diff --git a/common/config/DOC/config.md b/common/config/DOC/config.md
index 580ac5476fe93675e79aa4ad9c76ca3cb873c279..1c2ef2559482e0159a7d526efa5116d2c54955e5 100644
--- a/common/config/DOC/config.md
+++ b/common/config/DOC/config.md
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # OAI configuration module
-The configuration module provides an api that other oai components can use to get parameters at init time. It defines a parameter structure, used to describe parameters attributes (for example name and  type). The same structure includes a pointer to the variable where the configuration module writes the parameter value, at run time, when calling config_get or config_getlist functions. For each parameter a function to check the value can be specified and pre-defined functions  are provided for some common parameter validations (integer in a range or in a list, string in a list).  The module also include a mechanism to check that no unknown options have been entered on the command line
+The configuration module provides an api that other oai components can use to get parameters at init time. It defines a parameter structure, used to describe parameters attributes (for example name and  type). The same structure includes a pointer to the variable where the configuration module writes the parameter value, at run time, when calling config_get or config_getlist functions. For each parameter a function to check the value can be specified and pre-defined functions  are provided for some common parameter validations (integer in a range or in a list, string in a list).  The module also include an api to check that no unknown options have been entered on the command line and a a mechanism to display a help text for suppoted parameters.
 ## Documentation
diff --git a/common/config/DOC/config/devusage/api.md b/common/config/DOC/config/devusage/api.md
index 56b444a4471acefd0518b6024e857c70b89a8323..050abc5315cf86384a35e2006551b3a2d47d3399 100644
--- a/common/config/DOC/config/devusage/api.md
+++ b/common/config/DOC/config/devusage/api.md
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
-configmodule_interface_t *load_configmodule(int argc, char **argv)
+configmodule_interface_t *load_configmodule(int argc, char **argv, uint32_t initflags)
 * Parses the command line options, looking for the –O argument
 * Loads the `libparams_<configsource>.so` (today `libparams_libconfig.so`)  shared library
 * Looks for `config_<config source>_init` symbol and calls it , passing it an array of string corresponding to the « : » separated strings used in the –O option
 * Looks for `config_<config source>_get`, `config_<config source>_getlist` and  `config_<config source>_end` symbols which are the three functions a configuration library should implement. Get and getlist are mandatory, end is optional.
-* Stores all the necessary information in a `configmodule_interface_t structure`, which is of no use for caller as long as we only use one configuration source.  
+* Stores all the necessary information in a `configmodule_interface_t structure`, which is of no use for caller as long as we only use one configuration source.
+*  if the bit CONFIG_ENABLECMDLINEONLY is set in `initflags` then the module allows parameters to be set only via the command line. This is used for the oai UE.
 void End_configmodule(void)
diff --git a/common/config/DOC/config/rtusage.md b/common/config/DOC/config/rtusage.md
index 19519ef0584e1706b2552fde62e1b9307b9b41f2..109ba84bba2b1503fab255045b11415c5b20bf44 100644
--- a/common/config/DOC/config/rtusage.md
+++ b/common/config/DOC/config/rtusage.md
@@ -27,6 +27,63 @@ $ ./lte-softmodem -O libconfig:<config>:dbgl1
 $ ./lte-uesoftmodem -O cmdlineonly:dbgl1
+To get help on supported parameters you can use specific options:
+*  ---help: print help for command line only parameters and for parameters not defined in a specific section 
+	*  ---help_< prefix > : print help for parameters defined under the section < prefix >
+./lte-softmodem -O libconfig:/usr/local/oai/conf/enb.nbiot.band7.tm1.50PRB.usrpb210.conf   --help
+[CONFIG] get parameters from libconfig /usr/local/oai/conf/enb.nbiot.band7.tm1.50PRB.usrpb210.conf , debug flags: 0x00000000
+[LIBCONFIG] (root): 19/19 parameters successfully set, (16 to default value)
+-----Help for section (root section)            : 019 entries------
+    --rf-config-file: Configuration file for front-end (e.g. LMS7002M)
+    --ulsch-max-errors: set the eNodeB max ULSCH erros
+    --phy-test: test UE phy layer, mac disabled
+    --usim-test: use XOR autentication algo in case of test usim mode
+    --emulate-rf: Emulated RF enabled(disable by defult)
+    --clock: tells hardware to use a clock reference (0:internal, 1:external, 2:gpsdo)
+    --wait-for-sync: Help string not specified
+    --single-thread-enable: Disables single-thread mode in lte-softmodem
+    -C: Set the downlink frequency for all component carriers
+    -a: Channel id offset
+    -d: Enable soft scope and L1 and L2 stats (Xforms)
+    -q: Enable processing timing measurement of lte softmodem on per subframe basis 
+    -S: Skip the missed slots/subframes 
+    --numerology: adding numerology for 5G
+    --parallel-config: three config for level of parallelism 'PARALLEL_SINGLE_THREAD', 'PARALLEL_RU_L1_SPLIT', or 'PARALLEL_RU_L1_TRX_SPLIT'
+    --worker-config: two option for worker 'WORKER_DISABLE' or 'WORKER_ENABLE'
+    --nbiot-disable: disable nb-iot, even if defined in config
+    --noS1: Disable s1 interface
+    --nokrnmod: (noS1 only): Use tun instead of namesh module 
+[LIBCONFIG] (root): 4/4 parameters successfully set, (4 to default value)
+-----Help for section (root section)            : 004 entries------
+    -R: Enable online log 
+    -g: Set the global log level, valide options: (4:trace, 3:debug, 2:info, 1:warn, (0:error))
+    --telnetsrv: Start embedded telnet server 
+    --msc: Enable the MSC tracing utility 
+[LIBCONFIG] loader: 2/2 parameters successfully set, (2 to default value)
+[LIBCONFIG] loader.telnetsrv: 2/2 parameters successfully set, (1 to default value)
+[LOADER] library libtelnetsrv.so is not loaded: libtelnetsrv.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
+Getting ENBSParams
+[LIBCONFIG] (root): 3/3 parameters successfully set, (1 to default value)
+-----Help for section (root section)            : 003 entries------
+    --Asn1_verbosity: Help string not specified
+    --Active_eNBs: Help string not specified
+    --noS1: Help string not specified
+/usr/local/oai/issue390_configmodule_cmdlinebug/openairinterface5g/common/config/config_cmdline.c:224 config_process_cmdline() Exiting OAI softmodem: [CONFIG] Exiting after displaying help
 For the lte-softmodem (the eNodeB) The config source parameter defaults to libconfig, preserving the initial -O option format. In this case you cannot specify the debug level.  
diff --git a/common/config/config_cmdline.c b/common/config/config_cmdline.c
index 71384462ffc99c6b1e187bc2f6e72dce82fa18b3..9be860aaf472c2c916e04293c18dd15170b6cb4e 100644
--- a/common/config/config_cmdline.c
+++ b/common/config/config_cmdline.c
@@ -290,4 +290,5 @@ int config_process_cmdline(paramdef_t *cfgoptions,int numoptions, char *prefix)
   }   /* fin du while */
   printf_cmdl("[CONFIG] %s %i options set from command line\n",((prefix == NULL) ? "(root)":prefix),j);
+  return j;
 }  /* parse_cmdline*/
diff --git a/common/config/config_userapi.c b/common/config/config_userapi.c
index b378c4ee93db95b675066c89737aaa094a1f077c..66d3078d333cc3b697d5ee9ae81b406e213cf064 100644
--- a/common/config/config_userapi.c
+++ b/common/config/config_userapi.c
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ void config_printhelp(paramdef_t *params,int numparams, char *prefix) {
     printf("    %s%s: %s",
            (strlen(params[i].optname) <= 1) ? "-" : "--",
-           (params[i].helpstr != NULL)?params[i].helpstr:"Help string not specified");
+           (params[i].helpstr != NULL)?params[i].helpstr:"Help string not specified\n");
   }   /* for on params entries */
diff --git a/common/utils/telnetsrv/telnetsrv.c b/common/utils/telnetsrv/telnetsrv.c
index a49311d0994a16420abf3edf10bf92dac36f35ba..4e8e2c7c7fdbb48197698127685de7c45c23680c 100644
--- a/common/utils/telnetsrv/telnetsrv.c
+++ b/common/utils/telnetsrv/telnetsrv.c
@@ -51,14 +51,14 @@
 #include <dlfcn.h>
 #include <sys/time.h>
 #include <sys/resource.h>
-#include "common/utils/load_module_shlib.h" 
+#include "common/utils/load_module_shlib.h"
 #include "common/config/config_userapi.h"
 #include <readline/history.h>
 #include "telnetsrv_phycmd.h"
-#include "telnetsrv_proccmd.h"	
-static char* telnet_defstatmod[] = {"softmodem","phy","loader"}; 
+#include "telnetsrv_proccmd.h"
+static char *telnet_defstatmod[] = {"softmodem","phy","loader"};
 static telnetsrv_params_t telnetparams;
@@ -66,179 +66,169 @@ static telnetsrv_params_t telnetparams;
 #define TELNETSRV_DEBUG      3
 #define TELNETSRV_LOOPC      4
 #define TELNETSRV_LOOPD      5
-#define TELNETSRV_HISFILE    6  
-#define TELNETSRV_HISSIZE    7 
 #define TELNETSRV_SHRMOD     10
 paramdef_t telnetoptions[] = {
-/*                                            configuration parameters for telnet utility                                                                             */
-/*   optname                     helpstr                paramflags           XXXptr                               defXXXval               type                 numelt */
-	{"listenaddr",    "<listen ip address>",         0,                 uptr:&telnetparams.listenaddr,        defstrval:"",            TYPE_IPV4ADDR,  0 },
-	{"listenport",    "<local port>",                0,                 uptr:&(telnetparams.listenport),      defuintval:9090,                TYPE_UINT,      0 },
-        {"priority",      "<scheduling policy (0-99)",   0,                 iptr:&telnetparams.priority,          defuintval:0,                   TYPE_INT,       0 }, 
-	{"debug",         "<debug level>",               0,                 uptr:NULL,                            defuintval:0,                   TYPE_UINT,      0 },
-	{"loopcount",     "<loop command iterations>",   0,                 uptr:&(telnetparams.loopcount),       defuintval:10,                  TYPE_UINT,      0 },
-	{"loopdelay",     "<loop command delay (ms)>",   0,                 uptr:&(telnetparams.loopdelay),       defuintval:5000,                TYPE_UINT,      0 },
-	{"histfile",      "<history file name>",         PARAMFLAG_NOFREE,  strptr:&(telnetparams.histfile),      defstrval:"oaitelnet.history",  TYPE_STRING,    0 },
-	{"histsize",      "<history sizes>",             0,                 iptr:&(telnetparams.histsize),        defuintval:50,                  TYPE_INT,       0 },
-	{"phypbsize",     "<phy dump buff size (bytes)>",0,                 uptr:&(telnetparams.phyprntbuff_size),defuintval:65000,               TYPE_UINT,      0 },
-        {"staticmod",     "<static modules selection>",  0,                 strlistptr:NULL,                      defstrlistval:telnet_defstatmod,TYPE_STRINGLIST,(sizeof(telnet_defstatmod)/sizeof(char *))},
-        {"shrmod",        "<dynamic modules selection>", 0,                 strlistptr:NULL,                      defstrlistval:NULL,TYPE_STRINGLIST,0 }
+  /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+  /*                                            configuration parameters for telnet utility                                                                             */
+  /*   optname                     helpstr                paramflags           XXXptr                               defXXXval               type                 numelt */
+  /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+  {"listenaddr",    "<listen ip address>\n",         0,                 uptr:&telnetparams.listenaddr,        defstrval:"",            TYPE_IPV4ADDR,  0 },
+  {"listenport",    "<local port>\n",                0,                 uptr:&(telnetparams.listenport),      defuintval:9090,                TYPE_UINT,      0 },
+  {"priority",      "<scheduling policy (0-99)\n",   0,                 iptr:&telnetparams.priority,          defuintval:0,                   TYPE_INT,       0 },
+  {"debug",         "<debug level>\n",               0,                 uptr:NULL,                            defuintval:0,                   TYPE_UINT,      0 },
+  {"loopcount",     "<loop command iterations>\n",   0,                 uptr:&(telnetparams.loopcount),       defuintval:10,                  TYPE_UINT,      0 },
+  {"loopdelay",     "<loop command delay (ms)>\n",   0,                 uptr:&(telnetparams.loopdelay),       defuintval:5000,                TYPE_UINT,      0 },
+  {"histfile",      "<history file name>\n",         PARAMFLAG_NOFREE,  strptr:&(telnetparams.histfile),      defstrval:"oaitelnet.history",  TYPE_STRING,    0 },
+  {"histsize",      "<history sizes>\n",             0,                 iptr:&(telnetparams.histsize),        defuintval:50,                  TYPE_INT,       0 },
+  {"phypbsize",     "<phy dump buff size (bytes)>\n",0,                 uptr:&(telnetparams.phyprntbuff_size),defuintval:65000,               TYPE_UINT,      0 },
+  {"staticmod",     "<static modules selection>\n",  0,                 strlistptr:NULL,                      defstrlistval:telnet_defstatmod,TYPE_STRINGLIST,(sizeof(telnet_defstatmod)/sizeof(char *))},
+  {"shrmod",        "<dynamic modules selection>\n", 0,                 strlistptr:NULL,                      defstrlistval:NULL,TYPE_STRINGLIST,0 }
-int get_phybsize(void) {return telnetparams.phyprntbuff_size; };
+int get_phybsize(void) {
+  return telnetparams.phyprntbuff_size;
 int add_telnetcmd(char *modulename,telnetshell_vardef_t *var, telnetshell_cmddef_t *cmd );
 int setoutput(char *buff, int debug, telnet_printfunc_t prnt);
 int setparam(char *buff, int debug, telnet_printfunc_t prnt);
 int history_cmd(char *buff, int debug, telnet_printfunc_t prnt);
 telnetshell_vardef_t telnet_vardef[] = {
+  {"debug",TELNET_VARTYPE_INT32,&telnetparams.telnetdbg},
+  {"prio",TELNET_VARTYPE_INT32,&telnetparams.priority},
+  {"loopc",TELNET_VARTYPE_INT32,&telnetparams.loopcount},
+  {"loopd",TELNET_VARTYPE_INT32,&telnetparams.loopdelay},
+  {"phypb",TELNET_VARTYPE_INT32,&telnetparams.phyprntbuff_size},
+  {"hsize",TELNET_VARTYPE_INT32,&telnetparams.histsize},
+  {"hfile",TELNET_VARTYPE_STRING,&telnetparams.histfile},
+  {"",0,NULL}
 telnetshell_cmddef_t  telnet_cmdarray[] = {
-   {"redirlog","[here,file,off]",setoutput},
-   {"param","[prio]",setparam},
-   {"history","[list,reset]",history_cmd},
-   {"","",NULL},
+  {"redirlog","[here,file,off]",setoutput},
+  {"param","[prio]",setparam},
+  {"history","[list,reset]",history_cmd},
+  {"","",NULL},
-void client_printf(const char *message, ...)
-    va_list va_args;
-    va_start(va_args, message);
-    if (telnetparams.new_socket > 0)
-       {
-       vsnprintf(telnetparams.msgbuff,sizeof(telnetparams.msgbuff)-1,message, va_args);
-       send(telnetparams.new_socket,telnetparams.msgbuff , strlen(telnetparams.msgbuff), MSG_NOSIGNAL);
-       }
-    else
-       {
-       vprintf(message, va_args);
-       }
-    va_end(va_args);
-    return ;
+void client_printf(const char *message, ...) {
+  va_list va_args;
+  va_start(va_args, message);
+  if (telnetparams.new_socket > 0) {
+    vsnprintf(telnetparams.msgbuff,sizeof(telnetparams.msgbuff)-1,message, va_args);
+    send(telnetparams.new_socket,telnetparams.msgbuff , strlen(telnetparams.msgbuff), MSG_NOSIGNAL);
+  } else {
+    vprintf(message, va_args);
+  }
+  va_end(va_args);
+  return ;
 #define NICE_MAX 19
 #define NICE_MIN -20
-void set_sched(pthread_t tid, int pid, int priority)
-int rt; 
-struct sched_param schedp;
-int policy;
-char strpolicy[10];
-if (priority < NICE_MIN) {
-   policy=SCHED_FIFO;
-   sprintf(strpolicy,"%s","fifo");
-   schedp.sched_priority= NICE_MIN - priority ;
-   if (   (schedp.sched_priority < sched_get_priority_min(SCHED_FIFO)) ||
-          (schedp.sched_priority > sched_get_priority_max(SCHED_FIFO)) ) {
-        client_printf("Error: %i invalid prio, should be %i to %i, \n",
-                       priority, NICE_MIN -sched_get_priority_min(SCHED_FIFO),
-                       NICE_MIN - sched_get_priority_max(SCHED_FIFO) );        
-   }
-} else if (priority > NICE_MAX) {
-   policy=SCHED_IDLE;
-   sprintf(strpolicy,"%s","idle");
-   schedp.sched_priority=0;   
-} else {
-   policy=SCHED_OTHER;
-   sprintf(strpolicy,"%s","other");
-   schedp.sched_priority=0;   
-if( tid != 0) {  
-  rt = pthread_setschedparam(tid, policy, &schedp);
-} else if(pid > 0)  {
-  rt = sched_setscheduler( pid, policy,&schedp);
-} else {
-  rt= -1;
-  client_printf("Error: no pid or tid specified\n");
+void set_sched(pthread_t tid, int pid, int priority) {
+  int rt;
+  struct sched_param schedp;
+  int policy;
+  char strpolicy[10];
+  //sched_get_priority_max(SCHED_FIFO)
+  if (priority < NICE_MIN) {
+    policy=SCHED_FIFO;
+    sprintf(strpolicy,"%s","fifo");
+    schedp.sched_priority= NICE_MIN - priority ;
+    if (   (schedp.sched_priority < sched_get_priority_min(SCHED_FIFO)) ||
+           (schedp.sched_priority > sched_get_priority_max(SCHED_FIFO)) ) {
+      client_printf("Error: %i invalid prio, should be %i to %i, \n",
+                    priority, NICE_MIN -sched_get_priority_min(SCHED_FIFO),
+                    NICE_MIN - sched_get_priority_max(SCHED_FIFO) );
+    }
+  } else if (priority > NICE_MAX) {
+    policy=SCHED_IDLE;
+    sprintf(strpolicy,"%s","idle");
+    schedp.sched_priority=0;
+  } else {
+    policy=SCHED_OTHER;
+    sprintf(strpolicy,"%s","other");
+    schedp.sched_priority=0;
+  }
-if (rt != 0) {
+  if( tid != 0) {
+    rt = pthread_setschedparam(tid, policy, &schedp);
+  } else if(pid > 0)  {
+    rt = sched_setscheduler( pid, policy,&schedp);
+  } else {
+    rt= -1;
+    client_printf("Error: no pid or tid specified\n");
+  }
+  if (rt != 0) {
     client_printf("Error %i: %s modifying sched param to %s:%i, \n",
-                  errno,strerror(errno),strpolicy,schedp.sched_priority); 
-} else  {
+                  errno,strerror(errno),strpolicy,schedp.sched_priority);
+  } else  {
     client_printf("policy set to %s, priority %i\n",strpolicy,schedp.sched_priority);
     if ( policy==SCHED_OTHER) {
-        rt = getpriority(PRIO_PROCESS,tid);
-        if (rt != -1) {
-           rt = setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS,tid,priority);  
-           if (rt < 0) {
-               client_printf("Error %i: %s trying to set nice value of thread %u to %i\n",
-                             errno,strerror(errno),tid,priority); 
-           }
-        } else {
-               client_printf("Error %i: %s trying to get nice value of thread %u \n",
-                              errno,strerror(errno),tid); 
+      rt = getpriority(PRIO_PROCESS,tid);
+      if (rt != -1) {
+        rt = setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS,tid,priority);
+        if (rt < 0) {
+          client_printf("Error %i: %s trying to set nice value of thread %u to %i\n",
+                        errno,strerror(errno),tid,priority);
+      } else {
+        client_printf("Error %i: %s trying to get nice value of thread %u \n",
+                      errno,strerror(errno),tid);
+      }
+  }
+  if ( policy == SCHED_OTHER) {
+    if ( tid > 0 && tid != pthread_self()) {
+      client_printf("setting nice value using a thread id not implemented....\n");
+    } else if (pid > 0) {
+      errno=0;
+      rt = setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS,pid,priority);
-if ( policy == SCHED_OTHER)
-   {
-   if ( tid > 0 && tid != pthread_self())
-     {
-     client_printf("setting nice value using a thread id not implemented....\n");    
-     }
-   else if (pid > 0)
-     {
-     errno=0;
-     rt = setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS,pid,priority);
-     if (rt != 0)
-        {
-        client_printf("Error %i: %s calling setpriority, \n",errno,strerror(errno)); 
-        }
-     else
-        {
+      if (rt != 0) {
+        client_printf("Error %i: %s calling setpriority, \n",errno,strerror(errno));
+      } else {
         client_printf("nice value set to %i\n",priority);
-        }
-     }
-   }
+      }
+    }
+  }
-void set_affinity(pthread_t tid, int pid, int coreid)
-cpu_set_t cpuset;
-int rt;
+void set_affinity(pthread_t tid, int pid, int coreid) {
+  cpu_set_t cpuset;
+  int rt;
   CPU_SET(coreid, &cpuset);
   if (tid > 0) {
-     rt = pthread_setaffinity_np((pthread_t)tid, sizeof(cpu_set_t), &cpuset);
-  } else if (pid > 0){
-     rt = sched_setaffinity((pid_t)pid, sizeof(cpu_set_t), &cpuset);
+    rt = pthread_setaffinity_np((pthread_t)tid, sizeof(cpu_set_t), &cpuset);
+  } else if (pid > 0) {
+    rt = sched_setaffinity((pid_t)pid, sizeof(cpu_set_t), &cpuset);
   } else {
-     rt= -1;
+    rt= -1;
+  }
+  if (rt != 0) {
+    client_printf("Error %i: %s calling , xxx_setaffinity...\n",errno,strerror(errno));
+  } else {
+    client_printf("thread %i affinity set to %i\n",(pid==0)?(int)tid:pid,coreid);
-  if (rt != 0)
-      {
-      client_printf("Error %i: %s calling , xxx_setaffinity...\n",errno,strerror(errno)); 
-      }
-  else
-      {
-      client_printf("thread %i affinity set to %i\n",(pid==0)?(int)tid:pid,coreid);
-      }  
@@ -246,551 +236,532 @@ function implementing telnet server specific commands, parameters of the
 telnet_cmdarray table
-void redirstd(char *newfname,telnet_printfunc_t prnt )
-FILE *fd;
-   fd=freopen(newfname, "w", stdout);
-   if (fd == NULL)
-      {
-      prnt("ERROR: stdout redir to %s error %s",strerror(errno));
-      }
-   fd=freopen(newfname, "w", stderr);
-   if (fd == NULL)
-      {
-      prnt("ERROR: stderr redir to %s error %s",strerror(errno));
-      }
-int setoutput(char *buff, int debug, telnet_printfunc_t prnt)
+void redirstd(char *newfname,telnet_printfunc_t prnt ) {
+  FILE *fd;
+  fd=freopen(newfname, "w", stdout);
-char *logfname;
-char stdout_str[64];
+  if (fd == NULL) {
+    prnt("ERROR: stdout redir to %s error %s",strerror(errno));
+  }
+  fd=freopen(newfname, "w", stderr);
+  if (fd == NULL) {
+    prnt("ERROR: stderr redir to %s error %s",strerror(errno));
+  }
+int setoutput(char *buff, int debug, telnet_printfunc_t prnt) {
+  char *logfname;
+  char stdout_str[64];
 #define LOGFILE "logfile.log"
-sscanf(buff,"%9s %32s %9s %9s %9s", cmds[0],cmds[1],cmds[2],cmds[3],cmds[4]  );
-if (strncasecmp(cmds[0],"here",4) == 0)
-   {
-   fflush(stdout);
-   sprintf(stdout_str,"/proc/%i/fd/%i",getpid(),telnetparams.new_socket);
-   dup2(telnetparams.new_socket,fileno(stdout));
-//   freopen(stdout_str, "w", stdout);
-//   freopen(stdout_str, "w", stderr);
-   dup2(telnetparams.new_socket,fileno(stderr));
-   prnt("Log output redirected to this terminal (%s)\n",stdout_str);
-   }
-if (strncasecmp(cmds[0],"file",4) == 0)
-   {
-   if (cmds[1][0] == 0)
+  memset(cmds,0,sizeof(cmds));
+  sscanf(buff,"%9s %32s %9s %9s %9s", cmds[0],cmds[1],cmds[2],cmds[3],cmds[4]  );
+  if (strncasecmp(cmds[0],"here",4) == 0) {
+    fflush(stdout);
+    sprintf(stdout_str,"/proc/%i/fd/%i",getpid(),telnetparams.new_socket);
+    dup2(telnetparams.new_socket,fileno(stdout));
+    //   freopen(stdout_str, "w", stdout);
+    //   freopen(stdout_str, "w", stderr);
+    dup2(telnetparams.new_socket,fileno(stderr));
+    prnt("Log output redirected to this terminal (%s)\n",stdout_str);
+  }
+  if (strncasecmp(cmds[0],"file",4) == 0) {
+    if (cmds[1][0] == 0)
-   else
-      logfname=cmds[1];   
-   fflush(stdout);
-   redirstd(logfname,prnt);
-   }   
-if (strncasecmp(cmds[0],"off",3) == 0)
-   {
-   fflush(stdout);
-   redirstd("/dev/tty",prnt); 
-   } 
+    else
+      logfname=cmds[1];
+    fflush(stdout);
+    redirstd(logfname,prnt);
+  }
+  if (strncasecmp(cmds[0],"off",3) == 0) {
+    fflush(stdout);
+    redirstd("/dev/tty",prnt);
+  }
 } /* setoutput */
-int setparam(char *buff, int debug, telnet_printfunc_t prnt)
-sscanf(buff,"%9s %9s %9s %9s %9s", cmds[0],cmds[1],cmds[2],cmds[3],cmds[4]  );
-if (strncasecmp(cmds[0],"prio",4) == 0)
-   {
-   int prio;
-   prio=(int)strtol(cmds[1],NULL,0);
-   if (errno == ERANGE)
-   telnetparams.priority = prio;
-   set_sched(pthread_self(),0,prio);
-   return CMDSTATUS_FOUND; 
-   }
-if (strncasecmp(cmds[0],"aff",3) == 0)
-   {
-   int aff;
-   aff=(int)strtol(cmds[1],NULL,0);
-   if (errno == ERANGE)
-   set_affinity(pthread_self(),0,aff);
-   return CMDSTATUS_FOUND; 
-   }
-} /* setparam */
+int setparam(char *buff, int debug, telnet_printfunc_t prnt) {
+  memset(cmds,0,sizeof(cmds));
+  sscanf(buff,"%9s %9s %9s %9s %9s", cmds[0],cmds[1],cmds[2],cmds[3],cmds[4]  );
+  if (strncasecmp(cmds[0],"prio",4) == 0) {
+    int prio;
+    prio=(int)strtol(cmds[1],NULL,0);
-int history_cmd(char *buff, int debug, telnet_printfunc_t prnt)
+    if (errno == ERANGE)
+    telnetparams.priority = prio;
+    set_sched(pthread_self(),0,prio);
+    return CMDSTATUS_FOUND;
+  }
+  if (strncasecmp(cmds[0],"aff",3) == 0) {
+    int aff;
+    aff=(int)strtol(cmds[1],NULL,0);
+    if (errno == ERANGE)
+    set_affinity(pthread_self(),0,aff);
+    return CMDSTATUS_FOUND;
+  }
-sscanf(buff,"%9s %9s %9s %9s %9s", cmds[0],cmds[1],cmds[2],cmds[3],cmds[4]  );
-if (cmds[0] == NULL)
+} /* setparam */
+int history_cmd(char *buff, int debug, telnet_printfunc_t prnt) {
+  memset(cmds,0,sizeof(cmds));
+  sscanf(buff,"%9s %9s %9s %9s %9s", cmds[0],cmds[1],cmds[2],cmds[3],cmds[4]  );
+  if (cmds[0] == NULL)
-if (strncasecmp(cmds[0],"list",4) == 0)
-   {
-   HIST_ENTRY **hist = history_list();
-   if (hist) {
+  if (strncasecmp(cmds[0],"list",4) == 0) {
+    HIST_ENTRY **hist = history_list();
+    if (hist) {
       for (int i = 0; hist[i]; i++) {
-          prnt ("%d: %s\n", i + history_base, hist[i]->line);
+        prnt ("%d: %s\n", i + history_base, hist[i]->line);
-   }
-   return CMDSTATUS_FOUND; 
-   }
-if (strncasecmp(cmds[0],"reset",5) == 0)
-   {
-   clear_history();
-   write_history(telnetparams.histfile);
-   return CMDSTATUS_FOUND; 
-   }
+    }
+    return CMDSTATUS_FOUND;
+  }
+  if (strncasecmp(cmds[0],"reset",5) == 0) {
+    clear_history();
+    write_history(telnetparams.histfile);
+    return CMDSTATUS_FOUND;
+  }
 } /* history_cmd */
 generic commands available for all modules loaded by the server
-int setgetvar(int moduleindex,char getorset,char *params)
-int n,i;
-char varname[TELNET_CMD_MAXSIZE];
-char *varval=NULL;
-   memset(varname,0,sizeof(varname));
-   n = sscanf(params,"%s %ms",varname,&varval);
-   for ( i=0 ; telnetparams.CmdParsers[moduleindex].var[i].varvalptr != NULL ; i++)
-      {
-      if ( strncasecmp(telnetparams.CmdParsers[moduleindex].var[i].varname,varname,strlen(telnetparams.CmdParsers[moduleindex].var[i].varname)) == 0)
-         {
-	 if (n > 0 && (getorset == 'g' || getorset == 'G'))
-	    {
-	    client_printf("%s, %s = ", telnetparams.CmdParsers[moduleindex].module,
-	               telnetparams.CmdParsers[moduleindex].var[i].varname );
-	    switch(telnetparams.CmdParsers[moduleindex].var[i].vartype)
-	        {
-	             client_printf("%i\n",*(int32_t *)(telnetparams.CmdParsers[moduleindex].var[i].varvalptr));
-		break;
-	             client_printf("%lli\n",*(int64_t *)(telnetparams.CmdParsers[moduleindex].var[i].varvalptr));
-		break;
-	             client_printf("%hi\n",*(short *)(telnetparams.CmdParsers[moduleindex].var[i].varvalptr));
-		break;	
-	             client_printf("%g\n",*(double *)(telnetparams.CmdParsers[moduleindex].var[i].varvalptr));
-		break;
-	             client_printf("\"%s\"\n",*(char **)(telnetparams.CmdParsers[moduleindex].var[i].varvalptr));						
-                break;
-		default:
-		     client_printf("unknown type\n");
-		break;
-		}
-	    }
-	 if (n > 1 && (getorset == 's' || getorset == 'S'))
-	    {
-	    client_printf("%s, %s set to \n", telnetparams.CmdParsers[moduleindex].module,
-	           telnetparams.CmdParsers[moduleindex].var[i].varname);
-	    switch(telnetparams.CmdParsers[moduleindex].var[i].vartype)
-	        {
-		     *(int *)(telnetparams.CmdParsers[moduleindex].var[i].varvalptr) = (int)strtol(varval,NULL,0);
-	             client_printf("%i\n",*(int *)(telnetparams.CmdParsers[moduleindex].var[i].varvalptr));
-		break;
-		     *(short *)(telnetparams.CmdParsers[moduleindex].var[i].varvalptr) = (short)strtol(varval,NULL,0);
-	             client_printf("%hi\n",*(short *)(telnetparams.CmdParsers[moduleindex].var[i].varvalptr));
-		break;	
-		     *(double *)(telnetparams.CmdParsers[moduleindex].var[i].varvalptr) = strtod(varval,NULL);
-	             client_printf("%g\n",*(double *)(telnetparams.CmdParsers[moduleindex].var[i].varvalptr));
-		break;	
-		     sprintf(*(char **)(telnetparams.CmdParsers[moduleindex].var[i].varvalptr),"%s", varval);
-	             client_printf("\"%s\"\n",*(char **)(telnetparams.CmdParsers[moduleindex].var[i].varvalptr));
-		break;				
-		default:
-		     client_printf("unknown type\n");
-		break;
-		}		   
-	    }		   
-	 }
-      } 
-if (n>1 && varval != NULL) {
-   free(varval);
+int setgetvar(int moduleindex,char getorset,char *params) {
+  int n,i;
+  char varname[TELNET_CMD_MAXSIZE];
+  char *varval=NULL;
+  memset(varname,0,sizeof(varname));
+  n = sscanf(params,"%s %ms",varname,&varval);
+  for ( i=0 ; telnetparams.CmdParsers[moduleindex].var[i].varvalptr != NULL ; i++) {
+    if ( strncasecmp(telnetparams.CmdParsers[moduleindex].var[i].varname,varname,strlen(telnetparams.CmdParsers[moduleindex].var[i].varname)) == 0) {
+      if (n > 0 && (getorset == 'g' || getorset == 'G')) {
+        client_printf("%s, %s = ", telnetparams.CmdParsers[moduleindex].module,
+                      telnetparams.CmdParsers[moduleindex].var[i].varname );
+        switch(telnetparams.CmdParsers[moduleindex].var[i].vartype) {
+          case TELNET_VARTYPE_INT32:
+            client_printf("%i\n",*(int32_t *)(telnetparams.CmdParsers[moduleindex].var[i].varvalptr));
+            break;
+          case TELNET_VARTYPE_INT64:
+            client_printf("%lli\n",*(int64_t *)(telnetparams.CmdParsers[moduleindex].var[i].varvalptr));
+            break;
+          case TELNET_VARTYPE_INT16:
+            client_printf("%hi\n",*(short *)(telnetparams.CmdParsers[moduleindex].var[i].varvalptr));
+            break;
+          case TELNET_VARTYPE_DOUBLE:
+            client_printf("%g\n",*(double *)(telnetparams.CmdParsers[moduleindex].var[i].varvalptr));
+            break;
+          case TELNET_VARTYPE_STRING:
+            client_printf("\"%s\"\n",*(char **)(telnetparams.CmdParsers[moduleindex].var[i].varvalptr));
+            break;
+          default:
+            client_printf("unknown type\n");
+            break;
+        }
+      }
+      if (n > 1 && (getorset == 's' || getorset == 'S')) {
+        client_printf("%s, %s set to \n", telnetparams.CmdParsers[moduleindex].module,
+                      telnetparams.CmdParsers[moduleindex].var[i].varname);
+        switch(telnetparams.CmdParsers[moduleindex].var[i].vartype) {
+          case TELNET_VARTYPE_INT32:
+            *(int *)(telnetparams.CmdParsers[moduleindex].var[i].varvalptr) = (int)strtol(varval,NULL,0);
+            client_printf("%i\n",*(int *)(telnetparams.CmdParsers[moduleindex].var[i].varvalptr));
+            break;
+          case TELNET_VARTYPE_INT16:
+            *(short *)(telnetparams.CmdParsers[moduleindex].var[i].varvalptr) = (short)strtol(varval,NULL,0);
+            client_printf("%hi\n",*(short *)(telnetparams.CmdParsers[moduleindex].var[i].varvalptr));
+            break;
+          case TELNET_VARTYPE_DOUBLE:
+            *(double *)(telnetparams.CmdParsers[moduleindex].var[i].varvalptr) = strtod(varval,NULL);
+            client_printf("%g\n",*(double *)(telnetparams.CmdParsers[moduleindex].var[i].varvalptr));
+            break;
+          case TELNET_VARTYPE_STRING:
+            sprintf(*(char **)(telnetparams.CmdParsers[moduleindex].var[i].varvalptr),"%s", varval);
+            client_printf("\"%s\"\n",*(char **)(telnetparams.CmdParsers[moduleindex].var[i].varvalptr));
+            break;
+          default:
+            client_printf("unknown type\n");
+            break;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (n>1 && varval != NULL) {
+    free(varval);
+  }
-char *get_time(char *buff,int bufflen)
-struct tm  tmstruct;
-time_t now = time (0);
-strftime (buff, bufflen, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.000", localtime_r(&now,&tmstruct));
-return buff;
+char *get_time(char *buff,int bufflen) {
+  struct tm  tmstruct;
+  time_t now = time (0);
+  strftime (buff, bufflen, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.000", localtime_r(&now,&tmstruct));
+  return buff;
-int process_command(char *buf)
-int i,j,k;
-char modulename[TELNET_CMD_MAXSIZE];
-char *bufbck;
-int rt;
-if (strncasecmp(buf,"ex",2) == 0)
-   return CMDSTATUS_EXIT;
-if (strncasecmp(buf,"help",4) == 0)
-   {
-   for (i=0; telnetparams.CmdParsers[i].var != NULL && telnetparams.CmdParsers[i].cmd != NULL; i++)
-    {
-     client_printf("   module %i = %s:\n",i,telnetparams.CmdParsers[i].module);
-     for(j=0; telnetparams.CmdParsers[i].var[j].varvalptr != NULL ; j++)
-        {
-	client_printf("      %s [get set] %s <value>\n",
-	       telnetparams.CmdParsers[i].module, telnetparams.CmdParsers[i].var[j].varname);
-	} 
-     for(j=0; telnetparams.CmdParsers[i].cmd[j].cmdfunc != NULL ; j++)
-        {
-	client_printf("      %s %s %s\n",
-	       telnetparams.CmdParsers[i].module,telnetparams.CmdParsers[i].cmd[j].cmdname,
-	       telnetparams.CmdParsers[i].cmd[j].helpstr);
-	} 	
+int process_command(char *buf) {
+  int i,j,k;
+  char modulename[TELNET_CMD_MAXSIZE];
+  char cmd[TELNET_CMD_MAXSIZE];
+  char *bufbck;
+  int rt;
+  memset(modulename,0,sizeof(modulename));
+  memset(cmd,0,sizeof(cmd));
+  memset(cmdb,0,sizeof(cmdb));
+  if (strncasecmp(buf,"ex",2) == 0)
+    return CMDSTATUS_EXIT;
+  if (strncasecmp(buf,"help",4) == 0) {
+    for (i=0; telnetparams.CmdParsers[i].var != NULL && telnetparams.CmdParsers[i].cmd != NULL; i++) {
+      client_printf("   module %i = %s:\n",i,telnetparams.CmdParsers[i].module);
+      for(j=0; telnetparams.CmdParsers[i].var[j].varvalptr != NULL ; j++) {
+        client_printf("      %s [get set] %s <value>\n",
+                      telnetparams.CmdParsers[i].module, telnetparams.CmdParsers[i].var[j].varname);
+      }
+      for(j=0; telnetparams.CmdParsers[i].cmd[j].cmdfunc != NULL ; j++) {
+        client_printf("      %s %s %s\n",
+                      telnetparams.CmdParsers[i].module,telnetparams.CmdParsers[i].cmd[j].cmdname,
+                      telnetparams.CmdParsers[i].cmd[j].helpstr);
+      }
-   }
-j = sscanf(buf,"%9s %9s %[^\t\n]",modulename,cmd,cmdb);
-if (telnetparams.telnetdbg > 0)
-    printf("process_command: %i words, module=%s cmd=%s, parameters= %s\n",j,modulename,cmd,cmdb);   
-for (i=0; j>=2 && telnetparams.CmdParsers[i].var != NULL && telnetparams.CmdParsers[i].cmd != NULL; i++)
-    {
-    if ( (strncasecmp(telnetparams.CmdParsers[i].module,modulename,strlen(telnetparams.CmdParsers[i].module)) == 0))
-       {
-        if (strncasecmp(cmd,"getall",7) == 0 )
-	    { 
-            for(j=0; telnetparams.CmdParsers[i].var[j].varvalptr != NULL ; j++)
-               {
-	       setgetvar(i,'g',telnetparams.CmdParsers[i].var[j].varname);
-	       }
-	    rt= CMDSTATUS_FOUND;              
-	    }       
-        else if (strncasecmp(cmd,"get",3) == 0 || strncasecmp(cmd,"set",3) == 0)
-	    {
-            rt= setgetvar(i,cmd[0],cmdb);	    
-	    }	    
-        else
-	    {
-	    for (k=0 ; telnetparams.CmdParsers[i].cmd[k].cmdfunc != NULL ; k++)
-	        {
-	        if (strncasecmp(cmd, telnetparams.CmdParsers[i].cmd[k].cmdname,sizeof(telnetparams.CmdParsers[i].cmd[k].cmdname)) == 0)
-                   {
-	           telnetparams.CmdParsers[i].cmd[k].cmdfunc(cmdb, telnetparams.telnetdbg, client_printf);
-                   rt= CMDSTATUS_FOUND;
-	           }
-		} /* for k */
-	    }/* else */
-	}/* strncmp: module name test */
-     else if (strncasecmp(modulename,"loop",4) == 0 )
-	{
-	int lc;
-        int f = fcntl(telnetparams.new_socket,F_GETFL);
-	fcntl (telnetparams.new_socket, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK | f);
-	for(lc=0; lc<telnetparams.loopcount; lc++)
-	   {
-	   char dummybuff[20];
-	   char tbuff[64];
-       int rs;
-	   client_printf(CSI "1J" CSI "1;10H         " STDFMT "%s %i/%i\n",
-	                 get_time(tbuff,sizeof(tbuff)),lc,telnetparams.loopcount );  
-       process_command(bufbck+strlen("loop")+1);
-       usleep(telnetparams.loopdelay * 1000);
-	   rs = read(telnetparams.new_socket,dummybuff,sizeof(dummybuff)); 
-	   if ( rs > 0 )
-	       {
-	       break;
-	       }
-	   }
-	fcntl (telnetparams.new_socket, F_SETFL, f);
-	} /* loop */
-    } /* for i */
-return rt;
+    return CMDSTATUS_FOUND;
+  }
+  memset(modulename,0,sizeof(modulename));
+  memset(cmd,0,sizeof(cmd));
+  memset(cmdb,0,sizeof(cmdb));
+  bufbck=strdup(buf);
+  j = sscanf(buf,"%9s %9s %[^\t\n]",modulename,cmd,cmdb);
+  if (telnetparams.telnetdbg > 0)
+    printf("process_command: %i words, module=%s cmd=%s, parameters= %s\n",j,modulename,cmd,cmdb);
+  for (i=0; j>=2 && telnetparams.CmdParsers[i].var != NULL && telnetparams.CmdParsers[i].cmd != NULL; i++) {
+    if ( (strncasecmp(telnetparams.CmdParsers[i].module,modulename,strlen(telnetparams.CmdParsers[i].module)) == 0)) {
+      if (strncasecmp(cmd,"getall",7) == 0 ) {
+        for(j=0; telnetparams.CmdParsers[i].var[j].varvalptr != NULL ; j++) {
+          setgetvar(i,'g',telnetparams.CmdParsers[i].var[j].varname);
+        }
+        rt= CMDSTATUS_FOUND;
+      } else if (strncasecmp(cmd,"get",3) == 0 || strncasecmp(cmd,"set",3) == 0) {
+        rt= setgetvar(i,cmd[0],cmdb);
+      } else {
+        for (k=0 ; telnetparams.CmdParsers[i].cmd[k].cmdfunc != NULL ; k++) {
+          if (strncasecmp(cmd, telnetparams.CmdParsers[i].cmd[k].cmdname,sizeof(telnetparams.CmdParsers[i].cmd[k].cmdname)) == 0) {
+            telnetparams.CmdParsers[i].cmd[k].cmdfunc(cmdb, telnetparams.telnetdbg, client_printf);
+            rt= CMDSTATUS_FOUND;
+          }
+        } /* for k */
+      }/* else */
+    }/* strncmp: module name test */
+    else if (strncasecmp(modulename,"loop",4) == 0 ) {
+      int lc;
+      int f = fcntl(telnetparams.new_socket,F_GETFL);
+      fcntl (telnetparams.new_socket, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK | f);
+      for(lc=0; lc<telnetparams.loopcount; lc++) {
+        char dummybuff[20];
+        char tbuff[64];
+        int rs;
+        client_printf(CSI "1J" CSI "1;10H         " STDFMT "%s %i/%i\n",
+                      get_time(tbuff,sizeof(tbuff)),lc,telnetparams.loopcount );
+        process_command(bufbck+strlen("loop")+1);
+        usleep(telnetparams.loopdelay * 1000);
+        rs = read(telnetparams.new_socket,dummybuff,sizeof(dummybuff));
+        if ( rs > 0 ) {
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+      fcntl (telnetparams.new_socket, F_SETFL, f);
+    } /* loop */
+  } /* for i */
+  free(bufbck);
+  return rt;
-void run_telnetsrv(void) 
-int sock;
-struct sockaddr_in name;
-struct sockaddr cli_addr;
-unsigned int cli_len = sizeof(cli_addr);
-int readc , filled;
-int status;
-int optval = 1;
-pthread_setname_np(pthread_self(), "telnet");
-sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
-if (sock < 0) 
+void run_telnetsrv(void) {
+  int sock;
+  struct sockaddr_in name;
+  struct sockaddr cli_addr;
+  unsigned int cli_len = sizeof(cli_addr);
+  int readc , filled;
+  int status;
+  int optval = 1;
+  pthread_setname_np(pthread_self(), "telnet");
+  set_sched(pthread_self(),0,telnetparams.priority);
+  sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
+  if (sock < 0)
     fprintf(stderr,"[TELNETSRV] Error %s on socket call\n",strerror(errno));
-setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &optval, sizeof optval);
-name.sin_family = AF_INET;
-if (telnetparams.listenaddr == 0)
+  setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &optval, sizeof optval);
+  name.sin_family = AF_INET;
+  if (telnetparams.listenaddr == 0)
     name.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
+  else
     name.sin_addr.s_addr = telnetparams.listenaddr;
-name.sin_port = htons((unsigned short)(telnetparams.listenport));
-if(bind(sock, (void*) &name, sizeof(name))) 
-     fprintf(stderr,"[TELNETSRV] Error %s on bind call\n",strerror(errno));
-if(listen(sock, 1) == -1)
-     fprintf(stderr,"[TELNETSRV] Error %s on listen call\n",strerror(errno));
+  name.sin_port = htons((unsigned short)(telnetparams.listenport));
+  if(bind(sock, (void *) &name, sizeof(name)))
+    fprintf(stderr,"[TELNETSRV] Error %s on bind call\n",strerror(errno));
+  if(listen(sock, 1) == -1)
+    fprintf(stderr,"[TELNETSRV] Error %s on listen call\n",strerror(errno));
-printf("\nInitializing telnet server...\n");
-while( (telnetparams.new_socket = accept(sock, &cli_addr, &cli_len)) )
-     {
-     printf("[TELNETSRV] Telnet client connected....\n");
+  using_history();
+  printf("\nInitializing telnet server...\n");
+  while( (telnetparams.new_socket = accept(sock, &cli_addr, &cli_len)) ) {
+    printf("[TELNETSRV] Telnet client connected....\n");
     if(telnetparams.new_socket < 0)
-       fprintf(stderr,"[TELNETSRV] Error %s on accept call\n",strerror(errno));
-    while(telnetparams.new_socket>0)
-         {
-	 filled = 0;
-	 memset(buf,0,sizeof(buf));
-         while(filled < ( TELNET_MAX_MSGLENGTH-1))
-	     {
-             readc = recv(telnetparams.new_socket, buf+filled, TELNET_MAX_MSGLENGTH-filled-1, 0);
-             if(!readc)
-	        break;
-             filled += readc;
-             if(buf[filled-1] == '\n')
-	        {
-		buf[filled-1] = 0;
-	        break;
-		}
-             }
-         if(!readc)
-	   {
-           printf ("[TELNETSRV] Telnet Client disconnected.\n");
-           break;
-           }
-         if (telnetparams.telnetdbg > 0)
-	    printf("[TELNETSRV] Command received: readc %i filled %i \"%s\"\n", readc, filled ,buf);
-         if (buf[0] == '!') {
-             if (buf[1] == '!') {
-         	 sprintf(buf,"%s","telnet history list");
-             } else {
-         	 HIST_ENTRY *hisentry = history_get(strtol(buf+1,NULL,0)); 
-         	 if (hisentry) {
-                     char msg[TELNET_MAX_MSGLENGTH + sizeof(TELNET_PROMPT) +10];
-         	     sprintf(buf,"%s",hisentry->line);
-        	     sprintf(msg,"%s %s\n",TELNET_PROMPT, hisentry->line);
-                     send(telnetparams.new_socket, msg, strlen(msg), MSG_NOSIGNAL);
-         	 }
-             }  	 
-         }
-	 if (strlen(buf) > 2 )
-	    {
-            status=process_command(buf);
-	    }
-	 else
-	    status=CMDSTATUS_NOCMD;
-         if (status != CMDSTATUS_EXIT) {
-	    if (status == CMDSTATUS_NOTFOUND) {
-	       char msg[TELNET_MAX_MSGLENGTH + 50];
-	       sprintf(msg,"Error: \n      %s\n is not a softmodem command\n",buf);
-	       send(telnetparams.new_socket, msg, strlen(msg), MSG_NOSIGNAL);
-	    } else if (status == CMDSTATUS_FOUND) {
-               add_history(buf);
-            }
-            send(telnetparams.new_socket, TELNET_PROMPT, sizeof(TELNET_PROMPT), MSG_NOSIGNAL);
-	} else {
-	    printf ("[TELNETSRV] Closing telnet connection...\n");
-	    break;
-	}
+      fprintf(stderr,"[TELNETSRV] Error %s on accept call\n",strerror(errno));
+    while(telnetparams.new_socket>0) {
+      filled = 0;
+      memset(buf,0,sizeof(buf));
+      while(filled < ( TELNET_MAX_MSGLENGTH-1)) {
+        readc = recv(telnetparams.new_socket, buf+filled, TELNET_MAX_MSGLENGTH-filled-1, 0);
+        if(!readc)
+          break;
+        filled += readc;
+        if(buf[filled-1] == '\n') {
+          buf[filled-1] = 0;
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+      if(!readc) {
+        printf ("[TELNETSRV] Telnet Client disconnected.\n");
+        break;
+      }
+      if (telnetparams.telnetdbg > 0)
+        printf("[TELNETSRV] Command received: readc %i filled %i \"%s\"\n", readc, filled ,buf);
+      if (buf[0] == '!') {
+        if (buf[1] == '!') {
+          sprintf(buf,"%s","telnet history list");
+        } else {
+          HIST_ENTRY *hisentry = history_get(strtol(buf+1,NULL,0));
+          if (hisentry) {
+            char msg[TELNET_MAX_MSGLENGTH + sizeof(TELNET_PROMPT) +10];
+            sprintf(buf,"%s",hisentry->line);
+            sprintf(msg,"%s %s\n",TELNET_PROMPT, hisentry->line);
+            send(telnetparams.new_socket, msg, strlen(msg), MSG_NOSIGNAL);
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      if (strlen(buf) > 2 ) {
+        status=process_command(buf);
+      } else
+        status=CMDSTATUS_NOCMD;
+      if (status != CMDSTATUS_EXIT) {
+        if (status == CMDSTATUS_NOTFOUND) {
+          char msg[TELNET_MAX_MSGLENGTH + 50];
+          sprintf(msg,"Error: \n      %s\n is not a softmodem command\n",buf);
+          send(telnetparams.new_socket, msg, strlen(msg), MSG_NOSIGNAL);
+        } else if (status == CMDSTATUS_FOUND) {
+          add_history(buf);
+        }
+        send(telnetparams.new_socket, TELNET_PROMPT, sizeof(TELNET_PROMPT), MSG_NOSIGNAL);
+      } else {
+        printf ("[TELNETSRV] Closing telnet connection...\n");
+        break;
+      }
     printf ("[TELNETSRV] Telnet server waitting for connection...\n");
-    }
+  }
+  close(sock);
+  return;
 /* set_telnetmodule loads the commands delivered with the telnet server
- * 
+ *
-void exec_moduleinit(char *modname)
-void (*fptr)(void);
-char initfunc[TELNET_CMD_MAXSIZE+9];
-       if (strlen(modname) > TELNET_CMD_MAXSIZE)
-	  {
-          fprintf(stderr,"[TELNETSRV] module %s not loaded, name exceeds the %i size limit\n",
-			 modname, TELNET_CMD_MAXSIZE);
-	  return; 
-          }
-       sprintf(initfunc,"add_%s_cmds",modname);
-       fptr = dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT,initfunc);
-       if ( fptr != NULL)
-          {
-          fptr();
-          }
-       else
-          {
-          fprintf(stderr,"[TELNETSRV] couldn't find %s for module %s \n",initfunc,modname);
-          }
+void exec_moduleinit(char *modname) {
+  void (*fptr)(void);
+  char initfunc[TELNET_CMD_MAXSIZE+9];
+  if (strlen(modname) > TELNET_CMD_MAXSIZE) {
+    fprintf(stderr,"[TELNETSRV] module %s not loaded, name exceeds the %i size limit\n",
+            modname, TELNET_CMD_MAXSIZE);
+    return;
+  }
-int add_embeddedmodules(void)
-int ret=0;
+  sprintf(initfunc,"add_%s_cmds",modname);
+  fptr = dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT,initfunc);
+  if ( fptr != NULL) {
+    fptr();
+  } else {
+    fprintf(stderr,"[TELNETSRV] couldn't find %s for module %s \n",initfunc,modname);
+  }
+int add_embeddedmodules(void) {
+  int ret=0;
-    for(int i=0; i<telnetoptions[TELNETSRV_STATICMOD].numelt;i++)
-       {
-       ret++;
-       exec_moduleinit(telnetoptions[TELNETSRV_STATICMOD].strlistptr[i]);
-       }
-return ret;
+  for(int i=0; i<telnetoptions[TELNETSRV_STATICMOD].numelt; i++) {
+    ret++;
+    exec_moduleinit(telnetoptions[TELNETSRV_STATICMOD].strlistptr[i]);
+  }
+  return ret;
-int add_sharedmodules(void)
-char initfunc[TELNET_CMD_MAXSIZE+9];
-void (*fptr)(void);
-int ret=0;
-    for(int i=0; i<telnetoptions[TELNETSRV_SHRMOD].numelt;i++)
-       {
-       sprintf(initfunc,"add_%s_cmds",telnetoptions[TELNETSRV_SHRMOD].strlistptr[i]);
-       fptr = dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT,initfunc);
-       if ( fptr != NULL)
-          {
-          fptr();
-          ret++;
-          }
-       else
-          {
-          fprintf(stderr,"[TELNETSRV] couldn't find %s for module %s \n",initfunc,telnetoptions[TELNETSRV_STATICMOD].strlistptr[i]);
-          }
-       }
-    return ret;
+int add_sharedmodules(void) {
+  char initfunc[TELNET_CMD_MAXSIZE+9];
+  void (*fptr)(void);
+  int ret=0;
-int telnetsrv_autoinit(void)
- {
+  for(int i=0; i<telnetoptions[TELNETSRV_SHRMOD].numelt; i++) {
+    sprintf(initfunc,"add_%s_cmds",telnetoptions[TELNETSRV_SHRMOD].strlistptr[i]);
+    fptr = dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT,initfunc);
+    if ( fptr != NULL) {
+      fptr();
+      ret++;
+    } else {
+      fprintf(stderr,"[TELNETSRV] couldn't find %s for module %s \n",initfunc,telnetoptions[TELNETSRV_STATICMOD].strlistptr[i]);
+    }
+  }
-   memset(&telnetparams,0,sizeof(telnetparams));
+  return ret;
-   config_get( telnetoptions,sizeof(telnetoptions)/sizeof(paramdef_t),"telnetsrv"); 
+int telnetsrv_autoinit(void) {
+  memset(&telnetparams,0,sizeof(telnetparams));
+  config_get( telnetoptions,sizeof(telnetoptions)/sizeof(paramdef_t),"telnetsrv");
+  if(pthread_create(&telnetparams.telnet_pthread,NULL, (void *(*)(void *))run_telnetsrv, NULL) != 0) {
+    fprintf(stderr,"[TELNETSRV] Error %s on pthread_create call\n",strerror(errno));
+    return -1;
+  }
-   if(pthread_create(&telnetparams.telnet_pthread,NULL, (void *(*)(void *))run_telnetsrv, NULL) != 0)
-     {
-     fprintf(stderr,"[TELNETSRV] Error %s on pthread_create call\n",strerror(errno));
-     return -1;
-     }
   add_telnetcmd("telnet", telnet_vardef, telnet_cmdarray);
   return 0;
- }
 /* add_telnetcmd is used to add a set of commands to the telnet server. A module calls this
  * function at init time. the telnet server is delivered with a set of commands which
  * will be loaded or not depending on the telnet section of the config file
-int add_telnetcmd(char *modulename, telnetshell_vardef_t *var, telnetshell_cmddef_t *cmd)
- {
- int i;
- if( modulename == NULL || var == NULL || cmd == NULL)
-     {
-     fprintf(stderr,"[TELNETSRV] Telnet server, add_telnetcmd: invalid parameters\n");
-     return -1;
-     }
- for (i=0; i<TELNET_MAXCMD ; i++)
-     {
-     if (telnetparams.CmdParsers[i].var == NULL)
-        {
-        strncpy(telnetparams.CmdParsers[i].module,modulename,sizeof(telnetparams.CmdParsers[i].module)-1);
-        telnetparams.CmdParsers[i].cmd = cmd;
-        telnetparams.CmdParsers[i].var = var;
-        printf("[TELNETSRV] Telnet server: module %i = %s added to shell\n",
-               i,telnetparams.CmdParsers[i].module);
-        break;
-        }
-     }
+int add_telnetcmd(char *modulename, telnetshell_vardef_t *var, telnetshell_cmddef_t *cmd) {
+  int i;
+  if( modulename == NULL || var == NULL || cmd == NULL) {
+    fprintf(stderr,"[TELNETSRV] Telnet server, add_telnetcmd: invalid parameters\n");
+    return -1;
+  }
+  for (i=0; i<TELNET_MAXCMD ; i++) {
+    if (telnetparams.CmdParsers[i].var == NULL) {
+      strncpy(telnetparams.CmdParsers[i].module,modulename,sizeof(telnetparams.CmdParsers[i].module)-1);
+      telnetparams.CmdParsers[i].cmd = cmd;
+      telnetparams.CmdParsers[i].var = var;
+      printf("[TELNETSRV] Telnet server: module %i = %s added to shell\n",
+             i,telnetparams.CmdParsers[i].module);
+      break;
+    }
+  }
   return 0;
- }
 /* function which will be called by the shared lib loader, to check shared lib version
    against main exec version. version mismatch no considered as fatal (interfaces not supposed to change)
-int  telnetsrv_checkbuildver(char * mainexec_buildversion, char ** shlib_buildversion)
+int  telnetsrv_checkbuildver(char *mainexec_buildversion, char **shlib_buildversion) {
 #define PACKAGE_VERSION "standalone built: " __DATE__ __TIME__
-    *shlib_buildversion = PACKAGE_VERSION;
-    if (strcmp(mainexec_buildversion, *shlib_buildversion) != 0) {
-          fprintf(stderr,"[TELNETSRV] shared lib version %s, doesn't match main version %s, compatibility should be checked\n",
-                mainexec_buildversion,*shlib_buildversion);
-    }
-    return 0;
+  *shlib_buildversion = PACKAGE_VERSION;
+  if (strcmp(mainexec_buildversion, *shlib_buildversion) != 0) {
+    fprintf(stderr,"[TELNETSRV] shared lib version %s, doesn't match main version %s, compatibility should be checked\n",
+            mainexec_buildversion,*shlib_buildversion);
+  }
+  return 0;
-int telnetsrv_getfarray(loader_shlibfunc_t  **farray)
- {
+int telnetsrv_getfarray(loader_shlibfunc_t  **farray) {
   (*farray)[0].fptr=(int (*)(void) )add_telnetcmd;
   return 1;
- }