diff --git a/ci-scripts/cls_cluster.py b/ci-scripts/cls_cluster.py
index 7293e252a16f3d2c60e54114ba1410e595c8afd5..bfa315b28ed250021541768a73bfdf86b6f96498 100644
--- a/ci-scripts/cls_cluster.py
+++ b/ci-scripts/cls_cluster.py
@@ -72,8 +72,8 @@ def OC_deploy_CN(cmd, ocUserName, ocPassword, ocNamespace, path):
 	succeeded = OC_login(cmd, ocUserName, ocPassword, ocNamespace)
 	if not succeeded:
 		return False, CONST.OC_LOGIN_FAIL
-	cmd.run('helm uninstall oai5gcn --wait --timeout 60s')
-	ret = cmd.run(f'helm install --wait --timeout 120s oai5gcn {path}/ci-scripts/charts/oai-5g-basic/.')
+	cmd.run(f'helm list -aq -n {ocNamespace} | xargs -r helm uninstall -n {ocNamespace} --wait')
+	ret = cmd.run(f'helm install --wait oai5gcn {path}/ci-scripts/charts/oai-5g-basic/.')
 	if ret.returncode != 0:
 		logging.error('OC OAI CN5G: Deployment failed')
@@ -100,10 +100,10 @@ def OC_undeploy_CN(cmd, ocUserName, ocPassword, ocNamespace, path):
 			cmd.run(f'oc logs -f {podName} {ci} &> {path}/logs/{ii}.log &')
 	cmd.run(f'cd {path}/logs && zip -r -qq test_logs_CN.zip *.log')
-	ret = cmd.run('helm uninstall --wait --timeout 60s oai5gcn')
+	ret = cmd.run(f'helm list -aq -n {ocNamespace} | xargs -r helm uninstall -n {ocNamespace} --wait')
 	if ret.returncode != 0:
 		logging.error('OC OAI CN5G: Undeployment failed')
-		cmd.run('helm uninstall --wait --timeout 60s oai5gcn')
+		cmd.run(f'helm list -aq -n {ocNamespace} | xargs -r helm uninstall -n {ocNamespace} --wait')
 		return False, CONST.OC_PROJECT_FAIL
 	report = cmd.run('oc get pods')
@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ class Cluster:
 			self._recreate_bc('ran-base', baseTag, 'openshift/ran-base-bc.yaml')
 			ranbase_job = self._start_build('ran-base')
 			attemptedImages += ['ran-base']
-			status = ranbase_job is not None and self._wait_build_end([ranbase_job], 800)
+			status = ranbase_job is not None and self._wait_build_end([ranbase_job], 1000)
 			if not status: logging.error('failure during build of ran-base')
 			self.cmd.run(f'oc logs {ranbase_job} &> cmake_targets/log/ran-base.log') # cannot use cmd.run because of redirect
 			# recover logs by mounting image
@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ class Cluster:
 			gnb_aw2s_job = self._start_build('oai-gnb-aw2s')
 			attemptedImages += ['oai-gnb-aw2s']
-			wait = enb_job is not None and gnb_job is not None and gnb_aw2s_job is not None and self._wait_build_end([enb_job, gnb_job, gnb_aw2s_job], 600)
+			wait = enb_job is not None and gnb_job is not None and gnb_aw2s_job is not None and self._wait_build_end([enb_job, gnb_job, gnb_aw2s_job], 800)
 			if not wait: logging.error('error during build of eNB/gNB')
 			status = status and wait
 			# recover logs
@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ class Cluster:
 			nrue_job = self._start_build('oai-nr-ue')
 			attemptedImages += ['oai-nr-ue']
-			wait = nr_cuup_job is not None and lteue_job is not None and nrue_job is not None and self._wait_build_end([nr_cuup_job, lteue_job, nrue_job], 600)
+			wait = nr_cuup_job is not None and lteue_job is not None and nrue_job is not None and self._wait_build_end([nr_cuup_job, lteue_job, nrue_job], 800)
 			if not wait: logging.error('error during build of nr-cuup/lteUE/nrUE')
 			status = status and wait
 			# recover logs