diff --git a/cmake_targets/autotests/tools/run_gdb b/cmake_targets/autotests/tools/run_gdb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..aeb46bc3989af563f1a291750d4742fdb3980eec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmake_targets/autotests/tools/run_gdb
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+#arg0 -> Name of executable
+#args[1...N] -> arguments to be passed to executable
+if [ -z "$OPENAIR_DIR" ]
+    echo "OPENAIR_DIR environment not set. Exiting.."
+    exit
+source $OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/tools/build_helper
+echo "args = ${args[@]}"
+echo "exec_name = $exec_name"
+echo "exe_args = ${exe_args[@]}"
+echo "gdb log file = $gdb_log"
+$SUDO rm -fr $gdb_file $gdb_log
+$SUDO touch $gdb_file $gdb_log 
+$SUDO chmod 777  $gdb_file $gdb_log
+$SUDO echo "file $exec_name"                  >> $gdb_file
+$SUDO echo "set args ${exe_args[@]}"          >> $gdb_file
+$SUDO echo "run"                              >> $gdb_file
+$SUDO echo "set logging overwrite on"         >> $gdb_file
+$SUDO echo "set logging file $gdb_log"        >> $gdb_file
+$SUDO echo "set logging on"                   >> $gdb_file
+$SUDO echo "set pagination off"               >> $gdb_file
+$SUDO echo "handle SIG33 pass nostop noprint" >> $gdb_file
+$SUDO echo "echo backtrace:\n"                >> $gdb_file
+$SUDO echo "backtrace full"                   >> $gdb_file
+$SUDO echo "echo \n\nregisters:\n"            >> $gdb_file
+$SUDO echo "info registers"                   >> $gdb_file
+$SUDO echo "echo \n\ncurrent instructions:\n" >> $gdb_file 
+$SUDO echo "x/16i \$pc"                       >> $gdb_file
+$SUDO echo "echo \n\nthreads backtrace:\n"    >> $gdb_file
+$SUDO echo "thread apply all backtrace"       >> $gdb_file
+$SUDO echo "set logging off"                  >> $gdb_file
+$SUDO echo "quit"                             >> $gdb_file
+echo "Contents of gdb_file...start"
+$SUDO cat $gdb_file
+echo "Contents of gdb_file...finish"
+$SUDO gdb -n -x $gdb_file 2>&1