kubernetesType: Vanilla #Vanilla for community kubernetes distribution else Openshift for Openshift ## In case of using these charts on Openshift then please use UBI images ## To know more about them follow this tutorial https://gitlab.eurecom.fr/oai/cn5g/oai-cn5g-fed/-/tree/master/openshift nfimage: # image name either locally present or in a public/private repository repository: docker.io/oaisoftwarealliance/oai-amf ## The image will be pulled from dockerhub version: v2.0.0 #image tag, develop tag for experimental features # pullPolicy: IfNotPresent or Never or Always pullPolicy: IfNotPresent ## good to use when pulling images from docker-hub mention imagePullSecrets: - name: "regcred" serviceAccount: # Specifies whether a service account should be created create: true # Annotations to add to the service account annotations: {} name: "oai-amf-sa" exposedPorts: sctp: 38412 sbi: 80 #service type is fixed to clusterIP, it is only support for non multus interface (eth0) podSecurityContext: runAsUser: 0 runAsGroup: 0 # AMF needs two seperate interface one for http (for SBI) and other one for SCTP (N1/N2) to communicate with gNB. # But for experimentation only one interface can be used. # When you need multus: # 1. you want seperate interface for N1/N2 and Namf # 2. Your gnB is outside the cluster and the host machine can communicate but pods can not then you can provide ip-address in the same range as your host machine # 3. You want static ip-address for N1/N2 interface, Namf can be discovered by its service name ## Change these ip-addresses according to your environment multus: ## If you don't want to add a default route in your pod then leave this field empty defaultGateway: "" n2Interface: create: false Ipadd: "" Netmask: "22" ## If you do not need a specific mac address leave the field empty Mac: ## If you do not have a gateway leave the field empty Gateway: ## If you do not want to add any routes in your pod then leave this field empty routes: [{'dst': '','gw': ''}] hostInterface: "bond0" # Interface of the host machine on which this pod will be scheduled ## Incase the pod is not able to resolve the FQDN of other network ## functions example nrf then you can disable useFqdnDns feature this way AMF will talk to other network functions using their ip-address. ## Debugging section start: amf: true #If false the network function container will run in sleep mode for manually testing tcpdump: false includeTcpDumpContainer: false #If true it will add a tcpdump container inside network function pod for debugging ## For openshift you can use rhel8/support-tools:8.7-13 tcpdumpimage: repository: docker.io/corfr/tcpdump version: latest #pullPolicy: IfNotPresent or Never or Always pullPolicy: IfNotPresent #To store PCAP of NF in a sharedVolume so it can be easily fetched (PVC is created with NRF charts so make sure in NRF it is true) persistent: sharedvolume: false ## NF is the network function and tcpdump is the tcpdump container. ## To know more about request and limit it is better to understand that how Kubernetes QoS works. ## https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/manage-resources-containers ## https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-qos resources: define: false limits: nf: cpu: 100m memory: 128Mi #If tcpdump container is disabled this value will not be used tcpdump: cpu: 100m memory: 128Mi requests: nf: cpu: 100m memory: 128Mi #If tcpdump container is disabled this value will not be used tcpdump: cpu: 100m memory: 128Mi readinessProbe: true livenessProbe: false terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 5 nodeSelector: {} nodeName: