From 103db8d16cb1ec4502b0101fa5b0d2c86d7aa5c6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: kharade <>
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2021 15:57:39 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] script cleaned

 docker-compose/             | 249 ++++++++++-----------
 docker-compose/docker-compose-gnbsim.yaml  |   3 -
 docker-compose/docker-compose-vpp-upf.yaml |   4 +-
 docs/         |  19 +-
 docs/            |  26 ++-
 5 files changed, 162 insertions(+), 139 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docker-compose/ b/docker-compose/
index 03f90bea..669b7df0 100755
--- a/docker-compose/
+++ b/docker-compose/
@@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
+## Author: Sagar Arora
+## Revised by: Rohan 
 # Functioning of the script
 # 1. Start
 # 1.1 Start the core network components (Mysql ---> NRF ---> AMF ---> SMF --> SPGWU)
-# 1.2 Check if the components started properly (skip)
-# 1.3 Check if the components are healthy, calculate individual time
-# 1.4 Check if the components are connected and core network is configured properly
-# 1.5 Green light
+# 1.1.1 Start the core network components (Mysql ---> NRF ---> AMF ---> SMF --> VPP-UPF)
+# 1.2 Check if the components are healthy, calculate individual time
+# 1.3 Check if the components are connected and core network is configured properly
+# 1.4 Green light
 # 2. Stop
@@ -17,131 +20,121 @@ WHITE='\033[0;97m'
 STATUS=0 #STATUS 0 exit safe STATUS 1 exit with an error
 if [[ $1 == 'start' ]]; then
-	start_time=$(date +%s%N | cut -b1-13)
-	if [[ $2 == 'nrf' ]]; then
-		echo -e "${BLUE}Starting 5gcn components in the order nrf, mysql, amf, smf, spgwu${NC}..."
-		docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml -p 5gcn up -d
-	elif [[ $2 == 'gnbsim' ]]; then
-		echo -e "${BLUE}Starting gnbsim ${NC}..."
-		docker-compose -f docker-compose-gnbsim.yaml up -d gnbsim$3
-	elif [[ $2 == 'gnbsim-vpp' ]]; then
-		echo -e "${BLUE}Starting gnbsim ${NC}..."
-		docker-compose -f docker-compose-gnbsim.yaml up -d gnbsim-vpp
-	elif [[ $2 == 'vpp-upf' ]]; then
-		echo -e "${BLUE}Starting 5gcn with vpp-upf ${NC}..."
-		docker-compose -f docker-compose-vpp-upf.yaml up -d oai-amf
-	        sleep 5
-		docker-compose -f docker-compose-vpp-upf.yaml up -d oai-smf
-	else
-		echo -e "${BLUE}Starting 5gcn components in the order mysql, amf, smf, spgwu${NC}..."
-		docker-compose -f docker-compose-no-nrf.yaml -p 5gcn up -d
-	fi
-	echo -e "${GREEN}Checking the health status of the containers${NC}..."
-	for loop in $(seq 1 25); do
-		mysql_health=$(docker inspect --format='{{json .State.Health.Status}}' mysql)
-		if [[ $2 == 'nrf' ]]; then
-			nrf_health=$(docker inspect --format='{{json .State.Health.Status}}' oai-nrf)
-                elif [[ $2 == 'gnbsim' ]]; then
-                        gnbsim_health=$(docker inspect --format='{{json .State.Health.Status}}' gnbsim)
-		fi
-		amf_health=$(docker inspect --format='{{json .State.Health.Status}}' oai-amf)
-		smf_health=$(docker inspect --format='{{json .State.Health.Status}}' oai-smf)
-		if [[ $2 == 'vpp-upf' ]];then
-			vpp_upf_health=$(docker inspect --format='{{json .State.Health.Status}}' vpp-upf)
-			sleep 5
-			upf_logs=$(docker logs oai-smf | grep  'handle_receive(16 bytes)')
-	    else
-		    spgwu_health=$(docker inspect --format='{{json .State.Health.Status}}' oai-spgwu)
-			upf_logs=$(docker logs oai-spgwu | grep  'Received SX HEARTBEAT RESPONSE')
-	    fi
-		if [[ ${mysql_health} == '"healthy"' && ${amf_health} == '"healthy"' && ${smf_health} == '"healthy"' && ${spgwu_health} == '"healthy"' && $2 != 'nrf' && $2 != 'gnbsim'	]]; then
-			echo -e "\n${GREEN}All components are healthy${NC}..."
-			STATUS=0 CVZxbag
-			break
-                elif [[ $2 == 'gnbsim' ]]; then
-                        echo -ne "gnbsim : $gnbsim_health\033[0K\r"
-			if  [[ ${gnbsim_health} == '"healthy"' ]]; then
-                        STATUS=0
-			     break
-		        fi     
-                        sleep 2
-		elif [[ ${mysql_health} == '"healthy"' && ${amf_health} == '"healthy"' && ${smf_health} == '"healthy"' && ${spgwu_health} == '"healthy"' && ${nrf_health} == '"healthy"' && $2 == 'nrf' ]]; then
-			echo -e "\n${GREEN}All components are healthy${NC}..."
-			STATUS=0
-			break
-		elif [[ $2 == 'vpp-upf' ]]; then
-                        echo -ne "mysql : $mysql_health, oai-amf : $amf_health, oai-smf : $smf_health,vpp-upf : $vpp_upf_health\033[0K\r"
-			STATUS=0
-			sleep 2
-			break
-		elif [[ $2 != 'nrf' ]]; then
-                        echo -ne "mysql : $mysql_health, oai-amf : $amf_health, oai-smf : $smf_health, oai-spgwu : $spgwu_health\033[0K\r"
-			STATUS=1
-			sleep 2
-		else
-                        echo -ne "oai-nrf : $nrf_health, mysql : $mysql_health, oai-amf : $amf_health, oai-smf : $smf_health, oai-spgwu : $spgwu_health\033[0K\r"
-			STATUS=1
-			sleep 2
-		fi
-	done
-	if [[ $2 == 'nrf' && $STATUS == 0 ]]; then
-		echo -e "\nChecking if SMF and UPF registered with nrf core network"
-		smf_registration_nrf=$(curl -s -X GET"SMF" | grep -o '')
-		upf_registration_nrf=$(curl -s -X GET"UPF" | grep -o '')
-		sample_registration=$(curl -s -X GET"SMF")
-		echo -e "\n${BLUE}For example: oai-smf Registration with oai-nrf can be checked on this url /nnrf-nfm/v1/nf-instances?nf-type='SMF' $sample_registration${NC}"
-		if [[ -z $smf_registration_nrf && -z $upf_registration_nrf ]]; then
-			echo -e "${RED}Registration problem with NRF, check the reason manually${NC}..."
-			STATUS=1
-		else
-			echo -e "${GREEN}SMF and UPF are registered to NRF${NC}..."
-		fi
-	elif  [[ $2 == 'gnbsim' && $STATUS == 0 ]]; then
-		echo -e "${GREEN}#### gnbsim is healthy - gnb & ue is conncted to core network now !! #####${NC}"
-	else
-		echo -e "${BLUE}Checking if SMF is able to connect with UPF${NC}"
-		if [[ $2 == 'vpp-upf' ]];then
-			sleep 5
-			upf_logs=$(docker logs oai-smf | grep  'handle_receive(16 bytes)')
-	    else
-			upf_logs=$(docker logs oai-spgwu | grep  'Received SX HEARTBEAT RESPONSE')
-	    fi
-		if [[ -z $upf_logs && $STATUS == 0 ]]; then
-		 	echo -e "\n${RED}UPF not receiving heartbeats from SMF${NC}..."
-		 	STATUS=1
-		else
-		 	echo -e "\n${GREEN}UPF receiving heathbeats from SMF${NC}..."
-		fi
-	fi
-	end_time=$(date +%s%N | cut -b1-13)
-	final_time=$(expr $(expr $end_time - $start_time))
-	if [[ $STATUS == 0 ]]; then
-		echo -e "\n${GREEN}Core network is configured and healthy, total time taken $final_time milli seconds${NC}"
-		exit $STATUS
-	else
-		echo -e "\n${RED}Core network is un-healthy, total time taken $final_time milli seconds\ndebug using docker inspect command...${NC}"
-		exit $STATUS
-	fi
+    start_time=$(date +%s%N | cut -b1-13)
+    if [[ $2 == 'nrf' ]]; then
+        echo -e "${BLUE}Starting 5gcn components in the order nrf, mysql, amf, smf, spgwu${NC}..."
+        docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml -p 5gcn up -d
+    elif [[ $2 == 'no-nrf' ]]; then
+        if [[ $3 == 'vpp-upf' ]]; then
+            echo -e "${BLUE}Starting 5gcn components in the order mysql, amf, smf, vpp-upf${NC}..."
+            docker-compose -f docker-compose-vpp-upf.yaml -p 5gcn up -d oai-amf
+                sleep 5
+            docker-compose -f docker-compose-vpp-upf.yaml -p 5gcn up -d oai-smf
+        elif [[ $3 == 'spgwu' ]]; then
+            echo -e "${BLUE}Starting 5gcn components in the order mysql, amf, smf, spgwu${NC}..."
+            docker-compose -f docker-compose-no-nrf.yaml -p 5gcn up -d
+        fi
+    fi
+    echo -e "${GREEN}Core network started, checking the health status of the containers${NC}..."
+    # 25 is a interval it can be increased or decreased
+    for loop in $(seq 1 25); do
+        mysql_health=$(docker inspect --format='{{json .State.Health.Status}}' mysql)
+        if [[ $2 == 'nrf' ]]; then
+            nrf_health=$(docker inspect --format='{{json .State.Health.Status}}' oai-nrf)
+        fi
+        amf_health=$(docker inspect --format='{{json .State.Health.Status}}' oai-amf)
+        smf_health=$(docker inspect --format='{{json .State.Health.Status}}' oai-smf)
+        if [[ $3 == 'vpp-upf' ]];then
+            vpp_upf_health=$(docker inspect --format='{{json .State.Health.Status}}' vpp-upf)
+        else
+            spgwu_health=$(docker inspect --format='{{json .State.Health.Status}}' oai-spgwu)
+        fi
+        if [[ ${mysql_health} == '"healthy"' && ${amf_health} == '"healthy"' && ${smf_health} == '"healthy"' && ${spgwu_health} == '"healthy"' && $2 != 'nrf' && $3 != 'vpp-upf' ]]; then
+            echo -e "\n${GREEN}All components are healthy${NC}..."
+            STATUS=0
+            break
+        elif [[ ${mysql_health} == '"healthy"' && ${amf_health} == '"healthy"' && ${smf_health} == '"healthy"' && ${spgwu_health} == '"healthy"' && ${nrf_health} == '"healthy"' && $2 == 'nrf' &&  $3 != 'vpp-upf' ]]; then
+            echo -e "\n${GREEN}All components are healthy${NC}..."
+            STATUS=0
+            break
+        elif [[ ${mysql_health} == '"healthy"' && ${amf_health} == '"healthy"' && ${smf_health} == '"healthy"' && ${vpp_upf_health} == '"healthy"' && $2 != 'nrf' && $3 == 'vpp-upf' ]]; then
+            echo -e "\n${GREEN}All components are healthy${NC}..."
+            STATUS=0
+            break
+        elif [[ $2 != 'nrf' && $3 == 'spgwu' ]]; then
+            echo -ne "mysql : $mysql_health, oai-amf : $amf_health, oai-smf : $smf_health, oai-spgwu : $spgwu_health\033[0K\r"
+            STATUS=1
+            sleep 2
+        elif [[ $2 != 'nrf' && $3 == 'vpp-upf' ]]; then
+            echo -ne "mysql : $mysql_health, oai-amf : $amf_health, oai-smf : $smf_health, vpp-upf : $vpp_upf_health\033[0K\r"
+            STATUS=1
+            sleep 2
+        elif [[ $2 == 'nrf' && $3 == 'spgwu' ]]; then
+            echo -ne "oai-nrf : $nrf_health, mysql : $mysql_health, oai-amf : $amf_health, oai-smf : $smf_health, oai-spgwu : $spgwu_health\033[0K\r"
+            STATUS=1
+            sleep 2
+        fi
+    done
+    echo -e "${BLUE}Checking the if the containers are configured${NC}..."
+    if [[ $2 == 'nrf' && $3 != 'vpp-upf' && $STATUS == 0 ]]; then
+        echo -e "\nChecking if SMF and UPF registered with nrf core network"
+        smf_registration_nrf=$(curl -s -X GET"SMF" | grep -o '')
+        upf_registration_nrf=$(curl -s -X GET"UPF" | grep -o '')
+        sample_registration=$(curl -s -X GET"SMF")
+        echo -e "\n${BLUE}For example: oai-smf Registration with oai-nrf can be checked on this url /nnrf-nfm/v1/nf-instances?nf-type='SMF' $sample_registration${NC}"
+        if [[ -z $smf_registration_nrf && -z $upf_registration_nrf ]]; then
+            echo -e "${RED}Registration problem with NRF, check the reason manually${NC}..."
+            STATUS=1
+        else
+            echo -e "${GREEN}SMF and UPF are registered to NRF${NC}..."
+        fi
+    else
+        echo -e "${BLUE}Checking if SMF is able to connect with UPF${NC}"
+        if [[ $3 == 'vpp-upf' ]];then
+            upf_logs=$(docker logs oai-smf | grep  'handle_receive(16 bytes)')
+        else
+            upf_logs=$(docker logs oai-spgwu | grep  'Received SX HEARTBEAT RESPONSE')
+        fi
+        if [[ -z $upf_logs && $STATUS == 0 ]]; then
+            echo -e "\n${RED}UPF not receiving heartbeats from SMF${NC}..."
+            STATUS=1
+        else
+            echo -e "\n${GREEN}UPF receiving heathbeats from SMF${NC}..."
+        fi
+    fi
+    end_time=$(date +%s%N | cut -b1-13)
+    final_time=$(expr $(expr $end_time - $start_time))
+    if [[ $STATUS == 0 ]]; then
+        echo -e "\n${GREEN}Core network is configured and healthy, total time taken $final_time milli seconds${NC}"
+        exit $STATUS
+    else
+        echo -e "\n${RED}Core network is un-healthy, total time taken $final_time milli seconds\ndebug using docker inspect command...${NC}"
+        exit $STATUS
+    fi
 elif [[ $1 == 'stop' ]]; then
-	echo -e "${RED}Stopping service $2 ${NC}..."
-	if [[ $2 == 'nrf' ]]; then
-		docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml -p 5gcn down
-	elif [[ $2 == 'gnbsim' ]]; then
-		docker-compose -f docker-compose-gnbsim.yaml down
-	elif [[ $2 == 'vpp-upf' ]]; then
-		docker-compose -f docker-compose-vpp-upf.yaml down
-	else         
-		docker-compose -f docker-compose-no-nrf.yaml -p 5gcn down
-	fi
-	echo -e "${GREEN}Service $2 is  stopped${NC}"
+    echo -e "${RED}Stopping service $2 ${NC}..."
+    if [[ $2 == 'nrf' && $3 == 'spgwu' ]]; then
+        docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml -p 5gcn down
+    elif [[ $2 != 'nrf' && $3 == 'vpp-upf' ]]; then
+        docker-compose -f docker-compose-vpp-upf.yaml -p 5gcn down
+    elif [[ $2 = 'no-nrf' && $3 == 'spgwu' ]]; then
+        docker-compose -f docker-compose-no-nrf.yaml -p 5gcn down
+    fi
+    echo -e "${GREEN}Service $2 is stopped${NC}"
-	echo -e "Only use the following options\n\n${RED}start ${WHITE}[option]${NC}: start the 5gCN/gnbsim\n"\
-"${RED}stop  ${WHITE}[option]${NC}: stops the 5gCN/gnbsim\n${WHITE}--option\n${RED}  nrf${NC}        : nrf should be used\n"\
-"${RED}  no-nrf${NC}     : nrf should not be used\n${RED}  vpp-upf${NC}    : vpp-upf should be used (without nrf)\n"\
-"${RED}  gnbsim${NC}     : gnbsim should be used\n${RED}  gnbsim-vpp${NC} : gnbsim should be used for vpp-upf\n"\
-"\nExample: ./ start nrf\n"
+    echo -e "\nOnly use the following options\n
+${RED}start ${WHITE}[option1]${NC} ${WHITE}[option2]${NC}: start the 5gCN\n\
+${RED}stop ${WHITE}[option1]${NC} ${WHITE}[option2]${NC}: stops the 5gCN\n\
+${RED}nrf${NC}: nrf should be used\n\
+${RED}no-nrf${NC}: nrf should not be used\n\
+${RED}vpp-upf${NC}: vpp-upf should be used (only works without nrf, no-nrf option1)\n\
+${RED}spgwu${NC} : spgwu should be used as upf (works with or without nrf, nrf or no-nrf option1)\n\n\
+Example 1 : ./ start nrf spgwu\n\
+Example 2: ./ start no-nrf vpp-upf\n\
+Example 1 : ./ stop nrf spgwu\n\
+Example 2: ./ stop no-nrf vpp-upf"
diff --git a/docker-compose/docker-compose-gnbsim.yaml b/docker-compose/docker-compose-gnbsim.yaml
index 7c87db78..ec55302a 100644
--- a/docker-compose/docker-compose-gnbsim.yaml
+++ b/docker-compose/docker-compose-gnbsim.yaml
@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ services:
             interval: 10s
             timeout: 5s
             retries: 5
         container_name: gnbsim2
         image: gnbsim:develop
@@ -67,7 +66,6 @@ services:
             interval: 10s
             timeout: 5s
             retries: 5
         container_name: gnbsim3
         image: gnbsim:develop
@@ -101,7 +99,6 @@ services:
             interval: 10s
             timeout: 5s
             retries: 5
         container_name: gnbsim4
         image: gnbsim:develop
diff --git a/docker-compose/docker-compose-vpp-upf.yaml b/docker-compose/docker-compose-vpp-upf.yaml
index 336fa16d..6bf920a9 100644
--- a/docker-compose/docker-compose-vpp-upf.yaml
+++ b/docker-compose/docker-compose-vpp-upf.yaml
@@ -68,9 +68,9 @@ services:
             - AUSF_PORT=80
             - AUSF_API_VERSION=v1
+            - mysql
             - vpp-upf
             - oai-ext-dn
-            - mysql
             - ./
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ services:
         container_name: "oai-smf"
-        image: oai-smf:vpp-upf
+        image: oai-smf:nwi
             - TZ=Europe/Paris
             - INSTANCE=0
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index 79f16d4b..f688c93f 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -198,13 +198,24 @@ To know how to configure the machine with the above requirements vist [pre-requi
     (docker-compose-host)$ pwd
     (docker-compose-host)$ ./core-network
     Only use the following options
-    start: start the 5gCN
-    stop: stops the 5gCN
+    start [option1] [option2]: start the 5gCN
+    stop [option1] [option2]: stops the 5gCN
+    --option1
     nrf: nrf should be used
     no-nrf: nrf should not be used
-    Example: ./ start nrf
+    --option2
+    vpp-upf: vpp-upf should be used (only works without nrf, no-nrf option1)
+    spgwu : spgwu should be used as upf (works with or without nrf, nrf or no-nrf option1)
+    Example 1 : ./ start nrf spgwu
+    Example 2: ./ start no-nrf vpp-upf
+    Example 1 : ./ stop nrf spgwu
+    Example 2: ./ stop no-nrf vpp-upf
 - Before executing the script it is better to start capturing packets to see the message flow between smf <--> nrf <--> upf. The packets will be captured on **demo-oai** bridge which should be configured on the `docker-compose-host` machine. 
@@ -214,7 +225,7 @@ To know how to configure the machine with the above requirements vist [pre-requi
 - Starting the core network components, 
-    (docker-compose-host)$ ./core-network start nrf
+    (docker-compose-host)$ ./core-network start nrf spgwu
     Starting 5gcn components in the order nrf, mysql, amf, smf, spgwu...
     Creating mysql   ... done
     Creating oai-nrf ... done
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index 900382a0..63d5eb24 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -48,6 +48,28 @@ Let's begin !!
 we did for dsTest-host.
 * Before we procced further for end to end SA5G test, make sure you have healthy docker services for OAI cn5g -
+oai-cn5g-fed/docker-compose$ ./ start nrf spgwu
+Starting 5gcn components in the order nrf, mysql, amf, smf, spgwu...
+Creating mysql   ... done
+Creating oai-nrf ... done
+Creating oai-amf   ... done
+Creating oai-spgwu ... done
+Creating oai-smf   ... done
+Creating oai-ext-dn ... done
+Core network started, checking the health status of the containers...
+oai-nrf : "healthy", mysql : "starting", oai-amf : "healthy", oai-smf : "healthy", oai-spgwu : "healthy"
+All components are healthy...
+Checking the if the containers are configured...
+Checking if SMF and UPF registered with nrf core network
+For example: oai-smf Registration with oai-nrf can be checked on this url /nnrf-nfm/v1/nf-instances?nf-type='SMF' {"_links":{"item":[{"href":""}],"self":""}}
+SMF and UPF are registered to NRF...
+Core network is configured and healthy, total time taken 43187 milli seconds
 oai-cn5g-fed/docker-compose$ docker ps -a
 CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                           COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS                    PORTS                          NAMES
 c25db05aa023   ubuntu:bionic                   "/bin/bash -c ' apt …"   23 seconds ago   Up 22 seconds                                            oai-ext-dn
@@ -71,7 +93,7 @@ $ docker build --tag gnbsim:develop --target gnbsim --file docker/Dockerfile.ubu
 * The configuration parameters, are preconfigured in [docker-compose.yaml](../docker-compose/docker-compose.yaml) and [docker-compose-gnbsim.yaml](../docker-compose/docker-compose-gnbsim.yaml) and one can modify it for test.
 * Launch gnbsim docker service
-oai-cn5g-fed/docker-compose$ ./ start gnbsim
+oai-cn5g-fed/docker-compose$ docker-compose -f docker-compose-gnbsim.yaml up -d gnbsim
 Creating gnbsim ... done
@@ -184,7 +206,7 @@ iperf Done.
 Here we try some scaling test with gnbsim. There are additional IMSIs are added into database (208950000000031-208950000000040). Now we create few more gnbsim instances (4 more for now). We use same script to generate additional instance as follow -
-oai-cn5g-fed/docker-compose$ ./ start gnbsim 2
+oai-cn5g-fed/docker-compose$ docker-compose -f docker-compose-gnbsim.yaml up -d gnbsim2
 Creating gnbsim2 ... done
 So here basically, minimum configuration parameters that need to change is gnbid, imsi and container ip address in docker-compose-gnbsim.yaml.