diff --git a/ci-scripts/Jenkinsfile-gitlab b/ci-scripts/Jenkinsfile-gitlab
index 5dfc573b9fc8c88da41e11a933a71bf001cdf5d3..e638836bb0cc652d3eb16bdb11468451a4d950f4 100644
--- a/ci-scripts/Jenkinsfile-gitlab
+++ b/ci-scripts/Jenkinsfile-gitlab
@@ -47,6 +47,36 @@ pipeline {
+        stage ("Start VM -- cppcheck") {
+            steps {
+                sh "./ci-scripts/createVM.sh --variant cppcheck --job-name ${JOB_NAME} --build-id ${BUILD_ID}"
+            }
+        }
+        stage ("Start VM -- enb-usrp") {
+            steps {
+                sh "./ci-scripts/createVM.sh --variant enb-usrp --job-name ${JOB_NAME} --build-id ${BUILD_ID}"
+            }
+        }
+        stage ("Start VM -- phy-sim") {
+            steps {
+                sh "./ci-scripts/createVM.sh --variant phy-sim --job-name ${JOB_NAME} --build-id ${BUILD_ID}"
+            }
+        }
+        stage ("Start VM -- gnb-usrp") {
+            steps {
+                sh "./ci-scripts/createVM.sh --variant gnb-usrp --job-name ${JOB_NAME} --build-id ${BUILD_ID}"
+            }
+        }
+        stage ("Start VM -- nu-ue-usrp") {
+            steps {
+                sh "./ci-scripts/createVM.sh --variant nu-ue-usrp --job-name ${JOB_NAME} --build-id ${BUILD_ID}"
+            }
+        }
         stage ("Variant Builds") {
             parallel {
                 stage ("Analysis with cppcheck") {
diff --git a/ci-scripts/buildOnVM.sh b/ci-scripts/buildOnVM.sh
index 3184e2ec8446b253009b16abb679c0d2bc58288e..8228b7241b6f7d5129680bf82b67e4aa2c4967f7 100755
--- a/ci-scripts/buildOnVM.sh
+++ b/ci-scripts/buildOnVM.sh
@@ -24,12 +24,14 @@ function usage {
     echo "    --workspace #### OR -ws ####"
     echo "    Specify the workspace."
     echo ""
-    echo "    --variant enb-usrp   OR -v1"
-    echo "    --variant basic-sim  OR -v2"
-    echo "    --variant phy-sim    OR -v3"
-    echo "    --variant cppcheck   OR -v4"
-    echo "    --variant gnb-usrp   OR -v5"
-    echo "    --variant nu-ue-usrp OR -v6"
+    echo "    --variant enb-usrp     OR -v1"
+    echo "    --variant basic-sim    OR -v2"
+    echo "    --variant phy-sim      OR -v3"
+    echo "    --variant cppcheck     OR -v4"
+    echo "    --variant gnb-usrp     OR -v5"
+    echo "    --variant nu-ue-usrp   OR -v6"
+    echo "    --variant enb-ethernet OR -v7"
+    echo "    --variant ue-ethernet  OR -v8"
     echo "    Specify the variant to build."
     echo ""
     echo "    --keep-vm-alive OR -k"
@@ -44,12 +46,14 @@ function variant_usage {
     echo "OAI VM Build Check script"
     echo "   Original Author: Raphael Defosseux"
     echo ""
-    echo "    --variant enb-usrp   OR -v1"
-    echo "    --variant basic-sim  OR -v2"
-    echo "    --variant phy-sim    OR -v3"
-    echo "    --variant cppcheck   OR -v4"
-    echo "    --variant gnb-usrp   OR -v5"
-    echo "    --variant nu-ue-usrp OR -v6"
+    echo "    --variant enb-usrp     OR -v1"
+    echo "    --variant basic-sim    OR -v2"
+    echo "    --variant phy-sim      OR -v3"
+    echo "    --variant cppcheck     OR -v4"
+    echo "    --variant gnb-usrp     OR -v5"
+    echo "    --variant nu-ue-usrp   OR -v6"
+    echo "    --variant enb-ethernet OR -v7"
+    echo "    --variant ue-ethernet  OR -v8"
     echo ""
@@ -148,6 +152,22 @@ case $key in
+    -v7)
+    VM_NAME=ci-enb-ethernet
+    ARCHIVES_LOC=enb_eth
+    LOG_PATTERN=.Rel14.txt
+    shift
+    ;;
+    -v8)
+    VM_NAME=ci-ue-ethernet
+    ARCHIVES_LOC=ue_eth
+    LOG_PATTERN=.Rel14.txt
+    shift
+    ;;
     case $variant in
@@ -193,6 +213,20 @@ case $key in
         BUILD_OPTIONS="--nrUE -w USRP"
+        enb-ethernet)
+        VM_NAME=ci-enb-ethernet
+        ARCHIVES_LOC=enb_eth
+        LOG_PATTERN=.Rel14.txt
+        BUILD_OPTIONS="--eNB -t ETHERNET --noS1"
+        ;;
+        ue-ethernet)
+        VM_NAME=ci-ue-ethernet
+        ARCHIVES_LOC=ue_eth
+        LOG_PATTERN=.Rel14.txt
+        BUILD_OPTIONS="--UE -t ETHERNET --noS1"
+        ;;
         echo ""
         echo "Syntax Error: Invalid Variant option -> $variant"
@@ -240,10 +274,16 @@ echo "JENKINS_WKSP        = $JENKINS_WKSP"
-echo "############################################################"
-echo "Creating VM ($VM_NAME) on Ubuntu Cloud Image base"
-echo "############################################################"
-uvt-kvm create $VM_NAME release=xenial --memory 2048 --cpu 4 --unsafe-caching --template ci-scripts/template-host.xml
+IS_VM_ALIVE=`uvt-kvm list | grep -c $VM_NAME`
+if [ $IS_VM_ALIVE -eq 0 ]
+    echo "############################################################"
+    echo "Creating VM ($VM_NAME) on Ubuntu Cloud Image base"
+    echo "############################################################"
+    uvt-kvm create $VM_NAME release=xenial --memory 2048 --cpu 4 --unsafe-caching --template ci-scripts/template-host.xml
 echo "Waiting for VM to be started"
 uvt-kvm wait $VM_NAME --insecure
diff --git a/ci-scripts/createVM.sh b/ci-scripts/createVM.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7cb5647308358e5788661ac92b192901ffac6e1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci-scripts/createVM.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+function usage {
+    echo "OAI VM Creation script"
+    echo "   Original Author: Raphael Defosseux"
+    echo "   Requirements:"
+    echo "     -- uvtool uvtool-libvirt apt-cacher"
+    echo "     -- xenial image already synced"
+    echo "   Default:"
+    echo "     -- eNB with USRP"
+    echo ""
+    echo "Usage:"
+    echo "------"
+    echo "    createVM.sh [OPTIONS]"
+    echo ""
+    echo "Options:"
+    echo "--------"
+    echo "    --job-name #### OR -jn ####"
+    echo "    Specify the name of the Jenkins job."
+    echo ""
+    echo "    --build-id #### OR -id ####"
+    echo "    Specify the build ID of the Jenkins job."
+    echo ""
+    echo "    --variant enb-usrp     OR -v1"
+    echo "    --variant basic-sim    OR -v2"
+    echo "    --variant phy-sim      OR -v3"
+    echo "    --variant cppcheck     OR -v4"
+    echo "    --variant gnb-usrp     OR -v5"
+    echo "    --variant nu-ue-usrp   OR -v6"
+    echo "    --variant enb-ethernet OR -v7"
+    echo "    --variant ue-ethernet  OR -v8"
+    echo "    Specify the variant to build."
+    echo ""
+    echo "    --help OR -h"
+    echo "    Print this help message."
+    echo ""
+function variant_usage {
+    echo "OAI VM Build Check script"
+    echo "   Original Author: Raphael Defosseux"
+    echo ""
+    echo "    --variant enb-usrp     OR -v1"
+    echo "    --variant basic-sim    OR -v2"
+    echo "    --variant phy-sim      OR -v3"
+    echo "    --variant cppcheck     OR -v4"
+    echo "    --variant gnb-usrp     OR -v5"
+    echo "    --variant nu-ue-usrp   OR -v6"
+    echo "    --variant enb-ethernet OR -v7"
+    echo "    --variant ue-ethernet  OR -v8"
+    echo ""
+if [ $# -lt 1 ] || [ $# -gt 6 ]
+    echo "Syntax Error: not the correct number of arguments"
+    echo ""
+    usage
+    exit 1
+while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]
+case $key in
+    -h|--help)
+    shift
+    usage
+    exit 0
+    ;;
+    -jn|--job-name)
+    JOB_NAME="$2"
+    shift
+    shift
+    ;;
+    -id|--build-id)
+    BUILD_ID="$2"
+    shift
+    shift
+    ;;
+    -v1)
+    VM_NAME=ci-enb-usrp
+    shift
+    ;;
+    -v2)
+    VM_NAME=ci-basic-sim
+    shift
+    ;;
+    -v3)
+    VM_NAME=ci-phy-sim
+    shift
+    ;;
+    -v4)
+    VM_NAME=ci-cppcheck
+    shift
+    ;;
+    -v5)
+    VM_NAME=ci-gnb-usrp
+    shift
+    ;;
+    -v6)
+    VM_NAME=ci-ue-nr-usrp
+    shift
+    ;;
+    -v7)
+    VM_NAME=ci-enb-ethernet
+    shift
+    ;;
+    -v8)
+    VM_NAME=ci-ue-ethernet
+    shift
+    ;;
+    --variant)
+    variant="$2"
+    case $variant in
+        enb-usrp)
+        VM_NAME=ci-enb-usrp
+        ;;
+        basic-sim)
+        VM_NAME=ci-basic-sim
+        ;;
+        phy-sim)
+        VM_NAME=ci-phy-sim
+        ;;
+        cppcheck)
+        VM_NAME=ci-cppcheck
+        ;;
+        gnb-usrp)
+        VM_NAME=ci-gnb-usrp
+        ;;
+        nu-ue-usrp)
+        VM_NAME=ci-ue-nr-usrp
+        ;;
+        enb-ethernet)
+        VM_NAME=ci-enb-ethernet
+        ;;
+        ue-ethernet)
+        VM_NAME=ci-ue-ethernet
+        ;;
+        *)
+        echo ""
+        echo "Syntax Error: Invalid Variant option -> $variant"
+        echo ""
+        variant_usage
+        exit 1
+    esac
+    shift
+    shift
+    ;;
+    *)
+    echo "Syntax Error: unknown option: $key"
+    echo ""
+    usage
+    exit 1
+if [ "$JOB_NAME" == "XX" ] || [ "$BUILD_ID" == "XX" ]
+    VM_TEMPLATE=ci-
+VM_NAME=`echo $VM_NAME | sed -e "s#ci-#$VM_TEMPLATE#"`
+echo "VM_NAME             = $VM_NAME"
+echo "############################################################"
+echo "Creating VM ($VM_NAME) on Ubuntu Cloud Image base"
+echo "############################################################"
+uvt-kvm create $VM_NAME release=xenial --memory 2048 --cpu 4 --unsafe-caching --template ci-scripts/template-host.xml
+echo "Waiting for VM to be started"
+uvt-kvm wait $VM_NAME --insecure
+VM_IP_ADDR=`uvt-kvm ip $VM_NAME`
+echo "$VM_NAME has for IP addr = $VM_IP_ADDR"
+exit 0
diff --git a/ci-scripts/reportBuildLocally.sh b/ci-scripts/reportBuildLocally.sh
index 7fa57f9a6a9d7d0496cf4e2affcc6e122b06d50e..bd08d23e94e1a52d0ba6dbb4e1278bcf07f66c68 100755
--- a/ci-scripts/reportBuildLocally.sh
+++ b/ci-scripts/reportBuildLocally.sh
@@ -232,6 +232,10 @@ function sca_summary_table_footer {
         echo "        <th>Total</th>" >> ./build_results.html
         echo "        <th>Unknown</th>" >> ./build_results.html
         echo "        <th>Unknown</th>" >> ./build_results.html
+        if [ -f ccp_error_cnt.txt ]
+        then
+            rm -f ccp_error_cnt.txt
+        fi
     echo "      </tr>" >> ./build_results.html
     echo "   </table>" >> ./build_results.html
@@ -528,6 +532,30 @@ then
+if [ -f archives/enb_eth/lte-softmodem-nos1.Rel14.txt ]
+    summary_table_header "OAI Build eNB -- ETHERNET transport option"
+    summary_table_row "LTE SoftModem w/o S1 - Release 14" ./archives/enb_eth/lte-softmodem-nos1.Rel14.txt "Built target lte-softmodem" ./enb_eth_row1.html
+    summary_table_row "Coding - Release 14" ./archives/enb_eth/coding.Rel14.txt "Built target coding" ./enb_eth_row2.html
+    summary_table_row "OAI ETHERNET transport - Release 14" ./archives/enb_eth/oai_eth_transpro.Rel14.txt "Built target oai_eth_transpro" ./enb_eth_row3.html
+    summary_table_row "Parameters Lib Config - Release 14" ./archives/enb_eth/params_libconfig.Rel14.txt "Built target params_libconfig" ./enb_eth_row4.html
+    summary_table_row "RB Tools - Release 14" ./archives/enb_eth/rb_tool.Rel14.txt "Built target rb_tool" ./enb_eth_row5.html
+    summary_table_row "NAS Mesh - Release 14" ./archives/enb_eth/nasmesh.Rel14.txt "Built target nasmesh" ./enb_eth_row6.html
+    summary_table_footer
+if [ -f archives/ue_eth/lte-uesoftmodem-nos1.Rel14.txt ]
+    summary_table_header "OAI Build UE -- ETHERNET transport option"
+    summary_table_row "LTE UE SoftModem w/o S1 - Release 14" ./archives/ue_eth/lte-uesoftmodem-nos1.Rel14.txt "Built target lte-uesoftmodem" ./ue_eth_row1.html
+    summary_table_row "Coding - Release 14" ./archives/ue_eth/coding.Rel14.txt "Built target coding" ./ue_eth_row2.html
+    summary_table_row "OAI ETHERNET transport - Release 14" ./archives/ue_eth/oai_eth_transpro.Rel14.txt "Built target oai_eth_transpro" ./ue_eth_row3.html
+    summary_table_row "Parameters Lib Config - Release 14" ./archives/ue_eth/params_libconfig.Rel14.txt "Built target params_libconfig" ./ue_eth_row4.html
+    summary_table_row "RB Tools - Release 14" ./archives/ue_eth/rb_tool.Rel14.txt "Built target rb_tool" ./ue_eth_row5.html
+    summary_table_row "NAS Mesh - Release 14" ./archives/ue_eth/nasmesh.Rel14.txt "Built target nasmesh" ./ue_eth_row6.html
+    summary_table_footer
 echo "   <h3>Details</h3>" >> ./build_results.html
 for DETAILS_TABLE in `ls ./enb_usrp_row*.html`
@@ -550,7 +578,15 @@ for DETAILS_TABLE in `ls ./nrue_usrp_row*.html`
     cat $DETAILS_TABLE >> ./build_results.html
-rm -f ./enb_usrp_row*.html ./basic_sim_row*.html ./phy_sim_row*.html ./gnb_usrp_row*.html ./nrue_usrp_row*.html
+for DETAILS_TABLE in `ls ./enb_eth_row*.html`
+    cat $DETAILS_TABLE >> ./build_results.html
+for DETAILS_TABLE in `ls ./ue_eth_row*.html`
+    cat $DETAILS_TABLE >> ./build_results.html
+rm -f ./enb_usrp_row*.html ./basic_sim_row*.html ./phy_sim_row*.html ./gnb_usrp_row*.html ./nrue_usrp_row*.html ./enb_eth_row*.html ./ue_eth_row*.html
 echo "</body>" >> ./build_results.html
 echo "</html>" >> ./build_results.html