#!/bin/bash function usage { echo "OAI GitLab merge request applying script" echo " Original Author: Raphael Defosseux" echo "" echo "Usage:" echo "------" echo "" echo " doGitLabMerge.sh [OPTIONS] [MANDATORY_OPTIONS]" echo "" echo "Mandatory Options:" echo "------------------" echo "" echo " --src-branch #### OR -sb ####" echo " Specify the source branch of the merge request." echo "" echo " --src-commit #### OR -sc ####" echo " Specify the source commit ID (SHA-1) of the merge request." echo "" echo " --target-branch #### OR -tb ####" echo " Specify the target branch of the merge request (usually develop)." echo "" echo " --target-commit #### OR -tc ####" echo " Specify the target commit ID (SHA-1) of the merge request." echo "" echo "Options:" echo "--------" echo " --help OR -h" echo " Print this help message." echo "" } if [ $# -ne 8 ] && [ $# -ne 1 ] then echo "Syntax Error: not the correct number of arguments" echo "" usage exit 1 fi checker=0 while [[ $# -gt 0 ]] do key="$1" case $key in -h|--help) shift usage exit 0 ;; -sb|--src-branch) SOURCE_BRANCH="$2" let "checker|=0x1" shift shift ;; -sc|--src-commit) SOURCE_COMMIT_ID="$2" let "checker|=0x2" shift shift ;; -tb|--target-branch) TARGET_BRANCH="$2" let "checker|=0x4" shift shift ;; -tc|--target-commit) TARGET_COMMIT_ID="$2" let "checker|=0x8" shift shift ;; *) echo "Syntax Error: unknown option: $key" echo "" usage exit 1 esac done echo "Source Branch is : $SOURCE_BRANCH" echo "Source Commit ID is : $SOURCE_COMMIT_ID" echo "Target Branch is : $TARGET_BRANCH" echo "Target Commit ID is : $TARGET_COMMIT_ID" if [ $checker -ne 15 ] then echo "" echo "Syntax Error: missing option" echo "" usage exit 1 fi git config user.email "jenkins@openairinterface.org" git config user.name "OAI Jenkins" git checkout -f $SOURCE_COMMIT_ID git merge --ff $TARGET_COMMIT_ID -m "Temporary merge for CI" exit 0