diff --git a/cmake_targets/CMakeLists.txt b/cmake_targets/CMakeLists.txt
index ba3e11ab6c6dda0cbe2ad6e35980b0b03b5dc895..d0ec071a07b5922c29aa7293017ddb560e079f0f 100644
--- a/cmake_targets/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/cmake_targets/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -564,6 +564,15 @@ add_library(oai_mobipass MODULE ${TPLIB_MOBIPASS_SOURCE} )
 get_target_property(mobipas_cflags oai_mobipass COMPILE_FLAGS)
 set_target_properties(oai_mobipass PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "${mobipass_cflags} -fvisibility=hidden")
+  ${OPENAIR_TARGETS}/ARCH/tcp_bridge/tcp_bridge.c
+  )
+add_library(oai_tcp_bridge MODULE ${HWLIB_TCP_BRIDGE_SOURCE} )
+#get_target_property(tcp_bridge_cflags oai_tcp_bridge COMPILE_FLAGS)
+#set_target_properties(oai_tcp_bridge PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "${tcp_bridge_cflags} -fvisibility=hidden")
+set_target_properties(oai_tcp_bridge PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "-fvisibility=hidden")
 include_directories ("${OPENAIR_TARGETS}/ARCH/COMMON")
diff --git a/common/utils/itti/intertask_interface.c b/common/utils/itti/intertask_interface.c
index 5ffb17c2345c9262341db5ff1a2fa30a101e2192..193b2c13fbf4f784225bbb5d9f5ca9fc56f32c29 100644
--- a/common/utils/itti/intertask_interface.c
+++ b/common/utils/itti/intertask_interface.c
@@ -623,7 +623,6 @@ static inline void itti_receive_msg_internal_event_fd(task_id_t task_id, uint8_t
       read_ret = read (itti_desc.threads[thread_id].task_event_fd, &sem_counter, sizeof(sem_counter));
       AssertFatal (read_ret == sizeof(sem_counter), "Read from task message FD (%d) failed (%d/%d)!\n", thread_id, (int) read_ret, (int) sizeof(sem_counter));
-      printf("sem_counter %d task %d\n", (int)sem_counter, task_id);
       if (lfds611_queue_dequeue (itti_desc.tasks[task_id].message_queue, (void **) &message) == 0) {
         /* No element in list -> this should not happen */
         AssertFatal (0, "No message in queue for task %d while there are %d events and some for the messages queue!\n", task_id, epoll_ret);
@@ -632,7 +631,6 @@ static inline void itti_receive_msg_internal_event_fd(task_id_t task_id, uint8_t
       AssertFatal(message != NULL, "Message from message queue is NULL!\n");
       *received_msg = message->msg;
-      printf("ITTI: message %s\n", ITTI_MSG_NAME(message->msg));
       result = itti_free (ITTI_MSG_ORIGIN_ID(*received_msg), message);
       AssertFatal (result == EXIT_SUCCESS, "Failed to free memory (%d)!\n", result);
diff --git a/common/utils/load_module_shlib.c b/common/utils/load_module_shlib.c
index 27e7ba8b0992e83327017190f08a4ac62a51d00d..b21f39e69dff7b05ba44b23f1d097852681dcd2f 100644
--- a/common/utils/load_module_shlib.c
+++ b/common/utils/load_module_shlib.c
@@ -1,9 +1,34 @@
+ * Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under
+ * the OAI Public License, Version 1.0  (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *      http://www.openairinterface.org/?page_id=698
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance:
+ *      contact@openairinterface.org
+ */
- *  this source is to be linked with the program using the telnet server, it looks for
- *  the telnet server dynamic library, possibly loads it and calls the telnet server
- *  init functions
+/*! \file common/utils/load_module_shlib.c
+ * \brief shared library loader implementation
+ * \author Francois TABURET
+ * \date 2017
+ * \version 0.1
+ * \company NOKIA BellLabs France
+ * \email: francois.taburet@nokia-bell-labs.com
+ * \note
+ * \warning
+ */
 #define _GNU_SOURCE
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
@@ -13,37 +38,71 @@
 #include <dlfcn.h>
 #include "openair1/PHY/defs.h"
+#include "common/config/config_userapi.h"
 #include "load_module_shlib.h"
-int load_module_shlib(char *modname)
+void loader_init(void) {
+  paramdef_t LoaderParams[] = LOADER_PARAMS_DESC;
+  int ret = config_get( LoaderParams,sizeof(LoaderParams)/sizeof(paramdef_t),LOADER_CONFIG_PREFIX);
+  if (ret <0) {
+       fprintf(stderr,"[LOADER] configuration couldn't be performed");
+       if (loader_data.shlibpath == NULL) {
+         loader_data.shlibpath=DEFAULT_PATH;
+        }
+       return;
+  }   
+int load_module_shlib(char *modname,loader_shlibfunc_t *farray, int numf)
    void *lib_handle;
    initfunc_t fpi;
    char *tmpstr;
    int ret=0;
-   tmpstr = malloc(strlen(modname)+16);
+   if (loader_data.shlibpath  == NULL) {
+      loader_init();
+   }
+   tmpstr = malloc(strlen(loader_data.shlibpath)+strlen(modname)+16);
    if (tmpstr == NULL) {
       fprintf(stderr,"[LOADER] %s %d malloc error loading module %s, %s\n",__FILE__, __LINE__, modname, strerror(errno));
       return -1; 
-   sprintf(tmpstr,"lib%s.so",modname);
+   if(loader_data.shlibpath[0] != 0) {
+       ret=sprintf(tmpstr,"%s/",loader_data.shlibpath);
+   }
+   if(strstr(modname,".so") == NULL) {
+      sprintf(tmpstr+ret,"lib%s.so",modname);
+   } else {
+      sprintf(tmpstr+ret,"%s",modname);   
+   } 
+   ret = 0;
    lib_handle = dlopen(tmpstr, RTLD_LAZY|RTLD_NODELETE|RTLD_GLOBAL);
    if (!lib_handle) {
-      printf("[LOADER] library %s is not loaded: %s\n", tmpstr,dlerror());
+      fprintf(stderr,"[LOADER] library %s is not loaded: %s\n", tmpstr,dlerror());
       ret = -1;
    } else {
-      sprintf(tmpstr,"init_%s",modname);
+      printf("[LOADER] library %s uccessfully loaded loaded\n", tmpstr);
+      sprintf(tmpstr,"%s_autoinit",modname);
       fpi = dlsym(lib_handle,tmpstr);
       if (fpi != NULL )
-      else
-         {
-         fprintf(stderr,"[LOADER] %s %d %s function not found %s\n",__FILE__, __LINE__, dlerror(),tmpstr);
-         ret =  -1;
-         }
+      if (farray != NULL) {
+          for (int i=0; i<numf; i++) {
+	      farray[i].fptr = dlsym(lib_handle,farray[i].fname);
+	      if (farray[i].fptr == NULL ) {
+	          fprintf(stderr,"[LOADER] %s %d %s function not found %s\n",__FILE__, __LINE__, dlerror(),farray[i].fname);
+               ret= -1;
+	      }
+	  } /* for int i... */
+      }	 /* farray ! NULL */
    if (tmpstr != NULL) free(tmpstr);
diff --git a/common/utils/load_module_shlib.h b/common/utils/load_module_shlib.h
index 2db1d17ec0c48e44b04c4f4608ed7f3209f0262a..1f991dddd2ca96c7215b4227cedf0bbb9fc8d0e4 100644
--- a/common/utils/load_module_shlib.h
+++ b/common/utils/load_module_shlib.h
@@ -1,11 +1,65 @@
+ * Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under
+ * the OAI Public License, Version 1.0  (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *      http://www.openairinterface.org/?page_id=698
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance:
+ *      contact@openairinterface.org
+ */
+/*! \file common/utils/load_module_shlib.h
+ * \brief include file for users of the shared lib loader
+ * \author Francois TABURET
+ * \date 2017
+ * \version 0.1
+ * \company NOKIA BellLabs France
+ * \email: francois.taburet@nokia-bell-labs.com
+ * \note
+ * \warning
+ */
 #ifndef LOAD_SHLIB_H
 #define LOAD_SHLIB_H
 typedef int(*initfunc_t)(void);
+typedef struct {
+   char *shlibpath;
+typedef struct {
+   char *fname;
+   int (*fptr)(void);
+#define LOADER_CONFIG_PREFIX  "loader"
+#define DEFAULT_PATH ""
+loader_data_t loader_data;
+/*                                       LOADER parameters                                                                              */
+/*   optname               helpstr   paramflags    XXXptr	                           defXXXval	            type       numelt   */
+{"shlibpath",                NULL,    0,          strptr:(char **)&(loader_data.shlibpath), defstrval:DEFAULT_PATH, TYPE_STRING, 0} \
-extern int load_module_shlib(char *modname);
+extern int load_module_shlib(char *modname, loader_shlibfunc_t *farray, int numf);
diff --git a/common/utils/telnetsrv/telnetsrv.c b/common/utils/telnetsrv/telnetsrv.c
index 6d6b84f5684f209f20b2b4cf2504f16dc7e140b1..f99a83f3218c78226a052a2dd65bf5d910e6860a 100644
--- a/common/utils/telnetsrv/telnetsrv.c
+++ b/common/utils/telnetsrv/telnetsrv.c
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
  *      contact@openairinterface.org
-/*! \file common/utils/telnetsrv.c
+/*! \file common/utils/telnetsrv/telnetsrv.c
  * \brief: implementation of a telnet server
  * \author Francois TABURET
  * \date 2017
diff --git a/common/utils/telnetsrv/telnetsrv.h b/common/utils/telnetsrv/telnetsrv.h
index f54557e751d90611c25bca4d00fc56bf62a3d1e1..c8cad58784df9381f1040b0200d3597b838df3df 100644
--- a/common/utils/telnetsrv/telnetsrv.h
+++ b/common/utils/telnetsrv/telnetsrv.h
@@ -1,3 +1,34 @@
+ * Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under
+ * the OAI Public License, Version 1.0  (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *      http://www.openairinterface.org/?page_id=698
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance:
+ *      contact@openairinterface.org
+ */
+/*! \file common/utils/telnetsrv/telnetsrv.h
+ * \brief: include file for telnet server implementation
+ * \author Francois TABURET
+ * \date 2017
+ * \version 0.1
+ * \company NOKIA BellLabs France
+ * \email: francois.taburet@nokia-bell-labs.com
+ * \note
+ * \warning
+ */
 #ifndef TELNETSRV_H
 #define TELNETSRV_H
diff --git a/common/utils/telnetsrv/telnetsrv_phycmd.c b/common/utils/telnetsrv/telnetsrv_phycmd.c
index 1e267f689014c0f96cf826157de16ad534f2517f..6867d5deeef8fde9baa5880ca5f3bc28f043525c 100644
--- a/common/utils/telnetsrv/telnetsrv_phycmd.c
+++ b/common/utils/telnetsrv/telnetsrv_phycmd.c
@@ -1,3 +1,34 @@
+ * Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under
+ * the OAI Public License, Version 1.0  (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *      http://www.openairinterface.org/?page_id=698
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance:
+ *      contact@openairinterface.org
+ */
+/*! \file common/utils/telnetsrv/telnetsrv_phycmd.c
+ * \brief: implementation of telnet commands related to softmodem linux process
+ * \author Francois TABURET
+ * \date 2017
+ * \version 0.1
+ * \company NOKIA BellLabs France
+ * \email: francois.taburet@nokia-bell-labs.com
+ * \note
+ * \warning
+ */
 #define _GNU_SOURCE 
 #include <string.h>
 #include <pthread.h>
@@ -89,7 +120,7 @@ int dump_phyvars(char *buf, int debug, telnet_printfunc_t prnt)
    if (strcasestr(buf,"uedump") != NULL)
        dump_uestats(debug, prnt,1);
-       }      
+       }           
    return 0;
diff --git a/common/utils/telnetsrv/telnetsrv_phycmd.h b/common/utils/telnetsrv/telnetsrv_phycmd.h
index 7289810c8a9047d062132539bea8912ed358f771..3922bda727c0e140d3e4529c81dd167cbb21df29 100644
--- a/common/utils/telnetsrv/telnetsrv_phycmd.h
+++ b/common/utils/telnetsrv/telnetsrv_phycmd.h
@@ -1,4 +1,34 @@
+ * Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under
+ * the OAI Public License, Version 1.0  (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *      http://www.openairinterface.org/?page_id=698
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance:
+ *      contact@openairinterface.org
+ */
+/*! \file common/utils/telnetsrv_proccmd.h
+ * \brief: Include file defining telnet commands related to softmodem linux process
+ * \author Francois TABURET
+ * \date 2017
+ * \version 0.1
+ * \company NOKIA BellLabs France
+ * \email: francois.taburet@nokia-bell-labs.com
+ * \note
+ * \warning
+ */
diff --git a/common/utils/telnetsrv/telnetsrv_proccmd.c b/common/utils/telnetsrv/telnetsrv_proccmd.c
index bd409ab27cdad2eb93a669c99dc4310775b68c6b..82c4549faeab7b7eaf79ec00f5a145fdfb7717d7 100644
--- a/common/utils/telnetsrv/telnetsrv_proccmd.c
+++ b/common/utils/telnetsrv/telnetsrv_proccmd.c
@@ -1,3 +1,34 @@
+ * Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under
+ * the OAI Public License, Version 1.0  (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *      http://www.openairinterface.org/?page_id=698
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance:
+ *      contact@openairinterface.org
+ */
+/*! \file common/utils/telnetsrv/telnetsrv_proccmd.c
+ * \brief: implementation of telnet commands related to this linux process
+ * \author Francois TABURET
+ * \date 2017
+ * \version 0.1
+ * \company NOKIA BellLabs France
+ * \email: francois.taburet@nokia-bell-labs.com
+ * \note
+ * \warning
+ */
 #define _GNU_SOURCE
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>
diff --git a/common/utils/telnetsrv/telnetsrv_proccmd.h b/common/utils/telnetsrv/telnetsrv_proccmd.h
index 60eaa2e40620fb7145128c9ffe3ae8b202ae180f..d7fd0a6e2497df81bca617989ad142e5356997bd 100644
--- a/common/utils/telnetsrv/telnetsrv_proccmd.h
+++ b/common/utils/telnetsrv/telnetsrv_proccmd.h
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
  *      contact@openairinterface.org
-/*! \file common/utils/telnetsrv_proccmd.h
+/*! \file common/utils/telnetsrv/telnetsrv_proccmd.h
  * \brief: Include file defining telnet commands related to this linux process
  * \author Francois TABURET
  * \date 2017
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/dci.c b/openair1/PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/dci.c
index 5e29c0060145944ec633fd544988f6e418e749d8..c95d9958fbb67fedcfd0b72a9ef35a99ce309d38 100755
--- a/openair1/PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/dci.c
+++ b/openair1/PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/dci.c
@@ -2278,13 +2278,13 @@ uint8_t generate_dci_top(uint8_t num_pdcch_symbols,
       if (dci_alloc[i].L == (uint8_t)L) {
-	if (dci_alloc[i].rnti!=0xFFFF)
+	if (dci_alloc[i].rnti==0x02)
 	  LOG_I(PHY,"Generating DCI %d/%d (nCCE %d) of length %d, aggregation %d (%x), rnti %x\n",i,num_dci,dci_alloc[i].firstCCE,dci_alloc[i].dci_length,dci_alloc[i].L,
 		*(unsigned int*)dci_alloc[i].dci_pdu,
-        //dump_dci(frame_parms,&dci_alloc[i]);
-	//#endif
+       //dump_dci(frame_parms,&dci_alloc[i]);
+	#endif
         if (dci_alloc[i].firstCCE>=0) {
           e_ptr = generate_dci0(dci_alloc[i].dci_pdu,
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/dci_tools.c b/openair1/PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/dci_tools.c
index 3ef73aa4ab647462e907f3271d13fe637faffab5..88a60e41455e587f6ac2a750ab78f8b3aa496ac5 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/dci_tools.c
+++ b/openair1/PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/dci_tools.c
@@ -896,14 +896,14 @@ void fill_dci_and_dlsch(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc,DCI_ALLOC_t *dci
   int TB1_active;
   uint16_t DL_pmi_single=0; // This should be taken from DLSCH parameters for PUSCH precoding
   uint8_t I_mcs = 0;
   dci_alloc->firstCCE = rel8->cce_idx;
   dci_alloc->L        = rel8->aggregation_level;
   dci_alloc->rnti     = rel8->rnti;
   dci_alloc->harq_pid = rel8->harq_process;
   dci_alloc->ra_flag  = 0;
-  LOG_I(PHY,"NFAPI: DCI format %d, nCCE %d, L %d, rnti %x,harq_pid %d\n",
+  LOG_D(PHY,"NFAPI: DCI format %d, nCCE %d, L %d, rnti %x,harq_pid %d\n",
   if ((rel8->rnti_type == 2 ) && (rel8->rnti != SI_RNTI) && (rel8->rnti != P_RNTI)) dci_alloc->ra_flag = 1;
@@ -920,6 +920,10 @@ void fill_dci_and_dlsch(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc,DCI_ALLOC_t *dci
   dlsch1_harq                               = dlsch1->harq_processes[rel8->harq_process];
   dlsch1_harq->codeword                     = 1;
   dlsch0->subframe_tx[subframe]             = 1;
+  if (dlsch0->rnti != rel8->rnti) { // if rnti of dlsch is not the same as in the config, this is a new entry
+    dlsch0_harq->round=0;
+    dlsch0->harq_mask=0;
+  }
   if ((dlsch0->harq_mask & (1<<rel8->harq_process)) > 0 ) {
     if (rel8->new_data_indicator_1 != dlsch0_harq->ndi)
@@ -930,16 +934,22 @@ void fill_dci_and_dlsch(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc,DCI_ALLOC_t *dci
   dlsch0_harq->ndi = rel8->new_data_indicator_1;
-  LOG_I(PHY,"NFAPI: harq_pid %d harq_mask %x, round %d ndi (%d,%d) \n",rel8->harq_process,dlsch0->harq_mask,dlsch0_harq->round,
+  dlsch0->active        = 1;
+  if (rel8->rnti_type == 2)
+      dlsch0_harq->round    = 0;
+LOG_D(PHY,"NFAPI: harq_pid %d harq_mask %x, round %d ndi (%d,%d) \n",rel8->harq_process,dlsch0->harq_mask,dlsch0_harq->round,
   switch (rel8->dci_format) {
+      AssertFatal(rel8->resource_block_coding < 8192, "Frame %d, Subframe %d: rel8->resource_block_coding (%p) %u >= 8192 (rnti %x, rnti_type %d, format %d, harq_id %d\n",
+                proc->frame_tx,subframe,
+                &rel8->resource_block_coding,rel8->resource_block_coding,rel8->rnti,rel8->rnti_type,rel8->dci_format,rel8->harq_process);
     dci_alloc->format     = format1A;
-    dlsch0->active        = 1;
-    if (rel8->rnti == SI_RNTI)
-      dlsch0_harq->round    = 0;
     switch (fp->N_RB_DL) {
     case 6:
@@ -967,7 +977,11 @@ void fill_dci_and_dlsch(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc,DCI_ALLOC_t *dci
         ((DCI1A_1_5MHz_FDD_t *)dci_pdu)->harq_pid     = rel8->harq_process;
         //      printf("FDD 1A: mcs %d, rballoc %x,rv %d, NPRB %d\n",mcs,rballoc,rv,NPRB);
+      // check if PDCCH order
+      if (rel8->resource_block_coding == 63) { 
+          dlsch0->active        = 0;
+          return;
+      }
       AssertFatal(rel8->virtual_resource_block_assignment_flag==LOCALIZED,"Distributed RB allocation not done yet\n");
       dlsch0_harq->rb_alloc[0]    = localRIV2alloc_LUT6[rel8->resource_block_coding];
       dlsch0_harq->vrb_type           =  rel8->virtual_resource_block_assignment_flag;
@@ -998,6 +1012,12 @@ void fill_dci_and_dlsch(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc,DCI_ALLOC_t *dci
         ((DCI1A_5MHz_FDD_t *)dci_pdu)->harq_pid       = rel8->harq_process;
         //      printf("FDD 1A: mcs %d, rballoc %x,rv %d, NPRB %d\n",mcs,rballoc,rv,NPRB);
+      // check if PDCCH order
+	  if (rel8->resource_block_coding == 511)  {
+          dlsch0->active        = 0;
+          return;
+      }
       AssertFatal(rel8->virtual_resource_block_assignment_flag==LOCALIZED,"Distributed RB allocation not done yet\n");
       dlsch0_harq->rb_alloc[0]    = localRIV2alloc_LUT25[rel8->resource_block_coding];
       dlsch0_harq->vrb_type           =  rel8->virtual_resource_block_assignment_flag;
@@ -1028,6 +1048,11 @@ void fill_dci_and_dlsch(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc,DCI_ALLOC_t *dci
         ((DCI1A_10MHz_FDD_t *)dci_pdu)->harq_pid      = rel8->harq_process;
 	//      printf("FDD 1A: mcs %d, rballoc %x,rv %d, NPRB %d\n",mcs,rballoc,rv,NPRB);
+      // check if PDCCH order
+      if (rel8->resource_block_coding == 2047) {
+          dlsch0->active        = 0;
+          return;
+      }
       AssertFatal(rel8->virtual_resource_block_assignment_flag==LOCALIZED,"Distributed RB allocation not done yet\n");
       dlsch0_harq->rb_alloc[0]     = localRIV2alloc_LUT50_0[rel8->resource_block_coding];
       dlsch0_harq->rb_alloc[1]     = localRIV2alloc_LUT50_1[rel8->resource_block_coding];
@@ -1059,6 +1084,11 @@ void fill_dci_and_dlsch(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc,DCI_ALLOC_t *dci
         ((DCI1A_20MHz_FDD_t *)dci_pdu)->harq_pid      = rel8->harq_process;
 	//      printf("FDD 1A: mcs %d, rballoc %x,rv %d, NPRB %d\n",mcs,rballoc,rv,NPRB);
+      // check if PDCCH order
+      if (rel8->resource_block_coding == 8191) {
+          dlsch0->active        = 0;
+          return;
+      }
       AssertFatal(rel8->virtual_resource_block_assignment_flag==LOCALIZED,"Distributed RB allocation not done yet\n");
       dlsch0_harq->rb_alloc[0]      = localRIV2alloc_LUT100_0[rel8->resource_block_coding];
       dlsch0_harq->rb_alloc[1]      = localRIV2alloc_LUT100_1[rel8->resource_block_coding];
@@ -1079,7 +1109,7 @@ void fill_dci_and_dlsch(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc,DCI_ALLOC_t *dci
       NPRB      = dlsch0_harq->nb_rb;
       I_mcs     = get_I_TBS(rel8->mcs_1);
-    AssertFatal(NPRB>0,"DCI 1A: NPRB == 0\n");
+    AssertFatal(NPRB>0,"DCI 1A: NPRB = 0 (rnti %x, rnti type %d, tpc %d, round %d, resource_block_coding %d)\n",rel8->rnti,rel8->rnti_type,rel8->tpc,dlsch0_harq->round,rel8->resource_block_coding);
     dlsch0_harq->rvidx         = rel8->redundancy_version_1;
     dlsch0_harq->Nl            = 1;
     dlsch0_harq->mimo_mode     = (fp->nb_antenna_ports_eNB == 1) ? SISO : ALAMOUTI;
@@ -1097,7 +1127,7 @@ void fill_dci_and_dlsch(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc,DCI_ALLOC_t *dci
     if (dlsch0_harq->round == 0)
       dlsch0_harq->status = ACTIVE;
-    LOG_D(PHY,"DCI 1A: mcs %d, rballoc %x,rv %d, rnti %x\n",rel8->mcs_1,rel8->resource_block_coding,rel8->redundancy_version_1,rel8->rnti);
+    if (rel8->rnti_type == 1) LOG_I(PHY,"DCI 1A: round %d, mcs %d, rballoc %x,rv %d, rnti %x\n",dlsch0_harq->round,rel8->mcs_1,rel8->resource_block_coding,rel8->redundancy_version_1,rel8->rnti);
@@ -2285,7 +2315,7 @@ void fill_dci0(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc,DCI_ALLOC_t *dci_alloc,
   void *dci_pdu = (void*)dci_alloc->dci_pdu;
-  LOG_I(PHY,"Filling DCI0 with cqi %d, mcs %d, hopping %d, rballoc %x (%d,%d) ndi %d TPC %d cshift %d\n",cqi_req,
+  LOG_D(PHY,"Filling DCI0 with cqi %d, mcs %d, hopping %d, rballoc %x (%d,%d) ndi %d TPC %d cshift %d\n",cqi_req,
@@ -2307,6 +2337,7 @@ void fill_dci0(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc,DCI_ALLOC_t *dci_alloc,
       ((DCI0_1_5MHz_TDD_1_6_t *)dci_pdu)->rballoc = rballoc;
       ((DCI0_1_5MHz_TDD_1_6_t *)dci_pdu)->hopping = hopping;
       ((DCI0_1_5MHz_TDD_1_6_t *)dci_pdu)->type    = 0;
+      ((DCI0_1_5MHz_TDD_1_6_t *)dci_pdu)->padding = 0;
       dci_alloc->dci_length                       = sizeof_DCI0_1_5MHz_TDD_1_6_t; 
     } else {
       ((DCI0_1_5MHz_FDD_t *)dci_pdu)->cqi_req     = cqi_req;
@@ -2317,6 +2348,7 @@ void fill_dci0(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc,DCI_ALLOC_t *dci_alloc,
       ((DCI0_1_5MHz_FDD_t *)dci_pdu)->rballoc     = rballoc;
       ((DCI0_1_5MHz_FDD_t *)dci_pdu)->hopping     = hopping;
       ((DCI0_1_5MHz_FDD_t *)dci_pdu)->type        = 0;
+      ((DCI0_1_5MHz_FDD_t *)dci_pdu)->padding     = 0;
       dci_alloc->dci_length                       = sizeof_DCI0_1_5MHz_FDD_t; 
@@ -2333,6 +2365,7 @@ void fill_dci0(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc,DCI_ALLOC_t *dci_alloc,
       ((DCI0_5MHz_TDD_1_6_t *)dci_pdu)->rballoc = rballoc;
       ((DCI0_5MHz_TDD_1_6_t *)dci_pdu)->hopping = hopping;
       ((DCI0_5MHz_TDD_1_6_t *)dci_pdu)->type    = 0;
+      ((DCI0_5MHz_TDD_1_6_t *)dci_pdu)->padding = 0;
       dci_alloc->dci_length                     = sizeof_DCI0_5MHz_TDD_1_6_t; 
     } else {
       ((DCI0_5MHz_FDD_t *)dci_pdu)->cqi_req     = cqi_req;
@@ -2343,6 +2376,7 @@ void fill_dci0(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc,DCI_ALLOC_t *dci_alloc,
       ((DCI0_5MHz_FDD_t *)dci_pdu)->rballoc     = rballoc;
       ((DCI0_5MHz_FDD_t *)dci_pdu)->hopping     = hopping;
       ((DCI0_5MHz_FDD_t *)dci_pdu)->type        = 0;
+      ((DCI0_5MHz_FDD_t *)dci_pdu)->padding     = 0;
       dci_alloc->dci_length                     = sizeof_DCI0_5MHz_FDD_t; 
@@ -2359,6 +2393,7 @@ void fill_dci0(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc,DCI_ALLOC_t *dci_alloc,
       ((DCI0_10MHz_TDD_1_6_t *)dci_pdu)->rballoc = rballoc;
       ((DCI0_10MHz_TDD_1_6_t *)dci_pdu)->hopping = hopping;
       ((DCI0_10MHz_TDD_1_6_t *)dci_pdu)->type    = 0;
+      ((DCI0_10MHz_TDD_1_6_t *)dci_pdu)->padding = 0;
       dci_alloc->dci_length                      = sizeof_DCI0_10MHz_TDD_1_6_t; 
     } else {
       ((DCI0_10MHz_FDD_t *)dci_pdu)->cqi_req     = cqi_req;
@@ -2369,6 +2404,7 @@ void fill_dci0(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc,DCI_ALLOC_t *dci_alloc,
       ((DCI0_10MHz_FDD_t *)dci_pdu)->rballoc     = rballoc;
       ((DCI0_10MHz_FDD_t *)dci_pdu)->hopping     = hopping;
       ((DCI0_10MHz_FDD_t *)dci_pdu)->type        = 0;
+      ((DCI0_10MHz_FDD_t *)dci_pdu)->padding     = 0;
       dci_alloc->dci_length                      = sizeof_DCI0_10MHz_FDD_t; 
@@ -2385,6 +2421,8 @@ void fill_dci0(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc,DCI_ALLOC_t *dci_alloc,
       ((DCI0_20MHz_TDD_1_6_t *)dci_pdu)->rballoc = rballoc;
       ((DCI0_20MHz_TDD_1_6_t *)dci_pdu)->hopping = hopping;
       ((DCI0_20MHz_TDD_1_6_t *)dci_pdu)->type    = 0;
+      ((DCI0_20MHz_TDD_1_6_t *)dci_pdu)->padding = 0;
       dci_alloc->dci_length                      = sizeof_DCI0_20MHz_TDD_1_6_t; 
     } else {
       ((DCI0_20MHz_FDD_t *)dci_pdu)->cqi_req     = cqi_req;
@@ -2395,6 +2433,7 @@ void fill_dci0(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc,DCI_ALLOC_t *dci_alloc,
       ((DCI0_20MHz_FDD_t *)dci_pdu)->rballoc     = rballoc;
       ((DCI0_20MHz_FDD_t *)dci_pdu)->hopping     = hopping;
       ((DCI0_20MHz_FDD_t *)dci_pdu)->type        = 0;
+      ((DCI0_20MHz_FDD_t *)dci_pdu)->padding     = 0;
       dci_alloc->dci_length                      = sizeof_DCI0_20MHz_FDD_t; 
@@ -2415,7 +2454,9 @@ void fill_ulsch(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,nfapi_ul_config_ulsch_pdu *ulsch_pdu,int frame
   uint8_t UE_id;
-	      "No existing UE ULSCH for rnti %x\n",ulsch_pdu->ulsch_pdu_rel8.rnti);
+	      "No existing/free UE ULSCH for rnti %x\n",ulsch_pdu->ulsch_pdu_rel8.rnti);
+  boolean_t new_ulsch = (find_ulsch(ulsch_pdu->ulsch_pdu_rel8.rnti,eNB,SEARCH_EXIST)==-1) ? TRUE : FALSE;
   LTE_eNB_ULSCH_t *ulsch=eNB->ulsch[UE_id];
   LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms = &eNB->frame_parms;
@@ -2427,6 +2468,7 @@ void fill_ulsch(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,nfapi_ul_config_ulsch_pdu *ulsch_pdu,int frame
   ulsch->harq_processes[harq_pid]->frame                                 = frame;
   ulsch->harq_processes[harq_pid]->subframe                              = subframe;
+  ulsch->harq_processes[harq_pid]->handled                               = 0;
   ulsch->harq_processes[harq_pid]->first_rb                              = ulsch_pdu->ulsch_pdu_rel8.resource_block_start;
   ulsch->harq_processes[harq_pid]->nb_rb                                 = ulsch_pdu->ulsch_pdu_rel8.number_of_resource_blocks;
@@ -2470,7 +2512,8 @@ void fill_ulsch(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,nfapi_ul_config_ulsch_pdu *ulsch_pdu,int frame
   ulsch->harq_processes[harq_pid]->O_ACK         = 0;
   if ((ulsch->harq_processes[harq_pid]->status == SCH_IDLE) ||
-      (ulsch->harq_processes[harq_pid]->ndi    != ulsch_pdu->ulsch_pdu_rel8.new_data_indication)){
+      (ulsch->harq_processes[harq_pid]->ndi    != ulsch_pdu->ulsch_pdu_rel8.new_data_indication) ||
+	  (new_ulsch == TRUE)){
     ulsch->harq_processes[harq_pid]->status        = ACTIVE;
     ulsch->harq_processes[harq_pid]->TBS           = ulsch_pdu->ulsch_pdu_rel8.size<<3;
@@ -2488,8 +2531,8 @@ void fill_ulsch(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,nfapi_ul_config_ulsch_pdu *ulsch_pdu,int frame
   else  ulsch->harq_processes[harq_pid]->round++;
   ulsch->rnti = ulsch_pdu->ulsch_pdu_rel8.rnti;
-  LOG_I(PHY,"Filling ULSCH %x for Frame %d, Subframe %d : harq_pid %d, first_rb %d, nb_rb %d, rvidx %d, Qm %d, TBS %d, round %d \n",
-	ulsch->rnti,
+  LOG_D(PHY,"Filling ULSCH %x (new_ulsch %d) for Frame %d, Subframe %d : harq_pid %d, first_rb %d, nb_rb %d, rvidx %d, Qm %d, TBS %d, round %d \n",
+	ulsch->rnti, new_ulsch,
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/defs.h b/openair1/PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/defs.h
index b52ea105a6391c952b968064167c7c7ccec70be3..1413fbe2aa00303beb3a316e154eee24b1286589 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/defs.h
+++ b/openair1/PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/defs.h
@@ -400,6 +400,8 @@ typedef struct {
   uint8_t subframe;
   /// Frame for reception
   uint32_t frame;
+  /// Flag to indicate that the UL configuration has been handled. Used to remove a stale ULSCH when frame wraps around
+  uint8_t handled;
   /// PHICH active flag
   uint8_t phich_active;
   /// PHICH ACK
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/phich.c b/openair1/PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/phich.c
index dd04a7d119ae9c9bc4cab88159ed4d46b969ec6e..897034c072edac083e54eb47b3bbfbf3195e2ce4 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/phich.c
+++ b/openair1/PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/phich.c
@@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ void generate_phich_reg_mapping(LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms)
-  LOG_I(PHY,"Ngroup_PHICH %d (phich_config_common.phich_resource %d,phich_config_common.phich_duration %s, NidCell %d,Ncp %d, frame_type %d), smallest pcfich REG %d, n0 %d, n1 %d (first PHICH REG %d)\n",
+  LOG_D(PHY,"Ngroup_PHICH %d (phich_config_common.phich_resource %d,phich_config_common.phich_duration %s, NidCell %d,Ncp %d, frame_type %d), smallest pcfich REG %d, n0 %d, n1 %d (first PHICH REG %d)\n",
     ((frame_parms->Ncp == NORMAL)?Ngroup_PHICH:(Ngroup_PHICH>>1)),
@@ -1381,7 +1381,7 @@ void rx_phich(PHY_VARS_UE *ue,
   if (HI16>0) {   //NACK
     if (ue->ulsch_Msg3_active[eNB_id] == 1) {
-      LOG_I(PHY,"[UE  %d][PUSCH %d][RAPROC] Frame %d subframe %d Msg3 PHICH, received NAK (%d) nseq %d, ngroup %d\n",
+      LOG_D(PHY,"[UE  %d][PUSCH %d][RAPROC] Frame %d subframe %d Msg3 PHICH, received NAK (%d) nseq %d, ngroup %d\n",
@@ -1391,7 +1391,7 @@ void rx_phich(PHY_VARS_UE *ue,
       ulsch->f_pusch += delta_PUSCH_acc[ulsch->harq_processes[harq_pid]->TPC];
-      LOG_I(PHY,"[PUSCH %d] AbsSubframe %d.%d: f_pusch (ACC) %d, adjusting by %d (TPC %d)\n",
+      LOG_D(PHY,"[PUSCH %d] AbsSubframe %d.%d: f_pusch (ACC) %d, adjusting by %d (TPC %d)\n",
@@ -1410,7 +1410,7 @@ void rx_phich(PHY_VARS_UE *ue,
     } else {
-      LOG_I(PHY,"[UE  %d][PUSCH %d] Frame %d subframe %d PHICH, received NAK (%d) nseq %d, ngroup %d round %d (Mlimit %d)\n",
+      LOG_D(PHY,"[UE  %d][PUSCH %d] Frame %d subframe %d PHICH, received NAK (%d) nseq %d, ngroup %d round %d (Mlimit %d)\n",
@@ -1458,7 +1458,7 @@ void rx_phich(PHY_VARS_UE *ue,
   } else {  //ACK
     if (ue->ulsch_Msg3_active[eNB_id] == 1) {
-      LOG_I(PHY,"[UE  %d][PUSCH %d][RAPROC] Frame %d subframe %d Msg3 PHICH, received ACK (%d) nseq %d, ngroup %d\n\n",
+      LOG_D(PHY,"[UE  %d][PUSCH %d][RAPROC] Frame %d subframe %d Msg3 PHICH, received ACK (%d) nseq %d, ngroup %d\n\n",
@@ -1466,7 +1466,7 @@ void rx_phich(PHY_VARS_UE *ue,
     } else {
-      LOG_I(PHY,"[UE  %d][PUSCH %d] Frame %d subframe %d PHICH, received ACK (%d) nseq %d, ngroup %d\n\n",
+      LOG_D(PHY,"[UE  %d][PUSCH %d] Frame %d subframe %d PHICH, received ACK (%d) nseq %d, ngroup %d\n\n",
             subframe, HI16,
@@ -1545,7 +1545,7 @@ void generate_phich_top(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,
     nseq_PHICH = ((phich->first_rb/Ngroup_PHICH) +
-    LOG_I(PHY,"[eNB %d][PUSCH %d] Frame %d subframe %d Generating PHICH, AMP %d  ngroup_PHICH %d/%d, nseq_PHICH %d : HI %d, first_rb %d)\n",
+    LOG_D(PHY,"[eNB %d][PUSCH %d] Frame %d subframe %d Generating PHICH, AMP %d  ngroup_PHICH %d/%d, nseq_PHICH %d : HI %d, first_rb %d)\n",
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/pucch.c b/openair1/PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/pucch.c
index afa15aba0f17d61e3472e258e458c3dad6d5a2bd..ce39ef0e87ce6b8df33a8086dcdf79f418bcef90 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/pucch.c
+++ b/openair1/PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/pucch.c
@@ -2148,7 +2148,7 @@ uint32_t rx_pucch(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,
-    LOG_I(PHY,"[eNB] PUCCH fmt1:  stat_max : %d, sigma2_dB %d (%d, %d), phase_max : %d\n",dB_fixed(stat_max),sigma2_dB,eNB->measurements.n0_subband_power_tot_dBm[6],pucch1_thres,phase_max);
+    LOG_D(PHY,"[eNB] PUCCH fmt1:  stat_max : %d, sigma2_dB %d (%d, %d), phase_max : %d\n",dB_fixed(stat_max),sigma2_dB,eNB->measurements.n0_subband_power_tot_dBm[6],pucch1_thres,phase_max);
@@ -2183,7 +2183,7 @@ uint32_t rx_pucch(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,
   } else if ((fmt == pucch_format1a)||(fmt == pucch_format1b)) {
     stat_max = 0;
-    LOG_I(PHY,"Doing PUCCH detection for format 1a/1b\n");
+    LOG_D(PHY,"Doing PUCCH detection for format 1a/1b\n");
     for (phase=0; phase<7; phase++) {
@@ -2261,7 +2261,7 @@ uint32_t rx_pucch(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,
       } // aa
-      LOG_I(PHY,"Format 1A: phase %d : stat %d\n",phase,stat);
+      LOG_D(PHY,"Format 1A: phase %d : stat %d\n",phase,stat);
       if (stat>stat_max) {
         stat_max = stat;
@@ -2404,9 +2404,9 @@ uint32_t rx_pucch(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,
       } // aa
-      LOG_I(PHY,"PUCCH 1a/b: subframe %d : stat %d,%d (pos %d)\n",subframe,stat_re,stat_im,
+      LOG_D(PHY,"PUCCH 1a/b: subframe %d : stat %d,%d (pos %d)\n",subframe,stat_re,stat_im,
 	    (subframe<<10) + (eNB->pucch1ab_stats_cnt[UE_id][subframe]));
-      LOG_I(PHY,"PUCCH 1a/b: subframe %d : sigma2_dB %d, stat_max %d, pucch1_thres %d\n",subframe,sigma2_dB,dB_fixed(stat_max),pucch1_thres);      
+      LOG_D(PHY,"PUCCH 1a/b: subframe %d : sigma2_dB %d, stat_max %d, pucch1_thres %d\n",subframe,sigma2_dB,dB_fixed(stat_max),pucch1_thres);      
       eNB->pucch1ab_stats[UE_id][(subframe<<11) + 2*(eNB->pucch1ab_stats_cnt[UE_id][subframe])] = (stat_re);
       eNB->pucch1ab_stats[UE_id][(subframe<<11) + 1+2*(eNB->pucch1ab_stats_cnt[UE_id][subframe])] = (stat_im);
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/ulsch_decoding.c b/openair1/PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/ulsch_decoding.c
index 206eb61fc21be18cbfc47e0dd5dd07b33de5b2c3..b8a31f3daa68a4ea536f8dad9ea10f55231a8ca8 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/ulsch_decoding.c
+++ b/openair1/PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/ulsch_decoding.c
@@ -887,17 +887,11 @@ unsigned int  ulsch_decoding(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc,
   x2 = ((uint32_t)ulsch->rnti<<14) + ((uint32_t)subframe<<9) + frame_parms->Nid_cell; //this is c_init in 36.211 Sec 6.3.1
   ulsch_harq = ulsch->harq_processes[harq_pid];
-  if (harq_pid==255) {
-    LOG_E(PHY, "FATAL ERROR: illegal harq_pid, returning\n");
-    return -1;
-  }
+  AssertFatal(harq_pid!=255,
+              "FATAL ERROR: illegal harq_pid, returning\n");
-  if (ulsch_harq->Nsymb_pusch == 0) {
-      LOG_E(PHY, "FATAL ERROR: harq_pid %d, Nsymb 0!\n",harq_pid);
-      return 1+ulsch->max_turbo_iterations;
-  }
+  AssertFatal(ulsch_harq->Nsymb_pusch != 0,
+              "FATAL ERROR: harq_pid %d, Nsymb 0!\n",harq_pid);
   nb_rb = ulsch_harq->nb_rb;
@@ -910,7 +904,7 @@ unsigned int  ulsch_decoding(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc,
-  LOG_I(PHY,"Frame %d, Subframe %d: ulsch_decoding (Nid_cell %d, rnti %x, x2 %x): A %d, round %d, RV %d, O_r1 %d, O_RI %d, O_ACK %d, G %d\n",
+  LOG_D(PHY,"Frame %d, Subframe %d: ulsch_decoding (Nid_cell %d, rnti %x, x2 %x): A %d, round %d, RV %d, O_r1 %d, O_RI %d, O_ACK %d, G %d\n",
@@ -1032,10 +1026,8 @@ unsigned int  ulsch_decoding(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc,
   G = G - Q_RI - Q_CQI;
   ulsch_harq->G = G;
-  if ((int)G < 0) {
-    LOG_E(PHY,"FATAL: ulsch_decoding.c G < 0 (%d) : Q_RI %d, Q_CQI %d\n",G,Q_RI,Q_CQI);
-    return(-1);
-  }
+  AssertFatal((int)G > 0,
+              "FATAL: ulsch_decoding.c G < 0 (%d) : Q_RI %d, Q_CQI %d\n",G,Q_RI,Q_CQI);
   H = G + Q_CQI;
   Hprime = H/Q_m;
diff --git a/openair1/SCHED/fapi_l1.c b/openair1/SCHED/fapi_l1.c
index 2c89b49859eb74e9ea6e91e3e52e9a2a348dd1fa..957188cc79c7c03247790b448ed3cb6c13d59fb1 100644
--- a/openair1/SCHED/fapi_l1.c
+++ b/openair1/SCHED/fapi_l1.c
@@ -41,11 +41,11 @@ int oai_nfapi_dl_config_req(nfapi_dl_config_request_t *dl_config_req);
 int oai_nfapi_tx_req(nfapi_tx_request_t *tx_req);
-void handle_nfapi_dci_dl_pdu(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,  
-			     eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc,
-			     nfapi_dl_config_request_pdu_t *dl_config_pdu) {
-  int idx                         = proc->subframe_tx&1;  
+void handle_nfapi_dci_dl_pdu(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,
+                             eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc,
+                             nfapi_dl_config_request_pdu_t *dl_config_pdu)
+  int idx                         = proc->subframe_tx&1;
   LTE_eNB_PDCCH *pdcch_vars       = &eNB->pdcch_vars[idx];
   nfapi_dl_config_dci_dl_pdu *pdu = &dl_config_pdu->dci_dl_pdu;
@@ -55,12 +55,11 @@ void handle_nfapi_dci_dl_pdu(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,
-void handle_nfapi_mpdcch_pdu(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,  
-			     eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc,
-			     nfapi_dl_config_request_pdu_t *dl_config_pdu) {
-  int idx                         = proc->subframe_tx&1;  
+void handle_nfapi_mpdcch_pdu(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,
+                             eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc,
+                             nfapi_dl_config_request_pdu_t *dl_config_pdu)
+  int idx                         = proc->subframe_tx&1;
   LTE_eNB_MPDCCH *mpdcch_vars     = &eNB->mpdcch_vars[idx];
   nfapi_dl_config_mpdcch_pdu *pdu = &dl_config_pdu->mpdcch_pdu;
@@ -70,26 +69,25 @@ void handle_nfapi_mpdcch_pdu(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,
-void handle_nfapi_hi_dci0_dci_pdu(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc,  
-				  nfapi_hi_dci0_request_pdu_t *hi_dci0_config_pdu){
+void handle_nfapi_hi_dci0_dci_pdu(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc,
+                                  nfapi_hi_dci0_request_pdu_t *hi_dci0_config_pdu)
   int idx                         = proc->subframe_tx&1;
   LTE_eNB_PDCCH *pdcch_vars       = &eNB->pdcch_vars[idx];
   // copy dci configuration in to eNB structure
   fill_dci0(eNB,proc,&pdcch_vars->dci_alloc[pdcch_vars->num_dci], &hi_dci0_config_pdu->dci_pdu);
-void handle_nfapi_hi_dci0_hi_pdu(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc,  
-				 nfapi_hi_dci0_request_pdu_t *hi_dci0_config_pdu) {
+void handle_nfapi_hi_dci0_hi_pdu(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc,
+                                 nfapi_hi_dci0_request_pdu_t *hi_dci0_config_pdu)
   LTE_eNB_PHICH *phich           = &eNB->phich_vars[proc->subframe_tx&1];
   // copy dci configuration in to eNB structure
-  LOG_D(PHY,"Received HI PDU which value %d (rbstart %d,cshift %d) pdu:%p\n",
-	hi_dci0_config_pdu->hi_pdu.hi_pdu_rel8.hi_value,
-	hi_dci0_config_pdu->hi_pdu.hi_pdu_rel8.resource_block_start,
-	hi_dci0_config_pdu->hi_pdu.hi_pdu_rel8.cyclic_shift_2_for_drms,
-        hi_dci0_config_pdu);
+  LOG_D(PHY,"Received HI PDU which value %d (rbstart %d,cshift %d)\n",
+        hi_dci0_config_pdu->hi_pdu.hi_pdu_rel8.hi_value,
+        hi_dci0_config_pdu->hi_pdu.hi_pdu_rel8.resource_block_start,
+        hi_dci0_config_pdu->hi_pdu.hi_pdu_rel8.cyclic_shift_2_for_drms);
   phich->config[phich->num_hi].hi       = hi_dci0_config_pdu->hi_pdu.hi_pdu_rel8.hi_value;
   phich->config[phich->num_hi].first_rb = hi_dci0_config_pdu->hi_pdu.hi_pdu_rel8.resource_block_start;
@@ -98,12 +96,12 @@ void handle_nfapi_hi_dci0_hi_pdu(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc,
   AssertFatal(phich->num_hi<32,"Maximum number of phich reached in subframe\n");
-void handle_nfapi_bch_pdu(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc,  
-			  nfapi_dl_config_request_pdu_t *dl_config_pdu,
-			  uint8_t *sdu) {
+void handle_nfapi_bch_pdu(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc,
+                          nfapi_dl_config_request_pdu_t *dl_config_pdu,
+                          uint8_t *sdu)
   nfapi_dl_config_bch_pdu_rel8_t *rel8 = &dl_config_pdu->bch_pdu.bch_pdu_rel8;
   AssertFatal(rel8->length == 3, "BCH PDU has length %d != 3\n",rel8->length);
   LOG_D(PHY,"bch_pdu: %x,%x,%x\n",sdu[0],sdu[1],sdu[2]);
@@ -112,7 +110,6 @@ void handle_nfapi_bch_pdu(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc,
   eNB->pbch_pdu[2] = sdu[0];
   // adjust transmit amplitude here based on NFAPI info
 #ifdef Rel14
@@ -126,11 +123,11 @@ extern uint32_t localRIV2alloc_LUT100_2[6000];
 extern uint32_t localRIV2alloc_LUT100_3[6000];
-void handle_nfapi_dlsch_pdu(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc,  
-			    nfapi_dl_config_request_pdu_t *dl_config_pdu,
-			    uint8_t codeword_index,
-			    uint8_t *sdu) {
+void handle_nfapi_dlsch_pdu(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc,
+                            nfapi_dl_config_request_pdu_t *dl_config_pdu,
+                            uint8_t codeword_index,
+                            uint8_t *sdu)
   nfapi_dl_config_dlsch_pdu_rel8_t *rel8 = &dl_config_pdu->dlsch_pdu.dlsch_pdu_rel8;
 #ifndef Rel8
   nfapi_dl_config_dlsch_pdu_rel10_t *rel10 = &dl_config_pdu->dlsch_pdu.dlsch_pdu_rel10;
@@ -142,12 +139,11 @@ void handle_nfapi_dlsch_pdu(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc,
   LTE_DL_eNB_HARQ_t *dlsch0_harq=NULL,*dlsch1_harq=NULL;
   int UE_id;
   int harq_pid;
   UE_id = find_dlsch(rel8->rnti,eNB,SEARCH_EXIST_OR_FREE);
   AssertFatal(UE_id!=-1,"no free or exiting dlsch_context\n");
   AssertFatal(UE_id<NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX,"returned UE_id %d >= %d(NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX)\n",UE_id,NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX);
   dlsch0 = eNB->dlsch[UE_id][0];
   dlsch1 = eNB->dlsch[UE_id][1];
@@ -173,28 +169,30 @@ void handle_nfapi_dlsch_pdu(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc,
   dlsch0_harq->pdsch_start = eNB->pdcch_vars[proc->subframe_tx & 1].num_pdcch_symbols;
   if (dlsch0_harq->round==0) {  //get pointer to SDU if this a new SDU
-    if (rel8->rnti != 0xFFFF) LOG_I(PHY,"NFAPI: frame %d, subframe %d: programming dlsch for round 0, rnti %x, UE_id %d, harq_pid %d\n",
-				    proc->frame_tx,proc->subframe_tx,rel8->rnti,UE_id,harq_pid);
+    AssertFatal(sdu!=NULL,"NFAPI: frame %d, subframe %d: programming dlsch for round 0, rnti %x, UE_id %d, harq_pid %d : sdu is null for pdu_index %d\n",
+                proc->frame_tx,proc->subframe_tx,rel8->rnti,UE_id,harq_pid,
+                dl_config_pdu->dlsch_pdu.dlsch_pdu_rel8.pdu_index);
+    if (rel8->rnti != 0xFFFF) LOG_D(PHY,"NFAPI: frame %d, subframe %d: programming dlsch for round 0, rnti %x, UE_id %d, harq_pid %d\n",
+                                    proc->frame_tx,proc->subframe_tx,rel8->rnti,UE_id,harq_pid);
     if (codeword_index == 0) dlsch0_harq->pdu                    = sdu;
     else                     dlsch1_harq->pdu                    = sdu;
   else {
-    if (rel8->rnti != 0xFFFF) LOG_I(PHY,"NFAPI: frame %d, subframe %d: programming dlsch for round %d, rnti %x, UE_id %d, harq_pid %d\n",
-				    proc->frame_tx,proc->subframe_tx,dlsch0_harq->round,
-				    rel8->rnti,UE_id,harq_pid);
+    if (rel8->rnti != 0xFFFF) LOG_D(PHY,"NFAPI: frame %d, subframe %d: programming dlsch for round %d, rnti %x, UE_id %d, harq_pid %d\n",
+                                    proc->frame_tx,proc->subframe_tx,dlsch0_harq->round,
+                                    rel8->rnti,UE_id,harq_pid);
 #ifdef Rel14
   if ((rel13->pdsch_payload_type <2) && (rel13->ue_type>0)) { // this is a BR/CE UE and SIB1-BR/SI-BR
     dlsch0->rnti             = 0xFFFF;
     dlsch0->Kmimo            = 1;
-    dlsch0->Mdlharq          = 4; 
+    dlsch0->Mdlharq          = 4;
     dlsch0->Nsoft            = 25344;
     dlsch0->i0               = rel13->initial_transmission_sf_io;
     dlsch0_harq->pdsch_start = rel10->pdsch_start;
@@ -212,7 +210,7 @@ void handle_nfapi_dlsch_pdu(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc,
     case 25:
       dlsch0_harq->rb_alloc[0]      = localRIV2alloc_LUT25[rel8->resource_block_coding];
-    case 50:  
+    case 50:
       dlsch0_harq->rb_alloc[0]      = localRIV2alloc_LUT50_0[rel8->resource_block_coding];
       dlsch0_harq->rb_alloc[1]      = localRIV2alloc_LUT50_1[rel8->resource_block_coding];
@@ -227,8 +225,8 @@ void handle_nfapi_dlsch_pdu(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc,
     dlsch0->active                  = 1;
-    dlsch0_harq->nb_rb              = 6; 
+    dlsch0_harq->nb_rb              = 6;
     dlsch0_harq->vrb_type           = LOCALIZED;
     dlsch0_harq->rvidx              = rel8->redundancy_version;
     dlsch0_harq->Nl                 = 1;
@@ -248,13 +246,18 @@ void handle_nfapi_dlsch_pdu(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc,
 uint16_t to_beta_offset_harqack[16]={16,20,25,32,40,50,64,80,101,127,160,248,400,640,1008,8};
-void handle_ulsch_harq_pdu(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,int UE_id,nfapi_ul_config_request_pdu_t *ul_config_pdu,uint16_t frame,uint8_t subframe) {
+void handle_ulsch_harq_pdu(
+        PHY_VARS_eNB                           *eNB,
+        int                                     UE_id,
+        nfapi_ul_config_request_pdu_t          *ul_config_pdu,
+        nfapi_ul_config_ulsch_harq_information *harq_information,
+        uint16_t                                frame,
+        uint8_t                                 subframe)
   nfapi_ul_config_ulsch_pdu_rel8_t *rel8 = &ul_config_pdu->ulsch_harq_pdu.ulsch_pdu.ulsch_pdu_rel8;
   LTE_eNB_ULSCH_t *ulsch=eNB->ulsch[UE_id];
   LTE_UL_eNB_HARQ_t *ulsch_harq;
-  nfapi_ul_config_ulsch_harq_information *harq_information = &ul_config_pdu->ulsch_harq_pdu.harq_information;
   int harq_pid = rel8->harq_process_number;
   ulsch_harq = ulsch->harq_processes[harq_pid];
@@ -267,8 +270,8 @@ void handle_ulsch_harq_pdu(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,int UE_id,nfapi_ul_config_request_p
 uint16_t to_beta_offset_ri[16]={9,13,16,20,25,32,40,50,64,80,101,127,160,0,0,0};
 uint16_t to_beta_offset_cqi[16]={0,0,9,10,11,13,14,16,18,20,23,25,28,32,40,50};
-void handle_ulsch_cqi_ri_pdu(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,int UE_id,nfapi_ul_config_request_pdu_t *ul_config_pdu,uint16_t frame,uint8_t subframe) {
+void handle_ulsch_cqi_ri_pdu(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,int UE_id,nfapi_ul_config_request_pdu_t *ul_config_pdu,uint16_t frame,uint8_t subframe)
   nfapi_ul_config_cqi_ri_information_rel9_t *rel9 = &ul_config_pdu->ulsch_cqi_ri_pdu.cqi_ri_information.cqi_ri_information_rel9;
   LTE_eNB_ULSCH_t *ulsch        = eNB->ulsch[UE_id];
@@ -276,19 +279,19 @@ void handle_ulsch_cqi_ri_pdu(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,int UE_id,nfapi_ul_config_request
   LTE_UL_eNB_HARQ_t *ulsch_harq = ulsch->harq_processes[harq_pid];
   ulsch_harq->frame                       = frame;
-  ulsch_harq->subframe                    = subframe;  
+  ulsch_harq->subframe                    = subframe;
   ulsch_harq->O_RI                        = rel9->aperiodic_cqi_pmi_ri_report.cc[0].ri_size;
   ulsch_harq->Or1                         = rel9->aperiodic_cqi_pmi_ri_report.cc[0].dl_cqi_pmi_size[0];
   if (ulsch_harq->O_RI>1) ulsch_harq->Or2 = rel9->aperiodic_cqi_pmi_ri_report.cc[0].dl_cqi_pmi_size[1];
   ulsch->beta_offset_ri_times8            = to_beta_offset_ri[rel9->delta_offset_ri];
   ulsch->beta_offset_cqi_times8           = to_beta_offset_cqi[rel9->delta_offset_cqi];
-  LOG_I(PHY,"Filling ulsch_cqi_ri information for frame %d, subframe %d : O_RI %d, Or1 %d, beta_offset_cqi_times8 %d (%d)\n",
-	frame,subframe,ulsch_harq->O_RI,ulsch_harq->Or1,ulsch->beta_offset_cqi_times8,
-	rel9->delta_offset_cqi);
+  LOG_D(PHY,"Filling ulsch_cqi_ri information for frame %d, subframe %d : O_RI %d, Or1 %d, beta_offset_cqi_times8 %d (%d)\n",
+        frame,subframe,ulsch_harq->O_RI,ulsch_harq->Or1,ulsch->beta_offset_cqi_times8,
+        rel9->delta_offset_cqi);
-void handle_ulsch_cqi_harq_ri_pdu(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,int UE_id,nfapi_ul_config_request_pdu_t *ul_config_pdu,uint16_t frame,uint8_t subframe) {
+void handle_ulsch_cqi_harq_ri_pdu(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,int UE_id,nfapi_ul_config_request_pdu_t *ul_config_pdu,uint16_t frame,uint8_t subframe)
   nfapi_ul_config_cqi_ri_information_rel9_t *rel9 = &ul_config_pdu->ulsch_cqi_harq_ri_pdu.cqi_ri_information.cqi_ri_information_rel9;
   LTE_eNB_ULSCH_t *ulsch        = eNB->ulsch[UE_id];
@@ -297,7 +300,7 @@ void handle_ulsch_cqi_harq_ri_pdu(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,int UE_id,nfapi_ul_config_re
   nfapi_ul_config_ulsch_harq_information *harq_information = &ul_config_pdu->ulsch_cqi_harq_ri_pdu.harq_information;
   ulsch_harq->frame                       = frame;
-  ulsch_harq->subframe                    = subframe;  
+  ulsch_harq->subframe                    = subframe;
   ulsch_harq->O_RI                        = rel9->aperiodic_cqi_pmi_ri_report.cc[0].ri_size;
   ulsch_harq->Or1                         = rel9->aperiodic_cqi_pmi_ri_report.cc[0].dl_cqi_pmi_size[0];
   ulsch_harq->O_ACK                       = harq_information->harq_information_rel10.harq_size;
@@ -307,34 +310,32 @@ void handle_ulsch_cqi_harq_ri_pdu(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,int UE_id,nfapi_ul_config_re
   ulsch->beta_offset_harqack_times8       = to_beta_offset_harqack[harq_information->harq_information_rel10.delta_offset_harq];
   ulsch->beta_offset_ri_times8            = to_beta_offset_ri[rel9->delta_offset_ri];
   ulsch->beta_offset_cqi_times8           = to_beta_offset_cqi[rel9->delta_offset_cqi];
-void handle_uci_harq_information(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB, LTE_eNB_UCI *uci,nfapi_ul_config_harq_information *harq_information) {
+void handle_uci_harq_information(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB, LTE_eNB_UCI *uci,nfapi_ul_config_harq_information *harq_information)
   if (eNB->frame_parms.frame_type == FDD) {
-    uci->num_pucch_resources = harq_information->harq_information_rel9_fdd.number_of_pucch_resources; 
+    uci->num_pucch_resources = harq_information->harq_information_rel9_fdd.number_of_pucch_resources;
-    LOG_I(PHY,"Programming UCI HARQ mode %d : size %d in (%d,%d)\n",
-	  harq_information->harq_information_rel9_fdd.ack_nack_mode,
-	  harq_information->harq_information_rel9_fdd.harq_size,
-	  uci->frame,uci->subframe);
+    LOG_D(PHY,"Programming UCI HARQ mode %d : size %d in (%d,%d)\n",
+          harq_information->harq_information_rel9_fdd.ack_nack_mode,
+          harq_information->harq_information_rel9_fdd.harq_size,
+          uci->frame,uci->subframe);
     if ((harq_information->harq_information_rel9_fdd.ack_nack_mode == 0) &&
-	(harq_information->harq_information_rel9_fdd.harq_size == 1)) {
+        (harq_information->harq_information_rel9_fdd.harq_size == 1)) {
       uci->pucch_fmt =  pucch_format1a;
       uci->n_pucch_1[0][0] = harq_information->harq_information_rel9_fdd.n_pucch_1_0;
       uci->n_pucch_1[0][1] = harq_information->harq_information_rel11.n_pucch_2_0;
     else if ((harq_information->harq_information_rel9_fdd.ack_nack_mode == 0) &&
-	     (harq_information->harq_information_rel9_fdd.harq_size == 2)) {
+             (harq_information->harq_information_rel9_fdd.harq_size == 2)) {
       uci->pucch_fmt =  pucch_format1b;
       uci->n_pucch_1[0][0] = harq_information->harq_information_rel9_fdd.n_pucch_1_0;
       uci->n_pucch_1[0][1] = harq_information->harq_information_rel11.n_pucch_2_0;
     else if ((harq_information->harq_information_rel9_fdd.ack_nack_mode == 1) &&
-	     (harq_information->harq_information_rel9_fdd.harq_size == 2)) {
+             (harq_information->harq_information_rel9_fdd.harq_size == 2)) {
       uci->pucch_fmt =  pucch_format1b_csA2;
       uci->n_pucch_1[0][0] = harq_information->harq_information_rel9_fdd.n_pucch_1_0;
       uci->n_pucch_1[0][1] = harq_information->harq_information_rel11.n_pucch_2_0;
@@ -342,7 +343,7 @@ void handle_uci_harq_information(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB, LTE_eNB_UCI *uci,nfapi_ul_co
       uci->n_pucch_1[1][1] = harq_information->harq_information_rel11.n_pucch_2_1;
     else if ((harq_information->harq_information_rel9_fdd.ack_nack_mode == 1) &&
-	     (harq_information->harq_information_rel9_fdd.harq_size == 3)) {
+             (harq_information->harq_information_rel9_fdd.harq_size == 3)) {
       uci->pucch_fmt =  pucch_format1b_csA3;
       uci->n_pucch_1[0][0] = harq_information->harq_information_rel9_fdd.n_pucch_1_0;
       uci->n_pucch_1[0][1] = harq_information->harq_information_rel11.n_pucch_2_0;
@@ -352,7 +353,7 @@ void handle_uci_harq_information(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB, LTE_eNB_UCI *uci,nfapi_ul_co
       uci->n_pucch_1[2][1] = harq_information->harq_information_rel11.n_pucch_2_2;
     else if ((harq_information->harq_information_rel9_fdd.ack_nack_mode == 1) &&
-	     (harq_information->harq_information_rel9_fdd.harq_size == 4)) {
+             (harq_information->harq_information_rel9_fdd.harq_size == 4)) {
       uci->pucch_fmt =  pucch_format1b_csA4;
       uci->n_pucch_1[0][0] = harq_information->harq_information_rel9_fdd.n_pucch_1_0;
       uci->n_pucch_1[0][1] = harq_information->harq_information_rel11.n_pucch_2_0;
@@ -369,7 +370,7 @@ void handle_uci_harq_information(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB, LTE_eNB_UCI *uci,nfapi_ul_co
     else AssertFatal(1==0,"unsupported HARQ mode %d\n",harq_information->harq_information_rel9_fdd.ack_nack_mode);
   else { // TDD
-    uci->num_pucch_resources = harq_information->harq_information_rel10_tdd.number_of_pucch_resources; 
+    uci->num_pucch_resources = harq_information->harq_information_rel10_tdd.number_of_pucch_resources;
     if (harq_information->harq_information_rel10_tdd.ack_nack_mode == 0) {//bundling
@@ -378,15 +379,15 @@ void handle_uci_harq_information(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB, LTE_eNB_UCI *uci,nfapi_ul_co
       uci->n_pucch_1[0][0] = harq_information->harq_information_rel10_tdd.n_pucch_1_0;
       uci->n_pucch_1[0][1] = harq_information->harq_information_rel11.n_pucch_2_0;
-    else if ((harq_information->harq_information_rel10_tdd.ack_nack_mode == 1) && //multiplexing 
-	     (uci->num_pucch_resources == 1)) {
+    else if ((harq_information->harq_information_rel10_tdd.ack_nack_mode == 1) && //multiplexing
+             (uci->num_pucch_resources == 1)) {
       uci->pucch_fmt = harq_information->harq_information_rel10_tdd.harq_size==1 ? pucch_format1a : pucch_format1b;
       uci->tdd_bundling = 0;
       uci->n_pucch_1[0][0] = harq_information->harq_information_rel10_tdd.n_pucch_1_0;
       uci->n_pucch_1[0][1] = harq_information->harq_information_rel11.n_pucch_2_0;
     else if ((harq_information->harq_information_rel10_tdd.ack_nack_mode == 1) && //multiplexing M>1
-	     (uci->num_pucch_resources > 1)) {
+             (uci->num_pucch_resources > 1)) {
       uci->pucch_fmt = pucch_format1b;
       uci->tdd_bundling = 0;
       uci->n_pucch_1[0][0] = harq_information->harq_information_rel10_tdd.n_pucch_1_0;
@@ -407,7 +408,8 @@ void handle_uci_harq_information(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB, LTE_eNB_UCI *uci,nfapi_ul_co
-void handle_uci_sr_pdu(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,int UE_id,nfapi_ul_config_request_pdu_t *ul_config_pdu,uint16_t frame,uint8_t subframe,uint8_t srs_active) {
+void handle_uci_sr_pdu(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,int UE_id,nfapi_ul_config_request_pdu_t *ul_config_pdu,uint16_t frame,uint8_t subframe,uint8_t srs_active)
   LTE_eNB_UCI *uci = &eNB->uci_vars[UE_id];
   uci->frame               = frame;
@@ -421,17 +423,12 @@ void handle_uci_sr_pdu(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,int UE_id,nfapi_ul_config_request_pdu_t
   uci->srs_active          = srs_active;
   uci->active              = 1;
-  LOG_I(PHY,"Programming UCI SR rnti %x, pucch1_0 %d for (%d,%d)\n",
-	uci->rnti,uci->n_pucch_1_0_sr[0],frame,subframe);
+  LOG_D(PHY,"Programming UCI SR rnti %x, pucch1_0 %d for (%d,%d)\n",
+        uci->rnti,uci->n_pucch_1_0_sr[0],frame,subframe);
-void handle_uci_sr_harq_pdu(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,int UE_id,nfapi_ul_config_request_pdu_t *ul_config_pdu,uint16_t frame,uint8_t subframe,uint8_t srs_active) {
+void handle_uci_sr_harq_pdu(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,int UE_id,nfapi_ul_config_request_pdu_t *ul_config_pdu,uint16_t frame,uint8_t subframe,uint8_t srs_active)
   LTE_eNB_UCI *uci = &eNB->uci_vars[UE_id];
   uci->frame               = frame;
@@ -444,15 +441,14 @@ void handle_uci_sr_harq_pdu(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,int UE_id,nfapi_ul_config_request_
   uci->srs_active          = srs_active;
   uci->active              = 1;
-void handle_uci_harq_pdu(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,int UE_id,nfapi_ul_config_request_pdu_t *ul_config_pdu,uint16_t frame,uint8_t subframe,uint8_t srs_active) {
+void handle_uci_harq_pdu(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,int UE_id,nfapi_ul_config_request_pdu_t *ul_config_pdu,uint16_t frame,uint8_t subframe,uint8_t srs_active)
   LTE_eNB_UCI *uci = &eNB->uci_vars[UE_id];
-  LOG_I(PHY,"Frame %d, Subframe %d: Programming UCI_HARQ process (type %d)\n",frame,subframe,HARQ);
+  LOG_D(PHY,"Frame %d, Subframe %d: Programming UCI_HARQ process (type %d)\n",frame,subframe,HARQ);
   uci->frame             = frame;
   uci->subframe          = subframe;
   uci->rnti              = ul_config_pdu->uci_harq_pdu.ue_information.ue_information_rel8.rnti;
@@ -463,18 +459,16 @@ void handle_uci_harq_pdu(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,int UE_id,nfapi_ul_config_request_pdu
-void handle_srs_pdu(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,nfapi_ul_config_request_pdu_t *ul_config_pdu,uint16_t frame,uint8_t subframe) {
+void handle_srs_pdu(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,nfapi_ul_config_request_pdu_t *ul_config_pdu,uint16_t frame,uint8_t subframe)
   int i;
   for (i=0;i<NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX;i++) {
     if (eNB->soundingrs_ul_config_dedicated[i].active==1) continue;
     eNB->soundingrs_ul_config_dedicated[i].active               = 1;
     eNB->soundingrs_ul_config_dedicated[i].frame                = frame;
     eNB->soundingrs_ul_config_dedicated[i].subframe             = subframe;
@@ -485,15 +479,15 @@ void handle_srs_pdu(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,nfapi_ul_config_request_pdu_t *ul_config_p
     eNB->soundingrs_ul_config_dedicated[i].transmissionComb     = ul_config_pdu->srs_pdu.srs_pdu_rel8.transmission_comb;
     eNB->soundingrs_ul_config_dedicated[i].srs_ConfigIndex      = ul_config_pdu->srs_pdu.srs_pdu_rel8.i_srs;
     eNB->soundingrs_ul_config_dedicated[i].cyclicShift          = ul_config_pdu->srs_pdu.srs_pdu_rel8.sounding_reference_cyclic_shift;
-    break; 
+    break;
   AssertFatal(i<NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX,"No room for SRS processing\n");
 void handle_nfapi_ul_pdu(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc,
-			 nfapi_ul_config_request_pdu_t *ul_config_pdu,
-			 uint16_t frame,uint8_t subframe,uint8_t srs_present) {
+                         nfapi_ul_config_request_pdu_t *ul_config_pdu,
+                         uint16_t frame,uint8_t subframe,uint8_t srs_present)
   nfapi_ul_config_ulsch_pdu_rel8_t *rel8 = &ul_config_pdu->ulsch_pdu.ulsch_pdu_rel8;
   int8_t UE_id;
@@ -502,42 +496,43 @@ void handle_nfapi_ul_pdu(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc,
   if (ul_config_pdu->pdu_type == NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_ULSCH_PDU_TYPE) {
     AssertFatal((UE_id = find_ulsch(ul_config_pdu->ulsch_pdu.ulsch_pdu_rel8.rnti,eNB,SEARCH_EXIST_OR_FREE))>=0,
-		"No existing UE ULSCH for rnti %x\n",rel8->rnti);
+                "No existing UE ULSCH for rnti %x\n",rel8->rnti);
     LOG_D(PHY,"Applying UL config for UE %d, rnti %x for frame %d, subframe %d\n",
-	  UE_id,rel8->rnti,frame,subframe);
+          UE_id,rel8->rnti,frame,subframe);
   else if (ul_config_pdu->pdu_type == NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_ULSCH_HARQ_PDU_TYPE) {
     AssertFatal((UE_id = find_ulsch(ul_config_pdu->ulsch_harq_pdu.ulsch_pdu.ulsch_pdu_rel8.rnti,eNB,SEARCH_EXIST_OR_FREE))>=0,
-		"No available UE ULSCH for rnti %x\n",ul_config_pdu->ulsch_harq_pdu.ulsch_pdu.ulsch_pdu_rel8.rnti);
+                "No available UE ULSCH for rnti %x\n",ul_config_pdu->ulsch_harq_pdu.ulsch_pdu.ulsch_pdu_rel8.rnti);
-    handle_ulsch_harq_pdu(eNB,UE_id,ul_config_pdu,frame,subframe);
+    handle_ulsch_harq_pdu(eNB, UE_id, ul_config_pdu,
+        &ul_config_pdu->ulsch_harq_pdu.harq_information, frame, subframe);
-  } 
+  }
   else if (ul_config_pdu->pdu_type == NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_ULSCH_CQI_RI_PDU_TYPE) {
     AssertFatal((UE_id = find_ulsch(ul_config_pdu->ulsch_cqi_ri_pdu.ulsch_pdu.ulsch_pdu_rel8.rnti,
-				    eNB,SEARCH_EXIST_OR_FREE))>=0,
-		"No available UE ULSCH for rnti %x\n",ul_config_pdu->ulsch_cqi_ri_pdu.ulsch_pdu.ulsch_pdu_rel8.rnti);
+                                    eNB,SEARCH_EXIST_OR_FREE))>=0,
+                "No available UE ULSCH for rnti %x\n",ul_config_pdu->ulsch_cqi_ri_pdu.ulsch_pdu.ulsch_pdu_rel8.rnti);
-  } 
+  }
   else if (ul_config_pdu->pdu_type == NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_ULSCH_CQI_HARQ_RI_PDU_TYPE) {
     AssertFatal((UE_id = find_ulsch(ul_config_pdu->ulsch_cqi_harq_ri_pdu.ulsch_pdu.ulsch_pdu_rel8.rnti,
-				    eNB,SEARCH_EXIST_OR_FREE))>=0,
-		"No available UE ULSCH for rnti %x\n",ul_config_pdu->ulsch_cqi_harq_ri_pdu.ulsch_pdu.ulsch_pdu_rel8.rnti);
+                                    eNB,SEARCH_EXIST_OR_FREE))>=0,
+                "No available UE ULSCH for rnti %x\n",ul_config_pdu->ulsch_cqi_harq_ri_pdu.ulsch_pdu.ulsch_pdu_rel8.rnti);
-    handle_ulsch_harq_pdu(eNB,UE_id,ul_config_pdu,frame,subframe);
-  } 
+    handle_ulsch_harq_pdu(eNB, UE_id, ul_config_pdu,
+        &ul_config_pdu->ulsch_cqi_harq_ri_pdu.harq_information, frame, subframe);
+  }
   else if (ul_config_pdu->pdu_type == NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_UCI_HARQ_PDU_TYPE) {
     AssertFatal((UE_id = find_uci(ul_config_pdu->uci_harq_pdu.ue_information.ue_information_rel8.rnti,
-				  proc->frame_tx,proc->subframe_tx,eNB,SEARCH_EXIST_OR_FREE))>=0,
-		"No available UE UCI for rnti %x\n",ul_config_pdu->uci_harq_pdu.ue_information.ue_information_rel8.rnti);
+                                  proc->frame_tx,proc->subframe_tx,eNB,SEARCH_EXIST_OR_FREE))>=0,
+                "No available UE UCI for rnti %x\n",ul_config_pdu->uci_harq_pdu.ue_information.ue_information_rel8.rnti);
   else if (ul_config_pdu->pdu_type == NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_UCI_CQI_PDU_TYPE) {
@@ -551,14 +546,14 @@ void handle_nfapi_ul_pdu(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc,
   else if (ul_config_pdu->pdu_type == NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_UCI_SR_PDU_TYPE) {
     AssertFatal((UE_id = find_uci(ul_config_pdu->uci_sr_pdu.ue_information.ue_information_rel8.rnti,
-				  proc->frame_tx,proc->subframe_tx,eNB,SEARCH_EXIST_OR_FREE))>=0,
-		"No available UE UCI for rnti %x\n",ul_config_pdu->uci_sr_pdu.ue_information.ue_information_rel8.rnti);
+                                  proc->frame_tx,proc->subframe_tx,eNB,SEARCH_EXIST_OR_FREE))>=0,
+                "No available UE UCI for rnti %x\n",ul_config_pdu->uci_sr_pdu.ue_information.ue_information_rel8.rnti);
   else if (ul_config_pdu->pdu_type == NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_UCI_SR_HARQ_PDU_TYPE) {
     AssertFatal((UE_id = find_uci(rel8->rnti,proc->frame_tx,proc->subframe_tx,eNB,SEARCH_EXIST_OR_FREE))>=0,
-		"No available UE UCI for rnti %x\n",ul_config_pdu->uci_sr_harq_pdu.ue_information.ue_information_rel8.rnti);
+                "No available UE UCI for rnti %x\n",ul_config_pdu->uci_sr_harq_pdu.ue_information.ue_information_rel8.rnti);
   else if (ul_config_pdu->pdu_type == NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_SRS_PDU_TYPE) {
@@ -566,9 +561,8 @@ void handle_nfapi_ul_pdu(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc,
-void schedule_response(Sched_Rsp_t *Sched_INFO) {
+void schedule_response(Sched_Rsp_t *Sched_INFO)
   eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc;
   // copy data from L2 interface into L1 structures
@@ -608,7 +602,6 @@ void schedule_response(Sched_Rsp_t *Sched_INFO) {
   uint8_t number_hi_dci0_pdu        = HI_DCI0_req->hi_dci0_request_body.number_of_dci+HI_DCI0_req->hi_dci0_request_body.number_of_hi;
   uint8_t number_ul_pdu             = UL_req->ul_config_request_body.number_of_pdus;
   nfapi_dl_config_request_pdu_t *dl_config_pdu;
   nfapi_hi_dci0_request_pdu_t   *hi_dci0_req_pdu;
   nfapi_ul_config_request_pdu_t *ul_config_pdu;
@@ -631,10 +624,10 @@ void schedule_response(Sched_Rsp_t *Sched_INFO) {
     harq_pid = subframe2harq_pid(fp,ul_frame,ul_subframe);
     // clear DCI allocation maps for new subframe
     for (i=0; i<NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX; i++) {
       if (eNB->ulsch[i]) {
-	ulsch_harq = eNB->ulsch[i]->harq_processes[harq_pid];
+        ulsch_harq = eNB->ulsch[i]->harq_processes[harq_pid];
@@ -652,9 +645,9 @@ void schedule_response(Sched_Rsp_t *Sched_INFO) {
-		  "bch_pdu_rel8.pdu_index>=TX_req->number_of_pdus (%d>%d)\n",
-		  dl_config_pdu->bch_pdu.bch_pdu_rel8.pdu_index,
-		  TX_req->tx_request_body.number_of_pdus);
+                  "bch_pdu_rel8.pdu_index>=TX_req->number_of_pdus (%d>%d)\n",
+                  dl_config_pdu->bch_pdu.bch_pdu_rel8.pdu_index,
+                  TX_req->tx_request_body.number_of_pdus);
       //LOG_D(PHY,"%s() NFAPI_DL_CONFIG_BCH_PDU_TYPE TX:%d/%d RX:%d/%d TXREQ:%d/%d\n", 
@@ -662,7 +655,7 @@ void schedule_response(Sched_Rsp_t *Sched_INFO) {
-			   TX_req->tx_request_body.tx_pdu_list[dl_config_pdu->bch_pdu.bch_pdu_rel8.pdu_index].segments[0].segment_data);
+                           TX_req->tx_request_body.tx_pdu_list[dl_config_pdu->bch_pdu.bch_pdu_rel8.pdu_index].segments[0].segment_data);
       //      handle_nfapi_mch_dl_pdu(eNB,dl_config_pdu);
@@ -672,30 +665,33 @@ void schedule_response(Sched_Rsp_t *Sched_INFO) {
-		  "dlsch_pdu_rel8.pdu_index>=TX_req->number_of_pdus (%d>%d)\n",
-		  dl_config_pdu->dlsch_pdu.dlsch_pdu_rel8.pdu_index,
-		  TX_req->tx_request_body.number_of_pdus);
+                  "dlsch_pdu_rel8.pdu_index>=TX_req->number_of_pdus (%d>%d)\n",
+                  dl_config_pdu->dlsch_pdu.dlsch_pdu_rel8.pdu_index,
+                  TX_req->tx_request_body.number_of_pdus);
       AssertFatal((dl_config_pdu->dlsch_pdu.dlsch_pdu_rel8.transport_blocks<3) &&
-		  (dl_config_pdu->dlsch_pdu.dlsch_pdu_rel8.transport_blocks>0),
-		  "dl_config_pdu->dlsch_pdu.dlsch_pdu_rel8.transport_blocks = %d not in [1,2]\n",
-		  dl_config_pdu->dlsch_pdu.dlsch_pdu_rel8.transport_blocks);
+                  (dl_config_pdu->dlsch_pdu.dlsch_pdu_rel8.transport_blocks>0),
+                  "dl_config_pdu->dlsch_pdu.dlsch_pdu_rel8.transport_blocks = %d not in [1,2]\n",
+                  dl_config_pdu->dlsch_pdu.dlsch_pdu_rel8.transport_blocks);
-			     dl_config_pdu->dlsch_pdu.dlsch_pdu_rel8.transport_blocks-1,
-			     TX_req->tx_request_body.tx_pdu_list[dl_config_pdu->dlsch_pdu.dlsch_pdu_rel8.pdu_index].segments[0].segment_data);
-      /*
-      if (dl_config_pdu->dlsch_pdu.dlsch_pdu_rel8.rnti == eNB->preamble_list[0].preamble_rel8.rnti) {// is RAR pdu
-	LOG_D(PHY,"Frame %d, Subframe %d: Received LTE RAR pdu, programming based on UL Grant\n",frame,subframe); 
-	generate_eNB_ulsch_params_from_rar(eNB,
-					   TX_req->tx_request_body.tx_pdu_list[dl_config_pdu->dlsch_pdu.dlsch_pdu_rel8.pdu_index].segments[0].segment_data,
-					   frame,
-					   subframe);
-					   }	*/				   
+                             dl_config_pdu->dlsch_pdu.dlsch_pdu_rel8.transport_blocks-1,
+                             dl_config_pdu->dlsch_pdu.dlsch_pdu_rel8.pdu_index == -1 ? NULL
+                               : TX_req->tx_request_body.tx_pdu_list[dl_config_pdu->dlsch_pdu.dlsch_pdu_rel8.pdu_index].segments[0].segment_data);
       // Send the data first so that the DL_CONFIG can just pluck it out of the buffer
       // DJP - OAI was here - moved to bottom
+      /*
+      if (dl_config_pdu->dlsch_pdu.dlsch_pdu_rel8.rnti == eNB->preamble_list[0].preamble_rel8.rnti) {// is RAR pdu
+        LOG_D(PHY,"Frame %d, Subframe %d: Received LTE RAR pdu, programming based on UL Grant\n",frame,subframe);
+        generate_eNB_ulsch_params_from_rar(eNB,
+                                           TX_req->tx_request_body.tx_pdu_list[dl_config_pdu->dlsch_pdu.dlsch_pdu_rel8.pdu_index].segments[0].segment_data,
+                                           frame,
+                                           subframe);
+                                           }        */
       //      handle_nfapi_pch_pdu(eNB,dl_config_pdu);
@@ -711,7 +707,7 @@ void schedule_response(Sched_Rsp_t *Sched_INFO) {
-      eNB->mpdcch_vars[subframe&1].num_dci++; 
+      eNB->mpdcch_vars[subframe&1].num_dci++;
@@ -736,7 +732,7 @@ void schedule_response(Sched_Rsp_t *Sched_INFO) {
-      eNB->pdcch_vars[subframe&1].num_dci++; 
+      eNB->pdcch_vars[subframe&1].num_dci++;
@@ -744,20 +740,20 @@ void schedule_response(Sched_Rsp_t *Sched_INFO) {
-  } 
+  }
   for (i=0;i<number_ul_pdu;i++) {
     ul_config_pdu = &UL_req->ul_config_request_body.ul_config_pdu_list[i];
     LOG_D(PHY,"NFAPI: ul_pdu %d : type %d\n",i,ul_config_pdu->pdu_type);
     AssertFatal(ul_config_pdu->pdu_type == NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_ULSCH_PDU_TYPE ||
-		ul_config_pdu->pdu_type == NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_ULSCH_HARQ_PDU_TYPE ||
-		ul_config_pdu->pdu_type == NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_ULSCH_CQI_RI_PDU_TYPE ||
-		ul_config_pdu->pdu_type == NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_ULSCH_CQI_HARQ_RI_PDU_TYPE ||
-		ul_config_pdu->pdu_type == NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_UCI_HARQ_PDU_TYPE ||
-		ul_config_pdu->pdu_type == NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_UCI_SR_PDU_TYPE ||
-		ul_config_pdu->pdu_type == NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_UCI_SR_HARQ_PDU_TYPE
-		,
-		"Optional UL_PDU type %d not supported\n",ul_config_pdu->pdu_type);
+                ul_config_pdu->pdu_type == NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_ULSCH_HARQ_PDU_TYPE ||
+                ul_config_pdu->pdu_type == NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_ULSCH_CQI_RI_PDU_TYPE ||
+                ul_config_pdu->pdu_type == NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_ULSCH_CQI_HARQ_RI_PDU_TYPE ||
+                ul_config_pdu->pdu_type == NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_UCI_HARQ_PDU_TYPE ||
+                ul_config_pdu->pdu_type == NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_UCI_SR_PDU_TYPE ||
+                ul_config_pdu->pdu_type == NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_UCI_SR_HARQ_PDU_TYPE
+                ,
+                "Optional UL_PDU type %d not supported\n",ul_config_pdu->pdu_type);
diff --git a/openair1/SCHED/fapi_l1.h b/openair1/SCHED/fapi_l1.h
index cae9d271c3e51a656aaf8ab1f4f21c58b4dc1e1c..3f4267c7f2139061ecb7bde4f05774b49b503a10 100644
--- a/openair1/SCHED/fapi_l1.h
+++ b/openair1/SCHED/fapi_l1.h
@@ -56,7 +56,13 @@ void handle_nfapi_ul_pdu(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc,
 			 nfapi_ul_config_request_pdu_t *ul_config_pdu,
 			 uint16_t frame,uint8_t subframe,uint8_t srs_present);
-void handle_ulsch_harq_pdu(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,int UE_id,nfapi_ul_config_request_pdu_t *ul_config_pdu,uint16_t frame,uint8_t subframe);
+void handle_ulsch_harq_pdu(
+        PHY_VARS_eNB                           *eNB,
+        int                                     UE_id,
+        nfapi_ul_config_request_pdu_t          *ul_config_pdu,
+        nfapi_ul_config_ulsch_harq_information *harq_information,
+        uint16_t                                frame,
+        uint8_t                                 subframe);
 void handle_ulsch_cqi_ri_pdu(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,int UE_id,nfapi_ul_config_request_pdu_t *ul_config_pdu,uint16_t frame,uint8_t subframe);
diff --git a/openair1/SCHED/phy_procedures_lte_eNb.c b/openair1/SCHED/phy_procedures_lte_eNb.c
index bb0c8e785a3c8b14473871f3e74613d00434198f..134288eda16bb7e64f4d868e13cc0c085f07e607 100644
--- a/openair1/SCHED/phy_procedures_lte_eNb.c
+++ b/openair1/SCHED/phy_procedures_lte_eNb.c
@@ -271,10 +271,10 @@ void pdsch_procedures(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,
   int input_buffer_length = dlsch_harq->TBS/8;
   LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS *fp=&eNB->frame_parms;
-  //if (frame < 200) {
   if (1){
+  //if (dlsch->rnti == 0x02) {//frame < 200) {
-    LOG_D(PHY,
+    LOG_I(PHY,
 	  "[eNB %"PRIu8"][PDSCH %"PRIx16"/%"PRIu8"] Frame %d, subframe %d: Generating PDSCH/DLSCH with input size = %"PRIu16", pdsch_start %d, G %d, nb_rb %"PRIu16", rb0 %x, rb1 %x, TBS %"PRIu16", pmi_alloc %"PRIx64", rv %"PRIu8" (round %"PRIu8")\n",
 	  eNB->Mod_id, dlsch->rnti,harq_pid,
 	  frame, subframe, input_buffer_length, dlsch_harq->pdsch_start,
@@ -599,11 +599,7 @@ void prach_procedures(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,
   for (i=0;i<eNB->num_RU;i++) {
     for (ru_aa=0,aa=0;ru_aa<ru->nb_rx;ru_aa++,aa++) {
-      // Hasn't this been done already by init_eNB_afterRU() ???
       eNB->prach_vars.rxsigF[0][aa] = eNB->RU_list[i]->prach_rxsigF[ru_aa];
-      //eNB->prach_vars.rxsigF[0][aa] = eNB->RU_list[i]->common.rxdata[0][subframe * eNB->frame_parms.samples_per_tti];
 #ifdef Rel14
       int ce_level;
@@ -824,7 +820,7 @@ void uci_procedures(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc)
 	(uci->frame == frame) &&
 	(uci->subframe == subframe)) {
-      LOG_I(PHY,"Frame %d, subframe %d: Running uci procedures (type %d) for %d \n",frame,subframe,uci->type,i);
+      LOG_D(PHY,"Frame %d, subframe %d: Running uci procedures (type %d) for %d \n",frame,subframe,uci->type,i);
       // Null out PUCCH PRBs for noise measurement
@@ -887,7 +883,7 @@ void uci_procedures(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc)
       case HARQ:
 	if (fp->frame_type == FDD) {
-	  LOG_I(PHY,"Frame %d Subframe %d Demodulating PUCCH (UCI %d) for ACK/NAK (uci->pucch_fmt %d,uci->type %d.uci->frame %d, uci->subframe %d): n1_pucch0 %d SR_payload %d\n",
+	  LOG_D(PHY,"Frame %d Subframe %d Demodulating PUCCH (UCI %d) for ACK/NAK (uci->pucch_fmt %d,uci->type %d.uci->frame %d, uci->subframe %d): n1_pucch0 %d SR_payload %d\n",
@@ -926,7 +922,7 @@ void uci_procedures(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc)
-	  LOG_I(PHY,"[eNB %d][PDSCH %x] Frame %d subframe %d pucch1a (FDD) payload %d (metric %d)\n",
+	  LOG_D(PHY,"[eNB %d][PDSCH %x] Frame %d subframe %d pucch1a (FDD) payload %d (metric %d)\n",
@@ -1303,6 +1299,7 @@ void pusch_procedures(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc) {
   uint32_t ret=0,i;
   uint32_t harq_pid;
+  uint8_t nPRS;
   LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS *fp=&eNB->frame_parms;
   LTE_eNB_ULSCH_t *ulsch;
   LTE_UL_eNB_HARQ_t *ulsch_harq;
@@ -1325,11 +1322,12 @@ void pusch_procedures(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc) {
     if ((ulsch) &&
         (ulsch->rnti>0) &&
         (ulsch_harq->status == ACTIVE) &&
-	(ulsch_harq->frame == frame) &&
-	(ulsch_harq->subframe == subframe)) {
+	    (ulsch_harq->frame == frame) &&
+	    (ulsch_harq->subframe == subframe) &&
+        (ulsch_harq->handled == 0)) {
-      // UE is has ULSCH scheduling
+      // UE has ULSCH scheduling
       for (int rb=0;
@@ -1338,43 +1336,35 @@ void pusch_procedures(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc) {
 	eNB->rb_mask_ul[rb2>>5] |= (1<<(rb2&31));
-      if ((ulsch) &&
-          (ulsch->rnti>0) &&
-          (ulsch_harq->status == ACTIVE) &&
-          (ulsch_harq->frame == frame) &&
-          (ulsch_harq->subframe == subframe)) {
-        for (int rb=0;
-            rb<=ulsch_harq->nb_rb;
-            rb++) {
-          int rb2 = rb+ulsch_harq->first_rb;
-          eNB->rb_mask_ul[rb2>>5] |= (1<<(rb2&31));
-        }
+      LOG_D(PHY,"[eNB %d] frame %d, subframe %d: Scheduling ULSCH Reception for UE %d \n",
+          eNB->Mod_id,
+          frame,
+          subframe,
+          i);
-        LOG_D(PHY,"[eNB %d] frame %d, subframe %d: Scheduling ULSCH Reception for UE %d \n",
-            eNB->Mod_id,
-            frame,
-            subframe,
-            i);
+      nPRS = fp->pusch_config_common.ul_ReferenceSignalsPUSCH.nPRS[subframe<<1];
+      ulsch->cyclicShift = (ulsch_harq->n_DMRS2 +
+          fp->pusch_config_common.ul_ReferenceSignalsPUSCH.cyclicShift +
+          nPRS)%12;
-            "[eNB %d][PUSCH %d] Frame %d Subframe %d Demodulating PUSCH: dci_alloc %d, rar_alloc %d, round %d, first_rb %d, nb_rb %d, Qm %d, TBS %d, rv %d, cyclic_shift %d (n_DMRS2 %d, cyclicShift_common %d, ), O_ACK %d, beta_cqi %d \n",
-            eNB->Mod_id,harq_pid,frame,subframe,
-            ulsch_harq->dci_alloc,
-            ulsch_harq->rar_alloc,
-            ulsch_harq->round,
-            ulsch_harq->first_rb,
-            ulsch_harq->nb_rb,
-            ulsch_harq->Qm,
-            ulsch_harq->TBS,
-            ulsch_harq->rvidx,
-            ulsch->cyclicShift,
-            ulsch_harq->n_DMRS2,
-            fp->pusch_config_common.ul_ReferenceSignalsPUSCH.cyclicShift,
-            ulsch_harq->O_ACK,
-	    ulsch->beta_offset_cqi_times8);
+          "[eNB %d][PUSCH %d] Frame %d Subframe %d Demodulating PUSCH: dci_alloc %d, rar_alloc %d, round %d, first_rb %d, nb_rb %d, Qm %d, TBS %d, rv %d, cyclic_shift %d (n_DMRS2 %d, cyclicShift_common %d, ), O_ACK %d, beta_cqi %d \n",
+          eNB->Mod_id,harq_pid,frame,subframe,
+          ulsch_harq->dci_alloc,
+          ulsch_harq->rar_alloc,
+          ulsch_harq->round,
+          ulsch_harq->first_rb,
+          ulsch_harq->nb_rb,
+          ulsch_harq->Qm,
+          ulsch_harq->TBS,
+          ulsch_harq->rvidx,
+          ulsch->cyclicShift,
+          ulsch_harq->n_DMRS2,
+          fp->pusch_config_common.ul_ReferenceSignalsPUSCH.cyclicShift,
+          ulsch_harq->O_ACK,
+          ulsch->beta_offset_cqi_times8);
@@ -1421,6 +1411,7 @@ void pusch_procedures(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc) {
@@ -1440,22 +1431,22 @@ void pusch_procedures(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc) {
-	/*
-	if (dB_fixed_times10(eNB->pusch_vars[i]->ulsch_power[0]) > 300) {
+	/*if (dB_fixed_times10(eNB->pusch_vars[i]->ulsch_power[0]) > 300) {
 	  dump_ulsch(eNB,frame,subframe,i); exit(-1);
-	  }*/
+	  }
+     */
-              MSC_PHY_ENB,MSC_PHY_UE,
-              NULL,0,
-              "%05u:%02u ULSCH received rnti %x harq id %u round %d",
-              frame,subframe,
-              ulsch->rnti,harq_pid,
-              ulsch_harq->round-1
-              );
+            MSC_PHY_ENB,MSC_PHY_UE,
+            NULL,0,
+            "%05u:%02u ULSCH received rnti %x harq id %u round %d",
+            frame,subframe,
+            ulsch->rnti,harq_pid,
+            ulsch_harq->round-1
+            );
 	fill_crc_indication(eNB,i,frame,subframe,0); // indicate ACK to MAC
 	fill_rx_indication(eNB,i,frame,subframe);  // indicate SDU to MAC
         T(T_ENB_PHY_ULSCH_UE_ACK, T_INT(eNB->Mod_id), T_INT(frame), T_INT(subframe), T_INT(ulsch->rnti),
@@ -1488,10 +1479,9 @@ void pusch_procedures(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc) {
         }  // ulsch not in error
-        if (ulsch_harq->O_ACK>0) fill_ulsch_harq_indication(eNB,ulsch_harq,ulsch->rnti,frame,subframe,ulsch->bundling);
+      if (ulsch_harq->O_ACK>0) fill_ulsch_harq_indication(eNB,ulsch_harq,ulsch->rnti,frame,subframe,ulsch->bundling);
-        LOG_I(PHY,"[eNB %d] Frame %d subframe %d: received ULSCH harq_pid %d for UE %d, ret = %d, CQI CRC Status %d, ACK %d,%d, ulsch_errors %d/%d\n",
+      LOG_D(PHY,"[eNB %d] Frame %d subframe %d: received ULSCH harq_pid %d for UE %d, ret = %d, CQI CRC Status %d, ACK %d,%d, ulsch_errors %d/%d\n",
@@ -1501,12 +1491,25 @@ void pusch_procedures(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc) {
-      } //     if ((ulsch) &&
+           ulsch_harq->handled = 1;
+    } //     if ((ulsch) &&
       //         (ulsch->rnti>0) &&
       //         (ulsch_harq->status == ACTIVE))
-    }   //   for (i=0; i<NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX; i++) {
-  }
+    else if ((ulsch) &&
+             (ulsch->rnti>0) &&
+             (ulsch_harq->status == ACTIVE) &&
+             (ulsch_harq->frame == frame) &&
+             (ulsch_harq->subframe == subframe) &&
+             (ulsch_harq->handled == 1)) {
+          // this harq process is stale, kill it, this 1024 frames later (10s), consider reducing that
+           ulsch_harq->status = SCH_IDLE;
+           ulsch->harq_mask   = 0;
+           LOG_W(PHY,"Removing stale ULSCH config for UE %x\n",ulsch->rnti);
+    }
+  }   //   for (i=0; i<NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX; i++) {
 extern int oai_exit;
@@ -1638,13 +1641,12 @@ void release_harq(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,int UE_id,int tb,uint16_t frame,uint8_t subf
     AssertFatal(dlsch0_harq!=NULL,"dlsch0_harq is null\n");
     dlsch0_harq->status = SCH_IDLE;
-    if ((dlsch1_harq == NULL)||
+    /*if ((dlsch1_harq == NULL)||
-	 (dlsch1_harq->status == SCH_IDLE)))
-    {
-      dlsch0->harq_mask   &= ~(1<<harq_pid);
-      LOG_I(PHY,"%s() UE_id:%d SFN/SF:%d/%d dlsch0->harq_mask:%02x\n", __FUNCTION__, UE_id, frame, subframe,dlsch0->harq_mask);
-    }
+	 (dlsch1_harq->status == SCH_IDLE)))*/
+    dlsch0->harq_mask   &= ~(1<<harq_pid);
+    LOG_D(PHY,"Frame %d, subframe %d: Releasing harq %d for UE %x\n",frame,subframe,harq_pid,dlsch0->rnti);
   else { // release all processes in the bundle that was acked, based on mask
          // This is at most 4 for multiplexing and 9 for bundling/special bundling
diff --git a/openair2/ENB_APP/enb_config.c b/openair2/ENB_APP/enb_config.c
index cc060bed8311a83b44be39098a794658eb6dd79a..2dc1359049d94a5710a6ea264b73fdb82c6144d0 100644
--- a/openair2/ENB_APP/enb_config.c
+++ b/openair2/ENB_APP/enb_config.c
@@ -115,7 +115,6 @@ void RCconfig_RU(void) {
   int               j                             = 0;
   int               i                             = 0;
-  int               num_bands                     = 0;
   paramdef_t RUParams[] = RUPARAMS_DESC;
@@ -142,7 +141,10 @@ void RCconfig_RU(void) {
       RC.ru[j]->idx                                 = j;
       RC.ru[j]->if_timing                           = synch_to_ext_device;
-      RC.ru[j]->num_eNB                             = RUParamList.paramarray[j][RU_ENB_LIST_IDX].numelt;
+      if (RC.nb_L1_inst >0)
+        RC.ru[j]->num_eNB                           = RUParamList.paramarray[j][RU_ENB_LIST_IDX].numelt;
+      else
+	    RC.ru[j]->num_eNB                           = 0;
       for (i=0;i<RC.ru[j]->num_eNB;i++) RC.ru[j]->eNB_list[i] = RC.eNB[RUParamList.paramarray[j][RU_ENB_LIST_IDX].iptr[i]][0];     
@@ -186,7 +188,7 @@ void RCconfig_RU(void) {
 	RC.ru[j]->max_pdschReferenceSignalPower     = *(RUParamList.paramarray[j][RU_MAX_RS_EPRE_IDX].uptr);;
 	RC.ru[j]->max_rxgain                        = *(RUParamList.paramarray[j][RU_MAX_RXGAIN_IDX].uptr);
 	RC.ru[j]->num_bands                         = RUParamList.paramarray[j][RU_BAND_LIST_IDX].numelt;
-	for (i=0;i<num_bands;i++) RC.ru[j]->band[i] = RUParamList.paramarray[j][RU_BAND_LIST_IDX].iptr[i]; 
+	for (i=0;i<RC.ru[j]->num_bands;i++) RC.ru[j]->band[i] = RUParamList.paramarray[j][RU_BAND_LIST_IDX].iptr[i]; 
       } //strcmp(local_rf, "yes") == 0
       else {
 	printf("RU %d: Transport %s\n",j,*(RUParamList.paramarray[j][RU_TRANSPORT_PREFERENCE_IDX].strptr));
@@ -310,11 +312,10 @@ void RCconfig_L1(void) {
     printf("Initializing northbound interface for L1\n");
   } else {
-#if 0
+    LOG_I(PHY,"No " CONFIG_STRING_L1_LIST " configuration found");    
     // DJP need to create some structures for VNF
-    AssertFatal (0,
-        "No " CONFIG_STRING_L1_LIST " configuration found");    
     j = 0;
     RC.nb_L1_CC = malloc((1+RC.nb_L1_inst)*sizeof(int)); // DJP - 1 lot then???
@@ -336,8 +337,6 @@ void RCconfig_L1(void) {
         RC.eNB[j][i]->CC_id   = i;
diff --git a/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/defs.h b/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/defs.h
index 7ca049f38ce71f78c2780ab62699021fd68ee752..e13d0b7e9ccebf1a54ae4157fd3568c134e7bcff 100644
--- a/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/defs.h
+++ b/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/defs.h
@@ -807,6 +807,7 @@ typedef struct {
   uint16_t      ta_timer;
   int16_t       ta_update;
   uint8_t       ul_cqi;
+  uint16_t      ul_consecutive_errors;
   int32_t       context_active_timer;
   int32_t       cqi_req_timer;
   int32_t       ul_inactivity_timer;
diff --git a/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/eNB_scheduler.c b/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/eNB_scheduler.c
index e26cd7b1e54660b52386c3bfa36456140f997f9b..357d5f2df9c1427d731ea2b95fd683a16dec4287 100644
--- a/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/eNB_scheduler.c
+++ b/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/eNB_scheduler.c
@@ -71,19 +71,19 @@ extern RAN_CONTEXT_t RC;
 uint16_t pdcch_order_table[6] = {31,31,511,2047,2047,8191};
-void schedule_SRS(module_id_t module_idP,frame_t frameP,sub_frame_t subframeP) {
+void schedule_SRS(module_id_t module_idP,frame_t frameP,sub_frame_t subframeP)
   eNB_MAC_INST                   *eNB            = RC.mac[module_idP];
   UE_list_t                      *UE_list        = &eNB->UE_list;
   nfapi_ul_config_request_body_t *ul_req;
-  int CC_id,UE_id;  
+  int CC_id,UE_id;
   COMMON_channels_t                   *cc        = RC.mac[module_idP]->common_channels;
   SoundingRS_UL_ConfigCommon_t      *soundingRS_UL_ConfigCommon;
   struct SoundingRS_UL_ConfigDedicated     *soundingRS_UL_ConfigDedicated;
   uint8_t  TSFC;
   uint16_t deltaTSFC; // bitmap
   uint8_t  srs_SubframeConfig;
   // table for TSFC (Period) and deltaSFC (offset)
   const uint16_t deltaTSFCTabType1[15][2] = { {1,1},{1,2},{2,2},{1,5},{2,5},{4,5},{8,5},{3,5},{12,5},{1,10},{2,10},{4,10},{8,10},{351,10},{383,10} };      // Table 3GPP 36.211 FDD
   const uint16_t deltaTSFCTabType2[14][2] = { {2,5},{6,5},{10,5},{18,5},{14,5},{22,5},{26,5},{30,5},{70,10},{74,10},{194,10},{326,10},{586,10},{210,10} }; // Table 3GPP 36.211 TDD
@@ -108,20 +108,20 @@ void schedule_SRS(module_id_t module_idP,frame_t frameP,sub_frame_t subframeP) {
       if((1<<tmp) & deltaTSFC) {
 	// This is an SRS subframe, loop over UEs
-	for (UE_id=UE_list->head; UE_id>=0; UE_id=UE_list->next[UE_id]) {
+	for (UE_id=0; UE_id<NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX; UE_id++) {
+	  if (RC.mac[module_idP]->UE_list.active[UE_id]!=TRUE) continue;
 	  ul_req        = &RC.mac[module_idP]->UL_req[CC_id].ul_config_request_body;
 	  AssertFatal(UE_list->UE_template[CC_id][UE_id].physicalConfigDedicated != NULL, "physicalConfigDedicated is null for UE %d\n",UE_id);
 	  if ((soundingRS_UL_ConfigDedicated = UE_list->UE_template[CC_id][UE_id].physicalConfigDedicated->soundingRS_UL_ConfigDedicated)!=NULL) {
 	    if (soundingRS_UL_ConfigDedicated->present == SoundingRS_UL_ConfigDedicated_PR_setup) {
 	      get_srs_pos(&cc[CC_id], soundingRS_UL_ConfigDedicated->choice.setup.srs_ConfigIndex, &srsPeriodicity, &srsOffset);
 	      if (((10*frameP+subframeP) % srsPeriodicity) == srsOffset) {
 		// Prorgram SRS
 		ul_req->srs_present                                                 = 1;
-		nfapi_ul_config_request_pdu_t* ul_config_pdu                        = &ul_req->ul_config_pdu_list[ul_req->number_of_pdus]; 
+		nfapi_ul_config_request_pdu_t* ul_config_pdu                        = &ul_req->ul_config_pdu_list[ul_req->number_of_pdus];
 		ul_config_pdu->pdu_type                                             = NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_SRS_PDU_TYPE;
 		ul_config_pdu->pdu_size                                             = 2+(uint8_t)(2+sizeof(nfapi_ul_config_srs_pdu));
@@ -132,16 +132,16 @@ void schedule_SRS(module_id_t module_idP,frame_t frameP,sub_frame_t subframeP) {
 		ul_config_pdu->srs_pdu.srs_pdu_rel8.frequency_domain_position       = soundingRS_UL_ConfigDedicated->choice.setup.freqDomainPosition;
 		ul_config_pdu->srs_pdu.srs_pdu_rel8.srs_hopping_bandwidth           = soundingRS_UL_ConfigDedicated->choice.setup.srs_HoppingBandwidth;;
 		ul_config_pdu->srs_pdu.srs_pdu_rel8.transmission_comb               = soundingRS_UL_ConfigDedicated->choice.setup.transmissionComb;
-		ul_config_pdu->srs_pdu.srs_pdu_rel8.i_srs                           = soundingRS_UL_ConfigDedicated->choice.setup.srs_ConfigIndex;	
-		ul_config_pdu->srs_pdu.srs_pdu_rel8.sounding_reference_cyclic_shift = soundingRS_UL_ConfigDedicated->choice.setup.cyclicShift;	
+		ul_config_pdu->srs_pdu.srs_pdu_rel8.i_srs                           = soundingRS_UL_ConfigDedicated->choice.setup.srs_ConfigIndex;
+		ul_config_pdu->srs_pdu.srs_pdu_rel8.sounding_reference_cyclic_shift = soundingRS_UL_ConfigDedicated->choice.setup.cyclicShift;
 		//		ul_config_pdu->srs_pdu.srs_pdu_rel10.antenna_port                   = ;//
 		//		ul_config_pdu->srs_pdu.srs_pdu_rel13.number_of_combs                = ;//
 		RC.mac[module_idP]->UL_req[CC_id].sfn_sf = (frameP<<4)+subframeP;
 		RC.mac[module_idP]->UL_req[CC_id].header.message_id = NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_REQUEST;
-	      } // if (((10*frameP+subframeP) % srsPeriodicity) == srsOffset) 
-	    } // if (soundingRS_UL_ConfigDedicated->present == SoundingRS_UL_ConfigDedicated_PR_setup) 
-	  } // if ((soundingRS_UL_ConfigDedicated = UE_list->UE_template[CC_id][UE_id].physicalConfigDedicated->soundingRS_UL_ConfigDedicated)!=NULL) 
+	      } // if (((10*frameP+subframeP) % srsPeriodicity) == srsOffset)
+	    } // if (soundingRS_UL_ConfigDedicated->present == SoundingRS_UL_ConfigDedicated_PR_setup)
+	  } // if ((soundingRS_UL_ConfigDedicated = UE_list->UE_template[CC_id][UE_id].physicalConfigDedicated->soundingRS_UL_ConfigDedicated)!=NULL)
 	} // for (UE_id ...
       } // if((1<<tmp) & deltaTSFC)
@@ -149,13 +149,13 @@ void schedule_SRS(module_id_t module_idP,frame_t frameP,sub_frame_t subframeP) {
-void schedule_CSI(module_id_t module_idP,frame_t frameP,sub_frame_t subframeP) { 
+void schedule_CSI(module_id_t module_idP,frame_t frameP,sub_frame_t subframeP)
   eNB_MAC_INST                   *eNB          = RC.mac[module_idP];
   UE_list_t                      *UE_list      = &eNB->UE_list;
   COMMON_channels_t              *cc;
   nfapi_ul_config_request_body_t *ul_req;
-  int CC_id,UE_id;  
+  int CC_id,UE_id;
   struct CQI_ReportPeriodic *cqi_ReportPeriodic;
   uint16_t Npd,N_OFFSET_CQI;
   int H;
@@ -163,7 +163,8 @@ void schedule_CSI(module_id_t module_idP,frame_t frameP,sub_frame_t subframeP) {
   for (CC_id=0; CC_id<MAX_NUM_CCs; CC_id++) {
     cc = &eNB->common_channels[CC_id];
-    for (UE_id=UE_list->head; UE_id>=0; UE_id=UE_list->next[UE_id]) {
+    for (UE_id=0; UE_id < NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX; UE_id++) {
+      if (UE_list->active[UE_id] != TRUE) continue;
       ul_req        = &RC.mac[module_idP]->UL_req[CC_id].ul_config_request_body;
@@ -175,11 +176,11 @@ void schedule_CSI(module_id_t module_idP,frame_t frameP,sub_frame_t subframeP) {
 	  //Rel8 Periodic CQI/PMI/RI reporting
 	  if ((((frameP*10)+subframeP)%Npd) == N_OFFSET_CQI) {  // CQI opportunity
 	    // Program CQI
-	    nfapi_ul_config_request_pdu_t* ul_config_pdu                                     = &ul_req->ul_config_pdu_list[ul_req->number_of_pdus]; 
+	    nfapi_ul_config_request_pdu_t* ul_config_pdu                                     = &ul_req->ul_config_pdu_list[ul_req->number_of_pdus];
 	    ul_config_pdu->pdu_type                                                          = NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_UCI_CQI_PDU_TYPE;
 	    ul_config_pdu->pdu_size                                                          = 2+(uint8_t)(2+sizeof(nfapi_ul_config_uci_cqi_pdu));
@@ -197,13 +198,13 @@ void schedule_CSI(module_id_t module_idP,frame_t frameP,sub_frame_t subframeP) {
 #if defined(Rel10) || defined(Rel14)
 	    // PUT rel10-13 UCI options here
 	  else if ((cqi_ReportPeriodic->choice.setup.ri_ConfigIndex) &&
 		    N_OFFSET_CQI + (*cqi_ReportPeriodic->choice.setup.ri_ConfigIndex%161))) {  // RI opportunity
 	    // Program RI
-	    nfapi_ul_config_request_pdu_t* ul_config_pdu                                     = &ul_req->ul_config_pdu_list[ul_req->number_of_pdus]; 
+	    nfapi_ul_config_request_pdu_t* ul_config_pdu                                     = &ul_req->ul_config_pdu_list[ul_req->number_of_pdus];
 	    ul_config_pdu->pdu_type                                                          = NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_UCI_CQI_PDU_TYPE;
 	    ul_config_pdu->pdu_size                                                          = 2+(uint8_t)(2+sizeof(nfapi_ul_config_uci_cqi_pdu));
@@ -223,105 +224,112 @@ void schedule_CSI(module_id_t module_idP,frame_t frameP,sub_frame_t subframeP) {
   } // for (CC_id=0; CC_id<MAX_NUM_CCs; CC_id++) {
-void schedule_SR(module_id_t module_idP,frame_t frameP,sub_frame_t subframeP) {
-  eNB_MAC_INST                   *eNB          = RC.mac[module_idP];
-  UE_list_t                      *UE_list      = &eNB->UE_list;
+void schedule_SR(module_id_t module_idP, frame_t frameP, sub_frame_t subframeP)
+  eNB_MAC_INST                   *eNB        = RC.mac[module_idP];
+  UE_list_t                      *UE_list    = &eNB->UE_list;
   nfapi_ul_config_request_body_t *ul_req;
-  int CC_id,UE_id;  
+  int                             CC_id;
+  int                             UE_id;
   SchedulingRequestConfig_t      *SRconfig;
+  int                             skip_ue;
+  int                             is_harq;
+  nfapi_ul_config_sr_information  sr;
+  int                             i;
+  for (CC_id = 0; CC_id < MAX_NUM_CCs; CC_id++) {
+    RC.mac[module_idP]->UL_req[CC_id].sfn_sf = (frameP << 4) + subframeP;
-  for (CC_id=0; CC_id<MAX_NUM_CCs; CC_id++) {
-    for (UE_id=UE_list->head; UE_id>=0; UE_id=UE_list->next[UE_id]) {
+    for (UE_id = 0; UE_id<NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX; UE_id++) {
+      if (RC.mac[module_idP]->UE_list.active[UE_id]!=TRUE) continue;
       ul_req        = &RC.mac[module_idP]->UL_req[CC_id].ul_config_request_body;
       AssertFatal(UE_list->UE_template[CC_id][UE_id].physicalConfigDedicated != NULL, "physicalConfigDedicated is null for UE %d\n",UE_id);
+      // drop the allocation if the UE hasn't send RRCConnectionSetupComplete yet
+      if (mac_eNB_get_rrc_status(module_idP,UE_RNTI(module_idP,UE_id)) < RRC_CONNECTED) continue;
       if ((SRconfig = UE_list->UE_template[CC_id][UE_id].physicalConfigDedicated->schedulingRequestConfig)!=NULL) {
-	if (SRconfig->present == SchedulingRequestConfig_PR_setup) {
-	  if (SRconfig->choice.setup.sr_ConfigIndex <= 4) {        // 5 ms SR period
-	    if ((subframeP%5) != SRconfig->choice.setup.sr_ConfigIndex)
-	      continue;
-	  } else if (SRconfig->choice.setup.sr_ConfigIndex <= 14) { // 10 ms SR period
-	    if (subframeP!=(SRconfig->choice.setup.sr_ConfigIndex-5))
-	      continue;
-	  } else if (SRconfig->choice.setup.sr_ConfigIndex <= 34) { // 20 ms SR period
-	    if ((10*(frameP&1)+subframeP) != (SRconfig->choice.setup.sr_ConfigIndex-15))
-	      continue;
-	  } else if (SRconfig->choice.setup.sr_ConfigIndex <= 74) { // 40 ms SR period
-	    if ((10*(frameP&3)+subframeP) != (SRconfig->choice.setup.sr_ConfigIndex-35))
-	      continue;
-	  } else if (SRconfig->choice.setup.sr_ConfigIndex <= 154) { // 80 ms SR period
-	    if ((10*(frameP&7)+subframeP) != (SRconfig->choice.setup.sr_ConfigIndex-75))
-	      continue;
-	  }	  
-	} // SRconfig->present == SchedulingRequestConfig_PR_setup)
-      } // SRconfig = UE_list->UE_template[CC_id][UE_id].physicalConfigDedicated->schedulingRequestConfig)!=NULL) 
+        if (SRconfig->present == SchedulingRequestConfig_PR_setup) {
+          if (SRconfig->choice.setup.sr_ConfigIndex <= 4) {        // 5 ms SR period
+            if ((subframeP%5) != SRconfig->choice.setup.sr_ConfigIndex)
+              continue;
+          } else if (SRconfig->choice.setup.sr_ConfigIndex <= 14) { // 10 ms SR period
+            if (subframeP!=(SRconfig->choice.setup.sr_ConfigIndex-5))
+              continue;
+          } else if (SRconfig->choice.setup.sr_ConfigIndex <= 34) { // 20 ms SR period
+            if ((10*(frameP&1)+subframeP) != (SRconfig->choice.setup.sr_ConfigIndex-15))
+              continue;
+          } else if (SRconfig->choice.setup.sr_ConfigIndex <= 74) { // 40 ms SR period
+            if ((10*(frameP&3)+subframeP) != (SRconfig->choice.setup.sr_ConfigIndex-35))
+              continue;
+          } else if (SRconfig->choice.setup.sr_ConfigIndex <= 154) { // 80 ms SR period
+            if ((10*(frameP&7)+subframeP) != (SRconfig->choice.setup.sr_ConfigIndex-75))
+              continue;
+          }
+        } // SRconfig->present == SchedulingRequestConfig_PR_setup)
+      } // SRconfig = UE_list->UE_template[CC_id][UE_id].physicalConfigDedicated->schedulingRequestConfig)!=NULL)
       // if we get here there is some PUCCH1 reception to schedule for SR
-      int skip_ue=0;
+      skip_ue=0;
+      is_harq = 0;
       // check that there is no existing UL grant for ULSCH which overrides the SR
-      for (int i=0;i<ul_req->number_of_pdus;i++)
-	if (((ul_req->ul_config_pdu_list[i].pdu_type == NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_ULSCH_PDU_TYPE)||
-	     (ul_req->ul_config_pdu_list[i].pdu_type == NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_ULSCH_HARQ_PDU_TYPE)||
-	     (ul_req->ul_config_pdu_list[i].pdu_type == NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_ULSCH_CQI_RI_PDU_TYPE)||
-	     (ul_req->ul_config_pdu_list[i].pdu_type == NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_ULSCH_CQI_HARQ_RI_PDU_TYPE))&&
-	    (ul_req->ul_config_pdu_list[i].ulsch_pdu.ulsch_pdu_rel8.rnti == UE_list->UE_template[CC_id][UE_id].rnti)) {
-	    skip_ue=1;
-	    break;
-	}
-	else if ((ul_req->ul_config_pdu_list[i].pdu_type == NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_UCI_HARQ_PDU_TYPE)&&
-		 (ul_req->ul_config_pdu_list[i].ulsch_pdu.ulsch_pdu_rel8.rnti == UE_list->UE_template[CC_id][UE_id].rnti))
-	  skip_ue=1;
+      for (i = 0; i < ul_req->number_of_pdus; i++) {
+        if (((ul_req->ul_config_pdu_list[i].pdu_type == NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_ULSCH_PDU_TYPE)||
+             (ul_req->ul_config_pdu_list[i].pdu_type == NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_ULSCH_HARQ_PDU_TYPE)||
+             (ul_req->ul_config_pdu_list[i].pdu_type == NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_ULSCH_CQI_RI_PDU_TYPE)||
+             (ul_req->ul_config_pdu_list[i].pdu_type == NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_ULSCH_CQI_HARQ_RI_PDU_TYPE))&&
+            (ul_req->ul_config_pdu_list[i].ulsch_pdu.ulsch_pdu_rel8.rnti == UE_list->UE_template[CC_id][UE_id].rnti)) {
+            skip_ue=1;
+            break;
+        }
+        /* if there is already an HARQ pdu, convert to SR_HARQ */
+        else if ((ul_req->ul_config_pdu_list[i].pdu_type == NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_UCI_HARQ_PDU_TYPE)&&
+                 (ul_req->ul_config_pdu_list[i].uci_harq_pdu.ue_information.ue_information_rel8.rnti == UE_list->UE_template[CC_id][UE_id].rnti)) {
+          is_harq = 1;
+          break;
+        }
+      }
       // drop the allocation because ULSCH with handle it with BSR
       if (skip_ue==1) continue;
-      // drop the allocation if the UE hasn't send RRCConnectionSetupComplete yet
-      if (mac_eNB_get_rrc_status(module_idP,UE_RNTI(module_idP,UE_id)) < RRC_CONNECTED) continue;
-      // if we get here then there is no UL grant so program the SR
-      ul_req->ul_config_pdu_list[ul_req->number_of_pdus].pdu_type                                                 = NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_UCI_SR_PDU_TYPE;
-      ul_req->ul_config_pdu_list[ul_req->number_of_pdus].uci_sr_pdu.ue_information.ue_information_rel8.tl.tag     = NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_REQUEST_UE_INFORMATION_REL8_TAG;
-      ul_req->ul_config_pdu_list[ul_req->number_of_pdus].uci_sr_pdu.ue_information.ue_information_rel8.rnti       = UE_list->UE_template[CC_id][UE_id].rnti;
+      LOG_D(MAC,"Frame %d, Subframe %d : Scheduling SR for UE %d/%x\n",frameP,subframeP,UE_id,UE_list->UE_template[CC_id][UE_id].rnti);
       // check Rel10 or Rel8 SR
 #if defined(Rel10) || defined(Rel14)
       if ((UE_list->UE_template[CC_id][UE_id].physicalConfigDedicated->ext2) &&
-	  (UE_list->UE_template[CC_id][UE_id].physicalConfigDedicated->ext2->schedulingRequestConfig_v1020)&&
-	  (UE_list->UE_template[CC_id][UE_id].physicalConfigDedicated->ext2->schedulingRequestConfig_v1020)) {
-	ul_req->ul_config_pdu_list[ul_req->number_of_pdus].uci_sr_pdu.sr_information.sr_information_rel10.tl.tag = NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_REQUEST_SR_INFORMATION_REL10_TAG;
-	ul_req->ul_config_pdu_list[ul_req->number_of_pdus].uci_sr_pdu.sr_information.sr_information_rel10.number_of_pucch_resources = 1;
-	ul_req->ul_config_pdu_list[ul_req->number_of_pdus].uci_sr_pdu.sr_information.sr_information_rel10.pucch_index_p1 = 
-	  *UE_list->UE_template[CC_id][UE_id].physicalConfigDedicated->ext2->schedulingRequestConfig_v1020->sr_PUCCH_ResourceIndexP1_r10;
-      }
-      else 
+          (UE_list->UE_template[CC_id][UE_id].physicalConfigDedicated->ext2->schedulingRequestConfig_v1020)&&
+          (UE_list->UE_template[CC_id][UE_id].physicalConfigDedicated->ext2->schedulingRequestConfig_v1020)) {
+        sr.sr_information_rel10.number_of_pucch_resources = 1;
+        sr.sr_information_rel10.pucch_index_p1 = *UE_list->UE_template[CC_id][UE_id].physicalConfigDedicated->ext2->schedulingRequestConfig_v1020->sr_PUCCH_ResourceIndexP1_r10;
+      } else
-	{
-	  ul_req->ul_config_pdu_list[ul_req->number_of_pdus].uci_sr_pdu.sr_information.sr_information_rel8.pucch_index =  
-	    UE_list->UE_template[CC_id][UE_id].physicalConfigDedicated->schedulingRequestConfig->choice.setup.sr_PUCCH_ResourceIndex;
-	  LOG_D(MAC,"Frame %d, Subframe %d : Scheduling SR for UE %d/%x\n",frameP,subframeP,UE_id,UE_list->UE_template[CC_id][UE_id].rnti);
-	}
-      RC.mac[module_idP]->UL_req[CC_id].sfn_sf = (frameP<<4)+subframeP;
-      RC.mac[module_idP]->UL_req[CC_id].header.message_id = NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_REQUEST;
-      ul_req->number_of_pdus++;
+      {
+        sr.sr_information_rel8.pucch_index = UE_list->UE_template[CC_id][UE_id].physicalConfigDedicated->schedulingRequestConfig->choice.setup.sr_PUCCH_ResourceIndex;
+      }
+      /* if there is already an HARQ pdu, convert to SR_HARQ */
+      if (is_harq) {
+        nfapi_ul_config_harq_information h = ul_req->ul_config_pdu_list[i].uci_harq_pdu.harq_information;
+        ul_req->ul_config_pdu_list[i].pdu_type                         = NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_UCI_SR_HARQ_PDU_TYPE;
+        ul_req->ul_config_pdu_list[i].uci_sr_harq_pdu.sr_information   = sr;
+        ul_req->ul_config_pdu_list[i].uci_sr_harq_pdu.harq_information = h;
+      } else {
+        ul_req->ul_config_pdu_list[ul_req->number_of_pdus].pdu_type                                           = NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_UCI_SR_PDU_TYPE;
+        ul_req->ul_config_pdu_list[ul_req->number_of_pdus].uci_sr_pdu.ue_information.ue_information_rel8.rnti = UE_list->UE_template[CC_id][UE_id].rnti;
+        ul_req->ul_config_pdu_list[ul_req->number_of_pdus].uci_sr_pdu.sr_information                          = sr;
+        ul_req->number_of_pdus++;
+      } /* if (is_harq) */
     } // for (UE_id=UE_list->head; UE_id>=0; UE_id=UE_list->next[UE_id])
   } // for (CC_id=0; CC_id<MAX_NUM_CCs; CC_id++)
 void check_ul_failure(module_id_t module_idP,int CC_id,int UE_id,
-		      frame_t frameP, sub_frame_t subframeP) {
+		      frame_t frameP, sub_frame_t subframeP)
   UE_list_t                           *UE_list      = &RC.mac[module_idP]->UE_list;
   nfapi_dl_config_request_t           *DL_req       = &RC.mac[module_idP]->DL_req[0];
   uint16_t                            rnti          = UE_RNTI(module_idP,UE_id);
@@ -330,15 +338,14 @@ void check_ul_failure(module_id_t module_idP,int CC_id,int UE_id,
   // check uplink failure
   if ((UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id].ul_failure_timer>0)&&
       (UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id].ul_out_of_sync==0)) {
-    LOG_D(MAC,"UE %d rnti %x: UL Failure timer %d \n",UE_id,rnti,UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id].ul_failure_timer);
+    LOG_I(MAC,"UE %d rnti %x: UL Failure timer %d \n",UE_id,rnti,UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id].ul_failure_timer);
     if (UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id].ra_pdcch_order_sent==0) {
       // add a format 1A dci for this UE to request an RA procedure (only one UE per subframe)
-      LOG_D(MAC,"UE %d rnti %x: sending PDCCH order for RAPROC (failure timer %d) \n",UE_id,rnti,UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id].ul_failure_timer);	    
-      nfapi_dl_config_request_pdu_t* dl_config_pdu                    = &DL_req[CC_id].dl_config_request_body.dl_config_pdu_list[DL_req[CC_id].dl_config_request_body.number_pdu]; 
+      nfapi_dl_config_request_pdu_t* dl_config_pdu                    = &DL_req[CC_id].dl_config_request_body.dl_config_pdu_list[DL_req[CC_id].dl_config_request_body.number_pdu];
-      dl_config_pdu->pdu_type                                         = NFAPI_DL_CONFIG_DCI_DL_PDU_TYPE; 
+      dl_config_pdu->pdu_type                                         = NFAPI_DL_CONFIG_DCI_DL_PDU_TYPE;
       dl_config_pdu->pdu_size                                         = (uint8_t)(2+sizeof(nfapi_dl_config_dci_dl_pdu));
       dl_config_pdu->dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.tl.tag                = NFAPI_DL_CONFIG_REQUEST_DCI_DL_PDU_REL8_TAG;
       dl_config_pdu->dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.dci_format            = NFAPI_DL_DCI_FORMAT_1A;
@@ -346,7 +353,7 @@ void check_ul_failure(module_id_t module_idP,int CC_id,int UE_id,
       dl_config_pdu->dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.rnti                  = rnti;
       dl_config_pdu->dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.rnti_type             = 1;    // CRNTI : see Table 4-10 from SCF082 - nFAPI specifications
       dl_config_pdu->dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.transmission_power    = 6000; // equal to RS power
       AssertFatal((cc[CC_id].mib->message.dl_Bandwidth >=0) && (cc[CC_id].mib->message.dl_Bandwidth<6),
 		  "illegal dl_Bandwidth %d\n",(int)cc[CC_id].mib->message.dl_Bandwidth);
       dl_config_pdu->dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.resource_block_coding = pdcch_order_table[cc[CC_id].mib->message.dl_Bandwidth];
@@ -356,63 +363,58 @@ void check_ul_failure(module_id_t module_idP,int CC_id,int UE_id,
       DL_req[CC_id].dl_config_request_body.tl.tag = NFAPI_DL_CONFIG_REQUEST_BODY_TAG;
-      /* 
-	 add_ue_spec_dci(&DL_req[CC_id],
-	 rnti,
-	 get_aggregation(get_tw_index(module_idP,CC_id),eNB_UE_stats->DL_cqi[0],format1A),
-	 format1A,
-	 NO_DLSCH);*/
+      LOG_I(MAC,"UE %d rnti %x: sending PDCCH order for RAPROC (failure timer %d), resource_block_coding %d \n",UE_id,rnti,UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id].ul_failure_timer,dl_config_pdu->dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.resource_block_coding);
     else { // ra_pdcch_sent==1
-      LOG_D(MAC,"UE %d rnti %x: sent PDCCH order for RAPROC waiting (failure timer %d) \n",UE_id,rnti,UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id].ul_failure_timer);	    	    
+      LOG_I(MAC,"UE %d rnti %x: sent PDCCH order for RAPROC waiting (failure timer %d) \n",UE_id,rnti,UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id].ul_failure_timer);
       if ((UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id].ul_failure_timer % 40) == 0)
-	UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id].ra_pdcch_order_sent=0; // resend every 4 frames	      
+	UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id].ra_pdcch_order_sent=0; // resend every 4 frames
     // check threshold
     if (UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id].ul_failure_timer > 200) {
       // inform RRC of failure and clear timer
-      LOG_D(MAC,"UE %d rnti %x: UL Failure after repeated PDCCH orders: Triggering RRC \n",UE_id,rnti);
+      LOG_I(MAC,"UE %d rnti %x: UL Failure after repeated PDCCH orders: Triggering RRC \n",UE_id,rnti);
   } // ul_failure_timer>0
-void clear_nfapi_information(eNB_MAC_INST *eNB,int CC_idP,frame_t frameP,sub_frame_t subframeP) {
+void clear_nfapi_information(eNB_MAC_INST *eNB,int CC_idP,frame_t frameP,sub_frame_t subframeP)
   nfapi_dl_config_request_t *DL_req         = &eNB->DL_req[0];
   nfapi_ul_config_request_t *UL_req         = &eNB->UL_req[0];
   nfapi_hi_dci0_request_t   *HI_DCI0_req    = &eNB->HI_DCI0_req[0];
   nfapi_tx_request_t        *TX_req         = &eNB->TX_req[0];
   eNB->pdu_index[CC_idP]                                     = 0;
   DL_req[CC_idP].dl_config_request_body.number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols           = 1;
   DL_req[CC_idP].dl_config_request_body.number_dci                          = 0;
   DL_req[CC_idP].dl_config_request_body.number_pdu                          = 0;
   DL_req[CC_idP].dl_config_request_body.number_pdsch_rnti                   = 0;
   DL_req[CC_idP].dl_config_request_body.transmission_power_pcfich           = 6000;
   HI_DCI0_req[CC_idP].hi_dci0_request_body.sfnsf                            = subframeP + (frameP<<4);
   HI_DCI0_req[CC_idP].hi_dci0_request_body.number_of_dci                    = 0;
   UL_req[CC_idP].ul_config_request_body.number_of_pdus                      = 0;
   UL_req[CC_idP].ul_config_request_body.rach_prach_frequency_resources      = 0; // ignored, handled by PHY for now
   UL_req[CC_idP].ul_config_request_body.srs_present                         = 0; // ignored, handled by PHY for now
   TX_req[CC_idP].tx_request_body.number_of_pdus                 = 0;
-void copy_ulreq(module_id_t module_idP,frame_t frameP, sub_frame_t subframeP) {
+void copy_ulreq(module_id_t module_idP,frame_t frameP, sub_frame_t subframeP)
   int CC_id;
   nfapi_ul_config_request_body_t *ul_req_tmp;
@@ -424,7 +426,7 @@ void copy_ulreq(module_id_t module_idP,frame_t frameP, sub_frame_t subframeP) {
     ul_req_tmp       = &eNB->UL_req_tmp[CC_id][subframeP].ul_config_request_body;
     ul_req           = &eNB->UL_req[CC_id].ul_config_request_body;
     eNB->UL_req[CC_id].sfn_sf   = (frameP<<4) + subframeP;
     ul_req->number_of_pdus                     = ul_req_tmp->number_of_pdus;
     ul_req_tmp->number_of_pdus = 0;
@@ -432,11 +434,11 @@ void copy_ulreq(module_id_t module_idP,frame_t frameP, sub_frame_t subframeP) {
-void eNB_dlsch_ulsch_scheduler(module_id_t module_idP, frame_t frameP, sub_frame_t subframeP)  
+void eNB_dlsch_ulsch_scheduler(module_id_t module_idP, frame_t frameP, sub_frame_t subframeP)
   int mbsfn_status[MAX_NUM_CCs];
@@ -445,15 +447,14 @@ void eNB_dlsch_ulsch_scheduler(module_id_t module_idP, frame_t frameP, sub_frame
   int CC_id,i; //,next_i;
   UE_list_t *UE_list=&RC.mac[module_idP]->UE_list;
   rnti_t rnti;
   COMMON_channels_t         *cc             = RC.mac[module_idP]->common_channels;
-  eNB_UE_STATS              *eNB_UE_stats;
 #if defined(FLEXRAN_AGENT_SB_IF)
   Protocol__FlexranMessage *msg;
@@ -480,7 +481,6 @@ void eNB_dlsch_ulsch_scheduler(module_id_t module_idP, frame_t frameP, sub_frame
     rnti         = UE_RNTI(module_idP, i);
     CC_id        = UE_PCCID(module_idP, i);
-    eNB_UE_stats = &RC.mac[module_idP]->UE_list.eNB_UE_stats[CC_id][i];
     if ((frameP==0)&&(subframeP==0)) {
       LOG_D(MAC,"UE  rnti %x : %s, PHR %d dB CQI %d\n", rnti,
@@ -491,12 +491,12 @@ void eNB_dlsch_ulsch_scheduler(module_id_t module_idP, frame_t frameP, sub_frame
     if (i==UE_list->head)
-      VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_DUMP_VARIABLE_BY_NAME(VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_VARIABLES_UE0_BSR,RC.eNB[module_idP][CC_id]->pusch_stats_bsr[i][(frameP*10)+subframeP]); 
+      VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_DUMP_VARIABLE_BY_NAME(VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_VARIABLES_UE0_BSR,RC.eNB[module_idP][CC_id]->pusch_stats_bsr[i][(frameP*10)+subframeP]);
     // increment this, it is cleared when we receive an sdu
-    LOG_D(MAC,"UE %d/%x : ul_inactivity %d, cqi_req %d\n",i,rnti, 
+    LOG_D(MAC,"UE %d/%x : ul_inactivity %d, cqi_req %d\n",i,rnti,
@@ -551,5 +551,4 @@ void eNB_dlsch_ulsch_scheduler(module_id_t module_idP, frame_t frameP, sub_frame
diff --git a/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/eNB_scheduler_RA.c b/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/eNB_scheduler_RA.c
index ded5014aed5c6d8d9801974a1018dac7308ba262..437418e804807d344ce8368f1ca520f13c99d71c 100644
--- a/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/eNB_scheduler_RA.c
+++ b/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/eNB_scheduler_RA.c
@@ -86,8 +86,8 @@ void add_msg3(module_id_t module_idP,int CC_id, RA_TEMPLATE *RA_template, frame_
     LOG_D(MAC,"[eNB %d][RAPROC] Frame %d, Subframe %d : CC_id %d CE level %d is active, Msg3 in (%d,%d)\n",
-    LOG_D(MAC,"Frame %d, Subframe %d Adding Msg3 UL Config Request for (%d,%d)\n",
-	  frameP,subframeP,RA_template->Msg3_frame,RA_template->Msg3_subframe);
+    LOG_D(MAC,"Frame %d, Subframe %d Adding Msg3 UL Config Request for (%d,%d) : (%d,%d)\n",
+	  frameP,subframeP,RA_template->Msg3_frame,RA_template->Msg3_subframe,RA_template->msg3_nb_rb,RA_template->msg3_round);
     ul_config_pdu                                                                  = &ul_req_body->ul_config_pdu_list[ul_req_body->number_of_pdus]; 
@@ -125,8 +125,9 @@ void add_msg3(module_id_t module_idP,int CC_id, RA_TEMPLATE *RA_template, frame_
       LOG_D(MAC,"[eNB %d][RAPROC] Frame %d, Subframe %d : CC_id %d RA is active, Msg3 in (%d,%d)\n",
-      LOG_D(MAC,"Frame %d, Subframe %d Adding Msg3 UL Config Request for (%d,%d)\n",
-	    frameP,subframeP,RA_template->Msg3_frame,RA_template->Msg3_subframe);
+      LOG_D(MAC,"Frame %d, Subframe %d Adding Msg3 UL Config Request for (%d,%d) : (%d,%d,%d)\n",
+	    frameP,subframeP,RA_template->Msg3_frame,RA_template->Msg3_subframe,
+	    RA_template->msg3_nb_rb,RA_template->msg3_first_rb,RA_template->msg3_round);
       ul_config_pdu                                                                  = &ul_req_body->ul_config_pdu_list[ul_req_body->number_of_pdus]; 
@@ -400,7 +401,7 @@ void generate_Msg2(module_id_t module_idP,int CC_idP,frame_t frameP,sub_frame_t
       if ((RA_template->Msg2_frame == frameP) && (RA_template->Msg2_subframe == subframeP)) {
-	LOG_D(MAC,"[eNB %d] CC_id %d Frame %d, subframeP %d: Generating RAR DCI, RA_active %d format 1A (%d,%d))\n",
+	LOG_I(MAC,"[eNB %d] CC_id %d Frame %d, subframeP %d: Generating RAR DCI, RA_active %d format 1A (%d,%d))\n",
 	      module_idP, CC_idP, frameP, subframeP,
@@ -840,7 +841,7 @@ void generate_Msg4(module_id_t module_idP,int CC_idP,frame_t frameP,sub_frame_t
     { // This is normal LTE case
       if ((RA_template->Msg4_frame == frameP) && (RA_template->Msg4_subframe == subframeP)) {	      
-	LOG_I(MAC,"[eNB %d][RAPROC] CC_id %d Frame %d, subframeP %d: Generating Msg4 with RRC Piggyback (RNTI %x)\n",
+	LOG_D(MAC,"[eNB %d][RAPROC] CC_id %d Frame %d, subframeP %d: Generating Msg4 with RRC Piggyback (RNTI %x)\n",
 	      module_idP, CC_idP, frameP, subframeP,RA_template->rnti);
 	/// Choose first 4 RBs for Msg4, should really check that these are free!
@@ -886,7 +887,18 @@ void generate_Msg4(module_id_t module_idP,int CC_idP,frame_t frameP,sub_frame_t
 			     1,                           // ndi
 			     0,                           // rv
 			     0);                          // vrb_flag
+    LOG_I(MAC,"Frame %d, subframe %d: Msg4 DCI pdu_num %d (rnti %x,rnti_type %d,harq_pid %d, resource_block_coding (%p) %d\n",
+		  frameP,
+	      subframeP,
+          dl_req->number_pdu,
+          dl_config_pdu->dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.rnti,
+          dl_config_pdu->dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.rnti_type,
+          dl_config_pdu->dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.harq_process,
+          &dl_config_pdu->dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.resource_block_coding,
+          dl_config_pdu->dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.resource_block_coding);
+    AssertFatal(dl_config_pdu->dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.resource_block_coding < 8192,
+				"resource_block_coding %u < 8192\n",
+                dl_config_pdu->dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.resource_block_coding);	
 	if (!CCE_allocation_infeasible(module_idP,CC_idP,1,
 				       RA_template->rnti)) {
@@ -898,12 +910,12 @@ void generate_Msg4(module_id_t module_idP,int CC_idP,frame_t frameP,sub_frame_t
 	  // increment Absolute subframe by 8 for Msg4 retransmission
-	  LOG_I(MAC,"Frame %d, Subframe %d: Preparing for Msg4 retransmission currently %d.%d\n",
+	  LOG_D(MAC,"Frame %d, Subframe %d: Preparing for Msg4 retransmission currently %d.%d\n",
 	  if (RA_template->Msg4_subframe > 1) RA_template->Msg4_frame++;
 	  RA_template->Msg4_subframe = (RA_template->Msg4_subframe+8)%10;
-	  LOG_I(MAC,"Frame %d, Subframe %d: Msg4 retransmission in %d.%d\n",
+	  LOG_D(MAC,"Frame %d, Subframe %d: Msg4 retransmission in %d.%d\n",
@@ -942,7 +954,7 @@ void generate_Msg4(module_id_t module_idP,int CC_idP,frame_t frameP,sub_frame_t
-				  eNB->pdu_index[CC_idP]++,
+				  eNB->pdu_index[CC_idP],
 				  2,                           // resource_allocation_type : format 1A/1B/1D
 				  0,                           // virtual_resource_block_assignment_flag : localized
@@ -963,14 +975,16 @@ void generate_Msg4(module_id_t module_idP,int CC_idP,frame_t frameP,sub_frame_t
 				  (cc->p_eNB==1 ) ? 1 : 2,     // transmission mode
 				  1,                           // num_bf_prb_per_subband
 				  1);                          // num_bf_vector
+      LOG_I(MAC,"Filled DLSCH config, pdu number %d, non-dci pdu_index %d\n",dl_req->number_pdu,eNB->pdu_index[CC_idP]);
 	  // DL request
 	  eNB->TX_req[CC_idP].sfn_sf = fill_nfapi_tx_req(&eNB->TX_req[CC_idP].tx_request_body,
-							 &eNB->pdu_index[CC_idP],
+							 eNB->pdu_index[CC_idP],
 							 eNB->UE_list.DLSCH_pdu[CC_idP][0][(unsigned char)UE_id].payload[0]); 
           eNB->TX_req[CC_idP].header.message_id = NFAPI_TX_REQUEST;
+	  eNB->pdu_index[CC_idP]++;
 	  LOG_D(MAC,"Filling UCI ACK/NAK information, cce_idx %d\n",dl_config_pdu->dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.cce_idx);
 	  // Program PUCCH1a for ACK/NAK
@@ -1098,12 +1112,12 @@ void check_Msg4_retransmission(module_id_t module_idP,int CC_idP,frame_t frameP,
             dl_req->tl.tag = NFAPI_DL_CONFIG_REQUEST_BODY_TAG;
-	    LOG_D(MAC,"msg4 retransmission for rnti %x (round %d) fsf %d/%d\n", RA_template->rnti, round, frameP, subframeP);
+	    LOG_I(MAC,"msg4 retransmission for rnti %x (round %d) fsf %d/%d\n", RA_template->rnti, round, frameP, subframeP);
 	    	  // DLSCH Config
-				    eNB->pdu_index[CC_idP]++,
+				    -1                           /* retransmission, no pdu_index */,
 				    2,                           // resource_allocation_type : format 1A/1B/1D
 				    0,                           // virtual_resource_block_assignment_flag : localized
@@ -1148,7 +1162,7 @@ void check_Msg4_retransmission(module_id_t module_idP,int CC_idP,frame_t frameP,
 	} // Msg4 frame/subframe
       } // regular LTE case
   } else {
-    LOG_I(MAC,"[eNB %d][RAPROC] CC_id %d Frame %d, subframeP %d : Msg4 acknowledged\n",module_idP,CC_idP,frameP,subframeP);
+    LOG_D(MAC,"[eNB %d][RAPROC] CC_id %d Frame %d, subframeP %d : Msg4 acknowledged\n",module_idP,CC_idP,frameP,subframeP);
     UE_id = find_UE_id(module_idP,RA_template->rnti);
@@ -1180,7 +1194,7 @@ void schedule_RA(module_id_t module_idP,frame_t frameP, sub_frame_t subframeP)
       if (RA_template->RA_active == TRUE) {
-        LOG_D(MAC,"[eNB %d][RAPROC] Frame %d, Subframe %d : CC_id %d RA %d is active (generate RAR %d, generate_Msg4 %d, wait_ack_Msg4 %d, rnti %x)\n",
+        LOG_I(MAC,"[eNB %d][RAPROC] Frame %d, Subframe %d : CC_id %d RA %d is active (generate RAR %d, generate_Msg4 %d, wait_ack_Msg4 %d, rnti %x)\n",
               module_idP,frameP,subframeP,CC_id,i,RA_template->generate_rar,RA_template->generate_Msg4,RA_template->wait_ack_Msg4, RA_template->rnti);
         if      (RA_template->generate_rar == 1)  generate_Msg2(module_idP,CC_id,frameP,subframeP,RA_template);
@@ -1244,6 +1258,7 @@ void initiate_ra_proc(module_id_t module_idP,
     if (RA_template[i].RA_active==FALSE &&
         RA_template[i].wait_ack_Msg4 == 0) {
       int loop = 0;
+      LOG_D(MAC,"Frame %d, Subframe %d: Activating RA process %d\n",frameP,subframeP,i);
       RA_template[i].RA_active          = TRUE;
       RA_template[i].generate_rar       = 1;
       RA_template[i].generate_Msg4      = 0;
diff --git a/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/eNB_scheduler_dlsch.c b/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/eNB_scheduler_dlsch.c
index 081c485979d79ab739216d19d60e0e6ca83aec87..7d2d521aed3caeae944f7c08f9f3a2e70dbdfd5d 100644
--- a/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/eNB_scheduler_dlsch.c
+++ b/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/eNB_scheduler_dlsch.c
@@ -635,6 +635,9 @@ schedule_ue_spec(
       UE_list->eNB_UE_stats[CC_id][UE_id].harq_pid = harq_pid; 
       UE_list->eNB_UE_stats[CC_id][UE_id].harq_round = round;
+      if (UE_list->eNB_UE_stats[CC_id][UE_id].rrc_status < RRC_CONNECTED) continue;
@@ -755,7 +758,7 @@ schedule_ue_spec(
-				      eNB->pdu_index[CC_id],
+				      -1            /* retransmission, no pdu_index */,
 				      0, // type 0 allocation from 7.1.6 in 36.213
 				      0, // virtual_resource_block_assignment_flag, unused here
@@ -780,7 +783,6 @@ schedule_ue_spec(
 	      LOG_D(MAC,"Filled NFAPI configuration for DCI/DLSCH %d, retransmission round %d\n",eNB->pdu_index[CC_id],round);
-	      eNB->pdu_index[CC_id]++;
 	      // No TX request for retransmission (check if null request for FAPI)
@@ -1281,7 +1283,7 @@ schedule_ue_spec(
 	    eNB->TX_req[CC_id].sfn_sf = fill_nfapi_tx_req(&eNB->TX_req[CC_id].tx_request_body,
-							  &eNB->pdu_index[CC_id],
+							  eNB->pdu_index[CC_id],
 							  eNB->UE_list.DLSCH_pdu[CC_id][0][(unsigned char)UE_id].payload[0]);
 	    LOG_D(MAC,"Filled NFAPI configuration for DCI/DLSCH/TXREQ %d, new SDU\n",eNB->pdu_index[CC_id]);
@@ -1383,16 +1385,15 @@ fill_DLSCH_dci(
 	for (i=0;i<DL_req[CC_id].dl_config_request_body.number_pdu;i++) {
 	  dl_config_pdu                    = &DL_req[CC_id].dl_config_request_body.dl_config_pdu_list[i];
 	  if ((dl_config_pdu->pdu_type == NFAPI_DL_CONFIG_DCI_DL_PDU_TYPE)&&
-	      (dl_config_pdu->dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.rnti == rnti)) {
-	    dl_config_pdu->dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.tl.tag                   = NFAPI_DL_CONFIG_REQUEST_DCI_DL_PDU_REL8_TAG;
+	      (dl_config_pdu->dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.rnti == rnti) &&
+          (dl_config_pdu->dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.dci_format != 1)) {
 	    dl_config_pdu->dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.resource_block_coding    = allocate_prbs_sub(nb_rb,N_RB_DL,N_RBG,rballoc_sub);
 	    dl_config_pdu->dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.resource_allocation_type = 0;
 	  else if ((dl_config_pdu->pdu_type == NFAPI_DL_CONFIG_DLSCH_PDU_TYPE)&&
-		   (dl_config_pdu->dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.rnti == rnti)) {
-	    dl_config_pdu->dlsch_pdu.dlsch_pdu_rel8.tl.tag                   = NFAPI_DL_CONFIG_REQUEST_DLSCH_PDU_REL8_TAG;
+		       (dl_config_pdu->dlsch_pdu.dlsch_pdu_rel8.rnti == rnti) &&
+               (dl_config_pdu->dlsch_pdu.dlsch_pdu_rel8.resource_allocation_type==0)) {
 	    dl_config_pdu->dlsch_pdu.dlsch_pdu_rel8.resource_block_coding    = allocate_prbs_sub(nb_rb,N_RB_DL,N_RBG,rballoc_sub);
-	    dl_config_pdu->dlsch_pdu.dlsch_pdu_rel8.resource_allocation_type = 0;
diff --git a/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/eNB_scheduler_primitives.c b/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/eNB_scheduler_primitives.c
index e2668dfd40a434eb6a8e13d3632f06ee981a25d2..b75d1ccb83f013f8afca70a3c8f40b8392d64ee2 100644
--- a/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/eNB_scheduler_primitives.c
+++ b/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/eNB_scheduler_primitives.c
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@
-int choose(int n,int k) {
+int choose(int n,int k)
   int res  = 1;
   int res2 = 1;
   int i;
@@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ int choose(int n,int k) {
 // Patented algorithm from Yang et al, US Patent 2009, "Channel Quality Indexing and Reverse Indexing"
-void reverse_index(int N,int M,int r,int *v) {
+void reverse_index(int N,int M,int r,int *v)
   int BaseValue=0;
   int IncreaseValue,ThresholdValue;
   int sumV;
@@ -90,7 +90,6 @@ void reverse_index(int N,int M,int r,int *v) {
   while (i>0 && r>0) {
     IncreaseValue = choose(N-M+1-sumV-v[i-1]+i-2,i-1);
     ThresholdValue = BaseValue+IncreaseValue;
     if (r>=ThresholdValue) {
@@ -103,38 +102,39 @@ void reverse_index(int N,int M,int r,int *v) {
-int to_prb(int dl_Bandwidth) {
+int to_prb(int dl_Bandwidth)
   int prbmap[6] = {6,15,25,50,75,100};
   AssertFatal(dl_Bandwidth < 6,"dl_Bandwidth is 0..5\n");
-int to_rbg(int dl_Bandwidth) {
+int to_rbg(int dl_Bandwidth)
   int rbgmap[6] = {6,8,13,17,19,25};
   AssertFatal(dl_Bandwidth < 6,"dl_Bandwidth is 0..5\n");
-int get_phich_resource_times6(COMMON_channels_t *cc) {
+int get_phich_resource_times6(COMMON_channels_t *cc)
   int phichmap[4] = {1,3,6,12};
   AssertFatal(cc!=NULL,"cc is null\n");
   AssertFatal(cc->mib!=NULL,"cc->mib is null\n");
-  AssertFatal((cc->mib->message.phich_Config.phich_Resource>=0) && 
-	      (cc->mib->message.phich_Config.phich_Resource<4),
-	      "phich_Resource %d not in 0..3\n",(int)cc->mib->message.phich_Config.phich_Resource);
+  AssertFatal((cc->mib->message.phich_Config.phich_Resource>=0) &&
+              (cc->mib->message.phich_Config.phich_Resource<4),
+              "phich_Resource %d not in 0..3\n",(int)cc->mib->message.phich_Config.phich_Resource);
-uint16_t mac_computeRIV(uint16_t N_RB_DL,uint16_t RBstart,uint16_t Lcrbs) {
+uint16_t mac_computeRIV(uint16_t N_RB_DL,uint16_t RBstart,uint16_t Lcrbs)
   uint16_t RIV;
   if (Lcrbs<=(1+(N_RB_DL>>1)))
@@ -145,8 +145,8 @@ uint16_t mac_computeRIV(uint16_t N_RB_DL,uint16_t RBstart,uint16_t Lcrbs) {
-uint8_t getQm(uint8_t mcs) {
+uint8_t getQm(uint8_t mcs)
   if (mcs<10) return(2);
   else if (mcs<17) return(4);
   else return (6);
@@ -154,12 +154,11 @@ uint8_t getQm(uint8_t mcs) {
 void get_Msg3alloc(COMMON_channels_t *cc,
-		   sub_frame_t current_subframe,
-		   frame_t current_frame,
-		   frame_t *frame,
-		   sub_frame_t *subframe)
+                   sub_frame_t current_subframe,
+                   frame_t current_frame,
+                   frame_t *frame,
+                   sub_frame_t *subframe)
   // Fill in other TDD Configuration!!!!
   if (cc->tdd_Config==NULL) { // FDD
@@ -221,56 +220,56 @@ void get_Msg3alloc(COMMON_channels_t *cc,
     } else if (cc->tdd_Config->subframeAssignment == 4) {
-        switch (current_subframe) {
-        case 0:
-        case 4:
-        case 5:
-        case 6:
-          *subframe = 2;
-          *frame = (current_frame+1) & 1023;
-          break;
+      switch (current_subframe) {
-        case 7:
-          *subframe = 3;
-          *frame = (current_frame+1) & 1023;
-          break;
+      case 0:
+      case 4:
+      case 5:
+      case 6:
+        *subframe = 2;
+        *frame = (current_frame+1) & 1023;
+        break;
-        case 8:
-        case 9:
-          *subframe = 2;
-          *frame = (current_frame+2) & 1023;
-          break;
-        }
-      } else if (cc->tdd_Config->subframeAssignment == 5) {
-          switch (current_subframe) {
-          case 0:
-          case 4:
-          case 5:
-          case 6:
-            *subframe = 2;
-            *frame = (current_frame+1) & 1023;
-            break;
-          case 7:
-          case 8:
-          case 9:
-            *subframe = 2;
-            *frame = (current_frame+2) & 1023;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
+      case 7:
+        *subframe = 3;
+        *frame = (current_frame+1) & 1023;
+        break;
+      case 8:
+      case 9:
+        *subframe = 2;
+        *frame = (current_frame+2) & 1023;
+        break;
+      }
+    } else if (cc->tdd_Config->subframeAssignment == 5) {
+      switch (current_subframe) {
+      case 0:
+      case 4:
+      case 5:
+      case 6:
+        *subframe = 2;
+        *frame = (current_frame+1) & 1023;
+        break;
+      case 7:
+      case 8:
+      case 9:
+        *subframe = 2;
+        *frame = (current_frame+2) & 1023;
+        break;
+      }
+    }
 void get_Msg3allocret(COMMON_channels_t *cc,
-		      sub_frame_t current_subframe,
-		      frame_t current_frame,
-		      frame_t *frame,
-		      sub_frame_t *subframe)
+                      sub_frame_t current_subframe,
+                      frame_t current_frame,
+                      frame_t *frame,
+                      sub_frame_t *subframe)
   if (cc->tdd_Config == NULL) { //FDD
     /* always retransmit in n+8 */
@@ -314,9 +313,7 @@ uint8_t subframe2harqpid(COMMON_channels_t *cc,frame_t frame,sub_frame_t subfram
   if (cc->tdd_Config == NULL) { // FDD
     ret = (((frame<<1)+subframe)&7);
   } else {
     switch (cc->tdd_Config->subframeAssignment) {
     case 1:
       if ((subframe==2) ||
           (subframe==3) ||
@@ -334,7 +331,7 @@ uint8_t subframe2harqpid(COMMON_channels_t *cc,frame_t frame,sub_frame_t subfram
-	  AssertFatal(1==0,"subframe2_harq_pid, Illegal subframe %d for TDD mode %d\n",subframe,(int)cc->tdd_Config->subframeAssignment);
+          AssertFatal(1==0,"subframe2_harq_pid, Illegal subframe %d for TDD mode %d\n",subframe,(int)cc->tdd_Config->subframeAssignment);
@@ -342,26 +339,26 @@ uint8_t subframe2harqpid(COMMON_channels_t *cc,frame_t frame,sub_frame_t subfram
     case 2:
       AssertFatal((subframe==2) || (subframe==7),
-		  "subframe2_harq_pid, Illegal subframe %d for TDD mode %d\n",subframe,(int)cc->tdd_Config->subframeAssignment);
+                  "subframe2_harq_pid, Illegal subframe %d for TDD mode %d\n",subframe,(int)cc->tdd_Config->subframeAssignment);
       ret = (subframe/7);
     case 3:
-      AssertFatal((subframe>1) && (subframe<5), 
-		  "subframe2_harq_pid, Illegal subframe %d for TDD mode %d\n",subframe,(int)cc->tdd_Config->subframeAssignment);
+      AssertFatal((subframe>1) && (subframe<5),
+                  "subframe2_harq_pid, Illegal subframe %d for TDD mode %d\n",subframe,(int)cc->tdd_Config->subframeAssignment);
       ret = (subframe-2);
     case 4:
       AssertFatal((subframe>1) && (subframe<4),
-		  "subframe2_harq_pid, Illegal subframe %d for TDD mode %d\n",subframe,(int)cc->tdd_Config->subframeAssignment);
+                  "subframe2_harq_pid, Illegal subframe %d for TDD mode %d\n",subframe,(int)cc->tdd_Config->subframeAssignment);
       ret = (subframe-2);
     case 5:
-		  "subframe2_harq_pid, Illegal subframe %d for TDD mode %d\n",subframe,(int)cc->tdd_Config->subframeAssignment);
+                  "subframe2_harq_pid, Illegal subframe %d for TDD mode %d\n",subframe,(int)cc->tdd_Config->subframeAssignment);
       ret = (subframe-2);
@@ -373,10 +370,9 @@ uint8_t subframe2harqpid(COMMON_channels_t *cc,frame_t frame,sub_frame_t subfram
 uint8_t get_Msg3harqpid(COMMON_channels_t *cc,
-			frame_t frame,
-			sub_frame_t current_subframe)
+                        frame_t frame,
+                        sub_frame_t current_subframe)
   uint8_t ul_subframe=0;
   uint32_t ul_frame=0;
@@ -387,7 +383,6 @@ uint8_t get_Msg3harqpid(COMMON_channels_t *cc,
     switch (cc->tdd_Config->subframeAssignment) {
     case 1:
       switch (current_subframe) {
       case 9:
       case 0:
         ul_subframe = 7;
@@ -404,7 +399,6 @@ uint8_t get_Msg3harqpid(COMMON_channels_t *cc,
     case 3:
       switch (current_subframe) {
       case 0:
       case 5:
       case 6:
@@ -428,7 +422,6 @@ uint8_t get_Msg3harqpid(COMMON_channels_t *cc,
     case 4:
       switch (current_subframe) {
       case 0:
       case 5:
       case 6:
@@ -456,7 +449,6 @@ uint8_t get_Msg3harqpid(COMMON_channels_t *cc,
 uint32_t pdcchalloc2ulframe(COMMON_channels_t *ccP,uint32_t frame, uint8_t n)
@@ -468,11 +460,11 @@ uint32_t pdcchalloc2ulframe(COMMON_channels_t *ccP,uint32_t frame, uint8_t n)
       ((n==1)||(n==6))) // tdd_config 0,1 SF 1,5
     ul_frame = (frame + (n==1 ? 0 : 1));
   else if ((ccP->tdd_Config) &&
-	   (ccP->tdd_Config->subframeAssignment == 6) &&
-	   ((n==0)||(n==1)||(n==5)||(n==6)))
+           (ccP->tdd_Config->subframeAssignment == 6) &&
+           ((n==0)||(n==1)||(n==5)||(n==6)))
     ul_frame = (frame + (n>=5 ? 1 : 0));
   else if ((ccP->tdd_Config) &&
-	   (ccP->tdd_Config->subframeAssignment == 6) &&
+           (ccP->tdd_Config->subframeAssignment == 6) &&
            (n==9)) // tdd_config 6 SF 9
     ul_frame = (frame+1);
@@ -480,11 +472,10 @@ uint32_t pdcchalloc2ulframe(COMMON_channels_t *ccP,uint32_t frame, uint8_t n)
   LOG_D(PHY, "frame %d subframe %d: PUSCH frame = %d\n", frame, n, ul_frame);
   return ul_frame;
-uint8_t pdcchalloc2ulsubframe(COMMON_channels_t *ccP,uint8_t n) {
+uint8_t pdcchalloc2ulsubframe(COMMON_channels_t *ccP,uint8_t n)
   uint8_t ul_subframe;
   if ((ccP->tdd_Config) &&
@@ -492,11 +483,11 @@ uint8_t pdcchalloc2ulsubframe(COMMON_channels_t *ccP,uint8_t n) {
       ((n==1)||(n==6))) // tdd_config 0,1 SF 1,5
     ul_subframe = ((n+6)%10);
   else if ((ccP->tdd_Config) &&
-	   (ccP->tdd_Config->subframeAssignment == 6) &&
+           (ccP->tdd_Config->subframeAssignment == 6) &&
     ul_subframe = ((n+7)%10);
   else if ((ccP->tdd_Config) &&
-	   (ccP->tdd_Config->subframeAssignment == 6) &&
+           (ccP->tdd_Config->subframeAssignment == 6) &&
            (n==9)) // tdd_config 6 SF 9
     ul_subframe = ((n+5)%10);
@@ -508,13 +499,11 @@ uint8_t pdcchalloc2ulsubframe(COMMON_channels_t *ccP,uint8_t n) {
 int is_UL_sf(COMMON_channels_t *ccP,sub_frame_t subframeP)
   // if FDD return dummy value
   if (ccP->tdd_Config == NULL)
   switch (ccP->tdd_Config->subframeAssignment) {
   case 1:
     switch (subframeP) {
     case 0:
@@ -552,7 +541,7 @@ int is_UL_sf(COMMON_channels_t *ccP,sub_frame_t subframeP)
     else AssertFatal(1==0,"Unknown subframe number\n");
   case 5:
     if  ((subframeP<=1) || (subframeP>=3))
@@ -563,16 +552,15 @@ int is_UL_sf(COMMON_channels_t *ccP,sub_frame_t subframeP)
     AssertFatal(1==0,"subframe %d Unsupported TDD configuration %d\n",
-		subframeP,(int)ccP->tdd_Config->subframeAssignment);
+                subframeP,(int)ccP->tdd_Config->subframeAssignment);
-uint16_t get_pucch1_absSF(COMMON_channels_t *cc,uint16_t dlsch_absSF) {
+uint16_t get_pucch1_absSF(COMMON_channels_t *cc,uint16_t dlsch_absSF)
   uint16_t sf,f,nextf;
   if (cc->tdd_Config==NULL) { //FDD n+4
     return((dlsch_absSF + 4)%10240);
@@ -598,9 +586,9 @@ uint16_t get_pucch1_absSF(COMMON_channels_t *cc,uint16_t dlsch_absSF) {
       else AssertFatal(1==0,"Impossible dlsch subframe %d for TDD configuration 3\n",sf);
     case 3:
-      if      ((sf==5) || (sf==6) || (sf==7) || (sf==8) || (sf==9)) return((10*nextf) + (sf>>1)); // ACK/NAK in 2,3,4 resp. next frame 
-      else if (sf==1)                                               return((10*nextf) + 2);       // ACK/NAK in 2 next frame 
-      else if (sf==0)                                               return((10*f) + 4);           // ACK/NAK in 4 same frame 
+      if      ((sf==5) || (sf==6) || (sf==7) || (sf==8) || (sf==9)) return((10*nextf) + (sf>>1)); // ACK/NAK in 2,3,4 resp. next frame
+      else if (sf==1)                                               return((10*nextf) + 2);       // ACK/NAK in 2 next frame
+      else if (sf==0)                                               return((10*f) + 4);           // ACK/NAK in 4 same frame
       else AssertFatal(1==0,"Impossible dlsch subframe %d for TDD configuration 3\n",sf);
     case 4:
@@ -610,8 +598,8 @@ uint16_t get_pucch1_absSF(COMMON_channels_t *cc,uint16_t dlsch_absSF) {
     case 5:
       if      ((sf==0) || (sf==1) || (sf==3) || (sf==4) || (sf==5) || (sf==6) || (sf==7) || (sf==8)) return(((10*nextf) + 2)%10240);     // ACK/NAK in SF 3 next frame
-      else if (sf==9)                                                                                return(((10*(1+nextf)) + 2)%10240); // ACK/NAK in SF 2 next frame           
-      else AssertFatal(1==0,"Impossible dlsch subframe %d for TDD configuration 5\n",sf);      
+      else if (sf==9)                                                                                return(((10*(1+nextf)) + 2)%10240); // ACK/NAK in SF 2 next frame
+      else AssertFatal(1==0,"Impossible dlsch subframe %d for TDD configuration 5\n",sf);
     case 6:
       AssertFatal(1==0,"SFA 6 To be filled in now, :-)\n");
@@ -624,11 +612,11 @@ uint16_t get_pucch1_absSF(COMMON_channels_t *cc,uint16_t dlsch_absSF) {
   AssertFatal(1==0,"Shouldn't get here\n");
-void get_srs_pos(COMMON_channels_t *cc,uint16_t isrs,uint16_t *psrsPeriodicity,uint16_t *psrsOffset) {
+void get_srs_pos(COMMON_channels_t *cc,uint16_t isrs,uint16_t *psrsPeriodicity,uint16_t *psrsOffset)
   if(cc->tdd_Config) { // TDD
     AssertFatal(isrs>=10,"2 ms SRS periodicity not supported");
     if ((isrs>9)&&(isrs<15)) {
@@ -657,12 +645,10 @@ void get_srs_pos(COMMON_channels_t *cc,uint16_t isrs,uint16_t *psrsPeriodicity,u
     AssertFatal(isrs<=644,"Isrs out of range %d>644\n",isrs);
   } // TDD
   else { // FDD
     if (isrs<2) {
@@ -696,12 +682,11 @@ void get_srs_pos(COMMON_channels_t *cc,uint16_t isrs,uint16_t *psrsPeriodicity,u
     AssertFatal(isrs<=636,"Isrs out of range %d>636\n",isrs);
-void get_csi_params(COMMON_channels_t *cc,struct CQI_ReportPeriodic *cqi_ReportPeriodic,uint16_t *Npd,uint16_t *N_OFFSET_CQI,int *H) {
+void get_csi_params(COMMON_channels_t *cc,struct CQI_ReportPeriodic *cqi_ReportPeriodic,uint16_t *Npd,uint16_t *N_OFFSET_CQI,int *H)
   uint16_t cqi_PMI_ConfigIndex = cqi_ReportPeriodic->choice.setup.cqi_pmi_ConfigIndex;
   uint8_t Jtab[6] = {0,2,2,3,4,4};
@@ -731,19 +716,19 @@ void get_csi_params(COMMON_channels_t *cc,struct CQI_ReportPeriodic *cqi_ReportP
       *N_OFFSET_CQI = cqi_PMI_ConfigIndex-157;
     else if (cqi_PMI_ConfigIndex > 317) {
       if (cqi_PMI_ConfigIndex <= 349) { // 32 ms CQI_PMI period
-	*Npd = 32;
+        *Npd = 32;
       *N_OFFSET_CQI = cqi_PMI_ConfigIndex-318;
       else if (cqi_PMI_ConfigIndex <= 413) { // 64 ms CQI_PMI period
-	*Npd = 64;
-	*N_OFFSET_CQI = cqi_PMI_ConfigIndex-350;
+        *Npd = 64;
+        *N_OFFSET_CQI = cqi_PMI_ConfigIndex-350;
       else if (cqi_PMI_ConfigIndex <= 541) { // 128 ms CQI_PMI period
-	*Npd = 128;
-	*N_OFFSET_CQI = cqi_PMI_ConfigIndex-414;
-      }  
+        *Npd = 128;
+        *N_OFFSET_CQI = cqi_PMI_ConfigIndex-414;
+      }
   else { // TDD
@@ -778,9 +763,8 @@ void get_csi_params(COMMON_channels_t *cc,struct CQI_ReportPeriodic *cqi_ReportP
-uint8_t get_dl_cqi_pmi_size_pusch(COMMON_channels_t *cc,uint8_t tmode,uint8_t ri, CQI_ReportModeAperiodic_t *cqi_ReportModeAperiodic) {
+uint8_t get_dl_cqi_pmi_size_pusch(COMMON_channels_t *cc,uint8_t tmode,uint8_t ri, CQI_ReportModeAperiodic_t *cqi_ReportModeAperiodic)
   int Ntab[6]       = {0,4,7,9,10,13};
   int N             = Ntab[cc->mib->message.dl_Bandwidth];
   int Ltab_uesel[6] = {0,6,9,13,15,18};
@@ -789,14 +773,13 @@ uint8_t get_dl_cqi_pmi_size_pusch(COMMON_channels_t *cc,uint8_t tmode,uint8_t ri
   AssertFatal(cqi_ReportModeAperiodic != NULL,"cqi_ReportPeriodic is null!\n");
   switch (*cqi_ReportModeAperiodic) {
   case CQI_ReportModeAperiodic_rm12:
     AssertFatal(tmode==4 || tmode==6 || tmode==8 || tmode==9 || tmode==10,"Illegal TM (%d) for CQI_ReportModeAperiodic_rm12\n",tmode);
     AssertFatal(cc->p_eNB<=4,"only up to 4 antenna ports supported here\n");
     if (ri==1 && cc->p_eNB==2) return(4+(N<<1));
     else if (ri==2 && cc->p_eNB==2) return(8+N);
     else if (ri==1 && cc->p_eNB==4) return(4+(N<<2));
-    else if (ri>1  && cc->p_eNB==4) return(8+(N<<2));		 
+    else if (ri>1  && cc->p_eNB==4) return(8+(N<<2));
   case CQI_ReportModeAperiodic_rm20:
     // Table (36.212)
@@ -844,7 +827,7 @@ uint8_t get_dl_cqi_pmi_size_pusch(COMMON_channels_t *cc,uint8_t tmode,uint8_t ri
     if (ri==1 && cc->p_eNB==2) return(4+0+2);
     else if (ri==2 && cc->p_eNB==2) return(4+4+1);
     else if (ri==1 && cc->p_eNB==4) return(4+0+4);
-    else if (ri>1  && cc->p_eNB==4) return(4+4+4);		 
+    else if (ri>1  && cc->p_eNB==4) return(4+4+4);
@@ -852,8 +835,8 @@ uint8_t get_dl_cqi_pmi_size_pusch(COMMON_channels_t *cc,uint8_t tmode,uint8_t ri
-uint8_t get_rel8_dl_cqi_pmi_size(UE_sched_ctrl *sched_ctl,int CC_idP,COMMON_channels_t *cc,uint8_t tmode, struct CQI_ReportPeriodic *cqi_ReportPeriodic) {
+uint8_t get_rel8_dl_cqi_pmi_size(UE_sched_ctrl *sched_ctl,int CC_idP,COMMON_channels_t *cc,uint8_t tmode, struct CQI_ReportPeriodic *cqi_ReportPeriodic)
   int no_pmi=0;
   //    Ltab[6] = {0,log2(15/4/2),log2(25/4/2),log2(50/6/3),log2(75/8/4),log2(100/8/4)};
@@ -862,9 +845,9 @@ uint8_t get_rel8_dl_cqi_pmi_size(UE_sched_ctrl *sched_ctl,int CC_idP,COMMON_chan
   AssertFatal(cqi_ReportPeriodic != NULL,"cqi_ReportPeriodic is null!\n");
   AssertFatal(cqi_ReportPeriodic->present != CQI_ReportPeriodic_PR_NOTHING,
-	      "cqi_ReportPeriodic->present == CQI_ReportPeriodic_PR_NOTHING!\n");
+              "cqi_ReportPeriodic->present == CQI_ReportPeriodic_PR_NOTHING!\n");
   AssertFatal(cqi_ReportPeriodic->choice.setup.cqi_FormatIndicatorPeriodic.present != CQI_ReportPeriodic__setup__cqi_FormatIndicatorPeriodic_PR_NOTHING,
-	      "cqi_ReportPeriodic->cqi_FormatIndicatorPeriodic.choice.setup.present == CQI_ReportPeriodic__setup__cqi_FormatIndicatorPeriodic_PR_NOTHING!\n");
+              "cqi_ReportPeriodic->cqi_FormatIndicatorPeriodic.choice.setup.present == CQI_ReportPeriodic__setup__cqi_FormatIndicatorPeriodic_PR_NOTHING!\n");
   switch(tmode) {
   case 1:
@@ -878,8 +861,6 @@ uint8_t get_rel8_dl_cqi_pmi_size(UE_sched_ctrl *sched_ctl,int CC_idP,COMMON_chan
   if ((cqi_ReportPeriodic->choice.setup.cqi_FormatIndicatorPeriodic.present == CQI_ReportPeriodic__setup__cqi_FormatIndicatorPeriodic_PR_widebandCQI) ||
       (sched_ctl->feedback_cnt[CC_idP] == 0)) {
     // send wideband report every opportunity if wideband reporting mode is selected, else every H opportunities
@@ -893,26 +874,26 @@ uint8_t get_rel8_dl_cqi_pmi_size(UE_sched_ctrl *sched_ctl,int CC_idP,COMMON_chan
   else if (cqi_ReportPeriodic->choice.setup.cqi_FormatIndicatorPeriodic.present == CQI_ReportPeriodic__setup__cqi_FormatIndicatorPeriodic_PR_subbandCQI) {
     if ((no_pmi == 1)||ri==1) return(4+Ltab[cc->mib->message.dl_Bandwidth]);
-    else 
-      return(7+Ltab[cc->mib->message.dl_Bandwidth]);    
+    else
+      return(7+Ltab[cc->mib->message.dl_Bandwidth]);
   AssertFatal(1==0,"Shouldn't get here : cqi_ReportPeriodic->present %d\n",cqi_ReportPeriodic->choice.setup.cqi_FormatIndicatorPeriodic.present);
 void fill_nfapi_dl_dci_1A(nfapi_dl_config_request_pdu_t   *dl_config_pdu,
-			  uint8_t aggregation_level,
-			  uint16_t rnti,
-			  uint8_t rnti_type,
-			  uint8_t harq_process,
-			  uint8_t tpc,
-			  uint16_t resource_block_coding,
-			  uint8_t mcs,
-			  uint8_t ndi,
-			  uint8_t rv,
-			  uint8_t vrb_flag) {
+                          uint8_t aggregation_level,
+                          uint16_t rnti,
+                          uint8_t rnti_type,
+                          uint8_t harq_process,
+                          uint8_t tpc,
+                          uint16_t resource_block_coding,
+                          uint8_t mcs,
+                          uint8_t ndi,
+                          uint8_t rv,
+                          uint8_t vrb_flag)
-  dl_config_pdu->pdu_type                                                          = NFAPI_DL_CONFIG_DCI_DL_PDU_TYPE; 
+  dl_config_pdu->pdu_type                                                          = NFAPI_DL_CONFIG_DCI_DL_PDU_TYPE;
   dl_config_pdu->pdu_size                                                          = (uint8_t)(2+sizeof(nfapi_dl_config_dci_dl_pdu));
   dl_config_pdu->dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.tl.tag                                 = NFAPI_DL_CONFIG_REQUEST_DCI_DL_PDU_REL8_TAG;
   dl_config_pdu->dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.dci_format                             = NFAPI_DL_DCI_FORMAT_1A;
@@ -927,11 +908,10 @@ void fill_nfapi_dl_dci_1A(nfapi_dl_config_request_pdu_t   *dl_config_pdu,
   dl_config_pdu->dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.new_data_indicator_1                   = ndi;
   dl_config_pdu->dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.redundancy_version_1                   = rv;
   dl_config_pdu->dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.virtual_resource_block_assignment_flag = vrb_flag;
-void program_dlsch_acknak(module_id_t module_idP, int CC_idP,int UE_idP, frame_t frameP, sub_frame_t subframeP,uint8_t cce_idx) {
+void program_dlsch_acknak(module_id_t module_idP, int CC_idP,int UE_idP, frame_t frameP, sub_frame_t subframeP,uint8_t cce_idx)
   eNB_MAC_INST                   *eNB      = RC.mac[module_idP];
   COMMON_channels_t              *cc       = eNB->common_channels;
   UE_list_t                      *UE_list  = &eNB->UE_list;
@@ -942,141 +922,167 @@ void program_dlsch_acknak(module_id_t module_idP, int CC_idP,int UE_idP, frame_t
   int use_simultaneous_pucch_pusch=0;
   nfapi_ul_config_ulsch_harq_information *ulsch_harq_information = NULL;
   nfapi_ul_config_harq_information *harq_information = NULL;
 #if defined(Rel10) || defined(Rel14)
   if ((UE_list->UE_template[CC_idP][UE_idP].physicalConfigDedicated->ext2) &&
       (UE_list->UE_template[CC_idP][UE_idP].physicalConfigDedicated->ext2->pucch_ConfigDedicated_v1020) &&
-      (UE_list->UE_template[CC_idP][UE_idP].physicalConfigDedicated->ext2->pucch_ConfigDedicated_v1020->simultaneousPUCCH_PUSCH_r10) &&	    
-      (*UE_list->UE_template[CC_idP][UE_idP].physicalConfigDedicated->ext2->pucch_ConfigDedicated_v1020->simultaneousPUCCH_PUSCH_r10 == PUCCH_ConfigDedicated_v1020__simultaneousPUCCH_PUSCH_r10_true)) use_simultaneous_pucch_pusch=1;
+      (UE_list->UE_template[CC_idP][UE_idP].physicalConfigDedicated->ext2->pucch_ConfigDedicated_v1020->simultaneousPUCCH_PUSCH_r10) &&
+      (*UE_list->UE_template[CC_idP][UE_idP].physicalConfigDedicated->ext2->pucch_ConfigDedicated_v1020->simultaneousPUCCH_PUSCH_r10 ==
+          PUCCH_ConfigDedicated_v1020__simultaneousPUCCH_PUSCH_r10_true))
+    use_simultaneous_pucch_pusch=1;
   // pucch1 and pusch feedback is similar, namely in n+k subframes from now
   // This is used in the following "if/else" condition to check if there isn't or is already an UL grant in n+k
   int16_t ul_absSF = get_pucch1_absSF(&cc[CC_idP],subframeP+(10*frameP));
   if ((ul_config_pdu = has_ul_grant(module_idP,CC_idP,
-				    ul_absSF,
-				    rnti)) == NULL) {
+                                    ul_absSF,
+                                    rnti)) == NULL) {
     // no UL grant so
     // Program ACK/NAK alone Format 1a/b or 3
     ul_req        = &RC.mac[module_idP]->UL_req_tmp[CC_idP][ul_absSF%10].ul_config_request_body;
-    ul_config_pdu = &ul_req->ul_config_pdu_list[ul_req->number_of_pdus];	    
+    ul_config_pdu = &ul_req->ul_config_pdu_list[ul_req->number_of_pdus];
     // Do PUCCH
-			  CC_idP,
-			  rnti,
-			  (frameP*10)+subframeP,
-			  cce_idx);
+                          CC_idP,
+                          rnti,
+                          (frameP*10)+subframeP,
+                          cce_idx);
-  else { // there is already an existing UL grant so update it if needed
-    // on top of some other UL resource (PUSCH,combined SR/CQI/HARQ on PUCCH, etc)
+  else {
+    /* there is already an existing UL grant so update it if needed
+     * on top of some other UL resource (PUSCH,combined SR/CQI/HARQ on PUCCH, etc)
+     */
     switch(ul_config_pdu->pdu_type) {
+    /* [ulsch] to [ulsch + harq] or [ulsch + harq on pucch] */
       if (use_simultaneous_pucch_pusch==1) {
-	AssertFatal(ul_config_pdu->pdu_type!=NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_ULSCH_HARQ_PDU_TYPE,
-		    "Cannot be NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_ULSCH_HARQ_PDU_TYPE, simultaneous_pucch_pusch is active\n");
-	harq_information = &ul_config_pdu->ulsch_uci_harq_pdu.harq_information;
-	ul_config_pdu->pdu_type = NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_ULSCH_UCI_HARQ_PDU_TYPE;
-	LOG_D(MAC,"Frame %d, Subframe %d: Switched UCI HARQ to ULSCH UCI HARQ\n",frameP,subframeP); 
+        // Convert it to an NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_ULSCH_UCI_HARQ_PDU_TYPE
+        harq_information = &ul_config_pdu->ulsch_uci_harq_pdu.harq_information;
+        ul_config_pdu->pdu_type = NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_ULSCH_UCI_HARQ_PDU_TYPE;
+        LOG_D(MAC,"Frame %d, Subframe %d: Switched UCI HARQ to ULSCH UCI HARQ\n",frameP,subframeP);
       else {
-	AssertFatal(ul_config_pdu->pdu_type!=NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_ULSCH_UCI_HARQ_PDU_TYPE,
-		    "Cannot be NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_ULSCH_UCI_PDU_TYPE, simultaneous_pucch_pusch is inactive\n");
-	ulsch_harq_information = &ul_config_pdu->ulsch_harq_pdu.harq_information;
-	ul_config_pdu->pdu_type = NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_ULSCH_HARQ_PDU_TYPE;
-	ul_config_pdu->ulsch_harq_pdu.initial_transmission_parameters.initial_transmission_parameters_rel8.tl.tag=NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_REQUEST_INITIAL_TRANSMISSION_PARAMETERS_REL8_TAG;
-	ul_config_pdu->ulsch_harq_pdu.initial_transmission_parameters.initial_transmission_parameters_rel8.n_srs_initial=0; // last symbol not punctured
-	ul_config_pdu->ulsch_harq_pdu.initial_transmission_parameters.initial_transmission_parameters_rel8.initial_number_of_resource_blocks=
-	  ul_config_pdu->ulsch_harq_pdu.ulsch_pdu.ulsch_pdu_rel8.number_of_resource_blocks; // we don't change the number of resource blocks across retransmissions yet
-	LOG_D(MAC,"Frame %d, Subframe %d: Switched UCI HARQ to ULSCH HARQ\n",frameP,subframeP); 
+        // Convert it to an NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_ULSCH_HARQ_PDU_TYPE
+        ulsch_harq_information = &ul_config_pdu->ulsch_harq_pdu.harq_information;
+        ul_config_pdu->pdu_type = NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_ULSCH_HARQ_PDU_TYPE;
+        ul_config_pdu->ulsch_harq_pdu.initial_transmission_parameters.initial_transmission_parameters_rel8.n_srs_initial=0; // last symbol not punctured
+        ul_config_pdu->ulsch_harq_pdu.initial_transmission_parameters.initial_transmission_parameters_rel8.initial_number_of_resource_blocks=
+          ul_config_pdu->ulsch_harq_pdu.ulsch_pdu.ulsch_pdu_rel8.number_of_resource_blocks; // we don't change the number of resource blocks across retransmissions yet
+        LOG_D(MAC,"Frame %d, Subframe %d: Switched UCI HARQ to ULSCH HARQ\n",frameP,subframeP);
+      AssertFatal(use_simultaneous_pucch_pusch == 1,
+                  "Cannot be NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_ULSCH_HARQ_PDU_TYPE, simultaneous_pucch_pusch is active");
+      break;
+      AssertFatal(use_simultaneous_pucch_pusch == 0,
+                  "Cannot be NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_ULSCH_UCI_PDU_TYPE, simultaneous_pucch_pusch is inactive\n");
+      break;
+    /* [ulsch + cqi] to [ulsch + cqi + harq] */
+      ulsch_harq_information = &ul_config_pdu->ulsch_cqi_harq_ri_pdu.harq_information;
+      ul_config_pdu->pdu_type = NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_ULSCH_CQI_HARQ_RI_PDU_TYPE;
+      /* TODO: check this - when converting from nfapi_ul_config_ulsch_cqi_ri_pdu to
+       * nfapi_ul_config_ulsch_cqi_harq_ri_pdu, shouldn't we copy initial_transmission_parameters
+       * from the one to the other?
+       * Those two types are not compatible. 'initial_transmission_parameters' is not at the
+       * place in both.
+       */
+      ul_config_pdu->ulsch_cqi_harq_ri_pdu.initial_transmission_parameters.initial_transmission_parameters_rel8.n_srs_initial=0; // last symbol not punctured
+      ul_config_pdu->ulsch_cqi_harq_ri_pdu.initial_transmission_parameters.initial_transmission_parameters_rel8.initial_number_of_resource_blocks=
+        ul_config_pdu->ulsch_harq_pdu.ulsch_pdu.ulsch_pdu_rel8.number_of_resource_blocks; // we don't change the number of resource blocks across retransmissions yet
+      break;
+      AssertFatal(use_simultaneous_pucch_pusch == 0,
+                  "Cannot be NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_ULSCH_CQI_HARQ_RI_PDU_TYPE, simultaneous_pucch_pusch is active\n");
+      break;
+    /* [ulsch + cqi on pucch] to [ulsch + cqi on pucch + harq on pucch] */
+      // convert it to an NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_ULSCH_CSI_UCI_HARQ_PDU_TYPE
+      harq_information = &ul_config_pdu->ulsch_csi_uci_harq_pdu.harq_information;
+      ul_config_pdu->pdu_type = NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_ULSCH_CSI_UCI_HARQ_PDU_TYPE;
+      break;
-      if (use_simultaneous_pucch_pusch==1) {
-	AssertFatal(ul_config_pdu->pdu_type==NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_ULSCH_UCI_CSI_PDU_TYPE ||
-		    ul_config_pdu->pdu_type==NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_ULSCH_CSI_UCI_HARQ_PDU_TYPE,
-		    "Cannot be NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_ULSCH_CQI_RI_xxx_PDU_TYPE, simultaneous_pucch_pusch is active\n");
-	harq_information = &ul_config_pdu->ulsch_csi_uci_harq_pdu.harq_information;
-	ul_config_pdu->pdu_type = NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_ULSCH_CSI_UCI_HARQ_PDU_TYPE;
-      }
-      else { 
-	AssertFatal(ul_config_pdu->pdu_type==NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_ULSCH_CQI_RI_PDU_TYPE ||
-		    ul_config_pdu->pdu_type==NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_ULSCH_CQI_HARQ_RI_PDU_TYPE,
-		    "Cannot be NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_ULSCH_UCI_xxx_PDU_TYPE, simultaneous_pucch_pusch is inactive\n");
-	ulsch_harq_information = &ul_config_pdu->ulsch_cqi_harq_ri_pdu.harq_information;
-	ul_config_pdu->pdu_type = NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_ULSCH_CQI_HARQ_RI_PDU_TYPE;
-	ul_config_pdu->ulsch_cqi_harq_ri_pdu.initial_transmission_parameters.initial_transmission_parameters_rel8.tl.tag=NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_REQUEST_INITIAL_TRANSMISSION_PARAMETERS_REL8_TAG;
-	ul_config_pdu->ulsch_cqi_harq_ri_pdu.initial_transmission_parameters.initial_transmission_parameters_rel8.n_srs_initial=0; // last symbol not punctured
-	ul_config_pdu->ulsch_cqi_harq_ri_pdu.initial_transmission_parameters.initial_transmission_parameters_rel8.initial_number_of_resource_blocks=
-	  ul_config_pdu->ulsch_harq_pdu.ulsch_pdu.ulsch_pdu_rel8.number_of_resource_blocks; // we don't change the number of resource blocks across retransmissions yet		
-      }
+      AssertFatal(use_simultaneous_pucch_pusch == 1,
+                  "Cannot be NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_ULSCH_CSI_UCI_HARQ_PDU_TYPE, simultaneous_pucch_pusch is inactive\n");
+    /* [sr] to [sr + harq] */
-      // convert/keep it to NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_UCI_SR_HARQ_PDU_TYPE
       ul_config_pdu->pdu_type = NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_UCI_SR_HARQ_PDU_TYPE;
       harq_information = &ul_config_pdu->uci_sr_harq_pdu.harq_information;
+      /* nothing to do */
+      break;
+    /* [cqi] to [cqi + harq] */
-      // convert/keep it to NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_UCI_CQI_HARQ_PDU_TYPE
       ul_config_pdu->pdu_type = NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_UCI_CQI_HARQ_PDU_TYPE;
       harq_information = &ul_config_pdu->uci_cqi_harq_pdu.harq_information;
+      /* nothing to do */
+      break;
+    /* [cqi + sr] to [cqr + sr + harq] */
-      // convert/keep it to NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_UCI_CQI_SR_HARQ_PDU_TYPE
       ul_config_pdu->pdu_type = NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_UCI_CQI_SR_HARQ_PDU_TYPE;
       harq_information = &ul_config_pdu->uci_cqi_sr_harq_pdu.harq_information;
+      /* nothing to do */
+      break;
   if (ulsch_harq_information) fill_nfapi_ulsch_harq_information(module_idP,CC_idP,
-								rnti,
-								ulsch_harq_information);
+                                                                rnti,
+                                                                ulsch_harq_information);
   if (harq_information) fill_nfapi_harq_information(module_idP,CC_idP,
-						    rnti,
-						    (frameP*10)+subframeP,
-						    harq_information,
-						    cce_idx);
+                                                    rnti,
+                                                    (frameP*10)+subframeP,
+                                                    harq_information,
+                                                    cce_idx);
-uint8_t get_V_UL_DAI(module_id_t module_idP,int CC_idP,uint16_t rntiP) {
+uint8_t get_V_UL_DAI(module_id_t module_idP,int CC_idP,uint16_t rntiP)
   nfapi_hi_dci0_request_body_t        *HI_DCI0_req         = &RC.mac[module_idP]->HI_DCI0_req[CC_idP].hi_dci0_request_body;
   nfapi_hi_dci0_request_pdu_t         *hi_dci0_pdu         = &HI_DCI0_req->hi_dci0_pdu_list[0];
   for (int i=0;i<HI_DCI0_req->number_of_dci;i++) {
     if ((hi_dci0_pdu[i].pdu_type == NFAPI_HI_DCI0_DCI_PDU_TYPE)&&
-	(hi_dci0_pdu[i].dci_pdu.dci_pdu_rel8.rnti == rntiP))
-	return(hi_dci0_pdu[i].dci_pdu.dci_pdu_rel8.dl_assignment_index);
+        (hi_dci0_pdu[i].dci_pdu.dci_pdu_rel8.rnti == rntiP))
+        return(hi_dci0_pdu[i].dci_pdu.dci_pdu_rel8.dl_assignment_index);
   return(4); // this is rule from Section 7.3 in 36.213
-void fill_nfapi_ulsch_harq_information(module_id_t module_idP,
-				       int CC_idP,
-				       uint16_t rntiP,
-				       nfapi_ul_config_ulsch_harq_information *harq_information) {
+void fill_nfapi_ulsch_harq_information(module_id_t module_idP,
+                                       int CC_idP,
+                                       uint16_t rntiP,
+                                       nfapi_ul_config_ulsch_harq_information *harq_information)
   eNB_MAC_INST                   *eNB      = RC.mac[module_idP];
   COMMON_channels_t              *cc       = &eNB->common_channels[CC_idP];
   UE_list_t                      *UE_list  = &eNB->UE_list;
@@ -1115,45 +1121,42 @@ void fill_nfapi_ulsch_harq_information(module_id_t module_idP,
   case 5:
   case 6:
   case 7:
     if (cc->tdd_Config==NULL) // FDD
       harq_information->harq_information_rel10.harq_size = 1;
     else {
       if (harq_information->harq_information_rel10.ack_nack_mode == 1)
-	harq_information->harq_information_rel10.harq_size = get_V_UL_DAI(module_idP,CC_idP,rntiP);
+        harq_information->harq_information_rel10.harq_size = get_V_UL_DAI(module_idP,CC_idP,rntiP);
-	harq_information->harq_information_rel10.harq_size = 1;
+        harq_information->harq_information_rel10.harq_size = 1;
-  default: // for any other TM we need 2 bits harq 
+  default: // for any other TM we need 2 bits harq
     if (cc->tdd_Config==NULL) {
-	harq_information->harq_information_rel10.harq_size     = 2;  
+        harq_information->harq_information_rel10.harq_size     = 2;
     else {
       if (harq_information->harq_information_rel10.ack_nack_mode == 1)
-	harq_information->harq_information_rel10.harq_size     = get_V_UL_DAI(module_idP,CC_idP,rntiP);  
+        harq_information->harq_information_rel10.harq_size     = get_V_UL_DAI(module_idP,CC_idP,rntiP);
-	harq_information->harq_information_rel10.harq_size     = 2;  
+        harq_information->harq_information_rel10.harq_size     = 2;
   } // get Tmode
 void fill_nfapi_harq_information(module_id_t module_idP,
-				 int CC_idP,
-				 uint16_t rntiP,
-				 uint16_t absSFP,
-				 nfapi_ul_config_harq_information *harq_information,
-				 uint8_t cce_idxP) {
+                                 int CC_idP,
+                                 uint16_t rntiP,
+                                 uint16_t absSFP,
+                                 nfapi_ul_config_harq_information *harq_information,
+                                 uint8_t cce_idxP)
   eNB_MAC_INST                   *eNB      = RC.mac[module_idP];
   COMMON_channels_t              *cc       = &eNB->common_channels[CC_idP];
   UE_list_t                      *UE_list  = &eNB->UE_list;
   int UE_id                                = find_UE_id(module_idP,rntiP);
   AssertFatal(UE_id>=0,"UE_id cannot be found, impossible\n");
   AssertFatal(UE_list!=NULL,"UE_list is null\n");
   AssertFatal(UE_list->UE_template[CC_idP][UE_id].physicalConfigDedicated!=NULL,"physicalConfigDedicated for rnti %x is null\n",rntiP);
@@ -1169,15 +1172,15 @@ void fill_nfapi_harq_information(module_id_t module_idP,
   case 7:
     if (cc->tdd_Config!=NULL) {
-		  "pucch_ConfigDedicated is null for TDD!\n");
+                  "pucch_ConfigDedicated is null for TDD!\n");
       if ((UE_list->UE_template[CC_idP][UE_id].physicalConfigDedicated->pucch_ConfigDedicated->tdd_AckNackFeedbackMode!=NULL)&&
-	  (*UE_list->UE_template[CC_idP][UE_id].physicalConfigDedicated->pucch_ConfigDedicated->tdd_AckNackFeedbackMode==PUCCH_ConfigDedicated__tdd_AckNackFeedbackMode_multiplexing)) {
-	harq_information->harq_information_rel10_tdd.harq_size     = 2;  // 2-bit ACK/NAK
-	harq_information->harq_information_rel10_tdd.ack_nack_mode = 1;  // multiplexing
+          (*UE_list->UE_template[CC_idP][UE_id].physicalConfigDedicated->pucch_ConfigDedicated->tdd_AckNackFeedbackMode==PUCCH_ConfigDedicated__tdd_AckNackFeedbackMode_multiplexing)) {
+        harq_information->harq_information_rel10_tdd.harq_size     = 2;  // 2-bit ACK/NAK
+        harq_information->harq_information_rel10_tdd.ack_nack_mode = 1;  // multiplexing
       else {
-	harq_information->harq_information_rel10_tdd.harq_size     = 1;  // 1-bit ACK/NAK
-	harq_information->harq_information_rel10_tdd.ack_nack_mode = 0;  // bundling
+        harq_information->harq_information_rel10_tdd.harq_size     = 1;  // 1-bit ACK/NAK
+        harq_information->harq_information_rel10_tdd.ack_nack_mode = 0;  // bundling
       harq_information->harq_information_rel10_tdd.tl.tag                    = NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_REQUEST_HARQ_INFORMATION_REL10_TDD_TAG;
       harq_information->harq_information_rel10_tdd.n_pucch_1_0               = cc->radioResourceConfigCommon->pucch_ConfigCommon.n1PUCCH_AN + cce_idxP;
@@ -1189,19 +1192,18 @@ void fill_nfapi_harq_information(module_id_t module_idP,
       harq_information->harq_information_rel9_fdd.n_pucch_1_0               = cc->radioResourceConfigCommon->pucch_ConfigCommon.n1PUCCH_AN + cce_idxP;
-  default: // for any other TM we need 2 bits harq 
+  default: // for any other TM we need 2 bits harq
     if (cc->tdd_Config!=NULL) {
-		  "pucch_ConfigDedicated is null for TDD!\n");
+                  "pucch_ConfigDedicated is null for TDD!\n");
       if ((UE_list->UE_template[CC_idP][UE_id].physicalConfigDedicated->pucch_ConfigDedicated->tdd_AckNackFeedbackMode!=NULL)&&
-	  (*UE_list->UE_template[CC_idP][UE_id].physicalConfigDedicated->pucch_ConfigDedicated->tdd_AckNackFeedbackMode==PUCCH_ConfigDedicated__tdd_AckNackFeedbackMode_multiplexing)) {
-	harq_information->harq_information_rel10_tdd.ack_nack_mode = 1;  // multiplexing
+          (*UE_list->UE_template[CC_idP][UE_id].physicalConfigDedicated->pucch_ConfigDedicated->tdd_AckNackFeedbackMode==PUCCH_ConfigDedicated__tdd_AckNackFeedbackMode_multiplexing)) {
+        harq_information->harq_information_rel10_tdd.ack_nack_mode = 1;  // multiplexing
       else {
-	harq_information->harq_information_rel10_tdd.ack_nack_mode = 0;  // bundling
+        harq_information->harq_information_rel10_tdd.ack_nack_mode = 0;  // bundling
       harq_information->harq_information_rel10_tdd.tl.tag          = NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_REQUEST_HARQ_INFORMATION_REL10_TDD_TAG;
-      harq_information->harq_information_rel10_tdd.harq_size       = 2;  
       harq_information->harq_information_rel10_tdd.n_pucch_1_0   = cc->radioResourceConfigCommon->pucch_ConfigCommon.n1PUCCH_AN + cce_idxP;
       harq_information->harq_information_rel10_tdd.number_of_pucch_resources = 1;
@@ -1210,41 +1212,39 @@ void fill_nfapi_harq_information(module_id_t module_idP,
       harq_information->harq_information_rel9_fdd.number_of_pucch_resources = 1;
       harq_information->harq_information_rel9_fdd.ack_nack_mode    = 0;  // 1a/b
       harq_information->harq_information_rel9_fdd.harq_size        = 2;
-      harq_information->harq_information_rel9_fdd.n_pucch_1_0      = cc->radioResourceConfigCommon->pucch_ConfigCommon.n1PUCCH_AN + cce_idxP;  
+      harq_information->harq_information_rel9_fdd.n_pucch_1_0      = cc->radioResourceConfigCommon->pucch_ConfigCommon.n1PUCCH_AN + cce_idxP;
   } // get Tmode
 uint16_t fill_nfapi_uci_acknak(module_id_t module_idP,
-			       int CC_idP,
-			       uint16_t rntiP,
-			       uint16_t absSFP,
-			       uint8_t cce_idxP) {
+                               int CC_idP,
+                               uint16_t rntiP,
+                               uint16_t absSFP,
+                               uint8_t cce_idxP)
   eNB_MAC_INST                   *eNB          = RC.mac[module_idP];
   COMMON_channels_t              *cc           = &eNB->common_channels[CC_idP];
   int ackNAK_absSF                             = get_pucch1_absSF(cc,absSFP);
   nfapi_ul_config_request_body_t *ul_req       = &eNB->UL_req_tmp[CC_idP][ackNAK_absSF%10].ul_config_request_body;
-  nfapi_ul_config_request_pdu_t *ul_config_pdu = &ul_req->ul_config_pdu_list[ul_req->number_of_pdus]; 
+  nfapi_ul_config_request_pdu_t *ul_config_pdu = &ul_req->ul_config_pdu_list[ul_req->number_of_pdus];
-  ul_config_pdu->pdu_type                                                              = NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_UCI_HARQ_PDU_TYPE; 
+  ul_config_pdu->pdu_type                                                              = NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_UCI_HARQ_PDU_TYPE;
   ul_config_pdu->pdu_size                                                              = (uint8_t)(2+sizeof(nfapi_ul_config_uci_harq_pdu));
   ul_config_pdu->uci_harq_pdu.ue_information.ue_information_rel8.tl.tag                = NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_REQUEST_UE_INFORMATION_REL8_TAG;
   ul_config_pdu->uci_harq_pdu.ue_information.ue_information_rel8.handle                = 0; // don't know how to use this
   ul_config_pdu->uci_harq_pdu.ue_information.ue_information_rel8.rnti                  = rntiP;
-			      rntiP,
-			      absSFP,
-			      &ul_config_pdu->uci_harq_pdu.harq_information,
-			      cce_idxP);
+                              rntiP,
+                              absSFP,
+                              &ul_config_pdu->uci_harq_pdu.harq_information,
+                              cce_idxP);
   LOG_D(MAC,"Filled in UCI HARQ request for rnti %x SF %d.%d acknakSF %d.%d, cce_idxP %d-> n1_pucch %d\n",rntiP,
-	absSFP/10,absSFP%10,ackNAK_absSF/10,ackNAK_absSF%10,cce_idxP,ul_config_pdu->uci_harq_pdu.harq_information.harq_information_rel9_fdd.n_pucch_1_0);
+        absSFP/10,absSFP%10,ackNAK_absSF/10,ackNAK_absSF%10,cce_idxP,ul_config_pdu->uci_harq_pdu.harq_information.harq_information_rel9_fdd.n_pucch_1_0);
@@ -1252,46 +1252,45 @@ uint16_t fill_nfapi_uci_acknak(module_id_t module_idP,
   return(((ackNAK_absSF/10)<<4) + (ackNAK_absSF%10));
-void fill_nfapi_dlsch_config(eNB_MAC_INST *eNB, 
-			     nfapi_dl_config_request_body_t *dl_req,
-			     uint16_t length,
-			     uint16_t pdu_index,
-			     uint16_t rnti,
-			     uint8_t resource_allocation_type,
-			     uint8_t virtual_resource_block_assignment_flag,
-			     uint16_t resource_block_coding,
-			     uint8_t modulation,
-			     uint8_t redundancy_version,
-			     uint8_t transport_blocks,
-			     uint8_t transport_block_to_codeword_swap_flag,
-			     uint8_t transmission_scheme,
-			     uint8_t number_of_layers,
-			     uint8_t number_of_subbands,
-			     //			     uint8_t codebook_index,
-			     uint8_t ue_category_capacity,
-			     uint8_t pa,
-			     uint8_t delta_power_offset_index,
-			     uint8_t ngap,
-			     uint8_t nprb,
-			     uint8_t transmission_mode,
-			     uint8_t num_bf_prb_per_subband,
-			     uint8_t num_bf_vector
-			     ) {
-  nfapi_dl_config_request_pdu_t   *dl_config_pdu = &dl_req->dl_config_pdu_list[dl_req->number_pdu]; 
-  dl_config_pdu                                                                  = &dl_req->dl_config_pdu_list[dl_req->number_pdu]; 
+void fill_nfapi_dlsch_config(eNB_MAC_INST *eNB,
+                             nfapi_dl_config_request_body_t *dl_req,
+                             uint16_t length,
+                             uint16_t pdu_index,
+                             uint16_t rnti,
+                             uint8_t resource_allocation_type,
+                             uint8_t virtual_resource_block_assignment_flag,
+                             uint16_t resource_block_coding,
+                             uint8_t modulation,
+                             uint8_t redundancy_version,
+                             uint8_t transport_blocks,
+                             uint8_t transport_block_to_codeword_swap_flag,
+                             uint8_t transmission_scheme,
+                             uint8_t number_of_layers,
+                             uint8_t number_of_subbands,
+                             //                             uint8_t codebook_index,
+                             uint8_t ue_category_capacity,
+                             uint8_t pa,
+                             uint8_t delta_power_offset_index,
+                             uint8_t ngap,
+                             uint8_t nprb,
+                             uint8_t transmission_mode,
+                             uint8_t num_bf_prb_per_subband,
+                             uint8_t num_bf_vector
+                             )
+  nfapi_dl_config_request_pdu_t   *dl_config_pdu = &dl_req->dl_config_pdu_list[dl_req->number_pdu];
-  dl_config_pdu->pdu_type                                                        = NFAPI_DL_CONFIG_DLSCH_PDU_TYPE; 
+  dl_config_pdu->pdu_type                                                        = NFAPI_DL_CONFIG_DLSCH_PDU_TYPE;
   dl_config_pdu->pdu_size                                                        = (uint8_t)(2+sizeof(nfapi_dl_config_dlsch_pdu));
   dl_config_pdu->dlsch_pdu.dlsch_pdu_rel8.tl.tag                                 = NFAPI_DL_CONFIG_REQUEST_DLSCH_PDU_REL8_TAG;
   dl_config_pdu->dlsch_pdu.dlsch_pdu_rel8.length                                 = length;
   dl_config_pdu->dlsch_pdu.dlsch_pdu_rel8.pdu_index                              = pdu_index;
   dl_config_pdu->dlsch_pdu.dlsch_pdu_rel8.rnti                                   = rnti;
   dl_config_pdu->dlsch_pdu.dlsch_pdu_rel8.resource_allocation_type               = resource_allocation_type;
-  dl_config_pdu->dlsch_pdu.dlsch_pdu_rel8.virtual_resource_block_assignment_flag = virtual_resource_block_assignment_flag;   
+  dl_config_pdu->dlsch_pdu.dlsch_pdu_rel8.virtual_resource_block_assignment_flag = virtual_resource_block_assignment_flag;
   dl_config_pdu->dlsch_pdu.dlsch_pdu_rel8.resource_block_coding                  = resource_block_coding;
-  dl_config_pdu->dlsch_pdu.dlsch_pdu_rel8.modulation                             = modulation; 
+  dl_config_pdu->dlsch_pdu.dlsch_pdu_rel8.modulation                             = modulation;
   dl_config_pdu->dlsch_pdu.dlsch_pdu_rel8.redundancy_version                     = redundancy_version;
   dl_config_pdu->dlsch_pdu.dlsch_pdu_rel8.transport_blocks                       = transport_blocks;
   dl_config_pdu->dlsch_pdu.dlsch_pdu_rel8.transport_block_to_codeword_swap_flag  = transport_block_to_codeword_swap_flag;
@@ -1311,12 +1310,12 @@ void fill_nfapi_dlsch_config(eNB_MAC_INST *eNB,
-uint16_t fill_nfapi_tx_req(nfapi_tx_request_body_t *tx_req_body,uint16_t absSF,uint16_t pdu_length, uint16_t *pdu_index, uint8_t *pdu) {
-  nfapi_tx_request_pdu_t *TX_req        = &tx_req_body->tx_pdu_list[tx_req_body->number_of_pdus]; 
+uint16_t fill_nfapi_tx_req(nfapi_tx_request_body_t *tx_req_body,uint16_t absSF,uint16_t pdu_length, uint16_t pdu_index, uint8_t *pdu)
+  nfapi_tx_request_pdu_t *TX_req        = &tx_req_body->tx_pdu_list[tx_req_body->number_of_pdus];
   LOG_D(MAC,"Filling TX_req %d for pdu length %d\n",tx_req_body->number_of_pdus,pdu_length);
   TX_req->pdu_length                    = pdu_length;
-  TX_req->pdu_index                     = *pdu_index++;
+  TX_req->pdu_index                     = pdu_index;
   TX_req->num_segments                  = 1;
   TX_req->segments[0].segment_length    = pdu_length;
   TX_req->segments[0].segment_data      = pdu;
@@ -1327,33 +1326,30 @@ uint16_t fill_nfapi_tx_req(nfapi_tx_request_body_t *tx_req_body,uint16_t absSF,u
 void fill_nfapi_ulsch_config_request_rel8(nfapi_ul_config_request_pdu_t  *ul_config_pdu,
-					  uint8_t                        cqi_req,
-					  COMMON_channels_t              *cc,
-					  struct PhysicalConfigDedicated  *physicalConfigDedicated,
-					  uint8_t                        tmode,
-					  uint32_t                       handle,
-					  uint16_t                       rnti,
-					  uint8_t                        resource_block_start,
-					  uint8_t                        number_of_resource_blocks,
-					  uint8_t                        mcs,
-					  uint8_t                        cyclic_shift_2_for_drms,
-					  uint8_t                        frequency_hopping_enabled_flag,
-					  uint8_t                        frequency_hopping_bits,
-					  uint8_t                        new_data_indication,
-					  uint8_t                        redundancy_version,
-					  uint8_t                        harq_process_number,
-					  uint8_t                        ul_tx_mode,
-					  uint8_t                        current_tx_nb,
-					  uint8_t                        n_srs,
-					  uint16_t                       size
-					  ) {
+                                          uint8_t                        cqi_req,
+                                          COMMON_channels_t              *cc,
+                                          struct PhysicalConfigDedicated  *physicalConfigDedicated,
+                                          uint8_t                        tmode,
+                                          uint32_t                       handle,
+                                          uint16_t                       rnti,
+                                          uint8_t                        resource_block_start,
+                                          uint8_t                        number_of_resource_blocks,
+                                          uint8_t                        mcs,
+                                          uint8_t                        cyclic_shift_2_for_drms,
+                                          uint8_t                        frequency_hopping_enabled_flag,
+                                          uint8_t                        frequency_hopping_bits,
+                                          uint8_t                        new_data_indication,
+                                          uint8_t                        redundancy_version,
+                                          uint8_t                        harq_process_number,
+                                          uint8_t                        ul_tx_mode,
+                                          uint8_t                        current_tx_nb,
+                                          uint8_t                        n_srs,
+                                          uint16_t                       size
+                                          )
-  if (cqi_req==0)
-    ul_config_pdu->pdu_type                                                      = NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_ULSCH_PDU_TYPE; 
-  else
-    ul_config_pdu->pdu_type                                                      = NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_ULSCH_CQI_RI_PDU_TYPE; 
+  ul_config_pdu->pdu_type                                                        = NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_ULSCH_PDU_TYPE;
   ul_config_pdu->pdu_size                                                        = (uint8_t)(2+sizeof(nfapi_ul_config_ulsch_pdu));
   ul_config_pdu->ulsch_pdu.ulsch_pdu_rel8.tl.tag                                 = NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_REQUEST_ULSCH_PDU_REL8_TAG;
   ul_config_pdu->ulsch_pdu.ulsch_pdu_rel8.handle                                 = handle;
@@ -1373,49 +1369,48 @@ void fill_nfapi_ulsch_config_request_rel8(nfapi_ul_config_request_pdu_t  *ul_con
   ul_config_pdu->ulsch_pdu.ulsch_pdu_rel8.current_tx_nb                          = current_tx_nb;
   ul_config_pdu->ulsch_pdu.ulsch_pdu_rel8.n_srs                                  = n_srs;
   ul_config_pdu->ulsch_pdu.ulsch_pdu_rel8.size                                   = size;
-  if (cqi_req == 1) {
-    // Add CQI portion 
-    ul_config_pdu->pdu_type                                                           = NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_ULSCH_CQI_RI_PDU_TYPE; 
+  if (cqi_req == 1) {
+    // Add CQI portion
+    ul_config_pdu->pdu_type                                                           = NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_ULSCH_CQI_RI_PDU_TYPE;
     ul_config_pdu->pdu_size                                                           = (uint8_t)(2+sizeof(nfapi_ul_config_ulsch_cqi_ri_pdu));
     ul_config_pdu->ulsch_cqi_ri_pdu.cqi_ri_information.cqi_ri_information_rel9.tl.tag                  = NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_REQUEST_CQI_RI_INFORMATION_REL9_TAG;
     ul_config_pdu->ulsch_cqi_ri_pdu.cqi_ri_information.cqi_ri_information_rel9.report_type             = 1;
     ul_config_pdu->ulsch_cqi_ri_pdu.cqi_ri_information.cqi_ri_information_rel9.aperiodic_cqi_pmi_ri_report.number_of_cc = 1;
     LOG_D(MAC,"report_type %d\n",ul_config_pdu->ulsch_cqi_ri_pdu.cqi_ri_information.cqi_ri_information_rel9.report_type);
     if (cc->p_eNB<=2 && (tmode==3||tmode==4||tmode==8||tmode==9||tmode==10))
       ul_config_pdu->ulsch_cqi_ri_pdu.cqi_ri_information.cqi_ri_information_rel9.aperiodic_cqi_pmi_ri_report.cc[0].ri_size = 1;
-    else if (cc->p_eNB<=2) 
+    else if (cc->p_eNB<=2)
       ul_config_pdu->ulsch_cqi_ri_pdu.cqi_ri_information.cqi_ri_information_rel9.aperiodic_cqi_pmi_ri_report.cc[0].ri_size = 0;
     else if (cc->p_eNB==4)
       ul_config_pdu->ulsch_cqi_ri_pdu.cqi_ri_information.cqi_ri_information_rel9.aperiodic_cqi_pmi_ri_report.cc[0].ri_size = 2;
     AssertFatal(physicalConfigDedicated->cqi_ReportConfig!=NULL,"physicalConfigDedicated->cqi_ReportConfig is null!\n");
     AssertFatal(physicalConfigDedicated->cqi_ReportConfig->cqi_ReportModeAperiodic!=NULL,"physicalConfigDedicated->cqi_ReportModeAperiodic is null!\n");
     AssertFatal(physicalConfigDedicated->pusch_ConfigDedicated!=NULL,"physicalConfigDedicated->puschConfigDedicated is null!\n");
     for (int ri=0;
-	 ri<(1<<ul_config_pdu->ulsch_cqi_ri_pdu.cqi_ri_information.cqi_ri_information_rel9.aperiodic_cqi_pmi_ri_report.cc[0].ri_size);
-	 ri++)
-      ul_config_pdu->ulsch_cqi_ri_pdu.cqi_ri_information.cqi_ri_information_rel9.aperiodic_cqi_pmi_ri_report.cc[0].dl_cqi_pmi_size[ri] = 
-	get_dl_cqi_pmi_size_pusch(cc,
-				  tmode,
-				  1+ri,
-				  physicalConfigDedicated->cqi_ReportConfig->cqi_ReportModeAperiodic);
+         ri<(1<<ul_config_pdu->ulsch_cqi_ri_pdu.cqi_ri_information.cqi_ri_information_rel9.aperiodic_cqi_pmi_ri_report.cc[0].ri_size);
+         ri++)
+      ul_config_pdu->ulsch_cqi_ri_pdu.cqi_ri_information.cqi_ri_information_rel9.aperiodic_cqi_pmi_ri_report.cc[0].dl_cqi_pmi_size[ri] =
+        get_dl_cqi_pmi_size_pusch(cc,
+                                  tmode,
+                                  1+ri,
+                                  physicalConfigDedicated->cqi_ReportConfig->cqi_ReportModeAperiodic);
     ul_config_pdu->ulsch_cqi_ri_pdu.cqi_ri_information.cqi_ri_information_rel9.delta_offset_cqi        = physicalConfigDedicated->pusch_ConfigDedicated->betaOffset_CQI_Index;
-    ((nfapi_ul_config_ulsch_cqi_ri_pdu*)ul_config_pdu)->cqi_ri_information.cqi_ri_information_rel9.delta_offset_ri         = physicalConfigDedicated->pusch_ConfigDedicated->betaOffset_RI_Index;
+    ul_config_pdu->ulsch_cqi_ri_pdu.cqi_ri_information.cqi_ri_information_rel9.delta_offset_ri         = physicalConfigDedicated->pusch_ConfigDedicated->betaOffset_RI_Index;
 #ifdef Rel14
 void fill_nfapi_ulsch_config_request_emtc(nfapi_ul_config_request_pdu_t  *ul_config_pdu,
-					  uint8_t ue_type,
-					  uint16_t total_number_of_repetitions,
-					  uint16_t repetition_number,
-					  uint16_t initial_transmission_sf_io) {
+                                          uint8_t ue_type,
+                                          uint16_t total_number_of_repetitions,
+                                          uint16_t repetition_number,
+                                          uint16_t initial_transmission_sf_io)
   // Re13 fields
   ul_config_pdu->ulsch_pdu.ulsch_pdu_rel13.tl.tag                                = NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_REQUEST_ULSCH_PDU_REL13_TAG;
@@ -1423,17 +1418,18 @@ void fill_nfapi_ulsch_config_request_emtc(nfapi_ul_config_request_pdu_t  *ul_con
   ul_config_pdu->ulsch_pdu.ulsch_pdu_rel13.total_number_of_repetitions           = total_number_of_repetitions;
   ul_config_pdu->ulsch_pdu.ulsch_pdu_rel13.repetition_number                     = repetition_number;
   ul_config_pdu->ulsch_pdu.ulsch_pdu_rel13.initial_transmission_sf_io            = initial_transmission_sf_io;
-int get_numnarrowbands(long dl_Bandwidth) {
+int get_numnarrowbands(long dl_Bandwidth)
   int nb_tab[6] = {1,2,4,8,12,16};
   AssertFatal(dl_Bandwidth<7 || dl_Bandwidth>=0,"dl_Bandwidth not in [0..6]\n");
-int get_numnarrowbandbits(long dl_Bandwidth) {
+int get_numnarrowbandbits(long dl_Bandwidth)
   int nbbits_tab[6] = {0,1,2,3,4,4};
   AssertFatal(dl_Bandwidth<7 || dl_Bandwidth>=0,"dl_Bandwidth not in [0..6]\n");
@@ -1444,11 +1440,10 @@ int get_numnarrowbandbits(long dl_Bandwidth) {
 int startSF_fdd_RA_times2[8] = {2,3,4,5,8,10,16,20};
 int startSF_tdd_RA[7]        = {1,2,4,5,8,10,20};
-int mpdcch_sf_condition(eNB_MAC_INST *eNB,int CC_id, frame_t frameP,sub_frame_t subframeP,int rmax,MPDCCH_TYPES_t mpdcch_type,int UE_id) {
+int mpdcch_sf_condition(eNB_MAC_INST *eNB,int CC_id, frame_t frameP,sub_frame_t subframeP,int rmax,MPDCCH_TYPES_t mpdcch_type,int UE_id)
   struct PRACH_ConfigSIB_v1310 *ext4_prach = eNB->common_channels[CC_id].radioResourceConfigCommon_BR->ext4->prach_ConfigCommon_v1310;
   int T;
   EPDCCH_SetConfig_r11_t *epdcch_setconfig_r11;
@@ -1464,7 +1459,7 @@ int mpdcch_sf_condition(eNB_MAC_INST *eNB,int CC_id, frame_t frameP,sub_frame_t
   case TYPE2: // RAR
-		"mpdcch_startSF_CSS_RA_r13 is null\n");
+                "mpdcch_startSF_CSS_RA_r13 is null\n");
     AssertFatal(rmax>0,"rmax is 0!\b");
     if (eNB->common_channels[CC_id].tdd_Config==NULL) //FDD
       T = rmax*startSF_fdd_RA_times2[ext4_prach->mpdcch_startSF_CSS_RA_r13->choice.fdd_r13]>>1;
@@ -1476,16 +1471,15 @@ int mpdcch_sf_condition(eNB_MAC_INST *eNB,int CC_id, frame_t frameP,sub_frame_t
     epdcch_setconfig_r11= eNB->UE_list.UE_template[CC_id][UE_id].physicalConfigDedicated->ext4->epdcch_Config_r11->config_r11.choice.setup.setConfigToAddModList_r11->list.array[0] ;
     AssertFatal(epdcch_setconfig_r11 != NULL," epdcch_setconfig_r11 is null for UE specific \n");
     AssertFatal(epdcch_setconfig_r11->ext2 != NULL," ext2 doesn't exist in epdcch config ' \n");
     if (eNB->common_channels[CC_id].tdd_Config==NULL) //FDD
       T = rmax*startSF_fdd_RA_times2[epdcch_setconfig_r11->ext2->mpdcch_config_r13->choice.setup.mpdcch_StartSF_UESS_r13.choice.fdd_r13]>>1;
     else //TDD
       T = rmax*startSF_tdd_RA[epdcch_setconfig_r11->ext2->mpdcch_config_r13->choice.setup.mpdcch_StartSF_UESS_r13.choice.tdd_r13];
@@ -1494,11 +1488,10 @@ int mpdcch_sf_condition(eNB_MAC_INST *eNB,int CC_id, frame_t frameP,sub_frame_t
   AssertFatal(T>0,"T is 0!\n");
   if (((10*frameP) + subframeP)%T == 0) return(1);
   else return(0);
-int narrowband_to_first_rb(COMMON_channels_t *cc, int nb_index) {
+int narrowband_to_first_rb(COMMON_channels_t *cc, int nb_index)
   switch (cc->mib->message.dl_Bandwidth) {
   case 0: // 6 PRBs, N_NB=1, i_0=0
@@ -1557,9 +1550,7 @@ void init_ue_sched_info(void)
 unsigned char get_ue_weight(module_id_t module_idP, int CC_idP, int ue_idP)
@@ -1585,20 +1576,18 @@ int find_RA_id(module_id_t mod_idP, int CC_idP, rnti_t rntiP)
   int RA_id;
   AssertFatal(RC.mac[mod_idP],"RC.mac[%d] is null\n",mod_idP);
-  RA_TEMPLATE *RA_template = (RA_TEMPLATE *)&RC.mac[mod_idP]->common_channels[CC_idP].RA_template[0];
+  RA_TEMPLATE *RA_template = (RA_TEMPLATE *)&RC.mac[mod_idP]->common_channels[CC_idP].RA_template[0];
   for (RA_id = 0; RA_id < NB_RA_PROC_MAX; RA_id++) {
     LOG_D(MAC,"Checking RA_id %d for %x : RA_active %d, wait_ack_Msg4 %d\n",
-	  RA_id,rntiP,
-	  RA_template[RA_id].RA_active,
-	  RA_template[RA_id].wait_ack_Msg4);
-    if (RA_template[RA_id].RA_active==TRUE && 
+          RA_id,rntiP,
+          RA_template[RA_id].RA_active,
+          RA_template[RA_id].wait_ack_Msg4);
+    if (RA_template[RA_id].RA_active==TRUE &&
         RA_template[RA_id].wait_ack_Msg4 == 0 &&
-	RA_template[RA_id].rnti == rntiP) return(RA_id);
+        RA_template[RA_id].rnti == rntiP) return(RA_id);
@@ -1621,7 +1610,6 @@ int UE_PCCID(module_id_t mod_idP,int ue_idP)
 rnti_t UE_RNTI(module_id_t mod_idP, int ue_idP)
   rnti_t rnti = RC.mac[mod_idP]->UE_list.UE_template[UE_PCCID(mod_idP,ue_idP)][ue_idP].rnti;
   if (rnti>0) {
@@ -1668,9 +1656,8 @@ uint8_t find_active_UEs(module_id_t module_idP,int CC_id){
 unsigned char get_aggregation (uint8_t bw_index, uint8_t cqi, uint8_t dci_fmt)
   unsigned char aggregation=3;
   switch (dci_fmt){
   case format0:
     aggregation = cqi2fmt0_agg[bw_index][cqi];
@@ -1678,14 +1665,14 @@ unsigned char get_aggregation (uint8_t bw_index, uint8_t cqi, uint8_t dci_fmt)
   case format1A:
   case format1B:
   case format1D:
-    aggregation = cqi2fmt1x_agg[bw_index][cqi]; 
+    aggregation = cqi2fmt1x_agg[bw_index][cqi];
   case format2:
   case format2A:
   case format2B:
   case format2C:
   case format2D:
-    aggregation = cqi2fmt2x_agg[bw_index][cqi]; 
+    aggregation = cqi2fmt2x_agg[bw_index][cqi];
   case format1C:
   case format1E_2A_M10PRB:
@@ -1696,9 +1683,9 @@ unsigned char get_aggregation (uint8_t bw_index, uint8_t cqi, uint8_t dci_fmt)
     LOG_W(MAC,"unsupported DCI format %d\n",dci_fmt);
-   LOG_D(MAC,"Aggregation level %d (cqi %d, bw_index %d, format %d)\n", 
-   	1<<aggregation, cqi,bw_index,dci_fmt);
+  LOG_D(MAC,"Aggregation level %d (cqi %d, bw_index %d, format %d)\n",
+        1<<aggregation, cqi,bw_index,dci_fmt);
   return 1<<aggregation;
@@ -1754,8 +1741,8 @@ int add_new_ue(module_id_t mod_idP, int cc_idP, rnti_t rntiP,int harq_pidP
     for (j=0; j<8; j++) {
       UE_list->UE_template[cc_idP][UE_id].oldNDI[j]    = (j==0)?1:0;   // 1 because first transmission is with format1A (Msg4) for harq_pid 0
       UE_list->UE_template[cc_idP][UE_id].oldNDI_UL[j] = (j==harq_pidP)?0:1; // 1st transmission is with Msg3;
-      UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id].round[cc_idP][j]   = 8; 
-      UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id].round_UL[cc_idP][j]   = 0; 
+      UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id].round[cc_idP][j]   = 8;
+      UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id].round_UL[cc_idP][j]   = 0;
     eNB_ulsch_info[mod_idP][cc_idP][UE_id].status = S_UL_WAITING;
@@ -1772,7 +1759,7 @@ int add_new_ue(module_id_t mod_idP, int cc_idP, rnti_t rntiP,int harq_pidP
-int rrc_mac_remove_ue(module_id_t mod_idP,rnti_t rntiP) 
+int rrc_mac_remove_ue(module_id_t mod_idP,rnti_t rntiP)
   int i;
@@ -1787,12 +1774,17 @@ int rrc_mac_remove_ue(module_id_t mod_idP,rnti_t rntiP)
   pCC_id = UE_PCCID(mod_idP,UE_id);
-  LOG_D(MAC,"Removing UE %d from Primary CC_id %d (rnti %x)\n",UE_id,pCC_id, rntiP);
+  LOG_I(MAC,"Removing UE %d from Primary CC_id %d (rnti %x)\n",UE_id,pCC_id, rntiP);
   UE_list->active[UE_id] = FALSE;
+  if (UE_list->head == UE_id) UE_list->head=UE_list->next[UE_id];
+  else UE_list->next[prev(UE_list,UE_id,0)]=UE_list->next[UE_id];
+  if (UE_list->head_ul == UE_id) UE_list->head_ul=UE_list->next_ul[UE_id];
+  else UE_list->next_ul[prev(UE_list,UE_id,0)]=UE_list->next_ul[UE_id];
   // clear all remaining pending transmissions
   UE_list->UE_template[pCC_id][UE_id].bsr_info[LCGID0]  = 0;
   UE_list->UE_template[pCC_id][UE_id].bsr_info[LCGID1]  = 0;
@@ -1807,7 +1799,6 @@ int rrc_mac_remove_ue(module_id_t mod_idP,rnti_t rntiP)
   eNB_dlsch_info[mod_idP][pCC_id][UE_id].rnti                        = NOT_A_RNTI;
   eNB_dlsch_info[mod_idP][pCC_id][UE_id].status                      = S_DL_NONE;
   // check if this has an RA process active
   RA_TEMPLATE *RA_template;
   for (i=0;i<NB_RA_PROC_MAX;i++) {
@@ -1827,8 +1818,6 @@ int rrc_mac_remove_ue(module_id_t mod_idP,rnti_t rntiP)
   return 0;
 int prev(UE_list_t *listP, int nodeP, int ul_flag)
   int j;
@@ -1859,13 +1848,11 @@ int prev(UE_list_t *listP, int nodeP, int ul_flag)
         nodeP, (ul_flag == 0)? "DL" : "UL");
   dump_ue_list(listP, ul_flag);
 void swap_UEs(UE_list_t *listP,int nodeiP, int nodejP, int ul_flag)
   int prev_i,prev_j,next_i,next_j;
   LOG_T(MAC,"Swapping UE %d,%d\n",nodeiP,nodejP);
@@ -1875,7 +1862,7 @@ void swap_UEs(UE_list_t *listP,int nodeiP, int nodejP, int ul_flag)
   prev_j = prev(listP,nodejP,ul_flag);
   AssertFatal((prev_i>=0) && (prev_j>=0),
-	      "swap_UEs: problem");
+              "swap_UEs: problem");
   if (ul_flag == 0) {
     next_i = listP->next[nodeiP];
@@ -1916,7 +1903,6 @@ void swap_UEs(UE_list_t *listP,int nodeiP, int nodejP, int ul_flag)
       listP->next[nodejP] = next_i;
       listP->next[nodeiP] = next_j;
       if (nodeiP==listP->head) {
         LOG_T(MAC,"changing head to %d\n",nodejP);
@@ -1958,7 +1944,6 @@ void swap_UEs(UE_list_t *listP,int nodeiP, int nodejP, int ul_flag)
       listP->next_ul[nodejP] = next_i;
       listP->next_ul[nodeiP] = next_j;
       if (nodeiP==listP->head_ul) {
         LOG_T(MAC,"[UL]changing head to %d\n",nodejP);
@@ -1978,13 +1963,6 @@ void swap_UEs(UE_list_t *listP,int nodeiP, int nodejP, int ul_flag)
   #if defined(Rel10) || defined(Rel14)
   unsigned char generate_mch_header( unsigned char *mac_header,
@@ -2101,11 +2079,9 @@ void swap_UEs(UE_list_t *listP,int nodeiP, int nodejP, int ul_flag)
 // This has to be updated to include BSR information
 uint8_t UE_is_to_be_scheduled(module_id_t module_idP,int CC_id,uint8_t UE_id)
   UE_TEMPLATE *UE_template    = &RC.mac[module_idP]->UE_list.UE_template[CC_id][UE_id];
   UE_sched_ctrl *UE_sched_ctl = &RC.mac[module_idP]->UE_list.UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id];
   // do not schedule UE if UL is not working
   if (UE_sched_ctl->ul_failure_timer>0)
@@ -2124,20 +2100,18 @@ uint8_t UE_is_to_be_scheduled(module_id_t module_idP,int CC_id,uint8_t UE_id)
        (mac_eNB_get_rrc_status(module_idP,UE_RNTI(module_idP,UE_id)) < RRC_CONNECTED))) // every Frame when not RRC_CONNECTED
-    { 
-      LOG_D(MAC,"[eNB %d][PUSCH] UE %d/%x should be scheduled (BSR0 %d,SR %d)\n",module_idP,UE_id,UE_RNTI(module_idP,UE_id),
-	    UE_template->bsr_info[LCGID0],
-	    UE_template->ul_SR);
+  {
+    LOG_D(MAC,"[eNB %d][PUSCH] UE %d/%x should be scheduled (BSR0 %d,SR %d)\n",module_idP,UE_id,UE_RNTI(module_idP,UE_id),
+          UE_template->bsr_info[LCGID0],
+          UE_template->ul_SR);
   } else {
-uint8_t get_tmode(module_id_t module_idP,int CC_idP,int UE_idP) {
+uint8_t get_tmode(module_id_t module_idP,int CC_idP,int UE_idP)
   eNB_MAC_INST         *eNB                                = RC.mac[module_idP];
   COMMON_channels_t    *cc                                 = &eNB->common_channels[CC_idP];
@@ -2149,11 +2123,11 @@ uint8_t get_tmode(module_id_t module_idP,int CC_idP,int UE_idP) {
   else {
-		"antennaInfo is null for CCId %d, UEid %d\n",CC_idP,UE_idP);
-    AssertFatal(physicalConfigDedicated->antennaInfo->present != PhysicalConfigDedicated__antennaInfo_PR_NOTHING, 
-		"antennaInfo (mod_id %d, CC_id %d) is set to NOTHING\n",module_idP,CC_idP);
+                "antennaInfo is null for CCId %d, UEid %d\n",CC_idP,UE_idP);
+    AssertFatal(physicalConfigDedicated->antennaInfo->present != PhysicalConfigDedicated__antennaInfo_PR_NOTHING,
+                "antennaInfo (mod_id %d, CC_id %d) is set to NOTHING\n",module_idP,CC_idP);
     if (physicalConfigDedicated->antennaInfo->present == PhysicalConfigDedicated__antennaInfo_PR_explicitValue) {
@@ -2165,8 +2139,8 @@ uint8_t get_tmode(module_id_t module_idP,int CC_idP,int UE_idP) {
-int8_t get_ULharq(module_id_t module_idP,int CC_idP,uint16_t frameP,uint8_t subframeP) {
+int8_t get_ULharq(module_id_t module_idP,int CC_idP,uint16_t frameP,uint8_t subframeP)
   uint8_t           ret       = -1;
   eNB_MAC_INST      *eNB      = RC.mac[module_idP];
   COMMON_channels_t *cc       = &eNB->common_channels[CC_idP];
@@ -2174,9 +2148,7 @@ int8_t get_ULharq(module_id_t module_idP,int CC_idP,uint16_t frameP,uint8_t subf
   if (cc->tdd_Config==NULL) { // FDD
     ret = (((frameP<<1)+subframeP)&7);
   } else {
     switch (cc->tdd_Config->subframeAssignment) {
     case 1:
       if ((subframeP==2) ||
           (subframeP==3) ||
@@ -2202,25 +2174,25 @@ int8_t get_ULharq(module_id_t module_idP,int CC_idP,uint16_t frameP,uint8_t subf
     case 2:
       AssertFatal((subframeP==2) || (subframeP==7),
-		  "subframe2_harq_pid, Illegal subframe %d for TDD mode %d\n",subframeP,(int)cc->tdd_Config->subframeAssignment);
+                  "subframe2_harq_pid, Illegal subframe %d for TDD mode %d\n",subframeP,(int)cc->tdd_Config->subframeAssignment);
       ret = (subframeP/7);
     case 3:
       AssertFatal((subframeP>1) && (subframeP<5),
-		  "subframe2_harq_pid, Illegal subframe %d for TDD mode %d\n",subframeP,(int)cc->tdd_Config->subframeAssignment);
+                  "subframe2_harq_pid, Illegal subframe %d for TDD mode %d\n",subframeP,(int)cc->tdd_Config->subframeAssignment);
       ret = (subframeP-2);
     case 4:
       AssertFatal((subframeP>1) && (subframeP<4),
-		  "subframe2_harq_pid, Illegal subframe %d for TDD mode %d\n",subframeP,(int)cc->tdd_Config->subframeAssignment);
+                  "subframe2_harq_pid, Illegal subframe %d for TDD mode %d\n",subframeP,(int)cc->tdd_Config->subframeAssignment);
       ret = (subframeP-2);
     case 5:
-		  "subframe2_harq_pid, Illegal subframe %d for TDD mode %d\n",subframeP,(int)cc->tdd_Config->subframeAssignment);
+                  "subframe2_harq_pid, Illegal subframe %d for TDD mode %d\n",subframeP,(int)cc->tdd_Config->subframeAssignment);
       ret = (subframeP-2);
@@ -2231,14 +2203,13 @@ int8_t get_ULharq(module_id_t module_idP,int CC_idP,uint16_t frameP,uint8_t subf
-	      "invalid harq_pid(%d) at SFN/SF = %d/%d\n", (int8_t)ret, frameP, subframeP);
+              "invalid harq_pid(%d) at SFN/SF = %d/%d\n", (int8_t)ret, frameP, subframeP);
   return ret;
 uint16_t getRIV(uint16_t N_RB_DL,uint16_t RBstart,uint16_t Lcrbs)
   uint16_t RIV;
   if (Lcrbs<=(1+(N_RB_DL>>1)))
@@ -2251,7 +2222,6 @@ uint16_t getRIV(uint16_t N_RB_DL,uint16_t RBstart,uint16_t Lcrbs)
 uint32_t allocate_prbs(int UE_id,unsigned char nb_rb, int N_RB_DL, uint32_t *rballoc)
   int i;
   uint32_t rballoc_dci=0;
   unsigned char nb_rb_alloc=0;
@@ -2280,9 +2250,8 @@ uint32_t allocate_prbs(int UE_id,unsigned char nb_rb, int N_RB_DL, uint32_t *rba
 int get_bw_index(module_id_t module_id, uint8_t CC_id)
   int bw_index=0;
   int N_RB_DL = to_prb(RC.mac[module_id]->common_channels[CC_id].mib->message.dl_Bandwidth);
   switch (N_RB_DL) {
@@ -2313,7 +2282,6 @@ int get_bw_index(module_id_t module_id, uint8_t CC_id)
 int get_min_rb_unit(module_id_t module_id, uint8_t CC_id)
   int min_rb_unit=0;
   int N_RB_DL = to_prb(RC.mac[module_id]->common_channels[CC_id].mib->message.dl_Bandwidth);
@@ -2346,7 +2314,6 @@ int get_min_rb_unit(module_id_t module_id, uint8_t CC_id)
 uint32_t allocate_prbs_sub(int nb_rb, int N_RB_DL, int N_RBG, uint8_t *rballoc)
   int check=0;//check1=0,check2=0;
   uint32_t rballoc_dci=0;
   //uint8_t number_of_subbands=13;
@@ -2399,16 +2366,17 @@ uint32_t allocate_prbs_sub(int nb_rb, int N_RB_DL, int N_RBG, uint8_t *rballoc)
   return (rballoc_dci);
-int get_subbandsize(uint8_t dl_Bandwidth) {
+int get_subbandsize(uint8_t dl_Bandwidth)
   uint8_t ss[6] = {6,4,4,6,8,8};
   AssertFatal(dl_Bandwidth<6,"dl_Bandwidth %d is out of bounds\n",dl_Bandwidth);
 int get_nb_subband(int N_RB_DL)
   int nb_sb=0;
   switch (N_RB_DL) {
@@ -2441,23 +2409,21 @@ int get_nb_subband(int N_RB_DL)
   return nb_sb;
 void init_CCE_table(int module_idP,int CC_idP)
 int get_nCCE_offset(int *CCE_table,
-		    const unsigned char L, 
-		    const int nCCE, 
-		    const int common_dci, 
-		    const unsigned short rnti, 
-		    const unsigned char subframe)
+                    const unsigned char L,
+                    const int nCCE,
+                    const int common_dci,
+                    const unsigned short rnti,
+                    const unsigned char subframe)
   int search_space_free,m,nb_candidates = 0,l,i;
   unsigned int Yk;
@@ -2478,16 +2444,16 @@ int get_nCCE_offset(int *CCE_table,
       search_space_free = 1;
       for (l=0; l<L; l++) {
-	//	printf("CCE_table[%d] %d\n",(m*L)+l,CCE_table[(m*L)+l]);
+        //        printf("CCE_table[%d] %d\n",(m*L)+l,CCE_table[(m*L)+l]);
         if (CCE_table[(m*L) + l] == 1) {
           search_space_free = 0;
       if (search_space_free == 1) {
-	//	printf("returning %d\n",m*L);
+        //        printf("returning %d\n",m*L);
         for (l=0; l<L; l++)
@@ -2507,7 +2473,6 @@ int get_nCCE_offset(int *CCE_table,
     Yk = Yk % (nCCE/L);
     switch (L) {
     case 1:
     case 2:
@@ -2524,7 +2489,6 @@ int get_nCCE_offset(int *CCE_table,
     LOG_D(MAC,"rnti %x, Yk = %d, nCCE %d (nCCE/L %d),nb_cand %d\n",rnti,Yk,nCCE,nCCE/L,nb_candidates);
     for (m = 0 ; m < nb_candidates ; m++) {
@@ -2550,11 +2514,11 @@ int get_nCCE_offset(int *CCE_table,
-void dump_CCE_table(int *CCE_table,const int nCCE,const unsigned short rnti,const int subframe,int L) {
+void dump_CCE_table(int *CCE_table,const int nCCE,const unsigned short rnti,const int subframe,int L)
   int nb_candidates = 0,i;
   unsigned int Yk;
   printf("CCE 0: ");
   for (i=0;i<nCCE;i++) {
@@ -2563,46 +2527,40 @@ void dump_CCE_table(int *CCE_table,const int nCCE,const unsigned short rnti,cons
   Yk = (unsigned int)rnti;
   for (i=0; i<=subframe; i++)
     Yk = (Yk*39827)%65537;
   Yk = Yk % (nCCE/L);
   switch (L) {
   case 1:
   case 2:
     nb_candidates = 6;
   case 4:
   case 8:
     nb_candidates = 2;
     DevParam(L, nCCE, rnti);
-  printf("rnti %x, Yk*L = %d, nCCE %d (nCCE/L %d),nb_cand*L %d\n",rnti,Yk*L,nCCE,nCCE/L,nb_candidates*L);
+  printf("rnti %x, Yk*L = %d, nCCE %d (nCCE/L %d),nb_cand*L %d\n",rnti,Yk*L,nCCE,nCCE/L,nb_candidates*L);
 uint16_t getnquad(COMMON_channels_t *cc, uint8_t num_pdcch_symbols,uint8_t mi)
   uint16_t Nreg=0;
   AssertFatal(cc!=NULL,"cc is null\n");
   AssertFatal(cc->mib!=NULL,"cc->mib is null\n");
   int N_RB_DL        = to_prb(cc->mib->message.dl_Bandwidth);
-  int phich_resource = get_phich_resource_times6(cc); 
+  int phich_resource = get_phich_resource_times6(cc);
   uint8_t Ngroup_PHICH = (phich_resource*N_RB_DL)/48;
@@ -2647,8 +2605,8 @@ uint16_t getnCCE(COMMON_channels_t *cc, uint8_t num_pdcch_symbols, uint8_t mi)
-uint8_t getmi(COMMON_channels_t *cc,int subframe) {
+uint8_t getmi(COMMON_channels_t *cc,int subframe)
   AssertFatal(cc!=NULL,"cc is null\n");
   // for FDD
@@ -2657,7 +2615,6 @@ uint8_t getmi(COMMON_channels_t *cc,int subframe) {
   // for TDD
   switch (cc->tdd_Config->subframeAssignment) {
   case 0:
     if ((subframe==0) || (subframe==5))
@@ -2713,16 +2670,15 @@ uint16_t get_nCCE_max(COMMON_channels_t *cc, int num_pdcch_symbols,int subframe)
   AssertFatal(cc!=NULL,"cc is null\n");
-		 getmi(cc,subframe))); 
+                 getmi(cc,subframe)));
 // Allocate the CCEs
 int allocate_CCEs(int module_idP,
-		  int CC_idP,
-		  int subframeP,
-		  int test_onlyP) {
+                  int CC_idP,
+                  int subframeP,
+                  int test_onlyP)
   int                                 *CCE_table           = RC.mac[module_idP]->CCE_table[CC_idP];
   nfapi_dl_config_request_body_t      *DL_req              = &RC.mac[module_idP]->DL_req[CC_idP].dl_config_request_body;
   nfapi_hi_dci0_request_body_t        *HI_DCI0_req         = &RC.mac[module_idP]->HI_DCI0_req[CC_idP].hi_dci0_request_body;
@@ -2733,7 +2689,6 @@ int allocate_CCEs(int module_idP,
   int i,j,idci;
   int nCCE=0;
   LOG_D(MAC,"Allocate CCEs subframe %d, test %d : (DL PDU %d, DL DCI %d, UL %d)\n",subframeP,test_onlyP,DL_req->number_pdu,DL_req->number_dci,HI_DCI0_req->number_of_dci);
@@ -2741,65 +2696,64 @@ try_again:
   for (i=0,idci=0;i<DL_req->number_pdu;i++) {
     // allocate DL common DCIs first
     if ((dl_config_pdu[i].pdu_type == NFAPI_DL_CONFIG_DCI_DL_PDU_TYPE)&&
-	(dl_config_pdu[i].dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.rnti_type==2)
-	) {
+        (dl_config_pdu[i].dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.rnti_type==2)
+        ) {
       LOG_D(MAC,"Trying to allocate COMMON DCI %d/%d (%d,%d) : rnti %x, aggreg %d nCCE %d / %d (num_pdcch_symbols %d)\n",
-	    idci,DL_req->number_dci+HI_DCI0_req->number_of_dci,
-	    DL_req->number_dci,HI_DCI0_req->number_of_dci,
-	    dl_config_pdu[i].dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.rnti,
-	    dl_config_pdu[i].dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.aggregation_level,
-	    nCCE,nCCE_max, DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols);
+            idci,DL_req->number_dci+HI_DCI0_req->number_of_dci,
+            DL_req->number_dci,HI_DCI0_req->number_of_dci,
+            dl_config_pdu[i].dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.rnti,
+            dl_config_pdu[i].dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.aggregation_level,
+            nCCE,nCCE_max, DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols);
       if (nCCE + (dl_config_pdu[i].dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.aggregation_level) > nCCE_max) {
-	if (DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols == 3)
-	  goto failed;
-	LOG_D(MAC,"Can't fit DCI allocations with %d PDCCH symbols, increasing by 1\n",DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols); 
-	DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols++;
-	nCCE_max = get_nCCE_max(&RC.mac[module_idP]->common_channels[CC_idP],DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols,subframeP);
-	goto try_again;
+        if (DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols == 3)
+          goto failed;
+        LOG_D(MAC,"Can't fit DCI allocations with %d PDCCH symbols, increasing by 1\n",DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols);
+        DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols++;
+        nCCE_max = get_nCCE_max(&RC.mac[module_idP]->common_channels[CC_idP],DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols,subframeP);
+        goto try_again;
       // number of CCEs left can potentially hold this allocation
       fCCE = get_nCCE_offset(CCE_table,
-			     dl_config_pdu[i].dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.aggregation_level,
-			     nCCE_max,
-			     1,
-			     dl_config_pdu[i].dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.rnti,
-			     subframeP);
+                             dl_config_pdu[i].dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.aggregation_level,
+                             nCCE_max,
+                             1,
+                             dl_config_pdu[i].dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.rnti,
+                             subframeP);
       if (fCCE == -1) {
-	if (DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols == 3) {
-	  LOG_D(MAC,"subframe %d: Dropping Allocation for RNTI %x\n",
-		subframeP,dl_config_pdu[i].dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.rnti);
-	  for (j=0;j<=i;j++){
-	    if (dl_config_pdu[j].pdu_type == NFAPI_DL_CONFIG_DCI_DL_PDU_TYPE)
-	      LOG_D(MAC,"DCI %d/%d (%d,%d) : rnti %x dci format %d, aggreg %d nCCE %d / %d (num_pdcch_symbols %d)\n",
-		    j,DL_req->number_dci+HI_DCI0_req->number_of_dci,
-		    DL_req->number_dci,HI_DCI0_req->number_of_dci,
-		    dl_config_pdu[j].dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.rnti,
-		    dl_config_pdu[j].dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.dci_format,
-		    dl_config_pdu[j].dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.aggregation_level,
-		    nCCE,nCCE_max,DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols);
-	  }
-	  //dump_CCE_table(CCE_table,nCCE_max,subframeP,dci_alloc->rnti,1<<dci_alloc->L);
-	  goto failed;
-	}
-	LOG_D(MAC,"Can't fit DCI allocations with %d PDCCH symbols (rnti condition), increasing by 1\n",DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols); 
-	DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols++;
-	nCCE_max = get_nCCE_max(&RC.mac[module_idP]->common_channels[CC_idP],DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols,subframeP);
-	goto try_again;
+        if (DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols == 3) {
+          LOG_D(MAC,"subframe %d: Dropping Allocation for RNTI %x\n",
+                subframeP,dl_config_pdu[i].dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.rnti);
+          for (j=0;j<=i;j++){
+            if (dl_config_pdu[j].pdu_type == NFAPI_DL_CONFIG_DCI_DL_PDU_TYPE)
+              LOG_D(MAC,"DCI %d/%d (%d,%d) : rnti %x dci format %d, aggreg %d nCCE %d / %d (num_pdcch_symbols %d)\n",
+                    j,DL_req->number_dci+HI_DCI0_req->number_of_dci,
+                    DL_req->number_dci,HI_DCI0_req->number_of_dci,
+                    dl_config_pdu[j].dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.rnti,
+                    dl_config_pdu[j].dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.dci_format,
+                    dl_config_pdu[j].dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.aggregation_level,
+                    nCCE,nCCE_max,DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols);
+          }
+          //dump_CCE_table(CCE_table,nCCE_max,subframeP,dci_alloc->rnti,1<<dci_alloc->L);
+          goto failed;
+        }
+        LOG_D(MAC,"Can't fit DCI allocations with %d PDCCH symbols (rnti condition), increasing by 1\n",DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols);
+        DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols++;
+        nCCE_max = get_nCCE_max(&RC.mac[module_idP]->common_channels[CC_idP],DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols,subframeP);
+        goto try_again;
       } // fCCE==-1
       // the allocation is feasible, rnti rule passes
       nCCE += dl_config_pdu[i].dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.aggregation_level;
       LOG_D(MAC,"Allocating at nCCE %d\n",fCCE);
       if (test_onlyP == 0) {
-	dl_config_pdu[i].dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.cce_idx=fCCE;
-	LOG_D(MAC,"Allocate COMMON DCI CCEs subframe %d, test %d => L %d fCCE %d\n",subframeP,test_onlyP,dl_config_pdu[i].dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.aggregation_level,fCCE);
+        dl_config_pdu[i].dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.cce_idx=fCCE;
+        LOG_D(MAC,"Allocate COMMON DCI CCEs subframe %d, test %d => L %d fCCE %d\n",subframeP,test_onlyP,dl_config_pdu[i].dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.aggregation_level,fCCE);
@@ -2808,62 +2762,62 @@ try_again:
   // no try to allocate UL DCIs
   for (i=0;i<HI_DCI0_req->number_of_dci+HI_DCI0_req->number_of_hi;i++) {
-    // allocate UL DCIs 
+    // allocate UL DCIs
     if (hi_dci0_pdu[i].pdu_type == NFAPI_HI_DCI0_DCI_PDU_TYPE) {
       LOG_D(MAC,"Trying to allocate format 0 DCI %d/%d (%d,%d) : rnti %x, aggreg %d nCCE %d / %d (num_pdcch_symbols %d)\n",
-	    idci,DL_req->number_dci+HI_DCI0_req->number_of_dci,
-	    DL_req->number_dci,HI_DCI0_req->number_of_dci,
-	    hi_dci0_pdu[i].dci_pdu.dci_pdu_rel8.rnti,hi_dci0_pdu[i].dci_pdu.dci_pdu_rel8.aggregation_level,
-	    nCCE,nCCE_max, DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols);
+            idci,DL_req->number_dci+HI_DCI0_req->number_of_dci,
+            DL_req->number_dci,HI_DCI0_req->number_of_dci,
+            hi_dci0_pdu[i].dci_pdu.dci_pdu_rel8.rnti,hi_dci0_pdu[i].dci_pdu.dci_pdu_rel8.aggregation_level,
+            nCCE,nCCE_max, DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols);
       if (nCCE + (hi_dci0_pdu[i].dci_pdu.dci_pdu_rel8.aggregation_level) > nCCE_max) {
-	if (DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols == 3)
-	  goto failed;
-	LOG_D(MAC,"Can't fit DCI allocations with %d PDCCH symbols, increasing by 1\n",DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols); 
+        if (DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols == 3)
+          goto failed;
+        LOG_D(MAC,"Can't fit DCI allocations with %d PDCCH symbols, increasing by 1\n",DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols);
-	DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols++;
-	nCCE_max = get_nCCE_max(&RC.mac[module_idP]->common_channels[CC_idP],DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols,subframeP);
-	goto try_again;
+        DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols++;
+        nCCE_max = get_nCCE_max(&RC.mac[module_idP]->common_channels[CC_idP],DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols,subframeP);
+        goto try_again;
       // number of CCEs left can potentially hold this allocation
       fCCE = get_nCCE_offset(CCE_table,
-			     hi_dci0_pdu[i].dci_pdu.dci_pdu_rel8.aggregation_level,
-			     nCCE_max,
-			     0,
-			     hi_dci0_pdu[i].dci_pdu.dci_pdu_rel8.rnti,
-			     subframeP);
+                             hi_dci0_pdu[i].dci_pdu.dci_pdu_rel8.aggregation_level,
+                             nCCE_max,
+                             0,
+                             hi_dci0_pdu[i].dci_pdu.dci_pdu_rel8.rnti,
+                             subframeP);
       if (fCCE == -1) {
-	if (DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols == 3) {
-	  LOG_D(MAC,"subframe %d: Dropping Allocation for RNTI %x\n",
-		subframeP,hi_dci0_pdu[i].dci_pdu.dci_pdu_rel8.rnti);
-	  for (j=0;j<=i;j++){
-	    if (hi_dci0_pdu[j].pdu_type == NFAPI_HI_DCI0_DCI_PDU_TYPE)
-	      LOG_D(MAC,"DCI %d/%d (%d,%d) : rnti %x dci format %d, aggreg %d nCCE %d / %d (num_pdcch_symbols %d)\n",
-		    j,DL_req->number_dci+HI_DCI0_req->number_of_dci,
-		    DL_req->number_dci,HI_DCI0_req->number_of_dci,
-		    hi_dci0_pdu[j].dci_pdu.dci_pdu_rel8.rnti,
-		    hi_dci0_pdu[j].dci_pdu.dci_pdu_rel8.dci_format,
-		    hi_dci0_pdu[j].dci_pdu.dci_pdu_rel8.aggregation_level,
-		    nCCE,nCCE_max,DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols);
-	  }
-	  //dump_CCE_table(CCE_table,nCCE_max,subframeP,dci_alloc->rnti,1<<dci_alloc->L);
-	  goto failed;
-	}
-	LOG_D(MAC,"Can't fit DCI allocations with %d PDCCH symbols (rnti condition), increasing by 1\n",DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols); 
-	DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols++;
-	nCCE_max = get_nCCE_max(&RC.mac[module_idP]->common_channels[CC_idP],DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols,subframeP);
-	goto try_again;
+        if (DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols == 3) {
+          LOG_D(MAC,"subframe %d: Dropping Allocation for RNTI %x\n",
+                subframeP,hi_dci0_pdu[i].dci_pdu.dci_pdu_rel8.rnti);
+          for (j=0;j<=i;j++){
+            if (hi_dci0_pdu[j].pdu_type == NFAPI_HI_DCI0_DCI_PDU_TYPE)
+              LOG_D(MAC,"DCI %d/%d (%d,%d) : rnti %x dci format %d, aggreg %d nCCE %d / %d (num_pdcch_symbols %d)\n",
+                    j,DL_req->number_dci+HI_DCI0_req->number_of_dci,
+                    DL_req->number_dci,HI_DCI0_req->number_of_dci,
+                    hi_dci0_pdu[j].dci_pdu.dci_pdu_rel8.rnti,
+                    hi_dci0_pdu[j].dci_pdu.dci_pdu_rel8.dci_format,
+                    hi_dci0_pdu[j].dci_pdu.dci_pdu_rel8.aggregation_level,
+                    nCCE,nCCE_max,DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols);
+          }
+          //dump_CCE_table(CCE_table,nCCE_max,subframeP,dci_alloc->rnti,1<<dci_alloc->L);
+          goto failed;
+        }
+        LOG_D(MAC,"Can't fit DCI allocations with %d PDCCH symbols (rnti condition), increasing by 1\n",DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols);
+        DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols++;
+        nCCE_max = get_nCCE_max(&RC.mac[module_idP]->common_channels[CC_idP],DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols,subframeP);
+        goto try_again;
       } // fCCE==-1
       // the allocation is feasible, rnti rule passes
       nCCE += hi_dci0_pdu[i].dci_pdu.dci_pdu_rel8.aggregation_level;
       LOG_D(MAC,"Allocating at nCCE %d\n",fCCE);
       if (test_onlyP == 0) {
-	hi_dci0_pdu[i].dci_pdu.dci_pdu_rel8.cce_index=fCCE;
-	LOG_D(MAC,"Allocate CCEs subframe %d, test %d\n",subframeP,test_onlyP);
+        hi_dci0_pdu[i].dci_pdu.dci_pdu_rel8.cce_index=fCCE;
+        LOG_D(MAC,"Allocate CCEs subframe %d, test %d\n",subframeP,test_onlyP);
@@ -2872,60 +2826,60 @@ try_again:
   for (i=0;i<DL_req->number_pdu;i++) {
     // allocate DL common DCIs first
     if ((dl_config_pdu[i].pdu_type == NFAPI_DL_CONFIG_DCI_DL_PDU_TYPE)&&
-	(dl_config_pdu[i].dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.rnti_type==1)) {
+        (dl_config_pdu[i].dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.rnti_type==1)) {
       LOG_D(MAC,"Trying to allocate DL UE-SPECIFIC DCI %d/%d (%d,%d) : rnti %x, aggreg %d nCCE %d / %d (num_pdcch_symbols %d)\n",
-	    idci,DL_req->number_dci+HI_DCI0_req->number_of_dci,
-	    DL_req->number_dci,HI_DCI0_req->number_of_dci,
-	    dl_config_pdu[i].dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.rnti,dl_config_pdu[i].dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.aggregation_level,
-	    nCCE,nCCE_max, DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols);
+            idci,DL_req->number_dci+HI_DCI0_req->number_of_dci,
+            DL_req->number_dci,HI_DCI0_req->number_of_dci,
+            dl_config_pdu[i].dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.rnti,dl_config_pdu[i].dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.aggregation_level,
+            nCCE,nCCE_max, DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols);
       if (nCCE + (dl_config_pdu[i].dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.aggregation_level) > nCCE_max) {
-	if (DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols == 3)
-	  goto failed;
-	LOG_D(MAC,"Can't fit DCI allocations with %d PDCCH symbols, increasing by 1\n",DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols); 
+        if (DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols == 3)
+          goto failed;
+        LOG_D(MAC,"Can't fit DCI allocations with %d PDCCH symbols, increasing by 1\n",DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols);
-	DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols++;
-	nCCE_max = get_nCCE_max(&RC.mac[module_idP]->common_channels[CC_idP],DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols,subframeP);
-	goto try_again;
+        DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols++;
+        nCCE_max = get_nCCE_max(&RC.mac[module_idP]->common_channels[CC_idP],DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols,subframeP);
+        goto try_again;
       // number of CCEs left can potentially hold this allocation
       fCCE = get_nCCE_offset(CCE_table,
-			     dl_config_pdu[i].dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.aggregation_level,
-			     nCCE_max,
-			     0,
-			     dl_config_pdu[i].dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.rnti,
-			     subframeP);
+                             dl_config_pdu[i].dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.aggregation_level,
+                             nCCE_max,
+                             0,
+                             dl_config_pdu[i].dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.rnti,
+                             subframeP);
       if (fCCE == -1) {
-	if (DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols == 3) {
-	  LOG_I(MAC,"subframe %d: Dropping Allocation for RNTI %x\n",
-		subframeP,dl_config_pdu[i].dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.rnti);
-	  for (j=0;j<=i;j++){
-	    if (dl_config_pdu[j].pdu_type == NFAPI_DL_CONFIG_DCI_DL_PDU_TYPE)
-	      LOG_I(MAC,"DCI %d/%d (%d,%d) : rnti %x dci format %d, aggreg %d nCCE %d / %d (num_pdcch_symbols %d)\n",
-		    j,DL_req->number_dci+HI_DCI0_req->number_of_dci,
-		    DL_req->number_dci,HI_DCI0_req->number_of_dci,
-		    dl_config_pdu[j].dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.rnti,
-		    dl_config_pdu[j].dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.dci_format,
-		    dl_config_pdu[j].dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.aggregation_level,
-		    nCCE,nCCE_max,DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols);
-	  }
-	  //dump_CCE_table(CCE_table,nCCE_max,subframeP,dci_alloc->rnti,1<<dci_alloc->L);
-	  goto failed;
-	}
-	LOG_D(MAC,"Can't fit DCI allocations with %d PDCCH symbols (rnti condition), increasing by 1\n",DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols); 
-	DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols++;
-	nCCE_max = get_nCCE_max(&RC.mac[module_idP]->common_channels[CC_idP],DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols,subframeP);
-	goto try_again;
+        if (DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols == 3) {
+          LOG_I(MAC,"subframe %d: Dropping Allocation for RNTI %x\n",
+                subframeP,dl_config_pdu[i].dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.rnti);
+          for (j=0;j<=i;j++){
+            if (dl_config_pdu[j].pdu_type == NFAPI_DL_CONFIG_DCI_DL_PDU_TYPE)
+              LOG_I(MAC,"DCI %d/%d (%d,%d) : rnti %x dci format %d, aggreg %d nCCE %d / %d (num_pdcch_symbols %d)\n",
+                    j,DL_req->number_dci+HI_DCI0_req->number_of_dci,
+                    DL_req->number_dci,HI_DCI0_req->number_of_dci,
+                    dl_config_pdu[j].dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.rnti,
+                    dl_config_pdu[j].dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.dci_format,
+                    dl_config_pdu[j].dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.aggregation_level,
+                    nCCE,nCCE_max,DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols);
+          }
+          //dump_CCE_table(CCE_table,nCCE_max,subframeP,dci_alloc->rnti,1<<dci_alloc->L);
+          goto failed;
+        }
+        LOG_D(MAC,"Can't fit DCI allocations with %d PDCCH symbols (rnti condition), increasing by 1\n",DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols);
+        DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols++;
+        nCCE_max = get_nCCE_max(&RC.mac[module_idP]->common_channels[CC_idP],DL_req->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols,subframeP);
+        goto try_again;
       } // fCCE==-1
       // the allocation is feasible, rnti rule passes
       nCCE += dl_config_pdu[i].dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.aggregation_level;
       LOG_D(MAC,"Allocating at nCCE %d\n",fCCE);
       if (test_onlyP == 0) {
-	dl_config_pdu[i].dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.cce_idx=fCCE;
-	LOG_D(MAC,"Allocate CCEs subframe %d, test %d\n",subframeP,test_onlyP);
+        dl_config_pdu[i].dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.cce_idx=fCCE;
+        LOG_D(MAC,"Allocate CCEs subframe %d, test %d\n",subframeP,test_onlyP);
@@ -2933,19 +2887,17 @@ try_again:
   return 0;
- failed:
   return -1;
-uint8_t get_ul_req_index(module_id_t module_idP, int CC_idP, sub_frame_t subframeP) {
-  if (RC.mac[module_idP]->common_channels[CC_idP].tdd_Config == NULL) 
+uint8_t get_ul_req_index(module_id_t module_idP, int CC_idP, sub_frame_t subframeP)
+  if (RC.mac[module_idP]->common_channels[CC_idP].tdd_Config == NULL)
   switch (RC.mac[module_idP]->common_channels[CC_idP].tdd_Config->subframeAssignment) {
   case 0:
   case 1:
   case 2:
@@ -2975,12 +2927,12 @@ uint8_t get_ul_req_index(module_id_t module_idP, int CC_idP, sub_frame_t subfram
-nfapi_ul_config_request_pdu_t* has_ul_grant(module_id_t module_idP,int CC_idP,uint16_t absSFP,uint16_t rnti) {
-  nfapi_ul_config_request_body_t *ul_req;            
-  nfapi_ul_config_request_pdu_t *ul_config_pdu; 
+nfapi_ul_config_request_pdu_t* has_ul_grant(module_id_t module_idP,int CC_idP,uint16_t absSFP,uint16_t rnti)
+  nfapi_ul_config_request_body_t *ul_req;
+  nfapi_ul_config_request_pdu_t *ul_config_pdu;
   ul_req        = &RC.mac[module_idP]->UL_req_tmp[CC_idP][absSFP%10].ul_config_request_body;
   ul_config_pdu = &ul_req->ul_config_pdu_list[0];
   LOG_D(MAC,"Checking for rnti %x UL grant in subframeP %d (num pdu %d)\n",rnti,absSFP%10,ul_req->number_of_pdus);
@@ -2988,53 +2940,51 @@ nfapi_ul_config_request_pdu_t* has_ul_grant(module_id_t module_idP,int CC_idP,ui
   for (int i=0; i<ul_req->number_of_pdus;i++){
     LOG_D(MAC,"PDU %d : type %d,rnti %x\n",i,ul_config_pdu[i].pdu_type,rnti);
     if ((ul_config_pdu[i].pdu_type == NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_ULSCH_PDU_TYPE)&&
-	(ul_config_pdu[i].ulsch_pdu.ulsch_pdu_rel8.rnti == rnti)) return(&ul_config_pdu[i]);
+        (ul_config_pdu[i].ulsch_pdu.ulsch_pdu_rel8.rnti == rnti)) return(&ul_config_pdu[i]);
     if ((ul_config_pdu[i].pdu_type == NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_ULSCH_CQI_RI_PDU_TYPE)&&
-	(ul_config_pdu[i].ulsch_cqi_ri_pdu.ulsch_pdu.ulsch_pdu_rel8.rnti == rnti)) return(&ul_config_pdu[i]);
+        (ul_config_pdu[i].ulsch_cqi_ri_pdu.ulsch_pdu.ulsch_pdu_rel8.rnti == rnti)) return(&ul_config_pdu[i]);
     if ((ul_config_pdu[i].pdu_type == NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_ULSCH_HARQ_PDU_TYPE)&&
-	(ul_config_pdu[i].ulsch_harq_pdu.ulsch_pdu.ulsch_pdu_rel8.rnti == rnti)) return(&ul_config_pdu[i]);
+        (ul_config_pdu[i].ulsch_harq_pdu.ulsch_pdu.ulsch_pdu_rel8.rnti == rnti)) return(&ul_config_pdu[i]);
     if ((ul_config_pdu[i].pdu_type == NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_ULSCH_CQI_HARQ_RI_PDU_TYPE)&&
-	(ul_config_pdu[i].ulsch_cqi_harq_ri_pdu.ulsch_pdu.ulsch_pdu_rel8.rnti == rnti)) return(&ul_config_pdu[i]);
+        (ul_config_pdu[i].ulsch_cqi_harq_ri_pdu.ulsch_pdu.ulsch_pdu_rel8.rnti == rnti)) return(&ul_config_pdu[i]);
     if ((ul_config_pdu[i].pdu_type == NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_UCI_CQI_PDU_TYPE)&&
-	(ul_config_pdu[i].uci_cqi_pdu.ue_information.ue_information_rel8.rnti == rnti)) return(&ul_config_pdu[i]);
+        (ul_config_pdu[i].uci_cqi_pdu.ue_information.ue_information_rel8.rnti == rnti)) return(&ul_config_pdu[i]);
     if ((ul_config_pdu[i].pdu_type == NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_UCI_SR_PDU_TYPE)&&
-	(ul_config_pdu[i].uci_sr_pdu.ue_information.ue_information_rel8.rnti == rnti)) return(&ul_config_pdu[i]);
+        (ul_config_pdu[i].uci_sr_pdu.ue_information.ue_information_rel8.rnti == rnti)) return(&ul_config_pdu[i]);
     if ((ul_config_pdu[i].pdu_type == NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_UCI_HARQ_PDU_TYPE)&&
-	(ul_config_pdu[i].uci_harq_pdu.ue_information.ue_information_rel8.rnti == rnti)) return(&ul_config_pdu[i]);
+        (ul_config_pdu[i].uci_harq_pdu.ue_information.ue_information_rel8.rnti == rnti)) return(&ul_config_pdu[i]);
     if ((ul_config_pdu[i].pdu_type == NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_UCI_SR_HARQ_PDU_TYPE)&&
-	(ul_config_pdu[i].uci_sr_harq_pdu.ue_information.ue_information_rel8.rnti == rnti)) return(&ul_config_pdu[i]);
+        (ul_config_pdu[i].uci_sr_harq_pdu.ue_information.ue_information_rel8.rnti == rnti)) return(&ul_config_pdu[i]);
     if ((ul_config_pdu[i].pdu_type == NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_UCI_CQI_HARQ_PDU_TYPE)&&
-	(ul_config_pdu[i].uci_cqi_harq_pdu.ue_information.ue_information_rel8.rnti == rnti)) return(&ul_config_pdu[i]);
+        (ul_config_pdu[i].uci_cqi_harq_pdu.ue_information.ue_information_rel8.rnti == rnti)) return(&ul_config_pdu[i]);
     if ((ul_config_pdu[i].pdu_type == NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_UCI_CQI_SR_PDU_TYPE)&&
-	(ul_config_pdu[i].uci_cqi_sr_pdu.ue_information.ue_information_rel8.rnti == rnti)) return(&ul_config_pdu[i]);
+        (ul_config_pdu[i].uci_cqi_sr_pdu.ue_information.ue_information_rel8.rnti == rnti)) return(&ul_config_pdu[i]);
     if ((ul_config_pdu[i].pdu_type == NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_UCI_CQI_SR_HARQ_PDU_TYPE) &&
-	(ul_config_pdu[i].uci_cqi_sr_harq_pdu.ue_information.ue_information_rel8.rnti == rnti)) return(&ul_config_pdu[i]);
+        (ul_config_pdu[i].uci_cqi_sr_harq_pdu.ue_information.ue_information_rel8.rnti == rnti)) return(&ul_config_pdu[i]);
     if ((ul_config_pdu[i].pdu_type == NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_ULSCH_UCI_CSI_PDU_TYPE)&&
-	(ul_config_pdu[i].ulsch_uci_csi_pdu.ulsch_pdu.ulsch_pdu_rel8.rnti == rnti)) return(&ul_config_pdu[i]);
+        (ul_config_pdu[i].ulsch_uci_csi_pdu.ulsch_pdu.ulsch_pdu_rel8.rnti == rnti)) return(&ul_config_pdu[i]);
     if ((ul_config_pdu[i].pdu_type == NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_ULSCH_UCI_HARQ_PDU_TYPE)&&
-	(ul_config_pdu[i].ulsch_uci_harq_pdu.ulsch_pdu.ulsch_pdu_rel8.rnti == rnti)) return(&ul_config_pdu[i]);
+        (ul_config_pdu[i].ulsch_uci_harq_pdu.ulsch_pdu.ulsch_pdu_rel8.rnti == rnti)) return(&ul_config_pdu[i]);
     if ((ul_config_pdu[i].pdu_type == NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_ULSCH_CSI_UCI_HARQ_PDU_TYPE)&&
-	(ul_config_pdu[i].ulsch_csi_uci_harq_pdu.ulsch_pdu.ulsch_pdu_rel8.rnti == rnti)) return(&ul_config_pdu[i]);
+        (ul_config_pdu[i].ulsch_csi_uci_harq_pdu.ulsch_pdu.ulsch_pdu_rel8.rnti == rnti)) return(&ul_config_pdu[i]);
   return(NULL); // no ul grant at all for this UE
 boolean_t CCE_allocation_infeasible(int module_idP,
-				    int CC_idP,
-				    int format_flag,
-				    int subframe,
-				    int aggregation,
-				    int rnti)
+                                    int CC_idP,
+                                    int format_flag,
+                                    int subframe,
+                                    int aggregation,
+                                    int rnti)
   nfapi_dl_config_request_body_t *DL_req        = &RC.mac[module_idP]->DL_req[CC_idP].dl_config_request_body;
   nfapi_dl_config_request_pdu_t  *dl_config_pdu = &DL_req->dl_config_pdu_list[DL_req->number_pdu];
   nfapi_hi_dci0_request_body_t   *HI_DCI0_req   = &RC.mac[module_idP]->HI_DCI0_req[CC_idP].hi_dci0_request_body;
-  nfapi_hi_dci0_request_pdu_t    *hi_dci0_pdu   = &HI_DCI0_req->hi_dci0_pdu_list[HI_DCI0_req->number_of_dci+HI_DCI0_req->number_of_hi]; 
+  nfapi_hi_dci0_request_pdu_t    *hi_dci0_pdu   = &HI_DCI0_req->hi_dci0_pdu_list[HI_DCI0_req->number_of_dci+HI_DCI0_req->number_of_hi];
   int ret;
   boolean_t res = FALSE;
@@ -3050,10 +3000,10 @@ boolean_t CCE_allocation_infeasible(int module_idP,
       dl_config_pdu->dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.aggregation_level = aggregation;
       LOG_D(MAC,"Subframe %d: Checking CCE feasibility format %d : (%x,%d) (%x,%d,%d)\n",
-	subframe,format_flag,rnti,aggregation,
-	  dl_config_pdu->dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.rnti,
-	  dl_config_pdu->dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.aggregation_level,
-	  dl_config_pdu->dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.rnti_type);
+        subframe,format_flag,rnti,aggregation,
+          dl_config_pdu->dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.rnti,
+          dl_config_pdu->dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.aggregation_level,
+          dl_config_pdu->dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.rnti_type);
       ret = allocate_CCEs(module_idP,CC_idP,subframe,0);
       if (ret==-1)
         res = TRUE;
@@ -3080,8 +3030,8 @@ boolean_t CCE_allocation_infeasible(int module_idP,
   return res;
-void extract_harq(module_id_t mod_idP,int CC_idP,int UE_id,frame_t frameP,sub_frame_t subframeP,void *harq_indication,int format) {
+void extract_harq(module_id_t mod_idP,int CC_idP,int UE_id,frame_t frameP,sub_frame_t subframeP,void *harq_indication,int format)
   UE_list_t *UE_list       = &RC.mac[mod_idP]->UE_list;
   UE_sched_ctrl *sched_ctl = &UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id];
   rnti_t rnti              = UE_RNTI(mod_idP,UE_id);
@@ -3100,16 +3050,16 @@ void extract_harq(module_id_t mod_idP,int CC_idP,int UE_id,frame_t frameP,sub_fr
   AssertFatal(UE_list->UE_template[pCCid][UE_id].physicalConfigDedicated->pucch_ConfigDedicated!=NULL,"pucch_ConfigDedicated is null!\n");
   if ((UE_list->UE_template[pCCid][UE_id].physicalConfigDedicated->ext7) &&
       (UE_list->UE_template[pCCid][UE_id].physicalConfigDedicated->ext7->pucch_ConfigDedicated_r13) &&
-      (((UE_list->UE_template[pCCid][UE_id].physicalConfigDedicated->ext7->pucch_ConfigDedicated_r13->spatialBundlingPUCCH_r13) && 
-	(format==0)) ||
-       ((UE_list->UE_template[pCCid][UE_id].physicalConfigDedicated->ext7->pucch_ConfigDedicated_r13->spatialBundlingPUSCH_r13) && 
-	(format==1))))
+      (((UE_list->UE_template[pCCid][UE_id].physicalConfigDedicated->ext7->pucch_ConfigDedicated_r13->spatialBundlingPUCCH_r13) &&
+        (format==0)) ||
+       ((UE_list->UE_template[pCCid][UE_id].physicalConfigDedicated->ext7->pucch_ConfigDedicated_r13->spatialBundlingPUSCH_r13) &&
+        (format==1))))
     spatial_bundling = 1;
   for (i=0;i<numCC;i++) tmode[i] = get_tmode(mod_idP,i,UE_id);
-  if (cc->tdd_Config) { 
+  if (cc->tdd_Config) {
     harq_indication_tdd = (nfapi_harq_indication_tdd_rel13_t *)harq_indication;
     //    pdu = &harq_indication_tdd->harq_tb_n[0];
@@ -3117,20 +3067,19 @@ void extract_harq(module_id_t mod_idP,int CC_idP,int UE_id,frame_t frameP,sub_fr
     switch (harq_indication_tdd->mode) {
       case 0: // Format 1a/b
-	AssertFatal(numCC==1,"numCC %d > 1, should not be using Format1a/b\n",numCC);
-	break;
+        AssertFatal(numCC==1,"numCC %d > 1, should not be using Format1a/b\n",numCC);
+        break;
       case 1: // Channel Selection
-	break;
+        break;
       case 2: // Format 3
-	break;
+        break;
       case 3: // Format 4
-	break;
+        break;
       case 4: // Format 5
-	break;
+        break;
   else {
     harq_indication_fdd = (nfapi_harq_indication_fdd_rel13_t *)harq_indication;
     num_ack_nak = harq_indication_fdd->number_of_ack_nack;
     pdu = &harq_indication_fdd->harq_tb_n[0];
@@ -3139,193 +3088,194 @@ void extract_harq(module_id_t mod_idP,int CC_idP,int UE_id,frame_t frameP,sub_fr
     switch (harq_indication_fdd->mode) {
       case 0: // Format 1a/b (
-	AssertFatal(numCC==1,"numCC %d > 1, should not be using Format1a/b\n",numCC);
-	if (tmode[0]==1 || tmode[0]==2 || tmode[0]==5 || tmode[0]==6 || tmode[0]==7) { // NOTE: have to handle the case of TM9-10 with 1 antenna port
-	  // single ACK/NAK bit
-	  AssertFatal(num_ack_nak==1,"num_ack_nak %d > 1 for 1 CC and single-layer transmission\n",num_ack_nak);
-	  AssertFatal(sched_ctl->round[CC_idP][harq_pid]<8,"Got ACK/NAK for inactive harq_pid %d for UE %d/%x\n",harq_pid,UE_id,rnti);
-	  AssertFatal(pdu[0] == 1 || pdu[0] == 2 || pdu[0] == 4,
+        AssertFatal(numCC==1,"numCC %d > 1, should not be using Format1a/b\n",numCC);
+        if (tmode[0]==1 || tmode[0]==2 || tmode[0]==5 || tmode[0]==6 || tmode[0]==7) { // NOTE: have to handle the case of TM9-10 with 1 antenna port
+          // single ACK/NAK bit
+          AssertFatal(num_ack_nak==1,"num_ack_nak %d > 1 for 1 CC and single-layer transmission\n",num_ack_nak);
+          AssertFatal(sched_ctl->round[CC_idP][harq_pid]<8,"Got ACK/NAK for inactive harq_pid %d for UE %d/%x\n",harq_pid,UE_id,rnti);
+          AssertFatal(pdu[0] == 1 || pdu[0] == 2 || pdu[0] == 4,
                       "Received ACK/NAK %d which is not 1 or 2 for harq_pid %d from UE %d/%x\n",pdu[0],harq_pid,UE_id,rnti);
-	  LOG_D(MAC,"Received %d for harq_pid %d\n",pdu[0],harq_pid);
-	  if (pdu[0] == 1) { // ACK
-	    sched_ctl->round[CC_idP][harq_pid]=8; // release HARQ process
-	    sched_ctl->tbcnt[CC_idP][harq_pid]=0;
-	  }
-	  else if (pdu[0] == 2 || pdu[0] == 4) // NAK (treat DTX as NAK)
-	    sched_ctl->round[CC_idP][harq_pid]++; // increment round
-	}
-	else {
-	  // one or two ACK/NAK bits
-	  AssertFatal(num_ack_nak>2,"num_ack_nak %d > 2 for 1 CC and TM3/4/8/9/10\n",num_ack_nak);
-	  if ((num_ack_nak==2) && (sched_ctl->round[CC_idP][harq_pid]<8) && (sched_ctl->tbcnt[CC_idP][harq_pid]==1) && (pdu[0] == 1) && (pdu[1] == 1)) {
-	    sched_ctl->round[CC_idP][harq_pid]=8;
-	    sched_ctl->tbcnt[CC_idP][harq_pid]=0;
-	  }
-	  if ((num_ack_nak==2) && (sched_ctl->round[CC_idP][harq_pid]<8) && (sched_ctl->tbcnt[CC_idP][harq_pid]==1) && (pdu[0] == 2) && (pdu[1] == 2))
-	    sched_ctl->round[CC_idP][harq_pid]++;
-	  else if (((num_ack_nak==2) && (sched_ctl->round[CC_idP][harq_pid]<8) && (sched_ctl->tbcnt[0][harq_pid]==2) && (pdu[0] == 1) && (pdu[1] == 2)) ||
-		   ((num_ack_nak==2) && (sched_ctl->round[CC_idP][harq_pid]<8) && (sched_ctl->tbcnt[CC_idP][harq_pid]==2) && (pdu[0] == 2) && (pdu[1] == 1))) {
-	    sched_ctl->round[CC_idP][harq_pid]++;
-	    sched_ctl->tbcnt[CC_idP][harq_pid]=1;
-	  }
-	  else if ((num_ack_nak==2) && (sched_ctl->round[CC_idP][harq_pid]<8) && (sched_ctl->tbcnt[CC_idP][harq_pid]==2) && (pdu[0] == 2) && (pdu[1] == 2))
-	    sched_ctl->round[CC_idP][harq_pid]++;
-	  else AssertFatal(1==0,"Illegal ACK/NAK/round combination (%d,%d,%d,%d,%d) for harq_pid %d, UE %d/%x\n",
-			   num_ack_nak,sched_ctl->round[CC_idP][harq_pid],sched_ctl->round[CC_idP][harq_pid],pdu[0],pdu[1], harq_pid,UE_id,
-			   rnti);
-	}
-	break;
+          LOG_D(MAC,"Received %d for harq_pid %d\n",pdu[0],harq_pid);
+          if (pdu[0] == 1) { // ACK
+            sched_ctl->round[CC_idP][harq_pid]=8; // release HARQ process
+            sched_ctl->tbcnt[CC_idP][harq_pid]=0;
+          }
+          else if (pdu[0] == 2 || pdu[0] == 4) // NAK (treat DTX as NAK)
+            sched_ctl->round[CC_idP][harq_pid]++; // increment round
+        }
+        else {
+          // one or two ACK/NAK bits
+          AssertFatal(num_ack_nak>2,"num_ack_nak %d > 2 for 1 CC and TM3/4/8/9/10\n",num_ack_nak);
+          if ((num_ack_nak==2) && (sched_ctl->round[CC_idP][harq_pid]<8) && (sched_ctl->tbcnt[CC_idP][harq_pid]==1) && (pdu[0] == 1) && (pdu[1] == 1)) {
+            sched_ctl->round[CC_idP][harq_pid]=8;
+            sched_ctl->tbcnt[CC_idP][harq_pid]=0;
+          }
+          if ((num_ack_nak==2) && (sched_ctl->round[CC_idP][harq_pid]<8) && (sched_ctl->tbcnt[CC_idP][harq_pid]==1) && (pdu[0] == 2) && (pdu[1] == 2))
+            sched_ctl->round[CC_idP][harq_pid]++;
+          else if (((num_ack_nak==2) && (sched_ctl->round[CC_idP][harq_pid]<8) && (sched_ctl->tbcnt[0][harq_pid]==2) && (pdu[0] == 1) && (pdu[1] == 2)) ||
+                   ((num_ack_nak==2) && (sched_ctl->round[CC_idP][harq_pid]<8) && (sched_ctl->tbcnt[CC_idP][harq_pid]==2) && (pdu[0] == 2) && (pdu[1] == 1))) {
+            sched_ctl->round[CC_idP][harq_pid]++;
+            sched_ctl->tbcnt[CC_idP][harq_pid]=1;
+          }
+          else if ((num_ack_nak==2) && (sched_ctl->round[CC_idP][harq_pid]<8) && (sched_ctl->tbcnt[CC_idP][harq_pid]==2) && (pdu[0] == 2) && (pdu[1] == 2))
+            sched_ctl->round[CC_idP][harq_pid]++;
+          else AssertFatal(1==0,"Illegal ACK/NAK/round combination (%d,%d,%d,%d,%d) for harq_pid %d, UE %d/%x\n",
+                           num_ack_nak,sched_ctl->round[CC_idP][harq_pid],sched_ctl->round[CC_idP][harq_pid],pdu[0],pdu[1], harq_pid,UE_id,
+                           rnti);
+        }
+        break;
       case 1: // FDD Channel Selection (, must be received for 2 serving cells
-	AssertFatal(numCC==2,"Should not receive harq indication with channel selection with %d active CCs\n",
-		    numCC);
-	if ((num_ack_nak == 2) && (sched_ctl->round[pCCid][harq_pid]<8) && (sched_ctl->round[1-pCCid][harq_pid]<8) && (sched_ctl->tbcnt[pCCid][harq_pid]==1) && (sched_ctl->tbcnt[1-pCCid][harq_pid]==1)) {
-	  AssertFatal(pdu[0]<=3,"pdu[0] %d is not ACK/NAK/DTX\n",pdu[0]);
-	  AssertFatal(pdu[1]<=3,"pdu[1] %d is not ACK/NAK/DTX\n",pdu[1]);
-	  if (pdu[0] == 1) sched_ctl->round[pCCid][harq_pid]=8;
-	  else             sched_ctl->round[pCCid][harq_pid]++;
-	  if (pdu[1] == 1) sched_ctl->round[1-pCCid][harq_pid]=8;
-	  else             sched_ctl->round[1-pCCid][harq_pid]++;
-	} // A=2
-	else if ((num_ack_nak == 3) && (sched_ctl->round[pCCid][harq_pid]<8) && (sched_ctl->tbcnt[pCCid][harq_pid]==2) && (sched_ctl->round[1-pCCid][harq_pid]<8) && (sched_ctl->tbcnt[1-pCCid][harq_pid]==1)) {
-	  AssertFatal(pdu[0]<=3,"pdu[0] %d is not ACK/NAK/DTX\n",pdu[0]);
-	  AssertFatal(pdu[1]<=3,"pdu[1] %d is not ACK/NAK/DTX\n",pdu[1]);
-	  AssertFatal(pdu[2]<=3,"pdu[2] %d is not ACK/NAK/DTX\n",pdu[2]);
-	  AssertFatal(sched_ctl->tbcnt[pCCid][harq_pid] == 2,"sched_ctl->tbcnt[%d][%d] != 2 for UE %d/%x\n",pCCid,harq_pid,UE_id,rnti);
-	  AssertFatal(sched_ctl->tbcnt[1-pCCid][harq_pid] == 1,"sched_ctl->tbcnt[%d][%d] != 1 for UE %d/%x\n",1-pCCid,harq_pid,UE_id,rnti);
-	  if ((pdu[0] == 1) && (pdu[1] == 1)) { // both ACK
-	      sched_ctl->round[pCCid][harq_pid]=8;
-	      sched_ctl->tbcnt[pCCid][harq_pid]=0;
-	  }
-	  else if (((pdu[0] == 2) && (pdu[1] == 1))||
-		   ((pdu[0] == 1) && (pdu[1] == 2))){
-	    sched_ctl->round[pCCid][harq_pid]++;
-	    sched_ctl->tbcnt[pCCid][harq_pid]=1;
-	  }
-	  else
- 	    sched_ctl->round[pCCid][harq_pid]++;
-	  if (pdu[2] == 1) sched_ctl->round[1-pCCid][harq_pid]=8;
-	  else             sched_ctl->round[1-pCCid][harq_pid]++;
-	} // A=3 primary cell has 2 TBs
-	else if ((num_ack_nak == 3) && (sched_ctl->round[1-pCCid][harq_pid]<8) && (sched_ctl->round[pCCid][harq_pid]<8) && (sched_ctl->tbcnt[1-pCCid][harq_pid]==2) && (sched_ctl->tbcnt[pCCid][harq_pid]==1)) {
-	  AssertFatal(pdu[0]<=3,"pdu[0] %d is not ACK/NAK/DTX\n",pdu[0]);
-	  AssertFatal(pdu[1]<=3,"pdu[1] %d is not ACK/NAK/DTX\n",pdu[1]);
-	  AssertFatal(pdu[2]<=3,"pdu[2] %d is not ACK/NAK/DTX\n",pdu[2]);
-	  AssertFatal(sched_ctl->tbcnt[1-pCCid][harq_pid] == 2,"sched_ctl->tbcnt[%d][%d] != 2 for UE %d/%x\n",1-pCCid,harq_pid,UE_id,rnti);
-	  AssertFatal(sched_ctl->tbcnt[pCCid][harq_pid] == 1,"sched_ctl->tbcnt[%d][%d] != 1 for UE %d/%x\n",pCCid,harq_pid,UE_id,rnti);
-	  if ((pdu[0] == 1) && (pdu[1] == 1)) { // both ACK
-	      sched_ctl->round[1-pCCid][harq_pid]=8;
-	      sched_ctl->tbcnt[1-pCCid][harq_pid]=0;
-	  }
-	  else if (((pdu[0] >= 2) && (pdu[1] == 1))||
-		   ((pdu[0] == 1) && (pdu[1] >= 2))){ // one ACK
-	    sched_ctl->round[1-pCCid][harq_pid]++;
-	    sched_ctl->tbcnt[1-pCCid][harq_pid]=1;
-	  }
-	  else  // both NAK/DTX
- 	    sched_ctl->round[1-pCCid][harq_pid]++;
-	  if (pdu[2] == 1) sched_ctl->round[pCCid][harq_pid]=8;
-	  else             sched_ctl->round[pCCid][harq_pid]++;
-	} // A=3 secondary cell has 2 TBs
+        AssertFatal(numCC==2,"Should not receive harq indication with channel selection with %d active CCs\n",
+                    numCC);
+        if ((num_ack_nak == 2) && (sched_ctl->round[pCCid][harq_pid]<8) && (sched_ctl->round[1-pCCid][harq_pid]<8) && (sched_ctl->tbcnt[pCCid][harq_pid]==1) && (sched_ctl->tbcnt[1-pCCid][harq_pid]==1)) {
+          AssertFatal(pdu[0]<=3,"pdu[0] %d is not ACK/NAK/DTX\n",pdu[0]);
+          AssertFatal(pdu[1]<=3,"pdu[1] %d is not ACK/NAK/DTX\n",pdu[1]);
+          if (pdu[0] == 1) sched_ctl->round[pCCid][harq_pid]=8;
+          else             sched_ctl->round[pCCid][harq_pid]++;
+          if (pdu[1] == 1) sched_ctl->round[1-pCCid][harq_pid]=8;
+          else             sched_ctl->round[1-pCCid][harq_pid]++;
+        } // A=2
+        else if ((num_ack_nak == 3) && (sched_ctl->round[pCCid][harq_pid]<8) && (sched_ctl->tbcnt[pCCid][harq_pid]==2) && (sched_ctl->round[1-pCCid][harq_pid]<8) && (sched_ctl->tbcnt[1-pCCid][harq_pid]==1)) {
+          AssertFatal(pdu[0]<=3,"pdu[0] %d is not ACK/NAK/DTX\n",pdu[0]);
+          AssertFatal(pdu[1]<=3,"pdu[1] %d is not ACK/NAK/DTX\n",pdu[1]);
+          AssertFatal(pdu[2]<=3,"pdu[2] %d is not ACK/NAK/DTX\n",pdu[2]);
+          AssertFatal(sched_ctl->tbcnt[pCCid][harq_pid] == 2,"sched_ctl->tbcnt[%d][%d] != 2 for UE %d/%x\n",pCCid,harq_pid,UE_id,rnti);
+          AssertFatal(sched_ctl->tbcnt[1-pCCid][harq_pid] == 1,"sched_ctl->tbcnt[%d][%d] != 1 for UE %d/%x\n",1-pCCid,harq_pid,UE_id,rnti);
+          if ((pdu[0] == 1) && (pdu[1] == 1)) { // both ACK
+              sched_ctl->round[pCCid][harq_pid]=8;
+              sched_ctl->tbcnt[pCCid][harq_pid]=0;
+          }
+          else if (((pdu[0] == 2) && (pdu[1] == 1))||
+                   ((pdu[0] == 1) && (pdu[1] == 2))){
+            sched_ctl->round[pCCid][harq_pid]++;
+            sched_ctl->tbcnt[pCCid][harq_pid]=1;
+          }
+          else
+             sched_ctl->round[pCCid][harq_pid]++;
+          if (pdu[2] == 1) sched_ctl->round[1-pCCid][harq_pid]=8;
+          else             sched_ctl->round[1-pCCid][harq_pid]++;
+        } // A=3 primary cell has 2 TBs
+        else if ((num_ack_nak == 3) && (sched_ctl->round[1-pCCid][harq_pid]<8) && (sched_ctl->round[pCCid][harq_pid]<8) && (sched_ctl->tbcnt[1-pCCid][harq_pid]==2) && (sched_ctl->tbcnt[pCCid][harq_pid]==1)) {
+          AssertFatal(pdu[0]<=3,"pdu[0] %d is not ACK/NAK/DTX\n",pdu[0]);
+          AssertFatal(pdu[1]<=3,"pdu[1] %d is not ACK/NAK/DTX\n",pdu[1]);
+          AssertFatal(pdu[2]<=3,"pdu[2] %d is not ACK/NAK/DTX\n",pdu[2]);
+          AssertFatal(sched_ctl->tbcnt[1-pCCid][harq_pid] == 2,"sched_ctl->tbcnt[%d][%d] != 2 for UE %d/%x\n",1-pCCid,harq_pid,UE_id,rnti);
+          AssertFatal(sched_ctl->tbcnt[pCCid][harq_pid] == 1,"sched_ctl->tbcnt[%d][%d] != 1 for UE %d/%x\n",pCCid,harq_pid,UE_id,rnti);
+          if ((pdu[0] == 1) && (pdu[1] == 1)) { // both ACK
+              sched_ctl->round[1-pCCid][harq_pid]=8;
+              sched_ctl->tbcnt[1-pCCid][harq_pid]=0;
+          }
+          else if (((pdu[0] >= 2) && (pdu[1] == 1))||
+                   ((pdu[0] == 1) && (pdu[1] >= 2))){ // one ACK
+            sched_ctl->round[1-pCCid][harq_pid]++;
+            sched_ctl->tbcnt[1-pCCid][harq_pid]=1;
+          }
+          else  // both NAK/DTX
+             sched_ctl->round[1-pCCid][harq_pid]++;
+          if (pdu[2] == 1) sched_ctl->round[pCCid][harq_pid]=8;
+          else             sched_ctl->round[pCCid][harq_pid]++;
+        } // A=3 secondary cell has 2 TBs
 #if MAX_NUM_CCs>1
-	else if ((num_ack_nak == 4) && (sched_ctl->round[0][harq_pid]<8) && (sched_ctl->round[1][harq_pid]<8) && (sched_ctl->tbcnt[1-pCCid][harq_pid]==2) && (sched_ctl->tbcnt[pCCid][harq_pid]==2)) {
-	  AssertFatal(pdu[0]<=3,"pdu[0] %d is not ACK/NAK/DTX\n",pdu[0]);
-	  AssertFatal(pdu[1]<=3,"pdu[1] %d is not ACK/NAK/DTX\n",pdu[1]);
-	  AssertFatal(pdu[2]<=3,"pdu[2] %d is not ACK/NAK/DTX\n",pdu[2]);
-	  AssertFatal(pdu[3]<=3,"pdu[3] %d is not ACK/NAK/DTX\n",pdu[3]);
-	  AssertFatal(sched_ctl->tbcnt[0][harq_pid] == 2,"sched_ctl->tbcnt[0][%d] != 2 for UE %d/%x\n",harq_pid,UE_id,rnti);
-	  AssertFatal(sched_ctl->tbcnt[1][harq_pid] == 2,"sched_ctl->tbcnt[1][%d] != 2 for UE %d/%x\n",harq_pid,UE_id,rnti);
-	  if ((pdu[0] == 1) && (pdu[1] == 1)) { // both ACK
-	      sched_ctl->round[0][harq_pid]=8;
-	      sched_ctl->tbcnt[0][harq_pid]=0;
-	  }
-	  else if (((pdu[0] >= 2) && (pdu[1] == 1))||
-		   ((pdu[0] == 1) && (pdu[1] >= 2))){ // one ACK
-	    sched_ctl->round[0][harq_pid]++;
-	    sched_ctl->tbcnt[0][harq_pid]=1;
-	  }
-	  else  // both NAK/DTX
- 	    sched_ctl->round[0][harq_pid]++;
-	  if ((pdu[2] == 1) && (pdu[3] == 1)) { // both ACK
-	      sched_ctl->round[1][harq_pid]=8;
-	      sched_ctl->tbcnt[1][harq_pid]=0;
-	  }
-	  else if (((pdu[2] >= 2) && (pdu[3] == 1))||
-		   ((pdu[2] == 1) && (pdu[3] >= 2))){ // one ACK
-	    sched_ctl->round[1][harq_pid]++;
-	    sched_ctl->tbcnt[1][harq_pid]=1;
-	  }
-	  else  // both NAK/DTX
- 	    sched_ctl->round[1][harq_pid]++;
-	} // A=4 both serving cells have 2 TBs 
+        else if ((num_ack_nak == 4) && (sched_ctl->round[0][harq_pid]<8) && (sched_ctl->round[1][harq_pid]<8) && (sched_ctl->tbcnt[1-pCCid][harq_pid]==2) && (sched_ctl->tbcnt[pCCid][harq_pid]==2)) {
+          AssertFatal(pdu[0]<=3,"pdu[0] %d is not ACK/NAK/DTX\n",pdu[0]);
+          AssertFatal(pdu[1]<=3,"pdu[1] %d is not ACK/NAK/DTX\n",pdu[1]);
+          AssertFatal(pdu[2]<=3,"pdu[2] %d is not ACK/NAK/DTX\n",pdu[2]);
+          AssertFatal(pdu[3]<=3,"pdu[3] %d is not ACK/NAK/DTX\n",pdu[3]);
+          AssertFatal(sched_ctl->tbcnt[0][harq_pid] == 2,"sched_ctl->tbcnt[0][%d] != 2 for UE %d/%x\n",harq_pid,UE_id,rnti);
+          AssertFatal(sched_ctl->tbcnt[1][harq_pid] == 2,"sched_ctl->tbcnt[1][%d] != 2 for UE %d/%x\n",harq_pid,UE_id,rnti);
+          if ((pdu[0] == 1) && (pdu[1] == 1)) { // both ACK
+              sched_ctl->round[0][harq_pid]=8;
+              sched_ctl->tbcnt[0][harq_pid]=0;
+          }
+          else if (((pdu[0] >= 2) && (pdu[1] == 1))||
+                   ((pdu[0] == 1) && (pdu[1] >= 2))){ // one ACK
+            sched_ctl->round[0][harq_pid]++;
+            sched_ctl->tbcnt[0][harq_pid]=1;
+          }
+          else  // both NAK/DTX
+             sched_ctl->round[0][harq_pid]++;
+          if ((pdu[2] == 1) && (pdu[3] == 1)) { // both ACK
+              sched_ctl->round[1][harq_pid]=8;
+              sched_ctl->tbcnt[1][harq_pid]=0;
+          }
+          else if (((pdu[2] >= 2) && (pdu[3] == 1))||
+                   ((pdu[2] == 1) && (pdu[3] >= 2))){ // one ACK
+            sched_ctl->round[1][harq_pid]++;
+            sched_ctl->tbcnt[1][harq_pid]=1;
+          }
+          else  // both NAK/DTX
+             sched_ctl->round[1][harq_pid]++;
+        } // A=4 both serving cells have 2 TBs
-	break;
+        break;
       case 2: // Format 3
-	AssertFatal(numCC>2,"Should not receive harq indication with FDD format 3 with %d < 3 active CCs\n",
-		    numCC);
-	for (i=0,j=0;i<numCC;i++) {
-	  if ((sched_ctl->round[i][harq_pid]<8)) {
-	    if (tmode[i]==1 || tmode[i]==2 || tmode[0]==5 || tmode[0]==6 || tmode[0]==7) {
-	      if (pdu[j] == 1) { 
-		sched_ctl->round[i][harq_pid]=8;
-		sched_ctl->tbcnt[i][harq_pid]=0;
-	      }
-	      else if (pdu[j] == 2) sched_ctl->round[i][harq_pid]++;
-	      else AssertFatal(1==0,"Illegal harq_ack value for CC %d harq_pid %d (%d) UE %d/%x\n",
-			       i,harq_pid,pdu[j],UE_id,rnti);
-	      j++;
-	    }
-	    else if (spatial_bundling == 0) {
-	      if      ((sched_ctl->tbcnt[i][harq_pid]==2) && (pdu[j] == 1) && (pdu[j+1]==1)) {
-		sched_ctl->round[i][harq_pid]=8;
-		sched_ctl->tbcnt[i][harq_pid]=0;
-	      }
-	      else if ((sched_ctl->tbcnt[i][harq_pid]==2) && (pdu[j] == 1) && (pdu[j+1]==2)) {
-		sched_ctl->round[i][harq_pid]++;
-		sched_ctl->tbcnt[i][harq_pid]=1;
-	      }
-	      else if ((sched_ctl->tbcnt[i][harq_pid]==2) && (pdu[j] == 2) && (pdu[j+1]==1)) {
-		sched_ctl->round[i][harq_pid]++;
-		sched_ctl->tbcnt[i][harq_pid]=1;
-	      }
-	      else if ((sched_ctl->tbcnt[i][harq_pid]==2) && (pdu[j] == 2) && (pdu[j+1]==2)) {
-		sched_ctl->round[i][harq_pid]++;
-	      }
-	      else AssertFatal(1==0,"Illegal combination for CC %d harq_pid %d (%d,%d,%d) UE %d/%x\n",
-			       i,harq_pid,sched_ctl->tbcnt[i][harq_pid],pdu[j],pdu[j+1],UE_id,rnti);
-	      j+=2;
-	    }
-	    else if (spatial_bundling == 1) {
-	      if      (pdu[j] == 1) {
-		sched_ctl->round[i][harq_pid]=8;
-		sched_ctl->tbcnt[i][harq_pid]=0;
-	      }
-	      else if (pdu[j] == 2) {
-		sched_ctl->round[i][harq_pid]++;
-	      }
-	      else AssertFatal(1==0,"Illegal hack_nak value %d for CC %d harq_pid %d UE %d/%x\n",
-			       pdu[j],i,harq_pid,UE_id,rnti);
-	      j++;
-	    }
-	    else AssertFatal(1==0,"Illegal value for spatial_bundling %d\n",spatial_bundling);
-	  }
-	}
-	break;
+        AssertFatal(numCC>2,"Should not receive harq indication with FDD format 3 with %d < 3 active CCs\n",
+                    numCC);
+        for (i=0,j=0;i<numCC;i++) {
+          if ((sched_ctl->round[i][harq_pid]<8)) {
+            if (tmode[i]==1 || tmode[i]==2 || tmode[0]==5 || tmode[0]==6 || tmode[0]==7) {
+              if (pdu[j] == 1) {
+                sched_ctl->round[i][harq_pid]=8;
+                sched_ctl->tbcnt[i][harq_pid]=0;
+              }
+              else if (pdu[j] == 2) sched_ctl->round[i][harq_pid]++;
+              else AssertFatal(1==0,"Illegal harq_ack value for CC %d harq_pid %d (%d) UE %d/%x\n",
+                               i,harq_pid,pdu[j],UE_id,rnti);
+              j++;
+            }
+            else if (spatial_bundling == 0) {
+              if      ((sched_ctl->tbcnt[i][harq_pid]==2) && (pdu[j] == 1) && (pdu[j+1]==1)) {
+                sched_ctl->round[i][harq_pid]=8;
+                sched_ctl->tbcnt[i][harq_pid]=0;
+              }
+              else if ((sched_ctl->tbcnt[i][harq_pid]==2) && (pdu[j] == 1) && (pdu[j+1]==2)) {
+                sched_ctl->round[i][harq_pid]++;
+                sched_ctl->tbcnt[i][harq_pid]=1;
+              }
+              else if ((sched_ctl->tbcnt[i][harq_pid]==2) && (pdu[j] == 2) && (pdu[j+1]==1)) {
+                sched_ctl->round[i][harq_pid]++;
+                sched_ctl->tbcnt[i][harq_pid]=1;
+              }
+              else if ((sched_ctl->tbcnt[i][harq_pid]==2) && (pdu[j] == 2) && (pdu[j+1]==2)) {
+                sched_ctl->round[i][harq_pid]++;
+              }
+              else AssertFatal(1==0,"Illegal combination for CC %d harq_pid %d (%d,%d,%d) UE %d/%x\n",
+                               i,harq_pid,sched_ctl->tbcnt[i][harq_pid],pdu[j],pdu[j+1],UE_id,rnti);
+              j+=2;
+            }
+            else if (spatial_bundling == 1) {
+              if      (pdu[j] == 1) {
+                sched_ctl->round[i][harq_pid]=8;
+                sched_ctl->tbcnt[i][harq_pid]=0;
+              }
+              else if (pdu[j] == 2) {
+                sched_ctl->round[i][harq_pid]++;
+              }
+              else AssertFatal(1==0,"Illegal hack_nak value %d for CC %d harq_pid %d UE %d/%x\n",
+                               pdu[j],i,harq_pid,UE_id,rnti);
+              j++;
+            }
+            else AssertFatal(1==0,"Illegal value for spatial_bundling %d\n",spatial_bundling);
+          }
+        }
+        break;
       case 3: // Format 4
-	AssertFatal(1==0,"Should not receive harq indication with Format 4\n");
-	break;
+        AssertFatal(1==0,"Should not receive harq indication with Format 4\n");
+        break;
       case 4: // Format 5
-	AssertFatal(1==0,"Should not receive harq indication with Format 5\n");
-	break;
+        AssertFatal(1==0,"Should not receive harq indication with Format 5\n");
+        break;
-void extract_pucch_csi(module_id_t mod_idP,int CC_idP,int UE_id, frame_t frameP,sub_frame_t subframeP,uint8_t *pdu, uint8_t length) {
+void extract_pucch_csi(module_id_t mod_idP,int CC_idP,int UE_id, frame_t frameP,sub_frame_t subframeP,uint8_t *pdu, uint8_t length)
   UE_list_t *UE_list = &RC.mac[mod_idP]->UE_list;
   UE_sched_ctrl *sched_ctl = &UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id];
   COMMON_channels_t *cc=&RC.mac[mod_idP]->common_channels[CC_idP];
@@ -3338,18 +3288,18 @@ void extract_pucch_csi(module_id_t mod_idP,int CC_idP,int UE_id, frame_t frameP,
   AssertFatal(UE_list->UE_template[CC_idP][UE_id].physicalConfigDedicated != NULL, "physicalConfigDedicated is null for UE %d\n",UE_id);
   AssertFatal(UE_list->UE_template[CC_idP][UE_id].physicalConfigDedicated->cqi_ReportConfig != NULL,"cqi_ReportConfig is null for UE %d\n",UE_id);
   AssertFatal((cqi_ReportPeriodic = UE_list->UE_template[CC_idP][UE_id].physicalConfigDedicated->cqi_ReportConfig->cqi_ReportPeriodic)!=NULL,
-	      "cqi_ReportPeriodic is null for UE %d\n",UE_id);
+              "cqi_ReportPeriodic is null for UE %d\n",UE_id);
   // determine feedback mode
   AssertFatal(cqi_ReportPeriodic->present != CQI_ReportPeriodic_PR_NOTHING,
-	      "cqi_ReportPeriodic->present == CQI_ReportPeriodic_PR_NOTHING!\n");
+              "cqi_ReportPeriodic->present == CQI_ReportPeriodic_PR_NOTHING!\n");
   AssertFatal(cqi_ReportPeriodic->choice.setup.cqi_FormatIndicatorPeriodic.present != CQI_ReportPeriodic__setup__cqi_FormatIndicatorPeriodic_PR_NOTHING,
-	      "cqi_ReportPeriodic->cqi_FormatIndicatorPeriodic.choice.setup.present == CQI_ReportPeriodic__setup__cqi_FormatIndicatorPeriodic_PR_NOTHING!\n");
+              "cqi_ReportPeriodic->cqi_FormatIndicatorPeriodic.choice.setup.present == CQI_ReportPeriodic__setup__cqi_FormatIndicatorPeriodic_PR_NOTHING!\n");
   uint16_t Npd,N_OFFSET_CQI;
   int H,K,bandwidth_part,L,Lmask;
   int ri    = sched_ctl->periodic_ri_received[CC_idP];
   K            =(H-1)/Jtab[cc->mib->message.dl_Bandwidth];
   L            = Ltab[cc->mib->message.dl_Bandwidth];
@@ -3375,8 +3325,8 @@ void extract_pucch_csi(module_id_t mod_idP,int CC_idP,int UE_id, frame_t frameP,
     // note: need to check TM8-10 without PMI/RI or with 1 antenna port (see Section from 36.213)
-  if ((cqi_ReportPeriodic->choice.setup.cqi_FormatIndicatorPeriodic.present == CQI_ReportPeriodic__setup__cqi_FormatIndicatorPeriodic_PR_widebandCQI) || 
+  if ((cqi_ReportPeriodic->choice.setup.cqi_FormatIndicatorPeriodic.present == CQI_ReportPeriodic__setup__cqi_FormatIndicatorPeriodic_PR_widebandCQI) ||
       // Note: This implements only Tables:, and from 36.213 (1,2,4 antenna ports Wideband CQI/PMI)
@@ -3416,17 +3366,17 @@ void extract_pucch_csi(module_id_t mod_idP,int CC_idP,int UE_id, frame_t frameP,
       sched_ctl->periodic_subband_cqi[CC_idP][(bandwidth_part*L)+((pdu[0]>>4)&Lmask)]              = pdu[0]&0xF;
     else if (ri>1) {
-      //7+Ltab[cc->mib->message.dl_Bandwidth] bits;    
+      //7+Ltab[cc->mib->message.dl_Bandwidth] bits;
       sched_ctl->periodic_subband_spatial_diffcqi[CC_idP][(bandwidth_part*L)+((pdu[0]>>7)&Lmask)]  = (pdu[0]>>4)&7;
       sched_ctl->periodic_subband_cqi[CC_idP][(bandwidth_part*L)+((pdu[0]>>7)&Lmask)]              = pdu[0]&0xF;
-void extract_pusch_csi(module_id_t mod_idP,int CC_idP,int UE_id, frame_t frameP,sub_frame_t subframeP,uint8_t *pdu, uint8_t length) {
+void extract_pusch_csi(module_id_t mod_idP,int CC_idP,int UE_id, frame_t frameP,sub_frame_t subframeP,uint8_t *pdu, uint8_t length)
   UE_list_t *UE_list    = &RC.mac[mod_idP]->UE_list;
-  COMMON_channels_t *cc = &RC.mac[mod_idP]->common_channels[CC_idP]; 
+  COMMON_channels_t *cc = &RC.mac[mod_idP]->common_channels[CC_idP];
   UE_sched_ctrl *sched_ctl = &UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id];
   int Ntab[6]       = {0,4,7,9,10,13};
   int Ntab_uesel[6] = {0,8,13,17,19,25};
@@ -3441,7 +3391,7 @@ void extract_pusch_csi(module_id_t mod_idP,int CC_idP,int UE_id, frame_t frameP,
   AssertFatal(UE_list->UE_template[CC_idP][UE_id].physicalConfigDedicated != NULL, "physicalConfigDedicated is null for UE %d\n",UE_id);
   AssertFatal(UE_list->UE_template[CC_idP][UE_id].physicalConfigDedicated->cqi_ReportConfig != NULL,"cqi_ReportConfig is null for UE %d\n",UE_id);
   AssertFatal((cqi_ReportModeAperiodic = UE_list->UE_template[CC_idP][UE_id].physicalConfigDedicated->cqi_ReportConfig->cqi_ReportModeAperiodic)!=NULL,
-	      "cqi_ReportModeAperiodic is null for UE %d\n",UE_id);
+              "cqi_ReportModeAperiodic is null for UE %d\n",UE_id);
   int N     = Ntab[cc->mib->message.dl_Bandwidth];
   int tmode = get_tmode(mod_idP,CC_idP,UE_id);
@@ -3451,41 +3401,40 @@ void extract_pusch_csi(module_id_t mod_idP,int CC_idP,int UE_id, frame_t frameP,
   int m;
   switch(*cqi_ReportModeAperiodic) {
   case CQI_ReportModeAperiodic_rm12:
     AssertFatal(0==1, "to be fixed, don't use p but pdu directly\n");
     // wideband multiple PMI (TM4/6), Table (for TM4/6)
     AssertFatal(tmode==4 || tmode==6 || tmode==8|| tmode==9 || tmode==10,"Illegal transmission mode %d for CQI_ReportModeAperiodic_rm12\n",tmode);
     if (tmode <= 6) { //Table 36.213
-      if ((ri==1) && (cc->p_eNB==2)) { 
-	sched_ctl->aperiodic_wideband_cqi0[CC_idP] = (uint8_t)(p&0x0F); p>>=4;
-	for (i=0;i<N;i++) {
-	  sched_ctl->aperiodic_subband_pmi[CC_idP][i] = (uint8_t)(p&0x03);
-	  p>>=2;
-	}
+      if ((ri==1) && (cc->p_eNB==2)) {
+        sched_ctl->aperiodic_wideband_cqi0[CC_idP] = (uint8_t)(p&0x0F); p>>=4;
+        for (i=0;i<N;i++) {
+          sched_ctl->aperiodic_subband_pmi[CC_idP][i] = (uint8_t)(p&0x03);
+          p>>=2;
+        }
-      if ((ri==2) && (cc->p_eNB==2)) { 
-	sched_ctl->aperiodic_wideband_cqi0[CC_idP] = (uint8_t)(p&0x0F); p>>=4;
-	sched_ctl->aperiodic_wideband_cqi1[CC_idP] = (uint8_t)(p&0x0F); p>>=4;
-	for (i=0;i<N;i++) {
-	  sched_ctl->aperiodic_subband_pmi[CC_idP][i] = (uint8_t)(p&0x01);
-	  p>>=1;
-	}
+      if ((ri==2) && (cc->p_eNB==2)) {
+        sched_ctl->aperiodic_wideband_cqi0[CC_idP] = (uint8_t)(p&0x0F); p>>=4;
+        sched_ctl->aperiodic_wideband_cqi1[CC_idP] = (uint8_t)(p&0x0F); p>>=4;
+        for (i=0;i<N;i++) {
+          sched_ctl->aperiodic_subband_pmi[CC_idP][i] = (uint8_t)(p&0x01);
+          p>>=1;
+        }
-      if ((ri==1) && (cc->p_eNB==4)) { 
-	sched_ctl->aperiodic_wideband_cqi0[CC_idP] = (uint8_t)(p&0x0F); p>>=4;
-	for (i=0;i<N;i++) {
-	  sched_ctl->aperiodic_subband_pmi[CC_idP][i] = (uint8_t)(p&0x03);
-	  p>>=4;
-	}
+      if ((ri==1) && (cc->p_eNB==4)) {
+        sched_ctl->aperiodic_wideband_cqi0[CC_idP] = (uint8_t)(p&0x0F); p>>=4;
+        for (i=0;i<N;i++) {
+          sched_ctl->aperiodic_subband_pmi[CC_idP][i] = (uint8_t)(p&0x03);
+          p>>=4;
+        }
-      if ((ri==2) && (cc->p_eNB==4)) { 
-	sched_ctl->aperiodic_wideband_cqi0[CC_idP] = (uint8_t)(p&0x0F); p>>=4;
-	sched_ctl->aperiodic_wideband_cqi1[CC_idP] = (uint8_t)(p&0x0F); p>>=4;
-	for (i=0;i<N;i++) {
-	  sched_ctl->aperiodic_subband_pmi[CC_idP][i] = (uint8_t)(p&0x01);
-	  p>>=4;
-	}
+      if ((ri==2) && (cc->p_eNB==4)) {
+        sched_ctl->aperiodic_wideband_cqi0[CC_idP] = (uint8_t)(p&0x0F); p>>=4;
+        sched_ctl->aperiodic_wideband_cqi1[CC_idP] = (uint8_t)(p&0x0F); p>>=4;
+        for (i=0;i<N;i++) {
+          sched_ctl->aperiodic_subband_pmi[CC_idP][i] = (uint8_t)(p&0x01);
+          p>>=4;
+        }
     } // if (tmode <= 6) { //Table 36.213
     else {
@@ -3495,7 +3444,7 @@ void extract_pusch_csi(module_id_t mod_idP,int CC_idP,int UE_id, frame_t frameP,
   case CQI_ReportModeAperiodic_rm20:
     AssertFatal(0==1, "to be fixed, don't use p but pdu directly\n");
-    // UE-selected subband CQI no PMI (TM1/2/3/7) , Table from 36.213 
+    // UE-selected subband CQI no PMI (TM1/2/3/7) , Table from 36.213
     AssertFatal(tmode==1 || tmode==2 || tmode==3 || tmode==7,"Illegal transmission mode %d for CQI_ReportModeAperiodic_rm20\n",tmode);
     sched_ctl->aperiodic_wideband_cqi0[CC_idP] = (uint8_t)(p&0x0F); p>>=4;
@@ -3512,7 +3461,7 @@ void extract_pusch_csi(module_id_t mod_idP,int CC_idP,int UE_id, frame_t frameP,
     sched_ctl->aperiodic_wideband_cqi0[CC_idP] = (uint8_t)(p&0x0F); p>>=4;
     diffcqi0 = (uint8_t)(p&0x03); p>>=2;
     if (ri>1) {
       sched_ctl->aperiodic_wideband_cqi1[CC_idP] = (uint8_t)(p&0x0F); p>>=4;
       diffcqi1 = (uint8_t)(p&0x03); p>>=2;
@@ -3531,7 +3480,7 @@ void extract_pusch_csi(module_id_t mod_idP,int CC_idP,int UE_id, frame_t frameP,
       pmi_uesel                                  = p&0x0F; p>>=4;
       sched_ctl->aperiodic_wideband_pmi[CC_idP]  = p&0x0F;
-    for (m=0;m<Mtab_uesel[bw];m++) { 
+    for (m=0;m<Mtab_uesel[bw];m++) {
       sched_ctl->aperiodic_subband_diffcqi0[CC_idP][v[m]] = diffcqi0;
       if (ri>1) sched_ctl->aperiodic_subband_diffcqi1[CC_idP][v[m]] = diffcqi1;
       sched_ctl->aperiodic_subband_pmi[CC_idP][v[m]]      = pmi_uesel;
@@ -3558,49 +3507,49 @@ void extract_pusch_csi(module_id_t mod_idP,int CC_idP,int UE_id, frame_t frameP,
     //subband CQI single PMI (TM4/5/6)
     AssertFatal(tmode==4 || tmode==5 || tmode==6 || tmode==8|| tmode==9|| tmode==10,"Illegal transmission mode %d for CQI_ReportModeAperiodic_rm31\n",tmode);
-    if ((ri==1) && (cc->p_eNB==2)) { 
+    if ((ri==1) && (cc->p_eNB==2)) {
       sched_ctl->aperiodic_wideband_cqi0[CC_idP] = (uint8_t)(p&0x0F); p>>=4;
       for (i=0;i<N;i++) {
-	sched_ctl->aperiodic_subband_diffcqi0[CC_idP][i] = (uint8_t)(p&0x03);
-	p>>=2;
+        sched_ctl->aperiodic_subband_diffcqi0[CC_idP][i] = (uint8_t)(p&0x03);
+        p>>=2;
       sched_ctl->aperiodic_wideband_pmi[CC_idP] = p&0x03;
-    if ((ri==2) && (cc->p_eNB==2)) { 
+    if ((ri==2) && (cc->p_eNB==2)) {
       sched_ctl->aperiodic_wideband_cqi0[CC_idP] = (uint8_t)(p&0x0F); p>>=4;
       for (i=0;i<N;i++) {
-	sched_ctl->aperiodic_subband_pmi[CC_idP][i] = (uint8_t)(p&0x01);
-	p>>=1;
+        sched_ctl->aperiodic_subband_pmi[CC_idP][i] = (uint8_t)(p&0x01);
+        p>>=1;
       sched_ctl->aperiodic_wideband_cqi1[CC_idP] = (uint8_t)(p&0x0F); p>>=4;
       for (i=0;i<N;i++) {
-	sched_ctl->aperiodic_subband_pmi[CC_idP][i] = (uint8_t)(p&0x01);
-	p>>=1;
+        sched_ctl->aperiodic_subband_pmi[CC_idP][i] = (uint8_t)(p&0x01);
+        p>>=1;
       sched_ctl->aperiodic_wideband_pmi[CC_idP] = p&0x01;
-    if ((ri==1) && (cc->p_eNB==4)) { 
+    if ((ri==1) && (cc->p_eNB==4)) {
       sched_ctl->aperiodic_wideband_cqi0[CC_idP] = (uint8_t)(p&0x0F); p>>=4;
       for (i=0;i<N;i++) {
-	sched_ctl->aperiodic_subband_diffcqi0[CC_idP][i] = (uint8_t)(p&0x03);
-	p>>=2;
+        sched_ctl->aperiodic_subband_diffcqi0[CC_idP][i] = (uint8_t)(p&0x03);
+        p>>=2;
       sched_ctl->aperiodic_wideband_pmi[CC_idP] = p&0x0F;
     if ((ri>1) && (cc->p_eNB==4)) { // Note : 64 bits for 20 MHz
       sched_ctl->aperiodic_wideband_cqi0[CC_idP] = (uint8_t)(p&0x0F); p>>=4;
       for (i=0;i<N;i++) {
-	sched_ctl->aperiodic_subband_pmi[CC_idP][i] = (uint8_t)(p&0x01);
-	p>>=1;
+        sched_ctl->aperiodic_subband_pmi[CC_idP][i] = (uint8_t)(p&0x01);
+        p>>=1;
       sched_ctl->aperiodic_wideband_cqi1[CC_idP] = (uint8_t)(p&0x0F); p>>=4;
       for (i=0;i<N;i++) {
-	sched_ctl->aperiodic_subband_pmi[CC_idP][i] = (uint8_t)(p&0x01);
-	p>>=2;
+        sched_ctl->aperiodic_subband_pmi[CC_idP][i] = (uint8_t)(p&0x01);
+        p>>=2;
       sched_ctl->aperiodic_wideband_pmi[CC_idP] = p&0x0F;
   case CQI_ReportModeAperiodic_rm32_v1250:
     AssertFatal(tmode==4 || tmode==5 || tmode==6 || tmode==8|| tmode==9|| tmode==10,"Illegal transmission mode %d for CQI_ReportModeAperiodic_rm32\n",tmode);
@@ -3615,14 +3564,12 @@ void extract_pusch_csi(module_id_t mod_idP,int CC_idP,int UE_id, frame_t frameP,
     AssertFatal(1==0,"CQI_ReportModeAperiodic_rm11 to be done\n");
-void cqi_indication(module_id_t mod_idP, int CC_idP, frame_t frameP, sub_frame_t subframeP, rnti_t rntiP, 
-		    nfapi_cqi_indication_rel9_t *rel9,uint8_t *pdu,
-		    nfapi_ul_cqi_information_t *ul_cqi_information) {
+void cqi_indication(module_id_t mod_idP, int CC_idP, frame_t frameP, sub_frame_t subframeP, rnti_t rntiP,
+                    nfapi_cqi_indication_rel9_t *rel9,uint8_t *pdu,
+                    nfapi_ul_cqi_information_t *ul_cqi_information)
   int UE_id = find_UE_id(mod_idP, rntiP);
   UE_list_t *UE_list = &RC.mac[mod_idP]->UE_list;
   UE_sched_ctrl *sched_ctl = &UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id];
@@ -3635,37 +3582,37 @@ void cqi_indication(module_id_t mod_idP, int CC_idP, frame_t frameP, sub_frame_t
-	     (void*)rel9->ri,
-	     rel9->number_of_cc_reported);
+             (void*)rel9->ri,
+             rel9->number_of_cc_reported);
       // SNR for PUCCH2
       sched_ctl->pucch2_snr[CC_idP] = ul_cqi_information->ul_cqi;
     else { //PUSCH
-	     (void*)rel9->ri,
-	     rel9->number_of_cc_reported);
+             (void*)rel9->ri,
+             rel9->number_of_cc_reported);
     // timing advance
     sched_ctl->timing_advance    = rel9->timing_advance;
-    sched_ctl->timing_advance_r9 = rel9->timing_advance_r9; 
+    sched_ctl->timing_advance_r9 = rel9->timing_advance_r9;
 void SR_indication(module_id_t mod_idP, int cc_idP, frame_t frameP, sub_frame_t subframeP, rnti_t rntiP, uint8_t ul_cqi)
   T(T_ENB_MAC_SCHEDULING_REQUEST, T_INT(mod_idP), T_INT(cc_idP), T_INT(frameP), T_INT(subframeP), T_INT(rntiP));
   int UE_id = find_UE_id(mod_idP, rntiP);
   UE_list_t *UE_list = &RC.mac[mod_idP]->UE_list;
   if (UE_id  != -1) {
     if (mac_eNB_get_rrc_status(mod_idP,UE_RNTI(mod_idP,UE_id)) < RRC_CONNECTED)
-      LOG_I(MAC,"[eNB %d][SR %x] Frame %d subframeP %d Signaling SR for UE %d on CC_id %d\n",mod_idP,rntiP,frameP,subframeP, UE_id,cc_idP);
+      LOG_D(MAC,"[eNB %d][SR %x] Frame %d subframeP %d Signaling SR for UE %d on CC_id %d\n",mod_idP,rntiP,frameP,subframeP, UE_id,cc_idP);
     UE_sched_ctrl *sched_ctl = &UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id];
@@ -3685,14 +3632,13 @@ void SR_indication(module_id_t mod_idP, int cc_idP, frame_t frameP, sub_frame_t
 void UL_failure_indication(module_id_t mod_idP, int cc_idP, frame_t frameP, rnti_t rntiP, sub_frame_t subframeP)
   int UE_id = find_UE_id(mod_idP, rntiP);
   UE_list_t *UE_list = &RC.mac[mod_idP]->UE_list;
   if (UE_id  != -1) {
     LOG_D(MAC,"[eNB %d][UE %d/%x] Frame %d subframeP %d Signaling UL Failure for UE %d on CC_id %d (timer %d)\n",
-	  mod_idP,UE_id,rntiP,frameP,subframeP, UE_id,cc_idP,
-	  UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id].ul_failure_timer);
+          mod_idP,UE_id,rntiP,frameP,subframeP, UE_id,cc_idP,
+          UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id].ul_failure_timer);
     if (UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id].ul_failure_timer == 0)
   } else {
@@ -3702,9 +3648,8 @@ void UL_failure_indication(module_id_t mod_idP, int cc_idP, frame_t frameP, rnti
-void harq_indication(module_id_t mod_idP, int CC_idP, frame_t frameP, sub_frame_t subframeP, nfapi_harq_indication_pdu_t *harq_pdu) {
+void harq_indication(module_id_t mod_idP, int CC_idP, frame_t frameP, sub_frame_t subframeP, nfapi_harq_indication_pdu_t *harq_pdu)
   rnti_t rnti              = harq_pdu->rx_ue_information.rnti;
   uint8_t ul_cqi           = harq_pdu->ul_cqi_information.ul_cqi;
   uint8_t channel          = harq_pdu->ul_cqi_information.channel;
diff --git a/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/eNB_scheduler_ulsch.c b/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/eNB_scheduler_ulsch.c
index 7418721e8a5200282f60f4d22c6547161647b232..bbdee381030c36be5dfdb2f50746cc6efa8adcf5 100644
--- a/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/eNB_scheduler_ulsch.c
+++ b/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/eNB_scheduler_ulsch.c
@@ -108,45 +108,50 @@ void rx_sdu(const module_id_t enb_mod_idP,
   if (UE_id!=-1) {
-    LOG_I(MAC,"[eNB %d][PUSCH %d] CC_id %d Received ULSCH sdu round %d from PHY (rnti %x, UE_id %d) ul_cqi %d\n",enb_mod_idP,harq_pid,CC_idP,
-	  UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id].round_UL[CC_idP][harq_pid],
+    LOG_D(MAC,"[eNB %d][PUSCH %d] CC_id %d Received ULSCH sdu round %d from PHY (rnti %x, UE_id %d) ul_cqi %d\n",enb_mod_idP,harq_pid,CC_idP, UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id].round_UL[CC_idP][harq_pid],
     AssertFatal(UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id].round_UL[CC_idP][harq_pid] < 8,
 		"round >= 8\n");
-    UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id].ul_inactivity_timer = 0;
-    UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id].ul_failure_timer    = 0;
-    UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id].ul_scheduled       &= (~(1<<harq_pid));
-    UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id].ta_update           = timing_advance;
-    UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id].ul_cqi              = ul_cqi;
-    first_rb =  UE_list->UE_template[CC_idP][UE_id].first_rb_ul[harq_pid];
-    if (UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id].ul_out_of_sync > 0) {
-      UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id].ul_out_of_sync=0;
-      mac_eNB_rrc_ul_in_sync(enb_mod_idP,CC_idP,frameP,subframeP,UE_RNTI(enb_mod_idP,UE_id));
+    if (sduP!=NULL) { 
+       UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id].ul_inactivity_timer   = 0;
+       UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id].ul_failure_timer      = 0;
+       UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id].ul_scheduled         &= (~(1<<harq_pid));
+       UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id].ta_update             = timing_advance;
+       UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id].ul_cqi                = ul_cqi;
+       UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id].ul_consecutive_errors = 0;
+       first_rb =  UE_list->UE_template[CC_idP][UE_id].first_rb_ul[harq_pid];
+       if (UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id].ul_out_of_sync > 0) {
+         UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id].ul_out_of_sync=0;
+         mac_eNB_rrc_ul_in_sync(enb_mod_idP,CC_idP,frameP,subframeP,UE_RNTI(enb_mod_idP,UE_id));
+       }
-    if (sduP==NULL) { // we've got an error
+    else { // we've got an error
       LOG_D(MAC,"[eNB %d][PUSCH %d] CC_id %d ULSCH in error in round %d, ul_cqi %d\n",enb_mod_idP,harq_pid,CC_idP,
-	    UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id].round_UL[CC_idP][harq_pid],ul_cqi);
+	        UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id].round_UL[CC_idP][harq_pid],ul_cqi);
       //      AssertFatal(1==0,"ulsch in error\n");
       if (UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id].round_UL[CC_idP][harq_pid] == 3) {
-	UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id].ul_scheduled       &= (~(1<<harq_pid));
-	UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id].round_UL[CC_idP][harq_pid]=0;
-	// here we increment error statistics
+	     UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id].ul_scheduled       &= (~(1<<harq_pid));
+	     UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id].round_UL[CC_idP][harq_pid]=0;
+	     if (UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id].ul_consecutive_errors++ == 10)
+            UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id].ul_failure_timer = 1;
       else UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id].round_UL[CC_idP][harq_pid]++;
-  else { // Check if this is an RA process for the rnti
-    AssertFatal((RA_id = find_RA_id(enb_mod_idP,CC_idP,rntiP))!=-1,
-		"Cannot find rnti %x in RA list\n",rntiP);
+  else if ((RA_id = find_RA_id(enb_mod_idP,CC_idP,rntiP))!=-1) { // Check if this is an RA process for the rnti
 		"maxHARQ %d should be greater than 1\n",
+    LOG_D(MAC,"[eNB %d][PUSCH %d] CC_id %d Received ULSCH sdu round %d from PHY (rnti %x, RA_id %d) ul_cqi %d\n",enb_mod_idP,harq_pid,CC_idP,
+     RA_template[RA_id].msg3_round,
+     rntiP,RA_id,ul_cqi);
     first_rb                   = RA_template->msg3_first_rb; 
     if (sduP==NULL) { // we've got an error on Msg3
@@ -157,15 +162,22 @@ void rx_sdu(const module_id_t enb_mod_idP,
-      first_rb =  UE_list->UE_template[CC_idP][UE_id].first_rb_ul[harq_pid];
-      RA_template[RA_id].msg3_round++;
-      // prepare handling of retransmission
-      RA_template[RA_id].Msg3_frame += ((RA_template[RA_id].Msg3_subframe>1) ? 1 : 0);
-      RA_template[RA_id].Msg3_subframe = (RA_template[RA_id].Msg3_subframe+8)%10;
-      add_msg3(enb_mod_idP,CC_idP, &RA_template[RA_id],frameP,subframeP);
+      else {
+        first_rb =  UE_list->UE_template[CC_idP][UE_id].first_rb_ul[harq_pid];
+        RA_template[RA_id].msg3_round++;
+        // prepare handling of retransmission
+        RA_template[RA_id].Msg3_frame += ((RA_template[RA_id].Msg3_subframe>1) ? 1 : 0);
+        RA_template[RA_id].Msg3_subframe = (RA_template[RA_id].Msg3_subframe+8)%10;
+        add_msg3(enb_mod_idP,CC_idP, &RA_template[RA_id],frameP,subframeP);
+      }
+  else  {
+    LOG_W(MAC,"Cannot find UE or RA corresponding to ULSCH rnti %x, dropping it\n",
+          rntiP);
+    return;
+  }
   payload_ptr = parse_ulsch_header(sduP,&num_ce,&num_sdu,rx_ces,rx_lcids,rx_lengths,sdu_lenP);
   T(T_ENB_MAC_UE_UL_PDU, T_INT(enb_mod_idP), T_INT(CC_idP), T_INT(rntiP), T_INT(frameP), T_INT(subframeP),
@@ -547,7 +559,7 @@ void rx_sdu(const module_id_t enb_mod_idP,
   // Program ACK for PHICH
-  LOG_I(MAC,"Programming PHICH ACK for rnti %x harq_pid %d (first_rb %d)\n",rntiP,harq_pid,first_rb);
+  LOG_D(MAC,"Programming PHICH ACK for rnti %x harq_pid %d (first_rb %d)\n",rntiP,harq_pid,first_rb);
   nfapi_hi_dci0_request_body_t   *hi_dci0_req = &eNB->HI_DCI0_req[CC_idP].hi_dci0_request_body;
   nfapi_hi_dci0_request_pdu_t    *hi_dci0_pdu = &hi_dci0_req->hi_dci0_pdu_list[hi_dci0_req->number_of_dci+hi_dci0_req->number_of_hi]; 	
@@ -972,7 +984,7 @@ abort();
       if (UE_is_to_be_scheduled(module_idP,CC_id,UE_id) > 0 || round > 0)// || ((frameP%10)==0))
 	// if there is information on bsr of DCCH, DTCH or if there is UL_SR, or if there is a packet to retransmit, or we want to schedule a periodic feedback every 10 frames
-	  LOG_I(MAC,"[eNB %d][PUSCH %d] Frame %d subframe %d Scheduling UE %d/%x in round %d(SR %d,UL_inactivity timer %d,UL_failure timer %d,cqi_req_timer %d)\n",
+	  LOG_D(MAC,"[eNB %d][PUSCH %d] Frame %d subframe %d Scheduling UE %d/%x in round %d(SR %d,UL_inactivity timer %d,UL_failure timer %d,cqi_req_timer %d)\n",
@@ -1062,7 +1074,7 @@ abort();
               T_INT(UE_template->TBS_UL[harq_pid]), T_INT(ndi));
 	    if (mac_eNB_get_rrc_status(module_idP,rnti) < RRC_CONNECTED)
-	      LOG_I(MAC,"[eNB %d][PUSCH %d/%x] CC_id %d Frame %d subframeP %d Scheduled UE %d (mcs %d, first rb %d, nb_rb %d, rb_table_index %d, TBS %d, harq_pid %d)\n",
+	      LOG_D(MAC,"[eNB %d][PUSCH %d/%x] CC_id %d Frame %d subframeP %d Scheduled UE %d (mcs %d, first rb %d, nb_rb %d, rb_table_index %d, TBS %d, harq_pid %d)\n",
diff --git a/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/pre_processor.c b/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/pre_processor.c
index d536c8b3378e976f39333f05cc2da89de1d6b269..1c7a283f84ec99dfb93c5843a6ae630ed9b56154 100644
--- a/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/pre_processor.c
+++ b/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/pre_processor.c
@@ -398,11 +398,11 @@ void sort_UEs (module_id_t Mod_idP,
   UE_list_t *UE_list = &RC.mac[Mod_idP]->UE_list;
   for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX; i++) {
-    rnti = UE_RNTI(Mod_idP, i);
-    if (rnti == NOT_A_RNTI)
-      continue;
-    if (UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[i].ul_out_of_sync == 1)
-      continue;
+    if (UE_list->active[i]==FALSE) continue;
+    if ((rnti = UE_RNTI(Mod_idP, i)) == NOT_A_RNTI) continue;
+    if (UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[i].ul_out_of_sync == 1) continue;
     list[list_size] = i;
@@ -1453,11 +1453,9 @@ void sort_ue_ul (module_id_t module_idP,int frameP, sub_frame_t subframeP)
   UE_list_t *UE_list = &RC.mac[module_idP]->UE_list;
   for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX; i++) {
-    rnti = UE_RNTI(module_idP, i);
-    if (rnti == NOT_A_RNTI)
-      continue;
-    if (UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[i].ul_out_of_sync == 1)
-      continue;
+    if (UE_list->active[i] == FALSE) continue;
+    if ((rnti = UE_RNTI(module_idP, i)) == NOT_A_RNTI) continue;
+    if (UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[i].ul_out_of_sync == 1) continue;
     list[list_size] = i;
diff --git a/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/proto.h b/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/proto.h
index 7e9c036f265fa457abadc01cf7ac7ac2bc74488f..2bad81d52c49ec2fff125dfd581d2d48b681c1de 100644
--- a/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/proto.h
+++ b/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/proto.h
@@ -950,7 +950,7 @@ void extract_pucch_csi(module_id_t mod_idP,int CC_idP,int UE_id, frame_t frameP,
 void extract_pusch_csi(module_id_t mod_idP,int CC_idP,int UE_id, frame_t frameP,sub_frame_t subframeP,uint8_t *pdu, uint8_t length);
-uint16_t fill_nfapi_tx_req(nfapi_tx_request_body_t *tx_req_body,uint16_t absSF,uint16_t pdu_length, uint16_t *pdu_index, uint8_t *pdu );
+uint16_t fill_nfapi_tx_req(nfapi_tx_request_body_t *tx_req_body,uint16_t absSF,uint16_t pdu_length, uint16_t pdu_index, uint8_t *pdu );
 void fill_nfapi_ulsch_config_request_rel8(nfapi_ul_config_request_pdu_t  *ul_config_pdu,
 					  uint8_t                        cqi_req,
diff --git a/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/rar_tools.c b/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/rar_tools.c
index ce8d4f7a23c06e133e2626b1a97a01acbcbe5355..62346603e231b7fda6314dbb9fd253f502ee2fc7 100644
--- a/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/rar_tools.c
+++ b/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/rar_tools.c
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ unsigned short fill_rar(
   RA_template->timing_offset /= 16; //T_A = N_TA/16, where N_TA should be on a 30.72Msps
   rar[0] = (uint8_t)(RA_template->timing_offset>>(2+4)); // 7 MSBs of timing advance + divide by 4
   rar[1] = (uint8_t)(RA_template->timing_offset<<(4-2))&0xf0; // 4 LSBs of timing advance + divide by 4
-  RA_template->msg3_first_rb=1;
+  RA_template->msg3_first_rb=6;
   uint16_t rballoc = mac_computeRIV(N_RB_UL,RA_template->msg3_first_rb,RA_template->msg3_nb_rb); // first PRB only for UL Grant
   rar[1] |= (rballoc>>7)&7; // Hopping = 0 (bit 3), 3 MSBs of rballoc
diff --git a/openair2/PHY_INTERFACE/IF_Module.c b/openair2/PHY_INTERFACE/IF_Module.c
index fe9fb40547efa747f67a481845f60410419ce62c..73e693e9062393a892fe2284a97c80f02430e776 100644
--- a/openair2/PHY_INTERFACE/IF_Module.c
+++ b/openair2/PHY_INTERFACE/IF_Module.c
@@ -145,11 +145,216 @@ void handle_ulsch(UL_IND_t *UL_info) {
+/* debug utility functions begin                                            */
+//#define DUMP_FAPI
+#ifdef DUMP_FAPI
+#define C do { size = 0; put(0); } while (0)
+#define A(...) do { char t[4096]; sprintf(t, __VA_ARGS__); append_string(t); } while (0)
+static char *s;
+static int size;
+static int maxsize;
+static void put(char x)
+  if (size == maxsize) {
+    maxsize += 32768;
+    s = realloc(s, maxsize); if (s == NULL) abort();
+  }
+  s[size++] = x;
+static void append_string(char *t)
+  size--;
+  while (*t) put(*t++);
+  put(0);
+static void dump_ul(UL_IND_t *u)
+  int i;
+  C;
+  A("XXXX UL  mod %d CC %d f.sf %d.%d\n",
+    u->module_id, u->CC_id, u->frame, u->subframe);
+  A("XXXX     harq_ind %d\n", u->harq_ind.number_of_harqs);
+      for (i = 0; i < u->harq_ind.number_of_harqs; i++) {
+        nfapi_harq_indication_pdu_t *v = &u->harq_ind.harq_pdu_list[i];
+  A("XXXX         rnti %d\n", v->rx_ue_information.rnti);
+  A("XXXX         tb1 %d tb2 %d\n", v->harq_indication_fdd_rel8.harq_tb1,
+                                    v->harq_indication_fdd_rel8.harq_tb2);
+  A("XXXX         number_of_ack_nack %d\n",
+                          v->harq_indication_fdd_rel9.number_of_ack_nack);
+  A("XXXX         harq[0] = %d\n", v->harq_indication_fdd_rel9.harq_tb_n[0]);
+  A("XXXX         ul_cqi %d channel %d\n", v->ul_cqi_information.ul_cqi,
+                                           v->ul_cqi_information.channel);
+      }
+  A("XXXX     crc_ind  %d\n", u->crc_ind.number_of_crcs);
+  A("XXXX     sr_ind   %d\n", u->sr_ind.number_of_srs);
+  A("XXXX     cqi_ind  %d\n", u->cqi_ind.number_of_cqis);
+  A("XXXX     rach_ind %d\n", u->rach_ind.number_of_preambles);
+  A("XXXX     rx_ind   %d\n", u->rx_ind.number_of_pdus);
+  LOG_I(PHY, "XXXX UL\nXXXX UL\n%s", s);
+static char *DL_PDU_TYPE(int x)
+  switch (x) {
+  }
+  return "UNKNOWN";
+static char *UL_PDU_TYPE(int x)
+  switch (x) {
+  }
+  return "UNKNOWN";
+static void dump_dl(Sched_Rsp_t *d)
+  int i;
+  C;
+  A("XXXX DL  mod %d CC %d f.sf %d.%d\n",
+    d->module_id, d->CC_id, d->frame, d->subframe);
+      if (d->DL_req != NULL) {
+        nfapi_dl_config_request_body_t *v=&d->DL_req->dl_config_request_body;
+        nfapi_dl_config_request_pdu_t *p = v->dl_config_pdu_list;
+  A("XXXX     DL_req sfnsf %d\n", d->DL_req->sfn_sf);
+  A("XXXX     PDCCH size   %d\n", v->number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols);
+  A("XXXX     DCIs         %d\n", v->number_dci);
+  A("XXXX     PDUs         %d\n", v->number_pdu);
+  A("XXXX     rntis        %d\n", v->number_pdsch_rnti);
+  A("XXXX     pcfich power %d\n", v->transmission_power_pcfich);
+        for (i = 0; i < v->number_pdu; i++) {
+  A("XXXX         pdu %d\n", i);
+  A("XXXX             type %d %s\n", p[i].pdu_type, DL_PDU_TYPE(p[i].pdu_type));
+          switch (p[i].pdu_type) {
+          case NFAPI_DL_CONFIG_DCI_DL_PDU_TYPE: {
+            nfapi_dl_config_dci_dl_pdu_rel8_t *q =
+                &p[i].dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8;
+  A("XXXX                 dci format %d\n", q->dci_format);
+  A("XXXX                 cce idx    %d\n", q->cce_idx);
+  A("XXXX                 agg lvl    %d\n", q->aggregation_level);
+  A("XXXX                 rnti       %d\n", q->rnti);
+  A("XXXX                 rb coding  %8.8x\n", q->resource_block_coding);
+  A("XXXX                 mcs_1      %d\n", q->mcs_1);
+  A("XXXX                 rv_1       %d\n", q->redundancy_version_1);
+  A("XXXX                 ndi_1      %d\n", q->new_data_indicator_1);
+  A("XXXX                 harq pid   %d\n", q->harq_process);
+  A("XXXX                 tpc        %d\n", q->tpc);
+  A("XXXX                 tbs idx    %d\n", q->transport_block_size_index);
+  A("XXXX                 dl pow off %d\n", q->downlink_power_offset);
+  A("XXXX                 rnti type  %d\n", q->rnti_type);
+  A("XXXX                 xmit pow   %d\n", q->transmission_power);
+            break;
+          }}
+        }
+      }
+      if (d->UL_req != NULL) {
+        nfapi_ul_config_request_body_t *v=&d->UL_req->ul_config_request_body;
+  A("XXXX     UL_req sfnsf %d (%d.%d)\n", d->UL_req->sfn_sf,
+    d->UL_req->sfn_sf/16, d->UL_req->sfn_sf%16);
+  A("XXXX     PDUs         %d\n", v->number_of_pdus);
+  A("XXXX     ra freq      %d\n", v->rach_prach_frequency_resources);
+  A("XXXX     srs?         %d\n", v->srs_present);
+        for (i = 0; i < v->number_of_pdus; i++) {
+          nfapi_ul_config_request_pdu_t *p = &v->ul_config_pdu_list[i];
+  A("XXXX         pdu %d\n", i);
+  A("XXXX             type %d %s\n", p->pdu_type, UL_PDU_TYPE(p->pdu_type));
+          switch(p->pdu_type) {
+            nfapi_ul_config_uci_harq_pdu *q = &p->uci_harq_pdu;
+            nfapi_ul_config_harq_information_rel9_fdd_t *h =
+                &q->harq_information.harq_information_rel9_fdd;
+  A("XXXX                 rnti          %d\n",
+    q->ue_information.ue_information_rel8.rnti);
+  A("XXXX                 harq size     %d\n", h->harq_size);
+  A("XXXX                 ack_nack_mode %d\n", h->ack_nack_mode);
+  A("XXXX                 # pucch res   %d\n", h->number_of_pucch_resources);
+  A("XXXX                 n_pucch_1_0   %d\n", h->n_pucch_1_0);
+  A("XXXX                 n_pucch_1_1   %d\n", h->n_pucch_1_1);
+  A("XXXX                 n_pucch_1_2   %d\n", h->n_pucch_1_2);
+  A("XXXX                 n_pucch_1_3   %d\n", h->n_pucch_1_3);
+            break;
+          }
+          case NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_UCI_SR_PDU_TYPE: {
+            nfapi_ul_config_uci_sr_pdu *q = &p->uci_sr_pdu;
+            nfapi_ul_config_sr_information_rel8_t *h =
+                &q->sr_information.sr_information_rel8;
+  A("XXXX                 rnti          %d\n",
+    q->ue_information.ue_information_rel8.rnti);
+  A("XXXX                 pucch_index   %d\n", h->pucch_index);
+          }}
+        }
+      }
+  LOG_I(PHY, "XXXX DL\nXXXX DL\n%s", s);
+#undef C
+#undef A
+#endif /* DUMP_FAPI */
+/* debug utility functions end                                              */
 void UL_indication(UL_IND_t *UL_info)
   AssertFatal(UL_info!=NULL,"UL_INFO is null\n");
+#ifdef DUMP_FAPI
+  dump_ul(UL_info);
   module_id_t  module_id   = UL_info->module_id;
   int          CC_id       = UL_info->CC_id;
@@ -211,6 +416,11 @@ void UL_indication(UL_IND_t *UL_info)
       sched_info->UL_req      = NULL;
     sched_info->TX_req      = &mac->TX_req[CC_id];
+#ifdef DUMP_FAPI
+    dump_dl(sched_info);
 		"schedule_response is null (mod %d, cc %d)\n",
diff --git a/targets/ARCH/tcp_bridge/README b/targets/ARCH/tcp_bridge/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9bd1a16e59293f3c9634c07257fa9b9e11ee23b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/targets/ARCH/tcp_bridge/README
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+This is sort of a "TCP driver" to ease debugging. This is mostly internal
+to EURECOM. You probably don't want to use it.
+Same license as the rest.
diff --git a/targets/ARCH/tcp_bridge/tcp_bridge.c b/targets/ARCH/tcp_bridge/tcp_bridge.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..127ba39bbcff8dfac62e0b9b1fb53a596d5c91a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/targets/ARCH/tcp_bridge/tcp_bridge.c
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <netinet/tcp.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+int fullread(int fd, void *_buf, int count)
+  char *buf = _buf;
+  int ret = 0;
+  int l;
+  while (count) {
+    l = read(fd, buf, count);
+    if (l <= 0) return -1;
+    count -= l;
+    buf += l;
+    ret += l;
+  }
+  return ret;
+int fullwrite(int fd, void *_buf, int count)
+  char *buf = _buf;
+  int ret = 0;
+  int l;
+  while (count) {
+    l = write(fd, buf, count);
+    if (l <= 0) return -1;
+    count -= l;
+    buf += l;
+    ret += l;
+  }
+  return ret;
+#include "common_lib.h"
+typedef struct {
+  int32_t data[30720]; /* max 20MHz */
+  unsigned long timestamp;
+  int size;
+} input_buffer;
+#define BSIZE 16
+typedef struct {
+  int sock;
+  int samples_per_subframe;
+  input_buffer b[BSIZE];
+  int bstart;
+  int blen;
+  unsigned long read_timestamp;
+} tcp_bridge_state_t;
+/* buffer management                                                        */
+/* (could be simpler, we are synchronous)                                   */
+/* maybe we should lock                                                     */
+void put_buffer(tcp_bridge_state_t *t, void *data, int size, unsigned long timestamp)
+  int nextpos;
+  if (t->blen == BSIZE) { printf("tcp_bridge: buffer full\n"); exit(1); }
+  if (size > 30720*4) abort();
+  if (t->blen) {
+    int lastpos = (t->bstart+t->blen-1) % BSIZE;
+    if (timestamp != t->b[lastpos].timestamp + t->samples_per_subframe)
+      { printf("tcp_bridge: discontinuity\n"); exit(1); }
+  }
+  nextpos = (t->bstart+t->blen) % BSIZE;
+  t->b[nextpos].timestamp = timestamp;
+  t->b[nextpos].size      = size;
+  memcpy(t->b[nextpos].data, data, size);
+  t->blen++;
+void get_buffer(tcp_bridge_state_t *t, void *data, int size, unsigned long timestamp)
+  int pos;
+  if (t->blen == 0) { printf("tcp_bridge: buffer empty\n"); exit(1); }
+  if (size >30720*4) abort();
+  pos = t->bstart;
+  if (size != t->b[pos].size) { printf("tcp_bridge: bad size\n"); exit(1); }
+  memcpy(data, t->b[pos].data, size);
+  t->bstart = (t->bstart + 1) % BSIZE;
+  t->blen--;
+/* end of buffer management                                                 */
+/* network management (read/write)                                          */
+void read_data_from_network(int sock, input_buffer *b)
+  if (fullread(sock, &b->timestamp, sizeof(b->timestamp)) != sizeof(b->timestamp)) goto err;
+  if (fullread(sock, &b->size, sizeof(b->size)) != sizeof(b->size)) goto err;
+  if (fullread(sock, b->data, b->size) != b->size) goto err;
+  return;
+  printf("tcp_bridge: read_data_from_network fails\n");
+  exit(1);
+void write_data_to_network(int sock, input_buffer *b)
+  if (fullwrite(sock, &b->timestamp, sizeof(b->timestamp)) != sizeof(b->timestamp)) goto err;
+  if (fullwrite(sock, &b->size, sizeof(b->size)) != sizeof(b->size)) goto err;
+  if (fullwrite(sock, b->data, b->size) != b->size) goto err;
+  return;
+  printf("tcp_bridge: write_data_to_network fails\n");
+  exit(1);
+/* end of network management                                                */
+int tcp_bridge_start(openair0_device *device)
+  int i;
+  int port = 4042;
+  tcp_bridge_state_t *tcp_bridge = device->priv;
+  int sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
+  if (sock == -1) { perror("tcp_bridge: socket"); exit(1); }
+  int enable = 1;
+  if (setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &enable, sizeof(int)))
+    { perror("tcp_bridge: SO_REUSEADDR"); exit(1); }
+  struct sockaddr_in addr = {
+    sin_family: AF_INET,
+    sin_port: htons(port),
+    sin_addr: { s_addr: INADDR_ANY }
+  };
+  if (bind(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr)))
+    { perror("tcp_bridge: bind"); exit(1); }
+  if (listen(sock, 5))
+    { perror("tcp_bridge: listen"); exit(1); }
+  printf("tcp_bridge: wait for connection on port %d\n", port);
+  socklen_t len = sizeof(addr);
+  int sock2 = accept(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, &len);
+  if (sock2 == -1)
+    { perror("tcp_bridge: accept"); exit(1); }
+  close(sock);
+  tcp_bridge->sock = sock2;
+  /* the other end has to send 10 subframes at startup */
+  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+    read_data_from_network(sock2, &tcp_bridge->b[i]);
+  tcp_bridge->bstart = 0;
+  tcp_bridge->blen = 10;
+  printf("tcp_bridge: connection established\n");
+  return 0;
+int tcp_bridge_request(openair0_device *device, void *msg, ssize_t msg_len) { abort(); return 0; }
+int tcp_bridge_reply(openair0_device *device, void *msg, ssize_t msg_len) { abort(); return 0; }
+int tcp_bridge_get_stats(openair0_device* device) { return 0; }
+int tcp_bridge_reset_stats(openair0_device* device) { return 0; }
+void tcp_bridge_end(openair0_device *device) {}
+int tcp_bridge_stop(openair0_device *device) { return 0; }
+int tcp_bridge_set_freq(openair0_device* device, openair0_config_t *openair0_cfg,int exmimo_dump_config) { return 0; }
+int tcp_bridge_set_gains(openair0_device* device, openair0_config_t *openair0_cfg) { return 0; }
+int tcp_bridge_write(openair0_device *device, openair0_timestamp timestamp, void **buff, int nsamps, int cc, int flags)
+  tcp_bridge_state_t *t = device->priv;
+  input_buffer out;
+  int i;
+//printf("write ts %ld nsamps %d\n", timestamp, nsamps);
+  if (nsamps > 30720) abort();
+  /* read buffer timestamped with 'timestamp' if not already here */
+  for (i = 0; i < t->blen; i++) {
+    input_buffer *b = &t->b[(t->bstart + i) % BSIZE];
+    if (b->timestamp == timestamp) break;
+  }
+  if (i == t->blen) {
+    int nextpos = (t->bstart + t->blen) % BSIZE;
+    if (t->blen == BSIZE) abort();
+    read_data_from_network(t->sock, &t->b[nextpos]);
+    t->blen++;
+    if (t->b[nextpos].timestamp != timestamp) abort();
+  }
+  memcpy(out.data, buff[0], nsamps * 4);
+  out.timestamp = timestamp;
+  out.size = nsamps * 4;
+  write_data_to_network(t->sock, &out);
+  return nsamps;
+int tcp_bridge_read(openair0_device *device, openair0_timestamp *timestamp, void **buff, int nsamps, int cc)
+  tcp_bridge_state_t *t = device->priv;
+  input_buffer *b;
+  if (cc != 1) abort();
+  if (t->blen == 0) abort();
+  b = &t->b[t->bstart];
+#if 0
+typedef struct {
+  int32_t data[30720]; /* max 20MHz */
+  unsigned long timestamp;
+  int size;
+} input_buffer;
+  if (b->timestamp != t->read_timestamp) abort();
+  if (b->size != nsamps * 4) abort();
+  *timestamp = b->timestamp;
+  memcpy(buff[0], b->data, b->size);
+  t->read_timestamp += nsamps;
+  t->bstart = (t->bstart + 1) % BSIZE;
+  t->blen--;
+static unsigned long ts = 0;
+//printf("read ts %ld nsamps %d\n", ts, nsamps);
+*timestamp = ts;
+ts += nsamps;
+  return nsamps;
+int device_init(openair0_device* device, openair0_config_t *openair0_cfg)
+  tcp_bridge_state_t *tcp_bridge = (tcp_bridge_state_t*)malloc(sizeof(tcp_bridge_state_t));
+  memset(tcp_bridge, 0, sizeof(tcp_bridge_state_t));
+  /* only 25 or 50 PRBs handled for the moment */
+  if (openair0_cfg[0].sample_rate != 30720000 &&
+      openair0_cfg[0].sample_rate != 15360000 &&
+      openair0_cfg[0].sample_rate !=  7680000) {
+    printf("tcp_bridge: ERROR: only 25, 50 or 100 PRBs supported\n");
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  device->trx_start_func   = tcp_bridge_start;
+  device->trx_get_stats_func   = tcp_bridge_get_stats;
+  device->trx_reset_stats_func = tcp_bridge_reset_stats;
+  device->trx_end_func         = tcp_bridge_end;
+  device->trx_stop_func        = tcp_bridge_stop;
+  device->trx_set_freq_func = tcp_bridge_set_freq;
+  device->trx_set_gains_func = tcp_bridge_set_gains;
+  device->trx_write_func   = tcp_bridge_write;
+  device->trx_read_func    = tcp_bridge_read;
+  device->priv = tcp_bridge;
+  switch ((int)openair0_cfg[0].sample_rate) {
+  case 30720000: tcp_bridge->samples_per_subframe = 30720; break;
+  case 15360000: tcp_bridge->samples_per_subframe = 15360; break;
+  case 7680000:  tcp_bridge->samples_per_subframe = 7680; break;
+  }
+  /* let's pretend to be a b2x0 */
+  device->type = USRP_B200_DEV;
+  device->openair0_cfg=&openair0_cfg[0];
+  return 0;
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band13.exmimo2.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band13.exmimo2.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index e11e5e84ff120760c8fef1e554be39fcb482ea4a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band13.exmimo2.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "92";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-    		       	 {
-  			   frame_type					      = "FDD";	
-                           tdd_config 					      = 3;
-                           tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
- 			   prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-  			   eutra_band              			      = 13;
-                           downlink_frequency      			      = 748500000L;
-                           uplink_frequency_offset 			      = 31000000;
-  			   Nid_cell					      = 0;
-                           N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
-                           Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-                           nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-                           nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-			   tx_gain					      = 2;
-			   rx_gain			    		      = 2;
-                           prach_root              			      = 22;
-                           prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-                           prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-  	                   prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-                           prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-			   pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-                           pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-                           pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-                           pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-                           pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -24;
-                           pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-                           pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1; 
-                           pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-			   pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-			   pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-     	                   pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-	                   pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-	                   pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-	                   pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 0;
-	                   phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-	                   phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-	                   srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-	               /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-	                   srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-	                   srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-	                   srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/  
-	                   pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -75; 
-	                   pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-	                   pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -108;
-	                   msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-	                   pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-	                   pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-	                   pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-	                   pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-  	                   pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-                           rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-                           rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-                           rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-                           rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-                           rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ; 
-                           rach_powerRampingStep                              = 2;
-	                   rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -100;
-                           rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-	                   rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-	                   rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-	                   rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-			   pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-			   pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-			   bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-			 }
-			 );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500] 
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    log_config : 
-    {
-        global_log_level                      ="info"; 
-        global_log_verbosity                  ="high";
-        hw_log_level                          ="info"; 
-        hw_log_verbosity                      ="high";
-        phy_log_level                         ="info"; 
-        phy_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-        mac_log_level                         ="info"; 
-        mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-        rlc_log_level                         ="info"; 
-        rlc_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-        pdcp_log_level                        ="info"; 
-        pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="high";
-        rrc_log_level                         ="info"; 
-        rrc_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-   };	
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band13.rel10.exmimo2.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band13.rel10.exmimo2.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 6298932c7b20fbb9c8243e7eb6d6ee0625c79839..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band13.rel10.exmimo2.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "92";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-        frame_type					      = "FDD";
-        tdd_config 					      = 3;
-        tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-        prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-        eutra_band              			      = 13;
-        downlink_frequency      			      = 748500000L;
-        uplink_frequency_offset 			      = 31000000;
-        Nid_cell					      = 0;
-        N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
-        Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-        nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-        tx_gain					      = 2;
-        rx_gain			    		      = 2;
-        prach_root              			      = 22;
-        prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-        prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-        prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-        prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-        pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-        pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-        pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-        pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -24;
-        pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-        pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-        pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-        pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-        pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-        pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-        pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 0;
-        phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-        phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-        srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-        srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-        srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-        srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-        pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -75;
-        pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-        pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -108;
-        msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-        rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-        rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*
-        rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-        rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-        rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-        */
-        rach_powerRampingStep                              = 2;
-        rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -100;
-        rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-        rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-        rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-        rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-        pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-        pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-        bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-      # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-      timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-      # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-      timer_reordering         = 35;
-      # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-      timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-      # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-      poll_pdu                 =  4;
-      # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-      poll_byte                =  99999;
-      # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-      max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-      # Number of streams to use in input/output
-      SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-      ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth1";
-      ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-      ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth1";
-      ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-      ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="info";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="high";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="high";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="high";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band13.tm1.25PRB.lmssdr.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band13.tm1.25PRB.lmssdr.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 3315b953da2c065cb043b78a7fc63801c94eca15..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band13.tm1.25PRB.lmssdr.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "93";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-      frame_type					      = "FDD";
-      tdd_config 					      = 3;
-      tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-      prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-      eutra_band              			      = 13;
-      downlink_frequency      			      = 751000000L;
-      uplink_frequency_offset 			      = 31000000;
-      Nid_cell					      = 0;
-      N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
-      Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-      nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-      nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-      tx_gain                                            = 70;
-      rx_gain                                            = 116;
-      prach_root              			      = 0;
-      prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-      prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-      prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-      prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-      pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-      pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-      pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-      pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-      pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -30;
-      pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-      pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-      pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-      pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-      pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-      pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-      pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-      pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-      pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-      phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-      phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-      srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-      srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-      srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-      srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-      pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -96;
-      pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-      pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -104;
-      msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-      pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-      rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-      rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*
-      rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-      rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-      rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-      */
-      rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-      rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -108;
-      rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-      rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-      rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-      rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-      pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-      pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-      bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="info";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band13.tm1.50PRB.lmssdr.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band13.tm1.50PRB.lmssdr.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 1083aa382a47d2428945792ebc5d19be973a827b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band13.tm1.50PRB.lmssdr.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "93";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-        node_function                                         = "eNodeB_3GPP";
-	node_timing                                           = "synch_to_ext_device";
-	node_synch_ref                                        = 0;
-        frame_type					      = "FDD";
-        tdd_config 					      = 3;
-        tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-        prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-        eutra_band              			      = 13;
-        downlink_frequency      			      = 751000000L;
-        uplink_frequency_offset 			      = 31000000;
-        Nid_cell					      = 0;
-        N_RB_DL                 			      = 50;
-        Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-        nb_antenna_ports				      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-        tx_gain                                            = 20;
-        rx_gain                                            = 100;
-        prach_root              			      = 0;
-        prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-        prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-        prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-        prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-        pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-        pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-        pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-        pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-        pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -30;
-        pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-        pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-        pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-        pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-        pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-        pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-        pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-        phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-        phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-        srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-        srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-        srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-        srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-        pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -96;
-        pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-        pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -104;
-        msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-        rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-        rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*
-        rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-        rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-        rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-        */
-        rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-        rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -104;
-        rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-        rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-        rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-        rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-        pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-        pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-        bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-	ue_TransmissionMode	   			      = 1;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "lo";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "lo";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="info";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band13.tm1.50PRB.sedora.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band13.tm1.50PRB.sedora.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d0b63e4b0a2f1135cb420b14d066006d2c2337e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band13.tm1.50PRB.sedora.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "93";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-    		       	 {
-  			   frame_type					      = "FDD";	
-                           tdd_config 					      = 3;
-                           tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
- 			   prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-  			   eutra_band              			      = 7;
-                           downlink_frequency      			      = 751000000L;
-                           uplink_frequency_offset 			      = 30000000;
-  			   Nid_cell					      = 0;
-                           N_RB_DL                 			      = 50;
-                           Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-                           nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-                           nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1; 
-			   tx_gain                                            = 60;
-			   rx_gain                                            = 111;
-                           prach_root              			      = 0;
-                           prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-                           prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-  	                   prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-                           prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-			   pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-                           pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-                           pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-                           pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-                           pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -29;
-                           pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-                           pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1; 
-                           pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-			   pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-			   pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-     	                   pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-	                   pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-	                   pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-	                   pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-	                   phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-	                   phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-	                   srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-	               /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-	                   srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-	                   srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-	                   srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/  
-	                   pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -85; 
-	                   pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-	                   pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -96;
-	                   msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-	                   pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-	                   pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-	                   pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-	                   pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-  	                   pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-                           rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-                           rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-                           rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-                           rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-                           rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ; 
-                           rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-	                   rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -100;
-                           rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-	                   rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-	                   rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-	                   rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-			   pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-			   pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-			   bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-			 }
-			 );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500] 
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    log_config : 
-    {
-	global_log_level                      ="info"; 
-    	global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-	hw_log_level                          ="info"; 
-    	hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-	phy_log_level                         ="info"; 
-    	phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-	mac_log_level                         ="info"; 
-    	mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-	rlc_log_level                         ="info"; 
-    	rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-	pdcp_log_level                        ="info"; 
-    	pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-	rrc_log_level                         ="info"; 
-    	rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };	
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band13.tm1.rrh.usrpb210.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band13.tm1.rrh.usrpb210.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 98226144ab062cbef4a3b0835b524d7cea58a765..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band13.tm1.rrh.usrpb210.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "95";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-      frame_type					      = "FDD";
-      tdd_config 					      = 3;
-      tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-      prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-      eutra_band              			      = 13;
-      downlink_frequency      			      = 751000000L;
-      uplink_frequency_offset 			      = 31000000;
-      Nid_cell					      = 0;
-      N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
-      Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-      nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-      nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-      tx_gain                                            = 90;
-      rx_gain                                            = 100;
-      prach_root              			      = 0;
-      prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-      prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-      prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-      prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-      pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-      pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-      pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-      pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-      pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -15;
-      pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-      pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-      pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-      pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-      pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-      pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-      pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-      pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-      pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-      phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-      phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-      srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-      srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-      srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-      srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-      pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -86;
-      pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-      pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -96;
-      msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-      pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-      rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-      rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*
-      rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-      rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-      rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-      */
-      rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-      rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -108;
-      rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-      rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-      rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-      rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-      pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-      pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-      bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-rrh_gw_config = (
- {			  
-    local_if_name = "eth0";			  
-    #remote_address = "";	
-    #local_address = "";				  
-    remote_address = "74:d4:35:cc:88:45";
-    local_address = "98:90:96:df:66:07";    
-    local_port = 50000;	#for raw option local port must be the same to remote	       
-    remote_port = 50000; 
-    rrh_gw_active = "yes";
-    tr_preference = "raw";
-    rf_preference = "usrp_b200";
-    iq_txshift = 5;
-    tx_sample_advance = 70;	
-    tx_scheduling_advance = 9; 	                
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth4";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth4";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="info";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band13.tm1.usrpb210.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band13.tm1.usrpb210.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index d6970e8e44fae45f512aa4afd5c78603347c55df..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band13.tm1.usrpb210.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "93";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-      node_function                                         = "eNodeB_3GPP";
-      node_timing                                           = "synch_to_ext_device";
-      node_synch_ref                                        = 0;
-      frame_type					      = "FDD";
-      tdd_config 					      = 3;
-      tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-      prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-      eutra_band              			      = 13;
-      downlink_frequency      			      = 751000000L;
-      uplink_frequency_offset 			      = 31000000;
-      Nid_cell					      = 0;
-      N_RB_DL                 			      = 50;
-      Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-      nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-      nb_antenna_ports         			      = 1;
-      nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-      tx_gain                                            = 90;
-      rx_gain                                            = 110;
-      prach_root              			      = 0;
-      prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-      prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-      prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-      prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-      pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-      pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-      pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-      pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-      pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -23;
-      pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-      pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-      pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-      pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-      pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-      pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-      pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-      pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-      pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-      phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-      phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-      srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-      srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-      srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-      srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-      pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -96;
-      pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-      pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -104;
-      msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-      pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-      rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-      rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*
-      rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-      rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-      rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-      */
-      rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-      rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -100;
-      rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-      rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-      rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-      rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-      pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-      pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-      bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-      ue_TransmissionMode	   			      = 1;	
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "lo";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "lo";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="info";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band3.tm1.usrpb210.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band3.tm1.usrpb210.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a6def775741f7203b9e7110d6f10f220f9357b8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band3.tm1.usrpb210.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "93";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-        frame_type					      = "FDD";
-        tdd_config 					      = 3;
-        tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-        prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-        eutra_band              			      = 3;
-        downlink_frequency      			      = 1865000000L;
-        uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -95000000;
-        Nid_cell					      = 0;
-        N_RB_DL                 			      = 50;
-        Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-        nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-        tx_gain                                            = 90;
-        rx_gain                                            = 125;
-        prach_root              			      = 0;
-        prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-        prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-        prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-        prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-        pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-        pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-        pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-        pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-        pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -26;
-        pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-        pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-        pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-        pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-        pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-        pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-        pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-        phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-        phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-        srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-        srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-        srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-        srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-        pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -108;
-        pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-        pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -108;
-        msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-        rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-        rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*
-        rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-        rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-        rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-        */
-        rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-        rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -108;
-        rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-        rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-        rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-        rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-        pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-        pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-        bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    log_config :
-    {
-	global_log_level                      ="info";
-    	global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-	hw_log_level                          ="info";
-    	hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-	phy_log_level                         ="info";
-    	phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-	mac_log_level                         ="info";
-    	mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-	rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-    	rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-	pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-    	pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-	rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-    	rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band38.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band38.conf
deleted file mode 100755
index 2cf57137c69a63544382af100101cec895915196..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band38.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "92";
-    ////////// Channel parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-        frame_type					      = "TDD";
-        tdd_config 					      = 3;
-        tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-        prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-        eutra_band              			      = 38;
-        downlink_frequency      			      = 2580000000L;
-        uplink_frequency_offset 			      = 0;
-        Nid_cell					      = 0;
-        N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
-        Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-        nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-        prach_root              			      = 22;
-        prach_config_index      			      = 3;
-        prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-        prach_zero_correlation  			      = 0;
-        prach_freq_offset       			      = 0;
-        pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-        pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-        pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-        pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-        pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -24;
-        pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-        pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-        pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-        pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 4;
-        pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-        pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-        phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-        phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-        srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-        srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-        srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-        srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-        pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -95;
-        pusch_alpha                                        = "AL08";
-        pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -117;
-        msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-        rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 52;
-        rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*
-        rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-        rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-        rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-        */
-        rach_powerRampingStep                              = 2;
-        rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -104;
-        rach_preambleTransMax                              = 6;
-        rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-        rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-        rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-        pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-        pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-        bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="info";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="debug";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="debug";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band38.exmimo2.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band38.exmimo2.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 68bd3a10ec5f704d69ab725d8ac39044afb113c3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band38.exmimo2.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "93";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-        frame_type					      = "TDD";
-        tdd_config 					      = 3;
-        tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-        prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-        eutra_band              			      = 38;
-        downlink_frequency      			      = 2580000000L;
-        uplink_frequency_offset 			      = 0; //-120000000;
-        Nid_cell					      = 0;
-        N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
-        Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-        nb_antennas_tx          			      = 2;
-        nb_antennas_rx          			      = 2;
-        tx_gain                                            = 10; //25;
-        rx_gain                                            = 10; //20;
-        prach_root              			      = 0;
-        prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-        prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-        prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-        prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-        pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-        pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-        pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-        pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-        pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -26;
-        pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-        pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-        pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-        pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-        pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-        pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-        pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 0;
-        phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-        phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-        srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-        srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-        srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-        srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-        pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -85;
-        pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-        pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -108;
-        msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-        rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-        rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*
-        rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-        rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-        rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-        */
-        rach_powerRampingStep                              = 2;
-        rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -100;
-        rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-        rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-        rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-        rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-        pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-        pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-        bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-      # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-      timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-      # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-      timer_reordering         = 35;
-      # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-      timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-      # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-      poll_pdu                 =  4;
-      # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-      poll_byte                =  99999;
-      # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-      max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-      # Number of streams to use in input/output
-      SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-      ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth0";
-      ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-      ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth0";
-      ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-      ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="info";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="debug";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="debug";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band38.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band38.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index e97e2d42d1be8498d285a6b11e4bc1c612278758..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band38.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "10";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-        frame_type					      = "TDD";
-        tdd_config 					      = 3;
-        tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-        prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-        eutra_band              			      = 38;
-        downlink_frequency      			      = 2580000000L;
-        uplink_frequency_offset 			      = 0;
-        Nid_cell					      = 0;
-        N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
-        Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-	nb_antenna_ports				      = 2;
-        nb_antennas_tx          			      = 2;
-        nb_antennas_rx          			      = 2;
-        tx_gain                                               = 25;
-        rx_gain                                               = 20;
-        prach_root              			      = 0;
-        prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-        prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-        prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-        prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-        pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-        pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-        pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-        pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-        pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = 0;
-        pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-        pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-        pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_hoppingMode                                     = "interSubFrame";
-        pusch_hoppingOffset                                   = 0;
-        pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-        pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-        pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	  = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_nDMRS1                              = 0;
-        phich_duration                            = "NORMAL";
-        phich_resource                            = "ONESIXTH";
-        srs_enable                                = "DISABLE";
-        /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                   =;
-        srs_SubframeConfig                        =;
-        srs_ackNackST                             =;
-        srs_MaxUpPts                              =;*/
-        pusch_p0_Nominal                          = -108;
-        pusch_alpha                               = "AL1";
-        pucch_p0_Nominal                          = -108;
-        msg3_delta_Preamble                       = 6;
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1                      = "deltaF2";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1b                     = "deltaF3";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2                      = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2a                     = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-        rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                 = 64;
-        rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                = "DISABLE";
-        /*
-        rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA             = ;
-        rach_messageSizeGroupA                    = ;
-        rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB             = ;
-        */
-        rach_powerRampingStep                     = 2;
-        rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower   = -100;
-        rach_preambleTransMax                     = 10;
-        rach_raResponseWindowSize                 = 10;
-        rach_macContentionResolutionTimer         = 48;
-        rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                       = 4;
-        pcch_default_PagingCycle                  = 128;
-        pcch_nB                                   = "oneT";
-        bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			  = 2;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-	ue_TransmissionMode 				      = 2;
-      }
-    );
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "0::0";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "none";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "none";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="trace";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="trace";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="trace";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="trace";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="trace";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="trace";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      gtpu_log_level                        ="debug";
-      gtpu_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      udp_log_level                         ="debug";
-      udp_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      osa_log_level                         ="debug";
-      osa_log_verbosity                     ="low";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band38.tm1.exmimo2.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band38.tm1.exmimo2.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 8bf870f0a5f8b3c6d37b92e81c86a9e78d56102f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band38.tm1.exmimo2.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "93";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-        node_function                                         = "eNodeB_3GPP";
-        node_timing                                           = "synch_to_ext_device";
-        node_synch_ref                                        = 0;
-        frame_type					      = "TDD";
-        tdd_config 					      = 3;
-        tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-        prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-        eutra_band              			      = 38;
-        downlink_frequency      			      = 2580000000L;
-        uplink_frequency_offset 			      = 0; //-120000000;
-        Nid_cell					      = 0;
-        N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
-        Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-        nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-	nb_antenna_ports				      = 1;
-        tx_gain                                            = 10; //25;
-        rx_gain                                            = 10; //20;
-        prach_root              			      = 0;
-        prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-        prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-        prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-        prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-        pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-        pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-        pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-        pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-        pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -26;
-        pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-        pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-        pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-        pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-        pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-        pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-        pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 0;
-        phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-        phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-        srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-        srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-        srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-        srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-        pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -85;
-        pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-        pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -108;
-        msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-        rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-        rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*
-        rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-        rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-        rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-        */
-        rach_powerRampingStep                              = 2;
-        rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -100;
-        rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-        rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-        rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-        rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-        pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-        pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-        bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-	ue_TransmissionMode				      = 1;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-      # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-      timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-      # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-      timer_reordering         = 35;
-      # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-      timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-      # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-      poll_pdu                 =  4;
-      # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-      poll_byte                =  99999;
-      # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-      max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-      # Number of streams to use in input/output
-      SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-      ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth0";
-      ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-      ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth0";
-      ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-      ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="info";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="debug";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="debug";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band38.tm1.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band38.tm1.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 532e75d61e55e4f4df0a474596b6170ac372daac..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band38.tm1.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "10";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-        frame_type					      = "TDD";
-        tdd_config 					      = 3;
-        tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-        prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-        eutra_band              			      = 38;
-        downlink_frequency      			      = 2580000000L;
-        uplink_frequency_offset 			      = 0;
-        Nid_cell					      = 0;
-        N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
-        Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-	nb_antenna_ports				      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-        tx_gain                                               = 25;
-        rx_gain                                               = 20;
-        prach_root              			      = 0;
-        prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-        prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-        prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-        prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-        pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-        pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-        pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-        pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-        pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = 0;
-        pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-        pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-        pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_hoppingMode                                     = "interSubFrame";
-        pusch_hoppingOffset                                   = 0;
-        pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-        pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-        pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	  = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_nDMRS1                              = 0;
-        phich_duration                            = "NORMAL";
-        phich_resource                            = "ONESIXTH";
-        srs_enable                                = "DISABLE";
-        /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                   =;
-        srs_SubframeConfig                        =;
-        srs_ackNackST                             =;
-        srs_MaxUpPts                              =;*/
-        pusch_p0_Nominal                          = -108;
-        pusch_alpha                               = "AL1";
-        pucch_p0_Nominal                          = -108;
-        msg3_delta_Preamble                       = 6;
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1                      = "deltaF2";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1b                     = "deltaF3";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2                      = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2a                     = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-        rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                 = 64;
-        rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                = "DISABLE";
-        /*
-        rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA             = ;
-        rach_messageSizeGroupA                    = ;
-        rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB             = ;
-        */
-        rach_powerRampingStep                     = 2;
-        rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower   = -100;
-        rach_preambleTransMax                     = 10;
-        rach_raResponseWindowSize                 = 10;
-        rach_macContentionResolutionTimer         = 48;
-        rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                       = 4;
-        pcch_default_PagingCycle                  = 128;
-        pcch_nB                                   = "oneT";
-        bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			  = 2;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-	ue_TransmissionMode 				      = 1;
-      }
-    );
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "0::0";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "none";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "none";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="trace";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="trace";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="trace";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="trace";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="trace";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="trace";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      gtpu_log_level                        ="debug";
-      gtpu_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      udp_log_level                         ="debug";
-      udp_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      osa_log_level                         ="debug";
-      osa_log_verbosity                     ="low";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band38.tm1.usrpb210.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band38.tm1.usrpb210.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index a33c2eb41b5b449604f51010719766f7399a8125..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band38.tm1.usrpb210.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "92";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-        node_function                                         = "eNodeB_3GPP";
-	node_timing                                           = "synch_to_ext_device";
-	node_synch_ref                                        = 0;
-        frame_type					      = "TDD";
-        tdd_config 					      = 3;
-        tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-        prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-        eutra_band              			      = 38;
-        downlink_frequency      			      = 2580000000L;
-        uplink_frequency_offset 			      = 0;
-        Nid_cell					      = 0;
-        N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
-        Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-        nb_antenna_ports          			      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-        tx_gain                                            = 90;
-        rx_gain                                            = 125;
-        prach_root              			      = 0;
-        prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-        prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-        prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-        prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-        pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-        pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-        pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-        pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-        pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -24;
-        pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-        pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-        pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-        pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-        pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-        pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-        pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-        phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-        phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-        srs_enable                                         = "ENABLE";
-        srs_BandwidthConfig                                = 2;
-        srs_SubframeConfig                                 = 7;
-        srs_ackNackST                                      = "DISABLE";
-        srs_MaxUpPts                                       = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -90;
-        pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-        pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -96;
-        msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-        rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-        rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*
-        rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-        rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-        rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-        */
-        rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-        rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -104;
-        rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-        rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-        rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-        rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-        pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-        pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-        bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-	ue_TransmissionMode				      = 1;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth6";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth6";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="info";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band38.tm7.exmimo2.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band38.tm7.exmimo2.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 6209fbe150c06020ece001df690ac751edeb3bb2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band38.tm7.exmimo2.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "93";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-        frame_type					      = "TDD";
-        tdd_config 					      = 3;
-        tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-        prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-        eutra_band              			      = 38;
-        downlink_frequency      			      = 2580000000L;
-        uplink_frequency_offset 			      = 0; //-120000000;
-        Nid_cell					      = 0;
-        N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
-        Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-        nb_antenna_ports          			      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_tx          			      = 3;
-        nb_antennas_rx          			      = 3;
-        tx_gain                                            = 10; //25;
-        rx_gain                                            = 10; //20;
-        prach_root              			      = 0;
-        prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-        prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-        prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-        prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-        pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-        pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-        pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-        pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-        pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -26;
-        pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-        pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-        pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-        pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-        pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-        pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-        pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 0;
-        phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-        phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-        srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-        srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-        srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-        srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-        pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -85;
-        pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-        pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -108;
-        msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-        rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-        rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*
-        rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-        rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-        rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-        */
-        rach_powerRampingStep                              = 2;
-        rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -100;
-        rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-        rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-        rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-        rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-        pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-        pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-        bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-	ue_TransmissionMode				      = 7;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-      # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-      timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-      # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-      timer_reordering         = 35;
-      # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-      timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-      # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-      poll_pdu                 =  4;
-      # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-      poll_byte                =  99999;
-      # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-      max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-      # Number of streams to use in input/output
-      SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-      ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth0";
-      ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-      ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth0";
-      ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-      ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="info";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="debug";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band39.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band39.conf
deleted file mode 100755
index 45d31336b914a141b5fb8b447bcce348d76b20fb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band39.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "92";
-    ////////// Channel parameters:
-    // Default Paging DRX of the eNB as defined in TS 36.304
-    default_paging_drx  =  "PAGING_DRX_256";
-    ////////// Physical parameters:
-    frame_type              = "TDD";
-    prefix_type             = "NORMAL";
-    eutra_band              = 39;
-    downlink_frequency      = 1910000000L;
-    uplink_frequency_offset = 0;
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-        frame_type					      = "TDD";
-        tdd_config 					      = 3;
-        tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-        prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-        eutra_band              			      = 39;
-        downlink_frequency      			      = 1910000000L;
-        uplink_frequency_offset 			      = 0;
-        Nid_cell					      = 0;
-        N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
-        Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-        nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-        prach_root              			      = 22;
-        prach_config_index      			      = 3;
-        prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-        prach_zero_correlation  			      = 0;
-        prach_freq_offset       			      = 0;
-        pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-        pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-        pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-        pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-        pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -24;
-        pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-        pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-        pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-        pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 4;
-        pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-        pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-        phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-        phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-        srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-        srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-        srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-        srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-        pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -95;
-        pusch_alpha                                        = "AL08";
-        pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -117;
-        msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-        rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 52;
-        rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*
-        rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-        rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-        rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-        */
-        rach_powerRampingStep                              = 2;
-        rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -104;
-        rach_preambleTransMax                              = 6;
-        rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-        rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-        rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-        pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-        pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-        bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-      # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-      timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-      # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-      timer_reordering         = 35;
-      # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-      timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-      # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-      poll_pdu                 =  4;
-      # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-      poll_byte                =  99999;
-      # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-      max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-      # Number of streams to use in input/output
-      SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-      ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth0";
-      ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-      ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth0";
-      ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-      ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="debug";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="debug";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="debug";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band39.tm1.exmimo2.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band39.tm1.exmimo2.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index c8214ad99967cbfcd3cbda762d11224b3417ec53..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band39.tm1.exmimo2.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "93";
-    ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-        frame_type					      = "TDD";
-        tdd_config 					      = 3;
-        tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-        prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-        eutra_band              			      = 39;
-        downlink_frequency      			      = 1907600000L;
-        /*downlink_frequency      			      = 1907601000L; for card 33*/
-        /*downlink_frequency      			      = 1907602425L; for card 59*/
-        /*downlink_frequency      			      = 1907599425L; for card 37*/
-        uplink_frequency_offset 			      = 0;
-        Nid_cell					      = 0;
-        N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
-        Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-        nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-        tx_gain                                            = 20;
-        rx_gain                                            = 20;
-        prach_root              			      = 0;
-        prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-        prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-        prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-        prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-        pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-        pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-        pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-        pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-        pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -26;
-        pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-        pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-        pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-        pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-        pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-        pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-        pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 0;
-        phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-        phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-        srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-        srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-        srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-        srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-        pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -85;
-        pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-        pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -96;
-        msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-        rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-        rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*
-        rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-        rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-        rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-        */
-        rach_powerRampingStep                              = 2;
-        rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -90;
-        rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-        rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-        rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-        rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-        pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-        pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-        bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-      # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-      timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-      # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-      timer_reordering         = 35;
-      # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-      timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-      # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-      poll_pdu                 =  4;
-      # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-      poll_byte                =  99999;
-      # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-      max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-      # Number of streams to use in input/output
-      SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-      ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth0";
-      ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-      ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth0";
-      ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-      ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="debug";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band39.tm1.usrpb210.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band39.tm1.usrpb210.conf
deleted file mode 100755
index dba8eb7ddd43006f958d394b84ec28cc2b49318c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band39.tm1.usrpb210.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "92";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-        node_function                                         = "eNodeB_3GPP";
-	node_timing                                           = "synch_to_ext_device";
-	node_synch_ref                                        = 0;
-        frame_type					      = "TDD";
-        tdd_config 					      = 3;
-        tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-        prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-        eutra_band              			      = 39;
-        downlink_frequency      			      = 1910000000L;
-        uplink_frequency_offset 			      = 0;
-        Nid_cell					      = 0;
-        N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
-        Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-        nb_antenna_ports          			      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-        tx_gain                                            = 90;
-        rx_gain                                            = 125;
-        prach_root              			      = 0;
-        prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-        prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-        prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-        prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-        pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-        pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-        pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-        pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-        pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -24;
-        pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-        pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-        pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-        pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-        pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-        pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-        phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-        phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-        srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-        srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-        srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-        srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-        pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -96;
-        pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-        pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -103;
-        msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-        rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-        rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*
-        rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-        rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-        rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-        */
-        rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-        rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -104;
-        rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-        rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-        rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-        rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-        pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-        pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-        bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-	ue_TransmissionMode				      = 1;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-      # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-      timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-      # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-      timer_reordering         = 35;
-      # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-      timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-      # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-      poll_pdu                 =  4;
-      # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-      poll_byte                =  99999;
-      # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-      max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-      # Number of streams to use in input/output
-      SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-      ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth0";
-      ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-      ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth0";
-      ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-      ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="info";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band4.exmimo2.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band4.exmimo2.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index bf7861f66d305b51b1f5a3eafe902ef4e9a8ced7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band4.exmimo2.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    # real_time choice in {hard, rt-preempt, no}
-    real_time       =  "no";
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "94";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-    		       	 {
-  			   frame_type					      = "FDD";	
-                           tdd_config 					      = 3;
-                           tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
- 			   prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-  			   eutra_band              			      = 4;
-                           downlink_frequency      			      = 2112500000L;
-                           uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -400000000;
-  			   Nid_cell					      = 0;
-                           N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
-                           Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-                           nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-                           nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-			   nb_antenna_ports				      = 1;
-			   tx_gain					      = 20;
-			   rx_gain			    		      = 20;
-                           prach_root              			      = 22;
-                           prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-                           prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-  	                   prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-                           prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-			   pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-                           pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-                           pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-                           pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-                           pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -25;
-                           pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-                           pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1; 
-                           pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-			   pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-			   pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 1;
-     	                   pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-	                   pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-	                   pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-	                   pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 0;
-	                   phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-	                   phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-	                   srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-	               /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-	                   srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-	                   srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-	                   srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/  
-	                   pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -85; 
-	                   pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-	                   pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -96;
-	                   msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-	                   pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-	                   pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-	                   pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-	                   pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-  	                   pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-                           rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-                           rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-                           rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-                           rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-                           rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ; 
-                           rach_powerRampingStep                              = 2;
-	                   rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -100;
-                           rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-	                   rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-	                   rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-	                   rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-			   pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-			   pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-			   bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 20000; //10000;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-			   ue_TransmissionMode 				      = 1;
-			 }
-			 );
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    log_config : 
-    {
-	global_log_level                      ="info";
-    	global_log_verbosity                  ="high";
-	hw_log_level                          ="info"; 
-    	hw_log_verbosity                      ="high";
-	phy_log_level                         ="info"; 
-    	phy_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-	mac_log_level                         ="debug"; 
-    	mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-	rlc_log_level                         ="info"; 
-    	rlc_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-	pdcp_log_level                        ="info"; 
-    	pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="high";
-	rrc_log_level                         ="info"; 
-    	rrc_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-   };	
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band4.tm1.usrpb210.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band4.tm1.usrpb210.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 4004b5faec9cd61103d88b88f5e905be860fdef4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band4.tm1.usrpb210.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "92";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-        node_function                                         = "eNodeB_3GPP";
-	node_timing                                           = "synch_to_ext_device";
-	node_synch_ref                                        = 0;
-        frame_type					      = "FDD";
-        tdd_config 					      = 3;
-        tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-        prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-        eutra_band              			      = 4;
-        downlink_frequency      			      = 2120000000L;
-        uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -400000000;
-        Nid_cell					      = 0;
-        N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
-        Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-        nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-	nb_antenna_ports                                      = 1;
-        tx_gain                                            = 90;
-        rx_gain                                            = 128;
-        prach_root              			      = 0;
-        prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-        prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-        prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-        prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-        pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-        pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-        pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-        pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-        pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -26;
-        pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-        pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-        pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-        pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-        pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-        pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-        pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-        phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-        phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-        srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-        srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-        srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-        srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-        pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -90;
-        pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-        pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -96;
-        msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-        rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-        rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*
-        rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-        rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-        rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-        */
-        rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-        rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -108;
-        rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-        rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-        rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-        rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-        pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-        pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-        bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-	ue_TransmissionMode				      = 1;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-      # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-      timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-      # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-      timer_reordering         = 35;
-      # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-      timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-      # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-      poll_pdu                 =  4;
-      # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-      poll_byte                =  99999;
-      # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-      max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-      # Number of streams to use in input/output
-      SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-      ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth0";
-      ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-      ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth0";
-      ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-      ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="info";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band40.tm1.TDD3SS5.100PRB.usrpb210.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band40.tm1.TDD3SS5.100PRB.usrpb210.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ede18f6af6fcd210cf92b23a8faab91ac920b16..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band40.tm1.TDD3SS5.100PRB.usrpb210.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "94";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-        node_function                                         = "eNodeB_3GPP";
-	node_timing                                           = "synch_to_ext_device";
-	node_synch_ref                                        = 0;
-        frame_type					      = "TDD";
-        tdd_config 					      = 3;
-        tdd_config_s            			      = 5;
-        prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-        eutra_band              			      = 40;
-        downlink_frequency      			      = 2350000000L;
-        uplink_frequency_offset 			      = 0;
-        Nid_cell					      = 0;
-        N_RB_DL                 			      = 100;
-        Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-        nb_antenna_ports          			      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-        tx_gain                                            = 90;
-        rx_gain                                            = 125;
-        prach_root              			      = 0;
-        prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-        prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-        prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-        prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-        pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-        pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-        pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-        pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-        pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -24;
-        pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-        pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-        pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-        pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-        pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-        pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-        pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-        phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-        phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-        srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-        srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-        srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-        srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-        pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -96;
-        pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-        pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -103;
-        msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-        rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-        rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*
-        rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-        rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-        rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-        */
-        rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-        rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -104;
-        rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-        rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-        rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-        rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-        pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-        pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-        bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-	ue_TransmissionMode				      = 1;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "lo";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "lo";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="info";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band40.tm1.TDD3SS5.25PRB.usrpb210.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band40.tm1.TDD3SS5.25PRB.usrpb210.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index c5200f0d798d208f1357d5c4b827d43339dce4b8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band40.tm1.TDD3SS5.25PRB.usrpb210.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "94";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-        node_function                                         = "eNodeB_3GPP";
-	node_timing                                           = "synch_to_ext_device";
-	node_synch_ref                                        = 0;
-        frame_type					      = "TDD";
-        tdd_config 					      = 3;
-        tdd_config_s            			      = 5;
-        prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-        eutra_band              			      = 40;
-        downlink_frequency      			      = 2350000000L;
-        uplink_frequency_offset 			      = 0;
-        Nid_cell					      = 0;
-        N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
-        Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-        nb_antenna_ports          			      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-        tx_gain                                            = 90;
-        rx_gain                                            = 125;
-        prach_root              			      = 0;
-        prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-        prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-        prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-        prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-        pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-        pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-        pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-        pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-        pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -24;
-        pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-        pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-        pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-        pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-        pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-        pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-        pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-        phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-        phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-        srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-        srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-        srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-        srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-        pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -96;
-        pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-        pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -103;
-        msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-        rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-        rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*
-        rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-        rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-        rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-        */
-        rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-        rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -104;
-        rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-        rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-        rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-        rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-        pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-        pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-        bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-	ue_TransmissionMode				      = 1;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "lo";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "lo";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="info";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band40.tm1.TDD3SS5.50PRB.usrpb210.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band40.tm1.TDD3SS5.50PRB.usrpb210.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index f4143f77f0e836160c52ca1aed22433d24f9640d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band40.tm1.TDD3SS5.50PRB.usrpb210.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "94";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-        node_function                                         = "eNodeB_3GPP";
-	node_timing                                           = "synch_to_ext_device";
-	node_synch_ref                                        = 0;
-        frame_type					      = "TDD";
-        tdd_config 					      = 3;
-        tdd_config_s            			      = 5;
-        prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-        eutra_band              			      = 40;
-        downlink_frequency      			      = 2350000000L;
-        uplink_frequency_offset 			      = 0;
-        Nid_cell					      = 0;
-        N_RB_DL                 			      = 50;
-        Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-        nb_antenna_ports          			      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-        tx_gain                                            = 90;
-        rx_gain                                            = 125;
-        prach_root              			      = 0;
-        prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-        prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-        prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-        prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-        pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-        pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-        pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-        pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-        pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -24;
-        pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-        pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-        pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-        pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-        pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-        pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-        pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-        phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-        phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-        srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-        srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-        srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-        srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-        pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -96;
-        pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-        pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -103;
-        msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-        rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-        rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*
-        rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-        rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-        rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-        */
-        rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-        rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -104;
-        rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-        rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-        rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-        rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-        pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-        pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-        bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-	ue_TransmissionMode				      = 1;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "lo";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "lo";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="info";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band40.tm1.usrpb210.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band40.tm1.usrpb210.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 6549df89751d676f7e1ba44d792e775567055506..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band40.tm1.usrpb210.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "94";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-        node_function                                         = "eNodeB_3GPP";
-	node_timing                                           = "synch_to_ext_device";
-	node_synch_ref                                        = 0;
-        frame_type					      = "TDD";
-        tdd_config 					      = 1;
-        tdd_config_s            			      = 5;
-        prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-        eutra_band              			      = 40;
-        downlink_frequency      			      = 2350000000L;
-        uplink_frequency_offset 			      = 0;
-        Nid_cell					      = 0;
-        N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
-        Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-        nb_antenna_ports          			      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-        tx_gain                                            = 90;
-        rx_gain                                            = 125;
-        prach_root              			      = 0;
-        prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-        prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-        prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-        prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-        pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-        pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-        pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-        pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-        pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -24;
-        pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-        pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-        pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-        pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-        pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-        pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-        pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-        phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-        phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-        srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-        srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-        srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-        srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-        pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -96;
-        pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-        pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -103;
-        msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-        rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-        rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*
-        rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-        rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-        rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-        */
-        rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-        rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -104;
-        rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-        rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-        rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-        rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-        pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-        pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-        bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-	ue_TransmissionMode				      = 1;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "lo";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "lo";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="info";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band5.flexran.50PRB.usrpb210.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band5.flexran.50PRB.usrpb210.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e39b934e43841c3ba0f922d791921cb0602eaf1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band5.flexran.50PRB.usrpb210.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "95";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-        node_function                                         = "eNodeB_3GPP";
-	node_timing                                           = "synch_to_ext_device";
-	node_synch_ref                                        = 0;
-        frame_type					      = "FDD";
-        tdd_config 					      = 3;
-        tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-        prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-        eutra_band              			      = 5;
-        downlink_frequency      			      = 879000000L;
-        uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -45000000;
-        Nid_cell					      = 0;
-        N_RB_DL                 			      = 50;
-        Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-        nb_antenna_ports          			      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-        tx_gain                                            = 90;
-        rx_gain                                            = 115;
-        prach_root              			      = 0;
-        prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-        prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-        prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-        prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-        pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-        pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-        pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-        pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-        pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -26;
-        pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-        pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-        pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-        pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-        pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-        pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-        pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-        phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-        phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-        srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-        srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-        srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-        srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-        pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -90;
-        pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-        pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -108;
-        msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-        rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-        rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*
-        rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-        rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-        rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-        */
-        rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-        rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -108;
-        rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-        rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-        rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-        rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-        pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-        pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-        bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-	ue_TransmissionMode				      = 1;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:100::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    {
-        FLEXRAN_AGENT_INTERFACE_NAME            = "eth1";
-        FLEXRAN_AGENT_IPV4_ADDRESS              = "";
-        FLEXRAN_AGENT_PORT                      = 2210;
-        FLEXRAN_AGENT_CACHE                     = "/mnt/oai_agent_cache";
-    };
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="info";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band5.flexran.usrpb210.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band5.flexran.usrpb210.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 66e7ef433d4932e8b5be2a3b0166cba4514912e2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band5.flexran.usrpb210.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "95";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-        node_function                                         = "eNodeB_3GPP";
-	node_timing                                           = "synch_to_ext_device";
-	node_synch_ref                                        = 0;
-        frame_type					      = "FDD";
-        tdd_config 					      = 3;
-        tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-        prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-        eutra_band              			      = 5;
-        downlink_frequency      			      = 879000000L;
-        uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -45000000;
-        Nid_cell					      = 0;
-        N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
-        Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-        nb_antenna_ports          			      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-        tx_gain                                            = 90;
-        rx_gain                                            = 115;
-        prach_root              			      = 0;
-        prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-        prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-        prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-        prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-        pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-        pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-        pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-        pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-        pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -26;
-        pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-        pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-        pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-        pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-        pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-        pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-        pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-        phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-        phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-        srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-        srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-        srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-        srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-        pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -90;
-        pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-        pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -108;
-        msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-        rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-        rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*
-        rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-        rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-        rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-        */
-        rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-        rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -108;
-        rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-        rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-        rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-        rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-        pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-        pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-        bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-	ue_TransmissionMode				      = 1;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:100::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    {
-        FLEXRAN_AGENT_INTERFACE_NAME            = "eth1";
-        FLEXRAN_AGENT_IPV4_ADDRESS              = "";
-        FLEXRAN_AGENT_PORT                      = 2210;
-        FLEXRAN_AGENT_CACHE                     = "/mnt/oai_agent_cache";
-    };
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="info";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band5.tm1.usrpb210.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band5.tm1.usrpb210.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 827cd8834a3e59aefb3dc7b27b675a7b491b2b54..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band5.tm1.usrpb210.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "92";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-    		       	 {
-  			   frame_type					      = "FDD";	
-                           tdd_config 					      = 3;
-                           tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
- 			   prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-  			   eutra_band              			      = 5;
-                           downlink_frequency      			      = 879000000L;
-                           uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -45000000;
-  			   Nid_cell					      = 0;
-                           N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
-                           Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-                           nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-                           nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1; 
-			   tx_gain                                            = 90;
-			   rx_gain                                            = 115;
-                           prach_root              			      = 0;
-                           prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-                           prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-  	                   prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-                           prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-			   pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-                           pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-                           pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-                           pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-                           pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -26;
-                           pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-                           pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1; 
-                           pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-			   pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-			   pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-     	                   pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-	                   pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-	                   pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-	                   pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-	                   phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-	                   phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-	                   srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-	               /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-	                   srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-	                   srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-	                   srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/  
-	                   pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -90; 
-	                   pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-	                   pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -108;
-	                   msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-	                   pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-	                   pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-	                   pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-	                   pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-  	                   pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-                           rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-                           rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-                           rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-                           rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-                           rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ; 
-                           rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-	                   rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -108;
-                           rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-	                   rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-	                   rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-	                   rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-			   pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-			   pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-			   bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-			 }
-			 );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500] 
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    log_config : 
-    {
-	global_log_level                      ="info"; 
-    	global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-	hw_log_level                          ="info"; 
-    	hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-	phy_log_level                         ="info"; 
-    	phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-	mac_log_level                         ="info"; 
-    	mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-	rlc_log_level                         ="info"; 
-    	rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-	pdcp_log_level                        ="info"; 
-    	pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-	rrc_log_level                         ="info"; 
-    	rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };	
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.exmimo2.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.exmimo2.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index c190020e082e2b7b9de4ed8d2adcf269f0b75a12..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.exmimo2.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "94";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-    		       	 {
-		           node_function                                         = "eNodeB_3GPP";
-        		   node_timing                                           = "synch_to_ext_device";
-        		   node_synch_ref                                        = 0;
-  			   frame_type					      = "FDD";	
-                           tdd_config 					      = 3;
-                           tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
- 			   prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-  			   eutra_band              			      = 7;
-                           downlink_frequency      			      = 2680000000L;
-                           uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -120000000;
-  			   Nid_cell					      = 0;
-                           N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
-                           Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-			   nb_antenna_ports				      = 2;
-                           nb_antennas_tx          			      = 2;
-                           nb_antennas_rx          			      = 2; 
-			   tx_gain                                            = 25;
-			   rx_gain                                            = 20;
-                           prach_root              			      = 0;
-                           prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-                           prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-  	                   prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-                           prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-			   pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-                           pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-                           pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-                           pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-                           pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -24;
-                           pdsch_p_b                  			      = 1;
-                           pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1; 
-                           pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-			   pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-			   pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-     	                   pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-	                   pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-	                   pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-	                   pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 0;
-	                   phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-	                   phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-	                   srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-	               /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-	                   srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-	                   srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-	                   srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/  
-	                   pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -85; 
-	                   pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-	                   pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -108;
-	                   msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-	                   pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-	                   pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-	                   pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-	                   pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-  	                   pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-                           rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-                           rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-                           rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-                           rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-                           rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ; 
-                           rach_powerRampingStep                              = 2;
-	                   rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -100;
-                           rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-	                   rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-	                   rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-	                   rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-			   pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-			   pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-			   bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-			   ue_TransmissionMode	                              = 2;
-			 }
-			 );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500] 
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
- /*
-    otg_config = (
-    	         {	      	
-    	      	 ue_id				=1;
-	     	 app_type			="scbr";
-	      	 bg_traffic			="disable";
-	      	 },
-	      	 {	      	
-    	      	 ue_id				=2;
-	      	 app_type			="bcbr";
-	      	 bg_traffic			="enable";
-	      	 }
-	      );
-    log_config : 
-    {
-	global_log_level                      ="debug"; 
-    	global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-	hw_log_level                          ="debug"; 
-    	hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-	phy_log_level                         ="debug"; 
-    	phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-	mac_log_level                         ="debug"; 
-    	mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-	rlc_log_level                         ="info"; 
-    	rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-	pdcp_log_level                        ="info"; 
-    	pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-	rrc_log_level                         ="debug"; 
-    	rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-	gtpu_log_level                         ="error"; 
-    	gtpu_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-	udp_log_level                         ="error"; 
-    	udp_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-	osa_log_level                         ="warn"; 
-    	osa_log_verbosity                     ="low";
-   };	
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.exmimo2_2a.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.exmimo2_2a.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index afd7ccb68ddb63c019bf319b3add109d87460a98..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.exmimo2_2a.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "92";
-    ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-        {
-             frame_type                           = "FDD";	
-             tdd_config                           = 3;
-             tdd_config_s                         = 0;
-             prefix_type                          = "NORMAL";
-             eutra_band                           = 7;
-             downlink_frequency                   = 2660000000L;
-             uplink_frequency_offset              = -120000000;
-             Nid_cell                             = 0;
-             N_RB_DL                              = 25;
-             Nid_cell_mbsfn                       = 0;
-             nb_antennas_tx                       = 1;
-             nb_antennas_rx                       = 1; 
-             tx_gain                              = 30;
-             rx_gain                              = 25;
-             prach_root                           = 0;
-             prach_config_index                   = 0;
-             prach_high_speed                     = "DISABLE";
-             prach_zero_correlation               = 1;
-             prach_freq_offset                    = 2;
-             pucch_delta_shift                    = 1;
-             pucch_nRB_CQI                        = 1;
-             pucch_nCS_AN                         = 0;
-             pucch_n1_AN                          = 32;
-             pdsch_referenceSignalPower           = -50;
-             pdsch_p_b                            = 0;
-             pusch_n_SB                           = 1; 
-             pusch_enable64QAM                    = "DISABLE";
-             pusch_hoppingMode                    = "interSubFrame";
-             pusch_hoppingOffset                  = 0;
-             pusch_groupHoppingEnabled            = "ENABLE";
-             pusch_groupAssignment                = 0;
-             pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled         = "DISABLE";
-             pusch_nDMRS1                         = 0;
-             phich_duration                       = "NORMAL";
-             phich_resource                       = "ONESIXTH";
-             srs_enable                           = "DISABLE";
-             /*
-             srs_BandwidthConfig                  =;
-             srs_SubframeConfig                   =;
-             srs_ackNackST                        =;
-             srs_MaxUpPts                         =;
-             */
-             pusch_p0_Nominal                     = -75; 
-             pusch_alpha                          = "AL1";
-             pucch_p0_Nominal                     = -96;
-             msg3_delta_Preamble                  = 6;
-             pucch_deltaF_Format1                 = "deltaF2";
-             pucch_deltaF_Format1b                = "deltaF3";
-             pucch_deltaF_Format2                 = "deltaF0";
-             pucch_deltaF_Format2a                = "deltaF0";
-             pucch_deltaF_Format2b                = "deltaF0";
-             rach_numberOfRA_Preambles            = 64;
-             rach_preamblesGroupAConfig           = "DISABLE";
-             rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA        = ;
-             rach_messageSizeGroupA               = ;
-             rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB        = ; 
-             rach_powerRampingStep                              = 2;
-             rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -90;
-             rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-             rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-             rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-             rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-             pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-             pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-             bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-             ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-             ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-             ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-             ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-             ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-             ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-        }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500] 
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    log_config : 
-    {
-        global_log_level                      ="info"; 
-        global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-        hw_log_level                          ="debug"; 
-        hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-        phy_log_level                         ="info"; 
-        phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-        mac_log_level                         ="info"; 
-        mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-        rlc_log_level                         ="info"; 
-        rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-        pdcp_log_level                        ="info"; 
-        pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-        rrc_log_level                         ="info"; 
-        rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.flexran.50PRB.usrpb210.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.flexran.50PRB.usrpb210.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e68b5d84b73ec285c87ea405e14c78926d99a0b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.flexran.50PRB.usrpb210.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "95";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-        node_function                                         = "eNodeB_3GPP";
-	node_timing                                           = "synch_to_ext_device";
-	node_synch_ref                                        = 0;
-        frame_type					      = "FDD";
-        tdd_config 					      = 3;
-        tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-        prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-        eutra_band              			      = 7;
-        downlink_frequency      			      = 2660000000L;
-        uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -120000000;
-        Nid_cell					      = 0;
-        N_RB_DL                 			      = 50;
-        Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-        nb_antenna_ports				      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-        tx_gain                                            = 90;
-        rx_gain                                            = 125;
-        prach_root              			      = 0;
-        prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-        prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-        prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-        prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-        pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-        pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-        pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-        pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-        pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -27;
-        pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-        pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-        pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-        pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-        pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-        pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-        pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-        phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-        phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-        srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-        srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-        srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-        srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-        pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -96;
-        pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-        pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -100;
-        msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-        rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-        rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*
-        rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-        rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-        rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-        */
-        rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-        rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -104;
-        rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-        rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-        rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-        rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-        pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-        pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-        bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-	ue_TransmissionMode	   			      = 1;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    {
-        FLEXRAN_AGENT_INTERFACE_NAME            = "eth1";
-        FLEXRAN_AGENT_IPV4_ADDRESS              = "";
-        FLEXRAN_AGENT_PORT                      = 2210;
-        FLEXRAN_AGENT_CACHE                     = "/mnt/oai_agent_cache";
-    };
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="info";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.flexran.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.flexran.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 188144754143a5bba4176096d6f1b06fbb372320..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.flexran.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "10";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-        node_function                                         = "eNodeB_3GPP";
-	node_timing                                           = "synch_to_ext_device";
-	node_synch_ref                                        = 0; 
-        frame_type					      = "FDD";
-        tdd_config 					      = 3;
-        tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-        prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-        eutra_band              			      = 7;
-        downlink_frequency      			      = 2680000000L;
-        uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -120000000;
-        Nid_cell					              = 0;
-        N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
-        Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-	nb_antenna_ports				      = 2;
-        nb_antennas_tx          			      = 2;
-        nb_antennas_rx          			      = 2;
-        tx_gain                                   = 25;
-        rx_gain                                   = 20;
-        prach_root              			      = 0;
-        prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-        prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-        prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-        prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-        pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-        pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-        pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-        pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-        pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = 0;
-        pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-        pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-        pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_hoppingMode                         = "interSubFrame";
-        pusch_hoppingOffset                       = 0;
-        pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-        pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-        pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	  = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_nDMRS1                              = 0;
-        phich_duration                            = "NORMAL";
-        phich_resource                            = "ONESIXTH";
-        srs_enable                                = "DISABLE";
-        /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                   =;
-        srs_SubframeConfig                        =;
-        srs_ackNackST                             =;
-        srs_MaxUpPts                              =;*/
-        pusch_p0_Nominal                          = -108;
-        pusch_alpha                               = "AL1";
-        pucch_p0_Nominal                          = -108;
-        msg3_delta_Preamble                       = 6;
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1                      = "deltaF2";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1b                     = "deltaF3";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2                      = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2a                     = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-        rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                 = 64;
-        rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                = "DISABLE";
-        /*
-        rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA             = ;
-        rach_messageSizeGroupA                    = ;
-        rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB             = ;
-        */
-        rach_powerRampingStep                     = 2;
-        rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower   = -100;
-        rach_preambleTransMax                     = 10;
-        rach_raResponseWindowSize                 = 10;
-        rach_macContentionResolutionTimer         = 48;
-        rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                       = 4;
-        pcch_default_PagingCycle                  = 128;
-        pcch_nB                                   = "oneT";
-        bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			  = 2;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-	ue_TransmissionMode 				      = 2;
-      }
-    );
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "0::0";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "none";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "none";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    {
-        ENB_AGENT_INTERFACE_NAME            = "eth1";
-        ENB_AGENT_IPV4_ADDRESS              = "";
-        ENB_AGENT_PORT                      = 2210;
-        ENB_AGENT_CACHE                     = "/mnt/oai_agent_cache";
-    };
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="trace";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="trace";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="trace";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="trace";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="trace";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="trace";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      gtpu_log_level                        ="debug";
-      gtpu_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      udp_log_level                         ="debug";
-      udp_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      osa_log_level                         ="debug";
-      osa_log_verbosity                     ="low";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.flexran.usrpb210.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.flexran.usrpb210.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ee429f45e907b8db78414c1bf5e0cadca5b3a4c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.flexran.usrpb210.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "95";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-        node_function                                         = "eNodeB_3GPP";
-	node_timing                                           = "synch_to_ext_device";
-	node_synch_ref                                        = 0;
-        frame_type					      = "FDD";
-        tdd_config 					      = 3;
-        tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-        prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-        eutra_band              			      = 7;
-        downlink_frequency      			      = 2660000000L;
-        uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -120000000;
-        Nid_cell					      = 0;
-        N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
-        Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-        nb_antenna_ports          			      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-        tx_gain                                            = 90;
-        rx_gain                                            = 125;
-        prach_root              			      = 0;
-        prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-        prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-        prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-        prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-        pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-        pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-        pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-        pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-        pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -24;
-        pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-        pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-        pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-        pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-        pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-        pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-        pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-        phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-        phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-        srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-        srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-        srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-        srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-        pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -96;
-        pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-        pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -103;
-        msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-        rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-        rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*
-        rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-        rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-        rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-        */
-        rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-        rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -104;
-        rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-        rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-        rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-        rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-        pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-        pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-        bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-	ue_TransmissionMode				      = 1;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:100::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    {
-        FLEXRAN_AGENT_INTERFACE_NAME            = "eth1";
-        FLEXRAN_AGENT_IPV4_ADDRESS              = "";
-        FLEXRAN_AGENT_PORT                      = 2210;
-        FLEXRAN_AGENT_CACHE                     = "/mnt/oai_agent_cache";
-    };
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="info";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d9d5b45355f690e963ef5c436a48e0a1f09a2f1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "92";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-    		       	 {
-               node_function                                         = "eNodeB_3GPP";
-	           node_timing                                           = "synch_to_ext_device";
-	           node_synch_ref                                        = 0;
-  			   frame_type					      = "FDD";	
-                           tdd_config 					      = 3;
-                           tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
- 			   prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-  			   eutra_band              			      = 7;
-                           downlink_frequency      			      = 2680000000L;
-                           uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -120000000;
-  			   Nid_cell					      = 0;
-                           N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
-                           Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-                           nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-                           nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1; 
-			   tx_gain                                            = 25;
-			   rx_gain                                            = 20;
-                           prach_root              			      = 0;
-                           prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-                           prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-  	                   prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-                           prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-			   pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-                           pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-                           pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-                           pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-                           pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = 0;
-                           pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-                           pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1; 
-                           pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-			   pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-			   pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-     	                   pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-	                   pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-	                   pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-	                   pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 0;
-	                   phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-	                   phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-	                   srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-	               /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-	                   srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-	                   srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-	                   srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/  
-	                   pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -108; 
-	                   pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-	                   pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -108;
-	                   msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-	                   pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-	                   pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-	                   pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-	                   pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-  	                   pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-                           rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-                           rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-                           rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-                           rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-                           rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ; 
-                           rach_powerRampingStep                              = 2;
-	                   rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -100;
-                           rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-	                   rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-	                   rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-	                   rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-			   pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-			   pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-			   bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-	           ue_TransmissionMode				      = 1;
-			 }
-			 );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500] 
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
- /*
-    otg_config = (
-    	         {	      	
-    	      	 ue_id				=1;
-	     	 app_type			="scbr";
-	      	 bg_traffic			="disable";
-	      	 },
-	      	 {	      	
-    	      	 ue_id				=2;
-	      	 app_type			="bcbr";
-	      	 bg_traffic			="enable";
-	      	 }
-	      );
-    log_config : 
-    {
-	global_log_level                      ="info"; 
-    	global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-	hw_log_level                          ="debug"; 
-    	hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-	phy_log_level                         ="info"; 
-    	phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-	mac_log_level                         ="info"; 
-    	mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-	rlc_log_level                         ="info"; 
-    	rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-	pdcp_log_level                        ="info"; 
-    	pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-	rrc_log_level                         ="debug"; 
-    	rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-	gtpu_log_level                         ="error"; 
-    	gtpu_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-	udp_log_level                         ="error"; 
-    	udp_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-	osa_log_level                         ="warn"; 
-    	osa_log_verbosity                     ="low";
-   };	
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_mme.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_mme.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 4eacf1f8de58630796fdeb0e8d8071dccfdc4a1a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_mme.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "93";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-            node_function                                         = "eNodeB_3GPP";
-            node_timing                                           = "synch_to_ext_device";
-            node_synch_ref                                        = 0;
-  		    frame_type					              = "FDD";
-            tdd_config 					              = 3;
-            tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
- 			prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-  			eutra_band              			      = 7;
-            downlink_frequency      			      = 2680000000L;
-            uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -120000000;
-  			Nid_cell					              = 0;
-            N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
-            Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-	    nb_antenna_ports				      = 2;
-            nb_antennas_tx          			      = 2;
-            nb_antennas_rx          			      = 2;
-			tx_gain                                   = 25;
-			rx_gain                                   = 20;
-            prach_root              			      = 0;
-            prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-            prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-  	        prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-            prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-			pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-            pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-            pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-            pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-            pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = 0;
-            pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-            pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-            pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-			pusch_hoppingMode                         = "interSubFrame";
-			pusch_hoppingOffset                       = 0;
-     	    pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-	        pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-	        pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	  = "DISABLE";
-	        pusch_nDMRS1                              = 0;
-	        phich_duration                            = "NORMAL";
-	        phich_resource                            = "ONESIXTH";
-	        srs_enable                                = "DISABLE";
-	        /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                   =;
-	        srs_SubframeConfig                        =;
-	        srs_ackNackST                             =;
-	        srs_MaxUpPts                              =;*/
-	        pusch_p0_Nominal                          = -108;
-	        pusch_alpha                               = "AL1";
-	        pucch_p0_Nominal                          = -108;
-	        msg3_delta_Preamble                       = 6;
-	        pucch_deltaF_Format1                      = "deltaF2";
-	        pucch_deltaF_Format1b                     = "deltaF3";
-	        pucch_deltaF_Format2                      = "deltaF0";
-	        pucch_deltaF_Format2a                     = "deltaF0";
-  	        pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-            rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                 = 64;
-            rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                = "DISABLE";
-            rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA             = ;
-            rach_messageSizeGroupA                    = ;
-            rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB             = ;
-            rach_powerRampingStep                     = 2;
-            rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower   = -100;
-            rach_preambleTransMax                     = 10;
-            rach_raResponseWindowSize                 = 10;
-            rach_macContentionResolutionTimer         = 48;
-            rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                       = 4;
-            pcch_default_PagingCycle                  = 128;
-            pcch_nB                                   = "oneT";
-            bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			  = 2;
-            ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-            ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-            ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-            ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-            ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-	    ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-	    ue_TransmissionMode				      = 2;		
-        }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500] 
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    log_config :
-    {
-    global_log_level                      ="trace";
-    global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-    hw_log_level                          ="info";
-    hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-    phy_log_level                         ="trace";
-    phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-    mac_log_level                         ="trace";
-    mac_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-    rlc_log_level                         ="trace";
-    rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-    pdcp_log_level                        ="trace";
-    pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-    rrc_log_level                         ="trace";
-    rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-    gtpu_log_level                        ="debug";
-    gtpu_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-    udp_log_level                         ="debug";
-    udp_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-    osa_log_level                         ="debug";
-    osa_log_verbosity                     ="low";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index e1587e5ceba3b73eaedeeb5240d91757dcf3f396..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "10";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-        node_function                                         = "eNodeB_3GPP";
-	node_timing                                           = "synch_to_ext_device";
-	node_synch_ref                                        = 0; 
-        frame_type					      = "FDD";
-        tdd_config 					      = 3;
-        tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-        prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-        eutra_band              			      = 7;
-        downlink_frequency      			      = 2680000000L;
-        uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -120000000;
-        Nid_cell					              = 0;
-        N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
-        Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-	nb_antenna_ports				      = 2;
-        nb_antennas_tx          			      = 2;
-        nb_antennas_rx          			      = 2;
-        tx_gain                                   = 25;
-        rx_gain                                   = 20;
-        prach_root              			      = 0;
-        prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-        prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-        prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-        prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-        pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-        pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-        pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-        pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-        pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = 0;
-        pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-        pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-        pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_hoppingMode                         = "interSubFrame";
-        pusch_hoppingOffset                       = 0;
-        pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-        pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-        pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	  = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_nDMRS1                              = 0;
-        phich_duration                            = "NORMAL";
-        phich_resource                            = "ONESIXTH";
-        srs_enable                                = "DISABLE";
-        /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                   =;
-        srs_SubframeConfig                        =;
-        srs_ackNackST                             =;
-        srs_MaxUpPts                              =;*/
-        pusch_p0_Nominal                          = -108;
-        pusch_alpha                               = "AL1";
-        pucch_p0_Nominal                          = -108;
-        msg3_delta_Preamble                       = 6;
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1                      = "deltaF2";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1b                     = "deltaF3";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2                      = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2a                     = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-        rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                 = 64;
-        rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                = "DISABLE";
-        /*
-        rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA             = ;
-        rach_messageSizeGroupA                    = ;
-        rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB             = ;
-        */
-        rach_powerRampingStep                     = 2;
-        rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower   = -100;
-        rach_preambleTransMax                     = 10;
-        rach_raResponseWindowSize                 = 10;
-        rach_macContentionResolutionTimer         = 48;
-        rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                       = 4;
-        pcch_default_PagingCycle                  = 128;
-        pcch_nB                                   = "oneT";
-        bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			  = 2;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-	ue_TransmissionMode 				      = 2;
-      }
-    );
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "0::0";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "none";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "none";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="trace";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="trace";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="trace";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="trace";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="trace";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="trace";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      gtpu_log_level                        ="debug";
-      gtpu_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      udp_log_level                         ="debug";
-      udp_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      osa_log_level                         ="debug";
-      osa_log_verbosity                     ="low";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.100PRB.usrpb210.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.100PRB.usrpb210.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index c974345888ead5524830608fd7f5d7b30b1e5833..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.100PRB.usrpb210.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "93";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-        node_function                                         = "eNodeB_3GPP";
-	node_timing                                           = "synch_to_ext_device";
-	node_synch_ref                                        = 0;
-        frame_type					      = "FDD";
-        tdd_config 					      = 3;
-        tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-        prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-        eutra_band              			      = 7;
-        downlink_frequency      			      = 2680000000L;
-        uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -120000000;
-        Nid_cell					      = 0;
-        N_RB_DL                 			      = 100;
-        Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-        nb_antenna_ports				      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-        tx_gain                                            = 90;
-        rx_gain                                            = 125;
-        prach_root              			      = 0;
-        prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-        prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-        prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-        prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-        pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-        pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-        pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-        pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-        pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -30;
-        pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-        pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-        pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-        pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-        pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-        pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-        pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-        phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-        phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-        srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-        srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-        srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-        srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-        pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -96;
-        pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-        pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -104;
-        msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-        rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-        rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*
-        rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-        rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-        rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-        */
-        rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-        rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -104;
-        rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-        rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-        rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-        rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-        pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-        pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-        bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-	ue_TransmissionMode	   			      = 1;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "lo";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "lo";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="info";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.100PRB.usrpx310.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.100PRB.usrpx310.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index b666889ed21498b76ebc9b7cbb65c3acd3a72f19..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.100PRB.usrpx310.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "92";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-        node_function                                         = "eNodeB_3GPP";
-        node_timing                                           = "synch_to_ext_device";
-        node_synch_ref                                        = 0;
-        frame_type					      = "FDD";
-        tdd_config 					      = 3;
-        tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-        prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-        eutra_band              			      = 7;
-        downlink_frequency      			      = 2660000000L;
-        uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -120000000;
-        Nid_cell					      = 0;
-        N_RB_DL                 			      = 100;
-        Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-        nb_antenna_ports          			      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-        tx_gain                                            = 32;
-        rx_gain                                            = 116;
-        prach_root              			      = 0;
-        prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-        prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-        prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-        prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-        pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-        pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-        pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-        pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-        pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -23;
-        pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-        pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-        pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-        pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-        pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-        pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-        pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-        phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-        phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-        srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-        srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-        srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-        srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-        pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -90;
-        pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-        pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -108;
-        msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-        rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-        rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*
-        rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-        rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-        rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-      */
-        rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-        rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -108;
-        rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-        rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-        rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-        rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-        pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-        pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-        bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-        ue_TransmissionMode				      = 1;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="debug";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.25PRB.lmssdr.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.25PRB.lmssdr.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 00f875ec4e2a27e50e7c9625a39c34d57a8d8ff1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.25PRB.lmssdr.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "93";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-        node_function                                         = "eNodeB_3GPP";
-	node_timing                                           = "synch_to_ext_device";
-	node_synch_ref                                        = 0;
-        frame_type					      = "FDD";
-        tdd_config 					      = 3;
-        tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-        prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-        eutra_band              			      = 7;
-        downlink_frequency      			      = 2680000000L;
-        uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -120000000;
-        Nid_cell					      = 0;
-        N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
-        Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-        nb_antenna_ports				      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-        tx_gain                                            = 7;
-        rx_gain                                            = 116;
-        prach_root              			      = 0;
-        prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-        prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-        prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-        prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-        pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-        pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-        pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-        pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-        pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -34;
-        pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-        pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-        pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-        pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-        pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-        pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-        pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-        phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-        phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-        srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-        srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-        srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-        srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-        pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -96;
-        pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-        pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -104;
-        msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-        rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-        rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*
-        rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-        rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-        rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-        */
-        rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-        rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -104;
-        rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-        rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-        rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-        rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-        pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-        pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-        bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-	ue_TransmissionMode	   			      = 1;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="info";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.25PRB.usrpb210.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.25PRB.usrpb210.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index c4c125a394a6b9a42c289a4eaa54ee6147997887..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.25PRB.usrpb210.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "93";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-        node_function                                         = "eNodeB_3GPP";
-	node_timing                                           = "synch_to_ext_device";
-	node_synch_ref                                        = 0;
-        frame_type					      = "FDD";
-        tdd_config 					      = 3;
-        tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-        prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-        eutra_band              			      = 7;
-        downlink_frequency      			      = 2685000000L;
-        uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -120000000;
-        Nid_cell					      = 0;
-        N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
-        Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-        nb_antenna_ports				      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-        tx_gain                                            = 90;
-        rx_gain                                            = 120;
-        prach_root              			      = 0;
-        prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-        prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-        prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-        prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-        pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-        pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-        pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-        pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-        pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -24;
-        pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-        pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-        pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-        pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-        pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-        pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-        pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-        phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-        phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-        srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-        srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-        srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-        srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-        pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -96;
-        pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-        pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -104;
-        msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-        rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-        rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*
-        rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-        rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-        rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-        */
-        rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-        rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -104;
-        rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-        rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-        rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-        rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-        pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-        pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-        bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-	ue_TransmissionMode	   			      = 1;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "lo";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "lo";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="info";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.50PRB.bladerfx40.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.50PRB.bladerfx40.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 14a9e4981210f8f5e7161bb04a6dff82bf4a0227..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.50PRB.bladerfx40.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "95";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-    		       	 {
-  			   frame_type					      = "FDD";	
-                           tdd_config 					      = 3;
-                           tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
- 			   prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-  			   eutra_band              			      = 7;
-                           downlink_frequency      			      = 2680000000L;
-                           uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -120000000;
-  			   Nid_cell					      = 0;
-                           N_RB_DL                 			      = 50;
-                           Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-                           nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-                           nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1; 
-			   tx_gain                                            = 60;
-			   rx_gain                                            = 60;
-                           prach_root              			      = 0;
-                           prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-                           prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-  	                   prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-                           prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-			   pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-                           pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-                           pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-                           pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-                           pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -26;
-                           pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-                           pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1; 
-                           pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-			   pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-			   pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-     	                   pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-	                   pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-	                   pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-	                   pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-	                   phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-	                   phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-	                   srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-	               /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-	                   srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-	                   srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-	                   srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/  
-	                   pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -90; 
-	                   pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-	                   pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -108;
-	                   msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-	                   pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-	                   pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-	                   pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-	                   pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-  	                   pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-                           rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-                           rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-                           rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-                           rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-                           rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ; 
-                           rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-	                   rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -108;
-                           rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-	                   rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-	                   rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-	                   rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-			   pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-			   pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-			   bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-			 }
-			 );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500] 
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    log_config : 
-    {
-	global_log_level                      ="info"; 
-    	global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-	hw_log_level                          ="info"; 
-    	hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-	phy_log_level                         ="info"; 
-    	phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-	mac_log_level                         ="info"; 
-    	mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-	rlc_log_level                         ="info"; 
-    	rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-	pdcp_log_level                        ="info"; 
-    	pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-	rrc_log_level                         ="info"; 
-    	rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };	
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.50PRB.lmssdr.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.50PRB.lmssdr.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d0e0f3702d8a7c43a40392aa068220234419b8f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.50PRB.lmssdr.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "93";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-        node_function                                         = "eNodeB_3GPP";
-	node_timing                                           = "synch_to_ext_device";
-	node_synch_ref                                        = 0;
-        frame_type					      = "FDD";
-        tdd_config 					      = 3;
-        tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-        prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-        eutra_band              			      = 7;
-        downlink_frequency      			      = 2680000000L;
-        uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -120000000;
-        Nid_cell					      = 0;
-        N_RB_DL                 			      = 50;
-        Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-        nb_antenna_ports				      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-        tx_gain                                            = 20;
-        rx_gain                                            = 116;
-        prach_root              			      = 0;
-        prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-        prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-        prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-        prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-        pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-        pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-        pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-        pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-        pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -35;
-        pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-        pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-        pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-        pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-        pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-        pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-        pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-        phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-        phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-        srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-        srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-        srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-        srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-        pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -96;
-        pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-        pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -104;
-        msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-        rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-        rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*
-        rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-        rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-        rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-        */
-        rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-        rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -104;
-        rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-        rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-        rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-        rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-        pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-        pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-        bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-	ue_TransmissionMode	   			      = 1;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="info";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.50PRB.rrh.usrpb210.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.50PRB.rrh.usrpb210.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 434dd056b45af43cc6d87f4ddc14dacbf51a0f6c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.50PRB.rrh.usrpb210.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-     ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "92";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-        frame_type					      = "FDD";
-        tdd_config 					      = 3;
-        tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-        prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-        eutra_band              			      = 7;
-        downlink_frequency      			      = 2680000000L;
-        uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -120000000;
-        Nid_cell					      = 0;
-        N_RB_DL                 			      = 50;
-        Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-        nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-        tx_gain                                            = 90;
-        rx_gain                                            = 125;
-        prach_root              			      = 0;
-        prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-        prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-        prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-        prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-        pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-        pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-        pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-        pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-        pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -29;
-        pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-        pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-        pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-        pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-        pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-        pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-        pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-        phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-        phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-        srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-        srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-        srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-        srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-        pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -90;
-        pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-        pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -96;
-        msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-        rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-        rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*
-        rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-        rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-        rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-        */
-        rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-        rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -108;
-        rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-        rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-        rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-        rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-        pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-        pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-        bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-rrh_gw_config = (
- {			  
-    local_if_name = "eth0";			  
-    #remote_address = "";	
-    #local_address = "";
-    remote_address = "74:d4:35:cc:88:45";
-    local_address = "98:90:96:df:66:07";
-    local_port = 50000;	    #for raw option local port must be the same to remote	       
-    remote_port = 50000; 
-    rrh_gw_active = "yes";
-    tr_preference = "raw";
-    rf_preference = "usrp_b200";
-    iq_txshift = 4;
-    tx_sample_advance = 103;	
-    tx_scheduling_advance = 9; 	                
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth4";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth4";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="info";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.50PRB.usrpb210.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.50PRB.usrpb210.conf
index ebedbcf353e9f85f7a69d57298487f07671960a3..f364619682b8174ba17f6309086922f54d4a77c1 100644
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.50PRB.usrpb210.conf
+++ b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.50PRB.usrpb210.conf
@@ -158,29 +158,9 @@ eNBs =
         ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
         ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-log_config = 
-      global_log_level                      ="info";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="debug";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
 MACRLCs = (
 	num_cc = 1;
@@ -210,4 +190,20 @@ RUs = (
+     log_config :
+     {
+       global_log_level                      ="info";
+       global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
+       hw_log_level                          ="info";
+       hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
+       phy_log_level                         ="info";
+       phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
+       mac_log_level                         ="info";
+       mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
+       rlc_log_level                         ="info";
+       rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
+       pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
+       pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
+       rrc_log_level                         ="info";
+       rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
+    };
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.50PRB.usrpx310.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.50PRB.usrpx310.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index ac3c5fa2906f3bebf39425537cc8726698c95b52..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.50PRB.usrpx310.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "92";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-        node_function                                         = "eNodeB_3GPP";
-        node_timing                                           = "synch_to_ext_device";
-        node_synch_ref                                        = 0;
-        frame_type					      = "FDD";
-        tdd_config 					      = 3;
-        tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-        prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-        eutra_band              			      = 7;
-        downlink_frequency      			      = 2660000000L;
-        uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -120000000;
-        Nid_cell					      = 0;
-        N_RB_DL                 			      = 50;
-        Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-        nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-        tx_gain                                            = 32;
-        rx_gain                                            = 118;
-        prach_root              			      = 0;
-        prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-        prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-        prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-        prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-        pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-        pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-        pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-        pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-        pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -19;
-        pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-        pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-        pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-        pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-        pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-        pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-        pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-        phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-        phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-        srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-        srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-        srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-        srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-        pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -90;
-        pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-        pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -108;
-        msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-        rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-        rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*
-        rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-        rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-        rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-      */
-        rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-        rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -108;
-        rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-        rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-        rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-        rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-        pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-        pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-        bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="debug";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.bladerfx40.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.bladerfx40.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 2449aa145b49de42be260a1dcb8ad159f48efcda..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.bladerfx40.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "93";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-    		       	 {
-                           node_function                                         = "eNodeB_3GPP";
-                           node_timing                                           = "synch_to_ext_device";
-                           node_synch_ref                                        = 0;
-  			   frame_type					      = "FDD";	
-                           tdd_config 					      = 3;
-                           tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
- 			   prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-  			   eutra_band              			      = 7;
-                           downlink_frequency      			      = 2680000000L;
-                           uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -120000000;
-  			   Nid_cell					      = 0;
-                           N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
-                           Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-			   nb_antenna_ports				      = 1;
-                           nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-                           nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1; 
-			   tx_gain                                            = 60;
-			   rx_gain                                            = 120;
-                           prach_root              			      = 0;
-                           prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-                           prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-  	                   prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-                           prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-			   pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-                           pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-                           pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-                           pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-                           pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -29;
-                           pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-                           pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1; 
-                           pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-			   pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-			   pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-     	                   pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-	                   pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-	                   pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-	                   pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-	                   phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-	                   phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-	                   srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-	               /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-	                   srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-	                   srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-	                   srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/  
-	                   pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -90; 
-	                   pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-	                   pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -108;
-	                   msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-	                   pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-	                   pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-	                   pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-	                   pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-  	                   pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-                           rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-                           rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-                           rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-                           rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-                           rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ; 
-                           rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-	                   rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -108;
-                           rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-	                   rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-	                   rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-	                   rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-			   pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-			   pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-			   bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-			   ue_TransmissionMode				      = 1;
-			 }
-			 );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500] 
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    log_config : 
-    {
-	global_log_level                      ="info"; 
-    	global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-	hw_log_level                          ="info"; 
-    	hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-	phy_log_level                         ="info"; 
-    	phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-	mac_log_level                         ="info"; 
-    	mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-	rlc_log_level                         ="info"; 
-    	rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-	pdcp_log_level                        ="info"; 
-    	pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-	rrc_log_level                         ="info"; 
-    	rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };	
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.exmimo2.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.exmimo2.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 84e947eecc651f6aae2a88f538e5c16281f0c279..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.exmimo2.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "93";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-        {
-        node_function                                         = "eNodeB_3GPP";
-        node_timing                                           = "synch_to_ext_device";
-        node_synch_ref                                        = 0;
-        frame_type					      = "FDD";
-        tdd_config 					      = 3;
-        tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-        prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-        eutra_band              			      = 7;
-        downlink_frequency      			      = 2680000000L;
-        uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -120000000;
-        Nid_cell					      = 0;
-        N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
-        Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-        nb_antenna_ports          			      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-        tx_gain                                            = 25;
-        rx_gain                                            = 20;
-        prach_root              			      = 0;
-        prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-        prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-        prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-        prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-        pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-        pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-        pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-        pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-        pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -26;
-        pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-        pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-        pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-        pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-        pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-        pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-        pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 0;
-        phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-        phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-        srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-        srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-        srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-        srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-        pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -90; /*-85;*/
-        pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-        pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -100; /* -108 */
-        msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-        rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-        rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*
-        rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-        rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-        rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-        */
-        rach_powerRampingStep                              = 2;
-        rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -100;
-        rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-        rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-        rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-        rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-        pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-        pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-        bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-	ue_TransmissionMode				      = 1;
-        }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "lo";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "lo";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="info";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="debug";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="debug";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      gtpu_log_level                         ="error";
-      gtpu_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      udp_log_level                         ="error";
-      udp_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      osa_log_level                         ="warn";
-      osa_log_verbosity                     ="low";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.exmimo2.openEPC.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.exmimo2.openEPC.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index e651a2c07daecb0ff392fcbd426acac2f585c134..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.exmimo2.openEPC.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    # real_time choice in {hard, rt-preempt, no}
-    real_time       =  "no";
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "001";
-    mobile_network_code =  "01";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-    		       	 {
-  			   frame_type					      = "FDD";	
-                           tdd_config 					      = 3;
-                           tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
- 			   prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-  			   eutra_band              			      = 7;
-                           downlink_frequency      			      = 2680000000L;
-                           uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -120000000;
-  			   Nid_cell					      = 0;
-                           N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
-                           Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-                           nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-                           nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1; 
-			   tx_gain                                            = 25;
-			   rx_gain                                            = 20;
-                           prach_root              			      = 0;
-                           prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-                           prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-  	                   prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-                           prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-			   pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-                           pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-                           pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-                           pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-                           pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -26;
-                           pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-                           pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1; 
-                           pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-			   pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-			   pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-     	                   pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-	                   pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-	                   pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-	                   pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 0;
-	                   phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-	                   phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-	                   srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-	               /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-	                   srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-	                   srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-	                   srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/  
-	                   pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -80; /*-85;*/ 
-	                   pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-	                   pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -108; /* -108 */
-	                   msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-	                   pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-	                   pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-	                   pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-	                   pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-  	                   pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-                           rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-                           rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-                           rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-                           rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-                           rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ; 
-                           rach_powerRampingStep                              = 2;
-	                   rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -100;
-                           rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-	                   rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-	                   rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-	                   rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-			   pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-			   pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-			   bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-			 }
-			 );
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth3";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth3";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    log_config : 
-    {
-	global_log_level                      ="debug"; 
-    	global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-	hw_log_level                          ="info"; 
-    	hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-	phy_log_level                         ="warn"; 
-    	phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-	mac_log_level                         ="warn"; 
-    	mac_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-	rlc_log_level                         ="warn"; 
-    	rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-	pdcp_log_level                        ="warn"; 
-    	pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-	rrc_log_level                         ="info"; 
-    	rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-	gtpu_log_level                         ="info"; 
-    	gtpu_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-	udp_log_level                         ="info"; 
-    	udp_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-	osa_log_level                         ="warn"; 
-    	osa_log_verbosity                     ="low";
-   };	
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.generic.oaisim.local_mme.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.generic.oaisim.local_mme.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index f7e1ff1e6a46a4a239c40a656ba5aebe9645e4c6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.generic.oaisim.local_mme.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "10";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-    	{
-            node_function                                         = "eNodeB_3GPP";
-            node_timing                                           = "synch_to_ext_device";
-            node_synch_ref                                        = 0;
-  		    frame_type					              = "FDD";
-            tdd_config 					              = 3;
-            tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
- 			prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-  			eutra_band              			      = 7;
-            downlink_frequency      			      = 2680000000L;
-            uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -120000000;
-  			Nid_cell					              = 0;
-            N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
-            Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-	    nb_antenna_ports				      = 1;
-            nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-            nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-			tx_gain                                   = 25;
-			rx_gain                                   = 20;
-            prach_root              			      = 0;
-            prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-            prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-  	        prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-            prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-			pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-            pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-            pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-            pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-            pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = 0;
-            pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-            pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-            pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-			pusch_hoppingMode                         = "interSubFrame";
-			pusch_hoppingOffset                       = 0;
-     	    pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-	        pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-	        pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	  = "DISABLE";
-	        pusch_nDMRS1                              = 0;
-	        phich_duration                            = "NORMAL";
-	        phich_resource                            = "ONESIXTH";
-	        srs_enable                                = "DISABLE";
-	        /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                   =;
-	        srs_SubframeConfig                        =;
-	        srs_ackNackST                             =;
-	        srs_MaxUpPts                              =;*/
-	        pusch_p0_Nominal                          = -108;
-	        pusch_alpha                               = "AL1";
-	        pucch_p0_Nominal                          = -108;
-	        msg3_delta_Preamble                       = 6;
-	        pucch_deltaF_Format1                      = "deltaF2";
-	        pucch_deltaF_Format1b                     = "deltaF3";
-	        pucch_deltaF_Format2                      = "deltaF0";
-	        pucch_deltaF_Format2a                     = "deltaF0";
-  	        pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-            rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                 = 64;
-            rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                = "DISABLE";
-            rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA             = ;
-            rach_messageSizeGroupA                    = ;
-            rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB             = ;
-            rach_powerRampingStep                     = 2;
-            rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower   = -100;
-            rach_preambleTransMax                     = 10;
-            rach_raResponseWindowSize                 = 10;
-            rach_macContentionResolutionTimer         = 48;
-            rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                       = 4;
-            pcch_default_PagingCycle                  = 128;
-            pcch_nB                                   = "oneT";
-            bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			  = 2;
-            ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-            ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-            ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-            ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-            ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
- 	    ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-	    ue_TransmissionMode				      = 1;
-        }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500] 
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "tun2";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "lo";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    log_config :
-    {
-    global_log_level                      ="trace";
-    global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-    hw_log_level                          ="info";
-    hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-    phy_log_level                         ="trace";
-    phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-    mac_log_level                         ="trace";
-    mac_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-    rlc_log_level                         ="trace";
-    rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-    pdcp_log_level                        ="trace";
-    pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-    rrc_log_level                         ="trace";
-    rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-    gtpu_log_level                        ="debug";
-    gtpu_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-    udp_log_level                         ="debug";
-    udp_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-    osa_log_level                         ="debug";
-    osa_log_verbosity                     ="low";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index eb85b65afba41273baf0a3f884fe29aa262cf977..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "10";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-        node_function                                         = "eNodeB_3GPP";
-        node_timing                                           = "synch_to_ext_device";
-        node_synch_ref                                        = 0;
-        frame_type					      = "FDD";
-        tdd_config 					      = 3;
-        tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-        prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-        eutra_band              			      = 7;
-        downlink_frequency      			      = 2680000000L;
-        uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -120000000;
-        Nid_cell					              = 0;
-        N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
-        Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-	nb_antenna_ports				      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-        tx_gain                                   = 25;
-        rx_gain                                   = 20;
-        prach_root              			      = 0;
-        prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-        prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-        prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-        prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-        pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-        pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-        pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-        pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-        pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = 0;
-        pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-        pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-        pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_hoppingMode                         = "interSubFrame";
-        pusch_hoppingOffset                       = 0;
-        pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-        pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-        pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	  = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_nDMRS1                              = 0;
-        phich_duration                            = "NORMAL";
-        phich_resource                            = "ONESIXTH";
-        srs_enable                                = "DISABLE";
-        srs_BandwidthConfig                       =2;
-        srs_SubframeConfig                        =13;
-        srs_ackNackST                             ="DISABLE";
-        srs_MaxUpPts                              ="DISABLE";
-        pusch_p0_Nominal                          = -108;
-        pusch_alpha                               = "AL1";
-        pucch_p0_Nominal                          = -108;
-        msg3_delta_Preamble                       = 6;
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1                      = "deltaF2";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1b                     = "deltaF3";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2                      = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2a                     = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-        rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                 = 64;
-        rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                = "DISABLE";
-        /*
-        rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA             = ;
-        rach_messageSizeGroupA                    = ;
-        rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB             = ;
-        */
-        rach_powerRampingStep                     = 2;
-        rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower   = -100;
-        rach_preambleTransMax                     = 10;
-        rach_raResponseWindowSize                 = 10;
-        rach_macContentionResolutionTimer         = 48;
-        rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                       = 4;
-        pcch_default_PagingCycle                  = 128;
-        pcch_nB                                   = "oneT";
-        bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			  = 2;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-	ue_TransmissionMode				      = 1;
-      }
-    );
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "0::0";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "none";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "none";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="trace";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="trace";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="trace";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="trace";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="trace";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="trace";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      gtpu_log_level                        ="debug";
-      gtpu_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      udp_log_level                         ="debug";
-      udp_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      osa_log_level                         ="debug";
-      osa_log_verbosity                     ="low";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.rrh.usrpb210.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.rrh.usrpb210.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 42461f3d37550834de1b8068d6cb38b80807196e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.rrh.usrpb210.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "93";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-      frame_type					      = "FDD";
-      tdd_config 					      = 3;
-      tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-      prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-      eutra_band              			      = 7;
-      downlink_frequency      			      = 2660000000L;
-      uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -120000000;
-      Nid_cell					      = 0;
-      N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
-      Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-      nb_antennna_ports				      = 1;
-      nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-      nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-      tx_gain                                            = 90;
-      rx_gain                                            = 125;
-      prach_root              			      = 0;
-      prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-      prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-      prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-      prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-      pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-      pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-      pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-      pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-      pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -29;
-      pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-      pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-      pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-      pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-      pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-      pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-      pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-      pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-      pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-      phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-      phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-      srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-      srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-      srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-      srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-      pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -90;
-      pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-      pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -96;
-      msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-      pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-      rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-      rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*
-      rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-      rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-      rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-      */
-      rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-      rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -108;
-      rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-      rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-      rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-      rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-      pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-      pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-      bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-      ue_TransmissionMode				      = 1;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth3";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth3";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    rrh_gw_config = (
-    {			  
-        local_if_name = "eth0";			  
-    	#remote_address = "";	
-    	#local_address = "";				  
-   	remote_address = "74:d4:35:cc:88:e3";
-    	local_address = "74:d4:35:cc:88:d1";    
-    	local_port = 50000;	#for raw option local port must be the same to remote	       
-    	remote_port = 50000; 
-    	rrh_gw_active = "yes";
-    	tr_preference = "raw";
-    	rf_preference = "usrp_b200";
-    	iq_txshift = 4;
-    	tx_sample_advance = 80;	
-    	tx_scheduling_advance = 9; 	                
-    }
-    );  
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="info";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.usrpb210.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.usrpb210.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index d563f3af7e1b681e9e220b96e1098aefae47d6f9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.usrpb210.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "92";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-        node_function                                         = "eNodeB_3GPP";
-	node_timing                                           = "synch_to_ext_device";
-	node_synch_ref                                        = 0;
-        frame_type					      = "FDD";
-        tdd_config 					      = 3;
-        tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-        prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-        eutra_band              			      = 7;
-        downlink_frequency      			      = 2660000000L;
-        uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -120000000;
-        Nid_cell					      = 0;
-        N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
-        Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-        nb_antenna_ports          			      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-        tx_gain                                            = 90;
-        rx_gain                                            = 125;
-        prach_root              			      = 0;
-        prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-        prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-        prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-        prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-        pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-        pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-        pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-        pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-        pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -24;
-        pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-        pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-        pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-        pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-        pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-        pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-        pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-        phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-        phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-        srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-        srs_BandwidthConfig                                = 2;
-        srs_SubframeConfig                                 = 0;
-        srs_ackNackST                                      = "DISABLE";
-        srs_MaxUpPts                                       = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -90;
-        pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-        pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -96;
-        msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-        rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-        rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*
-        rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-        rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-        rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-        */
-        rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-        rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -104;
-        rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-        rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-        rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-        rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-        pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-        pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-        bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-	ue_TransmissionMode				      = 1;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth6";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth6";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="info";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.usrpx310.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.usrpx310.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index a7dde7c7eefbad3c279c6291a2aeebf88dbaea4a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.usrpx310.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "92";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-        node_function                                         = "eNodeB_3GPP";
-        node_timing                                           = "synch_to_ext_device";
-        node_synch_ref                                        = 0;
-        frame_type					      = "FDD";
-        tdd_config 					      = 3;
-        tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-        prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-        eutra_band              			      = 7;
-        downlink_frequency      			      = 2660000000L;
-        uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -120000000;
-        Nid_cell					      = 0;
-        N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
-        Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-        nb_antenna_ports          			      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-        tx_gain                                            = 32;
-        rx_gain                                            = 116;
-        prach_root              			      = 0;
-        prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-        prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-        prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-        prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-        pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-        pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-        pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-        pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-        pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -16;
-        pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-        pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-        pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-        pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-        pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-        pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-        pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-        phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-        phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-        srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-        srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-        srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-        srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-        pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -90;
-        pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-        pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -108;
-        msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-        rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-        rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*
-        rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-        rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-        rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-      */
-        rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-        rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -108;
-        rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-        rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-        rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-        rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-        pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-        pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-        bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-	ue_TransmissionMode				      = 1;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="debug";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm2.100PRB.usrpb210.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm2.100PRB.usrpb210.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 00ea6edfde066c6c99ba82fb06612e9d665fd41a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm2.100PRB.usrpb210.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "94";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-    		       	 {
-                           node_function                                      = "eNodeB_3GPP";
-                           node_timing                                        = "synch_to_ext_device";
-                           node_synch_ref                                     = 0;
-  			   frame_type					      = "FDD";	
-                           tdd_config 					      = 3;
-                           tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
- 			   prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-  			   eutra_band              			      = 7;
-                           downlink_frequency      			      = 2680000000L;
-                           uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -120000000;
-  			   Nid_cell					      = 0;
-                           N_RB_DL                 			      = 100;
-                           Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-			   nb_antenna_ports				      = 2;
-                           nb_antennas_tx          			      = 2;
-                           nb_antennas_rx          			      = 2; 
-			   tx_gain                                            = 90;
-			   rx_gain                                            = 125;
-                           prach_root              			      = 0;
-                           prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-                           prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-  	                   prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-                           prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-			   pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-                           pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-                           pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-                           pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-                           pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -30;
-                           pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-                           pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1; 
-                           pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-			   pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-			   pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-     	                   pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-	                   pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-	                   pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-	                   pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-	                   phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-	                   phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-	                   srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-	               /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-	                   srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-	                   srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-	                   srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/  
-	                   pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -90; 
-	                   pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-	                   pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -96;
-	                   msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-	                   pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-	                   pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-	                   pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-	                   pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-  	                   pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-                           rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-                           rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-                           rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-                           rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-                           rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ; 
-                           rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-	                   rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -108;
-                           rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-	                   rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-	                   rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-	                   rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-			   pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-			   pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-			   bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-			   ue_TransmissionMode	   			      = 2;
-			 }
-			 );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500] 
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    log_config : 
-    {
-	global_log_level                      ="info"; 
-    	global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-	hw_log_level                          ="info"; 
-    	hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-	phy_log_level                         ="info"; 
-    	phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-	mac_log_level                         ="info"; 
-    	mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-	rlc_log_level                         ="info"; 
-    	rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-	pdcp_log_level                        ="info"; 
-    	pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-	rrc_log_level                         ="info"; 
-    	rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };	
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm2.100PRB.usrpx310.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm2.100PRB.usrpx310.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a06a3fe70e810e0477e2b0d06187ac397b7af8e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm2.100PRB.usrpx310.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "92";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-        node_function                                         = "eNodeB_3GPP";
-        node_timing                                           = "synch_to_ext_device";
-        node_synch_ref                                        = 0;
-        frame_type					      = "FDD";
-        tdd_config 					      = 3;
-        tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-        prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-        eutra_band              			      = 7;
-        downlink_frequency      			      = 2660000000L;
-        uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -120000000;
-        Nid_cell					      = 0;
-        N_RB_DL                 			      = 100;
-        Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-        nb_antenna_ports				      = 2;
-        nb_antennas_tx          			      = 2;
-        nb_antennas_rx          			      = 2;
-        tx_gain                                            = 32;
-        rx_gain                                            = 116;
-        prach_root              			      = 0;
-        prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-        prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-        prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-        prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-        pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-        pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-        pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-        pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-        pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -23;
-        pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-        pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-        pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-        pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-        pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-        pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-        pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-        phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-        phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-        srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-        srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-        srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-        srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-        pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -90;
-        pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-        pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -108;
-        msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-        rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-        rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*
-        rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-        rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-        rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-      */
-        rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-        rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -108;
-        rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-        rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-        rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-        rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-        pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-        pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-        bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 2;
-        ue_TransmissionMode				      = 2;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="debug";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm2.50PRB.usrpb210.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm2.50PRB.usrpb210.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index a56eebf5b26bc05b4e4bcf031cd9f3053ddc36fe..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm2.50PRB.usrpb210.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "94";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-    		       	 {
-                           node_function                                      = "eNodeB_3GPP";
-                           node_timing                                        = "synch_to_ext_device";
-                           node_synch_ref                                     = 0;
-  			   frame_type					      = "FDD";	
-                           tdd_config 					      = 3;
-                           tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
- 			   prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-  			   eutra_band              			      = 7;
-                           downlink_frequency      			      = 2680000000L;
-                           uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -120000000;
-  			   Nid_cell					      = 0;
-                           N_RB_DL                 			      = 50;
-                           Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-			   nb_antenna_ports				      = 2;
-                           nb_antennas_tx          			      = 2;
-                           nb_antennas_rx          			      = 2; 
-			   tx_gain                                            = 90;
-			   rx_gain                                            = 125;
-                           prach_root              			      = 0;
-                           prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-                           prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-  	                   prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-                           prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-			   pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-                           pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-                           pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-                           pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-                           pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -27;
-                           pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-                           pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1; 
-                           pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-			   pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-			   pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-     	                   pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-	                   pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-	                   pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-	                   pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-	                   phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-	                   phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-	                   srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-	               /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-	                   srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-	                   srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-	                   srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/  
-	                   pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -90; 
-	                   pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-	                   pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -96;
-	                   msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-	                   pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-	                   pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-	                   pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-	                   pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-  	                   pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-                           rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-                           rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-                           rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-                           rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-                           rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ; 
-                           rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-	                   rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -108;
-                           rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-	                   rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-	                   rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-	                   rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-			   pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-			   pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-			   bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-			   ue_TransmissionMode	   			      = 2;
-			 }
-			 );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500] 
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    log_config : 
-    {
-	global_log_level                      ="info"; 
-    	global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-	hw_log_level                          ="info"; 
-    	hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-	phy_log_level                         ="info"; 
-    	phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-	mac_log_level                         ="info"; 
-    	mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-	rlc_log_level                         ="info"; 
-    	rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-	pdcp_log_level                        ="info"; 
-    	pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-	rrc_log_level                         ="info"; 
-    	rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };	
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm2.50PRB.usrpx310.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm2.50PRB.usrpx310.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index eac7271c46514b19c5d1e33111433c84afb3abfe..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm2.50PRB.usrpx310.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "92";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-        node_function                                         = "eNodeB_3GPP";
-        node_timing                                           = "synch_to_ext_device";
-        node_synch_ref                                        = 0;
-        frame_type					      = "FDD";
-        tdd_config 					      = 3;
-        tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-        prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-        eutra_band              			      = 7;
-        downlink_frequency      			      = 2660000000L;
-        uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -120000000;
-        Nid_cell					      = 0;
-        N_RB_DL                 			      = 50;
-        Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-        nb_antenna_ports          			      = 2;
-        nb_antennas_tx          			      = 2;
-        nb_antennas_rx          			      = 2;
-        tx_gain                                            = 32;
-        rx_gain                                            = 116;
-        prach_root              			      = 0;
-        prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-        prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-        prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-        prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-        pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-        pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-        pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-        pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-        pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -19;
-        pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-        pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-        pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-        pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-        pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-        pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-        pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-        phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-        phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-        srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-        srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-        srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-        srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-        pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -90;
-        pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-        pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -108;
-        msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-        rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-        rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*
-        rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-        rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-        rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-      */
-        rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-        rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -108;
-        rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-        rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-        rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-        rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-        pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-        pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-        bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-	ue_TransmissionMode				      = 2;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="debug";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm2.usrpb210.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm2.usrpb210.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a89eb86e453ae16b9539d7aa4c130597b2b5a6c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm2.usrpb210.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "94";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-    		       	 {
-                           node_function                                      = "eNodeB_3GPP";
-                           node_timing                                        = "synch_to_ext_device";
-                           node_synch_ref                                     = 0;
-  			   frame_type					      = "FDD";	
-                           tdd_config 					      = 3;
-                           tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
- 			   prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-  			   eutra_band              			      = 7;
-                           downlink_frequency      			      = 2660000000L;
-                           uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -120000000;
-  			   Nid_cell					      = 0;
-                           N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
-                           Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-			   nb_antenna_ports				      = 2;
-                           nb_antennas_tx          			      = 2;
-                           nb_antennas_rx          			      = 2; 
-			   tx_gain                                            = 90;
-			   rx_gain                                            = 125;
-                           prach_root              			      = 0;
-                           prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-                           prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-  	                   prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-                           prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-			   pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-                           pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-                           pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-                           pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-                           pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -24;
-                           pdsch_p_b                  			      = 1;
-                           pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1; 
-                           pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-			   pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-			   pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-     	                   pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-	                   pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-	                   pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-	                   pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-	                   phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-	                   phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-	                   srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-	               /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-	                   srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-	                   srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-	                   srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/  
-	                   pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -100; 
-	                   pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-	                   pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -106;
-	                   msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-	                   pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-	                   pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-	                   pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-	                   pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-  	                   pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-                           rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-                           rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-                           rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-                           rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-                           rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ; 
-                           rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-	                   rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -108;
-                           rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-	                   rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-	                   rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-	                   rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-			   pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-			   pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-			   bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-			   ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-			   ue_TransmissionMode	   			      = 2;
-			 }
-			 );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500] 
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    log_config : 
-    {
-	global_log_level                      ="info"; 
-    	global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-	hw_log_level                          ="info"; 
-    	hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-	phy_log_level                         ="info"; 
-    	phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-	mac_log_level                         ="info"; 
-    	mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-	rlc_log_level                         ="info"; 
-    	rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-	pdcp_log_level                        ="info"; 
-    	pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-	rrc_log_level                         ="info"; 
-    	rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };	
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm2.usrpx310.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm2.usrpx310.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 23253adb5bba6094777584caed40bbea427e07f7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm2.usrpx310.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "92";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-        node_function                                         = "eNodeB_3GPP";
-        node_timing                                           = "synch_to_ext_device";
-        node_synch_ref                                        = 0;
-        frame_type					      = "FDD";
-        tdd_config 					      = 3;
-        tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-        prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-        eutra_band              			      = 7;
-        downlink_frequency      			      = 2660000000L;
-        uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -120000000;
-        Nid_cell					      = 0;
-        N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
-        Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-        nb_antenna_ports          			      = 2;
-        nb_antennas_tx          			      = 2;
-        nb_antennas_rx          			      = 2;
-        tx_gain                                            = 32;
-        rx_gain                                            = 116;
-        prach_root              			      = 0;
-        prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-        prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-        prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-        prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-        pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-        pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-        pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-        pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-        pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -16;
-        pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-        pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-        pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-        pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-        pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-        pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-        pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-        phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-        phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-        srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-        srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-        srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-        srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-        pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -90;
-        pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-        pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -108;
-        msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-        rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-        rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*
-        rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-        rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-        rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-      */
-        rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-        rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -108;
-        rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-        rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-        rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-        rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-        pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-        pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-        bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-	ue_TransmissionMode				      = 2;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="debug";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm7.exmimo2.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm7.exmimo2.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 52a8d8ee502c1d878d844b98b2c226300ed25354..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm7.exmimo2.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "93";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-        {
-        node_function                                         = "eNodeB_3GPP";
-        node_timing                                           = "synch_to_ext_device";
-        node_synch_ref                                        = 0;
-        frame_type					      = "FDD";
-        tdd_config 					      = 3;
-        tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-        prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-        eutra_band              			      = 7;
-        downlink_frequency      			      = 2680000000L;
-        uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -120000000;
-        Nid_cell					      = 0;
-        N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
-        Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-        nb_antenna_ports          			      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-        tx_gain                                            = 25;
-        rx_gain                                            = 20;
-        prach_root              			      = 0;
-        prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-        prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-        prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-        prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-        pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-        pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-        pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-        pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-        pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -26;
-        pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-        pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-        pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-        pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-        pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-        pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-        pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 0;
-        phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-        phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-        srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-        srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-        srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-        srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-        pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -80; /*-85;*/
-        pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-        pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -108; /* -108 */
-        msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-        rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-        rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*
-        rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-        rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-        rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-        */
-        rach_powerRampingStep                              = 2;
-        rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -100;
-        rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-        rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-        rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-        rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-        pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-        pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-        bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-	ue_TransmissionMode				      = 7;
-        }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth2";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth2";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="info";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="debug";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="debug";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      gtpu_log_level                         ="error";
-      gtpu_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      udp_log_level                         ="error";
-      udp_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      osa_log_level                         ="warn";
-      osa_log_verbosity                     ="low";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.usrpb210.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.usrpb210.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 540edcd5b91c5e5f25c3bdf5e6b13a7a1f4fcfa6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.usrpb210.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "94";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-        node_function                                         = "eNodeB_3GPP";
-	node_timing                                           = "synch_to_ext_device";
-	node_synch_ref                                        = 0;
-        frame_type					      = "FDD";
-        tdd_config 					      = 3;
-        tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-        prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-        eutra_band              			      = 7;
-        downlink_frequency      			      = 2660000000L;
-        uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -120000000;
-        Nid_cell					      = 0;
-        N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
-        Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-        nb_antenna_ports          			      = 2;
-        nb_antennas_tx          			      = 2;
-        nb_antennas_rx          			      = 2;
-        tx_gain                                            = 90;
-        rx_gain                                            = 125;
-        prach_root              			      = 0;
-        prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-        prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-        prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-        prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-        pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-        pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-        pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-        pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-        pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -24;
-        pdsch_p_b                  			      = 1;
-        pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-        pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-        pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-        pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-        pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-        pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-        phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-        phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-        srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-        srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-        srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-        srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-        pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -90;
-        pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-        pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -96;
-        msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-        rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-        rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*
-        rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-        rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-        rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-        */
-        rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-        rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -104;
-        rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-        rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-        rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-        rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-        pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-        pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-        bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-	ue_TransmissionMode				      = 2;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth1";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth1";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="info";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="debug";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.centos.nord.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.centos.nord.conf
deleted file mode 100755
index b35a4c2271d707c8218aa929e8077c76c5df159d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.centos.nord.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    # real_time choice in {hard, rt-preempt, no}
-    real_time       =  "no";
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "92";
-    ////////// Channel parameters:
-    // Default Paging DRX of the eNB as defined in TS 36.304
-    default_paging_drx  =  "PAGING_DRX_256";
-    ////////// Physical parameters:
-    frame_type              = "FDD";	
-    prefix_type             = "NORMAL";
-    eutra_band              = 7;
-    downlink_frequency      = 2680000000;
-    uplink_frequency_offset = -120000000;
-    component_carriers = (
-    		       	 {
-			 cell_id                 = 0;
-                         N_RB_DL                 = 25;
-			 },
-			 {
-			 cell_id		 = 1; 
-			 N_RB_DL                 = 50;
-			 }  
-			 );
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    log_config : 
-    {
-	global_log_level                      ="debug"; 
-    	global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-	hw_log_level                          ="debug"; 
-    	hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-	phy_log_level                         ="info"; 
-    	phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-	mac_log_level                         ="debug"; 
-    	mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-	rlc_log_level                         ="info"; 
-    	rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-	pdcp_log_level                        ="info"; 
-    	pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-	rrc_log_level                         ="info"; 
-    	rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };	
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.dual.band13_band4.exmimo2.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.dual.band13_band4.exmimo2.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 14f878cda9aeb991d7e13e6a95570a1852a014a7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.dual.band13_band4.exmimo2.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "92";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-        frame_type					      = "FDD";
-        tdd_config 					      = 3;
-        tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-        prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-        eutra_band              			      = 13;
-        downlink_frequency      			      = 748500000L;
-        uplink_frequency_offset 			      = 31000000;
-        Nid_cell					      = 0;
-        N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
-        Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-        nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-        tx_gain					      = 2;
-        rx_gain			    		      = 2;
-        prach_root              			      = 22;
-        prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-        prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-        prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-        prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-        pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-        pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-        pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-        pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-        pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -24;
-        pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-        pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-        pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-        pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-        pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-        pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-        pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 0;
-        phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-        phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-        srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-        srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-        srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-        srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-        pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -75;
-        pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-        pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -108;
-        msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-        rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-        rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*
-        rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-        rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-        rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-        */
-        rach_powerRampingStep                              = 2;
-        rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -100;
-        rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-        rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-        rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-        rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-        pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-        pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-        bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-      },
-      {
-        frame_type					      = "FDD";
-        tdd_config 					      = 3;
-        tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-        prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-        eutra_band              			      = 4;
-        downlink_frequency      			      = 2112500000L;
-        uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -400000000;
-        Nid_cell					      = 0;
-        N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
-        Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-        nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-        tx_gain					      = 2;
-        rx_gain			    		      = 2;
-        prach_root              			      = 22;
-        prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-        prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-        prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-        prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-        pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-        pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-        pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-        pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-        pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -40;
-        pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-        pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-        pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-        pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-        pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-        pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-        pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 0;
-        phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-        phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-        srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-        srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-        srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-        srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-        pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -85;
-        pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-        pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -108;
-        msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-        rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-        rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*
-        rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-        rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-        rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-        */
-        rach_powerRampingStep                              = 2;
-        rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -100;
-        rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-        rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-        rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-        rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-        pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-        pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-        bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-      # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-      timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-      # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-      timer_reordering         = 35;
-      # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-      timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-      # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-      poll_pdu                 =  4;
-      # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-      poll_byte                =  99999;
-      # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-      max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-      # Number of streams to use in input/output
-      SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-      ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth0";
-      ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-      ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth0";
-      ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-      ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="info";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="high";
-      hw_log_level                          ="debug";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="high";
-      phy_log_level                         ="debug";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      mac_log_level                         ="debug";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="high";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="debug";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.dual.band38_band44.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.dual.band38_band44.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 08b34f439f0db650228f1ddb016c9383223a1098..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.dual.band38_band44.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "92";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-        frame_type					      = "TDD";
-        tdd_config 					      = 3;
-        tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-        prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-        eutra_band              			      = 38;
-        downlink_frequency      			      = 2595000000L;
-        uplink_frequency_offset 			      = 0;
-        Nid_cell					      = 0;
-        N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
-        Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-        nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-        prach_root              			      = 22;
-        prach_config_index      			      = 3;
-        prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-        prach_zero_correlation  			      = 0;
-        prach_freq_offset       			      = 0;
-        pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-        pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-        pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-        pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-        pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -24;
-        pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-        pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-        pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-        pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 4;
-        pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-        pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-        phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-        phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-        srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-        srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-        srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-        srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-        pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -95;
-        pusch_alpha                                        = "AL08";
-        pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -117;
-        msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-        rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 52;
-        rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*
-        rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-        rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-        rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-        */
-        rach_powerRampingStep                              = 2;
-        rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -104;
-        rach_preambleTransMax                              = 6;
-        rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-        rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-        rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-        pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-        pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-        bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-      },
-      {
-        frame_type					      = "TDD";
-        tdd_config 					      = 3;
-        tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-        prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-        eutra_band              			      = 44;
-        downlink_frequency      			      = 747500000L;
-        uplink_frequency_offset 			      = 0;
-        Nid_cell					      = 0;
-        N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
-        Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-        nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-        prach_root              			      = 22;
-        prach_config_index      			      = 3;
-        prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-        prach_zero_correlation  			      = 0;
-        prach_freq_offset       			      = 0;
-        pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-        pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-        pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-        pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-        pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -24;
-        pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-        pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-        pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-        pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 4;
-        pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-        pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-        phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-        phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-        srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-        srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-        srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-        srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-        pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -95;
-        pusch_alpha                                        = "AL08";
-        pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -117;
-        msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-        rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 52;
-        rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*
-        rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-        rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-        rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-        */
-        rach_powerRampingStep                              = 2;
-        rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -104;
-        rach_preambleTransMax                              = 6;
-        rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-        rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-        rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-        pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-        pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-        bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-    };
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="debug";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="debug";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="debug";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.dual.band7_band20.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.dual.band7_band20.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 02f9077984bb876aa3921b556c5fef909f93b8d6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.dual.band7_band20.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "93";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-        frame_type					      = "FDD";
-        tdd_config 					      = 3;
-        tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-        prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-        eutra_band              			      = 7;
-        downlink_frequency      			      = 2680000000L;
-        uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -120000000;
-        Nid_cell					      = 0;
-        N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
-        Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-        nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-        prach_root              			      = 22;
-        tx_gain                                            = 20;
-        rx_gain                                            = 20;
-        prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-        prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-        prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-        prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-        pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-        pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-        pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-        pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-        pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -24;
-        pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-        pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-        pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-        pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-        pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-        pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-        pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 0;
-        phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-        phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-        srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-        srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-        srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-        srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-        pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -85;
-        pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-        pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -108;
-        msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-        rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-        rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*
-        rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-        rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-        rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-        */
-        rach_powerRampingStep                              = 2;
-        rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -100;
-        rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-        rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-        rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-        rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-        pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-        pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-        bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-      },
-      {
-        frame_type					      = "FDD";
-        tdd_config 					      = 3;
-        tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-        prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-        eutra_band              			      = 20;
-        downlink_frequency      			      = 801000000L;
-        uplink_frequency_offset 			      = 41000000;
-        Nid_cell					      = 0;
-        N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
-        Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-        nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-        tx_gain                                            = 20;
-        rx_gain                                            = 20;
-        prach_root              			      = 0;
-        prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-        prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-        prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-        prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-        pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-        pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-        pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-        pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-        pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -24;
-        pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-        pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-        pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-        pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-        pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-        pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-        pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 0;
-        phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-        phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-        srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-        srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-        srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-        srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-        pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -95;
-        pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-        pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -108;
-        msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-        rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-        rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*
-        rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-        rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-        rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-        */
-        rach_powerRampingStep                              = 2;
-        rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -100;
-        rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-        rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-        rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-        rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-        pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-        pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-        bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-      # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-      timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-      # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-      timer_reordering         = 35;
-      # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-      timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-      # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-      poll_pdu                 =  4;
-      # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-      poll_byte                =  99999;
-      # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-      max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-      # Number of streams to use in input/output
-      SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-      ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth0";
-      ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-      ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth0";
-      ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-      ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="info";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="high";
-      hw_log_level                          ="debug";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="debug";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.dual.rel10.band13_band4.exmimo2.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.dual.rel10.band13_band4.exmimo2.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 569e7b39b24a18234bc11fe44a192c0a44f75fef..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.dual.rel10.band13_band4.exmimo2.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "92";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-        frame_type					      = "FDD";
-        tdd_config 					      = 3;
-        tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-        prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-        eutra_band              			      = 13;
-        downlink_frequency      			      = 748500000L;
-        uplink_frequency_offset 			      = 31000000;
-        Nid_cell					      = 0;
-        N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
-        Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-        nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-        tx_gain					      = 2;
-        rx_gain			    		      = 2;
-        prach_root              			      = 22;
-        prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-        prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-        prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-        prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-        pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-        pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-        pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-        pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -24;
-        pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-        pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-        pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-        pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-        pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-        pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-        pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 0;
-        phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-        phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-        srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-        srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-        srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-        srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-        pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -75;
-        pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-        pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -108;
-        msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-        rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-        rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*
-        rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-        rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-        rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-        */
-        rach_powerRampingStep                              = 2;
-        rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -100;
-        rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-        rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-        rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-        rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-        pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-        pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-        bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-      },
-      {
-        frame_type					      = "FDD";
-        tdd_config 					      = 3;
-        tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-        prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-        eutra_band              			      = 4;
-        downlink_frequency      			      = 2112500000L;
-        uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -400000000;
-        Nid_cell					      = 0;
-        N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
-        Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-        nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-        nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-        tx_gain					      = 2;
-        rx_gain			    		      = 2;
-        prach_root              			      = 22;
-        prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-        prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-        prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-        prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-        pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-        pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-        pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-        pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -40;
-        pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-        pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-        pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-        pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-        pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-        pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-        pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-        pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 0;
-        phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-        phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-        srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-        srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-        srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-        srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-        pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -85;
-        pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-        pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -108;
-        msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-        rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-        rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*
-        rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-        rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-        rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-        */
-        rach_powerRampingStep                              = 2;
-        rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -100;
-        rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-        rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-        rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-        rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-        pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-        pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-        bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-        ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="info";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="high";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="high";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="high";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.pft.memphis.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.pft.memphis.conf
deleted file mode 100755
index 9c39aaa665ddb9dab982745840808d254248db62..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.pft.memphis.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_0");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    # real_time choice in {hard, rt-preempt, no}
-    real_time       =  "no";
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_0";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "92";
-    ////////// Channel parameters:
-    // Default Paging DRX of the eNB as defined in TS 36.304
-    default_paging_drx  =  "PAGING_DRX_256";
-    ////////// Physical parameters:
-    frame_type              = "FDD";
-    prefix_type             = "NORMAL";
-    downlink_frequency      = 2680000000;
-    uplink_frequency_offset = -120000000;
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "2192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.sequans.sud.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.sequans.sud.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 1fc22d023ed38cbbc46224eeabe8434ecaf2066b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.sequans.sud.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-//Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_0", "eNB_Eurecom_1", "eNB_Eurecom_2", "eNB_Eurecom_3");
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_0");
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    # real_time choice in {hard, rt-preempt, no}
-    real_time       =  "hard";
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_0";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "92";
-    ////////// Channel parameters:
-    // Default Paging DRX of the eNB as defined in TS 36.304
-    default_paging_drx  =  "PAGING_DRX_256";
-    ////////// Physical parameters:
-    frame_type              = "FDD";
-    prefix_type             = "NORMAL";
-    eutra_band              = 4;
-    downlink_frequency      = 2120000000;
-    uplink_frequency_offset = -400000000;
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.sfr.sud.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.sfr.sud.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 1dfbb4a0f2af203af0d29eaf6985f74a30f20d93..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.sfr.sud.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_1");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    # real_time choice in {hard, rt-preempt, no}
-    real_time       =  "no";
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  347472;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_0";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "10";
-    ////////// Channel parameters:
-    // Default Paging DRX of the eNB as defined in TS 36.304
-    default_paging_drx  =  "PAGING_DRX_256";
-    ////////// Physical parameters:
-    frame_type              = "TDD";
-    tdd_config              = 3;
-    tdd_config_s            = 0;
-    prefix_type             = "NORMAL";
-    eutra_band              = 33;
-    downlink_frequency      = 1907600000;
-    uplink_frequency_offset = 0;
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "2192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            },
-                            { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "2192:168:30::18";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-  },
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_1";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "92";
-    ////////// Channel parameters:
-    // Default Paging DRX of the eNB as defined in TS 36.304
-    default_paging_drx  =  "PAGING_DRX_256";
-    ////////// Physical parameters:
-    frame_type              = "FDD";
-    prefix_type             = "NORMAL";
-    eutra_band              = 7;
-    downlink_frequency      = 2680e6;
-    uplink_frequency_offset = -120e6;
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "2192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            },
-                            { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "2192:168:30::18";
-                              active     = "no";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-    };
-  },
-  {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_2";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "92";
-    ////////// Channel parameters:
-    // Default Paging DRX of the eNB as defined in TS 36.304
-    default_paging_drx  =  "PAGING_DRX_256";
-    ////////// Physical parameters:
-    frame_type              = "FDD";
-    prefix_type             = "NORMAL";
-    eutra_band              = 7;
-    downlink_frequency      = 2680e6;
-    uplink_frequency_offset = -120e6;
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "2192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            },
-                            { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "2192:168:30::18";
-                              active     = "no";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-    };
-  },
-  {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  347475;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_3";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "92";
-    ////////// Channel parameters:
-    // Default Paging DRX of the eNB as defined in TS 36.304
-    default_paging_drx  =  "PAGING_DRX_256";
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = {   ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "2192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            };
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-    };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/example.enb.band7.epc_eur.local.exmimo2_2a.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/example.enb.band7.epc_eur.local.exmimo2_2a.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 512d1e78b3eb1ef40fba107a8520433cfcbd0609..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/example.enb.band7.epc_eur.local.exmimo2_2a.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "92";
-    ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-        {
-             frame_type                           = "FDD";	
-             tdd_config                           = 3;
-             tdd_config_s                         = 0;
-             prefix_type                          = "NORMAL";
-             eutra_band                           = 7;
-             downlink_frequency                   = 2660000000L;
-             uplink_frequency_offset              = -120000000;
-             Nid_cell                             = 0;
-             N_RB_DL                              = 25;
-             Nid_cell_mbsfn                       = 0;
-             nb_antennas_tx                       = 1;
-             nb_antennas_rx                       = 1; 
-             tx_gain                              = 30;
-             rx_gain                              = 25;
-             prach_root                           = 0;
-             prach_config_index                   = 0;
-             prach_high_speed                     = "DISABLE";
-             prach_zero_correlation               = 1;
-             prach_freq_offset                    = 2;
-             pucch_delta_shift                    = 1;
-             pucch_nRB_CQI                        = 1;
-             pucch_nCS_AN                         = 0;
-             pucch_n1_AN                          = 32;
-             pdsch_referenceSignalPower           = -50;
-             pdsch_p_b                            = 0;
-             pusch_n_SB                           = 1; 
-             pusch_enable64QAM                    = "DISABLE";
-             pusch_hoppingMode                    = "interSubFrame";
-             pusch_hoppingOffset                  = 0;
-             pusch_groupHoppingEnabled            = "ENABLE";
-             pusch_groupAssignment                = 0;
-             pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled         = "DISABLE";
-             pusch_nDMRS1                         = 0;
-             phich_duration                       = "NORMAL";
-             phich_resource                       = "ONESIXTH";
-             srs_enable                           = "DISABLE";
-             /*
-             srs_BandwidthConfig                  =;
-             srs_SubframeConfig                   =;
-             srs_ackNackST                        =;
-             srs_MaxUpPts                         =;
-             */
-             pusch_p0_Nominal                     = -75; 
-             pusch_alpha                          = "AL1";
-             pucch_p0_Nominal                     = -96;
-             msg3_delta_Preamble                  = 6;
-             pucch_deltaF_Format1                 = "deltaF2";
-             pucch_deltaF_Format1b                = "deltaF3";
-             pucch_deltaF_Format2                 = "deltaF0";
-             pucch_deltaF_Format2a                = "deltaF0";
-             pucch_deltaF_Format2b                = "deltaF0";
-             rach_numberOfRA_Preambles            = 64;
-             rach_preamblesGroupAConfig           = "DISABLE";
-             rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA        = ;
-             rach_messageSizeGroupA               = ;
-             rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB        = ; 
-             rach_powerRampingStep                              = 2;
-             rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -90;
-             rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-             rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-             rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-             rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-             pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-             pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-             bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-             ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-             ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-             ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-             ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-             ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-             ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-        }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500] 
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "2192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "tun2";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "tun3";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    log_config : 
-    {
-        global_log_level                      ="info"; 
-        global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-        hw_log_level                          ="debug"; 
-        hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-        phy_log_level                         ="info"; 
-        phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-        mac_log_level                         ="info"; 
-        mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-        rlc_log_level                         ="info"; 
-        rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-        pdcp_log_level                        ="info"; 
-        pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-        rrc_log_level                         ="info"; 
-        rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/example.enb.epc_eur.local.exmimo.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/example.enb.epc_eur.local.exmimo.conf
deleted file mode 100755
index c8e0280ba2da427aa1fa2131083f4b945df0d5ef..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/example.enb.epc_eur.local.exmimo.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_0");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID          =  0xe00;
-    cell_type       =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name        =  "eNB_Eurecom_0";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "92";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-        {
-            frame_type                      = "FDD";
-            tdd_config                      = 3;
-            tdd_config_s                    = 0;
-            prefix_type                     = "NORMAL";
-            eutra_band                      = 7;
-            downlink_frequency              = 2660000000L;
-            uplink_frequency_offset         = -120000000;
-            Nid_cell                        = 0;
-            N_RB_DL                         = 25;
-            Nid_cell_mbsfn                  = 0;
-            nb_antennas_tx                  = 1;
-            nb_antennas_rx                  = 1;
-             tx_gain                        = 30;
-             rx_gain                        = 25;
-            prach_root                      = 0;
-            prach_config_index              = 0;
-            prach_high_speed                = "DISABLE";
-            prach_zero_correlation          = 1;
-            prach_freq_offset               = 2;
-            pucch_delta_shift               = 1;
-            pucch_nRB_CQI                   = 1;
-            pucch_nCS_AN                    = 0;
-            pucch_n1_AN                     = 32;
-            pdsch_referenceSignalPower      = -50;
-            pdsch_p_b                       = 0;
-            pusch_n_SB                      = 1;
-            pusch_enable64QAM               = "DISABLE";
-            pusch_hoppingMode               = "interSubFrame";
-            pusch_hoppingOffset             = 0;
-            pusch_groupHoppingEnabled       = "ENABLE";
-            pusch_groupAssignment           = 0;
-            pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled    = "DISABLE";
-            pusch_nDMRS1                    = 0;
-            phich_duration                  = "NORMAL";
-            phich_resource                  = "ONESIXTH";
-            srs_enable                      = "DISABLE";
-            /*
-            srs_BandwidthConfig             =;
-            srs_SubframeConfig              =;
-            srs_ackNackST                   =;
-            srs_MaxUpPts                    =;
-            */
-            pusch_p0_Nominal                = -75;
-            pusch_alpha                     = "AL1";
-            pucch_p0_Nominal                = -96;
-            msg3_delta_Preamble             = 6;
-            pucch_deltaF_Format1            = "deltaF2";
-            pucch_deltaF_Format1b           = "deltaF3";
-            pucch_deltaF_Format2            = "deltaF0";
-            pucch_deltaF_Format2a           = "deltaF0";
-            pucch_deltaF_Format2b           = "deltaF0";
-            rach_numberOfRA_Preambles       = 64;
-            rach_preamblesGroupAConfig      = "DISABLE";
-            rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA   = ;
-            rach_messageSizeGroupA          = ;
-            rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB   = ;
-            rach_powerRampingStep                   = 2;
-            rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower = -90;
-            rach_preambleTransMax                   = 10;
-            rach_raResponseWindowSize               = 10;
-            rach_macContentionResolutionTimer       = 48;
-            rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                     = 4;
-            pcch_default_PagingCycle                = 128;
-            pcch_nB                                 = "oneT";
-            bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff            = 2;
-            ue_TimersAndConstants_t300              = 1000;
-            ue_TimersAndConstants_t301              = 1000;
-            ue_TimersAndConstants_t310              = 1000;
-            ue_TimersAndConstants_t311              = 10000;
-            ue_TimersAndConstants_n310              = 20;
-            ue_TimersAndConstants_n311              = 1;
-        }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "2192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "tun2";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "tun3";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    # available options for level:   error, warn, notice, info, debug, trace
-    # available options for verbosity: none, low, medium, high, full
-    log_config :
-    {
-        global_log_level                      ="debug";
-        global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-        hw_log_level                          ="error";
-        hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-        phy_log_level                         ="info";
-        phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-        mac_log_level                         ="info";
-        mac_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-        rlc_log_level                         ="debug";
-        rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-        pdcp_log_level                        ="debug";
-        pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-        rrc_log_level                         ="debug";
-        rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-        gtpu_log_level                        ="debug";
-        gtpu_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-        udp_log_level                         ="debug";
-        udp_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-    };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/mobipass-standalone.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/mobipass-standalone.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 595a4639bd5e4f124aad78af24511142ff32b4ef..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/mobipass-standalone.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "92";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      // second carrier-> for ERCOM
-      {
-      node_function             = "eNodeB_3GPP_BBU" # should be verified
-      //node_function             = "NGFI_RCC_IF5"  # should be verified
-      node_timing               = "synch_to_mobipass_standalone";
-      //node_timing               = "synch_to_ext_device";
-      node_synch_ref            = 0; #should 
-      frame_type                                              = "FDD";
-      tdd_config                                              = 3;
-      tdd_config_s                                    = 0;
-      prefix_type                                     = "NORMAL";
-      eutra_band                                      = 7;
-      downlink_frequency                              = 2660000000L;
-      uplink_frequency_offset                         = -120000000;
-      Nid_cell                                        = 0;
-      N_RB_DL                                         = 50;
-      Nid_cell_mbsfn                                  = 0;
-      nb_antenna_ports                               = 1;
-      nb_antennas_tx                                  = 1;
-      nb_antennas_rx                                  = 1;
-      tx_gain                                            = 90;
-      rx_gain                                            = 125;
-      prach_root                                      = 0;
-      prach_config_index                              = 0;
-      prach_high_speed                                = "DISABLE";
-      prach_zero_correlation                          = 3;
-      prach_freq_offset                               = 2;
-      pucch_delta_shift                               = 1;
-      pucch_nRB_CQI                                   = 0;
-      pucch_nCS_AN                                    = 0;
-      pucch_n1_AN                                     = 32;
-      pdsch_referenceSignalPower                              = -29;
-      pdsch_p_b                                               = 0;
-      pusch_n_SB                                              = 1;
-      pusch_enable64QAM                                       = "DISABLE";
-      pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-      pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-      pusch_groupHoppingEnabled                               = "ENABLE";
-      pusch_groupAssignment                                   = 0;
-      pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled                            = "DISABLE";
-      pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-      phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-      phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-      srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-      srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-      srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-      srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-      pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -96;
-      pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-      pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -100;
-      msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-      pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2b                           = "deltaF0";
-      rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-      rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*
-      rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-      rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-      rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-      */
-      rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-      rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -108;
-      rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-      rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-      rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-      rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-      pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-      pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-      bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff                            = 2;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t300                              = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t301                              = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t310                              = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t311                              = 10000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_n310                              = 20;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_n311                              = 1;
-      ue_TransmissionMode                                     = 1;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "lo";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "lo";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    rrh_gw_config = (
-    //second config for Ercom
-    {
-        local_if_name = "eth1.300";
-        remote_address = "00:21:5e:91:5c:7e"; # should be updated with ERCOM's MAC 
-        local_address = "f0:1f:af:db:b9:c8";
-        local_port = 50000;     #for raw option local port must be the same to remote          
-        remote_port = 50000;
-        rrh_gw_active = "yes";
-        tr_preference = "raw_if5_mobipass";
-        rf_preference = "usrp_b200";
-        iq_txshift = 0;
-        tx_sample_advance = 80;
-        tx_scheduling_advance = 9;
-        if_compression = "None"
-    }
-    );
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="info";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rcc.band7.tm1.50PRB.if4p5-ercom.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rcc.band7.tm1.50PRB.if4p5-ercom.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index c3aceeb97960fd57be7a1257920454239c5e337e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rcc.band7.tm1.50PRB.if4p5-ercom.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,295 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "92";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      //First carrier -> Master
-      {
-      node_function             = "NGFI_RCC_IF4p5";
-      node_timing               = "synch_to_ext_device";
-      node_synch_ref            = 0;
-      frame_type                                              = "FDD";
-      tdd_config                                              = 3;
-      tdd_config_s                                    = 0;
-      prefix_type                                     = "NORMAL";
-      eutra_band                                      = 7;
-      downlink_frequency                              = 2660000000L;
-      uplink_frequency_offset                         = -120000000;
-      Nid_cell                                        = 0;
-      N_RB_DL                                         = 50;
-      Nid_cell_mbsfn                                  = 0;
-      nb_antenna_ports                               = 1;
-      nb_antennas_tx                                  = 1;
-      nb_antennas_rx                                  = 1;
-      tx_gain                                            = 90;
-      rx_gain                                            = 125;
-      prach_root                                      = 0;
-      prach_config_index                              = 0;
-      prach_high_speed                                = "DISABLE";
-      prach_zero_correlation                          = 1;
-      prach_freq_offset                               = 2;
-      pucch_delta_shift                               = 1;
-      pucch_nRB_CQI                                   = 0;
-      pucch_nCS_AN                                    = 0;
-      pucch_n1_AN                                     = 32;
-      pdsch_referenceSignalPower                              = -29;
-      pdsch_p_b                                               = 0;
-      pusch_n_SB                                              = 1;
-      pusch_enable64QAM                                       = "DISABLE";
-      pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-      pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-      pusch_groupHoppingEnabled                               = "ENABLE";
-      pusch_groupAssignment                                   = 0;
-      pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled                            = "DISABLE";
-      pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-      phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-      phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-      srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-      srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-      srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-      srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-      pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -90;
-      pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-      pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -96;
-      msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-      pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2b                           = "deltaF0";
-      rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-      rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*
-      rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-      rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-      rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-      */
-      rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-      rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -108;
-      rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-      rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-      rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-      rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-      pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-      pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-      bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff                            = 2;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t300                              = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t301                              = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t310                              = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t311                              = 10000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_n310                              = 20;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_n311                              = 1;
-      ue_TransmissionMode                                     = 1;
-      },
-      // second carrier-> for ERCOM
-      {
-      node_function             = "eNodeB_3GPP_BBU" # should be verified
-      //node_function             = "NGFI_RCC_IF5"  # should be verified
-      node_timing               = "synch_to_other";
-      node_synch_ref            = 0; #should 
-      frame_type                                              = "FDD";
-      tdd_config                                              = 3;
-      tdd_config_s                                    = 0;
-      prefix_type                                     = "NORMAL";
-      eutra_band                                      = 7;
-      downlink_frequency                              = 2660000000L;
-      uplink_frequency_offset                         = -120000000;
-      Nid_cell                                        = 0;
-      N_RB_DL                                         = 50;
-      Nid_cell_mbsfn                                  = 0;
-      nb_antenna_ports                               = 1;
-      nb_antennas_tx                                  = 1;
-      nb_antennas_rx                                  = 1;
-      tx_gain                                            = 90;
-      rx_gain                                            = 125;
-      prach_root                                      = 0;
-      prach_config_index                              = 0;
-      prach_high_speed                                = "DISABLE";
-      prach_zero_correlation                          = 3;
-      prach_freq_offset                               = 2;
-      pucch_delta_shift                               = 1;
-      pucch_nRB_CQI                                   = 1;
-      pucch_nCS_AN                                    = 0;
-      pucch_n1_AN                                     = 32;
-      pdsch_referenceSignalPower                              = -29;
-      pdsch_p_b                                               = 0;
-      pusch_n_SB                                              = 1;
-      pusch_enable64QAM                                       = "DISABLE";
-      pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-      pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-      pusch_groupHoppingEnabled                               = "ENABLE";
-      pusch_groupAssignment                                   = 0;
-      pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled                            = "DISABLE";
-      pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-      phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-      phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-      srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-      srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-      srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-      srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-      pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -90;
-      pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-      pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -96;
-      msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-      pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2b                           = "deltaF0";
-      rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-      rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*
-      rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-      rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-      rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-      */
-      rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-      rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -108;
-      rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-      rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-      rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-      rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-      pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-      pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-      bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff                            = 2;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t300                              = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t301                              = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t310                              = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t311                              = 10000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_n310                              = 20;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_n311                              = 1;
-      ue_TransmissionMode                                     = 1;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "lo";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "lo";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    rrh_gw_config = (
-    {
-        local_if_name = "eth2";
-        remote_address = "00:13:95:1f:a0:af"; #Conga's MAC
-        local_address = "90:e2:ba:c5:fc:04";
-        local_port = 50000;     #for raw option local port must be the same to remote          
-        remote_port = 50000;
-        rrh_gw_active = "yes";
-        tr_preference = "raw_if4p5";
-        rf_preference = "usrp_b200";
-        iq_txshift = 4;
-        tx_sample_advance = 80;
-        tx_scheduling_advance = 9;
-        if_compression = "alaw";
-    },
-    //second config for Ercom
-    {
-        local_if_name = "eth1.300";
-        remote_address = "00:21:5e:91:5c:7e"; # should be updated with ERCOM's MAC 
-        local_address = "f0:1f:af:db:b9:c8";
-        local_port = 50000;     #for raw option local port must be the same to remote          
-        remote_port = 50000;
-        rrh_gw_active = "yes";
-        tr_preference = "raw_if5_mobipass";
-        rf_preference = "usrp_b200";
-        iq_txshift = 0;
-        tx_sample_advance = 80;
-        tx_scheduling_advance = 9;
-    }
-    );
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="info";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rcc.band7.tm1.if4p5.100PRB.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rcc.band7.tm1.if4p5.100PRB.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index f16fc611bee322f6198b347571c3a077d9444f2e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rcc.band7.tm1.if4p5.100PRB.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "93";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-      node_function             = "NGFI_RCC_IF4p5";
-      node_timing               = "synch_to_ext_device";
-      node_synch_ref            = 0;
-      frame_type					      = "FDD";
-      tdd_config 					      = 3;
-      tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-      prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-      eutra_band              			      = 7;
-      downlink_frequency      			      = 2680000000L;
-      uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -120000000;
-      Nid_cell					      = 0;
-      N_RB_DL                 			      = 100;
-      Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-      nb_antenna_ports                                = 1;
-      nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-      nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-      tx_gain                                            = 90;
-      rx_gain                                            = 125;
-      prach_root              			      = 0;
-      prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-      prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-      prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-      prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-      pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-      pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-      pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-      pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-      pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -29;
-      pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-      pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-      pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-      pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-      pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-      pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-      pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-      pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-      pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-      phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-      phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-      srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-      srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-      srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-      srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-      pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -90;
-      pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-      pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -96;
-      msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-      pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-      rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-      rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*
-      rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-      rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-      rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-      */
-      rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-      rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -108;
-      rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-      rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-      rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-      rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-      pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-      pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-      bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-      ue_TransmissionMode                                     = 1;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "lo";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "lo";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    rrh_gw_config = (
-    {			  
-      	local_if_name = "eth0";			  
-   	remote_address = "";
-    	local_address = "";    
-    	local_port = 50000;	#for raw option local port must be the same to remote	       
-    	remote_port = 50000; 
-    	rrh_gw_active = "yes";
-    	tr_preference = "udp_if4p5";
-    	rf_preference = "usrp_b200";
-    	iq_txshift = 4;
-    	tx_sample_advance = 80;	
-    	tx_scheduling_advance = 9;
-        if_compression = "alaw"; 	                
-    }
-    );  
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="info";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rcc.band7.tm1.if4p5.100PRB.usrpb210.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rcc.band7.tm1.if4p5.100PRB.usrpb210.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 446b3ceea3e72c13650a4ed80223d98e77621937..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rcc.band7.tm1.if4p5.100PRB.usrpb210.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "93";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-      node_function             = "NGFI_RCC_IF4p5";
-      node_timing               = "synch_to_ext_device";
-      node_synch_ref            = 0;
-      frame_type					      = "FDD";
-      tdd_config 					      = 3;
-      tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-      prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-      eutra_band              			      = 7;
-      downlink_frequency      			      = 2685000000L;
-      uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -120000000;
-      Nid_cell					      = 0;
-      N_RB_DL                 			      = 100;
-      Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-      nb_antenna_ports				      = 1;	
-      nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-      nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-      tx_gain                                            = 90;
-      rx_gain                                            = 125;
-      prach_root              			      = 0;
-      prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-      prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-      prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-      prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-      pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-      pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-      pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-      pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-      pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -27;
-      pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-      pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-      pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-      pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-      pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-      pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-      pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-      pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-      pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-      phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-      phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-      srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-      srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-      srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-      srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-      pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -96;
-      pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-      pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -104;
-      msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-      pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-      rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-      rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*
-      rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-      rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-      rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-      */
-      rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-      rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -108;
-      rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-      rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-      rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-      rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-      pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-      pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-      bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-      ue_TransmissionMode	   			      = 1;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "lo";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "lo";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    rrh_gw_config = (
-    {			  
-      	local_if_name = "eth0";			  
-   	remote_address = "";
-    	local_address = "";    
-    	local_port = 50000;	#for raw option local port must be the same to remote	       
-    	remote_port = 50000; 
-    	rrh_gw_active = "yes";
-    	tr_preference = "udp_if4p5";
-    	rf_preference = "usrp_b200";
-    	iq_txshift = 4;
-    	tx_sample_advance = 80;	
-    	tx_scheduling_advance = 9; 	                
-        if_compression = "alaw";
-    }
-    );  
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="info";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rcc.band7.tm1.if4p5.25PRB.usrpb210.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rcc.band7.tm1.if4p5.25PRB.usrpb210.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 4990ee808f95ec5de660b40abc115021145a85e0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rcc.band7.tm1.if4p5.25PRB.usrpb210.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "92";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-      node_function             = "NGFI_RCC_IF4p5";
-      node_timing               = "synch_to_ext_device";
-      node_synch_ref            = 0;
-      frame_type					      = "FDD";
-      tdd_config 					      = 3;
-      tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-      prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-      eutra_band              			      = 7;
-      downlink_frequency      			      = 2660000000L;
-      uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -120000000;
-      Nid_cell					      = 0;
-      N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
-      Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-      nb_antenna_ports                                = 1;
-      nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-      nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-      tx_gain                                            = 90;
-      rx_gain                                            = 125;
-      prach_root              			      = 0;
-      prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-      prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-      prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-      prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-      pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-      pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-      pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-      pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-      pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -24;
-      pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-      pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-      pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-      pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-      pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-      pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-      pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-      pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-      pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-      phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-      phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-      srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-      srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-      srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-      srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-      pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -96;
-      pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-      pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -104;
-      msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-      pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-      rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-      rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*
-      rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-      rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-      rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-      */
-      rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-      rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -104;
-      rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-      rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-      rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-      rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-      pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-      pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-      bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-      ue_TransmissionMode                                    = 1;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    rrh_gw_config = (
-    {			  
-      	local_if_name = "em2";			  
-   	remote_address = "";
-    	local_address = "";    
-    	local_port = 50000;	#for raw option local port must be the same to remote	       
-    	remote_port = 50000; 
-    	rrh_gw_active = "yes";
-    	tr_preference = "udp_if4p5";
-    	rf_preference = "usrp_b200";
-    	iq_txshift = 4;
-    	tx_sample_advance = 80;	
-    	tx_scheduling_advance = 9; 	                
-        if_compression = "alaw";
-    }
-    );  
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="info";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="info";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rcc.band7.tm1.if4p5.25PRB.lo.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rcc.band7.tm1.if4p5.50PRB.conf
similarity index 84%
rename from targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rcc.band7.tm1.if4p5.25PRB.lo.conf
rename to targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rcc.band7.tm1.if4p5.50PRB.conf
index f0ffb48d9a2a936968878fb515283b7a4646aa59..c3c9629bbcdbac60d8cec931806bc1ad76c00d7a 100644
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rcc.band7.tm1.if4p5.25PRB.lo.conf
+++ b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rcc.band7.tm1.if4p5.50PRB.conf
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@ Asn1_verbosity = "none";
 eNBs =
+    # real_time choice in {hard, rt-preempt, no}
+    real_time       =  "no";
     ////////// Identification parameters:
     eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
@@ -19,7 +22,9 @@ eNBs =
     mobile_network_code =  "93";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
+    tr_s_preference     = "local_mac"
+    ////////// Physical parameters:
     component_carriers = (
@@ -34,13 +39,14 @@ eNBs =
       downlink_frequency      			      = 2685000000L;
       uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -120000000;
       Nid_cell					      = 0;
-      N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
+      N_RB_DL                 			      = 50;
       Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
       nb_antenna_ports                                = 1;
       nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
       nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
       tx_gain                                            = 90;
       rx_gain                                            = 125;
+      pbch_repetition                                 = "FALSE";
       prach_root              			      = 0;
       prach_config_index      			      = 0;
       prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
@@ -50,7 +56,7 @@ eNBs =
       pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
       pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
       pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-      pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -29;
+      pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -27;
       pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
       pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
       pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
@@ -137,7 +143,7 @@ eNBs =
     ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
+    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
                               ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
                               active     = "yes";
                               preference = "ipv4";
@@ -147,15 +153,50 @@ eNBs =
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "lo";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "lo";
+        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth0";
+        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
+        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth0";
         ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
         ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
+  }
-    log_config :
-    {
+MACRLCs = (
+	{
+	num_cc = 1;
+	tr_s_preference = "local_L1";
+	tr_n_preference = "local_RRC";
+        }  
+L1s = (
+    	{
+	num_cc = 1;
+	tr_n_preference = "local_mac";
+        }  
+RUs = (
+    {		  
+      	local_if_name  = "eth1";			  
+      	remote_address = "";
+    	local_address  = ""; 
+    	local_portc    = 50000;	
+    	remote_portc   = 50000;
+    	local_portd    = 50001;	
+    	remote_portd   = 50001;
+	local_rf       = "no"
+    	tr_preference  = "udp_if4p5"
+	nb_tx          = 1
+	nb_rx          = 1
+	att_tx         = 0
+	att_rx         = 0;
+	eNB_instances  = [0];
+    }
+log_config = { 
       global_log_level                      ="info";
       global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
       hw_log_level                          ="info";
@@ -170,19 +211,4 @@ eNBs =
       pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
       rrc_log_level                         ="info";
       rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }	
-RUs = (
-  ru_config = (
-  {			  
-    	local_rf = "no";
-      	local_if_name = "lo";			  
-   	remote_address = "";
-    	local_address = "";    
-    	local_port = 50000;	#for raw option local port must be the same to remote	       
-    	remote_port = 50000; 
-  }
-  );
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rcc.band7.tm1.if4p5.50PRB.usrpb210.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rcc.band7.tm1.if4p5.50PRB.usrpb210.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e5b618673c908fcd6b0dc9ec5e40eab8c6a6fb6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rcc.band7.tm1.if4p5.50PRB.usrpb210.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "92";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-      node_function             = "NGFI_RCC_IF4p5";
-      node_timing               = "synch_to_ext_device";
-      node_synch_ref            = 0;
-      frame_type					      = "FDD";
-      tdd_config 					      = 3;
-      tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-      prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-      eutra_band              			      = 7;
-      downlink_frequency      			      = 2660000000L;
-      uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -120000000;
-      Nid_cell					      = 0;
-      N_RB_DL                 			      = 50;
-      Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-      nb_antenna_ports				      = 1;	
-      nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-      nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-      tx_gain                                            = 90;
-      rx_gain                                            = 125;
-      prach_root              			      = 0;
-      prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-      prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-      prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-      prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-      pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-      pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-      pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-      pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-      pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -24;
-      pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-      pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-      pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-      pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-      pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-      pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-      pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-      pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-      pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-      phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-      phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-      srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-      srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-      srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-      srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-      pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -96;
-      pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-      pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -104;
-      msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-      pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-      rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-      rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*
-      rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-      rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-      rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-      */
-      rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-      rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -104;
-      rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-      rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-      rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-      rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-      pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-      pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-      bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-      ue_TransmissionMode	   			      = 1;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    rrh_gw_config = (
-    {			  
-      	local_if_name = "em2";			  
-   	remote_address = "";
-    	local_address = "";    
-    	local_port = 50000;	#for raw option local port must be the same to remote	       
-    	remote_port = 50000; 
-    	rrh_gw_active = "yes";
-    	tr_preference = "udp_if4p5";
-    	rf_preference = "usrp_b200";
-    	iq_txshift = 4;
-    	tx_sample_advance = 80;	
-    	tx_scheduling_advance = 9;	                
-        if_compression = "alaw";
-    }
-    );  
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="info";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rcc.band7.tm1.if5.100PRB.usrpb210.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rcc.band7.tm1.if5.100PRB.usrpb210.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b785da4e53ea1d5bfc33efeab98230da20630c0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rcc.band7.tm1.if5.100PRB.usrpb210.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "93";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-      node_function             = "eNodeB_3GPP_BBU";
-      node_timing               = "synch_to_ext_device";
-      node_synch_ref            = 0;
-      frame_type					      = "FDD";
-      tdd_config 					      = 3;
-      tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-      prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-      eutra_band              			      = 7;
-      downlink_frequency      			      = 2660000000L;
-      uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -120000000;
-      Nid_cell					      = 0;
-      N_RB_DL                 			      = 100;
-      Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-      nb_antenna_ports                                = 1;
-      nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-      nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-      tx_gain                                            = 90;
-      rx_gain                                            = 125;
-      prach_root              			      = 0;
-      prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-      prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-      prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-      prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-      pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-      pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-      pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-      pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-      pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -29;
-      pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-      pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-      pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-      pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-      pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-      pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-      pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-      pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-      pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-      phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-      phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-      srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-      srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-      srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-      srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-      pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -90;
-      pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-      pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -96;
-      msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-      pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-      rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-      rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*
-      rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-      rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-      rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-      */
-      rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-      rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -108;
-      rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-      rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-      rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-      rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-      pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-      pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-      bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-      ue_TransmissionMode                                     = 1;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "lo";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "lo";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    rrh_gw_config = (
-    {			  
-      	local_if_name = "eth2";			  
-        remote_address = "";
-        local_address = "";    
-    	local_port = 50000;	#for raw option local port must be the same to remote	       
-    	remote_port = 50000; 
-    	rrh_gw_active = "yes";
-    	tr_preference = "udp";
-    	rf_preference = "usrp_b200";
-    	iq_txshift = 4;
-    	tx_sample_advance = 80;	
-    	tx_scheduling_advance = 9; 	               
-        if_compression = "alaw"; 
-    }
-    );  
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="info";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rcc.band7.tm1.if5.25PRB.usrpb210.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rcc.band7.tm1.if5.25PRB.usrpb210.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index c261d4a2fc09a8e529d8fe677b90abdf6c7d6003..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rcc.band7.tm1.if5.25PRB.usrpb210.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "93";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-      node_function             = "eNodeB_3GPP_BBU";
-      node_timing               = "synch_to_ext_device";
-      node_synch_ref            = 0;
-      frame_type					      = "FDD";
-      tdd_config 					      = 3;
-      tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-      prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-      eutra_band              			      = 7;
-      downlink_frequency      			      = 2685000000L;
-      uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -120000000;
-      Nid_cell					      = 0;
-      N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
-      Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-      nb_antenna_ports                                = 1;
-      nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-      nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-      tx_gain                                            = 90;
-      rx_gain                                            = 125;
-      prach_root              			      = 0;
-      prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-      prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-      prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-      prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-      pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-      pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-      pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-      pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-      pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -29;
-      pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-      pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-      pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-      pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-      pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-      pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-      pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-      pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-      pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-      phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-      phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-      srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-      srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-      srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-      srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-      pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -96;
-      pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-      pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -104;
-      msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-      pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-      rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-      rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*
-      rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-      rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-      rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-      */
-      rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-      rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -104;
-      rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-      rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-      rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-      rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-      pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-      pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-      bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-      ue_TransmissionMode                                    = 1;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "lo";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "lo";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    rrh_gw_config = (
-    {			  
-      	local_if_name = "eth0";			  
-   	remote_address = "";
-    	local_address = "";    
-    	local_port = 50000;	#for raw option local port must be the same to remote	       
-    	remote_port = 50000; 
-    	rrh_gw_active = "yes";
-    	tr_preference = "udp";
-    	rf_preference = "usrp_b200";
-    	iq_txshift = 4;
-    	tx_sample_advance = 80;	
-    	tx_scheduling_advance = 9; 	                
-        if_compression = "alaw";
-    }
-    );  
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="info";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rcc.band7.tm1.if5.50PRB.usrpb210.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rcc.band7.tm1.if5.50PRB.usrpb210.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index bca8e4e3ad1ff8c2b8ca5f8dcc32d11567dce716..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rcc.band7.tm1.if5.50PRB.usrpb210.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "93";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-      node_function             = "eNodeB_3GPP_BBU";
-      node_timing               = "synch_to_ext_device";
-      node_synch_ref            = 0;
-      frame_type					      = "FDD";
-      tdd_config 					      = 3;
-      tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-      prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-      eutra_band              			      = 7;
-      downlink_frequency      			      = 2660000000L;
-      uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -120000000;
-      Nid_cell					      = 0;
-      N_RB_DL                 			      = 50;
-      Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-      nb_antenna_ports                                = 1;
-      nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-      nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-      tx_gain                                            = 90;
-      rx_gain                                            = 125;
-      prach_root              			      = 0;
-      prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-      prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-      prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-      prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-      pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-      pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-      pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-      pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-      pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -29;
-      pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-      pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-      pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-      pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-      pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-      pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-      pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-      pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-      pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-      phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-      phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-      srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-      srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-      srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-      srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-      pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -90;
-      pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-      pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -96;
-      msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-      pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-      rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-      rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*
-      rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-      rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-      rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-      */
-      rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-      rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -108;
-      rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-      rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-      rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-      rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-      pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-      pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-      bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-      ue_TransmissionMode                                     = 1;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "lo";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "lo";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    rrh_gw_config = (
-    {			  
-      	local_if_name = "eth2";			  
-        remote_address = "";
-        local_address = "";    
-    	local_port = 50000;	#for raw option local port must be the same to remote	       
-    	remote_port = 50000; 
-    	rrh_gw_active = "yes";
-    	tr_preference = "udp";
-    	rf_preference = "usrp_b200";
-    	iq_txshift = 4;
-    	tx_sample_advance = 80;	
-    	tx_scheduling_advance = 9; 	                
-        if_compression = "alaw";
-    }
-    );  
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="info";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rcc.band7.tm1.if5.usrpb210.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rcc.band7.tm1.if5.usrpb210.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f0fdd1e3b3ba072bb66475e28e59fc30698f8d5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rcc.band7.tm1.if5.usrpb210.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "93";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-      node_function             = "eNodeB_3GPP_BBU";
-      node_timing               = "synch_to_ext_device";
-      node_synch_ref            = 0;
-      frame_type					      = "FDD";
-      tdd_config 					      = 3;
-      tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-      prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-      eutra_band              			      = 7;
-      downlink_frequency      			      = 2660000000L;
-      uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -120000000;
-      Nid_cell					      = 0;
-      N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
-      Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-      nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-      nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-      nb_antenna_ports                        = 1;
-      tx_gain                                            = 90;
-      rx_gain                                            = 125;
-      prach_root              			      = 0;
-      prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-      prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-      prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-      prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-      pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-      pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-      pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-      pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-      pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -24;
-      pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-      pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-      pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-      pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-      pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-      pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-      pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-      pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-      pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-      phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-      phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-      srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-      srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-      srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-      srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-      pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -90;
-      pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-      pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -96;
-      msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-      pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-      rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-      rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*
-      rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-      rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-      rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-      */
-      rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-      rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -108;
-      rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-      rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-      rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-      rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-      pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-      pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-      bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-      ue_TransmissionMode                         = 1;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "lo";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "lo";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    rrh_gw_config = (
-    {			  
-      	local_if_name = "eth0";			  
-   	remote_address = "74:d4:35:cc:8d:15";
-    	local_address = "34:e6:d7:3c:ae:fc";    
-    	local_port = 50000;	#for raw option local port must be the same to remote	       
-    	remote_port = 50000; 
-    	rrh_gw_active = "yes";
-    	tr_preference = "raw_if5";
-    	rf_preference = "usrp_b200";
-    	iq_txshift = 4;
-    	tx_sample_advance = 80;	
-    	tx_scheduling_advance = 9;
-        if_compression = "alaw";
-    }
-    );  
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="info";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rcc.band7.tm1.usrpb210.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rcc.band7.tm1.usrpb210.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c5ae24c8c8b08e01d2660366aa34b7b3fce9982..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rcc.band7.tm1.usrpb210.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "92";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-      node_function             = "NGFI_RCC_IF4p5";
-      node_timing               = "synch_to_ext_device";
-      node_synch_ref            = 0;
-      frame_type					      = "FDD";
-      tdd_config 					      = 3;
-      tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-      prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-      eutra_band              			      = 7;
-      downlink_frequency      			      = 2660000000L;
-      uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -120000000;
-      Nid_cell					      = 0;
-      N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
-      Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-      nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-      nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-      nb_antenna_ports                                = 1;
-      tx_gain                                            = 90;
-      rx_gain                                            = 125;
-      prach_root              			      = 0;
-      prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-      prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-      prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-      prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-      pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-      pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-      pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-      pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-      pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -24;
-      pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-      pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-      pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-      pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-      pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-      pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-      pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-      pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-      pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-      phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-      phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-      srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-      srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-      srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-      srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-        pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -96;
-        pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-        pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -103;
-        msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-        pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-        rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-        rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-        /*
-        rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-        rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-        rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-        */
-        rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-        rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -104;
-        rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-        rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-        rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-        rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-      pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-      pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-      bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-      ue_TransmissionMode                                     = 1;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "lo";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "lo";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    rrh_gw_config = (
-    {			  
-      	local_if_name = "eth0";			  
-   	remote_address = "74:d4:35:cc:8d:15";
-    	local_address = "34:e6:d7:3c:ae:fc";    
-    	local_port = 50000;	#for raw option local port must be the same to remote	       
-    	remote_port = 50000; 
-    	rrh_gw_active = "yes";
-    	tr_preference = "raw_if4p5";
-    	rf_preference = "usrp_b200";
-    	iq_txshift = 4;
-    	tx_sample_advance = 80;	
-    	tx_scheduling_advance = 9;
-        if_compression = "alaw"; 	                
-    }
-    );  
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="info";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rru.band7.tm1.if4p5.100PRB.usrpb210.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rru.band7.tm1.if4p5.100PRB.usrpb210.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 97351b9a6e7b8c7a57728967b493c9a84f53a368..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rru.band7.tm1.if4p5.100PRB.usrpb210.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "93";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-      node_function     = "NGFI_RRU_IF4p5";
-      node_timing       = "synch_to_ext_device";
-      node_synch_ref    = 0;  
-      frame_type					      = "FDD";
-      tdd_config 					      = 3;
-      tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-      prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-      eutra_band              			      = 7;
-      downlink_frequency      			      = 2680000000L;
-      uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -120000000;
-      Nid_cell					      = 0;
-      N_RB_DL                 			      = 100;
-      Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-      nb_antenna_ports                                = 1;
-      nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-      nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-      tx_gain                                         = 90;
-      rx_gain                                         = 120;
-      prach_root              			      = 0;
-      prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-      prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-      prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-      prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-      pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-      pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-      pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-      pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-      pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -29;
-      pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-      pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-      pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-      pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-      pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-      pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-      pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-      pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-      pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-      phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-      phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-      srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-      srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-      srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-      srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-      pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -95;
-      pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-      pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -104;
-      msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-      pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-      rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-      rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*
-      rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-      rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-      rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-      */
-      rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-      rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -104;
-      rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-      rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-      rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-      rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-      pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-      pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-      bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-      ue_TransmissionMode	   			      = 1;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth3";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth3";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    rrh_gw_config = (
-    {			  
-      	local_if_name = "eth0";			  
-      	remote_address = "";
-    	local_address = ""; 
-    	local_port = 50000;	#for raw option local port must be the same to remote	       
-    	remote_port = 50000; 
-    	rrh_gw_active = "yes";
-    	tr_preference = "udp_if4p5";
-    	rf_preference = "usrp_b200";
-    	iq_txshift = 4;
-    	tx_sample_advance = 80;	
-    	tx_scheduling_advance = 9; 	                
-        if_compression = "alaw";
-    }
-    );  
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="info";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rru.band7.tm1.if4p5.25PRB.oaisim.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rru.band7.tm1.if4p5.25PRB.oaisim.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index e52f9704035bd8e3a069f2fcc7ac2cf5a50532a1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rru.band7.tm1.if4p5.25PRB.oaisim.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-RUs = (
-    {		  
-      	local_if_name = "lo";			  
-      	remote_address = "";
-    	local_address = ""; 
-    	local_port = 50000;	#for raw option local port must be the same to remote	       
-    	remote_port = 50000;
-	local_rf = "yes"
-    	tr_preference = "udp_if4p5";
-        if_compression = "alaw";
-    }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rru.band7.tm1.if4p5.25PRB.usrpb210.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rru.band7.tm1.if4p5.25PRB.usrpb210.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ed4bb5884731b7305361f7685bf7f0172f4903f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rru.band7.tm1.if4p5.25PRB.usrpb210.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "93";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-      node_function     = "NGFI_RRU_IF4p5";
-      node_timing       = "synch_to_ext_device";
-      node_synch_ref    = 0;  
-      frame_type					      = "FDD";
-      tdd_config 					      = 3;
-      tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-      prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-      eutra_band              			      = 7;
-      downlink_frequency      			      = 2685000000L;
-      uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -120000000;
-      Nid_cell					      = 0;
-      N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
-      Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-      nb_antenna_ports                                = 1;
-      nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-      nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-      tx_gain                                            = 90;
-      rx_gain                                            = 120;
-      prach_root              			      = 0;
-      prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-      prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-      prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-      prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-      pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-      pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-      pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-      pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-      pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -29;
-      pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-      pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-      pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-      pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-      pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-      pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-      pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-      pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-      pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-      phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-      phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-      srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-      srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-      srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-      srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-      pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -95;
-      pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-      pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -104;
-      msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-      pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-      rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-      rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*
-      rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-      rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-      rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-      */
-      rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-      rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -104;
-      rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-      rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-      rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-      rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-      pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-      pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-      bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-      ue_TransmissionMode	   			      = 1;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth3";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth3";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    rrh_gw_config = (
-    {			  
-      	local_if_name = "eth0";			  
-      	remote_address = "";
-    	local_address = ""; 
-    	local_port = 50000;	#for raw option local port must be the same to remote	       
-    	remote_port = 50000; 
-    	rrh_gw_active = "yes";
-    	tr_preference = "udp_if4p5";
-    	rf_preference = "usrp_b200";
-    	iq_txshift = 4;
-    	tx_sample_advance = 80;	
-    	tx_scheduling_advance = 9; 	                
-        if_compression = "alaw";
-    }
-    );  
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="info";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rru.band7.tm1.if4p5.50PRB.oaisim.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rru.band7.tm1.if4p5.50PRB.oaisim.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index c728ad6b0cad50c07b158cf0d8909aab16a77207..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rru.band7.tm1.if4p5.50PRB.oaisim.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "93";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-      node_function     = "NGFI_RRU_IF4p5";
-      node_timing       = "synch_to_ext_device";
-      node_synch_ref    = 0;  
-      frame_type					      = "FDD";
-      tdd_config 					      = 3;
-      tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-      prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-      eutra_band              			      = 7;
-      downlink_frequency      			      = 2685000000L;
-      uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -120000000;
-      Nid_cell					      = 0;
-      N_RB_DL                 			      = 50;
-      Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-      nb_antenna_ports                                = 1;
-      nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-      nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-      tx_gain                                            = 90;
-      rx_gain                                            = 120;
-      prach_root              			      = 0;
-      prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-      prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-      prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-      prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-      pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-      pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-      pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-      pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-      pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -27;
-      pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-      pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-      pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-      pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-      pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-      pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-      pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-      pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-      pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-      phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-      phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-      srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-      srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-      srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-      srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-      pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -95;
-      pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-      pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -104;
-      msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-      pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-      rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-      rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*
-      rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-      rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-      rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-      */
-      rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-      rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -104;
-      rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-      rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-      rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-      rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-      pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-      pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-      bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-      ue_TransmissionMode	   			      = 1;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth3";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth3";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    rrh_gw_config = (
-    {			  
-      	local_if_name = "lo";			  
-      	remote_address = "";
-    	local_address = ""; 
-    	local_port = 50000;	#for raw option local port must be the same to remote	       
-    	remote_port = 50000; 
-    	rrh_gw_active = "yes";
-    	tr_preference = "udp_if4p5";
-    	rf_preference = "usrp_b200";
-    	iq_txshift = 4;
-    	tx_sample_advance = 80;	
-    	tx_scheduling_advance = 9; 	                
-        if_compression = "alaw";
-    }
-    );  
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="info";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rru.band7.tm1.if4p5.50PRB.usrpb210-conga.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rru.band7.tm1.if4p5.50PRB.usrpb210-conga.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 58bf27945d557002b225ff928357ca4b118aa17f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rru.band7.tm1.if4p5.50PRB.usrpb210-conga.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "93";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-      node_function     = "NGFI_RRU_IF4p5";
-      node_timing       = "synch_to_ext_device";
-      node_synch_ref    = 0;  
-      frame_type					      = "FDD";
-      tdd_config 					      = 3;
-      tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-      prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-      eutra_band              			      = 7;
-      downlink_frequency      			      = 2660000000L;
-      uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -120000000;
-      Nid_cell					      = 0;
-      N_RB_DL                 			      = 50;
-      Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-      nb_antenna_ports =1 ;
-      nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-      nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-      tx_gain                                            = 90;
-      rx_gain                                            = 125;
-      prach_root              			      = 0;
-      prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-      prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-      prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-      prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-      pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-      pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-      pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-      pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-      pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -29;
-      pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-      pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-      pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-      pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-      pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-      pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-      pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-      pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-      pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-      phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-      phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-      srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-      srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-      srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-      srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-      pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -90;
-      pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-      pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -96;
-      msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-      pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-      rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-      rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*
-      rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-      rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-      rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-      */
-      rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-      rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -108;
-      rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-      rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-      rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-      rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-      pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-      pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-      bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-      ue_TransmissionMode                                     = 1;    
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth0";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    rrh_gw_config = (
-    {			  
-      	local_if_name = "eth0";			  
-      	remote_address = "90:e2:ba:c5:fc:04";
-    	local_address = "00:13:95:1f:a0:af"; 
-    	local_port = 50000;	#for raw option local port must be the same to remote	       
-    	remote_port = 50000; 
-    	rrh_gw_active = "yes";
-    	tr_preference = "raw_if4p5";
-    	rf_preference = "usrp_b200";
-    	iq_txshift = 4;
-    	tx_sample_advance = 80;	
-    	tx_scheduling_advance = 9; 	                
-        if_compression = "alaw";
-    }
-    );  
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="info";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rru.band7.tm1.if4p5.50PRB.usrpb210.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rru.band7.tm1.if4p5.50PRB.usrpb210.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index f1179ebd2f0693fe5f7aafd846916f174ab640e7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rru.band7.tm1.if4p5.50PRB.usrpb210.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "93";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-      node_function     = "NGFI_RRU_IF4p5";
-      node_timing       = "synch_to_ext_device";
-      node_synch_ref    = 0;  
-      frame_type					      = "FDD";
-      tdd_config 					      = 3;
-      tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-      prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-      eutra_band              			      = 7;
-      downlink_frequency      			      = 2685000000L;
-      uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -120000000;
-      Nid_cell					      = 0;
-      N_RB_DL                 			      = 50;
-      Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-      nb_antenna_ports                                = 1;
-      nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-      nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-      tx_gain                                            = 90;
-      rx_gain                                            = 120;
-      prach_root              			      = 0;
-      prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-      prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-      prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-      prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-      pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-      pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-      pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-      pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-      pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -29;
-      pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-      pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-      pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-      pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-      pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-      pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-      pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-      pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-      pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-      phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-      phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-      srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-      srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-      srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-      srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-      pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -95;
-      pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-      pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -104;
-      msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-      pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-      rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-      rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*
-      rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-      rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-      rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-      */
-      rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-      rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -104;
-      rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-      rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-      rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-      rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-      pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-      pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-      bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-      ue_TransmissionMode	   			      = 1;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth3";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth3";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    rrh_gw_config = (
-    {			  
-      	local_if_name = "eth0";			  
-      	remote_address = "";
-    	local_address = ""; 
-    	local_port = 50000;	#for raw option local port must be the same to remote	       
-    	remote_port = 50000; 
-    	rrh_gw_active = "yes";
-    	tr_preference = "udp_if4p5";
-    	rf_preference = "usrp_b200";
-    	iq_txshift = 4;
-    	tx_sample_advance = 80;	
-    	tx_scheduling_advance = 9; 	                
-        if_compression = "alaw";
-    }
-    );  
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="info";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rru.band7.tm1.if4p5.usrpb210.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rru.band7.tm1.if4p5.usrpb210.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index c523188338ef6d76f4d332139655f9fcc684afe9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rru.band7.tm1.if4p5.usrpb210.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "93";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-      node_function     = "NGFI_RRU_IF4p5";
-      node_timing       = "synch_to_ext_device";
-      node_synch_ref    = 0;  
-      frame_type					      = "FDD";
-      tdd_config 					      = 3;
-      tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-      prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-      eutra_band              			      = 7;
-      downlink_frequency      			      = 2660000000L;
-      uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -120000000;
-      Nid_cell					      = 0;
-      N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
-      Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-      nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-      nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-      nb_antenna_ports                                = 1;
-      tx_gain                                            = 90;
-      rx_gain                                            = 125;
-      prach_root              			      = 0;
-      prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-      prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-      prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-      prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-      pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-      pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-      pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-      pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-      pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -29;
-      pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-      pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-      pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-      pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-      pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-      pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-      pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-      pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-      pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-      phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-      phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-      srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-      srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-      srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-      srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-      pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -90;
-      pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-      pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -96;
-      msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-      pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-      rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-      rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*
-      rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-      rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-      rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-      */
-      rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-      rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -108;
-      rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-      rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-      rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-      rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-      pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-      pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-      bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-      ue_TransmissionMode                                = 1;       
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth3";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth3";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    rrh_gw_config = (
-    {			  
-      	local_if_name = "eth0";			  
-      	remote_address = "34:e6:d7:3c:ae:fc";
-    	local_address = "74:d4:35:cc:8d:15"; 
-    	local_port = 50000;	#for raw option local port must be the same to remote	       
-    	remote_port = 50000; 
-    	rrh_gw_active = "yes";
-    	tr_preference = "raw_if4p5";
-    	rf_preference = "usrp_b200";
-    	iq_txshift = 4;
-    	tx_sample_advance = 80;	
-    	tx_scheduling_advance = 9; 	                
-        if_compression = "alaw";
-    }
-    );  
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="info";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rru.band7.tm1.if5.100PRB.usrpb210.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rru.band7.tm1.if5.100PRB.usrpb210.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index da88c88e0b2e6f1d06c2c33b3193c3e2ea3e23d4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rru.band7.tm1.if5.100PRB.usrpb210.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "92";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-      node_function     = "NGFI_RRU_IF5";
-      node_timing       = "synch_to_ext_device";
-      node_synch_ref    = 0;  
-      frame_type					      = "FDD";
-      tdd_config 					      = 3;
-      tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-      prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-      eutra_band              			      = 7;
-      downlink_frequency      			      = 2660000000L;
-      uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -120000000;
-      Nid_cell					      = 0;
-      N_RB_DL                 			      = 100;
-      Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-      nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-      nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-      tx_gain                                            = 90;
-      rx_gain                                            = 125;
-      prach_root              			      = 0;
-      prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-      prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-      prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-      prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-      pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-      pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-      pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-      pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-      pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -29;
-      pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-      pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-      pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-      pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-      pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-      pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-      pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-      pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-      pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-      phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-      phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-      srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-      srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-      srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-      srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-      pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -90;
-      pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-      pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -96;
-      msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-      pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-      rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-      rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*
-      rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-      rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-      rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-      */
-      rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-      rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -108;
-      rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-      rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-      rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-      rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-      pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-      pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-      bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth3";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth3";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    rrh_gw_config = (
-    {			  
-        local_if_name = "eth0";
-        remote_address = "90:e2:ba:c5:fc:04";
-        local_address = "00:13:95:1f:a0:af";
-    	local_port = 50000;	#for raw option local port must be the same to remote	       
-    	remote_port = 50000; 
-    	rrh_gw_active = "yes";
-    	tr_preference = "raw_if5";
-    	rf_preference = "usrp_b200";
-    	iq_txshift = 4;
-    	tx_sample_advance = 80;	
-    	tx_scheduling_advance = 9; 	                
-        if_compression = "alaw";
-    }
-    );  
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="info";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rru.band7.tm1.if5.25PRB.usrpb210.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rru.band7.tm1.if5.25PRB.usrpb210.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index e7207edd493a0f78f4546de65275e85eb3ee9d16..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rru.band7.tm1.if5.25PRB.usrpb210.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "93";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-      node_function     = "NGFI_RRU_IF5";
-      node_timing       = "synch_to_ext_device";
-      node_synch_ref    = 0;  
-      frame_type					      = "FDD";
-      tdd_config 					      = 3;
-      tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-      prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-      eutra_band              			      = 7;
-      downlink_frequency      			      = 2685000000L;
-      uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -120000000;
-      Nid_cell					      = 0;
-      N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
-      Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-      nb_antenna_ports                                = 1;
-      nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-      nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-      tx_gain                                            = 90;
-      rx_gain                                            = 120;
-      prach_root              			      = 0;
-      prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-      prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-      prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-      prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-      pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-      pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-      pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-      pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-      pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -29;
-      pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-      pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-      pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-      pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-      pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-      pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-      pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-      pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-      pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-      phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-      phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-      srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-      srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-      srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-      srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-      pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -95;
-      pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-      pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -104;
-      msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-      pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-      rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-      rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*
-      rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-      rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-      rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-      */
-      rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-      rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -104;
-      rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-      rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-      rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-      rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-      pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-      pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-      bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-      ue_TransmissionMode	   			      = 1;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth3";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth3";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    rrh_gw_config = (
-    {			  
-      	local_if_name = "eth0";			  
-      	remote_address = "";
-    	local_address = ""; 
-    	local_port = 50000;	#for raw option local port must be the same to remote	       
-    	remote_port = 50000; 
-    	rrh_gw_active = "yes";
-    	tr_preference = "udp";
-    	rf_preference = "usrp_b200";
-    	iq_txshift = 4;
-    	tx_sample_advance = 80;	
-    	tx_scheduling_advance = 9; 	                
-        if_compression = "alaw";
-    }
-    );  
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="info";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rru.band7.tm1.if5.50PRB.usrpb210.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rru.band7.tm1.if5.50PRB.usrpb210.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ab0b8d486a59973a36a5d25fce0f1c044b8e5b8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rru.band7.tm1.if5.50PRB.usrpb210.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "92";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-      node_function     = "NGFI_RRU_IF5";
-      node_timing       = "synch_to_ext_device";
-      node_synch_ref    = 0;  
-      frame_type					      = "FDD";
-      tdd_config 					      = 3;
-      tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-      prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-      eutra_band              			      = 7;
-      downlink_frequency      			      = 2660000000L;
-      uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -120000000;
-      Nid_cell					      = 0;
-      N_RB_DL                 			      = 50;
-      Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-      nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-      nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-      tx_gain                                            = 90;
-      rx_gain                                            = 125;
-      prach_root              			      = 0;
-      prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-      prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-      prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-      prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-      pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-      pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-      pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-      pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-      pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -29;
-      pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-      pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-      pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-      pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-      pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-      pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-      pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-      pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-      pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-      phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-      phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-      srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-      srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-      srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-      srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-      pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -90;
-      pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-      pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -96;
-      msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-      pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-      rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-      rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*
-      rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-      rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-      rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-      */
-      rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-      rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -108;
-      rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-      rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-      rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-      rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-      pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-      pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-      bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth3";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth3";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    rrh_gw_config = (
-    {			  
-        local_if_name = "eth0";
-        remote_address = "90:e2:ba:c5:fc:04";
-        local_address = "00:13:95:1f:a0:af";
-    	local_port = 50000;	#for raw option local port must be the same to remote	       
-    	remote_port = 50000; 
-    	rrh_gw_active = "yes";
-    	tr_preference = "raw_if5";
-    	rf_preference = "usrp_b200";
-    	iq_txshift = 4;
-    	tx_sample_advance = 80;	
-    	tx_scheduling_advance = 9; 	                
-        if_compression = "alaw";
-    }
-    );  
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="info";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rru.band7.tm1.if5.usrpb210.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rru.band7.tm1.if5.usrpb210.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c0a846654a287f139ef9e654144206e015b992b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rru.band7.tm1.if5.usrpb210.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "92";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-      node_function     = "NGFI_RRU_IF5";
-      node_timing       = "synch_to_ext_device";
-      node_synch_ref    = 0;  
-      frame_type					      = "FDD";
-      tdd_config 					      = 3;
-      tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-      prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-      eutra_band              			      = 7;
-      downlink_frequency      			      = 2660000000L;
-      uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -120000000;
-      Nid_cell					      = 0;
-      N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
-      Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-      nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-      nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-      nb_antenna_ports                        = 1;
-      tx_gain                                            = 90;
-      rx_gain                                            = 125;
-      prach_root              			      = 0;
-      prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-      prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-      prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-      prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-      pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-      pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-      pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-      pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-      pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -29;
-      pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-      pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-      pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-      pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-      pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-      pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-      pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-      pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-      pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-      phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-      phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-      srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-      srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-      srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-      srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-      pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -90;
-      pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-      pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -96;
-      msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-      pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-      rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-      rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*
-      rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-      rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-      rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-      */
-      rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-      rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -108;
-      rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-      rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-      rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-      rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-      pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-      pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-      bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-      ue_TransmissionMode                         = 1;
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth3";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth3";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    rrh_gw_config = (
-    {			  
-      	local_if_name = "eth0";			  
-      	remote_address = "34:e6:d7:3c:ae:fc";
-    	local_address = "74:d4:35:cc:8d:15"; 
-    	local_port = 50000;	#for raw option local port must be the same to remote	       
-    	remote_port = 50000; 
-    	rrh_gw_active = "yes";
-    	tr_preference = "raw_if5";
-    	rf_preference = "usrp_b200";
-    	iq_txshift = 4;
-    	tx_sample_advance = 80;	
-    	tx_scheduling_advance = 9; 	                
-        if_compression = "alaw";
-    }
-    );  
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="info";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rru.band7.tm1.usrpb210.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rru.band7.tm1.usrpb210.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 61885a5e061e3262508b9607abe3965d204cb619..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rru.band7.tm1.usrpb210.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
-eNBs =
- {
-    ////////// Identification parameters:
-    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
-    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
-    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
-    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
-    tracking_area_code  =  "1";
-    mobile_country_code =  "208";
-    mobile_network_code =  "92";
-       ////////// Physical parameters:
-    component_carriers = (
-      {
-      node_function     = "NGFI_RRU_IF4p5";
-      node_timing       = "synch_to_ext_device";
-      node_synch_ref    = 0;  
-      frame_type					      = "FDD";
-      tdd_config 					      = 3;
-      tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
-      prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
-      eutra_band              			      = 7;
-      downlink_frequency      			      = 2660000000L;
-      uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -120000000;
-      Nid_cell					      = 0;
-      N_RB_DL                 			      = 25;
-      Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
-      nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
-      nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
-      nb_antenna_ports                                = 1;
-      tx_gain                                            = 90;
-      rx_gain                                            = 125;
-      prach_root              			      = 0;
-      prach_config_index      			      = 0;
-      prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
-      prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
-      prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
-      pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
-      pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
-      pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
-      pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
-      pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -29;
-      pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
-      pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
-      pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
-      pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
-      pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
-      pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
-      pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
-      pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
-      pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
-      phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
-      phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
-      srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
-      srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
-      srs_ackNackST                                      =;
-      srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/
-      pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -90;
-      pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
-      pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -96;
-      msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
-      pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
-      pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";
-      rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
-      rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
-      /*
-      rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
-      rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
-      rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
-      */
-      rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
-      rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -108;
-      rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
-      rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
-      rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
-      rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;
-      pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
-      pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
-      bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
-      ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;
-      ue_TransmissionMode                                = 1;       
-      }
-    );
-    srb1_parameters :
-    {
-        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
-        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
-        timer_reordering         = 35;
-        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
-        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_pdu                 =  4;
-        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
-        poll_byte                =  99999;
-        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
-        max_retx_threshold       =  4;
-    }
-    # ------- SCTP definitions
-    SCTP :
-    {
-        # Number of streams to use in input/output
-        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
-        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
-    };
-    ////////// MME parameters:
-    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
-                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
-                              active     = "yes";
-                              preference = "ipv4";
-                            }
-                          );
-    {
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth3";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";
-        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth3";
-        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
-        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
-    };
-    rrh_gw_config = (
-    {			  
-      	local_if_name = "eth0";			  
-      	remote_address = "90:e2:ba:c5:fc:04";
-    	local_address = "00:13:95:1f:a0:af";    
-    	local_port = 50000;	#for raw option local port must be the same to remote	       
-    	remote_port = 50000; 
-    	rrh_gw_active = "yes";
-    	tr_preference = "raw_if4p5";
-    	rf_preference = "usrp_b200";
-    	iq_txshift = 4;
-    	tx_sample_advance = 80;	
-    	tx_scheduling_advance = 9; 	                
-        if_compression = "alaw";
-    }
-    );  
-    log_config :
-    {
-      global_log_level                      ="info";
-      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
-      hw_log_level                          ="info";
-      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
-      phy_log_level                         ="info";
-      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      mac_log_level                         ="info";
-      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
-      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
-      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
-   };
-  }
diff --git a/targets/RT/USER/lte-ru.c b/targets/RT/USER/lte-ru.c
index d3c747073d32d556263e9c04e79c10f88b1f391f..5f360506bd18d31ce6ff7a53429f597bbf33d62e 100644
--- a/targets/RT/USER/lte-ru.c
+++ b/targets/RT/USER/lte-ru.c
@@ -252,6 +252,8 @@ int connect_rau(RU_t *ru) {
   cap->num_bands                                  = ru->num_bands;
   for (i=0;i<ru->num_bands;i++) {
+	LOG_I(PHY,"Band %d: nb_rx %d nb_tx %d pdschReferenceSignalPower %d rxgain %d\n",
+	ru->band[i],ru->nb_rx,ru->nb_tx,ru->max_pdschReferenceSignalPower,ru->max_rxgain);
     cap->band_list[i]                             = ru->band[i];
     cap->nb_rx[i]                                 = ru->nb_rx;
     cap->nb_tx[i]                                 = ru->nb_tx;
@@ -1424,22 +1426,17 @@ static void* ru_thread( void* param ) {
     else ret = attach_rru(ru);
     AssertFatal(ret==0,"Cannot connect to radio\n");
-//      if (ru->function == eNodeB_3GPP) { // configure RF parameters only for 3GPP eNodeB, we need to get them from RAU otherwise
+  if (ru->if_south == LOCAL_RF) { // configure RF parameters only 
- //     }
-      ret = openair0_device_load(&ru->rfdevice,&ru->openair0_cfg);
-      if (setup_RU_buffers(ru)!=0) {
+        ret = openair0_device_load(&ru->rfdevice,&ru->openair0_cfg);
+  }
+  if (setup_RU_buffers(ru)!=0) {
         printf("Exiting, cannot initialize RU Buffers\n");
-      }
+  }
   LOG_I(PHY, "Signaling main thread that RU %d is ready\n",ru->idx);
diff --git a/targets/RT/USER/lte-softmodem.c b/targets/RT/USER/lte-softmodem.c
index f89a7adfc19791b26bca3758e69d2260145ba14e..3e7be09241f62bef8bcbf732da6e07187e75f486 100644
--- a/targets/RT/USER/lte-softmodem.c
+++ b/targets/RT/USER/lte-softmodem.c
@@ -592,7 +592,7 @@ static void get_options(void) {
       set_glog(-1, glog_verbosity);
   if (start_telnetsrv) {
-     load_module_shlib("telnetsrv");
+     load_module_shlib("telnetsrv",NULL,0);
@@ -677,7 +677,7 @@ static void get_options(void) {
       NB_eNB_INST = RC.nb_inst;
       NB_RU	  = RC.nb_RU;
-      printf("Configuration: nb_inst %d, nb_ru %d\n",NB_eNB_INST,NB_RU);
+      printf("Configuration: nb_rrc_inst %d, nb_L1_inst %d, nb_ru %d\n",NB_eNB_INST,RC.nb_L1_inst,NB_RU);
   } else if (UE_flag == 1 && (CONFIG_GETCONFFILE != NULL)) {
     // Here the configuration file is the XER encoded UE capabilities