Explore projects
Source code of our project. Please note that it does not include any dataset or required libraries.
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MJ23 robot / MJ23
Apache License 2.0LEGO robot code for basketball game. Find, pick up and throw a ball in a limited field with fences and 3 line points.
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Source code of the "Deep Knowledge Factorization Machine for Item Recommendation" algorithm. Applied to the problem of predicting the next trip destination. Submitted to the LocWeb workshop at TheWebConf 2019
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Sumit / gr-ieee-802154
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
Tools for processing recognition scores: normalization, calibration, and fusion (including the use of quality measures/estimates). This project started as a subproject of the collaboration with Omilia; inspired by the BOSARIS toolkit.
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chiabert / DEScracker
Apache License 2.0DES cracker for digital systems project. Hardware VHDL implementation to brute force a DES system knowing the plain text and the corresponding cipher text, disclosing the key.
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