diff --git a/configuration/bladeRF/enb-band7-5mhz.conf b/configuration/bladeRF/enb-band7-5mhz.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6e07b8d9499e8cfb2ca60f0d3da91d3dbb92348a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configuration/bladeRF/enb-band7-5mhz.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+Active_eNBs = ( "eNB-Eurecom-LTEBox");
+# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
+Asn1_verbosity = "none";
+eNBs =
+ {
+    # real_time choice in {hard, rt-preempt, no}
+    real_time       =  "no";
+    ////////// Identification parameters:
+    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
+    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
+    eNB_name  =  "eNB-Eurecom-LTEBox";
+    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
+    tracking_area_code  =  1;
+    plmn_list = (
+      { mcc = 208; mnc = 92; mnc_length = 2; }
+    );
+    tr_s_preference     = "local_mac"
+       ////////// Physical parameters:
+    component_carriers = (
+    		       	 {
+                           node_function = "eNodeB_3GPP";
+                           node_timing = "synch_to_ext_device";
+                           node_synch_ref = 0;
+                           nb_antenna_ports = 1;
+                           ue_TransmissionMode = 1;
+  			   frame_type					      = "FDD";	
+                           tdd_config 					      = 3;
+                           tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
+ 			   prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
+  			   eutra_band              			      = 7;
+                           downlink_frequency      			      = 2680000000L;
+                           uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -120000000;
+  			   Nid_cell					      = 0;
+                           N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
+                           Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
+                           nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
+                           nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1; 
+                           prach_root              			      = 0;
+			   tx_gain                                            = 90;
+			   rx_gain                                            = 115;
+                           pbch_repetition                                    = "FALSE";
+                           prach_config_index      			      = 0;
+                           prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
+  	                   prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
+                           prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
+			   pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
+                           pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 0;
+                           pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
+                           pucch_n1_AN             			      = 0;
+                           pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -29;
+                           pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
+                           pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1; 
+                           pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
+			   pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
+			   pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
+     	                   pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
+	                   pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
+	                   pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
+	                   pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
+	                   phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
+	                   phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
+	                   srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
+	               /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
+	                   srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
+	                   srs_ackNackST                                      =;
+	                   srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/  
+	                   pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -96;
+	                   pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
+	                   pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -108;
+	                   msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
+	                   pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
+	                   pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
+	                   pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
+	                   pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
+  	                   pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
+                           rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
+                           rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
+                           rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
+                           rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
+                           rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ; 
+                           rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
+	                   rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -108;
+                           rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
+	                   rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
+	                   rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
+	                   rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
+			   pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
+			   pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
+			   bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
+			   ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
+			   ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
+			   ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
+			   ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
+			   ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
+			   ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
+      //Parameters for SIB18
+      rxPool_sc_CP_Len                                       = "normal"; 
+      rxPool_sc_Period                                       = "sf40";  
+      rxPool_data_CP_Len                                     = "normal";  
+      rxPool_ResourceConfig_prb_Num                          = 20;
+      rxPool_ResourceConfig_prb_Start                        = 5;
+      rxPool_ResourceConfig_prb_End                          = 44;
+      rxPool_ResourceConfig_offsetIndicator_present          = "prSmall";
+      rxPool_ResourceConfig_offsetIndicator_choice           = 0;      
+      rxPool_ResourceConfig_subframeBitmap_present           = "prBs40";
+      rxPool_ResourceConfig_subframeBitmap_choice_bs_buf              = "00000000000000000000";
+      rxPool_ResourceConfig_subframeBitmap_choice_bs_size             = 5;
+      rxPool_ResourceConfig_subframeBitmap_choice_bs_bits_unused      = 0;
+/*    rxPool_dataHoppingConfig_hoppingParameter                       = 0;
+      rxPool_dataHoppingConfig_numSubbands                            = "ns1";
+      rxPool_dataHoppingConfig_rbOffset                               = 0;
+      rxPool_commTxResourceUC-ReqAllowed                              = "TRUE";
+      // Parameters for SIB19
+      discRxPool_cp_Len                                               = "normal"
+      discRxPool_discPeriod                                           = "rf32"
+      discRxPool_numRetx                                              = 1;   
+      discRxPool_numRepetition                                        = 2;
+      discRxPool_ResourceConfig_prb_Num                               = 5;  
+      discRxPool_ResourceConfig_prb_Start                             = 3;
+      discRxPool_ResourceConfig_prb_End                               = 21;
+      discRxPool_ResourceConfig_offsetIndicator_present               = "prSmall";
+      discRxPool_ResourceConfig_offsetIndicator_choice                = 0;      
+      discRxPool_ResourceConfig_subframeBitmap_present                = "prBs40";
+      discRxPool_ResourceConfig_subframeBitmap_choice_bs_buf          = "f0ffffffff";
+      discRxPool_ResourceConfig_subframeBitmap_choice_bs_size         = 5;
+      discRxPool_ResourceConfig_subframeBitmap_choice_bs_bits_unused  = 0;
+			 }
+			 );
+    srb1_parameters :
+    {
+        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
+        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
+        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
+        timer_reordering         = 35;
+        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
+        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
+        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
+        poll_pdu                 =  4;
+        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
+        poll_byte                =  99999;
+        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
+        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
+    }
+    # ------- SCTP definitions
+    SCTP :
+    {
+        # Number of streams to use in input/output
+        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
+        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
+    };
+    ////////// MME parameters:
+    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
+                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
+                              active     = "yes";
+                              preference = "ipv4";
+                            }
+                          );
+    {
+        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth1";
+        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
+        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth1";
+        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
+        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
+        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_X2C                 = "";
+        ENB_PORT_FOR_X2C                         = 36422; # Spec 36422
+    };
+    log_config : 
+    {
+	global_log_level                      ="info"; 
+    	global_log_verbosity                  ="high";
+	hw_log_level                          ="info"; 
+    	hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
+	phy_log_level                         ="info"; 
+    	phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
+	mac_log_level                         ="info"; 
+    	mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
+	rlc_log_level                         ="debug"; 
+    	rlc_log_verbosity                     ="high";
+	pdcp_log_level                        ="info"; 
+    	pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="high";
+	rrc_log_level                         ="info"; 
+    	rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
+   };	
+  }
+MACRLCs = (
+        {
+        num_cc = 1;
+        tr_s_preference = "local_L1";
+        tr_n_preference = "local_RRC";
+        phy_test_mode = 0;
+        puSch10xSnr     =  210;
+        puCch10xSnr     =  210;
+        }  
+  {
+    parallel_config = "PARALLEL_RU_L1_TRX_SPLITaaaaaa";
+    worker_config = "ENABLE";
+  }
+L1s = (
+        {
+        num_cc = 1;
+        tr_n_preference = "local_mac";
+        }  
+RUs = (
+    {             
+       local_rf       = "yes"
+         nb_tx          = 1
+         nb_rx          = 1
+         att_tx         = 73
+         att_rx         = 0;
+         bands          = [7];
+         max_pdschReferenceSignalPower = -28;
+         max_rxgain                    = 96;
+         eNB_instances  = [0];
+    }
+    log_config : 
+    {
+	global_log_level                      ="info"; 
+    	global_log_verbosity                  ="high";
+	hw_log_level                          ="info"; 
+    	hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
+	phy_log_level                         ="info"; 
+    	phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
+	mac_log_level                         ="info"; 
+    	mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
+	rlc_log_level                         ="info"; 
+    	rlc_log_verbosity                     ="high";
+	pdcp_log_level                        ="info"; 
+    	pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="high";
+	rrc_log_level                         ="info"; 
+    	rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
+   };	
diff --git a/targets/ARCH/BLADERF/README b/targets/ARCH/BLADERF/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c93c938bafcde213308ca785e48a391489fd2d1c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+BladeRF documentation
+As of 2018-11-06, the bladeRF support is not fully automatic and requires
+some manual settings before use. This documentation is the ultimate source
+of information. If something described in this file does not work or does
+not correspond to the reality, then contact us so we can fix the problems
+and update this documentation.
+1. Install bladeRF 2.0 libraries.
+    As of now, it's better to install from source.
+    So, do not run: ./build_oai -I -w BLADERF
+    (That is: do not include '-w BLADERF'.)
+    Instead, follow the instructions at: https://github.com/Nuand/bladeRF
+    If you already had some bladeRF software installed using automatic
+    methods, first remove it by hand ('apt-get purge bladeRF' or something
+    similar, you can get the list of installed bladeRF packages by running
+    'dpkg -l|grep -i blade', remove them all).
+2. Update the device.
+    Download the latest FX3 firmware and FPGA images from Nuand's website.
+    As of writing, this is:
+        https://github.com/Nuand/bladeRF/wiki
+    That points to the following pages.
+    For FX3:
+        http://www.nuand.com/fx3_images/
+    For FPGA:
+        http://www.nuand.com/fpga_images/
+    Install FX3 firmware:
+        sudo bladeRF-cli -f bladeRF_fw_latest.img
+    Install FPGA image (this is for BladeRF x40):
+        sudo bladeRF-cli -L hostedx40-latest.rbf
+    Retrieve calibration information:
+        sudo bladeRF-cli -i
+        info
+    That outputs the serial number of your device.
+    Go to:
+        https://www.nuand.com/calibration
+    And enter your serial number.
+    The website tells you to run something like:
+        sudo bladeRF-cli -i
+        flash_init_cal 40 0x9271
+    Actual values depend on your device and serial number.
+3. Calibrate the bladeRF device.
+    We will work with band 7 on 2.68GHz with a bandwidth of 5 MHz (25 RBs).
+    Plug the bladeRF device, then run:
+        sudo bladeRF-cli -i
+        set frequency tx 2680000000
+        set frequency rx 2560000000
+        set gain rx 60
+        set gain tx 60
+        set bandwidth 5000000
+        set samplerate 7680000
+        cal lms
+        cal lms
+        cal lms
+        cal dc rxtx
+        cal dc rxtx
+        cal dc rxtx
+4. Tune the RX gain using the enb tracer.
+    Run the softmodem and the 'enb' tracer. For instructions, see:
+        https://gitlab.eurecom.fr/oai/openairinterface5g/wikis/T/basic
+    In the enb window, check the 'input signal'. You should see some blue
+    signal as seen at:
+        https://gitlab.eurecom.fr/oai/openairinterface5g/wikis/T/enb
+    (the 'Time signal power' plot).
+    The level should be around 30.
+    If it's not around 30 then edit your configuration file and modify
+    the value 'max_rxgain' in the section 'RUs'.
+    The configuration file to use is:
+        configuration/bladeRF/enb-band7-5mhz.conf
+    In the configuration file, you also need to set the correct values for:
+        - tracking_area_code
+        - plmn_list: mcc, mnc, mnc_length
+        - mme_ip_address: this is the IP address used by the computer running
+          the softmodem to connect to the EPC
+        - NETWORK_INTERFACES: all the ENB*ADDRESS* variables have to point
+          to the IP address of the EPC machine
+5. You're good to go.
+    You can now connect a UE and pass some traffic. If everything is well
+    configured you can expect more than 16 Mb/s of throughput in the downlink
+    using iperf and more than 8 Mb/s in the uplink. Looking at the logs, you
+    should find lines containing 'PHR 40' and 'CQI 15'. If your values are
+    lower then your setup may need some adjustments.
+6. In case of problems.
+    If the performance of the softmodem is very bad, you can stop it and
+    run the calibration again, without setting the parameters (frequencies,
+    gains, etc.). Just run:
+        sudo bladeRF-cli -i
+        cal lms
+        cal dc rxtx
+    That may help.
+    Be sure to use proper radio equipment (duplexer, antennas, clean
+    environment without interferences).
diff --git a/targets/ARCH/BLADERF/USERSPACE/LIB/bladerf_lib.c b/targets/ARCH/BLADERF/USERSPACE/LIB/bladerf_lib.c
index 75a7825669d2320c062ded059aa1ced9c05987bf..e5966af267047b0285583bab64d2e75370b65385 100644
--- a/targets/ARCH/BLADERF/USERSPACE/LIB/bladerf_lib.c
+++ b/targets/ARCH/BLADERF/USERSPACE/LIB/bladerf_lib.c
@@ -116,15 +116,6 @@ int trx_brf_start(openair0_device *device) {
-  if ((status=bladerf_calibrate_dc(brf->dev, BLADERF_MODULE_TX)) != 0) {
-    fprintf(stderr,"Failed to calibrate TX DC: %s\n", bladerf_strerror(status));
-    abort();
-  }
-  if ((status=bladerf_calibrate_dc(brf->dev, BLADERF_MODULE_RX)) != 0) {
-    fprintf(stderr,"Failed to calibrate RX DC: %s\n", bladerf_strerror(status));
-    abort();
-  }
   return 0;
@@ -235,8 +226,6 @@ static int trx_brf_read(openair0_device *device, openair0_timestamp *ptimestamp,
  * \param device the hardware to use
 void trx_brf_end(openair0_device *device) {
   int status;
   brf_state_t *brf = (brf_state_t*)device->priv;
   // Disable RX module, shutting down our underlying RX stream
@@ -247,6 +236,7 @@ abort();
     fprintf(stderr, "Failed to disable TX module: %s\n",  bladerf_strerror(status));
+  exit(1);
 /*! \brief print the BladeRF statistics  
@@ -362,6 +352,8 @@ void set_rx_gain_offset(openair0_config_t *openair0_cfg, int chain_index) {
 void calibrate_rf(openair0_device *device) {
+  /* TODO: this function does not seem to work. Disabled until fixed. */
+  return;
   brf_state_t *brf = (brf_state_t *)device->priv;
   openair0_timestamp ptimestamp;
@@ -1005,6 +997,12 @@ int device_init(openair0_device *device, openair0_config_t *openair0_cfg) {
   // RX  
   // Example of CLI output: RX Frequency: 2539999999Hz
+  if ((status=bladerf_set_gain_mode(brf->dev, BLADERF_MODULE_RX, BLADERF_GAIN_MGC))) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "[BRF] Failed to disable AGC\n");
+    brf_error(status);
+  }
   if ((status=bladerf_set_frequency(brf->dev, BLADERF_MODULE_RX, (unsigned int) openair0_cfg->rx_freq[0])) != 0){
     fprintf(stderr,"Failed to set RX frequency: %s\n",bladerf_strerror(status));
@@ -1096,17 +1094,14 @@ int device_init(openair0_device *device, openair0_config_t *openair0_cfg) {
   // calibrate 
- if ((status=bladerf_calibrate_dc(brf->dev, BLADERF_MODULE_TX)) != 0) {
-    fprintf(stderr,"Failed to calibrate TX DC: %s\n", bladerf_strerror(status));
+  if ((status=bladerf_calibrate_dc(brf->dev, BLADERF_DC_CAL_LPF_TUNING)) != 0 ||
+      (status=bladerf_calibrate_dc(brf->dev, BLADERF_DC_CAL_TX_LPF)) != 0 ||
+      (status=bladerf_calibrate_dc(brf->dev, BLADERF_DC_CAL_RX_LPF)) != 0 ||
+      (status=bladerf_calibrate_dc(brf->dev, BLADERF_DC_CAL_RXVGA2)) != 0) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "[BRF] error calibrating\n");
-  } else 
-    printf("[BRF] TX module calibrated DC \n");
-  if ((status=bladerf_calibrate_dc(brf->dev, BLADERF_MODULE_RX)) != 0) {
-    fprintf(stderr,"Failed to calibrate RX DC: %s\n", bladerf_strerror(status));
-    brf_error(status);
-  }else 
-    printf("[BRF] RX module calibrated DC \n");
+  } else
+    printf("[BRF] calibration OK\n");
@@ -1146,8 +1141,8 @@ int device_init(openair0_device *device, openair0_config_t *openair0_cfg) {
  * \returns 0 on success
 int brf_error(int status) {
-  //exit(-1);
+  fprintf(stderr, "[BRF] brf_error: %s\n", bladerf_strerror(status));
+  exit(-1);
   return status; // or status error code
@@ -1190,7 +1185,7 @@ struct bladerf * open_bladerf_from_serial(const char *serial) {
 int get_brf_log_level(int log_level){
   switch(log_level) {
   case LOG_DEBUG: