Explore projects
Project that hosts Odroid Linux 3.10.y patched with RT Linux Preempt patch for real-time operation
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Communication of two Digilent Zybo Boards exploiting ZigBee protocol which is based on the IEEE 802.15 standard and WPAN
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Clone of https://github.com/vlm/asn1c with specific modifications for openair (RAN and CN).
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Clone of https://github.com/vlm/asn1c with specific modifications for openair (RAN and CN).
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This git is about the Fall 2016 robot project of the OS course. See also http://soc.eurecom.fr/OS/projects_fall2016.htm
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C++ implementation of my Access-Pattern Leakage MUSE Protocol
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Clone of https://github.com/vlm/asn1c with specific modifications for openair (RAN and CN).
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This repository contains the docker image that is installed openblas, lapack, scalapack already. It is used to run experiments of serial/multi-cores Cholesky algorithm
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Clone of https://github.com/vlm/asn1c with specific modifications for openair (RAN and CN).
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