diff --git a/tests/19-param-OK.asn1.-EF b/tests/19-param-OK.asn1.-EF
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8ece75ccef0295b51486ea72785d11510a984227
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/19-param-OK.asn1.-EF
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ModuleTestParam {iso(-1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4)
+	enterprise(1) spelio(9363) software(1) asn1c(5) test(1)
+	19 }
+SIGNED{ToBeSigned} ::= SEQUENCE {
+    toBeSigned	 ToBeSigned,
+    algorithm	 OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+    signature	 BIT STRING
+Certificate ::= SEQUENCE {
+    toBeSigned	 SEQUENCE {
+        version	 INTEGER,    
+        signature	 OBJECT IDENTIFIER,    
+        issuer	 Name
+    },
+    algorithm	 OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+    signature	 BIT STRING
+Name ::= SEQUENCE OF RelativeDistinguishedName
+RelativeDistinguishedName ::= SET SIZE(1..MAX) OF IA5String (FROM("A".."Z" | "a".."z" | "0-9" | ",-."))
diff --git a/tests/19-param-OK.asn1.-P b/tests/19-param-OK.asn1.-P
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a9f48e732a3c0c34e6bafa981618d04af040b71d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/19-param-OK.asn1.-P
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+/*** <<< INCLUDES [Certificate] >>> ***/
+#include <BIT_STRING.h>
+#include <INTEGER.h>
+#include <Name.h>
+#include <constr_SEQUENCE.h>
+/*** <<< DEPS [Certificate] >>> ***/
+extern asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t asn1_DEF_Certificate;
+/*** <<< TYPE-DECLS [Certificate] >>> ***/
+typedef struct Certificate {
+	struct toBeSigned {
+		INTEGER_t	 version;
+		OBJECT_IDENTIFIER_t	 signature;
+		Name_t	 issuer;
+		/* Context for parsing across buffer boundaries */
+		ber_dec_ctx_t _ber_dec_ctx;
+	} toBeSigned;
+	OBJECT_IDENTIFIER_t	 algorithm;
+	BIT_STRING_t	 signature;
+	/* Context for parsing across buffer boundaries */
+	ber_dec_ctx_t _ber_dec_ctx;
+} Certificate_t;
+/*** <<< STAT-DEFS [Certificate] >>> ***/
+static asn1_TYPE_member_t asn1_MBR_toBeSigned[] = {
+	{ 0, offsetof(struct toBeSigned, version),
+		.tag = (ASN_TAG_CLASS_UNIVERSAL | (2 << 2)),
+		.tag_mode = 0,
+		.type = (void *)&asn1_DEF_INTEGER,
+		.memb_constraints = 0,	/* Defer to actual type */
+		.name = "version"
+		},
+	{ 0, offsetof(struct toBeSigned, signature),
+		.tag = (ASN_TAG_CLASS_UNIVERSAL | (6 << 2)),
+		.tag_mode = 0,
+		.type = (void *)&asn1_DEF_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER,
+		.memb_constraints = 0,	/* Defer to actual type */
+		.name = "signature"
+		},
+	{ 0, offsetof(struct toBeSigned, issuer),
+		.tag = (ASN_TAG_CLASS_UNIVERSAL | (16 << 2)),
+		.tag_mode = 0,
+		.type = (void *)&asn1_DEF_Name,
+		.memb_constraints = 0,	/* Defer to actual type */
+		.name = "issuer"
+		},
+static ber_tlv_tag_t asn1_DEF_toBeSigned_tags[] = {
+static asn1_TYPE_tag2member_t asn1_DEF_toBeSigned_tag2el[] = {
+    { (ASN_TAG_CLASS_UNIVERSAL | (2 << 2)), 0, 0, 0 }, /* version at 21 */
+    { (ASN_TAG_CLASS_UNIVERSAL | (6 << 2)), 1, 0, 0 }, /* signature at 22 */
+    { (ASN_TAG_CLASS_UNIVERSAL | (16 << 2)), 2, 0, 0 }, /* issuer at 24 */
+static asn1_SEQUENCE_specifics_t asn1_DEF_toBeSigned_specs = {
+	sizeof(struct toBeSigned),
+	offsetof(struct toBeSigned, _ber_dec_ctx),
+	asn1_DEF_toBeSigned_tag2el,
+	3,	/* Count of tags in the map */
+	-1,	/* Start extensions */
+	-1	/* Stop extensions */
+asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t asn1_DEF_toBeSigned = {
+	"toBeSigned",
+	SEQUENCE_constraint,
+	SEQUENCE_decode_ber,
+	SEQUENCE_encode_der,
+	SEQUENCE_print,
+	SEQUENCE_free,
+	0,	/* Use generic outmost tag fetcher */
+	asn1_DEF_toBeSigned_tags,
+	sizeof(asn1_DEF_toBeSigned_tags)
+		/sizeof(asn1_DEF_toBeSigned_tags[0]), /* 1 */
+	1,	/* Tags to skip */
+	1,	/* Whether CONSTRUCTED */
+	asn1_MBR_toBeSigned,
+	3,	/* Elements count */
+	&asn1_DEF_toBeSigned_specs	/* Additional specs */
+static asn1_TYPE_member_t asn1_MBR_Certificate[] = {
+	{ 0, offsetof(struct Certificate, toBeSigned),
+		.tag = (ASN_TAG_CLASS_UNIVERSAL | (16 << 2)),
+		.tag_mode = 0,
+		.type = (void *)&asn1_DEF_toBeSigned,
+		.memb_constraints = 0,	/* Defer to actual type */
+		.name = "toBeSigned"
+		},
+	{ 0, offsetof(struct Certificate, algorithm),
+		.tag = (ASN_TAG_CLASS_UNIVERSAL | (6 << 2)),
+		.tag_mode = 0,
+		.type = (void *)&asn1_DEF_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER,
+		.memb_constraints = 0,	/* Defer to actual type */
+		.name = "algorithm"
+		},
+	{ 0, offsetof(struct Certificate, signature),
+		.tag = (ASN_TAG_CLASS_UNIVERSAL | (3 << 2)),
+		.tag_mode = 0,
+		.type = (void *)&asn1_DEF_BIT_STRING,
+		.memb_constraints = 0,	/* Defer to actual type */
+		.name = "signature"
+		},
+static ber_tlv_tag_t asn1_DEF_Certificate_tags[] = {
+static asn1_TYPE_tag2member_t asn1_DEF_Certificate_tag2el[] = {
+    { (ASN_TAG_CLASS_UNIVERSAL | (3 << 2)), 2, 0, 0 }, /* signature at 18 */
+    { (ASN_TAG_CLASS_UNIVERSAL | (6 << 2)), 1, 0, 0 }, /* algorithm at 16 */
+    { (ASN_TAG_CLASS_UNIVERSAL | (16 << 2)), 0, 0, 0 }, /* toBeSigned at 21 */
+static asn1_SEQUENCE_specifics_t asn1_DEF_Certificate_specs = {
+	sizeof(struct Certificate),
+	offsetof(struct Certificate, _ber_dec_ctx),
+	asn1_DEF_Certificate_tag2el,
+	3,	/* Count of tags in the map */
+	-1,	/* Start extensions */
+	-1	/* Stop extensions */
+asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t asn1_DEF_Certificate = {
+	"Certificate",
+	SEQUENCE_constraint,
+	SEQUENCE_decode_ber,
+	SEQUENCE_encode_der,
+	SEQUENCE_print,
+	SEQUENCE_free,
+	0,	/* Use generic outmost tag fetcher */
+	asn1_DEF_Certificate_tags,
+	sizeof(asn1_DEF_Certificate_tags)
+		/sizeof(asn1_DEF_Certificate_tags[0]), /* 1 */
+	1,	/* Tags to skip */
+	1,	/* Whether CONSTRUCTED */
+	asn1_MBR_Certificate,
+	3,	/* Elements count */
+	&asn1_DEF_Certificate_specs	/* Additional specs */
+/*** <<< INCLUDES [Name] >>> ***/
+#include <RelativeDistinguishedName.h>
+#include <asn_SEQUENCE_OF.h>
+#include <constr_SEQUENCE_OF.h>
+/*** <<< DEPS [Name] >>> ***/
+extern asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t asn1_DEF_Name;
+/*** <<< TYPE-DECLS [Name] >>> ***/
+typedef struct Name {
+	A_SEQUENCE_OF(struct RelativeDistinguishedName) list;
+	/* Context for parsing across buffer boundaries */
+	ber_dec_ctx_t _ber_dec_ctx;
+} Name_t;
+/*** <<< STAT-DEFS [Name] >>> ***/
+static asn1_TYPE_member_t asn1_MBR_Name[] = {
+	{ 0, 0,
+		.tag = (ASN_TAG_CLASS_UNIVERSAL | (17 << 2)),
+		.tag_mode = 0,
+		.type = (void *)&asn1_DEF_RelativeDistinguishedName,
+		.memb_constraints = 0,	/* Defer to actual type */
+		.name = ""
+		},
+static ber_tlv_tag_t asn1_DEF_Name_tags[] = {
+static asn1_SET_OF_specifics_t asn1_DEF_Name_specs = {
+	sizeof(struct Name),
+	offsetof(struct Name, _ber_dec_ctx),
+asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t asn1_DEF_Name = {
+	"Name",
+	SEQUENCE_OF_constraint,
+	SEQUENCE_OF_decode_ber,
+	SEQUENCE_OF_encode_der,
+	SEQUENCE_OF_print,
+	0,	/* Use generic outmost tag fetcher */
+	asn1_DEF_Name_tags,
+	sizeof(asn1_DEF_Name_tags)
+		/sizeof(asn1_DEF_Name_tags[0]), /* 1 */
+	1,	/* Tags to skip */
+	1,	/* Whether CONSTRUCTED */
+	asn1_MBR_Name,
+	1,	/* Single element */
+	&asn1_DEF_Name_specs	/* Additional specs */
+/*** <<< INCLUDES [RelativeDistinguishedName] >>> ***/
+#include <IA5String.h>
+#include <asn_SET_OF.h>
+#include <constr_SET_OF.h>
+/*** <<< DEPS [RelativeDistinguishedName] >>> ***/
+extern asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t asn1_DEF_RelativeDistinguishedName;
+/*** <<< TYPE-DECLS [RelativeDistinguishedName] >>> ***/
+typedef struct RelativeDistinguishedName {
+	A_SET_OF(IA5String_t) list;
+	/* Context for parsing across buffer boundaries */
+	ber_dec_ctx_t _ber_dec_ctx;
+} RelativeDistinguishedName_t;
+/*** <<< CTABLES [RelativeDistinguishedName] >>> ***/
+static int permitted_alphabet_table_1[256] = {
+0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,	/*                  */
+0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,	/*                  */
+0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,	/*             ,-.  */
+1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,	/* 0        9       */
+0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,	/*  ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO */
+1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,	/* PQRSTUVWXYZ      */
+0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,	/*  abcdefghijklmno */
+1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,	/* pqrstuvwxyz      */
+static int check_permitted_alphabet_1(const void *sptr) {
+	int *table = permitted_alphabet_table_1;
+	/* The underlying type is IA5String */
+	const (null)_t *st = sptr;
+	uint8_t *ch = st->buf;
+	uint8_t *end = ch + st->size;
+	for(; ch < end; ch++) {
+		uint8_t cv = *ch;
+		if(!table[cv]) return 0;
+	}
+	return 1;
+/*** <<< CODE [RelativeDistinguishedName] >>> ***/
+static int
+memb_IA5String_constraint(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, const void *sptr,
+			asn_app_consume_bytes_f *app_errlog, void *app_key) {
+	const (null)_t *st = sptr;
+	if(!sptr) {
+		_ASN_ERRLOG(app_errlog, app_key,
+			"%s: value not given", td->name);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if(check_permitted_alphabet_1(sptr)) {
+		/* Constraint check succeeded */
+		return 1;
+	} else {
+		_ASN_ERRLOG(app_errlog, app_key,
+			"%s: constraint failed", td->name);
+		return -1;
+	}
+/*** <<< STAT-DEFS [RelativeDistinguishedName] >>> ***/
+static asn1_TYPE_member_t asn1_MBR_RelativeDistinguishedName[] = {
+	{ 0, 0,
+		.tag = (ASN_TAG_CLASS_UNIVERSAL | (22 << 2)),
+		.tag_mode = 0,
+		.type = (void *)&asn1_DEF_IA5String,
+		.memb_constraints = memb_IA5String_constraint,
+		.name = ""
+		},
+static ber_tlv_tag_t asn1_DEF_RelativeDistinguishedName_tags[] = {
+static asn1_SET_OF_specifics_t asn1_DEF_RelativeDistinguishedName_specs = {
+	sizeof(struct RelativeDistinguishedName),
+	offsetof(struct RelativeDistinguishedName, _ber_dec_ctx),
+asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t asn1_DEF_RelativeDistinguishedName = {
+	"RelativeDistinguishedName",
+	SET_OF_constraint,
+	SET_OF_decode_ber,
+	SET_OF_encode_der,
+	SET_OF_print,
+	SET_OF_free,
+	0,	/* Use generic outmost tag fetcher */
+	asn1_DEF_RelativeDistinguishedName_tags,
+	sizeof(asn1_DEF_RelativeDistinguishedName_tags)
+		/sizeof(asn1_DEF_RelativeDistinguishedName_tags[0]), /* 1 */
+	1,	/* Tags to skip */
+	1,	/* Whether CONSTRUCTED */
+	asn1_MBR_RelativeDistinguishedName,
+	1,	/* Single element */
+	&asn1_DEF_RelativeDistinguishedName_specs	/* Additional specs */
diff --git a/tests/50-constraint-OK.asn1.-P b/tests/50-constraint-OK.asn1.-P
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..746e8c2b7d4e730bacde1d1d557d9e51bff1c607
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/50-constraint-OK.asn1.-P
@@ -0,0 +1,2446 @@
+/*** <<< INCLUDES [Int1] >>> ***/
+#include <INTEGER.h>
+/*** <<< TYPE-DECLS [Int1] >>> ***/
+typedef INTEGER_t	 Int1_t;
+/*** <<< FUNC-DECLS [Int1] >>> ***/
+extern asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t asn1_DEF_Int1;
+asn_constr_check_f Int1_constraint;
+ber_type_decoder_f Int1_decode_ber;
+der_type_encoder_f Int1_encode_der;
+asn_struct_print_f Int1_print;
+asn_struct_free_f Int1_free;
+/*** <<< CODE [Int1] >>> ***/
+Int1_constraint(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, const void *sptr,
+			asn_app_consume_bytes_f *app_errlog, void *app_key) {
+	/* Make the underlying type checker permanent */
+	td->check_constraints = asn1_DEF_INTEGER.check_constraints;
+	return td->check_constraints
+		(td, sptr, app_errlog, app_key);
+ * This type is implemented using INTEGER,
+ * so adjust the DEF appropriately.
+ */
+static void
+Int1_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td) {
+	td->ber_decoder    = asn1_DEF_INTEGER.ber_decoder;
+	td->der_encoder    = asn1_DEF_INTEGER.der_encoder;
+	td->free_struct    = asn1_DEF_INTEGER.free_struct;
+	td->print_struct   = asn1_DEF_INTEGER.print_struct;
+	td->last_tag_form  = asn1_DEF_INTEGER.last_tag_form;
+	td->elements       = asn1_DEF_INTEGER.elements;
+	td->elements_count = asn1_DEF_INTEGER.elements_count;
+	td->specifics      = asn1_DEF_INTEGER.specifics;
+Int1_decode_ber(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void **structure, void *bufptr, size_t size, int tag_mode) {
+	Int1_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->ber_decoder(td, structure,
+		bufptr, size, tag_mode);
+Int1_encode_der(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void *structure, int tag_mode, ber_tlv_tag_t tag,
+		asn_app_consume_bytes_f *cb, void *app_key) {
+	Int1_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->der_encoder(td, structure, tag_mode, tag, cb, app_key);
+Int1_print(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, const void *struct_ptr,
+		int ilevel, asn_app_consume_bytes_f *cb, void *app_key) {
+	Int1_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->print_struct(td, struct_ptr, ilevel, cb, app_key);
+Int1_free(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void *struct_ptr, int contents_only) {
+	Int1_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	td->free_struct(td, struct_ptr, contents_only);
+/*** <<< STAT-DEFS [Int1] >>> ***/
+static ber_tlv_tag_t asn1_DEF_Int1_tags[] = {
+asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t asn1_DEF_Int1 = {
+	"Int1",
+	Int1_constraint,
+	Int1_decode_ber,
+	Int1_encode_der,
+	Int1_print,
+	Int1_free,
+	0,	/* Use generic outmost tag fetcher */
+	asn1_DEF_Int1_tags,
+	sizeof(asn1_DEF_Int1_tags)
+		/sizeof(asn1_DEF_Int1_tags[0]), /* 1 */
+	1,	/* Tags to skip */
+	-0,	/* Unknown yet */
+	0, 0,	/* No members */
+	0	/* No specifics */
+/*** <<< INCLUDES [Int2] >>> ***/
+#include <Int1.h>
+/*** <<< TYPE-DECLS [Int2] >>> ***/
+typedef Int1_t	 Int2_t;
+/*** <<< FUNC-DECLS [Int2] >>> ***/
+extern asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t asn1_DEF_Int2;
+asn_constr_check_f Int2_constraint;
+ber_type_decoder_f Int2_decode_ber;
+der_type_encoder_f Int2_encode_der;
+asn_struct_print_f Int2_print;
+asn_struct_free_f Int2_free;
+/*** <<< CODE [Int2] >>> ***/
+Int2_constraint(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, const void *sptr,
+			asn_app_consume_bytes_f *app_errlog, void *app_key) {
+	const Int2_t *st = sptr;
+	long value;
+	if(!sptr) {
+		_ASN_ERRLOG(app_errlog, app_key,
+			"%s: value not given", td->name);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if(asn1_INTEGER2long(st, &value)) {
+		_ASN_ERRLOG(app_errlog, app_key,
+			"%s: value too large", td->name);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if((value >= 0)) {
+		/* Constraint check succeeded */
+		return 1;
+	} else {
+		_ASN_ERRLOG(app_errlog, app_key,
+			"%s: constraint failed", td->name);
+		return -1;
+	}
+ * This type is implemented using Int1,
+ * so adjust the DEF appropriately.
+ */
+static void
+Int2_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td) {
+	td->ber_decoder    = asn1_DEF_Int1.ber_decoder;
+	td->der_encoder    = asn1_DEF_Int1.der_encoder;
+	td->free_struct    = asn1_DEF_Int1.free_struct;
+	td->print_struct   = asn1_DEF_Int1.print_struct;
+	td->last_tag_form  = asn1_DEF_Int1.last_tag_form;
+	td->elements       = asn1_DEF_Int1.elements;
+	td->elements_count = asn1_DEF_Int1.elements_count;
+	td->specifics      = asn1_DEF_Int1.specifics;
+Int2_decode_ber(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void **structure, void *bufptr, size_t size, int tag_mode) {
+	Int2_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->ber_decoder(td, structure,
+		bufptr, size, tag_mode);
+Int2_encode_der(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void *structure, int tag_mode, ber_tlv_tag_t tag,
+		asn_app_consume_bytes_f *cb, void *app_key) {
+	Int2_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->der_encoder(td, structure, tag_mode, tag, cb, app_key);
+Int2_print(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, const void *struct_ptr,
+		int ilevel, asn_app_consume_bytes_f *cb, void *app_key) {
+	Int2_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->print_struct(td, struct_ptr, ilevel, cb, app_key);
+Int2_free(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void *struct_ptr, int contents_only) {
+	Int2_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	td->free_struct(td, struct_ptr, contents_only);
+/*** <<< STAT-DEFS [Int2] >>> ***/
+static ber_tlv_tag_t asn1_DEF_Int2_tags[] = {
+asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t asn1_DEF_Int2 = {
+	"Int2",
+	Int2_constraint,
+	Int2_decode_ber,
+	Int2_encode_der,
+	Int2_print,
+	Int2_free,
+	0,	/* Use generic outmost tag fetcher */
+	asn1_DEF_Int2_tags,
+	sizeof(asn1_DEF_Int2_tags)
+		/sizeof(asn1_DEF_Int2_tags[0]), /* 1 */
+	1,	/* Tags to skip */
+	-0,	/* Unknown yet */
+	0, 0,	/* No members */
+	0	/* No specifics */
+/*** <<< INCLUDES [Int3] >>> ***/
+#include <Int2.h>
+/*** <<< TYPE-DECLS [Int3] >>> ***/
+typedef Int2_t	 Int3_t;
+/*** <<< FUNC-DECLS [Int3] >>> ***/
+extern asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t asn1_DEF_Int3;
+asn_constr_check_f Int3_constraint;
+ber_type_decoder_f Int3_decode_ber;
+der_type_encoder_f Int3_encode_der;
+asn_struct_print_f Int3_print;
+asn_struct_free_f Int3_free;
+/*** <<< CODE [Int3] >>> ***/
+Int3_constraint(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, const void *sptr,
+			asn_app_consume_bytes_f *app_errlog, void *app_key) {
+	const Int3_t *st = sptr;
+	long value;
+	if(!sptr) {
+		_ASN_ERRLOG(app_errlog, app_key,
+			"%s: value not given", td->name);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if(asn1_INTEGER2long(st, &value)) {
+		_ASN_ERRLOG(app_errlog, app_key,
+			"%s: value too large", td->name);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if((value >= 0 && value <= 10)) {
+		/* Constraint check succeeded */
+		return 1;
+	} else {
+		_ASN_ERRLOG(app_errlog, app_key,
+			"%s: constraint failed", td->name);
+		return -1;
+	}
+ * This type is implemented using Int2,
+ * so adjust the DEF appropriately.
+ */
+static void
+Int3_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td) {
+	td->ber_decoder    = asn1_DEF_Int2.ber_decoder;
+	td->der_encoder    = asn1_DEF_Int2.der_encoder;
+	td->free_struct    = asn1_DEF_Int2.free_struct;
+	td->print_struct   = asn1_DEF_Int2.print_struct;
+	td->last_tag_form  = asn1_DEF_Int2.last_tag_form;
+	td->elements       = asn1_DEF_Int2.elements;
+	td->elements_count = asn1_DEF_Int2.elements_count;
+	td->specifics      = asn1_DEF_Int2.specifics;
+Int3_decode_ber(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void **structure, void *bufptr, size_t size, int tag_mode) {
+	Int3_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->ber_decoder(td, structure,
+		bufptr, size, tag_mode);
+Int3_encode_der(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void *structure, int tag_mode, ber_tlv_tag_t tag,
+		asn_app_consume_bytes_f *cb, void *app_key) {
+	Int3_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->der_encoder(td, structure, tag_mode, tag, cb, app_key);
+Int3_print(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, const void *struct_ptr,
+		int ilevel, asn_app_consume_bytes_f *cb, void *app_key) {
+	Int3_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->print_struct(td, struct_ptr, ilevel, cb, app_key);
+Int3_free(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void *struct_ptr, int contents_only) {
+	Int3_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	td->free_struct(td, struct_ptr, contents_only);
+/*** <<< STAT-DEFS [Int3] >>> ***/
+static ber_tlv_tag_t asn1_DEF_Int3_tags[] = {
+asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t asn1_DEF_Int3 = {
+	"Int3",
+	Int3_constraint,
+	Int3_decode_ber,
+	Int3_encode_der,
+	Int3_print,
+	Int3_free,
+	0,	/* Use generic outmost tag fetcher */
+	asn1_DEF_Int3_tags,
+	sizeof(asn1_DEF_Int3_tags)
+		/sizeof(asn1_DEF_Int3_tags[0]), /* 1 */
+	1,	/* Tags to skip */
+	-0,	/* Unknown yet */
+	0, 0,	/* No members */
+	0	/* No specifics */
+/*** <<< INCLUDES [Int4] >>> ***/
+#include <Int3.h>
+/*** <<< TYPE-DECLS [Int4] >>> ***/
+typedef Int3_t	 Int4_t;
+/*** <<< FUNC-DECLS [Int4] >>> ***/
+extern asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t asn1_DEF_Int4;
+asn_constr_check_f Int4_constraint;
+ber_type_decoder_f Int4_decode_ber;
+der_type_encoder_f Int4_encode_der;
+asn_struct_print_f Int4_print;
+asn_struct_free_f Int4_free;
+/*** <<< CODE [Int4] >>> ***/
+Int4_constraint(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, const void *sptr,
+			asn_app_consume_bytes_f *app_errlog, void *app_key) {
+	const Int4_t *st = sptr;
+	if(!sptr) {
+		_ASN_ERRLOG(app_errlog, app_key,
+			"%s: value not given", td->name);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if(1 /* No applicable constraints whatsoever */) {
+		/* Nothing is here. See below */
+	}
+	/* Make the underlying type checker permanent */
+	td->check_constraints = asn1_DEF_Int3.check_constraints;
+	return td->check_constraints
+		(td, sptr, app_errlog, app_key);
+ * This type is implemented using Int3,
+ * so adjust the DEF appropriately.
+ */
+static void
+Int4_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td) {
+	td->ber_decoder    = asn1_DEF_Int3.ber_decoder;
+	td->der_encoder    = asn1_DEF_Int3.der_encoder;
+	td->free_struct    = asn1_DEF_Int3.free_struct;
+	td->print_struct   = asn1_DEF_Int3.print_struct;
+	td->last_tag_form  = asn1_DEF_Int3.last_tag_form;
+	td->elements       = asn1_DEF_Int3.elements;
+	td->elements_count = asn1_DEF_Int3.elements_count;
+	td->specifics      = asn1_DEF_Int3.specifics;
+Int4_decode_ber(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void **structure, void *bufptr, size_t size, int tag_mode) {
+	Int4_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->ber_decoder(td, structure,
+		bufptr, size, tag_mode);
+Int4_encode_der(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void *structure, int tag_mode, ber_tlv_tag_t tag,
+		asn_app_consume_bytes_f *cb, void *app_key) {
+	Int4_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->der_encoder(td, structure, tag_mode, tag, cb, app_key);
+Int4_print(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, const void *struct_ptr,
+		int ilevel, asn_app_consume_bytes_f *cb, void *app_key) {
+	Int4_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->print_struct(td, struct_ptr, ilevel, cb, app_key);
+Int4_free(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void *struct_ptr, int contents_only) {
+	Int4_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	td->free_struct(td, struct_ptr, contents_only);
+/*** <<< STAT-DEFS [Int4] >>> ***/
+static ber_tlv_tag_t asn1_DEF_Int4_tags[] = {
+asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t asn1_DEF_Int4 = {
+	"Int4",
+	Int4_constraint,
+	Int4_decode_ber,
+	Int4_encode_der,
+	Int4_print,
+	Int4_free,
+	0,	/* Use generic outmost tag fetcher */
+	asn1_DEF_Int4_tags,
+	sizeof(asn1_DEF_Int4_tags)
+		/sizeof(asn1_DEF_Int4_tags[0]), /* 1 */
+	1,	/* Tags to skip */
+	-0,	/* Unknown yet */
+	0, 0,	/* No members */
+	0	/* No specifics */
+/*** <<< INCLUDES [Int5] >>> ***/
+#include <Int4.h>
+/*** <<< TYPE-DECLS [Int5] >>> ***/
+typedef Int4_t	 Int5_t;
+/*** <<< FUNC-DECLS [Int5] >>> ***/
+extern asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t asn1_DEF_Int5;
+asn_constr_check_f Int5_constraint;
+ber_type_decoder_f Int5_decode_ber;
+der_type_encoder_f Int5_encode_der;
+asn_struct_print_f Int5_print;
+asn_struct_free_f Int5_free;
+/*** <<< CODE [Int5] >>> ***/
+Int5_constraint(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, const void *sptr,
+			asn_app_consume_bytes_f *app_errlog, void *app_key) {
+	const Int5_t *st = sptr;
+	long value;
+	if(!sptr) {
+		_ASN_ERRLOG(app_errlog, app_key,
+			"%s: value not given", td->name);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if(asn1_INTEGER2long(st, &value)) {
+		_ASN_ERRLOG(app_errlog, app_key,
+			"%s: value too large", td->name);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if((value == 5)) {
+		/* Constraint check succeeded */
+		return 1;
+	} else {
+		_ASN_ERRLOG(app_errlog, app_key,
+			"%s: constraint failed", td->name);
+		return -1;
+	}
+ * This type is implemented using Int4,
+ * so adjust the DEF appropriately.
+ */
+static void
+Int5_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td) {
+	td->ber_decoder    = asn1_DEF_Int4.ber_decoder;
+	td->der_encoder    = asn1_DEF_Int4.der_encoder;
+	td->free_struct    = asn1_DEF_Int4.free_struct;
+	td->print_struct   = asn1_DEF_Int4.print_struct;
+	td->last_tag_form  = asn1_DEF_Int4.last_tag_form;
+	td->elements       = asn1_DEF_Int4.elements;
+	td->elements_count = asn1_DEF_Int4.elements_count;
+	td->specifics      = asn1_DEF_Int4.specifics;
+Int5_decode_ber(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void **structure, void *bufptr, size_t size, int tag_mode) {
+	Int5_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->ber_decoder(td, structure,
+		bufptr, size, tag_mode);
+Int5_encode_der(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void *structure, int tag_mode, ber_tlv_tag_t tag,
+		asn_app_consume_bytes_f *cb, void *app_key) {
+	Int5_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->der_encoder(td, structure, tag_mode, tag, cb, app_key);
+Int5_print(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, const void *struct_ptr,
+		int ilevel, asn_app_consume_bytes_f *cb, void *app_key) {
+	Int5_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->print_struct(td, struct_ptr, ilevel, cb, app_key);
+Int5_free(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void *struct_ptr, int contents_only) {
+	Int5_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	td->free_struct(td, struct_ptr, contents_only);
+/*** <<< STAT-DEFS [Int5] >>> ***/
+static ber_tlv_tag_t asn1_DEF_Int5_tags[] = {
+asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t asn1_DEF_Int5 = {
+	"Int5",
+	Int5_constraint,
+	Int5_decode_ber,
+	Int5_encode_der,
+	Int5_print,
+	Int5_free,
+	0,	/* Use generic outmost tag fetcher */
+	asn1_DEF_Int5_tags,
+	sizeof(asn1_DEF_Int5_tags)
+		/sizeof(asn1_DEF_Int5_tags[0]), /* 1 */
+	1,	/* Tags to skip */
+	-0,	/* Unknown yet */
+	0, 0,	/* No members */
+	0	/* No specifics */
+/*** <<< INCLUDES [ExtensibleExtensions] >>> ***/
+#include <INTEGER.h>
+/*** <<< TYPE-DECLS [ExtensibleExtensions] >>> ***/
+typedef INTEGER_t	 ExtensibleExtensions_t;
+/*** <<< FUNC-DECLS [ExtensibleExtensions] >>> ***/
+extern asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t asn1_DEF_ExtensibleExtensions;
+asn_constr_check_f ExtensibleExtensions_constraint;
+ber_type_decoder_f ExtensibleExtensions_decode_ber;
+der_type_encoder_f ExtensibleExtensions_encode_der;
+asn_struct_print_f ExtensibleExtensions_print;
+asn_struct_free_f ExtensibleExtensions_free;
+/*** <<< CODE [ExtensibleExtensions] >>> ***/
+ExtensibleExtensions_constraint(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, const void *sptr,
+			asn_app_consume_bytes_f *app_errlog, void *app_key) {
+	const ExtensibleExtensions_t *st = sptr;
+	if(!sptr) {
+		_ASN_ERRLOG(app_errlog, app_key,
+			"%s: value not given", td->name);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if(1 /* No applicable constraints whatsoever */) {
+		/* Nothing is here. See below */
+	}
+	/* Make the underlying type checker permanent */
+	td->check_constraints = asn1_DEF_INTEGER.check_constraints;
+	return td->check_constraints
+		(td, sptr, app_errlog, app_key);
+ * This type is implemented using INTEGER,
+ * so adjust the DEF appropriately.
+ */
+static void
+ExtensibleExtensions_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td) {
+	td->ber_decoder    = asn1_DEF_INTEGER.ber_decoder;
+	td->der_encoder    = asn1_DEF_INTEGER.der_encoder;
+	td->free_struct    = asn1_DEF_INTEGER.free_struct;
+	td->print_struct   = asn1_DEF_INTEGER.print_struct;
+	td->last_tag_form  = asn1_DEF_INTEGER.last_tag_form;
+	td->elements       = asn1_DEF_INTEGER.elements;
+	td->elements_count = asn1_DEF_INTEGER.elements_count;
+	td->specifics      = asn1_DEF_INTEGER.specifics;
+ExtensibleExtensions_decode_ber(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void **structure, void *bufptr, size_t size, int tag_mode) {
+	ExtensibleExtensions_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->ber_decoder(td, structure,
+		bufptr, size, tag_mode);
+ExtensibleExtensions_encode_der(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void *structure, int tag_mode, ber_tlv_tag_t tag,
+		asn_app_consume_bytes_f *cb, void *app_key) {
+	ExtensibleExtensions_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->der_encoder(td, structure, tag_mode, tag, cb, app_key);
+ExtensibleExtensions_print(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, const void *struct_ptr,
+		int ilevel, asn_app_consume_bytes_f *cb, void *app_key) {
+	ExtensibleExtensions_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->print_struct(td, struct_ptr, ilevel, cb, app_key);
+ExtensibleExtensions_free(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void *struct_ptr, int contents_only) {
+	ExtensibleExtensions_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	td->free_struct(td, struct_ptr, contents_only);
+/*** <<< STAT-DEFS [ExtensibleExtensions] >>> ***/
+static ber_tlv_tag_t asn1_DEF_ExtensibleExtensions_tags[] = {
+asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t asn1_DEF_ExtensibleExtensions = {
+	"ExtensibleExtensions",
+	ExtensibleExtensions_constraint,
+	ExtensibleExtensions_decode_ber,
+	ExtensibleExtensions_encode_der,
+	ExtensibleExtensions_print,
+	ExtensibleExtensions_free,
+	0,	/* Use generic outmost tag fetcher */
+	asn1_DEF_ExtensibleExtensions_tags,
+	sizeof(asn1_DEF_ExtensibleExtensions_tags)
+		/sizeof(asn1_DEF_ExtensibleExtensions_tags[0]), /* 1 */
+	1,	/* Tags to skip */
+	-0,	/* Unknown yet */
+	0, 0,	/* No members */
+	0	/* No specifics */
+/*** <<< INCLUDES [Str1] >>> ***/
+#include <IA5String.h>
+/*** <<< TYPE-DECLS [Str1] >>> ***/
+typedef IA5String_t	 Str1_t;
+/*** <<< FUNC-DECLS [Str1] >>> ***/
+extern asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t asn1_DEF_Str1;
+asn_constr_check_f Str1_constraint;
+ber_type_decoder_f Str1_decode_ber;
+der_type_encoder_f Str1_encode_der;
+asn_struct_print_f Str1_print;
+asn_struct_free_f Str1_free;
+/*** <<< CODE [Str1] >>> ***/
+Str1_constraint(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, const void *sptr,
+			asn_app_consume_bytes_f *app_errlog, void *app_key) {
+	/* Make the underlying type checker permanent */
+	td->check_constraints = asn1_DEF_IA5String.check_constraints;
+	return td->check_constraints
+		(td, sptr, app_errlog, app_key);
+ * This type is implemented using IA5String,
+ * so adjust the DEF appropriately.
+ */
+static void
+Str1_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td) {
+	td->ber_decoder    = asn1_DEF_IA5String.ber_decoder;
+	td->der_encoder    = asn1_DEF_IA5String.der_encoder;
+	td->free_struct    = asn1_DEF_IA5String.free_struct;
+	td->print_struct   = asn1_DEF_IA5String.print_struct;
+	td->last_tag_form  = asn1_DEF_IA5String.last_tag_form;
+	td->elements       = asn1_DEF_IA5String.elements;
+	td->elements_count = asn1_DEF_IA5String.elements_count;
+	td->specifics      = asn1_DEF_IA5String.specifics;
+Str1_decode_ber(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void **structure, void *bufptr, size_t size, int tag_mode) {
+	Str1_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->ber_decoder(td, structure,
+		bufptr, size, tag_mode);
+Str1_encode_der(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void *structure, int tag_mode, ber_tlv_tag_t tag,
+		asn_app_consume_bytes_f *cb, void *app_key) {
+	Str1_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->der_encoder(td, structure, tag_mode, tag, cb, app_key);
+Str1_print(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, const void *struct_ptr,
+		int ilevel, asn_app_consume_bytes_f *cb, void *app_key) {
+	Str1_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->print_struct(td, struct_ptr, ilevel, cb, app_key);
+Str1_free(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void *struct_ptr, int contents_only) {
+	Str1_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	td->free_struct(td, struct_ptr, contents_only);
+/*** <<< STAT-DEFS [Str1] >>> ***/
+static ber_tlv_tag_t asn1_DEF_Str1_tags[] = {
+asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t asn1_DEF_Str1 = {
+	"Str1",
+	Str1_constraint,
+	Str1_decode_ber,
+	Str1_encode_der,
+	Str1_print,
+	Str1_free,
+	0,	/* Use generic outmost tag fetcher */
+	asn1_DEF_Str1_tags,
+	sizeof(asn1_DEF_Str1_tags)
+		/sizeof(asn1_DEF_Str1_tags[0]), /* 1 */
+	1,	/* Tags to skip */
+	-0,	/* Unknown yet */
+	0, 0,	/* No members */
+	0	/* No specifics */
+/*** <<< INCLUDES [Str2] >>> ***/
+#include <Str1.h>
+/*** <<< TYPE-DECLS [Str2] >>> ***/
+typedef Str1_t	 Str2_t;
+/*** <<< FUNC-DECLS [Str2] >>> ***/
+extern asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t asn1_DEF_Str2;
+asn_constr_check_f Str2_constraint;
+ber_type_decoder_f Str2_decode_ber;
+der_type_encoder_f Str2_encode_der;
+asn_struct_print_f Str2_print;
+asn_struct_free_f Str2_free;
+/*** <<< CTABLES [Str2] >>> ***/
+static int check_permitted_alphabet_1(const void *sptr) {
+	/* The underlying type is IA5String */
+	const Str2_t *st = sptr;
+	uint8_t *ch = st->buf;
+	uint8_t *end = ch + st->size;
+	for(; ch < end; ch++) {
+		uint8_t cv = *ch;
+		if(!(cv <= 127)) return 0;
+	}
+	return 1;
+/*** <<< CODE [Str2] >>> ***/
+Str2_constraint(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, const void *sptr,
+			asn_app_consume_bytes_f *app_errlog, void *app_key) {
+	const Str2_t *st = sptr;
+	size_t size;
+	if(!sptr) {
+		_ASN_ERRLOG(app_errlog, app_key,
+			"%s: value not given", td->name);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	size = st->size;
+	if(((size <= 20) || (size >= 25 && size <= 30))
+		 && check_permitted_alphabet_1(sptr)) {
+		/* Constraint check succeeded */
+		return 1;
+	} else {
+		_ASN_ERRLOG(app_errlog, app_key,
+			"%s: constraint failed", td->name);
+		return -1;
+	}
+ * This type is implemented using Str1,
+ * so adjust the DEF appropriately.
+ */
+static void
+Str2_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td) {
+	td->ber_decoder    = asn1_DEF_Str1.ber_decoder;
+	td->der_encoder    = asn1_DEF_Str1.der_encoder;
+	td->free_struct    = asn1_DEF_Str1.free_struct;
+	td->print_struct   = asn1_DEF_Str1.print_struct;
+	td->last_tag_form  = asn1_DEF_Str1.last_tag_form;
+	td->elements       = asn1_DEF_Str1.elements;
+	td->elements_count = asn1_DEF_Str1.elements_count;
+	td->specifics      = asn1_DEF_Str1.specifics;
+Str2_decode_ber(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void **structure, void *bufptr, size_t size, int tag_mode) {
+	Str2_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->ber_decoder(td, structure,
+		bufptr, size, tag_mode);
+Str2_encode_der(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void *structure, int tag_mode, ber_tlv_tag_t tag,
+		asn_app_consume_bytes_f *cb, void *app_key) {
+	Str2_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->der_encoder(td, structure, tag_mode, tag, cb, app_key);
+Str2_print(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, const void *struct_ptr,
+		int ilevel, asn_app_consume_bytes_f *cb, void *app_key) {
+	Str2_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->print_struct(td, struct_ptr, ilevel, cb, app_key);
+Str2_free(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void *struct_ptr, int contents_only) {
+	Str2_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	td->free_struct(td, struct_ptr, contents_only);
+/*** <<< STAT-DEFS [Str2] >>> ***/
+static ber_tlv_tag_t asn1_DEF_Str2_tags[] = {
+asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t asn1_DEF_Str2 = {
+	"Str2",
+	Str2_constraint,
+	Str2_decode_ber,
+	Str2_encode_der,
+	Str2_print,
+	Str2_free,
+	0,	/* Use generic outmost tag fetcher */
+	asn1_DEF_Str2_tags,
+	sizeof(asn1_DEF_Str2_tags)
+		/sizeof(asn1_DEF_Str2_tags[0]), /* 1 */
+	1,	/* Tags to skip */
+	-0,	/* Unknown yet */
+	0, 0,	/* No members */
+	0	/* No specifics */
+/*** <<< INCLUDES [Str3] >>> ***/
+#include <Str2.h>
+/*** <<< TYPE-DECLS [Str3] >>> ***/
+typedef Str2_t	 Str3_t;
+/*** <<< FUNC-DECLS [Str3] >>> ***/
+extern asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t asn1_DEF_Str3;
+asn_constr_check_f Str3_constraint;
+ber_type_decoder_f Str3_decode_ber;
+der_type_encoder_f Str3_encode_der;
+asn_struct_print_f Str3_print;
+asn_struct_free_f Str3_free;
+/*** <<< CTABLES [Str3] >>> ***/
+static int permitted_alphabet_table_2[256] = {
+0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,	/*                  */
+0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,	/*                  */
+0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,	/*                  */
+0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,	/*                  */
+0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,	/*  ABC             */
+0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,	/*                  */
+0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,	/*     def          */
+static int check_permitted_alphabet_2(const void *sptr) {
+	int *table = permitted_alphabet_table_2;
+	/* The underlying type is IA5String */
+	const Str3_t *st = sptr;
+	uint8_t *ch = st->buf;
+	uint8_t *end = ch + st->size;
+	for(; ch < end; ch++) {
+		uint8_t cv = *ch;
+		if(!table[cv]) return 0;
+	}
+	return 1;
+/*** <<< CODE [Str3] >>> ***/
+Str3_constraint(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, const void *sptr,
+			asn_app_consume_bytes_f *app_errlog, void *app_key) {
+	const Str3_t *st = sptr;
+	size_t size;
+	if(!sptr) {
+		_ASN_ERRLOG(app_errlog, app_key,
+			"%s: value not given", td->name);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	size = st->size;
+	if(((size >= 10 && size <= 20) || (size >= 25 && size <= 27))
+		 && check_permitted_alphabet_2(sptr)) {
+		/* Constraint check succeeded */
+		return 1;
+	} else {
+		_ASN_ERRLOG(app_errlog, app_key,
+			"%s: constraint failed", td->name);
+		return -1;
+	}
+ * This type is implemented using Str2,
+ * so adjust the DEF appropriately.
+ */
+static void
+Str3_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td) {
+	td->ber_decoder    = asn1_DEF_Str2.ber_decoder;
+	td->der_encoder    = asn1_DEF_Str2.der_encoder;
+	td->free_struct    = asn1_DEF_Str2.free_struct;
+	td->print_struct   = asn1_DEF_Str2.print_struct;
+	td->last_tag_form  = asn1_DEF_Str2.last_tag_form;
+	td->elements       = asn1_DEF_Str2.elements;
+	td->elements_count = asn1_DEF_Str2.elements_count;
+	td->specifics      = asn1_DEF_Str2.specifics;
+Str3_decode_ber(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void **structure, void *bufptr, size_t size, int tag_mode) {
+	Str3_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->ber_decoder(td, structure,
+		bufptr, size, tag_mode);
+Str3_encode_der(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void *structure, int tag_mode, ber_tlv_tag_t tag,
+		asn_app_consume_bytes_f *cb, void *app_key) {
+	Str3_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->der_encoder(td, structure, tag_mode, tag, cb, app_key);
+Str3_print(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, const void *struct_ptr,
+		int ilevel, asn_app_consume_bytes_f *cb, void *app_key) {
+	Str3_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->print_struct(td, struct_ptr, ilevel, cb, app_key);
+Str3_free(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void *struct_ptr, int contents_only) {
+	Str3_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	td->free_struct(td, struct_ptr, contents_only);
+/*** <<< STAT-DEFS [Str3] >>> ***/
+static ber_tlv_tag_t asn1_DEF_Str3_tags[] = {
+asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t asn1_DEF_Str3 = {
+	"Str3",
+	Str3_constraint,
+	Str3_decode_ber,
+	Str3_encode_der,
+	Str3_print,
+	Str3_free,
+	0,	/* Use generic outmost tag fetcher */
+	asn1_DEF_Str3_tags,
+	sizeof(asn1_DEF_Str3_tags)
+		/sizeof(asn1_DEF_Str3_tags[0]), /* 1 */
+	1,	/* Tags to skip */
+	-0,	/* Unknown yet */
+	0, 0,	/* No members */
+	0	/* No specifics */
+/*** <<< INCLUDES [PER-Visible] >>> ***/
+#include <IA5String.h>
+/*** <<< TYPE-DECLS [PER-Visible] >>> ***/
+typedef IA5String_t	 PER_Visible_t;
+/*** <<< FUNC-DECLS [PER-Visible] >>> ***/
+extern asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t asn1_DEF_PER_Visible;
+asn_constr_check_f PER_Visible_constraint;
+ber_type_decoder_f PER_Visible_decode_ber;
+der_type_encoder_f PER_Visible_encode_der;
+asn_struct_print_f PER_Visible_print;
+asn_struct_free_f PER_Visible_free;
+/*** <<< CTABLES [PER-Visible] >>> ***/
+static int check_permitted_alphabet_3(const void *sptr) {
+	/* The underlying type is IA5String */
+	const PER_Visible_t *st = sptr;
+	uint8_t *ch = st->buf;
+	uint8_t *end = ch + st->size;
+	for(; ch < end; ch++) {
+		uint8_t cv = *ch;
+		if(!(cv >= 65 && cv <= 70)) return 0;
+	}
+	return 1;
+/*** <<< CODE [PER-Visible] >>> ***/
+PER_Visible_constraint(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, const void *sptr,
+			asn_app_consume_bytes_f *app_errlog, void *app_key) {
+	const PER_Visible_t *st = sptr;
+	if(!sptr) {
+		_ASN_ERRLOG(app_errlog, app_key,
+			"%s: value not given", td->name);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if(check_permitted_alphabet_3(sptr)) {
+		/* Constraint check succeeded */
+		return 1;
+	} else {
+		_ASN_ERRLOG(app_errlog, app_key,
+			"%s: constraint failed", td->name);
+		return -1;
+	}
+ * This type is implemented using IA5String,
+ * so adjust the DEF appropriately.
+ */
+static void
+PER_Visible_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td) {
+	td->ber_decoder    = asn1_DEF_IA5String.ber_decoder;
+	td->der_encoder    = asn1_DEF_IA5String.der_encoder;
+	td->free_struct    = asn1_DEF_IA5String.free_struct;
+	td->print_struct   = asn1_DEF_IA5String.print_struct;
+	td->last_tag_form  = asn1_DEF_IA5String.last_tag_form;
+	td->elements       = asn1_DEF_IA5String.elements;
+	td->elements_count = asn1_DEF_IA5String.elements_count;
+	td->specifics      = asn1_DEF_IA5String.specifics;
+PER_Visible_decode_ber(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void **structure, void *bufptr, size_t size, int tag_mode) {
+	PER_Visible_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->ber_decoder(td, structure,
+		bufptr, size, tag_mode);
+PER_Visible_encode_der(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void *structure, int tag_mode, ber_tlv_tag_t tag,
+		asn_app_consume_bytes_f *cb, void *app_key) {
+	PER_Visible_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->der_encoder(td, structure, tag_mode, tag, cb, app_key);
+PER_Visible_print(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, const void *struct_ptr,
+		int ilevel, asn_app_consume_bytes_f *cb, void *app_key) {
+	PER_Visible_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->print_struct(td, struct_ptr, ilevel, cb, app_key);
+PER_Visible_free(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void *struct_ptr, int contents_only) {
+	PER_Visible_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	td->free_struct(td, struct_ptr, contents_only);
+/*** <<< STAT-DEFS [PER-Visible] >>> ***/
+static ber_tlv_tag_t asn1_DEF_PER_Visible_tags[] = {
+asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t asn1_DEF_PER_Visible = {
+	"PER-Visible",
+	PER_Visible_constraint,
+	PER_Visible_decode_ber,
+	PER_Visible_encode_der,
+	PER_Visible_print,
+	PER_Visible_free,
+	0,	/* Use generic outmost tag fetcher */
+	asn1_DEF_PER_Visible_tags,
+	sizeof(asn1_DEF_PER_Visible_tags)
+		/sizeof(asn1_DEF_PER_Visible_tags[0]), /* 1 */
+	1,	/* Tags to skip */
+	-0,	/* Unknown yet */
+	0, 0,	/* No members */
+	0	/* No specifics */
+/*** <<< INCLUDES [PER-Visible-2] >>> ***/
+#include <PER-Visible.h>
+/*** <<< TYPE-DECLS [PER-Visible-2] >>> ***/
+typedef PER_Visible_t	 PER_Visible_2_t;
+/*** <<< FUNC-DECLS [PER-Visible-2] >>> ***/
+extern asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t asn1_DEF_PER_Visible_2;
+asn_constr_check_f PER_Visible_2_constraint;
+ber_type_decoder_f PER_Visible_2_decode_ber;
+der_type_encoder_f PER_Visible_2_encode_der;
+asn_struct_print_f PER_Visible_2_print;
+asn_struct_free_f PER_Visible_2_free;
+/*** <<< CTABLES [PER-Visible-2] >>> ***/
+static int check_permitted_alphabet_4(const void *sptr) {
+	/* The underlying type is IA5String */
+	const PER_Visible_2_t *st = sptr;
+	uint8_t *ch = st->buf;
+	uint8_t *end = ch + st->size;
+	for(; ch < end; ch++) {
+		uint8_t cv = *ch;
+		if(!(cv >= 69 && cv <= 70)) return 0;
+	}
+	return 1;
+/*** <<< CODE [PER-Visible-2] >>> ***/
+PER_Visible_2_constraint(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, const void *sptr,
+			asn_app_consume_bytes_f *app_errlog, void *app_key) {
+	const PER_Visible_2_t *st = sptr;
+	if(!sptr) {
+		_ASN_ERRLOG(app_errlog, app_key,
+			"%s: value not given", td->name);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if(check_permitted_alphabet_4(sptr)) {
+		/* Constraint check succeeded */
+		return 1;
+	} else {
+		_ASN_ERRLOG(app_errlog, app_key,
+			"%s: constraint failed", td->name);
+		return -1;
+	}
+ * This type is implemented using PER_Visible,
+ * so adjust the DEF appropriately.
+ */
+static void
+PER_Visible_2_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td) {
+	td->ber_decoder    = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.ber_decoder;
+	td->der_encoder    = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.der_encoder;
+	td->free_struct    = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.free_struct;
+	td->print_struct   = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.print_struct;
+	td->last_tag_form  = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.last_tag_form;
+	td->elements       = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.elements;
+	td->elements_count = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.elements_count;
+	td->specifics      = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.specifics;
+PER_Visible_2_decode_ber(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void **structure, void *bufptr, size_t size, int tag_mode) {
+	PER_Visible_2_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->ber_decoder(td, structure,
+		bufptr, size, tag_mode);
+PER_Visible_2_encode_der(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void *structure, int tag_mode, ber_tlv_tag_t tag,
+		asn_app_consume_bytes_f *cb, void *app_key) {
+	PER_Visible_2_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->der_encoder(td, structure, tag_mode, tag, cb, app_key);
+PER_Visible_2_print(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, const void *struct_ptr,
+		int ilevel, asn_app_consume_bytes_f *cb, void *app_key) {
+	PER_Visible_2_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->print_struct(td, struct_ptr, ilevel, cb, app_key);
+PER_Visible_2_free(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void *struct_ptr, int contents_only) {
+	PER_Visible_2_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	td->free_struct(td, struct_ptr, contents_only);
+/*** <<< STAT-DEFS [PER-Visible-2] >>> ***/
+static ber_tlv_tag_t asn1_DEF_PER_Visible_2_tags[] = {
+asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t asn1_DEF_PER_Visible_2 = {
+	"PER-Visible-2",
+	PER_Visible_2_constraint,
+	PER_Visible_2_decode_ber,
+	PER_Visible_2_encode_der,
+	PER_Visible_2_print,
+	PER_Visible_2_free,
+	0,	/* Use generic outmost tag fetcher */
+	asn1_DEF_PER_Visible_2_tags,
+	sizeof(asn1_DEF_PER_Visible_2_tags)
+		/sizeof(asn1_DEF_PER_Visible_2_tags[0]), /* 1 */
+	1,	/* Tags to skip */
+	-0,	/* Unknown yet */
+	0, 0,	/* No members */
+	0	/* No specifics */
+/*** <<< INCLUDES [Not-PER-Visible-1] >>> ***/
+#include <PER-Visible.h>
+/*** <<< TYPE-DECLS [Not-PER-Visible-1] >>> ***/
+typedef PER_Visible_t	 Not_PER_Visible_1_t;
+/*** <<< FUNC-DECLS [Not-PER-Visible-1] >>> ***/
+extern asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t asn1_DEF_Not_PER_Visible_1;
+asn_constr_check_f Not_PER_Visible_1_constraint;
+ber_type_decoder_f Not_PER_Visible_1_decode_ber;
+der_type_encoder_f Not_PER_Visible_1_encode_der;
+asn_struct_print_f Not_PER_Visible_1_print;
+asn_struct_free_f Not_PER_Visible_1_free;
+/*** <<< CTABLES [Not-PER-Visible-1] >>> ***/
+static int check_permitted_alphabet_5(const void *sptr) {
+	/* The underlying type is IA5String */
+	const Not_PER_Visible_1_t *st = sptr;
+	uint8_t *ch = st->buf;
+	uint8_t *end = ch + st->size;
+	for(; ch < end; ch++) {
+		uint8_t cv = *ch;
+		if(!(cv >= 65 && cv <= 70)) return 0;
+	}
+	return 1;
+/*** <<< CODE [Not-PER-Visible-1] >>> ***/
+Not_PER_Visible_1_constraint(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, const void *sptr,
+			asn_app_consume_bytes_f *app_errlog, void *app_key) {
+	const Not_PER_Visible_1_t *st = sptr;
+	if(!sptr) {
+		_ASN_ERRLOG(app_errlog, app_key,
+			"%s: value not given", td->name);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if(check_permitted_alphabet_5(sptr)) {
+		/* Constraint check succeeded */
+		return 1;
+	} else {
+		_ASN_ERRLOG(app_errlog, app_key,
+			"%s: constraint failed", td->name);
+		return -1;
+	}
+ * This type is implemented using PER_Visible,
+ * so adjust the DEF appropriately.
+ */
+static void
+Not_PER_Visible_1_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td) {
+	td->ber_decoder    = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.ber_decoder;
+	td->der_encoder    = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.der_encoder;
+	td->free_struct    = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.free_struct;
+	td->print_struct   = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.print_struct;
+	td->last_tag_form  = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.last_tag_form;
+	td->elements       = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.elements;
+	td->elements_count = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.elements_count;
+	td->specifics      = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.specifics;
+Not_PER_Visible_1_decode_ber(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void **structure, void *bufptr, size_t size, int tag_mode) {
+	Not_PER_Visible_1_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->ber_decoder(td, structure,
+		bufptr, size, tag_mode);
+Not_PER_Visible_1_encode_der(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void *structure, int tag_mode, ber_tlv_tag_t tag,
+		asn_app_consume_bytes_f *cb, void *app_key) {
+	Not_PER_Visible_1_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->der_encoder(td, structure, tag_mode, tag, cb, app_key);
+Not_PER_Visible_1_print(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, const void *struct_ptr,
+		int ilevel, asn_app_consume_bytes_f *cb, void *app_key) {
+	Not_PER_Visible_1_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->print_struct(td, struct_ptr, ilevel, cb, app_key);
+Not_PER_Visible_1_free(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void *struct_ptr, int contents_only) {
+	Not_PER_Visible_1_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	td->free_struct(td, struct_ptr, contents_only);
+/*** <<< STAT-DEFS [Not-PER-Visible-1] >>> ***/
+static ber_tlv_tag_t asn1_DEF_Not_PER_Visible_1_tags[] = {
+asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t asn1_DEF_Not_PER_Visible_1 = {
+	"Not-PER-Visible-1",
+	Not_PER_Visible_1_constraint,
+	Not_PER_Visible_1_decode_ber,
+	Not_PER_Visible_1_encode_der,
+	Not_PER_Visible_1_print,
+	Not_PER_Visible_1_free,
+	0,	/* Use generic outmost tag fetcher */
+	asn1_DEF_Not_PER_Visible_1_tags,
+	sizeof(asn1_DEF_Not_PER_Visible_1_tags)
+		/sizeof(asn1_DEF_Not_PER_Visible_1_tags[0]), /* 1 */
+	1,	/* Tags to skip */
+	-0,	/* Unknown yet */
+	0, 0,	/* No members */
+	0	/* No specifics */
+/*** <<< INCLUDES [Not-PER-Visible-2] >>> ***/
+#include <PER-Visible.h>
+/*** <<< TYPE-DECLS [Not-PER-Visible-2] >>> ***/
+typedef PER_Visible_t	 Not_PER_Visible_2_t;
+/*** <<< FUNC-DECLS [Not-PER-Visible-2] >>> ***/
+extern asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t asn1_DEF_Not_PER_Visible_2;
+asn_constr_check_f Not_PER_Visible_2_constraint;
+ber_type_decoder_f Not_PER_Visible_2_decode_ber;
+der_type_encoder_f Not_PER_Visible_2_encode_der;
+asn_struct_print_f Not_PER_Visible_2_print;
+asn_struct_free_f Not_PER_Visible_2_free;
+/*** <<< CODE [Not-PER-Visible-2] >>> ***/
+Not_PER_Visible_2_constraint(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, const void *sptr,
+			asn_app_consume_bytes_f *app_errlog, void *app_key) {
+	const Not_PER_Visible_2_t *st = sptr;
+	if(!sptr) {
+		_ASN_ERRLOG(app_errlog, app_key,
+			"%s: value not given", td->name);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if(1 /* No applicable constraints whatsoever */) {
+		/* Nothing is here. See below */
+	}
+	/* Make the underlying type checker permanent */
+	td->check_constraints = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.check_constraints;
+	return td->check_constraints
+		(td, sptr, app_errlog, app_key);
+ * This type is implemented using PER_Visible,
+ * so adjust the DEF appropriately.
+ */
+static void
+Not_PER_Visible_2_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td) {
+	td->ber_decoder    = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.ber_decoder;
+	td->der_encoder    = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.der_encoder;
+	td->free_struct    = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.free_struct;
+	td->print_struct   = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.print_struct;
+	td->last_tag_form  = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.last_tag_form;
+	td->elements       = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.elements;
+	td->elements_count = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.elements_count;
+	td->specifics      = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.specifics;
+Not_PER_Visible_2_decode_ber(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void **structure, void *bufptr, size_t size, int tag_mode) {
+	Not_PER_Visible_2_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->ber_decoder(td, structure,
+		bufptr, size, tag_mode);
+Not_PER_Visible_2_encode_der(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void *structure, int tag_mode, ber_tlv_tag_t tag,
+		asn_app_consume_bytes_f *cb, void *app_key) {
+	Not_PER_Visible_2_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->der_encoder(td, structure, tag_mode, tag, cb, app_key);
+Not_PER_Visible_2_print(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, const void *struct_ptr,
+		int ilevel, asn_app_consume_bytes_f *cb, void *app_key) {
+	Not_PER_Visible_2_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->print_struct(td, struct_ptr, ilevel, cb, app_key);
+Not_PER_Visible_2_free(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void *struct_ptr, int contents_only) {
+	Not_PER_Visible_2_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	td->free_struct(td, struct_ptr, contents_only);
+/*** <<< STAT-DEFS [Not-PER-Visible-2] >>> ***/
+static ber_tlv_tag_t asn1_DEF_Not_PER_Visible_2_tags[] = {
+asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t asn1_DEF_Not_PER_Visible_2 = {
+	"Not-PER-Visible-2",
+	Not_PER_Visible_2_constraint,
+	Not_PER_Visible_2_decode_ber,
+	Not_PER_Visible_2_encode_der,
+	Not_PER_Visible_2_print,
+	Not_PER_Visible_2_free,
+	0,	/* Use generic outmost tag fetcher */
+	asn1_DEF_Not_PER_Visible_2_tags,
+	sizeof(asn1_DEF_Not_PER_Visible_2_tags)
+		/sizeof(asn1_DEF_Not_PER_Visible_2_tags[0]), /* 1 */
+	1,	/* Tags to skip */
+	-0,	/* Unknown yet */
+	0, 0,	/* No members */
+	0	/* No specifics */
+/*** <<< INCLUDES [Not-PER-Visible-3] >>> ***/
+#include <PER-Visible.h>
+/*** <<< TYPE-DECLS [Not-PER-Visible-3] >>> ***/
+typedef PER_Visible_t	 Not_PER_Visible_3_t;
+/*** <<< FUNC-DECLS [Not-PER-Visible-3] >>> ***/
+extern asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t asn1_DEF_Not_PER_Visible_3;
+asn_constr_check_f Not_PER_Visible_3_constraint;
+ber_type_decoder_f Not_PER_Visible_3_decode_ber;
+der_type_encoder_f Not_PER_Visible_3_encode_der;
+asn_struct_print_f Not_PER_Visible_3_print;
+asn_struct_free_f Not_PER_Visible_3_free;
+/*** <<< CODE [Not-PER-Visible-3] >>> ***/
+Not_PER_Visible_3_constraint(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, const void *sptr,
+			asn_app_consume_bytes_f *app_errlog, void *app_key) {
+	const Not_PER_Visible_3_t *st = sptr;
+	if(!sptr) {
+		_ASN_ERRLOG(app_errlog, app_key,
+			"%s: value not given", td->name);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if(1 /* No applicable constraints whatsoever */) {
+		/* Nothing is here. See below */
+	}
+	/* Make the underlying type checker permanent */
+	td->check_constraints = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.check_constraints;
+	return td->check_constraints
+		(td, sptr, app_errlog, app_key);
+ * This type is implemented using PER_Visible,
+ * so adjust the DEF appropriately.
+ */
+static void
+Not_PER_Visible_3_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td) {
+	td->ber_decoder    = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.ber_decoder;
+	td->der_encoder    = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.der_encoder;
+	td->free_struct    = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.free_struct;
+	td->print_struct   = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.print_struct;
+	td->last_tag_form  = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.last_tag_form;
+	td->elements       = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.elements;
+	td->elements_count = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.elements_count;
+	td->specifics      = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.specifics;
+Not_PER_Visible_3_decode_ber(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void **structure, void *bufptr, size_t size, int tag_mode) {
+	Not_PER_Visible_3_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->ber_decoder(td, structure,
+		bufptr, size, tag_mode);
+Not_PER_Visible_3_encode_der(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void *structure, int tag_mode, ber_tlv_tag_t tag,
+		asn_app_consume_bytes_f *cb, void *app_key) {
+	Not_PER_Visible_3_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->der_encoder(td, structure, tag_mode, tag, cb, app_key);
+Not_PER_Visible_3_print(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, const void *struct_ptr,
+		int ilevel, asn_app_consume_bytes_f *cb, void *app_key) {
+	Not_PER_Visible_3_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->print_struct(td, struct_ptr, ilevel, cb, app_key);
+Not_PER_Visible_3_free(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void *struct_ptr, int contents_only) {
+	Not_PER_Visible_3_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	td->free_struct(td, struct_ptr, contents_only);
+/*** <<< STAT-DEFS [Not-PER-Visible-3] >>> ***/
+static ber_tlv_tag_t asn1_DEF_Not_PER_Visible_3_tags[] = {
+asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t asn1_DEF_Not_PER_Visible_3 = {
+	"Not-PER-Visible-3",
+	Not_PER_Visible_3_constraint,
+	Not_PER_Visible_3_decode_ber,
+	Not_PER_Visible_3_encode_der,
+	Not_PER_Visible_3_print,
+	Not_PER_Visible_3_free,
+	0,	/* Use generic outmost tag fetcher */
+	asn1_DEF_Not_PER_Visible_3_tags,
+	sizeof(asn1_DEF_Not_PER_Visible_3_tags)
+		/sizeof(asn1_DEF_Not_PER_Visible_3_tags[0]), /* 1 */
+	1,	/* Tags to skip */
+	-0,	/* Unknown yet */
+	0, 0,	/* No members */
+	0	/* No specifics */
+/*** <<< INCLUDES [SIZE-but-not-FROM] >>> ***/
+#include <PER-Visible.h>
+/*** <<< TYPE-DECLS [SIZE-but-not-FROM] >>> ***/
+typedef PER_Visible_t	 SIZE_but_not_FROM_t;
+/*** <<< FUNC-DECLS [SIZE-but-not-FROM] >>> ***/
+extern asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t asn1_DEF_SIZE_but_not_FROM;
+asn_constr_check_f SIZE_but_not_FROM_constraint;
+ber_type_decoder_f SIZE_but_not_FROM_decode_ber;
+der_type_encoder_f SIZE_but_not_FROM_encode_der;
+asn_struct_print_f SIZE_but_not_FROM_print;
+asn_struct_free_f SIZE_but_not_FROM_free;
+/*** <<< CTABLES [SIZE-but-not-FROM] >>> ***/
+static int check_permitted_alphabet_6(const void *sptr) {
+	/* The underlying type is IA5String */
+	const SIZE_but_not_FROM_t *st = sptr;
+	uint8_t *ch = st->buf;
+	uint8_t *end = ch + st->size;
+	for(; ch < end; ch++) {
+		uint8_t cv = *ch;
+		if(!(cv >= 65 && cv <= 70)) return 0;
+	}
+	return 1;
+/*** <<< CODE [SIZE-but-not-FROM] >>> ***/
+SIZE_but_not_FROM_constraint(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, const void *sptr,
+			asn_app_consume_bytes_f *app_errlog, void *app_key) {
+	const SIZE_but_not_FROM_t *st = sptr;
+	size_t size;
+	if(!sptr) {
+		_ASN_ERRLOG(app_errlog, app_key,
+			"%s: value not given", td->name);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	size = st->size;
+	if((size >= 1 && size <= 4)
+		 && check_permitted_alphabet_6(sptr)) {
+		/* Constraint check succeeded */
+		return 1;
+	} else {
+		_ASN_ERRLOG(app_errlog, app_key,
+			"%s: constraint failed", td->name);
+		return -1;
+	}
+ * This type is implemented using PER_Visible,
+ * so adjust the DEF appropriately.
+ */
+static void
+SIZE_but_not_FROM_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td) {
+	td->ber_decoder    = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.ber_decoder;
+	td->der_encoder    = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.der_encoder;
+	td->free_struct    = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.free_struct;
+	td->print_struct   = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.print_struct;
+	td->last_tag_form  = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.last_tag_form;
+	td->elements       = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.elements;
+	td->elements_count = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.elements_count;
+	td->specifics      = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.specifics;
+SIZE_but_not_FROM_decode_ber(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void **structure, void *bufptr, size_t size, int tag_mode) {
+	SIZE_but_not_FROM_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->ber_decoder(td, structure,
+		bufptr, size, tag_mode);
+SIZE_but_not_FROM_encode_der(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void *structure, int tag_mode, ber_tlv_tag_t tag,
+		asn_app_consume_bytes_f *cb, void *app_key) {
+	SIZE_but_not_FROM_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->der_encoder(td, structure, tag_mode, tag, cb, app_key);
+SIZE_but_not_FROM_print(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, const void *struct_ptr,
+		int ilevel, asn_app_consume_bytes_f *cb, void *app_key) {
+	SIZE_but_not_FROM_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->print_struct(td, struct_ptr, ilevel, cb, app_key);
+SIZE_but_not_FROM_free(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void *struct_ptr, int contents_only) {
+	SIZE_but_not_FROM_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	td->free_struct(td, struct_ptr, contents_only);
+/*** <<< STAT-DEFS [SIZE-but-not-FROM] >>> ***/
+static ber_tlv_tag_t asn1_DEF_SIZE_but_not_FROM_tags[] = {
+asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t asn1_DEF_SIZE_but_not_FROM = {
+	"SIZE-but-not-FROM",
+	SIZE_but_not_FROM_constraint,
+	SIZE_but_not_FROM_decode_ber,
+	SIZE_but_not_FROM_encode_der,
+	SIZE_but_not_FROM_print,
+	SIZE_but_not_FROM_free,
+	0,	/* Use generic outmost tag fetcher */
+	asn1_DEF_SIZE_but_not_FROM_tags,
+	sizeof(asn1_DEF_SIZE_but_not_FROM_tags)
+		/sizeof(asn1_DEF_SIZE_but_not_FROM_tags[0]), /* 1 */
+	1,	/* Tags to skip */
+	-0,	/* Unknown yet */
+	0, 0,	/* No members */
+	0	/* No specifics */
+/*** <<< INCLUDES [SIZE-and-FROM] >>> ***/
+#include <PER-Visible.h>
+/*** <<< TYPE-DECLS [SIZE-and-FROM] >>> ***/
+typedef PER_Visible_t	 SIZE_and_FROM_t;
+/*** <<< FUNC-DECLS [SIZE-and-FROM] >>> ***/
+extern asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t asn1_DEF_SIZE_and_FROM;
+asn_constr_check_f SIZE_and_FROM_constraint;
+ber_type_decoder_f SIZE_and_FROM_decode_ber;
+der_type_encoder_f SIZE_and_FROM_encode_der;
+asn_struct_print_f SIZE_and_FROM_print;
+asn_struct_free_f SIZE_and_FROM_free;
+/*** <<< CTABLES [SIZE-and-FROM] >>> ***/
+static int check_permitted_alphabet_7(const void *sptr) {
+	/* The underlying type is IA5String */
+	const SIZE_and_FROM_t *st = sptr;
+	uint8_t *ch = st->buf;
+	uint8_t *end = ch + st->size;
+	for(; ch < end; ch++) {
+		uint8_t cv = *ch;
+		if(!(cv >= 65 && cv <= 68)) return 0;
+	}
+	return 1;
+/*** <<< CODE [SIZE-and-FROM] >>> ***/
+SIZE_and_FROM_constraint(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, const void *sptr,
+			asn_app_consume_bytes_f *app_errlog, void *app_key) {
+	const SIZE_and_FROM_t *st = sptr;
+	size_t size;
+	if(!sptr) {
+		_ASN_ERRLOG(app_errlog, app_key,
+			"%s: value not given", td->name);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	size = st->size;
+	if((size >= 1 && size <= 4)
+		 && check_permitted_alphabet_7(sptr)) {
+		/* Constraint check succeeded */
+		return 1;
+	} else {
+		_ASN_ERRLOG(app_errlog, app_key,
+			"%s: constraint failed", td->name);
+		return -1;
+	}
+ * This type is implemented using PER_Visible,
+ * so adjust the DEF appropriately.
+ */
+static void
+SIZE_and_FROM_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td) {
+	td->ber_decoder    = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.ber_decoder;
+	td->der_encoder    = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.der_encoder;
+	td->free_struct    = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.free_struct;
+	td->print_struct   = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.print_struct;
+	td->last_tag_form  = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.last_tag_form;
+	td->elements       = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.elements;
+	td->elements_count = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.elements_count;
+	td->specifics      = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.specifics;
+SIZE_and_FROM_decode_ber(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void **structure, void *bufptr, size_t size, int tag_mode) {
+	SIZE_and_FROM_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->ber_decoder(td, structure,
+		bufptr, size, tag_mode);
+SIZE_and_FROM_encode_der(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void *structure, int tag_mode, ber_tlv_tag_t tag,
+		asn_app_consume_bytes_f *cb, void *app_key) {
+	SIZE_and_FROM_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->der_encoder(td, structure, tag_mode, tag, cb, app_key);
+SIZE_and_FROM_print(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, const void *struct_ptr,
+		int ilevel, asn_app_consume_bytes_f *cb, void *app_key) {
+	SIZE_and_FROM_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->print_struct(td, struct_ptr, ilevel, cb, app_key);
+SIZE_and_FROM_free(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void *struct_ptr, int contents_only) {
+	SIZE_and_FROM_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	td->free_struct(td, struct_ptr, contents_only);
+/*** <<< STAT-DEFS [SIZE-and-FROM] >>> ***/
+static ber_tlv_tag_t asn1_DEF_SIZE_and_FROM_tags[] = {
+asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t asn1_DEF_SIZE_and_FROM = {
+	"SIZE-and-FROM",
+	SIZE_and_FROM_constraint,
+	SIZE_and_FROM_decode_ber,
+	SIZE_and_FROM_encode_der,
+	SIZE_and_FROM_print,
+	SIZE_and_FROM_free,
+	0,	/* Use generic outmost tag fetcher */
+	asn1_DEF_SIZE_and_FROM_tags,
+	sizeof(asn1_DEF_SIZE_and_FROM_tags)
+		/sizeof(asn1_DEF_SIZE_and_FROM_tags[0]), /* 1 */
+	1,	/* Tags to skip */
+	-0,	/* Unknown yet */
+	0, 0,	/* No members */
+	0	/* No specifics */
+/*** <<< INCLUDES [Neither-SIZE-nor-FROM] >>> ***/
+#include <PER-Visible.h>
+/*** <<< TYPE-DECLS [Neither-SIZE-nor-FROM] >>> ***/
+typedef PER_Visible_t	 Neither_SIZE_nor_FROM_t;
+/*** <<< FUNC-DECLS [Neither-SIZE-nor-FROM] >>> ***/
+extern asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t asn1_DEF_Neither_SIZE_nor_FROM;
+asn_constr_check_f Neither_SIZE_nor_FROM_constraint;
+ber_type_decoder_f Neither_SIZE_nor_FROM_decode_ber;
+der_type_encoder_f Neither_SIZE_nor_FROM_encode_der;
+asn_struct_print_f Neither_SIZE_nor_FROM_print;
+asn_struct_free_f Neither_SIZE_nor_FROM_free;
+/*** <<< CTABLES [Neither-SIZE-nor-FROM] >>> ***/
+static int check_permitted_alphabet_8(const void *sptr) {
+	/* The underlying type is IA5String */
+	const Neither_SIZE_nor_FROM_t *st = sptr;
+	uint8_t *ch = st->buf;
+	uint8_t *end = ch + st->size;
+	for(; ch < end; ch++) {
+		uint8_t cv = *ch;
+		if(!(cv >= 65 && cv <= 70)) return 0;
+	}
+	return 1;
+/*** <<< CODE [Neither-SIZE-nor-FROM] >>> ***/
+Neither_SIZE_nor_FROM_constraint(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, const void *sptr,
+			asn_app_consume_bytes_f *app_errlog, void *app_key) {
+	const Neither_SIZE_nor_FROM_t *st = sptr;
+	if(!sptr) {
+		_ASN_ERRLOG(app_errlog, app_key,
+			"%s: value not given", td->name);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if(check_permitted_alphabet_8(sptr)) {
+		/* Constraint check succeeded */
+		return 1;
+	} else {
+		_ASN_ERRLOG(app_errlog, app_key,
+			"%s: constraint failed", td->name);
+		return -1;
+	}
+ * This type is implemented using PER_Visible,
+ * so adjust the DEF appropriately.
+ */
+static void
+Neither_SIZE_nor_FROM_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td) {
+	td->ber_decoder    = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.ber_decoder;
+	td->der_encoder    = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.der_encoder;
+	td->free_struct    = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.free_struct;
+	td->print_struct   = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.print_struct;
+	td->last_tag_form  = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.last_tag_form;
+	td->elements       = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.elements;
+	td->elements_count = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.elements_count;
+	td->specifics      = asn1_DEF_PER_Visible.specifics;
+Neither_SIZE_nor_FROM_decode_ber(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void **structure, void *bufptr, size_t size, int tag_mode) {
+	Neither_SIZE_nor_FROM_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->ber_decoder(td, structure,
+		bufptr, size, tag_mode);
+Neither_SIZE_nor_FROM_encode_der(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void *structure, int tag_mode, ber_tlv_tag_t tag,
+		asn_app_consume_bytes_f *cb, void *app_key) {
+	Neither_SIZE_nor_FROM_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->der_encoder(td, structure, tag_mode, tag, cb, app_key);
+Neither_SIZE_nor_FROM_print(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, const void *struct_ptr,
+		int ilevel, asn_app_consume_bytes_f *cb, void *app_key) {
+	Neither_SIZE_nor_FROM_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->print_struct(td, struct_ptr, ilevel, cb, app_key);
+Neither_SIZE_nor_FROM_free(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void *struct_ptr, int contents_only) {
+	Neither_SIZE_nor_FROM_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	td->free_struct(td, struct_ptr, contents_only);
+/*** <<< STAT-DEFS [Neither-SIZE-nor-FROM] >>> ***/
+static ber_tlv_tag_t asn1_DEF_Neither_SIZE_nor_FROM_tags[] = {
+asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t asn1_DEF_Neither_SIZE_nor_FROM = {
+	"Neither-SIZE-nor-FROM",
+	Neither_SIZE_nor_FROM_constraint,
+	Neither_SIZE_nor_FROM_decode_ber,
+	Neither_SIZE_nor_FROM_encode_der,
+	Neither_SIZE_nor_FROM_print,
+	Neither_SIZE_nor_FROM_free,
+	0,	/* Use generic outmost tag fetcher */
+	asn1_DEF_Neither_SIZE_nor_FROM_tags,
+	sizeof(asn1_DEF_Neither_SIZE_nor_FROM_tags)
+		/sizeof(asn1_DEF_Neither_SIZE_nor_FROM_tags[0]), /* 1 */
+	1,	/* Tags to skip */
+	-0,	/* Unknown yet */
+	0, 0,	/* No members */
+	0	/* No specifics */
+/*** <<< INCLUDES [Utf8-3] >>> ***/
+#include <Utf8-2.h>
+/*** <<< TYPE-DECLS [Utf8-3] >>> ***/
+typedef Utf8_2_t	 Utf8_3_t;
+/*** <<< FUNC-DECLS [Utf8-3] >>> ***/
+extern asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t asn1_DEF_Utf8_3;
+asn_constr_check_f Utf8_3_constraint;
+ber_type_decoder_f Utf8_3_decode_ber;
+der_type_encoder_f Utf8_3_encode_der;
+asn_struct_print_f Utf8_3_print;
+asn_struct_free_f Utf8_3_free;
+/*** <<< CTABLES [Utf8-3] >>> ***/
+static int permitted_alphabet_table_9[128] = {
+0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,	/*                  */
+0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,	/*                  */
+0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,	/*                  */
+0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,	/*                  */
+0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,	/*  ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO */
+1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,	/* PQRSTUVWXYZ      */
+0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,	/*  abcdefghijklmno */
+1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,	/* pqrstuvwxyz      */
+static int check_permitted_alphabet_9(const void *sptr) {
+	int *table = permitted_alphabet_table_9;
+	/* The underlying type is UTF8String */
+	const Utf8_3_t *st = sptr;
+	uint8_t *ch = st->buf;
+	uint8_t *end = ch + st->size;
+	for(; ch < end; ch++) {
+		uint8_t cv = *ch;
+		if(cv >= 0x80) return 0;
+		if(!table[cv]) return 0;
+	}
+	return 1;
+/*** <<< CODE [Utf8-3] >>> ***/
+Utf8_3_constraint(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, const void *sptr,
+			asn_app_consume_bytes_f *app_errlog, void *app_key) {
+	const Utf8_3_t *st = sptr;
+	size_t size;
+	if(!sptr) {
+		_ASN_ERRLOG(app_errlog, app_key,
+			"%s: value not given", td->name);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	size = UTF8String_length(st, td->name, app_errlog, app_key);
+	if(size == (size_t)-1) return -1;
+	if((size >= 1 && size <= 2)
+		 && check_permitted_alphabet_9(sptr)) {
+		/* Constraint check succeeded */
+		return 1;
+	} else {
+		_ASN_ERRLOG(app_errlog, app_key,
+			"%s: constraint failed", td->name);
+		return -1;
+	}
+ * This type is implemented using Utf8_2,
+ * so adjust the DEF appropriately.
+ */
+static void
+Utf8_3_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td) {
+	td->ber_decoder    = asn1_DEF_Utf8_2.ber_decoder;
+	td->der_encoder    = asn1_DEF_Utf8_2.der_encoder;
+	td->free_struct    = asn1_DEF_Utf8_2.free_struct;
+	td->print_struct   = asn1_DEF_Utf8_2.print_struct;
+	td->last_tag_form  = asn1_DEF_Utf8_2.last_tag_form;
+	td->elements       = asn1_DEF_Utf8_2.elements;
+	td->elements_count = asn1_DEF_Utf8_2.elements_count;
+	td->specifics      = asn1_DEF_Utf8_2.specifics;
+Utf8_3_decode_ber(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void **structure, void *bufptr, size_t size, int tag_mode) {
+	Utf8_3_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->ber_decoder(td, structure,
+		bufptr, size, tag_mode);
+Utf8_3_encode_der(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void *structure, int tag_mode, ber_tlv_tag_t tag,
+		asn_app_consume_bytes_f *cb, void *app_key) {
+	Utf8_3_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->der_encoder(td, structure, tag_mode, tag, cb, app_key);
+Utf8_3_print(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, const void *struct_ptr,
+		int ilevel, asn_app_consume_bytes_f *cb, void *app_key) {
+	Utf8_3_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->print_struct(td, struct_ptr, ilevel, cb, app_key);
+Utf8_3_free(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void *struct_ptr, int contents_only) {
+	Utf8_3_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	td->free_struct(td, struct_ptr, contents_only);
+/*** <<< STAT-DEFS [Utf8-3] >>> ***/
+static ber_tlv_tag_t asn1_DEF_Utf8_3_tags[] = {
+asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t asn1_DEF_Utf8_3 = {
+	"Utf8-3",
+	Utf8_3_constraint,
+	Utf8_3_decode_ber,
+	Utf8_3_encode_der,
+	Utf8_3_print,
+	Utf8_3_free,
+	0,	/* Use generic outmost tag fetcher */
+	asn1_DEF_Utf8_3_tags,
+	sizeof(asn1_DEF_Utf8_3_tags)
+		/sizeof(asn1_DEF_Utf8_3_tags[0]), /* 1 */
+	1,	/* Tags to skip */
+	-0,	/* Unknown yet */
+	0, 0,	/* No members */
+	0	/* No specifics */
+/*** <<< INCLUDES [Utf8-2] >>> ***/
+#include <Utf8-1.h>
+/*** <<< TYPE-DECLS [Utf8-2] >>> ***/
+typedef Utf8_1_t	 Utf8_2_t;
+/*** <<< FUNC-DECLS [Utf8-2] >>> ***/
+extern asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t asn1_DEF_Utf8_2;
+asn_constr_check_f Utf8_2_constraint;
+ber_type_decoder_f Utf8_2_decode_ber;
+der_type_encoder_f Utf8_2_encode_der;
+asn_struct_print_f Utf8_2_print;
+asn_struct_free_f Utf8_2_free;
+/*** <<< CODE [Utf8-2] >>> ***/
+Utf8_2_constraint(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, const void *sptr,
+			asn_app_consume_bytes_f *app_errlog, void *app_key) {
+	const Utf8_2_t *st = sptr;
+	size_t size;
+	if(!sptr) {
+		_ASN_ERRLOG(app_errlog, app_key,
+			"%s: value not given", td->name);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	size = UTF8String_length(st, td->name, app_errlog, app_key);
+	if(size == (size_t)-1) return -1;
+	if((size >= 1 && size <= 2)) {
+		/* Constraint check succeeded */
+		return 1;
+	} else {
+		_ASN_ERRLOG(app_errlog, app_key,
+			"%s: constraint failed", td->name);
+		return -1;
+	}
+ * This type is implemented using Utf8_1,
+ * so adjust the DEF appropriately.
+ */
+static void
+Utf8_2_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td) {
+	td->ber_decoder    = asn1_DEF_Utf8_1.ber_decoder;
+	td->der_encoder    = asn1_DEF_Utf8_1.der_encoder;
+	td->free_struct    = asn1_DEF_Utf8_1.free_struct;
+	td->print_struct   = asn1_DEF_Utf8_1.print_struct;
+	td->last_tag_form  = asn1_DEF_Utf8_1.last_tag_form;
+	td->elements       = asn1_DEF_Utf8_1.elements;
+	td->elements_count = asn1_DEF_Utf8_1.elements_count;
+	td->specifics      = asn1_DEF_Utf8_1.specifics;
+Utf8_2_decode_ber(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void **structure, void *bufptr, size_t size, int tag_mode) {
+	Utf8_2_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->ber_decoder(td, structure,
+		bufptr, size, tag_mode);
+Utf8_2_encode_der(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void *structure, int tag_mode, ber_tlv_tag_t tag,
+		asn_app_consume_bytes_f *cb, void *app_key) {
+	Utf8_2_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->der_encoder(td, structure, tag_mode, tag, cb, app_key);
+Utf8_2_print(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, const void *struct_ptr,
+		int ilevel, asn_app_consume_bytes_f *cb, void *app_key) {
+	Utf8_2_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->print_struct(td, struct_ptr, ilevel, cb, app_key);
+Utf8_2_free(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void *struct_ptr, int contents_only) {
+	Utf8_2_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	td->free_struct(td, struct_ptr, contents_only);
+/*** <<< STAT-DEFS [Utf8-2] >>> ***/
+static ber_tlv_tag_t asn1_DEF_Utf8_2_tags[] = {
+asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t asn1_DEF_Utf8_2 = {
+	"Utf8-2",
+	Utf8_2_constraint,
+	Utf8_2_decode_ber,
+	Utf8_2_encode_der,
+	Utf8_2_print,
+	Utf8_2_free,
+	0,	/* Use generic outmost tag fetcher */
+	asn1_DEF_Utf8_2_tags,
+	sizeof(asn1_DEF_Utf8_2_tags)
+		/sizeof(asn1_DEF_Utf8_2_tags[0]), /* 1 */
+	1,	/* Tags to skip */
+	-0,	/* Unknown yet */
+	0, 0,	/* No members */
+	0	/* No specifics */
+/*** <<< INCLUDES [Utf8-1] >>> ***/
+#include <UTF8String.h>
+/*** <<< TYPE-DECLS [Utf8-1] >>> ***/
+typedef UTF8String_t	 Utf8_1_t;
+/*** <<< FUNC-DECLS [Utf8-1] >>> ***/
+extern asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t asn1_DEF_Utf8_1;
+asn_constr_check_f Utf8_1_constraint;
+ber_type_decoder_f Utf8_1_decode_ber;
+der_type_encoder_f Utf8_1_encode_der;
+asn_struct_print_f Utf8_1_print;
+asn_struct_free_f Utf8_1_free;
+/*** <<< CODE [Utf8-1] >>> ***/
+Utf8_1_constraint(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, const void *sptr,
+			asn_app_consume_bytes_f *app_errlog, void *app_key) {
+	/* Make the underlying type checker permanent */
+	td->check_constraints = asn1_DEF_UTF8String.check_constraints;
+	return td->check_constraints
+		(td, sptr, app_errlog, app_key);
+ * This type is implemented using UTF8String,
+ * so adjust the DEF appropriately.
+ */
+static void
+Utf8_1_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td) {
+	td->ber_decoder    = asn1_DEF_UTF8String.ber_decoder;
+	td->der_encoder    = asn1_DEF_UTF8String.der_encoder;
+	td->free_struct    = asn1_DEF_UTF8String.free_struct;
+	td->print_struct   = asn1_DEF_UTF8String.print_struct;
+	td->last_tag_form  = asn1_DEF_UTF8String.last_tag_form;
+	td->elements       = asn1_DEF_UTF8String.elements;
+	td->elements_count = asn1_DEF_UTF8String.elements_count;
+	td->specifics      = asn1_DEF_UTF8String.specifics;
+Utf8_1_decode_ber(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void **structure, void *bufptr, size_t size, int tag_mode) {
+	Utf8_1_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->ber_decoder(td, structure,
+		bufptr, size, tag_mode);
+Utf8_1_encode_der(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void *structure, int tag_mode, ber_tlv_tag_t tag,
+		asn_app_consume_bytes_f *cb, void *app_key) {
+	Utf8_1_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->der_encoder(td, structure, tag_mode, tag, cb, app_key);
+Utf8_1_print(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, const void *struct_ptr,
+		int ilevel, asn_app_consume_bytes_f *cb, void *app_key) {
+	Utf8_1_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	return td->print_struct(td, struct_ptr, ilevel, cb, app_key);
+Utf8_1_free(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
+		void *struct_ptr, int contents_only) {
+	Utf8_1_inherit_TYPE_descriptor(td);
+	td->free_struct(td, struct_ptr, contents_only);
+/*** <<< STAT-DEFS [Utf8-1] >>> ***/
+static ber_tlv_tag_t asn1_DEF_Utf8_1_tags[] = {
+asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t asn1_DEF_Utf8_1 = {
+	"Utf8-1",
+	Utf8_1_constraint,
+	Utf8_1_decode_ber,
+	Utf8_1_encode_der,
+	Utf8_1_print,
+	Utf8_1_free,
+	0,	/* Use generic outmost tag fetcher */
+	asn1_DEF_Utf8_1_tags,
+	sizeof(asn1_DEF_Utf8_1_tags)
+		/sizeof(asn1_DEF_Utf8_1_tags[0]), /* 1 */
+	1,	/* Tags to skip */
+	-0,	/* Unknown yet */
+	0, 0,	/* No members */
+	0	/* No specifics */