/* * Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under * the OAI Public License, Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.openairinterface.org/?page_id=698 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance: * contact@openairinterface.org */ /*! \file log.h * \brief openair log generator (OLG) for * \author Navid Nikaein * \date 2009 - 2014 * \version 0.5 * @ingroup util */ #ifndef __LOG_H__ # define __LOG_H__ /*--- INCLUDES ---------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include <unistd.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <syslog.h> #include <assert.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <time.h> #include <stdint.h> #ifndef __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS #define __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS #endif #include <inttypes.h> #ifndef _GNU_SOURCE #define _GNU_SOURCE #endif #include <pthread.h> #include "T.h" /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /** @defgroup _LOG LOG Generator * @{*/ /* @}*/ /** @defgroup _macro Macro Definition * @ingroup _LOG * @brief these macros are used in the code of LOG * @{*/ /* @}*/ /** @defgroup _max_length Maximum Length of LOG * @ingroup _macro * @brief the macros that describe the maximum length of LOG * @{*/ #define MAX_LOG_TOTAL 1500 /*!< \brief the maximum length of a log */ /* @}*/ /** @defgroup _log_level Message levels defined by LOG * @ingroup _macro * @brief LOG defines 9 levels of messages for users. Importance of these levels decrease gradually from 0 to 8 * @{*/ # define OAILOG_ERR 0 /*!< \brief critical error conditions, impact on "must have" fuctinalities */ # define OAILOG_FILE 1 /*!< \brief important informational messages, but everything OK */ # define OAILOG_WARNING 2 /*!< \brief warning conditions, shouldn't happen but doesn't impact "must have" functionalities */ # define OAILOG_INFO 3 /*!< \brief informational messages most people don't need, shouldn't impact real-time behavior */ # define OAILOG_DEBUG 4 /*!< \brief first level debug-level messages, for developers , may impact real-time behavior */ # define OAILOG_TRACE 5 /*!< \brief second level debug-level messages, for developers ,likely impact real-time behavior*/ #define NUM_LOG_LEVEL 6 /*!< \brief the number of message levels users have with LOG */ /* @}*/ /** @defgroup _log_format Defined log format * @ingroup _macro * @brief Macro of log formats defined by LOG * @{*/ /* .log_format = 0x13 uncolored standard messages * .log_format = 0x93 colored standard messages */ /* keep white space in first position; switching it to 0 allows colors to be disabled*/ #define LOG_RED "\033[1;31m" /*!< \brief VT100 sequence for bold red foreground */ #define LOG_GREEN "\033[32m" /*!< \brief VT100 sequence for green foreground */ #define LOG_ORANGE "\033[93m" /*!< \brief VT100 sequence for orange foreground */ #define LOG_BLUE "\033[34m" /*!< \brief VT100 sequence for blue foreground */ #define LOG_CYBL "\033[40;36m" /*!< \brief VT100 sequence for cyan foreground on black background */ #define LOG_RESET "\033[0m" /*!< \brief VT100 sequence for reset (black) foreground */ /* @}*/ /** @defgroup _syslog_conf Macros for write in syslog.conf * @ingroup _macro * @brief Macros used to write lines (local/remote) in syslog.conf * @{*/ #define FLAG_NOCOLOR 0x0001 /*!< \brief use colors in log messages, depending on level */ #define FLAG_THREAD 0x0008 /*!< \brief display thread name in log messages */ #define FLAG_LEVEL 0x0010 /*!< \brief display log level in log messages */ #define FLAG_FUNCT 0x0020 #define FLAG_FILE_LINE 0x0040 #define FLAG_TIME 0x0100 #define SET_LOG_OPTION(O) g_log->flag = (g_log->flag | O) #define CLEAR_LOG_OPTION(O) g_log->flag = (g_log->flag & (~O)) /** @defgroup macros to identify a debug entity * @ingroup each macro is a bit mask where the unique bit set identifies an entity to be debugged * it allows to dynamically activate or not blocks of code * @brief * @{*/ #define DEBUG_PRACH (1<<0) #define DEBUG_RU (1<<1) #define SET_LOG_DEBUG(O) g_log->debug_mask = (g_log->debug_mask | O) #define CLEAR_LOG_DEBUG(O) g_log->debug_mask = (g_log->debug_mask & (~O)) #define SET_LOG_MATLAB(O) g_log->matlab_mask = (g_log->matlab_mask | O) #define CLEAR_LOG_MATLAB(O) g_log->matlab_mask = (g_log->matlab_mask & (~O)) /* @}*/ #define OAI_OK 0 /*!< \brief all ok */ #define OAI_ERR 1 /*!< \brief generic error */ #define OAI_ERR_READ_ONLY 2 /*!< \brief tried to write to read-only item */ #define OAI_ERR_NOTFOUND 3 /*!< \brief something wasn't found */ /* @}*/ typedef enum { MIN_LOG_COMPONENTS = 0, PHY = MIN_LOG_COMPONENTS, MAC, SIM, OCG, OMG, OPT, OTG, OTG_LATENCY, OTG_LATENCY_BG, OTG_GP, OTG_GP_BG, OTG_JITTER, RLC, PDCP, RRC, NAS, PERF, OIP, CLI, MSC, OCM, UDP_, GTPU, SPGW, S1AP, SCTP, HW, OSA, RAL_ENB, RAL_UE, ENB_APP, FLEXRAN_AGENT, TMR, USIM, LOCALIZE, RRH, X2AP, LOADER, MAX_LOG_PREDEF_COMPONENTS, } comp_name_t; #define MAX_LOG_DYNALLOC_COMPONENTS 20 #define MAX_LOG_COMPONENTS (MAX_LOG_PREDEF_COMPONENTS + MAX_LOG_DYNALLOC_COMPONENTS) typedef struct { char *name; /*!< \brief string name of item */ int value; /*!< \brief integer value of mapping */ } mapping; typedef int(*log_write_func_t)(FILE *stream, const char *format, va_list ap ); typedef struct { const char *name; int level; int flag; int interval; int filelog; char *filelog_name; FILE *stream; log_write_func_t fwrite; /* SR: make the log buffer component relative */ char log_buffer[MAX_LOG_TOTAL]; } log_component_t; typedef struct { log_component_t log_component[MAX_LOG_COMPONENTS]; char* level2string[NUM_LOG_LEVEL]; int onlinelog; int flag; int filelog; char* filelog_name; uint64_t debug_mask; uint64_t matlab_mask; } log_t; #if defined(ENABLE_ITTI) typedef enum log_instance_type_e { LOG_INSTANCE_UNKNOWN, LOG_INSTANCE_ENB, LOG_INSTANCE_UE, } log_instance_type_t; void log_set_instance_type (log_instance_type_t instance); #endif #ifdef LOG_MAIN log_t *g_log; #else #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif extern log_t *g_log; #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /*--- INCLUDES ---------------------------------------------------------------*/ # include "log_if.h" /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int logInit (void); void logRecord_mt(const char *file, const char *func, int line,int comp, int level, const char *format, ...) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 6, 7))); int set_log(int component, int level, int interval); void set_glog(int level); void set_glog_onlinelog(int enable); void set_glog_filelog(int enable); void set_component_filelog(int comp); int map_str_to_int(mapping *map, const char *str); char *map_int_to_str(mapping *map, int val); void logClean (void); int is_newline( char *str, int size); int register_log_component(char *name, char *fext, int compidx); /* @}*/ /*!\fn int32_t write_file_matlab(const char *fname, const char *vname, void *data, int length, int dec, char format); \brief Write output file from signal data @param fname output file name @param vname output vector name (for MATLAB/OCTAVE) @param data point to data @param length length of data vector to output @param dec decimation level @param format data format (0 = real 16-bit, 1 = complex 16-bit,2 real 32-bit, 3 complex 32-bit,4 = real 8-bit, 5 = complex 8-bit) */ int32_t write_file_matlab(const char *fname, const char *vname, void *data, int length, int dec, char format); /*----------------macro definitions for reading log configuration from the config module */ #define CONFIG_STRING_LOG_PREFIX "log_config" #define LOG_CONFIG_STRING_GLOBAL_LOG_LEVEL "global_log_level" #define LOG_CONFIG_STRING_GLOBAL_LOG_ONLINE "global_log_online" #define LOG_CONFIG_STRING_GLOBAL_LOG_INFILE "global_log_infile" #define LOG_CONFIG_STRING_GLOBAL_LOG_OPTIONS "global_log_options" #define LOG_CONFIG_LEVEL_FORMAT "%s_log_level" #define LOG_CONFIG_LOGFILE_FORMAT "%s_log_infile" #define LOG_CONFIG_DEBUG_FORMAT "%s_debug" #define LOG_CONFIG_MATLAB_FORMAT "%s_matlab" #define LOG_CONFIG_HELP_OPTIONS " list of comma separated options to enable log module behavior. Available options: \n"\ " nocolor: disable color usage in log messages\n"\ " level: add log level indication in log messages\n"\ " thread: add threads names in log messages\n" /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* LOG globalconfiguration parameters */ /* optname help paramflags XXXptr defXXXval type numelt */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define LOG_GLOBALPARAMS_DESC { \ {LOG_CONFIG_STRING_GLOBAL_LOG_LEVEL, "Default log level for all componemts\n", 0, strptr:(char **)&gloglevel, defstrval:log_level_names[2].name, TYPE_STRING, 0}, \ {LOG_CONFIG_STRING_GLOBAL_LOG_ONLINE, "Default console output option, for all components\n", 0, iptr:&(g_log->onlinelog), defintval:1, TYPE_INT, 0}, \ {LOG_CONFIG_STRING_GLOBAL_LOG_OPTIONS, LOG_CONFIG_HELP_OPTIONS, 0, strlistptr:NULL, defstrlistval:NULL, TYPE_STRINGLIST,0} \ } #define LOG_OPTIONS_IDX 2 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @defgroup _debugging debugging macros * @ingroup _macro * @brief Macro used to call logIt function with different message levels * @{*/ // debugging macros(g_log->log_component[component].interval?logRecord_mt(__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, component, level, format, ##args):(void)0) # if T_TRACER /* per component, level dependant macros */ # define LOG_I(c, x...) do { if (T_stdout) { if( g_log->log_component[c].level >= OAILOG_INFO ) logRecord_mt(__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__,c, OAILOG_INFO, x) ;} else { T(T_LEGACY_ ## c ## _INFO, T_PRINTF(x)) ;}} while (0) # define LOG_W(c, x...) do { if (T_stdout) { if( g_log->log_component[c].level >= OAILOG_WARNING) logRecord_mt(__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__,c, OAILOG_WARNING, x) ;} else { T(T_LEGACY_ ## c ## _WARNING, T_PRINTF(x)) ;}} while (0) # define LOG_E(c, x...) do { if (T_stdout) { if( g_log->log_component[c].level >= OAILOG_ERR ) logRecord_mt(__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__,c, OAILOG_ERR, x) ;} else { T(T_LEGACY_ ## c ## _ERROR, T_PRINTF(x)) ;}} while (0) # define LOG_D(c, x...) do { if (T_stdout) { if( g_log->log_component[c].level >= OAILOG_DEBUG ) logRecord_mt(__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__,c, OAILOG_DEBUG, x) ;} else { T(T_LEGACY_ ## c ## _DEBUG, T_PRINTF(x)) ;}} while (0) # define LOG_T(c, x...) do { if (T_stdout) { if( g_log->log_component[c].level >= OAILOG_TRACE ) logRecord_mt(__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__,c, OAILOG_TRACE, x) ;} else { T(T_LEGACY_ ## c ## _TRACE, T_PRINTF(x)) ;}} while (0) # define LOG_F(c, x...) do { if (T_stdout) { if( g_log->log_component[c].level >= OAILOG_FILE ) logRecord_mt(__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__,c, OAILOG_FILE, x) ;}} while (0) /* */ # define nfapi_log(FILE, FNC, LN, COMP, LVL, F...) do { if (T_stdout) { logRecord_mt(__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__,COMP, LVL, F) ;}} while (0) /* */ /* bitmask dependant macros, to isolate debugging code */ # define LOG_DEBUG_BEGIN(D) if (g_log->debug_mask & D) { # define LOG_DEBUG_END } /* bitmask dependant macros, to generate matlab files */ # define LOG_M_BEGIN(D) if (g_log->matlab_mask & D) { # define LOG_M_END } # define LOG_M(file, vector, data, len, dec, format) do { write_file_matlab(file, vector, data, len, dec, format);} while(0)/* */ # else /* T_TRACER: remove all debugging and tracing messages, except errors */ # define LOG_I(c, x...) /* */ # define LOG_W(c, x...) /* */ # define LOG_E(c, x...) /* */ # define LOG_D(c, x...) /* */ # define LOG_T(c, x...) /* */ # define LOG_F(c, x...) /* */ # define nfapi_log(FILE, FNC, LN, COMP, LVL, FMT...) # define LOG_DEBUG_BEGIN(D) if (0) { # define LOG_DEBUG_END } # define LOG_M_BEGIN(D) if (0) { # define LOG_M_END } # define LOG_M(file, vector, data, len, dec, format) # endif /* T_TRACER */ /* @}*/ /** @defgroup _useful_functions useful functions in LOG * @ingroup _macro * @brief Macro of some useful functions defined by LOG * @{*/ #define LOG_ENTER(c) do {LOG_T(c, "Entering\n");}while(0) /*!< \brief Macro to log a message with severity DEBUG when entering a function */ #define LOG_EXIT(c) do {LOG_T(c,"Exiting\n"); return;}while(0) /*!< \brief Macro to log a message with severity TRACE when exiting a function */ #define LOG_RETURN(c,x) do {uint32_t __rv;__rv=(unsigned int)(x);LOG_T(c,"Returning %08x\n", __rv);return((typeof(x))__rv);}while(0) /*!< \brief Macro to log a function exit, including integer value, then to return a value to the calling function */ /* @}*/ static __inline__ uint64_t rdtsc(void) { uint32_t a, d; __asm__ volatile ("rdtsc" : "=a" (a), "=d" (d)); return (((uint64_t)d)<<32) | ((uint64_t)a); } #define DEBUG_REALTIME 1 #if DEBUG_REALTIME extern double cpuf; static inline uint64_t checkTCPU(int timeout, char * file, int line) { static uint64_t __thread lastCPUTime=0; static uint64_t __thread last=0; uint64_t cur=rdtsc(); struct timespec CPUt; clock_gettime(CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID, &CPUt); uint64_t CPUTime=CPUt.tv_sec*1000*1000+CPUt.tv_nsec/1000; double microCycles=(double)(cpuf*1000); int duration=(int)((cur-last)/microCycles); if ( last!=0 && duration > timeout ) { //struct timespec ts; //clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts); printf("%s:%d lte-ue delay %d (exceed %d), CPU for this period: %lld\n", file, line, duration, timeout, (long long)CPUTime-lastCPUTime ); } last=cur; lastCPUTime=CPUTime; return cur; } static inline unsigned long long checkT(int timeout, char * file, int line) { static unsigned long long __thread last=0; unsigned long long cur=rdtsc(); int microCycles=(int)(cpuf*1000); int duration=(int)((cur-last)/microCycles); if ( last!=0 && duration > timeout ) printf("%s:%d lte-ue delay %d (exceed %d)\n", file, line, duration, timeout); last=cur; return cur; } typedef struct m { uint64_t iterations; uint64_t sum; uint64_t maxArray[11]; } Meas; static inline void printMeas(char * txt, Meas *M, int period) { if (M->iterations%period == 0 ) { char txt2[512]; sprintf(txt2,"%s avg=%" PRIu64 " iterations=%" PRIu64 " max=%" PRIu64 ":%" PRIu64 ":%" PRIu64 ":%" PRIu64 ":%" PRIu64 ":%" PRIu64 ":%" PRIu64 ":%" PRIu64 ":%" PRIu64 ":%" PRIu64 "\n", txt, M->sum/M->iterations, M->iterations, M->maxArray[1],M->maxArray[2], M->maxArray[3],M->maxArray[4], M->maxArray[5], M->maxArray[6],M->maxArray[7], M->maxArray[8],M->maxArray[9],M->maxArray[10]); #if DISABLE_LOG_X printf("%s",txt2); #else LOG_W(PHY, "%s",txt2); #endif } } static inline int cmpint(const void* a, const void* b) { uint64_t* aa=(uint64_t*)a; uint64_t* bb=(uint64_t*)b; return (int)(*aa-*bb); } static inline void updateTimes(uint64_t start, Meas *M, int period, char * txt) { if (start!=0) { uint64_t end=rdtsc(); long long diff=(end-start)/(cpuf*1000); M->maxArray[0]=diff; M->sum+=diff; M->iterations++; qsort(M->maxArray, 11, sizeof(uint64_t), cmpint); printMeas(txt,M,period); } } #define check(a) do { checkT(a,__FILE__,__LINE__); } while (0) #define checkcpu(a) do { checkTCPU(a,__FILE__,__LINE__); } while (0) #define initRefTimes(a) static __thread Meas a= {0} #define pickTime(a) uint64_t a=rdtsc() #define readTime(a) a #define initStaticTime(a) static __thread uint64_t a={0} #define pickStaticTime(a) do { a=rdtsc(); } while (0) #else #define check(a) do {} while (0) #define checkcpu(a) do {} while (0) #define initRefTimes(a) do {} while (0) #define initStaticTime(a) do {} while (0) #define pickTime(a) do {} while (0) #define readTime(a) 0 #define pickStaticTime(a) do {} while (0) #define updateTimes(a,b,c,d) do {} while (0) #define printMeas(a,b,c) do {} while (0) #endif #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif