExtensionContainer { {X2ap-TDD-Info-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
@@ -383,7 +401,8 @@ X2ap-EUTRA-Mode-Info ::= CHOICE {
 	pLMN-Identity				X2ap-PLMN-Identity,
 	eUTRANcellIdentifier		X2ap-EUTRANCellIdentifier,
-	iE-Extensions				ProtocolExtensionContainer { {X2ap-ECGI-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE 	iE-Extensions				ProtocolExtensionContainer { {X2ap-ECGI-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
@@ -407,7 +426,8 @@ X2ap-E-RAB-Level-QoS-Parameters ::= SEQUENCE {
 	qCI								X2ap-QCI,
 	allocationAndRetentionPriority	X2ap-AllocationAndRetentionPriority,
 	gbrQosInformation				X2ap-GBR-QosInformation													OPTIONAL,
-	iE-Extensions					ProtocolExtensionContainer { { X2ap-E-RAB-Level-QoS-Parameters-ExtIEs} }	OPTIONAL,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE 	iE-Extensions					ProtocolExtensionContainer { { X2ap-E-RAB-Level-QoS-Parameters-ExtIEs} }	OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
@@ -426,7 +446,8 @@ X2ap-E-RAB-List	::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. x2ap-maxnoofBearers)) OF X2ap-IE
 X2ap-E-RAB-Item ::= SEQUENCE {
 	e-RAB-ID				X2ap-E-RAB-ID,
 	cause						X2ap-Cause,
-	iE-Extensions				ProtocolExtensionContainer { {X2ap-E-RAB-Item-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE 	iE-Extensions				ProtocolExtensionContainer { {X2ap-E-RAB-Item-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
@@ -463,7 +484,8 @@ X2ap-ForbiddenTAs ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1.. x2ap-maxnoofEPLMNsPlusOne)) OF X2ap-For
 X2ap-ForbiddenTAs-Item ::= SEQUENCE {
 	pLMN-Identity		X2ap-PLMN-Identity,
 	forbiddenTACs		X2ap-ForbiddenTACs,
-	iE-Extensions		ProtocolExtensionContainer { {X2ap-ForbiddenTAs-Item-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE 	iE-Extensions		ProtocolExtensionContainer { {X2ap-ForbiddenTAs-Item-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
@@ -478,7 +500,8 @@ X2ap-ForbiddenLAs ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..x2ap-maxnoofEPLMNsPlusOne)) OF X2ap-Forb
 X2ap-ForbiddenLAs-Item ::= SEQUENCE {	
 	pLMN-Identity		X2ap-PLMN-Identity,
 	forbiddenLACs		X2ap-ForbiddenLACs,
-	iE-Extensions		ProtocolExtensionContainer { {X2ap-ForbiddenLAs-Item-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE 	iE-Extensions		ProtocolExtensionContainer { {X2ap-ForbiddenLAs-Item-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
@@ -499,7 +522,8 @@ X2ap-GBR-QosInformation ::= SEQUENCE {
 	e-RAB-MaximumBitrateUL			X2ap-BitRate,
 	e-RAB-GuaranteedBitrateDL		X2ap-BitRate,
 	e-RAB-GuaranteedBitrateUL		X2ap-BitRate,
-	iE-Extensions					ProtocolExtensionContainer { { X2ap-GBR-QosInformation-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE 	iE-Extensions					ProtocolExtensionContainer { { X2ap-GBR-QosInformation-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
@@ -510,7 +534,8 @@ X2ap-GBR-QosInformation-ExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
 X2ap-GlobalENB-ID ::= SEQUENCE {
 	pLMN-Identity			X2ap-PLMN-Identity,
 	eNB-ID					X2ap-ENB-ID,
-	iE-Extensions			ProtocolExtensionContainer { {X2ap-GlobalENB-ID-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE 	iE-Extensions			ProtocolExtensionContainer { {X2ap-GlobalENB-ID-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
@@ -521,7 +546,8 @@ X2ap-GlobalENB-ID-ExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
 X2ap-GTPtunnelEndpoint ::= SEQUENCE {
 	transportLayerAddress			X2ap-TransportLayerAddress,
 	gTP-TEID						X2ap-GTP-TEI,
-	iE-Extensions					ProtocolExtensionContainer { {X2ap-GTPtunnelEndpoint-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE 	iE-Extensions					ProtocolExtensionContainer { {X2ap-GTPtunnelEndpoint-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
@@ -537,7 +563,8 @@ X2ap-GUGroupIDList		::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..x2ap-maxPools)) OF X2ap-GU-Group-ID
 X2ap-GU-Group-ID			::= SEQUENCE {
 	pLMN-Identity		X2ap-PLMN-Identity,
 	mME-Group-ID		X2ap-MME-Group-ID,
-	iE-Extensions		ProtocolExtensionContainer { {X2ap-GU-Group-ID-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE 	iE-Extensions		ProtocolExtensionContainer { {X2ap-GU-Group-ID-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
@@ -550,7 +577,8 @@ X2ap-GUMMEI			::= SEQUENCE {
 	gU-Group-ID		X2ap-GU-Group-ID,
 	mME-Code			X2ap-MME-Code,
-	iE-Extensions					ProtocolExtensionContainer { {X2ap-GUMMEI-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE 	iE-Extensions					ProtocolExtensionContainer { {X2ap-GUMMEI-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
@@ -575,7 +603,8 @@ X2ap-HandoverRestrictionList ::= SEQUENCE {
 	forbiddenTAs				X2ap-ForbiddenTAs			OPTIONAL,
 	forbiddenLAs				X2ap-ForbiddenLAs			OPTIONAL,
 	forbiddenInterRATs			X2ap-ForbiddenInterRATs		OPTIONAL,
-	iE-Extensions				ProtocolExtensionContainer { {HandoverRestrictionList-ExtIEs} }	OPTIONAL,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE 	iE-Extensions				ProtocolExtensionContainer { {HandoverRestrictionList-ExtIEs} }	OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
@@ -588,7 +617,8 @@ X2ap-HFN ::= INTEGER (0..1048575)
 X2ap-HWLoadIndicator ::= SEQUENCE {
 	dLHWLoadIndicator			X2ap-LoadIndicator,
 	uLHWLoadIndicator			X2ap-LoadIndicator,
-	iE-Extensions				ProtocolExtensionContainer { { X2ap-HWLoadIndicator-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE 	iE-Extensions				ProtocolExtensionContainer { { X2ap-HWLoadIndicator-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
@@ -629,7 +659,8 @@ X2ap-LastVisitedEUTRANCellInformation ::= SEQUENCE {
 	global-Cell-ID					X2ap-ECGI,
 	cellType						X2ap-CellType,
 	time-UE-StayedInCell			X2ap-Time-UE-StayedInCell,
-	iE-Extensions					ProtocolExtensionContainer { { LastVisitedEUTRANCellInformation-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE 	iE-Extensions					ProtocolExtensionContainer { { LastVisitedEUTRANCellInformation-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
@@ -661,7 +692,8 @@ X2ap-LoadIndicator ::= ENUMERATED {
 X2ap-LocationReportingInformation ::= SEQUENCE {
 	eventType		X2ap-EventType,
 	reportArea		X2ap-ReportArea,
-	iE-Extensions		ProtocolExtensionContainer { {LocationReportingInformation-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE 	iE-Extensions		ProtocolExtensionContainer { {LocationReportingInformation-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
@@ -686,7 +718,8 @@ X2ap-MDT-Configuration ::= SEQUENCE {
 -- Included in case of event-triggered reporting for measurement M1
 	periodicReportingMDT		X2ap-PeriodicReportingMDT		OPTIONAL,
 -- Included in case of periodic reporting
-	iE-Extensions				ProtocolExtensionContainer { { MDT-Configuration-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE 	iE-Extensions				ProtocolExtensionContainer { { MDT-Configuration-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
@@ -718,7 +751,8 @@ X2ap-MBSFN-Subframe-Info	::= SEQUENCE {
 	radioframeAllocationPeriod		X2ap-RadioframeAllocationPeriod,
 	radioframeAllocationOffset		X2ap-RadioframeAllocationOffset,
 	subframeAllocation				X2ap-SubframeAllocation,
-	iE-Extensions			ProtocolExtensionContainer { { MBSFN-Subframe-Info-ExtIEs } } 	OPTIONAL,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE 	iE-Extensions			ProtocolExtensionContainer { { MBSFN-Subframe-Info-ExtIEs } } 	OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
@@ -744,7 +778,8 @@ X2ap-MultibandInfoList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..x2ap-maxnoofBands)) OF X2ap-BandInf
 X2ap-BandInfo	::= SEQUENCE {
 	freqBandIndicator		X2ap-FreqBandIndicator,
-	iE-Extensions			ProtocolExtensionContainer { { BandInfo-ExtIEs } } 	OPTIONAL,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE 	iE-Extensions			ProtocolExtensionContainer { { BandInfo-ExtIEs } } 	OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
@@ -758,7 +793,8 @@ X2ap-Neighbour-Information ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (0..x2ap-maxnoofNeighbours)) OF SE
 	eCGI						X2ap-ECGI,
 	pCI					 	X2ap-PCI,
 	eARFCN						X2ap-EARFCN,
-	iE-Extensions		 ProtocolExtensionContainer { {X2ap-Neighbour-Information-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE 	iE-Extensions		 ProtocolExtensionContainer { {X2ap-Neighbour-Information-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
@@ -789,7 +825,8 @@ X2ap-PCI ::= INTEGER (0..503, ...)
 X2ap-PeriodicReportingMDT ::= SEQUENCE { 
 	reportInterval				X2ap-ReportIntervalMDT,
 	reportAmount				X2ap-ReportAmountMDT,
-	iE-Extensions				ProtocolExtensionContainer { { PeriodicReportingMDT-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE 	iE-Extensions				ProtocolExtensionContainer { { PeriodicReportingMDT-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
@@ -805,7 +842,8 @@ X2ap-PRACH-Configuration  ::= SEQUENCE {
 	highSpeedFlag							BOOLEAN,
 	prach-FreqOffset						INTEGER (0..94),
 	prach-ConfigIndex						INTEGER (0..63)        OPTIONAL,  -- present for TDD --
-	iE-Extensions							ProtocolExtensionContainer { {PRACH-Configuration-ExtIEs} }	OPTIONAL,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE 	iE-Extensions							ProtocolExtensionContainer { {PRACH-Configuration-ExtIEs} }	OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
@@ -851,7 +889,8 @@ X2ap-RadioResourceStatus	::= SEQUENCE {
 	uL-non-GBR-PRB-usage						X2ap-UL-non-GBR-PRB-usage,
 	dL-Total-PRB-usage							X2ap-DL-Total-PRB-usage,
 	uL-Total-PRB-usage							X2ap-UL-Total-PRB-usage,
-	iE-Extensions								ProtocolExtensionContainer { {RadioResourceStatus-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE 	iE-Extensions								ProtocolExtensionContainer { {RadioResourceStatus-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
@@ -871,10 +910,12 @@ X2ap-RelativeNarrowbandTxPower ::= SEQUENCE {
 	rNTP-PerPRB							BIT STRING (SIZE(6..110, ...)),
 	rNTP-Threshold						X2ap-RNTP-Threshold,
-	numberOfCellSpecificAntennaPorts	ENUMERATED {one, two, four, ...},
+--EURECOM COMMENT	numberOfCellSpecificAntennaPorts	ENUMERATED {one, two, four, ...},
+	numberOfCellSpecificAntennaPortsTxPower	ENUMERATED {one, two, four, ...},
 	p-B									INTEGER (0..3,...),
 	pDCCH-InterferenceImpact			INTEGER (0..4,...),
-	iE-Extensions						ProtocolExtensionContainer { { RelativeNarrowbandTxPower-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE 	iE-Extensions						ProtocolExtensionContainer { { RelativeNarrowbandTxPower-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
@@ -936,7 +977,8 @@ X2ap-RRCConnSetupIndicator::= ENUMERATED {
 X2ap-S1TNLLoadIndicator ::= SEQUENCE {
 	dLS1TNLLoadIndicator			X2ap-LoadIndicator,
 	uLS1TNLLoadIndicator			X2ap-LoadIndicator,
-	iE-Extensions					ProtocolExtensionContainer { { S1TNLLoadIndicator-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE 	iE-Extensions					ProtocolExtensionContainer { { S1TNLLoadIndicator-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
@@ -950,7 +992,8 @@ X2ap-S1TNLLoadIndicator-ExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
 X2ap-ServedCells ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. x2ap-maxCellineNB)) OF SEQUENCE {
 	servedCellInfo					X2ap-ServedCell-Information,
 	neighbour-Info					X2ap-Neighbour-Information			OPTIONAL,
-	iE-Extensions					ProtocolExtensionContainer { {ServedCell-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE 	iE-Extensions					ProtocolExtensionContainer { {ServedCell-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
@@ -964,7 +1007,8 @@ X2ap-ServedCell-Information ::= SEQUENCE {
 	tAC					X2ap-TAC,
 	broadcastPLMNs		X2ap-BroadcastPLMNs-Item,
 	eUTRA-Mode-Info		X2ap-EUTRA-Mode-Info,
-	iE-Extensions		ProtocolExtensionContainer { {X2ap-ServedCell-Information-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE 	iE-Extensions		ProtocolExtensionContainer { {X2ap-ServedCell-Information-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
@@ -1000,7 +1044,8 @@ X2ap-SpecialSubframe-Info ::=    	SEQUENCE {
 	specialSubframePatterns		X2ap-SpecialSubframePatterns,
 	cyclicPrefixDL				X2ap-CyclicPrefixDL,
 	cyclicPrefixUL				X2ap-CyclicPrefixUL,
-	iE-Extensions				ProtocolExtensionContainer { { SpecialSubframe-Info-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE 	iE-Extensions				ProtocolExtensionContainer { { SpecialSubframe-Info-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
@@ -1037,7 +1082,8 @@ X2ap-TAC ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (2))
 X2ap-TABasedMDT::= SEQUENCE {
 	tAListforMDT		X2ap-TAListforMDT,
-	iE-Extensions		ProtocolExtensionContainer { {TABasedMDT-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE 	iE-Extensions		ProtocolExtensionContainer { {TABasedMDT-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
@@ -1051,7 +1097,8 @@ X2ap-TargetCellInUTRAN ::= OCTET STRING -- This IE is to be encoded according to
 X2ap-ThresholdEventA2 ::= SEQUENCE { 
 	measurementThreshold		X2ap-MeasurementThresholdA2,
-	iE-Extensions				ProtocolExtensionContainer { { ThresholdEventA2-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE 	iE-Extensions				ProtocolExtensionContainer { { ThresholdEventA2-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
@@ -1085,7 +1132,8 @@ X2ap-TraceActivation ::= SEQUENCE {
 	interfacesToTrace				X2ap-InterfacesToTrace,
 traceDepth						X2ap-TraceDepth,
 traceCollectionEntityIPAddress	X2ap-TraceCollectionEntityIPAddress,
-	iE-Extensions					ProtocolExtensionContainer { {TraceActivation-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE 	iE-Extensions					ProtocolExtensionContainer { {TraceActivation-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
@@ -1135,12 +1183,13 @@ X2ap-UE-HistoryInformation ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..x2ap-maxnoofCells)) OF X2ap-Las
 X2ap-UE-S1AP-ID					::= INTEGER (0.. 4294967295)
-UE-X2AP-ID					::= INTEGER (0..4095)
+X2ap-UE-X2AP-ID					::= INTEGER (0..4095)
 X2ap-UEAggregateMaximumBitRate ::= SEQUENCE {
 	uEaggregateMaximumBitRateDownlink	X2ap-BitRate,
 	uEaggregateMaximumBitRateUplink		X2ap-BitRate,
-	iE-Extensions						ProtocolExtensionContainer { {UEAggregate-MaximumBitrate-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE 	iE-Extensions						ProtocolExtensionContainer { {UEAggregate-MaximumBitrate-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
@@ -1151,7 +1200,8 @@ X2ap-UEAggregate-MaximumBitrate-ExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
 X2ap-UESecurityCapabilities ::= SEQUENCE {
 	encryptionAlgorithms				X2ap-EncryptionAlgorithms,
 	integrityProtectionAlgorithms		X2ap-IntegrityProtectionAlgorithms,
-	iE-Extensions						ProtocolExtensionContainer { { UESecurityCapabilities-ExtIEs} }		OPTIONAL,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE 	iE-Extensions						ProtocolExtensionContainer { { UESecurityCapabilities-ExtIEs} }		OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
@@ -1179,7 +1229,8 @@ X2ap-UL-HighInterferenceIndicationInfo ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..x2ap-maxCellineNB))
 X2ap-UL-HighInterferenceIndicationInfo-Item ::= SEQUENCE {
 	target-Cell-ID					X2ap-ECGI,
 	ul-interferenceindication		X2ap-UL-HighInterferenceIndication,
-	iE-Extensions					ProtocolExtensionContainer { { UL-HighInterferenceIndicationInfo-Item-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE 	iE-Extensions					ProtocolExtensionContainer { { UL-HighInterferenceIndicationInfo-Item-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
@@ -1200,7 +1251,8 @@ X2ap-UsableABSInformation ::= CHOICE {
 X2ap-UsableABSInformationFDD ::= SEQUENCE {
 	usable-abs-pattern-info				BIT STRING (SIZE(40)),
-	iE-Extensions						ProtocolExtensionContainer { { UsableABSInformationFDD-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE 	iE-Extensions						ProtocolExtensionContainer { { UsableABSInformationFDD-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
@@ -1210,7 +1262,8 @@ X2ap-UsableABSInformationFDD-ExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
 X2ap-UsableABSInformationTDD ::= SEQUENCE {
 	usaable-abs-pattern-info			BIT STRING (SIZE(1..70, ...)),
-	iE-Extensions						ProtocolExtensionContainer { { UsableABSInformationTDD-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE 	iE-Extensions						ProtocolExtensionContainer { { UsableABSInformationTDD-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
diff --git a/openair2/X2AP/MESSAGES/ASN1/R11.2/X2AP-PDU-Contents.asn b/openair2/X2AP/MESSAGES/ASN1/R11.2/X2AP-PDU-Contents.asn
index 09c722a769..3a055d9efb 100755
--- a/openair2/X2AP/MESSAGES/ASN1/R11.2/X2AP-PDU-Contents.asn
+++ b/openair2/X2AP/MESSAGES/ASN1/R11.2/X2AP-PDU-Contents.asn
@@ -5,10 +5,10 @@
 -- **************************************************************
 X2AP-PDU-Contents {
-itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) mobileDomain (0)
+itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) mobileDomain (0) 
 eps-Access (21) modules (3) x2ap (2) version1 (1) x2ap-PDU-Contents (1) }
@@ -19,143 +19,169 @@ BEGIN
 -- **************************************************************
-    X2ap-AS-SecurityInformation,
-    X2ap-Cause,
-    X2ap-CompositeAvailableCapacityGroup,
-    X2ap-COUNTvalue,
-    X2ap-CriticalityDiagnostics,
-    X2ap-CRNTI,
-    X2ap-DeactivationIndication,
-    X2ap-DL-Forwarding,
-    X2ap-ECGI,
-    X2ap-E-RAB-ID,
-    X2ap-E-RAB-Level-QoS-Parameters,
-    X2ap-E-RAB-List,
-    X2ap-EUTRANTraceID,
-    X2ap-GlobalENB-ID,
-    X2ap-GTPtunnelEndpoint,
-    X2ap-GUGroupIDList,
-    X2ap-GUMMEI,
-    X2ap-HandoverReportType,
-    X2ap-HandoverRestrictionList,
-    X2ap-LocationReportingInformation,
-    X2ap-Neighbour-Information,
-    X2ap-PCI,
-    X2ap-PDCP-SN,
-    X2ap-PLMN-Identity,
-    X2ap-ReceiveStatusofULPDCPSDUs,
-    X2ap-Registration-Request,
-    X2ap-RelativeNarrowbandTxPower,
-    X2ap-RadioResourceStatus,
-    X2ap-UE-RLF-Report-Container,
-    X2ap-RRC-Context,
-    X2ap-ServedCell-Information,
-    X2ap-ServedCells,
-    X2ap-ShortMAC-I,
-    X2ap-SRVCCOperationPossible,
-    X2ap-SubscriberProfileIDforRFP,
-    X2ap-TargeteNBtoSource-eNBTransparentContainer,
-    X2ap-TimeToWait,
-    X2ap-TraceActivation,
-    X2ap-TraceDepth,
-    X2ap-TransportLayerAddress,
-    X2ap-UEAggregateMaximumBitRate,
-    X2ap-UE-HistoryInformation,
-    X2ap-UE-S1AP-ID,
-    X2ap-UESecurityCapabilities,
-    X2ap-UE-X2AP-ID,
-    X2ap-UL-HighInterferenceIndicationInfo,
-    X2ap-UL-InterferenceOverloadIndication,
-    X2ap-HWLoadIndicator,
-    X2ap-S1TNLLoadIndicator,
-    X2ap-Measurement-ID,
-    X2ap-ReportCharacteristics,
-    X2ap-MobilityParametersInformation,
-    X2ap-MobilityParametersModificationRange
+	X2ap-ABSInformation,
+	X2ap-ABS-Status,
+	X2ap-AS-SecurityInformation,
+	X2ap-Cause,
+	X2ap-CompositeAvailableCapacityGroup,
+	X2ap-COUNTvalue,
+	X2ap-CriticalityDiagnostics,
+	X2ap-CRNTI,
+	X2ap-CSGMembershipStatus,
+	X2ap-CSG-Id,
+	X2ap-DeactivationIndication,
+	X2ap-DL-Forwarding,
+	X2ap-ECGI,
+	X2ap-E-RAB-ID,
+	X2ap-E-RAB-Level-QoS-Parameters,
+	X2ap-E-RAB-List,
+	X2ap-EUTRANTraceID,
+	X2ap-GlobalENB-ID,
+	X2ap-GTPtunnelEndpoint,
+	X2ap-GUGroupIDList,
+	X2ap-GUMMEI,
+	X2ap-HandoverReportType,
+	X2ap-HandoverRestrictionList,
+	X2ap-InvokeIndication,
+	X2ap-LocationReportingInformation,
+	X2ap-MDT-Configuration,
+	X2ap-ManagementBasedMDTallowed,
+	X2ap-Neighbour-Information,
+	X2ap-PCI,
+	X2ap-PDCP-SN,
+	X2ap-PLMN-Identity,
+	X2ap-ReceiveStatusofULPDCPSDUs,
+	X2ap-Registration-Request,
+	X2ap-RelativeNarrowbandTxPower,
+	X2ap-RadioResourceStatus,
+	X2ap-RRCConnReestabIndicator,
+	X2ap-RRCConnSetupIndicator,
+	X2ap-UE-RLF-Report-Container,
+	X2ap-RRC-Context,
+	X2ap-ServedCell-Information,
+	X2ap-ServedCells,
+	X2ap-ShortMAC-I,
+	X2ap-SRVCCOperationPossible,
+	X2ap-SubscriberProfileIDforRFP,
+	X2ap-TargetCellInUTRAN,
+	X2ap-TargeteNBtoSource-eNBTransparentContainer,
+	X2ap-TimeToWait,
+	X2ap-TraceActivation,
+	X2ap-TraceDepth,
+	X2ap-TransportLayerAddress,
+	X2ap-UEAggregateMaximumBitRate,
+	X2ap-UE-HistoryInformation,
+	X2ap-UE-S1AP-ID,
+	X2ap-UESecurityCapabilities,
+	X2ap-UE-X2AP-ID,
+	X2ap-UL-HighInterferenceIndicationInfo,
+	X2ap-UL-InterferenceOverloadIndication,
+	X2ap-HWLoadIndicator,
+	X2ap-S1TNLLoadIndicator,
+	X2ap-Measurement-ID,
+	X2ap-ReportCharacteristics,
+	X2ap-MobilityParametersInformation,
+	X2ap-MobilityParametersModificationRange
-    PrivateIE-Container{},
-    ProtocolExtensionContainer{},
-    ProtocolIE-Container{},
-    ProtocolIE-ContainerList{},
-    ProtocolIE-ContainerPair{},
-    ProtocolIE-ContainerPairList{},
-    ProtocolIE-Single-Container{},
+	PrivateIE-Container{},
+	ProtocolExtensionContainer{},
+	ProtocolIE-Container{},
+	ProtocolIE-ContainerList{},
+	ProtocolIE-ContainerPair{},
+	ProtocolIE-ContainerPairList{},
+	ProtocolIE-Single-Container{},
 FROM X2AP-Containers
-    id-ActivatedCellList,
-    id-Cause,
-    id-CellInformation,
-    id-CellInformation-Item,
-    id-CellMeasurementResult,
-    id-CellMeasurementResult-Item,
-    id-CellToReport,
-    id-CellToReport-Item,
-    id-CompositeAvailableCapacityGroup,
-    id-CriticalityDiagnostics,
-    id-DeactivationIndication,
-    id-E-RABs-Admitted-Item,
-    id-E-RABs-Admitted-List,
-    id-E-RABs-NotAdmitted-List,
-    id-E-RABs-SubjectToStatusTransfer-List,
-    id-E-RABs-SubjectToStatusTransfer-Item,
-    id-E-RABs-ToBeSetup-Item,
-    id-GlobalENB-ID,
-    id-GUGroupIDList,
-    id-GUGroupIDToAddList,
-    id-GUGroupIDToDeleteList,
-    id-GUMMEI-ID,
-    id-New-eNB-UE-X2AP-ID,
-    id-Old-eNB-UE-X2AP-ID,
-    id-Registration-Request,
-    id-ReportingPeriodicity,
-    id-ServedCells,
-    id-ServedCellsToActivate,
-    id-ServedCellsToAdd,
-    id-ServedCellsToModify,
-    id-ServedCellsToDelete,
-    id-SRVCCOperationPossible,
-    id-TargetCell-ID,
-    id-TargeteNBtoSource-eNBTransparentContainer,
-    id-TimeToWait,
-    id-TraceActivation,
-    id-UE-ContextInformation,
-    id-UE-HistoryInformation,
-    id-UE-X2AP-ID,
-    id-Measurement-ID,
-    id-ReportCharacteristics,
-    id-ENB1-Measurement-ID,
-    id-ENB2-Measurement-ID,
-    id-ENB1-Cell-ID,
-    id-ENB2-Cell-ID,
-    id-ENB2-Proposed-Mobility-Parameters,
-    id-ENB1-Mobility-Parameters,
-    id-ENB2-Mobility-Parameters-Modification-Range,
-    id-FailureCellPCI,
-    id-Re-establishmentCellECGI,
-    id-FailureCellCRNTI,
-    id-ShortMAC-I,
-    id-SourceCellECGI,
-    id-FailureCellECGI,
-    id-HandoverReportType,
-    id-UE-RLF-Report-Container,
-    maxCellineNB,
-    maxnoofBearers,
-    maxnoofPDCP-SN
+	id-ABSInformation,
+	id-ActivatedCellList,
+	id-Cause,
+	id-CellInformation,
+	id-CellInformation-Item,
+	id-CellMeasurementResult,
+	id-CellMeasurementResult-Item,
+	id-CellToReport,
+	id-CellToReport-Item,
+	id-CompositeAvailableCapacityGroup,
+	id-CriticalityDiagnostics,
+	id-DeactivationIndication,
+	id-E-RABs-Admitted-Item,
+	id-E-RABs-Admitted-List,
+	id-E-RABs-NotAdmitted-List,
+	id-E-RABs-SubjectToStatusTransfer-List,
+	id-E-RABs-SubjectToStatusTransfer-Item,
+	id-E-RABs-ToBeSetup-Item,
+	id-GlobalENB-ID,
+	id-GUGroupIDList,
+	id-GUGroupIDToAddList,
+	id-GUGroupIDToDeleteList,
+	id-InvokeIndication,
+	id-New-eNB-UE-X2AP-ID,
+	id-Old-eNB-UE-X2AP-ID,
+	id-Registration-Request,
+	id-ReportingPeriodicity,
+	id-ServedCells,
+	id-ServedCellsToActivate,
+	id-ServedCellsToAdd,
+	id-ServedCellsToModify,
+	id-ServedCellsToDelete,
+	id-SRVCCOperationPossible,
+	id-TargetCell-ID,
+	id-TargeteNBtoSource-eNBTransparentContainer,
+	id-TimeToWait,
+	id-TraceActivation,
+	id-UE-ContextInformation,
+	id-UE-HistoryInformation,
+	id-UE-X2AP-ID,
+	id-Measurement-ID,
+	id-ReportCharacteristics,
+	id-ENB1-Measurement-ID,
+	id-ENB2-Measurement-ID,
+	id-ENB1-Cell-ID,
+	id-ENB2-Cell-ID,
+	id-ENB2-Proposed-Mobility-Parameters,
+	id-ENB1-Mobility-Parameters,
+	id-ENB2-Mobility-Parameters-Modification-Range,
+	id-FailureCellPCI,
+	id-Re-establishmentCellECGI,
+	id-FailureCellCRNTI,
+	id-ShortMAC-I,
+	id-SourceCellECGI,
+	id-FailureCellECGI,
+	id-HandoverReportType,
+	id-UE-RLF-Report-Container,
+	id-PartialSuccessIndicator,
+	id-MeasurementInitiationResult-List,
+	id-MeasurementInitiationResult-Item,
+	id-MeasurementFailureCause-Item,
+	id-CompleteFailureCauseInformation-List,
+	id-CompleteFailureCauseInformation-Item,
+	id-CSGMembershipStatus,
+	id-CSG-Id,
+	id-MDTConfiguration,
+	id-ManagementBasedMDTallowed,
+	id-ABS-Status,
+	id-RRCConnSetupIndicator,
+	id-RRCConnReestabIndicator,
+	id-TargetCellInUTRAN,
+	x2ap-maxCellineNB,
+	x2ap-maxnoofBearers,
+	x2ap-maxnoofPDCP-SN,
+	x2ap-maxFailedMeasObjects,
+	x2ap-maxnoofCellIDforMDT,
+	x2ap-maxnoofTAforMDT
 FROM X2AP-Constants;
 -- **************************************************************
@@ -165,35 +191,62 @@ FROM X2AP-Constants;
 -- **************************************************************
 X2ap-HandoverRequest ::= SEQUENCE {
-    X2ap-protocolIEs                     ProtocolIE-Container       {{HandoverRequest-IEs}},
-    ...
+	protocolIEs                     ProtocolIE-Container       {{X2ap-HandoverRequest-IEs}},
+	...
 X2ap-HandoverRequest-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
-    { ID id-Old-eNB-UE-X2AP-ID              CRITICALITY reject  TYPE X2ap-UE-X2AP-ID                 PRESENCE mandatory } |
-    { ID id-Cause                           CRITICALITY ignore  TYPE X2ap-Cause                      PRESENCE mandatory } |
-    { ID id-TargetCell-ID                   CRITICALITY reject  TYPE X2ap-ECGI                       PRESENCE mandatory } |
-    { ID id-GUMMEI-ID                       CRITICALITY reject  TYPE X2ap-GUMMEI                     PRESENCE mandatory } |
-    { ID id-UE-ContextInformation           CRITICALITY reject  TYPE X2ap-UE-ContextInformation      PRESENCE mandatory } |
-    { ID id-UE-HistoryInformation           CRITICALITY ignore  TYPE X2ap-UE-HistoryInformation      PRESENCE mandatory } |
-    { ID id-TraceActivation                 CRITICALITY ignore  TYPE X2ap-TraceActivation            PRESENCE optional } |
-    { ID id-SRVCCOperationPossible          CRITICALITY ignore  TYPE X2ap-SRVCCOperationPossible     PRESENCE optional },
-    ...
+	{ ID id-Old-eNB-UE-X2AP-ID				CRITICALITY reject	TYPE X2ap-X2ap-UE-X2AP-ID					PRESENCE mandatory }|
+	{ ID id-Cause							CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-X2ap-Cause						PRESENCE mandatory }|
+	{ ID id-TargetCell-ID					CRITICALITY reject	TYPE X2ap-X2ap-ECGI						PRESENCE mandatory }|
+	{ ID id-GUMMEI-ID						CRITICALITY reject	TYPE X2ap-X2ap-GUMMEI						PRESENCE mandatory }|
+	{ ID id-UE-ContextInformation			CRITICALITY reject	TYPE X2ap-X2ap-UE-ContextInformation		PRESENCE mandatory }|
+	{ ID id-UE-HistoryInformation			CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-X2ap-UE-HistoryInformation		PRESENCE mandatory }|
+	{ ID id-TraceActivation					CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-X2ap-TraceActivation			PRESENCE optional}|
+	{ ID id-SRVCCOperationPossible			CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-X2ap-SRVCCOperationPossible		PRESENCE optional}|
+	{ ID id-CSGMembershipStatus				CRITICALITY reject	TYPE X2ap-X2ap-CSGMembershipStatus		PRESENCE optional},
+	...
+X2ap-UE-ContextInformation ::= SEQUENCE {
+	mME-UE-S1AP-ID						X2ap-UE-S1AP-ID,
+	uESecurityCapabilities				X2ap-UESecurityCapabilities,
+	aS-SecurityInformation				X2ap-AS-SecurityInformation,
+	uEaggregateMaximumBitRate			X2ap-UEAggregateMaximumBitRate,
+	subscriberProfileIDforRFP			X2ap-SubscriberProfileIDforRFP		OPTIONAL,
+	e-RABs-ToBeSetup-List				X2ap-E-RABs-ToBeSetup-List,
+	rRC-Context							X2ap-RRC-Context,
+	handoverRestrictionList				X2ap-HandoverRestrictionList		OPTIONAL,
+	locationReportingInformation		X2ap-LocationReportingInformation	OPTIONAL,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE	iE-Extensions						ProtocolExtensionContainer { {X2ap-UE-ContextInformation-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
+	...
 X2ap-UE-ContextInformation-ExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
-    ...
+{ ID id-ManagementBasedMDTallowed	CRITICALITY ignore	EXTENSION X2ap-ManagementBasedMDTallowed		PRESENCE optional },
+	...
-X2ap-E-RABs-ToBeSetup-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..x2ap-maxnoofBearers)) OF X2ap-ProtocolIE-Single-Container { {X2ap-E-RABs-ToBeSetup-ItemIEs} }
+X2ap-E-RABs-ToBeSetup-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..x2ap-maxnoofBearers)) OF ProtocolIE-Single-Container { {X2ap-E-RABs-ToBeSetup-ItemIEs} }
+X2ap-E-RABs-ToBeSetup-ItemIEs 	X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
+	{ ID id-E-RABs-ToBeSetup-Item	 CRITICALITY ignore 	TYPE X2ap-X2ap-E-RABs-ToBeSetup-Item 	PRESENCE mandatory },
+	...
-X2ap-E-RABs-ToBeSetup-ItemIEs    X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
-    { ID id-E-RABs-ToBeSetup-Item    CRITICALITY ignore     TYPE X2ap-E-RABs-ToBeSetup-Item  PRESENCE mandatory },
-    ...
+X2ap-E-RABs-ToBeSetup-Item ::= SEQUENCE {
+	e-RAB-ID					X2ap-E-RAB-ID,
+	e-RAB-Level-QoS-Parameters		X2ap-E-RAB-Level-QoS-Parameters,
+	dL-Forwarding					X2ap-DL-Forwarding													OPTIONAL,
+	uL-GTPtunnelEndpoint			X2ap-GTPtunnelEndpoint,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE	iE-Extensions					ProtocolExtensionContainer { {X2ap-E-RABs-ToBeSetup-ItemExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
+	...
-    ...
+	...
@@ -205,30 +258,37 @@ X2ap-E-RABs-ToBeSetup-ItemExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
 -- **************************************************************
 X2ap-HandoverRequestAcknowledge ::= SEQUENCE {
-    protocolIEs                     X2ap-ProtocolIE-Container       {{X2ap-HandoverRequestAcknowledge-IEs}},
-    ...
+	protocolIEs                     ProtocolIE-Container       {{X2ap-HandoverRequestAcknowledge-IEs}},
+	...
 X2ap-HandoverRequestAcknowledge-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
-    { ID id-Old-eNB-UE-X2AP-ID                          CRITICALITY ignore  TYPE X2ap-UE-X2AP-ID     PRESENCE mandatory} |
-    { ID id-New-eNB-UE-X2AP-ID                          CRITICALITY ignore  TYPE X2ap-UE-X2AP-ID     PRESENCE mandatory} |
-    { ID id-E-RABs-Admitted-List                        CRITICALITY ignore  TYPE X2ap-E-RABs-Admitted-List   PRESENCE mandatory} |
-    { ID id-E-RABs-NotAdmitted-List                     CRITICALITY ignore  TYPE X2ap-E-RAB-List     PRESENCE optional} |
-    { ID id-TargeteNBtoSource-eNBTransparentContainer   CRITICALITY ignore  TYPE X2ap-TargeteNBtoSource-eNBTransparentContainer  PRESENCE mandatory }|
-    { ID id-CriticalityDiagnostics                      CRITICALITY ignore  TYPE X2ap-CriticalityDiagnostics PRESENCE optional },
-    ...
+	{ ID id-Old-eNB-UE-X2AP-ID							CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-X2ap-UE-X2AP-ID		PRESENCE mandatory} |
+	{ ID id-New-eNB-UE-X2AP-ID							CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-X2ap-UE-X2AP-ID		PRESENCE mandatory} |
+	{ ID id-E-RABs-Admitted-List						CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-X2ap-E-RABs-Admitted-List	PRESENCE mandatory} |
+	{ ID id-E-RABs-NotAdmitted-List						CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-X2ap-E-RAB-List		PRESENCE optional} |
+	{ ID id-TargeteNBtoSource-eNBTransparentContainer	CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-X2ap-TargeteNBtoSource-eNBTransparentContainer	PRESENCE mandatory }|
+	{ ID id-CriticalityDiagnostics						CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-X2ap-CriticalityDiagnostics	PRESENCE optional },
+	...
-X2ap-E-RAB-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1.. x2ap-maxnoofBearers)) OF X2ap-ProtocolIE-Single-Container { {E-RAB-ItemIEs} }
-X2ap-E-RABs-Admitted-List        ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..x2ap-maxnoofBearers)) OF X2ap-ProtocolIE-Single-Container { {E-RABs-Admitted-ItemIEs} }
+X2ap-E-RABs-Admitted-List 		::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..x2ap-maxnoofBearers)) OF ProtocolIE-Single-Container { {X2ap-E-RABs-Admitted-ItemIEs} }
 X2ap-E-RABs-Admitted-ItemIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
-    { ID id-E-RABs-Admitted-Item    CRITICALITY ignore  TYPE E-RABs-Admitted-Item   PRESENCE mandatory  }
+	{ ID id-E-RABs-Admitted-Item	CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-E-RABs-Admitted-Item 	PRESENCE mandatory	}
+X2ap-E-RABs-Admitted-Item ::= SEQUENCE {
+	e-RAB-ID					X2ap-E-RAB-ID,
+	uL-GTP-TunnelEndpoint			X2ap-GTPtunnelEndpoint	OPTIONAL,
+	dL-GTP-TunnelEndpoint			X2ap-GTPtunnelEndpoint	OPTIONAL,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE	iE-Extensions					ProtocolExtensionContainer { {X2ap-E-RABs-Admitted-Item-ExtIEs} }	OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
+	...
 X2ap-E-RABs-Admitted-Item-ExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
-    ...
+	...
@@ -240,16 +300,16 @@ X2ap-E-RABs-Admitted-Item-ExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
 -- **************************************************************
 X2ap-HandoverPreparationFailure ::= SEQUENCE {
-    protocolIEs                     X2ap-ProtocolIE-Container       {{HandoverPreparationFailure-IEs}},
-    ...
+	protocolIEs                     ProtocolIE-Container       {{X2ap-HandoverPreparationFailure-IEs}},
+	...
 X2ap-HandoverPreparationFailure-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
-    { ID id-Old-eNB-UE-X2AP-ID          CRITICALITY ignore  TYPE UE-X2AP-ID             PRESENCE mandatory} |
-    { ID id-Cause                       CRITICALITY ignore  TYPE Cause                  PRESENCE mandatory} |
-    { ID id-CriticalityDiagnostics      CRITICALITY ignore  TYPE CriticalityDiagnostics PRESENCE optional },
+	{ ID id-Old-eNB-UE-X2AP-ID			CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-UE-X2AP-ID				PRESENCE mandatory} |
+	{ ID id-Cause						CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-Cause					PRESENCE mandatory} |
+	{ ID id-CriticalityDiagnostics		CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-CriticalityDiagnostics	PRESENCE optional },
-    ...
+	...
 -- **************************************************************
@@ -259,17 +319,18 @@ X2ap-HandoverPreparationFailure-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
 -- **************************************************************
 X2ap-HandoverReport ::= SEQUENCE {
-    protocolIEs                     ProtocolIE-Container       {{HandoverReport-IEs}},
-    ...
+	protocolIEs                     ProtocolIE-Container       {{X2ap-HandoverReport-IEs}},
+	...
-X2ap-HandoverReport-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
-    { ID id-HandoverReportType          CRITICALITY ignore  TYPE HandoverReportType PRESENCE mandatory}|
-    { ID id-Cause                       CRITICALITY ignore  TYPE Cause              PRESENCE mandatory} |
-    { ID id-SourceCellECGI              CRITICALITY ignore  TYPE ECGI               PRESENCE mandatory}|
-    { ID id-FailureCellECGI             CRITICALITY ignore  TYPE ECGI               PRESENCE mandatory} |
-    { ID id-Re-establishmentCellECGI    CRITICALITY ignore  TYPE ECGI               PRESENCE conditional} -- The IE shall be present if the Handover Report Type IE is set to “HO to Wrong Cell” -- ,
-    ...
+HandoverReport-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
+	{ ID id-HandoverReportType			CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-HandoverReportTYPE X2ap-PRESENCE mandatory}|
+	{ ID id-Cause						CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-Cause				PRESENCE mandatory} |
+	{ ID id-SourceCellECGI				CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-ECGI				PRESENCE mandatory}|
+	{ ID id-FailureCellECGI				CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-ECGI				PRESENCE mandatory} |
+	{ ID id-Re-establishmentCellECGI	CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-ECGI				PRESENCE conditional} -- The IE shall be present if the Handover Report TYPE X2ap-IE is set to “HO to Wrong Cell” -- |
+	{ ID id-TargetCellInUTRAN			CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-TargetCellInUTRAN	PRESENCE conditional} -- The IE shall be present if the Handover Report TYPE X2ap-IE is set to "InterRAT ping-pong" --,
+	...
 -- **************************************************************
@@ -279,42 +340,57 @@ X2ap-HandoverReport-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
 -- **************************************************************
 X2ap-SNStatusTransfer ::= SEQUENCE {
-    protocolIEs                     ProtocolIE-Container       {{SNStatusTransfer-IEs}},
-    ...
+	protocolIEs                     ProtocolIE-Container       {{X2ap-SNStatusTransfer-IEs}},
+	...
 X2ap-SNStatusTransfer-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
-    { ID id-Old-eNB-UE-X2AP-ID                      CRITICALITY reject  TYPE UE-X2AP-ID                     PRESENCE mandatory} |
-    { ID id-New-eNB-UE-X2AP-ID                      CRITICALITY reject  TYPE UE-X2AP-ID                     PRESENCE mandatory} |
-    { ID id-E-RABs-SubjectToStatusTransfer-List CRITICALITY ignore  TYPE E-RABs-SubjectToStatusTransfer-List    PRESENCE mandatory} ,
-    ...
+	{ ID id-Old-eNB-UE-X2AP-ID						CRITICALITY reject	TYPE X2ap-UE-X2AP-ID						PRESENCE mandatory} |
+	{ ID id-New-eNB-UE-X2AP-ID						CRITICALITY reject	TYPE X2ap-UE-X2AP-ID						PRESENCE mandatory} |
+	{ ID id-E-RABs-SubjectToStatusTransfer-List	CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-E-RABs-SubjectToStatusTransfer-List	PRESENCE mandatory} ,
+	...
-X2ap-E-RABs-SubjectToStatusTransfer-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..x2ap-maxnoofBearers)) OF ProtocolIE-Single-Container { { X2ap-E-RABs-SubjectToStatusTransfer-ItemIEs} }
+X2ap-E-RABs-SubjectToStatusTransfer-List	::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..x2ap-maxnoofBearers)) OF ProtocolIE-Single-Container { { X2ap-E-RABs-SubjectToStatusTransfer-ItemIEs} }
 X2ap-E-RABs-SubjectToStatusTransfer-ItemIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
-    { ID id-E-RABs-SubjectToStatusTransfer-Item CRITICALITY ignore  TYPE X2ap-E-RABs-SubjectToStatusTransfer-Item    PRESENCE mandatory  }
+	{ ID id-E-RABs-SubjectToStatusTransfer-Item	CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-E-RABs-SubjectToStatusTransfer-Item 	PRESENCE mandatory	}
+X2ap-E-RABs-SubjectToStatusTransfer-Item ::= SEQUENCE {
+	e-RAB-ID						X2ap-E-RAB-ID,
+	receiveStatusofULPDCPSDUs		X2ap-ReceiveStatusofULPDCPSDUs			OPTIONAL,
+	uL-COUNTvalue					X2ap-COUNTvalue,
+	dL-COUNTvalue					X2ap-COUNTvalue,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE	iE-Extensions							ProtocolExtensionContainer { {X2ap-E-RABs-SubjectToStatusTransfer-ItemExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
+	...
 X2ap-E-RABs-SubjectToStatusTransfer-ItemExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
-    ...
+	...
 -- **************************************************************
--- UE Context Release
+-- UE Context Release 
 -- **************************************************************
 X2ap-UEContextRelease ::= SEQUENCE {
-    protocolIEs                     ProtocolIE-Container       {{UEContextRelease-IEs}},
-    ...
+	protocolIEs                     ProtocolIE-Container       {{X2ap-UEContextRelease-IEs}},
+	...
 X2ap-UEContextRelease-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
-    { ID id-Old-eNB-UE-X2AP-ID          CRITICALITY reject  TYPE X2ap-UE-X2AP-ID             PRESENCE mandatory} |
-    { ID id-New-eNB-UE-X2AP-ID          CRITICALITY reject  TYPE X2ap-UE-X2AP-ID             PRESENCE mandatory} ,
-    ...
+	{ ID id-Old-eNB-UE-X2AP-ID			CRITICALITY reject	TYPE X2ap-UE-X2AP-ID				PRESENCE mandatory} |
+	{ ID id-New-eNB-UE-X2AP-ID			CRITICALITY reject	TYPE X2ap-UE-X2AP-ID				PRESENCE mandatory} ,
+	...
@@ -325,15 +401,15 @@ X2ap-UEContextRelease-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
 -- **************************************************************
 X2ap-HandoverCancel ::= SEQUENCE {
-    protocolIEs                     ProtocolIE-Container       {{X2ap-HandoverCancel-IEs}},
-    ...
+	protocolIEs                     ProtocolIE-Container       {{X2ap-HandoverCancel-IEs}},
+	...
 X2ap-HandoverCancel-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
-    { ID id-Old-eNB-UE-X2AP-ID          CRITICALITY reject  TYPE UE-X2AP-ID             PRESENCE mandatory} |
-    { ID id-New-eNB-UE-X2AP-ID          CRITICALITY ignore  TYPE UE-X2AP-ID             PRESENCE optional} |
-    { ID id-Cause                       CRITICALITY ignore  TYPE X2ap-Cause                  PRESENCE mandatory} ,
-    ...
+	{ ID id-Old-eNB-UE-X2AP-ID			CRITICALITY reject	TYPE X2ap-UE-X2AP-ID				PRESENCE mandatory} |
+	{ ID id-New-eNB-UE-X2AP-ID			CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-UE-X2AP-ID				PRESENCE optional} |
+	{ ID id-Cause						CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-Cause					PRESENCE mandatory} ,
+	...
 -- **************************************************************
@@ -343,16 +419,16 @@ X2ap-HandoverCancel-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
 -- **************************************************************
 X2ap-ErrorIndication ::= SEQUENCE {
-    protocolIEs                     ProtocolIE-Container       {{X2ap-ErrorIndication-IEs}},
-    ...
+	protocolIEs                     ProtocolIE-Container       {{X2ap-ErrorIndication-IEs}},
+	...
 X2ap-ErrorIndication-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
-    { ID id-Old-eNB-UE-X2AP-ID          CRITICALITY ignore  TYPE X2ap-UE-X2AP-ID                 PRESENCE optional} |
-    { ID id-New-eNB-UE-X2AP-ID          CRITICALITY ignore  TYPE X2ap-UE-X2AP-ID                 PRESENCE optional} |
-    { ID id-Cause                       CRITICALITY ignore  TYPE X2ap-Cause                      PRESENCE optional} |
-    { ID id-CriticalityDiagnostics      CRITICALITY ignore  TYPE X2ap-CriticalityDiagnostics     PRESENCE optional} ,
-    ...
+	{ ID id-Old-eNB-UE-X2AP-ID			CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-UE-X2AP-ID					PRESENCE optional} |
+	{ ID id-New-eNB-UE-X2AP-ID			CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-UE-X2AP-ID					PRESENCE optional} |
+	{ ID id-Cause						CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-Cause						PRESENCE optional} |
+	{ ID id-CriticalityDiagnostics		CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-CriticalityDiagnostics		PRESENCE optional} ,
+	...
 -- **************************************************************
@@ -362,13 +438,13 @@ X2ap-ErrorIndication-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
 -- **************************************************************
 X2ap-ResetRequest ::= SEQUENCE {
-    protocolIEs                     ProtocolIE-Container       {{X2ap-ResetRequest-IEs}},
-    ...
+	protocolIEs                     ProtocolIE-Container       {{X2ap-ResetRequest-IEs}},
+	...
 X2ap-ResetRequest-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
-    { ID id-Cause                       CRITICALITY ignore  TYPE X2ap-Cause                      PRESENCE mandatory  },
-    ...
+	{ ID id-Cause						CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-Cause						PRESENCE mandatory	},
+	...
 -- **************************************************************
@@ -378,13 +454,13 @@ X2ap-ResetRequest-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
 -- **************************************************************
 X2ap-ResetResponse ::= SEQUENCE {
-    protocolIEs                     ProtocolIE-Container       {{X2ap-ResetResponse-IEs}},
-    ...
+	protocolIEs                     ProtocolIE-Container       {{X2ap-ResetResponse-IEs}},
+	...
 X2ap-ResetResponse-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
-    { ID id-CriticalityDiagnostics  CRITICALITY ignore  TYPE X2ap-CriticalityDiagnostics         PRESENCE optional },
-    ...
+	{ ID id-CriticalityDiagnostics	CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-CriticalityDiagnostics			PRESENCE optional },
+	...
 -- **************************************************************
@@ -393,15 +469,15 @@ X2ap-ResetResponse-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
 -- **************************************************************
-X2SetupRequest ::= SEQUENCE {
-    protocolIEs                     ProtocolIE-Container       {{X2SetupRequest-IEs}},
-    ...
+X2ap-X2SetupRequest ::= SEQUENCE {
+	protocolIEs                     ProtocolIE-Container       {{X2ap-X2SetupRequest-IEs}},
+	...
-X2SetupRequest-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
-    { ID id-GlobalENB-ID                CRITICALITY reject  TYPE X2ap-GlobalENB-ID               PRESENCE mandatory} |
-    { ID id-ServedCells                     CRITICALITY reject  TYPE X2ap-ServedCells            PRESENCE mandatory} |
-    { ID id-GUGroupIDList                   CRITICALITY reject  TYPE X2ap-GUGroupIDList          PRESENCE optional},
+X2ap-X2SetupRequest-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
+	{ ID id-GlobalENB-ID				CRITICALITY reject	TYPE X2ap-GlobalENB-ID				PRESENCE mandatory} |
+	{ ID id-ServedCells						CRITICALITY reject	TYPE X2ap-ServedCells			PRESENCE mandatory} |
+	{ ID id-GUGroupIDList					CRITICALITY reject  TYPE X2ap-GUGroupIDList			PRESENCE optional},
@@ -413,17 +489,17 @@ X2SetupRequest-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
 -- **************************************************************
-X2SetupResponse ::= SEQUENCE {
-    protocolIEs                     ProtocolIE-Container       {{X2SetupResponse-IEs}},
-    ...
+X2ap-X2SetupResponse ::= SEQUENCE {
+	protocolIEs                     ProtocolIE-Container       {{X2ap-X2SetupResponse-IEs}},
+	...
-X2SetupResponse-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
-    { ID id-GlobalENB-ID                    CRITICALITY reject  TYPE X2ap-GlobalENB-ID           PRESENCE mandatory} |
-    { ID id-ServedCells                     CRITICALITY reject  TYPE X2ap-ServedCells            PRESENCE mandatory} |
-    { ID id-GUGroupIDList                   CRITICALITY reject  TYPE X2ap-GUGroupIDList          PRESENCE optional}|
-    { ID id-CriticalityDiagnostics          CRITICALITY ignore  TYPE X2ap-CriticalityDiagnostics PRESENCE optional },
-    ...
+X2ap-X2SetupResponse-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
+	{ ID id-GlobalENB-ID					CRITICALITY reject	TYPE X2ap-GlobalENB-ID			PRESENCE mandatory} |
+	{ ID id-ServedCells						CRITICALITY reject	TYPE X2ap-ServedCells			PRESENCE mandatory} |
+	{ ID id-GUGroupIDList					CRITICALITY reject  TYPE X2ap-GUGroupIDList			PRESENCE optional}|
+	{ ID id-CriticalityDiagnostics			CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-CriticalityDiagnostics	PRESENCE optional },
+	...
@@ -434,19 +510,21 @@ X2SetupResponse-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
 -- **************************************************************
-X2SetupFailure ::= SEQUENCE {
-    protocolIEs                     ProtocolIE-Container       {{X2SetupFailure-IEs}},
-    ...
+X2ap-X2SetupFailure ::= SEQUENCE {
+	protocolIEs                     ProtocolIE-Container       {{X2ap-X2SetupFailure-IEs}},
+	...
-X2SetupFailure-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
-    { ID id-Cause                   CRITICALITY ignore      TYPE X2ap-Cause                              PRESENCE mandatory} |
-    { ID id-TimeToWait              CRITICALITY ignore      TYPE X2ap-TimeToWait                         PRESENCE optional} |
-    { ID id-CriticalityDiagnostics  CRITICALITY ignore      TYPE X2ap-CriticalityDiagnostics             PRESENCE optional },
+X2ap-X2SetupFailure-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
+	{ ID id-Cause					CRITICALITY ignore		TYPE X2ap-Cause								PRESENCE mandatory} |
+	{ ID id-TimeToWait				CRITICALITY ignore		TYPE X2ap-TimeToWait							PRESENCE optional} |
+	{ ID id-CriticalityDiagnostics	CRITICALITY ignore		TYPE X2ap-CriticalityDiagnostics				PRESENCE optional },
-    ...
+	...
 -- **************************************************************
@@ -454,23 +532,35 @@ X2SetupFailure-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
 -- **************************************************************
 X2ap-LoadInformation ::= SEQUENCE {
-    protocolIEs                     ProtocolIE-Container       {{X2ap-LoadInformation-IEs}},
-    ...
+	protocolIEs                     ProtocolIE-Container       {{X2ap-LoadInformation-IEs}},
+	...
 X2ap-LoadInformation-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
-    { ID id-CellInformation             CRITICALITY ignore  TYPE X2ap-CellInformation-List       PRESENCE mandatory} ,
-    ...
+	{ ID id-CellInformation				CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-CellInformation-List		PRESENCE mandatory} ,
+	...
-X2ap-CellInformation-List        ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..x2ap-maxCellineNB)) OF ProtocolIE-Single-Container { {X2ap-CellInformation-ItemIEs} }
+X2ap-CellInformation-List 		::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..x2ap-maxCellineNB)) OF ProtocolIE-Single-Container { {X2ap-CellInformation-ItemIEs} }
 X2ap-CellInformation-ItemIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
-    { ID id-CellInformation-Item    CRITICALITY ignore  TYPE X2ap-CellInformation-Item   PRESENCE mandatory  }
+	{ ID id-CellInformation-Item	CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-CellInformation-Item 	PRESENCE mandatory	}
+X2ap-CellInformation-Item ::= SEQUENCE {
+	cell-ID							ECGI,
+	ul-InterferenceOverloadIndication		X2ap-UL-InterferenceOverloadIndication		OPTIONAL,
+	ul-HighInterferenceIndicationInfo		X2ap-UL-HighInterferenceIndicationInfo		OPTIONAL,
+	relativeNarrowbandTxPower				X2ap-RelativeNarrowbandTxPower				OPTIONAL,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE	iE-Extensions							ProtocolExtensionContainer { {X2ap-CellInformation-Item-ExtIEs} }	OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
+	...
 X2ap-CellInformation-Item-ExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
-    ...
+{ ID id-ABSInformation			CRITICALITY ignore	EXTENSION X2ap-ABSInformation		PRESENCE optional }|
+{ ID id-InvokeIndication		CRITICALITY ignore	EXTENSION X2ap-InvokeIndication		PRESENCE optional },
+	...
 -- **************************************************************
@@ -480,26 +570,38 @@ X2ap-CellInformation-Item-ExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
 -- **************************************************************
 X2ap-ENBConfigurationUpdate ::= SEQUENCE {
-    protocolIEs                     ProtocolIE-Container       {{X2ap-ENBConfigurationUpdate-IEs}},
-    ...
+	protocolIEs                     ProtocolIE-Container       {{X2ap-ENBConfigurationUpdate-IEs}},
+	...
 X2ap-ENBConfigurationUpdate-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
-    { ID id-ServedCellsToAdd        CRITICALITY reject  TYPE X2ap-ServedCells                PRESENCE optional} |
-    { ID id-ServedCellsToModify     CRITICALITY reject  TYPE X2ap-ServedCellsToModify        PRESENCE optional} |
-    { ID id-ServedCellsToDelete     CRITICALITY reject  TYPE X2ap-Old-ECGIs                  PRESENCE optional} |
-    { ID id-GUGroupIDToAddList      CRITICALITY reject  TYPE X2ap-GUGroupIDList              PRESENCE optional} |
-    { ID id-GUGroupIDToDeleteList   CRITICALITY reject  TYPE X2ap-GUGroupIDList              PRESENCE optional},
-    ...
+	{ ID id-ServedCellsToAdd    	CRITICALITY reject	TYPE X2ap-ServedCells				PRESENCE optional} |
+	{ ID id-ServedCellsToModify 	CRITICALITY reject	TYPE X2ap-ServedCellsToModify		PRESENCE optional} |
+	{ ID id-ServedCellsToDelete 	CRITICALITY reject	TYPE X2ap-Old-ECGIs					PRESENCE optional} |
+	{ ID id-GUGroupIDToAddList 		CRITICALITY reject	TYPE X2ap-GUGroupIDList				PRESENCE optional} |
+	{ ID id-GUGroupIDToDeleteList 	CRITICALITY reject	TYPE X2ap-GUGroupIDList				PRESENCE optional},
+	...
 X2ap-ServedCellsToModify::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..x2ap-maxCellineNB)) OF X2ap-ServedCellsToModify-Item
+X2ap-ServedCellsToModify-Item::= SEQUENCE {
+	old-ecgi						X2ap-ECGI,
+	servedCellInfo					X2ap-ServedCell-Information,
+	neighbour-Info					X2ap-Neighbour-Information			OPTIONAL,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE	iE-Extensions					ProtocolExtensionContainer { { X2ap-ServedCellsToModify-Item-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
+	...
-X2ap-ServedCellsToModify-Item-ExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
-{ ID id-DeactivationIndication          CRITICALITY ignore  EXTENSION X2ap-DeactivationIndication                PRESENCE optional },
-    ...
+ServedCellsToModify-Item-ExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
+{ ID id-DeactivationIndication			CRITICALITY ignore	EXTENSION X2ap-DeactivationIndication				PRESENCE optional },
+	...
+Old-ECGIs::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..x2ap-maxCellineNB)) OF X2ap-ECGI
 -- **************************************************************
@@ -507,12 +609,12 @@ X2ap-ServedCellsToModify-Item-ExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
 -- **************************************************************
 X2ap-ENBConfigurationUpdateAcknowledge ::= SEQUENCE {
-    protocolIEs                     ProtocolIE-Container       {{X2ap-ENBConfigurationUpdateAcknowledge-IEs}},
-    ...
+	protocolIEs                     ProtocolIE-Container       {{X2ap-ENBConfigurationUpdateAcknowledge-IEs}},
+	...
 X2ap-ENBConfigurationUpdateAcknowledge-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
-    { ID id-CriticalityDiagnostics      CRITICALITY ignore  TYPE X2ap-CriticalityDiagnostics         PRESENCE optional   },
+	{ ID id-CriticalityDiagnostics		CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-CriticalityDiagnostics			PRESENCE optional	},
@@ -523,15 +625,15 @@ X2ap-ENBConfigurationUpdateAcknowledge-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
 -- **************************************************************
 X2ap-ENBConfigurationUpdateFailure ::= SEQUENCE {
-    protocolIEs                     ProtocolIE-Container       {{X2ap-ENBConfigurationUpdateFailure-IEs}},
-    ...
+	protocolIEs                     ProtocolIE-Container       {{X2ap-ENBConfigurationUpdateFailure-IEs}},
+	...
 X2ap-ENBConfigurationUpdateFailure-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
-    { ID id-Cause                       CRITICALITY ignore  TYPE X2ap-Cause                      PRESENCE mandatory  }|
-    { ID id-TimeToWait                  CRITICALITY ignore  TYPE X2ap-TimeToWait                 PRESENCE optional   }|
-    { ID id-CriticalityDiagnostics      CRITICALITY ignore  TYPE X2ap-CriticalityDiagnostics     PRESENCE optional },
-    ...
+	{ ID id-Cause						CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-Cause						PRESENCE mandatory	}|
+	{ ID id-TimeToWait					CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-TimeToWait					PRESENCE optional	}|
+	{ ID id-CriticalityDiagnostics		CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-CriticalityDiagnostics		PRESENCE optional },
+	...
@@ -543,29 +645,51 @@ X2ap-ENBConfigurationUpdateFailure-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
 -- **************************************************************
 X2ap-ResourceStatusRequest ::= SEQUENCE {
-    protocolIEs                     ProtocolIE-Container       {{X2ap-ResourceStatusRequest-IEs}},
-    ...
+	protocolIEs                     ProtocolIE-Container       {{X2ap-ResourceStatusRequest-IEs}},
+	...
 X2ap-ResourceStatusRequest-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
-    { ID id-ENB1-Measurement-ID     CRITICALITY reject  TYPE X2ap-Measurement-ID                 PRESENCE mandatory}|
-    { ID id-ENB2-Measurement-ID     CRITICALITY ignore  TYPE X2ap-Measurement-ID                 PRESENCE conditional}|-- The IE shall be present if the Registration Request IE is set to “Stop”--
-    { ID id-Registration-Request    CRITICALITY reject  TYPE X2ap-Registration-Request           PRESENCE mandatory} |
-    { ID id-ReportCharacteristics   CRITICALITY reject  TYPE X2ap-ReportCharacteristics          PRESENCE optional} |
-    { ID id-CellToReport            CRITICALITY ignore  TYPE X2ap-CellToReport-List              PRESENCE mandatory} |
-    { ID id-ReportingPeriodicity    CRITICALITY ignore  TYPE X2ap-ReportingPeriodicity           PRESENCE optional} ,
-    ...
+	{ ID id-ENB1-Measurement-ID		CRITICALITY reject	TYPE X2ap-Measurement-ID					PRESENCE mandatory}|
+	{ ID id-ENB2-Measurement-ID		CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-Measurement-ID					PRESENCE conditional}|-- The IE shall be present if the Registration Request IE is set to “Stop”--
+	{ ID id-Registration-Request	CRITICALITY reject	TYPE X2ap-Registration-Request			PRESENCE mandatory}|
+	{ ID id-ReportCharacteristics	CRITICALITY reject	TYPE X2ap-ReportCharacteristics			PRESENCE optional}|
+	{ ID id-CellToReport			CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-CellToReport-List				PRESENCE mandatory}|
+	{ ID id-ReportingPeriodicity	CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-ReportingPeriodicity			PRESENCE optional}|
+	{ ID id-PartialSuccessIndicator	CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-PartialSuccessIndicator		PRESENCE optional},
+	...
-X2ap-CellToReport-List       ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..x2ap-maxCellineNB)) OF ProtocolIE-Single-Container { {X2ap-CellToReport-ItemIEs} }
+X2ap-CellToReport-List 		::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..x2ap-maxCellineNB)) OF ProtocolIE-Single-Container { {X2ap-CellToReport-ItemIEs} }
 X2ap-CellToReport-ItemIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
-    { ID id-CellToReport-Item   CRITICALITY ignore  TYPE X2ap-CellToReport-Item  PRESENCE mandatory  }
+	{ ID id-CellToReport-Item	CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-CellToReport-Item 	PRESENCE mandatory	}
+X2ap-CellToReport-Item ::= SEQUENCE {
+	cell-ID									X2ap-ECGI,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE	iE-Extensions							X2ap-ProtocolExtensionContainer { {CellToReport-Item-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
+	...
 X2ap-CellToReport-Item-ExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
-    ...
+	...
+X2ap-ReportingPeriodicity ::= ENUMERATED {
+	one-thousand-ms,
+	two-thousand-ms,
+	five-thousand-ms,
+	ten-thousand-ms,
+X2ap-PartialSuccessIndicator ::= ENUMERATED {
+	partial-success-allowed,
 -- **************************************************************
@@ -575,18 +699,55 @@ X2ap-CellToReport-Item-ExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
 -- **************************************************************
 X2ap-ResourceStatusResponse ::= SEQUENCE {
-    protocolIEs                     ProtocolIE-Container       {{X2ap-ResourceStatusResponse-IEs}},
-    ...
+	protocolIEs                     ProtocolIE-Container       {{X2ap-ResourceStatusResponse-IEs}},
+	...
 X2ap-ResourceStatusResponse-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
-    { ID id-ENB1-Measurement-ID     CRITICALITY reject  TYPE X2ap-Measurement-ID                 PRESENCE mandatory}|
-    { ID id-ENB2-Measurement-ID     CRITICALITY reject  TYPE X2ap-Measurement-ID                 PRESENCE mandatory}|
-    { ID id-CriticalityDiagnostics  CRITICALITY ignore  TYPE X2ap-CriticalityDiagnostics         PRESENCE optional },
-    ...
+	{ ID id-ENB1-Measurement-ID					CRITICALITY reject	TYPE X2ap-Measurement-ID						PRESENCE mandatory}|
+	{ ID id-ENB2-Measurement-ID					CRITICALITY reject	TYPE X2ap-Measurement-ID						PRESENCE mandatory}|
+	{ ID id-CriticalityDiagnostics				CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-CriticalityDiagnostics				PRESENCE optional}|
+	{ ID id-MeasurementInitiationResult-List	CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-MeasurementInitiationResult-List	PRESENCE optional},
+	...
+X2ap-MeasurementInitiationResult-List	::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..x2ap-maxCellineNB)) OF ProtocolIE-Single-Container { { X2ap-MeasurementInitiationResult-ItemIEs} }
+X2ap-MeasurementInitiationResult-ItemIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
+	{ ID id-MeasurementInitiationResult-Item	CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-MeasurementInitiationResult-Item	PRESENCE mandatory}
+X2ap-MeasurementInitiationResult-Item ::= SEQUENCE {
+	cell-ID											X2ap-ECGI,
+	measurementFailureCause-List					X2ap-MeasurementFailureCause-List	OPTIONAL,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE	iE-Extensions									ProtocolExtensionContainer { { X2ap-MeasurementInitiationResult-Item-ExtIEs} }	OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
+	...
+X2ap-MeasurementInitiationResult-Item-ExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
+	...
+X2ap-MeasurementFailureCause-List	::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..x2ap-maxFailedMeasObjects)) OF ProtocolIE-Single-Container { { X2ap-MeasurementFailureCause-ItemIEs} }
+X2ap-MeasurementFailureCause-ItemIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
+	{ ID id-MeasurementFailureCause-Item	CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-MeasurementFailureCause-Item		PRESENCE mandatory}
+X2ap-MeasurementFailureCause-Item ::= SEQUENCE {
+	measurementFailedReportCharacteristics			X2ap-ReportCharacteristics,
+	cause											X2ap-Cause,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE	iE-Extensions									ProtocolExtensionContainer { { X2ap-MeasurementFailureCause-Item-ExtIEs} }	OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
+	...
+X2ap-MeasurementFailureCause-Item-ExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
+	...
 -- **************************************************************
 -- Resource Status Failure
@@ -594,18 +755,36 @@ X2ap-ResourceStatusResponse-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
 -- **************************************************************
 X2ap-ResourceStatusFailure ::= SEQUENCE {
-    protocolIEs                     ProtocolIE-Container       {{X2ap-ResourceStatusFailure-IEs}},
-    ...
+	protocolIEs                     ProtocolIE-Container       {{X2ap-ResourceStatusFailure-IEs}},
+	...
 X2ap-ResourceStatusFailure-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
-    { ID id-ENB1-Measurement-ID     CRITICALITY reject  TYPE X2ap-Measurement-ID                 PRESENCE mandatory}|
-    { ID id-ENB2-Measurement-ID     CRITICALITY reject  TYPE X2ap-Measurement-ID                 PRESENCE mandatory}|
-    { ID id-Cause                   CRITICALITY ignore  TYPE X2ap-Cause                          PRESENCE mandatory} |
-    { ID id-CriticalityDiagnostics  CRITICALITY ignore  TYPE X2ap-CriticalityDiagnostics         PRESENCE optional },
-    ...
+	{ ID id-ENB1-Measurement-ID						CRITICALITY reject	TYPE X2ap-Measurement-ID						PRESENCE mandatory}|
+	{ ID id-ENB2-Measurement-ID						CRITICALITY reject	TYPE X2ap-Measurement-ID						PRESENCE mandatory}|
+	{ ID id-Cause									CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-Cause								PRESENCE mandatory}|
+	{ ID id-CriticalityDiagnostics					CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-CriticalityDiagnostics			PRESENCE optional}|
+	{ ID id-CompleteFailureCauseInformation-List	CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-CompleteFailureCauseInformation-List	PRESENCE optional},
+	...
+X2ap-CompleteFailureCauseInformation-List	::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..x2ap-maxCellineNB)) OF ProtocolIE-Single-Container { {X2ap-CompleteFailureCauseInformation-ItemIEs} }
+X2ap-CompleteFailureCauseInformation-ItemIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
+	{ ID id-CompleteFailureCauseInformation-Item	CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-CompleteFailureCauseInformation-Item	PRESENCE mandatory}
+X2ap-CompleteFailureCauseInformation-Item ::= SEQUENCE {
+	cell-ID											X2ap-ECGI,
+	measurementFailureCause-List					X2ap-MeasurementFailureCause-List,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE	iE-Extensions									ProtocolExtensionContainer { { X2ap-CompleteFailureCauseInformation-Item-ExtIEs} }	OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
+	...
+X2ap-CompleteFailureCauseInformation-Item-ExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
+	...
 -- **************************************************************
@@ -614,43 +793,54 @@ X2ap-ResourceStatusFailure-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
 -- **************************************************************
 X2ap-ResourceStatusUpdate ::= SEQUENCE {
-    protocolIEs                     ProtocolIE-Container       {{X2ap-ResourceStatusUpdate-IEs}},
-    ...
+	protocolIEs                     ProtocolIE-Container       {{X2ap-ResourceStatusUpdate-IEs}},
+	...
 X2ap-ResourceStatusUpdate-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
-    { ID id-ENB1-Measurement-ID     CRITICALITY reject  TYPE X2ap-Measurement-ID                 PRESENCE mandatory}|
-    { ID id-ENB2-Measurement-ID     CRITICALITY reject  TYPE X2ap-Measurement-ID                 PRESENCE mandatory}|
-    { ID id-CellMeasurementResult   CRITICALITY ignore  TYPE X2ap-CellMeasurementResult-List     PRESENCE mandatory},
-    ...
+	{ ID id-ENB1-Measurement-ID		CRITICALITY reject	TYPE X2ap-Measurement-ID					PRESENCE mandatory}|
+	{ ID id-ENB2-Measurement-ID		CRITICALITY reject	TYPE X2ap-Measurement-ID					PRESENCE mandatory}|
+	{ ID id-CellMeasurementResult	CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-CellMeasurementResult-List		PRESENCE mandatory},
+	...
-X2ap-CellMeasurementResult-List      ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..x2ap-maxCellineNB)) OF ProtocolIE-Single-Container { {X2ap-CellMeasurementResult-ItemIEs} }
+X2ap-CellMeasurementResult-List 		::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..x2ap-maxCellineNB)) OF ProtocolIE-Single-Container { {X2ap-CellMeasurementResult-ItemIEs} }
 X2ap-CellMeasurementResult-ItemIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
-    { ID id-CellMeasurementResult-Item  CRITICALITY ignore  TYPE X2ap-CellMeasurementResult-Item     PRESENCE mandatory  }
+	{ ID id-CellMeasurementResult-Item	CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-CellMeasurementResult-Item 	PRESENCE mandatory	}
+X2ap-CellMeasurementResult-Item ::= SEQUENCE {
+	cell-ID						X2ap-ECGI,
+	hWLoadIndicator				X2ap-HWLoadIndicator		OPTIONAL,
+	s1TNLLoadIndicator			X2ap-S1TNLLoadIndicator	OPTIONAL,
+	radioResourceStatus			X2ap-RadioResourceStatus	OPTIONAL,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE	iE-Extensions				X2ap-ProtocolExtensionContainer { {X2ap-CellMeasurementResult-Item-ExtIEs} }	OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
+	...
 X2ap-CellMeasurementResult-Item-ExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
-    ID id-CompositeAvailableCapacityGroup CRITICALITY ignore   EXTENSION X2ap-CompositeAvailableCapacityGroup      PRESENCE optional   },
-    ...
+	{ ID id-CompositeAvailableCapacityGroup	CRITICALITY ignore	EXTENSION X2ap-CompositeAvailableCapacityGroup		PRESENCE optional}|
+	{ ID id-ABS-Status						CRITICALITY ignore	EXTENSION X2ap-ABS-Status							PRESENCE optional},
+	...
 -- **************************************************************
 -- **************************************************************
---X2ap-PrivateMessage ::= SEQUENCE {
---    privateIEs      PrivateIE-Container  {{X2ap-PrivateMessage-IEs}},
---    ...
+X2ap-PrivateMessage ::= SEQUENCE {
+	privateIEs		PrivateIE-Container  {{X2ap-PrivateMessage-IEs}},
+	...
---X2ap-PrivateMessage-IEs X2AP-PRIVATE-IES ::= {
---    ...
+X2ap-PrivateMessage-IEs X2AP-PRIVATE-IES ::= {
+	...
 -- **************************************************************
@@ -659,17 +849,17 @@ X2ap-CellMeasurementResult-Item-ExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
 -- **************************************************************
 X2ap-MobilityChangeRequest ::= SEQUENCE {
-    protocolIEs     ProtocolIE-Container  {{X2ap-MobilityChangeRequest-IEs}},
-    ...
+	protocolIEs		ProtocolIE-Container  {{X2ap-MobilityChangeRequest-IEs}},
+	...
 X2ap-MobilityChangeRequest-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
-    { ID id-ENB1-Cell-ID                        CRITICALITY reject  TYPE X2ap-ECGI                                           PRESENCE mandatory  }|
-    { ID id-ENB2-Cell-ID                        CRITICALITY reject  TYPE X2ap-ECGI                                           PRESENCE mandatory  }|
-    { ID id-ENB1-Mobility-Parameters            CRITICALITY ignore  TYPE X2ap-MobilityParametersInformation              PRESENCE optional   }|
-    { ID id-ENB2-Proposed-Mobility-Parameters   CRITICALITY reject  TYPE X2ap-MobilityParametersInformation              PRESENCE mandatory  }|
-    { ID id-Cause                               CRITICALITY reject  TYPE X2ap-Cause                                          PRESENCE mandatory  },
-    ...
+	{ ID id-ENB1-Cell-ID						CRITICALITY reject	TYPE X2ap-ECGI											PRESENCE mandatory	}|
+	{ ID id-ENB2-Cell-ID						CRITICALITY reject	TYPE X2ap-ECGI											PRESENCE mandatory	}|
+	{ ID id-ENB1-Mobility-Parameters			CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-MobilityParametersInformation				PRESENCE optional	}|
+	{ ID id-ENB2-Proposed-Mobility-Parameters	CRITICALITY reject	TYPE X2ap-MobilityParametersInformation				PRESENCE mandatory	}|
+	{ ID id-Cause								CRITICALITY reject	TYPE X2ap-Cause											PRESENCE mandatory	},
+	...
 -- **************************************************************
@@ -679,15 +869,15 @@ X2ap-MobilityChangeRequest-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
 -- **************************************************************
 X2ap-MobilityChangeAcknowledge ::= SEQUENCE {
-    protocolIEs                     ProtocolIE-Container       {{X2ap-MobilityChangeAcknowledge-IEs}},
-    ...
+	protocolIEs                     ProtocolIE-Container       {{X2ap-MobilityChangeAcknowledge-IEs}},
+	...
 X2ap-MobilityChangeAcknowledge-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
-    { ID id-ENB1-Cell-ID            CRITICALITY reject  TYPE X2ap-ECGI                           PRESENCE mandatory  }|
-    { ID id-ENB2-Cell-ID            CRITICALITY reject  TYPE X2ap-ECGI                           PRESENCE mandatory  }|
-    { ID id-CriticalityDiagnostics  CRITICALITY ignore  TYPE X2ap-CriticalityDiagnostics         PRESENCE optional },
-    ...
+	{ ID id-ENB1-Cell-ID			CRITICALITY reject	TYPE X2ap-ECGI							PRESENCE mandatory	}|
+	{ ID id-ENB2-Cell-ID			CRITICALITY reject	TYPE X2ap-ECGI							PRESENCE mandatory	}|
+	{ ID id-CriticalityDiagnostics	CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-CriticalityDiagnostics			PRESENCE optional },
+	...
@@ -698,17 +888,17 @@ X2ap-MobilityChangeAcknowledge-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
 -- **************************************************************
 X2ap-MobilityChangeFailure ::= SEQUENCE {
-    protocolIEs                     ProtocolIE-Container       {{X2ap-MobilityChangeFailure-IEs}},
-    ...
+	protocolIEs                     ProtocolIE-Container       {{X2ap-MobilityChangeFailure-IEs}},
+	...
 X2ap-MobilityChangeFailure-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
-    { ID id-ENB1-Cell-ID                                    CRITICALITY ignore  TYPE X2ap-ECGI                               PRESENCE mandatory  }|
-    { ID id-ENB2-Cell-ID                                    CRITICALITY ignore  TYPE X2ap-ECGI                               PRESENCE mandatory  }|
-    { ID id-Cause                                           CRITICALITY ignore  TYPE X2ap-Cause                                              PRESENCE mandatory  }|
-    { ID id-ENB2-Mobility-Parameters-Modification-Range     CRITICALITY ignore  TYPE X2ap-MobilityParametersModificationRange        PRESENCE optional   }|
-    { ID id-CriticalityDiagnostics                          CRITICALITY ignore  TYPE X2ap-CriticalityDiagnostics                     PRESENCE optional },
-    ...
+	{ ID id-ENB1-Cell-ID									CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-ECGI								PRESENCE mandatory	}|
+	{ ID id-ENB2-Cell-ID									CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-ECGI								PRESENCE mandatory	}|
+	{ ID id-Cause											CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-Cause												PRESENCE mandatory	}|
+	{ ID id-ENB2-Mobility-Parameters-Modification-Range		CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-MobilityParametersModificationRange		PRESENCE optional	}|
+	{ ID id-CriticalityDiagnostics							CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-CriticalityDiagnostics						PRESENCE optional },
+	...
 -- **************************************************************
@@ -718,17 +908,19 @@ X2ap-MobilityChangeFailure-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
 -- **************************************************************
 X2ap-RLFIndication ::= SEQUENCE {
-    protocolIEs                     ProtocolIE-Container       {{X2ap-RLFIndication-IEs}},
-    ...
+	protocolIEs                     ProtocolIE-Container       {{X2ap-RLFIndication-IEs}},
+	...
 X2ap-RLFIndication-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
-    { ID id-FailureCellPCI              CRITICALITY ignore      TYPE X2ap-PCI            PRESENCE mandatory}|
-    { ID id-Re-establishmentCellECGI    CRITICALITY ignore      TYPE X2ap-ECGI           PRESENCE mandatory}|
-    { ID id-FailureCellCRNTI            CRITICALITY ignore      TYPE X2ap-CRNTI          PRESENCE mandatory}|
-    { ID id-ShortMAC-I                  CRITICALITY ignore      TYPE X2ap-ShortMAC-I     PRESENCE optional}|
-    { ID id-UE-RLF-Report-Container     CRITICALITY ignore      TYPE X2ap-UE-RLF-Report-Container    PRESENCE optional},
-    ...
+	{ ID id-FailureCellPCI				CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-PCI						PRESENCE mandatory}|
+	{ ID id-Re-establishmentCellECGI	CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-ECGI						PRESENCE mandatory}|
+	{ ID id-FailureCellCRNTI			CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-CRNTI						PRESENCE mandatory}|
+	{ ID id-ShortMAC-I					CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-ShortMAC-I					PRESENCE optional}|
+	{ ID id-UE-RLF-Report-Container		CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-UE-RLF-Report-Container	PRESENCE optional}|
+	{ ID id-RRCConnSetupIndicator		CRITICALITY reject	TYPE X2ap-RRCConnSetupIndicator		PRESENCE optional}|
+	{ ID id-RRCConnReestabIndicator		CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-RRCConnReestabIndicator	PRESENCE optional},
+	...
@@ -739,19 +931,26 @@ X2ap-RLFIndication-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
 -- **************************************************************
 X2ap-CellActivationRequest ::= SEQUENCE {
-    protocolIEs                     ProtocolIE-Container       {{X2ap-CellActivationRequest-IEs}},
-    ...
+	protocolIEs                     ProtocolIE-Container       {{X2ap-CellActivationRequest-IEs}},
+	...
 X2ap-CellActivationRequest-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
-    { ID id-ServedCellsToActivate   CRITICALITY reject  TYPE X2ap-ServedCellsToActivate      PRESENCE mandatory },
-    ...
+	{ ID id-ServedCellsToActivate 	CRITICALITY reject	TYPE X2ap-ServedCellsToActivate		PRESENCE mandatory },
+	...
 X2ap-ServedCellsToActivate::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..x2ap-maxCellineNB)) OF X2ap-ServedCellsToActivate-Item
+X2ap-ServedCellsToActivate-Item::= SEQUENCE {
+	ecgi						ECGI,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE	iE-Extensions					ProtocolExtensionContainer { { X2ap-ServedCellsToActivate-Item-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
+	...
 X2ap-ServedCellsToActivate-Item-ExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
-    ...
+	...
 -- **************************************************************
@@ -761,18 +960,27 @@ X2ap-ServedCellsToActivate-Item-ExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
 -- **************************************************************
 X2ap-CellActivationResponse ::= SEQUENCE {
-    protocolIEs                     ProtocolIE-Container       {{X2ap-CellActivationResponse-IEs}},
-    ...
+	protocolIEs                     ProtocolIE-Container       {{X2ap-CellActivationResponse-IEs}},
+	...
 X2ap-CellActivationResponse-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
-    { ID id-ActivatedCellList   CRITICALITY ignore      TYPE X2ap-ActivatedCellList      PRESENCE mandatory }|
-    { ID id-CriticalityDiagnostics  CRITICALITY ignore  TYPE X2ap-CriticalityDiagnostics         PRESENCE optional },
-    ...
+	{ ID id-ActivatedCellList 	CRITICALITY ignore		TYPE X2ap-ActivatedCellList		PRESENCE mandatory }|
+	{ ID id-CriticalityDiagnostics	CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-CriticalityDiagnostics			PRESENCE optional },
+	...
+X2ap-ActivatedCellList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..x2ap-maxCellineNB)) OF X2ap-ActivatedCellList-Item
+X2ap-ActivatedCellList-Item::= SEQUENCE {
+	ecgi								ECGI,
+--EURECOM COMMENT, ADDED NEXT LINE	iE-Extensions						ProtocolExtensionContainer { { X2ap-ActivatedCellList-Item-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
+	iE-Extensions               X2ap-IE-Extensions OPTIONAL,
+	...
 X2ap-ActivatedCellList-Item-ExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
-    ...
+	...
@@ -782,170 +990,14 @@ X2ap-ActivatedCellList-Item-ExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
 -- **************************************************************
 X2ap-CellActivationFailure ::= SEQUENCE {
-    protocolIEs                     ProtocolIE-Container       {{X2ap-CellActivationFailure-IEs}},
-    ...
+	protocolIEs                     ProtocolIE-Container       {{X2ap-CellActivationFailure-IEs}},
+	...
 X2ap-CellActivationFailure-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
-    { ID id-Cause                       CRITICALITY ignore  TYPE X2ap-Cause                      PRESENCE mandatory  }|
-    { ID id-CriticalityDiagnostics      CRITICALITY ignore  TYPE X2ap-CriticalityDiagnostics     PRESENCE optional },
-    ...
-X2ap-AS-SecurityInformation-ExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
-    ...
-X2ap-AllocationAndRetentionPriority-ExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
-    ...
-    ...
-X2ap-CompositeAvailableCapacityGroup-ExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
-    ...
-X2ap-CompositeAvailableCapacity-ExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
-    ...
-    ...
-X2ap-CriticalityDiagnostics-ExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
-    ...
-X2ap-CriticalityDiagnostics-IE-List-ExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
-    ...
-    ...
-    ...
-    ...
-X2ap-E-RAB-Level-QoS-Parameters-ExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
-    ...
-    ...
-X2ap-ForbiddenTAs-Item-ExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
-    ...
-X2ap-ForbiddenLAs-Item-ExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
-    ...
-X2ap-GBR-QosInformation-ExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
-    ...
-    ...
-X2ap-GTPtunnelEndpoint-ExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
-    ...
-    ...
-    ...
-X2ap-HandoverRestrictionList-ExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
-    ...
-X2ap-HWLoadIndicator-ExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
-    ...
-X2ap-LastVisitedEUTRANCellInformation-ExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
-    ...
-X2ap-LocationReportingInformation-ExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::={
-    ...
-X2ap-MBSFN-Subframe-Info-ExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
-    ...
-X2ap-Neighbour-Information-ExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
-    ...
-X2ap-PRACH-Configuration-ExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
-    ...
-X2ap-RelativeNarrowbandTxPower-ExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
-    ...
-X2ap-RadioResourceStatus-ExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
-    ...
-X2ap-S1TNLLoadIndicator-ExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
-    ...
-X2ap-ServedCell-ExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
-    ...
-X2ap-SpecialSubframe-Info-ExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
-    ...
-X2ap-TraceActivation-ExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
-    ...
-X2ap-UEAggregate-MaximumBitrate-ExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
-    ...
-X2ap-UESecurityCapabilities-ExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
-    ...
-X2ap-UL-HighInterferenceIndicationInfo-Item-ExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
-    ...
-X2ap-E-RAB-ItemIEs   X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {
-    { ID id-E-RAB-Item   CRITICALITY ignore     TYPE X2ap-E-RAB-Item     PRESENCE mandatory },
-    ...
-X2ap-ServedCell-Information-ExtIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= {
-    { ID id-Number-of-Antennaports      CRITICALITY ignore  EXTENSION Number-of-Antennaports            PRESENCE optional }|
-    { ID id-PRACH-Configuration         CRITICALITY ignore  EXTENSION PRACH-Configuration               PRESENCE optional }|
-    { ID id-MBSFN-Subframe-Info         CRITICALITY ignore  EXTENSION MBSFN-Subframe-Infolist           PRESENCE optional },
-    ...
+	{ ID id-Cause						CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-Cause						PRESENCE mandatory }|
+	{ ID id-CriticalityDiagnostics		CRITICALITY ignore	TYPE X2ap-CriticalityDiagnostics		PRESENCE optional },
+	...
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/openair2/X2AP/MESSAGES/ASN1/R11.2/X2AP-PDU.asn b/openair2/X2AP/MESSAGES/ASN1/R11.2/X2AP-PDU.asn
index d2f7796352..50e2628b7c 100755
--- a/openair2/X2AP/MESSAGES/ASN1/R11.2/X2AP-PDU.asn
+++ b/openair2/X2AP/MESSAGES/ASN1/R11.2/X2AP-PDU.asn
@@ -27,76 +27,76 @@ X2ap-IE ::= SEQUENCE {
-    initiatingMessage InitiatingMessage,
-    successfulOutcome SuccessfulOutcome,
-    unsuccessfulOutcome UnsuccessfulOutcome,
+    initiatingMessage X2ap-InitiatingMessage,
+    successfulOutcome X2ap-SuccessfulOutcome,
+    unsuccessfulOutcome X2ap-UnsuccessfulOutcome,
-InitiatingMessage ::= SEQUENCE {
+X2ap-InitiatingMessage ::= SEQUENCE {
     procedureCode   X2ap-ProcedureCode,
     criticality     X2ap-Criticality,
     value           ANY
-SuccessfulOutcome ::= SEQUENCE {
+X2ap-SuccessfulOutcome ::= SEQUENCE {
     procedureCode   X2ap-ProcedureCode,
     criticality     X2ap-Criticality,
     value           ANY
-UnsuccessfulOutcome ::= SEQUENCE {
+X2ap-UnsuccessfulOutcome ::= SEQUENCE {
     procedureCode   X2ap-ProcedureCode,
     criticality     X2ap-Criticality,
     value           ANY
-HandoverRequest ::= SEQUENCE {
+X2ap-HandoverRequest ::= SEQUENCE {
     handoverRequest-ies SEQUENCE (SIZE (0..x2ap-maxProtocolIEs)) OF X2ap-IE,
-HandoverRequestAcknowledge ::= SEQUENCE {
+X2ap-HandoverRequestAcknowledge ::= SEQUENCE {
     handoverRequestAcknowledge-ies SEQUENCE (SIZE (0..x2ap-maxProtocolIEs)) OF X2ap-IE,
-HandoverPreparationFailure ::= SEQUENCE {
+X2ap-HandoverPreparationFailure ::= SEQUENCE {
     handoverPreparationFailure-ies SEQUENCE (SIZE (0..x2ap-maxProtocolIEs)) OF X2ap-IE,
-SNStatusTransfer ::= SEQUENCE {
+X2ap-SNStatusTransfer ::= SEQUENCE {
     snStatusTransfer-ies SEQUENCE (SIZE (0..x2ap-maxProtocolIEs)) OF X2ap-IE,
-UEContextRelease ::= SEQUENCE {
+X2ap-UEContextRelease ::= SEQUENCE {
     ueContextRelease-ies SEQUENCE (SIZE (0..x2ap-maxProtocolIEs)) OF X2ap-IE,
-HandoverCancel ::= SEQUENCE {
+X2ap-HandoverCancel ::= SEQUENCE {
     handoverCancel-ies SEQUENCE (SIZE (0..x2ap-maxProtocolIEs)) OF X2ap-IE,
-HandoverReport ::= SEQUENCE {
+X2ap-HandoverReport ::= SEQUENCE {
     handoverReport-ies SEQUENCE (SIZE (0..x2ap-maxProtocolIEs)) OF X2ap-IE,
-ErrorIndication ::= SEQUENCE {
+X2ap-ErrorIndication ::= SEQUENCE {
     errorIndication-ies SEQUENCE (SIZE (0..x2ap-maxProtocolIEs)) OF X2ap-IE,
-ResetRequest ::= SEQUENCE {
+X2ap-ResetRequest ::= SEQUENCE {
     resetRequest-ies SEQUENCE (SIZE (0..x2ap-maxProtocolIEs)) OF X2ap-IE,
-ResetResponse ::= SEQUENCE {
+X2ap-ResetResponse ::= SEQUENCE {
     resetResponse-ies SEQUENCE (SIZE (0..x2ap-maxProtocolIEs)) OF X2ap-IE,
@@ -116,82 +116,82 @@ X2SetupFailure ::= SEQUENCE {
-LoadInformation ::= SEQUENCE {
+X2ap-LoadInformation ::= SEQUENCE {
     loadInformation-ies SEQUENCE (SIZE (0..x2ap-maxProtocolIEs)) OF X2ap-IE,
-ENBConfigurationUpdate ::= SEQUENCE {
+X2ap-ENBConfigurationUpdate ::= SEQUENCE {
     eNBConfigurationUpdate-ies SEQUENCE (SIZE (0..x2ap-maxProtocolIEs)) OF X2ap-IE,
-ENBConfigurationUpdateAcknowledge ::= SEQUENCE {
+X2ap-ENBConfigurationUpdateAcknowledge ::= SEQUENCE {
     eNBConfigurationUpdateAcknowledge-ies SEQUENCE (SIZE (0..x2ap-maxProtocolIEs)) OF X2ap-IE,
-ENBConfigurationUpdateFailure ::= SEQUENCE {
+X2ap-ENBConfigurationUpdateFailure ::= SEQUENCE {
     eNBConfigurationUpdateFailure-ies SEQUENCE (SIZE (0..x2ap-maxProtocolIEs)) OF X2ap-IE,
-ResourceStatusRequest ::= SEQUENCE {
+X2ap-ResourceStatusRequest ::= SEQUENCE {
     resourceStatusRequest-ies SEQUENCE (SIZE (0..x2ap-maxProtocolIEs)) OF X2ap-IE,
-ResourceStatusResponse ::= SEQUENCE {
+X2ap-ResourceStatusResponse ::= SEQUENCE {
     resourceStatusResponse-ies SEQUENCE (SIZE (0..x2ap-maxProtocolIEs)) OF X2ap-IE,
-ResourceStatusFailure ::= SEQUENCE {
+X2ap-ResourceStatusFailure ::= SEQUENCE {
     resourceStatusFailure-ies SEQUENCE (SIZE (0..x2ap-maxProtocolIEs)) OF X2ap-IE,
-ResourceStatusUpdate ::= SEQUENCE {
+X2ap-ResourceStatusUpdate ::= SEQUENCE {
     resourceStatusUpdate-ies SEQUENCE (SIZE (0..x2ap-maxProtocolIEs)) OF X2ap-IE,
-RLFIndication ::= SEQUENCE {
+X2ap-RLFIndication ::= SEQUENCE {
     rlfIndication-ies SEQUENCE (SIZE (0..x2ap-maxProtocolIEs)) OF X2ap-IE,
-PrivateMessage ::= SEQUENCE {
+X2ap-PrivateMessage ::= SEQUENCE {
     privateMessage-ies SEQUENCE (SIZE (0..x2ap-maxProtocolIEs)) OF X2ap-IE,
-MobilityChangeRequest ::= SEQUENCE {
+X2ap-MobilityChangeRequest ::= SEQUENCE {
     mobilityChangeRequest-ies SEQUENCE (SIZE (0..x2ap-maxProtocolIEs)) OF X2ap-IE,
-MobilityChangeAcknowledge ::= SEQUENCE {
+X2ap-MobilityChangeAcknowledge ::= SEQUENCE {
     mobilityChangeAcknowledge-ies SEQUENCE (SIZE (0..x2ap-maxProtocolIEs)) OF X2ap-IE,
-MobilityChangeFailure ::= SEQUENCE {
+X2ap-MobilityChangeFailure ::= SEQUENCE {
     mobilityChangeFailure-ies SEQUENCE (SIZE (0..x2ap-maxProtocolIEs)) OF X2ap-IE,
-CellActivationRequest ::= SEQUENCE {
+X2ap-CellActivationRequest ::= SEQUENCE {
     cellActivationRequest-ies SEQUENCE (SIZE (0..x2ap-maxProtocolIEs)) OF X2ap-IE,
-CellActivationResponse ::= SEQUENCE {
+X2ap-CellActivationResponse ::= SEQUENCE {
     cellActivationResponse-ies SEQUENCE (SIZE (0..x2ap-maxProtocolIEs)) OF X2ap-IE,
-CellActivationFailure ::= SEQUENCE {
+X2ap-CellActivationFailure ::= SEQUENCE {
     cellActivationFailure-ies SEQUENCE (SIZE (0..x2ap-maxProtocolIEs)) OF X2ap-IE,
diff --git a/openair2/X2AP/ b/openair2/X2AP/
index 2393fdaf57..0259b7b899 100755
--- a/openair2/X2AP/
+++ b/openair2/X2AP/
@@ -68,14 +68,17 @@ $(X2AP_GENERATED): %.o : %.c
 	sed -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/$$/:/' >> $(basename $@).d
 	@rm -f $(basename $@).d.tmp
 $(OUTDIR)/x2ap_ieregen.stamp: $(ASN1DIR)/$(ASN1RELDIR)/X2AP-PDU-Contents.asn $(ASN1DIR)/
 	@if [ ! -d $(OUTDIR) ]; then mkdir -p $(OUTDIR); fi;
 	@python $(ASN1DIR)/ -f$< -o$(OUTDIR)
 	@echo Timestamp > $@
 $(OUTDIR)/x2ap_asn1regen.stamp:  $(ASN1DIR)/$(ASN1RELDIR)/X2AP-CommonDataTypes.asn $(ASN1DIR)/$(ASN1RELDIR)/X2AP-Constants.asn \
-	$(ASN1DIR)/$(ASN1RELDIR)/X2AP-IEs.asn $(ASN1DIR)/$(ASN1RELDIR)/X2AP-PDU.asn $(ASN1DIR)/$(ASN1RELDIR)/X2AP-Containers.asn
+	$(ASN1DIR)/$(ASN1RELDIR)/X2AP-IEs.asn 
 	(cd $(ASN1DIR)/$(ASN1RELDIR) && asn1c -fhave_native64 -gen-PER $^)
 	@echo Timestamp > $@
diff --git a/openair2/X2AP/x2ap_common.c b/openair2/X2AP/x2ap_common.c
index ed6f7ca2c1..eff3efa1d3 100755
--- a/openair2/X2AP/x2ap_common.c
+++ b/openair2/X2AP/x2ap_common.c
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ inline void ASN_DEBUG(const char *fmt, ...)
 ssize_t x2ap_generate_initiating_message(
     uint8_t               **buffer,
     uint32_t               *length,
-    e_X2ap_ProcedureCode    procedureCode,
+    X2ap_ProcedureCode_t    procedureCode,
     X2ap_Criticality_t      criticality,
     asn_TYPE_descriptor_t  *td,
     void                   *sptr)
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ ssize_t x2ap_generate_initiating_message(
 ssize_t x2ap_generate_successfull_outcome(
     uint8_t               **buffer,
     uint32_t               *length,
-    e_X2ap_ProcedureCode         procedureCode,
+    X2ap_ProcedureCode_t         procedureCode,
     X2ap_Criticality_t           criticality,
     asn_TYPE_descriptor_t  *td,
     void                   *sptr)
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ ssize_t x2ap_generate_successfull_outcome(
 ssize_t x2ap_generate_unsuccessfull_outcome(
     uint8_t               **buffer,
     uint32_t               *length,
-    e_X2ap_ProcedureCode         procedureCode,
+    X2ap_ProcedureCode_t         procedureCode,
     X2ap_Criticality_t           criticality,
     asn_TYPE_descriptor_t  *td,
     void                   *sptr)
diff --git a/openair2/X2AP/x2ap_common.h b/openair2/X2AP/x2ap_common.h
index 143b3e7812..ad60b8c3f2 100755
--- a/openair2/X2AP/x2ap_common.h
+++ b/openair2/X2AP/x2ap_common.h
@@ -32,205 +32,196 @@
 # include "config.h"
-#include "Criticality.h"
-#include "Presence.h"
-#include "PrivateIE-ID.h"
-#include "ProcedureCode.h"
-#include "ProtocolIE-ID.h"
-#include "TriggeringMessage.h"
-#include "IE-Extensions.h"
-#include "ActivatedCellList.h"
-#include "AS-SecurityInformation.h"
-#include "AllocationAndRetentionPriority.h"
-#include "BitRate.h"
-#include "BroadcastPLMNs-Item.h"
-#include "CapacityValue.h"
-#include "CellCapacityClassValue.h"
-#include "Cause.h"
-#include "CauseMisc.h"
-#include "CauseProtocol.h"
-#include "CauseRadioNetwork.h"
-#include "CauseTransport.h"
-#include "Cell-Size.h"
-#include "CellToReport-List.h"
-#include "CellToReport-Item.h"
-#include "CellMeasurementResult-List.h"
-#include "CellMeasurementResult-Item.h"
-//#include "CellInformation.h"
-#include "CellInformation-List.h"
-#include "CellInformation-Item.h"
-#include "CellType.h"
-#include "CompositeAvailableCapacityGroup.h"
-#include "CompositeAvailableCapacity.h"
-#include "COUNTvalue.h"
-#include "CriticalityDiagnostics.h"
-#include "CriticalityDiagnostics-IE-List.h"
-#include "CRNTI.h"
-#include "CyclicPrefixDL.h"
-#include "CyclicPrefixUL.h"
-#include "DeactivationIndication.h"
-#include "DL-Forwarding.h"
-#include "E-RAB-Item.h"
-#include "E-RABs-Admitted-List.h"
-#include "E-RABs-Admitted-Item.h"
-//#include "E-RABNotAdmittedItem.h"
-#include "E-RABs-ToBeSetup-List.h"
-#include "E-RABs-ToBeSetup-Item.h"
-#include "E-RABs-SubjectToStatusTransfer-List.h"
-#include "E-RABs-SubjectToStatusTransfer-Item.h"
-#include "EARFCN.h"
-#include "FDD-Info.h"
-#include "TDD-Info.h"
-#include "EUTRA-Mode-Info.h"
-#include "ECGI.h"
-#include "ENB-ID.h"
-#include "EncryptionAlgorithms.h"
-#include "EPLMNs.h"
-#include "E-RAB-ID.h"
-#include "E-RAB-Level-QoS-Parameters.h"
-#include "E-RAB-List.h"
-//#include "E-RAB-ItemIEs.h"
-#include "EUTRANCellIdentifier.h"
-#include "EUTRANTraceID.h"
-#include "EventType.h"
-#include "ForbiddenInterRATs.h"
-#include "ForbiddenTAs.h"
-#include "ForbiddenTAs-Item.h"
-#include "ForbiddenTACs.h"
-#include "ForbiddenLAs.h"
-#include "ForbiddenLAs-Item.h"
-#include "ForbiddenLACs.h"
-#include "Fourframes.h"
-#include "GBR-QosInformation.h"
-#include "GlobalENB-ID.h"
-#include "GTPtunnelEndpoint.h"
-#include "GTP-TEI.h"
-#include "GUGroupIDList.h"
-#include "GU-Group-ID.h"
-#include "GUMMEI.h"
-#include "HandoverReportType.h"
-#include "HandoverRestrictionList.h"
-#include "HFN.h"
-#include "HWLoadIndicator.h"
-#include "IntegrityProtectionAlgorithms.h"
-#include "InterfacesToTrace.h"
-#include "Key-eNodeB-Star.h"
-#include "LAC.h"
-#include "LastVisitedCell-Item.h"
-#include "LastVisitedEUTRANCellInformation.h"
-#include "LastVisitedUTRANCellInformation.h"
-#include "LastVisitedGERANCellInformation.h"
-#include "LoadIndicator.h"
-#include "LocationReportingInformation.h"
-#include "MME-Group-ID.h"
-#include "MME-Code.h"
-#include "Measurement-ID.h"
-#include "MBSFN-Subframe-Infolist.h"
-#include "MBSFN-Subframe-Info.h"
-#include "MobilityParametersModificationRange.h"
-#include "MobilityParametersInformation.h"
-#include "Neighbour-Information.h"
-#include "Neighbour-Information.h"
-#include "NextHopChainingCount.h"
-#include "Number-of-Antennaports.h"
-#include "Oneframe.h"
-#include "PDCP-SN.h"
-#include "PCI.h"
-#include "PLMN-Identity.h"
-#include "PRACH-Configuration.h"
-#include "Pre-emptionCapability.h"
-#include "Pre-emptionVulnerability.h"
-#include "PriorityLevel.h"
-#include "QCI.h"
-#include "ReceiveStatusofULPDCPSDUs.h"
-#include "Registration-Request.h"
-#include "RelativeNarrowbandTxPower.h"
-#include "ReportArea.h"
-#include "ReportingPeriodicity.h"
-#include "ReportCharacteristics.h"
-#include "RNTP-Threshold.h"
-#include "RRC-Context.h"
-#include "RadioResourceStatus.h"
-#include "DL-GBR-PRB-usage.h"
-#include "UL-GBR-PRB-usage.h"
-#include "DL-non-GBR-PRB-usage.h"
-#include "UL-non-GBR-PRB-usage.h"
-#include "DL-Total-PRB-usage.h"
-#include "UL-Total-PRB-usage.h"
-#include "RadioframeAllocationPeriod.h"
-#include "RadioframeAllocationOffset.h"
-#include "S1TNLLoadIndicator.h"
-#include "ServedCellsToActivate.h"
-#include "ServedCellsToActivate-Item.h"
-#include "ServedCellsToModify.h"
-#include "ServedCellsToModify-Item.h"
-#include "Old-ECGIs.h"
-#include "ServedCells.h"
-#include "ServedCell-Information.h"
-#include "ShortMAC-I.h"
-#include "SRVCCOperationPossible.h"
-#include "SubframeAssignment.h"
-#include "SpecialSubframe-Info.h"
-#include "SpecialSubframePatterns.h"
-#include "SubscriberProfileIDforRFP.h"
-#include "SubframeAllocation.h"
-#include "TAC.h"
-#include "TargeteNBtoSource-eNBTransparentContainer.h"
-#include "TimeToWait.h"
-#include "Time-UE-StayedInCell.h"
-#include "TraceActivation.h"
-#include "TraceCollectionEntityIPAddress.h"
-#include "TraceDepth.h"
-#include "Transmission-Bandwidth.h"
-#include "TransportLayerAddress.h"
-#include "TypeOfError.h"
-#include "UE-HistoryInformation.h"
-#include "UE-S1AP-ID.h"
-#include "UE-X2AP-ID.h"
-#include "UEAggregateMaximumBitRate.h"
-#include "UESecurityCapabilities.h"
-#include "UE-ContextInformation.h"
-#include "UL-InterferenceOverloadIndication.h"
-#include "UL-InterferenceOverloadIndication-Item.h"
-#include "UL-HighInterferenceIndicationInfo.h"
-#include "UL-HighInterferenceIndicationInfo-Item.h"
-#include "UL-HighInterferenceIndication.h"
-#include "UE-RLF-Report-Container.h"
-#include "IE.h"
+#include "X2ap-ABSInformationFDD.h"
+#include "X2ap-ABSInformation.h"
+#include "X2ap-ABSInformationTDD.h"
+#include "X2ap-ABS-Status.h"
+#include "X2ap-AllocationAndRetentionPriority.h"
+#include "X2ap-AreaScopeOfMDT.h"
+#include "X2ap-AS-SecurityInformation.h"
+#include "X2ap-BandInfo.h"
+#include "X2ap-BitRate.h"
+#include "X2ap-BroadcastPLMNs-Item.h"
+#include "X2ap-CapacityValue.h"
+#include "X2ap-Cause.h"
+#include "X2ap-CauseMisc.h"
+#include "X2ap-CauseProtocol.h"
+#include "X2ap-CauseRadioNetwork.h"
+#include "X2ap-CauseTransport.h"
+#include "X2ap-CellBasedMDT.h"
+#include "X2ap-CellCapacityClassValue.h"
+#include "X2ap-CellIdListforMDT.h"
+#include "X2ap-Cell-Size.h"
+#include "X2ap-CellType.h"
+#include "X2ap-CompositeAvailableCapacityGroup.h"
+#include "X2ap-CompositeAvailableCapacity.h"
+#include "X2ap-COUNTvalue.h"
+#include "X2ap-CriticalityDiagnostics.h"
+#include "X2ap-CriticalityDiagnostics-IE-List.h"
+#include "X2ap-Criticality.h"
+#include "X2ap-CRNTI.h"
+#include "X2ap-CSG-Id.h"
+#include "X2ap-CSGMembershipStatus.h"
+#include "X2ap-CyclicPrefixDL.h"
+#include "X2ap-CyclicPrefixUL.h"
+#include "X2ap-DeactivationIndication.h"
+#include "X2ap-DL-ABS-status.h"
+#include "X2ap-DL-Forwarding.h"
+#include "X2ap-DL-GBR-PRB-usage.h"
+#include "X2ap-DL-non-GBR-PRB-usage.h"
+#include "X2ap-DL-Total-PRB-usage.h"
+#include "X2ap-EARFCN.h"
+#include "X2ap-ECGI.h"
+#include "X2ap-ENB-ID.h"
+#include "X2ap-ENBConfigurationUpdateFailure.h"
+#include "X2ap-EncryptionAlgorithms.h"
+#include "X2ap-EPLMNs.h"
+#include "X2ap-E-RAB-ID.h"
+#include "X2ap-E-RAB-Item.h"
+#include "X2ap-E-RAB-Level-QoS-Parameters.h"
+#include "X2ap-E-RAB-List.h"
+#include "X2ap-EUTRA-Mode-Info.h"
+#include "X2ap-EUTRANCellIdentifier.h"
+#include "X2ap-EUTRANTraceID.h"
+#include "X2ap-EventType.h"
+#include "X2ap-FDD-Info.h"
+#include "X2ap-ForbiddenInterRATs.h"
+#include "X2ap-ForbiddenLACs.h"
+#include "X2ap-ForbiddenLAs.h"
+#include "X2ap-ForbiddenLAs-Item.h"
+#include "X2ap-ForbiddenTACs.h"
+#include "X2ap-ForbiddenTAs.h"
+#include "X2ap-ForbiddenTAs-Item.h"
+#include "X2ap-Fourframes.h"
+#include "X2ap-FreqBandIndicator.h"
+#include "X2ap-GBR-QosInformation.h"
+#include "X2ap-GlobalENB-ID.h"
+#include "X2ap-GTP-TEI.h"
+#include "X2ap-GTPtunnelEndpoint.h"
+#include "X2ap-GU-Group-ID.h"
+#include "X2ap-GUGroupIDList.h"
+#include "X2ap-GUMMEI.h"
+#include "X2ap-HandoverCancel.h"
+#include "X2ap-HandoverReportType.h"
+#include "X2ap-HandoverRequest.h"
+#include "X2ap-HandoverRestrictionList.h"
+#include "X2ap-HFN.h"
+#include "X2ap-HWLoadIndicator.h"
+#include "X2ap-IE-Extensions.h"
+#include "X2ap-IE.h"
+#include "X2ap-IntegrityProtectionAlgorithms.h"
+#include "X2ap-InterfacesToTrace.h"
+#include "X2ap-InvokeIndication.h"
+#include "X2ap-Key-eNodeB-Star.h"
+#include "X2ap-LAC.h"
+#include "X2ap-LastVisitedCell-Item.h"
+#include "X2ap-LastVisitedEUTRANCellInformation.h"
+#include "X2ap-LastVisitedGERANCellInformation.h"
+#include "X2ap-LastVisitedUTRANCellInformation.h"
+#include "X2ap-LoadIndicator.h"
+#include "X2ap-LocationReportingInformation.h"
+#include "X2ap-ManagementBasedMDTallowed.h"
+#include "X2ap-MBMS-Service-Area-Identity.h"
+#include "X2ap-MBMS-Service-Area-Identity-List.h"
+#include "X2ap-MBSFN-Subframe-Info.h"
+#include "X2ap-MBSFN-Subframe-Infolist.h"
+#include "X2ap-MDT-Activation.h"
+#include "X2ap-MDT-Configuration.h"
+#include "X2ap-Measurement-ID.h"
+#include "X2ap-MeasurementsToActivate.h"
+#include "X2ap-MeasurementThresholdA2.h"
+#include "X2ap-MME-Code.h"
+#include "X2ap-MME-Group-ID.h"
+#include "X2ap-MobilityChangeAcknowledge.h"
+#include "X2ap-MobilityChangeFailure.h"
+#include "X2ap-MobilityChangeRequest.h"
+#include "X2ap-MobilityParametersInformation.h"
+#include "X2ap-MobilityParametersModificationRange.h"
+#include "X2ap-MultibandInfoList.h"
+#include "X2ap-Neighbour-Information.h"
+#include "X2ap-NextHopChainingCount.h"
+#include "X2ap-Number-of-Antennaports.h"
+#include "X2ap-Oneframe.h"
+#include "X2ap-PCI.h"
+#include "X2ap-PDCP-SN.h"
 #include "X2AP-PDU.h"
-#include "InitiatingMessage.h"
-#include "SuccessfulOutcome.h"
-#include "UnsuccessfulOutcome.h"
-#include "HandoverRequest.h"
-#include "HandoverRequestAcknowledge.h"
-//#include "HandoverPreparation.h"
-#include "HandoverPreparationFailure.h"
-#include "SNStatusTransfer.h"
-#include "UEContextRelease.h"
-#include "HandoverCancel.h"
-#include "HandoverReport.h"
-#include "ErrorIndication.h"
-#include "ResetRequest.h"
-#include "ResetResponse.h"
+#include "X2ap-PeriodicReportingMDT.h"
+#include "X2ap-PLMN-Identity.h"
+#include "X2ap-PRACH-Configuration.h"
+#include "X2ap-Pre-emptionCapability.h"
+#include "X2ap-Pre-emptionVulnerability.h"
+#include "X2ap-Presence.h"
+#include "X2ap-PriorityLevel.h"
+#include "X2ap-PrivateIE-ID.h"
+#include "X2ap-ProcedureCode.h"
+#include "X2ap-ProtocolIE-ID.h"
+#include "X2ap-QCI.h"
+#include "X2ap-RadioframeAllocationOffset.h"
+#include "X2ap-RadioframeAllocationPeriod.h"
+#include "X2ap-RadioResourceStatus.h"
+#include "X2ap-ReceiveStatusofULPDCPSDUs.h"
+#include "X2ap-Registration-Request.h"
+#include "X2ap-RelativeNarrowbandTxPower.h"
+#include "X2ap-ReportAmountMDT.h"
+#include "X2ap-ReportArea.h"
+#include "X2ap-ReportCharacteristics.h"
+#include "X2ap-ReportingTriggerMDT.h"
+#include "X2ap-ReportIntervalMDT.h"
+#include "X2ap-ResourceStatusFailure.h"
+#include "X2ap-RNTP-Threshold.h"
+#include "X2ap-RRCConnReestabIndicator.h"
+#include "X2ap-RRCConnSetupIndicator.h"
+#include "X2ap-RRC-Context.h"
+#include "X2ap-S1TNLLoadIndicator.h"
+#include "X2ap-ServedCell-Information.h"
+#include "X2ap-ServedCells.h"
+#include "X2ap-ShortMAC-I.h"
+#include "X2ap-SpecialSubframe-Info.h"
+#include "X2ap-SpecialSubframePatterns.h"
+#include "X2ap-SRVCCOperationPossible.h"
+#include "X2ap-SubframeAllocation.h"
+#include "X2ap-SubframeAssignment.h"
+#include "X2ap-SubscriberProfileIDforRFP.h"
+#include "X2ap-TABasedMDT.h"
+#include "X2ap-TAC.h"
+#include "X2ap-TAListforMDT.h"
+#include "X2ap-TargetCellInUTRAN.h"
+#include "X2ap-TargeteNBtoSource-eNBTransparentContainer.h"
+#include "X2ap-TDD-Info.h"
+#include "X2ap-ThresholdEventA2.h"
+#include "X2ap-Threshold-RSRP.h"
+#include "X2ap-Threshold-RSRQ.h"
+#include "X2ap-TimeToWait.h"
+#include "X2ap-Time-UE-StayedInCell-EnhancedGranularity.h"
+#include "X2ap-Time-UE-StayedInCell.h"
+#include "X2ap-TraceActivation.h"
+#include "X2ap-TraceCollectionEntityIPAddress.h"
+#include "X2ap-TraceDepth.h"
+#include "X2ap-Transmission-Bandwidth.h"
+#include "X2ap-TransportLayerAddress.h"
+#include "X2ap-TriggeringMessage.h"
+#include "X2ap-TypeOfError.h"
+#include "X2ap-UEAggregateMaximumBitRate.h"
+#include "X2ap-UE-HistoryInformation.h"
+#include "X2ap-UE-RLF-Report-Container.h"
+#include "X2ap-UE-S1AP-ID.h"
+#include "X2ap-UE-X2AP-ID.h"
+#include "X2ap-UEContextRelease.h"
+#include "X2ap-UESecurityCapabilities.h"
+#include "X2ap-UL-GBR-PRB-usage.h"
+#include "X2ap-UL-HighInterferenceIndication.h"
+#include "X2ap-UL-HighInterferenceIndicationInfo.h"
+#include "X2ap-UL-HighInterferenceIndicationInfo-Item.h"
+#include "X2ap-UL-InterferenceOverloadIndication.h"
+#include "X2ap-UL-InterferenceOverloadIndication-Item.h"
+#include "X2ap-UL-non-GBR-PRB-usage.h"
+#include "X2ap-UL-Total-PRB-usage.h"
+#include "X2ap-UsableABSInformationFDD.h"
+#include "X2ap-UsableABSInformation.h"
+#include "X2ap-UsableABSInformationTDD.h"
+#include "X2SetupFailure.h"
 #include "X2SetupRequest.h"
 #include "X2SetupResponse.h"
-#include "X2SetupFailure.h"
-#include "LoadInformation.h"
-#include "ENBConfigurationUpdate.h"
-#include "ENBConfigurationUpdateAcknowledge.h"
-#include "ENBConfigurationUpdateFailure.h"
-#include "ResourceStatusRequest.h"
-#include "ResourceStatusResponse.h"
-#include "ResourceStatusFailure.h"
-#include "ResourceStatusUpdate.h"
-#include "RLFIndication.h"
-#include "PrivateMessage.h"
-#include "MobilityChangeRequest.h"
-#include "MobilityChangeAcknowledge.h"
-#include "MobilityChangeFailure.h"
-#include "CellActivationRequest.h"
-#include "CellActivationResponse.h"
-#include "CellActivationFailure.h"
 #ifndef X2AP_COMMON_H_
 #define X2AP_COMMON_H_
@@ -288,7 +279,7 @@ typedef int (*x2ap_message_decoded_callback)(
 ssize_t x2ap_generate_successfull_outcome(
     uint8_t               **buffer,
     uint32_t               *length,
-    e_X2ap_ProcedureCode         procedureCode,
+    X2ap_ProcedureCode_t         procedureCode,
     X2ap_Criticality_t           criticality,
     asn_TYPE_descriptor_t  *td,
     void                   *sptr);
@@ -305,7 +296,7 @@ ssize_t x2ap_generate_successfull_outcome(
 ssize_t x2ap_generate_initiating_message(
     uint8_t               **buffer,
     uint32_t               *length,
-    e_X2ap_ProcedureCode    procedureCode,
+    X2ap_ProcedureCode_t    procedureCode,
     X2ap_Criticality_t      criticality,
     asn_TYPE_descriptor_t  *td,
     void                   *sptr);
@@ -322,7 +313,7 @@ ssize_t x2ap_generate_initiating_message(
 ssize_t x2ap_generate_unsuccessfull_outcome(
     uint8_t               **buffer,
     uint32_t               *length,
-    e_X2ap_ProcedureCode         procedureCode,
+    X2ap_ProcedureCode_t         procedureCode,
     X2ap_Criticality_t           criticality,
     asn_TYPE_descriptor_t  *td,
     void                   *sptr);
diff --git a/targets/Makefile.common b/targets/Makefile.common
index c47cfc9e48..ee5c9946b4 100644
--- a/targets/Makefile.common
+++ b/targets/Makefile.common
@@ -2,12 +2,14 @@
 COMMON_UTILS_DIR    = $(OPENAIR_HOME)/common/utils
 UE_NAS_DIR          = $(OPENAIR_HOME)/openair-cn/NAS
 S1AP_DIR            = $(OPENAIR_HOME)/openair-cn/S1AP
+X2AP_DIR            = $(OPENAIR_HOME)/openair2/X2AP
 SCTP_DIR            = $(OPENAIR_HOME)/openair-cn/SCTP
 UDP_DIR             = $(OPENAIR_HOME)/openair-cn/UDP
 GTPV1U_DIR          = $(OPENAIR_HOME)/openair-cn/GTPV1-U
 S1AP_OBJ_DIR        = $(subst $(OPENAIR_HOME),$(OBJS_DIR),$(S1AP_DIR))
+X2AP_OBJ_DIR        = $(subst $(OPENAIR_HOME),$(OBJS_DIR),$(X2AP_DIR))
 SCTP_OBJ_DIR        = $(subst $(OPENAIR_HOME),$(OBJS_DIR),$(SCTP_DIR))
 UDP_OBJ_DIR         = $(subst $(OPENAIR_HOME),$(OBJS_DIR),$(UDP_DIR))
@@ -15,6 +17,7 @@ GTPV1U_OBJ_DIR      = $(subst $(OPENAIR_HOME),$(OBJS_DIR),$(GTPV1U_DIR))
 export UE_NAS_DIR
 export S1AP_DIR
+export X2AP_DIR
 export SCTP_DIR
 export UDP_DIR
 export GTPV1U_DIR
 ifdef USE_MME
-LIBS				+= $(UE_NAS_OBJ_DIR)/libuenas.a
+#LGLIBS				+= $(UE_NAS_OBJ_DIR)/libuenas.a  $(X2AP_OBJ_DIR)/libx2ap.a
+LIBS				+= $(UE_NAS_OBJ_DIR)/libuenas.a 
 LIBS				+= $(S1AP_OBJ_DIR)/libs1ap.a $(SCTP_OBJ_DIR)/libsctp.a -lsctp -lcrypt
 LIBS				+= $(UDP_OBJ_DIR)/libudp.a $(GTPV1U_OBJ_DIR)/libgtpv1u.a 
+#LG SHARED_DEPENDENCIES	+= $(UE_NAS_OBJ_DIR)/libuenas.a $(X2AP_OBJ_DIR)/libx2ap.a $(S1AP_OBJ_DIR)/libs1ap.a $(SCTP_OBJ_DIR)/libsctp.a  $(UDP_OBJ_DIR)/libudp.a $(GTPV1U_OBJ_DIR)/libgtpv1u.a
 SHARED_DEPENDENCIES	+= $(UE_NAS_OBJ_DIR)/libuenas.a $(S1AP_OBJ_DIR)/libs1ap.a $(SCTP_OBJ_DIR)/libsctp.a  $(UDP_OBJ_DIR)/libudp.a $(GTPV1U_OBJ_DIR)/libgtpv1u.a
 openair_cn_available = $(shell if [ -d "$(UE_NAS_DIR)" ]; then echo "0" ; else  echo "1" ; fi )
 ifeq 	($(openair_cn_available), 0)
@@ -82,16 +87,23 @@ $(UE_NAS_OBJ_DIR)/libuenas.a: force_look
 	@$(MAKE) -C $(UE_NAS_DIR) -f Makefile.UE $(UE_NAS_OBJ_DIR)/libuenas.a OUTDIR=$(UE_NAS_OBJ_DIR)
-S1AP_CFLAGS	 		+= $(UTIL_incl)
+S1AP_CFLAGS         += -DENB_MODE
+S1AP_CFLAGS         += -I$(TOP_DIR)
+S1AP_CFLAGS         += $(UTIL_incl)
 export S1AP_CFLAGS
+X2AP_CFLAGS         += -DENB_MODE
+X2AP_CFLAGS         += -I$(TOP_DIR)
+X2AP_CFLAGS         += $(UTIL_incl)
+export X2AP_CFLAGS
@@ -110,6 +122,7 @@ export GTPV1U_CFLAGS
 GTPV1U_ENB_CFLAGS           +=  $(OPENAIR_HOME)/openair2/COMMON
+GTPV1U_ENB_CFLAGS           += -I$(X2AP_DIR)
 GTPV1U_ENB_CFLAGS           += -I$(S1AP_DIR)
 GTPV1U_ENB_CFLAGS           += -I$(UDP_DIR)
 GTPV1U_ENB_CFLAGS           += -I$(GTPV1U_DIR)
@@ -121,6 +134,8 @@ GTPV1U_ENB_CFLAGS           += -I$(OPENAIR_HOME)/openair2/ENB_APP
+$(X2AP_OBJ_DIR)/libx2ap.a: force_look
+	@$(MAKE) -C $(X2AP_DIR) -f $(X2AP_OBJ_DIR)/libx2ap.a OUTDIR=$(X2AP_OBJ_DIR)
 $(S1AP_OBJ_DIR)/libs1ap.a: force_look
 	@$(MAKE) -C $(S1AP_DIR) -f Makefile.eNB $(S1AP_OBJ_DIR)/libs1ap.a OUTDIR=$(S1AP_OBJ_DIR)
 $(SCTP_OBJ_DIR)/libsctp.a: force_look
@@ -170,6 +185,7 @@ common-clean:
 	@$(MAKE) -C $(LFDS_DIR) -f makefile.linux clean OUTDIR=$(LFDS_OBJ_DIR)
 	@if [ -d $(UE_NAS_OBJ_DIR) ]; then $(MAKE) -C $(UE_NAS_DIR) -f Makefile.UE clean OUTDIR=$(UE_NAS_OBJ_DIR); fi
+	@if [ -d $(X2AP_OBJ_DIR) ]; then $(MAKE) -C $(X2AP_DIR) -f clean OUTDIR=$(X2AP_OBJ_DIR); fi
 	@if [ -d $(S1AP_OBJ_DIR) ]; then $(MAKE) -C $(S1AP_DIR) -f Makefile.eNB clean OUTDIR=$(S1AP_OBJ_DIR); fi
 	@if [ -d $(SCTP_OBJ_DIR) ]; then $(MAKE) -C $(SCTP_DIR) -f Makefile.eNB clean OUTDIR=$(SCTP_OBJ_DIR); fi
 	@if [ -d $(UDP_OBJ_DIR) ]; then $(MAKE) -C $(UDP_DIR) -f Makefile.eNB clean OUTDIR=$(UDP_OBJ_DIR); fi
@@ -177,6 +193,7 @@ common-clean:
 	@if [ -d $(UE_NAS_OBJ_DIR) ]; then $(MAKE) -C $(UE_NAS_DIR) -f Makefile.UE cleanall OUTDIR=$(UE_NAS_OBJ_DIR); fi
+	@if [ -d $(X2AP_OBJ_DIR) ]; then $(MAKE) -C $(X2AP_DIR) -f cleanall OUTDIR=$(X2AP_OBJ_DIR); fi
 	@if [ -d $(S1AP_OBJ_DIR) ]; then $(MAKE) -C $(S1AP_DIR) -f Makefile.eNB cleanall OUTDIR=$(S1AP_OBJ_DIR); fi
 	@if [ -d $(SCTP_OBJ_DIR) ]; then $(MAKE) -C $(SCTP_DIR) -f Makefile.eNB cleanall OUTDIR=$(SCTP_OBJ_DIR); fi
 	@if [ -d $(UDP_OBJ_DIR) ]; then $(MAKE) -C $(UDP_DIR) -f Makefile.eNB cleanall OUTDIR=$(UDP_OBJ_DIR); fi
index 0589fccc85..133a768629 100755
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
 Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_0");
+# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
+Asn1_verbosity = "none";
 eNBs =
@@ -23,8 +27,8 @@ eNBs =
     downlink_frequency      = 1907.6e6;
     uplink_frequency_offset = 0.0;
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "2192:168:30::145";
+    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
+                              ipv6       = "2192:168:30::17";
                               active     = "yes";
                               preference = "ipv4";
@@ -33,10 +37,11 @@ eNBs =
         ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth1.1";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
+        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
         ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth1.2";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
+        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
index 80d4ce662b..8ddbf2b167 100755
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ MME :
     MME_STATISTIC_TIMER            = 10;
+    # VERBOSITY: none, info, annoying
+    VERBOSITY                      = "none";
     DEFAULT_APN   = "";
@@ -76,7 +78,7 @@ MME :
         MME_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME         = "eth1.1";
-        MME_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME           = "";
+        MME_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME           = "";
         MME_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S11_MME        = "none";
         MME_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S11_MME          = "";
@@ -91,7 +93,7 @@ S-GW :
         SGW_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S11                = "";
         SGW_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U_S12_S4_UP    = "eth1.2";
-        SGW_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U_S12_S4_UP      = "";
+        SGW_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U_S12_S4_UP      = "";
         SGW_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S5_S8_UP         = "none";
         SGW_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S5_S8_UP           = "";
@@ -106,21 +108,25 @@ P-GW =
         PGW_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S5_S8            = "";
         PGW_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_SGI            = "none";
-        PGW_IPV4_ADDR_FOR_SGI                 = "";
+        PGW_IPV4_ADDR_FOR_SGI                 = "";
         IPV4_LIST = (
-                      "<--->",
-                      "<--->"
+                      "",
+                      ""
         IPV6_LIST = (
-                      "2014:01:26::32",
+    APN :
+    {
+    }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/start_enb_and_ue_virt.bash b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/start_enb_and_ue_virt.bash
index cce700d0ac..c1941df941 100755
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/start_enb_and_ue_virt.bash
+++ b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/start_enb_and_ue_virt.bash
@@ -215,7 +215,8 @@ cecho "make $MAKE_IP_DRIVER_TARGET $MAKE_LTE_ACCESS_STRATUM_TARGET ....." $green
 make --directory=$OPENAIR2_DIR $MAKE_IP_DRIVER_TARGET || exit 1
-make --directory=$OPENAIR_TARGETS/SIMU/USER $MAKE_LTE_ACCESS_STRATUM_TARGET -j`grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo ` || exit 1
+#make --directory=$OPENAIR_TARGETS/SIMU/USER $MAKE_LTE_ACCESS_STRATUM_TARGET -j`grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo ` || exit 1
+make --debug=b --directory=$OPENAIR_TARGETS/SIMU/USER $MAKE_LTE_ACCESS_STRATUM_TARGET || exit 1
@@ -247,13 +248,13 @@ fi
 ip rule add fwmark 5 table lte
 ip route add default dev $LTEIF table lte
 rotate_log_file $ITTI_LOG_FILE
 rotate_log_file $STDOUT_LOG_FILE
 rotate_log_file $STDOUT_LOG_FILE.filtered
-rotate_log_file tshark.pcap
+rotate_log_file ./OUTPUT/tshark_enb_ue.pcap
diff --git a/targets/SIMU/USER/Makefile b/targets/SIMU/USER/Makefile
index 53d94ae87c..25d7982a09 100644
--- a/targets/SIMU/USER/Makefile
+++ b/targets/SIMU/USER/Makefile
@@ -201,6 +201,7 @@ include $(OPENAIR2_DIR)/UTIL/
 include $(OPENAIR3_DIR)/RAL-LTE/
 include $(OPENAIR2_DIR)/ENB_APP/
 INCLUDES += $(L2_incl)
 INCLUDES += $(ENB_APP_incl)
@@ -219,7 +220,7 @@ SIMULATION_OBJS += $(TOP_DIR)/SIMULATION/RF/rf.o
@@ -296,14 +297,15 @@ printvars:
 	@echo eNB_flag is $(eNB_flag)
 	@echo UE_flag is $(UE_flag)
 	@echo S1AP objs: $(S1AP_BUILT_OBJS)
+	@echo X2AP objs: $(X2AP_BUILT_OBJS)
 	@echo CFLAGS: $(CFLAGS)
 	@echo Enable PGM: $(PGM_FOUND)
 ##UTIL_YAC_C = $(OPENAIR2_TOP)/UTIL/enb_parser.o
 -include $(ITTI_MESSAGES_XML:.xml=.d)
 -include $(OAISIM_PAD_OBJS:.o=.d)
@@ -334,14 +336,14 @@ $(LFDS_LIB):
 	@if [ ! -d $(LFDS_OBJ_DIR)/obj ]; then mkdir -p $(LFDS_OBJ_DIR)/obj; fi;
 	$(MAKE) -C $(LFDS_DIR) -f makefile.linux OUTDIR=$(LFDS_OBJ_DIR)
-oaisim_pad: $(OBJ) $(OAISIM_PAD_OBJS) $(ASN1_MSG_OBJS1)
+oaisim_pad: $(OBJ) $(OAISIM_PAD_OBJS) $(ASN1_RRC_MSG_OBJS1)
 	@echo "Linking oaisim_pad ..."
-	@$(MPICC) $(INCLUDES) $(S1AP_Incl) -o oaisim_pad $(CFLAGS) $(EXTRA_CFLAGS) $(OBJ) $(OAISIM_PAD_OBJS) $(ASN1_MSG_OBJS1) \
+	@$(MPICC) $(INCLUDES) $(S1AP_Incl) $(X2AP_Incl) -o oaisim_pad $(CFLAGS) $(EXTRA_CFLAGS) $(OBJ) $(OAISIM_PAD_OBJS) $(ASN1_RRC_MSG_OBJS1) \
 	-lpthread -llapack_atlas -lforms -lrt -lconfig $(LIBS) $(DB_LDFLAGS)
 	@echo "Linking oaisim ..."
 	-lpthread -llapack_atlas -lforms -lrt -lconfig $(LIBS) $(DB_LDFLAGS)
 ifeq ($(rrc_cellular_eNB),1)
@@ -351,9 +353,9 @@ ifeq ($(rrc_cellular_UE),1)
 	mv oaisim oaisim_UE
-oaisimCROWN: $(OBJ) $(ASN1_MSG_OBJS1) oaisimCROWN.c
+oaisimCROWN: $(OBJ) $(ASN1_RRC_MSG_OBJS1) oaisimCROWN.c
 	@echo "Compiling oaisimCROWN.c ..."
-	@$(CC) oaisimCROWN.c $(INCLUDES) $(S1AP_Incl) -o oaisimCROWN $(CFLAGS) $(EXTRA_CFLAGS) $(OBJ) $(ASN1_MSG_OBJS1) -lm -lblas -lpthread -llapack_atlas -lforms $(LIBXML2_LIBS) -lX11 -lXpm -lrt -lconfig 
+	@$(CC) oaisimCROWN.c $(INCLUDES) $(S1AP_Incl) $(X2AP_Incl) -o oaisimCROWN $(CFLAGS) $(EXTRA_CFLAGS) $(OBJ) $(ASN1_RRC_MSG_OBJS1) -lm -lblas -lpthread -llapack_atlas -lforms $(LIBXML2_LIBS) -lX11 -lXpm -lrt -lconfig 
 	(cd $(OPENAIR2_DIR) && $(MAKE) oai_nw_drv.ko)
@@ -393,7 +395,7 @@ rrm_std_cellular:
 cleanall: common-cleanall clean cleanasn1
 cleanalmostall: clean
-	rm -f $(ASN1_MSG_OBJS1)
+	rm -f $(ASN1_RRC_MSG_OBJS1)
 clean: common-clean
 	@$(RM_F_V) oaisim
@@ -417,7 +419,7 @@ cleanl2:
 	@$(RM_F_V) $(ASN1_MSG_INC)/asn1_msg.o
-	@$(RM_F_V) $(ASN1_MSG_OBJS1)
+	@$(RM_F_V) $(ASN1_RRC_MSG_OBJS1)
@@ -445,6 +447,7 @@ print:
 	@echo "L2 includes are"		$(L2_incl)
 	@echo "INCLUDES are"		$(INCLUDES)
 	@echo "S1AP Includes are"	$(S1AP_Incl)
+	@echo "X2AP Includes are"	$(X2AP_Incl)
 	@echo "TOP_DIR Include is"	I$(TOP_DIR)
 	@echo "UTIL includes are"	$(UTIL_incl)
 	@echo "UTILS includes are"	$(UTILS_incl)
@@ -456,6 +459,7 @@ print:
 	@echo oaisim cflags: $(CFLAGS)
 	@if [ -d $(S1AP_DIR) ]; then $(MAKE) -C $(S1AP_DIR) -f Makefile.eNB showcflags; fi
+	@if [ -d $(X2AP_DIR) ]; then $(MAKE) -C $(X2AP_DIR) -f showcflags; fi
 otg_all: otg_latency otg_gp
diff --git a/targets/SIMU/USER/oaisim_config.c b/targets/SIMU/USER/oaisim_config.c
index 94eb752e1f..4b38d65867 100644
--- a/targets/SIMU/USER/oaisim_config.c
+++ b/targets/SIMU/USER/oaisim_config.c
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ mapping log_verbosity_names[] =
   {"none", 0x0},
   {"low", 0x5},
   {"medium", 0x15},
-  {"high", 0x35}, 
+  {"high", 0x35},
   {"full", 0x75},
   {NULL, -1}
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ mapping otg_app_type_names[] =
   {"bicycle_race", 6},
   {"open_arena", 7},
   {"team_fortress", 8},
-  {"full_buffer", 9},   
+  {"full_buffer", 9},
   {"m2m_traffic", 10},
   {"auto_pilot_m", 12},
@@ -131,11 +131,11 @@ mapping otg_distribution_names[] =
     {"gaussian", 2},
     {"exponential", 3},
     {"poisson", 4},
-    {"fixed", 5}, 
+    {"fixed", 5},
     {"weibull", 6},
     {"pareto", 7},
     {"gamma", 8},
-    {"cauchy",9}, 
+    {"cauchy",9},
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ mapping packet_gen_names[] =
 void init_oai_emulation() {
   int i;
 	oai_emulation.environment_system_config.fading.large_scale.selected_option = "free_space";
 	oai_emulation.environment_system_config.fading.free_space_model_parameters.pathloss_exponent = 3.00;
 	oai_emulation.environment_system_config.fading.free_space_model_parameters.pathloss_0_dB = -100;
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ void init_oai_emulation() {
 	oai_emulation.environment_system_config.antenna.eNB_antenna.antenna_orientation_degree[2] = 0;
 	oai_emulation.environment_system_config.antenna.UE_antenna.antenna_gain_dBi = 0;
 	oai_emulation.environment_system_config.antenna.UE_antenna.tx_power_dBm = 20;
-	oai_emulation.environment_system_config.antenna.UE_antenna.rx_noise_level_dB = 0; // noise figure 
+	oai_emulation.environment_system_config.antenna.UE_antenna.rx_noise_level_dB = 0; // noise figure
 	oai_emulation.environment_system_config.wall_penetration_loss_dB = 5;
 	oai_emulation.environment_system_config.system_bandwidth_MB = 7.68;
 	oai_emulation.environment_system_config.system_frequency_GHz = 1.9;
@@ -240,20 +240,20 @@ void init_oai_emulation() {
 	oai_emulation.application_config.packet_gen_type = "substract_string";
 	for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_eNB_MAX + NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX; i++) {
-		oai_emulation.application_config.predefined_traffic.source_id[i] = "1:10"; 
+		oai_emulation.application_config.predefined_traffic.source_id[i] = "1:10";
 		oai_emulation.application_config.predefined_traffic.application_type[i] = "no_predefined_traffic";
 		oai_emulation.application_config.predefined_traffic.background[i] = "disable";
 		oai_emulation.application_config.predefined_traffic.aggregation_level[i] = 1;
 		oai_emulation.application_config.predefined_traffic.duration[i] = 10;
 		oai_emulation.application_config.predefined_traffic.destination_id[i] = 0;
 		oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.source_id[i] = "1";
 		oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.destination_id[i] = "2";
 		oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.transport_protocol[i] = "udp";
 		oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.background[i] = "disable";
 		oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.m2m[i] = "disable";
-		oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.ip_version[i] = "ipv4"; 
+		oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.ip_version[i] = "ipv4";
 		oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.aggregation_level[i] = 1;
 		oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.duration[i] = 10;
 		oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.idt_dist[i] = "uniform";
@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ void init_oai_emulation() {; // number of frames simulated by default; // if set, then let the emulation goes to infinity
@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ void init_oai_emulation() {;;;
- 1;//default 1 UE 
+ 1;//default 1 UE 1;//default 1 eNB 0;//default 0 RN : currently only applicable for eMBMS;
@@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ void init_oai_emulation() {; // P flag; // arg for P flag;// I flag
- =0; // v flag 
+ =0; // v flag;;
@@ -347,12 +347,12 @@ void init_oai_emulation() {; //default to static mobility model; //default to static mobility model"no_predefined_traffic";
- = 0; // G flag 
+ = 0; // G flag = 0; = 0;
- = 0; // frame counter of emulation 
- = 0; // time of emulation  
- = 0; // time of emulation 
+ = 0; // frame counter of emulation
+ = 0; // time of emulation
+ = 0; // time of emulation = time(NULL); // time-based random seed , , included in ocg report NUMBER_OF_eNB_MAX;
@@ -360,26 +360,26 @@ void init_oai_emulation() { = 0; = -1;
   //for (i=0; i <; i++)
   for (i=0; i < NUMBER_OF_eNB_MAX; i++)
   // for (i=0; i <; i++)
   for (i=0; i < NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX; i++)[i]=1;
   for (i=0; i < NUMBER_OF_eNB_MAX+NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX; i++)[i]=0;
- =0;
+       =0;
+     =0;
+ =0;;
+     = LOG_INFO; = 0x15; = "medium";
@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ void init_oai_emulation() {;;;
   oai_emulation.profile = "EURECOM";
@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ void init_oai_emulation() {
 void oaisim_config() {
   // init log gen first
- //initialize the log generator 
+ //initialize the log generator
 #if defined(ENABLE_ITTI)
@@ -411,17 +411,17 @@ void oaisim_config() {
       LOG_E(OCG, "Please find more information in the OCG_report.xml located at %s.\n",;
       exit (-1);
-   } 
+   }
     // init other comps
 #ifdef ENABLE_RAL
-  ocg_config_emu(); 
+  ocg_config_emu();
   ocg_config_env();// mobility gen
   ocg_config_topo(); // packet tracer using wireshark
- 	// if T is set or ocg enabled 
+ 	// if T is set or ocg enabled
   if ( ) {
@@ -432,34 +432,37 @@ void oaisim_config() {
     /* g_log->log_component[OTG].filelog=1;
     g_log->log_component[OTG_OWD].filelog = 1;*/
-    ocg_config_app(); // packet generator 
+    ocg_config_app(); // packet generator
 int olg_config() {
   int comp;
-  int ocg_log_level = map_str_to_int(log_level_names, oai_emulation.emulation_config.log_emu.level);
-  int ocg_log_verbosity= map_str_to_int(log_verbosity_names, oai_emulation.emulation_config.log_emu.verbosity);
-  // fix me: 
- = (( == 1) && (ocg_log_level != -1)) ? ocg_log_level :;
- = ((( == 1) && (ocg_log_verbosity != -1)) ? ocg_log_verbosity : 
-					map_str_to_int(log_verbosity_names,;
+  int ocg_log_level     = map_str_to_int(log_level_names,     oai_emulation.emulation_config.log_emu.level);
+  int ocg_log_verbosity = map_str_to_int(log_verbosity_names, oai_emulation.emulation_config.log_emu.verbosity);
+  // fix me:
+     = (( == 1)  && (ocg_log_level != -1))     ? ocg_log_level :;
+ = ((( == 1) && (ocg_log_verbosity != -1)) ? ocg_log_verbosity :
+          map_str_to_int(log_verbosity_names,;
   set_glog(, ); //g_glog
   // component, log level, log interval
   for (comp = PHY; comp < MAX_LOG_COMPONENTS ; comp++)
-    set_comp_log(comp,
-		 oai_emulation.emulation_config.log_emu.interval);
+      set_comp_log(comp,
+  ,
+  ,
+            oai_emulation.emulation_config.log_emu.interval);
   LOG_I(EMU, "OCG log level %d, oai log level%d \n ",ocg_log_level,;
-  LOG_N(EMU,"global log level is set to (%s,%d) with vebosity (%s, 0x%x) and frequency %d\n", 
-	map_int_to_str (log_level_names,, 
-	map_int_to_str (log_verbosity_names,,
-	oai_emulation.emulation_config.log_emu.interval );
+  LOG_N(EMU,"global log level is set to (%s,%d) with vebosity (%s, 0x%x) and frequency %d\n",
+          map_int_to_str (log_level_names,,
+          map_int_to_str (log_verbosity_names,,
+          oai_emulation.emulation_config.log_emu.interval );
   // if perf eval then reset the otg log level
   set_comp_log(PHY,  LOG_EMERG, 0x15,1);
@@ -474,6 +477,7 @@ int olg_config() {
   set_comp_log(RLC,  LOG_DEBUG, LOG_MED,1);
   set_comp_log(RRC,  LOG_DEBUG, LOG_MED,1);
 #if defined(ENABLE_RAL)
   set_comp_log(RAL_ENB, LOG_TRACE, LOG_MED,1);
   set_comp_log(RAL_UE,  LOG_TRACE, LOG_MED,1);
@@ -503,28 +507,28 @@ int olg_config() {
   set_comp_log(OPT,  LOG_ERR, 0x15,1);  
   // set_comp_log(MAC, LOG_TRACE, LOG_FULL,1);
-  return 1; 
+  return 1;
 int ocg_config_env() {
 // int func related to channel desc from oaisim.c could be moved here
   if ({ = map_str_to_int(frame_type_names,;
     if ( == -1){
       LOG_E(EMU,"frame type incorrect %s, set it to TDD \n",;;
-    else 
+    else
       LOG_I(EMU,"Frame type is %s \n",;
     if ( == TDD ){
       if (( > 6) || ( < 0)) {
 	LOG_E(EMU,"TDD config %d out of range, set it to 3\n",;;
-      } else 
+      } else
 	LOG_I(EMU,"TDD config is set to \n",;
-  }    
+  }
   return 1;
 int ocg_config_topo() {
@@ -548,43 +552,43 @@ int ocg_config_topo() {
 	omg_param_list.max_azimuth = 360; // ???
 	omg_param_list.min_sleep = 0.1;
 	omg_param_list.max_sleep = 8.0;
-	// init OMG for eNBs	
+	// init OMG for eNBs
 	if (( = map_str_to_int(omg_model_names, oai_emulation.topology_config.mobility.eNB_mobility.eNB_mobility_type.selected_option))== -1)
- = STATIC; 
-	LOG_I(OMG,"eNB mobility model is (%s, %d)\n", 
+	LOG_I(OMG,"eNB mobility model is (%s, %d)\n",
 	if ( == TRACE) {
 	  omg_param_list.mobility_file = (char*) malloc(256);// user-specific trace file "%s/UTIL/OMG/mobility.txt",getenv("OPENAIR2_DIR")
-	  //sprintf(omg_param_list.mobility_file,"%s",oai_emulation.topology_config.mobility.UE_mobility.trace_config.trace_mobility_file); 
+	  //sprintf(omg_param_list.mobility_file,"%s",oai_emulation.topology_config.mobility.UE_mobility.trace_config.trace_mobility_file);
-		  getenv("OPENAIR2_DIR"), 
-		  oai_emulation.topology_config.mobility.eNB_mobility.trace_config.trace_mobility_file); 
+		  getenv("OPENAIR2_DIR"),
+		  oai_emulation.topology_config.mobility.eNB_mobility.trace_config.trace_mobility_file);
 	  LOG_I(OMG,"TRACE file at %s\n", omg_param_list.mobility_file);
-	omg_param_list.mobility_type =; 
-	omg_param_list.nodes_type = eNB;  //eNB or eNB + RN 
+	omg_param_list.mobility_type =;
+	omg_param_list.nodes_type = eNB;  //eNB or eNB + RN
 	omg_param_list.nodes = +;
  	omg_param_list.seed =; // specific seed for enb and ue to avoid node overlapping
 	// at this moment, we use the above moving dynamics for mobile eNB
-	if (omg_param_list.nodes >0 ) 
+	if (omg_param_list.nodes >0 )
 	// init OMG for UE
 	// input of OMG: STATIC: 0, RWP: 1, RWALK 2, or TRACE 3, or SUMO
 	if (( = map_str_to_int(omg_model_names, oai_emulation.topology_config.mobility.UE_mobility.UE_mobility_type.selected_option))== -1)
- = STATIC; 
-	LOG_I(OMG,"UE mobility model is (%s, %d)\n", 
-	      oai_emulation.topology_config.mobility.UE_mobility.UE_mobility_type.selected_option, 
+	LOG_I(OMG,"UE mobility model is (%s, %d)\n",
+	      oai_emulation.topology_config.mobility.UE_mobility.UE_mobility_type.selected_option,;
-	omg_param_list.mobility_type    =; 
+	omg_param_list.mobility_type    =;
 	omg_param_list.nodes_type = UE;//UE
 	omg_param_list.nodes =;
 	omg_param_list.seed = +; //fixme: specific seed for enb and ue to avoid node overlapping
@@ -600,44 +604,44 @@ int ocg_config_topo() {
 	omg_param_list.min_sleep = (oai_emulation.topology_config.mobility.UE_mobility.UE_moving_dynamics.min_sleep_ms == 0) ? 0.1 : oai_emulation.topology_config.mobility.UE_mobility.UE_moving_dynamics.min_sleep_ms;
 	omg_param_list.max_sleep = (oai_emulation.topology_config.mobility.UE_mobility.UE_moving_dynamics.max_sleep_ms == 0) ? 0.1 : oai_emulation.topology_config.mobility.UE_mobility.UE_moving_dynamics.max_sleep_ms;
 	if ( == TRACE) {
 	  omg_param_list.mobility_file = (char*) malloc(256);// user-specific trace file "%s/UTIL/OMG/mobility.txt",getenv("OPENAIR2_DIR")
-	  //sprintf(omg_param_list.mobility_file,"%s",oai_emulation.topology_config.mobility.UE_mobility.trace_config.trace_mobility_file); 
+	  //sprintf(omg_param_list.mobility_file,"%s",oai_emulation.topology_config.mobility.UE_mobility.trace_config.trace_mobility_file);
-		  getenv("OPENAIR2_DIR"), 
-		  oai_emulation.topology_config.mobility.UE_mobility.trace_config.trace_mobility_file); 
+		  getenv("OPENAIR2_DIR"),
+		  oai_emulation.topology_config.mobility.UE_mobility.trace_config.trace_mobility_file);
 	  LOG_I(OMG,"TRACE file at %s\n", omg_param_list.mobility_file);
 	} else if ( == SUMO){
 	  omg_param_list.sumo_command = (char*) malloc(20);
-	  sprintf(omg_param_list.sumo_command, "%s", oai_emulation.topology_config.mobility.UE_mobility.sumo_config.command);  
+	  sprintf(omg_param_list.sumo_command, "%s", oai_emulation.topology_config.mobility.UE_mobility.sumo_config.command);
 	  omg_param_list.sumo_config = (char*) malloc(256);
-	  sprintf(omg_param_list.sumo_config, "%s", oai_emulation.topology_config.mobility.UE_mobility.sumo_config.file);  
+	  sprintf(omg_param_list.sumo_config, "%s", oai_emulation.topology_config.mobility.UE_mobility.sumo_config.file);
 	  omg_param_list.sumo_start = oai_emulation.topology_config.mobility.UE_mobility.sumo_config.start;
 	  if (oai_emulation.topology_config.mobility.UE_mobility.sumo_config.end > 0 )
 	    omg_param_list.sumo_end = oai_emulation.topology_config.mobility.UE_mobility.sumo_config.end;
-	  else 
-	    omg_param_list.sumo_end = ( == 1 ) ? : 1024 ; // fixme: the else case is infinity 
+	  else
+	    omg_param_list.sumo_end = ( == 1 ) ? : 1024 ; // fixme: the else case is infinity
 	  omg_param_list.sumo_step = oai_emulation.topology_config.mobility.UE_mobility.sumo_config.step=1; //  1000ms
 	  omg_param_list.sumo_host = (char*) malloc(40);
 	  omg_param_list.sumo_port = oai_emulation.topology_config.mobility.UE_mobility.sumo_config.hport ;
-	  LOG_D(OMG, "opt (%s,%d) cmd (%s,%s) config_file (%s,%s) hip (%s,%s) \n", 
+	  LOG_D(OMG, "opt (%s,%d) cmd (%s,%s) config_file (%s,%s) hip (%s,%s) \n",
 		omg_param_list.sumo_command, oai_emulation.topology_config.mobility.UE_mobility.sumo_config.command,
 		omg_param_list.sumo_config, oai_emulation.topology_config.mobility.UE_mobility.sumo_config.file,
 		omg_param_list.sumo_host, oai_emulation.topology_config.mobility.UE_mobility.sumo_config.hip);
-	if (omg_param_list.nodes >0 ) 
+	if (omg_param_list.nodes >0 )
-	if (oai_emulation.topology_config.omv == 1 ) 
+	if (oai_emulation.topology_config.omv == 1 ) =  1;
 	return 1;
@@ -664,11 +668,11 @@ int ocg_config_app(void){
   int source_id_index;
   int destination_id_index;
   int i,j,k,l;
   int predefined_traffic_config_index;
   int customized_traffic_config_index;
-  unsigned int state; 
+  unsigned int state;
   g_otg->num_nodes = +;
@@ -678,16 +682,16 @@ int ocg_config_app(void){
   g_otg->owd_radio_access =map_str_to_int(switch_names,oai_emulation.emulation_config.performance_metrics.owd_radio_access);
-  for (i=0; i<g_otg->num_nodes; i++){		
+  for (i=0; i<g_otg->num_nodes; i++){
     for (j=0; j<g_otg->num_nodes; j++){
       // g_otg->duration[i][j]=oai_emulation.emulation_config.emulation_time_ms;
       for (k=0; k<MAX_NUM_APPLICATION; k++){
 	g_otg->ip_v[i][j][k]=map_str_to_int(otg_ip_version_names, oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.ip_version[i]);
 	g_otg->trans_proto[i][j][k]=map_str_to_int(otg_transport_protocol_names, oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.transport_protocol[i]);
@@ -695,7 +699,7 @@ int ocg_config_app(void){
-	for (l=0; l<MAX_NUM_TRAFFIC_STATE; l++){	
+	for (l=0; l<MAX_NUM_TRAFFIC_STATE; l++){
 	  g_otg->idt_dist[i][j][k][l]=map_str_to_int(otg_distribution_names, "no_customized_traffic");
@@ -716,50 +720,50 @@ int ocg_config_app(void){
   LOG_D(OTG,"initializing the RNG with %s %d\n",(g_otg->seed==0)?"Random Seed" : "Fixed Seed", g_otg->seed);
   init_seeds(g_otg->seed); // initialize all the nodes, then configure the nodes the user specifically did in the XML in the following
   LOG_I(OTG," = %d\n",;
   LOG_I(OTG," = %d\n",;
   if ( {
     ///// for the predefined traffic
-    for (predefined_traffic_config_index = 1; 
-	 predefined_traffic_config_index <=; 
+    for (predefined_traffic_config_index = 1;
+	 predefined_traffic_config_index <=;
 	 predefined_traffic_config_index++) {
       LOG_I(OTG,"OCG_config_OTG: predefined no. %d\n", predefined_traffic_config_index);
       strcpy(tmp_source_id, oai_emulation.application_config.predefined_traffic.source_id[predefined_traffic_config_index]);
       strcpy(tmp_destination_id, oai_emulation.application_config.predefined_traffic.destination_id[predefined_traffic_config_index]);
       check_format1 = strstr(tmp_source_id, colon);
       check_format2 = strstr(tmp_source_id, comma);
       check_format1_dst = strstr(tmp_destination_id, colon);
       if (check_format1 != NULL) { // format 1:10
 	source_id_start = strtok(tmp_source_id, colon);
 	source_id_end = strtok(NULL, colon);
 	sid_start = atoi(source_id_start);
 	sid_end = atoi(source_id_end);
 	//destination_id_index = atoi(oai_emulation.application_config.predefined_traffic.destination_id[predefined_traffic_config_index]);
 	if (check_format1_dst != NULL) { // format 1:10
 	  destination_id_start = strtok(tmp_destination_id, colon);
 	  destination_id_end = strtok(NULL, colon);
 	  did_start = atoi(destination_id_start);
 	  did_end = atoi(destination_id_end);
 	} else {
 	  did_start = atoi(oai_emulation.application_config.predefined_traffic.destination_id[predefined_traffic_config_index]);
 	  did_end = atoi(oai_emulation.application_config.predefined_traffic.destination_id[predefined_traffic_config_index]);
 	for (destination_id_index = did_start; destination_id_index <= did_end; destination_id_index++) {
 	  for (source_id_index = sid_start; source_id_index <= sid_end; source_id_index++) {
 	    if (g_otg->application_type[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]] == 0) { // no app is defined for this pair src.dst
 	      g_otg->application_type[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]] = map_str_to_int(otg_app_type_names, oai_emulation.application_config.predefined_traffic.application_type[predefined_traffic_config_index]);
 	      g_otg->background[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]] =map_str_to_int(switch_names,oai_emulation.application_config.predefined_traffic.background[predefined_traffic_config_index]);
@@ -772,7 +776,7 @@ int ocg_config_app(void){
 	per_source_id = strtok(tmp_source_id, comma);
 	destination_id_index = atoi(oai_emulation.application_config.predefined_traffic.destination_id[predefined_traffic_config_index]);
 	while (per_source_id != NULL) {
-	  source_id_index = atoi(per_source_id); 
+	  source_id_index = atoi(per_source_id);
 	  if (g_otg->application_type[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]] == 0) { // no app is defined for this pair src.dst
 	    g_otg->application_type[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]] = map_str_to_int(otg_app_type_names, oai_emulation.application_config.predefined_traffic.application_type[predefined_traffic_config_index]);
 	    g_otg->background[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]] =map_str_to_int(switch_names,oai_emulation.application_config.predefined_traffic.background[predefined_traffic_config_index]);
@@ -781,25 +785,25 @@ int ocg_config_app(void){
 	  per_source_id = strtok(NULL, comma);
-      } else { // single node configuration 
+      } else { // single node configuration
 	source_id_index = atoi(oai_emulation.application_config.predefined_traffic.source_id[predefined_traffic_config_index]);
 	//destination_id_index = atoi(oai_emulation.application_config.predefined_traffic.destination_id[predefined_traffic_config_index]);
 	sid_start = atoi(oai_emulation.application_config.predefined_traffic.source_id[predefined_traffic_config_index]);
 	sid_end = atoi(oai_emulation.application_config.predefined_traffic.source_id[predefined_traffic_config_index]);
 	if (check_format1_dst != NULL) { // format 1:10
 	  destination_id_start = strtok(tmp_destination_id, colon);
 	  destination_id_end = strtok(NULL, colon);
 	  did_start = atoi(destination_id_start);
 	  did_end = atoi(destination_id_end);
 	} else {
 	  did_start = atoi(oai_emulation.application_config.predefined_traffic.destination_id[predefined_traffic_config_index]);
 	  did_end = atoi(oai_emulation.application_config.predefined_traffic.destination_id[predefined_traffic_config_index]);
 	for (destination_id_index = did_start; destination_id_index <= did_end; destination_id_index++) {
 	  for (source_id_index = sid_start; source_id_index <= sid_end; source_id_index++) {
 	    if (g_otg->application_type[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]] == 0) { // no app is defined for this pair src.dst
@@ -809,51 +813,51 @@ int ocg_config_app(void){
 	    LOG_I(OTG,"predef (2):: OCG_config_OTG: [MAX UE=%d] [MAX eNB=%d]: FORMAT (%d:%d) source = %d, dest = %d, Application ID %d, Background=%d, Aggregation=%d, m2m=%d, duration %d\n",,, sid_start, sid_end, source_id_index, destination_id_index,g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index] , g_otg->background[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]], g_otg->aggregation_level[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]], g_otg->m2m[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]],g_otg->duration[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]]);
     ///////// for the customized traffic
-    for (customized_traffic_config_index = 1; 
-	 customized_traffic_config_index <=; 
+    for (customized_traffic_config_index = 1;
+	 customized_traffic_config_index <=;
 	 customized_traffic_config_index++) {
       LOG_I(OTG,"OCG_config_OTG: customized no. %d, max_customized %d \n", customized_traffic_config_index,;
       strcpy(tmp_source_id, oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.source_id[customized_traffic_config_index]);
       check_format1 = strstr(tmp_source_id, colon);
       check_format2 = strstr(tmp_source_id, comma);
       strcpy(tmp_destination_id, oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.destination_id[customized_traffic_config_index]);
       check_format1_dst = strstr(tmp_destination_id, colon);
-      state=PE_STATE;				
+      state=PE_STATE;
       if (check_format1 != NULL) { // format 1:10
 	source_id_start = strtok(tmp_source_id, colon);
 	source_id_end = strtok(NULL, colon) ;
 	sid_start = atoi(source_id_start);
 	sid_end = atoi(source_id_end);
 	if (check_format1_dst != NULL) { // format 1:10
 	  destination_id_start = strtok(tmp_destination_id, colon);
 	  destination_id_end = strtok(NULL, colon);
 	  did_start = atoi(destination_id_start);
 	  did_end = atoi(destination_id_end);
 	} else {
 	  did_start = atoi(oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.destination_id[customized_traffic_config_index]);
 	  did_end = atoi(oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.destination_id[customized_traffic_config_index]);
 	for (destination_id_index = did_start; destination_id_index <= did_end; destination_id_index++) {
 	  for (source_id_index = sid_start; source_id_index <= sid_end; source_id_index++) {
-	    if (g_otg->application_type[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]] == 0) { // no app is defined for this pair src.dst	
+	    if (g_otg->application_type[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]] == 0) { // no app is defined for this pair src.dst
 	      g_otg->background[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]] = map_str_to_int(switch_names,oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.background[customized_traffic_config_index]);
 	      g_otg->m2m[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]] =map_str_to_int(switch_names,oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.m2m[customized_traffic_config_index]);
 	      g_otg->trans_proto[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]] = map_str_to_int(otg_transport_protocol_names, oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.transport_protocol[customized_traffic_config_index]);
@@ -861,7 +865,7 @@ int ocg_config_app(void){
 	      g_otg->idt_dist[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]][state] = map_str_to_int(otg_distribution_names, oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.idt_dist[customized_traffic_config_index]);
-	      g_otg->idt_min[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]][state] =  oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.idt_min_ms[customized_traffic_config_index];		
+	      g_otg->idt_min[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]][state] =  oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.idt_min_ms[customized_traffic_config_index];
 	      g_otg->idt_max[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]][state] =  oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.idt_max_ms[customized_traffic_config_index];
 	      g_otg->idt_std_dev[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]][state] =  oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.idt_standard_deviation[customized_traffic_config_index];
 	      g_otg->idt_lambda[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]][state] =  oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.idt_lambda[customized_traffic_config_index];
@@ -873,8 +877,8 @@ int ocg_config_app(void){
 	      g_otg->size_std_dev[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]][state] =  oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.size_standard_deviation[customized_traffic_config_index];
 	      g_otg->size_lambda[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]][state] =  oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.size_lambda[customized_traffic_config_index];
 	      g_otg->size_scale[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]][state] =  oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.size_scale[customized_traffic_config_index];
-	      g_otg->size_shape[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]][state] =  oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.size_shape[customized_traffic_config_index];	
-	      g_otg->dst_port[source_id_index][destination_id_index] = oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.destination_port[customized_traffic_config_index];	
+	      g_otg->size_shape[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]][state] =  oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.size_shape[customized_traffic_config_index];
+	      g_otg->dst_port[source_id_index][destination_id_index] = oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.destination_port[customized_traffic_config_index];
 	      g_otg->pu_size_pkts[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]]= oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.pu_size_pkts[customized_traffic_config_index];
 	      g_otg->ed_size_pkts[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]]= oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.ed_size_pkts[customized_traffic_config_index];
 	      g_otg->prob_off_pu[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]]= oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.prob_off_pu[customized_traffic_config_index];
@@ -886,23 +890,23 @@ int ocg_config_app(void){
-	      g_otg->holding_time_off_pe[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]]=oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.holding_time_off_pe[customized_traffic_config_index];	
+	      g_otg->holding_time_off_pe[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]]=oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.holding_time_off_pe[customized_traffic_config_index];
 	      LOG_I(OTG,"customized:: OCG_config_OTG: (1) FORMAT (%d:%d) source = %d, dest = %d, Application = %d, state %d, background %d IDT DIST %d \n", sid_start, sid_end, source_id_index, destination_id_index, g_otg->application_type[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]], state,  g_otg->background[source_id_index][destination_id_index],  g_otg->idt_dist[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]][state]);
       } else if (check_format2 != NULL) { // format 1,2,3,5
 	per_source_id = strtok(tmp_source_id, comma);
 	destination_id_index = atoi(oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.destination_id[customized_traffic_config_index]);
 	while (per_source_id != NULL) {
 	  source_id_index = atoi(per_source_id);
-	  if (g_otg->application_type[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]] == 0) { // no app is defined for this pair src.dst	
+	  if (g_otg->application_type[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]] == 0) { // no app is defined for this pair src.dst
 	    g_otg->background[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]] =map_str_to_int(switch_names,oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.background[customized_traffic_config_index]);
 	    g_otg->m2m[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]] =map_str_to_int(switch_names,oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.m2m[customized_traffic_config_index]);
 	    g_otg->trans_proto[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]] = map_str_to_int(otg_transport_protocol_names, oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.transport_protocol[customized_traffic_config_index]);
@@ -918,9 +922,9 @@ g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]+=1;
 	    g_otg->idt_shape[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]][state] =  oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.idt_shape[customized_traffic_config_index];
 	    g_otg->size_dist[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]][state] = map_str_to_int(otg_distribution_names, oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.size_dist[customized_traffic_config_index]);
 	    g_otg->size_min[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]][state] =  oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.size_min_byte[customized_traffic_config_index];
-	    g_otg->size_max[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]][state] =  oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.size_max_byte[customized_traffic_config_index];		
+	    g_otg->size_max[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]][state] =  oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.size_max_byte[customized_traffic_config_index];
 	    g_otg->size_std_dev[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]][state] =  oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.size_standard_deviation[customized_traffic_config_index];
-	    g_otg->size_lambda[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]][state] =  oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.size_lambda[customized_traffic_config_index];	
+	    g_otg->size_lambda[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]][state] =  oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.size_lambda[customized_traffic_config_index];
 	    g_otg->size_scale[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]][state] =  oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.size_scale[customized_traffic_config_index];
 	    g_otg->size_shape[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]][state] =  oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.size_shape[customized_traffic_config_index];
 	    g_otg->dst_port[source_id_index][destination_id_index] = oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.destination_port[customized_traffic_config_index];
@@ -935,11 +939,11 @@ g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]+=1;
-	    g_otg->holding_time_off_pe[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]]=oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.holding_time_off_pe[customized_traffic_config_index];	
+	    g_otg->holding_time_off_pe[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]]=oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.holding_time_off_pe[customized_traffic_config_index];
-	    LOG_I(OTG,"customized:: OCG_config_OTG: (2) FORMAT (%d:%d) source = %d, dest = %d, dist type for size = %d\n", source_id_start, source_id_end, source_id_index, destination_id_index, g_otg->size_dist[source_id_index][destination_id_index][0]);		
+	    LOG_I(OTG,"customized:: OCG_config_OTG: (2) FORMAT (%d:%d) source = %d, dest = %d, dist type for size = %d\n", source_id_start, source_id_end, source_id_index, destination_id_index, g_otg->size_dist[source_id_index][destination_id_index][0]);
 	    per_source_id = strtok(NULL, comma);
@@ -947,40 +951,40 @@ g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]+=1;
       } else { // single node configuration
 	source_id_index = atoi(oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.source_id[customized_traffic_config_index]);
 	      //destination_id_index = atoi(oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.destination_id[customized_traffic_config_index]);
 	sid_start = atoi(oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.source_id[customized_traffic_config_index]);
 	sid_end = atoi(oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.source_id[customized_traffic_config_index]);
 	if (check_format1_dst != NULL) { // format 1:10
 	  destination_id_start = strtok(tmp_destination_id, colon);
 	  destination_id_end = strtok(NULL, colon);
 	  did_start = atoi(destination_id_start);
 	  did_end = atoi(destination_id_end);
 	} else {
 	  did_start = atoi(oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.destination_id[customized_traffic_config_index]);
 	  did_end = atoi(oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.destination_id[customized_traffic_config_index]);
 	for (destination_id_index = did_start; destination_id_index <= did_end; destination_id_index++) {
 	  for (source_id_index = sid_start; source_id_index <= sid_end; source_id_index++) {
-	    if (g_otg->application_type[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]] == 0) { // no app is defined for this pair src.dst	
+	    if (g_otg->application_type[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]] == 0) { // no app is defined for this pair src.dst
 	      g_otg->background[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]] =map_str_to_int(switch_names,oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.background[customized_traffic_config_index]);
 	      g_otg->m2m[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]] =map_str_to_int(switch_names,oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.m2m[customized_traffic_config_index]);
 	      LOG_I(OTG, "[src %d][dst %d][  %d]test_m2m %d \n",source_id_index, destination_id_index , g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index] , g_otg->m2m[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]]  );
 	      g_otg->trans_proto[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]] = map_str_to_int(otg_transport_protocol_names, oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.transport_protocol[customized_traffic_config_index]);
 	      g_otg->ip_v[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]] = map_str_to_int(otg_ip_version_names, oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.ip_version[customized_traffic_config_index]);
-	      g_otg->idt_dist[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]][state] = map_str_to_int(otg_distribution_names, oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.idt_dist[customized_traffic_config_index]);	      
-	      g_otg->idt_min[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]][state] =  oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.idt_min_ms[customized_traffic_config_index];     
+	      g_otg->idt_dist[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]][state] = map_str_to_int(otg_distribution_names, oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.idt_dist[customized_traffic_config_index]);
+	      g_otg->idt_min[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]][state] =  oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.idt_min_ms[customized_traffic_config_index];
 	      g_otg->idt_max[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]][state] =  oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.idt_max_ms[customized_traffic_config_index];
 	      g_otg->idt_std_dev[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]][state] =  oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.idt_standard_deviation[customized_traffic_config_index];
 	      g_otg->idt_lambda[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]][state] =  oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.idt_lambda[customized_traffic_config_index];
@@ -990,7 +994,7 @@ g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]+=1;
 	      g_otg->size_min[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]][state] =  oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.size_min_byte[customized_traffic_config_index];
 	      g_otg->size_max[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]][state] =  oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.size_max_byte[customized_traffic_config_index];
 	      g_otg->size_std_dev[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]][state] =  oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.size_standard_deviation[customized_traffic_config_index];
-	      g_otg->size_lambda[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]][state] =  oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.size_lambda[customized_traffic_config_index]; 
+	      g_otg->size_lambda[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]][state] =  oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.size_lambda[customized_traffic_config_index];
 	      g_otg->size_scale[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]][state] =  oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.size_scale[customized_traffic_config_index];
 	      g_otg->size_shape[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]][state] =  oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.size_shape[customized_traffic_config_index];
 	      g_otg->dst_port[source_id_index][destination_id_index] = oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.destination_port[customized_traffic_config_index];
@@ -1005,29 +1009,29 @@ g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]+=1;
-	      g_otg->holding_time_off_pe[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]]=oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.holding_time_off_pe[customized_traffic_config_index];	
+	      g_otg->holding_time_off_pe[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]]=oai_emulation.application_config.customized_traffic.holding_time_off_pe[customized_traffic_config_index];
-	      LOG_I(OTG,"OCG_config_OTG (single node config): source = %d, dest = %d\n", source_id_index, destination_id_index);	     
+	      LOG_I(OTG,"OCG_config_OTG (single node config): source = %d, dest = %d\n", source_id_index, destination_id_index);
 	      LOG_I(OTG,"customized:: OCG_config_OTG:(3) FORMAT (%d:%d) source = %d, dest = %d, Application = %d\n", did_start, did_end, source_id_index, destination_id_index, g_otg->application_type[source_id_index][destination_id_index][g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]]);
-      }   
+      }
-  if (( == 0)  && 
+  if (( == 0)  &&
       ( == 0) &&
       ({  // OCG not used to configure OTG, but -T option is used, so config here
     LOG_I(OTG,"configure OTG through options %s\n",;
     for (i=0; i<g_otg->num_nodes; i++){
-      for (j=0; j<g_otg->num_nodes; j++){ 
+      for (j=0; j<g_otg->num_nodes; j++){
-	for (k=0; k<g_otg->application_idx[i][j]; k++){ 
+	for (k=0; k<g_otg->application_idx[i][j]; k++){
 	  g_otg->application_type[i][j][k] = map_str_to_int(otg_app_type_names,;
@@ -1035,7 +1039,7 @@ g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]+=1;
     for (i=0; i<NUMBER_OF_eNB_MAX + NUMBER_OF_SERVICE_MAX; i++){//maxServiceCount
       for (j=0; j<NUMBER_OF_eNB_MAX + NUMBER_OF_SERVICE_MAX; j++){ // maxSessionPerPMCH
         for (k=0; k<MAX_NUM_APPLICATION; k++){
@@ -1045,7 +1049,7 @@ g_otg->application_idx[source_id_index][destination_id_index]+=1;
     LOG_I(OTG,"initilizae multicast traffic %s\n",;
   return 1;
@@ -1064,7 +1068,7 @@ int ocg_config_emu(){
   } else {
     LOG_I(OCG, "number of frames in emulation is set to infinity\n");
+ = (oai_emulation.emulation_config.seed.value == 0) ? : oai_emulation.emulation_config.seed.value;
   LOG_I (OCG,"The seed value is set to %d \n", );
@@ -1074,7 +1078,7 @@ int ocg_config_emu(){
     LOG_I(EMU, "OAI CLI is enabled\n");
-    LOG_I(EMU,"eNB start state is %d, UE start state %d\n", 
+    LOG_I(EMU,"eNB start state is %d, UE start state %d\n",[0],[0]);