#!/bin/bash function usage { echo "OAI VM Test Run script" echo " Original Author: Raphael Defosseux" echo " Default:" echo " -- eNB with USRP" echo "" echo "Usage:" echo "------" echo " runTestOnVM.sh [OPTIONS]" echo "" echo "Options:" echo "--------" echo " --job-name #### OR -jn ####" echo " Specify the name of the Jenkins job." echo "" echo " --build-id #### OR -id ####" echo " Specify the build ID of the Jenkins job." echo "" echo " --workspace #### OR -ws ####" echo " Specify the workspace." echo "" echo " --variant enb-usrp OR -v1" echo " --variant basic-sim OR -v2" echo " --variant phy-sim OR -v3" echo " --variant cppcheck OR -v4" echo " --variant enb-ethernet OR -v7" echo " --variant ue-ethernet OR -v8" echo " Specify the variant to build." echo "" echo " --keep-vm-alive OR -k" echo " Keep the VM alive after the build." echo "" echo " --help OR -h" echo " Print this help message." echo "" } function variant_usage { echo "OAI VM Test Run script" echo " Original Author: Raphael Defosseux" echo "" echo " --variant enb-usrp OR -v1" echo " --variant basic-sim OR -v2" echo " --variant phy-sim OR -v3" echo " --variant cppcheck OR -v4" echo " --variant enb-ethernet OR -v7" echo " --variant ue-ethernet OR -v8" echo "" } if [ $# -lt 1 ] || [ $# -gt 9 ] then echo "Syntax Error: not the correct number of arguments" echo "" usage exit 1 fi VM_TEMPLATE=ci- JOB_NAME=XX BUILD_ID=XX VM_NAME=ci-enb-usrp ARCHIVES_LOC=enb_usrp/test KEEP_VM_ALIVE=0 RUN_OPTIONS="none" while [[ $# -gt 0 ]] do key="$1" case $key in -h|--help) shift usage exit 0 ;; -jn|--job-name) JOB_NAME="$2" shift shift ;; -id|--build-id) BUILD_ID="$2" shift shift ;; -ws|--workspace) JENKINS_WKSP="$2" shift shift ;; -k|--keep-vm-alive) KEEP_VM_ALIVE=1 shift ;; -v1) VM_NAME=ci-enb-usrp shift ;; -v2) VM_NAME=ci-basic-sim shift ;; -v3) VM_NAME=ci-phy-sim RUN_OPTIONS="./run_exec_autotests.bash -g \"01510*\" -q -np -b" ARCHIVES_LOC=phy_sim/test shift ;; -v4) VM_NAME=ci-cppcheck shift ;; -v7) VM_NAME=ci-enb-ethernet shift ;; -v8) VM_NAME=ci-ue-ethernet shift ;; --variant) variant="$2" case $variant in enb-usrp) VM_NAME=ci-enb-usrp ;; basic-sim) VM_NAME=ci-basic-sim ;; phy-sim) VM_NAME=ci-phy-sim ;; cppcheck) VM_NAME=ci-cppcheck ;; enb-ethernet) VM_NAME=ci-enb-ethernet ;; ue-ethernet) VM_NAME=ci-ue-ethernet ;; *) echo "" echo "Syntax Error: Invalid Variant option -> $variant" echo "" variant_usage exit 1 esac shift shift ;; *) echo "Syntax Error: unknown option: $key" echo "" usage exit 1 esac done if [ "$JOB_NAME" == "XX" ] || [ "$BUILD_ID" == "XX" ] then VM_TEMPLATE=ci- else VM_TEMPLATE=${JOB_NAME}-b${BUILD_ID}- fi VM_NAME=`echo $VM_NAME | sed -e "s#ci-#$VM_TEMPLATE#"` VM_CMDS=${VM_NAME}_cmds.txt ARCHIVES_LOC=${JENKINS_WKSP}/archives/${ARCHIVES_LOC} echo "VM_NAME = $VM_NAME" echo "VM_CMD_FILE = $VM_CMDS" echo "JENKINS_WKSP = $JENKINS_WKSP" echo "ARCHIVES_LOC = $ARCHIVES_LOC" echo "############################################################" echo "Waiting for VM to be started" echo "############################################################" uvt-kvm wait $VM_NAME --insecure VM_IP_ADDR=`uvt-kvm ip $VM_NAME` echo "$VM_NAME has for IP addr = $VM_IP_ADDR" if [ "$RUN_OPTIONS" == "none" ] then echo "No run on VM testing for this variant currently" else echo "############################################################" echo "Running test script on VM ($VM_NAME)" echo "############################################################" echo "echo \"sudo apt-get --yes --quiet install bc \"" > $VM_CMDS echo "sudo apt-get update > bc-install.txt 2>&1" >> $VM_CMDS echo "sudo apt-get --yes install bc >> bc-install.txt 2>&1" >> $VM_CMDS echo "cd tmp" >> $VM_CMDS echo "echo \"source oaienv\"" >> $VM_CMDS echo "source oaienv" >> $VM_CMDS echo "echo \"cd cmake_targets/autotests\"" >> $VM_CMDS echo "cd cmake_targets/autotests" >> $VM_CMDS echo "echo \"rm -Rf log\"" >> $VM_CMDS echo "rm -Rf log" >> $VM_CMDS echo "$RUN_OPTIONS" | sed -e 's@"@\\"@g' -e 's@^@echo "@' -e 's@$@"@' >> $VM_CMDS echo "$RUN_OPTIONS" >> $VM_CMDS echo "cp /home/ubuntu/bc-install.txt log" >> $VM_CMDS ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ubuntu@$VM_IP_ADDR < $VM_CMDS echo "############################################################" echo "Creating a tmp folder to store results and artifacts" echo "############################################################" if [ -d $ARCHIVES_LOC ] then rm -Rf $ARCHIVES_LOC fi scp -rf -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ubuntu@$VM_IP_ADDR:/home/ubuntu/tmp/cmake_targets/autotests/log $ARCHIVES_LOC if [ $KEEP_VM_ALIVE -eq 0 ] then echo "############################################################" echo "Destroying VM" echo "############################################################" uvt-kvm destroy $VM_NAME ssh-keygen -R $VM_IP_ADDR fi rm -f $VM_CMDS fi exit 0