diff --git a/openair2/RRC/LITE/defs.h b/openair2/RRC/LITE/defs.h
index d597d2275df077bb6d69a46dc5c78b7b4794147b..ca07b735a2859dafc35de52092258475d0417237 100644
--- a/openair2/RRC/LITE/defs.h
+++ b/openair2/RRC/LITE/defs.h
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ struct sidelink_ctrl_element {
    unsigned short type;
    union {
       struct GroupCommunicationEstablishReq group_comm_establish_req;
-      struct DirectCommunicationEstablishReq direct_comm_estblish_req;
+      struct DirectCommunicationEstablishReq direct_comm_establish_req;
       Group_Communication_Status_t group_comm_release_rsp;
       //struct DirectCommunicationReleaseReq  direct_comm_release_req;
       SL_UE_STATE_t ue_state;
diff --git a/openair2/RRC/LITE/rrc_UE.c b/openair2/RRC/LITE/rrc_UE.c
index 9bf11a80f01c13377ea0ca3a82d6882ec5844419..27906f97c4504bb05459b14179c6047caf5d13b2 100644
--- a/openair2/RRC/LITE/rrc_UE.c
+++ b/openair2/RRC/LITE/rrc_UE.c
@@ -5467,7 +5467,8 @@ void *rrc_control_socket_thread_fct(void *arg)
    struct LogicalChannelConfig        *DRB_lchan_config                 = NULL;
    struct LogicalChannelConfig__ul_SpecificParameters  *DRB_ul_SpecificParameters = NULL;
    long                               *logicalchannelgroup_drb          = NULL;
+   int j = 0;
+   int i = 0;
    //from the main program, listen for the incoming messages from control socket (ProSe App)
    prose_addr_len = sizeof(prose_app_addr);
@@ -5544,8 +5545,8 @@ void *rrc_control_socket_thread_fct(void *arg)
          //store sourceL2Id/groupL2Id
          UE_rrc_inst[module_id].sourceL2Id = sourceL2Id;
          UE_rrc_inst[module_id].groupL2Id = groupL2Id;
-         int j = 0;
-         int i = 0;
+         j = 0;
+         i = 0;
          for (i=0; i< MAX_NUM_DEST; i++) {
             if ((UE_rrc_inst[module_id].destinationList[i] == 0) && (j == 0)) j = i+1;
             if (UE_rrc_inst[module_id].destinationList[i] == groupL2Id) break; //group already exists!
@@ -5782,6 +5783,181 @@ void *rrc_control_socket_thread_fct(void *arg)
+         sourceL2Id = sl_ctrl_msg_recv->sidelinkPrimitive.direct_comm_establish_req.sourceL2Id;
+         destinationL2Id = sl_ctrl_msg_recv->sidelinkPrimitive.direct_comm_establish_req.destinationL2Id;
+         LOG_I(RRC,"[DirectCommunicationEstablishReq] Received on socket from ProSe App (msg type: %d)\n",sl_ctrl_msg_recv->type);
+         LOG_I(RRC,"[DirectCommunicationEstablishReq] source Id: 0x%08x\n",sl_ctrl_msg_recv->sidelinkPrimitive.group_comm_establish_req.sourceL2Id);
+         LOG_I(RRC,"[DirectCommunicationEstablishReq] destination Id: 0x%08x\n",sl_ctrl_msg_recv->sidelinkPrimitive.group_comm_establish_req.groupL2Id);
+         //store sourceL2Id/destinationL2Id
+         UE_rrc_inst[module_id].sourceL2Id = sourceL2Id;
+         i = 0;
+         j = 0;
+         for (i=0; i< MAX_NUM_DEST; i++) {
+            if ((UE_rrc_inst[module_id].destinationList[i] == 0) && (j == 0)) j = i+1;
+            if (UE_rrc_inst[module_id].destinationList[i] == destinationL2Id) break; //destination already exists!
+         }
+         if ((i == MAX_NUM_DEST) && (j > 0))  UE_mac_inst[module_id].destinationList[j-1] = destinationL2Id;
+         // configure lower layers PDCP/MAC/PHY for this communication
+         //Establish a new RBID/LCID for this communication
+         // Establish a SLRB (using DRB 3 for now)
+         UE  = &UE_rrc_inst[module_id];
+         PROTOCOL_CTXT_SET_BY_MODULE_ID(&ctxt, 0, ENB_FLAG_NO, 0x1234, 0, 0,0);
+         UE->DRB_config[0][0] = CALLOC(1,sizeof(struct DRB_ToAddMod));
+         UE->DRB_config[0][0]->eps_BearerIdentity = CALLOC(1, sizeof(long));
+         UE->DRB_config[0][0]->drb_Identity =  3;
+         UE->DRB_config[0][0]->eps_BearerIdentity = CALLOC(1, sizeof(long));
+         // allowed value 5..15, value : x+4
+         *(UE->DRB_config[0][0]->eps_BearerIdentity) = 3;
+         UE->DRB_config[0][0]->logicalChannelIdentity = CALLOC(1, sizeof(long));
+         *(UE->DRB_config[0][0]->logicalChannelIdentity) = UE->DRB_config[0][0]->drb_Identity; //(long) (ue_context_pP->ue_context.e_rab[i].param.e_rab_id + 2); // value : x+2
+         DRB_rlc_config                   = CALLOC(1,sizeof(struct RLC_Config));
+         DRB_pdcp_config                  = CALLOC(1,sizeof(struct PDCP_Config));
+         PDCP_rlc_UM                      = CALLOC(1,sizeof(struct PDCP_Config__rlc_UM));
+         DRB_lchan_config                 = CALLOC(1,sizeof(struct LogicalChannelConfig));
+         DRB_ul_SpecificParameters                                         = CALLOC(1, sizeof(struct LogicalChannelConfig__ul_SpecificParameters));
+         logicalchannelgroup_drb          = CALLOC(1, sizeof(long));
+         DRB_rlc_config->present = RLC_Config_PR_um_Bi_Directional;
+         DRB_rlc_config->choice.um_Bi_Directional.ul_UM_RLC.sn_FieldLength = SN_FieldLength_size10;
+         DRB_rlc_config->choice.um_Bi_Directional.dl_UM_RLC.sn_FieldLength = SN_FieldLength_size10;
+         DRB_rlc_config->choice.um_Bi_Directional.dl_UM_RLC.t_Reordering = T_Reordering_ms35;
+         UE->DRB_config[0][0]->rlc_Config = DRB_rlc_config;
+         DRB_pdcp_config = CALLOC(1, sizeof(*DRB_pdcp_config));
+         UE->DRB_config[0][0]->pdcp_Config = DRB_pdcp_config;
+         DRB_pdcp_config->discardTimer = CALLOC(1, sizeof(long));
+         *DRB_pdcp_config->discardTimer = PDCP_Config__discardTimer_infinity;
+         DRB_pdcp_config->rlc_AM = NULL;
+         DRB_pdcp_config->rlc_UM = NULL;
+         /* avoid gcc warnings */
+         (void)PDCP_rlc_UM;
+         DRB_pdcp_config->rlc_UM = PDCP_rlc_UM;
+         PDCP_rlc_UM->pdcp_SN_Size = PDCP_Config__rlc_UM__pdcp_SN_Size_len12bits;
+         DRB_pdcp_config->headerCompression.present = PDCP_Config__headerCompression_PR_notUsed;
+         UE->DRB_config[0][0]->logicalChannelConfig = DRB_lchan_config;
+         DRB_ul_SpecificParameters = CALLOC(1, sizeof(*DRB_ul_SpecificParameters));
+         DRB_lchan_config->ul_SpecificParameters = DRB_ul_SpecificParameters;
+         DRB_ul_SpecificParameters->priority = 12;    // lower priority than srb1, srb2 and other dedicated bearer
+         DRB_ul_SpecificParameters->prioritisedBitRate =LogicalChannelConfig__ul_SpecificParameters__prioritisedBitRate_kBps8 ;
+         //LogicalChannelConfig__ul_SpecificParameters__prioritisedBitRate_infinity;
+         DRB_ul_SpecificParameters->bucketSizeDuration =
+               LogicalChannelConfig__ul_SpecificParameters__bucketSizeDuration_ms50;
+         // LCG for DTCH can take the value from 1 to 3 as defined in 36331: normally controlled by upper layers (like RRM)
+         *logicalchannelgroup_drb = 1;
+         DRB_ul_SpecificParameters->logicalChannelGroup = logicalchannelgroup_drb;
+         UE->DRB_configList = CALLOC(1,sizeof(DRB_ToAddModList_t));
+         ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&UE->DRB_configList->list,UE->DRB_config[0][0]);
+         rrc_pdcp_config_asn1_req(&ctxt,
+               (SRB_ToAddModList_t *) NULL,
+               UE->DRB_configList,
+               (DRB_ToReleaseList_t*) NULL,
+               0xff, NULL, NULL, NULL
+#if defined(Rel10) || defined(Rel14)
+               , (PMCH_InfoList_r9_t *) NULL
+               ,NULL);
+         rrc_rlc_config_asn1_req(&ctxt,
+               (SRB_ToAddModList_t*)NULL,
+               UE->DRB_configList,
+               (DRB_ToReleaseList_t*)NULL
+#if defined(Rel10) || defined(Rel14)
+               ,(PMCH_InfoList_r9_t *)NULL
+               , 0, 0
+         );
+         rrc_rlc_config_asn1_req(&ctxt,
+               (SRB_ToAddModList_t*)NULL,
+               UE->DRB_configList,
+               (DRB_ToReleaseList_t*)NULL
+#ifdef Rel14
+               ,(PMCH_InfoList_r9_t *)NULL
+               , sourceL2Id, destinationL2Id
+         );
+         //configure MAC with sourceL2Id/destinationL2Id
+         rrc_mac_config_req_ue(module_id,0,0, //eNB_index =0
+               (RadioResourceConfigCommonSIB_t *)NULL,
+               (struct PhysicalConfigDedicated *)NULL,
+#if defined(Rel10) || defined(Rel14)
+               (SCellToAddMod_r10_t *)NULL,
+               //struct PhysicalConfigDedicatedSCell_r10 *physicalConfigDedicatedSCell_r10,
+               (MeasObjectToAddMod_t **)NULL,
+               (MAC_MainConfig_t *)NULL,
+               3, //LCID
+               (struct LogicalChannelConfig *)NULL,
+               (MeasGapConfig_t *)NULL,
+               (TDD_Config_t *)NULL,
+               (MobilityControlInfo_t *)NULL,
+               NULL,
+               NULL,
+               NULL,
+               NULL,
+               NULL,
+               NULL
+#if defined(Rel10) || defined(Rel14)
+               ,0,
+               (MBSFN_AreaInfoList_r9_t *)NULL,
+               (PMCH_InfoList_r9_t *)NULL
+#ifdef CBA
+               ,
+               0,
+               0
+#if defined(Rel10) || defined(Rel14)
+               ,CONFIG_ACTION_ADD,
+               &sourceL2Id,
+               &destinationL2Id
+         );
+         LOG_I(RRC,"Send DirectCommunicationEstablishResp to ProSe App\n");
+         memset(send_buf, 0, BUFSIZE);
+         sl_ctrl_msg_send = calloc(1, sizeof(struct sidelink_ctrl_element));
+         sl_ctrl_msg_send->type = DIRECT_COMMUNICATION_ESTABLISH_RSP;
+         sl_ctrl_msg_send->sidelinkPrimitive.slrb_id = 3; //slrb_id
+         memcpy((void *)send_buf, (void *)sl_ctrl_msg_send, sizeof(struct sidelink_ctrl_element));
+         free(sl_ctrl_msg_send);
+         prose_addr_len = sizeof(prose_app_addr);
+         n = sendto(ctrl_sock_fd, (char *)send_buf, sizeof(struct sidelink_ctrl_element), 0, (struct sockaddr *)&prose_app_addr, prose_addr_len);
+         if (n < 0){
+            LOG_E(RRC, "ERROR: Failed to send to ProSe App\n");
+            exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+         }
+         ptr_ctrl_msg = (struct sidelink_ctrl_element *) send_buf;
+         LOG_I(RRC,"[DirectCommunicationEstablishResponse]  msg type: %d\n",ptr_ctrl_msg->type);
+         LOG_I(RRC,"[DirectCommunicationEstablishResponse]  slrb_id: %d\n",ptr_ctrl_msg->sidelinkPrimitive.slrb_id);
+         break;
       case PC5S_ESTABLISH_REQ:
          type =  sl_ctrl_msg_recv->sidelinkPrimitive.pc5s_establish_req.type;
          sourceL2Id = sl_ctrl_msg_recv->sidelinkPrimitive.pc5s_establish_req.sourceL2Id;
@@ -5800,8 +5976,8 @@ void *rrc_control_socket_thread_fct(void *arg)
          //store sourceL2Id/destinationL2Id
          if (type > 0) { //TX
             UE_rrc_inst[module_id].sourceL2Id = sourceL2Id;
-            int j = 0;
-            int i = 0;
+            j = 0;
+            i = 0;
             for (i=0; i< MAX_NUM_DEST; i++) {
                if ((UE_rrc_inst[module_id].destinationList[i] == 0) && (j == 0)) j = i+1;
                if (UE_rrc_inst[module_id].destinationList[i] == destinationL2Id) break; //group already exists!