diff --git a/docs/DEPLOY_SA5G_SLICING.md b/docs/DEPLOY_SA5G_SLICING.md
index db83c8f73a2eb115566c6f63c3bf69d11292014c..677ca52221242913b97d17c4993b71fd26796033 100644
--- a/docs/DEPLOY_SA5G_SLICING.md
+++ b/docs/DEPLOY_SA5G_SLICING.md
@@ -197,18 +197,37 @@ $ docker image tag rdefosseoai/oai-nr-ue:develop oai-nr-ue:develop
 ## 7. Executing `ransim` Scenario
 We deploy ran simulators with the help of docker-compose as below -
+Deploy ran simulator for slice 1
 ``` shell
-docker-compose-host $: docker-compose -f docker-compose-slicing-ransim.yaml up -d
-Creating gnbsim             ... done
-Creating ueransim           ... done
+docker-compose-host $: docker-compose -f docker-compose-slicing-ransim.yaml up -d ueransim
+Creating ueransim             ... done
+Wait a bit 
+``` shell
+docker-compose-host $: sleep 10
+Deploy ran simulator for slice 2
+``` shell
+docker-compose-host $: docker-compose -f docker-compose-slicing-ransim.yaml up -d oai-gnb oai-nr-ue1
 Creating rfsim5g-oai-gnb    ... done
 Creating rfsim5g-oai-nr-ue1 ... done
-Wait a bit 
+Wait a bit
 ``` shell
-docker-compose-host $: sleep 60
+docker-compose-host $: sleep 10
+Deploy ran simulator for slice 3
+``` shell
+docker-compose-host $: docker-compose -f docker-compose-slicing-ransim.yaml up -d gnbsim
+Creating gnbsim             ... done
+Wait a bit
+``` shell
+docker-compose-host $: sleep 10
+Make sure all ran simulator services are healthy.
 ``` shell
 docker-compose-host $: docker-compose -f docker-compose-slicing-ransim.yaml ps -a