diff --git a/ci-scripts/Jenkinsfile-GitLab-Container b/ci-scripts/Jenkinsfile-GitLab-Container
index f5852bace54c2773d4fbe3eda0bb7be2f9cff3f0..c22e6fabec717bc8f889846ee04c4cc3bcee9916 100644
--- a/ci-scripts/Jenkinsfile-GitLab-Container
+++ b/ci-scripts/Jenkinsfile-GitLab-Container
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ pipeline {
           when { expression {doMandatoryTests} }
           steps {
             script {
-              triggerSlaveJob ('RAN-RF-Sim-Test-5G', 'Test-RF-Sim-Container-4G')
+              triggerSlaveJob ('RAN-RF-Sim-Test-5G', 'Test-RF-Sim-Container-5G')
           post {
@@ -238,6 +238,26 @@ pipeline {
+        stage ("5G L2 Simulators") {
+          when { expression {doMandatoryTests} }
+          steps {
+            script {
+              triggerSlaveJob ('RAN-L2-Sim-Test-5G', 'Test-L2-Sim-Container-5G')
+            }
+          }
+          post {
+            always {
+              script {
+                finalizeSlaveJob('RAN-L2-Sim-Test-5G')
+              }
+            }
+            failure {
+              script {
+                currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
         stage ("NSA B200 Sanity Check") {
           when { expression {doMandatoryTests} }
           steps {
diff --git a/ci-scripts/Jenkinsfile-push-registry b/ci-scripts/Jenkinsfile-push-registry
index 91d6136e0a55824cff05cc10f36419e815a6dfb0..f5847ff0aab2e45adee158f8f5d8fceda735f209 100644
--- a/ci-scripts/Jenkinsfile-push-registry
+++ b/ci-scripts/Jenkinsfile-push-registry
@@ -55,7 +55,9 @@ pipeline {
     stage ("Push to DockerHub") {
       steps {
         script {
-          WEEK_TAG = sh returnStdout: true, script: 'date +"%Y.w%U"'
+          WEEK_REF = sh returnStdout: true, script: 'date +"%Y.w%V"'
+          WEEK_REF = WEEK_REF.trim()
+          WEEK_TAG = sh returnStdout: true, script: 'python3 ./ci-scripts/provideUniqueImageTag.py --start_tag ' + WEEK_REF
           WEEK_TAG = WEEK_TAG.trim()
diff --git a/ci-scripts/as_ue/oai_ext_app.sh b/ci-scripts/as_ue/oai_ext_app.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..727e2b5db2d1300ad5eea99de80d01b570773735
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci-scripts/as_ue/oai_ext_app.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ue_id="$1"      # UE id
+duration="$2"   # Sim duration
+function end
+    exit 0
+trap end INT TERM
+echo "ip netns exec $ue_id $@ > /tmp/test_${ue_id}.log"
+ip netns exec $ue_id $@ > /tmp/test_$ue_id.log
diff --git a/ci-scripts/as_ue/oaicicd-3xue-noPing-SATest.cfg b/ci-scripts/as_ue/oaicicd-3xue-noPing-SATest.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a9299b67e319753e6ccd85813d8bb0305e72aa50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci-scripts/as_ue/oaicicd-3xue-noPing-SATest.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+/* UE simulator configuration */
+/* UE simulator configuration file version 2021-06-17
+ * LTE / 5G Non StandAlone
+ * Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Amarisoft
+ */
+#define N_ANTENNA_DL 1
+#define TDD 1
+#define CELL_BANDWIDTH 40
+#define UE_COUNT 3 // number of simulated UEs 208970100001127, 208970100001128, 208970100001129
+log_options: "all.level=error,all.max_size=0,nas.level=debug,nas.max_size=1,rrc.level=debug,rrc.max_size=1",
+log_filename: "/tmp/ue0.log",
+/* Enable remote API and Web interface */
+com_addr: "",
+include "rf_driver/1chan.cfg",
+/* If true, allow the simulation of several UEs at the same time and allow dynamic UE creation from remote API */
+cell_groups: [{
+    group_type: "nr",
+    multi_ue: true,
+    cells: [{
+      rf_port: 0,
+      bandwidth: CELL_BANDWIDTH,
+#if TDD == 1
+      band: 78,
+      dl_nr_arfcn:621312,
+      ssb_nr_arfcn:621312,
+      //band: 41,
+      //dl_nr_arfcn:517020,
+      //ssb_nr_arfcn:516990,
+      band: 7,
+      dl_nr_arfcn: 536020,
+      ssb_nr_arfcn: 535930,
+      ssb_subcarrier_spacing: 15,
+      subcarrier_spacing: 30,
+      n_antenna_dl: N_ANTENNA_DL,
+      n_antenna_ul: 1,
+      rx_to_tx_latency:2,
+    }],
+/* Enable it to allow sim_events to be handled remotely */
+//rue_bind_addr: "",
+ue_list: [
+  {
+    /* UE capabilities */ 
+    /* USIM data */    
+    "ue_id" : 0,
+    "imsi": "208970100001127",
+    "K": "fec86ba6eb707ed08905757b1bb44b8f",
+    "sim_algo":"milenage",
+    "op": "1006020f0a478bf6b699f15c062e42b3",
+    as_release: 15,
+    ue_category: "nr",
+    apn:"oai",
+    attach_pdn_type:"ipv4",
+    default_nssai: [
+      {
+      sst: 1,
+      sd: 66051,
+      },
+    ],
+    default_pdu_session_snssai: {
+      sst: 1,
+      sd: 66051,
+    },
+    /* Enable it to allow sim_events to be handled remotely */
+    //rue_addr: "",
+    /* Enable it to create a TUN interface for each UE PDN */
+    tun_setup_script: "ue-ifup",
+    sim_events: [
+      {
+        event: "power_on",
+        start_time: 5,
+      }, 
+      {
+        event: "power_off",
+        start_time: 30,
+      }
+    ] /*end sim events */
+  }, /*end UE object 0*/
+  {
+    /* UE capabilities */ 
+    /* USIM data */  
+    "ue_id" : 1, 
+    "imsi": "208970100001128",
+    "K": "fec86ba6eb707ed08905757b1bb44b8f",
+    "sim_algo":"milenage",
+    "op": "1006020f0a478bf6b699f15c062e42b3",
+    as_release: 15,
+    ue_category: "nr",
+    apn:"oai",
+    attach_pdn_type:"ipv4",
+    default_nssai: [
+      {
+      sst: 1,
+      sd: 66051,
+      },
+    ],
+    default_pdu_session_snssai: {
+      sst: 1,
+      sd: 66051,
+    },
+    /* Enable it to allow sim_events to be handled remotely */
+    //rue_addr: "",
+    /* Enable it to create a TUN interface for each UE PDN */
+    tun_setup_script: "ue-ifup",
+    sim_events: [
+      {
+        event: "power_on",
+        start_time: 5,
+      }, 
+      {
+        event: "power_off",
+        start_time: 30,
+      }
+    ] /*end sim events */
+  }, /*end UE object 1*/
+  {
+    /* UE capabilities */
+    /* USIM data */
+    "ue_id" : 2,
+    "imsi": "208970100001129",
+    "K": "fec86ba6eb707ed08905757b1bb44b8f",
+    "sim_algo":"milenage",
+    "op": "1006020f0a478bf6b699f15c062e42b3",
+    as_release: 15,
+    ue_category: "nr",
+    apn:"oai",
+    attach_pdn_type:"ipv4",
+    default_nssai: [
+      {
+      sst: 1,
+      sd: 66051,
+      },
+    ],
+    default_pdu_session_snssai: {
+      sst: 1,
+      sd: 66051,
+    },
+    /* Enable it to allow sim_events to be handled remotely */
+    //rue_addr: "",
+    /* Enable it to create a TUN interface for each UE PDN */
+    tun_setup_script: "ue-ifup",
+    sim_events: [
+      {
+        event: "power_on",
+        start_time: 5,
+      },
+      {
+        event: "power_off",
+        start_time: 30,
+      }
+    ] /*end sim events */
+  } /*end UE object 2*/
+  ],/*end UE list*/
+}/*end json*/
diff --git a/ci-scripts/as_ue/oaicicd-multi-ue-1xPing-SATest.cfg b/ci-scripts/as_ue/oaicicd-multi-ue-1xPing-SATest.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3405f99a59ddee7f7294b2fa838dea6798ec5ef3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci-scripts/as_ue/oaicicd-multi-ue-1xPing-SATest.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+/* UE simulator configuration */
+/* UE simulator configuration file version 2021-06-17
+ * LTE / 5G Non StandAlone
+ * Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Amarisoft
+ */
+#define N_ANTENNA_DL 1
+#define TDD 1
+#define CELL_BANDWIDTH 40
+#define UE_COUNT 2 // number of simulated UEs 208970100001127, 208970100001128, 208970100001129
+log_options: "all.level=error,all.max_size=0,nas.level=debug,nas.max_size=1,rrc.level=debug,rrc.max_size=1",
+log_filename: "/tmp/ue0.log",
+/* Enable remote API and Web interface */
+com_addr: "",
+include "rf_driver/1chan.cfg",
+/* If true, allow the simulation of several UEs at the same time and allow dynamic UE creation from remote API */
+cell_groups: [{
+    group_type: "nr",
+    multi_ue: true,
+    cells: [{
+      rf_port: 0,
+      bandwidth: CELL_BANDWIDTH,
+#if TDD == 1
+      band: 78,
+      dl_nr_arfcn:621312,
+      ssb_nr_arfcn:621312,
+      //band: 41,
+      //dl_nr_arfcn:517020,
+      //ssb_nr_arfcn:516990,
+      band: 7,
+      dl_nr_arfcn: 536020,
+      ssb_nr_arfcn: 535930,
+      ssb_subcarrier_spacing: 15,
+      subcarrier_spacing: 30,
+      n_antenna_dl: N_ANTENNA_DL,
+      n_antenna_ul: 1,
+      rx_to_tx_latency:2,
+    }],
+/* Enable it to allow sim_events to be handled remotely */
+//rue_bind_addr: "",
+ue_list: [
+  {
+    /* UE capabilities */ 
+    /* USIM data */    
+    "ue_id" : 1,
+    "imsi": "208970100001127",
+    "K": "fec86ba6eb707ed08905757b1bb44b8f",
+    "sim_algo":"milenage",
+    "op": "1006020f0a478bf6b699f15c062e42b3",
+    as_release: 15,
+    ue_category: "nr",
+    apn:"oai",
+    attach_pdn_type:"ipv4",
+    default_nssai: [
+      {
+      sst: 1,
+      sd: 66051,
+      },
+    ],
+    default_pdu_session_snssai: {
+      sst: 1,
+      sd: 66051,
+    },
+    /* Enable it to allow sim_events to be handled remotely */
+    //rue_addr: "",
+    /* Enable it to create a TUN interface for each UE PDN */
+    tun_setup_script: "ue-ifup",
+    sim_events: [
+      {
+        event: "power_on",
+        start_time: 5,
+      }, 
+      {
+        event: "power_off",
+        start_time: 30,
+      }
+    ] /*end sim events */
+  }, /*end UE object 0*/
+  {
+    /* UE capabilities */ 
+    /* USIM data */  
+    "ue_id" : 2, 
+    "imsi": "208970100001128",
+    "K": "fec86ba6eb707ed08905757b1bb44b8f",
+    "sim_algo":"milenage",
+    "op": "1006020f0a478bf6b699f15c062e42b3",
+    as_release: 15,
+    ue_category: "nr",
+    apn:"oai",
+    attach_pdn_type:"ipv4",
+    default_nssai: [
+      {
+      sst: 1,
+      sd: 66051,
+      },
+    ],
+    default_pdu_session_snssai: {
+      sst: 1,
+      sd: 66051,
+    },
+    /* Enable it to allow sim_events to be handled remotely */
+    //rue_addr: "",
+    /* Enable it to create a TUN interface for each UE PDN */
+    tun_setup_script: "ue-ifup",
+    sim_events: [
+      {
+        event: "power_on",
+        start_time: 5,
+      }, 
+      {
+       "tag": "ping",
+       "prog":"oai_ext_app.sh",
+        start_time: 15,
+        end_time: 25,
+        "args":["ping"],
+        "event":"ext_app"              
+      },
+      {
+        event: "power_off",
+        start_time: 30,
+      }
+    ] /*end sim events */
+  } /*end UE object 1*/
+  ],/*end UE list*/
+}/*end json*/
diff --git a/ci-scripts/as_ue/oaicicd-multi-ue-2xPing-SATest.cfg b/ci-scripts/as_ue/oaicicd-multi-ue-2xPing-SATest.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..eaa9b894fca3fe740c5af0fe870c42ba7c00fbc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci-scripts/as_ue/oaicicd-multi-ue-2xPing-SATest.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+/* UE simulator configuration */
+/* UE simulator configuration file version 2021-06-17
+ * LTE / 5G Non StandAlone
+ * Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Amarisoft
+ */
+#define N_ANTENNA_DL 1
+#define TDD 1
+#define CELL_BANDWIDTH 40
+#define UE_COUNT 2 // number of simulated UEs 208970100001127, 208970100001128, 208970100001129
+log_options: "all.level=error,all.max_size=0,nas.level=debug,nas.max_size=1,rrc.level=debug,rrc.max_size=1",
+log_filename: "/tmp/ue0.log",
+/* Enable remote API and Web interface */
+com_addr: "",
+include "rf_driver/1chan.cfg",
+/* If true, allow the simulation of several UEs at the same time and allow dynamic UE creation from remote API */
+cell_groups: [{
+    group_type: "nr",
+    multi_ue: true,
+    cells: [{
+      rf_port: 0,
+      bandwidth: CELL_BANDWIDTH,
+#if TDD == 1
+      band: 78,
+      dl_nr_arfcn:621312,
+      ssb_nr_arfcn:621312,
+      //band: 41,
+      //dl_nr_arfcn:517020,
+      //ssb_nr_arfcn:516990,
+      band: 7,
+      dl_nr_arfcn: 536020,
+      ssb_nr_arfcn: 535930,
+      ssb_subcarrier_spacing: 15,
+      subcarrier_spacing: 30,
+      n_antenna_dl: N_ANTENNA_DL,
+      n_antenna_ul: 1,
+      rx_to_tx_latency:2,
+    }],
+/* Enable it to allow sim_events to be handled remotely */
+//rue_bind_addr: "",
+ue_list: [
+  {
+    /* UE capabilities */ 
+    /* USIM data */    
+    "ue_id" : 1,
+    "imsi": "208970100001127",
+    "K": "fec86ba6eb707ed08905757b1bb44b8f",
+    "sim_algo":"milenage",
+    "op": "1006020f0a478bf6b699f15c062e42b3",
+    as_release: 15,
+    ue_category: "nr",
+    apn:"oai",
+    attach_pdn_type:"ipv4",
+    default_nssai: [
+      {
+      sst: 1,
+      sd: 66051,
+      },
+    ],
+    default_pdu_session_snssai: {
+      sst: 1,
+      sd: 66051,
+    },
+    /* Enable it to allow sim_events to be handled remotely */
+    //rue_addr: "",
+    /* Enable it to create a TUN interface for each UE PDN */
+    tun_setup_script: "ue-ifup",
+    sim_events: [
+      {
+        event: "power_on",
+        start_time: 5,
+      }, 
+      {
+       "tag": "ping",
+       "prog":"oai_ext_app.sh",
+        start_time: 15,
+        end_time: 25,
+        "args":["ping"],
+        "event":"ext_app"              
+      },
+      {
+        event: "power_off",
+        start_time: 30,
+      }
+    ] /*end sim events */
+  }, /*end UE object 0*/
+  {
+    /* UE capabilities */ 
+    /* USIM data */  
+    "ue_id" : 2, 
+    "imsi": "208970100001128",
+    "K": "fec86ba6eb707ed08905757b1bb44b8f",
+    "sim_algo":"milenage",
+    "op": "1006020f0a478bf6b699f15c062e42b3",
+    as_release: 15,
+    ue_category: "nr",
+    apn:"oai",
+    attach_pdn_type:"ipv4",
+    default_nssai: [
+      {
+      sst: 1,
+      sd: 66051,
+      },
+    ],
+    default_pdu_session_snssai: {
+      sst: 1,
+      sd: 66051,
+    },
+    /* Enable it to allow sim_events to be handled remotely */
+    //rue_addr: "",
+    /* Enable it to create a TUN interface for each UE PDN */
+    tun_setup_script: "ue-ifup",
+    sim_events: [
+      {
+        event: "power_on",
+        start_time: 5,
+      }, 
+      {
+       "tag": "ping",
+       "prog":"oai_ext_app.sh",
+        start_time: 15,
+        end_time: 25,
+        "args":["ping"],
+        "event":"ext_app"              
+      },
+      {
+        event: "power_off",
+        start_time: 30,
+      }
+    ] /*end sim events */
+  } /*end UE object 1*/
+  ],/*end UE list*/
+}/*end json*/
diff --git a/ci-scripts/as_ue/oaicicd-multi-ue-2xPingSeq-SATest.cfg b/ci-scripts/as_ue/oaicicd-multi-ue-2xPingSeq-SATest.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9ebb3e01c5769d570a0148cce2ebf2fa8f2306e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci-scripts/as_ue/oaicicd-multi-ue-2xPingSeq-SATest.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+/* UE simulator configuration */
+/* UE simulator configuration file version 2021-06-17
+ * LTE / 5G Non StandAlone
+ * Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Amarisoft
+ */
+#define N_ANTENNA_DL 1
+#define TDD 1
+#define CELL_BANDWIDTH 40
+#define UE_COUNT 2 // number of simulated UEs 208970100001127, 208970100001128, 208970100001129
+log_options: "all.level=error,all.max_size=0,nas.level=debug,nas.max_size=1,rrc.level=debug,rrc.max_size=1",
+log_filename: "/tmp/ue0.log",
+/* Enable remote API and Web interface */
+com_addr: "",
+include "rf_driver/1chan.cfg",
+/* If true, allow the simulation of several UEs at the same time and allow dynamic UE creation from remote API */
+cell_groups: [{
+    group_type: "nr",
+    multi_ue: true,
+    cells: [{
+      rf_port: 0,
+      bandwidth: CELL_BANDWIDTH,
+#if TDD == 1
+      band: 78,
+      dl_nr_arfcn:621312,
+      ssb_nr_arfcn:621312,
+      //band: 41,
+      //dl_nr_arfcn:517020,
+      //ssb_nr_arfcn:516990,
+      band: 7,
+      dl_nr_arfcn: 536020,
+      ssb_nr_arfcn: 535930,
+      ssb_subcarrier_spacing: 15,
+      subcarrier_spacing: 30,
+      n_antenna_dl: N_ANTENNA_DL,
+      n_antenna_ul: 1,
+      rx_to_tx_latency:2,
+    }],
+/* Enable it to allow sim_events to be handled remotely */
+//rue_bind_addr: "",
+ue_list: [
+  {
+    /* UE capabilities */ 
+    /* USIM data */    
+    "ue_id" : 1,
+    "imsi": "208970100001127",
+    "K": "fec86ba6eb707ed08905757b1bb44b8f",
+    "sim_algo":"milenage",
+    "op": "1006020f0a478bf6b699f15c062e42b3",
+    as_release: 15,
+    ue_category: "nr",
+    apn:"oai",
+    attach_pdn_type:"ipv4",
+    default_nssai: [
+      {
+      sst: 1,
+      sd: 66051,
+      },
+    ],
+    default_pdu_session_snssai: {
+      sst: 1,
+      sd: 66051,
+    },
+    /* Enable it to allow sim_events to be handled remotely */
+    //rue_addr: "",
+    /* Enable it to create a TUN interface for each UE PDN */
+    tun_setup_script: "ue-ifup",
+    sim_events: [
+      {
+        event: "power_on",
+        start_time: 5,
+      },
+      {
+       "tag": "ping",
+       "prog":"oai_ext_app.sh",
+        start_time: 20,
+        end_time: 30,
+        "args":["ping"],
+        "event":"ext_app"
+      },
+      {
+        event: "power_off",
+        start_time: 60,
+      }
+    ] /*end sim events */
+  }, /*end UE object 0*/
+  {
+    /* UE capabilities */ 
+    /* USIM data */  
+    "ue_id" : 2, 
+    "imsi": "208970100001128",
+    "K": "fec86ba6eb707ed08905757b1bb44b8f",
+    "sim_algo":"milenage",
+    "op": "1006020f0a478bf6b699f15c062e42b3",
+    as_release: 15,
+    ue_category: "nr",
+    apn:"oai",
+    attach_pdn_type:"ipv4",
+    default_nssai: [
+      {
+      sst: 1,
+      sd: 66051,
+      },
+    ],
+    default_pdu_session_snssai: {
+      sst: 1,
+      sd: 66051,
+    },
+    /* Enable it to allow sim_events to be handled remotely */
+    //rue_addr: "",
+    /* Enable it to create a TUN interface for each UE PDN */
+    tun_setup_script: "ue-ifup",
+    sim_events: [
+      {
+        event: "power_on",
+        start_time: 5,
+      }, 
+      {
+       "tag": "ping",
+       "prog":"oai_ext_app.sh",
+        start_time: 40,
+        end_time: 50,
+        "args":["ping"],
+        "event":"ext_app"              
+      },
+      {
+        event: "power_off",
+        start_time: 60,
+      }
+    ] /*end sim events */
+  } /*end UE object 1*/
+  ],/*end UE list*/
+}/*end json*/
diff --git a/ci-scripts/as_ue/oaicicd-ue-Ping-SATest.cfg b/ci-scripts/as_ue/oaicicd-ue-Ping-SATest.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ba22cbb233bb9e11a385005f822bb410597a6af1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci-scripts/as_ue/oaicicd-ue-Ping-SATest.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+/* UE simulator configuration */
+/* UE simulator configuration file version 2021-06-17
+ * LTE / 5G Non StandAlone
+ * Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Amarisoft
+ */
+#define N_ANTENNA_DL 1
+#define TDD 1
+#define CELL_BANDWIDTH 40
+  log_options: "all.level=error,all.max_size=0,nas.level=debug,nas.max_size=1,rrc.level=debug,rrc.max_size=1",
+  log_filename: "/tmp/ue1.log",
+  /* Enable remote API and Web interface */
+  com_addr: "",
+  include "rf_driver/1chan.cfg",
+      /* If true, allow the simulation of several UEs at the same time and
+         allow dynamic UE creation from remote API */
+cell_groups: [{
+    group_type: "nr",
+    multi_ue: false,
+    cells: [{
+      rf_port: 0,
+      bandwidth: CELL_BANDWIDTH,
+#if TDD == 1
+      band: 78,
+      dl_nr_arfcn:621312,
+      ssb_nr_arfcn:621312,
+      //band: 41,
+      //dl_nr_arfcn:517020,
+      //ssb_nr_arfcn:516990,
+      band: 7,
+      dl_nr_arfcn: 536020,
+      ssb_nr_arfcn: 535930,
+      ssb_subcarrier_spacing: 15,
+      subcarrier_spacing: 30,
+      n_antenna_dl: N_ANTENNA_DL,
+      n_antenna_ul: 1,
+      rx_to_tx_latency:2,
+    }],
+  }],
+  /* Enable it to allow sim_events to be handled remotely */
+  //rue_bind_addr: "",
+  ue_list: [
+    {
+      /* UE capabilities */
+    /* USIM data */
+    "imsi": "208970100001127",
+    "K": "fec86ba6eb707ed08905757b1bb44b8f",
+    "sim_algo":"milenage",
+    "op": "1006020f0a478bf6b699f15c062e42b3",
+    as_release: 15,
+    ue_category: "nr",
+    apn:"oai",
+    attach_pdn_type:"ipv4",
+    default_nssai: [
+    {
+    sst: 1,
+    sd: 66051,
+    },
+    ],
+    default_pdu_session_snssai: {
+    sst: 1,
+    sd: 66051,
+    },
+      /* Enable it to allow sim_events to be handled remotely */
+      //rue_addr: "",
+      /* Enable it to create a TUN interface for each UE PDN */
+      tun_setup_script: "ue-ifup",
+      sim_events: [{
+        event: "power_on",
+        start_time: 5,
+      }, {
+       "tag": "ping",
+       "prog":"oai_ext_app.sh",
+        start_time: 15,
+        end_time: 25,
+        "args":["ping"],
+        "event":"ext_app"
+      },
+      {
+        event: "power_off",
+        start_time: 30,
+      }]
+    }
+  ],
diff --git a/ci-scripts/as_ue/oaicicd-ue-iperf-SATest.cfg b/ci-scripts/as_ue/oaicicd-ue-iperf-SATest.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..841dafb74605d5ab006362d845fc8541a744eeae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci-scripts/as_ue/oaicicd-ue-iperf-SATest.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+/* UE simulator configuration */
+/* UE simulator configuration file version 2021-06-17
+ * LTE / 5G Non StandAlone
+ * Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Amarisoft
+ */
+#define N_ANTENNA_DL 1
+#define TDD 1
+#define CELL_BANDWIDTH 20
+  log_options: "all.level=error,all.max_size=0,nas.level=debug,nas.max_size=1,rrc.level=debug,rrc.max_size=1",
+  log_filename: "/tmp/ue0.log",
+  /* Enable remote API and Web interface */
+  com_addr: "",
+  include "rf_driver/1chan.cfg",
+      /* If true, allow the simulation of several UEs at the same time and
+         allow dynamic UE creation from remote API */
+cell_groups: [{
+    group_type: "nr",
+    multi_ue: false,
+    cells: [{
+      rf_port: 0,
+      bandwidth: CELL_BANDWIDTH,
+#if TDD == 1
+     // band: 78,
+     // dl_nr_arfcn:621312,
+     // ssb_nr_arfcn:621312,*/
+      band: 41,
+      dl_nr_arfcn:517020,
+      ssb_nr_arfcn:516990,
+      band: 7,
+      dl_nr_arfcn: 536020,
+      ssb_nr_arfcn: 535930,
+      ssb_subcarrier_spacing: 15,
+      subcarrier_spacing: 30,
+      n_antenna_dl: N_ANTENNA_DL,
+      n_antenna_ul: 1,
+      rx_to_tx_latency:2,
+    }],
+  }],
+  /* Enable it to allow sim_events to be handled remotely */
+  //rue_bind_addr: "",
+  ue_list: [
+    {
+      /* UE capabilities */
+    /* USIM data */
+    "imsi": "208970100001127",
+    "K": "fec86ba6eb707ed08905757b1bb44b8f",
+    "sim_algo":"milenage",
+    "op": "1006020f0a478bf6b699f15c062e42b3",
+    as_release: 15,
+    ue_category: "nr",
+    apn:"oai",
+    attach_pdn_type:"ipv4",
+    default_nssai: [
+    {
+    sst: 1,
+    sd: 1,
+    },
+    ],
+    default_pdu_session_snssai: {
+    sst: 1,
+    sd: 1,
+    },
+      /* Enable it to allow sim_events to be handled remotely */
+      //rue_addr: "",
+      /* Enable it to create a TUN interface for each UE PDN */
+      tun_setup_script: "ue-ifup",
+      sim_events: [{
+        event: "power_on",
+        start_time: 5,
+      }, {
+        event: "ext_app",
+        start_time: 15,
+        end_time: 25,
+        prog: "ext_app.sh",
+        args: ["iperf", " -c", " -u"," -b 1M"," -i 1"," -t 10"]
+      }, {
+        event: "power_off",
+        start_time: 30,
+      }]
+    }
+  ],
diff --git a/ci-scripts/ci_ueinfra.yaml b/ci-scripts/ci_ueinfra.yaml
index 0a915740f243cbb114120ed6971140ee7c3e5ee6..89bda5fa920008349644726ab08146ceee7631d9 100644
--- a/ci-scripts/ci_ueinfra.yaml
+++ b/ci-scripts/ci_ueinfra.yaml
@@ -39,6 +39,53 @@ nrmodule2_quectel:
   StartCommands :
     - sudo -S ip link set dev wwan1 mtu 1500
   MTU : 1500
+#single UE single ping
+  ID: amarisoft_ue_1
+  State : enabled
+  Kind : amarisoft
+  #not required for AS config but needed for py script
+  WakeupScript : none
+  DetachScript : none
+  #end 
+  Cmd : /root/NV17-12-21/ue/lteue 
+  Config : /root/NV17-12-21/ue/config/oaicicd-ue-Ping-SATest.cfg 
+  Duration : 60
+  Ping : /tmp/test_ue1.log
+  UELog : /tmp/ue1.log
+  HostIPAddress :
+  HostUsername : root
+  HostPassword : toor 
+  HostSourceCodePath : /tmp
+#an other scenario example
+#notice : this will not work as such, only suggestion for multi ue scenario
+  ID: amarisoft_ue_2
+  State : enabled
+  Kind : amarisoft
+  #not required for AS config but needed for py script
+  WakeupScript : none
+  DetachScript : none
+  #end 
+  Cmd : /root/NV17-12-21/ue/lteue 
+  Config : /root/NV17-12-21/ue/config/xxxxxxx.cfg #to be updated for an other scenario 
+  Duration : 60
+  Ping :
+    - /tmp/test_ue1.log #to be updated fo an other scenario
+    - /tmp/test_ue2.log #could be a list for a multi ue scenario
+  UELog :
+    - /tmp/ue1.log
+    - /tmp/ue1.log
+  HostIPAddress :
+  HostUsername : root
+  HostPassword : toor 
+  HostSourceCodePath : /tmp
+#do not remove
   ID: ''
   State : ''
diff --git a/ci-scripts/cls_amarisoft_ue.py b/ci-scripts/cls_amarisoft_ue.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..367bfaac3f7810a7dd1cd5ba32d98d81f0cdca06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci-scripts/cls_amarisoft_ue.py
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# * Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more
+# * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# * The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under
+# * the OAI Public License, Version 1.1  (the "License"); you may not use this file
+# * except in compliance with the License.
+# * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# *
+# *      http://www.openairinterface.org/?page_id=698
+# *
+# * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+# * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# * limitations under the License.
+# *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# * For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance:
+# *      contact@openairinterface.org
+# */
+#   Required Python Version
+#     Python 3.x
+#to use isfile
+import os
+import sys
+import logging
+#to create a SSH object locally in the methods
+import sshconnection
+import time
+import re
+import subprocess
+from datetime import datetime
+class AS_UE:
+	def __init__(self,Module):
+		#create attributes as in the UE dictionary
+		for k, v in Module.items():
+			setattr(self, k, v)
+#PUBLIC Methods$
+	def WaitEndScenario(self):
+		logging.debug('waiting for scenario duration')
+		time.sleep(int(self.Duration))
+	def KillASUE(self):
+		mySSH = sshconnection.SSHConnection()
+		mySSH.open(self.HostIPAddress, self.HostUsername, self.HostPassword)
+		mySSH.command('killall --signal SIGKILL lteue-avx2', '#', 5)
+		mySSH.close()
+	def RunScenario(self):
+		mySSH = sshconnection.SSHConnection()
+		mySSH.open(self.HostIPAddress, self.HostUsername, self.HostPassword)
+		logging.debug("Deleting old artifacts :")
+		cmd='rm -rf ' + self.Ping + ' ' + self.UELog 
+		mySSH.command(cmd,'#',5)
+		logging.debug("Running scenario :")
+		cmd='echo $USER; nohup '+self.Cmd + ' ' + self.Config + ' &'
+		mySSH.command(cmd,'#',5)
+		mySSH.close()
diff --git a/ci-scripts/cls_containerize.py b/ci-scripts/cls_containerize.py
index fdc2bc1597078728190e669bf71e39e14b824f04..8092febe39666ada6ac15a5c49a8e8af8e69708e 100644
--- a/ci-scripts/cls_containerize.py
+++ b/ci-scripts/cls_containerize.py
@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ class Containerize():
 		self.allImagesSize = {}
 		self.collectInfo = {}
+		self.deployedContainers = []
 		self.tsharkStarted = False
 		self.pingContName = ''
 		self.pingOptions = ''
@@ -606,6 +607,8 @@ class Containerize():
 		if containerToKill:
 			mySSH.command('docker kill --signal INT ' + containerName, '\$', 30)
+			mySSH.command('docker kill --signal KILL ' + containerName, '\$', 30)
+			time.sleep(5)
 			mySSH.command('docker logs ' + containerName + ' > ' + lSourcePath + '/cmake_targets/' + self.eNB_logFile[self.eNB_instance], '\$', 30)
 			mySSH.command('docker rm -f ' + containerName, '\$', 30)
 		# Forcing the down now to remove the networks and any artifacts
@@ -680,12 +683,28 @@ class Containerize():
 		cmd = 'cd ' + self.yamlPath[0] + ' && docker-compose -f docker-compose-ci.yml ps -a'
 		count = 0
 		healthy = 0
+		newContainers = []
 		while (count < 10):
 			count += 1
 			containerStatus = []
 			deployStatus = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True, timeout=30)
 			healthy = 0
 			for state in deployStatus.split('\n'):
+				res = re.search('Name|----------', state)
+				if res is not None:
+					continue
+				if len(state) == 0:
+					continue
+				res = re.search('^(?P<container_name>[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]+) ', state)
+				if res is not None:
+					cName = res.group('container_name')
+					found = False
+					for alreadyDeployed in self.deployedContainers:
+						if cName == alreadyDeployed:
+							found = True
+					if not found:
+						newContainers.append(cName)
+						self.deployedContainers.append(cName)
 				if re.search('Up \(healthy\)', state) is not None:
 					healthy += 1
 				if re.search('rfsim4g-db-init.*Exit 0', state) is not None:
@@ -696,16 +715,33 @@ class Containerize():
+		imagesInfo = ''
+		for newCont in newContainers:
+			cmd = 'docker inspect -f "{{.Config.Image}}" ' + newCont
+			imageName = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True, timeout=30)
+			imageName = str(imageName).strip()
+			cmd = 'docker image inspect --format "{{.RepoTags}}\t{{.Size}}\t{{.Created}}" ' + imageName
+			imagesInfo += subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True, timeout=30)
+		html_queue = SimpleQueue()
+		html_cell = '<pre style="background-color:white">\n'
+		for imageInfo in imagesInfo.split('\n'):
+			html_cell += imageInfo[:-11] + '\n'
+		html_cell += '\n'
+		for cState in containerStatus:
+			html_cell += cState + '\n'
+		html_cell += '</pre>'
+		html_queue.put(html_cell)
 		if count == 100 and healthy == self.nb_healthy[0]:
 			if self.tsharkStarted == False:
 				logging.debug('Starting tshark on public network')
-			HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow('n/a', 'OK', CONST.ALL_PROCESSES_OK)
+			HTML.CreateHtmlTestRowQueue('n/a', 'OK', 1, html_queue)
 			for cState in containerStatus:
 			logging.info('\u001B[1m Deploying OAI Object(s) PASS\u001B[0m')
-			HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow('Could not deploy in time', 'KO', CONST.ALL_PROCESSES_OK)
+			HTML.CreateHtmlTestRowQueue('Could not deploy in time', 'KO', 1, html_queue)
 			for cState in containerStatus:
 			logging.error('\u001B[1m Deploying OAI Object(s) FAILED\u001B[0m')
@@ -721,13 +757,19 @@ class Containerize():
 		cmd = 'cd ' + self.yamlPath[0] + ' && docker-compose -f docker-compose-ci.yml config | grep com.docker.network.bridge.name | sed -e "s@^.*name: @@"'
 		networkNames = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True, timeout=10)
 		if re.search('4g.*rfsimulator', self.yamlPath[0]) is not None:
+			# Excluding any traffic from LTE-UE container (
+			# From the trf-gen, keeping only PING traffic
 			cmd = 'sudo nohup tshark -f "(host and icmp) or (not host and not host and not arp and not port 53 and not port 2152)"'
 		elif re.search('5g.*rfsimulator', self.yamlPath[0]) is not None:
-			cmd = 'sudo nohup tshark -f "(host and icmp) or (not host and not host and not arp and not port 53 and not port 2152 and not port 2153)"'
+			# Excluding any traffic from NR-UE containers ( and
+			# From the ext-dn, keeping only PING traffic
+			cmd = 'sudo nohup tshark -f "(host and icmp) or (not host and not host and not host and not arp and not port 53 and not port 2152 and not port 2153)"'
+		elif re.search('5g_l2sim', self.yamlPath[0]) is not None:
+			cmd = 'sudo nohup tshark -f "(host and icmp) or (not host and not arp and not port 53 and not port 2152 and not port 2153)"'
 		for name in networkNames.split('\n'):
-			if re.search('rfsim', name) is not None:
+			if re.search('rfsim', name) is not None or re.search('l2sim', name) is not None:
 				cmd += ' -i ' + name
 		cmd += ' -w /tmp/capture_'
 		ymlPath = self.yamlPath[0].split('/')
@@ -779,46 +821,48 @@ class Containerize():
 			# Analyzing log file(s)!
 			listOfPossibleRanContainers = ['enb', 'gnb', 'cu', 'du']
 			for container in listOfPossibleRanContainers:
-				filename = self.yamlPath[0] + '/rfsim?g-oai-' + container + '.log'
-				cmd = 'ls ' + filename
+				filenames = self.yamlPath[0] + '/*-oai-' + container + '.log'
+				cmd = 'ls ' + filenames
 				containerStatus = True
 					lsStatus = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True, timeout=10)
-					filename = str(lsStatus).strip()
+					filenames = str(lsStatus).strip()
 					containerStatus = False
 				if not containerStatus:
-				logging.debug('\u001B[1m Analyzing xNB logfile ' + filename + ' \u001B[0m')
-				logStatus = RAN.AnalyzeLogFile_eNB(filename, HTML, self.ran_checkers)
-				if (logStatus < 0):
-					fullStatus = False
-					self.exitStatus = 1
-					HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow(RAN.runtime_stats, 'KO', logStatus)
-				else:
-					HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow(RAN.runtime_stats, 'OK', CONST.ALL_PROCESSES_OK)
+				for filename in filenames.split('\n'):
+					logging.debug('\u001B[1m Analyzing xNB logfile ' + filename + ' \u001B[0m')
+					logStatus = RAN.AnalyzeLogFile_eNB(filename, HTML, self.ran_checkers)
+					if (logStatus < 0):
+						fullStatus = False
+						self.exitStatus = 1
+						HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow(RAN.runtime_stats, 'KO', logStatus)
+					else:
+						HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow(RAN.runtime_stats, 'OK', CONST.ALL_PROCESSES_OK)
 			listOfPossibleUeContainers = ['lte-ue*', 'nr-ue*']
 			for container in listOfPossibleUeContainers:
-				filename = self.yamlPath[0] + '/rfsim?g-oai-' + container + '.log'
-				cmd = 'ls ' + filename
+				filenames = self.yamlPath[0] + '/*-oai-' + container + '.log'
+				cmd = 'ls ' + filenames
 				containerStatus = True
 					lsStatus = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True, timeout=10)
-					filename = str(lsStatus).strip()
+					filenames = str(lsStatus).strip()
 					containerStatus = False
 				if not containerStatus:
-				logging.debug('\u001B[1m Analyzing UE logfile ' + filename + ' \u001B[0m')
-				logStatus = UE.AnalyzeLogFile_UE(filename, HTML, RAN)
-				if (logStatus < 0):
-					fullStatus = False
-					HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow('UE log Analysis', 'KO', logStatus)
-				else:
-					HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow('UE log Analysis', 'OK', CONST.ALL_PROCESSES_OK)
+				for filename in filenames.split('\n'):
+					logging.debug('\u001B[1m Analyzing UE logfile ' + filename + ' \u001B[0m')
+					logStatus = UE.AnalyzeLogFile_UE(filename, HTML, RAN)
+					if (logStatus < 0):
+						fullStatus = False
+						HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow('UE log Analysis', 'KO', logStatus)
+					else:
+						HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow('UE log Analysis', 'OK', CONST.ALL_PROCESSES_OK)
 			cmd = 'rm ' + self.yamlPath[0] + '/*.log'
@@ -849,6 +893,7 @@ class Containerize():
 			logging.error('\u001B[1m Undeploying OAI Object(s) FAILED\u001B[0m')
+		self.deployedContainers = []
 		# Cleaning any created tmp volume
 		cmd = 'docker volume prune --force || true'
@@ -861,6 +906,40 @@ class Containerize():
 			HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow('n/a', 'KO', CONST.ALL_PROCESSES_OK)
 			logging.info('\u001B[1m Undeploying OAI Object(s) FAIL\u001B[0m')
+	def StatsFromGenObject(self, HTML):
+		self.exitStatus = 0
+		ymlPath = self.yamlPath[0].split('/')
+		logPath = '../cmake_targets/log/' + ymlPath[1]
+		# if the containers are running, recover the logs!
+		cmd = 'cd ' + self.yamlPath[0] + ' && docker-compose -f docker-compose-ci.yml ps --all'
+		logging.debug(cmd)
+		deployStatus = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True, timeout=30)
+		cmd = 'docker stats --no-stream --format "table {{.Container}}\t{{.CPUPerc}}\t{{.MemUsage}}\t{{.MemPerc}}" '
+		anyLogs = False
+		for state in deployStatus.split('\n'):
+			res = re.search('Name|----------', state)
+			if res is not None:
+				continue
+			if len(state) == 0:
+				continue
+			res = re.search('^(?P<container_name>[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]+) ', state)
+			if res is not None:
+				anyLogs = True
+				cmd += res.group('container_name') + ' '
+		message = ''
+		if anyLogs:
+			logging.debug(cmd)
+			stats = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True, timeout=30)
+			for statLine in stats.split('\n'):
+				logging.debug(statLine)
+				message += statLine + '\n'
+		html_queue = SimpleQueue()
+		html_cell = '<pre style="background-color:white">\n' + message + '</pre>'
+		html_queue.put(html_cell)
+		HTML.CreateHtmlTestRowQueue(self.pingOptions, 'OK', 1, html_queue)
 	def PingFromContainer(self, HTML, RAN, UE):
 		self.exitStatus = 0
 		ymlPath = self.yamlPath[0].split('/')
diff --git a/ci-scripts/cls_module_ue.py b/ci-scripts/cls_module_ue.py
index cabd0a045de63385c7a0cc159b2e536fe06f0855..fb107007980d53059da297e06bcb396a80922480 100644
--- a/ci-scripts/cls_module_ue.py
+++ b/ci-scripts/cls_module_ue.py
@@ -76,7 +76,8 @@ class Module_UE:
 			logging.debug('Starting ' + self.Process['Name'])
 			mySSH = sshconnection.SSHConnection()
 			mySSH.open(self.HostIPAddress, self.HostUsername, self.HostPassword)
-			mySSH.command('echo $USER; echo ' + self.HostPassword + ' | nohup sudo -S ' + self.Process['Cmd'] + ' ' +  self.Process['Apn'][CNType]  + ' > /dev/null 2>&1 &','\$',5)
+			mySSH.command('echo ' + self.HostPassword + ' | sudo -S rm -f /tmp/quectel-cm.log','\$',5)
+			mySSH.command('echo $USER; echo ' + self.HostPassword + ' | nohup sudo -S stdbuf -o0 ' + self.Process['Cmd'] + ' ' +  self.Process['Apn'][CNType]  + ' > /tmp/quectel-cm.log 2>&1 &','\$',5)
 			#checking the process
diff --git a/ci-scripts/cls_oaicitest.py b/ci-scripts/cls_oaicitest.py
index 5d89a7b2e0bdac3c4bb442d1695d93c0cefdd173..33910f1f9bd5dbe8ebe0e025d1745c9a3d61baba 100644
--- a/ci-scripts/cls_oaicitest.py
+++ b/ci-scripts/cls_oaicitest.py
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ import constants as CONST
 import sshconnection
 import cls_module_ue
+import cls_amarisoft_ue
 import cls_ci_ueinfra		#class defining the multi Ue infrastrucure
@@ -122,6 +123,7 @@ def GetPingTimeAnalysis(RAN,ping_log_file,ping_rttavg_threshold):
 			mySSH = sshconnection.SSHConnection()
 			mySSH.copyout(RAN.eNBIPAddress, RAN.eNBUserName, RAN.eNBPassword, ping_log_file+'.png', RAN.eNBSourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets/')
+			mySSH.copyout(RAN.eNBIPAddress, RAN.eNBUserName, RAN.eNBPassword, ping_log_file, RAN.eNBSourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets/')
 			logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m Ping PNG SCP to eNB FAILED\u001B[0m')
@@ -418,49 +420,63 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 			for job in multi_jobs:
 			HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'OK', CONST.ALL_PROCESSES_OK)
-		else: #if an ID is specified, it is a module from the yaml infrastructure file
-			#RH
-			Module_UE = cls_module_ue.Module_UE(InfraUE.ci_ue_infra[self.ue_id])
-			Module_UE.ue_trace=ue_trace
-			is_module=Module_UE.CheckCMProcess(EPC.Type)
-			if is_module:
-				Module_UE.EnableTrace()
-				time.sleep(5)
-				# Looping attach / detach / wait to be successful at least once
-				cnt = 0
-				status = -1
-				while cnt < 4:
-					Module_UE.Command("wup")
-					logging.debug("Waiting for IP address to be assigned")
-					time.sleep(20)
-					logging.debug("Retrieve IP address")
-					status=Module_UE.GetModuleIPAddress()
-					if status==0:
-						cnt = 10
-					else:
-						cnt += 1
-						Module_UE.Command("detach")
+		else: #if an ID is specified, it is a UE from the yaml infrastructure file
+			ue_kind = InfraUE.ci_ue_infra[self.ue_id]['Kind']
+			logging.debug("Detected UE Kind : " + ue_kind)
+			#case it is a quectel module (only 1 at a time supported at the moment)
+			if ue_kind == 'quectel':
+				Module_UE = cls_module_ue.Module_UE(InfraUE.ci_ue_infra[self.ue_id])
+				Module_UE.ue_trace=ue_trace
+				is_module=Module_UE.CheckCMProcess(EPC.Type)
+				if is_module:
+					Module_UE.EnableTrace()
+					time.sleep(5)
+					# Looping attach / detach / wait to be successful at least once
+					cnt = 0
+					status = -1
+					while cnt < 4:
+						Module_UE.Command("wup")
+						logging.debug("Waiting for IP address to be assigned")
+						logging.debug("Retrieve IP address")
+						status=Module_UE.GetModuleIPAddress()
+						if status==0:
+							cnt = 10
+						else:
+							cnt += 1
+							Module_UE.Command("detach")
+							time.sleep(20)
+					if cnt == 10 and status == 0:
+						HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow(Module_UE.UEIPAddress, 'OK', CONST.ALL_PROCESSES_OK)	
+						logging.debug('UE IP addresss : '+ Module_UE.UEIPAddress)
+						#execute additional commands from yaml file after UE attach
+						SSH = sshconnection.SSHConnection()
+						SSH.open(Module_UE.HostIPAddress, Module_UE.HostUsername, Module_UE.HostPassword)
+						if hasattr(Module_UE,'StartCommands'):
+							for startcommand in Module_UE.StartCommands:
+								cmd = 'echo ' + Module_UE.HostPassword + ' | ' + startcommand
+								SSH.command(cmd,'\$',5)
+						SSH.close()
+						#check that the MTU is as expected / requested
+						Module_UE.CheckModuleMTU()
+					else: #status==-1 failed to retrieve IP address
+						HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'KO', CONST.UE_IP_ADDRESS_ISSUE)
+						self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC,InfraUE,CONTAINERS)
+						return
-				if cnt == 10 and status == 0:
-					HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow(Module_UE.UEIPAddress, 'OK', CONST.ALL_PROCESSES_OK)	
-					logging.debug('UE IP addresss : '+ Module_UE.UEIPAddress)
-					#execute additional commands from yaml file after UE attach
-					SSH = sshconnection.SSHConnection()
-					SSH.open(Module_UE.HostIPAddress, Module_UE.HostUsername, Module_UE.HostPassword)
-					if hasattr(Module_UE,'StartCommands'):
-						for startcommand in Module_UE.StartCommands:
-							cmd = 'echo ' + Module_UE.HostPassword + ' | ' + startcommand
-							SSH.command(cmd,'\$',5)
-					SSH.close()
-					#check that the MTU is as expected / requested
-					Module_UE.CheckModuleMTU()
-				else: #status==-1 failed to retrieve IP address
-					HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'KO', CONST.UE_IP_ADDRESS_ISSUE)
-					self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC,InfraUE,CONTAINERS)
-					return
+			#case it is a amarisoft ue (only 1 at a time supported at the moment)
+			elif ue_kind == 'amarisoft':
+				AS_UE = cls_amarisoft_ue.AS_UE(InfraUE.ci_ue_infra[self.ue_id])
+				HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow(AS_UE.Config, 'OK', CONST.ALL_PROCESSES_OK)
+				AS_UE.RunScenario()
+				AS_UE.WaitEndScenario()
+				AS_UE.KillASUE()
+			else:
+				logging.debug("Incorrect UE Kind was detected")								
@@ -534,7 +550,7 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 		while (doOutterLoop):
 			SSH.command('cd ' + self.UESourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets/ran_build/build', '\$', 5)
 			SSH.command('echo ' + self.UEPassword + ' | sudo -S rm -Rf ' + self.UESourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets/ue_' + self.testCase_id + '.log', '\$', 5)
-			SSH.command('echo $USER; nohup sudo -E ./my-lte-uesoftmodem-run' + str(self.UE_instance) + '.sh' + ' > ' + self.UESourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets/ue_' + self.testCase_id + '.log ' + ' 2>&1 &', self.UEUserName, 5)
+			SSH.command('echo $USER; nohup sudo -E stdbuf -o0 ./my-lte-uesoftmodem-run' + str(self.UE_instance) + '.sh' + ' > ' + self.UESourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets/ue_' + self.testCase_id + '.log ' + ' 2>&1 &', self.UEUserName, 5)
 			SSH.command('cd ../..', '\$', 5)
 			doLoop = True
@@ -1569,16 +1585,23 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 			SSH = sshconnection.SSHConnection()
 			# Launch ping on the EPC side (true for ltebox and old open-air-cn)
 			# But for OAI-Rel14-CUPS, we launch from python executor
+			ping_status = 0
 			launchFromEpc = True
 			launchFromModule = False
+			launchFromASUE = False
 			if re.match('OAI-Rel14-CUPS', EPC.Type, re.IGNORECASE):
 				launchFromEpc = False
 			#if module, ping from module to EPC
 			if self.ue_id!='':
-				launchFromEpc = False
-				launchfromModule = True
-			ping_time = re.findall("-c (\d+)",str(self.ping_args))
+				if (re.match('amarisoft', self.ue_id, re.IGNORECASE)):
+					launchFromEpc = False
+					launchFromASUE = True
+				else:
+					launchFromEpc = False
+					launchFromModule = True
+			#no ping args for ASUE
+			if self.ping_args!='':
+				ping_time = re.findall("-c (\d+)",str(self.ping_args))
 			if launchFromEpc:
 				SSH.open(EPC.IPAddress, EPC.UserName, EPC.Password)
@@ -1596,14 +1619,14 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 				#copy the ping log file to have it locally for analysis (ping stats)
 				SSH.copyin(EPC.IPAddress, EPC.UserName, EPC.Password, EPC.SourceCodePath + '/scripts/ping_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log', '.')				
-				if launchfromModule == False:
+				if (launchFromModule == False) and (launchFromASUE == False):
 					#ping log file is on the python executor
-					cmd = 'ping ' + self.ping_args + ' ' + UE_IPAddress + ' 2>&1 > ping_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log' 
+					cmd = 'ping ' + self.ping_args + ' ' + UE_IPAddress + ' > ping_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log 2>&1'
 					message = cmd + '\n'
 					ret = subprocess.run(cmd, shell=True)
 					ping_status = ret.returncode
-					#copy the ping log file to an other folder for log collection (source and destination are EPC)
+					#copy the ping log file to an other folder for log collection (source and desti				elif (launchfromModule == True) and (launchfromASUE == False): #launch from Modulenation are EPC)
 					SSH.copyout(EPC.IPAddress, EPC.UserName, EPC.Password, 'ping_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log', EPC.SourceCodePath + '/scripts')
                 	#copy the ping log file to have it locally for analysis (ping stats)
 					logging.debug(EPC.SourceCodePath + 'ping_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log')
@@ -1613,7 +1636,8 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 					#cat is executed on EPC
 					SSH.command('cat ' + EPC.SourceCodePath + '/scripts/ping_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log', '\$', 5)
 					ping_log_file='/scripts/ping_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log'
-				else: #launch from Module
+				elif (launchFromModule == True) and (launchFromASUE == False): #launch from Module
 					SSH.open(Module_UE.HostIPAddress, Module_UE.HostUsername, Module_UE.HostPassword)
 					#target address is different depending on EPC type
 					if re.match('OAI-Rel14-Docker', EPC.Type, re.IGNORECASE):
@@ -1623,15 +1647,29 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 						Target = EPC.IPAddress
 					#ping from module NIC rather than IP address to make sure round trip is over the air	
-					cmd = 'ping -I ' + Module_UE.UENetwork  + ' ' + self.ping_args + ' ' +  Target  + ' 2>&1 > ping_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log' 
+					cmd = 'ping -I ' + Module_UE.UENetwork  + ' ' + self.ping_args + ' ' +  Target  + ' > ping_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log 2>&1'
 					#copy the ping log file to have it locally for analysis (ping stats)
 					SSH.copyin(Module_UE.HostIPAddress, Module_UE.HostUsername, Module_UE.HostPassword, 'ping_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log', '.')
 					#cat is executed locally 
 					SSH.command('cat ping_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log', '\$', 5)
 					ping_log_file='ping_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log'
-					ping_status=0
+				elif (launchFromASUE == True): 
+					#ping was already executed when running scenario
+					#we only need to retrieve ping log file, whose location is in the ci_ueinfra.yaml
+					logging.debug("Get logs from AS server : " + Module_UE.Ping + ", " + Module_UE.UELog)
+					SSH.copyin(Module_UE.HostIPAddress, Module_UE.HostUsername, Module_UE.HostPassword, Module_UE.Ping, '.')
+					SSH.copyin(Module_UE.HostIPAddress, Module_UE.HostUsername, Module_UE.HostPassword, Module_UE.UELog, '.')
+					logging.debug("Ping analysis from Amarisoft scenario")
+					path,ping_log_file = os.path.split(Module_UE.Ping)
+					SSH.open(Module_UE.HostIPAddress, Module_UE.HostUsername, Module_UE.HostPassword)
+					SSH.command('cat ' + Module_UE.Ping, '\#', 5)
+				else:
+					ping_status=-1
 			if ping_status < 0:
@@ -1679,28 +1717,30 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 			#adding extra ping stats from local file
 			#ping_log_file variable is defined above in this function, depending on device/ue
-			logging.debug('Analyzing Ping log file : ' + os.getcwd() + '/' + ping_log_file)
-			ping_stat=GetPingTimeAnalysis(RAN,ping_log_file,self.ping_rttavg_threshold)
-			if (ping_stat!=-1) and (len(ping_stat)!=0):
-				ping_stat_msg+='Ping stats before removing largest value : \n'
-				ping_stat_msg+='RTT(Min)    : ' + str("{:.2f}".format(ping_stat['min_0'])) + 'ms \n'
-				ping_stat_msg+='RTT(Mean)   : ' + str("{:.2f}".format(ping_stat['mean_0'])) + 'ms \n'
-				ping_stat_msg+='RTT(Median) : ' + str("{:.2f}".format(ping_stat['median_0'])) + 'ms \n'
-				ping_stat_msg+='RTT(Max)    : ' + str("{:.2f}".format(ping_stat['max_0'])) + 'ms \n'
-				ping_stat_msg+='Max Index   : ' + str(ping_stat['max_loc']) + '\n'
-				ping_stat_msg+='Ping stats after removing largest value : \n'
-				ping_stat_msg+='RTT(Min)    : ' + str("{:.2f}".format(ping_stat['min_1'])) + 'ms \n'
-				ping_stat_msg+='RTT(Mean)   : ' + str("{:.2f}".format(ping_stat['mean_1'])) + 'ms \n'
-				ping_stat_msg+='RTT(Median) : ' + str("{:.2f}".format(ping_stat['median_1'])) + 'ms \n'
-				ping_stat_msg+='RTT(Max)    : ' + str("{:.2f}".format(ping_stat['max_1'])) + 'ms \n'
+			if launchFromASUE == False : #skip in case of AS UE (for the moment)
+				logging.debug('Analyzing Ping log file : ' + os.getcwd() + '/' + ping_log_file)
+				ping_stat=GetPingTimeAnalysis(RAN,ping_log_file,self.ping_rttavg_threshold)
+				if (ping_stat!=-1) and (len(ping_stat)!=0):
+					ping_stat_msg+='Ping stats before removing largest value : \n'
+					ping_stat_msg+='RTT(Min)    : ' + str("{:.2f}".format(ping_stat['min_0'])) + 'ms \n'
+					ping_stat_msg+='RTT(Mean)   : ' + str("{:.2f}".format(ping_stat['mean_0'])) + 'ms \n'
+					ping_stat_msg+='RTT(Median) : ' + str("{:.2f}".format(ping_stat['median_0'])) + 'ms \n'
+					ping_stat_msg+='RTT(Max)    : ' + str("{:.2f}".format(ping_stat['max_0'])) + 'ms \n'
+					ping_stat_msg+='Max Index   : ' + str(ping_stat['max_loc']) + '\n'
+					ping_stat_msg+='Ping stats after removing largest value : \n'
+					ping_stat_msg+='RTT(Min)    : ' + str("{:.2f}".format(ping_stat['min_1'])) + 'ms \n'
+					ping_stat_msg+='RTT(Mean)   : ' + str("{:.2f}".format(ping_stat['mean_1'])) + 'ms \n'
+					ping_stat_msg+='RTT(Median) : ' + str("{:.2f}".format(ping_stat['median_1'])) + 'ms \n'
+					ping_stat_msg+='RTT(Max)    : ' + str("{:.2f}".format(ping_stat['max_1'])) + 'ms \n'
 			#building html message
 			qMsg = pal_msg + '\n' + min_msg + '\n' + avg_msg + '\n' + max_msg + '\n'  + ping_stat_msg
 			#checking packet loss compliance
 			packetLossOK = True
-			if packetloss is not None:
+			if (packetloss is not None) :
 				if float(packetloss) > float(self.ping_packetloss_threshold):
 					qMsg += '\nPacket Loss too high'
 					logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m Packet Loss too high; Target: '+ self.ping_packetloss_threshold + '%\u001B[0m')
@@ -1728,6 +1768,7 @@ class OaiCiTest():
+			logging.debug('exit from Ping_Common except')
 	def PingNoS1_wrong_exit(self, qMsg,HTML):
@@ -1855,11 +1896,21 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 				HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow(self.ping_args, 'KO', CONST.UE_IP_ADDRESS_ISSUE)
-		else:
-			self.UEIPAddresses=[]
-			Module_UE = cls_module_ue.Module_UE(InfraUE.ci_ue_infra[self.ue_id])
-			Module_UE.GetModuleIPAddress()
-			self.UEIPAddresses.append(Module_UE.UEIPAddress)
+		else: #if an ID is specified, it is a UE from the yaml infrastructure file
+			ue_kind = InfraUE.ci_ue_infra[self.ue_id]['Kind']
+			logging.debug("Detected UE Kind : " + ue_kind)
+			if ue_kind == 'quectel':
+				self.UEIPAddresses=[]
+				Module_UE = cls_module_ue.Module_UE(InfraUE.ci_ue_infra[self.ue_id])
+				Module_UE.GetModuleIPAddress()
+				self.UEIPAddresses.append(Module_UE.UEIPAddress)
+			elif ue_kind == 'amarisoft':
+				self.UEIPAddresses=['AS UE IP']
+				Module_UE = cls_module_ue.Module_UE(InfraUE.ci_ue_infra[self.ue_id])
+			else:
+				logging.debug("Incorrect UE Kind was detected")	
 		multi_jobs = []
 		i = 0
@@ -1870,6 +1921,7 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 				device_id = self.UEDevices[i]
 				device_id = Module_UE.ID + "-" + Module_UE.Kind 
+				logging.debug(device_id)
 			p = Process(target = self.Ping_common, args = (lock,UE_IPAddress,device_id,status_queue,EPC,Module_UE,RAN,))
 			p.daemon = True
@@ -2084,7 +2136,8 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 			logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;45m TCP Bidir Iperf Result (' + UE_IPAddress + ') \u001B[0m')
-			logging.debug('\u001B[1;35m    ' + report_msg + '\u001B[0m')
+			for rLine in report_msg.split('\n'):
+				logging.debug('\u001B[1;35m    ' + rLine + '\u001B[0m')
 			self.ping_iperf_wrong_exit(lock, UE_IPAddress, device_id, statusQueue, 'Bidir TCP : Could not analyze from Log file')
@@ -2379,10 +2432,12 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 			SSH.copyout(EPC.IPAddress, EPC.UserName, EPC.Password, 'iperf_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log', EPC.SourceCodePath + '/scripts')
-	def Iperf_Module(self, lock, UE_IPAddress, device_id, idx, ue_num, statusQueue,EPC, Module_UE):
+	def Iperf_Module(self, lock, UE_IPAddress, device_id, idx, ue_num, statusQueue,EPC, Module_UE, RAN):
+		SSH = sshconnection.SSHConnection()
+		server_filename = 'iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log'
+		client_filename = 'iperf_client_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log'
 		if (re.match('OAI-Rel14-Docker', EPC.Type, re.IGNORECASE)) or (re.match('OAICN5G', EPC.Type, re.IGNORECASE)):
 			#retrieve trf-gen container IP address
-			SSH = sshconnection.SSHConnection()
 			SSH.open(EPC.IPAddress, EPC.UserName, EPC.Password)
 			SSH.command('docker inspect --format="TRF_IP_ADDR = {{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}" prod-trf-gen', '\$', 5)
 			result = re.search('TRF_IP_ADDR = (?P<trf_ip_addr>[0-9\.]+)', SSH.getBefore())
@@ -2404,20 +2459,18 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 			if self.iperf_direction=="DL":
 				logging.debug("Iperf for Module in DL mode detected")
 				##server side UE
-				server_filename='iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log'
 				SSH.open(Module_UE.HostIPAddress, Module_UE.HostUsername, Module_UE.HostPassword)
 				cmd = 'rm ' + server_filename
-				cmd = 'echo $USER; nohup iperf -s -B ' + UE_IPAddress + ' -u 2>&1 > ' + server_filename + ' &'
+				cmd = 'echo $USER; nohup iperf -s -B ' + UE_IPAddress + ' -u -i 1 > ' + server_filename + ' 2>&1 &'
 				##client side EPC
 				SSH.open(EPC.IPAddress, EPC.UserName, EPC.Password)
-				client_filename = 'iperf_client_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log'
 				#remove old client file in EPC.SourceCodePath
 				cmd = 'rm ' + EPC.SourceCodePath + '/' + client_filename 
-				iperf_cmd = 'bin/iperf -c ' + UE_IPAddress + ' ' + self.iperf_args + ' 2>&1 > ' + client_filename
+				iperf_cmd = 'bin/iperf -c ' + UE_IPAddress + ' ' + self.iperf_args + ' > ' + client_filename + ' 2>&1'
 				cmd = 'docker exec -w /iperf-2.0.13 -it prod-trf-gen /bin/bash -c \"' + iperf_cmd + '\"' 
 				SSH.command('docker cp prod-trf-gen:/iperf-2.0.13/'+ client_filename + ' ' + EPC.SourceCodePath, '\$', 5)
@@ -2433,19 +2486,17 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 				logging.debug("Iperf for Module in UL mode detected")
 				#server side EPC
 				SSH.open(EPC.IPAddress, EPC.UserName, EPC.Password)
-				server_filename = 'iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log'
-				iperf_cmd = 'echo $USER; nohup bin/iperf -s -u 2>&1 > ' + server_filename
+				iperf_cmd = 'echo $USER; nohup bin/iperf -s -u -i 1 > ' + server_filename + ' 2>&1'
 				cmd = 'docker exec -d -w /iperf-2.0.13 prod-trf-gen /bin/bash -c \"' + iperf_cmd + '\"' 
 				#client side UE
 				SSH.open(Module_UE.HostIPAddress, Module_UE.HostUsername, Module_UE.HostPassword)
-				client_filename = 'iperf_client_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log'
 				cmd = 'rm '+ client_filename
-				SSH.command('iperf -B ' + UE_IPAddress + ' -c ' +  trf_gen_IP + ' '  + self.iperf_args + ' 2>&1 > ' + client_filename, '\$', int(iperf_time)*5.0)
+				SSH.command('iperf -B ' + UE_IPAddress + ' -c ' +  trf_gen_IP + ' '  + self.iperf_args + ' > ' + client_filename + ' 2>&1', '\$', int(iperf_time)*5.0)
 				#once client is done, retrieve the server file from container to EPC Host
@@ -2461,12 +2512,10 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 			elif self.iperf_direction=="BIDIR":
 				logging.debug("Iperf for Module in BIDIR mode detected")
-				server_filename = 'iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log'
-				client_filename = 'iperf_client_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log'
 				#server side EPC
 				SSH.open(EPC.IPAddress, EPC.UserName, EPC.Password)
-				iperf_cmd = 'echo $USER; nohup /usr/local/bin/iperf3 -s 2>&1 > ' + server_filename
+				iperf_cmd = 'echo $USER; nohup /usr/local/bin/iperf3 -s -i 1 > ' + server_filename + ' 2>&1'
 				cmd = 'docker exec -d -w /iperf-2.0.13 prod-trf-gen /bin/bash -c \"' + iperf_cmd + '\"' 
@@ -2475,7 +2524,7 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 				SSH.open(Module_UE.HostIPAddress, Module_UE.HostUsername, Module_UE.HostPassword)
 				cmd = 'rm '+ client_filename
-				SSH.command('iperf3 -B ' + UE_IPAddress + ' -c ' +  trf_gen_IP + ' '  + self.iperf_args + ' 2>&1 > ' + client_filename, '\$', int(iperf_time)*5.0)
+				SSH.command('iperf3 -B ' + UE_IPAddress + ' -c ' +  trf_gen_IP + ' '  + self.iperf_args + ' > ' + client_filename + ' 2>&1', '\$', int(iperf_time)*5.0)
 				#once client is done, retrieve the server file from container to EPC Host
@@ -2499,8 +2548,6 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 		else: 		#default is ltebox
-			SSH = sshconnection.SSHConnection()
 			#kill iperf processes before (in case there are still some remaining)
 			SSH.open(Module_UE.HostIPAddress, Module_UE.HostUsername, Module_UE.HostPassword)
 			cmd = 'killall --signal=SIGKILL iperf'
@@ -2524,14 +2571,14 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 				SSH.open(Module_UE.HostIPAddress, Module_UE.HostUsername, Module_UE.HostPassword)
 				cmd = 'rm iperf_server_' +  self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log'
-				cmd = 'echo $USER; nohup /opt/iperf-2.0.10/iperf -s -B ' + UE_IPAddress + ' -u 2>&1 > iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log &' 
+				cmd = 'echo $USER; nohup /opt/iperf-2.0.10/iperf -s -B ' + UE_IPAddress + ' -u -i 1 > iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log 2>&1 &' 
 				#client side EPC
 				SSH.open(EPC.IPAddress, EPC.UserName, EPC.Password)
 				cmd = 'rm iperf_client_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log'
-				cmd = 'iperf -c ' + UE_IPAddress + ' ' + self.iperf_args + ' 2>&1 > iperf_client_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log' 
+				cmd = 'iperf -c ' + UE_IPAddress + ' ' + self.iperf_args + ' > iperf_client_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log 2>&1' 
 				#copy the 2 resulting files locally
@@ -2547,7 +2594,7 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 				SSH.open(EPC.IPAddress, EPC.UserName, EPC.Password)
 				cmd = 'rm iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log'
-				cmd = 'echo $USER; nohup iperf -s -u 2>&1 > iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log  &'
+				cmd = 'echo $USER; nohup iperf -s -u -i 1 > iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log 2>&1 &'
@@ -2555,7 +2602,7 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 				SSH.open(Module_UE.HostIPAddress, Module_UE.HostUsername, Module_UE.HostPassword)
 				cmd = 'rm iperf_client_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log'
-				SSH.command('/opt/iperf-2.0.10/iperf -c ' + self.iperf_args + ' 2>&1 > iperf_client_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log', '\$', int(iperf_time)*5.0)
+				SSH.command('/opt/iperf-2.0.10/iperf -c ' + self.iperf_args + ' > iperf_client_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log 2>&1', '\$', int(iperf_time)*5.0)
 				#copy the 2 resulting files locally
@@ -2566,15 +2613,13 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 				self.Iperf_analyzeV2Server(lock, UE_IPAddress, device_id, statusQueue, self.iperf_args,filename,1)
 			elif self.iperf_direction=="BIDIR":
 				logging.debug("Iperf for Module in BIDIR mode detected")
-				server_filename = 'iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log'
-				client_filename = 'iperf_client_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log'
 				#server side EPC
 				SSH.open(EPC.IPAddress, EPC.UserName, EPC.Password)
 				cmd = 'rm ' + server_filename
-				cmd = 'echo $USER; nohup iperf3 -s 2>&1 > '+server_filename+' &'
+				cmd = 'echo $USER; nohup iperf3 -s -i 1 > '+server_filename+' 2>&1 &'
@@ -2582,7 +2627,7 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 				SSH.open(Module_UE.HostIPAddress, Module_UE.HostUsername, Module_UE.HostPassword)
 				cmd = 'rm ' + client_filename
-				SSH.command('iperf3 -c ' + self.iperf_args + ' 2>&1 > '+client_filename, '\$', int(iperf_time)*5.0)
+				SSH.command('iperf3 -c ' + self.iperf_args + ' > '+client_filename + ' 2>&1', '\$', int(iperf_time)*5.0)
 				#copy the 2 resulting files locally
@@ -2593,6 +2638,7 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 			else :
 				logging.debug("Incorrect or missing IPERF direction in XML")
 			#kill iperf processes after to be clean
 			SSH.open(Module_UE.HostIPAddress, Module_UE.HostUsername, Module_UE.HostPassword)
 			cmd = 'killall --signal=SIGKILL iperf'
@@ -2606,7 +2652,12 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 			cmd = 'killall --signal=SIGKILL iperf3'
-			return
+		# Copying to xNB server for Jenkins artifacting
+		if (os.path.isfile(server_filename)):
+			SSH.copyout(RAN.eNBIPAddress, RAN.eNBUserName, RAN.eNBPassword, server_filename, RAN.eNBSourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets/')
+		if (os.path.isfile(client_filename)):
+			SSH.copyout(RAN.eNBIPAddress, RAN.eNBUserName, RAN.eNBPassword, client_filename, RAN.eNBSourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets/')
 	def Iperf_common(self, lock, UE_IPAddress, device_id, idx, ue_num, statusQueue,EPC):
@@ -2804,12 +2855,12 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 					SSH.copyin(self.ADBIPAddress, self.ADBUserName, self.ADBPassword, EPC.SourceCodePath + '/scripts/iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log', '.')
 				# fromdos has to be called on the python executor not on ADB server
-				cmd = 'fromdos -o iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log 2>&1 > /dev/null'
+				cmd = 'fromdos -o iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log > /dev/null 2>&1'
 					subprocess.run(cmd, shell=True)
-				cmd = 'dos2unix -o iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log 2>&1 > /dev/null'
+				cmd = 'dos2unix -o iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log > /dev/null 2>&1'
 					subprocess.run(cmd, shell=True)
@@ -2995,7 +3046,7 @@ class OaiCiTest():
         	#special quick and dirty treatment for modules, iperf to be restructured
 			if self.ue_id!="": #is module
 				device_id = Module_UE.ID + "-" + Module_UE.Kind
-				p = Process(target = self.Iperf_Module ,args = (lock, UE_IPAddress, device_id, i, ue_num, status_queue, EPC, Module_UE,))
+				p = Process(target = self.Iperf_Module ,args = (lock, UE_IPAddress, device_id, i, ue_num, status_queue, EPC, Module_UE, RAN, ))
 			else: #legacy code
 				p = Process(target = self.Iperf_common, args = (lock, UE_IPAddress, device_id, i, ue_num, status_queue, EPC, ))
 			p.daemon = True
@@ -3156,10 +3207,12 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 		nrFoundDCI = 0
 		nrCRCOK = 0
 		mbms_messages = 0
+		nbPduSessAccept = 0
+		nbPduDiscard = 0
 		global_status = CONST.ALL_PROCESSES_OK
 		for line in ue_log_file.readlines():
-			result = re.search('nr_synchro_time', str(line))
+			result = re.search('nr_synchro_time|Starting NR UE soft modem', str(line))
 			if result is not None:
 				nrUEFlag = True
 			if nrUEFlag:
@@ -3172,6 +3225,15 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 				result = re.search('CRC OK', str(line))
 				if result is not None:
 					nrCRCOK += 1
+				result = re.search('Received PDU Session Establishment Accept', str(line))
+				if result is not None:
+					nbPduSessAccept += 1
+				result = re.search('warning: discard PDU, sn out of window', str(line))
+				if result is not None:
+					nbPduDiscard += 1
+				result = re.search('--nfapi 5 --node-number 2 --sa', str(line))
+				if result is not None:
+					frequency_found = True
 			result = re.search('Exiting OAI softmodem', str(line))
 			if result is not None:
 				exitSignalReceived = True
@@ -3302,21 +3364,29 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 			HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg=HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg + statMsg + '\n'
 		if nrUEFlag:
 			if nrDecodeMib > 0:
-				statMsg = 'UE showed ' + str(nrDecodeMib) + ' MIB decode message(s)'
+				statMsg = 'UE showed ' + str(nrDecodeMib) + ' "MIB decode" message(s)'
 				logging.debug('\u001B[1;30;43m ' + statMsg + ' \u001B[0m')
 				HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg=HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg + statMsg + '\n'
 			if nrFoundDCI > 0:
-				statMsg = 'UE showed ' + str(nrFoundDCI) + ' DCI found message(s)'
+				statMsg = 'UE showed ' + str(nrFoundDCI) + ' "DCI found" message(s)'
 				logging.debug('\u001B[1;30;43m ' + statMsg + ' \u001B[0m')
 				HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg=HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg + statMsg + '\n'
 			if nrCRCOK > 0:
-				statMsg = 'UE showed ' + str(nrCRCOK) + ' PDSCH decoding message(s)'
+				statMsg = 'UE showed ' + str(nrCRCOK) + ' "PDSCH decoding" message(s)'
 				logging.debug('\u001B[1;30;43m ' + statMsg + ' \u001B[0m')
 				HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg=HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg + statMsg + '\n'
 			if not frequency_found:
 				statMsg = 'NR-UE could NOT synch!'
 				logging.error('\u001B[1;30;43m ' + statMsg + ' \u001B[0m')
 				HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg=HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg + statMsg + '\n'
+			if nbPduSessAccept > 0:
+				statMsg = 'UE showed ' + str(nbPduSessAccept) + ' "Received PDU Session Establishment Accept" message(s)'
+				logging.debug('\u001B[1;30;43m ' + statMsg + ' \u001B[0m')
+				HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg=HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg + statMsg + '\n'
+			if nbPduDiscard > 0:
+				statMsg = 'UE showed ' + str(nbPduDiscard) + ' "warning: discard PDU, sn out of window" message(s)'
+				logging.debug('\u001B[1;30;43m ' + statMsg + ' \u001B[0m')
+				HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg=HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg + statMsg + '\n'
 		if uciStatMsgCount > 0:
 			statMsg = 'UE showed ' + str(uciStatMsgCount) + ' "uci->stat" message(s)'
 			logging.debug('\u001B[1;30;43m ' + statMsg + ' \u001B[0m')
@@ -3447,16 +3517,23 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 			HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'OK', CONST.ALL_PROCESSES_OK)
 		else: #if an ID is specified, it is a module from the yaml infrastructure file
-			Module_UE = cls_module_ue.Module_UE(InfraUE.ci_ue_infra[self.ue_id])
-			Module_UE.ue_trace=ue_trace
-			Module_UE.Command("detach")	
-			Module_UE.DisableTrace()
-			Module_UE.DisableCM()
-			archive_destination=Module_UE.LogCollect()
-			if Module_UE.ue_trace=='yes':
-				HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow('QLog at : '+archive_destination, 'OK', CONST.ALL_PROCESSES_OK)
+			ue_kind = InfraUE.ci_ue_infra[self.ue_id]['Kind']
+			logging.debug("Detected UE Kind : " + ue_kind)
+			if ue_kind == 'quectel':
+				Module_UE = cls_module_ue.Module_UE(InfraUE.ci_ue_infra[self.ue_id])
+				Module_UE.ue_trace=ue_trace
+				Module_UE.Command("detach")
+				Module_UE.DisableTrace()
+				Module_UE.DisableCM()
+				archive_destination=Module_UE.LogCollect()
+				if Module_UE.ue_trace=='yes':
+					HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow('QLog at : '+archive_destination, 'OK', CONST.ALL_PROCESSES_OK)
+				else:
+					HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow('QLog trace is disabled', 'OK', CONST.ALL_PROCESSES_OK)
+			elif ue_kind == 'amarisoft':
+				HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow('AS UE is already terminated', 'OK', CONST.ALL_PROCESSES_OK)
-				HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow('QLog trace is disabled', 'OK', CONST.ALL_PROCESSES_OK)			
+				logging.debug("Incorrect UE Kind was detected")
 		SSH = sshconnection.SSHConnection()
diff --git a/ci-scripts/cls_static_code_analysis.py b/ci-scripts/cls_static_code_analysis.py
index c899a9aabd678d8a0e107197a2e6f49e070ceb34..d6796ad414e1577e0c9d233e322e46f570f8838f 100644
--- a/ci-scripts/cls_static_code_analysis.py
+++ b/ci-scripts/cls_static_code_analysis.py
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ import sys              # arg
 import re               # reg
 import logging
 import os
+from pathlib import Path
 import time
@@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ class CppCheckResults():
 	def __init__(self):
-		self.variants = ['xenial', 'bionic']
+		self.variants = ['bionic', 'focal']
 		self.versions = ['','']
 		self.nbErrors = [0,0]
 		self.nbWarnings = [0,0]
@@ -116,12 +117,22 @@ class StaticCodeAnalysis():
 		# if the commit ID is provided use it to point to it
 		if self.ranCommitID != '':
 			mySSH.command('git checkout -f ' + self.ranCommitID, '\$', 30)
-		mySSH.command('docker image rm oai-cppcheck:bionic oai-cppcheck:xenial || true', '\$', 60)
-		mySSH.command('docker build --tag oai-cppcheck:xenial --file ci-scripts/docker/Dockerfile.cppcheck.xenial . > cmake_targets/log/cppcheck-xenial.txt 2>&1', '\$', 600)
+		# if the branch is not develop, then it is a merge request and we need to do
+		# the potential merge. Note that merge conflicts should already been checked earlier
+		if (self.ranAllowMerge):
+			if self.ranTargetBranch == '':
+				if (self.ranBranch != 'develop') and (self.ranBranch != 'origin/develop'):
+					mySSH.command('git merge --ff origin/develop -m "Temporary merge for CI"', '\$', 5)
+			else:
+				logging.debug('Merging with the target branch: ' + self.ranTargetBranch)
+				mySSH.command('git merge --ff origin/' + self.ranTargetBranch + ' -m "Temporary merge for CI"', '\$', 5)
+		mySSH.command('docker image rm oai-cppcheck:bionic oai-cppcheck:focal || true', '\$', 60)
 		mySSH.command('sed -e "s@xenial@bionic@" ci-scripts/docker/Dockerfile.cppcheck.xenial > ci-scripts/docker/Dockerfile.cppcheck.bionic', '\$', 6)
 		mySSH.command('docker build --tag oai-cppcheck:bionic --file ci-scripts/docker/Dockerfile.cppcheck.bionic . > cmake_targets/log/cppcheck-bionic.txt 2>&1', '\$', 600)
-		mySSH.command('docker image rm oai-cppcheck:bionic oai-cppcheck:xenial || true', '\$', 30)
+		mySSH.command('sed -e "s@xenial@focal@" ci-scripts/docker/Dockerfile.cppcheck.xenial > ci-scripts/docker/Dockerfile.cppcheck.focal', '\$', 6)
+		mySSH.command('docker build --tag oai-cppcheck:focal --file ci-scripts/docker/Dockerfile.cppcheck.focal . > cmake_targets/log/cppcheck-focal.txt 2>&1', '\$', 600)
+		mySSH.command('docker image rm oai-cppcheck:bionic oai-cppcheck:focal || true', '\$', 30)
 		# Analyzing the logs
 		mySSH.command('cd ' + lSourcePath + '/cmake_targets', '\$', 5)
@@ -131,8 +142,22 @@ class StaticCodeAnalysis():
 		mySSH.copyin(lIpAddr, lUserName, lPassWord, lSourcePath + '/cmake_targets/build_log_' + self.testCase_id + '/*', '.')
 		CCR = CppCheckResults()
+		CCR_ref = CppCheckResults()
 		vId = 0
 		for variant in CCR.variants:
+			refAvailable = False
+			if self.ranAllowMerge:
+				refFolder = str(Path.home()) + '/cppcheck-references'
+				if (os.path.isfile(refFolder + '/cppcheck-'+ variant + '.txt')):
+					refAvailable = True
+					with open(refFolder + '/cppcheck-'+ variant + '.txt', 'r') as refFile:
+						for line in refFile:
+							ret = re.search(' (?P<nb_errors>[0-9\.]+) errors', str(line))
+							if ret is not None:
+								CCR_ref.nbErrors[vId] = int(ret.group('nb_errors'))
+							ret = re.search(' (?P<nb_warnings>[0-9\.]+) warnings', str(line))
+							if ret is not None:
+								CCR_ref.nbWarnings[vId] = int(ret.group('nb_warnings'))
 			if (os.path.isfile('./cppcheck-'+ variant + '.txt')):
 				xmlStart = False
 				with open('./cppcheck-'+ variant + '.txt', 'r') as logfile:
@@ -167,21 +192,43 @@ class StaticCodeAnalysis():
 								CCR.nbPtrAddNotNull[vId] += 1
 							if re.search('id="oppositeInnerCondition"', str(line)) is not None:
 								CCR.nbOppoInnerCondition[vId] += 1
-			logging.debug('========  Variant ' + variant + ' - ' + CCR.versions[vId] + ' ========')
-			logging.debug('   ' + str(CCR.nbErrors[vId]) + ' errors')
-			logging.debug('   ' + str(CCR.nbWarnings[vId]) + ' warnings')
-			logging.debug('  -- Details --')
-			logging.debug('   Memory leak:                     ' + str(CCR.nbMemLeaks[vId]))
-			logging.debug('   Possible null pointer deference: ' + str(CCR.nbNullPtrs[vId]))
-			logging.debug('   Uninitialized variable:          ' + str(CCR.nbUninitVars[vId]))
-			logging.debug('   Undefined behaviour shifting:    ' + str(CCR.nbTooManyBitsShift[vId]))
-			logging.debug('   Signed integer overflow:         ' + str(CCR.nbIntegerOverflow[vId]))
-			logging.debug('')
-			logging.debug('   Printf formatting issue:         ' + str(CCR.nbInvalidPrintf[vId]))
-			logging.debug('   Modulo result is predetermined:  ' + str(CCR.nbModuloAlways[vId]))
-			logging.debug('   Opposite Condition -> dead code: ' + str(CCR.nbOppoInnerCondition[vId]))
-			logging.debug('   Wrong Scanf Nb Args:             ' + str(CCR.nbWrongScanfArg[vId]))
-			logging.debug('')
+			vMsg  = ''
+			vMsg += '========  Variant ' + variant + ' - ' + CCR.versions[vId] + ' ========\n'
+			vMsg += '   ' + str(CCR.nbErrors[vId]) + ' errors\n'
+			vMsg += '   ' + str(CCR.nbWarnings[vId]) + ' warnings\n'
+			vMsg += '  -- Details --\n'
+			vMsg += '   Memory leak:                     ' + str(CCR.nbMemLeaks[vId]) + '\n'
+			vMsg += '   Possible null pointer deference: ' + str(CCR.nbNullPtrs[vId]) + '\n'
+			vMsg += '   Uninitialized variable:          ' + str(CCR.nbUninitVars[vId]) + '\n'
+			vMsg += '   Undefined behaviour shifting:    ' + str(CCR.nbTooManyBitsShift[vId]) + '\n'
+			vMsg += '   Signed integer overflow:         ' + str(CCR.nbIntegerOverflow[vId]) + '\n'
+			vMsg += '\n'
+			vMsg += '   Printf formatting issue:         ' + str(CCR.nbInvalidPrintf[vId]) + '\n'
+			vMsg += '   Modulo result is predetermined:  ' + str(CCR.nbModuloAlways[vId]) + '\n'
+			vMsg += '   Opposite Condition -> dead code: ' + str(CCR.nbOppoInnerCondition[vId]) + '\n'
+			vMsg += '   Wrong Scanf Nb Args:             ' + str(CCR.nbWrongScanfArg[vId]) + '\n'
+			for vLine in vMsg.split('\n'):
+				logging.debug(vLine)
+			if self.ranAllowMerge and refAvailable:
+				if CCR_ref.nbErrors[vId] == CCR.nbErrors[vId]:
+					logging.debug('   No change in number of errors')
+				elif CCR_ref.nbErrors[vId] > CCR.nbErrors[vId]:
+					logging.debug('   Good! Decrease in number of errors')
+				else:
+					logging.debug('   Bad! increase in number of errors')
+				if CCR_ref.nbWarnings[vId] == CCR.nbWarnings[vId]:
+					logging.debug('   No change in number of warnings')
+				elif CCR_ref.nbWarnings[vId] > CCR.nbWarnings[vId]:
+					logging.debug('   Good! Decrease in number of warnings')
+				else:
+					logging.debug('   Bad! increase in number of warnings')
+			# Create new reference file
+			if not self.ranAllowMerge:
+				refFolder = str(Path.home()) + '/cppcheck-references'
+				if not os.path.isdir(refFolder):
+					os.mkdir(refFolder)
+				with open(refFolder + '/cppcheck-'+ variant + '.txt', 'w') as refFile:
+					refFile.write(vMsg)
 			vId += 1
 		HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'OK', CONST.ALL_PROCESSES_OK)
diff --git a/ci-scripts/conf_files/benetel-5g.conf b/ci-scripts/conf_files/benetel-5g.conf
index bfe61188b64514fcbff501725624a9330e7a05a9..8f3b03fddc52948faeabdb00de9826daaeb21c96 100644
--- a/ci-scripts/conf_files/benetel-5g.conf
+++ b/ci-scripts/conf_files/benetel-5g.conf
@@ -22,9 +22,7 @@ gNBs =
     ////////// Physical parameters:
     ssb_SubcarrierOffset                                      = 31; //0;
-    pdsch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
-    pusch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
     servingCellConfigCommon = (
diff --git a/ci-scripts/conf_files/enb.band38.lte_2x2.100PRB.usrpn310.conf b/ci-scripts/conf_files/enb.band38.lte_2x2.100PRB.usrpn310.conf
index 24c35dedbf07d8afed9075df7179eb3a2d64d678..fe2e031acb6d0a000b68a973ba54c89867f85783 100644
--- a/ci-scripts/conf_files/enb.band38.lte_2x2.100PRB.usrpn310.conf
+++ b/ci-scripts/conf_files/enb.band38.lte_2x2.100PRB.usrpn310.conf
@@ -211,8 +211,8 @@ MACRLCs = (
         bler_target_upper = 20.0;
         bler_target_lower = 10.0;
         max_ul_rb_index   = 27;
-        puSch10xSnr     =  200;
-        puCch10xSnr     =  150;
+        puSch10xSnr     =  190;
+        puCch10xSnr     =  160;
@@ -231,8 +231,8 @@ RUs = (
        local_rf       = "yes"
          nb_tx          = 2
          nb_rx          = 2
-         att_tx         = 0
-         att_rx         = 0;
+         att_tx         = 10
+         att_rx         = 5;
          bands          = [38];
          max_pdschReferenceSignalPower = -27;
          max_rxgain                    = 75;
diff --git a/ci-scripts/conf_files/enb.band38.lte_2x2_tm2.100PRB.usrpn310.conf b/ci-scripts/conf_files/enb.band38.lte_2x2_tm2.100PRB.usrpn310.conf
index 4a16a641058d2a4316e355db37b5b1ca8b8526ce..a0742c57a69022c74ec2e244ea320ea0ff0f83d7 100644
--- a/ci-scripts/conf_files/enb.band38.lte_2x2_tm2.100PRB.usrpn310.conf
+++ b/ci-scripts/conf_files/enb.band38.lte_2x2_tm2.100PRB.usrpn310.conf
@@ -211,8 +211,8 @@ MACRLCs = (
         bler_target_upper = 20.0;
         bler_target_lower = 10.0;
         max_ul_rb_index   = 27;
-        puSch10xSnr     =  200;
-        puCch10xSnr     =  150;
+        puSch10xSnr     =  190;
+        puCch10xSnr     =  160;
@@ -231,8 +231,8 @@ RUs = (
        local_rf       = "yes"
          nb_tx          = 2
          nb_rx          = 2
-         att_tx         = 0
-         att_rx         = 0;
+         att_tx         = 10
+         att_rx         = 5;
          bands          = [38];
          max_pdschReferenceSignalPower = -27;
          max_rxgain                    = 75;
diff --git a/ci-scripts/conf_files/enb.band38.nsa_2x2.100PRB.usrpn310.conf b/ci-scripts/conf_files/enb.band38.nsa_2x2.100PRB.usrpn310.conf
index bccd37abe98dc20c033ca4808164adce1821a5d2..dfc9beda715c695b17672f780d7344af3f46572b 100644
--- a/ci-scripts/conf_files/enb.band38.nsa_2x2.100PRB.usrpn310.conf
+++ b/ci-scripts/conf_files/enb.band38.nsa_2x2.100PRB.usrpn310.conf
@@ -211,8 +211,8 @@ MACRLCs = (
         bler_target_upper = 20.0;
         bler_target_lower = 10.0;
         max_ul_rb_index   = 27;
-        puSch10xSnr     =  200;
-        puCch10xSnr     =  150;
+        puSch10xSnr     =  190;
+        puCch10xSnr     =  160;
@@ -231,8 +231,8 @@ RUs = (
        local_rf       = "yes"
          nb_tx          = 2
          nb_rx          = 2
-         att_tx         = 0
-         att_rx         = 0;
+         att_tx         = 10
+         att_rx         = 5;
          bands          = [38];
          max_pdschReferenceSignalPower = -27;
          max_rxgain                    = 75;
diff --git a/ci-scripts/conf_files/episci/episci_gnb.band78.sa.fr1.106PRB.usrpn310.conf b/ci-scripts/conf_files/episci/episci_gnb.band78.sa.fr1.106PRB.usrpn310.conf
index a98179197f159bef82afb5fc3e91cfe7eebc11d3..40f6f911b16f017ef20b1f552ce449f35323f461 100644
--- a/ci-scripts/conf_files/episci/episci_gnb.band78.sa.fr1.106PRB.usrpn310.conf
+++ b/ci-scripts/conf_files/episci/episci_gnb.band78.sa.fr1.106PRB.usrpn310.conf
@@ -33,9 +33,6 @@ gNBs =
     ////////// Physical parameters:
     ssb_SubcarrierOffset                                      = 0;
-    pdsch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
-    pusch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
-    ul_prbblacklist                                           = "51,52,53,54"
     min_rxtxtime = 6;
      pdcch_ConfigSIB1 = (
@@ -73,15 +70,6 @@ gNBs =
         initialDLBWPcontrolResourceSetZero                              = 12;
         initialDLBWPsearchSpaceZero                                     = 0;
-      #pdsch-ConfigCommon
-        #pdschTimeDomainAllocationList (up to 16 entries)
-        initialDLBWPk0_0                    = 0;  #for DL slot
-        initialDLBWPmappingType_0           = 0;  #0=typeA,1=typeB
-        initialDLBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0  = 40; #this is SS=1,L=13
-        initialDLBWPk0_1                    = 0;  #for mixed slot
-        initialDLBWPmappingType_1           = 0;
-        initialDLBWPstartSymbolAndLength_1  = 57; #this is SS=1,L=5
@@ -136,19 +124,6 @@ gNBs =
 # 0=unrestricted, 1=restricted type A, 2=restricted type B
         restrictedSetConfig                                         = 0,
-      # pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements)
-        initialULBWPk2_0                      = 6;  # used for UL slot
-        initialULBWPmappingType_0             = 1
-        initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0    = 41; # this is SS=0 L=13
-        initialULBWPk2_1                      = 6;  # used for mixed slot
-        initialULBWPmappingType_1             = 1;
-        initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_1    = 52; # this is SS=10 L=4
-        initialULBWPk2_2                      = 7;  # used for Msg.3 during RA
-        initialULBWPmappingType_2             = 1;
-        initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_2    = 52; # this is SS=10 L=4
         msg3_DeltaPreamble                                          = 1;
         p0_NominalWithGrant                                         =-90;
diff --git a/ci-scripts/conf_files/episci/episci_nr-ue0.nfapi.conf b/ci-scripts/conf_files/episci/episci_nr-ue0.nfapi.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 22ffb4cd3d2317e93a1e050b905bf124bc767d39..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ci-scripts/conf_files/episci/episci_nr-ue0.nfapi.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-log_config = {
-  global_log_level                      ="info";
-  hw_log_level                          ="info";
-  phy_log_level                         ="info";
-  mac_log_level                         ="info";
-  rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-  pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-  rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-uicc0 = {
-imsi = "208950000000031";
-key = "0c0a34601d4f07677303652c0462535b";
-opc= "63bfa50ee6523365ff14c1f45f88737d";
-dnn= "oai";
-L1s = (
-        {
-	num_cc = 1;
-	tr_n_preference = "nfapi";
-	local_n_if_name  = "ens3";
-	remote_n_address = ""; //Proxy IP
-	local_n_address  = "";
-	local_n_portc    = 50600;
-	remote_n_portc   = 50601;
-	local_n_portd    = 50610;
-	remote_n_portd   = 50611;
-        }  
-RUs = (
-    {
-       local_rf       = "yes"
-       nb_tx          = 1
-       nb_rx          = 1
-       att_tx         = 90
-       att_rx         = 0;
-       bands          = [7,38,42,43];
-       max_pdschReferenceSignalPower = -27;
-       max_rxgain                    = 125;
-    }
diff --git a/ci-scripts/conf_files/episci/episci_nr-ue1.nfapi.conf b/ci-scripts/conf_files/episci/episci_nr-ue1.nfapi.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d1c008f2361836fac94e8634a8fb096701ae7ce..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ci-scripts/conf_files/episci/episci_nr-ue1.nfapi.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-log_config = {
-  global_log_level                      ="info";
-  hw_log_level                          ="info";
-  phy_log_level                         ="info";
-  mac_log_level                         ="info";
-  rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-  pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-  rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-uicc0 = {
-imsi = "208950000000032";
-key = "0c0a34601d4f07677303652c0462535b";
-opc= "63bfa50ee6523365ff14c1f45f88737d";
-dnn= "oai";
-L1s = (
-        {
-	num_cc = 1;
-	tr_n_preference = "nfapi";
-	local_n_if_name  = "ens3";
-	remote_n_address = ""; //Proxy IP
-	local_n_address  = "";
-	local_n_portc    = 50600;
-	remote_n_portc   = 50601;
-	local_n_portd    = 50610;
-	remote_n_portd   = 50611;
-        }  
-RUs = (
-    {
-       local_rf       = "yes"
-       nb_tx          = 1
-       nb_rx          = 1
-       att_tx         = 90
-       att_rx         = 0;
-       bands          = [7,38,42,43];
-       max_pdschReferenceSignalPower = -27;
-       max_rxgain                    = 125;
-    }
diff --git a/ci-scripts/conf_files/episci/episci_nr-ue2.nfapi.conf b/ci-scripts/conf_files/episci/episci_nr-ue2.nfapi.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 73c3292809f0a27ca4cb752b3db33dec7fd8aee4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ci-scripts/conf_files/episci/episci_nr-ue2.nfapi.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-log_config = {
-  global_log_level                      ="info";
-  hw_log_level                          ="info";
-  phy_log_level                         ="info";
-  mac_log_level                         ="info";
-  rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-  pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-  rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-uicc0 = {
-imsi = "208950000000033";
-key = "0c0a34601d4f07677303652c0462535b";
-opc= "63bfa50ee6523365ff14c1f45f88737d";
-dnn= "oai";
-L1s = (
-        {
-	num_cc = 1;
-	tr_n_preference = "nfapi";
-	local_n_if_name  = "ens3";
-	remote_n_address = ""; //Proxy IP
-	local_n_address  = "";
-	local_n_portc    = 50600;
-	remote_n_portc   = 50601;
-	local_n_portd    = 50610;
-	remote_n_portd   = 50611;
-        }  
-RUs = (
-    {
-       local_rf       = "yes"
-       nb_tx          = 1
-       nb_rx          = 1
-       att_tx         = 90
-       att_rx         = 0;
-       bands          = [7,38,42,43];
-       max_pdschReferenceSignalPower = -27;
-       max_rxgain                    = 125;
-    }
diff --git a/ci-scripts/conf_files/episci/episci_nr-ue3.nfapi.conf b/ci-scripts/conf_files/episci/episci_nr-ue3.nfapi.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f8f7306c60eeea212660b5ab9d587694aee34c9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ci-scripts/conf_files/episci/episci_nr-ue3.nfapi.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-log_config = {
-  global_log_level                      ="info";
-  hw_log_level                          ="info";
-  phy_log_level                         ="info";
-  mac_log_level                         ="info";
-  rlc_log_level                         ="info";
-  pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
-  rrc_log_level                         ="info";
-uicc0 = {
-imsi = "208950000000034";
-key = "0c0a34601d4f07677303652c0462535b";
-opc= "63bfa50ee6523365ff14c1f45f88737d";
-dnn= "oai";
-L1s = (
-        {
-	num_cc = 1;
-	tr_n_preference = "nfapi";
-	local_n_if_name  = "ens3";
-	remote_n_address = ""; //Proxy IP
-	local_n_address  = "";
-	local_n_portc    = 50600;
-	remote_n_portc   = 50601;
-	local_n_portd    = 50610;
-	remote_n_portd   = 50611;
-        }  
-RUs = (
-    {
-       local_rf       = "yes"
-       nb_tx          = 1
-       nb_rx          = 1
-       att_tx         = 90
-       att_rx         = 0;
-       bands          = [7,38,42,43];
-       max_pdschReferenceSignalPower = -27;
-       max_rxgain                    = 125;
-    }
diff --git a/ci-scripts/conf_files/episci/episci_rcc.band78.tm1.106PRB.nfapi.conf b/ci-scripts/conf_files/episci/episci_rcc.band78.tm1.106PRB.nfapi.conf
index 9b3f205a0f36b69f3ddc66f8bf71236ca96f1a0f..eac0b746336cdd9901d1ae5a73e862843c05048b 100644
--- a/ci-scripts/conf_files/episci/episci_rcc.band78.tm1.106PRB.nfapi.conf
+++ b/ci-scripts/conf_files/episci/episci_rcc.band78.tm1.106PRB.nfapi.conf
@@ -22,9 +22,14 @@ gNBs =
     ////////// Physical parameters:
     ssb_SubcarrierOffset                                      = 31; //0;
-    pdsch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
-    pusch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
+    min_rxtxtime = 6;
+     pdcch_ConfigSIB1 = (
+      {
+        controlResourceSetZero = 12;
+        searchSpaceZero = 0;
+      }
+      );
     servingCellConfigCommon = (
@@ -54,15 +59,6 @@ gNBs =
         initialDLBWPcontrolResourceSetZero                                      = 0;
         initialDLBWPsearchSpaceZero                                             = 0;
-      #pdsch-ConfigCommon
-        #pdschTimeDomainAllocationList (up to 16 entries)
-        initialDLBWPk0_0                    = 0;  #for DL slot
-        initialDLBWPmappingType_0           = 0;  #0=typeA,1=typeB
-        initialDLBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0  = 40; #this is SS=1,L=13
-        initialDLBWPk0_1                    = 0;  #for mixed slot
-        initialDLBWPmappingType_1           = 0;
-        initialDLBWPstartSymbolAndLength_1  = 57; #this is SS=1,L=5
@@ -117,18 +113,6 @@ gNBs =
 # restrictedSetConfig
 # 0=unrestricted, 1=restricted type A, 2=restricted type B
         restrictedSetConfig                                         = 0,
-      # pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements)
-        initialULBWPk2_0                      = 6;  # used for UL slot
-        initialULBWPmappingType_0             = 1
-        initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0    = 41; # this is SS=0 L=13
-        initialULBWPk2_1                      = 6;  # used for mixed slot
-        initialULBWPmappingType_1             = 1;
-        initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_1    = 52; # this is SS=10 L=4
-        initialULBWPk2_2                      = 7;  # used for Msg.3 during RA
-        initialULBWPmappingType_2             = 1;
-        initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_2    = 52; # this is SS=10 L=4
         msg3_DeltaPreamble                                          = 1;
         p0_NominalWithGrant                                         =-90;
diff --git a/ci-scripts/conf_files/episci/proxy_gnb.band78.sa.fr1.106PRB.usrpn310.conf b/ci-scripts/conf_files/episci/proxy_gnb.band78.sa.fr1.106PRB.usrpn310.conf
index 0597e962455666686da6f69dd2331cd5714dac62..edcd4f06ffcf66f06868cf321fba144c6026bd94 100644
--- a/ci-scripts/conf_files/episci/proxy_gnb.band78.sa.fr1.106PRB.usrpn310.conf
+++ b/ci-scripts/conf_files/episci/proxy_gnb.band78.sa.fr1.106PRB.usrpn310.conf
@@ -33,9 +33,6 @@ gNBs =
     ////////// Physical parameters:
     ssb_SubcarrierOffset                                      = 0;
-    pdsch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
-    pusch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
-    ul_prbblacklist                                           = "51,52,53,54"
     min_rxtxtime = 6;
      pdcch_ConfigSIB1 = (
@@ -74,15 +71,6 @@ gNBs =
         initialDLBWPcontrolResourceSetZero                              = 12;
         initialDLBWPsearchSpaceZero                                     = 0;
-      #pdsch-ConfigCommon
-        #pdschTimeDomainAllocationList (up to 16 entries)
-        initialDLBWPk0_0                    = 0;  #for DL slot
-        initialDLBWPmappingType_0           = 0;  #0=typeA,1=typeB
-        initialDLBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0  = 40; #this is SS=1,L=13
-        initialDLBWPk0_1                    = 0;  #for mixed slot
-        initialDLBWPmappingType_1           = 0;
-        initialDLBWPstartSymbolAndLength_1  = 57; #this is SS=1,L=5
@@ -137,19 +125,6 @@ gNBs =
 # 0=unrestricted, 1=restricted type A, 2=restricted type B
         restrictedSetConfig                                         = 0,
-      # pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements)
-        initialULBWPk2_0                      = 6;  # used for UL slot
-        initialULBWPmappingType_0             = 1
-        initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0    = 41; # this is SS=0 L=13
-        initialULBWPk2_1                      = 6;  # used for mixed slot
-        initialULBWPmappingType_1             = 1;
-        initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_1    = 52; # this is SS=10 L=4
-        initialULBWPk2_2                      = 7;  # used for Msg.3 during RA
-        initialULBWPmappingType_2             = 1;
-        initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_2    = 52; # this is SS=10 L=4
         msg3_DeltaPreamble                                          = 1;
         p0_NominalWithGrant                                         =-90;
diff --git a/ci-scripts/conf_files/episci/proxy_rcc.band78.tm1.106PRB.nfapi.conf b/ci-scripts/conf_files/episci/proxy_rcc.band78.tm1.106PRB.nfapi.conf
index 341010419928648bea390634dfac1c81006724c0..f61039ff17349fe8b7abca2109e6d491f1ab2e85 100644
--- a/ci-scripts/conf_files/episci/proxy_rcc.band78.tm1.106PRB.nfapi.conf
+++ b/ci-scripts/conf_files/episci/proxy_rcc.band78.tm1.106PRB.nfapi.conf
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ gNBs =
     ////////// Physical parameters:
     ssb_SubcarrierOffset                                      = 0;
-    pdsch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
+    min_rxtxtime = 6;
     servingCellConfigCommon = (
@@ -53,29 +53,6 @@ gNBs =
         initialDLBWPcontrolResourceSetZero                                      = 12;
         initialDLBWPsearchSpaceZero                                             = 0;
-      #pdsch-ConfigCommon
-        #pdschTimeDomainAllocationList (up to 16 entries)
-             initialDLBWPk0_0                    = 0;
-             #initialULBWPmappingType
-	     #0=typeA,1=typeB
-             initialDLBWPmappingType_0           = 0;
-             #this is SS=1,L=13
-             initialDLBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0  = 40;
-             initialDLBWPk0_1                    = 0;
-             initialDLBWPmappingType_1           = 0;
-             #this is SS=2,L=12 
-             initialDLBWPstartSymbolAndLength_1  = 53;
-             initialDLBWPk0_2                    = 0;
-             initialDLBWPmappingType_2           = 0;
-             #this is SS=1,L=12 
-             initialDLBWPstartSymbolAndLength_2  = 54;
-             initialDLBWPk0_3                    = 0;
-             initialDLBWPmappingType_3           = 0;
-             #this is SS=1,L=5
-             initialDLBWPstartSymbolAndLength_3  = 57;
@@ -130,22 +107,6 @@ gNBs =
 # 0=unrestricted, 1=restricted type A, 2=restricted type B
         restrictedSetConfig                                         = 0,
-      # pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements)
-        initialULBWPk2_0                      = 6;
-        initialULBWPmappingType_0             = 1
-        # this is SS=0 L=11
-        initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0    = 55;
-        initialULBWPk2_1                      = 6;
-        initialULBWPmappingType_1             = 1;
-        # this is SS=0 L=12
-        initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_1    = 69;
-        initialULBWPk2_2                      = 7;
-        initialULBWPmappingType_2             = 1;
-        # this is SS=10 L=4
-        initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_2    = 52;
         msg3_DeltaPreamble                                          = 1;
         p0_NominalWithGrant                                         =-90;
diff --git a/ci-scripts/conf_files/gNB_SA_CU.conf b/ci-scripts/conf_files/gNB_SA_CU.conf
index 39c9a43ad44a86f92f9c78f8edc5d45b6fbed730..9d64ae1976f9ab49720ba9aa338f97af2c69404a 100644
--- a/ci-scripts/conf_files/gNB_SA_CU.conf
+++ b/ci-scripts/conf_files/gNB_SA_CU.conf
@@ -45,10 +45,7 @@ gNBs =
     remote_s_portc  = 500;
     remote_s_portd  = 2152;
     ssb_SubcarrierOffset                                      = 0;
-    pdsch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
-    pusch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
     min_rxtxtime                                              = 6;
-    sib1_tda                                                  = 0;
      pdcch_ConfigSIB1 = (
diff --git a/ci-scripts/conf_files/gNB_SA_DU.conf b/ci-scripts/conf_files/gNB_SA_DU.conf
index c30805a2d9b6021db0df7b3c38186a0fd70b0e3d..f95bdf91aee97e2c4c02f8b89db251622bacaf0c 100644
--- a/ci-scripts/conf_files/gNB_SA_DU.conf
+++ b/ci-scripts/conf_files/gNB_SA_DU.conf
@@ -37,10 +37,7 @@ gNBs =
     ////////// Physical parameters:
     ssb_SubcarrierOffset                                      = 0;
-    pdsch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
-    pusch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
     min_rxtxtime                                              = 6;
-    sib1_tda                                                  = 0;
     pdcch_ConfigSIB1 = (
diff --git a/ci-scripts/conf_files/gNB_SA_n78_106PRB.2x2_usrpn310.conf b/ci-scripts/conf_files/gNB_SA_n78_106PRB.2x2_usrpn310.conf
index 8b14b7455681031550803aaeb63ed19c81f52ada..33ab30887f6a11df307cbaac8e61e8d288515309 100644
--- a/ci-scripts/conf_files/gNB_SA_n78_106PRB.2x2_usrpn310.conf
+++ b/ci-scripts/conf_files/gNB_SA_n78_106PRB.2x2_usrpn310.conf
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ gNBs =
     ////////// Physical parameters:
     ssb_SubcarrierOffset                                      = 0;
-    pdsch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
+    pdsch_AntennaPorts_N1                                     = 2;
     pusch_AntennaPorts                                        = 2;
     pdcch_ConfigSIB1 = (
diff --git a/ci-scripts/conf_files/gNB_SA_n78_133PRB.2x2_usrpn310.conf b/ci-scripts/conf_files/gNB_SA_n78_133PRB.2x2_usrpn310.conf
index 02035ea827c2965a4c96314b28f7316ddf31e494..4a5eaec89b5f2faa7518e5c3a8fd60473f40ecc6 100644
--- a/ci-scripts/conf_files/gNB_SA_n78_133PRB.2x2_usrpn310.conf
+++ b/ci-scripts/conf_files/gNB_SA_n78_133PRB.2x2_usrpn310.conf
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ gNBs =
     ////////// Physical parameters:
     ssb_SubcarrierOffset                                      = 0;
-    pdsch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
+    pdsch_AntennaPorts_N1                                     = 2;
     pusch_AntennaPorts                                        = 2;
     pdcch_ConfigSIB1 = (
diff --git a/ci-scripts/conf_files/gnb.band261.tm1.32PRB.usrpn300.conf b/ci-scripts/conf_files/gnb.band261.tm1.32PRB.usrpn300.conf
index e8c6cab1b496ac0e6295cd2b5ef53c216328e9a8..9353bd12d26ed802af0bad7f42f8bc7e79ba7621 100644
--- a/ci-scripts/conf_files/gnb.band261.tm1.32PRB.usrpn300.conf
+++ b/ci-scripts/conf_files/gnb.band261.tm1.32PRB.usrpn300.conf
@@ -22,8 +22,6 @@ gNBs =
     ////////// Physical parameters:
     ssb_SubcarrierOffset                                      = 0;
-    pdsch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
-    pusch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
     min_rxtxtime                                              = 6;
     servingCellConfigCommon = (
diff --git a/ci-scripts/conf_files/gnb.band66.tm1.106PRB.usrpn300.conf b/ci-scripts/conf_files/gnb.band66.tm1.106PRB.usrpn300.conf
index 7d3409d4d490cfe99fbe1969315ec257547bdc4a..1019ec75ade5bb36558e7bb49bcfae9e0ffb6002 100644
--- a/ci-scripts/conf_files/gnb.band66.tm1.106PRB.usrpn300.conf
+++ b/ci-scripts/conf_files/gnb.band66.tm1.106PRB.usrpn300.conf
@@ -22,8 +22,6 @@ gNBs =
     ////////// Physical parameters:
     ssb_SubcarrierOffset                                      = 0;
-    pdsch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
-    pusch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
     min_rxtxtime                                              = 6;
     servingCellConfigCommon = (
diff --git a/ci-scripts/conf_files/gnb.band78.nsa_2x2.106PRB.usrpn310.conf b/ci-scripts/conf_files/gnb.band78.nsa_2x2.106PRB.usrpn310.conf
index 84b66060d978b97862af6291e6cf1bef10065399..21863dcfc7bf99cbe6ba36501f36d192d8209f56 100644
--- a/ci-scripts/conf_files/gnb.band78.nsa_2x2.106PRB.usrpn310.conf
+++ b/ci-scripts/conf_files/gnb.band78.nsa_2x2.106PRB.usrpn310.conf
@@ -20,10 +20,8 @@ gNBs =
     ////////// Physical parameters:
     ssb_SubcarrierOffset                                      = 31; //0;
-    pdsch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
+    pdsch_AntennaPorts_N1                                     = 2;
     pusch_AntennaPorts                                        = 2;
-    pusch_TargetSNRx10                                        = 200;
-    pucch_TargetSNRx10                                        = 200;
     ul_prbblacklist                                           = "51,52,53,54"
     servingCellConfigCommon = (
@@ -239,8 +237,7 @@ RUs = (
     #three config for level of parallelism "PARALLEL_SINGLE_THREAD", "PARALLEL_RU_L1_SPLIT", or "PARALLEL_RU_L1_TRX_SPLIT"
-    parallel_config    = "PARALLEL_RU_L1_TRX_SPLIT";
-    //parallel_config    = "PARALLEL_SINGLE_THREAD";
+    parallel_config    = "PARALLEL_SINGLE_THREAD";
     #two option for worker "WORKER_DISABLE" or "WORKER_ENABLE"
     worker_config      = "WORKER_ENABLE";
diff --git a/ci-scripts/conf_files/gnb.band78.sa.fr1.106PRB.2x2.usrpn310.asue.conf b/ci-scripts/conf_files/gnb.band78.sa.fr1.106PRB.2x2.usrpn310.asue.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..60fb16318fc9011e69007a08364aae58b021c525
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci-scripts/conf_files/gnb.band78.sa.fr1.106PRB.2x2.usrpn310.asue.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+Active_gNBs = ( "gNB-OAI");
+# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
+Asn1_verbosity = "none";
+gNBs =
+ {
+    ////////// Identification parameters:
+    gNB_CU_ID = 0xe00;
+#     cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_GNB";
+    gNB_name  =  "gNB-OAI";
+    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
+    tracking_area_code  =  1;
+    plmn_list = ({
+                  mcc = 208;
+                  mnc = 97;
+                  mnc_length = 2;
+                  snssaiList = (
+                                {
+                                  sst = 1;
+                                  sd  = 0x1; // 0 false, else true
+                                },
+                                {
+                                  sst = 1;
+                                  sd  = 0x010203; // 0 false, else true
+                                },
+                                                                                                                                                                   {
+                                  sst = 1;
+                                  sd  = 0x112233; // 0 false, else true
+                                }
+                               );
+                 });
+    nr_cellid = 12345678L
+#     tr_s_preference     = "local_mac"
+    ////////// Physical parameters:
+    ssb_SubcarrierOffset                                      = 0;
+    pusch_AntennaPorts                                        = 2;
+    ul_prbblacklist                                           = "51,52,53,54"
+    do_SRS                                                    = 1;
+    pdcch_ConfigSIB1 = (
+      {
+        controlResourceSetZero = 11;
+        searchSpaceZero = 0;
+      }
+    );
+    servingCellConfigCommon = (
+    {
+ #spCellConfigCommon
+      physCellId                                                    = 0;
+#  downlinkConfigCommon
+    #frequencyInfoDL
+      # this is 3301.68 MHz + 22*12*30e-3 MHz = 3309.6
+      #absoluteFrequencySSB                                          = 620640;
+      # this is 3300.60 MHz + 53*12*30e-3 MHz = 3319.68
+      absoluteFrequencySSB                                          = 621312;
+      # this is 3503.28 MHz + 22*12*30e-3 MHz = 3511.2
+      #absoluteFrequencySSB                                          = 634080;
+      # this is 3600.48 MHz
+      #absoluteFrequencySSB                                          = 640032;
+      #dl_frequencyBand                                                 = 78;
+      # this is 3301.68 MHz
+      #dl_absoluteFrequencyPointA                                       = 620112;
+      # this is 3300.60 MHz
+      dl_absoluteFrequencyPointA                                       = 620040;
+      # this is 3502.56 MHz
+      #dl_absoluteFrequencyPointA                                       = 633552;
+      # this is 3600.48 MHz
+      #dl_absoluteFrequencyPointA                                       = 640032;
+      #scs-SpecificCarrierList
+        dl_offstToCarrier                                              = 0;
+# subcarrierSpacing
+# 0=kHz15, 1=kHz30, 2=kHz60, 3=kHz120
+        dl_subcarrierSpacing                                           = 1;
+        dl_carrierBandwidth                                            = 106;
+     #initialDownlinkBWP
+      #genericParameters
+        # this is RBstart=0,L=106 (275*(L-1))+RBstart
+        initialDLBWPlocationAndBandwidth                                        = 28875;
+# subcarrierSpacing
+# 0=kHz15, 1=kHz30, 2=kHz60, 3=kHz120
+        initialDLBWPsubcarrierSpacing                                           = 1;
+      #pdcch-ConfigCommon
+        initialDLBWPcontrolResourceSetZero                                      = 11;
+        initialDLBWPsearchSpaceZero                                             = 0;
+  #uplinkConfigCommon
+     #frequencyInfoUL
+      ul_frequencyBand                                                 = 78;
+      #scs-SpecificCarrierList
+      ul_offstToCarrier                                              = 0;
+# subcarrierSpacing
+# 0=kHz15, 1=kHz30, 2=kHz60, 3=kHz120
+      ul_subcarrierSpacing                                           = 1;
+      ul_carrierBandwidth                                            = 106;
+      pMax                                                          = 20;
+     #initialUplinkBWP
+      #genericParameters
+        initialULBWPlocationAndBandwidth                                        = 28875;
+# subcarrierSpacing
+# 0=kHz15, 1=kHz30, 2=kHz60, 3=kHz120
+        initialULBWPsubcarrierSpacing                                           = 1;
+      #rach-ConfigCommon
+        #rach-ConfigGeneric
+          prach_ConfigurationIndex                                  = 98;
+#0 = one, 1=two, 2=four, 3=eight
+          prach_msg1_FDM                                            = 0;
+          prach_msg1_FrequencyStart                                 = 0;
+          zeroCorrelationZoneConfig                                 = 12;
+          preambleReceivedTargetPower                               = -104;
+#preamblTransMax (0...10) = (3,4,5,6,7,8,10,20,50,100,200)
+          preambleTransMax                                          = 6;
+# 0=dB0,1=dB2,2=dB4,3=dB6
+        powerRampingStep                                            = 1;
+        ra_ResponseWindow                                           = 4;
+        ssb_perRACH_OccasionAndCB_PreamblesPerSSB_PR                = 3;
+#oneHalf (0..15) 4,8,12,16,...60,64
+        ssb_perRACH_OccasionAndCB_PreamblesPerSSB                   = 15;
+#(0..7) 8,16,24,32,40,48,56,64
+        ra_ContentionResolutionTimer                                = 7;
+        rsrp_ThresholdSSB                                           = 19;
+#1 = 839, 2 = 139
+        prach_RootSequenceIndex_PR                                  = 2;
+        prach_RootSequenceIndex                                     = 1;
+        # SCS for msg1, can only be 15 for 30 kHz < 6 GHz, takes precendence over the one derived from prach-ConfigIndex
+        #
+        msg1_SubcarrierSpacing                                      = 1,
+# restrictedSetConfig
+# 0=unrestricted, 1=restricted type A, 2=restricted type B
+        restrictedSetConfig                                         = 0,
+        msg3_DeltaPreamble                                          = 1;
+        p0_NominalWithGrant                                         =-90;
+# pucch-ConfigCommon setup :
+# pucchGroupHopping
+# 0 = neither, 1= group hopping, 2=sequence hopping
+        pucchGroupHopping                                           = 0;
+        hoppingId                                                   = 40;
+        p0_nominal                                                  = -90;
+# ssb_PositionsInBurs_BitmapPR
+# 1=short, 2=medium, 3=long
+      ssb_PositionsInBurst_PR                                       = 2;
+      ssb_PositionsInBurst_Bitmap                                   = 1;
+# ssb_periodicityServingCell
+# 0 = ms5, 1=ms10, 2=ms20, 3=ms40, 4=ms80, 5=ms160, 6=spare2, 7=spare1
+      ssb_periodicityServingCell                                    = 2;
+# dmrs_TypeA_position
+# 0 = pos2, 1 = pos3
+      dmrs_TypeA_Position                                           = 0;
+# subcarrierSpacing
+# 0=kHz15, 1=kHz30, 2=kHz60, 3=kHz120
+      subcarrierSpacing                                             = 1;
+  #tdd-UL-DL-ConfigurationCommon
+# subcarrierSpacing
+# 0=kHz15, 1=kHz30, 2=kHz60, 3=kHz120
+      referenceSubcarrierSpacing                                    = 1;
+      # pattern1
+      # dl_UL_TransmissionPeriodicity
+      # 0=ms0p5, 1=ms0p625, 2=ms1, 3=ms1p25, 4=ms2, 5=ms2p5, 6=ms5, 7=ms10
+      dl_UL_TransmissionPeriodicity                                 = 6;
+      nrofDownlinkSlots                                             = 7;
+      nrofDownlinkSymbols                                           = 6;
+      nrofUplinkSlots                                               = 2;
+      nrofUplinkSymbols                                             = 4;
+  ssPBCH_BlockPower                                             = -25;
+  }
+  );
+    # ------- SCTP definitions
+    SCTP :
+    {
+        # Number of streams to use in input/output
+        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
+        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;
+    };
+    ////////// AMF parameters:
+        amf_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "CI_MME_IP_ADDR";
+                                  ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
+                                  active     = "yes";
+                                  preference = "ipv4";
+                                                                                                                              }
+                                                                                                                                          );
+        {
+           GNB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_NG_AMF            = "em1";
+           GNB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_NG_AMF              = "CI_GNB_IP_ADDR";
+           GNB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_NGU               = "em1";
+           GNB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_NGU                 = "CI_GNB_IP_ADDR";
+           GNB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152
+        };
+  }
+MACRLCs = (
+  {
+    num_cc           = 1;
+    tr_s_preference  = "local_L1";
+    tr_n_preference  = "local_RRC";
+#    pusch_TargetSNRx10 = 200;
+#    pucch_TargetSNRx10 = 150;
+     ulsch_max_frame_inactivity = 0;
+  }
+L1s = (
+  num_cc = 1;
+  tr_n_preference = "local_mac";
+  thread_pool_size = 8;
+  prach_dtx_threshold = 120;
+#  pucch0_dtx_threshold = 150;
+RUs = (
+    {
+       local_rf       = "yes"
+         nb_tx          = 2
+         nb_rx          = 2
+         att_tx         = 0
+         att_rx         = 0;
+         bands          = [78];
+         max_pdschReferenceSignalPower = -27;
+         max_rxgain                    = 75;
+         eNB_instances  = [0];
+         ##beamforming 1x2 matrix: 1 layer x 2 antennas
+         bf_weights = [0x00007fff, 0x0000];
+         ##beamforming 1x4 matrix: 1 layer x 4 antennas
+         #bf_weights = [0x00007fff, 0x0000,0x0000, 0x0000];
+         ## beamforming 2x2 matrix:
+         # bf_weights = [0x00007fff, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00007fff];
+         ## beamforming 4x4 matrix:
+         #bf_weights = [0x00007fff, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x00000000, 0x00007fff, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x00007fff, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x00007fff];
+         sf_extension = 0
+         sdr_addrs = "mgmt_addr=,addr=,second_addr=,clock_source=internal,time_source=internal"
+    }
+  {
+    #three config for level of parallelism "PARALLEL_SINGLE_THREAD", "PARALLEL_RU_L1_SPLIT", or "PARALLEL_RU_L1_TRX_SPLIT"
+    parallel_config    = "PARALLEL_SINGLE_THREAD";
+    #two option for worker "WORKER_DISABLE" or "WORKER_ENABLE"
+    worker_config      = "WORKER_ENABLE";
+  }
+#security = {
+  # preferred ciphering algorithms
+  # the first one of the list that an UE supports in chosen
+  # valid values: nea0, nea1, nea2, nea3
+#  ciphering_algorithms = ( "nea2" );
+  # preferred integrity algorithms
+  # the first one of the list that an UE supports in chosen
+  # valid values: nia0, nia1, nia2, nia3
+#  integrity_algorithms = ( "nia2", "nia0" );
+  # setting 'drb_ciphering' to "no" disables ciphering for DRBs, no matter
+  # what 'ciphering_algorithms' configures; same thing for 'drb_integrity'
+#  drb_ciphering = "yes";
+#  drb_integrity = "no";
+     log_config :
+     {
+       global_log_level                      ="info";
+       hw_log_level                          ="info";
+       phy_log_level                         ="info";
+       mac_log_level                         ="info";
+       rlc_log_level                         ="info";
+       pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
+       rrc_log_level                         ="info";
+       f1ap_log_level                         ="debug";
+    };
diff --git a/ci-scripts/conf_files/gnb.band78.sa.fr1.106PRB.2x2.usrpn310.conf b/ci-scripts/conf_files/gnb.band78.sa.fr1.106PRB.2x2.usrpn310.conf
index 9f5c2875b39c80e73c59efdbb22815ca3e64d524..1d7c4b57f08ec1a7b396097959cf1a9dac2aacf2 100644
--- a/ci-scripts/conf_files/gnb.band78.sa.fr1.106PRB.2x2.usrpn310.conf
+++ b/ci-scripts/conf_files/gnb.band78.sa.fr1.106PRB.2x2.usrpn310.conf
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ gNBs =
     ////////// Physical parameters:
     ssb_SubcarrierOffset                                      = 0;
-    pdsch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
+    pdsch_AntennaPorts_N1                                     = 2;
     pusch_AntennaPorts                                        = 2;
     ul_prbblacklist                                           = "51,52,53,54"
     do_SRS                                                    = 1;
diff --git a/ci-scripts/conf_files/gnb.band78.sa.fr1.106PRB.usrpn310.conf b/ci-scripts/conf_files/gnb.band78.sa.fr1.106PRB.usrpn310.conf
index 594bd5e4c82dc0a1db81e39e61cc9ad392060e66..e2b331939b99082d2b90d2f7cb1b98688cf3061d 100644
--- a/ci-scripts/conf_files/gnb.band78.sa.fr1.106PRB.usrpn310.conf
+++ b/ci-scripts/conf_files/gnb.band78.sa.fr1.106PRB.usrpn310.conf
@@ -38,8 +38,6 @@ gNBs =
     ////////// Physical parameters:
     ssb_SubcarrierOffset                                      = 0;
-    pdsch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
-    pusch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
     #pusch_TargetSNRx10                                        = 200;
     #pucch_TargetSNRx10                                        = 200;
     ul_prbblacklist                                           = "51,52,53,54"
diff --git a/ci-scripts/conf_files/gnb.band78.sa.fr1.162PRB.2x2.usrpn310.conf b/ci-scripts/conf_files/gnb.band78.sa.fr1.162PRB.2x2.usrpn310.conf
index 2361437f7c7c1b4004850bd1e0252d5f8dea823d..324b3d2ce1c36556816d128fd7cfef0fbe92e39a 100644
--- a/ci-scripts/conf_files/gnb.band78.sa.fr1.162PRB.2x2.usrpn310.conf
+++ b/ci-scripts/conf_files/gnb.band78.sa.fr1.162PRB.2x2.usrpn310.conf
@@ -38,8 +38,10 @@ gNBs =
     ////////// Physical parameters:
     ssb_SubcarrierOffset                                      = 0;
-    pdsch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
+    pdsch_AntennaPorts_N1                                     = 2;
     pusch_AntennaPorts                                        = 2;
+    #pusch_TargetSNRx10                                        = 200;
+    #pucch_TargetSNRx10                                        = 200;
     ul_prbblacklist                                           = "79,80,81,82"
     pdcch_ConfigSIB1 = (
@@ -83,7 +85,7 @@ gNBs =
         # this is RBstart=0,L=106 (275*(L-1))+RBstart
-        initialDLBWPlocationAndBandwidth                                        = 31899;
+        initialDLBWPlocationAndBandwidth                                        = 31624;
 # subcarrierSpacing
 # 0=kHz15, 1=kHz30, 2=kHz60, 3=kHz120
         initialDLBWPsubcarrierSpacing                                           = 1;
@@ -103,7 +105,7 @@ gNBs =
       pMax                                                          = 20;
-        initialULBWPlocationAndBandwidth                                        = 31899;
+        initialULBWPlocationAndBandwidth                                        = 31624;
 # subcarrierSpacing
 # 0=kHz15, 1=kHz30, 2=kHz60, 3=kHz120
         initialULBWPsubcarrierSpacing                                           = 1;
diff --git a/ci-scripts/conf_files/gnb.band78.tm1.106PRB.usrpn300.conf b/ci-scripts/conf_files/gnb.band78.tm1.106PRB.usrpn300.conf
index d21cf90cd93a51e58405419ead809a0c3f883e23..0c7508039856bb00cff9b70ad7a8eb96d4266589 100644
--- a/ci-scripts/conf_files/gnb.band78.tm1.106PRB.usrpn300.conf
+++ b/ci-scripts/conf_files/gnb.band78.tm1.106PRB.usrpn300.conf
@@ -22,8 +22,6 @@ gNBs =
     ////////// Physical parameters:
     ssb_SubcarrierOffset = 0;
-    pdsch_AntennaPorts = 1;
-    pusch_AntennaPorts = 1;
     min_rxtxtime = 6;
     servingCellConfigCommon = (
@@ -221,8 +219,7 @@ RUs = (
          ## beamforming 4x4 matrix:
          #bf_weights = [0x00007fff, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x00000000, 0x00007fff, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x00007fff, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x00007fff];
-         sdr_addrs = "addr=,mgmt_addr=,second_addr=";
-         clock_src = "external";
+         sdr_addrs = "addr=,second_addr=,mgmt_addr=";
diff --git a/ci-scripts/conf_files/gnb.band78.tm1.fr1.106PRB.usrpb210.conf b/ci-scripts/conf_files/gnb.band78.tm1.fr1.106PRB.usrpb210.conf
index 55cb7b36c4dc495678847f78fb41b52f6be64746..af581453229280fbb425992a4e5023c408f1f5b3 100644
--- a/ci-scripts/conf_files/gnb.band78.tm1.fr1.106PRB.usrpb210.conf
+++ b/ci-scripts/conf_files/gnb.band78.tm1.fr1.106PRB.usrpb210.conf
@@ -20,8 +20,6 @@ gNBs =
     ////////// Physical parameters:
     ssb_SubcarrierOffset                                      = 31; //0;
-    pdsch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
-    pusch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
     servingCellConfigCommon = (
diff --git a/ci-scripts/conf_files/gnb.band78.tm1.fr1.106PRB.usrpn310.conf b/ci-scripts/conf_files/gnb.band78.tm1.fr1.106PRB.usrpn310.conf
index 7c4bb9cc59d5f6dc5374188ab78672f3c1033353..8f480d375717f5af5ea711ab5102bd93e9fbe080 100644
--- a/ci-scripts/conf_files/gnb.band78.tm1.fr1.106PRB.usrpn310.conf
+++ b/ci-scripts/conf_files/gnb.band78.tm1.fr1.106PRB.usrpn310.conf
@@ -21,8 +21,6 @@ gNBs =
     ////////// Physical parameters:
     ssb_SubcarrierOffset                                      = 31; //0;
-    pdsch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
-    pusch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
     min_rxtxtime = 6;
     servingCellConfigCommon = (
diff --git a/ci-scripts/conf_files/gnb.sa.band66.fr1.106PRB.usrpn300.conf b/ci-scripts/conf_files/gnb.sa.band66.fr1.106PRB.usrpn300.conf
index 7f5a9d434371e4eeee7c56a5835d93b021141ff3..e26fc3030db87abba05336f1c8e012138909ff22 100644
--- a/ci-scripts/conf_files/gnb.sa.band66.fr1.106PRB.usrpn300.conf
+++ b/ci-scripts/conf_files/gnb.sa.band66.fr1.106PRB.usrpn300.conf
@@ -33,10 +33,7 @@ gNBs =
     ////////// Physical parameters:
     ssb_SubcarrierOffset                                      = 0;
-    pdsch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
-    pusch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
     min_rxtxtime                                              = 6;
-    sib1_tda                                                  = 0;
      pdcch_ConfigSIB1 = (
diff --git a/ci-scripts/epc.py b/ci-scripts/epc.py
index 9ed9f06d8e9701e96b64a3343a6f5dde5ccbdd73..0fc37d4ead75759dfacecc3474be9e956afe1dc4 100644
--- a/ci-scripts/epc.py
+++ b/ci-scripts/epc.py
@@ -66,6 +66,8 @@ class EPCManagement():
 		self.mmeConfFile = 'mme.conf'
 		self.yamlPath = ''
 		self.isMagmaUsed = False
+		self.cfgDeploy = '--type start-mini --fqdn yes --scenario 1 --capture /tmp/oai-cn5g-v1.3.pcap' #from xml, 'mini' is default normal for docker-network.py 
+		self.cfgUnDeploy = '--type stop-mini --fqdn yes --scenario 1' #from xml, 'mini' is default normal for docker-network.py 
@@ -251,8 +253,8 @@ class EPCManagement():
 			logging.debug('Starting OAI CN5G')
 			mySSH.command('if [ -d ' + self.SourceCodePath + '/scripts ]; then echo ' + self.Password + ' | sudo -S rm -Rf ' + self.SourceCodePath + '/scripts ; fi', '\$', 5)
 			mySSH.command('mkdir -p ' + self.SourceCodePath + '/scripts', '\$', 5)
-			mySSH.command('cd /opt/oai-cn5g-fed/docker-compose', '\$', 5)
-			mySSH.command('./core-network.sh start nrf spgwu', '\$', 60)
+			mySSH.command('cd /opt/oai-cn5g-fed-v1.3/docker-compose', '\$', 5)
+			mySSH.command('python3 ./core-network.py '+self.cfgDeploy, '\$', 60)
 			mySSH.command('docker-compose -p 5gcn ps -a', '\$', 60)
 			if mySSH.getBefore().count('Up (healthy)') != 6:
@@ -530,8 +532,8 @@ class EPCManagement():
 				mySSH.command('docker logs ' + c + ' > ' + self.SourceCodePath + '/logs/' + c + '.log', '\$', 5)
 			logging.debug('Terminating OAI CN5G')
-			mySSH.command('cd /opt/oai-cn5g-fed/docker-compose', '\$', 5)
-			mySSH.command('./core-network.sh stop nrf spgwu', '\$', 60)
+			mySSH.command('cd /opt/oai-cn5g-fed-v1.3/docker-compose', '\$', 5)
+			mySSH.command('python3 ./core-network.py '+self.cfgUnDeploy, '\$', 60)
 			mySSH.command('docker volume prune --force || true', '\$', 60)
 			mySSH.command('tshark -r /tmp/oai-cn5g.pcap | egrep --colour=never "Tracking area update" ','\$', 30)
diff --git a/ci-scripts/main.py b/ci-scripts/main.py
index aa7d512b3dbc52352c429c047a1ca0f231010e49..c838c3740d9cb3482b8b2e19d9bc593f8242fbbd 100644
--- a/ci-scripts/main.py
+++ b/ci-scripts/main.py
@@ -376,6 +376,16 @@ def GetParametersFromXML(action):
 		if (string_field is not None):
 			EPC.yamlPath = string_field
+	elif action == 'Initialize_5GCN':
+		string_field = test.findtext('args')
+		if (string_field is not None):
+			EPC.cfgDeploy = string_field	
+	elif action == 'Terminate_5GCN':
+		string_field = test.findtext('args')
+		if (string_field is not None):
+			EPC.cfgUnDeploy = string_field	
 	elif action == 'Deploy_Object' or action == 'Undeploy_Object':
 		if (eNB_instance is None):
@@ -391,7 +401,7 @@ def GetParametersFromXML(action):
 		if (string_field is not None):
 			CONTAINERS.yamlPath[CONTAINERS.eNB_instance] = string_field
-	elif action == 'DeployGenObject' or action == 'UndeployGenObject':
+	elif action == 'DeployGenObject' or action == 'UndeployGenObject' or action == 'StatsFromGenObject':
 		if (string_field is not None):
 			CONTAINERS.yamlPath[0] = string_field
@@ -931,6 +941,8 @@ elif re.match('^TesteNB$', mode, re.IGNORECASE) or re.match('^TestUE$', mode, re
 					CONTAINERS.IperfFromContainer(HTML, RAN)
 					if CONTAINERS.exitStatus==1:
 						RAN.prematureExit = True
+				elif action == 'StatsFromGenObject':
+					CONTAINERS.StatsFromGenObject(HTML)
 					sys.exit('Invalid class (action) from xml')
 				if RAN.prematureExit:
diff --git a/ci-scripts/provideUniqueImageTag.py b/ci-scripts/provideUniqueImageTag.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ee8306402fb7bdac08977a9f392c1c6f04de1f85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci-scripts/provideUniqueImageTag.py
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+import argparse
+import os
+import re
+import subprocess
+import sys
+AUTH_SERVICE = 'registry.docker.io'
+AUTH_SCOPE   = 'repository:rdefosseoai/oai-enb:pull'
+def main() -> None:
+    args = _parse_args()
+    cmd = 'curl -fsSL "https://auth.docker.io/token?service=' + AUTH_SERVICE + '&scope=' + AUTH_SCOPE + '" | jq --raw-output ".token"'
+    token = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True, universal_newlines=True)
+    token = str(token).strip()
+    cmd = 'curl -fsSL -H "Authorization: Bearer ' + token + '" "https://index.docker.io/v2/rdefosseoai/oai-enb/tags/list" | jq .'
+    listOfTags = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True, universal_newlines=True)
+    foundTag = False
+    for tag in listOfTags.split('\n'):
+        if re.search('"' + args.start_tag + '"', tag) is not None:
+            foundTag = True
+    if not foundTag:
+        print (args.start_tag)
+        sys.exit(0)
+    proposedVariants = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
+    for variant in proposedVariants:
+        foundTag = False
+        currentVariant = variant
+        for tag in listOfTags.split('\n'):
+            if re.search('"' + args.start_tag + variant + '"', tag) is not None:
+                foundTag = True
+                break
+        if not foundTag:
+            break
+    if not foundTag:
+        print (args.start_tag + currentVariant)
+def _parse_args() -> argparse.Namespace:
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Provides an unique new image tag for DockerHub')
+    parser.add_argument(
+        '--start_tag', '-st',
+        action='store',
+        required=True,
+        help='Proposed Starting Tag',
+    )
+    return parser.parse_args()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()
diff --git a/ci-scripts/ran.py b/ci-scripts/ran.py
index 3b32a75542db080ea50a91ffdc13e530709010a1..287a0a3c09b0af23497254827aa193603a20fe2f 100644
--- a/ci-scripts/ran.py
+++ b/ci-scripts/ran.py
@@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ class RANManagement():
 		mySSH.command('chmod 775 ./my-lte-softmodem-run' + str(self.eNB_instance) + '.sh', '\$', 5)
 		mySSH.command('echo ' + lPassWord + ' | sudo -S rm -Rf enb_' + self.testCase_id + '.log', '\$', 5)
-		mySSH.command('echo $USER; nohup sudo -E ./my-lte-softmodem-run' + str(self.eNB_instance) + '.sh > ' + lSourcePath + '/cmake_targets/enb_' + self.testCase_id + '.log 2>&1 &', lUserName, 10)
+		mySSH.command('echo $USER; nohup sudo -E stdbuf -o0 ./my-lte-softmodem-run' + str(self.eNB_instance) + '.sh > ' + lSourcePath + '/cmake_targets/enb_' + self.testCase_id + '.log 2>&1 &', lUserName, 10)
 		#stats monitoring during runtime
@@ -677,13 +677,13 @@ class RANManagement():
 		# if T tracer was run with option 0 (no logs), analyze logs
 		# from textlog, otherwise do normal analysis (e.g., option 2)
 		result = re.search('T_stdout 0', str(self.Initialize_eNB_args))
-		enbLogFile = self.eNBLogFiles[int(self.eNB_instance)]
-		raw_record_file = enbLogFile.replace('.log', '_record.raw')
-		replay_log_file = enbLogFile.replace('.log', '_replay.log')
 		if (result is not None):
 			logging.debug('\u001B[1m Replaying RAW record file\u001B[0m')
 			mySSH.open(lIpAddr, lUserName, lPassWord)
 			mySSH.command('cd ' + lSourcePath + '/common/utils/T/tracer/', '\$', 5)
+			enbLogFile = self.eNBLogFiles[int(self.eNB_instance)]
+			raw_record_file = enbLogFile.replace('.log', '_record.raw')
+			replay_log_file = enbLogFile.replace('.log', '_replay.log')
 			extracted_txt_file = enbLogFile.replace('.log', '_extracted_messages.txt')
 			extracted_log_file = enbLogFile.replace('.log', '_extracted_messages.log')
 			mySSH.command('./extract_config -i ' + lSourcePath + '/cmake_targets/' + raw_record_file + ' > ' + lSourcePath + '/cmake_targets/' + extracted_txt_file, '\$', 5)
@@ -706,8 +706,6 @@ class RANManagement():
 				mySSH.copyin(lIpAddr, lUserName, lPassWord, lSourcePath + '/cmake_targets/*stats.log', '.')
 				mySSH.copyin(lIpAddr, lUserName, lPassWord, lSourcePath + '/cmake_targets/*.pickle', '.')
 				mySSH.copyin(lIpAddr, lUserName, lPassWord, lSourcePath + '/cmake_targets/*.png', '.')
-				mySSH.copyin(lIpAddr, lUserName, lPassWord, lSourcePath + '/cmake_targets/'+raw_record_file, '.')
-				mySSH.copyin(lIpAddr, lUserName, lPassWord, lSourcePath + '/cmake_targets/'+replay_log_file, '.')
 				copyin_res = mySSH.copyin(lIpAddr, lUserName, lPassWord, lSourcePath + '/cmake_targets/' + fileToAnalyze, '.')
 				if (copyin_res == -1):
@@ -723,9 +721,7 @@ class RANManagement():
 					mySSH.copyout(self.eNBIPAddress, self.eNBUserName, self.eNBPassword, './nrL1_stats.log', self.eNBSourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets/')
 					mySSH.copyout(self.eNBIPAddress, self.eNBUserName, self.eNBPassword, './nrMAC_stats.log', self.eNBSourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets/')
 					mySSH.copyout(self.eNBIPAddress, self.eNBUserName, self.eNBPassword, './gnb_stats_monitor.pickle', self.eNBSourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets/')
-					mySSH.copyout(self.eNBIPAddress, self.eNBUserName, self.eNBPassword, './gnb_stats_monitor.png', self.eNBSourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets/')#RH 21/02/2002 this does not work, there are more than 1 png file
-					mySSH.copyout(self.eNBIPAddress, self.eNBUserName, self.eNBPassword,'./'+raw_record_file, self.eNBSourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets/')
-					mySSH.copyout(self.eNBIPAddress, self.eNBUserName, self.eNBPassword,'./'+replay_log_file, self.eNBSourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets/')
+					mySSH.copyout(self.eNBIPAddress, self.eNBUserName, self.eNBPassword, './gnb_stats_monitor.png', self.eNBSourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets/')
 					mySSH.copyout(self.eNBIPAddress, self.eNBUserName, self.eNBPassword, './' + fileToAnalyze, self.eNBSourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets/')
 				logging.debug('\u001B[1m Analyzing ' + nodeB_prefix + 'NB logfile \u001B[0m ' + fileToAnalyze)
@@ -756,11 +752,11 @@ class RANManagement():
 		mySSH.command('echo ' + self.eNBPassword + ' | sudo -S mv /tmp/enb_*.pcap .','\$',20)
 		mySSH.command('echo ' + self.eNBPassword + ' | sudo -S mv /tmp/gnb_*.pcap .','\$',20)
 		mySSH.command('echo ' + self.eNBPassword + ' | sudo -S rm -f enb.log.zip', '\$', 5)
-		mySSH.command('echo ' + self.eNBPassword + ' | sudo -S zip enb.log.zip enb*.log enb_*record.raw enb_*.pcap gnb_*.pcap enb_*txt physim_*.log *stats.log *monitor.pickle *monitor*.png ping*.log.png log/*/*.log log/*/*.pcap', '\$', 60)
+		mySSH.command('echo ' + self.eNBPassword + ' | sudo -S zip enb.log.zip enb*.log enb_*record.raw enb_*.pcap gnb_*.pcap enb_*txt physim_*.log *stats.log *monitor.pickle *monitor*.png ping*.log* iperf*.log log/*/*.log log/*/*.pcap', '\$', 60)
 		result = re.search('core.\d+', mySSH.getBefore())
 		if result is not None:
 			mySSH.command('echo ' + self.eNBPassword + ' | sudo -S zip enb.log.zip core* ran_build/build/{lte,nr}-softmodem', '\$', 60) # add core and executable to zip
-		mySSH.command('echo ' + self.eNBPassword + ' | sudo -S rm enb*.log core* enb_*record.raw enb_*.pcap gnb_*.pcap enb_*txt physim_*.log *stats.log *monitor.pickle *monitor*.png ping*.log.png log/*/*.log log/*/*.pcap', '\$', 15)
+		mySSH.command('echo ' + self.eNBPassword + ' | sudo -S rm enb*.log core* enb_*record.raw enb_*.pcap gnb_*.pcap enb_*txt physim_*.log *stats.log *monitor.pickle *monitor*.png ping*.log* iperf*.log log/*/*.log log/*/*.pcap', '\$', 15)
 	def AnalyzeLogFile_eNB(self, eNBlogFile, HTML, checkers={}):
@@ -826,6 +822,8 @@ class RANManagement():
 		RealTimeProcessingIssue = False
 		DLRetxIssue = False
 		ULRetxIssue = False
+		nrRrcRcfgComplete = 0
+		harqFeedbackPast = 0
 		line_cnt=0 #log file line counter
 		for line in enb_log_file.readlines():
@@ -999,8 +997,25 @@ class RANManagement():
 			for k in keys:
 				result = re.search(k, line)
 				if result is not None:
+					ue_prefix = 'ue0'
+					ue_res = re.search('UE ID 1|UE 1:', line)
+					if ue_res is not None:
+						ue_prefix = 'ue1'
+					ue_res = re.search('UE ID 2|UE 2:', line)
+					if ue_res is not None:
+						ue_prefix = 'ue2'
+					ue_res = re.search('UE ID 3|UE 3:', line)
+					if ue_res is not None:
+						ue_prefix = 'ue3'
 					#remove 1- all useless char before relevant info (ulsch or dlsch) 2- trailing char
-					dlsch_ulsch_stats[k]=re.sub(r'^.*\]\s+', r'' , line.rstrip())
+					dlsch_ulsch_stats[ue_prefix+k]=re.sub(r'^.*\]\s+', r'' , line.rstrip())
+			result = re.search('Received NR_RRCReconfigurationComplete from UE', str(line))
+			if result is not None:
+				nrRrcRcfgComplete += 1
+			result = re.search('HARQ feedback is in the past', str(line))
+			if result is not None:
+				harqFeedbackPast += 1
 			#count "problem receiving samples" msg
@@ -1089,6 +1104,14 @@ class RANManagement():
 				statMsg = nodeB_prefix + 'NB ran with TX Write thread enabled'
 				logging.debug('\u001B[1;30;43m ' + statMsg + ' \u001B[0m')
 				htmleNBFailureMsg += statMsg + '\n'
+			if nrRrcRcfgComplete > 0:
+				statMsg = nodeB_prefix + 'NB showed ' + str(nrRrcRcfgComplete) + ' "Received NR_RRCReconfigurationComplete from UE" message(s)'
+				logging.debug('\u001B[1;30;43m ' + statMsg + ' \u001B[0m')
+				htmleNBFailureMsg += statMsg + '\n'
+			if harqFeedbackPast > 0:
+				statMsg = nodeB_prefix + 'NB showed ' + str(harqFeedbackPast) + ' "HARQ feedback is in the past" message(s)'
+				logging.debug('\u001B[1;30;43m ' + statMsg + ' \u001B[0m')
+				htmleNBFailureMsg += statMsg + '\n'
 			#FR1 NSA test : add new markers to make sure gNB is used
 			if NSA_RAPROC_PUSCH_check:
 				statMsg = '[RAPROC] PUSCH with TC_RNTI message check for ' + nodeB_prefix + 'NB : PASS '
diff --git a/ci-scripts/runTestOnVM.sh b/ci-scripts/runTestOnVM.sh
index 31ffa9d727053deb6577ae6e351f0418966b1dda..2472ffe3bcb89fd8abd7086e5d0ef751929e075b 100755
--- a/ci-scripts/runTestOnVM.sh
+++ b/ci-scripts/runTestOnVM.sh
@@ -1899,7 +1899,7 @@ function run_test_on_vm {
             #last argument = 2 is to enable --sa for SA test for 106PRB
-            if [ $NR_UE_SYNC -eq 0 ]
+            if [ $GNB_SYNC -eq 0 ] || [ $NR_UE_SYNC -eq 0 ]
                 echo "Problem w/ gNB and NR-UE not syncing"
                 terminate_enb_ue_basic_sim $NR_UE_VM_CMDS $NR_UE_VM_IP_ADDR 2
@@ -1939,6 +1939,12 @@ function run_test_on_vm {
+        #manage SYNC issue after try_cnt
+        if [ $SYNC_STATUS -ne 0 ]
+        then
+            echo "SA 106PRB test NOT OK, NOT SYNC'ED"
+            SA_106PRB_STATUS=-1
+        fi
         ########### end SA test
         sleep 30
@@ -1982,7 +1988,7 @@ function run_test_on_vm {
             #last argument = 3 is to enable --sa for SA test for 24PRB
-            if [ $NR_UE_SYNC -eq 0 ]
+            if [ $GNB_SYNC -eq 0 ] || [ $NR_UE_SYNC -eq 0 ]
                 echo "Problem w/ gNB and NR-UE not syncing"
                 terminate_enb_ue_basic_sim $NR_UE_VM_CMDS $NR_UE_VM_IP_ADDR 2
@@ -2022,6 +2028,12 @@ function run_test_on_vm {
+        #manage SYNC issue after try_cnt
+        if [ $SYNC_STATUS -ne 0 ]
+        then
+            echo "SA 24PRB test NOT OK, NOT SYNC'ED"
+            SA_24PRB_STATUS=-1
+        fi
         ########### end SA test
         sleep 30
@@ -2070,7 +2082,7 @@ function run_test_on_vm {
             #last argument = 1 is to enable --do-ra for RA test
-            if [ $NR_UE_SYNC -eq 0 ]
+            if [ $GNB_SYNC -eq 0 ] || [ $NR_UE_SYNC -eq 0 ]
                 echo "Problem w/ gNB and NR-UE not syncing"
                 terminate_enb_ue_basic_sim $NR_UE_VM_CMDS $NR_UE_VM_IP_ADDR 2
@@ -2110,6 +2122,12 @@ function run_test_on_vm {
+        #manage SYNC issue after try_cnt
+        if [ $SYNC_STATUS -ne 0 ]
+        then
+            echo "RA FR2 test NOT OK, NOT SYNC'ED"
+            RA_FR2_STATUS=-1
+        fi
         ########### end RA FR2 test
         sleep 30
@@ -2172,7 +2190,7 @@ function run_test_on_vm {
             #last argument = 1 is to enable --do-ra for RA test
-            if [ $NR_UE_SYNC -eq 0 ]
+            if [ $GNB_SYNC -eq 0 ] || [ $NR_UE_SYNC -eq 0 ]
                 echo "Problem w/ gNB and NR-UE not syncing"
                 terminate_enb_ue_basic_sim $NR_UE_VM_CMDS $NR_UE_VM_IP_ADDR 2
@@ -2212,6 +2230,13 @@ function run_test_on_vm {
+          #manage SYNC issue after try_cnt
+          if [ $SYNC_STATUS -ne 0 ]
+          then
+            echo "RA FR1 test NOT OK, NOT SYNC'ED"
+            RA_FR1_STATUS=-1
+          fi
         ########### end RA test
@@ -2253,7 +2278,7 @@ function run_test_on_vm {
             echo "############################################################"
-            if [ $NR_UE_SYNC -eq 0 ]
+            if [ $GNB_SYNC -eq 0 ] || [ $NR_UE_SYNC -eq 0 ]
                 echo "Problem w/ gNB and NR-UE not syncing"
                 terminate_enb_ue_basic_sim $NR_UE_VM_CMDS $NR_UE_VM_IP_ADDR 2
@@ -2332,6 +2357,13 @@ function run_test_on_vm {
+          #manage SYNC issue after try_cnt
+          if [ $SYNC_STATUS -ne 0 ]
+          then
+              echo "PHY test NOT OK, NOT SYNC'ED"
+              IPERF_STATUS=-1
+          fi
         ######### end of loop
@@ -2345,7 +2377,6 @@ function run_test_on_vm {
         if [ $SA_24PRB_STATUS -ne 0 ]; then NR_STATUS=-1; fi  
         if [ $RA_FR2_STATUS -ne 0 ]; then NR_STATUS=-1; fi        
         if [ $RA_FR1_STATUS -ne 0 ]; then NR_STATUS=-1; fi
-        if [ $SYNC_STATUS -ne 0 ]; then NR_STATUS=-1; fi
         if [ $PING_STATUS -ne 0 ]; then NR_STATUS=-1; fi
         if [ $IPERF_STATUS -ne 0 ]; then NR_STATUS=-1; fi
         if [ $NR_STATUS -eq 0 ]
diff --git a/ci-scripts/sshconnection.py b/ci-scripts/sshconnection.py
index d5b4a4c83e459ce8825977420949b2fe6588152f..dca3daa817ce8c1ab13cff291b29df605894092f 100644
--- a/ci-scripts/sshconnection.py
+++ b/ci-scripts/sshconnection.py
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ class SSHConnection():
 		self.picocom_closure = True
 	def open(self, ipaddress, username, password):
+		prompt = "#" if username == "root" else "\$"
 		count = 0
 		connect_status = False
 		while count < 4:
@@ -68,7 +69,7 @@ class SSHConnection():
 				self.sshresponse = self.ssh.expect(['password:', username + '@'])
 				if self.sshresponse == 0:
-				self.sshresponse = self.ssh.expect(['\$', 'Permission denied', 'password:', pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT])
+				self.sshresponse = self.ssh.expect([prompt, 'Permission denied', 'password:', pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT])
 				if self.sshresponse == 0:
 					count = 10
 					connect_status = True
@@ -76,7 +77,7 @@ class SSHConnection():
 					logging.debug('self.sshresponse = ' + str(self.sshresponse))
 			elif self.sshresponse == 1:
-				self.sshresponse = self.ssh.expect(['\$', 'Permission denied', 'password:', pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT])
+				self.sshresponse = self.ssh.expect([prompt, 'Permission denied', 'password:', pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT])
 				if self.sshresponse == 0:
 					count = 10
 					connect_status = True
@@ -84,7 +85,7 @@ class SSHConnection():
 					logging.debug('self.sshresponse = ' + str(self.sshresponse))
 			elif self.sshresponse == 2:
 				# Checking if we are really on the remote client defined by its IP address
-				self.command('stdbuf -o0 ifconfig | egrep --color=never "inet addr:|inet "', '\$', 5)
+				self.command('stdbuf -o0 ifconfig | egrep --color=never "inet addr:|inet "', prompt, 5)
 				result = re.search(str(ipaddress), str(self.ssh.before))
 				if result is None:
@@ -100,7 +101,7 @@ class SSHConnection():
 			count += 1
 		if connect_status:
-			self.command('unset HISTFILE', '\$', 5, silent=True)
+			self.command('unset HISTFILE', prompt, 5, silent=True)
 			sys.exit('SSH Connection Failed')
 		self.ipaddress = ipaddress
diff --git a/ci-scripts/xml_class_list.yml b/ci-scripts/xml_class_list.yml
index 9e33ee468de70d1ef0eb6b1484e02a6f539f5204..d6f75191a8da8bc7818d9c7d55adc8b9aad5d21d 100755
--- a/ci-scripts/xml_class_list.yml
+++ b/ci-scripts/xml_class_list.yml
@@ -46,3 +46,4 @@
   - UndeployGenObject
   - PingFromContainer
   - IperfFromContainer
+  - StatsFromGenObject
diff --git a/ci-scripts/xml_files/container_5g_l2sim_tdd.xml b/ci-scripts/xml_files/container_5g_l2sim_tdd.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be6b789b6bc87d9ffa31661c55f7d273bb786376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci-scripts/xml_files/container_5g_l2sim_tdd.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+ Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more
+ contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under
+ the OAI Public License, Version 1.1  (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+      http://www.openairinterface.org/?page_id=698
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance:
+      contact@openairinterface.org
+        <htmlTabRef>l2sim-5gnr-tdd</htmlTabRef>
+        <htmlTabName>Testing 5G NR L2 sim - TDD gNB</htmlTabName>
+        <htmlTabIcon>wrench</htmlTabIcon>
+        <repeatCount>2</repeatCount>
+        <TestCaseRequestedList>
+ 100001
+ 000000
+ 000001
+ 000002
+ 000003
+ 000011
+ 200000
+ 020001
+ 020002
+ 200001
+ 100001
+        </TestCaseRequestedList>
+        <TestCaseExclusionList></TestCaseExclusionList>
+        <testCase id="000000">
+                <class>DeployGenObject</class>
+                <desc>Deploy MySql Database</desc>
+                <yaml_path>yaml_files/5g_l2sim_tdd</yaml_path>
+                <services>mysql</services>
+                <nb_healthy>1</nb_healthy>
+        </testCase>
+        <testCase id="000001">
+                <class>DeployGenObject</class>
+                <desc>Deploy OAI 5G CoreNetwork</desc>
+                <yaml_path>yaml_files/5g_l2sim_tdd</yaml_path>
+                <services>oai-nrf oai-amf oai-smf oai-spgwu oai-ext-dn</services>
+                <nb_healthy>6</nb_healthy>
+        </testCase>
+        <testCase id="000002">
+                <class>DeployGenObject</class>
+                <desc>Deploy OAI 5G gNB L2 sim SA</desc>
+                <yaml_path>yaml_files/5g_l2sim_tdd</yaml_path>
+                <services>oai-gnb</services>
+                <nb_healthy>7</nb_healthy>
+        </testCase>
+        <testCase id="000003">
+                <class>DeployGenObject</class>
+                <desc>Deploy OAI 5G NR-UE L2 sim SA and Proxy</desc>
+                <yaml_path>yaml_files/5g_l2sim_tdd</yaml_path>
+                <services>proxy oai-nr-ue0</services>
+                <nb_healthy>9</nb_healthy>
+        </testCase>
+        <testCase id="000011">
+                <class>IdleSleep</class>
+                <desc>Sleep</desc>
+                <idle_sleep_time_in_sec>10</idle_sleep_time_in_sec>
+        </testCase>
+        <testCase id="020001">
+                <class>PingFromContainer</class>
+                <desc>Ping ext-dn from NR-UE</desc>
+                <container_name>l2sim-oai-nr-ue0</container_name>
+                <options>-I oaitun_ue1 -c 20</options>
+                <loss_threshold>5</loss_threshold>
+        </testCase>
+        <testCase id="020002">
+                <class>PingFromContainer</class>
+                <desc>Ping NR-UE from ext-dn</desc>
+                <container_name>l2sim-oai-ext-dn</container_name>
+                <options>-c 20</options>
+                <loss_threshold>5</loss_threshold>
+        </testCase>
+        <testCase id="100001">
+                <class>UndeployGenObject</class>
+                <desc>Undeploy all OAI 5G stack</desc>
+                <yaml_path>yaml_files/5g_l2sim_tdd</yaml_path>
+        </testCase>
+        <testCase id="200000">
+                <class>StatsFromGenObject</class>
+                <desc>Statistics before Traffic Test</desc>
+                <yaml_path>yaml_files/5g_l2sim_tdd</yaml_path>
+        </testCase>
+        <testCase id="200001">
+                <class>StatsFromGenObject</class>
+                <desc>Statistics after Traffic Test</desc>
+                <yaml_path>yaml_files/5g_l2sim_tdd</yaml_path>
+        </testCase>
diff --git a/ci-scripts/xml_files/container_5g_l2sim_tdd_down.xml b/ci-scripts/xml_files/container_5g_l2sim_tdd_down.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d3630cd9059aaa8927a4738fdcdde5b291f44702
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci-scripts/xml_files/container_5g_l2sim_tdd_down.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more
+ contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under
+ the OAI Public License, Version 1.1  (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+      http://www.openairinterface.org/?page_id=698
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance:
+      contact@openairinterface.org
+        <htmlTabRef>l2sim-5gnr-down</htmlTabRef>
+        <htmlTabName>CleanUp 5G L2 sim - TDD gNB</htmlTabName>
+        <htmlTabIcon>trash</htmlTabIcon>
+        <TestCaseRequestedList>
+ 100002
+        </TestCaseRequestedList>
+        <TestCaseExclusionList></TestCaseExclusionList>
+        <testCase id="100002">
+                <class>UndeployGenObject</class>
+                <desc>Undeploy all OAI 5G stack</desc>
+                <yaml_path>yaml_files/5g_l2sim_tdd</yaml_path>
+        </testCase>
diff --git a/ci-scripts/xml_files/container_5g_rfsim.xml b/ci-scripts/xml_files/container_5g_rfsim.xml
index bab7f9637ad3ef6b187cec5e9edfd80deefca6d4..a1f50948a501baa6e5fe316e335333a55b7f2ba0 100644
--- a/ci-scripts/xml_files/container_5g_rfsim.xml
+++ b/ci-scripts/xml_files/container_5g_rfsim.xml
@@ -31,8 +31,11 @@
+ 000004
+ 020003
+ 020004
@@ -71,6 +74,14 @@
+        <testCase id="000004">
+                <class>DeployGenObject</class>
+                <desc>Deploy Second OAI 5G NR-UE RF sim SA</desc>
+                <yaml_path>yaml_files/5g_rfsimulator</yaml_path>
+                <services>oai-nr-ue2</services>
+                <nb_healthy>9</nb_healthy>
+        </testCase>
         <testCase id="020001">
                 <desc>Ping ext-dn from NR-UE</desc>
@@ -87,6 +98,22 @@
+        <testCase id="020003">
+                <class>PingFromContainer</class>
+                <desc>Ping ext-dn from Second NR-UE</desc>
+                <container_name>rfsim5g-oai-nr-ue2</container_name>
+                <options>-I oaitun_ue1 -c 20</options>
+                <loss_threshold>5</loss_threshold>
+        </testCase>
+        <testCase id="020004">
+                <class>PingFromContainer</class>
+                <desc>Ping Second NR-UE from ext-dn</desc>
+		<container_name>rfsim5g-oai-ext-dn</container_name>
+                <options>-c 20</options>
+                <loss_threshold>5</loss_threshold>
+        </testCase>
         <testCase id="030001">
                 <desc>Iperf UDP Downlink</desc>
diff --git a/ci-scripts/xml_files/container_nsa_b200_quectel.xml b/ci-scripts/xml_files/container_nsa_b200_quectel.xml
index 55f8b8638df8c67791e0641fe7f5ad5a90b13d58..610f0b019a447ff5e78e632cd9b016143c054f6b 100644
--- a/ci-scripts/xml_files/container_nsa_b200_quectel.xml
+++ b/ci-scripts/xml_files/container_nsa_b200_quectel.xml
@@ -39,8 +39,9 @@
- 050000
- 050001
+ 070002
+ 050002
+ 050003
@@ -117,10 +118,28 @@
+	<testCase id="050002">
+		<class>Ping</class>
+		<desc>Ping: 20pings in 20sec</desc>
+		<id>idefix</id>
+		<ping_args>-c 20</ping_args>
+		<ping_packetloss_threshold>1</ping_packetloss_threshold>
+		<ping_rttavg_threshold>15</ping_rttavg_threshold>
+	</testCase>
+	<testCase id="050003">
+		<class>Ping</class>
+		<desc>Ping: 100pings in 20sec</desc>
+		<id>idefix</id>
+		<ping_args>-c 100 -i 0.2</ping_args>
+		<ping_packetloss_threshold>1</ping_packetloss_threshold>
+		<ping_rttavg_threshold>15</ping_rttavg_threshold>
+	</testCase>
 	<testCase id="070000">
 		<desc>iperf (DL/40Mbps/UDP)(60 sec)(single-ue profile)</desc>
-		<iperf_args>-u -b 40M -t 60</iperf_args>
+		<iperf_args>-u -b 40M -t 60 -i 1 -fm</iperf_args>
@@ -131,7 +150,7 @@
 	<testCase id="070001">
 		<desc>iperf (UL/3Mbps/UDP)(60 sec)(single-ue profile)</desc>
-		<iperf_args>-u -b 3M -t 60</iperf_args>
+		<iperf_args>-u -b 3M -t 60 -i 1 -fm</iperf_args>
@@ -139,6 +158,15 @@
+    <testCase id="070002">
+        <class>Iperf</class>
+        <desc>iperf (BIDIR TCP)(10 sec)(single-ue profile)</desc>
+        <iperf_args>-t 10 --bidir</iperf_args>
+        <direction>BIDIR</direction>
+        <id>idefix</id>
+        <iperf_profile>single-ue</iperf_profile>
+    </testCase>
     <testCase id="030201">
         <desc>Undeploy eNB</desc>
diff --git a/ci-scripts/xml_files/fr1_nsa_2x2_quectel.xml b/ci-scripts/xml_files/fr1_nsa_2x2_quectel.xml
index 5dbd36f00d323af2240bb675acfb251827b020f5..56694920ba593fbc6d048c7169e8df00c2940893 100644
--- a/ci-scripts/xml_files/fr1_nsa_2x2_quectel.xml
+++ b/ci-scripts/xml_files/fr1_nsa_2x2_quectel.xml
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
-		<USRP_IPAddress></USRP_IPAddress>
+		<USRP_IPAddress></USRP_IPAddress>
 	<testCase id="000001">
diff --git a/ci-scripts/xml_files/fr1_nsa_2x2_quectel_attach_detach.xml b/ci-scripts/xml_files/fr1_nsa_2x2_quectel_attach_detach.xml
index 02544f273baae039405add42c5d89ef67c07cf8c..840521481e82fa69d058b59ed830eeec1dd77f93 100644
--- a/ci-scripts/xml_files/fr1_nsa_2x2_quectel_attach_detach.xml
+++ b/ci-scripts/xml_files/fr1_nsa_2x2_quectel_attach_detach.xml
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
-		<USRP_IPAddress></USRP_IPAddress>
+		<USRP_IPAddress></USRP_IPAddress>
 	<testCase id="000001">
diff --git a/ci-scripts/xml_files/fr1_sa_amarisoft_ue_1x.xml b/ci-scripts/xml_files/fr1_sa_amarisoft_ue_1x.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..194ed4e453e072de6e1c66c258b1c0a64590cd86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci-scripts/xml_files/fr1_sa_amarisoft_ue_1x.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+ Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more
+ contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under
+ the OAI Public License, Version 1.1  (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+      http://www.openairinterface.org/?page_id=698
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance:
+      contact@openairinterface.org
+	<htmlTabRef>TEST-SA-FR1-Tab1</htmlTabRef>
+	<htmlTabName>SA Ping DL UL with 1 AS UE</htmlTabName>
+	<htmlTabIcon>tasks</htmlTabIcon>
+	<repeatCount>1</repeatCount>
+	<TestCaseRequestedList>
+ 040000
+ 000001
+ 010000
+ 000002
+ 050000
+ 080000
+	</TestCaseRequestedList>
+	<TestCaseExclusionList></TestCaseExclusionList>
+	<testCase id="010000">
+		<class>Initialize_UE</class>
+		<desc>Run AS UE Scenario</desc>
+		<id>amarisoft_ue_1</id>
+	</testCase>
+	<testCase id="040000">
+		<class>Initialize_eNB</class>
+		<desc>Initialize gNB</desc>
+		<Initialize_eNB_args>-O ci-scripts/conf_files/gnb.band78.sa.fr1.106PRB.2x2.usrpn310.asue.conf --sa -q --usrp-tx-thread-config 1 --T_stdout 2 --log_config.global_log_options level,nocolor,time</Initialize_eNB_args>
+		<eNB_instance>0</eNB_instance>
+		<eNB_serverId>0</eNB_serverId>
+		<air_interface>nr</air_interface>
+		<eNB_Trace>yes</eNB_Trace>
+		<eNB_Stats>yes</eNB_Stats>
+		<rt_stats_cfg>datalog_rt_stats.2x2.yaml</rt_stats_cfg>
+		<USRP_IPAddress></USRP_IPAddress>
+	</testCase>
+	<testCase id="050000">
+		<class>Ping</class>
+		<desc>Ping Log Analysis</desc>
+		<id>amarisoft_ue_1</id>
+		<ping_packetloss_threshold>1</ping_packetloss_threshold>
+	</testCase>
+	<testCase id="000001">
+		<class>IdleSleep</class>
+		<desc>Sleep</desc>
+		<idle_sleep_time_in_sec>60</idle_sleep_time_in_sec>
+	</testCase>
+	<testCase id="000002">
+		<class>IdleSleep</class>
+		<desc>Sleep</desc>
+		<idle_sleep_time_in_sec>20</idle_sleep_time_in_sec>
+	</testCase>
+	<testCase id="080000">
+		<class>Terminate_eNB</class>
+		<desc>Terminate gNB</desc>
+		<eNB_instance>0</eNB_instance>
+		<eNB_serverId>0</eNB_serverId>
+		<air_interface>nr</air_interface>
+	</testCase>
diff --git a/ci-scripts/xml_files/fr1_sa_oaiue_b200.xml b/ci-scripts/xml_files/fr1_sa_oaiue_b200.xml
index 774d5751c5949fc468cb660dbbbd6fb530555827..55268b909d7451a55345acd44bbfbb157d86d5b0 100644
--- a/ci-scripts/xml_files/fr1_sa_oaiue_b200.xml
+++ b/ci-scripts/xml_files/fr1_sa_oaiue_b200.xml
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
-		<USRP_IPAddress></USRP_IPAddress>
+		<USRP_IPAddress></USRP_IPAddress>
 	<testCase id="000001">
diff --git a/ci-scripts/xml_files/fr1_sa_oaiue_n310.xml b/ci-scripts/xml_files/fr1_sa_oaiue_n310.xml
index bfa2208d3dc426cc60edf8cebda52a7f3baf0ead..53b696c6eb0fffbd8c198bfefedd445d12297bd8 100644
--- a/ci-scripts/xml_files/fr1_sa_oaiue_n310.xml
+++ b/ci-scripts/xml_files/fr1_sa_oaiue_n310.xml
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
-		<USRP_IPAddress></USRP_IPAddress>
+		<USRP_IPAddress></USRP_IPAddress>
 	<testCase id="000001">
diff --git a/ci-scripts/xml_files/fr1_sa_oaiue_x300.xml b/ci-scripts/xml_files/fr1_sa_oaiue_x300.xml
index c43bdd2a7c932197bf6a91e4a7a4e6b2105281f2..8c2f7052e4eb52101575ba8646345d59f16f6f76 100644
--- a/ci-scripts/xml_files/fr1_sa_oaiue_x300.xml
+++ b/ci-scripts/xml_files/fr1_sa_oaiue_x300.xml
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
-		<USRP_IPAddress></USRP_IPAddress>
+		<USRP_IPAddress></USRP_IPAddress>
 	<testCase id="000001">
diff --git a/ci-scripts/xml_files/fr1_sa_quectel.xml b/ci-scripts/xml_files/fr1_sa_quectel.xml
index 8d15015c0747e4c84d46dcc7322421f7c0d2b080..576456ebc96959cd3e9e4284c84e02ecce1d1685 100644
--- a/ci-scripts/xml_files/fr1_sa_quectel.xml
+++ b/ci-scripts/xml_files/fr1_sa_quectel.xml
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
-		<USRP_IPAddress></USRP_IPAddress>
+		<USRP_IPAddress></USRP_IPAddress>
 	<testCase id="000001">
diff --git a/ci-scripts/xml_files/fr1_sa_quectel_162prb.xml b/ci-scripts/xml_files/fr1_sa_quectel_162prb.xml
index f756083ea6668bf28e64b1fc9d6c357b1410cc29..c5f2ddad5f479a4691330392499fdb1d7226838d 100644
--- a/ci-scripts/xml_files/fr1_sa_quectel_162prb.xml
+++ b/ci-scripts/xml_files/fr1_sa_quectel_162prb.xml
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
-		<USRP_IPAddress></USRP_IPAddress>
+		<USRP_IPAddress></USRP_IPAddress>
 	<testCase id="000001">
diff --git a/ci-scripts/xml_files/fr1_sa_quectel_stages.xml b/ci-scripts/xml_files/fr1_sa_quectel_stages.xml
index 0ab8bf6b0845f4a67f37196c84a61ca24ebc2483..2707fd4ebff998441de2c9a23d42458976fdcd05 100644
--- a/ci-scripts/xml_files/fr1_sa_quectel_stages.xml
+++ b/ci-scripts/xml_files/fr1_sa_quectel_stages.xml
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
-		<USRP_IPAddress></USRP_IPAddress>
+		<USRP_IPAddress></USRP_IPAddress>
 	<testCase id="000001">
diff --git a/ci-scripts/xml_files/fr1_sa_quectel_stages_162prb.xml b/ci-scripts/xml_files/fr1_sa_quectel_stages_162prb.xml
index 5feed7558657b039d75c1d16ca8b3f9ffce85d40..661bcb32fe0c5112cb437921dce8c79b38ec6cc0 100644
--- a/ci-scripts/xml_files/fr1_sa_quectel_stages_162prb.xml
+++ b/ci-scripts/xml_files/fr1_sa_quectel_stages_162prb.xml
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
-		<USRP_IPAddress></USRP_IPAddress>
+		<USRP_IPAddress></USRP_IPAddress>
 	<testCase id="000001">
diff --git a/ci-scripts/xml_files/gnb_phytest_usrp_run.xml b/ci-scripts/xml_files/gnb_phytest_usrp_run.xml
index f1185c08c96dd711b547299b36cbe41cc79e6ef0..5705533ab483ac75021d4666ca04bcadf6f05a8c 100644
--- a/ci-scripts/xml_files/gnb_phytest_usrp_run.xml
+++ b/ci-scripts/xml_files/gnb_phytest_usrp_run.xml
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 		<desc>Initialize gNB USRP</desc>
 		<Initialize_eNB_args>-O ci-scripts/conf_files/gnb.band78.tm1.106PRB.usrpn300.conf --phy-test -q -U 787200 -T 106 -t 28 -D 130175 -m 28 -M 106 --log_config.global_log_options level,nocolor,time</Initialize_eNB_args>
-		<USRP_IPAddress></USRP_IPAddress>
+		<USRP_IPAddress></USRP_IPAddress>
 	<testCase id="000001">
diff --git a/ci-scripts/xml_files/gnb_usrp_build.xml b/ci-scripts/xml_files/gnb_usrp_build.xml
index e2662180c5b8fee0c2974e703328a30673eb5193..97f85c6a339e12edce0feaa9ca570aa4e07332b1 100644
--- a/ci-scripts/xml_files/gnb_usrp_build.xml
+++ b/ci-scripts/xml_files/gnb_usrp_build.xml
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 		<desc>Build gNB (USRP)</desc>
-		<Build_eNB_args>--gNB -w USRP --ninja</Build_eNB_args>
+		<Build_eNB_args>--gNB -w USRP --ninja --cmake-opt -DBoost_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/boost169</Build_eNB_args>
diff --git a/ci-scripts/xml_files/sa_cn5g_asue_closure.xml b/ci-scripts/xml_files/sa_cn5g_asue_closure.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b856134e367cefbe9cc7080f22a613e4ef2d775c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci-scripts/xml_files/sa_cn5g_asue_closure.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more
+ contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under
+ the OAI Public License, Version 1.1  (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+      http://www.openairinterface.org/?page_id=698
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance:
+      contact@openairinterface.org
+	<htmlTabRef>cn5g-closure</htmlTabRef>
+	<htmlTabName>CN5G-Closure</htmlTabName>
+	<htmlTabIcon>log-out</htmlTabIcon>
+	<TestCaseRequestedList>
+	</TestCaseRequestedList>
+	<TestCaseExclusionList></TestCaseExclusionList>
+	<testCase id="060000">
+		<class>Terminate_5GCN</class>
+		<desc>Terminate 5G Core</desc>
+		<args>--type stop-mini-as-ue --fqdn yes --scenario 1</args>
+	</testCase>
diff --git a/ci-scripts/xml_files/sa_cn5g_asue_start.xml b/ci-scripts/xml_files/sa_cn5g_asue_start.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..740022b1c9c74b341d56bacef9ac8cb0c5368a13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci-scripts/xml_files/sa_cn5g_asue_start.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more
+ contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under
+ the OAI Public License, Version 1.1  (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+      http://www.openairinterface.org/?page_id=698
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance:
+      contact@openairinterface.org
+	<htmlTabRef>cn5g-start-tab</htmlTabRef>
+	<htmlTabName>CN5G-Start</htmlTabName>
+	<htmlTabIcon>log-in</htmlTabIcon>
+	<TestCaseRequestedList>
+ 000100
+	</TestCaseRequestedList>
+	<TestCaseExclusionList>
+	</TestCaseExclusionList>
+	<testCase id="000100">
+		<class>Initialize_5GCN</class>
+		<desc>Initialize 5G Core</desc>
+		<args>--type start-mini-as-ue --fqdn yes --scenario 1 --capture /tmp/oai-cn5g-v1.3.pcap</args>
+	</testCase>
diff --git a/ci-scripts/yaml_files/5g_l2sim_tdd/README.md b/ci-scripts/yaml_files/5g_l2sim_tdd/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..531f2406ef8c622852fec4ef76108e5072ca3932
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci-scripts/yaml_files/5g_l2sim_tdd/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+<table style="border-collapse: collapse; border: none;">
+  <tr style="border-collapse: collapse; border: none;">
+    <td style="border-collapse: collapse; border: none;">
+      <a href="http://www.openairinterface.org/">
+         <img src="../../../doc/images/oai_final_logo.png" alt="" border=3 height=50 width=150>
+         </img>
+      </a>
+    </td>
+    <td style="border-collapse: collapse; border: none; vertical-align: center;">
+      <b><font size = "5">OAI Full Stack 5G-NR L2 simulation with containers and a proxy</font></b>
+    </td>
+  </tr>
+This page is only valid for an `Ubuntu18` host.
+This tutorial is only valid once this file is merged into the `develop` branch.
+# 1. Retrieving the images on Docker-Hub #
+Currently the images are hosted under the user account `rdefosseoai`.
+This may change in the future.
+Once again you may need to log on [docker-hub](https://hub.docker.com/) if your organization has reached pulling limit as `anonymous`.
+$ docker login
+Login with your Docker ID to push and pull images from Docker Hub. If you don't have a Docker ID, head over to https://hub.docker.com to create one.
+Now pull images.
+$ docker pull mysql:5.7
+$ docker pull rdefosseoai/oai-amf:latest
+$ docker pull rdefosseoai/oai-nrf:latest
+$ docker pull rdefosseoai/oai-smf:latest
+$ docker pull rdefosseoai/oai-spgwu-tiny:latest
+$ docker pull rdefosseoai/oai-gnb:develop
+$ docker pull rdefosseoai/oai-nr-ue:develop
+$ docker pull rdefosseoai/proxy:latest
+And **re-tag** them for tutorials' docker-compose file to work.
+$ docker image tag rdefosseoai/oai-amf:latest oai-amf:latest
+$ docker image tag rdefosseoai/oai-nrf:latest oai-nrf:latest
+$ docker image tag rdefosseoai/oai-smf:latest oai-smf:latest
+$ docker image tag rdefosseoai/oai-spgwu-tiny:latest oai-spgwu-tiny:latest
+$ docker image tag rdefosseoai/oai-gnb:develop oai-gnb:develop
+$ docker image tag rdefosseoai/oai-nr-ue:develop oai-nr-ue:develop
+$ docker image tag rdefosseoai/proxy:latest oai-lte-multi-ue-proxy:latest
+$ docker logout
+Note that the proxy image is based on the source available at [https://github.com/EpiSci/oai-lte-5g-multi-ue-proxy](https://github.com/EpiSci/oai-lte-5g-multi-ue-proxy).
+At time of writing, the `latest` tag corresponded to `56cfdc046a5f96d5e67d42a2fc2bf6ba2fe58b41` commit.
+# 2. Deploy containers #
+**CAUTION: this SHALL be done in multiple steps.**
+**Just `docker-compose up -d` WILL NOT WORK!**
+All the following commands **SHALL** be run from the `ci-scripts/yaml_files/5g_l2sim_tdd` folder.
+The `gNB`, `proxy` and `NR-UE` containers will be deployed in `host`-mode. It will use the host loopback interface to connect.
+sudo ifconfig lo: netmask up
+## 2.1. Deploy OAI 5G Core Network ##
+$ cd ci-scripts/yaml_files/5g_l2sim_tdd
+$ docker-compose up -d mysql oai-nrf oai-amf oai-smf oai-spgwu oai-ext-dn
+Creating network "l2sim-oai-public-net" with driver "bridge"
+Creating network "l2sim-oai-traffic_net-net" with driver "bridge"
+Creating l2sim-oai-nrf ... done
+Creating l2sim-mysql      ... done
+Creating l2sim-oai-spgwu ... done
+Creating l2sim-oai-amf   ... done
+Creating l2sim-oai-smf   ... done
+Creating l2sim-oai-ext-dn ... done
+Wait for a bit.
+$ docker-compose ps -a
+       Name                     Command                  State                  Ports
+l2sim-mysql        docker-entrypoint.sh mysqld      Up (healthy)   3306/tcp, 33060/tcp         
+l2sim-oai-amf      /bin/bash /openair-amf/bin ...   Up (healthy)   38412/sctp, 80/tcp, 9090/tcp
+l2sim-oai-ext-dn   /bin/bash -c  apt update;  ...   Up (healthy)                               
+l2sim-oai-nrf      /bin/bash /openair-nrf/bin ...   Up (healthy)   80/tcp, 9090/tcp            
+l2sim-oai-smf      /bin/bash /openair-smf/bin ...   Up (healthy)   80/tcp, 8805/udp, 9090/tcp  
+l2sim-oai-spgwu    /openair-spgwu-tiny/bin/en ...   Up (healthy)   2152/udp, 8805/udp          
+At this point, you can prepare a capture on the newly-created public docker bridges:
+$ ifconfig
+l2sim-public: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
+        inet  netmask  broadcast
+        inet6 fe80::42:c4ff:fe2b:3d38  prefixlen 64  scopeid 0x20<link>
+        ether 02:42:c4:2b:3d:38  txqueuelen 0  (Ethernet)
+        RX packets 4  bytes 112 (112.0 B)
+        RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
+        TX packets 7  bytes 626 (626.0 B)
+        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0
+l2sim-traffic: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
+        inet  netmask  broadcast
+        inet6 fe80::42:b5ff:fed3:e732  prefixlen 64  scopeid 0x20<link>
+        ether 02:42:b5:d3:e7:32  txqueuelen 0  (Ethernet)
+        RX packets 2652  bytes 142335 (142.3 KB)
+        RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
+        TX packets 3999  bytes 23367972 (23.3 MB)
+        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0
+$ sudo nohup tshark -f "(host and icmp) or (not host and not arp and not port 53 and not port 2152 and not port 2153)" -i l2sim-public -i l2sim-traffic -w /tmp/capture_5g_l2sim_tdd.pcap > /tmp/tshark.log 2>&1 &
+## 2.2. Deploy OAI gNB in Standalone Mode as a VNF ##
+**CAUTION: To execute this 2nd step, the whole `CN5G` SHALL be in `healthy` state (especially the `mysql` container).**
+$ docker-compose up -d oai-gnb
+l2sim-oai-nrf is up-to-date
+l2sim-oai-spgwu is up-to-date
+l2sim-oai-ext-dn is up-to-date
+Creating l2sim-oai-gnb ... done
+Wait for a bit.
+$ docker-compose ps -a
+       Name                     Command                  State                  Ports
+l2sim-mysql        docker-entrypoint.sh mysqld      Up (healthy)   3306/tcp, 33060/tcp         
+l2sim-oai-amf      /bin/bash /openair-amf/bin ...   Up (healthy)   38412/sctp, 80/tcp, 9090/tcp
+l2sim-oai-ext-dn   /bin/bash -c  apt update;  ...   Up (healthy)                               
+l2sim-oai-gnb      /opt/oai-gnb/bin/entrypoin ...   Up (healthy)                               
+l2sim-oai-nrf      /bin/bash /openair-nrf/bin ...   Up (healthy)   80/tcp, 9090/tcp            
+l2sim-oai-smf      /bin/bash /openair-smf/bin ...   Up (healthy)   80/tcp, 8805/udp, 9090/tcp  
+l2sim-oai-spgwu    /openair-spgwu-tiny/bin/en ...   Up (healthy)   2152/udp, 8805/udp          
+You can verify that the `gNB` is connected with the `AMF`:
+$ docker logs rfsim5g-oai-amf
+[AMF] [amf_app] [info ] |----------------------------------------------------gNBs' information-------------------------------------------|
+[AMF] [amf_app] [info ] |    Index    |      Status      |       Global ID       |       gNB Name       |               PLMN             |
+[AMF] [amf_app] [info ] |      1      |    Connected     |         0x0       |         gnb-l2sim-vnf    |            208, 99             |
+[AMF] [amf_app] [info ] |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
+## 2.3. Deploy OAI NR-UE and proxy
+$ docker-compose up -d proxy oai-nr-ue0
+l2sim-mysql is up-to-date
+l2sim-oai-nrf is up-to-date
+l2sim-oai-amf is up-to-date
+l2sim-oai-smf is up-to-date
+l2sim-oai-spgwu is up-to-date
+l2sim-oai-ext-dn is up-to-date
+l2sim-oai-gnb is up-to-date
+Creating l2sim-oai-nr-ue ... done
+Creating l2sim-proxy ... done
+Wait for a bit.
+$ docker-compose ps -a
+       Name                     Command                  State                  Ports
+l2sim-mysql        docker-entrypoint.sh mysqld      Up (healthy)   3306/tcp, 33060/tcp         
+l2sim-oai-amf      /bin/bash /openair-amf/bin ...   Up (healthy)   38412/sctp, 80/tcp, 9090/tcp
+l2sim-oai-ext-dn   /bin/bash -c  apt update;  ...   Up (healthy)                               
+l2sim-oai-gnb      /opt/oai-gnb/bin/entrypoin ...   Up (healthy)                               
+l2sim-oai-nr-ue0   /opt/oai-nr-ue/bin/entrypo ...   Up (healthy)                               
+l2sim-oai-nrf      /bin/bash /openair-nrf/bin ...   Up (healthy)   80/tcp, 9090/tcp            
+l2sim-oai-smf      /bin/bash /openair-smf/bin ...   Up (healthy)   80/tcp, 8805/udp, 9090/tcp  
+l2sim-oai-spgwu    /openair-spgwu-tiny/bin/en ...   Up (healthy)   2152/udp, 8805/udp          
+l2sim-proxy        /oai-lte-multi-ue-proxy/bi ...   Up (healthy)                               
+$ docker stats --no-stream --format "table {{.Container}}\t{{.CPUPerc}}	{{.MemUsage}}\t{{.MemPerc}}" l2sim-mysql l2sim-oai-amf l2sim-oai-ext-dn l2sim-oai-gnb l2sim-oai-nr-ue0 l2sim-oai-nrf l2sim-oai-smf l2sim-oai-spgwu l2sim-proxy
+CONTAINER          CPU %     MEM USAGE / LIMIT     MEM %
+l2sim-mysql        0.03%     206.7MiB / 62.54GiB   0.32%
+l2sim-oai-amf      4.05%     29.49MiB / 62.54GiB   0.05%
+l2sim-oai-ext-dn   0.00%     31.27MiB / 62.54GiB   0.05%
+l2sim-oai-gnb      1.29%     1.853GiB / 62.54GiB   2.96%
+l2sim-oai-nr-ue0   1.43%     350.8MiB / 62.54GiB   0.55%
+l2sim-oai-nrf      0.21%     9.105MiB / 62.54GiB   0.01%
+l2sim-oai-smf      3.24%     30.23MiB / 62.54GiB   0.05%
+l2sim-oai-spgwu    0.00%     11.78MiB / 62.54GiB   0.02%
+l2sim-proxy        6.97%     290.4MiB / 62.54GiB   0.45%
+**CAUTION: As you can see the CPU usage is not that important compared to a 5G RF simulator equivalent.**
+But the CPU speed matters; I am running on a fast server:
+$ lscpu
+Architecture:        x86_64
+CPU(s):              16
+Model name:          Intel(R) Xeon(R) Silver 4215R CPU @ 3.20GHz
+I tried on a slower server with more CPUs and it did not work:
+oaici@orion:~$ lscpu
+Architecture:        x86_64
+CPU(s):              48
+Model name:          Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2658 v3 @ 2.20GHz
+We will work on this issue.
+Making sure the OAI UE is connected:
+$ docker exec -it l2sim-oai-nr-ue /bin/bash
+root@bb4d400a832d:/opt/oai-nr-ue# ifconfig
+eth0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
+        inet  netmask  broadcast
+        ether 02:42:c0:a8:47:89  txqueuelen 0  (Ethernet)
+        RX packets 224259  bytes 5821372018 (5.8 GB)
+        RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
+        TX packets 235916  bytes 7848786376 (7.8 GB)
+        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0
+lo: flags=73<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING>  mtu 65536
+        inet  netmask
+        loop  txqueuelen 1000  (Local Loopback)
+        RX packets 0  bytes 0 (0.0 B)
+        RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
+        TX packets 0  bytes 0 (0.0 B)
+        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0
+oaitun_ue1: flags=4305<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,NOARP,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
+        inet  netmask  destination
+        unspec 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00  txqueuelen 500  (UNSPEC)
+        RX packets 0  bytes 0 (0.0 B)
+        RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
+        TX packets 0  bytes 0 (0.0 B)
+        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0
+# 3. Check traffic #
+## 3.1. Check your Internet connectivity ##
+You can also check with the `ext-dn` container (IP address is `` in docker-compose)
+$ docker exec -it l2sim-oai-nr-ue /bin/bash
+root@bb4d400a832d# ping -I oaitun_ue1 -c 20
+PING ( from oaitun_ue1: 56(84) bytes of data.
+64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=63 time=65.1 ms
+64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=63 time=74.2 ms
+64 bytes from icmp_seq=19 ttl=63 time=25.0 ms
+64 bytes from icmp_seq=20 ttl=63 time=34.7 ms
+--- ping statistics ---
+20 packets transmitted, 20 received, 0% packet loss, time 19025ms
+rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 16.413/120.639/209.673/57.159 ms
+# 4. Un-deployment #
+$ docker-compose down
+Stopping l2sim-oai-nr-ue2 ... done
+Stopping l2sim-oai-nr-ue  ... done
+Stopping l2sim-oai-gnb    ... done
+Stopping l2sim-oai-ext-dn ... done
+Stopping l2sim-oai-spgwu  ... done
+Stopping l2sim-oai-smf    ... done
+Stopping l2sim-oai-amf    ... done
+Stopping l2sim-oai-nrf    ... done
+Stopping l2sim-mysql      ... done
+Removing l2sim-oai-nr-ue2 ... done
+Removing l2sim-oai-nr-ue  ... done
+Removing l2sim-oai-gnb    ... done
+Removing l2sim-oai-ext-dn ... done
+Removing l2sim-oai-spgwu  ... done
+Removing l2sim-oai-smf    ... done
+Removing l2sim-oai-amf    ... done
+Removing l2sim-oai-nrf    ... done
+Removing l2sim-mysql      ... done
+Removing network l2sim-oai-public-net
+Removing network l2sim-oai-traffic-net
+# 5. Adapt the `docker-compose` to your environment #
+In the `SMF` section, provide your own DNS IP address:
+In the `gNB` section, provide your docker-host primary IP address and interface name: in our case `` and `eno1`.
+            GNB_NGA_IF_NAME: eno1
+            GNB_NGA_IP_ADDRESS:
+            GNB_NGU_IF_NAME: eno1
+            GNB_NGU_IP_ADDRESS:
+Same thing in the `nr-ue` section:
+            NR_UE_NFAPI_IF_NAME: eno1
+This tutorial is a first draft. This nFAPI feature and the proxy are still under development.
+At time of writing, we were able to run in `host-mode`, 1 `NR-UE` and just ping traffic.
+Later development will include:
+  -  deploying `gNB-VNF`, `proxy` and `UE` in isolated containers (with their own IP address)
+  -  more UEs
+  -  more traffic (`UDP` and `TCP`)
diff --git a/ci-scripts/yaml_files/5g_l2sim_tdd/docker-compose.yaml b/ci-scripts/yaml_files/5g_l2sim_tdd/docker-compose.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c899f8cc7e2076593e8f848cf2d3dbd36bb75c53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci-scripts/yaml_files/5g_l2sim_tdd/docker-compose.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+version: '3.8'
+    oai-nrf:
+        container_name: "l2sim-oai-nrf"
+        image: oai-nrf:latest
+        environment:
+            - NRF_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_SBI=eth0
+            - NRF_INTERFACE_PORT_FOR_SBI=80
+            - NRF_INTERFACE_HTTP2_PORT_FOR_SBI=9090
+            - NRF_API_VERSION=v1
+            - INSTANCE=0
+            - PID_DIRECTORY=/var/run
+        networks:
+            public_net:
+                ipv4_address:
+        volumes:
+            - ../5g_rfsimulator/nrf-healthcheck.sh:/openair-nrf/bin/nrf-healthcheck.sh
+        healthcheck:
+            test: /bin/bash -c "/openair-nrf/bin/nrf-healthcheck.sh"
+            interval: 10s
+            timeout: 5s
+            retries: 5
+    mysql:
+        container_name: "l2sim-mysql"
+        image: mysql:5.7
+        volumes:
+            - ../5g_rfsimulator/oai_db.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/oai_db.sql
+            - ../5g_rfsimulator/mysql-healthcheck.sh:/tmp/mysql-healthcheck.sh
+        environment:
+            - TZ=Europe/Paris
+            - MYSQL_DATABASE=oai_db
+            - MYSQL_USER=test
+            - MYSQL_PASSWORD=test
+            - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=linux
+        healthcheck:
+            test: /bin/bash -c "/tmp/mysql-healthcheck.sh"
+            interval: 10s
+            timeout: 5s
+            retries: 5
+        networks:
+            public_net:
+                ipv4_address:
+    oai-amf:
+        container_name: "l2sim-oai-amf"
+        image: oai-amf:latest
+        environment:
+            - TZ=Europe/paris
+            - INSTANCE=0
+            - PID_DIRECTORY=/var/run
+            - MCC=208
+            - MNC=99
+            - REGION_ID=128
+            - AMF_SET_ID=1
+            - SERVED_GUAMI_MCC_0=208
+            - SERVED_GUAMI_MNC_0=99
+            - SERVED_GUAMI_REGION_ID_0=128
+            - SERVED_GUAMI_AMF_SET_ID_0=1
+            - SERVED_GUAMI_MCC_1=460
+            - SERVED_GUAMI_MNC_1=11
+            - SERVED_GUAMI_REGION_ID_1=10
+            - SERVED_GUAMI_AMF_SET_ID_1=1
+            - PLMN_SUPPORT_MCC=208
+            - PLMN_SUPPORT_MNC=99
+            - PLMN_SUPPORT_TAC=0x0001
+            - SST_0=1
+            - SD_0=1
+            - SST_1=1
+            - SD_1=12
+            - AMF_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_NGAP=eth0
+            - AMF_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_N11=eth0
+            - SMF_INSTANCE_ID_0=1
+            - SMF_FQDN_0=oai-smf
+            - SMF_IPV4_ADDR_0=
+            - SMF_HTTP_VERSION_0=v1
+            - SELECTED_0=true
+            - SMF_INSTANCE_ID_1=2
+            - SMF_FQDN_1=oai-smf
+            - SMF_IPV4_ADDR_1=
+            - SMF_HTTP_VERSION_1=v1
+            - SELECTED_1=false
+            - MYSQL_SERVER=
+            - MYSQL_USER=root
+            - MYSQL_PASS=linux
+            - MYSQL_DB=oai_db
+            - OPERATOR_KEY=c42449363bbad02b66d16bc975d77cc1
+            - NRF_IPV4_ADDRESS=
+            - NRF_PORT=80
+            - NF_REGISTRATION=yes
+            - SMF_SELECTION=yes
+            - USE_FQDN_DNS=yes
+            - NRF_API_VERSION=v1
+            - NRF_FQDN=oai-nrf
+            - EXTERNAL_AUSF=no
+            - AUSF_IPV4_ADDRESS=
+            - AUSF_PORT=80
+            - AUSF_API_VERSION=v1
+            - AUSF_FQDN=localhost
+        depends_on:
+            - oai-nrf
+            - mysql
+        volumes:
+            - ../5g_rfsimulator/amf-healthcheck.sh:/openair-amf/bin/amf-healthcheck.sh
+        healthcheck:
+            test: /bin/bash -c "/openair-amf/bin/amf-healthcheck.sh"
+            interval: 10s
+            timeout: 15s
+            retries: 5
+        networks:
+            public_net:
+                ipv4_address:
+    oai-smf:
+        container_name: "l2sim-oai-smf"
+        image: oai-smf:latest
+        environment:
+            - TZ=Europe/Paris
+            - INSTANCE=0
+            - PID_DIRECTORY=/var/run
+            - SMF_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_N4=eth0
+            - SMF_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_SBI=eth0
+            - SMF_INTERFACE_PORT_FOR_SBI=80
+            - SMF_INTERFACE_HTTP2_PORT_FOR_SBI=9090
+            - SMF_API_VERSION=v1
+            - DEFAULT_DNS_IPV4_ADDRESS=
+            - AMF_IPV4_ADDRESS=
+            - AMF_PORT=80
+            - AMF_API_VERSION=v1
+            - AMF_FQDN=oai-amf
+            - UDM_IPV4_ADDRESS=
+            - UDM_PORT=80
+            - UDM_API_VERSION=v1
+            - UDM_FQDN=localhost
+            - UPF_IPV4_ADDRESS=
+            - UPF_FQDN_0=oai-spgwu
+            - NRF_IPV4_ADDRESS=
+            - NRF_PORT=80
+            - NRF_API_VERSION=v1
+            - NRF_FQDN=oai-nrf
+            - REGISTER_NRF=yes
+            - DISCOVER_UPF=yes
+            - USE_FQDN_DNS=yes
+            - DNN_NI0=oai
+            - DNN_NI2=oai.ipv4
+        depends_on:
+            - oai-nrf
+            - oai-amf
+        volumes:
+            - ../5g_rfsimulator/smf-healthcheck.sh:/openair-smf/bin/smf-healthcheck.sh
+        healthcheck:
+            test: /bin/bash -c "/openair-smf/bin/smf-healthcheck.sh"
+            interval: 10s
+            timeout: 5s
+            retries: 5
+        networks:
+            public_net:
+                ipv4_address:
+    oai-spgwu:
+        container_name: "l2sim-oai-spgwu"
+        image: oai-spgwu-tiny:latest
+        environment:
+            - TZ=Europe/Paris
+            - PID_DIRECTORY=/var/run
+            - SGW_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U_S12_S4_UP=eth0
+            - SGW_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_SX=eth0
+            - PGW_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_SGI=eth0
+            - NETWORK_UE_NAT_OPTION=yes
+            - NETWORK_UE_IP=
+            - SPGWC0_IP_ADDRESS=
+            - BYPASS_UL_PFCP_RULES=no
+            - MCC=208
+            - MNC=99
+            - MNC03=099
+            - TAC=1
+            - GW_ID=1
+            - REALM=openairinterface.org
+            - ENABLE_5G_FEATURES=yes
+            - REGISTER_NRF=yes
+            - USE_FQDN_NRF=yes
+            - UPF_FQDN_5G=oai-spgwu
+            - NRF_IPV4_ADDRESS=
+            - NRF_PORT=80
+            - NRF_API_VERSION=v1
+            - NRF_FQDN=oai-nrf
+            - NSSAI_SST_0=1
+            - NSSAI_SD_0=1
+            - DNN_0=oai
+        depends_on:
+            - oai-nrf
+            - oai-smf
+        cap_add:
+            - NET_ADMIN
+            - SYS_ADMIN
+        cap_drop:
+            - ALL
+        privileged: true
+        volumes:
+            - ../5g_rfsimulator/spgwu-healthcheck.sh:/openair-spgwu-tiny/bin/spgwu-healthcheck.sh
+        healthcheck:
+            test: /bin/bash -c "/openair-spgwu-tiny/bin/spgwu-healthcheck.sh"
+            interval: 10s
+            timeout: 5s
+            retries: 5
+        networks:
+            public_net:
+                ipv4_address:
+            traffic_net:
+                ipv4_address:
+    oai-ext-dn:
+        image: ubuntu:bionic
+        privileged: true
+        container_name: "l2sim-oai-ext-dn"
+        entrypoint: /bin/bash -c \
+              "apt update; apt install -y procps iptables iproute2 iperf iputils-ping;"\
+              "ip route add via dev eth0; sleep infinity"
+        depends_on:
+            - oai-spgwu
+        networks:
+            traffic_net:
+                ipv4_address:
+        healthcheck:
+            test: /bin/bash -c "ping -c 2"
+            interval: 10s
+            timeout: 5s
+            retries: 5
+    oai-gnb:
+        image: oai-gnb:develop
+        privileged: true
+        container_name: "l2sim-oai-gnb"
+        network_mode: "host"
+        environment:
+            TZ: Europe/Paris
+            USE_SA_NFAPI_VNF: 'yes'
+            GNB_NAME: gnb-l2sim-vnf
+            TAC: 1
+            MCC: '208'
+            MNC: '99'
+            MNC_LENGTH: 2
+            NSSAI_SST: 1
+            NSSAI_SD0: 1
+            NSSAI_SD1: 112233
+            AMF_IP_ADDRESS:
+            GNB_NGA_IF_NAME: eno1
+            GNB_NGA_IP_ADDRESS:
+            GNB_NGU_IF_NAME: eno1
+            GNB_NGU_IP_ADDRESS:
+            LOCAL_S_IF_NAME: 'lo:'
+            REMOTE_S_ADDRESS:
+            LOCAL_S_ADDRESS:
+            USE_ADDITIONAL_OPTIONS: --sa --nfapi 2 --emulate-l1 --log_config.global_log_options level,time,thread_id,nocolor
+        depends_on:
+            - oai-spgwu
+            - oai-amf
+        healthcheck:
+            test: /bin/bash -c "pgrep nr-softmodem"
+            interval: 10s
+            timeout: 5s
+            retries: 5
+    proxy:
+        image: oai-lte-multi-ue-proxy:latest
+        privileged: true
+        container_name: "l2sim-proxy"
+        network_mode: "host"
+        environment:
+            TZ: Europe/Paris
+        command: "/oai-lte-multi-ue-proxy/bin/proxy 1 --nr"
+        depends_on:
+            - oai-gnb
+        healthcheck:
+            test: /bin/bash -c "pgrep proxy"
+            interval: 10s
+            timeout: 5s
+            retries: 5
+    oai-nr-ue0:
+        image: oai-nr-ue:develop
+        privileged: true
+        container_name: "l2sim-oai-nr-ue0"
+        network_mode: "host"
+        environment:
+            TZ: Europe/Paris
+            USE_NFAPI: 'yes'
+            OPENAIR_DIR: /opt/oai-nr-ue
+            FULL_IMSI: '208990100001100'
+            FULL_KEY: 'fec86ba6eb707ed08905757b1bb44b8f'
+            OPC: 'C42449363BBAD02B66D16BC975D77CC1'
+            DNN: oai
+            NSSAI_SST: 1
+            NSSAI_SD: 1
+            NR_UE_NFAPI_IF_NAME: eno1
+            GNB_IP_ADDRESS:
+            NR_UE_IP_ADDRESS:
+            USE_ADDITIONAL_OPTIONS: --nokrnmod 1  --nfapi 5 --node-number 2 --sa --emulate-l1 --log_config.global_log_options level,time,thread_id,nocolor
+        volumes:
+            - ../../../openair1/SIMULATION/LTE_PHY/BLER_SIMULATIONS/AWGN/AWGN_results:/opt/oai-nr-ue/openair1/SIMULATION/LTE_PHY/BLER_SIMULATIONS/AWGN/AWGN_results
+        depends_on:
+            - oai-gnb
+            - proxy
+        healthcheck:
+            test: /bin/bash -c "pgrep nr-uesoftmodem"
+            interval: 10s
+            timeout: 5s
+            retries: 5
+    public_net:
+        driver: bridge
+        name: l2sim-oai-public-net
+        ipam:
+            config:
+                - subnet:
+        driver_opts:
+            com.docker.network.bridge.name: "l2sim-public"
+    traffic_net:
+        driver: bridge
+        name: l2sim-oai-traffic-net
+        ipam:
+            config:
+                - subnet:
+        driver_opts:
+            com.docker.network.bridge.name: "l2sim-traffic"
diff --git a/ci-scripts/yaml_files/5g_rfsimulator/README.md b/ci-scripts/yaml_files/5g_rfsimulator/README.md
index 5eb2a789a94c30ae294a65680cd1864f0d476ffc..64c9084500ce58c964875b8ad78313cb0506cab4 100644
--- a/ci-scripts/yaml_files/5g_rfsimulator/README.md
+++ b/ci-scripts/yaml_files/5g_rfsimulator/README.md
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ Making sure the OAI UE is connected:
 $ docker exec -it rfsim5g-oai-nr-ue /bin/bash
 root@bb4d400a832d:/opt/oai-nr-ue# ifconfig 
 eth0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
-        inet  netmask  broadcast
+        inet  netmask  broadcast
         ether 02:42:c0:a8:47:89  txqueuelen 0  (Ethernet)
         RX packets 224259  bytes 5821372018 (5.8 GB)
         RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ Create entry for Second UE in docker-compose.yaml file as follows:
         privileged: true
         container_name: rfsim5g-oai-nr-ue2
-            RFSIMULATOR:
+            RFSIMULATOR:
             FULL_IMSI: '208990100001101'
             FULL_KEY: 'fec86ba6eb707ed08905757b1bb44b8f'
             OPC: 'C42449363BBAD02B66D16BC975D77CC1'
@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ Create entry for Second UE in docker-compose.yaml file as follows:
             - oai-gnb
-                ipv4_address:
+                ipv4_address:
             test: /bin/bash -c "pgrep nr-uesoftmodem"
             interval: 10s
@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ Making sure the Second OAI UE is connected:
 $ docker exec -it rfsim5g-oai-nr-ue2 /bin/bash
 root@bb4d400a832d:/opt/oai-nr-ue# ifconfig 
 eth0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
-        inet  netmask  broadcast
+        inet  netmask  broadcast
         ether 02:42:c0:a8:47:8a  txqueuelen 0  (Ethernet)
         RX packets 3192021  bytes 67784900946 (67.7 GB)
         RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
diff --git a/ci-scripts/yaml_files/5g_rfsimulator/docker-compose.yaml b/ci-scripts/yaml_files/5g_rfsimulator/docker-compose.yaml
index 808be7d83d5f8c370a49c1a91050e2642f700070..f27ec3050dc2116faf97f28d4e25f64abb8fcf02 100644
--- a/ci-scripts/yaml_files/5g_rfsimulator/docker-compose.yaml
+++ b/ci-scripts/yaml_files/5g_rfsimulator/docker-compose.yaml
@@ -279,6 +279,30 @@ services:
             timeout: 5s
             retries: 5
+    oai-nr-ue2:
+        image: oai-nr-ue:develop
+        privileged: true
+        container_name: rfsim5g-oai-nr-ue2
+        environment: 
+            RFSIMULATOR:
+            FULL_IMSI: '208990100001101'
+            FULL_KEY: 'fec86ba6eb707ed08905757b1bb44b8f'
+            OPC: 'C42449363BBAD02B66D16BC975D77CC1'
+            DNN: oai
+            NSSAI_SST: 1
+            NSSAI_SD: 1
+            USE_ADDITIONAL_OPTIONS: -E --sa --rfsim -r 106 --numerology 1 -C 3619200000 --nokrnmod --log_config.global_log_options level,nocolor,time
+        depends_on:
+            - oai-gnb
+        networks:
+            public_net:
+                ipv4_address:
+        healthcheck:
+            test: /bin/bash -c "pgrep nr-uesoftmodem"
+            interval: 10s
+            timeout: 5s
+            retries: 5
         driver: bridge
diff --git a/ci-scripts/yaml_files/5g_rfsimulator/oai_db.sql b/ci-scripts/yaml_files/5g_rfsimulator/oai_db.sql
index fbd7907a71edd41cc32016f91176b270b8b5bd11..75f586c299c93afd9d62ac3dee0a4b82084b8710 100755
--- a/ci-scripts/yaml_files/5g_rfsimulator/oai_db.sql
+++ b/ci-scripts/yaml_files/5g_rfsimulator/oai_db.sql
@@ -192,6 +192,7 @@ LOCK TABLES `users` WRITE;
 /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `users` DISABLE KEYS */;
 INSERT INTO `users` VALUES ('20834123456789','380561234567','35609204079300',NULL,'PURGED',50,40000000,100000000,47,0000000000,1,'+�E��ų\0�,IH��H',0,0,00000000000000000096,'Px�X \Z1��x��','^��K�����FeU���'),('20810000001234','33611123456','35609204079299',NULL,'PURGED',120,40000000,100000000,47,0000000000,1,'��G?/�Д����	|hb',1,0,00000281454575616225,'\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0','�4�s@���z��~�'),('31002890832150','33638060059','35611302209414',NULL,'PURGED',120,40000000,100000000,47,0000000000,1,'��G?/�Д����	|hb',1,0,00000000000000012416,'`�F�݆��D��ϛ���','�4�s@���z��~�'),('001010123456789','33600101789','35609204079298',NULL,'PURGED',120,50000000,100000000,47,0000000000,1,'\0	\n\r',1,0,00000000000000000351,'\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0','L�*\\�����^��]� '),('208930000000001','33638030001','35609204079301',NULL,'PURGED',120,50000000,100000000,47,0000000000,1,'��G?/�Д����	|hb',1,0,00000000000000006103,'��wq��gzW�Ё��Z]','�4�s@���z��~�'),('208950000000002','33638050002','35609204079502',NULL,'PURGED',120,50000000,100000000,47,0000000000,1,'��G?/�Д����	|hb',1,0,00000000000000020471,'\0	\n\r','�4�s@���z��~�'),('208950000000003','33638050003','35609204079503',NULL,'PURGED',120,50000000,100000000,47,0000000000,1,'��G?/�Д����	|hb',1,0,00000000000000012343,'\0	\n\r','�4�s@���z��~�'),('208950000000004','33638050004','35609204079504',NULL,'PURGED',120,50000000,100000000,47,0000000000,1,'��G?/�Д����	|hb',1,0,00000000000000012215,'56f0261d9d051063','�4�s@���z��~�'),('208950000000005','33638050005','35609204079505',NULL,'PURGED',120,50000000,100000000,47,0000000000,1,'��G?/�Д����	|hb',1,0,00000000000000012215,'56f0261d9d051063','�4�s@���z��~�'),('208950000000001','33638050001','35609204079501',NULL,'PURGED',120,50000000,100000000,47,0000000000,1,'��G?/�Д����	|hb',1,0,00000000000000006103,'��wq��gzW�Ё��Z]','�4�s@���z��~�'),('208950000000006','33638050006','35609204079506',NULL,'PURGED',120,50000000,100000000,47,0000000000,1,'��G?/�Д����	|hb',1,0,00000000000000012215,'56f0261d9d051063','�4�s@���z��~�'),('208950000000007','33638050007','35609204079507',NULL,'PURGED',120,50000000,100000000,47,0000000000,1,'��G?/�Д����	|hb',1,0,00000000000000012215,'56f0261d9d051063','�4�s@���z��~�'),('208930000000002','33638030002','35609204079302',NULL,'PURGED',120,50000000,100000000,47,0000000000,1,'��G?/�Д����	|hb',1,0,00000000000000006103,'��wq��gzW�Ё��Z]','�4�s@���z��~�'),('208930000000003','33638030003','35609204079303',NULL,'PURGED',120,50000000,100000000,47,0000000000,1,'��G?/�Д����	|hb',1,0,00000000000000006103,'��wq��gzW�Ё��Z]','�4�s@���z��~�'),('208930000000004','33638030004','35609204079304',NULL,'PURGED',120,50000000,100000000,47,0000000000,1,'��G?/�Д����	|hb',1,0,00000000000000006103,'��wq��gzW�Ё��Z]','�4�s@���z��~�'),('208930000000005','33638030005','35609204079305',NULL,'PURGED',120,50000000,100000000,47,0000000000,1,'��G?/�Д����	|hb',1,0,00000000000000006103,'��wq��gzW�Ё��Z]','�4�s@���z��~�'),('208930000000006','33638030006','35609204079306',NULL,'PURGED',120,50000000,100000000,47,0000000000,1,'��G?/�Д����	|hb',1,0,00000000000000006103,'��wq��gzW�Ё��Z]','�4�s@���z��~�'),('208930000000007','33638030007','35609204079307',NULL,'PURGED',120,50000000,100000000,47,0000000000,1,'��G?/�Д����	|hb',1,0,00000000000000006103,'��wq��gzW�Ё��Z]','�4�s@���z��~�'),('208940000000007','33638040007','35609204079407',NULL,'PURGED',120,50000000,100000000,47,0000000000,1,'��G?/�Д����	|hb',1,0,00000000000000006103,'��wq��gzW�Ё��Z]','�4�s@���z��~�'),('208940000000006','33638040006','35609204079406',NULL,'PURGED',120,50000000,100000000,47,0000000000,1,'��G?/�Д����	|hb',1,0,00000000000000006103,'��wq��gzW�Ё��Z]','�4�s@���z��~�'),('208940000000005','33638040005','35609204079405',NULL,'PURGED',120,50000000,100000000,47,0000000000,1,'��G?/�Д����	|hb',1,0,00000000000000006103,'��wq��gzW�Ё��Z]','�4�s@���z��~�'),('208940000000004','33638040004','35609204079404',NULL,'PURGED',120,50000000,100000000,47,0000000000,1,'��G?/�Д����	|hb',1,0,00000000000000006103,'��wq��gzW�Ё��Z]','�4�s@���z��~�'),('208940000000003','33638040003','35609204079403',NULL,'PURGED',120,50000000,100000000,47,0000000000,1,'��G?/�Д����	|hb',1,0,00000000000000006103,'��wq��gzW�Ё��Z]','�4�s@���z��~�'),('208940000000002','33638040002','35609204079402',NULL,'PURGED',120,50000000,100000000,47,0000000000,1,'��G?/�Д����	|hb',1,0,00000000000000006103,'��wq��gzW�Ё��Z]','�4�s@���z��~�'),('208940000000001','33638040001','35609204079401',NULL,'PURGED',120,50000000,100000000,47,0000000000,1,'��G?/�Д����	|hb',1,0,00000000000000006103,'��wq��gzW�Ё��Z]','�4�s@���z��~�'),('208920100001100','33638020001','35609204079201',NULL,'PURGED',120,50000000,100000000,47,0000000000,1,'��G?/�Д����	|hb',1,0,00000000000000006103,'ebd07771ace8677a','�4�s@���z��~�'),('208920100001101','33638020001','35609204079201',NULL,'NOT_PURGED',120,50000000,100000000,47,0000000000,1,'��k��p~Љu{�K�',1,0,00000281044204937234,'\0	\n\r','�$I6;��+f�k�u�|�'),('208920100001102','33638020002','35609204079202',NULL,'PURGED',120,50000000,100000000,47,0000000000,1,'��G?/�Д����	|hb',1,0,00000000000000006103,'ebd07771ace8677a','�4�s@���z��~�'),('208920100001103','33638020003','35609204079203',NULL,'PURGED',120,50000000,100000000,47,0000000000,1,'��G?/�Д����	|hb',1,0,00000000000000006103,'ebd07771ace8677a','�4�s@���z��~�'),('208920100001104','33638020004','35609204079204',NULL,'PURGED',120,50000000,100000000,47,0000000000,1,'��G?/�Д����	|hb',1,0,00000000000000006103,'ebd07771ace8677a','�4�s@���z��~�'),('208920100001105','33638020005','35609204079205',NULL,'PURGED',120,50000000,100000000,47,0000000000,1,'��G?/�Д����	|hb',1,0,00000000000000006103,'ebd07771ace8677a','�4�s@���z��~�'),('208920100001106','33638020006','35609204079206',NULL,'PURGED',120,50000000,100000000,47,0000000000,1,'��k��p~Љu{�K�',1,0,00000000000000006103,'ebd07771ace8677a','�$I6;��+f�k�u�|�'),('208920100001107','33638020007','35609204079207',NULL,'PURGED',120,50000000,100000000,47,0000000000,1,'��G?/�Д����	|hb',1,0,00000000000000006103,'ebd07771ace8677a','�4�s@���z��~�'),('208920100001108','33638020008','35609204079208',NULL,'PURGED',120,50000000,100000000,47,0000000000,1,'��G?/�Д����	|hb',1,0,00000000000000006103,'ebd07771ace8677a','�4�s@���z��~�'),('208920100001109','33638020009','35609204079209',NULL,'PURGED',120,50000000,100000000,47,0000000000,1,'��G?/�Д����	|hb',1,0,00000000000000006103,'ebd07771ace8677a','�4�s@���z��~�'),('208920100001110','33638020010','35609204079210',NULL,'PURGED',120,50000000,100000000,47,0000000000,1,'��G?/�Д����	|hb',1,0,00000000000000006103,'ebd07771ace8677a','�4�s@���z��~�'),('208930100001111','33638030011','35609304079211',NULL,'PURGED',120,50000000,100000000,47,0000000000,1,'��G?/�Д����	|hb',1,0,00000000000000006103,'ebd07771ace8677a','�4�s@���z��~�'),('208930100001112','33638030012','35609304079212',NULL,'PURGED',120,50000000,100000000,47,0000000000,1,'��G?/�Д����	|hb',1,0,00000000000000006103,'ebd07771ace8677a','�4�s@���z��~�'),('208930100001113','33638030013','35609304079213',NULL,'PURGED',120,50000000,100000000,47,0000000000,1,'��G?/�Д����	|hb',1,0,00000000000000006263,'�SNܒ�Iv��e�6','�4�s@���z��~�'),('208950000000008','33638050008','35609204079508',NULL,'PURGED',120,50000000,100000000,47,0000000000,1,'��G?/�Д����	|hb',1,0,00000000000000012215,'56f0261d9d051063','�4�s@���z��~�'),('208950000000009','33638050009','35609204079509',NULL,'PURGED',120,50000000,100000000,47,0000000000,1,'��G?/�Д����	|hb',1,0,00000000000000012215,'56f0261d9d051063','�4�s@���z��~�'),('208950000000010','33638050010','35609204079510',NULL,'PURGED',120,50000000,100000000,47,0000000000,1,'��G?/�Д����	|hb',1,0,00000000000000012215,'56f0261d9d051063','�4�s@���z��~�'),('208950000000011','33638050011','35609204079511',NULL,'PURGED',120,50000000,100000000,47,0000000000,1,'��G?/�Д����	|hb',1,0,00000000000000012215,'56f0261d9d051063','�4�s@���z��~�'),('208950000000012','33638050012','35609204079512',NULL,'PURGED',120,50000000,100000000,47,0000000000,1,'��G?/�Д����	|hb',1,0,00000000000000012215,'56f0261d9d051063','�4�s@���z��~�'),('208950000000013','33638050013','35609204079513',NULL,'PURGED',120,50000000,100000000,47,0000000000,1,'��G?/�Д����	|hb',1,0,00000000000000012215,'56f0261d9d051063','�4�s@���z��~�'),('208950000000014','33638050014','35609204079514',NULL,'PURGED',120,50000000,100000000,47,0000000000,1,'��G?/�Д����	|hb',1,0,00000000000000012215,'56f0261d9d051063','�4�s@���z��~�'),('208950000000015','33638050015','35609204079515',NULL,'PURGED',120,50000000,100000000,47,0000000000,1,'��G?/�Д����	|hb',1,0,00000000000000000000,'3536663032363164','�4�s@���z��~�'),('208920100001118','33638020010','35609204079210',NULL,'NOT_PURGED',120,50000000,100000000,47,0000000000,1,'��k��p~Љu{�K�',1,0,00000281044204934762,'~?03�u-%�ey�y�','�$I6;��+f�k�u�|�'),('208920100001121','33638020010','35609204079210',NULL,'NOT_PURGED',120,50000000,100000000,47,0000000000,1,'��k��p~Љu{�K�',1,0,00000281044204935293,'&��@xg�]���\n��Vp','�$I6;��+f�k�u�|�'),('208920100001119','33638020010','35609204079210',NULL,'NOT_PURGED',120,50000000,100000000,47,0000000000,1,'��k��p~Љu{�K�',1,0,00000281044204935293,'269482407867805d','�$I6;��+f�k�u�|�'),('208920100001120','33638020010','35609204079210',NULL,'NOT_PURGED',120,50000000,100000000,47,0000000000,1,'��k��p~Љu{�K�',1,0,00000281044204935293,'3236393438323430','�$I6;��+f�k�u�|�');
 INSERT INTO `users` VALUES ('208990100001100','1','55000000000000',NULL,'PURGED',50,40000000,100000000,47,0000000000,1,0xfec86ba6eb707ed08905757b1bb44b8f,0,0,0x40,'ebd07771ace8677a',0xc42449363bbad02b66d16bc975d77cc1);
+INSERT INTO `users` VALUES ('208990100001101','1','55000000000000',NULL,'PURGED',50,40000000,100000000,47,0000000000,1,0xfec86ba6eb707ed08905757b1bb44b8f,0,0,0x40,'ebd07771ace8677a',0xc42449363bbad02b66d16bc975d77cc1);
 INSERT INTO `users` VALUES ('208950000000031','380561234567','55000000000001',NULL,'PURGED',50,40000000,100000000,47,0000000000,1,0x0C0A34601D4F07677303652C0462535B,0,0,0x40,'ebd07771ace8677a',0x63bfa50ee6523365ff14c1f45f88737d);
 INSERT INTO `users` VALUES ('208950000000032','380561234567','55000000000001',NULL,'PURGED',50,40000000,100000000,47,0000000000,1,0x0C0A34601D4F07677303652C0462535B,0,0,0x40,'ebd07771ace8677a',0x63bfa50ee6523365ff14c1f45f88737d);
 INSERT INTO `users` VALUES ('208950000000033','380561234567','55000000000001',NULL,'PURGED',50,40000000,100000000,47,0000000000,1,0x0C0A34601D4F07677303652C0462535B,0,0,0x40,'ebd07771ace8677a',0x63bfa50ee6523365ff14c1f45f88737d);
diff --git a/cmake_targets/CMakeLists.txt b/cmake_targets/CMakeLists.txt
index 46e33e880334ba7e8b8ab4858e4b6a7b62525832..80c0408e1398821f09275f7909eef8ba68295dee 100644
--- a/cmake_targets/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/cmake_targets/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -53,7 +53,6 @@ include_directories("/usr/local/include/")
 add_list2_option(RF_BOARD "None" "RF head type" "None" "OAI_USRP" "OAI_BLADERF" "OAI_LMSSDR" "OAI_SIMU" "EXMIMO")
   find_package(Boost REQUIRED)
-  include_directories(${LIBBOOST_INCLUDE_DIR})
@@ -705,11 +704,14 @@ set (SHLIB_LOADER_SOURCES
 # include RF devices / transport protocols library modules
 add_library(oai_usrpdevif MODULE ${HWLIB_USRP_SOURCE} )
+target_include_directories(oai_usrpdevif PRIVATE
+  ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIR}
 target_link_libraries(oai_usrpdevif uhd)
@@ -1779,7 +1781,8 @@ set(NR_PDCP_SRC
-  ${OPENAIR2_DIR}/SDAP/nr_sdap/nr_sdap_gnb.c
+  ${OPENAIR2_DIR}/SDAP/nr_sdap/nr_sdap.c
+  ${OPENAIR2_DIR}/SDAP/nr_sdap/nr_sdap_entity.c
@@ -1865,6 +1868,7 @@ set(NR_L2_SRC_UE
+  ${NR_RRC_DIR}/nr_rrc_config.c
 set (MAC_SRC
diff --git a/cmake_targets/build_oai b/cmake_targets/build_oai
index c65728a41d623917680f3be13205369e1ae3e3bb..5cafb95cba61913ec9535bfcdb9aef9ddb5a79b3 100755
--- a/cmake_targets/build_oai
+++ b/cmake_targets/build_oai
@@ -59,19 +59,24 @@ BUILD_ECLIPSE=0
 OPTIONAL_LIBRARIES="telnetsrv enbscope uescope nrscope"
-trap handle_ctrl_c INT
 function print_help() {
   echo_info "
-This program installs OpenAirInterface Software
-You should have ubuntu 16.xx or 18.04 updated
+This script compiles OpenAirInterface Software, and can install dependencies
+for a number of distributions (Ubuntu 18-22, Fedora, RHEL7/8).
+   Passes -march=native to the compiler.
 -c | --clean
    Erase all files to make a rebuild from start
 -C | --clean-all
    Erase all files made by previous compilations, installations
    Erase previously installed features in kernel: iptables, drivers, ...
+   Pass the supplied option verbatim to cmake.
 -d | --build-dir
    Sets build directory (will be <oai-root>/cmake_targets/<build-dir>/build)
 -I | --install-external-packages
@@ -183,6 +188,10 @@ function main() {
   until [ -z "$1" ]
     case "$1" in
+       --arch-native)
+            CMAKE_C_FLAGS+=("-march=native")
+            CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS+=("-march=native")
+            shift;;
        -c | --clean)
@@ -193,9 +202,12 @@ function main() {
             echo_info "Erased iptables config and removed modules from kernel"
+       --cmake-opt)
+            CMAKE_CMD="$CMAKE_CMD $2"
+            shift 2;;
        -d | --build-dir)
-            shift;;
+            shift 2;;
        -I | --install-external-packages)
             echo_info "Will install external packages"
@@ -565,8 +577,7 @@ function main() {
     echo_info "Installing protobuf/protobuf-c for flexran agent support"
-    install_protobuf_from_source
-    install_protobuf_c_from_source
+    install_protobuf_c
     echo_success "protobuf/protobuf-c installation successful"
@@ -575,19 +586,6 @@ function main() {
-  echo_info "3. building the compilation directives ..."
-  DIR=$OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets
-  [ "$CLEAN" = "1" ] && rm -rf $DIR/$BUILD_DIR/build
-  mkdir -p $DIR/$BUILD_DIR/build
-  cd  $DIR/$BUILD_DIR/build
-  echo_info "running $CMAKE_CMD"
-  eval $CMAKE_CMD ../..
   if [ "$eNB" = "1" ] ; then
       execlist="$execlist lte-softmodem"
@@ -607,10 +605,27 @@ function main() {
   if [ "$nrUE" = 1 ] ; then
       execlist="$execlist nr-uesoftmodem"
   if [ "$ittiSIM" = "1" ] ; then
       execlist="$execlist nr-ittisim"
+  if [[ "$execlist" == "" && "$SIMUS_PHY" != "1" ]]; then
+    echo_success "installing dependencies successful"
+    exit
+  fi
+  echo_info "3. building the compilation directives ..."
+  DIR=$OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets
+  [ "$CLEAN" = "1" ] && rm -rf $DIR/$BUILD_DIR/build
+  mkdir -p $DIR/$BUILD_DIR/build
+  cd  $DIR/$BUILD_DIR/build
+  if [[ ${#CMAKE_C_FLAGS[@]} > 0 ]]; then CMAKE_CMD="$CMAKE_CMD -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=\"${CMAKE_C_FLAGS[*]}\""; fi
+  if [[ ${#CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS[@]} > 0 ]]; then CMAKE_CMD="$CMAKE_CMD -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=\"${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS[*]}\""; fi
+  echo_info "running $CMAKE_CMD"
+  eval $CMAKE_CMD ../..
   for f in $execlist ; do
       echo_info "Compiling $f..."
diff --git a/cmake_targets/install_external_packages.ubuntu20 b/cmake_targets/install_external_packages.ubuntu20
deleted file mode 100755
index a2f6a9709c31e001bc3772ce9b4ff0dd4e5bfe18..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/cmake_targets/install_external_packages.ubuntu20
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,499 +0,0 @@
-# * Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more
-# * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-# * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-# * The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under
-# * the OAI Public License, Version 1.1  (the "License"); you may not use this file
-# * except in compliance with the License.
-# * You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# *
-# *      http://www.openairinterface.org/?page_id=698
-# *
-# * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-# * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# * limitations under the License.
-# *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# * For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance:
-# *      contact@openairinterface.org
-# */
-# brief
-# authors Laurent Thomas
-if [ ! -f /etc/os-release ]; then
-    echo "No /etc/os-release file found. You're likely on an unsupported distro."
-    exit 1
-OS_DISTRO=$(grep "^ID=" /etc/os-release | sed "s/ID=//" | sed "s/\"//g")
-OS_RELEASE=$(grep "^VERSION_ID=" /etc/os-release | sed "s/VERSION_ID=//" | sed "s/\"//g")
-case "$OS_DISTRO" in
-    ubuntu) OS_BASEDISTRO="debian"; INSTALLER="apt"; CMAKE="cmake" ;;
-SUDO='sudo -E'
-## echo and  family
-cecho()  {
-    # Color-echo
-    # arg1 = message
-    # arg2 = color
-    local default_msg="No Message."
-    message=${1:-$default_msg}
-    color=${2:-$green}
-    [ "$COLORIZE" = "1" ] && message="$color$message$reset_color"
-    echo -e "$message"
-    return
-echo_error()   { cecho "$* $red"          ;}
-echo_fatal()   { cecho "$* $red"; exit 1  ;}
-echo_warning() { cecho "$* $yellow"       ;}
-echo_success() { cecho "$* $green"        ;}
-echo_info()    { cecho "$* $blue"         ;}
-# distribution helpers #
-# This function return a string to identify the distribution we are running
-# Examples:
-#   ubuntu16.04
-#   debian8.5
-get_distribution_release() {
-check_supported_distribution() {
-    case $(get_distribution_release) in
-        "ubuntu20.04") return 0 ;;
-        "ubuntu20.10") return 0 ;;
-        "ubuntu21.04") return 0 ;;
-        "ubuntu21.10") return 0 ;;
-    esac
-    return 1
-# Error handlers #
-handler_EXIT() {
-    local exit_code=$?
-    [ "$exit_code" -eq 0 ] || echo_error "build have failed"
-    exit $exit_code
-trap handler_EXIT EXIT
-# Cleaners
-clean_kernel() {
-    $SUDO modprobe ip_tables
-    $SUDO modprobe x_tables
-    $SUDO iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT
-    $SUDO iptables -F INPUT
-    $SUDO iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
-    $SUDO iptables -F OUTPUT
-    $SUDO iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT
-    $SUDO iptables -F FORWARD
-    $SUDO iptables -t nat -F
-    $SUDO iptables -t mangle -F
-    $SUDO iptables -t filter -F
-    $SUDO iptables -t raw -F
-    echo_info "Flushed iptables"
-    $SUDO rmmod nasmesh > /dev/null 2>&1
-    $SUDO rmmod oai_nw_drv  > /dev/null 2>&1
-    $SUDO rmmod openair_rf > /dev/null 2>&1
-    $SUDO rmmod ue_ip > /dev/null 2>&1
-    echo_info "removed drivers from kernel"
-clean_all_files() {
-    set_openair_env
-    rm -rf "$OPENAIR_DIR"/targets/bin/*
-    dir="$OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets"
-    rm -rf "$dir"/log/*
-    rm -rf "$dir"/ran_build/build
-    rm -rf "$dir"/ran_build_noLOG/build
-    rm -rf "$dir"/lte-simulators/build 
-    rm -rf "$dir"/nas_sim_tools/build 
-    rm -rf "$dir"/oaisim_build_oai/build
-    rm -rf "$dir"/oaisim_build_oai/CMakeLists.txt
-    rm -rf "$dir"/autotests/bin
-    rm -rf "$dir"/autotests/log
-    rm -rf "$dir"/autotests/*/build
-# External packages installers
-    protobuf_install_log=$OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/log/protobuf_install_log.txt
-    echo_info "\nInstalling Google Protobuf from sources. The log file for Protobuf installation is here: $protobuf_install_log "
-    (
-	cd /tmp || exit
-	echo "Downloading protobuf"
-	#rm -rf /tmp/protobuf-2.6.1.tar.gz* /tmp/protobuf-2.6.1
-	#wget https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/releases/download/v2.6.1/protobuf-2.6.1.tar.gz
-	#tar -xzvf protobuf-2.6.1.tar.gz --owner $USER --group $USER --no-same-owner
-	#cd protobuf-2.6.1/
-	rm -rf /tmp/protobuf-cpp-3.3.0.tar.gz* /tmp/protobuf-3.3.0
-	wget --tries=3 --retry-connrefused https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/releases/download/v3.3.0/protobuf-cpp-3.3.0.tar.gz
-	tar -xzvf protobuf-cpp-3.3.0.tar.gz --owner "$USER" --group "$(groups | cut -d" " -f1)" --no-same-owner
-	cd protobuf-3.3.0/ || exit
-	./configure
-	echo "Compiling protobuf"
-	make -j"$(nproc)"
-	$SUDO make install
-	$SUDO ldconfig
-    ) >& "$protobuf_install_log"
-    protobuf_c_install_log=$OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/log/protobuf_c_install_log.txt
-    echo_info "\nInstalling Google Protobuf_C from sources. The log file for Protobuf_C installation is here: $protobuf_c_install_log "
-    (
-	if [[ "$OS_DISTRO" == "rhel" ]] || [[ "$OS_DISTRO" == "centos" ]]; then
-            export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig
-	fi
-	cd /tmp || exit
-	echo "Downloading protobuf-c"
-	rm -rf /tmp/protobuf-c
-	git clone https://github.com/protobuf-c/protobuf-c.git
-	cd protobuf-c || exit
-	git checkout 2a46af42784abf86804d536f6e0122d47cfeea45
-	./autogen.sh
-	./configure
-	echo "Compiling protobuf-c"
-	make -j"$(nproc)"
-	$SUDO make install
-	$SUDO ldconfig
-    ) >& "$protobuf_c_install_log"
-    uhd_install_log=$OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/log/uhd_install_log.txt
-    echo_info "\nInstalling UHD driver from sources. The log file for UHD driver installation is here: $uhd_install_log "
-    (
-	cd /tmp || exit
-	echo "Downloading UHD driver"
-	rm -rf /tmp/uhd
-	git clone https://github.com/EttusResearch/uhd.git
-	cd uhd || exit
-	git checkout UHD-3.15.LTS
-	mkdir -p host/build
-	cd host/build || exit
-	$CMAKE ../ -GNinja
-	echo "Compiling UHD"
-	ninja
-	$SUDO ninja install
-	$SUDO ldconfig
-        $SUDO /usr/lib/uhd/utils/uhd_images_downloader.py
-    ) >& "$uhd_install_log"
-    bladerf_install_log=$OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/log/bladerf_install_log.txt
-    echo_info "\nInstalling BladeRF driver from sources. The log file for BladeRF driver installation is here: $bladerf_install_log "
-    (
-	cd /tmp || exit
-	echo "Downloading BladeRF driver"
-	rm -rf /tmp/bladeRF
-	git clone https://github.com/Nuand/bladeRF.git
-	cd bladeRF || exit
-	git checkout tags/2016.06
-	mkdir -p build
-	cd build || exit
-	$CMAKE ../
-	echo "Compiling BladeRF driver"
-	make -j"$(nproc)"
-	$SUDO make install
-	$SUDO ldconfig
-	echo "Downloading FPGA and firmware images"
-	cd /tmp/bladeRF || exit
-	wget --tries=3 --retry-connrefused https://www.nuand.com/fx3/bladeRF_fw_latest.img
-	wget --tries=3 --retry-connrefused https://www.nuand.com/fpga/hostedx40-latest.rbf
-	sudo mkdir -p /usr/share/Nuand/bladeRF
-	sudo mv bladeRF_fw_latest.img /usr/share/Nuand/bladeRF/bladeRF_fw.img
-	sudo mv hostedx40-latest.rbf /usr/share/Nuand/bladeRF/hostedx40.rbf
-    ) >& "$bladerf_install_log"
-    if [[ "$OS_DISTRO" == "ubuntu" ]]; then
-        $SUDO apt-get install -y  bladerf libbladerf-dev
-        $SUDO apt-get install -y bladerf-firmware-fx3
-        $SUDO apt-get install -y bladerf-fpga-hostedx40
-    elif [[ "$OS_BASEDISTRO" == "fedora" ]]; then
-        install_bladerf_driver_from_source
-    else
-        echo_error "BladeRF Installer for OAI does not support automatic build. Install BladeRF compiling sources manually from BladeRF website"
-    fi
-flash_firmware_bladerf() {
-    $SUDO bladeRF-cli --flash-firmware /usr/share/Nuand/bladeRF/bladeRF_fw.img
-    soapy_install_log=$OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/log/soapy_install_log.txt
-    echo_info "\nInstalling Soapy EcoSystem from source. The log file for Soapy installation is here: $soapy_install_log "
-    (
-	cd /tmp || exit
-	echo "Downloading SoapySDR"
-	rm -rf /tmp/soapysdr
-	git clone -b soapy-sdr-0.7.0 --single-branch https://github.com/pothosware/SoapySDR.git
-	cd SoapySDR || exit
-	#git checkout tags/release_003_010_001_001
-	mkdir -p build
-	cd build || exit
-	$CMAKE ../
-	echo "Compiling SoapySDR"
-	make -j"$(nproc)"
-	$SUDO make install
-	$SUDO ldconfig
-	cd /tmp || exit
-	echo "Downloading SoapyRemote"
-	rm -rf /tmp/soapyremote
-	git clone -b soapy-remote-0.5.0 --single-branch https://github.com/pothosware/SoapyRemote.git
-	cd SoapyRemote || exit
-	#git checkout tags/release_003_010_001_001
-	mkdir -p build
-	cd build || exit
-	cmake ../
-	echo "Compiling SoapyRemote"
-	make -j"$(nproc)"
-	$SUDO make install
-	$SUDO ldconfig
-    ) >& "$soapy_install_log"
-    iris_install_log=$OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/log/iris_install_log.txt
-    echo_info "\nInstalling Iris driver from source. The log file for Iris driver installation is here: $iris_install_log "
-    (
-	cd /tmp || exit
-	echo "Downloading SoapyIris"
-	rm -rf /tmp/sklk-soapyiris
-	git clone -b soapy-iris-2018.08.0.1 --single-branch https://github.com/skylarkwireless/sklk-soapyiris.git
-	cd sklk-soapyiris || exit
-	mkdir -p build
-	cd build ||exit
-	cmake ../
-	echo "Compiling SoapyIris"
-	make -j"$(nproc)"
-	$SUDO make install
-	$SUDO ldconfig
-    ) >& "$iris_install_log"
-check_install_soapy () {
-    #if [[ "$OS_DISTRO" == "ubuntu" ]]; then
-    #first we remove old installation
-    $SUDO apt-get remove -y soapysdr soapysdr-server libsoapysdr-dev python-soapysdr python3-soapysdr soapysdr-module-remote || true
-    #$SUDO add-apt-repository -y ppa:myriadrf/drivers
-    #$SUDO apt-get update
-    #$SUDO apt-get install -y soapysdr soapysdr-server libsoapysdr-dev python-soapysdr python3-soapysdr soapysdr-module-remote
-    #elif [[ "$OS_BASEDISTRO" == "fedora" ]]; then
-    #    $SUDO $INSTALLER -y install software-properties-common python3-software-properties python-software-properties subversion git python3 python-numpy python3-numpy cmake swig python-dev
-    install_soapy_from_source
-    #fi
-    install_soapy_iris_from_source
-check_install_ubuntu_packages() {
-    $SUDO $INSTALLER update -y
-    if [[ "$OS_DISTRO" == "ubuntu" ]]; then
-	local LAPACK_LIBNAME="liblapack.so"
-	local LAPACK_TARGET="/usr/lib/atlas-base/atlas/liblapack.so"
-	$SUDO apt install -y software-properties-common
-	case "$(get_distribution_release)" in
-            "ubuntu20.04")
-		specific_packages="libtasn1-6-dev libgnutls28-dev iproute2 libconfig-dev"
-		LAPACK_LIBNAME="liblapack.so-x86_64-linux-gnu"
-		LAPACK_TARGET="/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/atlas/liblapack.so"
-		;;
-            "ubuntu21.04")
-		specific_packages="libtasn1-6-dev libgnutls28-dev iproute2 libconfig-dev"
-		LAPACK_LIBNAME="liblapack.so-x86_64-linux-gnu"
-		LAPACK_TARGET="/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/atlas/liblapack.so"
-		;;
-	esac
-	$SUDO $INSTALLER install -y \
-	      $specific_packages \
-	      check  \
-              dialog \
-              dkms \
-              gawk \
-              libboost-all-dev \
-              libpthread-stubs0-dev \
-              openvpn \
-              pkg-config \
-              python3-dev  \
-              sshfs \
-              swig  \
-              tshark \
-              uml-utilities \
-              unzip  \
-              valgrind  \
-              vlan      \
-              exuberant-ctags \
-              ntpdate \
-              iperf3 \
-              android-tools-adb \
-              wvdial \
-              sshpass \
-              nscd \
-              bc \
-              ntp \
-              python3-scipy \
-              python3-matplotlib \
-	      bison  \
-	      build-essential \
-	      cmake \
-	      cmake-curses-gui  \
-              ninja-build \
-	      doxygen \
-	      doxygen-gui \
-	      texlive-latex-base \
-	      ethtool \
-	      flex  \
-	      gdb  \
-	      git \
-	      graphviz \
-	      gtkwave \
-	      iperf \
-	      iptables \
-	      libxtables-dev \
-	      libatlas-base-dev \
-	      libblas-dev \
-	      liblapack-dev\
-	      liblapacke-dev\
-	      libffi-dev \
-	      libforms-bin \
-	      libforms-dev \
-	      libgcrypt20-dev \
-	      libgmp-dev \
-	      libgtk-3-dev \
-	      libidn2-0-dev  \
-	      libidn11-dev \
-	      libmysqlclient-dev  \
-	      libpython2.7-dev \
-	      libsctp1  \
-	      libsctp-dev  \
-	      libssl-dev  \
-	      libtool  \
-	      libusb-1.0-0-dev \
-	      libxml2 \
-	      libxml2-dev  \
-	      libxslt1-dev \
-	      octave-signal \
-	      openssh-client \
-	      openssh-server \
-	      openssl \
-	      python3  \
-	      subversion \
-	      xmlstarlet \
-	      python3-pip \
-	      libyaml-dev \
-	      wget \
-	      libxpm-dev \
-              libboost-all-dev \
-	      nettle-dev \
-	      nettle-bin \
-              libreadline-dev
-    fi
-    $SUDO update-alternatives --set "$LAPACK_LIBNAME" "$LAPACK_TARGET"
-    asn1_install_log=$OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/log/asn1c_install_log.txt
-    echo_info "\nInstalling ASN1. The log file for ASN1 installation is here: $asn1_install_log "
-    (
-	$SUDO rm -rf /tmp/asn1c
-	# GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY=true git clone https://gitlab.eurecom.fr/oai/asn1c.git /tmp/asn1c
-	git clone https://gitlab.eurecom.fr/oai/asn1c.git /tmp/asn1c
-	cd /tmp/asn1c || exit
-	# better to use a given commit than a branch in case the branch
-	# is updated and requires modifications in the source of OAI
-	#git checkout velichkov_s1ap_plus_option_group
-	git checkout f12568d617dbf48497588f8e227d70388fa217c9
-	autoreconf -iv
-	./configure
-	make -j"$(nproc)"
-	$SUDO make install
-	cd - || exit
-	$SUDO ldconfig
-    ) > "$asn1_install_log" 2>&1
-# set_openair_env
-    fullpath=$(readlink -f "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")
-    [ -f "/.$fullpath" ] || fullpath=$(readlink -f "$PWD/$fullpath")
-    openair_path=${fullpath%/cmake_targets/*}
-    openair_path=${openair_path%/targets/*}
-    openair_path=${openair_path%/openair[123]/*}
-    export OPENAIR_DIR=$openair_path
-    export OPENAIR1_DIR=$openair_path/openair1
-    export OPENAIR2_DIR=$openair_path/openair2
-    export OPENAIR3_DIR=$openair_path/openair3
-    export OPENAIR_TARGETS=$openair_path/targets
-if ! check_supported_distribution; then
-    echo_error "Your distribution $(get_distribution_release) is not supported by oai !"
-    exit 1
-echo_info "Installing packages"
-echo_info "installing ASN.1 compiler"
-echo_info "installing protobuf/protobuf-c for flexran agent support"
-if [ "$1" == "USRP" ] ; then
-    echo_info "installing packages for USRP support"
-    install_usrp_uhd_driver
-if [ "$1" == "BLADERF" ] ; then
-    echo_info "installing packages for BLADERF support"
-    check_install_bladerf_driver
-    flash_firmware_bladerf
-if [ "$1" == "IRIS" ] ; then
-    echo_info "installing packages for IRIS support"
-    check_install_soapy
-    #  flash_firmware_iris
diff --git a/cmake_targets/tools/build_helper b/cmake_targets/tools/build_helper
index 55a39c6b2b67e2aa47bf2a3f76efc48374990293..554f3ccfe52958d125007b82e8d5c7d4ac9e08b0 100755
--- a/cmake_targets/tools/build_helper
+++ b/cmake_targets/tools/build_helper
@@ -103,12 +103,12 @@ get_distribution_release() {
 check_supported_distribution() {
     local distribution=$(get_distribution_release)
     case "$distribution" in
+        "ubuntu22.04") return 0 ;;
+        "ubuntu21.04") return 0 ;;
+        "ubuntu20.04") return 0 ;;
         "ubuntu18.04") return 0 ;;
-        "ubuntu17.10") return 0 ;;
-        "ubuntu17.04") return 0 ;;
         "ubuntu16.04") return 0 ;;
-        "ubuntu14.04") return 0 ;;
-        "fedora24")    return 0 ;;
+        "fedora35")    return 0 ;;
         "rhel7")       return 0 ;;
         "rhel7.6")     return 0 ;;
         "rhel7.7")     return 0 ;;
@@ -315,6 +315,26 @@ install_protobuf_c_from_source(){
     ) >& $protobuf_c_install_log
+install_protobuf_c() {
+  local protobuf_packages=""
+  case "$(get_distribution_release)" in
+    "ubuntu18.04" | "ubuntu20.04" | "ubuntu21.04" | "ubuntu22.04")
+      protobuf_packages="protobuf-c-compiler libprotobuf-c1 libprotobuf-c-dev"
+      ;;
+  esac
+  case "$OS_DISTRO" in
+    "rhel" | "centos" | "fedora") # in EPEL and Fedora repos (at least as of 35)
+      protobuf_packages="protobuf-c-compiler protobuf-c protobuf-c-devel"
+      ;;
+  esac
+  if [[ "$protobuf_packages" == "" ]]; then
+    install_protobuf_from_source
+    install_protobuf_c_from_source
+  else
+    $SUDO $INSTALLER -y install $protobuf_packages
+  fi
     echo_info "\nInstalling UHD driver from sources. The log file for UHD driver installation is here: $uhd_install_log "
@@ -471,10 +491,6 @@ install_bladerf_driver_from_source(){
     if [[ "$OS_DISTRO" == "ubuntu" ]]; then
-        if [ "$(get_distribution_release)" == "ubuntu14.04" ] ; then
-            $SUDO add-apt-repository -y ppa:bladerf/bladerf
-            $SUDO apt-get update
-        fi
         $SUDO apt-get install -y  bladerf libbladerf-dev
         $SUDO apt-get install -y bladerf-firmware-fx3
         $SUDO apt-get install -y bladerf-fpga-hostedx40
@@ -574,7 +590,16 @@ check_install_soapy () {
 check_install_additional_tools (){
   $SUDO $INSTALLER update -y
+  local optional_packages=""
   if [[ "$OS_DISTRO" == "ubuntu" ]]; then
+    case "$(get_distribution_release)" in
+        "ubuntu16.04"| "ubuntu18.04")
+            optional_packages="python-dev python-pexpect python-numpy python-scipy python-matplotlib ctags"
+            ;;
+        "ubuntu20.04" | "ubuntu21.04" | "ubuntu22.04" )
+            optional_packages="python3 python3-pip python3-dev python3-scipy python3-matplotlib universal-ctags"
+            ;;
+    esac
 	check \
 	dialog \
@@ -584,8 +609,6 @@ check_install_additional_tools (){
 	libpthread-stubs0-dev \
 	openvpn \
 	pkg-config \
-	python-dev  \
-	python-pexpect \
 	sshfs \
 	swig  \
 	tshark \
@@ -593,18 +616,14 @@ check_install_additional_tools (){
 	unzip  \
 	valgrind  \
 	vlan	  \
-	ctags \
         ntpdate \
         iperf3 \
         android-tools-adb \
 	wvdial \
-        python-numpy \
         sshpass \
         nscd \
         bc \
-        ntp \
-        python-scipy \
-        python-matplotlib"
+        ntp"
   elif [[ "$OS_DISTRO" == "rhel" ]] || [[ "$OS_DISTRO" == "centos" ]]; then
       check \
@@ -650,22 +669,19 @@ check_install_additional_tools (){
       valgrind  \
       vconfig	  \
       ctags \
-      ntpdate \
+      ntpsec \
       iperf3 \
       wvdial \
       python-numpy \
       sshpass \
       nscd \
-      python2-paramiko \
+      python-paramiko \
       python-pyroute2 \
       python-netifaces \
-      python2-scipy \
-      python2-matplotlib"
+      python-scipy \
+      python-matplotlib"
-    $SUDO rm -fr /opt/ssh
-    $SUDO GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY=true git clone https://gitlab.eurecom.fr/oai/ssh.git /opt/ssh
+    $SUDO $INSTALLER install -y $PACKAGE_LIST $optional_packages
   #The packages below are already installed for Redhat distros (RHEL, CentOS, Fedora)
   if [[ "$OS_DISTRO" == "ubuntu" ]]; then
@@ -696,25 +712,26 @@ check_install_oai_software() {
     local LAPACK_TARGET="/usr/lib/atlas-base/atlas/liblapack.so"
     $SUDO apt install -y software-properties-common
     case "$(get_distribution_release)" in
-        "ubuntu14.04")
-            specific_packages="libtasn1-3-dev libgnutls-dev libatlas-dev iproute libconfig8-dev"
-            # For iperf3
-            $SUDO add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu trusty-backports universe"
-            $SUDO apt-get update
-            ;;
-            specific_packages="libtasn1-6-dev libgnutls-dev libatlas-dev iproute libconfig8-dev"
+            specific_packages="libtasn1-6-dev libgnutls-dev libatlas-dev iproute libconfig8-dev iptables-dev libgcrypt11-dev python-pip pydb python guile-2.0-dev"
-        "ubuntu17.04")
-            specific_packages="libtasn1-6-dev libgnutls28-dev libatlas-dev iproute libconfig8-dev"
+        "ubuntu18.04")
+            specific_packages="libtasn1-6-dev libgnutls28-dev iproute2 libconfig-dev iptables-dev libgcrypt11-dev python-pip pydb python guile-2.0-dev"
+            LAPACK_LIBNAME="liblapack.so-x86_64-linux-gnu"
+            LAPACK_TARGET="/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/atlas/liblapack.so"
-        "ubuntu17.10")
-            specific_packages="libtasn1-6-dev libgnutls28-dev iproute libconfig8-dev"
+        "ubuntu20.04")
+            specific_packages="libtasn1-6-dev libgnutls28-dev iproute2 libconfig-dev python guile-2.0-dev"
-        "ubuntu18.04")
-            specific_packages="libtasn1-6-dev libgnutls28-dev iproute2 libconfig-dev"
+         "ubuntu21.04")
+            specific_packages="libtasn1-6-dev libgnutls28-dev iproute2 libconfig-dev python guile-2.0-dev"
+            LAPACK_LIBNAME="liblapack.so-x86_64-linux-gnu"
+            LAPACK_TARGET="/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/atlas/liblapack.so"
+            ;;
+         "ubuntu22.04")
+            specific_packages="libtasn1-6-dev libgnutls28-dev iproute2 libconfig-dev python2 guile-2.2-dev"
@@ -734,22 +751,21 @@ check_install_oai_software() {
 	texlive-latex-base \
 	ethtool \
 	flex  \
+        g++ \
+        gcc \
 	gdb  \
 	git \
 	graphviz \
 	gtkwave \
-	guile-2.0-dev  \
 	iperf \
 	iptables \
-	iptables-dev \
 	libatlas-base-dev \
 	libblas-dev \
-  liblapack-dev\
-  liblapacke-dev\
+	liblapack-dev \
+	liblapacke-dev \
 	libffi-dev \
 	libforms-bin \
 	libforms-dev \
-	libgcrypt11-dev \
 	libgmp-dev \
 	libgtk-3-dev \
 	libidn2-0-dev  \
@@ -769,11 +785,8 @@ check_install_oai_software() {
 	openssh-client \
 	openssh-server \
 	openssl \
-	python  \
 	subversion \
 	xmlstarlet \
-	python-pip \
-	pydb \
 	libyaml-dev \
 	wget \
 	libxpm-dev \
@@ -791,8 +804,6 @@ check_install_oai_software() {
         $SUDO $INSTALLER install -y https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
       $SUDO $INSTALLER install -y python-epdb vim-common
-    else
-      $SUDO $INSTALLER install -y pydb
     $SUDO $INSTALLER install -y \
@@ -804,6 +815,8 @@ check_install_oai_software() {
       doxygen \
       ethtool \
       flex \
+      g++ \
+      gcc \
       gdb \
       git \
       graphviz \
@@ -860,8 +873,6 @@ check_install_oai_software() {
     install_asn1c_from_source $1
-    $SUDO rm -fr /opt/ssh
-    $SUDO git clone https://gist.github.com/2190472.git /opt/ssh
@@ -955,23 +966,3 @@ do
-# get from http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/validating-ip-address-bash-script
-validate_ip() {
-local  ip=$1
-local  stat=1
-if [[ $ip =~ ^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$ ]]; then
-    OIFS=$IFS
-    IFS='.'
-    ip=($ip)
-    IFS=$OIFS
-    [[ ${ip[0]} -le 255 && ${ip[1]} -le 255 \
-        && ${ip[2]} -le 255 && ${ip[3]} -le 255 ]]
-    stat=$?
-return $stat
diff --git a/common/utils/LOG/log.c b/common/utils/LOG/log.c
index 5b047c082d057b2bcd795a7d9c98084b5ad34fd3..8be35680342b8ff7793af73607bab9efded6c5f7 100644
--- a/common/utils/LOG/log.c
+++ b/common/utils/LOG/log.c
@@ -478,6 +478,7 @@ int logInit (void)
+  register_log_component("SDAP","",SDAP);
diff --git a/common/utils/LOG/log.h b/common/utils/LOG/log.h
index 1fbf42f62d43c02952ffcc487acc00636fc8f735..89b9c5e94d258e4662920f7a2cdf01505dcb62d4 100644
--- a/common/utils/LOG/log.h
+++ b/common/utils/LOG/log.h
@@ -215,6 +215,7 @@ typedef enum {
+  SDAP,
diff --git a/common/utils/T/T_messages.txt b/common/utils/T/T_messages.txt
index a8b919e5252459e007c696744515a42ef7ac7e9c..b3c06d6be8a195ea81dba9748fd96ee1a9cf839c 100644
--- a/common/utils/T/T_messages.txt
+++ b/common/utils/T/T_messages.txt
@@ -944,6 +944,27 @@ ID = LEGACY_GTPU_TRACE
     FORMAT = string,log
+    DESC = SDAP legacy logs - info level
+    FORMAT = string,log
+    DESC = SDAP legacy logs - error level
+    FORMAT = string,log
+    DESC = SDAP legacy logs - warning level
+    FORMAT = string,log
+    DESC = SDAP legacy logs - debug level
+    FORMAT = string,log
+    DESC = SDAP legacy logs - trace level
+    FORMAT = string,log
     DESC = TMR legacy logs - info level
diff --git a/common/utils/system.c b/common/utils/system.c
index d8970631446dc4b112b65af896f111120b40fcf5..00839b485ca15aa0534c2cfa52d1421ccc375c71 100644
--- a/common/utils/system.c
+++ b/common/utils/system.c
@@ -234,9 +234,10 @@ void threadCreate(pthread_t* t, void * (*func)(void*), void * param, char* name,
   ret=pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);
   AssertFatal(ret==0,"ret: %d, errno: %d\n",ret, errno);
-  if (system("grep -iq 'ID_LIKE.*fedora' /etc/os-release && uname -a | grep -c rt")==0)
-      if (system("cat /proc/self/cgroup | egrep -c 'libpod|podman|kubepods'")==0)
-	settingPriority = 0;
+  if (checkIfFedoraDistribution())
+    if (checkIfGenericKernelOnFedora())
+      if (checkIfInsideContainer())
+        settingPriority = 0;
   if (settingPriority) {
     ret=pthread_attr_setinheritsched(&attr, PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED);
diff --git a/doc/BUILD.md b/doc/BUILD.md
index 852a2486595740315eb6b6427c43f40e514969a3..a52ce98cb53f7df132d6b55d64902b32fb7c1036 100644
--- a/doc/BUILD.md
+++ b/doc/BUILD.md
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ cd cmake_targets/
 ./build_oai -I -w USRP --eNB --UE --nrUE --gNB
-- The `-I` option is to install pre-requisites, you only need it the first time you build the softmodem or when some oai dependencies have changed. Note: for Ubuntu 20 use cmake_targets/install_external_packages.ubuntu20 instead!
+- The `-I` option is to install pre-requisites, you only need it the first time you build the softmodem or when some oai dependencies have changed.
 - The `-w` option is to select the radio head support you want to include in your build. Radio head support is provided via a shared library, which is called the "oai device" The build script creates a soft link from `liboai_device.so` to the true device which will be used at run-time (here the USRP one,`liboai_usrpdevif.so` . USRP is the only hardware tested today in the Continuous Integration process. The RF simulator[RF simulator](../targets/ARCH/rfsimulator/README.md) is implemented as a specific device replacing RF hardware, it can be specifically built using `-w SIMU` option, but is also built during any softmodem build.
 - `--eNB` is to build the `lte-softmodem` executable and all required shared libraries
 - `--gNB` is to build the `nr-softmodem` executable and all required shared libraries
diff --git a/doc/FEATURE_SET.md b/doc/FEATURE_SET.md
index eaa691d6ef07142ba399cb1e308b7b9926183c3a..a289c6d17eb491005f037b05f8037e72d9b606c8 100644
--- a/doc/FEATURE_SET.md
+++ b/doc/FEATURE_SET.md
@@ -351,6 +351,14 @@ The following features are valid for the gNB and the 5G-NR UE.
   - Interfaces with RRC, RLC 
   - Interfaces with gtp-u (data Tx/Rx over N3 and F1-U interfaces)
+**gNB SDAP**
+- Send/Receive operations according to 37.324 Rel.15
+  - Establishment/Handling of SDAP entities.
+  - Transfer of User Plane Data
+  - Mapping between a QoS flow and a DRB for both DL and UL
+  - Marking QoS flow ID in both DL and UL packets
+  - Reflective QoS flow to DRB mapping for UL SDAP data PDUs
 **gNB RRC**
 - NR RRC (38.331) Rel 16 messages using new asn1c 
 - LTE RRC (36.331) also updated to Rel 15 
@@ -400,6 +408,7 @@ The following features are valid for the gNB and the 5G-NR UE.
 - New gtp-u implementation supporting both N3 and F1-U interfaces according to 29.281 Rel.15
   - Interfaces with RRC, F1AP for tunnel creation
   - Interfaces with PDCP and RLC for data send/receive at the CU and DU respectively (F1-U interface)
+  - Interface with SDAP for data send/receive, capture of GTP-U Optional Header, GTP-U Extension Header and PDU Session Container.
 # OpenAirInterface 5G-NR UE Feature Set #
@@ -502,6 +511,13 @@ The following features are valid for the gNB and the 5G-NR UE.
    - Radio bearer establishment/handling and association with PDCP entities
    - Interfaces with RRC, RLC 
+**UE SDAP**
+*  Tx/Rx operations operations according to 37.324 Rel.15
+  - Establishment/Handling of SDAP entities.
+  - Transfer of User Plane Data
+  - Reflective Mapping
+  - RRC Signaling Mapping
 **UE RRC**
 * Integration of RRC messages and procedures supporting UE 5G SA connection according to 38.331 Rel.16 
    - RRCSetupRequest/RRCSetup/RRCSetupComplete
diff --git a/doc/L2NFAPI.md b/doc/L2NFAPI.md
index 5b8c0f546cf1c1e323e0004d7e85029d355fc1ba..77f9e5cb783ccae80805fb937be918138d2e98e5 100644
--- a/doc/L2NFAPI.md
+++ b/doc/L2NFAPI.md
@@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ This proxy allows to perform L2 nFAPI simulator for:
 * 5G-NSA
 * 5G-SA
+Another tutorial for 5G SA mode with 1 User is available [here](../ci-scripts/yaml_files/5g_l2sim_tdd/README.md).
 [oai wiki home](https://gitlab.eurecom.fr/oai/openairinterface5g/wikis/home)
diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile.eNB.rhel8.2 b/docker/Dockerfile.eNB.rhel8.2
index 7924f5bd78844f99c7603f79a5f31f218945491b..5296ac21726320bc65c1b847b2aef2d6fd6db0bd 100644
--- a/docker/Dockerfile.eNB.rhel8.2
+++ b/docker/Dockerfile.eNB.rhel8.2
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ COPY --from=enb-base \
 # Now we are copying from builder-image the UHD files.
 COPY --from=enb-base /usr/local/bin/uhd_find_devices /usr/local/bin
-COPY --from=enb-base /usr/local/lib/libprotobuf-c.so.1 /usr/local/lib
+COPY --from=enb-base /usr/lib64/libprotobuf-c.so.1 /usr/local/lib
 COPY --from=enb-base /usr/local/lib64/libuhd.so.3.15.0 /usr/local/lib64
 COPY --from=enb-base /usr/local/lib64/uhd/utils/uhd_images_downloader.py /opt/oai-enb/bin
diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile.eNB.ubuntu18 b/docker/Dockerfile.eNB.ubuntu18
index 222a7f42bbac0cf7f0c61c6fc86cc264f1db6adb..f95a03398a1dbae54847536761ce06cb18053969 100644
--- a/docker/Dockerfile.eNB.ubuntu18
+++ b/docker/Dockerfile.eNB.ubuntu18
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ COPY --from=enb-build \
 COPY --from=enb-base /usr/local/bin/uhd_find_devices /usr/local/bin
 COPY --from=enb-base \
      /usr/local/lib/libuhd.so.3.15.0 \
-     /usr/local/lib/libprotobuf-c.so.1 \
+     /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libprotobuf-c.so.1 \
 COPY --from=enb-base /usr/local/lib/uhd/utils/uhd_images_downloader.py /opt/oai-enb/bin
 COPY --from=enb-base \
diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile.gNB.rhel8.2 b/docker/Dockerfile.gNB.rhel8.2
index 6a1b447a6253941542614a0e49d1f994d727e221..9ec7ee755691ca2ce5a15494e943cd461edf576b 100644
--- a/docker/Dockerfile.gNB.rhel8.2
+++ b/docker/Dockerfile.gNB.rhel8.2
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ COPY --from=gnb-base \
 # Now we are copying from builder-image the UHD files.
 COPY --from=gnb-base /usr/local/bin/uhd_find_devices /usr/local/bin
-COPY --from=gnb-base /usr/local/lib/libprotobuf-c.so.1 /usr/local/lib
+COPY --from=gnb-base /usr/lib64/libprotobuf-c.so.1 /usr/local/lib
 COPY --from=gnb-base /usr/local/lib64/libuhd.so.3.15.0 /usr/local/lib64
 COPY --from=gnb-base /usr/local/lib64/uhd/utils/uhd_images_downloader.py /opt/oai-gnb/bin
diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile.gNB.ubuntu18 b/docker/Dockerfile.gNB.ubuntu18
index 6f990db833575f21f519d1cc6f909c11a636e299..6a98c8d3ce260142d4c459d2bccb01f803b372f3 100644
--- a/docker/Dockerfile.gNB.ubuntu18
+++ b/docker/Dockerfile.gNB.ubuntu18
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ COPY --from=gnb-build \
 COPY --from=gnb-base /usr/local/bin/uhd_find_devices /usr/local/bin
 COPY --from=gnb-base \
      /usr/local/lib/libuhd.so.3.15.0 \
-     /usr/local/lib/libprotobuf-c.so.1 \
+     /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libprotobuf-c.so.1 \
 COPY --from=gnb-base /usr/local/lib/uhd/utils/uhd_images_downloader.py /opt/oai-gnb/bin
 COPY --from=gnb-base \
diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile.lteUE.rhel8.2 b/docker/Dockerfile.lteUE.rhel8.2
index cc1be3d41d5c68e93be5298f89401db25cf59ca3..ab7d22493992daee89a9eec3908aa828b8f4a23d 100644
--- a/docker/Dockerfile.lteUE.rhel8.2
+++ b/docker/Dockerfile.lteUE.rhel8.2
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ COPY --from=lte-ue-base \
 # Now we are copying from builder-image the UHD files.
 COPY --from=lte-ue-base /usr/local/bin/uhd_find_devices /usr/local/bin
-COPY --from=lte-ue-base /usr/local/lib/libprotobuf-c.so.1 /usr/local/lib
+COPY --from=lte-ue-base /usr/lib64/libprotobuf-c.so.1 /usr/local/lib
 COPY --from=lte-ue-base /usr/local/lib64/libuhd.so.3.15.0 /usr/local/lib64
 COPY --from=lte-ue-base /usr/local/lib64/uhd/utils/uhd_images_downloader.py /opt/oai-lte-ue/bin
diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile.lteUE.ubuntu18 b/docker/Dockerfile.lteUE.ubuntu18
index 292ac37e5f0f09520fbfb7fa2cda5ede1ca0291c..b2a0fd6e93dda25990d49a57a9b0452f9061d2b1 100644
--- a/docker/Dockerfile.lteUE.ubuntu18
+++ b/docker/Dockerfile.lteUE.ubuntu18
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ COPY --from=lte-ue-build \
 COPY --from=lte-ue-base /usr/local/bin/uhd_find_devices /usr/local/bin
 COPY --from=lte-ue-base \
      /usr/local/lib/libuhd.so.3.15.0 \
-     /usr/local/lib/libprotobuf-c.so.1 \
+     /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libprotobuf-c.so.1 \
 COPY --from=lte-ue-base /usr/local/lib/uhd/utils/uhd_images_downloader.py /opt/oai-lte-ue/bin
diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile.nrUE.rhel8.2 b/docker/Dockerfile.nrUE.rhel8.2
index d38e81bd71eec16ce5782c29ff2a21a8dfc3ad8e..dfb28cfd1d78e48b2affee2a2e1bb682d7d17308 100644
--- a/docker/Dockerfile.nrUE.rhel8.2
+++ b/docker/Dockerfile.nrUE.rhel8.2
@@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ FROM ran-base:latest AS nr-ue-base
 FROM ran-build:latest AS nr-ue-build 
-RUN cp /oai-ran/docker/scripts/nr_ue_entrypoint.sh /oai-ran/docker/scripts/entrypoint.sh
+RUN python3 ./docker/scripts/generateTemplate.py ./docker/scripts/nr_ue_parameters.yaml && \
+    cp /oai-ran/docker/scripts/nr_ue_entrypoint.sh /oai-ran/docker/scripts/entrypoint.sh
 #start from scratch for target executable
 FROM registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi:latest as oai-nr-ue
@@ -62,7 +63,10 @@ COPY --from=nr-ue-build \
 WORKDIR /opt/oai-nr-ue/etc
-COPY --from=nr-ue-build /oai-ran/ci-scripts/conf_files/nr-ue-sim.conf .
+COPY --from=nr-ue-build \
+    /oai-ran/ci-scripts/conf_files/nr-ue-sim.conf \
+    /oai-ran/docker/etc/nr-ue.nfapi.conf \
+    ./
 COPY --from=nr-ue-build \
     /oai-ran/cmake_targets/ran_build/build/liboai_eth_transpro.so \
@@ -103,7 +107,7 @@ COPY --from=nr-ue-base \
 # Now we are copying from builder-image the UHD files.
 COPY --from=nr-ue-base /usr/local/bin/uhd_find_devices /usr/local/bin
-COPY --from=nr-ue-base /usr/local/lib/libprotobuf-c.so.1 /usr/local/lib
+COPY --from=nr-ue-base /usr/lib64/libprotobuf-c.so.1 /usr/local/lib
 COPY --from=nr-ue-base /usr/local/lib64/libuhd.so.3.15.0 /usr/local/lib64
 COPY --from=nr-ue-base /usr/local/lib64/uhd/utils/uhd_images_downloader.py /opt/oai-nr-ue/bin
@@ -118,5 +122,5 @@ WORKDIR /opt/oai-nr-ue/etc
 COPY --from=nr-ue-build /oai-ran/ci-scripts/conf_files/ue.* .
 WORKDIR /opt/oai-nr-ue
-CMD ["/opt/oai-nr-ue/bin/nr-uesoftmodem.Rel15", "-O", "/opt/oai-nr-ue/etc/nr-ue-sim.conf"]
+CMD ["/opt/oai-nr-ue/bin/nr-uesoftmodem.Rel15", "-O", "/opt/oai-nr-ue/etc/nr-ue.conf"]
 ENTRYPOINT ["/opt/oai-nr-ue/bin/entrypoint.sh"]
diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile.nrUE.ubuntu18 b/docker/Dockerfile.nrUE.ubuntu18
index 0fa219296b7b7e52327b46baf190c630ec5a5b0f..9f68b947cd10d1a9324b2c2ba9e2b1d210da9ffc 100644
--- a/docker/Dockerfile.nrUE.ubuntu18
+++ b/docker/Dockerfile.nrUE.ubuntu18
@@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ FROM ran-base:latest AS nr-ue-base
 FROM ran-build:latest AS nr-ue-build
-RUN cp /oai-ran/docker/scripts/nr_ue_entrypoint.sh /oai-ran/docker/scripts/entrypoint.sh
+RUN python3 ./docker/scripts/generateTemplate.py ./docker/scripts/nr_ue_parameters.yaml && \
+    cp /oai-ran/docker/scripts/nr_ue_entrypoint.sh /oai-ran/docker/scripts/entrypoint.sh
 #start from scratch for target executable
 FROM ubuntu:bionic as oai-nr-ue
@@ -67,7 +68,10 @@ COPY --from=nr-ue-build \
 WORKDIR /opt/oai-nr-ue/etc
-COPY --from=nr-ue-build /oai-ran/ci-scripts/conf_files/nr-ue-sim.conf .
+COPY --from=nr-ue-build \
+    /oai-ran/ci-scripts/conf_files/nr-ue-sim.conf \
+    /oai-ran/docker/etc/nr-ue.nfapi.conf \
+    ./
 COPY --from=nr-ue-build \
     /oai-ran/cmake_targets/ran_build/build/liboai_eth_transpro.so \
@@ -88,7 +92,7 @@ COPY --from=nr-ue-build \
 COPY --from=nr-ue-base /usr/local/bin/uhd_find_devices /usr/local/bin
 COPY --from=nr-ue-base \
      /usr/local/lib/libuhd.so.3.15.0 \
-     /usr/local/lib/libprotobuf-c.so.1 \
+     /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libprotobuf-c.so.1 \
 COPY --from=nr-ue-base /usr/local/lib/uhd/utils/uhd_images_downloader.py /opt/oai-nr-ue/bin
@@ -106,5 +110,5 @@ RUN /bin/bash -c "ln -s /usr/local/lib/liboai_usrpdevif.so /usr/local/lib/liboai
 WORKDIR /opt/oai-nr-ue
-CMD ["/opt/oai-nr-ue/bin/nr-uesoftmodem.Rel15", "-O", "/opt/oai-nr-ue/etc/nr-ue-sim.conf"]
+CMD ["/opt/oai-nr-ue/bin/nr-uesoftmodem.Rel15", "-O", "/opt/oai-nr-ue/etc/nr-ue.conf"]
 ENTRYPOINT ["/opt/oai-nr-ue/bin/entrypoint.sh"]
diff --git a/docker/scripts/generateTemplate.py b/docker/scripts/generateTemplate.py
index 297c202a03d497287345922bf5835eabc2cae176..850bb535a52abd6bc08159d72e0593d78b03bc2d 100644
--- a/docker/scripts/generateTemplate.py
+++ b/docker/scripts/generateTemplate.py
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 # Import
+import glob
 import re
 import yaml
 import os
@@ -33,7 +34,8 @@ def main():
   #read yaml input parameters
   f = open(f'{sys.argv[1]}',)
   data = yaml.full_load(f)
-  dir = os.listdir(f'{data[0]["paths"]["source_dir"]}')
+  initial_path = f'{data[0]["paths"]["source_dir"]}'
+  dir = glob.glob(initial_path + '/**/*.conf', recursive=True)
   #identify configs, read and replace corresponding values
   for config in data[1]["configurations"]:
@@ -42,7 +44,10 @@ def main():
     print('filePrefix = ' + filePrefix)
     print('outputfilename = ' + outputfilename)
+    found = False
     for inputfile in dir:
+      if found:
+        continue
       if inputfile.find(filePrefix) >=0:
         prefix_outputfile = {"cu.band7.tm1.25PRB": f'{data[0]["paths"]["dest_dir"]}/{outputfilename}', 
                              "du.band7.tm1.25PRB": f'{data[0]["paths"]["dest_dir"]}/{outputfilename}',
@@ -58,10 +63,13 @@ def main():
                              "gnb.sa.band66.fr1.106PRB.usrpn300.conf": f'{data[0]["paths"]["dest_dir"]}/{outputfilename}',
                              "gNB_SA_CU.conf": f'{data[0]["paths"]["dest_dir"]}/{outputfilename}',
                              "gNB_SA_DU.conf": f'{data[0]["paths"]["dest_dir"]}/{outputfilename}',
+                             "proxy_gnb.band78.sa.fr1.106PRB.usrpn310.conf": f'{data[0]["paths"]["dest_dir"]}/{outputfilename}',
+                             "proxy_nr-ue.nfapi.conf": f'{data[0]["paths"]["dest_dir"]}/{outputfilename}',
                              "ue.nfapi": f'{data[0]["paths"]["dest_dir"]}/{outputfilename}',
                              "ue_sim_ci": f'{data[0]["paths"]["dest_dir"]}/{outputfilename}'
         print('inputfile = ' + inputfile)
+        found = True
         if filePrefix in prefix_outputfile:
           outputfile1 = prefix_outputfile[filePrefix]  
@@ -69,7 +77,7 @@ def main():
         if not os.path.exists(directory):
           os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True)
-        with open(f'{data[0]["paths"]["source_dir"]}{inputfile}', mode='r') as inputfile, \
+        with open(f'{inputfile}', mode='r') as inputfile, \
              open(outputfile1, mode='w') as outputfile:
           for line in inputfile:
             count = 0
diff --git a/docker/scripts/gnb_entrypoint.sh b/docker/scripts/gnb_entrypoint.sh
index aec5c4805052187d8d31095aaaac223809043e56..dd6256609c8085aec0b6b0c68e63caa2fe61d601 100755
--- a/docker/scripts/gnb_entrypoint.sh
+++ b/docker/scripts/gnb_entrypoint.sh
 if [[ -v USE_NSA_TDD_MONO ]]; then cp $PREFIX/etc/gnb.nsa.tdd.conf $PREFIX/etc/gnb.conf; fi
 if [[ -v USE_SA_TDD_MONO ]]; then cp $PREFIX/etc/gnb.sa.tdd.conf $PREFIX/etc/gnb.conf; fi
 if [[ -v USE_SA_FDD_MONO ]]; then cp $PREFIX/etc/gnb.sa.fdd.conf $PREFIX/etc/gnb.conf; fi
-if [[ -v USE_SA_CU ]]; then ln -s $PREFIX/etc/gnb.sa.cu.conf $PREFIX/etc/gnb.conf; fi
+if [[ -v USE_SA_CU ]]; then cp $PREFIX/etc/gnb.sa.cu.conf $PREFIX/etc/gnb.conf; fi
 if [[ -v USE_SA_TDD_CU ]]; then cp $PREFIX/etc/gnb.sa.du.tdd.conf $PREFIX/etc/gnb.conf; fi
+if [[ -v USE_SA_NFAPI_VNF ]]; then cp $PREFIX/etc/gnb.sa.nfapi.vnf.conf $PREFIX/etc/gnb.conf; fi
 # Sometimes, the templates are not enough. We mount a conf file on $PREFIX/etc. It can be a template itself.
 if [[ -v USE_VOLUMED_CONF ]]; then cp $PREFIX/etc/mounted.conf $PREFIX/etc/gnb.conf; fi
diff --git a/docker/scripts/gnb_parameters.yaml b/docker/scripts/gnb_parameters.yaml
index 8547d48e676af3629f4c659ea27db75dc259d059..d5942f2c9b4559d6db4b8e0eb76b1b7a01d27e53 100644
--- a/docker/scripts/gnb_parameters.yaml
+++ b/docker/scripts/gnb_parameters.yaml
@@ -202,3 +202,39 @@
     - key: remote_n_portd
       env: "@F1_CU_D_PORT@"
+  - filePrefix: proxy_gnb.band78.sa.fr1.106PRB.usrpn310.conf
+    outputfilename: "gnb.sa.nfapi.vnf.conf"
+    config:
+    - key: Active_gNBs
+      env: "@GNB_NAME@"
+    - key: gNB_name
+      env: "@GNB_NAME@"
+    - key: mcc
+      env: "@MCC@"
+    - key: mnc
+      env: "@MNC@"
+    - key: mnc_length
+      env: "@MNC_LENGTH@"
+    - key: tracking_area_code
+      env: "@TAC@"
+    - key: sst
+      env: "@NSSAI_SST@"
+    - key: ipv4
+      env: "@AMF_IP_ADDRESS@"
+      env: "@GNB_NGA_IF_NAME@"
+      env: "@GNB_NGA_IP_ADDRESS@"
+      env: "@GNB_NGU_IF_NAME@"
+      env: "@GNB_NGU_IP_ADDRESS@"
+    - key: parallel_config
+    - key: local_s_if_name
+      env: "@LOCAL_S_IF_NAME@"
+    - key: remote_s_address
+      env: "@REMOTE_S_ADDRESS@"
+    - key: local_s_address
+      env: "@LOCAL_S_ADDRESS@"
diff --git a/docker/scripts/nr_ue_entrypoint.sh b/docker/scripts/nr_ue_entrypoint.sh
index af2b8a83333d140aefdbaae0527322d7af2de269..38b080a41b73b6c911826ada9d4ee943a1335fb1 100755
--- a/docker/scripts/nr_ue_entrypoint.sh
+++ b/docker/scripts/nr_ue_entrypoint.sh
@@ -5,12 +5,22 @@ set -euo pipefail
 # Based another env var, pick one template to use
-#if [[ -v USE_NFAPI ]]; then cp $PREFIX/etc/ue.nfapi.conf $PREFIX/etc/ue.conf; fi
+if [[ -v USE_NFAPI ]]; then cp $PREFIX/etc/nr-ue.nfapi.conf $PREFIX/etc/nr-ue.conf; fi
+# Sometimes, the templates are not enough. We mount a conf file on $PREFIX/etc. It can be a template itself.
+if [[ -v USE_VOLUMED_CONF ]]; then cp $PREFIX/etc/mounted.conf $PREFIX/etc/nr-ue.conf; fi
+# if none, pick the default
+if [ ! -f $PREFIX/etc/nr-ue.conf ]; then cp $PREFIX/etc/nr-ue-sim.conf $PREFIX/etc/nr-ue.conf; fi
-# Only this template will be manipulated and the USIM one!
-CONFIG_FILES=`ls $PREFIX/etc/ue.conf $PREFIX/etc/nr-ue-sim.conf || true`
+# Only this template will be manipulated
+CONFIG_FILES=`ls $PREFIX/etc/nr-ue.conf || true`
 for c in ${CONFIG_FILES}; do
+    # Sometimes templates have no pattern to be replaced.
+    if ! grep -oP '@[a-zA-Z0-9_]+@' ${c}; then
+        echo "Configuration is already set"
+        break
+    fi
     # grep variable names (format: ${VAR}) from template to be rendered
     VARS=$(grep -oP '@[a-zA-Z0-9_]+@' ${c} | sort | uniq | xargs)
diff --git a/docker/scripts/nr_ue_parameters.yaml b/docker/scripts/nr_ue_parameters.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..afdba880e1eb2ccc02ab714309a5aa7c59715369
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docker/scripts/nr_ue_parameters.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# * Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more
+# * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# * The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under
+# * the OAI Public License, Version 1.1  (the "License"); you may not use this file
+# * except in compliance with the License.
+# * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# *
+# *      http://www.openairinterface.org/?page_id=698
+# *
+# * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+# * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# * limitations under the License.
+# *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# * For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance:
+# *      contact@openairinterface.org
+# */
+- paths:
+    source_dir: "ci-scripts/conf_files/"
+    dest_dir: docker/etc
+- configurations:
+  - filePrefix: proxy_nr-ue.nfapi.conf
+    outputfilename: "nr-ue.nfapi.conf"
+    config:
+    - key: imsi
+      env: "@FULL_IMSI@"
+    - key: key
+      env: "@FULL_KEY@"
+    - key: opc
+      env: "@OPC@"
+    - key: dnn
+      env: "@DNN@"
+    - key: nssai_sst
+      env: "@NSSAI_SST@"
+    - key: nssai_sd
+      env: "@NSSAI_SD@"
+    - key: remote_n_address
+      env: "@GNB_IP_ADDRESS@"
+    - key: local_n_address
+      env: "@NR_UE_IP_ADDRESS@"
+    - key: local_n_if_name
+      env: "@NR_UE_NFAPI_IF_NAME@"
diff --git a/executables/nr-gnb.c b/executables/nr-gnb.c
index 4793ef4e95fc7a0e78d280ee0c07bb93ac95f71f..ff0d3c5a4786e6bef0a7016d7ab6ae1ad9e1aac7 100644
--- a/executables/nr-gnb.c
+++ b/executables/nr-gnb.c
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
 #include "PHY/phy_extern.h"
-#include "LAYER2/NR_MAC_COMMON/nr_mac_extern.h"
+#include "common/ran_context.h"
 #include "RRC/LTE/rrc_extern.h"
 #include "PHY_INTERFACE/phy_interface.h"
 #include "common/utils/LOG/log_extern.h"
@@ -75,7 +75,6 @@
 #include "enb_config.h"
 #include "gnb_paramdef.h"
 #include "s1ap_eNB.h"
 #include "SIMULATION/ETH_TRANSPORT/proto.h"
 #include <executables/softmodem-common.h>
@@ -518,7 +517,8 @@ void init_eNB_afterRU(void) {
     RC.nb_nr_inst = 1;
   for (inst=0; inst<RC.nb_nr_inst; inst++) {
     LOG_I(PHY,"RC.nb_nr_CC[inst:%d]:%p\n", inst, RC.gNB[inst]);
-    gNB                                  =  RC.gNB[inst];
+    gNB = RC.gNB[inst];
     // map antennas and PRACH signals to gNB RX
diff --git a/executables/nr-ue.c b/executables/nr-ue.c
index 3cc71b8b3a0f3ef9d577176e64ab1f404557fe3c..65b74a0218a539c504b83b506c6ea7c80e491fa1 100644
--- a/executables/nr-ue.c
+++ b/executables/nr-ue.c
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
  *      contact@openairinterface.org
-#define _GNU_SOURCE
+#define _GNU_SOURCE // For pthread_setname_np
 #include <pthread.h>
 #include <openair1/PHY/impl_defs_top.h>
 #include "executables/nr-uesoftmodem.h"
@@ -239,84 +239,21 @@ static void L1_nsa_prach_procedures(frame_t frame, int slot, fapi_nr_ul_config_p
   LOG_D(NR_MAC, "We have successfully filled the rach_ind queue with the recently filled rach ind\n");
-static bool sfn_slot_matcher(void *wanted, void *candidate)
-  nfapi_p7_message_header_t *msg = candidate;
-  int sfn_sf = *(int*)wanted;
-  switch (msg->message_id)
-  {
-    {
-      nfapi_nr_rach_indication_t *ind = candidate;
-      return NFAPI_SFNSLOT2SFN(sfn_sf) == ind->sfn && NFAPI_SFNSLOT2SLOT(sfn_sf) == ind->slot;
-    }
-    {
-      nfapi_nr_rx_data_indication_t *ind = candidate;
-      return NFAPI_SFNSLOT2SFN(sfn_sf) == ind->sfn && NFAPI_SFNSLOT2SLOT(sfn_sf) == ind->slot;
-    }
-    {
-      nfapi_nr_crc_indication_t *ind = candidate;
-      return NFAPI_SFNSLOT2SFN(sfn_sf) == ind->sfn && NFAPI_SFNSLOT2SLOT(sfn_sf) == ind->slot;
-    }
-    {
-      nfapi_nr_uci_indication_t *ind = candidate;
-      return NFAPI_SFNSLOT2SFN(sfn_sf) == ind->sfn && NFAPI_SFNSLOT2SLOT(sfn_sf) == ind->slot;
-    }
-    {
-      nfapi_nr_dl_tti_request_t *ind = candidate;
-      return NFAPI_SFNSLOT2SFN(sfn_sf) == ind->SFN && NFAPI_SFNSLOT2SLOT(sfn_sf) == ind->Slot;
-    }
-    {
-      nfapi_nr_tx_data_request_t *ind = candidate;
-      return NFAPI_SFNSLOT2SFN(sfn_sf) == ind->SFN && NFAPI_SFNSLOT2SLOT(sfn_sf) == ind->Slot;
-    }
-    {
-      nfapi_nr_ul_dci_request_t *ind = candidate;
-      return NFAPI_SFNSLOT2SFN(sfn_sf) == ind->SFN && NFAPI_SFNSLOT2SLOT(sfn_sf) == ind->Slot;
-    }
-    {
-      nfapi_nr_ul_tti_request_t *ind = candidate;
-      return NFAPI_SFNSLOT2SFN(sfn_sf) == ind->SFN && NFAPI_SFNSLOT2SLOT(sfn_sf) == ind->Slot;
-    }
-    default:
-      LOG_E(NR_MAC, "sfn_slot_match bad ID: %d\n", msg->message_id);
-  }
-  return false;
 static void process_queued_nr_nfapi_msgs(NR_UE_MAC_INST_t *mac, int sfn_slot)
   nfapi_nr_rach_indication_t *rach_ind = unqueue_matching(&nr_rach_ind_queue, MAX_QUEUE_SIZE, sfn_slot_matcher, &sfn_slot);
-  nfapi_nr_rx_data_indication_t *rx_ind = unqueue_matching(&nr_rx_ind_queue, MAX_QUEUE_SIZE, sfn_slot_matcher, &sfn_slot);
-  nfapi_nr_crc_indication_t *crc_ind = unqueue_matching(&nr_crc_ind_queue, MAX_QUEUE_SIZE, sfn_slot_matcher, &sfn_slot);
   nfapi_nr_dl_tti_request_t *dl_tti_request = get_queue(&nr_dl_tti_req_queue);
   nfapi_nr_ul_dci_request_t *ul_dci_request = get_queue(&nr_ul_dci_req_queue);
-  LOG_D(NR_MAC, "Try to get a ul_tti_req for sfn/slot %d %d from queue with %lu items\n",
-        NFAPI_SFNSLOT2SFN(mac->nr_ue_emul_l1.active_harq_sfn_slot),NFAPI_SFNSLOT2SLOT(mac->nr_ue_emul_l1.active_harq_sfn_slot), nr_ul_tti_req_queue.num_items);
-  nfapi_nr_ul_tti_request_t *ul_tti_request = unqueue_matching(&nr_ul_tti_req_queue, MAX_QUEUE_SIZE, sfn_slot_matcher, &mac->nr_ue_emul_l1.active_harq_sfn_slot);
-  if (!ul_tti_request)
-  {
-      LOG_D(NR_MAC, "Try to get a ul_tti_req from seprate queue because dl_tti_req was late\n");
-      ul_tti_request = unqueue_matching(&nr_wait_ul_tti_req_queue, MAX_QUEUE_SIZE, sfn_slot_matcher, &mac->nr_ue_emul_l1.active_harq_sfn_slot);
+  for (int i = 0; i < NR_MAX_HARQ_PROCESSES; i++) {
+    LOG_D(NR_MAC, "Try to get a ul_tti_req by matching CRC active SFN %d/SLOT %d from queue with %lu items\n",
+            NFAPI_SFNSLOT2SFN(mac->nr_ue_emul_l1.harq[i].active_ul_harq_sfn_slot),
+            NFAPI_SFNSLOT2SLOT(mac->nr_ue_emul_l1.harq[i].active_ul_harq_sfn_slot), nr_ul_tti_req_queue.num_items);
+    nfapi_nr_ul_tti_request_t *ul_tti_request_crc = unqueue_matching(&nr_ul_tti_req_queue, MAX_QUEUE_SIZE, sfn_slot_matcher, &mac->nr_ue_emul_l1.harq[i].active_ul_harq_sfn_slot);
+    if (ul_tti_request_crc && ul_tti_request_crc->n_pdus > 0)
+    {
+      check_and_process_dci(NULL, NULL, NULL, ul_tti_request_crc);
+    }
   if (rach_ind && rach_ind->number_of_pdus > 0)
@@ -333,24 +270,6 @@ static void process_queued_nr_nfapi_msgs(NR_UE_MAC_INST_t *mac, int sfn_slot)
       nr_Msg1_transmitted(0, 0, NFAPI_SFNSLOT2SFN(sfn_slot), 0);
-  if (crc_ind && crc_ind->number_crcs > 0)
-  {
-    NR_UL_IND_t UL_INFO = {
-      .crc_ind = *crc_ind,
-    };
-    send_nsa_standalone_msg(&UL_INFO, crc_ind->header.message_id);
-    free(crc_ind->crc_list);
-    free(crc_ind);
-  }
-  if (rx_ind && rx_ind->number_of_pdus > 0)
-  {
-    NR_UL_IND_t UL_INFO = {
-      .rx_ind = *rx_ind,
-    };
-    send_nsa_standalone_msg(&UL_INFO, rx_ind->header.message_id);
-    free(rx_ind->pdu_list);
-    free(rx_ind);
-  }
   if (dl_tti_request)
     int dl_tti_sfn_slot = NFAPI_SFNSLOT2HEX(dl_tti_request->SFN, dl_tti_request->Slot);
@@ -380,10 +299,6 @@ static void process_queued_nr_nfapi_msgs(NR_UE_MAC_INST_t *mac, int sfn_slot)
     check_and_process_dci(NULL, NULL, ul_dci_request, NULL);
-  if (ul_tti_request && ul_tti_request->n_pdus > 0)
-  {
-    check_and_process_dci(NULL, NULL, NULL, ul_tti_request);
-  }
 static void check_nr_prach(NR_UE_MAC_INST_t *mac, nr_uplink_indication_t *ul_info, NR_PRACH_RESOURCES_t *prach_resources)
@@ -434,7 +349,6 @@ static void *NRUE_phy_stub_standalone_pnf_task(void *arg)
-  reset_queue(&nr_wait_ul_tti_req_queue);
   NR_PRACH_RESOURCES_t prach_resources;
   memset(&prach_resources, 0, sizeof(prach_resources));
@@ -443,6 +357,13 @@ static void *NRUE_phy_stub_standalone_pnf_task(void *arg)
   int last_sfn_slot = -1;
   uint16_t sfn_slot = 0;
+  module_id_t mod_id = 0;
+  NR_UE_MAC_INST_t *mac = get_mac_inst(mod_id);
+  for (int i = 0; i < NR_MAX_HARQ_PROCESSES; i++) {
+      mac->nr_ue_emul_l1.harq[i].active = false;
+      mac->nr_ue_emul_l1.harq[i].active_ul_harq_sfn_slot = -1;
+  }
   while (!oai_exit)
     if (sem_wait(&sfn_slot_semaphore) != 0)
@@ -459,9 +380,11 @@ static void *NRUE_phy_stub_standalone_pnf_task(void *arg)
     if (slot_ind) {
       sfn_slot = *slot_ind;
+      free_and_zero(slot_ind);
     else if (ch_info) {
       sfn_slot = ch_info->sfn_slot;
+      free_and_zero(ch_info);
     frame_t frame = NFAPI_SFNSLOT2SFN(sfn_slot);
@@ -477,8 +400,6 @@ static void *NRUE_phy_stub_standalone_pnf_task(void *arg)
     LOG_D(NR_MAC, "The received sfn/slot [%d %d] from proxy\n",
           frame, slot);
-    module_id_t mod_id = 0;
-    NR_UE_MAC_INST_t *mac = get_mac_inst(mod_id);
     if (get_softmodem_params()->sa && mac->mib == NULL)
       LOG_D(NR_MAC, "We haven't gotten MIB. Lets see if we received it\n");
@@ -533,8 +454,10 @@ static void *NRUE_phy_stub_standalone_pnf_task(void *arg)
                       ul_info.slot_tx, mac->frame_type))
-      LOG_D(NR_MAC, "Slot %d. calling nr_ue_ul_ind() from %s\n", ul_info.slot_tx, __FUNCTION__);
-      nr_ue_ul_indication(&ul_info);
+      LOG_D(NR_MAC, "Slot %d. calling nr_ue_ul_ind() and nr_ue_pucch_scheduler() from %s\n", ul_info.slot_tx, __FUNCTION__);
+      nr_ue_scheduler(NULL, &ul_info);
+      nr_ue_prach_scheduler(mod_id, ul_info.frame_tx, ul_info.slot_tx, ul_info.thread_id);
+      nr_ue_pucch_scheduler(mod_id, ul_info.frame_tx, ul_info.slot_tx, ul_info.thread_id);
       check_nr_prach(mac, &ul_info, &prach_resources);
     if (!IS_SOFTMODEM_NOS1 && get_softmodem_params()->sa) {
@@ -544,10 +467,6 @@ static void *NRUE_phy_stub_standalone_pnf_task(void *arg)
     process_queued_nr_nfapi_msgs(mac, sfn_slot);
-    free(slot_ind);
-    slot_ind = NULL;
-    free(ch_info);
-    ch_info = NULL;
   return NULL;
diff --git a/executables/nr-uesoftmodem.c b/executables/nr-uesoftmodem.c
index 00f019c03ae82bb64ddd5c18ab897d1575150d71..46fa515e0d2d050d1ccd4679c0beab3afd3b8de8 100644
--- a/executables/nr-uesoftmodem.c
+++ b/executables/nr-uesoftmodem.c
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
 #include "LAYER2/MAC/mac_vars.h"
 #include "RRC/LTE/rrc_vars.h"
 #include "PHY_INTERFACE/phy_interface_vars.h"
+#include "NR_IF_Module.h"
 #include "openair1/SIMULATION/TOOLS/sim.h"
 #ifdef SMBV
@@ -156,6 +157,9 @@ uint32_t       N_RB_DL    = 106;
 uint8_t abstraction_flag=0;
+nr_bler_struct nr_bler_data[NR_NUM_MCS];
+static void init_bler_table(void);
 /*---------------------BMC: timespec helpers -----------------------------*/
@@ -250,7 +254,6 @@ void init_tpools(uint8_t nun_dlsch_threads) {
   init_dlsch_tpool( nun_dlsch_threads);
 static void get_options(void) {
   nrUE_params.ofdm_offset_divisor = 8;
@@ -396,7 +399,14 @@ void *rrc_enb_process_msg(void *notUsed) {
 int main( int argc, char **argv ) {
-  set_priority(79);
+  int set_exe_prio = 1;
+  if (checkIfFedoraDistribution())
+    if (checkIfGenericKernelOnFedora())
+      if (checkIfInsideContainer())
+        set_exe_prio = 0;
+  if (set_exe_prio)
+    set_priority(79);
   if (mlockall(MCL_CURRENT | MCL_FUTURE) == -1)
     fprintf(stderr, "mlockall: %s\n", strerror(errno));
@@ -465,6 +475,7 @@ int main( int argc, char **argv ) {
   PHY_vars_UE_g[0] = malloc(sizeof(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *)*MAX_NUM_CCs);
   if (get_softmodem_params()->emulate_l1) {
+    init_bler_table();
   if (get_softmodem_params()->do_ra)
@@ -545,3 +556,56 @@ int main( int argc, char **argv ) {
   return 0;
+// Read in each MCS file and build BLER-SINR-TB table
+static void init_bler_table(void) {
+  memset(nr_bler_data, 0, sizeof(nr_bler_data));
+  const char *awgn_results_dir = getenv("AWGN_RESULTS_DIR");
+  if (!awgn_results_dir) {
+    return;
+  }
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < NR_NUM_MCS; i++) {
+    char fName[1024];
+    snprintf(fName, sizeof(fName), "%s/mcs%d_awgn_5G.csv", awgn_results_dir, i);
+    FILE *pFile = fopen(fName, "r");
+    if (!pFile) {
+      LOG_E(NR_MAC, "%s: open %s: %s\n", __func__, fName, strerror(errno));
+      continue;
+    }
+    size_t bufSize = 1024;
+    char * line = NULL;
+    char * token;
+    char * temp = NULL;
+    int nlines = 0;
+    while (getline(&line, &bufSize, pFile) > 0) {
+      if (!strncmp(line, "SNR", 3)) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      if (nlines > NUM_SINR) {
+        LOG_E(NR_MAC, "BLER FILE ERROR - num lines greater than expected - file: %s\n", fName);
+        abort();
+      }
+      token = strtok_r(line, ";", &temp);
+      int ncols = 0;
+      while (token != NULL) {
+        if (ncols > NUM_BLER_COL) {
+          LOG_E(NR_MAC, "BLER FILE ERROR - num of cols greater than expected\n");
+          abort();
+        }
+        nr_bler_data[i].bler_table[nlines][ncols] = strtof(token, NULL);
+        ncols++;
+        token = strtok_r(NULL, ";", &temp);
+      }
+      nlines++;
+    }
+    nr_bler_data[i].length = nlines;
+    fclose(pFile);
+  }
diff --git a/nfapi/oai_integration/nfapi_vnf.c b/nfapi/oai_integration/nfapi_vnf.c
index 44ee05940fc3aa6879867582f57fe65773b0f8d2..6bc5a736de53b9f67a546bd85c71f6da9516071a 100644
--- a/nfapi/oai_integration/nfapi_vnf.c
+++ b/nfapi/oai_integration/nfapi_vnf.c
@@ -244,13 +244,13 @@ void oai_create_gnb(void) {
   if (RC.gNB == NULL) {
     RC.gNB = (PHY_VARS_gNB **) calloc(1, sizeof(PHY_VARS_gNB *));
-    LOG_I(PHY,"gNB L1 structure RC.gNB allocated @ %p\n",RC.gNB);
+    LOG_D(PHY,"gNB L1 structure RC.gNB allocated @ %p\n",RC.gNB);
   if (RC.gNB[0] == NULL) {
     RC.gNB[0] = (PHY_VARS_gNB *) calloc(1, sizeof(PHY_VARS_gNB));
-    LOG_I(PHY,"[nr-gnb.c] gNB structure RC.gNB[%d] allocated @ %p\n",0,RC.gNB[0]);
+    LOG_D(PHY,"[nr-gnb.c] gNB structure RC.gNB[%d] allocated @ %p\n",0,RC.gNB[0]);
   PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB = RC.gNB[0];
@@ -491,7 +491,7 @@ int wake_gNB_rxtx(PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB, uint16_t sfn, uint16_t slot) {
   L1_proc->frame_tx     = (L1_proc->slot_rx > (19-slot_ahead)) ? (L1_proc->frame_rx+1)&1023 : L1_proc->frame_rx;
   L1_proc->slot_tx      = (L1_proc->slot_rx + slot_ahead)%20;
-  //LOG_I(PHY, "sfn/sf:%d%d proc[rx:%d%d] rx:%d%d] About to wake rxtx thread\n\n", sfn, slot, proc->frame_rx, proc->slot_rx, L1_proc->frame_rx, L1_proc->slot_rx);
+  //LOG_D(PHY, "sfn/sf:%d%d proc[rx:%d%d] rx:%d%d] About to wake rxtx thread\n\n", sfn, slot, proc->frame_rx, proc->slot_rx, L1_proc->frame_rx, L1_proc->slot_rx);
   //NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_INFO, "\nEntering wake_gNB_rxtx sfn %d slot %d\n",L1_proc->frame_rx,L1_proc->slot_rx);
   // the thread can now be woken up
   if (pthread_cond_signal(&L1_proc->cond) != 0) {
@@ -757,7 +757,7 @@ int phy_nr_rach_indication(nfapi_nr_rach_indication_t *ind)
 int phy_nr_uci_indication(nfapi_nr_uci_indication_t *ind)
-  LOG_I(NR_MAC, "In %s() NFAPI SFN/SF: %d/%d number_of_pdus :%u\n",
+  LOG_D(NR_MAC, "In %s() NFAPI SFN/SF: %d/%d number_of_pdus :%u\n",
           __FUNCTION__,ind->sfn, ind->slot, ind->num_ucis);
@@ -787,12 +787,12 @@ int phy_nr_uci_indication(nfapi_nr_uci_indication_t *ind)
           if (ind_pdu->harq) {
             uci_ind_pdu->harq = CALLOC(1, sizeof(*uci_ind_pdu->harq));
             AssertFatal(uci_ind_pdu->harq != NULL, "Memory not allocated for uci_ind_pdu->harq in phy_nr_uci_indication.");
             *uci_ind_pdu->harq = *ind_pdu->harq;
             uci_ind_pdu->harq->harq_list = CALLOC(uci_ind_pdu->harq->num_harq, sizeof(*uci_ind_pdu->harq->harq_list));
             AssertFatal(uci_ind_pdu->harq->harq_list != NULL, "Memory not allocated for uci_ind_pdu->harq->harq_list in phy_nr_uci_indication.");
             for (int j = 0; j < uci_ind_pdu->harq->num_harq; j++)
-                uci_ind_pdu->harq->harq_list[j].harq_value =  ind_pdu->harq->harq_list[j].harq_value;
+                uci_ind_pdu->harq->harq_list[j].harq_value = ind_pdu->harq->harq_list[j].harq_value;
@@ -800,21 +800,27 @@ int phy_nr_uci_indication(nfapi_nr_uci_indication_t *ind)
         case NFAPI_NR_UCI_FORMAT_2_3_4_PDU_TYPE: {
           nfapi_nr_uci_pucch_pdu_format_2_3_4_t *uci_ind_pdu = &uci_ind->uci_list[i].pucch_pdu_format_2_3_4;
           nfapi_nr_uci_pucch_pdu_format_2_3_4_t *ind_pdu = &ind->uci_list[i].pucch_pdu_format_2_3_4;
-          uci_ind_pdu->harq.harq_payload = CALLOC(1, sizeof(*uci_ind_pdu->harq.harq_payload));
-          AssertFatal(uci_ind_pdu->harq.harq_payload != NULL, "Memory not allocated for uci_ind_pdu->harq.harq_payload in phy_nr_uci_indication.");
-          *uci_ind_pdu->harq.harq_payload =  *ind_pdu->harq.harq_payload;
-          uci_ind_pdu->csi_part1.csi_part1_payload = CALLOC(1, sizeof(*uci_ind_pdu->csi_part1.csi_part1_payload));
-          AssertFatal(uci_ind_pdu->csi_part1.csi_part1_payload != NULL, "Memory not allocated for uci_ind_pdu->csi_part1.csi_part1_payload in phy_nr_uci_indication.");
-          *uci_ind_pdu->csi_part1.csi_part1_payload =  *ind_pdu->csi_part1.csi_part1_payload;
-          uci_ind_pdu->csi_part2.csi_part2_payload = CALLOC(1, sizeof(*uci_ind_pdu->csi_part2.csi_part2_payload));
-          AssertFatal(uci_ind_pdu->csi_part2.csi_part2_payload != NULL, "Memory not allocated for uci_ind_pdu->csi_part2.csi_part2_payload in phy_nr_uci_indication.");
-          *uci_ind_pdu->csi_part2.csi_part2_payload =  *ind_pdu->csi_part2.csi_part2_payload;
+          *uci_ind_pdu = *ind_pdu;
+          if (ind_pdu->harq.harq_payload) {
+            uci_ind_pdu->harq.harq_payload = CALLOC(1, sizeof(*uci_ind_pdu->harq.harq_payload));
+            AssertFatal(uci_ind_pdu->harq.harq_payload != NULL, "Memory not allocated for uci_ind_pdu->harq.harq_payload in phy_nr_uci_indication.");
+            *uci_ind_pdu->harq.harq_payload = *ind_pdu->harq.harq_payload;
+          }
+          if (ind_pdu->sr.sr_payload) {
+            uci_ind_pdu->sr.sr_payload = CALLOC(1, sizeof(*uci_ind_pdu->sr.sr_payload));
+            AssertFatal(uci_ind_pdu->sr.sr_payload != NULL, "Memory not allocated for uci_ind_pdu->sr.sr_payload in phy_nr_uci_indication.");
+            *uci_ind_pdu->sr.sr_payload = *ind_pdu->sr.sr_payload;
+          }
+          if (ind_pdu->csi_part1.csi_part1_payload) {
+            uci_ind_pdu->csi_part1.csi_part1_payload = CALLOC(1, sizeof(*uci_ind_pdu->csi_part1.csi_part1_payload));
+            AssertFatal(uci_ind_pdu->csi_part1.csi_part1_payload != NULL, "Memory not allocated for uci_ind_pdu->csi_part1.csi_part1_payload in phy_nr_uci_indication.");
+            *uci_ind_pdu->csi_part1.csi_part1_payload = *ind_pdu->csi_part1.csi_part1_payload;
+          }
+          if (ind_pdu->csi_part2.csi_part2_payload) {
+            uci_ind_pdu->csi_part2.csi_part2_payload = CALLOC(1, sizeof(*uci_ind_pdu->csi_part2.csi_part2_payload));
+            AssertFatal(uci_ind_pdu->csi_part2.csi_part2_payload != NULL, "Memory not allocated for uci_ind_pdu->csi_part2.csi_part2_payload in phy_nr_uci_indication.");
+            *uci_ind_pdu->csi_part2.csi_part2_payload = *ind_pdu->csi_part2.csi_part2_payload;
+          }
@@ -944,7 +950,7 @@ int phy_crc_indication(struct nfapi_vnf_p7_config *config, nfapi_crc_indication_
 int phy_nr_crc_indication(nfapi_nr_crc_indication_t *ind) {
-  LOG_I(NR_MAC, "In %s() NFAPI SFN/SF: %d/%d number_of_pdus :%u\n",
+  LOG_D(NR_MAC, "In %s() NFAPI SFN/SF: %d/%d number_of_pdus :%u\n",
           __FUNCTION__,ind->sfn, ind->slot, ind->number_crcs);
@@ -967,7 +973,7 @@ int phy_nr_crc_indication(nfapi_nr_crc_indication_t *ind) {
       crc_ind->crc_list[j].tb_crc_status = ind->crc_list[j].tb_crc_status;
       crc_ind->crc_list[j].timing_advance = ind->crc_list[j].timing_advance;
       crc_ind->crc_list[j].ul_cqi = ind->crc_list[j].ul_cqi;
-      LOG_I(NR_MAC, "Received crc_ind.harq_id = %d for %d index SFN SLot %u %u with rnti %x\n",
+      LOG_D(NR_MAC, "Received crc_ind.harq_id = %d for %d index SFN SLot %u %u with rnti %x\n",
                     ind->crc_list[j].harq_id, j, ind->sfn, ind->slot, ind->crc_list[j].rnti);
     if (!put_queue(&gnb_crc_ind_queue, crc_ind))
@@ -1063,7 +1069,7 @@ int phy_rx_indication(struct nfapi_vnf_p7_config *config, nfapi_rx_indication_t
 int phy_nr_rx_data_indication(nfapi_nr_rx_data_indication_t *ind) {
-  LOG_I(NR_MAC, "In %s() NFAPI SFN/SF: %d/%d number_of_pdus :%u, and pdu %p\n",
+  LOG_D(NR_MAC, "In %s() NFAPI SFN/SF: %d/%d number_of_pdus :%u, and pdu %p\n",
           __FUNCTION__,ind->sfn, ind->slot, ind->number_of_pdus, ind->pdu_list[0].pdu);
@@ -1165,7 +1171,7 @@ static void analyze_cqi_pdus_for_duplicates(nfapi_cqi_indication_t *ind)
     nfapi_cqi_indication_pdu_t *src_pdu = &ind->cqi_indication_body.cqi_pdu_list[i];
-    LOG_I(MAC, "CQI_IND[PDU:%d][rnti:%x cqi:%d channel:%d]\n", i, src_pdu->rx_ue_information.rnti,
+    LOG_D(MAC, "CQI_IND[PDU:%d][rnti:%x cqi:%d channel:%d]\n", i, src_pdu->rx_ue_information.rnti,
           src_pdu->ul_cqi_information.ul_cqi, src_pdu->ul_cqi_information.channel);
     for (int j = i + 1; j < num_cqis; j++)
@@ -1887,7 +1893,7 @@ int oai_nfapi_dl_config_req(nfapi_dl_config_request_t *dl_config_req) {
   nfapi_vnf_p7_config_t *p7_config = vnf.p7_vnfs[0].config;
   dl_config_req->header.phy_id = 1; // DJP HACK TODO FIXME - need to pass this around!!!!
   dl_config_req->header.message_id = NFAPI_DL_CONFIG_REQUEST;
-  LOG_I(PHY, "[VNF] %s() DL_CONFIG_REQ sfn_sf:%d_%d number_of_pdus:%d\n", __FUNCTION__,
+  LOG_D(PHY, "[VNF] %s() DL_CONFIG_REQ sfn_sf:%d_%d number_of_pdus:%d\n", __FUNCTION__,
         NFAPI_SFNSF2SFN(dl_config_req->sfn_sf),NFAPI_SFNSF2SF(dl_config_req->sfn_sf), dl_config_req->dl_config_request_body.number_pdu);
   if (dl_config_req->dl_config_request_body.number_pdu > 0)
@@ -1898,7 +1904,7 @@ int oai_nfapi_dl_config_req(nfapi_dl_config_request_t *dl_config_req) {
                 uint16_t dl_rnti = dl_config_req->dl_config_request_body.dl_config_pdu_list[i].dlsch_pdu.dlsch_pdu_rel8.rnti;
                 uint16_t numPDUs = dl_config_req->dl_config_request_body.number_pdu;
-                LOG_I(MAC, "(OAI eNB) Sending dl_config_req at VNF during Frame: %d and Subframe: %d,"
+                LOG_D(MAC, "(OAI eNB) Sending dl_config_req at VNF during Frame: %d and Subframe: %d,"
                            " with a RNTI value of: %x and with number of PDUs: %u\n",
                       NFAPI_SFNSF2SFN(dl_config_req->sfn_sf),NFAPI_SFNSF2SF(dl_config_req->sfn_sf), dl_rnti, numPDUs);
@@ -1919,8 +1925,7 @@ int oai_nfapi_dl_config_req(nfapi_dl_config_request_t *dl_config_req) {
 int oai_nfapi_dl_tti_req(nfapi_nr_dl_tti_request_t *dl_config_req)
-  //LOG_I(PHY, "sfn:%d,slot:%d\n",dl_config_req->SFN,dl_config_req->Slot);
-  //printf("\nEntering oai_nfapi_nr_dl_config_req sfn:%d,slot:%d\n",dl_config_req->SFN,dl_config_req->Slot);
+  LOG_D(NR_PHY, "Entering oai_nfapi_nr_dl_config_req sfn:%d,slot:%d\n", dl_config_req->SFN, dl_config_req->Slot);
   nfapi_vnf_p7_config_t *p7_config = vnf.p7_vnfs[0].config;
   dl_config_req->header.message_id= NFAPI_NR_PHY_MSG_TYPE_DL_TTI_REQUEST;
   dl_config_req->header.phy_id = 1; // DJP HACK TODO FIXME - need to pass this around!!!!
@@ -1939,6 +1944,7 @@ int oai_nfapi_dl_tti_req(nfapi_nr_dl_tti_request_t *dl_config_req)
 int oai_nfapi_tx_data_req(nfapi_nr_tx_data_request_t *tx_data_req)
+  LOG_D(NR_PHY, "Entering oai_nfapi_nr_tx_data_req sfn:%d,slot:%d\n", tx_data_req->SFN, tx_data_req->Slot);
   nfapi_vnf_p7_config_t *p7_config = vnf.p7_vnfs[0].config;
   tx_data_req->header.phy_id = 1; // DJP HACK TODO FIXME - need to pass this around!!!!
   tx_data_req->header.message_id = NFAPI_NR_PHY_MSG_TYPE_TX_DATA_REQUEST;
@@ -2056,7 +2062,7 @@ int oai_nfapi_ul_config_req(nfapi_ul_config_request_t *ul_config_req) {
     uint8_t pdu_type = pdu_list[i].pdu_type;
-    LOG_I(MAC, "ul_config_req num_pdus: %u pdu_number: %d pdu_type: %u SFN.SF: %d.%d\n",
+    LOG_D(MAC, "ul_config_req num_pdus: %u pdu_number: %d pdu_type: %u SFN.SF: %d.%d\n",
           num_pdus, i, pdu_type, ul_config_req->sfn_sf >> 4, ul_config_req->sfn_sf & 15);
diff --git a/nfapi/open-nFAPI/nfapi/inc/nfapi.h b/nfapi/open-nFAPI/nfapi/inc/nfapi.h
index 0f09efa78ab7d41032c4b3d68df3aac4e4c38139..c1f423a8db808fe8dd1140ff082afac10ff59bfb 100644
--- a/nfapi/open-nFAPI/nfapi/inc/nfapi.h
+++ b/nfapi/open-nFAPI/nfapi/inc/nfapi.h
@@ -44,13 +44,21 @@ uint8_t pulls32(uint8_t **in, int32_t *out, uint8_t *end);
 uint32_t pullarray8(uint8_t **in, uint8_t out[], uint32_t max_len, uint32_t len, uint8_t *end);
 uint32_t pullarray16(uint8_t **in, uint16_t out[], uint32_t max_len, uint32_t len, uint8_t *end);
 uint32_t pullarrays16(uint8_t **in, int16_t out[], uint32_t max_len, uint32_t len, uint8_t *end);
-uint32_t pullarray32(uint8_t **in, uint32_t out[], uint32_t max_len, uint32_t len, uint8_t *end);
+uint32_t pullarray32(uint8_t **values_to_pull,
+                     uint32_t out[],
+                     uint32_t max_num_values_to_pull,
+                     uint32_t num_values_to_pull,
+                     uint8_t *out_end);
 uint32_t pullarrays32(uint8_t **in, int32_t out[], uint32_t max_len, uint32_t len, uint8_t *end);
 uint32_t pusharray8(uint8_t in[], uint32_t max_len, uint32_t len, uint8_t **out, uint8_t *end);
 uint32_t pusharray16(uint16_t in[], uint32_t max_len, uint32_t len, uint8_t **out, uint8_t *end);
 uint32_t pusharrays16(int16_t in[], uint32_t max_len, uint32_t len, uint8_t **out, uint8_t *end);
-uint32_t pusharray32(uint32_t in[], uint32_t max_len, uint32_t len, uint8_t **out, uint8_t *end);
+uint32_t pusharray32(const uint32_t *values_to_push,
+                     uint32_t max_num_values_to_push,
+                     uint32_t num_values_to_push,
+                     uint8_t **out,
+                     uint8_t *out_end);
 uint32_t pusharrays32(int32_t in[], uint32_t max_len, uint32_t len, uint8_t **out, uint8_t *end);
 typedef uint8_t (*pack_array_elem_fn)(void* elem, uint8_t **ppWritePackedMsg, uint8_t *end);
diff --git a/nfapi/open-nFAPI/nfapi/public_inc/fapi_nr_ue_interface.h b/nfapi/open-nFAPI/nfapi/public_inc/fapi_nr_ue_interface.h
index 44a816f5c6e66f652f896a19f128632b111b3638..a833d41a829d1881f3b0fd0432325366f3746adb 100644
--- a/nfapi/open-nFAPI/nfapi/public_inc/fapi_nr_ue_interface.h
+++ b/nfapi/open-nFAPI/nfapi/public_inc/fapi_nr_ue_interface.h
@@ -467,7 +467,8 @@ typedef struct {
   uint8_t nEpreRatioOfPDSCHToPTRS;
   /// MCS table for this DLSCH
   uint8_t mcs_table;
+  uint8_t nscid;
+  uint16_t dlDmrsScramblingId;
   uint16_t pduBitmap;
 } fapi_nr_dl_config_dlsch_pdu_rel15_t;
diff --git a/nfapi/open-nFAPI/nfapi/src/nfapi.c b/nfapi/open-nFAPI/nfapi/src/nfapi.c
index 2783781e2c39b9ceb46d00df2609bb087b453194..09c0229db0bbe528f9c97759a414173e8b970c93 100644
--- a/nfapi/open-nFAPI/nfapi/src/nfapi.c
+++ b/nfapi/open-nFAPI/nfapi/src/nfapi.c
@@ -1,783 +1,855 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2001-2016, Cisco Systems, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- *
- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- *
- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
- * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
- * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
- * with the distribution.
- *
- * Neither the name of the Cisco Systems, Inc. nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
- * from this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- */
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <sched.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <nfapi_interface.h>
-#include <nfapi.h>
-#include <debug.h>
-// Fundamental routines
-uint8_t push8(uint8_t in, uint8_t **out, uint8_t *end) {
-  uint8_t *pOut = *out;
-  if((end - pOut) >= 1) {
-    pOut[0] = in;
-    (*out)+=1;
-    return 1;
-  } else {
-    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s no space in buffer\n", __FUNCTION__);
-    return 0;
-  }
-uint8_t pushs8(int8_t in, uint8_t **out, uint8_t *end) {
-  uint8_t *pOut = *out;
-  if((end - pOut) >= 1) {
-    pOut[0] = in;
-    (*out)+=1;
-    return 1;
-  } else {
-    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s no space in buffer\n", __FUNCTION__);
-    return 0;
-  }
-uint8_t push16(uint16_t in, uint8_t **out, uint8_t *end) {
-  uint8_t *pOut = *out;
-  if((end - pOut) >= 2) {
-    pOut[0] = (in & 0xFF00) >> 8;
-    pOut[1] = (in & 0xFF);
-    (*out)+=2;
-    return 2;
-  } else {
-    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s no space in buffer\n", __FUNCTION__);
-    return 0;
-  }
-uint8_t pushs16(int16_t in, uint8_t **out, uint8_t *end) {
-  uint8_t *pOut = *out;
-  if((end - pOut) >= 2) {
-    pOut[0] = (in & 0xFF00) >> 8;
-    pOut[1] = (in & 0xFF);
-    (*out)+=2;
-    return 2;
-  } else {
-    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s no space in buffer\n", __FUNCTION__);
-    return 0;
-  }
-uint8_t push32(uint32_t in, uint8_t **out, uint8_t *end) {
-  uint8_t *pOut = *out;
-  if((end - pOut) >= 4) {
-    pOut[0] = (in & 0xFF000000) >> 24;
-    pOut[1] = (in & 0xFF0000) >> 16;
-    pOut[2] = (in & 0xFF00) >> 8;
-    pOut[3] = (in & 0xFF);
-    (*out)+=4;
-    return 4;
-  } else {
-    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s no space in buffer\n", __FUNCTION__);
-    return 0;
-  }
-uint8_t pushs32(int32_t in, uint8_t **out, uint8_t *end) {
-  uint8_t *pOut = *out;
-  if((end - pOut) >= 4) {
-    pOut[0] = (in & 0xFF000000) >> 24;
-    pOut[1] = (in & 0xFF0000) >> 16;
-    pOut[2] = (in & 0xFF00) >> 8;
-    pOut[3] = (in & 0xFF);
-    (*out)+=4;
-    return 4;
-  } else {
-    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s no space in buffer\n", __FUNCTION__);
-    return 0;
-  }
-uint8_t pull8(uint8_t **in, uint8_t *out, uint8_t *end) {
-  uint8_t *pIn = *in;
-  if((end - pIn) >= 1 ) {
-    *out = *pIn;
-    (*in)+=1;
-    return 1;
-  } else {
-    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s no space in buffer\n", __FUNCTION__);
-    return 0;
-  }
-uint8_t pulls8(uint8_t **in, int8_t *out, uint8_t *end) {
-  uint8_t *pIn = *in;
-  if((end - pIn) >= 1 ) {
-    *out = *pIn;
-    (*in)+=1;
-    return 1;
-  } else {
-    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s no space in buffer\n", __FUNCTION__);
-    return 0;
-  }
-uint8_t pull16(uint8_t **in, uint16_t *out, uint8_t *end) {
-  uint8_t *pIn = *in;
-  if((end - pIn) >=2 ) {
-    *out = ((pIn[0]) << 8) | pIn[1];
-    (*in)+=2;
-    return 2;
-  } else {
-    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s no space in buffer\n", __FUNCTION__);
-    return 0;
-  }
-uint8_t pulls16(uint8_t **in, int16_t *out, uint8_t *end) {
-  uint8_t *pIn = *in;
-  if((end - pIn) >=2 ) {
-    *out = ((pIn[0]) << 8) | pIn[1];
-    (*in)+=2;
-    return 2;
-  } else {
-    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s no space in buffer\n", __FUNCTION__);
-    return 0;
-  }
-uint8_t pull32(uint8_t **in, uint32_t *out, uint8_t *end) {
-  uint8_t *pIn = *in;
-  if((end - pIn) >=4 ) {
-    *out = (pIn[0] << 24) | (pIn[1] << 16) | (pIn[2] << 8) | pIn[3];
-    (*in)+=4;
-    return 4;
-  } else {
-    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s no space in buffer\n",  __FUNCTION__);
-    return 0;
-  }
-uint8_t pulls32(uint8_t **in, int32_t *out, uint8_t *end) {
-  uint8_t *pIn = *in;
-  if((end - pIn) >=4 ) {
-    *out = (pIn[0] << 24) | (pIn[1] << 16) | (pIn[2] << 8) | pIn[3];
-    (*in)+=4;
-    return 4;
-  } else {
-    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s no space in buffer\n", __FUNCTION__);
-    return 0;
-  }
-inline void pusharray16(uint8_t **, uint16_t, uint32_t len)
-uint32_t pullarray16(uint8_t **in, uint16_t out[], uint32_t max_len, uint32_t len, uint8_t *end) {
-  if(len == 0)
-    return 1;
-  if(len > max_len) {
-    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s exceed array size (%d > %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, len, max_len);
-    return 0;
-  }
-  if((end - (*in)) >= sizeof(uint16_t) * len) {
-    uint32_t idx;
-    for(idx = 0; idx < len; ++idx) {
-      if(!pull16(in, &out[idx], end))
-        return 0;
-    }
-    return sizeof(uint16_t) * len;
-  } else {
-    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s no space in buffer\n", __FUNCTION__);
-    return 0;
-  }
-uint32_t pullarrays16(uint8_t **in, int16_t out[], uint32_t max_len, uint32_t len, uint8_t *end) {
-  if(len == 0)
-    return 1;
-  if(len > max_len) {
-    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s exceed array size (%d > %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, len, max_len);
-    return 0;
-  }
-  if((end - (*in)) >= sizeof(uint16_t) * len) {
-    uint32_t idx;
-    for(idx = 0; idx < len; ++idx) {
-      if(!pulls16(in, &out[idx], end))
-        return 0;
-    }
-    return sizeof(uint16_t) * len;
-  } else {
-    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s no space in buffer\n", __FUNCTION__);
-    return 0;
-  }
-uint32_t pusharray16(uint16_t in[], uint32_t max_len, uint32_t len, uint8_t **out, uint8_t *end) {
-  if(len == 0)
-    return 1;
-  if(len > max_len) {
-    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s exceed array size (%d > %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, len, max_len);
-    return 0;
-  }
-  if((end - (*out)) >= sizeof(uint16_t) * len) {
-    uint32_t idx;
-    for(idx = 0; idx < len; ++idx) {
-      if(!push16(in[idx], out, end))
-        return 0;
-    }
-    return sizeof(uint16_t) * len;
-  } else {
-    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s no space in buffer\n", __FUNCTION__);
-    return 0;
-  }
-uint32_t pusharrays16(int16_t in[], uint32_t max_len, uint32_t len, uint8_t **out, uint8_t *end) {
-  if(len == 0)
-    return 1;
-  if(len > max_len) {
-    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s exceed array size (%d > %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, len, max_len);
-    return 0;
-  }
-  if((end - (*out)) >= sizeof(uint16_t) * len) {
-    uint32_t idx;
-    for(idx = 0; idx < len; ++idx) {
-      pushs16(in[idx], out, end);
-    }
-    return sizeof(uint16_t) * len;
-  } else {
-    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s no space in buffer\n", __FUNCTION__);
-    return 0;
-  }
-uint32_t pullarray32(uint8_t **in, uint32_t out[], uint32_t max_len, uint32_t len, uint8_t *end) {
-  if(len == 0)
-    return 1;
-  if(len > max_len) {
-    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s exceed array size (%d > %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, len, max_len);
-    return 0;
-  }
-  if((end - (*in)) >= sizeof(uint32_t) * len) {
-    uint32_t idx;
-    for(idx = 0; idx < len; ++idx) {
-      if(!pull32(in, &out[idx], end))
-        return 0;
-    }
-    return sizeof(uint32_t) * len;
-  } else {
-    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s no space in buffer\n", __FUNCTION__);
-    return 0;
-  }
-uint32_t pullarrays32(uint8_t **in, int32_t out[], uint32_t max_len, uint32_t len, uint8_t *end) {
-  if(len == 0)
-    return 1;
-  if(len > max_len) {
-    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s exceed array size (%d > %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, len, max_len);
-    return 0;
-  }
-  if((end - (*in)) >= sizeof(uint32_t) * len) {
-    uint32_t idx;
-    for(idx = 0; idx < len; ++idx) {
-      if(!pulls32(in, &out[idx], end))
-        return 0;
-    }
-    return sizeof(uint32_t) * len;
-  } else {
-    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s no space in buffer\n", __FUNCTION__);
-    return 0;
-  }
-uint32_t pusharray32(uint32_t in[], uint32_t max_len, uint32_t len, uint8_t **out, uint8_t *end) {
-  if(len == 0)
-    return 1;
-  if(len > max_len) {
-    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s exceed array size (%d > %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, len, max_len);
-    return 0;
-  }
-  if((end - (*out)) >= sizeof(uint32_t) * len) {
-    uint32_t idx;
-    for(idx = 0; idx < len; ++idx) {
-      if(!push32(in[idx], out, end))
-        return 0;
-    }
-    return sizeof(uint32_t) * len;
-  } else {
-    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s no space in buffer\n", __FUNCTION__);
-    return 0;
-  }
-uint32_t pusharrays32(int32_t in[], uint32_t max_len, uint32_t len, uint8_t **out, uint8_t *end) {
-  if(len == 0)
-    return 1;
-  if(len > max_len) {
-    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s exceed array size (%d > %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, len, max_len);
-    return 0;
-  }
-  if((end - (*out)) >= sizeof(uint32_t) * len) {
-    uint32_t idx;
-    for(idx = 0; idx < len; ++idx) {
-      pushs32(in[idx], out, end);
-    }
-    return sizeof(uint32_t) * len;
-  } else {
-    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s no space in buffer\n", __FUNCTION__);
-    return 0;
-  }
-uint32_t pullarray8(uint8_t **in, uint8_t out[], uint32_t max_len, uint32_t len, uint8_t *end) {
-  if(len == 0)
-    return 1;
-  if(len > max_len) {
-    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s exceed array size (%d > %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, len, max_len);
-    return 0;
-  }
-  if((end - (*in)) >= sizeof(uint8_t) * len) {
-    memcpy(out, (*in), len);
-    (*in)+=len;
-    return sizeof(uint8_t) * len;
-  } else {
-    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s no space in buffer\n", __FUNCTION__);
-    return 0;
-  }
-uint32_t pusharray8(uint8_t in[], uint32_t max_len, uint32_t len, uint8_t **out, uint8_t *end) {
-  if(len == 0)
-    return 1;
-  if(len > max_len) {
-    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s exceed array size (%d > %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, len, max_len);
-    return 0;
-  }
-  if((end - (*out)) >= sizeof(uint8_t) * len) {
-    memcpy((*out), in, len);
-    (*out)+=len;
-    return sizeof(uint8_t) * len;
-  } else {
-    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s no space in buffer\n", __FUNCTION__);
-    return 0;
-  }
-uint8_t packarray(void *array, uint16_t array_element_size, uint16_t max_count, uint16_t count, uint8_t **ppwritepackedmsg, uint8_t *end, pack_array_elem_fn fn) {
-  if(count > max_count) {
-    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s exceed array size (%d > %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, count, max_count);
-    return 0;
-  }
-  uint16_t i = 0;
-  for(i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
-    if((fn)(array, ppwritepackedmsg, end) == 0)
-      return 0;
-    array += array_element_size;
-  }
-  return 1;
-uint8_t unpackarray(uint8_t **ppReadPackedMsg, void *array, uint16_t array_element_size, uint16_t max_count, uint16_t count, uint8_t *end, unpack_array_elem_fn fn) {
-  if(count > max_count) {
-    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s exceed array size (%d > %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, count, max_count);
-    return 0;
-  }
-  uint16_t i = 0;
-  for(i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
-    if((fn)(array, ppReadPackedMsg, end) == 0)
-      return 0;
-    array += array_element_size;
-  }
-  return 1;
-uint32_t pack_vendor_extension_tlv(nfapi_tl_t *ve, uint8_t **ppWritePackedMsg, uint8_t *end, nfapi_p4_p5_codec_config_t *config) {
-  if(ve != 0 && config != 0) {
-    if(config->pack_vendor_extension_tlv) {
-      uint8_t *pStartOfTlv = *ppWritePackedMsg;
-      if(pack_tl(ve, ppWritePackedMsg, end) == 0)
-        return 0;
-      uint8_t *pStartOfValue = *ppWritePackedMsg;
-      if((config->pack_vendor_extension_tlv)(ve, ppWritePackedMsg, end, config) == 0)
-        return 0;
-      ve->length = (*ppWritePackedMsg) - pStartOfValue;
-      pack_tl(ve, &pStartOfTlv, end);
-      return 1;
-    }
-  }
-  return 1;
-uint32_t unpack_vendor_extension_tlv(nfapi_tl_t *tl, uint8_t **ppReadPackedMsg, uint8_t *end, nfapi_p4_p5_codec_config_t *config, nfapi_tl_t **ve_tlv) {
-  if(ve_tlv != 0 && config != 0) {
-    if(config->unpack_vendor_extension_tlv) {
-      return (config->unpack_vendor_extension_tlv)(tl, ppReadPackedMsg, end, (void **)ve_tlv, config);
-    }
-  }
-  return 1;
-uint32_t pack_p7_vendor_extension_tlv(nfapi_tl_t *ve, uint8_t **ppWritePackedMsg, uint8_t *end,nfapi_p7_codec_config_t *config) {
-  if(ve != 0 && config != 0) {
-    if(config->pack_vendor_extension_tlv) {
-      uint8_t *pStartOfTlv = *ppWritePackedMsg;
-      if(pack_tl(ve, ppWritePackedMsg, end) == 0)
-        return 0;
-      uint8_t *pStartOfValue = *ppWritePackedMsg;
-      if((config->pack_vendor_extension_tlv)(ve, ppWritePackedMsg, end, config) == 0)
-        return 0;
-      ve->length = (*ppWritePackedMsg) - pStartOfValue;
-      pack_tl(ve, &pStartOfTlv, end);
-      return 1;
-    }
-  }
-  return 1;
-int unpack_p7_vendor_extension_tlv(nfapi_tl_t *tl, uint8_t **ppReadPackedMsg, uint8_t *end, nfapi_p7_codec_config_t *config, nfapi_tl_t **ve_tlv) {
-  if(ve_tlv != 0 && config != 0) {
-    if(config->unpack_vendor_extension_tlv) {
-      return (config->unpack_vendor_extension_tlv)(tl, ppReadPackedMsg, end, (void **)ve_tlv, config);
-    }
-  }
-  return 1;
-uint8_t pack_tl(nfapi_tl_t *tl, uint8_t **ppWritePackedMsg, uint8_t *end) {
-  return (push16(tl->tag, ppWritePackedMsg, end) &&
-          push16(tl->length, ppWritePackedMsg, end));
-uint8_t unpack_tl(uint8_t **ppReadPackedMsg, nfapi_tl_t *tl, uint8_t *end) {
-  return (pull16(ppReadPackedMsg, &tl->tag, end) &&
-          pull16(ppReadPackedMsg, &tl->length, end));
-int unpack_tlv_list(unpack_tlv_t unpack_fns[], uint16_t size, uint8_t **ppReadPackedMsg, uint8_t *end, nfapi_p4_p5_codec_config_t *config, nfapi_tl_t **ve) {
-  nfapi_tl_t generic_tl;
-  uint8_t numBadTags = 0;
-  uint16_t idx = 0;
-  while ((uint8_t *)(*ppReadPackedMsg) < end) {
-    // unpack the tl and process the values accordingly
-    if(unpack_tl(ppReadPackedMsg, &generic_tl, end) == 0)
-      return 0;
-    uint8_t tagMatch = 0;
-    uint8_t *pStartOfValue = *ppReadPackedMsg;
-    for(idx = 0; idx < size; ++idx) {
-      if(unpack_fns[idx].tag == generic_tl.tag) { // match the extracted tag value with all the tags in unpack_fn list
-        tagMatch = 1;
-        nfapi_tl_t *tl = (nfapi_tl_t *)(unpack_fns[idx].tlv);
-        tl->tag = generic_tl.tag;
-        tl->length = generic_tl.length;
-        int result = (*unpack_fns[idx].unpack_func)(tl, ppReadPackedMsg, end);
-        if(result == 0) {
-          return 0;
-        }
-        // check if the length was right;
-        if(tl->length != (*ppReadPackedMsg - pStartOfValue)) {
-          NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "Warning tlv tag 0x%x length %d not equal to unpack %ld\n", tl->tag, tl->length, (*ppReadPackedMsg - pStartOfValue));
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    if(tagMatch == 0) {
-      if(generic_tl.tag >= NFAPI_VENDOR_EXTENSION_MIN_TAG_VALUE &&
-          generic_tl.tag <= NFAPI_VENDOR_EXTENSION_MAX_TAG_VALUE) {
-        int result = unpack_vendor_extension_tlv(&generic_tl, ppReadPackedMsg, end, config, ve);
-        if(result == 0) {
-          // got tot the end.
-          return 0;
-        } else if(result < 0) {
-          NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "Unknown VE TAG value: 0x%04x\n", generic_tl.tag);
-          if (++numBadTags > MAX_BAD_TAG) {
-            NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "Supplied message has had too many bad tags\n");
-            return 0;
-          }
-          if((end - *ppReadPackedMsg) >= generic_tl.length) {
-            // Advance past the unknown TLV
-            (*ppReadPackedMsg) += generic_tl.length;
-          } else {
-            // go to the end
-            return 0;
-          }
-        }
-      } else {
-        NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "Unknown TAG value: 0x%04x\n", generic_tl.tag);
-        if (++numBadTags > MAX_BAD_TAG) {
-          NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "Supplied message has had too many bad tags\n");
-          return 0;
-        }
-        if((end - *ppReadPackedMsg) >= generic_tl.length) {
-          // Advance past the unknown TLV
-          (*ppReadPackedMsg) += generic_tl.length;
-        } else {
-          // go to the end
-          return 0;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return 1;
-int unpack_p7_tlv_list(unpack_p7_tlv_t unpack_fns[], uint16_t size, uint8_t **ppReadPackedMsg, uint8_t *end, nfapi_p7_codec_config_t *config, nfapi_tl_t **ve) {
-  nfapi_tl_t generic_tl;
-  uint8_t numBadTags = 0;
-  uint16_t idx = 0;
-  while ((uint8_t *)(*ppReadPackedMsg) < end) {
-    // unpack the tl and process the values accordingly
-    if(unpack_tl(ppReadPackedMsg, &generic_tl, end) == 0)
-      return 0;
-    uint8_t tagMatch = 0;
-    uint8_t *pStartOfValue = *ppReadPackedMsg;
-    for(idx = 0; idx < size; ++idx) {
-      if(unpack_fns[idx].tag == generic_tl.tag) {
-        tagMatch = 1;
-        nfapi_tl_t *tl = (nfapi_tl_t *)(unpack_fns[idx].tlv);
-        tl->tag = generic_tl.tag;
-        tl->length = generic_tl.length;
-        int result = (*unpack_fns[idx].unpack_func)(tl, ppReadPackedMsg, end, config);
-        if(result == 0) {
-          return  0;
-        }
-        // check if the length was right;
-        if(tl->length != (*ppReadPackedMsg - pStartOfValue)) {
-          NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "Warning tlv tag 0x%x length %d not equal to unpack %ld\n", tl->tag, tl->length, (*ppReadPackedMsg - pStartOfValue));
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    if(tagMatch == 0) {
-      if(generic_tl.tag >= NFAPI_VENDOR_EXTENSION_MIN_TAG_VALUE &&
-          generic_tl.tag <= NFAPI_VENDOR_EXTENSION_MAX_TAG_VALUE) {
-        int result = unpack_p7_vendor_extension_tlv(&generic_tl, ppReadPackedMsg, end, config, ve);
-        if(result == 0) {
-          // got to end
-          return 0;
-        } else if(result < 0) {
-          NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "Unknown TAG value: 0x%04x\n", generic_tl.tag);
-          if (++numBadTags > MAX_BAD_TAG) {
-            NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "Supplied message has had too many bad tags\n");
-            return -1;
-          }
-          if((end - *ppReadPackedMsg) >= generic_tl.length) {
-            // Advance past the unknown TLV
-            (*ppReadPackedMsg) += generic_tl.length;
-          } else {
-            // got ot the dn
-            return 0;
-          }
-        }
-      } else {
-        NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "Unknown TAG value: 0x%04x\n", generic_tl.tag);
-        if (++numBadTags > MAX_BAD_TAG) {
-          NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "Supplied message has had too many bad tags\n");
-          return -1;
-        }
-        if((end - *ppReadPackedMsg) >= generic_tl.length) {
-          // Advance past the unknown TLV
-          (*ppReadPackedMsg) += generic_tl.length;
-        } else {
-          // got ot the dn
-          return 0;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return 1;
-// This intermediate function deals with calculating the length of the value
-// and writing into the tlv header.
-uint8_t pack_tlv(uint16_t tag, void *tlv, uint8_t **ppWritePackedMsg, uint8_t *end, pack_tlv_fn fn) {
-  nfapi_tl_t *tl = (nfapi_tl_t *)tlv;
-  // If the tag is defined
-  if(tl->tag == tag) {
-    uint8_t *pStartOfTlv = *ppWritePackedMsg;
-    // write a dumy tlv header
-    if(pack_tl(tl, ppWritePackedMsg, end) == 0)
-      return 0;
-    // Record the start of the value
-    uint8_t *pStartOfValue = *ppWritePackedMsg;
-    // pack the tlv value
-    if(fn(tlv, ppWritePackedMsg, end) == 0)
-      return 0;
-    // calculate the length of the value and rewrite the tl header
-    tl->length = (*ppWritePackedMsg) - pStartOfValue;
-    // rewrite the header with the correct length
-    pack_tl(tl, &pStartOfTlv, end);
-  } else {
-    if(tl->tag != 0) {
-      NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_WARN, "Warning pack_tlv tag 0x%x does not match expected 0x%x\n", tl->tag, tag);
-    } else {
-      //NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "Warning pack_tlv tag 0x%x ZERO does not match expected 0x%x\n", tl->tag, tag);
-    }
-  }
-  return 1;
-const char *nfapi_error_code_to_str(nfapi_error_code_e value) {
-  switch(value) {
-    case NFAPI_MSG_OK:
-      return "NFAPI_MSG_OK";
-      return "NFAPI_MSG_INVALID_STATE";
-      return "NFAPI_SFN_OUT_OF_SYNC";
-      return "NFAPI_MSG_SUBFRAME_ERR";
-      return "NFAPI_MSG_BCH_MISSING";
-      return "NFAPI_MSG_INVALID_SFN";
-    case NFAPI_MSG_HI_ERR:
-      return "NFAPI_MSG_HI_ERR";
-    case NFAPI_MSG_TX_ERR:
-      return "NFAPI_MSG_TX_ERR";
-    default:
-      return "UNKNOWN";
-  }
+ * Copyright (c) 2001-2016, Cisco Systems, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ *
+ * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ *
+ * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+ * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+ * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
+ * with the distribution.
+ *
+ * Neither the name of the Cisco Systems, Inc. nor the names of its
+ * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+ * from this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ */
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <arpa/inet.h>
+#include <sched.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include <execinfo.h>
+#include <nfapi_interface.h>
+#include <nfapi.h>
+#include <debug.h>
+// What to do when an error happens (e.g., a push or pull fails)
+static inline void on_error()
+    // show the call stack
+    int fd = STDERR_FILENO;
+    static const char msg[] = "---stack trace---\n";
+    __attribute__((unused)) int r =
+        write(fd, msg, sizeof(msg) - 1);
+    void *buffer[100];
+    int nptrs = backtrace(buffer, sizeof(buffer) / sizeof(buffer[0]));
+    backtrace_symbols_fd(buffer, nptrs, fd);
+    //abort();
+// Fundamental routines
+uint8_t push8(uint8_t in, uint8_t **out, uint8_t *end) {
+  uint8_t *pOut = *out;
+  if((end - pOut) >= 1) {
+    pOut[0] = in;
+    (*out)+=1;
+    return 1;
+  } else {
+    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s no space in buffer\n", __FUNCTION__);
+    on_error();
+    return 0;
+  }
+uint8_t pushs8(int8_t in, uint8_t **out, uint8_t *end) {
+  uint8_t *pOut = *out;
+  if((end - pOut) >= 1) {
+    pOut[0] = in;
+    (*out)+=1;
+    return 1;
+  } else {
+    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s no space in buffer\n", __FUNCTION__);
+    on_error();
+    return 0;
+  }
+uint8_t push16(uint16_t in, uint8_t **out, uint8_t *end) {
+  uint8_t *pOut = *out;
+  if((end - pOut) >= 2) {
+    pOut[0] = (in & 0xFF00) >> 8;
+    pOut[1] = (in & 0xFF);
+    (*out)+=2;
+    return 2;
+  } else {
+    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s no space in buffer\n", __FUNCTION__);
+    on_error();
+    return 0;
+  }
+uint8_t pushs16(int16_t in, uint8_t **out, uint8_t *end) {
+  uint8_t *pOut = *out;
+  if((end - pOut) >= 2) {
+    pOut[0] = (in & 0xFF00) >> 8;
+    pOut[1] = (in & 0xFF);
+    (*out)+=2;
+    return 2;
+  } else {
+    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s no space in buffer\n", __FUNCTION__);
+    on_error();
+    return 0;
+  }
+uint8_t push32(uint32_t in, uint8_t **out, uint8_t *end) {
+  uint8_t *pOut = *out;
+  if((end - pOut) >= 4) {
+    pOut[0] = (in & 0xFF000000) >> 24;
+    pOut[1] = (in & 0xFF0000) >> 16;
+    pOut[2] = (in & 0xFF00) >> 8;
+    pOut[3] = (in & 0xFF);
+    (*out)+=4;
+    return 4;
+  } else {
+    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s no space in buffer\n", __FUNCTION__);
+    on_error();
+    return 0;
+  }
+uint8_t pushs32(int32_t in, uint8_t **out, uint8_t *end) {
+  uint8_t *pOut = *out;
+  if((end - pOut) >= 4) {
+    pOut[0] = (in & 0xFF000000) >> 24;
+    pOut[1] = (in & 0xFF0000) >> 16;
+    pOut[2] = (in & 0xFF00) >> 8;
+    pOut[3] = (in & 0xFF);
+    (*out)+=4;
+    return 4;
+  } else {
+    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s no space in buffer\n", __FUNCTION__);
+    on_error();
+    return 0;
+  }
+uint8_t pull8(uint8_t **in, uint8_t *out, uint8_t *end) {
+  uint8_t *pIn = *in;
+  if((end - pIn) >= 1 ) {
+    *out = *pIn;
+    (*in)+=1;
+    return 1;
+  } else {
+    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s no space in buffer\n", __FUNCTION__);
+    on_error();
+    return 0;
+  }
+uint8_t pulls8(uint8_t **in, int8_t *out, uint8_t *end) {
+  uint8_t *pIn = *in;
+  if((end - pIn) >= 1 ) {
+    *out = *pIn;
+    (*in)+=1;
+    return 1;
+  } else {
+    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s no space in buffer\n", __FUNCTION__);
+    on_error();
+    return 0;
+  }
+uint8_t pull16(uint8_t **in, uint16_t *out, uint8_t *end) {
+  uint8_t *pIn = *in;
+  if((end - pIn) >=2 ) {
+    *out = ((pIn[0]) << 8) | pIn[1];
+    (*in)+=2;
+    return 2;
+  } else {
+    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s no space in buffer\n", __FUNCTION__);
+    on_error();
+    return 0;
+  }
+uint8_t pulls16(uint8_t **in, int16_t *out, uint8_t *end) {
+  uint8_t *pIn = *in;
+  if((end - pIn) >=2 ) {
+    *out = ((pIn[0]) << 8) | pIn[1];
+    (*in)+=2;
+    return 2;
+  } else {
+    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s no space in buffer\n", __FUNCTION__);
+    on_error();
+    return 0;
+  }
+uint8_t pull32(uint8_t **in, uint32_t *out, uint8_t *end) {
+  uint8_t *pIn = *in;
+  if((end - pIn) >=4 ) {
+    *out = (pIn[0] << 24) | (pIn[1] << 16) | (pIn[2] << 8) | pIn[3];
+    (*in)+=4;
+    return 4;
+  } else {
+    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s no space in buffer\n",  __FUNCTION__);
+    on_error();
+    return 0;
+  }
+uint8_t pulls32(uint8_t **in, int32_t *out, uint8_t *end) {
+  uint8_t *pIn = *in;
+  if((end - pIn) >=4 ) {
+    *out = (pIn[0] << 24) | (pIn[1] << 16) | (pIn[2] << 8) | pIn[3];
+    (*in)+=4;
+    return 4;
+  } else {
+    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s no space in buffer\n", __FUNCTION__);
+    on_error();
+    return 0;
+  }
+inline void pusharray16(uint8_t **, uint16_t, uint32_t len)
+uint32_t pullarray16(uint8_t **in, uint16_t out[], uint32_t max_len, uint32_t len, uint8_t *end) {
+  if(len == 0)
+    return 1;
+  if(len > max_len) {
+    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s exceed array size (%d > %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, len, max_len);
+    on_error();
+    return 0;
+  }
+  if((end - (*in)) >= sizeof(uint16_t) * len) {
+    uint32_t idx;
+    for(idx = 0; idx < len; ++idx) {
+      if(!pull16(in, &out[idx], end))
+        return 0;
+    }
+    return sizeof(uint16_t) * len;
+  } else {
+    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s no space in buffer\n", __FUNCTION__);
+    on_error();
+    return 0;
+  }
+uint32_t pullarrays16(uint8_t **in, int16_t out[], uint32_t max_len, uint32_t len, uint8_t *end) {
+  if(len == 0)
+    return 1;
+  if(len > max_len) {
+    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s exceed array size (%d > %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, len, max_len);
+    on_error();
+    return 0;
+  }
+  if((end - (*in)) >= sizeof(uint16_t) * len) {
+    uint32_t idx;
+    for(idx = 0; idx < len; ++idx) {
+      if(!pulls16(in, &out[idx], end))
+        return 0;
+    }
+    return sizeof(uint16_t) * len;
+  } else {
+    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s no space in buffer\n", __FUNCTION__);
+    on_error();
+    return 0;
+  }
+uint32_t pusharray16(uint16_t in[], uint32_t max_len, uint32_t len, uint8_t **out, uint8_t *end) {
+  if(len == 0)
+    return 1;
+  if(len > max_len) {
+    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s exceed array size (%d > %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, len, max_len);
+    on_error();
+    return 0;
+  }
+  if((end - (*out)) >= sizeof(uint16_t) * len) {
+    uint32_t idx;
+    for(idx = 0; idx < len; ++idx) {
+      if(!push16(in[idx], out, end))
+        return 0;
+    }
+    return sizeof(uint16_t) * len;
+  } else {
+    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s no space in buffer\n", __FUNCTION__);
+    on_error();
+    return 0;
+  }
+uint32_t pusharrays16(int16_t in[], uint32_t max_len, uint32_t len, uint8_t **out, uint8_t *end) {
+  if(len == 0)
+    return 1;
+  if(len > max_len) {
+    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s exceed array size (%d > %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, len, max_len);
+    on_error();
+    return 0;
+  }
+  if((end - (*out)) >= sizeof(uint16_t) * len) {
+    uint32_t idx;
+    for(idx = 0; idx < len; ++idx) {
+      if (!pushs16(in[idx], out, end))
+        return 0;
+    }
+    return sizeof(uint16_t) * len;
+  } else {
+    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s no space in buffer\n", __FUNCTION__);
+    on_error();
+    return 0;
+  }
+uint32_t pullarray32(uint8_t **values_to_pull,
+                     uint32_t out[],
+                     uint32_t max_num_values_to_pull,
+                     uint32_t num_values_to_pull,
+                     uint8_t *out_end) {
+  if (num_values_to_pull == 0)
+    return 1;
+  if (num_values_to_pull > max_num_values_to_pull) {
+    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s exceed array size (%d > %d)\n",
+                __FUNCTION__, num_values_to_pull, max_num_values_to_pull);
+    on_error();
+    return 0;
+  }
+  if ((out_end - (*values_to_pull)) >= sizeof(uint32_t) * num_values_to_pull) {
+    uint32_t idx;
+    for (idx = 0; idx < num_values_to_pull; ++idx) {
+      if (!pull32(values_to_pull, &out[idx], out_end))
+        return 0;
+    }
+    return sizeof(uint32_t) * num_values_to_pull;
+  } else {
+    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s no space in buffer\n", __FUNCTION__);
+    on_error();
+    return 0;
+  }
+uint32_t pullarrays32(uint8_t **in, int32_t out[], uint32_t max_len, uint32_t len, uint8_t *end) {
+  if(len == 0)
+    return 1;
+  if(len > max_len) {
+    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s exceed array size (%d > %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, len, max_len);
+    on_error();
+    return 0;
+  }
+  if((end - (*in)) >= sizeof(uint32_t) * len) {
+    uint32_t idx;
+    for(idx = 0; idx < len; ++idx) {
+      if(!pulls32(in, &out[idx], end))
+        return 0;
+    }
+    return sizeof(uint32_t) * len;
+  } else {
+    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s no space in buffer\n", __FUNCTION__);
+    on_error();
+    return 0;
+  }
+uint32_t pusharray32(const uint32_t *values_to_push,
+                     uint32_t max_num_values_to_push,
+                     uint32_t num_values_to_push,
+                     uint8_t **out,
+                     uint8_t *out_end) {
+  if (num_values_to_push == 0)
+    return 1;
+  if (num_values_to_push > max_num_values_to_push) {
+    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s exceed array size (%d > %d)\n",
+                __FUNCTION__, num_values_to_push, max_num_values_to_push);
+    on_error();
+    return 0;
+  }
+  if ((out_end - (*out)) >= sizeof(uint32_t) * num_values_to_push) {
+    uint32_t idx;
+    for (idx = 0; idx < num_values_to_push; ++idx) {
+      if (!push32(values_to_push[idx], out, out_end))
+        return 0;
+    }
+    return sizeof(uint32_t) * num_values_to_push;
+  } else {
+    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s no space in buffer\n", __FUNCTION__);
+    on_error();
+    return 0;
+  }
+uint32_t pusharrays32(int32_t in[], uint32_t max_len, uint32_t len, uint8_t **out, uint8_t *end) {
+  if(len == 0)
+    return 1;
+  if(len > max_len) {
+    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s exceed array size (%d > %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, len, max_len);
+    on_error();
+    return 0;
+  }
+  if((end - (*out)) >= sizeof(uint32_t) * len) {
+    uint32_t idx;
+    for(idx = 0; idx < len; ++idx) {
+      if (!pushs32(in[idx], out, end))
+        return 0;
+    }
+    return sizeof(uint32_t) * len;
+  } else {
+    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s no space in buffer\n", __FUNCTION__);
+    on_error();
+    return 0;
+  }
+uint32_t pullarray8(uint8_t **in, uint8_t out[], uint32_t max_len, uint32_t len, uint8_t *end) {
+  if(len == 0)
+    return 1;
+  if(len > max_len) {
+    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s exceed array size (%d > %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, len, max_len);
+    on_error();
+    return 0;
+  }
+  if((end - (*in)) >= sizeof(uint8_t) * len) {
+    memcpy(out, (*in), len);
+    (*in)+=len;
+    return sizeof(uint8_t) * len;
+  } else {
+    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s no space in buffer\n", __FUNCTION__);
+    on_error();
+    return 0;
+  }
+uint32_t pusharray8(uint8_t in[], uint32_t max_len, uint32_t len, uint8_t **out, uint8_t *end) {
+  if(len == 0)
+    return 1;
+  if(len > max_len) {
+    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s exceed array size (%d > %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, len, max_len);
+    on_error();
+    return 0;
+  }
+  if((end - (*out)) >= sizeof(uint8_t) * len) {
+    memcpy((*out), in, len);
+    (*out)+=len;
+    return sizeof(uint8_t) * len;
+  } else {
+    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s no space in buffer\n", __FUNCTION__);
+    on_error();
+    return 0;
+  }
+uint8_t packarray(void *array, uint16_t array_element_size, uint16_t max_count, uint16_t count, uint8_t **ppwritepackedmsg, uint8_t *end, pack_array_elem_fn fn) {
+  if(count > max_count) {
+    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s exceed array size (%d > %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, count, max_count);
+    on_error();
+    return 0;
+  }
+  uint16_t i = 0;
+  for(i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+    if((fn)(array, ppwritepackedmsg, end) == 0)
+      return 0;
+    array += array_element_size;
+  }
+  return 1;
+uint8_t unpackarray(uint8_t **ppReadPackedMsg, void *array, uint16_t array_element_size, uint16_t max_count, uint16_t count, uint8_t *end, unpack_array_elem_fn fn) {
+  if(count > max_count) {
+    NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s exceed array size (%d > %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, count, max_count);
+    on_error();
+    return 0;
+  }
+  uint16_t i = 0;
+  for(i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+    if((fn)(array, ppReadPackedMsg, end) == 0)
+      return 0;
+    array += array_element_size;
+  }
+  return 1;
+uint32_t pack_vendor_extension_tlv(nfapi_tl_t *ve, uint8_t **ppWritePackedMsg, uint8_t *end, nfapi_p4_p5_codec_config_t *config) {
+  if(ve != 0 && config != 0) {
+    if(config->pack_vendor_extension_tlv) {
+      uint8_t *pStartOfTlv = *ppWritePackedMsg;
+      if(pack_tl(ve, ppWritePackedMsg, end) == 0)
+        return 0;
+      uint8_t *pStartOfValue = *ppWritePackedMsg;
+      if((config->pack_vendor_extension_tlv)(ve, ppWritePackedMsg, end, config) == 0)
+        return 0;
+      ve->length = (*ppWritePackedMsg) - pStartOfValue;
+      pack_tl(ve, &pStartOfTlv, end);
+      return 1;
+    }
+  }
+  return 1;
+uint32_t unpack_vendor_extension_tlv(nfapi_tl_t *tl, uint8_t **ppReadPackedMsg, uint8_t *end, nfapi_p4_p5_codec_config_t *config, nfapi_tl_t **ve_tlv) {
+  if(ve_tlv != 0 && config != 0) {
+    if(config->unpack_vendor_extension_tlv) {
+      return (config->unpack_vendor_extension_tlv)(tl, ppReadPackedMsg, end, (void **)ve_tlv, config);
+    }
+  }
+  return 1;
+uint32_t pack_p7_vendor_extension_tlv(nfapi_tl_t *ve, uint8_t **ppWritePackedMsg, uint8_t *end,nfapi_p7_codec_config_t *config) {
+  if(ve != 0 && config != 0) {
+    if(config->pack_vendor_extension_tlv) {
+      uint8_t *pStartOfTlv = *ppWritePackedMsg;
+      if(pack_tl(ve, ppWritePackedMsg, end) == 0)
+        return 0;
+      uint8_t *pStartOfValue = *ppWritePackedMsg;
+      if((config->pack_vendor_extension_tlv)(ve, ppWritePackedMsg, end, config) == 0)
+        return 0;
+      ve->length = (*ppWritePackedMsg) - pStartOfValue;
+      pack_tl(ve, &pStartOfTlv, end);
+      return 1;
+    }
+  }
+  return 1;
+int unpack_p7_vendor_extension_tlv(nfapi_tl_t *tl, uint8_t **ppReadPackedMsg, uint8_t *end, nfapi_p7_codec_config_t *config, nfapi_tl_t **ve_tlv) {
+  if(ve_tlv != 0 && config != 0) {
+    if(config->unpack_vendor_extension_tlv) {
+      return (config->unpack_vendor_extension_tlv)(tl, ppReadPackedMsg, end, (void **)ve_tlv, config);
+    }
+  }
+  return 1;
+uint8_t pack_tl(nfapi_tl_t *tl, uint8_t **ppWritePackedMsg, uint8_t *end) {
+  return (push16(tl->tag, ppWritePackedMsg, end) &&
+          push16(tl->length, ppWritePackedMsg, end));
+uint8_t unpack_tl(uint8_t **ppReadPackedMsg, nfapi_tl_t *tl, uint8_t *end) {
+  return (pull16(ppReadPackedMsg, &tl->tag, end) &&
+          pull16(ppReadPackedMsg, &tl->length, end));
+int unpack_tlv_list(unpack_tlv_t unpack_fns[], uint16_t size, uint8_t **ppReadPackedMsg, uint8_t *end, nfapi_p4_p5_codec_config_t *config, nfapi_tl_t **ve) {
+  nfapi_tl_t generic_tl;
+  uint8_t numBadTags = 0;
+  uint16_t idx = 0;
+  while ((uint8_t *)(*ppReadPackedMsg) < end) {
+    // unpack the tl and process the values accordingly
+    if(unpack_tl(ppReadPackedMsg, &generic_tl, end) == 0)
+      return 0;
+    uint8_t tagMatch = 0;
+    uint8_t *pStartOfValue = *ppReadPackedMsg;
+    for(idx = 0; idx < size; ++idx) {
+      if(unpack_fns[idx].tag == generic_tl.tag) { // match the extracted tag value with all the tags in unpack_fn list
+        tagMatch = 1;
+        nfapi_tl_t *tl = (nfapi_tl_t *)(unpack_fns[idx].tlv);
+        tl->tag = generic_tl.tag;
+        tl->length = generic_tl.length;
+        int result = (*unpack_fns[idx].unpack_func)(tl, ppReadPackedMsg, end);
+        if(result == 0) {
+          return 0;
+        }
+        // check if the length was right;
+        if(tl->length != (*ppReadPackedMsg - pStartOfValue)) {
+          NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "Warning tlv tag 0x%x length %d not equal to unpack %ld\n", tl->tag, tl->length, (*ppReadPackedMsg - pStartOfValue));
+          on_error();
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if(tagMatch == 0) {
+      if(generic_tl.tag >= NFAPI_VENDOR_EXTENSION_MIN_TAG_VALUE &&
+          generic_tl.tag <= NFAPI_VENDOR_EXTENSION_MAX_TAG_VALUE) {
+        int result = unpack_vendor_extension_tlv(&generic_tl, ppReadPackedMsg, end, config, ve);
+        if(result == 0) {
+          // got tot the end.
+          return 0;
+        } else if(result < 0) {
+          NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "Unknown VE TAG value: 0x%04x\n", generic_tl.tag);
+          on_error();
+          if (++numBadTags > MAX_BAD_TAG) {
+            NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "Supplied message has had too many bad tags\n");
+            on_error();
+            return 0;
+          }
+          if((end - *ppReadPackedMsg) >= generic_tl.length) {
+            // Advance past the unknown TLV
+            (*ppReadPackedMsg) += generic_tl.length;
+          } else {
+            // go to the end
+            return 0;
+          }
+        }
+      } else {
+        NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "Unknown TAG value: 0x%04x\n", generic_tl.tag);
+        on_error();
+        if (++numBadTags > MAX_BAD_TAG) {
+          NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "Supplied message has had too many bad tags\n");
+          on_error();
+          return 0;
+        }
+        if((end - *ppReadPackedMsg) >= generic_tl.length) {
+          // Advance past the unknown TLV
+          (*ppReadPackedMsg) += generic_tl.length;
+        } else {
+          // go to the end
+          return 0;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return 1;
+int unpack_p7_tlv_list(unpack_p7_tlv_t unpack_fns[], uint16_t size, uint8_t **ppReadPackedMsg, uint8_t *end, nfapi_p7_codec_config_t *config, nfapi_tl_t **ve) {
+  nfapi_tl_t generic_tl;
+  uint8_t numBadTags = 0;
+  uint16_t idx = 0;
+  while ((uint8_t *)(*ppReadPackedMsg) < end) {
+    // unpack the tl and process the values accordingly
+    if(unpack_tl(ppReadPackedMsg, &generic_tl, end) == 0)
+      return 0;
+    uint8_t tagMatch = 0;
+    uint8_t *pStartOfValue = *ppReadPackedMsg;
+    for(idx = 0; idx < size; ++idx) {
+      if(unpack_fns[idx].tag == generic_tl.tag) {
+        tagMatch = 1;
+        nfapi_tl_t *tl = (nfapi_tl_t *)(unpack_fns[idx].tlv);
+        tl->tag = generic_tl.tag;
+        tl->length = generic_tl.length;
+        int result = (*unpack_fns[idx].unpack_func)(tl, ppReadPackedMsg, end, config);
+        if(result == 0) {
+          return  0;
+        }
+        // check if the length was right;
+        if(tl->length != (*ppReadPackedMsg - pStartOfValue)) {
+          NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "Warning tlv tag 0x%x length %d not equal to unpack %ld\n", tl->tag, tl->length, (*ppReadPackedMsg - pStartOfValue));
+          on_error();
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if(tagMatch == 0) {
+      if(generic_tl.tag >= NFAPI_VENDOR_EXTENSION_MIN_TAG_VALUE &&
+          generic_tl.tag <= NFAPI_VENDOR_EXTENSION_MAX_TAG_VALUE) {
+        int result = unpack_p7_vendor_extension_tlv(&generic_tl, ppReadPackedMsg, end, config, ve);
+        if(result == 0) {
+          // got to end
+          return 0;
+        } else if(result < 0) {
+          NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "Unknown TAG value: 0x%04x\n", generic_tl.tag);
+          on_error();
+          if (++numBadTags > MAX_BAD_TAG) {
+            NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "Supplied message has had too many bad tags\n");
+            on_error();
+            return -1;
+          }
+          if((end - *ppReadPackedMsg) >= generic_tl.length) {
+            // Advance past the unknown TLV
+            (*ppReadPackedMsg) += generic_tl.length;
+          } else {
+            // got ot the dn
+            return 0;
+          }
+        }
+      } else {
+        NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "Unknown TAG value: 0x%04x\n", generic_tl.tag);
+        on_error();
+        if (++numBadTags > MAX_BAD_TAG) {
+          NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "Supplied message has had too many bad tags\n");
+          on_error();
+          return -1;
+        }
+        if((end - *ppReadPackedMsg) >= generic_tl.length) {
+          // Advance past the unknown TLV
+          (*ppReadPackedMsg) += generic_tl.length;
+        } else {
+          // got ot the dn
+          return 0;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return 1;
+// This intermediate function deals with calculating the length of the value
+// and writing into the tlv header.
+uint8_t pack_tlv(uint16_t tag, void *tlv, uint8_t **ppWritePackedMsg, uint8_t *end, pack_tlv_fn fn) {
+  nfapi_tl_t *tl = (nfapi_tl_t *)tlv;
+  // If the tag is defined
+  if(tl->tag == tag) {
+    uint8_t *pStartOfTlv = *ppWritePackedMsg;
+    // write a dumy tlv header
+    if(pack_tl(tl, ppWritePackedMsg, end) == 0)
+      return 0;
+    // Record the start of the value
+    uint8_t *pStartOfValue = *ppWritePackedMsg;
+    // pack the tlv value
+    if(fn(tlv, ppWritePackedMsg, end) == 0)
+      return 0;
+    // calculate the length of the value and rewrite the tl header
+    tl->length = (*ppWritePackedMsg) - pStartOfValue;
+    // rewrite the header with the correct length
+    pack_tl(tl, &pStartOfTlv, end);
+  } else {
+    if(tl->tag != 0) {
+      NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_WARN, "Warning pack_tlv tag 0x%x does not match expected 0x%x\n", tl->tag, tag);
+    } else {
+      //NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "Warning pack_tlv tag 0x%x ZERO does not match expected 0x%x\n", tl->tag, tag);
+    }
+  }
+  return 1;
+const char *nfapi_error_code_to_str(nfapi_error_code_e value) {
+  switch(value) {
+    case NFAPI_MSG_OK:
+      return "NFAPI_MSG_OK";
+      return "NFAPI_MSG_INVALID_STATE";
+      return "NFAPI_SFN_OUT_OF_SYNC";
+      return "NFAPI_MSG_SUBFRAME_ERR";
+      return "NFAPI_MSG_BCH_MISSING";
+      return "NFAPI_MSG_INVALID_SFN";
+    case NFAPI_MSG_HI_ERR:
+      return "NFAPI_MSG_HI_ERR";
+    case NFAPI_MSG_TX_ERR:
+      return "NFAPI_MSG_TX_ERR";
+    default:
+      return "UNKNOWN";
+  }
diff --git a/nfapi/open-nFAPI/nfapi/src/nfapi_p7.c b/nfapi/open-nFAPI/nfapi/src/nfapi_p7.c
index 0e43c803e75a26f31632e8c605f346c3d4775f82..3adde23e7dab995bb0cd19c97f26a6087e67ef67 100644
--- a/nfapi/open-nFAPI/nfapi/src/nfapi_p7.c
+++ b/nfapi/open-nFAPI/nfapi/src/nfapi_p7.c
@@ -1048,7 +1048,7 @@ static uint8_t pack_ul_tti_request_srs_pdu(nfapi_nr_srs_pdu_t *srs_pdu, uint8_t
           push8(srs_pdu->comb_offset, ppWritePackedMsg, end) &&
           push8(srs_pdu->cyclic_shift, ppWritePackedMsg, end) &&
           push8(srs_pdu->frequency_position, ppWritePackedMsg, end) &&
-          push8(srs_pdu->frequency_shift, ppWritePackedMsg, end) &&
+          push16(srs_pdu->frequency_shift, ppWritePackedMsg, end) &&
           push8(srs_pdu->frequency_hopping, ppWritePackedMsg, end) &&
           push8(srs_pdu->group_or_sequence_hopping, ppWritePackedMsg, end) &&
           push8(srs_pdu->resource_type, ppWritePackedMsg, end) &&
@@ -1583,13 +1583,19 @@ static uint8_t pack_ul_config_request_body_value(void *tlv, uint8_t **ppWritePac
 static uint8_t pack_ul_tti_request(void *msg, uint8_t **ppWritePackedMsg, uint8_t *end, nfapi_p7_codec_config_t *config) {
   nfapi_nr_ul_tti_request_t *pNfapiMsg = (nfapi_nr_ul_tti_request_t *)msg;
-  if (!(push16(pNfapiMsg->SFN, ppWritePackedMsg, end) &&
-        push16(pNfapiMsg->Slot, ppWritePackedMsg, end) &&
-        push8(pNfapiMsg->n_pdus, ppWritePackedMsg, end) &&
-        push8(pNfapiMsg->rach_present, ppWritePackedMsg, end) &&
-        push8(pNfapiMsg->n_ulsch, ppWritePackedMsg, end) &&
-        push8(pNfapiMsg->n_ulcch, ppWritePackedMsg, end) &&
-        push8(pNfapiMsg->n_group, ppWritePackedMsg, end) ))
+  if (!push16(pNfapiMsg->SFN, ppWritePackedMsg, end))
+    return 0;
+  if (!push16(pNfapiMsg->Slot, ppWritePackedMsg, end))
+    return 0;
+  if (!push8(pNfapiMsg->n_pdus, ppWritePackedMsg, end))
+    return 0;
+  if (!push8(pNfapiMsg->n_group, ppWritePackedMsg, end))
+    return 0;
+  if (!push8(pNfapiMsg->rach_present, ppWritePackedMsg, end))
+    return 0;
+  if (!push8(pNfapiMsg->n_ulsch, ppWritePackedMsg, end))
+    return 0;
+  if (!push8(pNfapiMsg->n_ulcch, ppWritePackedMsg, end))
     return 0;
   for(int i=0; i<pNfapiMsg->n_pdus; i++) {
@@ -1893,15 +1899,23 @@ static uint8_t pack_tx_data_pdu_list_value(void *tlv, uint8_t **ppWritePackedMsg
     switch(value->TLVs[i].tag) {
       case 0: {
-        if(!pusharray32(value->TLVs[i].value.direct, 16384, value->TLVs[i].length, ppWritePackedMsg, end))
+        if (!pusharray32(value->TLVs[i].value.direct, sizeof(value->TLVs[i].value.direct) / sizeof(uint32_t),
+                        value->TLVs[i].length / sizeof(uint32_t), ppWritePackedMsg, end)) {
+          NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s():%d. value->TLVs[i].length %d \n",
+                      __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, value->TLVs[i].length);
           return 0;
+        }
       case 1: {
-        if(!pusharray32(value->TLVs[i].value.ptr, value->TLVs[i].length, value->TLVs[i].length, ppWritePackedMsg, end))
+        if (!pusharray32(value->TLVs[i].value.ptr, value->TLVs[i].length / sizeof(uint32_t),
+                         value->TLVs[i].length / sizeof(uint32_t), ppWritePackedMsg, end)) {
+          NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s():%d. value->TLVs[i].length %d \n",
+                      __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, value->TLVs[i].length);
           return 0;
+        }
@@ -3008,10 +3022,8 @@ return 1;
-static uint8_t pack_nr_rx_data_indication_body(void* tlv, uint8_t **ppWritePackedMsg, uint8_t *end)
+static uint8_t pack_nr_rx_data_indication_body(nfapi_nr_rx_data_pdu_t *value, uint8_t **ppWritePackedMsg, uint8_t *end)
-	nfapi_nr_rx_data_pdu_t* value = (nfapi_nr_rx_data_pdu_t*)tlv;
 	if(!(push32(value->handle, ppWritePackedMsg, end) &&
 	 	 push16(value->rnti, ppWritePackedMsg, end) &&
 		 push8(value->harq_id, ppWritePackedMsg, end) &&
@@ -3041,7 +3053,7 @@ static uint8_t pack_nr_rx_data_indication(void *msg, uint8_t **ppWritePackedMsg,
 	for (int i = 0; i < pNfapiMsg->number_of_pdus; i++)
-		if(!pack_nr_rx_data_indication_body(&(pNfapiMsg->pdu_list[i]), ppWritePackedMsg, end))
+		if(!pack_nr_rx_data_indication_body(&(pNfapiMsg->pdu_list[i]), ppWritePackedMsg, end))	
 		        return 0;
@@ -3089,10 +3101,8 @@ return 1;
-static uint8_t pack_nr_srs_indication_body(void* tlv, uint8_t **ppWritePackedMsg, uint8_t *end)
+static uint8_t pack_nr_srs_indication_body(nfapi_nr_srs_indication_pdu_t *value, uint8_t **ppWritePackedMsg, uint8_t *end)
-	nfapi_nr_srs_indication_pdu_t* value = (nfapi_nr_srs_indication_pdu_t*)tlv;
 	if(!(push32(value->handle, ppWritePackedMsg, end) &&
 	 	 push16(value->rnti, ppWritePackedMsg, end) &&
 		 push16(value->timing_advance, ppWritePackedMsg, end) &&
@@ -3104,8 +3114,7 @@ static uint8_t pack_nr_srs_indication_body(void* tlv, uint8_t **ppWritePackedMsg
 		  return 0;
 	for(int i = 0; i < value->reported_symbol_list->num_rbs; i++)
-		if(!(push8(value->reported_symbol_list->rb_list->rb_snr, ppWritePackedMsg, end)
-			))
+		if (!push8(value->reported_symbol_list->rb_list[i].rb_snr, ppWritePackedMsg, end))
 			return 0;
 	return 1;
@@ -3181,32 +3190,36 @@ return 1;
 static uint8_t pack_nr_uci_pucch_0_1(void* tlv, uint8_t **ppWritePackedMsg, uint8_t *end) {
 	nfapi_nr_uci_pucch_pdu_format_0_1_t* value = (nfapi_nr_uci_pucch_pdu_format_0_1_t*)tlv;
-	if(!(push8(value->pduBitmap, ppWritePackedMsg, end) &&
-	 	 push32(value->handle, ppWritePackedMsg, end) &&
-		 push16(value->rnti, ppWritePackedMsg, end) &&
-		 push8(value->pucch_format, ppWritePackedMsg, end) &&
-		 push8(value->ul_cqi, ppWritePackedMsg, end) &&
-		 push16(value->timing_advance, ppWritePackedMsg, end) &&
-		 push16(value->rssi, ppWritePackedMsg, end)
-		 ))
-		  return 0;
+	if (!push8(value->pduBitmap, ppWritePackedMsg, end))
+		return 0;
+	if (!push32(value->handle, ppWritePackedMsg, end))
+		return 0;
+	if (!push16(value->rnti, ppWritePackedMsg, end))
+		return 0;
+	if (!push8(value->pucch_format, ppWritePackedMsg, end))
+		return 0;
+	if (!push8(value->ul_cqi, ppWritePackedMsg, end))
+		return 0;
+	if (!push16(value->timing_advance, ppWritePackedMsg, end))
+		return 0;
+	if (!push16(value->rssi, ppWritePackedMsg, end))
+		return 0;
 	if (value->pduBitmap & 0x01) { //SR
-		if (!(push8(value->sr->sr_indication, ppWritePackedMsg, end) &&
-		 push8(value->sr->sr_confidence_level, ppWritePackedMsg, end)
-		 ))
-		  return 0;
+		if (!push8(value->sr->sr_indication, ppWritePackedMsg, end))
+			return 0;
+		if (!push8(value->sr->sr_confidence_level, ppWritePackedMsg, end))
+			return 0;
 	if (((value->pduBitmap >> 1) & 0x01)) { //HARQ
-		if (!(push8(value->harq->num_harq, ppWritePackedMsg, end) &&
-		 push8(value->harq->harq_confidence_level, ppWritePackedMsg, end)
-		 ))
+		if (!push8(value->harq->num_harq, ppWritePackedMsg, end))
+			return 0;
+		if (!push8(value->harq->harq_confidence_level, ppWritePackedMsg, end))
 			return 0;
 		for (int i = 0; i < value->harq->num_harq; i++)
-			if (!(push8(value->harq->harq_list[i].harq_value, ppWritePackedMsg, end)
-			))
-			        return 0;
+			if (!push8(value->harq->harq_list[i].harq_value, ppWritePackedMsg, end))
+				return 0;
@@ -3216,57 +3229,79 @@ static uint8_t pack_nr_uci_pucch_0_1(void* tlv, uint8_t **ppWritePackedMsg, uint
 static uint8_t pack_nr_uci_pucch_2_3_4(void* tlv, uint8_t **ppWritePackedMsg, uint8_t *end) {
 	nfapi_nr_uci_pucch_pdu_format_2_3_4_t* value = (nfapi_nr_uci_pucch_pdu_format_2_3_4_t*) tlv;
-	if(!(push8(value->pduBitmap, ppWritePackedMsg, end) &&
-	 	 push32(value->handle, ppWritePackedMsg, end) &&
-		 push16(value->rnti, ppWritePackedMsg, end) &&
-		 push8(value->pucch_format, ppWritePackedMsg, end) &&
-		 push8(value->ul_cqi, ppWritePackedMsg, end) &&
-		 push16(value->timing_advance, ppWritePackedMsg, end) &&
-		 push16(value->rssi, ppWritePackedMsg, end)
-		 ))
-		  return 0;
+	if (!push8(value->pduBitmap, ppWritePackedMsg, end))
+		return 0;
+	if (!push32(value->handle, ppWritePackedMsg, end))
+		return 0;
+	if (!push16(value->rnti, ppWritePackedMsg, end))
+		return 0;
+	if (!push8(value->pucch_format, ppWritePackedMsg, end))
+		return 0;
+	if (!push8(value->ul_cqi, ppWritePackedMsg, end))
+		return 0;
+	if (!push16(value->timing_advance, ppWritePackedMsg, end))
+		return 0;
+	if (!push16(value->rssi, ppWritePackedMsg, end))
+		return 0;
 	if (value->pduBitmap & 0x01) { //SR
-		if(!(push8(value->sr.sr_bit_len, ppWritePackedMsg, end) &&
-	 	 pusharray8(value->sr.sr_payload, (int)(value->sr.sr_bit_len / 8) + 1, (int)(value->sr.sr_bit_len / 8) + 1, ppWritePackedMsg, end)
-		 ))
-		  return 0;
+		if (!push16(value->sr.sr_bit_len, ppWritePackedMsg, end))
+			return 0;
+		if (!pusharray8(value->sr.sr_payload,
+                               (int)((value->sr.sr_bit_len / 8) + 1),
+                               (int)((value->sr.sr_bit_len / 8) + 1),
+                               ppWritePackedMsg,
+                               end))
+			return 0;
-	if (((value->pduBitmap >> 1) & 0x01)) { //HARQ
-		if(!(push8(value->harq.harq_crc, ppWritePackedMsg, end) &&
-			push8(value->harq.harq_bit_len, ppWritePackedMsg, end) &&
-	 	 	pusharray8(value->harq.harq_payload, (int)(value->harq.harq_bit_len / 8) + 1, (int)(value->harq.harq_bit_len / 8) + 1, ppWritePackedMsg, end)
-			))
+	if ((value->pduBitmap >> 1) & 0x01) { //HARQ
+		if (!push8(value->harq.harq_crc, ppWritePackedMsg, end))
+			return 0;
+		if (!push16(value->harq.harq_bit_len, ppWritePackedMsg, end))
+			return 0;
+		if (!pusharray8(value->harq.harq_payload,
+                                (int)((value->harq.harq_bit_len / 8) + 1),
+                                (int)((value->harq.harq_bit_len / 8) + 1),
+                                ppWritePackedMsg,
+                                end))
 			return 0;
-	if (((value->pduBitmap >> 2) & 0x01)) { //CSI-1
-		if(!(push8(value->csi_part1.csi_part1_crc, ppWritePackedMsg, end) &&
-			push8(value->csi_part1.csi_part1_bit_len, ppWritePackedMsg, end) &&
-	 	 	pusharray8(value->csi_part1.csi_part1_payload, (int)(value->csi_part1.csi_part1_bit_len / 8) + 1, (int)(value->csi_part1.csi_part1_bit_len / 8) + 1, ppWritePackedMsg, end)
-			))
+	if ((value->pduBitmap >> 2) & 0x01) { //CSI-1
+		if (!push8(value->csi_part1.csi_part1_crc, ppWritePackedMsg, end))
+			return 0;
+		if (!push16(value->csi_part1.csi_part1_bit_len, ppWritePackedMsg, end))
+			return 0;
+		if (!pusharray8(value->csi_part1.csi_part1_payload,
+                                (int)((value->csi_part1.csi_part1_bit_len / 8) + 1),
+                                (int)((value->csi_part1.csi_part1_bit_len / 8) + 1),
+                                ppWritePackedMsg,
+                                end))
 			return 0;
-	if (((value->pduBitmap >> 3) & 0x01)) { //CSI-2
-		if(!(push8(value->csi_part2.csi_part2_crc, ppWritePackedMsg, end) &&
-			push8(value->csi_part2.csi_part2_bit_len, ppWritePackedMsg, end) &&
-	 	 	pusharray8(value->csi_part2.csi_part2_payload, (int)(value->csi_part2.csi_part2_bit_len / 8) + 1, (int)(value->csi_part2.csi_part2_bit_len / 8) + 1, ppWritePackedMsg, end)
-			))
+	if ((value->pduBitmap >> 3) & 0x01) { //CSI-2
+		if (!push8(value->csi_part2.csi_part2_crc, ppWritePackedMsg, end))
+			return 0;
+		if (!push16(value->csi_part2.csi_part2_bit_len, ppWritePackedMsg, end))
+			return 0;
+		if (!pusharray8(value->csi_part2.csi_part2_payload,
+                                (int)((value->csi_part2.csi_part2_bit_len / 8) + 1),
+                                (int)((value->csi_part2.csi_part2_bit_len / 8) + 1),
+                                ppWritePackedMsg,
+                                end))
 			return 0;
 	return 1;
-static uint8_t pack_nr_uci_indication_body(void* tlv, uint8_t **ppWritePackedMsg, uint8_t *end)
+static uint8_t pack_nr_uci_indication_body(nfapi_nr_uci_t* value, uint8_t **ppWritePackedMsg, uint8_t *end)
-	nfapi_nr_uci_t* value = (nfapi_nr_uci_t*)tlv;
-	if(!(push16(value->pdu_type, ppWritePackedMsg, end) &&
-		push16(value->pdu_size, ppWritePackedMsg, end)
-		))
+	if (!push16(value->pdu_type, ppWritePackedMsg, end))
+		return 0;
+	if (!push16(value->pdu_size, ppWritePackedMsg, end))
 		return 0;
 	switch (value->pdu_type) {
@@ -3290,13 +3325,14 @@ static uint8_t pack_nr_uci_indication(void *msg, uint8_t **ppWritePackedMsg, uin
 	nfapi_nr_uci_indication_t *pNfapiMsg = (nfapi_nr_uci_indication_t*)msg;
-	if (!(push16(pNfapiMsg->sfn , ppWritePackedMsg, end) &&
-		push16(pNfapiMsg->slot , ppWritePackedMsg, end) &&
-		push16(pNfapiMsg->num_ucis, ppWritePackedMsg, end)
-		))
+	if (!push16(pNfapiMsg->sfn , ppWritePackedMsg, end))
+			return 0;
+	if (!push16(pNfapiMsg->slot , ppWritePackedMsg, end))
+			return 0;
+	if (!push16(pNfapiMsg->num_ucis, ppWritePackedMsg, end))
 			return 0;
-	for(int i=0; i<pNfapiMsg->num_ucis;i++)
+	for (int i = 0; i < pNfapiMsg->num_ucis; i++)
 		if (!pack_nr_uci_indication_body(&pNfapiMsg->uci_list[i], ppWritePackedMsg, end))
 		        return 0;
@@ -4620,14 +4656,19 @@ static uint8_t unpack_ul_tti_groups_list_value(uint8_t **ppReadPackedMsg, uint8_
 static uint8_t unpack_ul_tti_request(uint8_t **ppReadPackedMsg, uint8_t *end, void *msg, nfapi_p7_codec_config_t *config) {
   nfapi_nr_ul_tti_request_t *pNfapiMsg = (nfapi_nr_ul_tti_request_t *)msg;
-  if (!(
-        pull16(ppReadPackedMsg, &pNfapiMsg->SFN, end) &&
-        pull16(ppReadPackedMsg, &pNfapiMsg->Slot, end) &&
-        pull8(ppReadPackedMsg, &pNfapiMsg->n_pdus, end) &&
-        pull8(ppReadPackedMsg, &pNfapiMsg->n_group, end) &&
-        pull8(ppReadPackedMsg, &pNfapiMsg->rach_present, end) &&
-        pull8(ppReadPackedMsg, &pNfapiMsg->n_ulcch, end) &&
-        pull8(ppReadPackedMsg, &pNfapiMsg->n_ulsch, end) ))
+  if (!pull16(ppReadPackedMsg, &pNfapiMsg->SFN, end))
+    return 0;
+  if (!pull16(ppReadPackedMsg, &pNfapiMsg->Slot, end))
+    return 0;
+  if (!pull8(ppReadPackedMsg, &pNfapiMsg->n_pdus, end))
+    return 0;
+  if (!pull8(ppReadPackedMsg, &pNfapiMsg->n_group, end))
+    return 0;
+  if (!pull8(ppReadPackedMsg, &pNfapiMsg->rach_present, end))
+    return 0;
+  if (!pull8(ppReadPackedMsg, &pNfapiMsg->n_ulcch, end))
+    return 0;
+  if (!pull8(ppReadPackedMsg, &pNfapiMsg->n_ulsch, end))
     return 0;
   for(int i=0; i< pNfapiMsg->n_pdus; i++) {
@@ -5510,14 +5551,18 @@ static uint8_t unpack_tx_data_pdu_list_value(uint8_t **ppReadPackedMsg, uint8_t
     switch(pNfapiMsg->TLVs[i].tag) {
       case 0: {
-        if(!pullarray32(ppReadPackedMsg, pNfapiMsg->TLVs[i].value.direct, 16384, pNfapiMsg->TLVs[i].length, end))
+        if (!pullarray32(ppReadPackedMsg, pNfapiMsg->TLVs[i].value.direct,
+                        sizeof(pNfapiMsg->TLVs[i].value.direct) / sizeof(uint32_t),
+                        pNfapiMsg->TLVs[i].length / sizeof(uint32_t), end))
           return 0;
       case 1: {
-        if(!pullarray32(ppReadPackedMsg, pNfapiMsg->TLVs[i].value.ptr, pNfapiMsg->TLVs[i].length, pNfapiMsg->TLVs[i].length, end))
+        if (!pullarray32(ppReadPackedMsg,pNfapiMsg->TLVs[i].value.ptr,
+                        pNfapiMsg->TLVs[i].length / sizeof(uint32_t),
+                        pNfapiMsg->TLVs[i].length / sizeof(uint32_t), end))
           return 0;
@@ -5671,7 +5716,7 @@ static uint8_t unpack_nr_rx_data_indication_body(nfapi_nr_rx_data_pdu_t* value,
 		return 0;
         uint16_t length = value->pdu_length;
-        value->pdu = nfapi_p7_allocate(length, config);
+        value->pdu = nfapi_p7_allocate(sizeof(*value->pdu) * length, config);
         if (pullarray8(ppReadPackedMsg, value->pdu, length, length, end) == 0)
@@ -5752,10 +5797,8 @@ return 1;
-static uint8_t unpack_nr_srs_indication_body(void* tlv, uint8_t **ppReadPackedMsg, uint8_t *end)
+static uint8_t unpack_nr_srs_indication_body(nfapi_nr_srs_indication_pdu_t* value, uint8_t **ppReadPackedMsg, uint8_t *end)
-	nfapi_nr_srs_indication_pdu_t* value = (nfapi_nr_srs_indication_pdu_t*)tlv;
 	if(!(pull32(ppReadPackedMsg, &value->handle, end) &&
 	 	 pull16(ppReadPackedMsg, &value->rnti, end) &&
 		 pull16(ppReadPackedMsg, &value->timing_advance, end) &&
@@ -5767,17 +5810,14 @@ static uint8_t unpack_nr_srs_indication_body(void* tlv, uint8_t **ppReadPackedMs
 		  return 0;
 	for(int i = 0; i < value->reported_symbol_list->num_rbs; i++)
-		if(!(pull8(ppReadPackedMsg, &value->reported_symbol_list->rb_list->rb_snr, end)
-			))
+		if (!pull8(ppReadPackedMsg, &value->reported_symbol_list->rb_list[i].rb_snr, end))
 			return 0;
 	return 1;
-static uint8_t unpack_nr_srs_indication(uint8_t **ppReadPackedMsg, uint8_t *end, void *msg, nfapi_p7_codec_config_t* config)
+static uint8_t unpack_nr_srs_indication(uint8_t **ppReadPackedMsg, uint8_t *end, nfapi_nr_srs_indication_t *pNfapiMsg, nfapi_p7_codec_config_t* config)
-	nfapi_nr_srs_indication_t *pNfapiMsg = (nfapi_nr_srs_indication_t*)msg;
 	if (!(pull16(ppReadPackedMsg,&pNfapiMsg->sfn , end) &&
 		pull16(ppReadPackedMsg,&pNfapiMsg->slot , end) &&
 		pull8(ppReadPackedMsg,&pNfapiMsg->number_of_pdus, end)
@@ -5786,7 +5826,7 @@ static uint8_t unpack_nr_srs_indication(uint8_t **ppReadPackedMsg, uint8_t *end,
 	for(int i=0; i<pNfapiMsg->number_of_pdus;i++)
-		if(!unpack_nr_srs_indication_body(&pNfapiMsg->pdu_list,ppReadPackedMsg,end))
+		if (!unpack_nr_srs_indication_body(&pNfapiMsg->pdu_list[i], ppReadPackedMsg, end))
 		return 0;
@@ -5907,58 +5947,111 @@ static uint8_t unpack_nr_uci_pucch_0_1(nfapi_nr_uci_pucch_pdu_format_0_1_t *valu
-static uint8_t unpack_nr_uci_pucch_2_3_4(nfapi_nr_uci_pucch_pdu_format_2_3_4_t* tlv, uint8_t **ppReadPackedMsg, uint8_t *end) {
-	nfapi_nr_uci_pucch_pdu_format_2_3_4_t* value = (nfapi_nr_uci_pucch_pdu_format_2_3_4_t*) tlv;
+static uint8_t unpack_nr_uci_pucch_2_3_4(nfapi_nr_uci_pucch_pdu_format_2_3_4_t* value,
+                                         uint8_t **ppReadPackedMsg,
+                                         uint8_t *end,
+                                         nfapi_p7_codec_config_t *config) {
+	if (!pull8(ppReadPackedMsg, &value->pduBitmap, end))
+		return 0;
+	if (!pull32(ppReadPackedMsg, &value->handle, end))
+                return 0;
+	if (!pull16(ppReadPackedMsg, &value->rnti, end))
+                return 0;
+	if (!pull8(ppReadPackedMsg, &value->pucch_format, end))
+                return 0;
+	if (!pull8(ppReadPackedMsg, &value->ul_cqi, end))
+                return 0;
+	if (!pull16(ppReadPackedMsg, &value->timing_advance, end))
+                return 0;
+	if (!pull16(ppReadPackedMsg, &value->rssi, end))
+                return 0;
-	if(!(pull8(ppReadPackedMsg, &value->pduBitmap, end) &&
-	 	 pull32(ppReadPackedMsg, &value->handle, end) &&
-		 pull16(ppReadPackedMsg, &value->rnti, end) &&
-		 pull8(ppReadPackedMsg, &value->pucch_format, end) &&
-		 pull8(ppReadPackedMsg, &value->ul_cqi, end) &&
-		 pull16(ppReadPackedMsg, &value->timing_advance, end) &&
-		 pull16(ppReadPackedMsg, &value->rssi, end)
-		 ))
-		  return 0;
 	if (value->pduBitmap & 0x01) { //SR
-		if(!(pull16(ppReadPackedMsg, &value->sr.sr_bit_len, end)))
+		if (!pull16(ppReadPackedMsg, &value->sr.sr_bit_len, end))
 			return 0;
-		value->sr.sr_payload = (uint8_t*) malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * ((value->sr.sr_bit_len/8)));
+		value->sr.sr_payload = nfapi_p7_allocate(sizeof(*value->sr.sr_payload) *
+                                                         (int)((value->sr.sr_bit_len / 8) + 1),
+                                                         config);
+		if (value->sr.sr_payload == NULL)
+		{
+			NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s failed to allocate value->sr.sr_payload\n", __FUNCTION__);
+			return 0;
+		}
-	 	if(!(pullarray8(ppReadPackedMsg, &value->sr.sr_payload[0], (int)(value->sr.sr_bit_len / 8), (int)(value->sr.sr_bit_len / 8), end)))
-		  	return 0;
+		if (!pullarray8(ppReadPackedMsg, value->sr.sr_payload,
+				(int)((value->sr.sr_bit_len / 8) + 1),
+				(int)((value->sr.sr_bit_len / 8) + 1),
+                                end))
+			return 0;
-	if (((value->pduBitmap >> 1) & 0x01)) { //HARQ
-		if(!(pull8(ppReadPackedMsg, &value->harq.harq_crc, end)) &&
-			(pull16(ppReadPackedMsg, &value->harq.harq_bit_len, end)))
+	if ((value->pduBitmap >> 1) & 0x01) { //HARQ
+		if (!pull8(ppReadPackedMsg, &value->harq.harq_crc, end))
+			return 0;
+		if (!pull16(ppReadPackedMsg, &value->harq.harq_bit_len, end))
 			return 0;
-		value->harq.harq_payload = (uint8_t*) malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * ((value->harq.harq_bit_len/8 )));
+		value->harq.harq_payload = nfapi_p7_allocate(sizeof(*value->harq.harq_payload) *
+                                                             (int)((value->harq.harq_bit_len / 8) + 1),
+                                                             config);
+		if (value->harq.harq_payload == NULL)
+		{
+			NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s failed to allocate value->harq.harq_payload\n", __FUNCTION__);
+			return 0;
+		}
-	 	if(!(pullarray8(ppReadPackedMsg, value->harq.harq_payload, (int)(value->harq.harq_bit_len / 8), (int)(value->harq.harq_bit_len / 8), end)))
+		if (!pullarray8(ppReadPackedMsg, value->harq.harq_payload,
+				(int)((value->harq.harq_bit_len / 8) + 1),
+				(int)((value->harq.harq_bit_len / 8) + 1),
+                                end))
 			return 0;
-	if (((value->pduBitmap >> 2) & 0x01)) { //CSI-1
-		if(!(pull8(ppReadPackedMsg, &value->csi_part1.csi_part1_crc, end)) &&
-			(pull16(ppReadPackedMsg, &value->csi_part1.csi_part1_bit_len, end)))
+	if ((value->pduBitmap >> 2) & 0x01) { //CSI-1
+		if (!pull8(ppReadPackedMsg, &value->csi_part1.csi_part1_crc, end))
+			return 0;
+		if (!pull16(ppReadPackedMsg, &value->csi_part1.csi_part1_bit_len, end))
 			return 0;
-		value->csi_part1.csi_part1_payload = (uint8_t*) malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * ((value->csi_part1.csi_part1_bit_len/8)));
+		value->csi_part1.csi_part1_payload = nfapi_p7_allocate(sizeof(*value->csi_part1.csi_part1_payload) *
+                                                                       (int)((value->csi_part1.csi_part1_bit_len / 8) + 1),
+                                                                       config);
+		if (value->csi_part1.csi_part1_payload == NULL)
+		{
+			NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s failed to allocate value->csi_part1.csi_part1_payload\n",
+				    __FUNCTION__);
+			return 0;
+		}
-//		if(!(pullarray8(ppReadPackedMsg, value->csi_part1.csi_part1_payload, (int)(value->csi_part1.csi_part1_bit_len / 8), (int)(value->csi_part1.csi_part1_bit_len / 8), end)))
-//			return 0;
+		if (!pullarray8(ppReadPackedMsg, value->csi_part1.csi_part1_payload,
+                                (int)((value->csi_part1.csi_part1_bit_len / 8) + 1),
+                                (int)((value->csi_part1.csi_part1_bit_len / 8) + 1),
+                                end))
+			return 0;
-	if (((value->pduBitmap >> 3) & 0x01)) { //CSI-2
-		if(!(pull8(ppReadPackedMsg, &value->csi_part2.csi_part2_crc, end)) &&
-			(pull16(ppReadPackedMsg, &value->csi_part2.csi_part2_bit_len, end)))
+	if ((value->pduBitmap >> 3) & 0x01) { //CSI-2
+		if (!pull8(ppReadPackedMsg, &value->csi_part2.csi_part2_crc, end))
+			return 0;
+		if (!pull16(ppReadPackedMsg, &value->csi_part2.csi_part2_bit_len, end))
 			return 0;
-		value->csi_part2.csi_part2_payload = (uint8_t*) malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * ((value->csi_part2.csi_part2_bit_len/8 )));
+		value->csi_part2.csi_part2_payload = nfapi_p7_allocate(sizeof(*value->csi_part2.csi_part2_payload) *
+                                                                       (int)((value->csi_part2.csi_part2_bit_len / 8) + 1),
+                                                                       config);
+		if (value->csi_part2.csi_part2_payload == NULL)
+		{
+			NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "%s failed to allocate value->csi_part2.csi_part2_payload\n",
+			            __FUNCTION__);
+			return 0;
+		}
-		if(!(pullarray8(ppReadPackedMsg, value->csi_part2.csi_part2_payload, (int)(value->csi_part2.csi_part2_bit_len / 8) , (int)(value->csi_part2.csi_part2_bit_len / 8) , end)))
+		if (!pullarray8(ppReadPackedMsg, value->csi_part2.csi_part2_payload,
+                                (int)((value->csi_part2.csi_part2_bit_len / 8) + 1),
+                                (int)((value->csi_part2.csi_part2_bit_len / 8) + 1),
+                                end))
 			return 0;
@@ -5970,9 +6063,9 @@ static uint8_t unpack_nr_uci_indication_body(nfapi_nr_uci_t *value,
                                              uint8_t *end,
                                              nfapi_p7_codec_config_t *config)
-	if(!(pull16(ppReadPackedMsg, &value->pdu_type, end) &&
-		pull16(ppReadPackedMsg, &value->pdu_size, end)
-		))
+	if (!pull16(ppReadPackedMsg, &value->pdu_type, end))
+		return 0;
+	if (!pull16(ppReadPackedMsg, &value->pdu_size, end))
 		return 0;
 	switch (value->pdu_type) {
@@ -5988,7 +6081,7 @@ static uint8_t unpack_nr_uci_indication_body(nfapi_nr_uci_t *value,
                 case NFAPI_NR_UCI_FORMAT_2_3_4_PDU_TYPE: {
                         nfapi_nr_uci_pucch_pdu_format_2_3_4_t *uci_pdu = &value->pucch_pdu_format_2_3_4;
-                        if (!unpack_nr_uci_pucch_2_3_4(uci_pdu, ppReadPackedMsg, end))
+                        if (!unpack_nr_uci_pucch_2_3_4(uci_pdu, ppReadPackedMsg, end, config))
                                 return 0;
@@ -6004,17 +6097,18 @@ static uint8_t unpack_nr_uci_indication(uint8_t **ppReadPackedMsg, uint8_t *end,
 	nfapi_nr_uci_indication_t *pNfapiMsg = (nfapi_nr_uci_indication_t*)msg;
-	if (!(pull16(ppReadPackedMsg, &pNfapiMsg->sfn , end) &&
-		pull16(ppReadPackedMsg, &pNfapiMsg->slot , end) &&
-		pull16(ppReadPackedMsg, &pNfapiMsg->num_ucis, end)
-		))
-			return 0;
+	if (!pull16(ppReadPackedMsg, &pNfapiMsg->sfn , end))
+		return 0;
+	if (!pull16(ppReadPackedMsg, &pNfapiMsg->slot , end))
+		return 0;
+	if (!pull16(ppReadPackedMsg, &pNfapiMsg->num_ucis, end))
+		return 0;
 	pNfapiMsg->uci_list = nfapi_p7_allocate(sizeof(*pNfapiMsg->uci_list) * pNfapiMsg->num_ucis, config);
 	for (int i = 0; i < pNfapiMsg->num_ucis; i++)
-		if(!unpack_nr_uci_indication_body(&pNfapiMsg->uci_list[i], ppReadPackedMsg, end, config))
-		        return 0;
+		if (!unpack_nr_uci_indication_body(&pNfapiMsg->uci_list[i], ppReadPackedMsg, end, config))
+			return 0;
         return 1;
diff --git a/nfapi/open-nFAPI/vnf/src/vnf_p7.c b/nfapi/open-nFAPI/vnf/src/vnf_p7.c
index 2ac59dd7be91f24ca40d6eb1cb8ac87d1393fb84..e4b4bef848eb452b69a44b6413bad1aa2912e565 100644
--- a/nfapi/open-nFAPI/vnf/src/vnf_p7.c
+++ b/nfapi/open-nFAPI/vnf/src/vnf_p7.c
@@ -1473,7 +1473,7 @@ void vnf_handle_nr_slot_indication(void *pRecvMsg, int recvMsgLen, vnf_p7_t* vnf
-			NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_INFO, "%s: Handling NR SLOT Indication\n", __FUNCTION__);
+			NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_DEBUG, "%s: Handling NR SLOT Indication\n", __FUNCTION__);
@@ -2574,32 +2574,28 @@ int vnf_p7_read_dispatch_message(vnf_p7_t* vnf_p7)
 			// resize the buffer if we have a large segment
 			if(header.message_length > vnf_p7->rx_message_buffer_size)
-				NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_NOTE, "reallocing rx buffer %d\n", header.message_length); 
+				NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_NOTE, "reallocing rx buffer %d\n", header.message_length);
 				vnf_p7->rx_message_buffer = realloc(vnf_p7->rx_message_buffer, header.message_length);
 				vnf_p7->rx_message_buffer_size = header.message_length;
 			// read the segment
-			recvfrom_result = recvfrom(vnf_p7->socket, vnf_p7->rx_message_buffer, header.message_length, MSG_WAITALL, (struct sockaddr*)&remote_addr, &remote_addr_size);
+			recvfrom_result = recvfrom(vnf_p7->socket, vnf_p7->rx_message_buffer, header.message_length, MSG_WAITALL | MSG_TRUNC, (struct sockaddr*)&remote_addr, &remote_addr_size);
+			NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_INFO, "recvfrom_result = %d from %s():%d\n", recvfrom_result, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
 			// todo : how to handle incomplete readfroms, need some sort of buffer/select
-			if(recvfrom_result == 0)
-			{
-				NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "recvfrom returned 0\n");
-			}
-			else if(recvfrom_result != -1 && recvfrom_result != header.message_length)
-			{
-				NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "Received unexpected number of bytes %d %d\n", recvfrom_result, header.message_length);
-				recvfrom_result += recvfrom(vnf_p7->socket, &vnf_p7->rx_message_buffer[recvfrom_result], header.message_length - recvfrom_result, MSG_WAITALL, (struct sockaddr*)&remote_addr, &remote_addr_size);
-			}
-			if(recvfrom_result > 0)
+			if (recvfrom_result > 0)
+				if (recvfrom_result != header.message_length)
+				{
+					NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "(%d) Received unexpected number of bytes. %d != %d",
+						    __LINE__, recvfrom_result, header.message_length);
+					break;
+				}
+				NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_INFO, "Calling vnf_nr_handle_p7_message from %d\n", __LINE__);
 				vnf_handle_p7_message(vnf_p7->rx_message_buffer, recvfrom_result, vnf_p7);
+				return 0;
diff --git a/oaienv b/oaienv
index f8ef707c12fe09a1aa2da5f86a59548fc0134b8e..bb24469703c54628a13d7fbfb2ad29faf09d2fcc 100644
--- a/oaienv
+++ b/oaienv
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 export OPENAIR_HOME=$(pwd)
 export OPENAIR_DIR=$(pwd)
 export OPENAIR1_DIR=$OPENAIR_HOME/openair1
 export OPENAIR2_DIR=$OPENAIR_HOME/openair2
 export OPENAIR3_DIR=$OPENAIR_HOME/openair3
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/CODING/TESTBENCH/ldpctest.c b/openair1/PHY/CODING/TESTBENCH/ldpctest.c
index 41b2d4fe84c2b3a3b330edc6a262986d501a38a5..841a31fd850713839941888f9c4351b7980d7d9d 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/CODING/TESTBENCH/ldpctest.c
+++ b/openair1/PHY/CODING/TESTBENCH/ldpctest.c
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
 #include "openair1/PHY/CODING/nrLDPC_decoder_LYC/nrLDPC_decoder_LYC.h"
 #include "openair1/PHY/defs_nr_common.h"
 #include "coding_unitary_defs.h"
+#include "common/utils/LOG/log.h"
 #define MAX_BLOCK_LENGTH 8448
@@ -79,16 +80,19 @@ char quantize8bit(double D,double x)
 typedef struct {
-  double n_iter_mean;
-  double n_iter_std;
-  int n_iter_max;
+  double n_iter_mean[400];
+  double n_iter_std[400];
+  int n_iter_max[400];
+  double snr[400];
+  double ber[400];
+  double bler[400];
 } n_iter_stats_t;
 nrLDPC_encoderfunc_t encoder_orig;
 short lift_size[51]= {2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,30,32,36,40,44,48,52,56,60,64,72,80,88,96,104,112,120,128,144,160,176,192,208,224,240,256,288,320,352,384};
-int test_ldpc(short No_iteration,
+int test_ldpc(short max_iterations,
               int nom_rate,
               int denom_rate,
               double SNR,
@@ -102,8 +106,8 @@ int test_ldpc(short No_iteration,
               unsigned int *crc_misses,
               time_stats_t *time_optim,
               time_stats_t *time_decoder,
-              n_iter_stats_t *dec_iter
-              )
+              n_iter_stats_t *dec_iter,
+              int nsnr)
   //clock initiate
   //time_stats_t time,time_optim,tinput,tprep,tparity,toutput, time_decoder;
@@ -126,7 +130,6 @@ int test_ldpc(short No_iteration,
   //double channel_output[68 * 384];
   double modulated_input[MAX_NUM_DLSCH_SEGMENTS][68 * 384] = { 0 };
   char channel_output_fixed[MAX_NUM_DLSCH_SEGMENTS][68  * 384] = { 0 };
-  unsigned int i,j,trial=0;
   short BG=0,nrows=0;//,ncols;
   int no_punctured_columns,removed_bit;
   int i1,Zc,Kb=0;
@@ -137,12 +140,9 @@ int test_ldpc(short No_iteration,
   int code_rate_vec[8] = {15, 13, 25, 12, 23, 34, 56, 89};
   //double code_rate_actual_vec[8] = {0.2, 0.33333, 0.4, 0.5, 0.66667, 0.73333, 0.81481, 0.88};
-  t_nrLDPC_dec_params decParams;
-  t_nrLDPC_procBuf nrLDPC_procBuf;
-  t_nrLDPC_procBuf* p_nrLDPC_procBuf = &nrLDPC_procBuf;
+  t_nrLDPC_dec_params decParams[MAX_NUM_DLSCH_SEGMENTS]={0};
   t_nrLDPC_time_stats decoder_profiler = {0};
-  t_nrLDPC_time_stats* p_decoder_profiler =&decoder_profiler ;
   int32_t n_iter = 0;
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ int test_ldpc(short No_iteration,
   // generate input block
-  for(j=0;j<MAX_NUM_DLSCH_SEGMENTS;j++) {
+  for(int j=0;j<MAX_NUM_DLSCH_SEGMENTS;j++) {
     test_input[j]=(unsigned char *)malloc16(sizeof(unsigned char) * block_length/8);
     memset(test_input[j], 0, sizeof(unsigned char) * block_length / 8);
     channel_input[j] = (unsigned char *)malloc16(sizeof(unsigned char) * 68*384);
@@ -181,11 +181,8 @@ int test_ldpc(short No_iteration,
-  // Allocate LDPC decoder buffers
-  p_nrLDPC_procBuf = nrLDPC_init_mem();
-  for (j=0;j<MAX_NUM_DLSCH_SEGMENTS;j++) {
-    for (i=0; i<block_length/8; i++) {
+  for (int j=0;j<MAX_NUM_DLSCH_SEGMENTS;j++) {
+    for (int i=0; i<block_length/8; i++) {
       test_input[j][i]=(unsigned char) rand();
@@ -272,17 +269,17 @@ int test_ldpc(short No_iteration,
   //  printf("puncture:%d\n",no_punctured_columns);
   removed_bit=(nrows-no_punctured_columns-2) * Zc+block_length-(int)(block_length/((float)nom_rate/(float)denom_rate));
   encoder_implemparams_t impp=INIT0_LDPCIMPLEMPARAMS;
   if (ntrials==0)
     encoder_orig(test_input,channel_input, Zc, BG, block_length, BG, &impp);
-  for (trial=0; trial < ntrials; trial++)
+  for (int trial=0; trial < ntrials; trial++)
 	segment_bler = 0;
     //// encoder
-    for(j=0;j<n_segments;j++) {
+    for(int j=0;j<n_segments;j++) {
       encoder_orig(&(test_input[j]), &(channel_input[j]),Zc,Kb,block_length,BG,&impp);
@@ -294,7 +291,7 @@ int test_ldpc(short No_iteration,
-    for(j=0;j<(n_segments/8+1);j++) {
+    for(int j=0;j<(n_segments/8+1);j++) {
     	nrLDPC_encoder(test_input,channel_input_optim,Zc,Kb,block_length, BG, &impp);
@@ -302,8 +299,8 @@ int test_ldpc(short No_iteration,
     if (ntrials==1)    
-      for (j=0;j<n_segments;j++)
-        for (i = 0; i < block_length+(nrows-no_punctured_columns) * Zc - removed_bit; i++)
+      for (int j=0;j<n_segments;j++)
+        for (int i = 0; i < block_length+(nrows-no_punctured_columns) * Zc - removed_bit; i++)
           if (channel_input[j][i]!=channel_input_optim[j][i]) {
             printf("differ in seg %u pos %u (%u,%u)\n", j, i, channel_input[j][i], channel_input_optim[j][i]);
             return (-1);
@@ -319,92 +316,60 @@ int test_ldpc(short No_iteration,
       printf("number of undecoded bits: %d\n", (Kb+nrows-no_punctured_columns-2) * Zc-removed_bit);
-    //print_meas_now(&time, "", stdout);
-    // for (i=0;i<6400;i++)
-    //printf("channel_input[%d]=%d\n",i,channel_input[i]);
-    //printf("%d ",channel_input[i]);
-    //if ((BG==2) && (Zc==128||Zc==256))
     if (1) { // Transmitting one segment 
-      for(j=0;j<n_segments;j++) {
-	for (i = 2*Zc; i < (Kb+nrows-no_punctured_columns) * Zc-removed_bit; i++) {
+      for(int j=0;j<n_segments;j++) {
+        for (int i = 2*Zc; i < (Kb+nrows-no_punctured_columns) * Zc-removed_bit; i++) {
-        if ((i&0xf)==0)
-          printf("\ne %u..%u:    ",i,i+15);
+          if ((i&0xf)==0)
+            printf("\ne %u..%u:    ",i,i+15);
-        if (channel_input_optim[j][i-2*Zc]==0)
-          modulated_input[j][i]=1.0;///sqrt(2);  //QPSK
-        else
-          modulated_input[j][i]=-1.0;///sqrt(2);
-        ///channel_output[i] = modulated_input[i] + gaussdouble(0.0,1.0) * 1/sqrt(2*SNR);
-        //channel_output_fixed[i] = (char) ((channel_output[i]*128)<0?(channel_output[i]*128-0.5):(channel_output[i]*128+0.5)); //fixed point 9-7
-        //printf("llr[%d]=%d\n",i,channel_output_fixed[i]);
-        //channel_output_fixed[i] = (char)quantize(sigma/4.0,(2.0*modulated_input[i]) - 1.0 + sigma*gaussdouble(0.0,1.0),qbits);
-        channel_output_fixed[j][i] = (char)quantize(sigma/4.0/4.0,modulated_input[j][i] + sigma*gaussdouble(0.0,1.0),qbits);
-        //channel_output_fixed[i] = (char)quantize8bit(sigma/4.0,(2.0*modulated_input[i]) - 1.0 + sigma*gaussdouble(0.0,1.0));
-        //printf("llr[%d]=%d\n",i,channel_output_fixed[i]);
-        //printf("channel_output_fixed[%d]: %d\n",i,channel_output_fixed[i]);
+          if (channel_input_optim[j][i-2*Zc]==0)
+            modulated_input[j][i]=1.0;///sqrt(2);  //QPSK
+          else
+            modulated_input[j][i]=-1.0;///sqrt(2);
+          ///channel_output[i] = modulated_input[i] + gaussdouble(0.0,1.0) * 1/sqrt(2*SNR);
+          //channel_output_fixed[i] = (char) ((channel_output[i]*128)<0?(channel_output[i]*128-0.5):(channel_output[i]*128+0.5)); //fixed point 9-7
+          //printf("llr[%d]=%d\n",i,channel_output_fixed[i]);
-        //channel_output_fixed[i] = (char)quantize(1,channel_output_fixed[i],qbits);
+          //channel_output_fixed[i] = (char)quantize(sigma/4.0,(2.0*modulated_input[i]) - 1.0 + sigma*gaussdouble(0.0,1.0),qbits);
+          channel_output_fixed[j][i] = (char)quantize(sigma/4.0/4.0,modulated_input[j][i] + sigma*gaussdouble(0.0,1.0),qbits);
+          //channel_output_fixed[i] = (char)quantize8bit(sigma/4.0,(2.0*modulated_input[i]) - 1.0 + sigma*gaussdouble(0.0,1.0));
+          //printf("llr[%d]=%d\n",i,channel_output_fixed[i]);
+          //printf("channel_output_fixed[%d]: %d\n",i,channel_output_fixed[i]);
-        //Uncoded BER
-        unsigned char channel_output_uncoded = channel_output_fixed[j][i]<0 ? 1 /* QPSK demod */ : 0;
-        if (channel_output_uncoded != channel_input_optim[j][i-2*Zc])
-	  *errors_bit_uncoded = (*errors_bit_uncoded) + 1;
+          //Uncoded BER
+          unsigned char channel_output_uncoded = channel_output_fixed[j][i]<0 ? 1 /* QPSK demod */ : 0;
-	}
-      } // End segments
+          if (channel_output_uncoded != channel_input_optim[j][i-2*Zc])
+      *errors_bit_uncoded = (*errors_bit_uncoded) + 1;
-      //for (i=(Kb+nrows) * Zc-5;i<(Kb+nrows) * Zc;i++)
-      //{
-      //  printf("channel_input[%d]=%d\n",i,channel_input[i]);
-      //printf("%lf %d\n",channel_output[i], channel_output_fixed[i]);
-      //printf("v[%d]=%lf\n",i,modulated_input[i]);}
+        }
-      printf("\n");
-      exit(-1);
+        printf("\n");
+        exit(-1);
-      decParams.BG=BG;
-      decParams.Z=Zc;
-      decParams.R=code_rate_vec[R_ind];//13;
-      decParams.numMaxIter=No_iteration;
-      decParams.outMode = nrLDPC_outMode_BIT;
-      decParams.block_length=block_length;
-      //decParams.outMode =nrLDPC_outMode_LLRINT8;
-	  nrLDPC_initcall(&decParams, (int8_t*)channel_output_fixed[j], (int8_t*)estimated_output[j]);
-	  for(j=0;j<n_segments;j++) {
-    	  start_meas(time_decoder);
-          n_iter = nrLDPC_decoder(&decParams, (int8_t*)channel_output_fixed[j], (int8_t*)estimated_output[j], p_nrLDPC_procBuf, p_decoder_profiler);
-	      stop_meas(time_decoder);
+        decParams[j].BG=BG;
+        decParams[j].Z=Zc;
+        decParams[j].R=code_rate_vec[R_ind];//13;
+        decParams[j].numMaxIter=max_iterations;
+        decParams[j].outMode = nrLDPC_outMode_BIT;
+        decParams[j].block_length=block_length;
+        nrLDPC_initcall(&decParams[j], (int8_t*)channel_output_fixed[j], (int8_t*)estimated_output[j]);
-      //for (i=(Kb+nrows) * Zc-5;i<(Kb+nrows) * Zc;i++)
-      //  printf("esimated_output[%d]=%d\n",i,esimated_output[i]);
-      //count errors
-      for(j=0;j<n_segments;j++) {
-      for (i=0; i<block_length>>3; i++)
-      {
-          //printf("block_length>>3: %d \n",block_length>>3);
-         /// printf("i: %d \n",i);
-          ///printf("estimated_output[%d]: %d \n",i,estimated_output[i]);
-          ///printf("test_input[0][%d]: %d \n",i,test_input[0][i]);
-        if (estimated_output[j][i] != test_input[j][i])
-        {
-      //////printf("error pos %d (%d, %d)\n\n",i,estimated_output[i],test_input[0][i]);
-          segment_bler = segment_bler + 1;
-          break;
+      for(int j=0;j<n_segments;j++) {
+        start_meas(time_decoder);
+        n_iter = nrLDPC_decoder(&decParams[j], (int8_t*)channel_output_fixed[j], (int8_t*)estimated_output[j], &decoder_profiler);
+        stop_meas(time_decoder);
+        //count errors
+        if ( memcmp(estimated_output[j], test_input[j], block_length/8 ) != 0 ) {
+          segment_bler++;
-      }
-      for (i=0; i<block_length; i++)
+        for (int i=0; i<block_length; i++)
           unsigned char estoutputbit = (estimated_output[j][i/8]&(1<<(i&7)))>>(i&7);
           unsigned char inputbit = (test_input[j][i/8]&(1<<(i&7)))>>(i&7); // Further correct for multiple segments
@@ -412,40 +377,33 @@ int test_ldpc(short No_iteration,
             *errors_bit = (*errors_bit) + 1;
-      //if (*errors == 1000)
-    	  //break;
-      n_iter_mean =  n_iter_mean + n_iter;
-      n_iter_std = n_iter_std + pow(n_iter-1,2);
+        n_iter_mean += n_iter;
+        n_iter_std +=  pow(n_iter-1,2);
-      if ( n_iter > n_iter_max )
-        n_iter_max = n_iter;
+        if ( n_iter > n_iter_max )
+          n_iter_max = n_iter;
-    } // end segments
+      } // end segments
       if (segment_bler != 0)
-		*errors = (*errors) + 1;
+        *errors = (*errors) + 1;
-    /*else if (trial==0)
-      printf("decoder is not supported\n");*/
-  dec_iter->n_iter_mean = n_iter_mean/(double)ntrials/(double)n_segments - 1;
-  dec_iter->n_iter_std = sqrt(n_iter_std/(double)ntrials/(double)n_segments - pow(n_iter_mean/(double)ntrials/(double)n_segments - 1,2));
-  dec_iter->n_iter_max = n_iter_max -1;
+  dec_iter->n_iter_mean[nsnr] = n_iter_mean/(double)ntrials/(double)n_segments - 1;
+  dec_iter->n_iter_std[nsnr] = sqrt(n_iter_std/(double)ntrials/(double)n_segments - pow(n_iter_mean/(double)ntrials/(double)n_segments - 1,2));
+  dec_iter->n_iter_max[nsnr] = n_iter_max -1;
   *errors_bit_uncoded = *errors_bit_uncoded / (double)((Kb+nrows-no_punctured_columns-2) * Zc-removed_bit);
-  for(j=0;j<MAX_NUM_DLSCH_SEGMENTS;j++) {
+  for(int j=0;j<MAX_NUM_DLSCH_SEGMENTS;j++) {
-  nrLDPC_free_mem(p_nrLDPC_procBuf);
@@ -476,7 +434,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   double errors_bit_uncoded;
   short block_length=8448; // decoder supports length: 1201 -> 1280, 2401 -> 2560
   char *ldpc_version=NULL; /* version of the ldpc decoder library to use (XXX suffix to use when loading libldpc_XXX.so */
-  short No_iteration=5;
+  short max_iterations=5;
   int n_segments=1;
   //double rate=0.333;
@@ -486,7 +444,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   unsigned char qbits=8;
   unsigned int decoded_errors[10000]; // initiate the size of matrix equivalent to size of SNR
   int c,i=0, i1 = 0;
-  int loglvl=OAILOG_WARNING;
   int n_trials = 1;
   double SNR_step = 0.1;
@@ -494,14 +452,11 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   int test_uncoded= 0;
   time_stats_t time_optim[10], time_decoder[10];
-  n_iter_stats_t dec_iter[3];
+  n_iter_stats_t dec_iter;
   short BG=0,Zc,Kb=0;
-  if ( load_configmodule(argc,argv,CONFIG_ENABLECMDLINEONLY) == 0) {
-    exit_fun(" Error, configuration module init failed\n");
-  } // must be done before specific options parsing to prevent errasing them
-  while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "q:r:s:S:l:L:G:n:d:i:t:u:hv:")) != -1)
+  while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "q:r:s:S:l:G:n:d:i:t:u:hv:")) != -1)
     switch (c)
       case 'q':
@@ -519,10 +474,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
       case 'l':
         block_length = atoi(optarg);
-      case 'L':
-        loglvl = atoi(optarg);
-        break;
       case 'G':
@@ -545,7 +496,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
       case 'i':
-        No_iteration = atoi(optarg);
+        max_iterations = atoi(optarg);
       case 'u':
@@ -560,11 +511,10 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
               printf("BG1 (blocklength > 3840): 1/3, 2/3, 22/25 (8/9) \n");
               printf("BG2 (blocklength <= 3840): 1/5, 1/3, 2/3 \n\n");
               printf("-h This message\n");
-              printf("-L <log level, 0(errors), 1(warning), 2(info) 3(debug) 4 (trace)>\n");              
               printf("-q Quantization bits, Default: 8\n");
               printf("-r Nominator rate, (1, 2, 22), Default: 1\n");
               printf("-d Denominator rate, (3, 5, 25), Default: 1\n");
-              printf("-l Block length (l > 3840 -> BG1, rest BG2 ), Default: 8448\n");              
+              printf("-l Block length (l > 3840 -> BG1, rest BG2 ), Default: 8448\n");
 			  printf("-G give 1 to run cuda for LDPC, Default: 0\n");
               printf("-n Number of simulation trials, Default: 1\n");
               //printf("-M MCS2 for TB 2\n");
@@ -583,8 +533,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   printf("n_trials %d: \n", n_trials);
   printf("SNR0 %f: \n", SNR0);
-  logInit();
-  set_glog(loglvl);
   if (ldpc_version != NULL)
@@ -632,7 +580,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   char fname[200];
-  sprintf(fname,"ldpctest_BG_%d_Zc_%d_rate_%d-%d_block_length_%d_maxit_%d.txt",BG,Zc,nom_rate,denom_rate,block_length, No_iteration);
+  sprintf(fname,"ldpctest_BG_%d_Zc_%d_rate_%d-%d_block_length_%d_maxit_%d.txt",BG,Zc,nom_rate,denom_rate,block_length, max_iterations);
   FILE *fd=fopen(fname,"w");
   AssertFatal(fd!=NULL,"cannot open %s\n",fname);
@@ -647,7 +595,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     	SNR_lin = pow(10,SNR/10.0)*nom_rate/denom_rate;
     printf("Linear SNR: %f\n", SNR_lin);
-    decoded_errors[i]=test_ldpc(No_iteration,
+    decoded_errors[i]=test_ldpc(max_iterations,
                                 SNR_lin,   // noise standard deviation
@@ -661,14 +609,18 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-                                dec_iter);
-    printf("SNR %f, BLER %f (%u/%d)\n", SNR, (float)decoded_errors[i]/(float)n_trials, decoded_errors[i], n_trials);
-    printf("SNR %f, BER %f (%u/%d)\n", SNR, (float)errors_bit/(float)n_trials/(float)block_length/(double)n_segments, decoded_errors[i], n_trials);
+                                &dec_iter,
+                                i);
+    dec_iter.snr[i] = SNR;
+    dec_iter.ber[i] = (float)errors_bit/(float)n_trials/(float)block_length/(double)n_segments;
+    dec_iter.bler[i] = (float)decoded_errors[i]/(float)n_trials;
+    printf("SNR %f, BLER %f (%u/%d)\n", SNR, dec_iter.bler[i], decoded_errors[i], n_trials);
+    printf("SNR %f, BER %f (%u/%d)\n", SNR, dec_iter.ber[i], decoded_errors[i], n_trials);
     printf("SNR %f, Uncoded BER %f (%u/%d)\n",SNR, errors_bit_uncoded/(float)n_trials/(double)n_segments, decoded_errors[i], n_trials);
-    printf("SNR %f, Mean iterations: %f\n",SNR, dec_iter->n_iter_mean);
-    printf("SNR %f, Std iterations: %f\n",SNR, dec_iter->n_iter_std);
-    printf("SNR %f, Max iterations: %d\n",SNR, dec_iter->n_iter_max);
+    printf("SNR %f, Mean iterations: %f\n",SNR, dec_iter.n_iter_mean[i]);
+    printf("SNR %f, Std iterations: %f\n",SNR, dec_iter.n_iter_std[i]);
+    printf("SNR %f, Max iterations: %d\n",SNR, dec_iter.n_iter_max[i]);
     printf("Encoding time mean: %15.3f us\n",(double)time_optim->diff/time_optim->trials/1000.0/get_cpu_freq_GHz());
     printf("Encoding time std: %15.3f us\n",sqrt((double)time_optim->diff_square/time_optim->trials/pow(1000,2)/pow(get_cpu_freq_GHz(),2)-pow((double)time_optim->diff/time_optim->trials/1000.0/get_cpu_freq_GHz(),2)));
@@ -689,16 +641,20 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-    		dec_iter->n_iter_mean,
-    		dec_iter->n_iter_std,
-    		dec_iter->n_iter_max
+    		dec_iter.n_iter_mean[i],
+    		dec_iter.n_iter_std[i],
+    		dec_iter.n_iter_max[i]
-    if (decoded_errors[i] == 0) break;
+    if (decoded_errors[i-1] == 0) break;
+  LOG_M("ldpctestStats.m","SNR",&dec_iter.snr[0],i,1,7);
+  LOG_MM("ldpctestStats.m","BLER",&dec_iter.bler[0],i,1,7);
+  LOG_MM("ldpctestStats.m","BER",&dec_iter.ber[0],i,1,7);
+  LOG_MM("ldpctestStats.m","meanIter",&dec_iter.n_iter_mean[0],i,1,7);
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrLDPC_decoder/nrLDPC_bnProc.h b/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrLDPC_decoder/nrLDPC_bnProc.h
index 878150a9a8c20405142e72548baa2ab07c10530a..91f552f935c02d41543c94826dcbf74dfdea01f4 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrLDPC_decoder/nrLDPC_bnProc.h
+++ b/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrLDPC_decoder/nrLDPC_bnProc.h
@@ -37,17 +37,12 @@
    \param p_lut Pointer to decoder LUTs
    \param Z Lifting size
-static inline void nrLDPC_bnProcPc(t_nrLDPC_lut* p_lut, t_nrLDPC_procBuf* p_procBuf, uint16_t Z)
+static inline void nrLDPC_bnProcPc(t_nrLDPC_lut* p_lut, int8_t* bnProcBuf, int8_t* bnProcBufRes, int8_t* llrProcBuf, int8_t* llrRes, uint16_t Z)
     const uint8_t*  lut_numBnInBnGroups = p_lut->numBnInBnGroups;
     const uint32_t* lut_startAddrBnGroups = p_lut->startAddrBnGroups;
     const uint16_t* lut_startAddrBnGroupsLlr = p_lut->startAddrBnGroupsLlr;
-    int8_t* bnProcBuf    = p_procBuf->bnProcBuf;
-    int8_t* bnProcBufRes = p_procBuf->bnProcBufRes;
-    int8_t* llrRes       = p_procBuf->llrRes;
-    int8_t* llrProcBuf   = p_procBuf->llrProcBuf;
     __m128i* p_bnProcBuf;
     __m256i* p_bnProcBufRes;
     __m128i* p_llrProcBuf;
@@ -1681,7 +1676,7 @@ static inline void nrLDPC_bnProcPc(t_nrLDPC_lut* p_lut, t_nrLDPC_procBuf* p_proc
    \param p_lut Pointer to decoder LUTs
    \param Z Lifting size
-static inline void nrLDPC_bnProc(t_nrLDPC_lut* p_lut, t_nrLDPC_procBuf* p_procBuf, uint16_t Z)
+static inline void nrLDPC_bnProc(t_nrLDPC_lut* p_lut, int8_t* bnProcBuf, int8_t* bnProcBufRes, int8_t* llrRes, uint16_t Z)
     // BN Processing calculating the values to send back to the CNs for next iteration
     // bnProcBufRes contains the sum of all edges to each BN at the start of each group
@@ -1690,10 +1685,6 @@ static inline void nrLDPC_bnProc(t_nrLDPC_lut* p_lut, t_nrLDPC_procBuf* p_procBu
     const uint32_t* lut_startAddrBnGroups = p_lut->startAddrBnGroups;
     const uint16_t* lut_startAddrBnGroupsLlr = p_lut->startAddrBnGroupsLlr;
-    int8_t* bnProcBuf    = p_procBuf->bnProcBuf;
-    int8_t* bnProcBufRes = p_procBuf->bnProcBufRes;
-    int8_t* llrRes       = p_procBuf->llrRes;
     __m256i* p_bnProcBuf;
     __m256i* p_bnProcBufRes;
     __m256i* p_llrRes;
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrLDPC_decoder/nrLDPC_cnProc.h b/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrLDPC_decoder/nrLDPC_cnProc.h
index db9d6e4119c8d6f79faabc2e4daa8787bd1e7855..6d82fe5f11f86ebc924e3a163a56cb1adbd7e36f 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrLDPC_decoder/nrLDPC_cnProc.h
+++ b/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrLDPC_decoder/nrLDPC_cnProc.h
@@ -37,14 +37,11 @@
    \param p_procBuf Pointer to processing buffers
    \param Z Lifting size
-static inline void nrLDPC_cnProc_BG2(t_nrLDPC_lut* p_lut, t_nrLDPC_procBuf* p_procBuf, uint16_t Z)
+static inline void nrLDPC_cnProc_BG2(t_nrLDPC_lut* p_lut, int8_t* cnProcBuf, int8_t* cnProcBufRes, uint16_t Z)
     const uint8_t*  lut_numCnInCnGroups   = p_lut->numCnInCnGroups;
     const uint32_t* lut_startAddrCnGroups = p_lut->startAddrCnGroups;
-    int8_t* cnProcBuf    = p_procBuf->cnProcBuf;
-    int8_t* cnProcBufRes = p_procBuf->cnProcBufRes;
     __m256i* p_cnProcBuf;
     __m256i* p_cnProcBufRes;
@@ -372,14 +369,11 @@ static inline void nrLDPC_cnProc_BG2(t_nrLDPC_lut* p_lut, t_nrLDPC_procBuf* p_pr
    \param p_lut Pointer to decoder LUTs
    \param Z Lifting size
-static inline void nrLDPC_cnProc_BG1(t_nrLDPC_lut* p_lut, t_nrLDPC_procBuf* p_procBuf, uint16_t Z)
+static inline void nrLDPC_cnProc_BG1(t_nrLDPC_lut* p_lut, int8_t* cnProcBuf, int8_t* cnProcBufRes, uint16_t Z)
     const uint8_t*  lut_numCnInCnGroups   = p_lut->numCnInCnGroups;
     const uint32_t* lut_startAddrCnGroups = p_lut->startAddrCnGroups;
-    int8_t* cnProcBuf    = p_procBuf->cnProcBuf;
-    int8_t* cnProcBufRes = p_procBuf->cnProcBufRes;
     __m256i* p_cnProcBuf;
     __m256i* p_cnProcBufRes;
@@ -871,14 +865,11 @@ static inline void nrLDPC_cnProc_BG1(t_nrLDPC_lut* p_lut, t_nrLDPC_procBuf* p_pr
    \param Z Lifting size
    \return 32-bit parity check indicator
-static inline uint32_t nrLDPC_cnProcPc_BG1(t_nrLDPC_lut* p_lut, t_nrLDPC_procBuf* p_procBuf, uint16_t Z)
+static inline uint32_t nrLDPC_cnProcPc_BG1(t_nrLDPC_lut* p_lut, int8_t* cnProcBuf, int8_t* cnProcBufRes, uint16_t Z)
     const uint8_t*  lut_numCnInCnGroups   = p_lut->numCnInCnGroups;
     const uint32_t* lut_startAddrCnGroups = p_lut->startAddrCnGroups;
-    int8_t* cnProcBuf    = p_procBuf->cnProcBuf;
-    int8_t* cnProcBufRes = p_procBuf->cnProcBufRes;
     __m256i* p_cnProcBuf;
     __m256i* p_cnProcBufRes;
@@ -1506,14 +1497,11 @@ static inline uint32_t nrLDPC_cnProcPc_BG1(t_nrLDPC_lut* p_lut, t_nrLDPC_procBuf
    \param Z Lifting size
    \return 32-bit parity check indicator
-static inline uint32_t nrLDPC_cnProcPc_BG2(t_nrLDPC_lut* p_lut, t_nrLDPC_procBuf* p_procBuf, uint16_t Z)
+static inline uint32_t nrLDPC_cnProcPc_BG2(t_nrLDPC_lut* p_lut, int8_t* cnProcBuf, int8_t* cnProcBufRes, uint16_t Z)
     const uint8_t*  lut_numCnInCnGroups   = p_lut->numCnInCnGroups;
     const uint32_t* lut_startAddrCnGroups = p_lut->startAddrCnGroups;
-    int8_t* cnProcBuf    = p_procBuf->cnProcBuf;
-    int8_t* cnProcBufRes = p_procBuf->cnProcBufRes;
     __m256i* p_cnProcBuf;
     __m256i* p_cnProcBufRes;
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrLDPC_decoder/nrLDPC_decoder.c b/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrLDPC_decoder/nrLDPC_decoder.c
index 166cd9a5a333b45f5ccdcbfc53ec042b1baead6c..bf0f401e9746d7d48bf571dc2066cb68288d0689 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrLDPC_decoder/nrLDPC_decoder.c
+++ b/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrLDPC_decoder/nrLDPC_decoder.c
@@ -45,22 +45,22 @@
 #include "nrLDPC_tools/nrLDPC_debug.h"
-static inline uint32_t nrLDPC_decoder_core(int8_t* p_llr, int8_t* p_out, t_nrLDPC_procBuf* p_procBuf, uint32_t numLLR, t_nrLDPC_lut* p_lut, t_nrLDPC_dec_params* p_decParams, t_nrLDPC_time_stats* p_profiler);
+static inline uint32_t nrLDPC_decoder_core(int8_t* p_llr, int8_t* p_out, uint32_t numLLR, t_nrLDPC_lut* p_lut, t_nrLDPC_dec_params* p_decParams, t_nrLDPC_time_stats* p_profiler);
+int check_crc(uint8_t* decoded_bytes, uint32_t n, uint32_t F, uint8_t crc_type);
 void nrLDPC_initcall(t_nrLDPC_dec_params* p_decParams, int8_t* p_llr, int8_t* p_out) {
-int32_t nrLDPC_decod(t_nrLDPC_dec_params* p_decParams, int8_t* p_llr, int8_t* p_out, t_nrLDPC_procBuf* p_procBuf, t_nrLDPC_time_stats* p_profiler)
+int32_t nrLDPC_decod(t_nrLDPC_dec_params* p_decParams, int8_t* p_llr, int8_t* p_out, t_nrLDPC_time_stats* p_profiler)
     uint32_t numLLR;
     uint32_t numIter = 0;
     t_nrLDPC_lut lut;
     t_nrLDPC_lut* p_lut = &lut;
-    //printf("p_procBuf->cnProcBuf = %p\n", p_procBuf->cnProcBuf);
     // Initialize decoder core(s) with correct LUTs
     numLLR = nrLDPC_init(p_decParams, p_lut);
     // Launch LDPC decoder core for one segment
-    numIter = nrLDPC_decoder_core(p_llr, p_out, p_procBuf, numLLR, p_lut, p_decParams, p_profiler);
+    numIter = nrLDPC_decoder_core(p_llr, p_out, numLLR, p_lut, p_decParams, p_profiler);
     return numIter;
@@ -74,13 +74,20 @@ int32_t nrLDPC_decod(t_nrLDPC_dec_params* p_decParams, int8_t* p_llr, int8_t* p_
    \param p_decParams LDPC decoder parameters
    \param p_profiler LDPC profiler statistics
-static inline uint32_t nrLDPC_decoder_core(int8_t* p_llr, int8_t* p_out, t_nrLDPC_procBuf* p_procBuf, uint32_t numLLR, t_nrLDPC_lut* p_lut, t_nrLDPC_dec_params* p_decParams, t_nrLDPC_time_stats* p_profiler)
+static inline uint32_t nrLDPC_decoder_core(int8_t* p_llr, int8_t* p_out, uint32_t numLLR, t_nrLDPC_lut* p_lut, t_nrLDPC_dec_params* p_decParams, t_nrLDPC_time_stats* p_profiler)
     uint16_t Z          = p_decParams->Z;
     uint8_t  BG         = p_decParams->BG;
     uint8_t  numMaxIter = p_decParams->numMaxIter;
     e_nrLDPC_outMode outMode = p_decParams->outMode;
+    int8_t cnProcBuf[NR_LDPC_SIZE_CN_PROC_BUF]    __attribute__ ((aligned(32))) = {0};
+    int8_t cnProcBufRes[NR_LDPC_SIZE_CN_PROC_BUF] __attribute__ ((aligned(32))) = {0};
+    int8_t bnProcBuf[NR_LDPC_SIZE_BN_PROC_BUF]    __attribute__ ((aligned(32))) = {0};
+    int8_t bnProcBufRes[NR_LDPC_SIZE_BN_PROC_BUF] __attribute__ ((aligned(32))) = {0};
+    int8_t llrRes[NR_LDPC_MAX_NUM_LLR]            __attribute__ ((aligned(32))) = {0};
+    int8_t llrProcBuf[NR_LDPC_MAX_NUM_LLR]        __attribute__ ((aligned(32))) = {0};
+    int8_t llrOut[NR_LDPC_MAX_NUM_LLR]            __attribute__ ((aligned(32))) = {0};
     // Minimum number of iterations is 1
     // 0 iterations means hard-decision on input LLRs
     uint32_t i = 1;
@@ -95,9 +102,7 @@ static inline uint32_t nrLDPC_decoder_core(int8_t* p_llr, int8_t* p_out, t_nrLDP
         // Use LLR processing buffer as temporary output buffer
-        p_llrOut = p_procBuf->llrProcBuf;
-        // Clear llrProcBuf
-        memset(p_llrOut,0, NR_LDPC_MAX_NUM_LLR*sizeof(int8_t));
+        p_llrOut = llrOut;
@@ -105,14 +110,14 @@ static inline uint32_t nrLDPC_decoder_core(int8_t* p_llr, int8_t* p_out, t_nrLDP
-    nrLDPC_llr2llrProcBuf(p_lut, p_llr, p_procBuf, Z, BG);
+    nrLDPC_llr2llrProcBuf(p_lut, p_llr, llrProcBuf, Z, BG);
-    nrLDPC_debug_writeBuffer2File(nrLDPC_buffers_LLR_PROC, p_procBuf);
+    nrLDPC_debug_writeBuffer2File(nrLDPC_buffers_LLR_PROC, llrProcBuf);
@@ -120,11 +125,11 @@ static inline uint32_t nrLDPC_decoder_core(int8_t* p_llr, int8_t* p_out, t_nrLDP
     if (BG == 1)
-        nrLDPC_llr2CnProcBuf_BG1(p_lut, p_llr, p_procBuf, Z);
+        nrLDPC_llr2CnProcBuf_BG1(p_lut, p_llr, cnProcBuf, Z);
-        nrLDPC_llr2CnProcBuf_BG2(p_lut, p_llr, p_procBuf, Z);
+        nrLDPC_llr2CnProcBuf_BG2(p_lut, p_llr, cnProcBuf, Z);
@@ -132,7 +137,7 @@ static inline uint32_t nrLDPC_decoder_core(int8_t* p_llr, int8_t* p_out, t_nrLDP
-    nrLDPC_debug_writeBuffer2File(nrLDPC_buffers_CN_PROC, p_procBuf);
+    nrLDPC_debug_writeBuffer2File(nrLDPC_buffers_CN_PROC, cnProcBuf);
     // First iteration
@@ -143,11 +148,11 @@ static inline uint32_t nrLDPC_decoder_core(int8_t* p_llr, int8_t* p_out, t_nrLDP
     if (BG == 1)
-        nrLDPC_cnProc_BG1(p_lut, p_procBuf, Z);
+        nrLDPC_cnProc_BG1(p_lut, cnProcBuf, cnProcBufRes, Z);
-        nrLDPC_cnProc_BG2(p_lut, p_procBuf, Z);
+        nrLDPC_cnProc_BG2(p_lut, cnProcBuf, cnProcBufRes, Z);
@@ -155,7 +160,7 @@ static inline uint32_t nrLDPC_decoder_core(int8_t* p_llr, int8_t* p_out, t_nrLDP
-    nrLDPC_debug_writeBuffer2File(nrLDPC_buffers_CN_PROC_RES, p_procBuf);
+    nrLDPC_debug_writeBuffer2File(nrLDPC_buffers_CN_PROC_RES, cnProcBufRes);
@@ -163,11 +168,11 @@ static inline uint32_t nrLDPC_decoder_core(int8_t* p_llr, int8_t* p_out, t_nrLDP
     if (BG == 1)
-        nrLDPC_cn2bnProcBuf_BG1(p_lut, p_procBuf, Z);
+        nrLDPC_cn2bnProcBuf_BG1(p_lut, cnProcBufRes, bnProcBuf, Z);
-        nrLDPC_cn2bnProcBuf_BG2(p_lut, p_procBuf, Z);
+        nrLDPC_cn2bnProcBuf_BG2(p_lut, cnProcBufRes, bnProcBuf, Z);
@@ -175,34 +180,34 @@ static inline uint32_t nrLDPC_decoder_core(int8_t* p_llr, int8_t* p_out, t_nrLDP
-    nrLDPC_debug_writeBuffer2File(nrLDPC_buffers_BN_PROC, p_procBuf);
+    nrLDPC_debug_writeBuffer2File(nrLDPC_buffers_BN_PROC, bnProcBuf);
     // BN processing
-    nrLDPC_bnProcPc(p_lut, p_procBuf, Z);
+    nrLDPC_bnProcPc(p_lut, bnProcBuf, bnProcBufRes, llrProcBuf, llrRes, Z);
-    nrLDPC_debug_writeBuffer2File(nrLDPC_buffers_LLR_RES, p_procBuf);
+    nrLDPC_debug_writeBuffer2File(nrLDPC_buffers_LLR_RES, llrRes);
-    nrLDPC_bnProc(p_lut, p_procBuf, Z);
+    nrLDPC_bnProc(p_lut, bnProcBuf, bnProcBufRes, llrRes, Z);
-    nrLDPC_debug_writeBuffer2File(nrLDPC_buffers_BN_PROC_RES, p_procBuf);
+    nrLDPC_debug_writeBuffer2File(nrLDPC_buffers_BN_PROC_RES, bnProcBufRes);
     // BN results to CN processing buffer
@@ -211,18 +216,18 @@ static inline uint32_t nrLDPC_decoder_core(int8_t* p_llr, int8_t* p_out, t_nrLDP
     if (BG == 1)
-        nrLDPC_bn2cnProcBuf_BG1(p_lut, p_procBuf, Z);
+        nrLDPC_bn2cnProcBuf_BG1(p_lut, bnProcBufRes, cnProcBuf, Z);
-        nrLDPC_bn2cnProcBuf_BG2(p_lut, p_procBuf, Z);
+        nrLDPC_bn2cnProcBuf_BG2(p_lut, bnProcBufRes, cnProcBuf, Z);
-    nrLDPC_debug_writeBuffer2File(nrLDPC_buffers_CN_PROC, p_procBuf);
+    nrLDPC_debug_writeBuffer2File(nrLDPC_buffers_CN_PROC, cnProcBuf);
     // Parity Check not necessary here since it will fail
@@ -242,18 +247,18 @@ static inline uint32_t nrLDPC_decoder_core(int8_t* p_llr, int8_t* p_out, t_nrLDP
         if (BG == 1)
-            nrLDPC_cnProc_BG1(p_lut, p_procBuf, Z);
+            nrLDPC_cnProc_BG1(p_lut, cnProcBuf, cnProcBufRes, Z);
-            nrLDPC_cnProc_BG2(p_lut, p_procBuf, Z);
+            nrLDPC_cnProc_BG2(p_lut, cnProcBuf, cnProcBufRes, Z);
-        nrLDPC_debug_writeBuffer2File(nrLDPC_buffers_CN_PROC_RES, p_procBuf);
+        nrLDPC_debug_writeBuffer2File(nrLDPC_buffers_CN_PROC_RES, cnProcBufRes);
         // Send CN results back to BNs
@@ -262,43 +267,43 @@ static inline uint32_t nrLDPC_decoder_core(int8_t* p_llr, int8_t* p_out, t_nrLDP
         if (BG == 1)
-            nrLDPC_cn2bnProcBuf_BG1(p_lut, p_procBuf, Z);
+            nrLDPC_cn2bnProcBuf_BG1(p_lut, cnProcBufRes, bnProcBuf, Z);
-            nrLDPC_cn2bnProcBuf_BG2(p_lut, p_procBuf, Z);
+            nrLDPC_cn2bnProcBuf_BG2(p_lut, cnProcBufRes, bnProcBuf, Z);
-        nrLDPC_debug_writeBuffer2File(nrLDPC_buffers_BN_PROC, p_procBuf);
+        nrLDPC_debug_writeBuffer2File(nrLDPC_buffers_BN_PROC, bnProcBuf);
         // BN Processing
-        nrLDPC_bnProcPc(p_lut, p_procBuf, Z);
+        nrLDPC_bnProcPc(p_lut, bnProcBuf, bnProcBufRes, llrProcBuf, llrRes, Z);
-        nrLDPC_debug_writeBuffer2File(nrLDPC_buffers_LLR_RES, p_procBuf);
+        nrLDPC_debug_writeBuffer2File(nrLDPC_buffers_LLR_RES, llrRes);
-        nrLDPC_bnProc(p_lut, p_procBuf, Z);
+        nrLDPC_bnProc(p_lut, bnProcBuf, bnProcBufRes, llrRes, Z);
-        nrLDPC_debug_writeBuffer2File(nrLDPC_buffers_BN_PROC_RES, p_procBuf);
+        nrLDPC_debug_writeBuffer2File(nrLDPC_buffers_BN_PROC_RES, bnProcBufRes);
         // BN results to CN processing buffer
@@ -307,18 +312,18 @@ static inline uint32_t nrLDPC_decoder_core(int8_t* p_llr, int8_t* p_out, t_nrLDP
         if (BG == 1)
-            nrLDPC_bn2cnProcBuf_BG1(p_lut, p_procBuf, Z);
+            nrLDPC_bn2cnProcBuf_BG1(p_lut, bnProcBufRes, cnProcBuf, Z);
-            nrLDPC_bn2cnProcBuf_BG2(p_lut, p_procBuf, Z);
+            nrLDPC_bn2cnProcBuf_BG2(p_lut, bnProcBufRes, cnProcBuf, Z);
-        nrLDPC_debug_writeBuffer2File(nrLDPC_buffers_CN_PROC, p_procBuf);
+        nrLDPC_debug_writeBuffer2File(nrLDPC_buffers_CN_PROC, cnProcBuf);
         // Parity Check
@@ -328,123 +333,11 @@ static inline uint32_t nrLDPC_decoder_core(int8_t* p_llr, int8_t* p_out, t_nrLDP
         if (BG == 1)
-            pcRes = nrLDPC_cnProcPc_BG1(p_lut, p_procBuf, Z);
+            pcRes = nrLDPC_cnProcPc_BG1(p_lut, cnProcBuf, cnProcBufRes, Z);
-            pcRes = nrLDPC_cnProcPc_BG2(p_lut, p_procBuf, Z);
-        }
-        stop_meas(&p_profiler->cnProcPc);
-    }
-    // Last iteration
-    if ( (i < numMaxIter) && (pcRes != 0) )
-    {
-        // Increase iteration counter
-        i++;
-        // CN processing
-        start_meas(&p_profiler->cnProc);
-        if (BG == 1)
-        {
-            nrLDPC_cnProc_BG1(p_lut, p_procBuf, Z);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            nrLDPC_cnProc_BG2(p_lut, p_procBuf, Z);
-        }
-        stop_meas(&p_profiler->cnProc);
-        nrLDPC_debug_writeBuffer2File(nrLDPC_buffers_CN_PROC_RES, p_procBuf);
-        // Send CN results back to BNs
-        start_meas(&p_profiler->cn2bnProcBuf);
-        if (BG == 1)
-        {
-            nrLDPC_cn2bnProcBuf_BG1(p_lut, p_procBuf, Z);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            nrLDPC_cn2bnProcBuf_BG2(p_lut, p_procBuf, Z);
-        }
-        stop_meas(&p_profiler->cn2bnProcBuf);
-        nrLDPC_debug_writeBuffer2File(nrLDPC_buffers_BN_PROC, p_procBuf);
-        // BN Processing
-        start_meas(&p_profiler->bnProcPc);
-        nrLDPC_bnProcPc(p_lut, p_procBuf, Z);
-        stop_meas(&p_profiler->bnProcPc);
-        nrLDPC_debug_writeBuffer2File(nrLDPC_buffers_LLR_RES, p_procBuf);
-        // If parity check not enabled, no need to send the BN proc results
-        // back to CNs
-        start_meas(&p_profiler->bnProc);
-        nrLDPC_bnProc(p_lut, p_procBuf, Z);
-        stop_meas(&p_profiler->bnProc);
-        nrLDPC_debug_writeBuffer2File(nrLDPC_buffers_BN_PROC_RES, p_procBuf);
-        // BN results to CN processing buffer
-        start_meas(&p_profiler->bn2cnProcBuf);
-        if (BG == 1)
-        {
-            nrLDPC_bn2cnProcBuf_BG1(p_lut, p_procBuf, Z);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            nrLDPC_bn2cnProcBuf_BG2(p_lut, p_procBuf, Z);
-        }
-        stop_meas(&p_profiler->bn2cnProcBuf);
-        nrLDPC_debug_writeBuffer2File(nrLDPC_buffers_CN_PROC, p_procBuf);
-        // Parity Check
-        start_meas(&p_profiler->cnProcPc);
-        if (BG == 1)
-        {
-            pcRes = nrLDPC_cnProcPc_BG1(p_lut, p_procBuf, Z);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            pcRes = nrLDPC_cnProcPc_BG2(p_lut, p_procBuf, Z);
+            pcRes = nrLDPC_cnProcPc_BG2(p_lut, cnProcBuf, cnProcBufRes, Z);
@@ -466,7 +359,7 @@ static inline uint32_t nrLDPC_decoder_core(int8_t* p_llr, int8_t* p_out, t_nrLDP
-    nrLDPC_llrRes2llrOut(p_lut, p_llrOut, p_procBuf, Z, BG);
+    nrLDPC_llrRes2llrOut(p_lut, p_llrOut, llrRes, Z, BG);
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrLDPC_decoder/nrLDPC_init_mem.h b/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrLDPC_decoder/nrLDPC_init_mem.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f08549130ee08db0296b623482cf8411ef71b257..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrLDPC_decoder/nrLDPC_init_mem.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under
- * the OAI Public License, Version 1.1  (the "License"); you may not use this file
- * except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *      http://www.openairinterface.org/?page_id=698
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance:
- *      contact@openairinterface.org
- */
-/*!\file nrLDPC_init_mem.h
- * \brief Defines the function to initialize the LDPC decoder and sets correct LUTs.
- * \author Sebastian Wagner (TCL Communications) Email: <mailto:sebastian.wagner@tcl.com>
- * \date 07-12-2018
- * \version 1.0
- * \note
- * \warning
- */
-#ifndef __NR_LDPC_INIT_MEM__H__
-#define __NR_LDPC_INIT_MEM__H__
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "nrLDPC_types.h"
-   \brief Allocates 32 byte aligned memory and initializes to zero
-   \param size Input size in bytes
-   \return Pointer to memory
-static inline void* malloc32_clear(size_t size)
-    void* ptr = (void*) memalign(32, size+32);
-    memset(ptr, 0, size);
-    return ptr;
-   \brief Allocates and initializes the internal decoder processing buffers
-   \param p_decParams Pointer to decoder parameters
-   \param p_lut Pointer to decoder LUTs
-   \return Number of LLR values
-static inline t_nrLDPC_procBuf* nrLDPC_init_mem(void)
-    t_nrLDPC_procBuf* p_procBuf = (t_nrLDPC_procBuf*) malloc32_clear(sizeof(t_nrLDPC_procBuf));
-    if (p_procBuf)
-    {
-        p_procBuf->cnProcBuf    = (int8_t*) malloc32_clear(NR_LDPC_SIZE_CN_PROC_BUF*sizeof(int8_t));
-        p_procBuf->cnProcBufRes = (int8_t*) malloc32_clear(NR_LDPC_SIZE_CN_PROC_BUF*sizeof(int8_t));
-        p_procBuf->bnProcBuf    = (int8_t*) malloc32_clear(NR_LDPC_SIZE_BN_PROC_BUF*sizeof(int8_t));
-        p_procBuf->bnProcBufRes = (int8_t*) malloc32_clear(NR_LDPC_SIZE_BN_PROC_BUF*sizeof(int8_t));
-        p_procBuf->llrRes       = (int8_t*) malloc32_clear(NR_LDPC_MAX_NUM_LLR     *sizeof(int8_t));
-        p_procBuf->llrProcBuf   = (int8_t*) malloc32_clear(NR_LDPC_MAX_NUM_LLR     *sizeof(int8_t));
-    }
-    return(p_procBuf);
-static inline void nrLDPC_free_mem(t_nrLDPC_procBuf* p_procBuf)
-    free(p_procBuf->cnProcBuf);
-    free(p_procBuf->cnProcBufRes);
-    free(p_procBuf->bnProcBuf);
-    free(p_procBuf->bnProcBufRes);
-    free(p_procBuf->llrRes);
-    free(p_procBuf->llrProcBuf);
-    free(p_procBuf);
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrLDPC_decoder/nrLDPC_mPass.h b/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrLDPC_decoder/nrLDPC_mPass.h
index b76750459d90830e3abd4ba103befb182e24376d..7f514d5cfa6ff2a457f79c2493ea314c3517cf24 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrLDPC_decoder/nrLDPC_mPass.h
+++ b/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrLDPC_decoder/nrLDPC_mPass.h
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ static inline void *nrLDPC_circ_memcpy(int8_t *str1, const int8_t *str2, uint16_
    \param Z Lifting size
    \param BG Base graph
-static inline void nrLDPC_llr2llrProcBuf(t_nrLDPC_lut* p_lut, int8_t* llr, t_nrLDPC_procBuf* p_procBuf, uint16_t Z, uint8_t BG)
+static inline void nrLDPC_llr2llrProcBuf(t_nrLDPC_lut* p_lut, int8_t* llr, int8_t* llrProcBuf, uint16_t Z, uint8_t BG)
     uint32_t i;
     const uint8_t numBn2CnG1 = p_lut->numBnInBnGroups[0];
@@ -109,7 +109,6 @@ static inline void nrLDPC_llr2llrProcBuf(t_nrLDPC_lut* p_lut, int8_t* llr, t_nrL
     const uint8_t*  lut_llr2llrProcBufBnPos = p_lut->llr2llrProcBufBnPos;
     uint32_t idxBn;
-    int8_t* llrProcBuf = p_procBuf->llrProcBuf;
     // Copy LLRs connected to 1 CN
     if (numBn2CnG1 > 0)
@@ -133,7 +132,7 @@ static inline void nrLDPC_llr2llrProcBuf(t_nrLDPC_lut* p_lut, int8_t* llr, t_nrL
    \param p_procBuf Pointer to the processing buffers
    \param Z Lifting size
-static inline void nrLDPC_llr2CnProcBuf_BG1(t_nrLDPC_lut* p_lut, int8_t* llr, t_nrLDPC_procBuf* p_procBuf, uint16_t Z)
+static inline void nrLDPC_llr2CnProcBuf_BG1(t_nrLDPC_lut* p_lut, int8_t* llr, int8_t* cnProcBuf, uint16_t Z)
     const uint16_t (*lut_circShift_CNG3) [lut_numCnInCnGroups_BG1_R13[0]] = (const uint16_t(*)[lut_numCnInCnGroups_BG1_R13[0]]) p_lut->circShift[0];
     const uint16_t (*lut_circShift_CNG4) [lut_numCnInCnGroups_BG1_R13[1]] = (const uint16_t(*)[lut_numCnInCnGroups_BG1_R13[1]]) p_lut->circShift[1];
@@ -158,7 +157,6 @@ static inline void nrLDPC_llr2CnProcBuf_BG1(t_nrLDPC_lut* p_lut, int8_t* llr, t_
     const uint8_t*  lut_numCnInCnGroups = p_lut->numCnInCnGroups;
     const uint32_t* lut_startAddrCnGroups = p_lut->startAddrCnGroups;
-    int8_t* cnProcBuf = p_procBuf->cnProcBuf;
     uint32_t i;
     uint32_t j;
@@ -342,7 +340,7 @@ static inline void nrLDPC_llr2CnProcBuf_BG1(t_nrLDPC_lut* p_lut, int8_t* llr, t_
    \param p_procBuf Pointer to the processing buffers
    \param Z Lifting size
-static inline void nrLDPC_llr2CnProcBuf_BG2(t_nrLDPC_lut* p_lut, int8_t* llr, t_nrLDPC_procBuf* p_procBuf, uint16_t Z)
+static inline void nrLDPC_llr2CnProcBuf_BG2(t_nrLDPC_lut* p_lut, int8_t* llr, int8_t* cnProcBuf, uint16_t Z)
     const uint16_t (*lut_circShift_CNG3)  [lut_numCnInCnGroups_BG2_R15[0]] = (const uint16_t(*)[lut_numCnInCnGroups_BG2_R15[0]]) p_lut->circShift[0];
     const uint16_t (*lut_circShift_CNG4)  [lut_numCnInCnGroups_BG2_R15[1]] = (const uint16_t(*)[lut_numCnInCnGroups_BG2_R15[1]]) p_lut->circShift[1];
@@ -361,7 +359,6 @@ static inline void nrLDPC_llr2CnProcBuf_BG2(t_nrLDPC_lut* p_lut, int8_t* llr, t_
     const uint8_t*  lut_numCnInCnGroups = p_lut->numCnInCnGroups;
     const uint32_t* lut_startAddrCnGroups = p_lut->startAddrCnGroups;
-    int8_t* cnProcBuf = p_procBuf->cnProcBuf;
     uint32_t i;
     uint32_t j;
@@ -478,7 +475,7 @@ static inline void nrLDPC_llr2CnProcBuf_BG2(t_nrLDPC_lut* p_lut, int8_t* llr, t_
    \param p_procBuf Pointer to the processing buffers
    \param Z Lifting size
-static inline void nrLDPC_cn2bnProcBuf_BG2(t_nrLDPC_lut* p_lut, t_nrLDPC_procBuf* p_procBuf, uint16_t Z)
+static inline void nrLDPC_cn2bnProcBuf_BG2(t_nrLDPC_lut* p_lut, int8_t* cnProcBufRes, int8_t* bnProcBuf, uint16_t Z)
     const uint8_t*  lut_numCnInCnGroups = p_lut->numCnInCnGroups;
     const uint32_t* lut_startAddrCnGroups = p_lut->startAddrCnGroups;
@@ -504,9 +501,6 @@ static inline void nrLDPC_cn2bnProcBuf_BG2(t_nrLDPC_lut* p_lut, t_nrLDPC_procBuf
     const uint8_t (*lut_bnPosBnProcBuf_CNG8)  [lut_numCnInCnGroups[4]] = (const uint8_t(*)[lut_numCnInCnGroups[4]]) p_lut->bnPosBnProcBuf[4];
     const uint8_t (*lut_bnPosBnProcBuf_CNG10) [lut_numCnInCnGroups[5]] = (const uint8_t(*)[lut_numCnInCnGroups[5]]) p_lut->bnPosBnProcBuf[5];
-    int8_t* cnProcBufRes = p_procBuf->cnProcBufRes;
-    int8_t* bnProcBuf    = p_procBuf->bnProcBuf;
     int8_t* p_cnProcBufRes;
     uint32_t bitOffsetInGroup;
     uint32_t i;
@@ -621,7 +615,7 @@ static inline void nrLDPC_cn2bnProcBuf_BG2(t_nrLDPC_lut* p_lut, t_nrLDPC_procBuf
    \param p_procBuf Pointer to the processing buffers
    \param Z Lifting size
-static inline void nrLDPC_cn2bnProcBuf_BG1(t_nrLDPC_lut* p_lut, t_nrLDPC_procBuf* p_procBuf, uint16_t Z)
+static inline void nrLDPC_cn2bnProcBuf_BG1(t_nrLDPC_lut* p_lut, int8_t* cnProcBufRes, int8_t* bnProcBuf, uint16_t Z)
     const uint8_t*  lut_numCnInCnGroups = p_lut->numCnInCnGroups;
     const uint32_t* lut_startAddrCnGroups = p_lut->startAddrCnGroups;
@@ -655,9 +649,6 @@ static inline void nrLDPC_cn2bnProcBuf_BG1(t_nrLDPC_lut* p_lut, t_nrLDPC_procBuf
     const uint8_t (*lut_bnPosBnProcBuf_CNG10)[lut_numCnInCnGroups[7]] = (const uint8_t(*)[lut_numCnInCnGroups[7]]) p_lut->bnPosBnProcBuf[7];
     const uint8_t (*lut_bnPosBnProcBuf_CNG19)[lut_numCnInCnGroups[8]] = (const uint8_t(*)[lut_numCnInCnGroups[8]]) p_lut->bnPosBnProcBuf[8];
-    int8_t* cnProcBufRes = p_procBuf->cnProcBufRes;
-    int8_t* bnProcBuf    = p_procBuf->bnProcBuf;
     int8_t* p_cnProcBufRes;
     uint32_t bitOffsetInGroup;
     uint32_t i;
@@ -819,7 +810,7 @@ static inline void nrLDPC_cn2bnProcBuf_BG1(t_nrLDPC_lut* p_lut, t_nrLDPC_procBuf
    \param p_procBuf Pointer to the processing buffers
    \param Z Lifting size
-static inline void nrLDPC_bn2cnProcBuf_BG2(t_nrLDPC_lut* p_lut, t_nrLDPC_procBuf* p_procBuf, uint16_t Z)
+static inline void nrLDPC_bn2cnProcBuf_BG2(t_nrLDPC_lut* p_lut, int8_t* bnProcBufRes, int8_t* cnProcBuf, uint16_t Z)
     const uint8_t*  lut_numCnInCnGroups = p_lut->numCnInCnGroups;
     const uint32_t* lut_startAddrCnGroups = p_lut->startAddrCnGroups;
@@ -845,9 +836,6 @@ static inline void nrLDPC_bn2cnProcBuf_BG2(t_nrLDPC_lut* p_lut, t_nrLDPC_procBuf
     const uint8_t (*lut_bnPosBnProcBuf_CNG8)  [lut_numCnInCnGroups[4]] = (const uint8_t(*)[lut_numCnInCnGroups[4]]) p_lut->bnPosBnProcBuf[4];
     const uint8_t (*lut_bnPosBnProcBuf_CNG10) [lut_numCnInCnGroups[5]] = (const uint8_t(*)[lut_numCnInCnGroups[5]]) p_lut->bnPosBnProcBuf[5];
-    int8_t* cnProcBuf    = p_procBuf->cnProcBuf;
-    int8_t* bnProcBufRes = p_procBuf->bnProcBufRes;
     int8_t* p_cnProcBuf;
     uint32_t bitOffsetInGroup;
     uint32_t i;
@@ -961,7 +949,7 @@ static inline void nrLDPC_bn2cnProcBuf_BG2(t_nrLDPC_lut* p_lut, t_nrLDPC_procBuf
    \param p_procBuf Pointer to the processing buffers
    \param Z Lifting size
-static inline void nrLDPC_bn2cnProcBuf_BG1(t_nrLDPC_lut* p_lut, t_nrLDPC_procBuf* p_procBuf, uint16_t Z)
+static inline void nrLDPC_bn2cnProcBuf_BG1(t_nrLDPC_lut* p_lut, int8_t* bnProcBufRes, int8_t* cnProcBuf, uint16_t Z)
     const uint8_t*  lut_numCnInCnGroups = p_lut->numCnInCnGroups;
     const uint32_t* lut_startAddrCnGroups = p_lut->startAddrCnGroups;
@@ -995,9 +983,6 @@ static inline void nrLDPC_bn2cnProcBuf_BG1(t_nrLDPC_lut* p_lut, t_nrLDPC_procBuf
     const uint8_t (*lut_bnPosBnProcBuf_CNG10)[lut_numCnInCnGroups[7]] = (const uint8_t(*)[lut_numCnInCnGroups[7]]) p_lut->bnPosBnProcBuf[7];
     const uint8_t (*lut_bnPosBnProcBuf_CNG19)[lut_numCnInCnGroups[8]] = (const uint8_t(*)[lut_numCnInCnGroups[8]]) p_lut->bnPosBnProcBuf[8];
-    int8_t* cnProcBuf    = p_procBuf->cnProcBuf;
-    int8_t* bnProcBufRes = p_procBuf->bnProcBufRes;
     int8_t* p_cnProcBuf;
     uint32_t bitOffsetInGroup;
     uint32_t i;
@@ -1157,7 +1142,7 @@ static inline void nrLDPC_bn2cnProcBuf_BG1(t_nrLDPC_lut* p_lut, t_nrLDPC_procBuf
    \param Z Lifting size
    \param BG Base graph
-static inline void nrLDPC_llrRes2llrOut(t_nrLDPC_lut* p_lut, int8_t* llrOut, t_nrLDPC_procBuf* p_procBuf, uint16_t Z, uint8_t BG)
+static inline void nrLDPC_llrRes2llrOut(t_nrLDPC_lut* p_lut, int8_t* llrOut, int8_t* llrRes, uint16_t Z, uint8_t BG)
     uint32_t i;
     const uint8_t numBn2CnG1 = p_lut->numBnInBnGroups[0];
@@ -1168,7 +1153,6 @@ static inline void nrLDPC_llrRes2llrOut(t_nrLDPC_lut* p_lut, int8_t* llrOut, t_n
     const uint16_t* lut_llr2llrProcBufAddr = p_lut->llr2llrProcBufAddr;
     const uint8_t*  lut_llr2llrProcBufBnPos = p_lut->llr2llrProcBufBnPos;
-    int8_t* llrRes = p_procBuf->llrRes;
     int8_t* p_llrOut = &llrOut[0];
     uint32_t idxBn;
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrLDPC_decoder/nrLDPC_tools/nrLDPC_debug.h b/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrLDPC_decoder/nrLDPC_tools/nrLDPC_debug.h
index e4dcb56edd3ef02dfc86a3f427407b99ebd5c466..41c0a474a4457ad6ea975f3b15c5fa4ed50ceed9 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrLDPC_decoder/nrLDPC_tools/nrLDPC_debug.h
+++ b/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrLDPC_decoder/nrLDPC_tools/nrLDPC_debug.h
@@ -87,38 +87,38 @@ static inline void nrLDPC_initFile(const char* fileName)
    \brief Writes data of predefined buffers to file
    \param buffer Enum of buffer name to write
-static inline void nrLDPC_debug_writeBuffer2File(e_nrLDPC_buffers buffer, t_nrLDPC_procBuf* p_procBuf)
+static inline void nrLDPC_debug_writeBuffer2File(e_nrLDPC_buffers buffer, int8_t* p_buffer)
     switch (buffer)
     case nrLDPC_buffers_LLR_PROC:
-        nrLDPC_writeFile("llrProcBuf.txt", p_procBuf->llrProcBuf, NR_LDPC_MAX_NUM_LLR);
+        nrLDPC_writeFile("llrProcBuf.txt", p_buffer, NR_LDPC_MAX_NUM_LLR);
     case nrLDPC_buffers_CN_PROC:
-        nrLDPC_writeFile("cnProcBuf.txt", p_procBuf->cnProcBuf, NR_LDPC_SIZE_CN_PROC_BUF);
+        nrLDPC_writeFile("cnProcBuf.txt", p_buffer, NR_LDPC_SIZE_CN_PROC_BUF);
     case nrLDPC_buffers_CN_PROC_RES:
-        nrLDPC_writeFile("cnProcBufRes.txt", p_procBuf->cnProcBufRes, NR_LDPC_SIZE_CN_PROC_BUF);
+        nrLDPC_writeFile("cnProcBufRes.txt", p_buffer, NR_LDPC_SIZE_CN_PROC_BUF);
     case nrLDPC_buffers_BN_PROC:
-        nrLDPC_writeFile("bnProcBuf.txt", p_procBuf->bnProcBuf, NR_LDPC_SIZE_BN_PROC_BUF);
+        nrLDPC_writeFile("bnProcBuf.txt", p_buffer, NR_LDPC_SIZE_BN_PROC_BUF);
     case nrLDPC_buffers_BN_PROC_RES:
-        nrLDPC_writeFile("bnProcBufRes.txt", p_procBuf->bnProcBufRes, NR_LDPC_SIZE_BN_PROC_BUF);
+        nrLDPC_writeFile("bnProcBufRes.txt", p_buffer, NR_LDPC_SIZE_BN_PROC_BUF);
     case nrLDPC_buffers_LLR_RES:
-        nrLDPC_writeFile("llrRes.txt", p_procBuf->llrRes, NR_LDPC_MAX_NUM_LLR);
+        nrLDPC_writeFile("llrRes.txt", p_buffer, NR_LDPC_MAX_NUM_LLR);
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrLDPC_defs.h b/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrLDPC_defs.h
index a6fb44cb0dd40bfd1b0995043ec6893e91317dff..0c9c78c3ac06ec9c5f56614a3291f83e104b7f4e 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrLDPC_defs.h
+++ b/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrLDPC_defs.h
@@ -71,5 +71,5 @@ typedef int(*nrLDPC_encoderfunc_t)(unsigned char **,unsigned char **,int,int,sho
    \param p_llrOut Output vector
    \param p_profiler LDPC profiler statistics
-typedef int32_t(*nrLDPC_decoderfunc_t)(t_nrLDPC_dec_params *, int8_t *, int8_t *, t_nrLDPC_procBuf *, t_nrLDPC_time_stats * );
+typedef int32_t(*nrLDPC_decoderfunc_t)(t_nrLDPC_dec_params* , int8_t*, int8_t* , t_nrLDPC_time_stats* );
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrLDPC_extern.h b/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrLDPC_extern.h
index b75b38fc76e77ac3f2955f0b332b71eb33e567ba..b358119408b61bae73af411200f9a5cef9f139a9 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrLDPC_extern.h
+++ b/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrLDPC_extern.h
@@ -34,5 +34,4 @@ extern nrLDPC_initcallfunc_t nrLDPC_initcall;
 extern nrLDPC_decoderfunc_t nrLDPC_decoder;
 extern nrLDPC_encoderfunc_t nrLDPC_encoder;
 // inline functions:
-#include "openair1/PHY/CODING/nrLDPC_decoder/nrLDPC_init_mem.h"
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/INIT/nr_init.c b/openair1/PHY/INIT/nr_init.c
index ff3bdf3b8e2a9f91c2434d46901f71e04227c19c..9ffc0f75ad345c7e2b12f77c62fca1885d4025a6 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/INIT/nr_init.c
+++ b/openair1/PHY/INIT/nr_init.c
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
 #include "openair1/PHY/CODING/nrLDPC_extern.h"
 #include "assertions.h"
 #include <math.h>
+#include <complex.h>
 #include "PHY/NR_TRANSPORT/nr_ulsch.h"
 #include "PHY/NR_REFSIG/nr_refsig.h"
 #include "SCHED_NR/fapi_nr_l1.h"
@@ -71,6 +71,407 @@ int l1_north_init_gNB() {
+int init_codebook_gNB(PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB) {
+  if(gNB->frame_parms.nb_antennas_tx>1){
+    int CSI_RS_antenna_ports = gNB->frame_parms.nb_antennas_tx;
+    //NR Codebook Generation for codebook type1 SinglePanel
+    int N1 = gNB->ap_N1;
+    int N2 = gNB->ap_N2;
+    //Uniform Planner Array: UPA
+    //    X X X X ... X
+    //    X X X X ... X
+    // N2 . . . . ... .
+    //    X X X X ... X
+    //   |<-----N1---->|
+    int x_polarization = gNB->ap_XP;
+    //Get the uniform planar array parameters
+    // To be confirmed
+    int O2 = N2 > 1? 4 : 1; //Vertical beam oversampling (1 or 4)
+    int O1 = CSI_RS_antenna_ports > 2 ? 4 : 1; //Horizontal beam oversampling (1 or 4)
+    AssertFatal(CSI_RS_antenna_ports == N1*N2*x_polarization,
+                "Nb of antenna ports at PHY %d does not correspond to what passed down with fapi %d\n",
+                 N1*N2*x_polarization, CSI_RS_antenna_ports);
+    // Generation of codebook Type1 with codebookMode 1 (CSI_RS_antenna_ports < 16)
+    if (CSI_RS_antenna_ports < 16) {
+      //Generate DFT vertical beams
+      //ll: index of a vertical beams vector (represented by i1_1 in TS 38.214)
+      double complex v[N1*O1][N1];
+      for (int ll=0; ll<N1*O1; ll++) { //i1_1
+        for (int nn=0; nn<N1; nn++) {
+          v[ll][nn] = cexp(I*(2*M_PI*nn*ll)/(N1*O1));
+          //printf("v[%d][%d] = %f +j %f\n", ll,nn, creal(v[ll][nn]),cimag(v[ll][nn]));
+        }
+      }
+      //Generate DFT Horizontal beams
+      //mm: index of a Horizontal beams vector (represented by i1_2 in TS 38.214)
+      double complex u[N2*O2][N2];
+      for (int mm=0; mm<N2*O2; mm++) { //i1_2
+        for (int nn=0; nn<N2; nn++) {
+          u[mm][nn] = cexp(I*(2*M_PI*nn*mm)/(N2*O2));
+              //printf("u[%d][%d] = %f +j %f\n", mm,nn, creal(u[mm][nn]),cimag(u[mm][nn]));
+        }
+      }
+      //Generate co-phasing angles
+      //i_2: index of a co-phasing vector
+      //i1_1, i1_2, and i_2 are reported from UEs
+      double complex theta_n[4];
+      for (int nn=0; nn<4; nn++) {
+        theta_n[nn] = cexp(I*M_PI*nn/2);
+        //printf("theta_n[%d] = %f +j %f\n", nn, creal(theta_n[nn]),cimag(theta_n[nn]));
+      }
+      //Kronecker product v_lm
+      double complex v_lm[N1*O1][N2*O2][N2*N1];
+      //v_ll_mm_codebook denotes the elements of a precoding matrix W_i1,1_i_1,2
+      for(int ll=0; ll<N1*O1; ll++) { //i_1_1
+        for (int mm=0; mm<N2*O2; mm++) { //i_1_2
+          for (int nn1=0; nn1<N1; nn1++) {
+            for (int nn2=0; nn2<N2; nn2++) {
+              //printf("indx %d \n",nn1*N2+nn2);
+              v_lm[ll][mm][nn1*N2+nn2] = v[ll][nn1]*u[mm][nn2];
+              //printf("v_lm[%d][%d][%d] = %f +j %f\n",ll,mm, nn1*N2+nn2, creal(v_lm[ll][mm][nn1*N2+nn2]),cimag(v_lm[ll][mm][nn1*N2+nn2]));
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      int max_mimo_layers =(CSI_RS_antenna_ports<NR_MAX_NB_LAYERS) ? CSI_RS_antenna_ports : NR_MAX_NB_LAYERS;
+      gNB->nr_mimo_precoding_matrix = (int32_t ***)malloc16(max_mimo_layers* sizeof(int32_t **));
+      int32_t ***mat = gNB->nr_mimo_precoding_matrix;
+      double complex res_code;
+      //Table
+      //Codebook for 1-layer CSI reporting using antenna ports 3000 to 2999+PCSI-RS
+      gNB->pmiq_size[0] = N1*O1*N2*O2*4+1;
+      mat[0] = (int32_t **)malloc16(gNB->pmiq_size[0]*sizeof(int32_t *));
+      //pmi=0 corresponds to unit matrix
+      mat[0][0] = (int32_t *)calloc(2*N1*N2,sizeof(int32_t));
+      for(int j_col=0; j_col<1; j_col++) { //1 layer
+        for (int i_rows=0; i_rows<2*N1*N2; i_rows++) { //2-x polarized antenna
+          if(j_col==i_rows) {
+            mat[0][0][i_rows+j_col] = 0x7fff;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      for(int ll=0; ll<N1*O1; ll++) { //i_1_1
+        for (int mm=0; mm<N2*O2; mm++) { //i_1_2
+          for (int nn=0; nn<4; nn++) {
+            int pmiq = 1+ll*N2*O2*4+mm*4+nn;
+            mat[0][pmiq] = (int32_t *)malloc16((2*N1*N2)*1*sizeof(int32_t));
+            LOG_D(PHY, "layer 1 Codebook pmiq = %d\n",pmiq);
+            for (int len=0; len<N1*N2; len++) {
+              res_code=sqrt(1/(double)CSI_RS_antenna_ports)*v_lm[ll][mm][len];
+              if (creal(res_code)>0)
+                ((short*) &mat[0][pmiq][len])[0] = (short) ((creal(res_code)*32768)+0.5);//convert to Q15
+              else
+                ((short*) &mat[0][pmiq][len])[0] = (short) ((creal(res_code)*32768)-0.5);//convert to Q15
+              if (cimag(res_code)>0)
+                ((short*) &mat[0][pmiq][len])[1] = (short) ((cimag(res_code)*32768)+0.5);//convert to Q15
+              else
+                ((short*) &mat[0][pmiq][len])[1] = (short) ((cimag(res_code)*32768)-0.5);//convert to Q15
+              LOG_D(PHY, "1 Layer Precoding Matrix[0][pmi %d][antPort %d]= %f+j %f -> Fixed Point %d+j %d \n",
+                    pmiq, len, creal(res_code), cimag(res_code),((short*) &mat[0][pmiq][len])[0],((short*) &mat[0][pmiq][len])[1]);
+            }
+            for(int len=N1*N2; len<2*N1*N2; len++) {
+              res_code=sqrt(1/(double)CSI_RS_antenna_ports)*theta_n[nn]*v_lm[ll][mm][len-N1*N2];
+              if (creal(res_code)>0)
+                ((short*) &mat[0][pmiq][len])[0] = (short) ((creal(res_code)*32768)+0.5);//convert to Q15
+              else
+                ((short*) &mat[0][pmiq][len])[0] = (short) ((creal(res_code)*32768)-0.5);//convert to Q15
+              if (cimag(res_code)>0)
+                ((short*) &mat[0][pmiq][len])[1] = (short) ((cimag(res_code)*32768)+0.5);//convert to Q15
+              else
+                ((short*) &mat[0][pmiq][len])[1] = (short) ((cimag(res_code)*32768)-0.5);//convert to Q15
+              LOG_D(PHY, "1 Layer Precoding Matrix[0][pmi %d][antPort %d]= %f+j %f -> Fixed Point %d+j %d \n",
+                    pmiq, len, creal(res_code), cimag(res_code),((short*) &mat[0][pmiq][len])[0],((short*) &mat[0][pmiq][len])[1]);
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      int llc;
+      int mmc;
+      double complex phase_sign;
+      //Table
+      //Codebook for 2-layer CSI reporting using antenna ports 3000 to 2999+PCSI-RS
+      //Compute the code book size for generating 2 layers out of Tx antenna ports
+      //pmi_size is computed as follows
+      gNB->pmiq_size[1] = 1;//1 for unity matrix
+      for(int llb=0; llb<N1*O1; llb++) { //i_1_1
+        for (int mmb=0; mmb<N2*O2; mmb++) { //i_1_2
+          for(int ll=0; ll<N1*O1; ll++) { //i_1_1
+            for (int mm=0; mm<N2*O2; mm++) { //i_1_2
+              for (int nn=0; nn<2; nn++) {
+                if((llb != ll) || (mmb != mm) || ((N1 == 1) && (N2 == 1))) gNB->pmiq_size[1] += 1;
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      mat[1] = (int32_t **)malloc16(gNB->pmiq_size[1]*sizeof(int32_t *));
+      //pmi=0 corresponds to unit matrix
+      mat[1][0] = (int32_t *)calloc((2*N1*N2)*(2),sizeof(int32_t));
+      for(int j_col=0; j_col<2; j_col++) { //2 layers
+        for (int i_rows=0; i_rows<2*N1*N2; i_rows++) { //2-x polarized antenna
+          if(j_col==i_rows) {
+            mat[1][0][i_rows*2+j_col] = 0x7fff;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      //pmi=1,...,pmi_size, we construct
+      int pmiq = 0;
+      for(int llb=0; llb<N1*O1; llb++) { //i_1_1
+        for (int mmb=0; mmb<N2*O2; mmb++) { //i_1_2
+          for(int ll=0; ll<N1*O1; ll++) { //i_1_1
+            for (int mm=0; mm<N2*O2; mm++) { //i_1_2
+              for (int nn=0; nn<2; nn++) {
+                if((llb != ll) || (mmb != mm) || ((N1 == 1) && (N2 == 1))){
+                  pmiq += 1;
+                  mat[1][pmiq] = (int32_t *)malloc16((2*N1*N2)*(2)*sizeof(int32_t));
+                  LOG_I(PHY, "layer 2 Codebook pmiq = %d\n",pmiq);
+                  for(int j_col=0; j_col<2; j_col++) {
+                    if (j_col==0) {
+                      llc = llb;
+                      mmc = mmb;
+                      phase_sign = 1;
+                    }
+                    if (j_col==1) {
+                      llc = ll;
+                      mmc = mm;
+                      phase_sign = -1;
+                    }
+                    for (int i_rows=0; i_rows<N1*N2; i_rows++) {
+                      res_code=sqrt(1/(double)(2*CSI_RS_antenna_ports))*v_lm[llc][mmc][i_rows];
+                      if (creal(res_code)>0)
+                        ((short*) &mat[1][pmiq][i_rows*2+j_col])[0] = (short) ((creal(res_code)*32768)+0.5);//convert to Q15
+                      else
+                        ((short*) &mat[1][pmiq][i_rows*2+j_col])[0] = (short) ((creal(res_code)*32768)-0.5);//convert to Q15
+                      if (cimag(res_code)>0)
+                        ((short*) &mat[1][pmiq][i_rows*2+j_col])[1] = (short) ((cimag(res_code)*32768)+0.5);//convert to Q15
+                      else
+                        ((short*) &mat[1][pmiq][i_rows*2+j_col])[1] = (short) ((cimag(res_code)*32768)-0.5);//convert to Q15
+                      LOG_D(PHY, "2 Layer Precoding Matrix[1][pmi %d][antPort %d][layerIdx %d]= %f+j %f -> Fixed Point %d+j %d \n",
+                            pmiq,i_rows,j_col, creal(res_code), cimag(res_code),((short*) &mat[1][pmiq][i_rows*2+j_col])[0],((short*) &mat[1][pmiq][i_rows*2+j_col])[1]);
+                    }
+                    for (int i_rows=N1*N2; i_rows<2*N1*N2; i_rows++) {
+                      res_code=sqrt(1/(double)(2*CSI_RS_antenna_ports))*(phase_sign)*theta_n[nn]*v_lm[llc][mmc][i_rows-N1*N2];
+                      if (creal(res_code)>0)
+                        ((short*) &mat[1][pmiq][i_rows*2+j_col])[0] = (short) ((creal(res_code)*32768)+0.5);//convert to Q15
+                      else
+                        ((short*) &mat[1][pmiq][i_rows*2+j_col])[0] = (short) ((creal(res_code)*32768)-0.5);//convert to Q15
+                      if (cimag(res_code)>0)
+                        ((short*) &mat[1][pmiq][i_rows*2+j_col])[1] = (short) ((cimag(res_code)*32768)+0.5);//convert to Q15
+                      else
+                        ((short*) &mat[1][pmiq][i_rows*2+j_col])[1] = (short) ((cimag(res_code)*32768)-0.5);//convert to Q15
+                      LOG_D(PHY, "2 Layer Precoding Matrix[1][pmi %d][antPort %d][layerIdx %d]= %f+j %f -> Fixed Point %d+j %d \n",
+                            pmiq,i_rows,j_col, creal(res_code), cimag(res_code),((short*) &mat[1][pmiq][i_rows*2+j_col])[0],((short*) &mat[1][pmiq][i_rows*2+j_col])[1]);
+                    }
+                  }
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      //Table
+      //Codebook for 3-layer CSI reporting using antenna ports 3000 to 2999+PCSI-RS
+      if(max_mimo_layers>=3) {
+        //pmi_size is computed as follows
+        gNB->pmiq_size[2] = 1;//unity matrix
+        for(int llb=0; llb<N1*O1; llb++) { //i_1_1
+          for (int mmb=0; mmb<N2*O2; mmb++) { //i_1_2
+            for(int ll=0; ll<N1*O1; ll++) { //i_1_1
+              for (int mm=0; mm<N2*O2; mm++) { //i_1_2
+                for (int nn=0; nn<2; nn++) {
+                  if((llb != ll) || (mmb != mm)) gNB->pmiq_size[2] += 1;
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        mat[2] = (int32_t **)malloc16(gNB->pmiq_size[2]*sizeof(int32_t *));
+        //pmi=0 corresponds to unit matrix
+        mat[2][0] = (int32_t *)calloc((2*N1*N2)*(3),sizeof(int32_t));
+        for(int j_col=0; j_col<3; j_col++) { //3 layers
+          for (int i_rows=0; i_rows<2*N1*N2; i_rows++) { //2-x polarized antenna
+            if(j_col==i_rows) {
+              mat[2][0][i_rows*3+j_col] = 0x7fff;
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        pmiq = 0;
+        //pmi=1,...,pmi_size are computed as follows
+        for(int llb=0; llb<N1*O1; llb++) { //i_1_1
+          for (int mmb=0; mmb<N2*O2; mmb++) { //i_1_2
+            for(int ll=0; ll<N1*O1; ll++) { //i_1_1
+              for (int mm=0; mm<N2*O2; mm++) { //i_1_2
+                for (int nn=0; nn<2; nn++) {
+                  if((llb != ll) || (mmb != mm)){
+                    pmiq += 1;
+                    mat[2][pmiq] = (int32_t *)malloc16((2*N1*N2)*(3)*sizeof(int32_t));
+                    LOG_I(PHY, "layer 3 Codebook pmiq = %d\n",pmiq);
+                    for(int j_col=0; j_col<3; j_col++) {
+                      if (j_col==0) {
+                        llc = llb;
+                        mmc = mmb;
+                        phase_sign = 1;
+                      }
+                      if (j_col==1) {
+                        llc = ll;
+                        mmc = mm;
+                        phase_sign = 1;
+                      }
+                      if (j_col==2) {
+                        llc = ll;
+                        mmc = mm;
+                        phase_sign = -1;
+                      }
+                      for (int i_rows=0; i_rows<N1*N2; i_rows++) {
+                        res_code=sqrt(1/(double)(3*CSI_RS_antenna_ports))*v_lm[llc][mmc][i_rows];
+                        if (creal(res_code)>0)
+                          ((short*) &mat[2][pmiq][i_rows*3+j_col])[0] = (short) ((creal(res_code)*32768)+0.5);//convert to Q15
+                        else
+                          ((short*) &mat[2][pmiq][i_rows*3+j_col])[0] = (short) ((creal(res_code)*32768)-0.5);//convert to Q15
+                        if (cimag(res_code)>0)
+                          ((short*) &mat[2][pmiq][i_rows*3+j_col])[1] = (short) ((cimag(res_code)*32768)+0.5);//convert to Q15
+                        else
+                          ((short*) &mat[2][pmiq][i_rows*3+j_col])[1] = (short) ((cimag(res_code)*32768)-0.5);//convert to Q15
+                        LOG_D(PHY, "3 Layer Precoding Matrix[2][pmi %d][antPort %d][layerIdx %d]= %f+j %f -> Fixed Point %d+j %d \n",
+                              pmiq,i_rows,j_col, creal(res_code), cimag(res_code),((short*) &mat[2][pmiq][i_rows*3+j_col])[0],((short*) &mat[2][pmiq][i_rows*3+j_col])[1]);
+                      }
+                      for (int i_rows=N1*N2; i_rows<2*N1*N2; i_rows++) {
+                        res_code=sqrt(1/(double)(3*CSI_RS_antenna_ports))*(phase_sign)*theta_n[nn]*v_lm[llc][mmc][i_rows-N1*N2];
+                        if (creal(res_code)>0)
+                          ((short*) &mat[2][pmiq][i_rows*3+j_col])[0] = (short) ((creal(res_code)*32768)+0.5);//convert to Q15
+                        else
+                          ((short*) &mat[2][pmiq][i_rows*3+j_col])[0] = (short) ((creal(res_code)*32768)-0.5);//convert to Q15
+                        if (cimag(res_code)>0)
+                          ((short*) &mat[2][pmiq][i_rows*3+j_col])[1] = (short) ((cimag(res_code)*32768)+0.5);//convert to Q15
+                        else
+                          ((short*) &mat[2][pmiq][i_rows*3+j_col])[1] = (short) ((cimag(res_code)*32768)-0.5);//convert to Q15
+                        LOG_D(PHY, "3 Layer Precoding Matrix[2][pmi %d][antPort %d][layerIdx %d]= %f+j %f -> Fixed Point %d+j %d \n",
+                              pmiq,i_rows,j_col, creal(res_code), cimag(res_code),((short*) &mat[2][pmiq][i_rows*3+j_col])[0],((short*) &mat[2][pmiq][i_rows*3+j_col])[1]);
+                      }
+                    }
+                  }
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      //Table
+      //Codebook for 4-layer CSI reporting using antenna ports 3000 to 2999+PCSI-RS
+      if(max_mimo_layers>=4) {
+        //pmi_size is computed as follows
+        gNB->pmiq_size[3] = 1;//unity matrix
+        for(int llb=0; llb<N1*O1; llb++) { //i_1_1
+          for (int mmb=0; mmb<N2*O2; mmb++) { //i_1_2
+            for(int ll=0; ll<N1*O1; ll++) { //i_1_1
+              for (int mm=0; mm<N2*O2; mm++) { //i_1_2
+                for (int nn=0; nn<2; nn++) {
+                  if((llb != ll) || (mmb != mm)) gNB->pmiq_size[3] += 1;
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        mat[3] = (int32_t **)malloc16(gNB->pmiq_size[3]*sizeof(int32_t *));
+        //pmi=0 corresponds to unit matrix
+        mat[3][0] = (int32_t *)calloc((2*N1*N2)*(4),sizeof(int32_t));
+        for(int j_col=0; j_col<4; j_col++) { //4 layers
+          for (int i_rows=0; i_rows<2*N1*N2; i_rows++) { //2-x polarized antenna
+            if(j_col==i_rows) {
+              mat[3][0][i_rows*4+j_col] = 0x7fff;
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        pmiq = 0;
+        //pmi=1,...,pmi_size are computed as follows
+        for(int llb=0; llb<N1*O1; llb++) { //i_1_1
+          for (int mmb=0; mmb<N2*O2; mmb++) { //i_1_2
+            for(int ll=0; ll<N1*O1; ll++) { //i_1_1
+              for (int mm=0; mm<N2*O2; mm++) { //i_1_2
+                for (int nn=0; nn<2; nn++) {
+                  if((llb != ll) || (mmb != mm)){
+                    pmiq += 1;
+                    mat[3][pmiq] = (int32_t *)malloc16((2*N1*N2)*4*sizeof(int32_t));
+                    LOG_I(PHY, "layer 4 pmiq = %d\n",pmiq);
+                    for(int j_col=0; j_col<4; j_col++) {
+                      if (j_col==0) {
+                        llc = llb;
+                        mmc = mmb;
+                        phase_sign = 1;
+                      }
+                      if (j_col==1) {
+                        llc = ll;
+                        mmc = mm;
+                        phase_sign = 1;
+                      }
+                      if (j_col==2) {
+                        llc = llb;
+                        mmc = mmb;
+                        phase_sign = -1;
+                      }
+                      if (j_col==3) {
+                        llc = ll;
+                        mmc = mm;
+                        phase_sign = -1;
+                      }
+                      for (int i_rows=0; i_rows<N1*N2; i_rows++) {
+                        res_code=sqrt(1/(double)(4*CSI_RS_antenna_ports))*v_lm[llc][mmc][i_rows];
+                        if (creal(res_code)>0)
+                          ((short*) &mat[3][pmiq][i_rows*4+j_col])[0] = (short) ((creal(res_code)*32768)+0.5);//convert to Q15
+                        else
+                          ((short*) &mat[3][pmiq][i_rows*4+j_col])[0] = (short) ((creal(res_code)*32768)-0.5);//convert to Q15
+                        if (cimag(res_code)>0)
+                          ((short*) &mat[3][pmiq][i_rows*4+j_col])[1] = (short) ((cimag(res_code)*32768)+0.5);//convert to Q15
+                        else
+                          ((short*) &mat[3][pmiq][i_rows*4+j_col])[1] = (short) ((cimag(res_code)*32768)-0.5);//convert to Q15
+                        LOG_D(PHY, "4 Layer Precoding Matrix[3][pmi %d][antPort %d][layerIdx %d]= %f+j %f -> Fixed Point %d+j %d \n",
+                              pmiq,i_rows,j_col, creal(res_code), cimag(res_code),((short*) &mat[3][pmiq][i_rows*4+j_col])[0],((short*) &mat[3][pmiq][i_rows*4+j_col])[1]);
+                      }
+                      for (int i_rows=N1*N2; i_rows<2*N1*N2; i_rows++) {
+                        res_code=sqrt(1/(double)(4*CSI_RS_antenna_ports))*(phase_sign)*theta_n[nn]*v_lm[llc][mmc][i_rows-N1*N2];
+                        if (creal(res_code)>0)
+                          ((short*) &mat[3][pmiq][i_rows*4+j_col])[0] = (short) ((creal(res_code)*32768)+0.5);//convert to Q15
+                        else
+                          ((short*) &mat[3][pmiq][i_rows*4+j_col])[0] = (short) ((creal(res_code)*32768)-0.5);//convert to Q15
+                        if (cimag(res_code)>0)
+                          ((short*) &mat[3][pmiq][i_rows*4+j_col])[1] = (short) ((cimag(res_code)*32768)+0.5);//convert to Q15
+                        else
+                          ((short*) &mat[3][pmiq][i_rows*4+j_col])[1] = (short) ((cimag(res_code)*32768)-0.5);//convert to Q15
+                        LOG_D(PHY, "4 Layer Precoding Matrix[3][pmi %d][antPort %d][layerIdx %d]= %f+j %f -> Fixed Point %d+j %d \n",
+                              pmiq,i_rows,j_col, creal(res_code), cimag(res_code),((short*) &mat[3][pmiq][i_rows*4+j_col])[0],((short*) &mat[3][pmiq][i_rows*4+j_col])[1]);
+                      }
+                    }
+                  }
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return 0;
 int phy_init_nr_gNB(PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB,
                     unsigned char is_secondary_gNB,
@@ -108,6 +509,9 @@ int phy_init_nr_gNB(PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB,
+  init_codebook_gNB(gNB);
   // PBCH DMRS gold sequences generation
   //PDCCH DMRS init
@@ -132,6 +536,7 @@ int phy_init_nr_gNB(PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB,
+  gNB->pdcch_gold_init = cfg->cell_config.phy_cell_id.value;
   nr_init_pdcch_dmrs(gNB, cfg->cell_config.phy_cell_id.value);
@@ -145,28 +550,30 @@ int phy_init_nr_gNB(PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB,
     pdsch_dmrs[slot] = (uint32_t ***)malloc16(fp->symbols_per_slot*sizeof(uint32_t **));
     AssertFatal(pdsch_dmrs[slot]!=NULL, "NR init: pdsch_dmrs for slot %d - malloc failed\n", slot);
-    int nb_codewords = NR_MAX_NB_LAYERS > 4 ? 2 : 1;
     for (int symb=0; symb<fp->symbols_per_slot; symb++) {
-      pdsch_dmrs[slot][symb] = (uint32_t **)malloc16(nb_codewords*sizeof(uint32_t *));
+      pdsch_dmrs[slot][symb] = (uint32_t **)malloc16(NR_NB_NSCID*sizeof(uint32_t *));
       AssertFatal(pdsch_dmrs[slot][symb]!=NULL, "NR init: pdsch_dmrs for slot %d symbol %d - malloc failed\n", slot, symb);
-      for (int q=0; q<nb_codewords; q++) {
+      for (int q=0; q<NR_NB_NSCID; q++) {
         pdsch_dmrs[slot][symb][q] = (uint32_t *)malloc16(pdsch_dmrs_init_length*sizeof(uint32_t));
-        AssertFatal(pdsch_dmrs[slot][symb][q]!=NULL, "NR init: pdsch_dmrs for slot %d symbol %d codeword %d - malloc failed\n", slot, symb, q);
+        AssertFatal(pdsch_dmrs[slot][symb][q]!=NULL, "NR init: pdsch_dmrs for slot %d symbol %d nscid %d - malloc failed\n", slot, symb, q);
-  nr_init_pdsch_dmrs(gNB, cfg->cell_config.phy_cell_id.value);
+  for (int nscid = 0; nscid < NR_NB_NSCID; nscid++) {
+    gNB->pdsch_gold_init[nscid] = cfg->cell_config.phy_cell_id.value;
+    nr_init_pdsch_dmrs(gNB, nscid, cfg->cell_config.phy_cell_id.value);
+  }
   //PUSCH DMRS init
-  gNB->nr_gold_pusch_dmrs = (uint32_t ****)malloc16(2*sizeof(uint32_t ***));
+  gNB->nr_gold_pusch_dmrs = (uint32_t ****)malloc16(NR_NB_NSCID*sizeof(uint32_t ***));
   uint32_t ****pusch_dmrs = gNB->nr_gold_pusch_dmrs;
-  // ceil(((NB_RB*6(k)*2(QPSK)/32) // 3 RE *2(QPSK)
   int pusch_dmrs_init_length =  ((fp->N_RB_UL*12)>>5)+1;
-  for(int nscid=0; nscid<2; nscid++) {
+  for(int nscid=0; nscid<NR_NB_NSCID; nscid++) {
     pusch_dmrs[nscid] = (uint32_t ***)malloc16(fp->slots_per_frame*sizeof(uint32_t **));
     AssertFatal(pusch_dmrs[nscid]!=NULL, "NR init: pusch_dmrs for nscid %d - malloc failed\n", nscid);
@@ -181,9 +588,10 @@ int phy_init_nr_gNB(PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB,
-  uint32_t Nid_pusch[2] = {cfg->cell_config.phy_cell_id.value,cfg->cell_config.phy_cell_id.value};
-  LOG_D(PHY,"Initializing PUSCH DMRS Gold sequence with (%x,%x)\n",Nid_pusch[0],Nid_pusch[1]);
-  nr_gold_pusch(gNB, &Nid_pusch[0]);
+  for (int nscid=0; nscid<NR_NB_NSCID; nscid++) {
+    gNB->pusch_gold_init[nscid] = cfg->cell_config.phy_cell_id.value;
+    nr_gold_pusch(gNB, nscid, gNB->pusch_gold_init[nscid]);
+  }
   //CSI RS init
   gNB->nr_gold_csi_rs = (uint32_t ***)malloc16(fp->slots_per_frame*sizeof(uint32_t **));
@@ -203,6 +611,7 @@ int phy_init_nr_gNB(PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB,
+  gNB->csi_gold_init = cfg->cell_config.phy_cell_id.value;
   nr_init_csi_rs(gNB, cfg->cell_config.phy_cell_id.value);
   for (int id=0; id<NUMBER_OF_NR_SRS_MAX; id++) {
@@ -240,12 +649,12 @@ int phy_init_nr_gNB(PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB,
   common_vars->beam_id = (uint8_t **)malloc16(Ptx*sizeof(uint8_t*));
   for (i=0;i<Ptx;i++){
-      common_vars->txdataF[i] = (int32_t*)malloc16_clear(fp->samples_per_frame_wCP*sizeof(int32_t)); // [hna] samples_per_frame without CP
-      LOG_D(PHY,"[INIT] common_vars->txdataF[%d] = %p (%lu bytes)\n",
-	    i,common_vars->txdataF[i],
-	    fp->samples_per_frame_wCP*sizeof(int32_t));
-      common_vars->beam_id[i] = (uint8_t*)malloc16_clear(fp->symbols_per_slot*fp->slots_per_frame*sizeof(uint8_t));
-      memset(common_vars->beam_id[i],255,fp->symbols_per_slot*fp->slots_per_frame);
+    common_vars->txdataF[i] = (int32_t*)malloc16_clear(fp->samples_per_frame_wCP*sizeof(int32_t)); // [hna] samples_per_frame without CP
+    LOG_D(PHY,"[INIT] common_vars->txdataF[%d] = %p (%lu bytes)\n",
+          i,common_vars->txdataF[i],
+          fp->samples_per_frame_wCP*sizeof(int32_t));
+    common_vars->beam_id[i] = (uint8_t*)malloc16_clear(fp->symbols_per_slot*fp->slots_per_frame*sizeof(uint8_t));
+    memset(common_vars->beam_id[i],255,fp->symbols_per_slot*fp->slots_per_frame);
   for (i=0;i<Prx;i++){
     common_vars->rxdataF[i] = (int32_t*)malloc16_clear(fp->samples_per_frame_wCP*sizeof(int32_t));
@@ -317,6 +726,16 @@ void phy_free_nr_gNB(PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB)
   const int max_ul_mimo_layers = 4; // taken from phy_init_nr_gNB()
   const int n_buf = Prx * max_ul_mimo_layers;
+  int max_dl_mimo_layers =(fp->nb_antennas_tx<NR_MAX_NB_LAYERS) ? fp->nb_antennas_tx : NR_MAX_NB_LAYERS;
+  if (fp->nb_antennas_tx>1) {
+    for (int nl = 0; nl < max_dl_mimo_layers; nl++) {
+      for(int size = 0; size < gNB->pmiq_size[nl]; size++)
+        free_and_zero(gNB->nr_mimo_precoding_matrix[nl][size]);
+      free_and_zero(gNB->nr_mimo_precoding_matrix[nl]);
+    }
+    free_and_zero(gNB->nr_mimo_precoding_matrix);
+  }
   uint32_t ***pdcch_dmrs = gNB->nr_gold_pdcch_dmrs;
   for (int slot = 0; slot < fp->slots_per_frame; slot++) {
     for (int symb = 0; symb < fp->symbols_per_slot; symb++)
@@ -326,10 +745,9 @@ void phy_free_nr_gNB(PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB)
   uint32_t ****pdsch_dmrs = gNB->nr_gold_pdsch_dmrs;
-  int nb_codewords = NR_MAX_NB_LAYERS > 4 ? 2 : 1;
   for (int slot = 0; slot < fp->slots_per_frame; slot++) {
     for (int symb = 0; symb < fp->symbols_per_slot; symb++) {
-      for (int q = 0; q < nb_codewords; q++)
+      for (int q = 0; q < NR_NB_NSCID; q++)
@@ -357,7 +775,7 @@ void phy_free_nr_gNB(PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB)
   for (int id = 0; id < NUMBER_OF_NR_SRS_MAX; id++) {
-    for (int i = 0; i < Prx; i++){
+    for (int i = 0; i < Prx; i++) {
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/INIT/nr_init_ue.c b/openair1/PHY/INIT/nr_init_ue.c
index 75315187d9a7068beb9f2f593e221c7dc76e2aad..e5bf08abf6faca2d12827fc8cee91b468dcb39d1 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/INIT/nr_init_ue.c
+++ b/openair1/PHY/INIT/nr_init_ue.c
@@ -55,13 +55,11 @@ extern uint16_t beta_cqi[16];
  * \param[in] frame_parms LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS structure.
  * \note This function is optimistic in that it expects malloc() to succeed.
-void phy_init_nr_ue__PDSCH(NR_UE_PDSCH *const pdsch,
+void phy_init_nr_ue_PDSCH(NR_UE_PDSCH *const pdsch,
                            const NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *const fp) {
   AssertFatal( pdsch, "pdsch==0" );
-  pdsch->pmi_ext = (uint8_t *)malloc16_clear( fp->N_RB_DL );
-  pdsch->llr[0] = (int16_t *)malloc16_clear( (8*(3*8*6144))*sizeof(int16_t) );
-  pdsch->layer_llr[0] = (int16_t *)malloc16_clear( (8*(3*8*6144))*sizeof(int16_t) );
   pdsch->llr128 = (int16_t **)malloc16_clear( sizeof(int16_t *) );
   // FIXME! no further allocation for (int16_t*)pdsch->llr128 !!! expect SIGSEGV
   // FK, 11-3-2015: this is only as a temporary pointer, no memory is stored there
@@ -73,8 +71,6 @@ void phy_init_nr_ue__PDSCH(NR_UE_PDSCH *const pdsch,
   pdsch->dl_ch_estimates_ext    = (int32_t **)malloc16_clear( NR_MAX_NB_LAYERS*fp->nb_antennas_rx*sizeof(int32_t *) );
   pdsch->dl_bf_ch_estimates     = (int32_t **)malloc16_clear( NR_MAX_NB_LAYERS*fp->nb_antennas_rx*sizeof(int32_t *) );
   pdsch->dl_bf_ch_estimates_ext = (int32_t **)malloc16_clear( NR_MAX_NB_LAYERS*fp->nb_antennas_rx*sizeof(int32_t *) );
-  //pdsch->dl_ch_rho_ext          = (int32_t**)malloc16_clear( 8*sizeof(int32_t*) );
-  //pdsch->dl_ch_rho2_ext         = (int32_t**)malloc16_clear( 8*sizeof(int32_t*) );
   pdsch->dl_ch_mag0             = (int32_t **)malloc16_clear( NR_MAX_NB_LAYERS*fp->nb_antennas_rx*sizeof(int32_t *) );
   pdsch->dl_ch_magb0            = (int32_t **)malloc16_clear( NR_MAX_NB_LAYERS*fp->nb_antennas_rx*sizeof(int32_t *) );
   pdsch->dl_ch_magr0            = (int32_t **)malloc16_clear( NR_MAX_NB_LAYERS*fp->nb_antennas_rx*sizeof(int32_t *) );
@@ -103,8 +99,6 @@ void phy_init_nr_ue__PDSCH(NR_UE_PDSCH *const pdsch,
       pdsch->dl_ch_estimates_ext[idx]     = (int32_t *)malloc16_clear( sizeof(int32_t) * num );
       pdsch->dl_bf_ch_estimates[idx]      = (int32_t *)malloc16_clear( sizeof(int32_t) * fp->ofdm_symbol_size*7*2);
       pdsch->dl_bf_ch_estimates_ext[idx]  = (int32_t *)malloc16_clear( sizeof(int32_t) * num );
-      //pdsch->dl_ch_rho_ext[idx]           = (int32_t*)malloc16_clear( sizeof(int32_t) * num );
-      //pdsch->dl_ch_rho2_ext[idx]          = (int32_t*)malloc16_clear( sizeof(int32_t) * num );
       pdsch->dl_ch_mag0[idx]              = (int32_t *)malloc16_clear( sizeof(int32_t) * num );
       pdsch->dl_ch_magb0[idx]             = (int32_t *)malloc16_clear( sizeof(int32_t) * num );
       pdsch->dl_ch_magr0[idx]             = (int32_t *)malloc16_clear( sizeof(int32_t) * num );
@@ -136,8 +130,11 @@ void phy_term_nr_ue__PDSCH(NR_UE_PDSCH* pdsch, const NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *const fp
-  free_and_zero(pdsch->llr[0]);
-  free_and_zero(pdsch->layer_llr[0]);
+  int nb_codewords = NR_MAX_NB_LAYERS > 4 ? 2 : 1;
+  for (int i=0; i<nb_codewords; i++)
+    free_and_zero(pdsch->llr[i]);
+  for (int i=0; i<NR_MAX_NB_LAYERS; i++)
+    free_and_zero(pdsch->layer_llr[i]);
@@ -162,13 +159,10 @@ int init_nr_ue_signal(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue, int nb_connected_gNB)
   NR_UE_COMMON *const common_vars        = &ue->common_vars;
   NR_UE_PBCH  **const pbch_vars          = ue->pbch_vars;
   NR_UE_PRACH **const prach_vars         = ue->prach_vars;
-  int i,j,k,l,slot,symb;
+  int i,j,slot,symb, gNB_id, th_id;
   NR_UE_SRS **const srs_vars             = ue->srs_vars;
-  int gNB_id;
-  int th_id;
   LOG_I(PHY, "Initializing UE vars for gNB TXant %u, UE RXant %u\n", fp->nb_antennas_tx, fp->nb_antennas_rx);
@@ -216,18 +210,21 @@ int init_nr_ue_signal(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue, int nb_connected_gNB)
   // ceil(((NB_RB*6(k)*2(QPSK)/32) // 3 RE *2(QPSK)
   int pusch_dmrs_init_length =  ((fp->N_RB_UL*12)>>5)+1;
-  ue->nr_gold_pusch_dmrs = (uint32_t ***)malloc16(fp->slots_per_frame*sizeof(uint32_t **));
-  uint32_t ***pusch_dmrs = ue->nr_gold_pusch_dmrs;
+  ue->nr_gold_pusch_dmrs = (uint32_t ****)malloc16(fp->slots_per_frame*sizeof(uint32_t ***));
+  uint32_t ****pusch_dmrs = ue->nr_gold_pusch_dmrs;
   for (slot=0; slot<fp->slots_per_frame; slot++) {
-    pusch_dmrs[slot] = (uint32_t **)malloc16(fp->symbols_per_slot*sizeof(uint32_t *));
+    pusch_dmrs[slot] = (uint32_t ***)malloc16(fp->symbols_per_slot*sizeof(uint32_t **));
     AssertFatal(pusch_dmrs[slot]!=NULL, "init_nr_ue_signal: pusch_dmrs for slot %d - malloc failed\n", slot);
     for (symb=0; symb<fp->symbols_per_slot; symb++) {
-      pusch_dmrs[slot][symb] = (uint32_t *)malloc16(pusch_dmrs_init_length*sizeof(uint32_t));
+      pusch_dmrs[slot][symb] = (uint32_t **)malloc16(NR_NB_NSCID*sizeof(uint32_t *));
       AssertFatal(pusch_dmrs[slot][symb]!=NULL, "init_nr_ue_signal: pusch_dmrs for slot %d symbol %d - malloc failed\n", slot, symb);
+      for (int q=0; q<NR_NB_NSCID; q++) {
+        pusch_dmrs[slot][symb][q] = (uint32_t *)malloc16(pusch_dmrs_init_length*sizeof(uint32_t));
+        AssertFatal(pusch_dmrs[slot][symb][q]!=NULL, "init_nr_ue_signal: pusch_dmrs for slot %d symbol %d nscid %d - malloc failed\n", slot, symb, q);
+      }
@@ -304,24 +301,38 @@ int init_nr_ue_signal(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue, int nb_connected_gNB)
     pdsch_dmrs[slot] = (uint32_t ***)malloc16(fp->symbols_per_slot*sizeof(uint32_t **));
     AssertFatal(pdsch_dmrs[slot]!=NULL, "NR init: pdsch_dmrs for slot %d - malloc failed\n", slot);
-    int nb_codewords = NR_MAX_NB_LAYERS > 4 ? 2 : 1;
     for (int symb=0; symb<fp->symbols_per_slot; symb++) {
-      pdsch_dmrs[slot][symb] = (uint32_t **)malloc16(nb_codewords*sizeof(uint32_t *));
+      pdsch_dmrs[slot][symb] = (uint32_t **)malloc16(NR_NB_NSCID*sizeof(uint32_t *));
       AssertFatal(pdsch_dmrs[slot][symb]!=NULL, "NR init: pdsch_dmrs for slot %d symbol %d - malloc failed\n", slot, symb);
-      for (int q=0; q<nb_codewords; q++) {
+      for (int q=0; q<NR_NB_NSCID; q++) {
         pdsch_dmrs[slot][symb][q] = (uint32_t *)malloc16(pdsch_dmrs_init_length*sizeof(uint32_t));
-        AssertFatal(pdsch_dmrs[slot][symb][q]!=NULL, "NR init: pdsch_dmrs for slot %d symbol %d codeword %d - malloc failed\n", slot, symb, q);
+        AssertFatal(pdsch_dmrs[slot][symb][q]!=NULL, "NR init: pdsch_dmrs for slot %d symbol %d nscid %d - malloc failed\n", slot, symb, q);
   // DLSCH
-  for (gNB_id = 0; gNB_id < ue->n_connected_gNB; gNB_id++) {
+  for (gNB_id = 0; gNB_id < ue->n_connected_gNB+1; gNB_id++) {
     for (th_id=0; th_id<RX_NB_TH_MAX; th_id++) {
       ue->pdsch_vars[th_id][gNB_id] = (NR_UE_PDSCH *)malloc16_clear(sizeof(NR_UE_PDSCH));
+    for (th_id=0; th_id<RX_NB_TH_MAX; th_id++) {
+      phy_init_nr_ue_PDSCH( ue->pdsch_vars[th_id][gNB_id], fp );
+    }
+    int nb_codewords = NR_MAX_NB_LAYERS > 4 ? 2 : 1;
+    for (th_id=0; th_id<RX_NB_TH_MAX; th_id++) {
+      for (i=0; i<nb_codewords; i++) {
+        ue->pdsch_vars[th_id][gNB_id]->llr[i] = (int16_t *)malloc16_clear( (8*(3*8*8448))*sizeof(int16_t) );//Q_m = 8 bits/Sym, Code_Rate=3, Number of Segments =8, Circular Buffer K_cb = 8448
+      }
+      for (i=0; i<NR_MAX_NB_LAYERS; i++) {
+        ue->pdsch_vars[th_id][gNB_id]->layer_llr[i] = (int16_t *)malloc16_clear( (8*(3*8*8448))*sizeof(int16_t) );//Q_m = 8 bits/Sym, Code_Rate=3, Number of Segments =8, Circular Buffer K_cb = 8448
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  for (gNB_id = 0; gNB_id < ue->n_connected_gNB; gNB_id++) {
     for (th_id=0; th_id<RX_NB_TH_MAX; th_id++) {
       ue->pdcch_vars[th_id][gNB_id] = (NR_UE_PDCCH *)malloc16_clear(sizeof(NR_UE_PDCCH));
@@ -348,57 +359,6 @@ int init_nr_ue_signal(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue, int nb_connected_gNB)
       ue->nr_srs_info->srs_estimated_channel_time_shifted[i] = (int32_t *) malloc16_clear(fp->ofdm_symbol_size*MAX_NUM_NR_SRS_SYMBOLS*sizeof(int32_t));
-    for (th_id=0; th_id<RX_NB_TH_MAX; th_id++) {
-      phy_init_nr_ue__PDSCH( ue->pdsch_vars[th_id][gNB_id], fp );
-    }
-    for (th_id=0; th_id<RX_NB_TH_MAX; th_id++) {
-      ue->pdsch_vars[th_id][gNB_id]->llr_shifts          = (uint8_t *)malloc16_clear(7*2*fp->N_RB_DL*12);
-      ue->pdsch_vars[th_id][gNB_id]->llr_shifts_p        = ue->pdsch_vars[0][gNB_id]->llr_shifts;
-      ue->pdsch_vars[th_id][gNB_id]->llr[1]              = (int16_t *)malloc16_clear( (8*(3*8*8448))*sizeof(int16_t) );
-      ue->pdsch_vars[th_id][gNB_id]->layer_llr[1]        = (int16_t *)malloc16_clear( (8*(3*8*8448))*sizeof(int16_t) );
-      ue->pdsch_vars[th_id][gNB_id]->llr128_2ndstream    = (int16_t **)malloc16_clear( sizeof(int16_t *) );
-    }
-    for (th_id=0; th_id<RX_NB_TH_MAX; th_id++) {
-      ue->pdsch_vars[th_id][gNB_id]->dl_ch_rho2_ext      = (int32_t **)malloc16_clear( 4*fp->nb_antennas_rx*sizeof(int32_t *) );
-    }
-    for (i=0; i<fp->nb_antennas_rx; i++)
-      for (j=0; j<4; j++) {
-        const int idx = (j*fp->nb_antennas_rx)+i;
-        const size_t num = 7*2*fp->N_RB_DL*12+4;
-        for (th_id=0; th_id<RX_NB_TH_MAX; th_id++) {
-          ue->pdsch_vars[th_id][gNB_id]->dl_ch_rho2_ext[idx] = (int32_t *)malloc16_clear( sizeof(int32_t) * num );
-        }
-      }
-    //const size_t num = 7*2*fp->N_RB_DL*12+4;
-    for (k=0; k<8; k++) { //harq_pid
-      for (l=0; l<8; l++) { //round
-        for (th_id=0; th_id<RX_NB_TH_MAX; th_id++) {
-          ue->pdsch_vars[th_id][gNB_id]->rxdataF_comp1[k][l] = (int32_t **)malloc16_clear( 4*fp->nb_antennas_rx*sizeof(int32_t *) );
-          ue->pdsch_vars[th_id][gNB_id]->dl_ch_rho_ext[k][l] = (int32_t **)malloc16_clear( 4*fp->nb_antennas_rx*sizeof(int32_t *) );
-          ue->pdsch_vars[th_id][gNB_id]->dl_ch_mag1[k][l]    = (int32_t **)malloc16_clear( 4*fp->nb_antennas_rx*sizeof(int32_t *) );
-          ue->pdsch_vars[th_id][gNB_id]->dl_ch_magb1[k][l]   = (int32_t **)malloc16_clear( 4*fp->nb_antennas_rx*sizeof(int32_t *) );
-        }
-        for (int i=0; i<fp->nb_antennas_rx; i++)
-          for (int j=0; j<4; j++) { //frame_parms->nb_antennas_tx; j++)
-            const int idx = (j*fp->nb_antennas_rx)+i;
-            for (th_id=0; th_id<RX_NB_TH_MAX; th_id++) {
-              ue->pdsch_vars[th_id][gNB_id]->dl_ch_rho_ext[k][l][idx] = (int32_t *)malloc16_clear(7*2*sizeof(int32_t)*(fp->N_RB_DL*12));
-              ue->pdsch_vars[th_id][gNB_id]->rxdataF_comp1[k][l][idx] = (int32_t *)malloc16_clear(7*2*sizeof(int32_t)*(fp->N_RB_DL*12));
-              ue->pdsch_vars[th_id][gNB_id]->dl_ch_mag1[k][l][idx]    = (int32_t *)malloc16_clear(7*2*sizeof(int32_t)*(fp->N_RB_DL*12));
-              ue->pdsch_vars[th_id][gNB_id]->dl_ch_magb1[k][l][idx]   = (int32_t *)malloc16_clear(7*2*sizeof(int32_t)*(fp->N_RB_DL*12));
-            }
-          }
-      }
-    }
     // 100 PRBs * 12 REs/PRB * 4 PDCCH SYMBOLS * 2 LLRs/RE
     for (th_id=0; th_id<RX_NB_TH_MAX; th_id++) {
       ue->pdcch_vars[th_id][gNB_id]->llr                 = (int16_t *)malloc16_clear( 2*4*100*12*sizeof(uint16_t) );
@@ -406,7 +366,6 @@ int init_nr_ue_signal(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue, int nb_connected_gNB)
       ue->pdcch_vars[th_id][gNB_id]->wbar                = (int16_t *)malloc16_clear( 2*4*100*12*sizeof(uint16_t) );
       ue->pdcch_vars[th_id][gNB_id]->e_rx                = (int16_t *)malloc16_clear( 4*2*100*12 );
       ue->pdcch_vars[th_id][gNB_id]->rxdataF_comp        = (int32_t **)malloc16_clear( 4*fp->nb_antennas_rx*sizeof(int32_t *) );
-      ue->pdcch_vars[th_id][gNB_id]->dl_ch_rho_ext       = (int32_t **)malloc16_clear( 4*fp->nb_antennas_rx*sizeof(int32_t *) );
       ue->pdcch_vars[th_id][gNB_id]->rho                 = (int32_t **)malloc16( fp->nb_antennas_rx*sizeof(int32_t *) );
       ue->pdcch_vars[th_id][gNB_id]->rxdataF_ext         = (int32_t **)malloc16_clear( 4*fp->nb_antennas_rx*sizeof(int32_t *) );
       ue->pdcch_vars[th_id][gNB_id]->dl_ch_estimates_ext = (int32_t **)malloc16_clear( 4*fp->nb_antennas_rx*sizeof(int32_t *) );
@@ -424,7 +383,6 @@ int init_nr_ue_signal(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue, int nb_connected_gNB)
           //  size_t num = 7*2*fp->N_RB_DL*12;
           size_t num = 4*273*12;  // 4 symbols, 100 PRBs, 12 REs per PRB
           ue->pdcch_vars[th_id][gNB_id]->rxdataF_comp[idx]        = (int32_t *)malloc16_clear(sizeof(int32_t) * num);
-          ue->pdcch_vars[th_id][gNB_id]->dl_ch_rho_ext[idx]       = (int32_t *)malloc16_clear(sizeof(int32_t) * num);
           ue->pdcch_vars[th_id][gNB_id]->rxdataF_ext[idx]         = (int32_t *)malloc16_clear(sizeof(int32_t) * num);
           ue->pdcch_vars[th_id][gNB_id]->dl_ch_estimates_ext[idx] = (int32_t *)malloc16_clear(sizeof(int32_t) * num);
@@ -437,13 +395,6 @@ int init_nr_ue_signal(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue, int nb_connected_gNB)
-  // initialization for the last instance of pdsch_vars (used for MU-MIMO)
-  for (th_id=0; th_id<RX_NB_TH_MAX; th_id++) {
-    ue->pdsch_vars[th_id][gNB_id] = malloc16_clear(sizeof(NR_UE_PDSCH));
-    ue->pdsch_vars[th_id][gNB_id]->llr[1] = malloc16_clear((8*(3*8*8448))*sizeof(int16_t));
-    ue->pdsch_vars[th_id][gNB_id]->layer_llr[1] = malloc16_clear((8*(3*8*8448))*sizeof(int16_t));
-  }
   ue->sinr_CQI_dB = (double *) malloc16_clear( fp->N_RB_DL*12*sizeof(double) );
   ue->init_averaging = 1;
@@ -475,6 +426,8 @@ void term_nr_ue_signal(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue, int nb_connected_gNB)
   for (int slot = 0; slot < fp->slots_per_frame; slot++) {
     for (int symb = 0; symb < fp->symbols_per_slot; symb++) {
+      for (int q=0; q<NR_NB_NSCID; q++)
+        free_and_zero(ue->nr_gold_pusch_dmrs[slot][symb][q]);
@@ -508,10 +461,9 @@ void term_nr_ue_signal(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue, int nb_connected_gNB)
-  int nb_codewords = NR_MAX_NB_LAYERS > 4 ? 2 : 1;
   for (int slot=0; slot<fp->slots_per_frame; slot++) {
     for (int symb=0; symb<fp->symbols_per_slot; symb++) {
-      for (int q=0; q<nb_codewords; q++) 
+      for (int q=0; q<NR_NB_NSCID; q++)
@@ -519,44 +471,18 @@ void term_nr_ue_signal(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue, int nb_connected_gNB)
-  for (int gNB_id = 0; gNB_id < ue->n_connected_gNB; gNB_id++) {
+  for (int gNB_id = 0; gNB_id < ue->n_connected_gNB+1; gNB_id++) {
     // PDSCH
     for (int th_id = 0; th_id < RX_NB_TH_MAX; th_id++) {
-      for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) { //harq_pid
-        for (int l = 0; l < 8; l++) { //round
-          for (int i = 0; i < fp->nb_antennas_rx; i++) {
-            for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { //frame_parms->nb_antennas_tx; j++)
-              const int idx = j * fp->nb_antennas_rx + i;
-              free_and_zero(ue->pdsch_vars[th_id][gNB_id]->dl_ch_rho_ext[k][l][idx]);
-              free_and_zero(ue->pdsch_vars[th_id][gNB_id]->rxdataF_comp1[k][l][idx]);
-              free_and_zero(ue->pdsch_vars[th_id][gNB_id]->dl_ch_mag1[k][l][idx]);
-              free_and_zero(ue->pdsch_vars[th_id][gNB_id]->dl_ch_magb1[k][l][idx]);
-            }
-          }
-          free_and_zero(ue->pdsch_vars[th_id][gNB_id]->rxdataF_comp1[k][l]);
-          free_and_zero(ue->pdsch_vars[th_id][gNB_id]->dl_ch_rho_ext[k][l]);
-          free_and_zero(ue->pdsch_vars[th_id][gNB_id]->dl_ch_mag1[k][l]);
-          free_and_zero(ue->pdsch_vars[th_id][gNB_id]->dl_ch_magb1[k][l]);
-        }
-      }
-      for (int i = 0; i < fp->nb_antennas_rx; i++) {
-        for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
-          const int idx = (j*fp->nb_antennas_rx)+i;
-          free_and_zero(ue->pdsch_vars[th_id][gNB_id]->dl_ch_rho2_ext[idx]);
-        }
-      }
-      free_and_zero(ue->pdsch_vars[th_id][gNB_id]->llr[1]);
-      free_and_zero(ue->pdsch_vars[th_id][gNB_id]->layer_llr[1]);
-      free_and_zero(ue->pdsch_vars[th_id][gNB_id]->dl_ch_rho2_ext);
       phy_term_nr_ue__PDSCH(ue->pdsch_vars[th_id][gNB_id], fp);
+  }
+  for (int gNB_id = 0; gNB_id < ue->n_connected_gNB; gNB_id++) {
     for (int th_id = 0; th_id < RX_NB_TH_MAX; th_id++) {
       for (int i = 0; i < fp->nb_antennas_rx; i++) {
@@ -565,7 +491,6 @@ void term_nr_ue_signal(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue, int nb_connected_gNB)
-          free_and_zero(ue->pdcch_vars[th_id][gNB_id]->dl_ch_rho_ext[idx]);
@@ -576,7 +501,6 @@ void term_nr_ue_signal(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue, int nb_connected_gNB)
-      free_and_zero(ue->pdcch_vars[th_id][gNB_id]->dl_ch_rho_ext);
@@ -612,13 +536,6 @@ void term_nr_ue_signal(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue, int nb_connected_gNB)
-  const int gNB_id = ue->n_connected_gNB;
-  for (int th_id = 0; th_id < RX_NB_TH_MAX; th_id++) {
-    free_and_zero(ue->pdsch_vars[th_id][gNB_id]->llr[1]);
-    free_and_zero(ue->pdsch_vars[th_id][gNB_id]->layer_llr[1]);
-    free_and_zero(ue->pdsch_vars[th_id][gNB_id]);
-  }
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/INIT/phy_init.h b/openair1/PHY/INIT/phy_init.h
index 8648dd7d82c70fe4fae0592b1a7636818a54a3cb..29940a4fbe99bd851d5fd7300470169e2775879f 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/INIT/phy_init.h
+++ b/openair1/PHY/INIT/phy_init.h
@@ -402,6 +402,7 @@ void init_nr_ue_transport(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue);
 void init_N_TA_offset(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue);
 void nr_dump_frame_parms(NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms);
 int phy_init_nr_gNB(PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB, unsigned char is_secondary_gNB, unsigned char lowmem_flag);
+int init_codebook_gNB(PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB);
 void nr_phy_config_request(NR_PHY_Config_t *gNB);
 void nr_phy_config_request_sim(PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB,int N_RB_DL,int N_RB_UL,int mu,int Nid_cell,uint64_t position_in_burst);
 void phy_free_nr_gNB(PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB);
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/LTE_UE_TRANSPORT/transport_ue.h b/openair1/PHY/LTE_UE_TRANSPORT/transport_ue.h
index 6b84a5f9693981e816767a68a8e09704d83895c3..b4ae44f6eab8b663a98de22b151338385c76bf33 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/LTE_UE_TRANSPORT/transport_ue.h
+++ b/openair1/PHY/LTE_UE_TRANSPORT/transport_ue.h
@@ -155,8 +155,6 @@ typedef struct {
   uint8_t h[MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_BITS];
   /// Scrambled "b"-sequences (for definition see 36-211 V8.6 2009-03, p.14)
   uint8_t b_tilde[MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_BITS];
-  /// Modulated "d"-sequences (for definition see 36-211 V8.6 2009-03, p.14)
-  int32_t d[MAX_NUM_RE];
   /// Transform-coded "z"-sequences (for definition see 36-211 V8.6 2009-03, p.14-15)
   int32_t z[MAX_NUM_RE];
   /// "q" sequences for CQI/PMI (for definition see 36-212 V8.6 2009-03, p.27)
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/LTE_UE_TRANSPORT/ulsch_modulation.c b/openair1/PHY/LTE_UE_TRANSPORT/ulsch_modulation.c
index 7ec3e7bfb684dac869dc84bc04e4bb924995117b..6a663e89404e5a91a0187a20f52c4bf152863d16 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/LTE_UE_TRANSPORT/ulsch_modulation.c
+++ b/openair1/PHY/LTE_UE_TRANSPORT/ulsch_modulation.c
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
-void dft_lte(int32_t *z,int32_t *d, int32_t Msc_PUSCH, uint8_t Nsymb)
+void dft_lte(int32_t *z,struct complex16 *input, int32_t Msc_PUSCH, uint8_t Nsymb)
 #if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__)
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ void dft_lte(int32_t *z,int32_t *d, int32_t Msc_PUSCH, uint8_t Nsymb)
   //  printf("Doing lte_dft for Msc_PUSCH %d\n",Msc_PUSCH);
-  d0 = (uint32_t *)d;
+  d0 = (uint32_t *)input;
   d1 = d0+Msc_PUSCH;
   d2 = d1+Msc_PUSCH;
   d3 = d2+Msc_PUSCH;
@@ -476,7 +476,8 @@ void ulsch_modulation(int32_t **txdataF,
   // Modulation
   ulsch_Msymb = G/Q_m;
+  /// Modulated "d"-sequences (for definition see 36-211 V8.6 2009-03, p.14)
+  struct complex16 d[MAX_NUM_RE] __attribute__((aligned(32)));
   if(ulsch->cooperation_flag == 2)
     // For Distributed Alamouti Scheme in Collabrative Communication
@@ -488,14 +489,14 @@ void ulsch_modulation(int32_t **txdataF,
         //UE1, -x1*
-        ((int16_t*)&ulsch->d[i])[0] = (ulsch->b_tilde[j] == 1)  ? (gain_lin_QPSK) : -gain_lin_QPSK;
-        ((int16_t*)&ulsch->d[i])[1] = (ulsch->b_tilde[j+1] == 1)? (-gain_lin_QPSK) : gain_lin_QPSK;
+        d[i].r = (ulsch->b_tilde[j] == 1)  ? (gain_lin_QPSK) : -gain_lin_QPSK;
+        d[i].i = (ulsch->b_tilde[j+1] == 1)? (-gain_lin_QPSK) : gain_lin_QPSK;
         //      if (i<Msc_PUSCH)
         //  printf("input %d (%p): %d,%d\n", i,&ulsch->d[i],((int16_t*)&ulsch->d[i])[0],((int16_t*)&ulsch->d[i])[1]);
         // UE1, x0*
-        ((int16_t*)&ulsch->d[i+1])[0] = (ulsch->b_tilde[j-2] == 1)  ? (-gain_lin_QPSK) : gain_lin_QPSK;
-        ((int16_t*)&ulsch->d[i+1])[1] = (ulsch->b_tilde[j-1] == 1)? (gain_lin_QPSK) : -gain_lin_QPSK;
+        d[i+1].r = (ulsch->b_tilde[j-2] == 1)  ? (-gain_lin_QPSK) : gain_lin_QPSK;
+        d[i+1].i = (ulsch->b_tilde[j-1] == 1)? (gain_lin_QPSK) : -gain_lin_QPSK;
@@ -521,8 +522,8 @@ void ulsch_modulation(int32_t **txdataF,
-        ((int16_t*)&ulsch->d[i])[0]=-(int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*qam16_table[qam16_table_offset_re])>>15);
-        ((int16_t*)&ulsch->d[i])[1]=(int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*qam16_table[qam16_table_offset_im])>>15);
+        d[i].r =-(int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*qam16_table[qam16_table_offset_re])>>15);
+        d[i].i =(int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*qam16_table[qam16_table_offset_im])>>15);
         qam16_table_offset_re = 0;
@@ -544,8 +545,8 @@ void ulsch_modulation(int32_t **txdataF,
         //    ((int16_t*)&ulsch->d[i+1])[0]=-(int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*qam16_table[qam16_table_offset_re])>>15);
         //    ((int16_t*)&ulsch->d[i+1])[1]=(int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*qam16_table[qam16_table_offset_im])>>15);
-        ((int16_t*)&ulsch->d[i+1])[0]=(int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*qam16_table[qam16_table_offset_re])>>15);
-        ((int16_t*)&ulsch->d[i+1])[1]=-(int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*qam16_table[qam16_table_offset_im])>>15);
+        d[i+1].r=(int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*qam16_table[qam16_table_offset_re])>>15);
+        d[i+1].i=-(int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*qam16_table[qam16_table_offset_im])>>15);
@@ -578,8 +579,8 @@ void ulsch_modulation(int32_t **txdataF,
-        ((int16_t*)&ulsch->d[i])[0]=-(int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*qam64_table[qam64_table_offset_re])>>15);
-        ((int16_t*)&ulsch->d[i])[1]=(int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*qam64_table[qam64_table_offset_im])>>15);
+        d[i].r=-(int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*qam64_table[qam64_table_offset_re])>>15);
+        d[i].i=(int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*qam64_table[qam64_table_offset_im])>>15);
         qam64_table_offset_re = 0;
@@ -605,8 +606,8 @@ void ulsch_modulation(int32_t **txdataF,
-        ((int16_t*)&ulsch->d[i+1])[0]=(int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*qam64_table[qam64_table_offset_re])>>15);
-        ((int16_t*)&ulsch->d[i+1])[1]=-(int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*qam64_table[qam64_table_offset_im])>>15);
+        d[i+1].r=(int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*qam64_table[qam64_table_offset_re])>>15);
+        d[i+1].i=-(int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*qam64_table[qam64_table_offset_im])>>15);
@@ -621,8 +622,8 @@ void ulsch_modulation(int32_t **txdataF,
       case 2:
         // TODO: this has to be updated!!!
-        ((int16_t*)&ulsch->d[i])[0] = (ulsch->b_tilde[j] == 1)  ? (-gain_lin_QPSK) : gain_lin_QPSK;
-        ((int16_t*)&ulsch->d[i])[1] = (ulsch->b_tilde[j+1] == 1)? (-gain_lin_QPSK) : gain_lin_QPSK;
+        d[i].r = (ulsch->b_tilde[j] == 1)  ? (-gain_lin_QPSK) : gain_lin_QPSK;
+        d[i].i = (ulsch->b_tilde[j+1] == 1)? (-gain_lin_QPSK) : gain_lin_QPSK;
         //        if (i<Msc_PUSCH)
         //    printf("input %d/%d Msc_PUSCH %d (%p): %d,%d\n", i,Msymb,Msc_PUSCH,&ulsch->d[i],((int16_t*)&ulsch->d[i])[0],((int16_t*)&ulsch->d[i])[1]);
@@ -646,8 +647,8 @@ void ulsch_modulation(int32_t **txdataF,
-        ((int16_t*)&ulsch->d[i])[0]=(int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*qam16_table[qam16_table_offset_re])>>15);
-        ((int16_t*)&ulsch->d[i])[1]=(int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*qam16_table[qam16_table_offset_im])>>15);
+        d[i].r=(int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*qam16_table[qam16_table_offset_re])>>15);
+        d[i].i=(int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*qam16_table[qam16_table_offset_im])>>15);
         //      printf("input(16qam) %d (%p): %d,%d\n", i,&ulsch->d[i],((int16_t*)&ulsch->d[i])[0],((int16_t*)&ulsch->d[i])[1]);
@@ -676,8 +677,8 @@ void ulsch_modulation(int32_t **txdataF,
-        ((int16_t*)&ulsch->d[i])[0]=(int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*qam64_table[qam64_table_offset_re])>>15);
-        ((int16_t*)&ulsch->d[i])[1]=(int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*qam64_table[qam64_table_offset_im])>>15);
+        d[i].r=(int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*qam64_table[qam64_table_offset_re])>>15);
+        d[i].i=(int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*qam64_table[qam64_table_offset_im])>>15);
@@ -688,7 +689,7 @@ void ulsch_modulation(int32_t **txdataF,
   // Transform Precoding
-  dft_lte(ulsch->z,ulsch->d,Msc_PUSCH,ulsch->Nsymb_pusch);
+  dft_lte(ulsch->z,d,Msc_PUSCH,ulsch->Nsymb_pusch);
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/MODULATION/nr_modulation.c b/openair1/PHY/MODULATION/nr_modulation.c
index 4cb3185b67ef5a99eeb624bcf57616220f6329f1..b1a108f24756294a2ce77390db3d667779ae435d 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/MODULATION/nr_modulation.c
+++ b/openair1/PHY/MODULATION/nr_modulation.c
@@ -719,3 +719,18 @@ int nr_layer_precoder(int16_t **datatx_F_precoding, char *prec_matrix, uint8_t n
   /*  ((int16_t *)precodatatx_F)[0] = (int16_t)((((int16_t *)precodatatx_F)[0]*ONE_OVER_SQRT2_Q15)>>15);
       ((int16_t *)precodatatx_F)[1] = (int16_t)((((int16_t *)precodatatx_F)[1]*ONE_OVER_SQRT2_Q15)>>15);*/
+int nr_layer_precoder_cm(int16_t **datatx_F_precoding, int *prec_matrix, uint8_t n_layers, int32_t re_offset)
+  int32_t precodatatx_F = 0;
+  for (int al = 0; al<n_layers; al++) {
+    int16_t antenna_re = datatx_F_precoding[al][re_offset<<1];
+    int16_t antenna_im = datatx_F_precoding[al][(re_offset<<1) +1];
+    //printf("antenna precoding: %d %d\n",((int16_t *)&prec_matrix[al])[0],((int16_t *)&prec_matrix[al])[1]);
+    ((int16_t *) &precodatatx_F)[0] += (int16_t)(((int32_t)(antenna_re*(((int16_t *)&prec_matrix[al])[0])) - (int32_t)(antenna_im* (((int16_t *)&prec_matrix[al])[1])))>>15);
+    ((int16_t *) &precodatatx_F)[1] += (int16_t)(((int32_t)(antenna_re*(((int16_t *)&prec_matrix[al])[1])) + (int32_t)(antenna_im* (((int16_t *)&prec_matrix[al])[0])))>>15);
+  }
+  return precodatatx_F;
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/MODULATION/nr_modulation.h b/openair1/PHY/MODULATION/nr_modulation.h
index db15e3d9efc5fac5b145e82d5bca19e6735a61a1..65f147fffa2716cd4317b072ac31de34399d55e0 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/MODULATION/nr_modulation.h
+++ b/openair1/PHY/MODULATION/nr_modulation.h
@@ -135,4 +135,9 @@ int nr_layer_precoder(int16_t **datatx_F_precoding,
 		char *prec_matrix,
 		uint8_t n_layers,
 		int32_t re_offset);
+int nr_layer_precoder_cm(int16_t **datatx_F_precoding,
+                int *prec_matrix,
+                uint8_t n_layers,
+                int32_t re_offset);
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/MODULATION/slot_fep.c b/openair1/PHY/MODULATION/slot_fep.c
index 8f41735f10cfa5fd4a915a7d8cb825b2305c03ba..b2c7d934c6583c88acaf82f38a8f61d543b76b02 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/MODULATION/slot_fep.c
+++ b/openair1/PHY/MODULATION/slot_fep.c
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ int slot_fep(PHY_VARS_UE *ue,
   //  subframe_offset_F = frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size * frame_parms->symbols_per_tti * (Ns>>1);
   if (l<0 || l>=7-frame_parms->Ncp) {
     printf("slot_fep: l must be between 0 and %d\n",7-frame_parms->Ncp);
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/NR_ESTIMATION/nr_ul_channel_estimation.c b/openair1/PHY/NR_ESTIMATION/nr_ul_channel_estimation.c
index 9aaba7fb66789bcda3d29103ff383a4aa944c40d..4a6f8ef9af1b4a5f7d314bbc9ddb7969aaf2216c 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/NR_ESTIMATION/nr_ul_channel_estimation.c
+++ b/openair1/PHY/NR_ESTIMATION/nr_ul_channel_estimation.c
@@ -165,6 +165,11 @@ int nr_pusch_channel_estimation(PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB,
   //------------------generate DMRS------------------//
+  if(pusch_pdu->ul_dmrs_scrambling_id != gNB->pusch_gold_init[pusch_pdu->scid])  {
+    gNB->pusch_gold_init[pusch_pdu->scid] = pusch_pdu->ul_dmrs_scrambling_id;
+    nr_gold_pusch(gNB, pusch_pdu->scid, pusch_pdu->ul_dmrs_scrambling_id);
+  }
   // transform precoding = 1 means disabled
   if (pusch_pdu->transform_precoding == 1) {
     nr_pusch_dmrs_rx(gNB, Ns, gNB->nr_gold_pusch_dmrs[pusch_pdu->scid][Ns][symbol], &pilot[0], 1000, 0, nb_rb_pusch,
@@ -1247,4 +1252,4 @@ int nr_srs_channel_estimation(PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB,
   return 0;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/NR_REFSIG/nr_gold.c b/openair1/PHY/NR_REFSIG/nr_gold.c
index b593dcbb477506d7a547e51eb4c65747e676fa2e..279afc8110c215a33e8fcde415a1964c17e6db79 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/NR_REFSIG/nr_gold.c
+++ b/openair1/PHY/NR_REFSIG/nr_gold.c
@@ -78,57 +78,47 @@ void nr_init_pdcch_dmrs(PHY_VARS_gNB* gNB, uint32_t Nid)
-void nr_init_pdsch_dmrs(PHY_VARS_gNB* gNB, uint32_t Nid)
+void nr_init_pdsch_dmrs(PHY_VARS_gNB* gNB, uint8_t nscid, uint32_t Nid) {
   uint32_t x1, x2;
   uint8_t reset;
   NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *fp = &gNB->frame_parms;
   uint32_t ****pdsch_dmrs = gNB->nr_gold_pdsch_dmrs;
   int pdsch_dmrs_init_length =  ((fp->N_RB_DL*12)>>5)+1;
-  int nb_codewords = NR_MAX_NB_LAYERS > 4 ? 2 : 1;
-  uint16_t N_n_scid[2]={Nid, Nid};
-  uint8_t n_scid=0; // again works only for 1_0
   for (uint8_t slot=0; slot<fp->slots_per_frame; slot++) {
     for (uint8_t symb=0; symb<fp->symbols_per_slot; symb++) {
-        reset = 1;
-        x2 = ((1<<17) * (fp->symbols_per_slot*slot+symb+1) * ((N_n_scid[n_scid]<<1)+1) +((N_n_scid[n_scid]<<1)+n_scid));
-	      LOG_D(PHY,"PDSCH DMRS slot %d, symb %d x2 %x, N_n_scid %d,n_scid %d\n",slot,symb,x2,N_n_scid[n_scid],n_scid);
-        for (uint32_t n=0; n<pdsch_dmrs_init_length; n++) {
-          pdsch_dmrs[slot][symb][0][n] = lte_gold_generic(&x1, &x2, reset);
-          reset = 0;
-        }
-        if(nb_codewords>1)
-          memcpy(pdsch_dmrs[slot][symb][1],pdsch_dmrs[slot][symb][0],sizeof(uint32_t)*pdsch_dmrs_init_length);
+      reset = 1;
+      x2 = ((1<<17) * (fp->symbols_per_slot*slot+symb+1) * ((Nid<<1)+1) +((Nid<<1)+nscid));
+      LOG_D(PHY,"PDSCH DMRS slot %d, symb %d x2 %x, Nid %d,nscid %d\n",slot,symb,x2,Nid,nscid);
+      for (uint32_t n=0; n<pdsch_dmrs_init_length; n++) {
+        pdsch_dmrs[slot][symb][nscid][n] = lte_gold_generic(&x1, &x2, reset);
+        reset = 0;
+      }
-void nr_gold_pusch(PHY_VARS_gNB* gNB, uint32_t *Nid) {
+void nr_gold_pusch(PHY_VARS_gNB* gNB, int nscid, uint32_t nid) {
   unsigned char ns;
   unsigned int n,x1,x2;
-  int nscid, reset;
-  unsigned int nid;
+  int reset;
   NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *fp = &gNB->frame_parms;
   unsigned short l;
   int pusch_dmrs_init_length =  ((fp->N_RB_UL*12)>>5)+1;
-  for (nscid=0; nscid<2; nscid++) {
-    nid = Nid[nscid];
-    for (ns=0; ns<fp->slots_per_frame; ns++) {
-      for (l=0; l<fp->symbols_per_slot; l++) {
-        reset = 1;
-        x2 = ((1<<17) * (fp->symbols_per_slot*ns+l+1) * ((nid<<1)+1) +((nid<<1)+nscid));
-        LOG_D(PHY,"DMRS slot %d, symb %d x2 %x\n",ns,l,x2);
-        for (n=0; n<pusch_dmrs_init_length; n++) {
-          gNB->nr_gold_pusch_dmrs[nscid][ns][l][n] = lte_gold_generic(&x1, &x2, reset);
-          reset = 0;
-        }
+  for (ns=0; ns<fp->slots_per_frame; ns++) {
+    for (l=0; l<fp->symbols_per_slot; l++) {
+      reset = 1;
+      x2 = ((1<<17) * (fp->symbols_per_slot*ns+l+1) * ((nid<<1)+1) +((nid<<1)+nscid));
+      LOG_D(PHY,"DMRS slot %d, symb %d x2 %x\n",ns,l,x2);
+      for (n=0; n<pusch_dmrs_init_length; n++) {
+        gNB->nr_gold_pusch_dmrs[nscid][ns][l][n] = lte_gold_generic(&x1, &x2, reset);
+        reset = 0;
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/NR_REFSIG/nr_gold_ue.c b/openair1/PHY/NR_REFSIG/nr_gold_ue.c
index 932cdba538a2d8c34f7d1a42ce64aaa5a94ecffe..203d6c8625213a24d64e47bcaaff196af9a16158 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/NR_REFSIG/nr_gold_ue.c
+++ b/openair1/PHY/NR_REFSIG/nr_gold_ue.c
@@ -76,46 +76,38 @@ void nr_gold_pdcch(PHY_VARS_NR_UE* ue,
 void nr_gold_pdsch(PHY_VARS_NR_UE* ue,
-                   unsigned short *n_idDMRS)
+                   int nscid,
+                   uint32_t nid) {
   unsigned int x1,x2,x2tmp0;
-  unsigned int nid;
   uint8_t reset;
   int pdsch_dmrs_init_length =  ((ue->frame_parms.N_RB_DL*12)>>5)+1;
-  int nb_codewords = NR_MAX_NB_LAYERS > 4 ? 2 : 1;
-  /// to be updated from higher layer
-  //unsigned short lbar = 0;
-  for (int nscid=0; nscid<nb_codewords; nscid++) {
-    for (int ns=0; ns<ue->frame_parms.slots_per_frame; ns++) {
-      nid = n_idDMRS[nscid];
+  for (int ns=0; ns<ue->frame_parms.slots_per_frame; ns++) {
-      for (int l=0; l<ue->frame_parms.symbols_per_slot; l++) {
+    for (int l=0; l<ue->frame_parms.symbols_per_slot; l++) {
-        reset = 1;
-        x2tmp0 = ((ue->frame_parms.symbols_per_slot*ns+l+1)*((nid<<1)+1))<<17;
-        x2 = (x2tmp0+(nid<<1)+nscid)%(1U<<31);  //cinit
-        LOG_D(PHY,"UE DMRS slot %d, symb %d, x2 %x, nscid %d\n",ns,l,x2,nscid);
+      reset = 1;
+      x2tmp0 = ((ue->frame_parms.symbols_per_slot*ns+l+1)*((nid<<1)+1))<<17;
+      x2 = (x2tmp0+(nid<<1)+nscid)%(1U<<31);  //cinit
+      LOG_D(PHY,"UE DMRS slot %d, symb %d, x2 %x, nscid %d\n",ns,l,x2,nscid);
-        for (int n=0; n<pdsch_dmrs_init_length; n++) {
-          ue->nr_gold_pdsch[0][ns][l][nscid][n] = lte_gold_generic(&x1, &x2, reset);
-          reset = 0;
-        }
+      for (int n=0; n<pdsch_dmrs_init_length; n++) {
+        ue->nr_gold_pdsch[0][ns][l][nscid][n] = lte_gold_generic(&x1, &x2, reset);
+        reset = 0;
 void nr_init_pusch_dmrs(PHY_VARS_NR_UE* ue,
-                        uint16_t *N_n_scid,
+                        uint16_t N_n_scid,
                         uint8_t n_scid)
   uint32_t x1, x2, n;
   uint8_t reset, slot, symb;
   NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *fp = &ue->frame_parms;
-  uint32_t ***pusch_dmrs = ue->nr_gold_pusch_dmrs;
+  uint32_t ****pusch_dmrs = ue->nr_gold_pusch_dmrs;
   int pusch_dmrs_init_length =  ((fp->N_RB_UL*12)>>5)+1;
   for (slot=0; slot<fp->slots_per_frame; slot++) {
@@ -123,10 +115,10 @@ void nr_init_pusch_dmrs(PHY_VARS_NR_UE* ue,
     for (symb=0; symb<fp->symbols_per_slot; symb++) {
       reset = 1;
-      x2 = ((1<<17) * (fp->symbols_per_slot*slot+symb+1) * ((N_n_scid[n_scid]<<1)+1) +((N_n_scid[n_scid]<<1)+n_scid));
+      x2 = ((1<<17) * (fp->symbols_per_slot*slot+symb+1) * ((N_n_scid<<1)+1) +((N_n_scid<<1)+n_scid));
+      LOG_D(PHY,"DMRS slot %d, symb %d x2 %x\n",slot,symb,x2);
       for (n=0; n<pusch_dmrs_init_length; n++) {
-        pusch_dmrs[slot][symb][n] = lte_gold_generic(&x1, &x2, reset);
+        pusch_dmrs[slot][symb][n_scid][n] = lte_gold_generic(&x1, &x2, reset);
         reset = 0;
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/NR_REFSIG/nr_refsig.h b/openair1/PHY/NR_REFSIG/nr_refsig.h
index aedc535c29868a34859e238d61bbc912d3ced356..df3dad1e5903eacc09002fec93eb9b826ca0f212 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/NR_REFSIG/nr_refsig.h
+++ b/openair1/PHY/NR_REFSIG/nr_refsig.h
@@ -37,10 +37,10 @@ void nr_init_pbch_dmrs(PHY_VARS_gNB* gNB);
 @param Nid is used for the initialization of x2, Physical cell Id by default or upper layer configured pdcch_scrambling_ID
 void nr_init_pdcch_dmrs(PHY_VARS_gNB* gNB, uint32_t Nid);
-void nr_init_pdsch_dmrs(PHY_VARS_gNB* gNB, uint32_t Nid);
+void nr_init_pdsch_dmrs(PHY_VARS_gNB* gNB, uint8_t nscid, uint32_t Nid);
 void nr_init_csi_rs(PHY_VARS_gNB* gNB, uint32_t Nid);
-void nr_gold_pusch(PHY_VARS_gNB* gNB, uint32_t *Nid);
+void nr_gold_pusch(PHY_VARS_gNB* gNB, int nscid, uint32_t nid);
 int nr_pusch_dmrs_rx(PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB,
                      unsigned int Ns,
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/NR_REFSIG/refsig_defs_ue.h b/openair1/PHY/NR_REFSIG/refsig_defs_ue.h
index 1fca2be2a187dd7643d7898ccfba7bd71b09e94c..cd19e5ebcac29ea805d33270419f825251acb224 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/NR_REFSIG/refsig_defs_ue.h
+++ b/openair1/PHY/NR_REFSIG/refsig_defs_ue.h
@@ -61,10 +61,11 @@ void nr_gold_pdcch(PHY_VARS_NR_UE* ue,
                    unsigned short n_idDMRS);
 void nr_gold_pdsch(PHY_VARS_NR_UE* ue,
-                   unsigned short *n_idDMRS);
+                   int nscid,
+                   uint32_t nid);
 void nr_init_pusch_dmrs(PHY_VARS_NR_UE* ue,
-                        uint16_t *N_n_scid,
+                        uint16_t N_n_scid,
                         uint8_t n_scid);
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/NR_TRANSPORT/nr_csi_rs.c b/openair1/PHY/NR_TRANSPORT/nr_csi_rs.c
index b530dcf4823b012e82927da75b81ffff633a599b..694617c4441019c8a00b3bbb21907178b9d197db 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/NR_TRANSPORT/nr_csi_rs.c
+++ b/openair1/PHY/NR_TRANSPORT/nr_csi_rs.c
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
 void nr_generate_csi_rs(PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB,
                         int16_t amp,
                         nfapi_nr_dl_tti_csi_rs_pdu_rel15_t csi_params,
-                        uint16_t cell_id,
                         int slot){
   NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS frame_parms=gNB->frame_parms;
@@ -52,20 +51,10 @@ void nr_generate_csi_rs(PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB,
   AssertFatal(b!=0, "Invalid CSI frequency domain mapping: no bit selected in bitmap\n");
-  // pre-computed for scrambling id equel to cell id
-  // if the scrambling id is not the cell id we need to re-initialize the rs
-  if (csi_params.scramb_id != cell_id) {
-    uint8_t reset;
-    uint32_t x1, x2;
-    uint32_t Nid = csi_params.scramb_id;
-    for (uint8_t symb=0; symb<frame_parms.symbols_per_slot; symb++) {
-      reset = 1;
-      x2 = ((1<<10) * (frame_parms.symbols_per_slot*slot+symb+1) * ((Nid<<1)+1) + (Nid));
-      for (uint32_t n=0; n<(csi_rs_length>>5)+1; n++) {
-        gold_csi_rs[symb][n] = lte_gold_generic(&x1, &x2, reset);
-        reset = 0;
-      }
-    }
+  // if the scrambling id is not the one previously used to initialize we need to re-initialize the rs
+  if (csi_params.scramb_id != gNB->csi_gold_init) {
+    gNB->csi_gold_init = csi_params.scramb_id;
+    nr_init_csi_rs(gNB, csi_params.scramb_id);
   switch (csi_params.row) {
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/NR_TRANSPORT/nr_dci.c b/openair1/PHY/NR_TRANSPORT/nr_dci.c
index 0af56ba706a9fc8643120037517fcd6983b91b4c..ba7e539429d87717d687009560681bfca0112b8f 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/NR_TRANSPORT/nr_dci.c
+++ b/openair1/PHY/NR_TRANSPORT/nr_dci.c
@@ -66,11 +66,12 @@ void nr_pdcch_scrambling(uint32_t *in,
-void nr_generate_dci(nfapi_nr_dl_tti_pdcch_pdu_rel15_t *pdcch_pdu_rel15,
-                     uint32_t **gold_pdcch_dmrs,
+void nr_generate_dci(PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB,
+                     nfapi_nr_dl_tti_pdcch_pdu_rel15_t *pdcch_pdu_rel15,
                      int32_t *txdataF,
                      int16_t amp,
-                     NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms) {
+                     NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms,
+                     int slot) {
   int16_t mod_dmrs[NR_MAX_CSET_DURATION][NR_MAX_PDCCH_DMRS_LENGTH>>1] __attribute__((aligned(16))); // 3 for the max coreset duration
   uint16_t cset_start_sc;
@@ -81,7 +82,7 @@ void nr_generate_dci(nfapi_nr_dl_tti_pdcch_pdu_rel15_t *pdcch_pdu_rel15,
   int rb_offset;
   int n_rb;
   // compute rb_offset and n_prb based on frequency allocation
   nr_cce_t cce_list[MAX_DCI_CORESET][NR_MAX_PDCCH_AGG_LEVEL];
@@ -95,6 +96,13 @@ void nr_generate_dci(nfapi_nr_dl_tti_pdcch_pdu_rel15_t *pdcch_pdu_rel15,
      * in time: by its first slot and its first symbol*/
     const nfapi_nr_dl_dci_pdu_t *dci_pdu = &pdcch_pdu_rel15->dci_pdu[d];
+    if(dci_pdu->ScramblingId != gNB->pdcch_gold_init) {
+      gNB->pdcch_gold_init = dci_pdu->ScramblingId;
+      nr_init_pdcch_dmrs(gNB, dci_pdu->ScramblingId);
+    }
+    uint32_t **gold_pdcch_dmrs = gNB->nr_gold_pdcch_dmrs[slot];
     cset_start_symb = pdcch_pdu_rel15->StartSymbolIndex;
     cset_nsymb = pdcch_pdu_rel15->DurationSymbols;
     dci_idx = 0;
@@ -104,8 +112,8 @@ void nr_generate_dci(nfapi_nr_dl_tti_pdcch_pdu_rel15_t *pdcch_pdu_rel15,
     uint32_t dmrs_length = n_rb*6; //2(QPSK)*3(per RB)*6(REG per CCE)
     uint32_t encoded_length = dci_pdu->AggregationLevel*108; //2(QPSK)*9(per RB)*6(REG per CCE)
     LOG_D(PHY, "DL_DCI : rb_offset %d, nb_rb %d, DMRS length per symbol %d\t DCI encoded length %d (precoder_granularity %d,reg_mapping %d),Scrambling_Id %d,ScramblingRNTI %x,PayloadSizeBits %d\n",
-    rb_offset, n_rb,dmrs_length, encoded_length,pdcch_pdu_rel15->precoderGranularity,pdcch_pdu_rel15->CceRegMappingType,
-    dci_pdu->ScramblingId,dci_pdu->ScramblingRNTI,dci_pdu->PayloadSizeBits);
+          rb_offset, n_rb,dmrs_length, encoded_length,pdcch_pdu_rel15->precoderGranularity,pdcch_pdu_rel15->CceRegMappingType,
+          dci_pdu->ScramblingId,dci_pdu->ScramblingRNTI,dci_pdu->PayloadSizeBits);
     dmrs_length += rb_offset*6; // To accommodate more DMRS symbols in case of rb offset
     /// DMRS QPSK modulation
@@ -115,10 +123,10 @@ void nr_generate_dci(nfapi_nr_dl_tti_pdcch_pdu_rel15_t *pdcch_pdu_rel15,
        if(dci_pdu->RNTI!=0xFFFF) {      
-      for (int i=0; i<dmrs_length>>1; i++)
-	printf("symb %d i %d %p gold seq 0x%08x mod_dmrs %d %d\n", symb, i,
-	       &gold_pdcch_dmrs[symb][i>>5],gold_pdcch_dmrs[symb][i>>5], mod_dmrs[symb][i<<1], mod_dmrs[symb][(i<<1)+1] );
-    }  
+         for (int i=0; i<dmrs_length>>1; i++)
+	   printf("symb %d i %d %p gold seq 0x%08x mod_dmrs %d %d\n", symb, i,
+	          &gold_pdcch_dmrs[symb][i>>5],gold_pdcch_dmrs[symb][i>>5], mod_dmrs[symb][i<<1], mod_dmrs[symb][(i<<1)+1] );
+       }
@@ -248,15 +256,16 @@ void nr_generate_dci(nfapi_nr_dl_tti_pdcch_pdu_rel15_t *pdcch_pdu_rel15,
 void nr_generate_dci_top(processingData_L1tx_t *msgTx,
-                         uint32_t **gold_pdcch_dmrs,
+                         int slot,
                          int32_t *txdataF,
                          int16_t amp,
                          NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms) {
   for (int i=0; i<msgTx->num_ul_pdcch; i++)
-    nr_generate_dci(&msgTx->ul_pdcch_pdu[i].pdcch_pdu.pdcch_pdu_rel15,gold_pdcch_dmrs,txdataF,amp,frame_parms);
+    nr_generate_dci(msgTx->gNB,&msgTx->ul_pdcch_pdu[i].pdcch_pdu.pdcch_pdu_rel15,txdataF,amp,frame_parms,slot);
   for (int i=0; i<msgTx->num_dl_pdcch; i++)
-    nr_generate_dci(&msgTx->pdcch_pdu[i].pdcch_pdu_rel15,gold_pdcch_dmrs,txdataF,amp,frame_parms);
+    nr_generate_dci(msgTx->gNB,&msgTx->pdcch_pdu[i].pdcch_pdu_rel15,txdataF,amp,frame_parms,slot);
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/NR_TRANSPORT/nr_dci.h b/openair1/PHY/NR_TRANSPORT/nr_dci.h
index bdc8509d12a2768b033370bede1b0da97b589c90..490a8b528682fa3d64b7a8d0de5f7a8f223372cb 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/NR_TRANSPORT/nr_dci.h
+++ b/openair1/PHY/NR_TRANSPORT/nr_dci.h
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ uint16_t nr_get_dci_size(nfapi_nr_dci_format_e format,
                          uint16_t N_RB);
 void nr_generate_dci_top(processingData_L1tx_t *msgTx,
-                         uint32_t **gold_pdcch_dmrs,
+                         int slot,
                          int32_t *txdataF,
                          int16_t amp,
                          NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms);
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/NR_TRANSPORT/nr_dlsch.c b/openair1/PHY/NR_TRANSPORT/nr_dlsch.c
index e0c445d3852eb2cb709e0f83b9d8a2d3c25bf6d9..19b56f6dbab327b194f8febba8a003bbd825e310 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/NR_TRANSPORT/nr_dlsch.c
+++ b/openair1/PHY/NR_TRANSPORT/nr_dlsch.c
@@ -58,7 +58,6 @@ void nr_generate_pdsch(processingData_L1tx_t *msgTx,
   PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB = msgTx->gNB;
   NR_gNB_DLSCH_t *dlsch;
-  uint32_t ***pdsch_dmrs = gNB->nr_gold_pdsch_dmrs[slot];
   int32_t** txdataF = gNB->common_vars.txdataF;
   int16_t amp = AMP;
   int xOverhead = 0;
@@ -93,12 +92,17 @@ void nr_generate_pdsch(processingData_L1tx_t *msgTx,
     n_dmrs = (rel15->BWPStart+rel15->rbStart+rel15->rbSize)*nb_re_dmrs;
+    if(rel15->dlDmrsScramblingId != gNB->pdsch_gold_init[rel15->SCID])  {
+      gNB->pdsch_gold_init[rel15->SCID] = rel15->dlDmrsScramblingId;
+      nr_init_pdsch_dmrs(gNB, rel15->SCID, rel15->dlDmrsScramblingId);
+    }
+    uint32_t ***pdsch_dmrs = gNB->nr_gold_pdsch_dmrs[slot];
     uint16_t dmrs_symbol_map = rel15->dlDmrsSymbPos;//single DMRS: 010000100 Double DMRS 110001100
     uint8_t dmrs_len = get_num_dmrs(rel15->dlDmrsSymbPos);
     uint16_t nb_re = ((12*rel15->NrOfSymbols)-nb_re_dmrs*dmrs_len-xOverhead)*rel15->rbSize*rel15->nrOfLayers;
     uint8_t Qm = rel15->qamModOrder[0];
     uint32_t encoded_length = nb_re*Qm;
-    uint32_t scrambled_output[rel15->NrOfCodewords][(encoded_length>>5)+1];
     int16_t mod_dmrs[n_dmrs<<1] __attribute__ ((aligned(16)));
     /* PTRS */
@@ -147,63 +151,61 @@ void nr_generate_pdsch(processingData_L1tx_t *msgTx,
-    /// scrambling
-    start_meas(dlsch_scrambling_stats);
     for (int q=0; q<rel15->NrOfCodewords; q++) {
-      memset((void*)scrambled_output[q], 0, ((encoded_length>>5)+1)*sizeof(uint32_t));
+      /// scrambling
+      start_meas(dlsch_scrambling_stats);
+      uint32_t scrambled_output[(encoded_length>>5)+4]; // modulator acces by 4 bytes in some cases
+      memset(scrambled_output, 0, sizeof(scrambled_output));
+      if ( encoded_length > rel15->rbSize * NR_SYMBOLS_PER_SLOT * NR_NB_SC_PER_RB * Qm * rel15->nrOfLayers) abort();
-                                   scrambled_output[q]);
-    }
-    stop_meas(dlsch_scrambling_stats);
+                                   scrambled_output);
-    printf("PDSCH scrambling:\n");
-    for (int i=0; i<encoded_length>>8; i++) {
-      for (int j=0; j<8; j++)
-	printf("0x%08x\t", scrambled_output[0][(i<<3)+j]);
-      printf("\n");
-    }
+      printf("PDSCH scrambling:\n");
+      for (int i=0; i<encoded_length>>8; i++) {
+        for (int j=0; j<8; j++)
+          printf("0x%08x\t", scrambled_output[(i<<3)+j]);
+        printf("\n");
+      }
-    /// Modulation
-    start_meas(dlsch_modulation_stats);
-    for (int q=0; q<rel15->NrOfCodewords; q++)
-      nr_modulation(scrambled_output[q],
-		    encoded_length,
-		    Qm,
-		    mod_symbs[q]);
-    stop_meas(dlsch_modulation_stats);
+      stop_meas(dlsch_scrambling_stats);
+      /// Modulation
+      start_meas(dlsch_modulation_stats);
+      nr_modulation(scrambled_output,
+                    encoded_length,
+                    Qm,
+                    mod_symbs[q]);
+      stop_meas(dlsch_modulation_stats);
-    printf("PDSCH Modulation: Qm %d(%d)\n", Qm, nb_re);
-    for (int i=0; i<nb_re>>3; i++) {
-      for (int j=0; j<8; j++) {
-	printf("%d %d\t", mod_symbs[0][((i<<3)+j)<<1], mod_symbs[0][(((i<<3)+j)<<1)+1]);
+      printf("PDSCH Modulation: Qm %d(%d)\n", Qm, nb_re);
+      for (int i=0; i<nb_re>>3; i++) {
+        for (int j=0; j<8; j++) {
+          printf("%d %d\t", mod_symbs[0][((i<<3)+j)<<1], mod_symbs[0][(((i<<3)+j)<<1)+1]);
+        }
+        printf("\n");
-      printf("\n");
-    }
+    }
     /// Layer mapping
-		     rel15->nrOfLayers,
-		     nb_re,
-		     tx_layers);
+                     rel15->nrOfLayers,
+                     nb_re,
+                     tx_layers);
     printf("Layer mapping (%d layers):\n", rel15->nrOfLayers);
     for (int l=0; l<rel15->nrOfLayers; l++)
       for (int i=0; i<(nb_re/rel15->nrOfLayers)>>3; i++) {
-	printf("layer %d, Re %d..%d : ",l,i<<3,(i<<3)+7);
-	for (int j=0; j<8; j++) {
-	  printf("l%d %d\t", tx_layers[l][((i<<3)+j)<<1], tx_layers[l][(((i<<3)+j)<<1)+1]);
-	}
-	printf("\n");
+        printf("layer %d, Re %d..%d : ",l,i<<3,(i<<3)+7);
+        for (int j=0; j<8; j++) {
+          printf("l%d %d\t", tx_layers[l][((i<<3)+j)<<1], tx_layers[l][(((i<<3)+j)<<1)+1]);
+        }
+        printf("\n");
@@ -222,7 +224,7 @@ void nr_generate_pdsch(processingData_L1tx_t *msgTx,
     printf("PDSCH resource mapping started (start SC %d\tstart symbol %d\tN_PRB %d\tnb_re %d,nb_layers %d)\n",
-	   start_sc, rel15->StartSymbolIndex, rel15->rbSize, nb_re,rel15->nrOfLayers);
+           start_sc, rel15->StartSymbolIndex, rel15->rbSize, nb_re,rel15->nrOfLayers);
@@ -275,7 +277,7 @@ void nr_generate_pdsch(processingData_L1tx_t *msgTx,
             l_prime = 0;
           /// DMRS QPSK modulation
-          nr_modulation(pdsch_dmrs[l][0], n_dmrs*2, DMRS_MOD_ORDER, mod_dmrs); // currently only codeword 0 is modulated. Qm = 2 as DMRS is QPSK modulated
+          nr_modulation(pdsch_dmrs[l][rel15->SCID], n_dmrs*2, DMRS_MOD_ORDER, mod_dmrs); // Qm = 2 as DMRS is QPSK modulated
           printf("DMRS modulation (symbol %d, %d symbols, type %d):\n", l, n_dmrs, dmrs_Type);
@@ -296,7 +298,7 @@ void nr_generate_pdsch(processingData_L1tx_t *msgTx,
           if(ptrs_symbol) {
             /* PTRS QPSK Modulation for each OFDM symbol in a slot */
             LOG_D(PHY,"Doing ptrs modulation for symbol %d, n_ptrs %d\n",l,n_ptrs);
-            nr_modulation(pdsch_dmrs[l][0], (n_ptrs<<1), DMRS_MOD_ORDER, mod_ptrs);
+            nr_modulation(pdsch_dmrs[l][rel15->SCID], (n_ptrs<<1), DMRS_MOD_ORDER, mod_ptrs);
         uint16_t k = start_sc;
@@ -439,8 +441,7 @@ void nr_generate_pdsch(processingData_L1tx_t *msgTx,
     // The same precoding matrix is applied on prg_size RBs, Thus
     //        pmi = prgs_list[rbidx/prg_size].pm_idx, rbidx =0,...,rbSize-1
     // The Precoding matrix:
-    // The Codebook Type I and Type II are not supported yet.
-    // We`adopt the precoding matrices of PUSCH for 4 layers.
+    // The Codebook Type I
     for (int ap=0; ap<frame_parms->nb_antennas_tx; ap++) {
@@ -491,47 +492,38 @@ void nr_generate_pdsch(processingData_L1tx_t *msgTx,
           else {
-            //get the precoding matrix weights:
-            char *W_prec;
-            switch (frame_parms->nb_antennas_tx) {
-              case 1://1 antenna port
-                W_prec = nr_W_1l_2p[pmi][ap];
-                break;
-              case 2://2 antenna ports
-                if (rel15->nrOfLayers == 1)//1 layer
-                  W_prec = nr_W_1l_2p[pmi][ap];
-                else//2 layers
-                  W_prec = nr_W_2l_2p[pmi][ap];
-                break;
-              case 4://4 antenna ports
-                if (rel15->nrOfLayers == 1)//1 layer
-                  W_prec = nr_W_1l_4p[pmi][ap];
-                else if (rel15->nrOfLayers == 2)//2 layers
-                  W_prec = nr_W_2l_4p[pmi][ap];
-                else if (rel15->nrOfLayers == 3)//3 layers
-                  W_prec = nr_W_3l_4p[pmi][ap];
-                else//4 layers
-                  W_prec = nr_W_4l_4p[pmi][ap];
-                break;
-              default:
-                LOG_D(PHY,"Precoding 1,2, or 4 antenna ports are currently supported\n");
-                W_prec = nr_W_1l_2p[pmi][ap];
-                break;
-            }
-            for (int i=0; i<NR_NB_SC_PER_RB; i++) {
-              int32_t re_offset = l*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size + k;
-              int32_t precodatatx_F = nr_layer_precoder(txdataF_precoding, W_prec, rel15->nrOfLayers, re_offset);
-              ((int16_t*)txdataF[ap])[(re_offset<<1) + (2*txdataF_offset)] = ((int16_t *) &precodatatx_F)[0];
-              ((int16_t*)txdataF[ap])[(re_offset<<1) + 1 + (2*txdataF_offset)] = ((int16_t *) &precodatatx_F)[1];
-              printf("antenna %d\t l %d \t k %d \t txdataF: %d %d\n",
-                     ap, l, k, ((int16_t*)txdataF[ap])[(re_offset<<1) + (2*txdataF_offset)],
-                     ((int16_t*)txdataF[ap])[(re_offset<<1) + 1 + (2*txdataF_offset)]);
-              if (++k >= frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size) {
+            if(frame_parms->nb_antennas_tx==1){//no precoding matrix defined
+              memcpy((void*)&txdataF[ap][l*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size + txdataF_offset + k],
+                     (void*)&txdataF_precoding[ap][2*(l*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size + k)],
+                     NR_NB_SC_PER_RB*sizeof(int32_t));
+              k += NR_NB_SC_PER_RB;
+              if (k >= frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size) {
                 k -= frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size;
+            else {
+              //get the precoding matrix weights:
+              int32_t **mat = gNB->nr_mimo_precoding_matrix[rel15->nrOfLayers-1];
+              //i_row =0,...,dl_antenna_port
+              //j_col =0,...,nrOfLayers
+              //mat[pmi][i_rows*2+j_col]
+              int *W_prec;
+              W_prec = (int32_t *)&mat[pmi][ap*rel15->nrOfLayers];
+              for (int i=0; i<NR_NB_SC_PER_RB; i++) {
+                int32_t re_offset = l*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size + k;
+                int32_t precodatatx_F = nr_layer_precoder_cm(txdataF_precoding, W_prec, rel15->nrOfLayers, re_offset);
+                ((int16_t*)txdataF[ap])[(re_offset<<1) + (2*txdataF_offset)] = ((int16_t *) &precodatatx_F)[0];
+                ((int16_t*)txdataF[ap])[(re_offset<<1) + 1 + (2*txdataF_offset)] = ((int16_t *) &precodatatx_F)[1];
+                printf("antenna %d\t l %d \t k %d \t txdataF: %d %d\n",
+                       ap, l, k, ((int16_t*)txdataF[ap])[(re_offset<<1) + (2*txdataF_offset)],
+                       ((int16_t*)txdataF[ap])[(re_offset<<1) + 1 + (2*txdataF_offset)]);
+  #endif
+                if (++k >= frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size) {
+                  k -= frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size;
+                }
+              }
+            }
         } //RB loop
       } // symbol loop
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/NR_TRANSPORT/nr_transport_proto.h b/openair1/PHY/NR_TRANSPORT/nr_transport_proto.h
index f9478b7633282abe3f14926387be019b4d586f08..9b24504a1414f609e29e26a69a287d7c73a4fce6 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/NR_TRANSPORT/nr_transport_proto.h
+++ b/openair1/PHY/NR_TRANSPORT/nr_transport_proto.h
@@ -338,7 +338,6 @@ uint8_t get_nr_prach_duration(uint8_t prach_format);
 void nr_generate_csi_rs(PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB,
                         int16_t amp,
                         nfapi_nr_dl_tti_csi_rs_pdu_rel15_t csi_params,
-                        uint16_t cell_id,
                         int slot);
 void free_nr_prach_entry(PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB, int prach_id);
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/NR_TRANSPORT/nr_ulsch_decoding.c b/openair1/PHY/NR_TRANSPORT/nr_ulsch_decoding.c
index 90a5c7270aad4617c923e45dada8f961a7e8977c..bcb76f931a69897603f5c32f64b818d6726243ca 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/NR_TRANSPORT/nr_ulsch_decoding.c
+++ b/openair1/PHY/NR_TRANSPORT/nr_ulsch_decoding.c
@@ -76,8 +76,6 @@ void free_gNB_ulsch(NR_gNB_ULSCH_t **ulschptr, uint16_t N_RB_UL)
-        nrLDPC_free_mem(ulsch->harq_processes[i]->p_nrLDPC_procBuf[r]);
-        ulsch->harq_processes[i]->p_nrLDPC_procBuf[r] = NULL;
       ulsch->harq_processes[i] = NULL;
@@ -101,22 +99,21 @@ NR_gNB_ULSCH_t *new_gNB_ulsch(uint8_t max_ldpc_iterations, uint16_t N_RB_UL)
   uint32_t ulsch_bytes = a_segments*1056;  // allocated bytes per segment
   ulsch = (NR_gNB_ULSCH_t *)malloc16_clear(sizeof(NR_gNB_ULSCH_t));
   ulsch->max_ldpc_iterations = max_ldpc_iterations;
   ulsch->Mlimit = 4;
   for (i=0; i<NR_MAX_ULSCH_HARQ_PROCESSES; i++) {
     ulsch->harq_processes[i] = (NR_UL_gNB_HARQ_t *)malloc16_clear(sizeof(NR_UL_gNB_HARQ_t));
     ulsch->harq_processes[i]->b = (uint8_t*)malloc16_clear(ulsch_bytes);
     for (r=0; r<a_segments; r++) {
-      ulsch->harq_processes[i]->p_nrLDPC_procBuf[r] = nrLDPC_init_mem();
       ulsch->harq_processes[i]->c[r] = (uint8_t*)malloc16_clear(8448*sizeof(uint8_t));
       ulsch->harq_processes[i]->d[r] = (int16_t*)malloc16_clear((68*384)*sizeof(int16_t));
       ulsch->harq_processes[i]->w[r] = (int16_t*)malloc16_clear((3*(6144+64))*sizeof(int16_t));
@@ -360,7 +357,6 @@ void nr_processULSegment(void* arg) {
   no_iteration_ldpc = nrLDPC_decoder(p_decoderParms,
-                                     ulsch_harq->p_nrLDPC_procBuf[r],
   if (check_crc((uint8_t*)llrProcBuf,length_dec,ulsch_harq->F,crc_type)) {
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_ESTIMATION/nr_adjust_synch_ue.c b/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_ESTIMATION/nr_adjust_synch_ue.c
index f4f183793f97675d6ec2727403fef56b3489a551..045197adc1c6f0ff05ee608b2decb40bf06ec194 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_ESTIMATION/nr_adjust_synch_ue.c
+++ b/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_ESTIMATION/nr_adjust_synch_ue.c
@@ -36,7 +36,8 @@
 void nr_adjust_synch_ue(NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms,
                         PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
                         module_id_t gNB_id,
-			const int estimateSz, struct complex16 dl_ch_estimates_time[][estimateSz],
+                        const int estimateSz,
+                        struct complex16 dl_ch_estimates_time[][estimateSz],
                         uint8_t frame,
                         uint8_t subframe,
                         unsigned char clear,
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_ESTIMATION/nr_dl_channel_estimation.c b/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_ESTIMATION/nr_dl_channel_estimation.c
index 30836ded01426a2645122656dd43ffa4c1f8564c..5c415e7d4054bbb8411c56993dc683abc2dcbfcd 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_ESTIMATION/nr_dl_channel_estimation.c
+++ b/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_ESTIMATION/nr_dl_channel_estimation.c
@@ -197,9 +197,9 @@ int nr_pbch_dmrs_correlation(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
 int nr_pbch_channel_estimation(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
-			       int estimateSz,
-			       struct complex16 dl_ch_estimates [][estimateSz],
-			       struct complex16 dl_ch_estimates_time [][estimateSz],
+                               int estimateSz,
+                               struct complex16 dl_ch_estimates [][estimateSz],
+                               struct complex16 dl_ch_estimates_time [][ue->frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size],
                                UE_nr_rxtx_proc_t *proc,
                                uint8_t gNB_id,
                                unsigned char Ns,
@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ int nr_pbch_channel_estimation(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
     rxF   = (int16_t *)&rxdataF[aarx][(symbol_offset+k+re_offset)];
     dl_ch = (int16_t *)&dl_ch_estimates[aarx][ch_offset];
-    memset(dl_ch,0,sizeof(*dl_ch)*(ue->frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size));
+    memset(dl_ch,0,sizeof(struct complex16)*(ue->frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size));
 #ifdef DEBUG_CH
     printf("pbch ch est pilot addr %p RB_DL %d\n",&pilot[0], ue->frame_parms.N_RB_DL);
@@ -387,10 +387,10 @@ int nr_pbch_channel_estimation(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
       // in 2nd symbol, skip middle  REs (48 with DMRS,  144 for SSS, and another 48 with DMRS) 
       if (dmrss == 1 && pilot_cnt == 12) {
-	pilot_cnt=48;
-	re_offset = (re_offset+144) % ue->frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size;
-	rxF   = (int16_t *)&rxdataF[aarx][(symbol_offset+k+re_offset)];
-	dl_ch += 288;
+        pilot_cnt=48;
+        re_offset = (re_offset+144) % ue->frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size;
+        rxF   = (int16_t *)&rxdataF[aarx][(symbol_offset+k+re_offset)];
+        dl_ch += 288;
       ch[0] = (int16_t)(((int32_t)pil[0]*rxF[0] - (int32_t)pil[1]*rxF[1])>>15);
       ch[1] = (int16_t)(((int32_t)pil[0]*rxF[1] + (int32_t)pil[1]*rxF[0])>>15);
@@ -452,10 +452,12 @@ int nr_pbch_channel_estimation(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
 	   (int16_t*) &dl_ch_estimates[aarx][ch_offset],
 	   (int16_t*) dl_ch_estimates_time[aarx],
+    }
+  }
   if (dmrss == 2)
     UEscopeCopy(ue, pbchDlChEstimateTime, (void*)dl_ch_estimates_time, sizeof(struct complex16), ue->frame_parms.nb_antennas_rx, idftsizeidx);
@@ -464,6 +466,7 @@ int nr_pdcch_channel_estimation(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
                                 uint8_t gNB_id,
                                 unsigned char Ns,
                                 unsigned char symbol,
+                                unsigned short scrambling_id,
                                 unsigned short coreset_start_subcarrier,
                                 unsigned short nb_rb_coreset)
@@ -491,13 +494,11 @@ int nr_pdcch_channel_estimation(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
   fm = filt16a_m1;
   fr = filt16a_r1;
   // checking if re-initialization of scrambling IDs is needed (should be done here but scrambling ID for PDCCH is not taken from RRC)
-/*  if (( != ue->scramblingID_pdcch){
-    ue->scramblingID_pdcch=;
-    nr_gold_pdsch(ue,ue->scramblingID_pdcch);
-  }*/
+  if (scrambling_id != ue->scramblingID_pdcch){
+    ue->scramblingID_pdcch = scrambling_id;
+    nr_gold_pdcch(ue,ue->scramblingID_pdcch);
+  }
   // generate pilot
   int pilot[nb_rb_coreset * 3] __attribute__((aligned(16))); 
@@ -664,6 +665,8 @@ int nr_pdsch_channel_estimation(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
                                 unsigned char Ns,
                                 unsigned short p,
                                 unsigned char symbol,
+                                unsigned char nscid,
+                                unsigned short scrambling_id,
                                 unsigned short BWPStart,
                                 uint8_t config_type,
                                 unsigned short bwp_start_subcarrier,
@@ -701,11 +704,10 @@ int nr_pdsch_channel_estimation(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
   int8_t delta = get_delta(p, config_type);
   // checking if re-initialization of scrambling IDs is needed
-  /*if ((XXX.scramblingID0 != ue->scramblingID[0]) || (XXX.scramblingID1 != ue->scramblingID[1])){
-    ue->scramblingID[0] = XXX.scramblingID0;
-    ue->scramblingID[1] = XXX.scramblingID1;
-    nr_gold_pdsch(ue,ue->scramblingID);
-  }*/
+  if (scrambling_id != ue->scramblingID_dlsch[nscid]){
+    ue->scramblingID_dlsch[nscid] = scrambling_id;
+    nr_gold_pdsch(ue, nscid, scrambling_id);
+  }
   nr_pdsch_dmrs_rx(ue, Ns, ue->nr_gold_pdsch[gNB_id][Ns][symbol][0], &pilot[0], 1000+p, 0, nb_rb_pdsch+rb_offset, config_type);
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_ESTIMATION/nr_estimation.h b/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_ESTIMATION/nr_estimation.h
index aa4b78e1453cef70f784e4f3e7cedd325a076a3a..963a845876d1211fc8c5515bc71df5f9f1c3e07a 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_ESTIMATION/nr_estimation.h
+++ b/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_ESTIMATION/nr_estimation.h
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ int nr_pdcch_channel_estimation(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
                                 uint8_t gNB_id,
                                 unsigned char Ns,
                                 unsigned char symbol,
+                                unsigned short scrambling_id,
                                 unsigned short coreset_start_subcarrier,
                                 unsigned short nb_rb_coreset);
@@ -74,6 +75,8 @@ int nr_pdsch_channel_estimation(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
                                 unsigned char Ns,
                                 unsigned short p,
                                 unsigned char symbol,
+                                unsigned char nscid,
+                                unsigned short scrambling_id,
                                 unsigned short BWPStart,
                                 uint8_t config_type,
                                 unsigned short bwp_start_subcarrier,
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/nr_dlsch_decoding.c b/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/nr_dlsch_decoding.c
index 5cdf6f4b19a159368459abcd64f16195309171ff..92a8d13c21374a76886f046ed0c9c8dd148b47ae 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/nr_dlsch_decoding.c
+++ b/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/nr_dlsch_decoding.c
@@ -104,11 +104,9 @@ void free_nr_ue_dlsch(NR_UE_DLSCH_t **dlschptr, uint16_t N_RB_DL) {
           dlsch->harq_processes[i]->c[r] = NULL;
           dlsch->harq_processes[i]->d[r] = NULL;
-          nrLDPC_free_mem(dlsch->harq_processes[i]->p_nrLDPC_procBuf[r]);
-        free16(dlsch->harq_processes[i]->p_nrLDPC_procBuf,a_segments);
         dlsch->harq_processes[i] = NULL;
@@ -161,9 +159,7 @@ NR_UE_DLSCH_t *new_nr_ue_dlsch(uint8_t Kmimo,uint8_t Mdlharq,uint32_t Nsoft,uint
         dlsch->harq_processes[i]->c = (uint8_t **)malloc16(a_segments*sizeof(uint8_t *));
         dlsch->harq_processes[i]->d = (int16_t **)malloc16(a_segments*sizeof(int16_t *));
-        dlsch->harq_processes[i]->p_nrLDPC_procBuf = (t_nrLDPC_procBuf **)malloc16(a_segments*sizeof(t_nrLDPC_procBuf *));
         for (int r=0; r<a_segments; r++) {
-          dlsch->harq_processes[i]->p_nrLDPC_procBuf[r] = nrLDPC_init_mem();
           dlsch->harq_processes[i]->c[r] = (uint8_t *)malloc16(1056);
           dlsch->harq_processes[i]->d[r] = (int16_t *)malloc16(5*8448*sizeof(int16_t));
           if (dlsch->harq_processes[i]->c[r])
@@ -301,132 +297,128 @@ void nr_processDLSegment(void* arg) {
   t_nrLDPC_time_stats procTime = {0};
   t_nrLDPC_time_stats* p_procTime     = &procTime ;
-  t_nrLDPC_procBuf **p_nrLDPC_procBuf = harq_process->p_nrLDPC_procBuf;
-    int16_t w[5*8448];
-    memset(w,0,(5*8448)*sizeof(short));
-    start_meas(&rdata->ts_deinterleave);
-    nr_deinterleaving_ldpc(E,
-                           Qm,
-                           w, // [hna] w is e
-                           dlsch_llr+r_offset);
-    stop_meas(&rdata->ts_deinterleave);
-    start_meas(&rdata->ts_rate_unmatch);
-    /* LOG_D(PHY,"HARQ_PID %d Rate Matching Segment %d (coded bits %d,E %d, F %d,unpunctured/repeated bits %d, TBS %d, mod_order %d, nb_rb %d, Nl %d, rv %d, round %d)...\n",
-          harq_pid,r, G,E,harq_process->F,
-          Kr*3,
-          harq_process->TBS,
-          Qm,
-          harq_process->nb_rb,
-          harq_process->Nl,
-          harq_process->rvidx,
-          harq_process->round); */
-    if (nr_rate_matching_ldpc_rx(Ilbrm,
-                                 Tbslbrm,
-                                 p_decoderParms->BG,
-                                 p_decoderParms->Z,
-                                 harq_process->d[r],
-                                 w,
-                                 harq_process->C,
-                                 harq_process->rvidx,
-                                 (harq_process->first_rx==1)?1:0,
-                                 E,
-                                 harq_process->F,
-                                 Kr-harq_process->F-2*(p_decoderParms->Z))==-1) {
-      stop_meas(&rdata->ts_rate_unmatch);
-      LOG_E(PHY,"dlsch_decoding.c: Problem in rate_matching\n");
-      rdata->decodeIterations = dlsch->max_ldpc_iterations + 1;
-      return;
-    }
+  int16_t w[5*8448];
+  memset(w,0,(5*8448)*sizeof(short));
+  start_meas(&rdata->ts_deinterleave);
+  nr_deinterleaving_ldpc(E,
+                         Qm,
+                         w, // [hna] w is e
+                         dlsch_llr+r_offset);
+  stop_meas(&rdata->ts_deinterleave);
+  start_meas(&rdata->ts_rate_unmatch);
+  /* LOG_D(PHY,"HARQ_PID %d Rate Matching Segment %d (coded bits %d,E %d, F %d,unpunctured/repeated bits %d, TBS %d, mod_order %d, nb_rb %d, Nl %d, rv %d, round %d)...\n",
+        harq_pid,r, G,E,harq_process->F,
+        Kr*3,
+        harq_process->TBS,
+        Qm,
+        harq_process->nb_rb,
+        harq_process->Nl,
+        harq_process->rvidx,
+        harq_process->round); */
+  if (nr_rate_matching_ldpc_rx(Ilbrm,
+                               Tbslbrm,
+                               p_decoderParms->BG,
+                               p_decoderParms->Z,
+                               harq_process->d[r],
+                               w,
+                               harq_process->C,
+                               harq_process->rvidx,
+                               (harq_process->first_rx==1)?1:0,
+                               E,
+                               harq_process->F,
+                               Kr-harq_process->F-2*(p_decoderParms->Z))==-1) {
+    LOG_E(PHY,"dlsch_decoding.c: Problem in rate_matching\n");
+    rdata->decodeIterations = dlsch->max_ldpc_iterations + 1;
+    return;
+  }
+  stop_meas(&rdata->ts_rate_unmatch);
-    r_offset += E;
-      LOG_D(PHY,"decoder input(segment %u) :",r);
+  r_offset += E;
-      for (int i=0; i<E; i++)
-        LOG_D(PHY,"%d : %d\n",i,harq_process->d[r][i]);
+    LOG_D(PHY,"decoder input(segment %u) :",r);
-      LOG_D(PHY,"\n");
-    }
+    for (int i=0; i<E; i++)
+      LOG_D(PHY,"%d : %d\n",i,harq_process->d[r][i]);
-    memset(harq_process->c[r],0,Kr_bytes);
+    LOG_D(PHY,"\n");
+  }
-    if (harq_process->C == 1) {
-      if (A > NR_MAX_PDSCH_TBS)
-        crc_type = CRC24_A;
-      else
-        crc_type = CRC16;
+  memset(harq_process->c[r],0,Kr_bytes);
-      length_dec = harq_process->B;
-    } else {
-      crc_type = CRC24_B;
-      length_dec = (harq_process->B+24*harq_process->C)/harq_process->C;
-    }
+  if (harq_process->C == 1) {
+    if (A > NR_MAX_PDSCH_TBS)
+      crc_type = CRC24_A;
+    else
+      crc_type = CRC16;
-    {
-      start_meas(&rdata->ts_ldpc_decode);
-      //set first 2*Z_c bits to zeros
-      memset(&z[0],0,2*harq_process->Z*sizeof(int16_t));
-      //set Filler bits
-      memset((&z[0]+K_bits_F),127,harq_process->F*sizeof(int16_t));
-      //Move coded bits before filler bits
-      memcpy((&z[0]+2*harq_process->Z),harq_process->d[r],(K_bits_F-2*harq_process->Z)*sizeof(int16_t));
-      //skip filler bits
-      memcpy((&z[0]+Kr),harq_process->d[r]+(Kr-2*harq_process->Z),(kc*harq_process->Z-Kr)*sizeof(int16_t));
-      //Saturate coded bits before decoding into 8 bits values
-      for (i=0, j=0; j < ((kc*harq_process->Z)>>4)+1;  i+=2, j++) {
-        pl[j] = _mm_packs_epi16(pv[i],pv[i+1]);
-      }
+    length_dec = harq_process->B;
+  } else {
+    crc_type = CRC24_B;
+    length_dec = (harq_process->B+24*harq_process->C)/harq_process->C;
+  }
-      p_decoderParms->block_length=length_dec;
-      nrLDPC_initcall(p_decoderParms, (int8_t*)&pl[0], llrProcBuf);
-      no_iteration_ldpc = nrLDPC_decoder(p_decoderParms,
-                                         (int8_t *)&pl[0],
-                                         llrProcBuf,
-                                         p_nrLDPC_procBuf[r],
-                                         p_procTime);
-      // Fixme: correct type is unsigned, but nrLDPC_decoder and all called behind use signed int
-      if (check_crc((uint8_t *)llrProcBuf,length_dec,harq_process->F,crc_type)) {
-        LOG_D(PHY,"Segment %u CRC OK\n\033[0m",r);
-        if (r==0) {
-          for (int i=0; i<10; i++) LOG_D(PHY,"byte %d : %x\n",i,((uint8_t *)llrProcBuf)[i]);
-        }
+  {
+    start_meas(&rdata->ts_ldpc_decode);
+    //set first 2*Z_c bits to zeros
+    memset(&z[0],0,2*harq_process->Z*sizeof(int16_t));
+    //set Filler bits
+    memset((&z[0]+K_bits_F),127,harq_process->F*sizeof(int16_t));
+    //Move coded bits before filler bits
+    memcpy((&z[0]+2*harq_process->Z),harq_process->d[r],(K_bits_F-2*harq_process->Z)*sizeof(int16_t));
+    //skip filler bits
+    memcpy((&z[0]+Kr),harq_process->d[r]+(Kr-2*harq_process->Z),(kc*harq_process->Z-Kr)*sizeof(int16_t));
+    //Saturate coded bits before decoding into 8 bits values
+    for (i=0, j=0; j < ((kc*harq_process->Z)>>4)+1;  i+=2, j++) {
+      pl[j] = _mm_packs_epi16(pv[i],pv[i+1]);
+    }
-        //Temporary hack
-        no_iteration_ldpc = dlsch->max_ldpc_iterations;
-        rdata->decodeIterations = no_iteration_ldpc;
-      } else {
-        LOG_D(PHY,"CRC NOT OK\n\033[0m");
+    p_decoderParms->block_length=length_dec;
+    nrLDPC_initcall(p_decoderParms, (int8_t*)&pl[0], llrProcBuf);
+    no_iteration_ldpc = nrLDPC_decoder(p_decoderParms,
+                                       (int8_t *)&pl[0],
+                                       llrProcBuf,
+                                       p_procTime);
+    // Fixme: correct type is unsigned, but nrLDPC_decoder and all called behind use signed int
+    if (check_crc((uint8_t *)llrProcBuf,length_dec,harq_process->F,crc_type)) {
+      LOG_D(PHY,"Segment %u CRC OK\n\033[0m",r);
+      if (r==0) {
+        for (int i=0; i<10; i++) LOG_D(PHY,"byte %d : %x\n",i,((uint8_t *)llrProcBuf)[i]);
-      nb_total_decod++;
+      //Temporary hack
+      no_iteration_ldpc = dlsch->max_ldpc_iterations;
+      rdata->decodeIterations = no_iteration_ldpc;
+    } else {
+      LOG_D(PHY,"CRC NOT OK\n\033[0m");
+    }
-      if (no_iteration_ldpc > dlsch->max_ldpc_iterations) {
-        nb_error_decod++;
-      }
+    nb_total_decod++;
-      for (int m=0; m < Kr>>3; m ++) {
-        harq_process->c[r][m]= (uint8_t) llrProcBuf[m];
-      }
+    if (no_iteration_ldpc > dlsch->max_ldpc_iterations) {
+      nb_error_decod++;
+    }
-      stop_meas(&rdata->ts_ldpc_decode);
+    for (int m=0; m < Kr>>3; m ++) {
+      harq_process->c[r][m]= (uint8_t) llrProcBuf[m];
+    stop_meas(&rdata->ts_ldpc_decode);
+  }
 uint32_t nr_dlsch_decoding(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *phy_vars_ue,
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/nr_dlsch_demodulation.c b/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/nr_dlsch_demodulation.c
index 52eda10e9e4bc4c370cc4e5698a3840525be86f4..db39bfddc9e5a27ca221c0b73fe0c175e8c8a147 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/nr_dlsch_demodulation.c
+++ b/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/nr_dlsch_demodulation.c
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
 #include "PHY/NR_REFSIG/nr_refsig.h"
 #include "PHY/NR_REFSIG/dmrs_nr.h"
 #include "common/utils/nr/nr_common.h"
+#include <complex.h>
 /* dynamic shift for LLR computation for TM3/4
  * set as command line argument, see lte-softmodem.c
@@ -79,35 +80,28 @@ unsigned char offset_mumimo_llr_drange[29][3]={{8,8,8},{7,7,7},{7,7,7},{7,7,7},{
 #define print_ints(s,x) printf("%s = %d %d %d %d\n",s,(x)[0],(x)[1],(x)[2],(x)[3])
 #define print_shorts(s,x) printf("%s = [%d+j*%d, %d+j*%d, %d+j*%d, %d+j*%d]\n",s,(x)[0],(x)[1],(x)[2],(x)[3],(x)[4],(x)[5],(x)[6],(x)[7])
-static void nr_dlsch_dual_stream_correlation_core(int **dl_ch_estimates_ext,
-						  int **dl_ch_estimates_ext_i,
-						  int **dl_ch_rho_ext,
-						  unsigned char n_tx,
-						  unsigned char n_rx,
-						  unsigned char output_shift,
-						  int length,
-						  int start_point);
-uint8_t nr_zero_forcing_rx_2layers(int **rxdataF_comp,
+/* compute H_h_H matrix inversion up to 4x4 matrices */
+uint8_t nr_zero_forcing_rx(int **rxdataF_comp,
                                    int **dl_ch_mag,
                                    int **dl_ch_magb,
                                    int **dl_ch_magr,
                                    int **dl_ch_estimates_ext,
                                    unsigned short nb_rb,
                                    unsigned char n_rx,
+                                   unsigned char n_tx,//number of layer
                                    unsigned char mod_order,
                                    int shift,
                                    unsigned char symbol,
                                    int length);
+/* Apply layer demapping */
 static void nr_dlsch_layer_demapping(int16_t **llr_cw,
-				     uint8_t Nl,
-				     uint8_t mod_order,
-				     uint32_t length,
-				     int32_t codeword_TB0,
-				     int32_t codeword_TB1,
-				     int16_t **llr_layers);
+                                     uint8_t Nl,
+                                     uint8_t mod_order,
+                                     uint32_t length,
+                                     int32_t codeword_TB0,
+                                     int32_t codeword_TB1,
+                                     int16_t **llr_layers);
 /* compute LLR */
 static int nr_dlsch_llr(NR_UE_PDSCH **pdsch_vars,
@@ -130,6 +124,7 @@ static int nr_dlsch_llr(NR_UE_PDSCH **pdsch_vars,
                         uint8_t nr_slot_rx,
                         uint8_t beamforming_mode);
 /* Main Function */
 int nr_rx_pdsch(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
                 UE_nr_rxtx_proc_t *proc,
@@ -159,7 +154,7 @@ int nr_rx_pdsch(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
   unsigned char aatx=0,aarx=0;
-  unsigned short nb_rb = 0, round;
+  unsigned short round;
   int avgs = 0;// rb;
   NR_DL_UE_HARQ_t *dlsch0_harq, *dlsch1_harq = NULL;
@@ -176,9 +171,8 @@ int nr_rx_pdsch(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
   //int16_t  *pllr_symbol_cw0_deint;
   //int16_t  *pllr_symbol_cw1_deint;
   //uint16_t bundle_L = 2;
-  uint16_t n_tx=1, n_rx=1;
   int32_t median[16];
-  uint32_t len;
+  uint32_t nb_re_pdsch;
   uint16_t startSymbIdx=0;
   uint16_t nbSymb=0;
   uint16_t pduBitmap=0x0;
@@ -204,7 +198,6 @@ int nr_rx_pdsch(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
     dlsch0_harq = dlsch[0]->harq_processes[harq_pid];
     if (NR_MAX_NB_LAYERS>4)
       dlsch1_harq = dlsch[1]->harq_processes[harq_pid];
-    beamforming_mode = ue->transmission_mode[gNB_id] < 7 ? 0 :ue->transmission_mode[gNB_id];
@@ -306,130 +299,92 @@ int nr_rx_pdsch(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
-  if (dlsch0_harq->mimo_mode>NR_DUALSTREAM) {
-    LOG_E(PHY,"This transmission mode is not yet supported!\n");
-    return(-1);
-  }
-  if (dlsch0_harq->mimo_mode==NR_DUALSTREAM)  {
-    DevAssert(dlsch1_harq);
-  }
   if(symbol > ue->frame_parms.symbols_per_slot>>1)
       slot = 1;
-#ifdef DEBUG_HARQ
-  printf("Demod  dlsch0_harq->pmi_alloc %d\n",  dlsch0_harq->pmi_alloc);
   uint8_t pilots = (dlsch0_harq->dlDmrsSymbPos >> symbol) & 1;
   uint8_t config_type = dlsch0_harq->dmrsConfigType;
-  if (beamforming_mode==0) {//No beamforming
-    start_meas(&ue->generic_stat_bis[proc->thread_id][slot]);
-    if (dlsch0_harq->Nl > 1)//More than or equal 2 layers
-      nb_rb = nr_dlsch_extract_rbs_multiple(common_vars->common_vars_rx_data_per_thread[proc->thread_id].rxdataF,
-                                            pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->dl_ch_estimates,
-                                            pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->rxdataF_ext,
-                                            pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->dl_ch_estimates_ext,
-                                            symbol,
-                                            pilots,
-                                            config_type,
-                                            start_rb + dlsch0_harq->BWPStart,
-                                            nb_rb_pdsch,
-                                            dlsch0_harq->n_dmrs_cdm_groups,
-                                            dlsch0_harq->Nl,
-                                            frame_parms,
-                                            dlsch0_harq->dlDmrsSymbPos);
-    else// one layer
-      nb_rb = nr_dlsch_extract_rbs_single(common_vars->common_vars_rx_data_per_thread[proc->thread_id].rxdataF,
-                                          pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->dl_ch_estimates,
-                                          pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->rxdataF_ext,
-                                          pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->dl_ch_estimates_ext,
-                                          symbol,
-                                          pilots,
-                                          config_type,
-                                          start_rb + dlsch0_harq->BWPStart,
-                                          nb_rb_pdsch,
-                                          dlsch0_harq->n_dmrs_cdm_groups,
-                                          frame_parms,
-                                          dlsch0_harq->dlDmrsSymbPos);
-  }
-  else if(beamforming_mode>7) {
-    LOG_W(PHY,"dlsch_demodulation: beamforming mode not supported yet.\n");
-  }
-  //printf("nb_rb = %d, gNB_id %d\n",nb_rb,gNB_id);
-  if (nb_rb==0) {
-    LOG_D(PHY,"dlsch_demodulation.c: nb_rb=0\n");
-    return(-1);
-  }
-  len = (pilots==1)? ((config_type==NFAPI_NR_DMRS_TYPE1)?nb_rb*(12-6*dlsch0_harq->n_dmrs_cdm_groups): nb_rb*(12-4*dlsch0_harq->n_dmrs_cdm_groups)):(nb_rb*12);
+  //----------------------------------------------------------
+  //--------------------- RBs extraction ---------------------
+  //----------------------------------------------------------
+  start_meas(&ue->generic_stat_bis[proc->thread_id][slot]);
+  nr_dlsch_extract_rbs(common_vars->common_vars_rx_data_per_thread[proc->thread_id].rxdataF,
+                       pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->dl_ch_estimates,
+                       pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->rxdataF_ext,
+                       pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->dl_ch_estimates_ext,
+                       symbol,
+                       pilots,
+                       config_type,
+                       start_rb + dlsch0_harq->BWPStart,
+                       nb_rb_pdsch,
+                       dlsch0_harq->n_dmrs_cdm_groups,
+                       dlsch0_harq->Nl,
+                       frame_parms,
+                       dlsch0_harq->dlDmrsSymbPos);
   if (cpumeas(CPUMEAS_GETSTATE))
     LOG_D(PHY, "[AbsSFN %u.%d] Slot%d Symbol %d type %d: Pilot/Data extraction %5.2f \n",
+  int nl = dlsch0_harq->Nl;
+  int n_rx = frame_parms->nb_antennas_rx;
+  nb_re_pdsch = (pilots==1)? ((config_type==NFAPI_NR_DMRS_TYPE1)?nb_rb_pdsch*(12-6*dlsch0_harq->n_dmrs_cdm_groups): nb_rb_pdsch*(12-4*dlsch0_harq->n_dmrs_cdm_groups)) : (nb_rb_pdsch*12);
+  //----------------------------------------------------------
+  //--------------------- Channel Scaling --------------------
+  //----------------------------------------------------------
-  n_tx = dlsch0_harq->Nl;
-  n_rx = frame_parms->nb_antennas_rx;
-                         n_tx,
+                         nl,
-                         len,
+                         nb_re_pdsch,
+  stop_meas(&ue->generic_stat_bis[proc->thread_id][slot]);
-    stop_meas(&ue->generic_stat_bis[proc->thread_id][slot]);
-    if (cpumeas(CPUMEAS_GETSTATE))
-      LOG_D(PHY, "[AbsSFN %u.%d] Slot%d Symbol %d: Channel Scale  %5.2f \n",frame,nr_slot_rx,slot,symbol,ue->generic_stat_bis[proc->thread_id][slot].p_time/(cpuf*1000.0));
+  if (cpumeas(CPUMEAS_GETSTATE))
+    LOG_D(PHY, "[AbsSFN %u.%d] Slot%d Symbol %d: Channel Scale  %5.2f \n",
+          frame,nr_slot_rx,slot,symbol,ue->generic_stat_bis[proc->thread_id][slot].p_time/(cpuf*1000.0));
-    start_meas(&ue->generic_stat_bis[proc->thread_id][slot]);
+  //----------------------------------------------------------
+  //--------------------- Channel Level Calc. ----------------
+  //----------------------------------------------------------
+  start_meas(&ue->generic_stat_bis[proc->thread_id][slot]);
   if (first_symbol_flag==1) {
-    if (beamforming_mode==0){
-      nr_dlsch_channel_level(pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->dl_ch_estimates_ext,
-                             frame_parms,
-                             n_tx,
-                             avg,
-                             symbol,
-                             len,
-                             nb_rb_pdsch);
-      avgs = 0;
-      for (aatx=0;aatx<n_tx;aatx++)
-        for (aarx=0;aarx<n_rx;aarx++) {
-          //LOG_I(PHY, "nb_rb %d len %d avg_%d_%d Power per SC is %d\n",nb_rb, len,aarx, aatx,avg[aatx*frame_parms->nb_antennas_rx+aarx]);
-          avgs = cmax(avgs,avg[(aatx*frame_parms->nb_antennas_rx)+aarx]);
-          //LOG_I(PHY, "avgs Power per SC is %d\n", avgs);
-          median[(aatx*frame_parms->nb_antennas_rx)+aarx] = avg[(aatx*frame_parms->nb_antennas_rx)+aarx];
-        }
-      if (dlsch0_harq->mimo_mode == NR_DUALSTREAM) {
-        nr_dlsch_channel_level_median(pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->dl_ch_estimates_ext,
-                                      median,
-                                      n_tx,
-                                      n_rx,
-                                      len,
-                                      symbol*nb_rb*12);
-        for (aatx = 0; aatx < n_tx; aatx++) {
-          for (aarx = 0; aarx < n_rx; aarx++) {
-            avgs = cmax(avgs, median[aatx*n_rx + aarx]);
-          }
+    nr_dlsch_channel_level(pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->dl_ch_estimates_ext,
+                           frame_parms,
+                           nl,
+                           avg,
+                           symbol,
+                           nb_re_pdsch,
+                           nb_rb_pdsch);
+    avgs = 0;
+    for (aatx=0;aatx<nl;aatx++)
+      for (aarx=0;aarx<n_rx;aarx++) {
+        //LOG_I(PHY, "nb_rb %d len %d avg_%d_%d Power per SC is %d\n",nb_rb, len,aarx, aatx,avg[aatx*n_rx+aarx]);
+        avgs = cmax(avgs,avg[(aatx*n_rx)+aarx]);
+        //LOG_I(PHY, "avgs Power per SC is %d\n", avgs);
+        median[(aatx*n_rx)+aarx] = avg[(aatx*n_rx)+aarx];
+      }
+    if (dlsch0_harq->Nl > 1) {
+      nr_dlsch_channel_level_median(pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->dl_ch_estimates_ext,
+                                    median,
+                                    nl,
+                                    n_rx,
+                                    nb_re_pdsch,
+                                    symbol*nb_rb_pdsch*12);
+      for (aatx = 0; aatx < nl; aatx++) {
+        for (aarx = 0; aarx < n_rx; aarx++) {
+          avgs = cmax(avgs, median[aatx*n_rx + aarx]);
-      pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->log2_maxh = (log2_approx(avgs)/2) + 1;
-      //LOG_I(PHY, "avgs Power per SC is %d lg2_maxh %d\n", avgs,  pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->log2_maxh);
+    pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->log2_maxh = (log2_approx(avgs)/2) + 1;
+    //LOG_I(PHY, "avgs Power per SC is %d lg2_maxh %d\n", avgs,  pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->log2_maxh);
     LOG_D(PHY,"[DLSCH] AbsSubframe %d.%d log2_maxh = %d [log2_maxh0 %d log2_maxh1 %d] (%d,%d)\n",
@@ -439,128 +394,83 @@ int nr_rx_pdsch(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
+  stop_meas(&ue->generic_stat_bis[proc->thread_id][slot]);
-    if (type == PDSCH)
-    {
-      T(T_UE_PHY_PDSCH_ENERGY, T_INT(gNB_id),  T_INT(0), T_INT(frame%1024), T_INT(nr_slot_rx),
-                               T_INT(avg[0]), T_INT(avg[1]),    T_INT(avg[2]),             T_INT(avg[3]));
-    }
+  if (type == PDSCH)
+  {
+    T(T_UE_PHY_PDSCH_ENERGY, T_INT(gNB_id),  T_INT(0), T_INT(frame%1024), T_INT(nr_slot_rx),
+                             T_INT(avg[0]), T_INT(avg[1]),    T_INT(avg[2]),             T_INT(avg[3]));
+  }
-    stop_meas(&ue->generic_stat_bis[proc->thread_id][slot]);
-    if (cpumeas(CPUMEAS_GETSTATE))
-      LOG_D(PHY, "[AbsSFN %u.%d] Slot%d Symbol %d first_symbol_flag %d: Channel Level  %5.2f \n",frame,nr_slot_rx,slot,symbol,first_symbol_flag,ue->generic_stat_bis[proc->thread_id][slot].p_time/(cpuf*1000.0));
-    start_meas(&ue->generic_stat_bis[proc->thread_id][slot]);
-// Now channel compensation
-  if (dlsch0_harq->mimo_mode<NR_DUALSTREAM) {
-    nr_dlsch_channel_compensation(pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->rxdataF_ext,
-                                  pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->dl_ch_estimates_ext,
-                                  pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->dl_ch_mag0,
-                                  pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->dl_ch_magb0,
-                                  pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->dl_ch_magr0,
-                                  pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->rxdataF_comp0,
-                                  (n_tx>1) ? pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->rho : NULL,
-                                  frame_parms,
-                                  n_tx,
-                                  symbol,
-                                  len,
-                                  first_symbol_flag,
-                                  dlsch0_harq->Qm,
-                                  nb_rb_pdsch,
-                                  pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->log2_maxh,
-                                  measurements); // log2_maxh+I0_shift
-    }
-  else if (dlsch0_harq->mimo_mode == NR_DUALSTREAM) {
-    nr_dlsch_channel_compensation_core(pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->rxdataF_ext,
-                                       pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->dl_ch_estimates_ext,
-                                       pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->dl_ch_mag0,
-                                       pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->dl_ch_magb0,
-                                       pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->rxdataF_comp0, //rxdataF_comp
-                                       NULL,
-                                       n_tx,
-                                       n_rx,
-                                       dlsch0_harq->Qm,
-                                       pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->log2_maxh,
-                                       2*len, // subcarriers Re Im
-                                       0); // we start from the beginning of the vector
-    // compute correlation between signal and interference channels (rho12 and rho21)
-    nr_dlsch_dual_stream_correlation_core(pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->dl_ch_estimates_ext,
-                                          &(pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->dl_ch_estimates_ext[2]),
-                                          pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->dl_ch_rho_ext[harq_pid][round],
-                                          n_tx,
-                                          n_rx,
-                                          pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->log2_maxh,
-                                          2*len,
-                                          0);
-  }
+  if (cpumeas(CPUMEAS_GETSTATE))
+    LOG_D(PHY, "[AbsSFN %u.%d] Slot%d Symbol %d first_symbol_flag %d: Channel Level  %5.2f \n",frame,nr_slot_rx,slot,symbol,first_symbol_flag,ue->generic_stat_bis[proc->thread_id][slot].p_time/(cpuf*1000.0));
+  //----------------------------------------------------------
+  //--------------------- channel compensation ---------------
+  //----------------------------------------------------------
+  // Disable correlation measurement for optimizing UE
+  start_meas(&ue->generic_stat_bis[proc->thread_id][slot]);
+  nr_dlsch_channel_compensation(pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->rxdataF_ext,
+                                pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->dl_ch_estimates_ext,
+                                pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->dl_ch_mag0,
+                                pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->dl_ch_magb0,
+                                pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->dl_ch_magr0,
+                                pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->rxdataF_comp0,
+                                NULL,//NULL:disable meas. pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->rho:enable meas.
+                                frame_parms,
+                                nl,
+                                symbol,
+                                nb_re_pdsch,
+                                first_symbol_flag,
+                                dlsch0_harq->Qm,
+                                nb_rb_pdsch,
+                                pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->log2_maxh,
+                                measurements); // log2_maxh+I0_shift
     if (cpumeas(CPUMEAS_GETSTATE))
       LOG_D(PHY, "[AbsSFN %u.%d] Slot%d Symbol %d log2_maxh %d channel_level %d: Channel Comp  %5.2f \n", frame, nr_slot_rx, slot, symbol, pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->log2_maxh, proc->channel_level, ue->generic_stat_bis[proc->thread_id][slot].p_time/(cpuf*1000.0));
-  if (frame_parms->nb_antennas_rx > 1) {
-    if (dlsch0_harq->mimo_mode<NR_DUALSTREAM) {
-      nr_dlsch_detection_mrc(pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->rxdataF_comp0,
-                             (n_tx>1)? pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->rho : NULL,
-                             pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->dl_ch_mag0,
-                             pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->dl_ch_magb0,
-                             pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->dl_ch_magr0,
-                             n_tx,
-                             n_rx,
-                             symbol,
-                             nb_rb_pdsch,
-                             len);
-      if (n_tx == 2)//Apply zero forcing for 2 Tx layers
-        nr_zero_forcing_rx_2layers(pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->rxdataF_comp0,
-                                   pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->dl_ch_mag0,
-                                   pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->dl_ch_magb0,
-                                   pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->dl_ch_magr0,
-                                   pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->dl_ch_estimates_ext,
-                                   nb_rb_pdsch,
-                                   n_rx,
-                                   dlsch0_harq->Qm,
-                                   pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->log2_maxh,
-                                   symbol,
-                                   len);
-    }
-    else if (dlsch0_harq->mimo_mode == NR_DUALSTREAM) {
-      nr_dlsch_detection_mrc_core(pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->rxdataF_comp0,
-                                  NULL,
-                                  pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->dl_ch_rho_ext[harq_pid][round],
-                                  pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->dl_ch_rho2_ext,
-                                  pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->dl_ch_mag0,
-                                  pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->dl_ch_magb0,
-                                  NULL,
-                                  NULL,
-                                  n_tx,
-                                  n_rx,
-                                  2*len,
-                                  0);
-    }
+  if (n_rx > 1) {
+    nr_dlsch_detection_mrc(pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->rxdataF_comp0,
+                           (nl>1)? pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->rho : NULL,
+                           pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->dl_ch_mag0,
+                           pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->dl_ch_magb0,
+                           pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->dl_ch_magr0,
+                           nl,
+                           n_rx,
+                           symbol,
+                           nb_rb_pdsch,
+                           nb_re_pdsch);
+    if (nl >= 2)//Apply zero forcing for 2, 3, and 4 Tx layers
+      nr_zero_forcing_rx(pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->rxdataF_comp0,
+                                 pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->dl_ch_mag0,
+                                 pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->dl_ch_magb0,
+                                 pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->dl_ch_magr0,
+                                 pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->dl_ch_estimates_ext,
+                                 nb_rb_pdsch,
+                                 n_rx,
+                                 nl,
+                                 dlsch0_harq->Qm,
+                                 pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->log2_maxh,
+                                 symbol,
+                                 nb_re_pdsch);
+  stop_meas(&ue->generic_stat_bis[proc->thread_id][slot]);
   //printf("start compute LLR\n");
-  if (dlsch0_harq->mimo_mode == NR_DUALSTREAM)  {
-    rxdataF_comp_ptr = pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->rxdataF_comp1[harq_pid][round];
-    dl_ch_mag_ptr = pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->dl_ch_mag1[harq_pid][round];
-  }
-  else {
-    rxdataF_comp_ptr = pdsch_vars[gNB_id_i]->rxdataF_comp0;
-    dl_ch_mag_ptr = pdsch_vars[gNB_id_i]->dl_ch_mag0;
-    //i_mod should have been passed as a parameter
-  }
+  rxdataF_comp_ptr = pdsch_vars[gNB_id_i]->rxdataF_comp0;
+  dl_ch_mag_ptr = pdsch_vars[gNB_id_i]->dl_ch_mag0;
-    stop_meas(&ue->generic_stat_bis[proc->thread_id][slot]);
-    if (cpumeas(CPUMEAS_GETSTATE))
-      LOG_D(PHY, "[AbsSFN %u.%d] Slot%d Symbol %d: Channel Combine  %5.2f \n",frame,nr_slot_rx,slot,symbol,ue->generic_stat_bis[proc->thread_id][slot].p_time/(cpuf*1000.0));
+  if (cpumeas(CPUMEAS_GETSTATE))
+    LOG_D(PHY, "[AbsSFN %u.%d] Slot%d Symbol %d: Channel Combine and zero forcing %5.2f \n",frame,nr_slot_rx,slot,symbol,ue->generic_stat_bis[proc->thread_id][slot].p_time/(cpuf*1000.0));
   /* Store the valid DL RE's */
-    pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->dl_valid_re[symbol-1] = len;
+    pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->dl_valid_re[symbol-1] = nb_re_pdsch;
     if(dlsch0_harq->status == ACTIVE) {
       startSymbIdx = dlsch0_harq->start_symbol;
@@ -583,7 +493,7 @@ int nr_rx_pdsch(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
-                               (nb_rb*12),
+                               (nb_rb_pdsch*12),
       pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->dl_valid_re[symbol-1] -= pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->ptrs_re_per_slot[0][symbol];
@@ -605,7 +515,7 @@ int nr_rx_pdsch(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
                      rx_type, harq_pid,
                      gNB_id, gNB_id_i,
-                     i, nb_rb, round,
+                     i, nb_rb_pdsch, round,
                      codeword_TB0, codeword_TB1,
                      nr_slot_rx, beamforming_mode);
@@ -661,14 +571,14 @@ int nr_rx_pdsch(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
   for (int i=0; i < 2; i++){
     snprintf(filename, 50,  "llr%d_symb_%d_nr_slot_rx_%d.m", i, symbol, nr_slot_rx);
-    write_output(filename,"llr",  &pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->llr[i][0], (NR_SYMBOLS_PER_SLOT*nb_rb*NR_NB_SC_PER_RB*dlsch1_harq->Qm) - 4*(nb_rb*4*dlsch1_harq->Qm), 1, 0);
+    write_output(filename,"llr",  &pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->llr[i][0], (NR_SYMBOLS_PER_SLOT*nb_rb_pdsch*NR_NB_SC_PER_RB*dlsch1_harq->Qm) - 4*(nb_rb_pdsch*4*dlsch1_harq->Qm), 1, 0);
   T(T_UE_PHY_PDSCH_IQ, T_INT(gNB_id), T_INT(ue->Mod_id), T_INT(frame%1024),
-    T_INT(nr_slot_rx), T_INT(nb_rb),
+    T_INT(nr_slot_rx), T_INT(nb_rb_pdsch),
     T_INT(frame_parms->N_RB_UL), T_INT(frame_parms->symbols_per_slot),
     T_BUFFER(&pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->rxdataF_comp0[gNB_id][0], 2 * /* ulsch[UE_id]->harq_processes[harq_pid]->nb_rb */ frame_parms->N_RB_UL *12*frame_parms->symbols_per_slot*2));
@@ -924,16 +834,16 @@ void nr_dlsch_channel_compensation(int **rxdataF_ext,
     //rho[aarx][nb_aatx*nb_aatx] = [cov(H_aarx_0,H_aarx_0) cov(H_aarx_0,H_aarx_1)
     //                              cov(H_aarx_1,H_aarx_0) cov(H_aarx_1,H_aarx_1)], aarx=0,...,nb_antennas_rx-1
-    int avg_rho_re[frame_parms->nb_antennas_rx][nb_aatx*nb_aatx];
-    int avg_rho_im[frame_parms->nb_antennas_rx][nb_aatx*nb_aatx];
+    //int avg_rho_re[frame_parms->nb_antennas_rx][nb_aatx*nb_aatx];
+    //int avg_rho_im[frame_parms->nb_antennas_rx][nb_aatx*nb_aatx];
     for (aarx=0; aarx<frame_parms->nb_antennas_rx; aarx++) {
       for (aatx=0; aatx<nb_aatx; aatx++) {
         for (atx=0; atx<nb_aatx; atx++) {
-          avg_rho_re[aarx][aatx*nb_aatx+atx] = 0;
-          avg_rho_im[aarx][aatx*nb_aatx+atx] = 0;
+          //avg_rho_re[aarx][aatx*nb_aatx+atx] = 0;
+          //avg_rho_im[aarx][aatx*nb_aatx+atx] = 0;
           rho128        = (__m128i *)&rho[aarx][aatx*nb_aatx+atx][symbol*nb_rb*12];
           dl_ch128      = (__m128i *)&dl_ch_estimates_ext[aatx*frame_parms->nb_antennas_rx+aarx][symbol*nb_rb*12];
           dl_ch128_2    = (__m128i *)&dl_ch_estimates_ext[atx*frame_parms->nb_antennas_rx+aarx][symbol*nb_rb*12];
@@ -962,15 +872,14 @@ void nr_dlsch_channel_compensation(int **rxdataF_ext,
-            avg_rho_re[aarx][aatx*nb_aatx+atx] +=(((int16_t*)&rho128[0])[0]+
+            /*avg_rho_re[aarx][aatx*nb_aatx+atx] +=(((int16_t*)&rho128[0])[0]+
               ((int16_t*)&rho128[0])[2] +
               ((int16_t*)&rho128[0])[4] +
-              ((int16_t*)&rho128[0])[6])/16;//
-            avg_rho_im[aarx][aatx*nb_aatx+atx] +=(((int16_t*)&rho128[0])[1]+
+              ((int16_t*)&rho128[0])[6])/16;*/
+            /*avg_rho_im[aarx][aatx*nb_aatx+atx] +=(((int16_t*)&rho128[0])[1]+
               ((int16_t*)&rho128[0])[3] +
               ((int16_t*)&rho128[0])[5] +
-              ((int16_t*)&rho128[0])[7])/16;//
+              ((int16_t*)&rho128[0])[7])/16;*/
             // multiply by conjugated channel
             mmtmpD0 = _mm_madd_epi16(dl_ch128[1],dl_ch128_2[1]);
@@ -990,15 +899,14 @@ void nr_dlsch_channel_compensation(int **rxdataF_ext,
             // multiply by conjugated channel
-            avg_rho_re[aarx][aatx*nb_aatx+atx] +=(((int16_t*)&rho128[1])[0]+
+            /*avg_rho_re[aarx][aatx*nb_aatx+atx] +=(((int16_t*)&rho128[1])[0]+
               ((int16_t*)&rho128[1])[2] +
               ((int16_t*)&rho128[1])[4] +
-              ((int16_t*)&rho128[1])[6])/16;
-            avg_rho_im[aarx][aatx*nb_aatx+atx] +=(((int16_t*)&rho128[1])[1]+
+              ((int16_t*)&rho128[1])[6])/16;*/
+            /*avg_rho_im[aarx][aatx*nb_aatx+atx] +=(((int16_t*)&rho128[1])[1]+
               ((int16_t*)&rho128[1])[3] +
               ((int16_t*)&rho128[1])[5] +
-              ((int16_t*)&rho128[1])[7])/16;
+              ((int16_t*)&rho128[1])[7])/16;*/
             mmtmpD0 = _mm_madd_epi16(dl_ch128[2],dl_ch128_2[2]);
             // mmtmpD0 contains real part of 4 consecutive outputs (32-bit)
@@ -1016,25 +924,28 @@ void nr_dlsch_channel_compensation(int **rxdataF_ext,
-            avg_rho_re[aarx][aatx*nb_aatx+atx] +=(((int16_t*)&rho128[2])[0]+
+            /*avg_rho_re[aarx][aatx*nb_aatx+atx] +=(((int16_t*)&rho128[2])[0]+
               ((int16_t*)&rho128[2])[2] +
               ((int16_t*)&rho128[2])[4] +
-              ((int16_t*)&rho128[2])[6])/16;
-            avg_rho_im[aarx][aatx*nb_aatx+atx] +=(((int16_t*)&rho128[2])[1]+
+              ((int16_t*)&rho128[2])[6])/16;*/
+            /*avg_rho_im[aarx][aatx*nb_aatx+atx] +=(((int16_t*)&rho128[2])[1]+
               ((int16_t*)&rho128[2])[3] +
               ((int16_t*)&rho128[2])[5] +
-              ((int16_t*)&rho128[2])[7])/16;
+              ((int16_t*)&rho128[2])[7])/16;*/
           if (first_symbol_flag==1) {
-            //measurements->rx_correlation[0][0][aarx] = signal_energy(&rho[aarx][aatx*nb_aatx+atx][symbol*nb_rb*12],rb*12);
-            avg_rho_re[aarx][aatx*nb_aatx+atx] = 16*avg_rho_re[aarx][aatx*nb_aatx+atx]/(nb_rb*12);
-            avg_rho_im[aarx][aatx*nb_aatx+atx] = 16*avg_rho_im[aarx][aatx*nb_aatx+atx]/(nb_rb*12);
+            //rho_nm = H_arx_n.conj(H_arx_m)
+            //rho_rx_corr[arx][nm] = |H_arx_n|^2.|H_arx_m|^2 &rho[aarx][aatx*nb_aatx+atx][symbol*nb_rb*12]
+            measurements->rx_correlation[0][aarx][aatx*nb_aatx+atx] = signal_energy(&rho[aarx][aatx*nb_aatx+atx][symbol*nb_rb*12],length);
+            //avg_rho_re[aarx][aatx*nb_aatx+atx] = 16*avg_rho_re[aarx][aatx*nb_aatx+atx]/length;
+            //avg_rho_im[aarx][aatx*nb_aatx+atx] = 16*avg_rho_im[aarx][aatx*nb_aatx+atx]/length;
             //printf("rho[rx]%d tx%d tx%d = Re: %d Im: %d\n",aarx, aatx,atx, avg_rho_re[aarx][aatx*nb_aatx+atx], avg_rho_im[aarx][aatx*nb_aatx+atx]);
+            //printf("rho_corr[rx]%d tx%d tx%d = %d ...\n",aarx, aatx,atx, measurements->rx_correlation[0][aarx][aatx*nb_aatx+atx]);
@@ -1687,294 +1598,6 @@ void nr_dlsch_channel_level_median(int **dl_ch_estimates_ext,
-static void nr_dlsch_dual_stream_correlation_core(int **dl_ch_estimates_ext,
-                                        int **dl_ch_estimates_ext_i,
-                                        int **dl_ch_rho_ext,
-                                        unsigned char n_tx,
-                                        unsigned char n_rx,
-                                        unsigned char output_shift,
-                                        int length,
-                                        int start_point)
-#if defined(__x86_64__)||defined(__i386__)
-  __m128i *dl_ch128,*dl_ch128i,*dl_ch_rho128,mmtmpD0,mmtmpD1,mmtmpD2,mmtmpD3;
-  unsigned char aarx;
-  int ii, length2, length_mod8;
-  for (aarx=0; aarx<n_rx; aarx++) {
-    dl_ch128          = (__m128i *)&dl_ch_estimates_ext[aarx][start_point];
-    if (dl_ch_estimates_ext_i == NULL)
-      dl_ch128i         = (__m128i *)&dl_ch_estimates_ext[aarx + n_rx][start_point];
-    else
-      dl_ch128i         = (__m128i *)&dl_ch_estimates_ext_i[aarx][start_point];
-    dl_ch_rho128      = (__m128i *)&dl_ch_rho_ext[aarx][start_point];
-    length_mod8 = length&7;
-    if (length_mod8 == 0){
-      length2 = length>>3;
-      for (ii=0; ii<length2; ++ii) {
-      // multiply by conjugated channel
-        mmtmpD0 = _mm_madd_epi16(dl_ch128[0],dl_ch128i[0]);
-        //      print_ints("re",&mmtmpD0);
-        // mmtmpD0 contains real part of 4 consecutive outputs (32-bit)
-        mmtmpD1 = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(dl_ch128[0],_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));
-        mmtmpD1 = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(mmtmpD1,_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));
-        mmtmpD1 = _mm_sign_epi16(mmtmpD1,*(__m128i*)&conjugate[0]);
-        mmtmpD1 = _mm_madd_epi16(mmtmpD1,dl_ch128i[0]);
-        //      print_ints("im",&mmtmpD1);
-        // mmtmpD1 contains imag part of 4 consecutive outputs (32-bit)
-        mmtmpD0 = _mm_srai_epi32(mmtmpD0,output_shift);
-        //      print_ints("re(shift)",&mmtmpD0);
-        mmtmpD1 = _mm_srai_epi32(mmtmpD1,output_shift);
-        //      print_ints("im(shift)",&mmtmpD1);
-        mmtmpD2 = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(mmtmpD0,mmtmpD1);
-        mmtmpD3 = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(mmtmpD0,mmtmpD1);
-        //      print_ints("c0",&mmtmpD2);
-        //      print_ints("c1",&mmtmpD3);
-        dl_ch_rho128[0] = _mm_packs_epi32(mmtmpD2,mmtmpD3);
-      // print_shorts("rho 0:",dl_ch_rho128);
-        // multiply by conjugated channel
-        mmtmpD0 = _mm_madd_epi16(dl_ch128[1],dl_ch128i[1]);
-        // mmtmpD0 contains real part of 4 consecutive outputs (32-bit)
-        mmtmpD1 = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(dl_ch128[1],_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));
-        mmtmpD1 = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(mmtmpD1,_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));
-        mmtmpD1 = _mm_sign_epi16(mmtmpD1,*(__m128i*)conjugate);
-        mmtmpD1 = _mm_madd_epi16(mmtmpD1,dl_ch128i[1]);
-        // mmtmpD1 contains imag part of 4 consecutive outputs (32-bit)
-        mmtmpD0 = _mm_srai_epi32(mmtmpD0,output_shift);
-        mmtmpD1 = _mm_srai_epi32(mmtmpD1,output_shift);
-        mmtmpD2 = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(mmtmpD0,mmtmpD1);
-        mmtmpD3 = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(mmtmpD0,mmtmpD1);
-        dl_ch_rho128[1] =_mm_packs_epi32(mmtmpD2,mmtmpD3);
-        dl_ch128+=2;
-        dl_ch128i+=2;
-        dl_ch_rho128+=2;
-      }
-    }else {
-        printf ("Channel Correlarion: Received number of subcarriers is not multiple of 8, \n"
-                 "need to adapt the code!\n");
-      }
-  }
-  _mm_empty();
-  _m_empty();
-#elif defined(__arm__)
-void nr_dlsch_detection_mrc_core(int **rxdataF_comp,
-                              int **rxdataF_comp_i,
-                              int **rho,
-                              int **rho_i,
-                              int **dl_ch_mag,
-                              int **dl_ch_magb,
-                              int **dl_ch_mag_i,
-                              int **dl_ch_magb_i,
-                              unsigned char n_tx,
-                              unsigned char n_rx,
-                              int length,
-                              int start_point)
-#if defined(__x86_64__)||defined(__i386__)
-  unsigned char aatx;
-  int i;
-  __m128i *rxdataF_comp128_0, *rxdataF_comp128_1, *rxdataF_comp128_2, *rxdataF_comp128_3;
-  __m128i *dl_ch_mag128_0, *dl_ch_mag128_1, *dl_ch_mag128_2, *dl_ch_mag128_3;
-  __m128i *dl_ch_mag128_0b, *dl_ch_mag128_1b,  *dl_ch_mag128_2b,  *dl_ch_mag128_3b;
-  __m128i *rho128_0, *rho128_1, *rho128_2=NULL, *rho128_3=NULL;
-  __m128i *rho128_i0, *rho128_i1, *rho128_i2=NULL, *rho128_i3=NULL;
-  int length_mod4 = 0;
-  int length2;
-  if (n_rx>1) {
-    for (aatx=0; aatx<n_tx; aatx++) {
-      rxdataF_comp128_0   = (__m128i *)&rxdataF_comp[(aatx<<1)][start_point];
-      rxdataF_comp128_1   = (__m128i *)&rxdataF_comp[(aatx<<1)+1][start_point];
-      dl_ch_mag128_0      = (__m128i *)&dl_ch_mag[(aatx<<1)][start_point];
-      dl_ch_mag128_1      = (__m128i *)&dl_ch_mag[(aatx<<1)+1][start_point];
-      dl_ch_mag128_0b     = (__m128i *)&dl_ch_magb[(aatx<<1)][start_point];
-      dl_ch_mag128_1b     = (__m128i *)&dl_ch_magb[(aatx<<1)+1][start_point];
-      if (length_mod4 == 0){
-        length2 = length>>2;
-        for (i=0; i<length2; ++i) {
-          rxdataF_comp128_0[i] = _mm_adds_epi16(_mm_srai_epi16(rxdataF_comp128_0[i],1),_mm_srai_epi16(rxdataF_comp128_1[i],1));
-          dl_ch_mag128_0[i] = _mm_adds_epi16(_mm_srai_epi16(dl_ch_mag128_0[i],1),_mm_srai_epi16(dl_ch_mag128_1[i],1));
-          dl_ch_mag128_0b[i] = _mm_adds_epi16(_mm_srai_epi16(dl_ch_mag128_0b[i],1),_mm_srai_epi16(dl_ch_mag128_1b[i],1));
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    if (rho) {
-      rho128_0 = (__m128i *) &rho[0][start_point];
-      rho128_1 = (__m128i *) &rho[1][start_point];
-      if (n_tx == 4){
-        rho128_2 = (__m128i *) &rho[2][start_point];
-        rho128_3 = (__m128i *) &rho[3][start_point];
-      }
-        if (length_mod4 == 0){
-          length2 = length>>2;
-          for (i=0; i<length2; ++i) {
-            rho128_0[i] = _mm_adds_epi16(_mm_srai_epi16(rho128_0[i],1),_mm_srai_epi16(rho128_1[i],1));
-          if (n_tx == 4){
-            rho128_2[i] = _mm_adds_epi16(_mm_srai_epi16(rho128_2[i],1),_mm_srai_epi16(rho128_3[i],1));
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    if (rho_i){
-      rho128_i0 = (__m128i *) &rho_i[0][start_point];
-      rho128_i1 = (__m128i *) &rho_i[1][start_point];
-      if (n_tx == 4){
-        rho128_i2 = (__m128i *) &rho_i[2][start_point];
-        rho128_i3 = (__m128i *) &rho_i[3][start_point];
-      }
-      if (length_mod4 == 0){
-        length2 = length>>2;
-        for (i=0; i<length2; ++i){
-          rho128_i0[i] = _mm_adds_epi16(_mm_srai_epi16(rho128_i0[i],1),_mm_srai_epi16(rho128_i1[i],1));
-          if (n_tx == 4){
-            rho128_i2[i] = _mm_adds_epi16(_mm_srai_epi16(rho128_i2[i],1),_mm_srai_epi16(rho128_i3[i],1));
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-      if (n_tx == 4){
-      rxdataF_comp128_0 = (__m128i *)&rxdataF_comp[0][start_point];
-      rxdataF_comp128_1 = (__m128i *)&rxdataF_comp[2][start_point];
-      rxdataF_comp128_2 = (__m128i *)&rxdataF_comp[4][start_point];
-      rxdataF_comp128_3 = (__m128i *)&rxdataF_comp[6][start_point];
-      dl_ch_mag128_0 = (__m128i *)&dl_ch_mag[0][start_point];
-      dl_ch_mag128_1 = (__m128i *)&dl_ch_mag[2][start_point];
-      dl_ch_mag128_2 = (__m128i *)&dl_ch_mag[4][start_point];
-      dl_ch_mag128_3 = (__m128i *)&dl_ch_mag[6][start_point];
-      dl_ch_mag128_0b = (__m128i *)&dl_ch_magb[0][start_point];
-      dl_ch_mag128_1b = (__m128i *)&dl_ch_magb[2][start_point];
-      dl_ch_mag128_2b = (__m128i *)&dl_ch_magb[4][start_point];
-      dl_ch_mag128_3b = (__m128i *)&dl_ch_magb[6][start_point];
-      rho128_0 = (__m128i *)&rho[0][start_point];
-      rho128_1 = (__m128i *)&rho[2][start_point];
-      rho128_i0 = (__m128i *)&rho_i[0][start_point];
-      rho128_i1 = (__m128i *)&rho_i[2][start_point];
-      if (length_mod4 == 0){
-        length2 = length>>2;
-        for (i=0; i<length2; ++i) {
-          rxdataF_comp128_0[i] = _mm_adds_epi16(_mm_srai_epi16(rxdataF_comp128_0[i],1),_mm_srai_epi16(rxdataF_comp128_1[i],1));
-          rxdataF_comp128_2[i] = _mm_adds_epi16(_mm_srai_epi16(rxdataF_comp128_2[i],1),_mm_srai_epi16(rxdataF_comp128_3[i],1));
-          dl_ch_mag128_0[i] = _mm_adds_epi16(_mm_srai_epi16(dl_ch_mag128_0[i],1),_mm_srai_epi16(dl_ch_mag128_1[i],1));
-          dl_ch_mag128_2[i] = _mm_adds_epi16(_mm_srai_epi16(dl_ch_mag128_2[i],1),_mm_srai_epi16(dl_ch_mag128_3[i],1));
-          dl_ch_mag128_0b[i] = _mm_adds_epi16(_mm_srai_epi16(dl_ch_mag128_0b[i],1),_mm_srai_epi16(dl_ch_mag128_1b[i],1));
-          dl_ch_mag128_2b[i] = _mm_adds_epi16(_mm_srai_epi16(dl_ch_mag128_2b[i],1),_mm_srai_epi16(dl_ch_mag128_3b[i],1));
-          rho128_0[i] = _mm_adds_epi16(_mm_srai_epi16(rho128_0[i],1),_mm_srai_epi16(rho128_1[i],1));
-          rho128_i0[i] = _mm_adds_epi16(_mm_srai_epi16(rho128_i0[i],1),_mm_srai_epi16(rho128_i1[i],1));
-        }
-    }
-  }
-  }
-  _mm_empty();
-  _m_empty();
-#elif defined(__arm__)
-  unsigned char aatx;
-  int i;
-  int16x8_t *rxdataF_comp128_0,*rxdataF_comp128_1,*dl_ch_mag128_0,*dl_ch_mag128_1,*dl_ch_mag128_0b,*dl_ch_mag128_1b,*rho128_0,*rho128_1,*rho128_i0,*rho128_i1;
-  int length_mod4 = 0;
-  int length2;
-  int ii=0;
-  if (n_rx>1) {
-    for (aatx=0; aatx<n_tx; aatx++) {
-      rxdataF_comp128_0   = (int16x8_t *)&rxdataF_comp[(aatx<<1)][start_point];
-      rxdataF_comp128_1   = (int16x8_t *)&rxdataF_comp[(aatx<<1)+1][start_point];
-      dl_ch_mag128_0      = (int16x8_t *)&dl_ch_mag[(aatx<<1)][start_point];
-      dl_ch_mag128_1      = (int16x8_t *)&dl_ch_mag[(aatx<<1)+1][start_point];
-      dl_ch_mag128_0b     = (int16x8_t *)&dl_ch_magb[(aatx<<1)][start_point];
-      dl_ch_mag128_1b     = (int16x8_t *)&dl_ch_magb[(aatx<<1)+1][start_point];
-      if (length_mod4 == 0){
-        length2 = length>>2;
-        for (i=0; i<length2; ++ii) {
-          rxdataF_comp128_0[i] = vhaddq_s16(rxdataF_comp128_0[i],rxdataF_comp128_1[i]);
-          dl_ch_mag128_0[i]    = vhaddq_s16(dl_ch_mag128_0[i],dl_ch_mag128_1[i]);
-          dl_ch_mag128_0b[i]   = vhaddq_s16(dl_ch_mag128_0b[i],dl_ch_mag128_1b[i]);
-        }
-      }
-    if (rho) {
-      rho128_0 = (int16x8_t *) &rho[0][start_point];
-      rho128_1 = (int16x8_t *) &rho[1][start_point];
-      if (length_mod4 == 0){
-        length2 = length>>2;
-        for (i=0; i<length2; ++i) {
-          rho128_0[i] = vhaddq_s16(rho128_0[i],rho128_1[i]);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    if (rho_i){
-      rho128_i0 = (__m128i *) &rho_i[0][start_point];
-      rho128_i1 = (__m128i *) &rho_i[1][start_point];
-      if (length_mod4 == 0){
-        length2 = length>>2;
-        for (i=0; i<length2; ++i)
-          rho128_i0[i] = vhaddq_s16(rho128_i0[i],rho128_i1[i]);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  }
 // Extraction functions
@@ -2076,19 +1699,19 @@ unsigned short nr_dlsch_extract_rbs_single(int **rxdataF,
   return nb_rb_pdsch;
-unsigned short nr_dlsch_extract_rbs_multiple(int **rxdataF,
-                                             int **dl_ch_estimates,
-                                             int **rxdataF_ext,
-                                             int **dl_ch_estimates_ext,
-                                             unsigned char symbol,
-                                             uint8_t pilots,
-                                             uint8_t config_type,
-                                             unsigned short start_rb,
-                                             unsigned short nb_rb_pdsch,
-                                             uint8_t n_dmrs_cdm_groups,
-                                             uint8_t Nl,
-                                             NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms,
-                                             uint16_t dlDmrsSymbPos)
+void nr_dlsch_extract_rbs(int **rxdataF,
+                          int **dl_ch_estimates,
+                          int **rxdataF_ext,
+                          int **dl_ch_estimates_ext,
+                          unsigned char symbol,
+                          uint8_t pilots,
+                          uint8_t config_type,
+                          unsigned short start_rb,
+                          unsigned short nb_rb_pdsch,
+                          uint8_t n_dmrs_cdm_groups,
+                          uint8_t Nl,
+                          NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms,
+                          uint16_t dlDmrsSymbPos)
   unsigned short k,rb;
@@ -2173,7 +1796,6 @@ unsigned short nr_dlsch_extract_rbs_multiple(int **rxdataF,
-  return(nb_rb_pdsch);
 void nr_dlsch_detection_mrc(int **rxdataF_comp,
@@ -2240,108 +1862,351 @@ void nr_dlsch_detection_mrc(int **rxdataF_comp,
-/* Zero Forcing Rx function: nr_det_HhH()
+/* Zero Forcing Rx function: nr_a_sum_b()
+ * Compute the complex addition x=x+y
+ * */
+void nr_a_sum_b(__m128i *input_x,
+                __m128i *input_y,
+                unsigned short nb_rb)
+  unsigned short rb;
+  for (rb=0; rb<nb_rb; rb++) {
+    input_x[0] = _mm_adds_epi16(input_x[0],input_y[0]);
+    input_x[1] = _mm_adds_epi16(input_x[1],input_y[1]);
+    input_x[2] = _mm_adds_epi16(input_x[2],input_y[2]);
+    input_x+=3;
+    input_y+=3;
+  }
+  _mm_empty();
+  _m_empty();
+/* Zero Forcing Rx function: nr_a_mult_b()
+ * Compute the complex Multiplication c=a*b
  * */
-void nr_det_HhH(int32_t *after_mf_00,//a
-                int32_t *after_mf_01,//b
-                int32_t *after_mf_10,//c
-                int32_t *after_mf_11,//d
-                int32_t *det_fin,//1/ad-bc
-                unsigned short nb_rb,
-                unsigned char symbol,
-                int32_t shift)
+void nr_a_mult_b(int *a,
+                 int *b,
+                 int32_t *c,
+                 unsigned short nb_rb,
+                 unsigned char output_shift0)
-  int16_t nr_conjug2[8]__attribute__((aligned(16))) = {1,-1,1,-1,1,-1,1,-1} ;
+  //This function is used to compute complex multiplications
+  short nr_conjugate[8]__attribute__((aligned(16))) = {1,-1,1,-1,1,-1,1,-1};
   unsigned short rb;
-  __m128i *after_mf_00_128,*after_mf_01_128, *after_mf_10_128, *after_mf_11_128, ad_re_128, bc_re_128; //ad_im_128, bc_im_128;
-  __m128i *det_fin_128, det_re_128; //det_im_128, tmp_det0, tmp_det1;
+  __m128i *a_128,*b_128, *c_128, mmtmpD0,mmtmpD1,mmtmpD2,mmtmpD3;
-  after_mf_00_128 = (__m128i *)after_mf_00;
-  after_mf_01_128 = (__m128i *)after_mf_01;
-  after_mf_10_128 = (__m128i *)after_mf_10;
-  after_mf_11_128 = (__m128i *)after_mf_11;
+  a_128 = (__m128i *)a;
+  b_128 = (__m128i *)b;
-  det_fin_128 = (__m128i *)det_fin;
+  c_128 = (__m128i *)c;
   for (rb=0; rb<3*nb_rb; rb++) {
+    // the real part
+    mmtmpD0 = _mm_sign_epi16(a_128[0],*(__m128i*)&nr_conjugate[0]);
+    mmtmpD0 = _mm_madd_epi16(mmtmpD0,b_128[0]); //Re: (a_re*b_re - a_im*b_im)
+    // the imag part
+    mmtmpD1 = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(a_128[0],_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));
+    mmtmpD1 = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(mmtmpD1,_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));
+    mmtmpD1 = _mm_madd_epi16(mmtmpD1,b_128[0]);//Im: (x_im*y_re + x_re*y_im)
+    mmtmpD0 = _mm_srai_epi32(mmtmpD0,output_shift0);
+    mmtmpD1 = _mm_srai_epi32(mmtmpD1,output_shift0);
+    mmtmpD2 = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(mmtmpD0,mmtmpD1);
+    mmtmpD3 = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(mmtmpD0,mmtmpD1);
-    //complex multiplication (I_a+jQ_a)(I_d+jQ_d) = (I_aI_d - Q_aQ_d) + j(Q_aI_d + I_aQ_d)
-    //The imag part is often zero, we compute only the real part
-    ad_re_128 = _mm_sign_epi16(after_mf_00_128[0],*(__m128i*)&nr_conjug2[0]);
-    ad_re_128 = _mm_madd_epi16(ad_re_128,after_mf_11_128[0]); //Re: I_a0*I_d0 - Q_a1*Q_d1
-    //ad_im_128 = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(after_mf_00_128[0],_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));//permutes IQs for the low 64 bits as [I_a0 Q_a1 I_a2 Q_a3]_64bits to [Q_a1 I_a0 Q_a3 I_a2]_64bits
-    //ad_im_128 = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(ad_im_128,_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));//permutes IQs for the high 64 bits as [I_a0 Q_a1 I_a2 Q_a3]_64bits to [Q_a1 I_a0 Q_a3 I_a2]_64bits
-    //ad_im_128 = _mm_madd_epi16(ad_im_128,after_mf_11_128[0]);//Im: (Q_aI_d + I_aQ_d)
+    c_128[0] = _mm_packs_epi32(mmtmpD2,mmtmpD3);
+    /*printf("\n Computing mult \n");
+    print_shorts("a:",(int16_t*)&a_128[0]);
+    print_shorts("b:",(int16_t*)&b_128[0]);
+    print_shorts("pack:",(int16_t*)&c_128[0]);*/
+    a_128+=1;
+    b_128+=1;
+    c_128+=1;
+  }
+  _mm_empty();
+  _m_empty();
-    //complex multiplication (I_b+jQ_b)(I_c+jQ_c) = (I_bI_c - Q_bQ_c) + j(Q_bI_c + I_bQ_c)
-    //The imag part is often zero, we compute only the real part
-    bc_re_128 = _mm_sign_epi16(after_mf_01_128[0],*(__m128i*)&nr_conjug2[0]);
-    bc_re_128 = _mm_madd_epi16(bc_re_128,after_mf_10_128[0]); //Re: I_b0*I_c0 - Q_b1*Q_c1
-    //bc_im_128 = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(after_mf_01_128[0],_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));//permutes IQs for the low 64 bits as [I_b0 Q_b1 I_b2 Q_b3]_64bits to [Q_b1 I_b0 Q_b3 I_b2]_64bits
-    //bc_im_128 = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(bc_im_128,_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));//permutes IQs for the high 64 bits as [I_b0 Q_b1 I_b2 Q_b3]_64bits to [Q_b1 I_b0 Q_b3 I_b2]_64bits
-    //bc_im_128 = _mm_madd_epi16(bc_im_128,after_mf_10_128[0]);//Im: (Q_bI_c + I_bQ_c)
+/* Zero Forcing Rx function: nr_element_sign()
+ * Compute b=sign*a
+ *
+ * */
+void nr_element_sign(int32_t *a,//a
+                     int32_t *b,//b
+                     unsigned short nb_rb,
+                     int32_t sign)
+  int16_t nr_sign[8]__attribute__((aligned(16))) = {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1} ;
+  unsigned short rb;
+  __m128i *a_128,*b_128;
-    det_re_128 = _mm_sub_epi32(ad_re_128, bc_re_128);
-    //det_im_128 = _mm_sub_epi32(ad_im_128, bc_im_128);
+  a_128 = (__m128i *)a;
+  b_128 = (__m128i *)b;
-    //det in Q30 format
-    det_fin_128[0] = _mm_abs_epi32(det_re_128);
+  for (rb=0; rb<3*nb_rb; rb++) {
+    if (sign < 0)
+      b_128[0] = _mm_sign_epi16(a_128[0],*(__m128i*)&nr_sign[0]);
+    else
+      b_128[0] = a_128[0];
-     printf("\n Computing det_HhH_inv \n");
+     printf("\n Out \n");
-     print_ints("det_fin_128:",(int32_t*)&det_fin_128[0]);
+     print_shorts("b:",(int32_t*)&b_128[0]);
-    det_fin_128+=1;
-    after_mf_00_128+=1;
-    after_mf_01_128+=1;
-    after_mf_10_128+=1;
-    after_mf_11_128+=1;
+    a_128+=1;
+    b_128+=1;
-/* Zero Forcing Rx function: nr_inv_comp_muli
- * Complex number multi: z = x*y
- *                         = (x_re*y_re - x_im*y_im) + j(x_im*y_re + x_re*y_im)
+/* Zero Forcing Rx function: nr_det_4x4()
+ * Compute the matrix determinant for 4x4 Matrix
+ *
  * */
-__m128i nr_inv_comp_muli(__m128i input_x,
-                         __m128i input_y)
-  int16_t nr_conjug2[8]__attribute__((aligned(16))) = {1,-1,1,-1,1,-1,1,-1} ;
-  __m128i xy_re_128, xy_im_128;
-  __m128i output_z, tmp_z0, tmp_z1;
+void nr_determin(int32_t **a44,//
+                 int32_t *ad_bc,//ad-bc
+                 int32_t size,
+                 unsigned short nb_rb,
+                 int32_t sign,
+                 int32_t shift0){
+  int32_t outtemp[12*nb_rb] __attribute__((aligned(32)));
+  int32_t outtemp1[12*nb_rb] __attribute__((aligned(32)));
+  int32_t **sub_matrix;
+  sub_matrix = (int32_t **)malloc16_clear( (size-1)*(size-1)*sizeof(int32_t *) );
+  for (int rtx=0;rtx<(size-1);rtx++) {//row
+    for (int ctx=0;ctx<(size-1);ctx++) {//column
+      sub_matrix[ctx*(size-1)+rtx] = (int32_t *)malloc16_clear( 12*nb_rb*sizeof(int32_t) );
+    }
+  }
+  int16_t k,rr[size-1],cc[size-1];
-  // complex multiplication (x_re + jx_im)*(y_re + jy_im) = (x_re*y_re - x_im*y_im) + j(x_im*y_re + x_re*y_im)
+  if(size==1) {
+    nr_element_sign(a44[0],//a
+                    ad_bc,//b
+                    nb_rb,
+                    sign);
+  } else {
-  // the real part
-  xy_re_128 = _mm_sign_epi16(input_x,*(__m128i*)&nr_conjug2[0]);
-  xy_re_128 = _mm_madd_epi16(xy_re_128,input_y); //Re: (x_re*y_re - x_im*y_im)
+    for (int rtx=0;rtx<size;rtx++) {//row calculation for determin
+      int ctx=0;
+      //find the submatrix row and column indices
+      k=0;
+      for(int rrtx=0;rrtx<size;rrtx++)
+        if(rrtx != rtx) rr[k++] = rrtx;
+      k=0;
+      for(int cctx=0;cctx<size;cctx++)
+        if(cctx != ctx) cc[k++] = cctx;
+      //fill out the sub matrix corresponds to this element
+       for (int ridx=0;ridx<(size-1);ridx++)
+         for (int cidx=0;cidx<(size-1);cidx++)
+           sub_matrix[cidx*(size-1)+ridx]= (int32_t *)&a44[cc[cidx]*size+rr[ridx]][0];
+       nr_determin(sub_matrix,//a33
+                   outtemp,
+                   size-1,
+                   nb_rb,
+                   ((rtx&1)==1?-1:1)*((ctx&1)==1?-1:1)*sign,
+                   shift0);
+       nr_a_mult_b(a44[ctx*size+rtx],
+                   outtemp,
+                   rtx==0? ad_bc:outtemp1,
+                   nb_rb,
+                   shift0);
+       if (rtx != 0)
+         nr_a_sum_b((__m128i *)ad_bc,
+                    (__m128i *)outtemp1,
+                    nb_rb);
+    }
+  }
+  _mm_empty();
+  _m_empty();
-  // the imag part
-  xy_im_128 = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(input_x,_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));//permutes IQs for the low 64 bits as [I_a0 Q_a1 I_a2 Q_a3]_64bits to [Q_a1 I_a0 Q_a3 I_a2]_64bits
-  xy_im_128 = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(xy_im_128,_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));//permutes IQs for the high 64 bits as [I_a0 Q_a1 I_a2 Q_a3]_64bits to [Q_a1 I_a0 Q_a3 I_a2]_64bits
-  xy_im_128 = _mm_madd_epi16(xy_im_128,input_y);//Im: (x_im*y_re + x_re*y_im)
+double complex nr_determin_cpx(double complex *a44_cpx,//
+                               int32_t size,//size
+                               int32_t sign){
+  double complex outtemp, outtemp1;
+  //Allocate the submatrix elements
+  double complex sub_matrix[(size-1)*(size-1)];
+  int16_t k,rr[size-1],cc[size-1];
+  if(size==1) {
+    return((double complex)a44_cpx[0]*sign);
+  }else {
+    outtemp1 = 0;
+    for (int rtx=0;rtx<size;rtx++) {//row calculation for determin
+      int ctx=0;
+      //find the submatrix row and column indices
+      k=0;
+      for(int rrtx=0;rrtx<size;rrtx++)
+        if(rrtx != rtx) rr[k++] = rrtx;
+      k=0;
+      for(int cctx=0;cctx<size;cctx++)
+        if(cctx != ctx) cc[k++] = cctx;
+      //fill out the sub matrix corresponds to this element
+       for (int ridx=0;ridx<(size-1);ridx++)
+         for (int cidx=0;cidx<(size-1);cidx++)
+           sub_matrix[cidx*(size-1)+ridx]= a44_cpx[cc[cidx]*size+rr[ridx]];
+       outtemp = nr_determin_cpx(sub_matrix,//a33
+                             size-1,
+                             ((rtx&1)==1?-1:1)*((ctx&1)==1?-1:1)*sign);
+       outtemp1 += a44_cpx[ctx*size+rtx]*outtemp;
+    }
-  //convert back to Q15 before packing
-  xy_re_128 = _mm_srai_epi32(xy_re_128,4);//(2^15/64*2*16)
-  xy_im_128 = _mm_srai_epi32(xy_im_128,4);
+    return((double complex)outtemp1);
+  }
-  tmp_z0  = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(xy_re_128,xy_im_128);
-  //print_ints("unpack lo:",&tmp_z0[0]);
-  tmp_z1  = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(xy_re_128,xy_im_128);
-  //print_ints("unpack hi:",&tmp_z1[0]);
-  output_z = _mm_packs_epi32(tmp_z0,tmp_z1);
+/* Zero Forcing Rx function: nr_matrix_inverse()
+ * Compute the matrix inverse and determinant up to 4x4 Matrix
+ *
+ * */
+uint8_t nr_matrix_inverse(int32_t **a44,//Input matrix//conjH_H_elements[0]
+                          int32_t **inv_H_h_H,//Inverse
+                          int32_t *ad_bc,//determin
+                          int32_t size,
+                          unsigned short nb_rb,
+                          int32_t flag,//fixed point or floating flag
+                          int32_t shift0){
+  int16_t k,rr[size-1],cc[size-1];
+  if(flag) {//fixed point SIMD calc.
+    //Allocate the submatrix elements
+    int32_t **sub_matrix;
+    sub_matrix = (int32_t **)malloc16_clear( (size-1)*(size-1)*sizeof(int32_t *) );
+    for (int rtx=0;rtx<(size-1);rtx++) {//row
+      for (int ctx=0;ctx<(size-1);ctx++) {//column
+        sub_matrix[ctx*(size-1)+rtx] = (int32_t *)malloc16_clear( 12*nb_rb*sizeof(int32_t) );
+      }
+    }
-  _mm_empty();
-  _m_empty();
-  return(output_z);
+    //Compute Matrix determinant
+    nr_determin(a44,//
+                ad_bc,//determinant
+                size,//size
+                nb_rb,
+                +1,
+                shift0);
+    //print_shorts("nr_det_",(int16_t*)&ad_bc[0]);
+    //Compute Inversion of the H^*H matrix
+    /* For 2x2 MIMO matrix, we compute
+     * *        |(conj_H_00xH_00+conj_H_10xH_10)   (conj_H_00xH_01+conj_H_10xH_11)|
+     * * H_h_H= |                                                                 |
+     * *        |(conj_H_01xH_00+conj_H_11xH_10)   (conj_H_01xH_01+conj_H_11xH_11)|
+     * *
+     * *inv(H_h_H) =(1/det)*[d  -b
+     * *                     -c  a]
+     * **************************************************************************/
+    for (int rtx=0;rtx<size;rtx++) {//row
+      k=0;
+      for(int rrtx=0;rrtx<size;rrtx++)
+        if(rrtx != rtx) rr[k++] = rrtx;
+      for (int ctx=0;ctx<size;ctx++) {//column
+        k=0;
+        for(int cctx=0;cctx<size;cctx++)
+          if(cctx != ctx) cc[k++] = cctx;
+        //fill out the sub matrix corresponds to this element
+        for (int ridx=0;ridx<(size-1);ridx++)
+          for (int cidx=0;cidx<(size-1);cidx++)
+            sub_matrix[cidx*(size-1)+ridx]= (int32_t *)&a44[cc[cidx]*size+rr[ridx]][0];
+        nr_determin(sub_matrix,
+                    inv_H_h_H[rtx*size+ctx],//out transpose
+                    size-1,//size
+                    nb_rb,
+                    ((rtx&1)==1?-1:1)*((ctx&1)==1?-1:1),
+                    shift0);
+        //printf("H_h_H(r%d,c%d)=%d+j%d --> inv_H_h_H(%d,%d) = %d+j%d \n",rtx,ctx,((short *)a44[ctx*size+rtx])[0],((short *)a44[ctx*size+rtx])[1],ctx,rtx,((short *)inv_H_h_H[rtx*size+ctx])[0],((short *)inv_H_h_H[rtx*size+ctx])[1]);
+      }
+    }
+    _mm_empty();
+    _m_empty();
+  }
+  else {//floating point calc.
+    //Allocate the submatrix elements
+    double complex sub_matrix_cpx[(size-1)*(size-1)];
+    //Convert the IQ samples (in Q15 format) to float complex
+    double complex a44_cpx[size*size];
+    double complex inv_H_h_H_cpx[size*size];
+    double complex determin_cpx;
+    for (int i=0; i<12*nb_rb; i++) {
+      //Convert Q15 to floating point
+      for (int rtx=0;rtx<size;rtx++) {//row
+        for (int ctx=0;ctx<size;ctx++) {//column
+          a44_cpx[ctx*size+rtx]= ((double)((short *)a44[ctx*size+rtx])[(i<<1)])/(1<<(shift0-1)) + I*((double)((short *)a44[ctx*size+rtx])[(i<<1)+1])/(1<<(shift0-1));
+          //if (i<4) printf("a44_cpx(%d,%d)= ((FP %d))%lf+(FP %d)j%lf \n",ctx,rtx,((short *)a44[ctx*size+rtx])[(i<<1)],creal(a44_cpx[ctx*size+rtx]),((short *)a44[ctx*size+rtx])[(i<<1)+1],cimag(a44_cpx[ctx*size+rtx]));
+        }
+      }
+      //Compute Matrix determinant (copy real value only)
+      determin_cpx = nr_determin_cpx(a44_cpx,//
+                                     size,//size
+                                     +1);
+      //if (i<4) printf("order %d nr_det_cpx = %lf+j%lf \n",log2_approx(creal(determin_cpx)),creal(determin_cpx),cimag(determin_cpx));
+      //Round and convert to Q15 (Out in the same format as Fixed point).
+      if (creal(determin_cpx)>0) {//determin of the symmetric matrix is real part only
+        ((short*) ad_bc)[i<<1] = (short) ((creal(determin_cpx)*(1<<(shift0)))+0.5);//
+        //((short*) ad_bc)[(i<<1)+1] = (short) ((cimag(determin_cpx)*(1<<(shift0)))+0.5);//
+      } else {
+        ((short*) ad_bc)[i<<1] = (short) ((creal(determin_cpx)*(1<<(shift0)))-0.5);//
+        //((short*) ad_bc)[(i<<1)+1] = (short) ((cimag(determin_cpx)*(1<<(shift0)))-0.5);//
+      }
+      //if (i<4) printf("nr_det_FP= %d+j%d \n",((short*) ad_bc)[i<<1],((short*) ad_bc)[(i<<1)+1]);
+      //Compute Inversion of the H^*H matrix (normalized output divide by determinant)
+      for (int rtx=0;rtx<size;rtx++) {//row
+        k=0;
+        for(int rrtx=0;rrtx<size;rrtx++)
+          if(rrtx != rtx) rr[k++] = rrtx;
+        for (int ctx=0;ctx<size;ctx++) {//column
+          k=0;
+          for(int cctx=0;cctx<size;cctx++)
+            if(cctx != ctx) cc[k++] = cctx;
+          //fill out the sub matrix corresponds to this element
+          for (int ridx=0;ridx<(size-1);ridx++)
+            for (int cidx=0;cidx<(size-1);cidx++)
+              sub_matrix_cpx[cidx*(size-1)+ridx]= a44_cpx[cc[cidx]*size+rr[ridx]];
+          inv_H_h_H_cpx[rtx*size+ctx] = nr_determin_cpx(sub_matrix_cpx,//
+                                                        size-1,//size
+                                                        ((rtx&1)==1?-1:1)*((ctx&1)==1?-1:1));
+          //if (i==0) printf("H_h_H(r%d,c%d)=%lf+j%lf --> inv_H_h_H(%d,%d) = %lf+j%lf \n",rtx,ctx,creal(a44_cpx[ctx*size+rtx]),cimag(a44_cpx[ctx*size+rtx]),ctx,rtx,creal(inv_H_h_H_cpx[rtx*size+ctx]),cimag(inv_H_h_H_cpx[rtx*size+ctx]));
+          if (creal(inv_H_h_H_cpx[rtx*size+ctx])>0)
+            ((short *) inv_H_h_H[rtx*size+ctx])[i<<1] = (short) ((creal(inv_H_h_H_cpx[rtx*size+ctx])*(1<<(shift0-1)))+0.5);//Convert to Q 18
+          else
+            ((short *) inv_H_h_H[rtx*size+ctx])[i<<1] = (short) ((creal(inv_H_h_H_cpx[rtx*size+ctx])*(1<<(shift0-1)))-0.5);//
+          if (cimag(inv_H_h_H_cpx[rtx*size+ctx])>0)
+            ((short *) inv_H_h_H[rtx*size+ctx])[(i<<1)+1] = (short) ((cimag(inv_H_h_H_cpx[rtx*size+ctx])*(1<<(shift0-1)))+0.5);//
+          else
+            ((short *) inv_H_h_H[rtx*size+ctx])[(i<<1)+1] = (short) ((cimag(inv_H_h_H_cpx[rtx*size+ctx])*(1<<(shift0-1)))-0.5);//
+          //if (i<4) printf("inv_H_h_H_FP(%d,%d)= %d+j%d \n",ctx,rtx, ((short *) inv_H_h_H[rtx*size+ctx])[i<<1],((short *) inv_H_h_H[rtx*size+ctx])[(i<<1)+1]);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return(0);
 /* Zero Forcing Rx function: nr_conjch0_mult_ch1()
@@ -2390,451 +2255,121 @@ void nr_conjch0_mult_ch1(int *ch0,
-__m128i nr_comp_muli_sum(__m128i input_x,
-                         __m128i input_y,
-                         __m128i input_w,
-                         __m128i input_z,
-                         __m128i det)
-  int16_t nr_conjug2[8]__attribute__((aligned(16))) = {1,-1,1,-1,1,-1,1,-1} ;
-  __m128i xy_re_128, xy_im_128, wz_re_128, wz_im_128;
-  __m128i output, tmp_z0, tmp_z1;
-  // complex multiplication (x_re + jx_im)*(y_re + jy_im) = (x_re*y_re - x_im*y_im) + j(x_im*y_re + x_re*y_im)
-  // the real part
-  xy_re_128 = _mm_sign_epi16(input_x,*(__m128i*)&nr_conjug2[0]);
-  xy_re_128 = _mm_madd_epi16(xy_re_128,input_y); //Re: (x_re*y_re - x_im*y_im)
-  // the imag part
-  xy_im_128 = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(input_x,_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));//permutes IQs for the low 64 bits as [I_a0 Q_a1 I_a2 Q_a3]_64bits to [Q_a1 I_a0 Q_a3 I_a2]_64bits
-  xy_im_128 = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(xy_im_128,_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));//permutes IQs for the high 64 bits as [I_a0 Q_a1 I_a2 Q_a3]_64bits to [Q_a1 I_a0 Q_a3 I_a2]_64bits
-  xy_im_128 = _mm_madd_epi16(xy_im_128,input_y);//Im: (x_im*y_re + x_re*y_im)
-  // complex multiplication (w_re + jw_im)*(z_re + jz_im) = (w_re*z_re - w_im*z_im) + j(w_im*z_re + w_re*z_im)
-  // the real part
-  wz_re_128 = _mm_sign_epi16(input_w,*(__m128i*)&nr_conjug2[0]);
-  wz_re_128 = _mm_madd_epi16(wz_re_128,input_z); //Re: (w_re*z_re - w_im*z_im)
-  // the imag part
-  wz_im_128 = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(input_w,_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));//permutes IQs for the low 64 bits as [I_a0 Q_a1 I_a2 Q_a3]_64bits to [Q_a1 I_a0 Q_a3 I_a2]_64bits
-  wz_im_128 = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(wz_im_128,_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));//permutes IQs for the high 64 bits as [I_a0 Q_a1 I_a2 Q_a3]_64bits to [Q_a1 I_a0 Q_a3 I_a2]_64bits
-  wz_im_128 = _mm_madd_epi16(wz_im_128,input_z);//Im: (w_im*z_re + w_re*z_im)
-  xy_re_128 = _mm_sub_epi32(xy_re_128, wz_re_128);
-  xy_im_128 = _mm_sub_epi32(xy_im_128, wz_im_128);
-  //print_ints("rx_re:",(int32_t*)&xy_re_128[0]);
-  //print_ints("rx_Img:",(int32_t*)&xy_im_128[0]);
-  //divide by matrix det and convert back to Q15 before packing
-  int sum_det =0;
-  for (int k=0; k<4;k++) {
-    sum_det += ((((int *)&det[0])[k])>>2);
-    //printf("det_%d = %d log2 =%d \n",k,(((int *)&det[0])[k]),log2_approx(((int *)&det[0])[k]));
-    }
-  xy_re_128 = _mm_slli_epi32(xy_re_128,5);
-  xy_re_128 = _mm_srai_epi32(xy_re_128,log2_approx(sum_det));
-  xy_re_128 = _mm_slli_epi32(xy_re_128,5);
-  xy_im_128 = _mm_slli_epi32(xy_im_128,5);
-  xy_im_128 = _mm_srai_epi32(xy_im_128,log2_approx(sum_det));
-  xy_im_128 = _mm_slli_epi32(xy_im_128,5);
-  tmp_z0  = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(xy_re_128,xy_im_128);
-  //print_ints("unpack lo:",&tmp_z0[0]);
-  tmp_z1  = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(xy_re_128,xy_im_128);
-  //print_ints("unpack hi:",&tmp_z1[0]);
-  output = _mm_packs_epi32(tmp_z0,tmp_z1);
-  _mm_empty();
-  _m_empty();
-  return(output);
-/* Zero Forcing Rx function: nr_construct_HhH_elements()
+/* Zero Forcing Rx function: up to 4 layers
  * */
-void nr_construct_HhH_elements(int *conjch00_ch00,
-                               int *conjch01_ch01,
-                               int *conjch11_ch11,
-                               int *conjch10_ch10,//
-                               int *conjch20_ch20,
-                               int *conjch21_ch21,
-                               int *conjch30_ch30,
-                               int *conjch31_ch31,
-                               int *conjch00_ch01,//00_01
-                               int *conjch01_ch00,//01_00
-                               int *conjch10_ch11,//10_11
-                               int *conjch11_ch10,//11_10
-                               int *conjch20_ch21,
-                               int *conjch21_ch20,
-                               int *conjch30_ch31,
-                               int *conjch31_ch30,
-                               int32_t *after_mf_00,
-                               int32_t *after_mf_01,
-                               int32_t *after_mf_10,
-                               int32_t *after_mf_11,
-                               unsigned short nb_rb,
-                               unsigned char symbol)
+uint8_t nr_zero_forcing_rx(int **rxdataF_comp,
+                           int **dl_ch_mag,
+                           int **dl_ch_magb,
+                           int **dl_ch_magr,
+                           int **dl_ch_estimates_ext,
+                           unsigned short nb_rb,
+                           unsigned char n_rx,
+                           unsigned char n_tx,//number of layer
+                           unsigned char mod_order,
+                           int shift,
+                           unsigned char symbol,
+                           int length)
-  //This function is used to construct the (H_hermitian * H matrix) matrix elements
-  unsigned short rb;
-  __m128i *conjch00_ch00_128, *conjch01_ch01_128, *conjch11_ch11_128, *conjch10_ch10_128;
-  __m128i *conjch20_ch20_128, *conjch21_ch21_128, *conjch30_ch30_128, *conjch31_ch31_128;
-  __m128i *conjch00_ch01_128, *conjch01_ch00_128, *conjch10_ch11_128, *conjch11_ch10_128;
-  __m128i *conjch20_ch21_128, *conjch21_ch20_128, *conjch30_ch31_128, *conjch31_ch30_128;
-  __m128i *after_mf_00_128, *after_mf_01_128, *after_mf_10_128, *after_mf_11_128;
-  conjch00_ch00_128 = (__m128i *)conjch00_ch00;
-  conjch01_ch01_128 = (__m128i *)conjch01_ch01;
-  conjch11_ch11_128 = (__m128i *)conjch11_ch11;
-  conjch10_ch10_128 = (__m128i *)conjch10_ch10;
-  conjch20_ch20_128 = (__m128i *)conjch20_ch20;
-  conjch21_ch21_128 = (__m128i *)conjch21_ch21;
-  conjch30_ch30_128 = (__m128i *)conjch30_ch30;
-  conjch31_ch31_128 = (__m128i *)conjch31_ch31;
-  conjch00_ch01_128 = (__m128i *)conjch00_ch01;
-  conjch01_ch00_128 = (__m128i *)conjch01_ch00;
-  conjch10_ch11_128 = (__m128i *)conjch10_ch11;
-  conjch11_ch10_128 = (__m128i *)conjch11_ch10;
-  conjch20_ch21_128 = (__m128i *)conjch20_ch21;
-  conjch21_ch20_128 = (__m128i *)conjch21_ch20;
-  conjch30_ch31_128 = (__m128i *)conjch30_ch31;
-  conjch31_ch30_128 = (__m128i *)conjch31_ch30;
-  after_mf_00_128 = (__m128i *)after_mf_00;
-  after_mf_01_128 = (__m128i *)after_mf_01;
-  after_mf_10_128 = (__m128i *)after_mf_10;
-  after_mf_11_128 = (__m128i *)after_mf_11;
-  for (rb=0; rb<3*nb_rb; rb++) {
-    after_mf_00_128[0] =_mm_adds_epi16(conjch00_ch00_128[0],conjch10_ch10_128[0]);//00_00 + 10_10
-    if (conjch20_ch20 != NULL) after_mf_00_128[0] =_mm_adds_epi16(after_mf_00_128[0],conjch20_ch20_128[0]);
-    if (conjch30_ch30 != NULL) after_mf_00_128[0] =_mm_adds_epi16(after_mf_00_128[0],conjch30_ch30_128[0]);
-    after_mf_11_128[0] =_mm_adds_epi16(conjch01_ch01_128[0], conjch11_ch11_128[0]); //01_01 + 11_11
-    if (conjch21_ch21 != NULL) after_mf_11_128[0] =_mm_adds_epi16(after_mf_11_128[0],conjch21_ch21_128[0]);
-    if (conjch31_ch31 != NULL) after_mf_11_128[0] =_mm_adds_epi16(after_mf_11_128[0],conjch31_ch31_128[0]);
-    after_mf_01_128[0] =_mm_adds_epi16(conjch00_ch01_128[0], conjch10_ch11_128[0]);//00_01 + 10_11
-    if (conjch20_ch21 != NULL) after_mf_01_128[0] =_mm_adds_epi16(after_mf_01_128[0],conjch20_ch21_128[0]);
-    if (conjch30_ch31 != NULL) after_mf_01_128[0] =_mm_adds_epi16(after_mf_01_128[0],conjch30_ch31_128[0]);
-    after_mf_10_128[0] =_mm_adds_epi16(conjch01_ch00_128[0], conjch11_ch10_128[0]);//01_00 + 11_10
-    if (conjch21_ch20 != NULL) after_mf_10_128[0] =_mm_adds_epi16(after_mf_10_128[0],conjch21_ch20_128[0]);
-    if (conjch31_ch30 != NULL) after_mf_10_128[0] =_mm_adds_epi16(after_mf_10_128[0],conjch31_ch30_128[0]);
-    if ((rb<=30))
-    {
-      printf(" \n construct_HhH_elements \n");
-      print_shorts("after_mf_00_128:",(int16_t*)&after_mf_00_128[0]);
-      print_shorts("after_mf_01_128:",(int16_t*)&after_mf_01_128[0]);
-      print_shorts("after_mf_10_128:",(int16_t*)&after_mf_10_128[0]);
-      print_shorts("after_mf_11_128:",(int16_t*)&after_mf_11_128[0]);
+  int *ch0r, *ch0c;
+  int32_t *** conjH_H_elements;
+  uint32_t nb_rb_0 = length/12 + ((length%12)?1:0);
+  int32_t determ_fin[12*nb_rb_0] __attribute__((aligned(32)));
+  ///Allocate H^*H matrix elements and sub elements
+  conjH_H_elements        = (int32_t ***)malloc16_clear( n_rx*sizeof(int32_t **) );
+  for (int aarx=0;aarx<n_rx;aarx++) {
+    conjH_H_elements[aarx] = (int32_t **)malloc16_clear( n_tx*n_tx*sizeof(int32_t) );
+    for (int rtx=0;rtx<n_tx;rtx++) {//row
+      for (int ctx=0;ctx<n_tx;ctx++) {//column
+        conjH_H_elements[aarx][ctx*n_tx+rtx] = (int32_t *)malloc16_clear( 12*nb_rb_0*sizeof(int32_t *) );
+      }
-    conjch00_ch00_128+=1;
-    conjch10_ch10_128+=1;
-    conjch01_ch01_128+=1;
-    conjch11_ch11_128+=1;
-    if (conjch20_ch20 != NULL) conjch20_ch20_128+=1;
-    if (conjch21_ch21 != NULL) conjch21_ch21_128+=1;
-    if (conjch30_ch30 != NULL) conjch30_ch30_128+=1;
-    if (conjch31_ch31 != NULL) conjch31_ch31_128+=1;
-    conjch00_ch01_128+=1;
-    conjch01_ch00_128+=1;
-    conjch10_ch11_128+=1;
-    conjch11_ch10_128+=1;
-    if (conjch20_ch21 != NULL) conjch20_ch21_128+=1;
-    if (conjch21_ch20 != NULL) conjch21_ch20_128+=1;
-    if (conjch30_ch31 != NULL) conjch30_ch31_128+=1;
-    if (conjch31_ch30 != NULL) conjch31_ch30_128+=1;
-    after_mf_00_128 += 1;
-    after_mf_01_128 += 1;
-    after_mf_10_128 += 1;
-    after_mf_11_128 += 1;
-  _mm_empty();
-  _m_empty();
-/* Zero Forcing Rx function: nr_zero_forcing_rx_2layers()
- *
- *
- * */
-uint8_t nr_zero_forcing_rx_2layers(int **rxdataF_comp,
-                                   int **dl_ch_mag,
-                                   int **dl_ch_magb,
-                                   int **dl_ch_magr,
-                                   int **dl_ch_estimates_ext,
-                                   unsigned short nb_rb,
-                                   unsigned char n_rx,
-                                   unsigned char mod_order,
-                                   int shift,
-                                   unsigned char symbol,
-                                   int length)
-  int *ch00, *ch01, *ch10, *ch11;
-  int *ch20, *ch30, *ch21, *ch31;
-  uint32_t nb_rb_0 = length/12 + ((length%12)?1:0);
-  /* we need at least alignment to 16 bytes, let's put 32 to be sure
-   * (maybe not necessary but doesn't hurt)
-   */
-  int32_t conjch00_ch01[12*nb_rb] __attribute__((aligned(32)));
-  int32_t conjch01_ch00[12*nb_rb] __attribute__((aligned(32)));
-  int32_t conjch10_ch11[12*nb_rb] __attribute__((aligned(32)));
-  int32_t conjch11_ch10[12*nb_rb] __attribute__((aligned(32)));
-  int32_t conjch00_ch00[12*nb_rb] __attribute__((aligned(32)));
-  int32_t conjch01_ch01[12*nb_rb] __attribute__((aligned(32)));
-  int32_t conjch10_ch10[12*nb_rb] __attribute__((aligned(32)));
-  int32_t conjch11_ch11[12*nb_rb] __attribute__((aligned(32)));
-  int32_t conjch20_ch20[12*nb_rb] __attribute__((aligned(32)));
-  int32_t conjch21_ch21[12*nb_rb] __attribute__((aligned(32)));
-  int32_t conjch30_ch30[12*nb_rb] __attribute__((aligned(32)));
-  int32_t conjch31_ch31[12*nb_rb] __attribute__((aligned(32)));
-  int32_t conjch20_ch21[12*nb_rb] __attribute__((aligned(32)));
-  int32_t conjch30_ch31[12*nb_rb] __attribute__((aligned(32)));
-  int32_t conjch21_ch20[12*nb_rb] __attribute__((aligned(32)));
-  int32_t conjch31_ch30[12*nb_rb] __attribute__((aligned(32)));
-  int32_t af_mf_00[12*nb_rb] __attribute__((aligned(32)));
-  int32_t af_mf_01[12*nb_rb] __attribute__((aligned(32)));
-  int32_t af_mf_10[12*nb_rb] __attribute__((aligned(32)));
-  int32_t af_mf_11[12*nb_rb] __attribute__((aligned(32)));
-  int32_t determ_fin[12*nb_rb] __attribute__((aligned(32)));
-  switch (n_rx) {
-    case 2://
-      ch00 = (int *)&dl_ch_estimates_ext[0][symbol*nb_rb*12];
-      ch01 = (int *)&dl_ch_estimates_ext[2][symbol*nb_rb*12];
-      ch10 = (int *)&dl_ch_estimates_ext[1][symbol*nb_rb*12];
-      ch11 = (int *)&dl_ch_estimates_ext[3][symbol*nb_rb*12];
-      ch20 = NULL;
-      ch21 = NULL;
-      ch30 = NULL;
-      ch31 = NULL;
-      break;
-    case 4://
-      ch00 = (int *)&dl_ch_estimates_ext[0][symbol*nb_rb*12];
-      ch01 = (int *)&dl_ch_estimates_ext[4][symbol*nb_rb*12];
-      ch10 = (int *)&dl_ch_estimates_ext[1][symbol*nb_rb*12];
-      ch11 = (int *)&dl_ch_estimates_ext[5][symbol*nb_rb*12];
-      ch20 = (int *)&dl_ch_estimates_ext[2][symbol*nb_rb*12];
-      ch21 = (int *)&dl_ch_estimates_ext[6][symbol*nb_rb*12];
-      ch30 = (int *)&dl_ch_estimates_ext[3][symbol*nb_rb*12];
-      ch31 = (int *)&dl_ch_estimates_ext[7][symbol*nb_rb*12];
-      break;
-    default:
-      return -1;
-      break;
+  //Compute H^*H matrix elements and sub elements:(1/2^log2_maxh)*conjH_H_elements
+  for (int rtx=0;rtx<n_tx;rtx++) {//row
+    for (int ctx=0;ctx<n_tx;ctx++) {//column
+      for (int aarx=0;aarx<n_rx;aarx++)  {
+        ch0r = (int *)&dl_ch_estimates_ext[rtx*n_rx+aarx][symbol*nb_rb*12];//[]//conjch00,01,02,03
+        ch0c = (int *)&dl_ch_estimates_ext[ctx*n_rx+aarx][symbol*nb_rb*12];//[aatx*n_rx+aarx]//ch00: 01,02,03
+        nr_conjch0_mult_ch1(ch0r,
+                            ch0c,
+                            conjH_H_elements[aarx][ctx*n_tx+rtx],
+                            nb_rb_0,
+                            shift);
+        if (aarx !=0) nr_a_sum_b((__m128i *)conjH_H_elements[0][ctx*n_tx+rtx],
+                                 (__m128i *)conjH_H_elements[aarx][ctx*n_tx+rtx],
+                                 nb_rb_0);
+      }
+    }
-  /* 1- Compute the rx channel matrix after compensation: (1/2^log2_max)x(H_herm x H)
-   * for n_rx = 2
-   * |conj_H_00       conj_H_10|    | H_00         H_01|   |(conj_H_00xH_00+conj_H_10xH_10)   (conj_H_00xH_01+conj_H_10xH_11)|
-   * |                         |  x |                  | = |                                                                 |
-   * |conj_H_01       conj_H_11|    | H_10         H_11|   |(conj_H_01xH_00+conj_H_11xH_10)   (conj_H_01xH_01+conj_H_11xH_11)|
-   *
-   */
-  if (n_rx>=2){
-    // (1/2^log2_maxh)*conj_H_00xH_00: (1/(64*2))conjH_00*H_00*2^15
-    nr_conjch0_mult_ch1(ch00,
-                        ch00,
-                        conjch00_ch00,
-                        nb_rb_0,
-                        shift);
-    // (1/2^log2_maxh)*conj_H_10xH_10: (1/(64*2))conjH_10*H_10*2^15
-    nr_conjch0_mult_ch1(ch10,
-                        ch10,
-                        conjch10_ch10,
-                        nb_rb_0,
-                        shift);
-    // conj_H_00xH_01
-    nr_conjch0_mult_ch1(ch00,
-                        ch01,
-                        conjch00_ch01,
-                        nb_rb_0,
-                        shift); // this shift is equal to the channel level log2_maxh
-    // conj_H_10xH_11
-    nr_conjch0_mult_ch1(ch10,
-                        ch11,
-                        conjch10_ch11,
-                        nb_rb_0,
-                        shift);
-    // conj_H_01xH_01
-    nr_conjch0_mult_ch1(ch01,
-                        ch01,
-                        conjch01_ch01,
-                        nb_rb_0,
-                        shift);
-    // conj_H_11xH_11
-    nr_conjch0_mult_ch1(ch11,
-                        ch11,
-                        conjch11_ch11,
-                        nb_rb_0,
-                        shift);
-    // conj_H_01xH_00
-    nr_conjch0_mult_ch1(ch01,
-                        ch00,
-                        conjch01_ch00,
-                        nb_rb_0,
-                        shift);
-    // conj_H_11xH_10
-    nr_conjch0_mult_ch1(ch11,
-                        ch10,
-                        conjch11_ch10,
-                        nb_rb_0,
-                        shift);
-  }
-  if (n_rx==4){
-    // (1/2^log2_maxh)*conj_H_20xH_20: (1/(64*2*16))conjH_20*H_20*2^15
-    nr_conjch0_mult_ch1(ch20,
-                        ch20,
-                        conjch20_ch20,
-                        nb_rb_0,
-                        shift);
-    // (1/2^log2_maxh)*conj_H_30xH_30: (1/(64*2*4))conjH_30*H_30*2^15
-    nr_conjch0_mult_ch1(ch30,
-                        ch30,
-                        conjch30_ch30,
-                        nb_rb_0,
-                        shift);
-    // (1/2^log2_maxh)*conj_H_20xH_20: (1/(64*2))conjH_20*H_20*2^15
-    nr_conjch0_mult_ch1(ch20,
-                        ch21,
-                        conjch20_ch21,
-                        nb_rb_0,
-                        shift);
-    nr_conjch0_mult_ch1(ch30,
-                        ch31,
-                        conjch30_ch31,
-                        nb_rb_0,
-                        shift);
-    nr_conjch0_mult_ch1(ch21,
-                        ch21,
-                        conjch21_ch21,
-                        nb_rb_0,
-                        shift);
-    nr_conjch0_mult_ch1(ch31,
-                        ch31,
-                        conjch31_ch31,
-                        nb_rb_0,
-                        shift);
-    // (1/2^log2_maxh)*conj_H_20xH_20: (1/(64*2))conjH_20*H_20*2^15
-    nr_conjch0_mult_ch1(ch21,
-                        ch20,
-                        conjch21_ch20,
-                        nb_rb_0,
-                        shift);
-    nr_conjch0_mult_ch1(ch31,
-                        ch30,
-                        conjch31_ch30,
-                        nb_rb_0,
-                        shift);
-    nr_construct_HhH_elements(conjch00_ch00,
-                              conjch01_ch01,
-                              conjch11_ch11,
-                              conjch10_ch10,//
-                              conjch20_ch20,
-                              conjch21_ch21,
-                              conjch30_ch30,
-                              conjch31_ch31,
-                              conjch00_ch01,
-                              conjch01_ch00,
-                              conjch10_ch11,
-                              conjch11_ch10,//
-                              conjch20_ch21,
-                              conjch21_ch20,
-                              conjch30_ch31,
-                              conjch31_ch30,
-                              af_mf_00,
-                              af_mf_01,
-                              af_mf_10,
-                              af_mf_11,
-                              nb_rb_0,
-                              symbol);
-  }
-  if (n_rx==2){
-    nr_construct_HhH_elements(conjch00_ch00,
-                              conjch01_ch01,
-                              conjch11_ch11,
-                              conjch10_ch10,//
-                              NULL,
-                              NULL,
-                              NULL,
-                              NULL,
-                              conjch00_ch01,
-                              conjch01_ch00,
-                              conjch10_ch11,
-                              conjch11_ch10,//
-                              NULL,
-                              NULL,
-                              NULL,
-                              NULL,
-                              af_mf_00,
-                              af_mf_01,
-                              af_mf_10,
-                              af_mf_11,
-                              nb_rb_0,
-                              symbol);
+  //Compute the inverse and determinant of the H^*H matrix
+  //Allocate the inverse matrix
+  int32_t ** inv_H_h_H;
+  inv_H_h_H = (int32_t **)malloc16_clear( n_tx*n_tx*sizeof(int32_t *) );
+  for (int rtx=0;rtx<n_tx;rtx++) {//row
+    for (int ctx=0;ctx<n_tx;ctx++) {//column
+      inv_H_h_H[ctx*n_tx+rtx] = (int32_t *)malloc16_clear( 12*nb_rb_0*sizeof(int32_t) );
+    }
-  //det_HhH = ad -bc
-  nr_det_HhH(af_mf_00,//a
-             af_mf_01,//b
-             af_mf_10,//c
-             af_mf_11,//d
-             determ_fin,
-             nb_rb_0,
-             symbol,
-             shift);
-  /* 2- Compute the channel matrix inversion **********************************
-   *
-     *    |(conj_H_00xH_00+conj_H_10xH_10)   (conj_H_00xH_01+conj_H_10xH_11)|
-     * A= |                                                                 |
-     *    |(conj_H_01xH_00+conj_H_11xH_10)   (conj_H_01xH_01+conj_H_11xH_11)|
-     *
-     *
-     *
-     *inv(A) =(1/det)*[d  -b
-     *                 -c  a]
-     *
-     *
-     **************************************************************************/
-  __m128i *rxdataF_comp128_0,*rxdataF_comp128_1,*dl_ch_mag128_0=NULL,*dl_ch_mag128b_0=NULL,*dl_ch_mag128r_0=NULL,*determ_fin_128;//*dl_ch_mag128_1,*dl_ch_mag128b_1,*dl_ch_mag128r_1
-  __m128i mmtmpD0,mmtmpD1,mmtmpD2,mmtmpD3;
-  __m128i *after_mf_a_128,*after_mf_b_128, *after_mf_c_128, *after_mf_d_128;
-  __m128i QAM_amp128={0},QAM_amp128b={0},QAM_amp128r={0};
-  determ_fin_128      = (__m128i *)&determ_fin[0];
+  int fp_flag = 1;//0: float point calc 1: Fixed point calc
+  nr_matrix_inverse(conjH_H_elements[0],//Input matrix
+                    inv_H_h_H,//Inverse
+                    determ_fin,//determin
+                    n_tx,//size
+                    nb_rb_0,
+                    fp_flag,//fixed point flag
+                    shift-(fp_flag==1?2:0));//the out put is Q15
+  // multiply Matrix inversion pf H_h_H by the rx signal vector
+  int32_t outtemp[12*nb_rb_0] __attribute__((aligned(32)));
+  int32_t **rxdataF_zforcing;
+  //Allocate rxdataF for zforcing out
+  rxdataF_zforcing        = (int32_t **)malloc16_clear( n_tx*sizeof(int32_t *) );
+   for (int rtx=0;rtx<n_tx;rtx++) {//row
+     rxdataF_zforcing[rtx] = (int32_t *)malloc16_clear( 12*nb_rb_0*sizeof(int32_t) );
+   }
+  for (int rtx=0;rtx<n_tx;rtx++) {//Output Layers row
+    // loop over Layers rtx=0,...,N_Layers-1
+      for (int ctx=0;ctx<n_tx;ctx++) {//column multi
+        //printf("Computing r_%d c_%d\n",rtx,ctx);
+        //print_shorts(" H_h_H=",(int16_t*)&conjH_H_elements[ctx*n_tx+rtx][0][0]);
+        //print_shorts(" Inv_H_h_H=",(int16_t*)&inv_H_h_H[ctx*n_tx+rtx][0]);
+        nr_a_mult_b(inv_H_h_H[ctx*n_tx+rtx],
+                    (int *)&rxdataF_comp[ctx*n_rx][symbol*nb_rb*12],
+                    outtemp,
+                    nb_rb_0,
+                    shift-(fp_flag==1?2:0));
+        nr_a_sum_b((__m128i *)rxdataF_zforcing[rtx],
+                   (__m128i *)outtemp,
+                   nb_rb_0);//a =a + b
+        }
+    printf("Computing layer_%d \n",rtx);;
+    print_shorts(" Rx signal:=",(int16_t*)&rxdataF_zforcing[rtx][0]);
+    print_shorts(" Rx signal:=",(int16_t*)&rxdataF_zforcing[rtx][4]);
+    print_shorts(" Rx signal:=",(int16_t*)&rxdataF_zforcing[rtx][8]);
+    }
-  rxdataF_comp128_0   = (__m128i *)&rxdataF_comp[0][symbol*nb_rb*12];//aatx=0 @ aarx =0
-  rxdataF_comp128_1   = (__m128i *)&rxdataF_comp[n_rx][symbol*nb_rb*12];//aatx=1 @ aarx =0
+  //Copy zero_forcing out to output array
+  for (int rtx=0;rtx<n_tx;rtx++)
+    nr_element_sign(rxdataF_zforcing[rtx],
+                    (int *)&rxdataF_comp[rtx*n_rx][symbol*nb_rb*12],
+                    nb_rb_0,
+                    +1);
-  after_mf_a_128 = (__m128i *)af_mf_00;
-  after_mf_b_128 = (__m128i *)af_mf_01;
-  after_mf_c_128 = (__m128i *)af_mf_10;
-  after_mf_d_128 = (__m128i *)af_mf_11;
+  //Update LLR thresholds with the Matrix determinant
+  __m128i *dl_ch_mag128_0=NULL,*dl_ch_mag128b_0=NULL,*dl_ch_mag128r_0=NULL,*determ_fin_128;
+  __m128i mmtmpD2,mmtmpD3;
+  __m128i QAM_amp128={0},QAM_amp128b={0},QAM_amp128r={0};
+  short nr_realpart[8]__attribute__((aligned(16))) = {1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0};
+  determ_fin_128      = (__m128i *)&determ_fin[0];
   if (mod_order>2) {
     if (mod_order == 4) {
@@ -2849,88 +2384,41 @@ uint8_t nr_zero_forcing_rx_2layers(int **rxdataF_comp,
       QAM_amp128 = _mm_set1_epi16(QAM256_n1); //8/sqrt{170}
       QAM_amp128b = _mm_set1_epi16(QAM256_n2);//4/sqrt{170}
       QAM_amp128r = _mm_set1_epi16(QAM256_n3);//2/sqrt{170}
-      }
+    }
     dl_ch_mag128_0      = (__m128i *)&dl_ch_mag[0][symbol*nb_rb*12];
     dl_ch_mag128b_0     = (__m128i *)&dl_ch_magb[0][symbol*nb_rb*12];
     dl_ch_mag128r_0     = (__m128i *)&dl_ch_magr[0][symbol*nb_rb*12];
-  }
-  for (int rb=0; rb<3*nb_rb_0; rb++) {
-    if (mod_order>2) {
-      int sum_det =0;
-      for (int k=0; k<4;k++) {
-        sum_det += ((((int *)&determ_fin_128[0])[k])>>2);
-        //printf("det_%d = %d\n",k,sum_det);
-        }
-      mmtmpD2 = _mm_slli_epi32(determ_fin_128[0],5);
-      mmtmpD2 = _mm_srai_epi32(mmtmpD2,log2_approx(sum_det));
-      mmtmpD2 = _mm_slli_epi32(mmtmpD2,5);
-      mmtmpD3 = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(mmtmpD2,mmtmpD2);
-      mmtmpD2 = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(mmtmpD2,mmtmpD2);
+    for (int rb=0; rb<3*nb_rb_0; rb++) {
+      //for symmetric H_h_H matrix, the determinant is only real values
+        mmtmpD2 = _mm_sign_epi16(determ_fin_128[0],*(__m128i*)&nr_realpart[0]);//set imag part to 0
+        mmtmpD3 = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(mmtmpD2,_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));
+        mmtmpD3 = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(mmtmpD3,_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));
+        mmtmpD2 = _mm_add_epi16(mmtmpD2,mmtmpD3);
-      mmtmpD2 = _mm_packs_epi32(mmtmpD3,mmtmpD2);
+        dl_ch_mag128_0[0] = mmtmpD2;
+        dl_ch_mag128b_0[0] = mmtmpD2;
+        dl_ch_mag128r_0[0] = mmtmpD2;
-      dl_ch_mag128_0[0] = mmtmpD2;
-      dl_ch_mag128b_0[0] = mmtmpD2;
-      dl_ch_mag128r_0[0] = mmtmpD2;
+        dl_ch_mag128_0[0] = _mm_mulhi_epi16(dl_ch_mag128_0[0],QAM_amp128);
+        dl_ch_mag128_0[0] = _mm_slli_epi16(dl_ch_mag128_0[0],1);
-      dl_ch_mag128_0[0] = _mm_mulhi_epi16(dl_ch_mag128_0[0],QAM_amp128);
-      dl_ch_mag128_0[0] = _mm_slli_epi16(dl_ch_mag128_0[0],1);
+        dl_ch_mag128b_0[0] = _mm_mulhi_epi16(dl_ch_mag128b_0[0],QAM_amp128b);
+        dl_ch_mag128b_0[0] = _mm_slli_epi16(dl_ch_mag128b_0[0],1);
+        dl_ch_mag128r_0[0] = _mm_mulhi_epi16(dl_ch_mag128r_0[0],QAM_amp128r);
+        dl_ch_mag128r_0[0] = _mm_slli_epi16(dl_ch_mag128r_0[0],1);
-      dl_ch_mag128b_0[0] = _mm_mulhi_epi16(dl_ch_mag128b_0[0],QAM_amp128b);
-      dl_ch_mag128b_0[0] = _mm_slli_epi16(dl_ch_mag128b_0[0],1);
-      dl_ch_mag128r_0[0] = _mm_mulhi_epi16(dl_ch_mag128r_0[0],QAM_amp128r);
-      dl_ch_mag128r_0[0] = _mm_slli_epi16(dl_ch_mag128r_0[0],1);
-      //print_shorts("mag layer 1:",(int16_t*)&dl_ch_mag128_0[0]);
-      //print_shorts("mag layer 2:",(int16_t*)&dl_ch_mag128_1[0]);
-      //print_shorts("magb layer 1:",(int16_t*)&dl_ch_mag128b_0[0]);
-      //print_shorts("magb layer 2:",(int16_t*)&dl_ch_mag128b_1[0]);
-      //print_shorts("magr layer 1:",(int16_t*)&dl_ch_mag128r_0[0]);
-      //print_shorts("magr layer 2:",(int16_t*)&dl_ch_mag128r_1[0]);
+      determ_fin_128 += 1;
+      dl_ch_mag128_0 += 1;
+      dl_ch_mag128b_0 += 1;
+      dl_ch_mag128r_0 += 1;
-    // multiply by channel Inv
-    //rxdataF_zf128_0 = rxdataF_comp128_0*d - b*rxdataF_comp128_1
-    //rxdataF_zf128_1 = rxdataF_comp128_1*a - c*rxdataF_comp128_0
-    //printf("layer_1 \n");
-    mmtmpD0 = nr_comp_muli_sum(rxdataF_comp128_0[0],
-                               after_mf_d_128[0],
-                               rxdataF_comp128_1[0],
-                               after_mf_b_128[0],
-                               determ_fin_128[0]);
-    //printf("layer_2 \n");
-    mmtmpD1 = nr_comp_muli_sum(rxdataF_comp128_1[0],
-                               after_mf_a_128[0],
-                               rxdataF_comp128_0[0],
-                               after_mf_c_128[0],
-                               determ_fin_128[0]);
-    rxdataF_comp128_0[0] = mmtmpD0;
-    rxdataF_comp128_1[0] = mmtmpD1;
-    printf("\n Rx signal after ZF l%d rb%d\n",symbol,rb);
-    print_shorts(" Rx layer 1:",(int16_t*)&rxdataF_comp128_0[0]);
-    print_shorts(" Rx layer 2:",(int16_t*)&rxdataF_comp128_1[0]);
-    determ_fin_128 += 1;
-    dl_ch_mag128_0 += 1;
-    dl_ch_mag128b_0 += 1;
-    dl_ch_mag128r_0 += 1;
-    rxdataF_comp128_0 += 1;
-    rxdataF_comp128_1 += 1;
-    after_mf_a_128 += 1;
-    after_mf_b_128 += 1;
-    after_mf_c_128 += 1;
-    after_mf_d_128 += 1;
-   return(0);
+  return(0);
 static void nr_dlsch_layer_demapping(int16_t **llr_cw,
@@ -2991,26 +2479,12 @@ static int nr_dlsch_llr(NR_UE_PDSCH **pdsch_vars,
                         uint8_t nr_slot_rx,
                         uint8_t beamforming_mode)
-  int16_t  *pllr_symbol_cw0;
-  int16_t  *pllr_symbol_cw1;
-  int16_t  *pllr_symbol_layer0;
-  int16_t  *pllr_symbol_layer1;
   uint32_t llr_offset_symbol;
-  if (first_symbol_flag==1) pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->llr_offset[symbol-1] = 0;
+  if (first_symbol_flag==1)
+    pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->llr_offset[symbol-1] = 0;
   llr_offset_symbol = pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->llr_offset[symbol-1];
-  //pllr_symbol_cw0_deint  = (int8_t*)pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->llr[0];
-  //pllr_symbol_cw1_deint  = (int8_t*)pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->llr[1];
-  pllr_symbol_layer0 = pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->layer_llr[0];
-  pllr_symbol_layer1 = pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->layer_llr[1];
-  pllr_symbol_layer0 += llr_offset_symbol;
-  pllr_symbol_layer1 += llr_offset_symbol;
-  pllr_symbol_cw0 = pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->llr[0];
-  pllr_symbol_cw1 = pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->llr[1];
-  pllr_symbol_cw0 += llr_offset_symbol;
-  pllr_symbol_cw1 += llr_offset_symbol;
   pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->llr_offset[symbol] = len*dlsch0_harq->Qm + llr_offset_symbol;
   /*LOG_I(PHY,"compute LLRs [symbol %d] NbRB %d Qm %d LLRs-Length %d LLR-Offset %d @LLR Buff %x @LLR Buff(symb) %x\n",
@@ -3020,14 +2494,6 @@ static int nr_dlsch_llr(NR_UE_PDSCH **pdsch_vars,
-  /*printf("compute LLRs [symbol %d] NbRB %d Qm %d LLRs-Length %d LLR-Offset %d @LLR Buff %p @LLR Buff(symb) %p\n",
-    symbol,
-    nb_rb,dlsch0_harq->Qm,
-    pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->llr_length[symbol],
-    pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->llr_offset[symbol],
-    pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->llr[0],
-    pllr_symbol_cw0);*/
   switch (dlsch0_harq->Qm) {
   case 2 :
@@ -3043,27 +2509,14 @@ static int nr_dlsch_llr(NR_UE_PDSCH **pdsch_vars,
-      case rx_IC_single_stream ://not implemented yet
-        /*nr_dlsch_qpsk_qpsk_llr(frame_parms,
-                               pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->rxdataF_comp0,
-                               rxdataF_comp_ptr,
-                               pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->dl_ch_rho2_ext,
-                               pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->layer_llr[0],
-                               symbol,len,first_symbol_flag,nb_rb,
-                               adjust_G2(frame_parms,dlsch0_harq->rb_alloc_even,2,nr_slot_rx,symbol),
-                               pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->llr128);*/
+      case rx_IC_single_stream ://From LTE Code!!
+        //not implemented yet
-      case rx_IC_dual_stream ://not implemented yet
-        /*nr_dlsch_qpsk_qpsk_llr(frame_parms,
-                               rxdataF_comp_ptr,
-                               pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->rxdataF_comp0,
-                               pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->dl_ch_rho_ext[harq_pid][round],
-                               pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->layer_llr[1],
-                               symbol,len,first_symbol_flag,nb_rb,
-                               adjust_G2(frame_parms,dlsch1_harq->rb_alloc_even,2,nr_slot_rx,symbol),
-                               pdsch_vars[gNB_id]->llr128_2ndstream);*/
+      case rx_IC_dual_stream :
+        //not implemented yet
-      case rx_SIC_dual_stream ://not implemented yet
+      case rx_SIC_dual_stream :
+        //not implemented yet
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/nr_initial_sync.c b/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/nr_initial_sync.c
index ac918b4f3e85e0451f235ac29e729917faebd892..b806e4c381cba26624b278a3d1b45fefabae7dba 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/nr_initial_sync.c
+++ b/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/nr_initial_sync.c
@@ -146,23 +146,26 @@ int nr_pbch_detection(UE_nr_rxtx_proc_t * proc, PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue, int pbch_ini
   // computing channel estimation for selected best ssb
-    const int estimateSz=7*2*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size;
+    const int estimateSz = frame_parms->symbols_per_slot * frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size;
     __attribute__ ((aligned(32))) struct complex16 dl_ch_estimates[frame_parms->nb_antennas_rx][estimateSz];
-    __attribute__ ((aligned(32))) struct complex16 dl_ch_estimates_time[frame_parms->nb_antennas_rx][estimateSz];
+    __attribute__ ((aligned(32))) struct complex16 dl_ch_estimates_time[frame_parms->nb_antennas_rx][frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size];
     for(int i=pbch_initial_symbol; i<pbch_initial_symbol+3;i++)
       nr_pbch_channel_estimation(ue,estimateSz, dl_ch_estimates, dl_ch_estimates_time, 
     fapiPbch_t result;
     ret = nr_rx_pbch(ue,
-                     estimateSz, dl_ch_estimates,
-		     ue->pbch_vars[0],
+                     estimateSz,
+                     dl_ch_estimates,
+                     ue->pbch_vars[0],
-		     &result);
+                     &result);
@@ -349,15 +352,17 @@ int nr_initial_sync(UE_nr_rxtx_proc_t *proc,
         // compute the scrambling IDs for PDSCH DMRS
-        for (int i=0; i<2; i++)
-          ue->scramblingID[i]=fp->Nid_cell;
-        nr_gold_pdsch(ue,ue->scramblingID);
+        for (int i=0; i<NR_NB_NSCID; i++) {
+          ue->scramblingID_dlsch[i]=fp->Nid_cell;
+          nr_gold_pdsch(ue, i, ue->scramblingID_dlsch[i]);
+        }
         // initialize the pusch dmrs
-        uint16_t N_n_scid[2] = {fp->Nid_cell,fp->Nid_cell};
-        int n_scid = 0; // This quantity is indicated by higher layer parameter dmrs-SeqInitialization
-        nr_init_pusch_dmrs(ue, N_n_scid, n_scid);
+        for (int i=0; i<NR_NB_NSCID; i++) {
+          ue->scramblingID_ulsch[i]=fp->Nid_cell;
+          nr_init_pusch_dmrs(ue, ue->scramblingID_ulsch[i], i);
+        }
         // we also need to take into account the shift by samples_per_frame in case the if is true
         if (ue->ssb_offset < sync_pos_frame){
@@ -548,6 +553,7 @@ int nr_initial_sync(UE_nr_rxtx_proc_t *proc,
+                                      fp->Nid_cell,
                                       fp->first_carrier_offset+(pdcch_vars->pdcch_config[n_ss].BWPStart + coreset_start_rb)*12,
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/nr_transport_proto_ue.h b/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/nr_transport_proto_ue.h
index db21323cdd4aa7c49c5b2494d3dc4f50272c4ecb..6897cbd69c03ab087dfd6c2d0c57ccefe944b6a1 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/nr_transport_proto_ue.h
+++ b/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/nr_transport_proto_ue.h
@@ -733,7 +733,7 @@ unsigned short nr_dlsch_extract_rbs_single(int **rxdataF,
     @param n_dmrs_cdm_groups
     @param frame_parms Pointer to frame descriptor
-unsigned short nr_dlsch_extract_rbs_multiple(int **rxdataF,
+void nr_dlsch_extract_rbs(int **rxdataF,
                                         int **dl_ch_estimates,
                                         int **rxdataF_ext,
                                         int **dl_ch_estimates_ext,
@@ -824,28 +824,12 @@ void nr_dlsch_channel_compensation_core(int **rxdataF_ext,
                                      int start_point);
 void nr_dlsch_deinterleaving(uint8_t symbol,
-							uint8_t start_symbol,
-							uint16_t L,
-							uint16_t *llr,
-							uint16_t *llr_deint,
-							uint16_t nb_rb_pdsch);
-void dlsch_dual_stream_correlation(NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms,
-                                   unsigned char symbol,
-                                   unsigned short nb_rb,
-                                   int **dl_ch_estimates_ext,
-                                   int **dl_ch_estimates_ext_i,
-                                   int **dl_ch_rho_ext,
-                                   unsigned char output_shift);
-void dlsch_dual_stream_correlationTM34(NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms,
-                                   unsigned char symbol,
-                                   unsigned short nb_rb,
-                                   int **dl_ch_estimates_ext,
-                                   int **dl_ch_estimates_ext_i,
-                                   int **dl_ch_rho_ext,
-                                   unsigned char output_shift0,
-                                   unsigned char output_shift1);
+                             uint8_t start_symbol,
+                             uint16_t L,
+                             uint16_t *llr,
+                             uint16_t *llr_deint,
+                             uint16_t nb_rb_pdsch);
 //This function is used to compute multiplications in Hhermitian * H matrix
 void conjch0_mult_ch1(int *ch0,
                       int *ch1,
@@ -897,19 +881,6 @@ void nr_dlsch_detection_mrc(int **rxdataF_comp,
                             unsigned short nb_rb,
                             int length);
-void nr_dlsch_detection_mrc_core(int **rxdataF_comp,
-                              int **rxdataF_comp_i,
-                              int **rho,
-                              int **rho_i,
-                              int **dl_ch_mag,
-                              int **dl_ch_magb,
-                              int **dl_ch_mag_i,
-                              int **dl_ch_magb_i,
-                              unsigned char n_tx,
-                              unsigned char n_rx,
-                              int length,
-                              int start_point);
 void det_HhH(int32_t *after_mf_00,
              int32_t *after_mf_01,
              int32_t *after_mf_10,
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/nr_transport_ue.h b/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/nr_transport_ue.h
index f76119250f5164a8c2859ce0a7bc926fe9fc283a..7b5019edfe8518f64c26d18e5788dd88083726f0 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/nr_transport_ue.h
+++ b/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/nr_transport_ue.h
@@ -196,8 +196,6 @@ typedef struct {
   uint8_t rvidx;
   /// MIMO mode for this DLSCH
   MIMO_nrmode_t mimo_mode;
-  /// LDPC processing buffers
-  t_nrLDPC_procBuf **p_nrLDPC_procBuf;
   /// Number of code segments 
   uint32_t C;
   /// Number of bits in code segments
@@ -261,6 +259,8 @@ typedef struct {
   uint16_t ptrs_symbols;
   // PTRS symbol index, to be updated every PTRS symbol within a slot.
   uint8_t ptrs_symbol_index;
+  uint8_t nscid;
+  uint16_t dlDmrsScramblingId;
   /// PDU BITMAP 
   uint16_t pduBitmap;
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/nr_ulsch_ue.c b/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/nr_ulsch_ue.c
index 802cb55e03445dcd26ce7c17f3272022efb85c3f..bab0c75aff198ee80778f809d62c3de80eb43ca9 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/nr_ulsch_ue.c
+++ b/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/nr_ulsch_ue.c
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
 #include <stdint.h>
 #include "PHY/NR_REFSIG/dmrs_nr.h"
 #include "PHY/NR_REFSIG/ptrs_nr.h"
+#include "PHY/NR_REFSIG/refsig_defs_ue.h"
 #include "PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/nr_transport_ue.h"
 #include "PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/nr_transport_proto_ue.h"
 #include "PHY/MODULATION/nr_modulation.h"
@@ -215,9 +216,16 @@ void nr_ue_ulsch_procedures(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *UE,
   /////////////////////////DMRS Modulation/////////////////////////
-  uint32_t **pusch_dmrs = UE->nr_gold_pusch_dmrs[slot];
+  if(pusch_pdu->ul_dmrs_scrambling_id != UE->scramblingID_ulsch[pusch_pdu->scid])  {
+    UE->scramblingID_ulsch[pusch_pdu->scid] = pusch_pdu->ul_dmrs_scrambling_id;
+    nr_init_pusch_dmrs(UE, pusch_pdu->scid, pusch_pdu->ul_dmrs_scrambling_id);
+  }
+  uint32_t ***pusch_dmrs = UE->nr_gold_pusch_dmrs[slot];
   uint16_t n_dmrs = (pusch_pdu->bwp_start + start_rb + nb_rb)*((dmrs_type == pusch_dmrs_type1) ? 6:4);
   int16_t mod_dmrs[n_dmrs<<1] __attribute((aligned(16)));
@@ -382,7 +390,7 @@ void nr_ue_ulsch_procedures(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *UE,
           // TODO: performance improvement, we can skip the modulation of DMRS symbols outside the bandwidth part
           // Perform this on gold sequence, not required when SC FDMA operation is done,
           LOG_D(PHY,"DMRS in symbol %d\n",l);
-          nr_modulation(pusch_dmrs[l], n_dmrs*2, DMRS_MOD_ORDER, mod_dmrs); // Qm = 2 as DMRS is QPSK modulated
+          nr_modulation(pusch_dmrs[l][pusch_pdu->scid], n_dmrs*2, DMRS_MOD_ORDER, mod_dmrs); // currently only codeword 0 is modulated. Qm = 2 as DMRS is QPSK modulated
         } else {
           dmrs_idx = 0;
@@ -392,7 +400,7 @@ void nr_ue_ulsch_procedures(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *UE,
         if(is_ptrs_symbol(l, ulsch_ue->ptrs_symbols)) {
           is_ptrs_sym = 1;
-          nr_modulation(pusch_dmrs[l], nb_rb, DMRS_MOD_ORDER, mod_ptrs);
+          nr_modulation(pusch_dmrs[l][pusch_pdu->scid], nb_rb, DMRS_MOD_ORDER, mod_ptrs);
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/sss_nr.c b/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/sss_nr.c
index dc73fe0add1226bfaeff3d433ee7d613d9d601ce..88585e6094f92bb6817c80586c06f677990ac80c 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/sss_nr.c
+++ b/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/sss_nr.c
@@ -558,6 +558,9 @@ int rx_sss_nr(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue, UE_nr_rxtx_proc_t *proc, int32_t *tot_metric,
+  if (Nid1==N_ID_1_NUMBER)
+    return -1;
   int re = 0;
   int im = 0;
   d = (int16_t *)&d_sss[Nid2][Nid1];
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/TOOLS/oai_dfts.c b/openair1/PHY/TOOLS/oai_dfts.c
index 83207426fde1a4906866a2bdc1b082debcaa6441..c2b6a55210822fd4e066adf7888d4463309f164d 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/TOOLS/oai_dfts.c
+++ b/openair1/PHY/TOOLS/oai_dfts.c
@@ -7082,43 +7082,40 @@ static inline void dft12f(simd_q15_t *x0,
   simd_q15_t tmp_dft12[12];
-  simd_q15_t *tmp_dft12_ptr = &tmp_dft12[0];
   // msg("dft12\n");
-            tmp_dft12_ptr,
-            tmp_dft12_ptr+3,
-            tmp_dft12_ptr+6,
-            tmp_dft12_ptr+9);
+            tmp_dft12,
+            tmp_dft12+3,
+            tmp_dft12+6,
+            tmp_dft12+9);
-            tmp_dft12_ptr+1,
-            tmp_dft12_ptr+4,
-            tmp_dft12_ptr+7,
-            tmp_dft12_ptr+10);
+            tmp_dft12+1,
+            tmp_dft12+4,
+            tmp_dft12+7,
+            tmp_dft12+10);
-            tmp_dft12_ptr+2,
-            tmp_dft12_ptr+5,
-            tmp_dft12_ptr+8,
-            tmp_dft12_ptr+11);
+            tmp_dft12+2,
+            tmp_dft12+5,
+            tmp_dft12+8,
+            tmp_dft12+11);
   //  k2=0;
-  bfly3_tw1(tmp_dft12_ptr,
-            tmp_dft12_ptr+1,
-            tmp_dft12_ptr+2,
+  bfly3_tw1(tmp_dft12,
+            tmp_dft12+1,
+            tmp_dft12+2,
@@ -7126,9 +7123,9 @@ static inline void dft12f(simd_q15_t *x0,
   //  k2=1;
-  bfly3(tmp_dft12_ptr+3,
-        tmp_dft12_ptr+4,
-        tmp_dft12_ptr+5,
+  bfly3(tmp_dft12+3,
+        tmp_dft12+4,
+        tmp_dft12+5,
@@ -7138,9 +7135,9 @@ static inline void dft12f(simd_q15_t *x0,
   //  k2=2;
-  bfly3(tmp_dft12_ptr+6,
-        tmp_dft12_ptr+7,
-        tmp_dft12_ptr+8,
+  bfly3(tmp_dft12+6,
+        tmp_dft12+7,
+        tmp_dft12+8,
@@ -7148,9 +7145,9 @@ static inline void dft12f(simd_q15_t *x0,
   //  k2=3;
-  bfly3(tmp_dft12_ptr+9,
-        tmp_dft12_ptr+10,
-        tmp_dft12_ptr+11,
+  bfly3(tmp_dft12+9,
+        tmp_dft12+10,
+        tmp_dft12+11,
@@ -10606,15 +10603,43 @@ int dfts_autoinit(void)
 #ifndef MR_MAIN
-void dft(uint8_t sizeidx, int16_t *sigF,int16_t *sig,unsigned char scale_flag){
-	AssertFatal((sizeidx>=0 && sizeidx<(int)DFT_SIZE_IDXTABLESIZE),"Invalid dft size index %i\n",sizeidx);
-	dft_ftab[sizeidx](sigF,sig,scale_flag);
+void dft(uint8_t sizeidx, int16_t *input,int16_t *output,unsigned char scale_flag){
+	AssertFatal((sizeidx >= 0 && sizeidx<DFT_SIZE_IDXTABLESIZE),"Invalid dft size index %i\n",sizeidx);
+        int algn=0xF;
+        #ifdef __AVX2__
+        if ( (dft_ftab[sizeidx].size%3) != 0 ) // there is no AVX2 implementation for multiples of 3 DFTs
+          algn=0x1F;
+        #endif 
+        AssertFatal(((intptr_t)output&algn)==0,"Buffers should be aligned %p",output);
+        if (((intptr_t)input)&algn) {
+          LOG_D(PHY, "DFT called with input not aligned, add a memcpy, size %d\n", sizeidx);
+          int sz=dft_ftab[sizeidx].size;
+          if (sizeidx==DFT_12) // This case does 8 DFTs in //
+            sz*=8;
+          int16_t tmp[sz*2] __attribute__ ((aligned(32))); // input and output are not in right type (int16_t instead of c16_t)
+          memcpy(tmp, input, sizeof tmp);
+          dft_ftab[sizeidx].func(tmp,output,scale_flag);
+        } else
+          dft_ftab[sizeidx].func(input,output,scale_flag);
-void idft(uint8_t sizeidx, int16_t *sigF,int16_t *sig,unsigned char scale_flag){
-	AssertFatal((sizeidx>=0 && sizeidx<(int)IDFT_SIZE_IDXTABLESIZE),"Invalid idft size index %i\n",sizeidx);
-	idft_ftab[sizeidx](sigF,sig,scale_flag);
+void idft(uint8_t sizeidx, int16_t *input,int16_t *output,unsigned char scale_flag){
+	AssertFatal((sizeidx>=0 && sizeidx<DFT_SIZE_IDXTABLESIZE),"Invalid idft size index %i\n",sizeidx);
+        int algn=0xF;
+        #ifdef __AVX2__
+          algn=0x1F;
+        #endif
+        AssertFatal( ((intptr_t)output&algn)==0,"Buffers should be 16 bytes aligned %p",output);
+        if (((intptr_t)input)&algn ) {  
+          LOG_D(PHY, "DFT called with input not aligned, add a memcpy\n");
+          int sz=idft_ftab[sizeidx].size;
+          int16_t tmp[sz*2] __attribute__ ((aligned(32))); // input and output are not in right type (int16_t instead of c16_t)
+          memcpy(tmp, input, sizeof tmp);
+          dft_ftab[sizeidx].func(tmp,output,scale_flag);
+        } else
+          idft_ftab[sizeidx].func(input,output,scale_flag);
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/TOOLS/tools_defs.h b/openair1/PHY/TOOLS/tools_defs.h
index 966e93440e9b017752734da7f4b4cc9398dc5019..86bce9614fd442ef47ad3670901c477c17d21378 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/TOOLS/tools_defs.h
+++ b/openair1/PHY/TOOLS/tools_defs.h
@@ -181,159 +181,156 @@ This function performs optimized fixed-point radix-2 FFT/IFFT.
+  SZ_DEF(12) \
+  SZ_DEF(24) \
+  SZ_DEF(36) \
+  SZ_DEF(48) \
+  SZ_DEF(60) \
+  SZ_DEF(64) \
+  SZ_DEF(72) \
+  SZ_DEF(96) \
+  SZ_DEF(108) \
+  SZ_DEF(120) \
+  SZ_DEF(128) \
+  SZ_DEF(144) \
+  SZ_DEF(180) \
+  SZ_DEF(192) \
+  SZ_DEF(216) \
+  SZ_DEF(240) \
+  SZ_DEF(256) \
+  SZ_DEF(288) \
+  SZ_DEF(300) \
+  SZ_DEF(324) \
+  SZ_DEF(360) \
+  SZ_DEF(384) \
+  SZ_DEF(432) \
+  SZ_DEF(480) \
+  SZ_DEF(512) \
+  SZ_DEF(540) \
+  SZ_DEF(576) \
+  SZ_DEF(600) \
+  SZ_DEF(648) \
+  SZ_DEF(720) \
+  SZ_DEF(768) \
+  SZ_DEF(864) \
+  SZ_DEF(900) \
+  SZ_DEF(960) \
+  SZ_DEF(972) \
+  SZ_DEF(1024) \
+  SZ_DEF(1080) \
+  SZ_DEF(1152) \
+  SZ_DEF(1200) \
+  SZ_DEF(1296) \
+  SZ_DEF(1440) \
+  SZ_DEF(1500) \
+  SZ_DEF(1536) \
+  SZ_DEF(1620) \
+  SZ_DEF(1728) \
+  SZ_DEF(1800) \
+  SZ_DEF(1920) \
+  SZ_DEF(1944) \
+  SZ_DEF(2048) \
+  SZ_DEF(2160) \
+  SZ_DEF(2304) \
+  SZ_DEF(2400) \
+  SZ_DEF(2592) \
+  SZ_DEF(2700) \
+  SZ_DEF(2880) \
+  SZ_DEF(2916) \
+  SZ_DEF(3000) \
+  SZ_DEF(3072) \
+  SZ_DEF(3240) \
+  SZ_DEF(4096) \
+  SZ_DEF(6144) \
+  SZ_DEF(8192) \
+  SZ_DEF(9216) \
+  SZ_DEF(12288) \
+  SZ_DEF(18432) \
+  SZ_DEF(24576) \
+  SZ_DEF(36864) \
+  SZ_DEF(49152) \
+  SZ_DEF(73728) \
+  SZ_DEF(98304)
+  SZ_DEF(64) \
+  SZ_DEF(128) \
+  SZ_DEF(256) \
+  SZ_DEF(512) \
+  SZ_DEF(1024) \
+  SZ_DEF(1536) \
+  SZ_DEF(2048) \
+  SZ_DEF(3072) \
+  SZ_DEF(4096) \
+  SZ_DEF(6144) \
+  SZ_DEF(8192) \
+  SZ_DEF(9216) \
+  SZ_DEF(12288) \
+  SZ_DEF(18432) \
+  SZ_DEF(24576) \
+  SZ_DEF(36864) \
+  SZ_DEF(49152) \
+  SZ_DEF(73728) \
+  SZ_DEF(98304)
-typedef  void(*adftfunc_t)(int16_t *sigF,int16_t *sig,unsigned char scale_flag);  
-typedef  void(*aidftfunc_t)(int16_t *sigF,int16_t *sig,unsigned char scale_flag);     
-void dft12(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft24(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft36(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft48(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft60(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft64(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft72(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft96(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft108(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft120(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft128(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft144(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft180(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft192(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft216(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft240(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft256(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft288(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft300(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft324(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft360(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft384(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft432(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft480(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft512(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft540(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft576(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft600(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft648(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft720(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft768(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft864(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft900(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft960(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft972(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft1024(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft1080(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft1152(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft1200(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft1296(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft1440(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft1500(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft1536(int16_t *sigF,int16_t *sig,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft1620(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft1728(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft1800(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft1920(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft1944(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft2048(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft2160(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft2304(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft2400(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft2592(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft2700(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft2880(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft2916(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft3000(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft3072(int16_t *sigF,int16_t *sig,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft3240(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft4096(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft6144(int16_t *sigF,int16_t *sig,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft8192(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft9216(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void dft12288(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);  
-void dft18432(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag); 
-void dft24576(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag); 
-void dft36864(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag); 
-void dft49152(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag); 
-void dft73728(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag); 
-void dft98304(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void idft64(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void idft128(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void idft256(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void idft512(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void idft1024(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void idft1536(int16_t *sigF,int16_t *sig,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void idft2048(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void idft3072(int16_t *sigF,int16_t *sig,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void idft4096(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void idft6144(int16_t *sigF,int16_t *sig,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void idft8192(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void idft9216(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void idft12288(int16_t *sigF,int16_t *sig,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void idft18432(int16_t *sigF,int16_t *sig,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void idft24576(int16_t *sigF,int16_t *sig,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void idft36864(int16_t *sigF,int16_t *sig,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void idft49152(int16_t *sigF,int16_t *sig,uint8_t scale_flag); 
-void idft73728(int16_t *sigF,int16_t *sig,uint8_t scale_flag);
-void idft98304(int16_t *sigF,int16_t *sig,uint8_t scale_flag);
+typedef  void(*adftfunc_t)(int16_t *sigF,int16_t *sig,unsigned char scale_flag);
+typedef  void(*aidftfunc_t)(int16_t *sigF,int16_t *sig,unsigned char scale_flag);
+#define SZ_FUNC(Sz) void dft ## Sz(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
+#define SZ_iFUNC(Sz) void idft ## Sz(int16_t *x,int16_t *y,uint8_t scale_flag);
-  typedef  void(*dftfunc_t)(uint8_t sizeidx,int16_t *sigF,int16_t *sig,unsigned char scale_flag);  
-  typedef  void(*idftfunc_t)(uint8_t sizeidx,int16_t *sigF,int16_t *sig,unsigned char scale_flag);  
+typedef  void(*dftfunc_t)(uint8_t sizeidx,int16_t *sigF,int16_t *sig,unsigned char scale_flag);
+typedef  void(*idftfunc_t)(uint8_t sizeidx,int16_t *sigF,int16_t *sig,unsigned char scale_flag);
-  dftfunc_t dft;
-  idftfunc_t idft;
+dftfunc_t dft;
+idftfunc_t idft;
 #  else
-  extern dftfunc_t dft;
-  extern idftfunc_t idft;
-  extern int load_dftslib(void);
+extern dftfunc_t dft;
+extern idftfunc_t idft;
+extern int load_dftslib(void);
 #  endif
-typedef enum DFT_size_idx {
-	DFT_12,    DFT_24,    DFT_36,   DFT_48,     DFT_60,   DFT_72,   DFT_96,
-	DFT_108,   DFT_120,   DFT_128,  DFT_144,    DFT_180,  DFT_192,  DFT_216,   DFT_240,
-	DFT_256,   DFT_288,   DFT_300,  DFT_324,    DFT_360,  DFT_384,  DFT_432,   DFT_480,
-	DFT_512,   DFT_540,   DFT_576,  DFT_600,    DFT_648,  DFT_720,  DFT_768,   DFT_864,
-	DFT_900,   DFT_960,   DFT_972,  DFT_1024,   DFT_1080, DFT_1152, DFT_1200,  DFT_1296,
-	DFT_1440,  DFT_1500,  DFT_1536, DFT_1620,   DFT_1728, DFT_1800, DFT_1920,  DFT_1944,
-	DFT_2048,  DFT_2160,  DFT_2304, DFT_2400,   DFT_2592, DFT_2700, DFT_2880,  DFT_2916,
-	DFT_3000,  DFT_3072,  DFT_3240, DFT_4096,   DFT_6144, DFT_8192, DFT_9216,  DFT_12288,
-	DFT_18432, DFT_24576, DFT_36864, DFT_49152, DFT_73728, DFT_98304,
-} dft_size_idx_t;
+#define SZ_ENUM(Sz) DFT_ ## Sz,
-adftfunc_t dft_ftab[]={
-	dft12,    dft24,    dft36,    dft48,    dft60,   dft72,   dft96,
-	dft108,   dft120,   dft128,   dft144,   dft180,  dft192,  dft216,   dft240,
-	dft256,   dft288,   dft300,   dft324,   dft360,  dft384,  dft432,   dft480,
-	dft512,   dft540,   dft576,   dft600,   dft648,  dft720,  dft768,   dft864,
-	dft900,   dft960,   dft972,   dft1024,  dft1080, dft1152, dft1200,  dft1296,
-	dft1440,  dft1500,  dft1536,  dft1620,  dft1728, dft1800, dft1920,  dft1944,
-	dft2048,  dft2160,  dft2304,  dft2400,  dft2592, dft2700, dft2880,  dft2916,
-	dft3000,  dft3072,  dft3240,  dft4096,  dft6144, dft8192, dft9216,  dft12288,
-	dft18432, dft24576, dft36864, dft49152, dft73728, dft98304
+typedef enum dft_size_idx {
+}  dft_size_idx_t;
+#define SZ_iENUM(Sz) IDFT_ ## Sz,
 typedef enum idft_size_idx {
-	IDFT_128,   IDFT_256,  IDFT_512,   IDFT_1024,  IDFT_1536,  IDFT_2048,  IDFT_3072,  IDFT_4096,
-	IDFT_6144,  IDFT_8192, IDFT_9216,  IDFT_12288, IDFT_18432, IDFT_24576, IDFT_36864, IDFT_49152, 
-	IDFT_73728, IDFT_98304, 
-} idft_size_idx_t;
+}  idft_size_idx_t;
-aidftfunc_t idft_ftab[]={
-	idft128,   idft256,  idft512,   idft1024,  idft1536,  idft2048,  idft3072,  idft4096,
-	idft6144,  idft8192, idft9216,  idft12288, idft18432, idft24576, idft36864, idft49152,
-	idft73728, idft98304
+#define SZ_PTR(Sz) {dft ## Sz,Sz},
+struct {
+  adftfunc_t func;
+  int size;
+} dft_ftab[]= {
+#define SZ_iPTR(Sz)  {idft ## Sz,Sz},
+struct {
+  adftfunc_t func;
+  int size;
+} idft_ftab[]= {
@@ -387,7 +384,7 @@ int32_t add_real_vector64(int16_t *x,
                           uint32_t N);
 int32_t sub_real_vector64(int16_t *x,
-                          int16_t* y,
+                          int16_t *y,
                           int16_t *z,
                           uint32_t N);
@@ -444,7 +441,7 @@ int32_t signal_energy_amp_shift(int32_t *input, uint32_t length);
 /*!\fn int32_t signal_energy(int *,uint32_t);
 \brief Computes the signal energy per subcarrier
-int32_t subcarrier_energy(int32_t *,uint32_t, int32_t* subcarrier_energy, uint16_t rx_power_correction);
+int32_t subcarrier_energy(int32_t *,uint32_t, int32_t *subcarrier_energy, uint16_t rx_power_correction);
 /*!\fn int32_t signal_energy_nodc(int32_t *,uint32_t);
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/defs_gNB.h b/openair1/PHY/defs_gNB.h
index 6dcce5df0a238ca61ad7f08a565e2a2bac1e9133..7b655c023a9bbd27db6c315528f38eef6c66bf50 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/defs_gNB.h
+++ b/openair1/PHY/defs_gNB.h
@@ -280,8 +280,6 @@ typedef struct {
   uint32_t C;
   /// Pointers to code blocks after LDPC coding (38.212 V15.4.0 section 5.3.2)
-  /// LDPC processing buffer
-  t_nrLDPC_procBuf* p_nrLDPC_procBuf[MAX_NUM_NR_ULSCH_SEGMENTS];
   /// LDPC lifting size (38.212 V15.4.0 table 5.3.2-1)
   uint32_t Z;
   /// code blocks after bit selection in rate matching for LDPC code (38.212 V15.4.0 section
@@ -800,6 +798,13 @@ typedef struct PHY_VARS_gNB_s {
   /// PDSCH DMRS sequence
   uint32_t ****nr_gold_pdsch_dmrs;
+  /// PDSCH codebook I precoding LUTs
+  /// first dimension: Rank number [0,...,noOfLayers-1[
+  /// second dimension: PMI [0,...,CodeSize-1[
+  /// third dimension: [i_rows*noOfLayers+j_col], i_rows=0,...pdsch_AntennaPorts-1 and j_col=0,...,noOfLayers-1
+  int32_t ***nr_mimo_precoding_matrix;
+  int pmiq_size[NR_MAX_NB_LAYERS];
   uint32_t ****nr_gold_pusch_dmrs;
@@ -845,6 +850,15 @@ typedef struct PHY_VARS_gNB_s {
   /// counter to average prach energh over first 100 prach opportunities
   int prach_energy_counter;
+  int csi_gold_init;
+  int pdcch_gold_init;
+  int pdsch_gold_init[2];
+  int pusch_gold_init[2];
+  int ap_N1;
+  int ap_N2;
+  int ap_XP;
   int pucch0_thres;
   int pusch_thres;
   int prach_thres;
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/defs_nr_UE.h b/openair1/PHY/defs_nr_UE.h
index 04080e72150326f7046a971084135750990836c1..ddd84fbc41ce049a1dc3f2db838ba3c890ed88a6 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/defs_nr_UE.h
+++ b/openair1/PHY/defs_nr_UE.h
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ typedef struct {
   //! estimated rssi (dBm)
   short          rx_rssi_dBm[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_gNB_MAX];
   //! estimated correlation (wideband linear) between spatial channels (computed in dlsch_demodulation)
-  int            rx_correlation[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_gNB_MAX][4][4];
   //! estimated correlation (wideband dB) between spatial channels (computed in dlsch_demodulation)
   int            rx_correlation_dB[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_gNB_MAX][2];
@@ -271,12 +271,6 @@ typedef struct {
   /// - first index: ? [0..7] (hard coded) FIXME! accessed via \c nb_antennas_rx
   /// - second index: ? [0..168*N_RB_DL[
   int32_t **rxdataF_comp0;
-  /// \brief Received frequency-domain signal after extraction and channel compensation for the second stream. For the SIC receiver we need to store the history of this for each harq process and round
-  /// - first index: ? [0..7] (hard coded) accessed via \c harq_pid
-  /// - second index: ? [0..7] (hard coded) accessed via \c round
-  /// - third index: ? [0..7] (hard coded) FIXME! accessed via \c nb_antennas_rx
-  /// - fourth index: ? [0..168*N_RB_DL[
-  int32_t **rxdataF_comp1[8][8];
   /// \brief Hold the channel estimates in frequency domain.
   /// - first index: ? [0..7] (hard coded) FIXME! accessed via \c nb_antennas_rx
   /// - second index: samples? [0..symbols_per_tti*(ofdm_symbol_size+LTE_CE_FILTER_LENGTH)[
@@ -289,12 +283,6 @@ typedef struct {
   /// - first index: ? [0..7] (hard coded) FIXME! accessed via \c nb_antennas_rx
   /// - second index: ? [0..168*N_RB_DL[
   int32_t **dl_ch_ptrs_estimates_ext;
-  /// \brief Downlink cross-correlation of MIMO channel estimates (unquantized PMI) extracted in PRBS. For the SIC receiver we need to store the history of this for each harq process and round
-  /// - first index: ? [0..7] (hard coded) accessed via \c harq_pid
-  /// - second index: ? [0..7] (hard coded) accessed via \c round
-  /// - third index: ? [0..7] (hard coded) FIXME! accessed via \c nb_antennas_rx
-  /// - fourth index: ? [0..168*N_RB_DL[
-  int32_t **dl_ch_rho_ext[8][8];
   /// \brief Downlink beamforming channel estimates in frequency domain.
   /// - first index: ? [0..7] (hard coded) FIXME! accessed via \c nb_antennas_rx
   /// - second index: samples? [0..symbols_per_tti*(ofdm_symbol_size+LTE_CE_FILTER_LENGTH)[
@@ -303,10 +291,6 @@ typedef struct {
   /// - first index: ? [0..7] (hard coded) FIXME! accessed via \c nb_antennas_rx
   /// - second index: ? [0..168*N_RB_DL[
   int32_t **dl_bf_ch_estimates_ext;
-  /// \brief Downlink cross-correlation of MIMO channel estimates (unquantized PMI) extracted in PRBS.
-  /// - first index: ? [0..7] (hard coded) FIXME! accessed via \c nb_antennas_rx
-  /// - second index: ? [0..168*N_RB_DL[
-  int32_t **dl_ch_rho2_ext;
   /// \brief Downlink PMIs extracted in PRBS and grouped in subbands.
   /// - first index: ressource block [0..N_RB_DL[
   uint8_t *pmi_ext;
@@ -314,18 +298,10 @@ typedef struct {
   /// - first index: ? [0..7] (hard coded) FIXME! accessed via \c nb_antennas_rx
   /// - second index: ? [0..168*N_RB_DL[
   int32_t **dl_ch_mag0;
-  /// \brief Magnitude of Downlink Channel second layer (16QAM level/First 64QAM level).
-  /// - first index: ? [0..7] (hard coded) FIXME! accessed via \c nb_antennas_rx
-  /// - second index: ? [0..168*N_RB_DL[
-  int32_t **dl_ch_mag1[8][8];
   /// \brief Magnitude of Downlink Channel, first layer (2nd 64QAM level).
   /// - first index: ? [0..7] (hard coded) FIXME! accessed via \c nb_antennas_rx
   /// - second index: ? [0..168*N_RB_DL[
   int32_t **dl_ch_magb0;
-  /// \brief Magnitude of Downlink Channel second layer (2nd 64QAM level).
-  /// - first index: ? [0..7] (hard coded) FIXME! accessed via \c nb_antennas_rx
-  /// - second index: ? [0..168*N_RB_DL[
-  int32_t **dl_ch_magb1[8][8];
   /// \brief Magnitude of Downlink Channel, first layer (256QAM level).
   int32_t **dl_ch_magr0;
   /// \brief Cross-correlation Matrix of the gNB Tx channel signals.
@@ -595,10 +571,6 @@ typedef struct {
   /// - second index: ? [0..168*N_RB_DL[
   int32_t **dl_ch_estimates_ext;
   /// \brief Pointers to channel cross-correlation vectors for multi-gNB detection.
-  /// - first index: ? [0..7] (hard coded) FIXME! accessed via \c nb_antennas_rx
-  /// - second index: ? [0..168*N_RB_DL[
-  int32_t **dl_ch_rho_ext;
-  /// \brief Pointers to channel cross-correlation vectors for multi-gNB detection.
   /// - first index: rx antenna [0..nb_antennas_rx[
   /// - second index: ? [0..]
   int32_t **rho;
@@ -817,7 +789,10 @@ typedef struct {
   uint32_t ****nr_gold_pdsch[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
   // Scrambling IDs used in PDSCH DMRS
-  uint16_t scramblingID[2];
+  uint16_t scramblingID_dlsch[2];
+  // Scrambling IDs used in PUSCH DMRS
+  uint16_t scramblingID_ulsch[2];
   uint32_t ***nr_gold_pdcch[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
@@ -826,7 +801,7 @@ typedef struct {
   uint16_t scramblingID_pdcch;
   /// PUSCH DMRS sequence
-  uint32_t ***nr_gold_pusch_dmrs;
+  uint32_t ****nr_gold_pusch_dmrs;
   uint32_t X_u[64][839];
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/defs_nr_common.h b/openair1/PHY/defs_nr_common.h
index 0a58ff3dc18311ea05047866f5f29f5a3078d54c..7c78d20ae50bf7c73fadb3b1f9eb22efadcabad4 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/defs_nr_common.h
+++ b/openair1/PHY/defs_nr_common.h
@@ -94,6 +94,8 @@
 #define NR_RX_NB_TH 1
 #define NR_NB_TH_SLOT 2
+#define NR_NB_NSCID 2
 extern const uint8_t nr_rv_round_map[4]; 
 static inline
@@ -322,7 +324,7 @@ struct NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS {
   uint32_t samples_per_frame_wCP;
   /// NR numerology index [0..5] as specified in 38.211 Section 4 (mu). 0=15khZ SCS, 1=30khZ, 2=60kHz, etc
   uint8_t numerology_index;
-  /// Number of Physical transmit antennas in node
+  /// Number of Physical transmit antennas in node (corresponds to nrOfAntennaPorts)
   uint8_t nb_antennas_tx;
   /// Number of Receive antennas in node
   uint8_t nb_antennas_rx;
diff --git a/openair1/SCHED_NR/phy_procedures_nr_gNB.c b/openair1/SCHED_NR/phy_procedures_nr_gNB.c
index ee7f734ae2c8d35664fae8442cf36fd7e678ac07..46816d0373c118c4ecbb7d536441012ccbfea4fc 100644
--- a/openair1/SCHED_NR/phy_procedures_nr_gNB.c
+++ b/openair1/SCHED_NR/phy_procedures_nr_gNB.c
@@ -158,8 +158,7 @@ void phy_procedures_gNB_TX(processingData_L1tx_t *msgTx,
-    nr_generate_dci_top(msgTx,
-			gNB->nr_gold_pdcch_dmrs[slot],
+    nr_generate_dci_top(msgTx, slot,
 			AMP, fp);
@@ -178,7 +177,7 @@ void phy_procedures_gNB_TX(processingData_L1tx_t *msgTx,
     if (csirs->active == 1) {
       LOG_D(PHY, "CSI-RS generation started in frame %d.%d\n",frame,slot);
       nfapi_nr_dl_tti_csi_rs_pdu_rel15_t csi_params = csirs->csirs_pdu.csi_rs_pdu_rel15;
-      nr_generate_csi_rs(gNB, AMP, csi_params, gNB->gNB_config.cell_config.phy_cell_id.value, slot);
+      nr_generate_csi_rs(gNB, AMP, csi_params, slot);
       csirs->active = 0;
diff --git a/openair1/SCHED_NR_UE/fapi_nr_ue_l1.c b/openair1/SCHED_NR_UE/fapi_nr_ue_l1.c
index 88403e30065b35b68c91d3ed7ddcd59f2a3ae9e0..8a1def31e25578b0f44849211541adc4b82e5afb 100644
--- a/openair1/SCHED_NR_UE/fapi_nr_ue_l1.c
+++ b/openair1/SCHED_NR_UE/fapi_nr_ue_l1.c
@@ -36,10 +36,11 @@
 #include "fapi_nr_ue_l1.h"
 #include "harq_nr.h"
 //#include "PHY/phy_vars_nr_ue.h"
+#include "openair2/NR_UE_PHY_INTERFACE/NR_IF_Module.h"
 #include "PHY/defs_nr_UE.h"
 #include "PHY/impl_defs_nr.h"
 #include "utils.h"
+#include "openair2/PHY_INTERFACE/queue_t.h"
 extern PHY_VARS_NR_UE ***PHY_vars_UE_g;
@@ -49,8 +50,64 @@ queue_t nr_rx_ind_queue;
 queue_t nr_crc_ind_queue;
 queue_t nr_uci_ind_queue;
-int8_t nr_ue_scheduled_response_stub(nr_scheduled_response_t *scheduled_response) {
+static void fill_uci_2_3_4(nfapi_nr_uci_pucch_pdu_format_2_3_4_t *pdu_2_3_4,
+                           fapi_nr_ul_config_pucch_pdu *pucch_pdu)
+  memset(pdu_2_3_4, 0, sizeof(*pdu_2_3_4));
+  pdu_2_3_4->handle = 0;
+  pdu_2_3_4->rnti = pucch_pdu->rnti;
+  pdu_2_3_4->pucch_format = 2;
+  pdu_2_3_4->ul_cqi = 255;
+  pdu_2_3_4->timing_advance = 0;
+  pdu_2_3_4->rssi = 0;
+  // TODO: Eventually check 38.212:Sect.631 to know when to use csi_part2, for now only using csi_part1
+  pdu_2_3_4->pduBitmap = 4;
+  pdu_2_3_4->csi_part1.csi_part1_bit_len = pucch_pdu->nr_of_symbols;
+  int csi_part1_byte_len = (int)((pdu_2_3_4->csi_part1.csi_part1_bit_len / 8) + 1);
+  AssertFatal(!pdu_2_3_4->csi_part1.csi_part1_payload, "pdu_2_3_4->csi_part1.csi_part1_payload != NULL\n");
+  pdu_2_3_4->csi_part1.csi_part1_payload = CALLOC(csi_part1_byte_len,
+                                                  sizeof(pdu_2_3_4->csi_part1.csi_part1_payload));
+  for (int k = 0; k < csi_part1_byte_len; k++)
+  {
+    pdu_2_3_4->csi_part1.csi_part1_payload[k] = (pucch_pdu->payload >> (k * 8)) & 0xff;
+  }
+  pdu_2_3_4->csi_part1.csi_part1_crc = 0;
+static void free_uci_inds(nfapi_nr_uci_indication_t *uci_ind)
+    for (int k = 0; k < uci_ind->num_ucis; k++)
+    {
+        if (uci_ind->uci_list[k].pdu_type == NFAPI_NR_UCI_FORMAT_0_1_PDU_TYPE)
+        {
+            nfapi_nr_uci_pucch_pdu_format_0_1_t *pdu_0_1 = &uci_ind->uci_list[k].pucch_pdu_format_0_1;
+            free(pdu_0_1->sr);
+            pdu_0_1->sr = NULL;
+            if (pdu_0_1->harq)
+            {
+                free(pdu_0_1->harq->harq_list);
+                pdu_0_1->harq->harq_list = NULL;
+            }
+            free(pdu_0_1->harq);
+            pdu_0_1->harq = NULL;
+        }
+        if (uci_ind->uci_list[k].pdu_type == NFAPI_NR_UCI_FORMAT_2_3_4_PDU_TYPE)
+        {
+            nfapi_nr_uci_pucch_pdu_format_2_3_4_t *pdu_2_3_4 = &uci_ind->uci_list[k].pucch_pdu_format_2_3_4;
+            free(pdu_2_3_4->sr.sr_payload);
+            pdu_2_3_4->sr.sr_payload = NULL;
+            free(pdu_2_3_4->harq.harq_payload);
+            pdu_2_3_4->harq.harq_payload = NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    free(uci_ind->uci_list);
+    uci_ind->uci_list = NULL;
+    free(uci_ind);
+    uci_ind = NULL;
+int8_t nr_ue_scheduled_response_stub(nr_scheduled_response_t *scheduled_response) {
+  NR_UE_MAC_INST_t *mac = get_mac_inst(0);
   if(scheduled_response != NULL)
     if (scheduled_response->ul_config != NULL)
@@ -60,7 +117,7 @@ int8_t nr_ue_scheduled_response_stub(nr_scheduled_response_t *scheduled_response
                   "Too many ul_config pdus %d", ul_config->number_pdus);
       for (int i = 0; i < ul_config->number_pdus; ++i)
-        LOG_I(PHY, "In %s: processing type %d PDU of %d total UL PDUs (ul_config %p) \n",
+        LOG_D(NR_PHY, "In %s: processing type %d PDU of %d total UL PDUs (ul_config %p) \n",
               __FUNCTION__, ul_config->ul_config_list[i].pdu_type, ul_config->number_pdus, ul_config);
         uint8_t pdu_type = ul_config->ul_config_list[i].pdu_type;
@@ -95,10 +152,6 @@ int8_t nr_ue_scheduled_response_stub(nr_scheduled_response_t *scheduled_response
                    abstracting L1. */
                 rx_ind->pdu_list[j].timing_advance = 31;
                 rx_ind->pdu_list[j].ul_cqi = 255;
-                char buffer[1024];
-                hexdump(rx_ind->pdu_list[j].pdu, rx_ind->pdu_list[j].pdu_length, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
-                LOG_D(NR_MAC, "Hexdump of pdu %s before queuing rx_ind\n",
-                      buffer);
               crc_ind->header.message_id = NFAPI_NR_PHY_MSG_TYPE_CRC_INDICATION;
@@ -118,6 +171,11 @@ int8_t nr_ue_scheduled_response_stub(nr_scheduled_response_t *scheduled_response
                 crc_ind->crc_list[j].tb_crc_status = 0;
                 crc_ind->crc_list[j].timing_advance = 31;
                 crc_ind->crc_list[j].ul_cqi = 255;
+                AssertFatal(mac->nr_ue_emul_l1.harq[crc_ind->crc_list[j].harq_id].active_ul_harq_sfn_slot == -1,
+                            "We did not send an active CRC when we should have!\n");
+                mac->nr_ue_emul_l1.harq[crc_ind->crc_list[j].harq_id].active_ul_harq_sfn_slot = NFAPI_SFNSLOT2HEX(crc_ind->sfn, crc_ind->slot);
+                LOG_D(NR_MAC, "This is sched sfn/sl [%d %d] and crc sfn/sl [%d %d] with mcs_index in ul_cqi -> %d\n",
+                      scheduled_response->frame, scheduled_response->slot, crc_ind->sfn, crc_ind->slot,pusch_config_pdu->mcs_index);
               if (!put_queue(&nr_rx_ind_queue, rx_ind))
@@ -150,28 +208,7 @@ int8_t nr_ue_scheduled_response_stub(nr_scheduled_response_t *scheduled_response
-          default:
-            LOG_I(NR_MAC, "Unknown ul_config->pdu_type %d\n", pdu_type);
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      scheduled_response->ul_config->number_pdus = 0;
-    }
-    if (scheduled_response->dl_config != NULL)
-    {
-      fapi_nr_dl_config_request_t *dl_config = scheduled_response->dl_config;
-      AssertFatal(dl_config->number_pdus < sizeof(dl_config->dl_config_list) / sizeof(dl_config->dl_config_list[0]),
-                  "Too many dl_config pdus %d", dl_config->number_pdus);
-      for (int i = 0; i < dl_config->number_pdus; ++i)
-      {
-        LOG_D(PHY, "In %s: processing %s PDU of %d total DL PDUs (dl_config %p) \n",
-              __FUNCTION__, dl_pdu_type[dl_config->dl_config_list[i].pdu_type - 1], dl_config->number_pdus, dl_config);
-        uint8_t pdu_type = dl_config->dl_config_list[i].pdu_type;
-        switch (pdu_type)
-        {
-          case (FAPI_NR_DL_CONFIG_TYPE_DLSCH):
             nfapi_nr_uci_indication_t *uci_ind = CALLOC(1, sizeof(*uci_ind));
             uci_ind->header.message_id = NFAPI_NR_PHY_MSG_TYPE_UCI_INDICATION;
@@ -181,35 +218,70 @@ int8_t nr_ue_scheduled_response_stub(nr_scheduled_response_t *scheduled_response
             uci_ind->uci_list = CALLOC(uci_ind->num_ucis, sizeof(*uci_ind->uci_list));
             for (int j = 0; j < uci_ind->num_ucis; j++)
-              nfapi_nr_uci_pucch_pdu_format_0_1_t *pdu_0_1 = &uci_ind->uci_list[j].pucch_pdu_format_0_1;
-              uci_ind->uci_list[j].pdu_type = NFAPI_NR_UCI_FORMAT_0_1_PDU_TYPE;
-              uci_ind->uci_list[j].pdu_size = sizeof(nfapi_nr_uci_pucch_pdu_format_0_1_t);
-              memset(pdu_0_1, 0, sizeof(*pdu_0_1));
-              pdu_0_1->handle = 0;
-              pdu_0_1->rnti = dl_config->dl_config_list[i].dlsch_config_pdu.rnti;
-              pdu_0_1->pucch_format = 1;
-              pdu_0_1->ul_cqi = 255;
-              pdu_0_1->timing_advance = 0;
-              pdu_0_1->rssi = 0;
+              LOG_D(NR_MAC, "ul_config->ul_config_list[%d].pucch_config_pdu.n_bit = %d\n", i, ul_config->ul_config_list[i].pucch_config_pdu.n_bit);
+              if (ul_config->ul_config_list[i].pucch_config_pdu.n_bit > 3 && mac->nr_ue_emul_l1.num_csi_reports > 0)
+              {
+                uci_ind->uci_list[j].pdu_type = NFAPI_NR_UCI_FORMAT_2_3_4_PDU_TYPE;
+                uci_ind->uci_list[j].pdu_size = sizeof(nfapi_nr_uci_pucch_pdu_format_2_3_4_t);
+                nfapi_nr_uci_pucch_pdu_format_2_3_4_t *pdu_2_3_4 = &uci_ind->uci_list[j].pucch_pdu_format_2_3_4;
+                fill_uci_2_3_4(pdu_2_3_4, &ul_config->ul_config_list[i].pucch_config_pdu);
+              }
+              else
+              {
+                nfapi_nr_uci_pucch_pdu_format_0_1_t *pdu_0_1 = &uci_ind->uci_list[j].pucch_pdu_format_0_1;
+                uci_ind->uci_list[j].pdu_type = NFAPI_NR_UCI_FORMAT_0_1_PDU_TYPE;
+                uci_ind->uci_list[j].pdu_size = sizeof(nfapi_nr_uci_pucch_pdu_format_0_1_t);
+                memset(pdu_0_1, 0, sizeof(*pdu_0_1));
+                pdu_0_1->handle = 0;
+                pdu_0_1->rnti = ul_config->ul_config_list[i].pucch_config_pdu.rnti;
+                pdu_0_1->pucch_format = 1;
+                pdu_0_1->ul_cqi = 255;
+                pdu_0_1->timing_advance = 0;
+                pdu_0_1->rssi = 0;
+                if (mac->nr_ue_emul_l1.num_harqs > 0) {
+                  int harq_index = 0;
+                  pdu_0_1->pduBitmap = 2; // (value->pduBitmap >> 1) & 0x01) == HARQ and (value->pduBitmap) & 0x01) == SR
+                  pdu_0_1->harq = CALLOC(1, sizeof(*pdu_0_1->harq));
+                  pdu_0_1->harq->num_harq = mac->nr_ue_emul_l1.num_harqs;
+                  pdu_0_1->harq->harq_confidence_level = 0;
+                  pdu_0_1->harq->harq_list = CALLOC(pdu_0_1->harq->num_harq, sizeof(*pdu_0_1->harq->harq_list));
+                  int harq_pid = -1;
+                  for (int k = 0; k < NR_MAX_HARQ_PROCESSES; k++)
+                  {
+                    if (mac->nr_ue_emul_l1.harq[k].active &&
+                        mac->nr_ue_emul_l1.harq[k].active_dl_harq_sfn == uci_ind->sfn &&
+                        mac->nr_ue_emul_l1.harq[k].active_dl_harq_slot == uci_ind->slot)
+                    {
+                      mac->nr_ue_emul_l1.harq[k].active = false;
+                      harq_pid = k;
+                      AssertFatal(harq_index < pdu_0_1->harq->num_harq, "Invalid harq_index %d\n", harq_index);
+                      pdu_0_1->harq->harq_list[harq_index].harq_value = !mac->dl_harq_info[k].ack;
+                      harq_index++;
+                    }
+                  }
+                  AssertFatal(harq_pid != -1, "No active harq_pid, sfn_slot = %u.%u", uci_ind->sfn, uci_ind->slot);
+                }
+              }
-            LOG_I(NR_PHY, "In %s: Filled queue uci_ind which was filled by dlconfig.\n"
-                       "uci_num %d, SFN/SLOT: [%d, %d]\n",
-                          __FUNCTION__, uci_ind->num_ucis, uci_ind->sfn, uci_ind->slot);
-            if (!put_queue(&nr_uci_ind_queue, uci_ind))
-            {
-              LOG_E(NR_MAC, "Put_queue failed for uci_ind\n");
-              free(uci_ind->uci_list);
-              free(uci_ind);
-            }
+            LOG_D(NR_PHY, "Sending UCI with %d PDUs in sfn.slot %d/%d\n",
+                  uci_ind->num_ucis, uci_ind->sfn, uci_ind->slot);
+            NR_UL_IND_t ul_info = {
+                .uci_ind = *uci_ind,
+            };
+            send_nsa_standalone_msg(&ul_info, uci_ind->header.message_id);
+            free_uci_inds(uci_ind);
+          default:
+            LOG_W(NR_MAC, "Unknown ul_config->pdu_type %d\n", pdu_type);
+          break;
-      dl_config->number_pdus = 0;
+      scheduled_response->ul_config->number_pdus = 0;
   return 0;
@@ -246,6 +318,8 @@ void configure_dlsch(NR_UE_DLSCH_t *dlsch0,
   dlsch0_harq->R = dlsch_config_pdu->targetCodeRate;
   dlsch0_harq->Qm = dlsch_config_pdu->qamModOrder;
   dlsch0_harq->TBS = dlsch_config_pdu->TBS;
+  dlsch0_harq->nscid = dlsch_config_pdu->nscid;
+  dlsch0_harq->dlDmrsScramblingId = dlsch_config_pdu->dlDmrsScramblingId;
   //get nrOfLayers from DCI info
   uint8_t Nl = 0;
   for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { // max 12 ports
diff --git a/openair1/SCHED_NR_UE/phy_procedures_nr_ue.c b/openair1/SCHED_NR_UE/phy_procedures_nr_ue.c
index c61fb4ea519870465458528fd6bb6d1ec32b528e..35674da2e28d9e467d8c5fde4d917133c44cd1df 100644
--- a/openair1/SCHED_NR_UE/phy_procedures_nr_ue.c
+++ b/openair1/SCHED_NR_UE/phy_procedures_nr_ue.c
@@ -580,6 +580,8 @@ int nr_ue_pdsch_procedures(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue, UE_nr_rxtx_proc_t *proc, int gNB_
+                                      dlsch0_harq->nscid,
+                                      dlsch0_harq->dlDmrsScramblingId,
                                       ue->frame_parms.first_carrier_offset+(BWPStart + pdsch_start_rb)*12,
@@ -1403,9 +1405,11 @@ int phy_procedures_nrUE_RX(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
   if (slot_ssb) {
     LOG_D(PHY," ------  PBCH ChannelComp/LLR: frame.slot %d.%d ------  \n", frame_rx%1024, nr_slot_rx);
-    const int estimateSz=7*2*sizeof(int)*fp->ofdm_symbol_size;
+    const int estimateSz = fp->symbols_per_slot * fp->ofdm_symbol_size;
     __attribute__ ((aligned(32))) struct complex16 dl_ch_estimates[fp->nb_antennas_rx][estimateSz];
-    __attribute__ ((aligned(32))) struct complex16 dl_ch_estimates_time[fp->nb_antennas_rx][estimateSz];
+    __attribute__ ((aligned(32))) struct complex16 dl_ch_estimates_time[fp->nb_antennas_rx][fp->ofdm_symbol_size];
     for (int i=1; i<4; i++) {
@@ -1413,7 +1417,6 @@ int phy_procedures_nrUE_RX(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
       nr_pbch_channel_estimation(ue, estimateSz, dl_ch_estimates, dl_ch_estimates_time,proc,gNB_id,nr_slot_rx,(ue->symbol_offset+i)%(fp->symbols_per_slot),i-1,(fp->ssb_index)&7,fp->half_frame_bit);
@@ -1431,7 +1434,8 @@ int phy_procedures_nrUE_RX(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
-			   estimateSz, dl_ch_estimates_time,
+                           fp->ofdm_symbol_size,
+                           dl_ch_estimates_time,
@@ -1478,6 +1482,7 @@ int phy_procedures_nrUE_RX(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
+                                    pdcch_vars->pdcch_config[n_ss].coreset.pdcch_dmrs_scrambling_id,
                                     fp->first_carrier_offset+(pdcch_vars->pdcch_config[n_ss].BWPStart + coreset_start_rb)*12,
diff --git a/openair1/SIMULATION/LTE_PHY/BLER_SIMULATIONS/AWGN/AWGN_results/bler_tx1_chan18_nrx1_mcs28.csv b/openair1/SIMULATION/LTE_PHY/BLER_SIMULATIONS/AWGN/AWGN_results/bler_tx1_chan18_nrx1_mcs28.csv
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/openair1/SIMULATION/LTE_PHY/BLER_SIMULATIONS/AWGN/AWGN_results/bler_tx1_chan18_nrx1_mcs28.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+SNR; MCS; TBS; rate; err0; trials0; err1; trials1; err2; trials2; err3; trials3; dci_err
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@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
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diff --git a/openair1/SIMULATION/NR_PHY/BLER_SIMULATIONS/AWGN/AWGN_results/mcs9_awgn_5G.csv b/openair1/SIMULATION/NR_PHY/BLER_SIMULATIONS/AWGN/AWGN_results/mcs9_awgn_5G.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2ba438ea490254885ecb7ae3545af999545a8eaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openair1/SIMULATION/NR_PHY/BLER_SIMULATIONS/AWGN/AWGN_results/mcs9_awgn_5G.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
diff --git a/openair1/SIMULATION/NR_PHY/dlsim.c b/openair1/SIMULATION/NR_PHY/dlsim.c
index c3ff79ab071ec316797df97d6354ab7c73185f5c..412ab1a6eaec23b245ac8de7fc6f6b23307f5523 100644
--- a/openair1/SIMULATION/NR_PHY/dlsim.c
+++ b/openair1/SIMULATION/NR_PHY/dlsim.c
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ int nr_derive_key(int alg_type, uint8_t alg_id,
 void config_common(int Mod_idP,
                    int ssb_SubcarrierOffset,
-                   int pdsch_AntennaPorts,
+                   rrc_pdsch_AntennaPorts_t pdsch_AntennaPorts,
                    int pusch_AntennaPorts,
 		   NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc
@@ -239,6 +239,8 @@ int DU_send_INITIAL_UL_RRC_MESSAGE_TRANSFER(module_id_t     module_idP,
   return 0;
+nr_bler_struct nr_bler_data[NR_NUM_MCS];
 void processSlotTX(void *arg) {}
 //nFAPI P7 dummy functions to avoid linking errors 
@@ -272,7 +274,7 @@ void nr_dlsim_preprocessor(module_id_t module_id,
   /* manually set free CCE to 0 */
   const int target_ss = NR_SearchSpace__searchSpaceType_PR_ue_Specific;
-  sched_ctrl->search_space = get_searchspace(scc, sched_ctrl->active_bwp ? sched_ctrl->active_bwp->bwp_Dedicated : NULL, target_ss);
+  sched_ctrl->search_space = get_searchspace(NULL, scc, sched_ctrl->active_bwp ? sched_ctrl->active_bwp->bwp_Dedicated : NULL, target_ss);
   uint8_t nr_of_candidates;
@@ -282,7 +284,8 @@ void nr_dlsim_preprocessor(module_id_t module_id,
   NR_pdsch_semi_static_t *ps = &sched_ctrl->pdsch_semi_static;
-  nr_set_pdsch_semi_static(scc,
+  nr_set_pdsch_semi_static(NULL,
+                           scc,
@@ -537,8 +540,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
     case 'x':
-      if ((g_nrOfLayers!=1) &&
-          (g_nrOfLayers!=2)) {
+      if ((g_nrOfLayers==0) ||
+          (g_nrOfLayers>4)) {
         printf("Unsupported nr Of Layers %d\n",g_nrOfLayers);
@@ -784,12 +787,27 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
+  rrc_pdsch_AntennaPorts_t pdsch_AntennaPorts;
+  pdsch_AntennaPorts.N1 = n_tx>1 ? n_tx>>1 : 1;
+  pdsch_AntennaPorts.N2 = 1;
+  pdsch_AntennaPorts.XP = n_tx>1 ? 2 : 1;
+  gNB->ap_N1 = pdsch_AntennaPorts.N1;
+  gNB->ap_N2 = pdsch_AntennaPorts.N2;
+  gNB->ap_XP = pdsch_AntennaPorts.XP;
   NR_UE_NR_Capability_t* UE_Capability_nr = CALLOC(1,sizeof(NR_UE_NR_Capability_t));
   // TODO do a UECAP for phy-sim
-  fill_default_secondaryCellGroup(scc, scd, secondaryCellGroup, UE_Capability_nr, 0, 1, n_tx, 6, 0, 0, 0);
+  const gNB_RrcConfigurationReq conf = {
+    .pdsch_AntennaPorts = pdsch_AntennaPorts,
+    .minRXTXTIME = 6,
+    .do_CSIRS = 0,
+    .do_SRS = 0,
+    .force_256qam_off = false
+  };
+  fill_default_secondaryCellGroup(scc, scd, secondaryCellGroup, UE_Capability_nr, 0, 1, &conf, 0);
   /* RRC parameter validation for secondaryCellGroup */
@@ -807,10 +825,11 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
   AssertFatal((gNB->if_inst         = NR_IF_Module_init(0))!=NULL,"Cannot register interface");
   gNB->if_inst->NR_PHY_config_req      = nr_phy_config_request;
   // common configuration
-  rrc_mac_config_req_gNB(0,0, n_tx, n_tx, 0, 6, scc, NULL, 0, 0, NULL);
+  rrc_mac_config_req_gNB(0,0, pdsch_AntennaPorts, n_tx, 0, 6, scc, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL);
   // UE dedicated configuration
-  rrc_mac_config_req_gNB(0,0, n_tx, n_tx, 0, 6, scc, NULL, 1, secondaryCellGroup->spCellConfig->reconfigurationWithSync->newUE_Identity,secondaryCellGroup);
+  rrc_mac_config_req_gNB(0,0, pdsch_AntennaPorts, n_tx, 0, 6, scc, NULL, NULL, 1, secondaryCellGroup->spCellConfig->reconfigurationWithSync->newUE_Identity,secondaryCellGroup);
   // reset preprocessor to the one of DLSIM after it has been set during
   // rrc_mac_config_req_gNB
   gNB_mac->pre_processor_dl = nr_dlsim_preprocessor;
@@ -942,10 +961,10 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
   nr_gold_pdcch(UE, frame_parms->Nid_cell);
   // compute the scrambling IDs for PDSCH DMRS
-  for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
-    UE->scramblingID[i] = frame_parms->Nid_cell;
-  nr_gold_pdsch(UE, UE->scramblingID);
+  for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+    UE->scramblingID_dlsch[i] = frame_parms->Nid_cell;
+    nr_gold_pdsch(UE, i, UE->scramblingID_dlsch[i]);
+  }
   UE_mac = get_mac_inst(0);
@@ -1202,10 +1221,10 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
-        double H_awgn_mimo[4][4] ={{1.0, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125},//rx 0
-                                   {0.5, 1.0, 0.5, 0.25},  //rx 1
-                                   {0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 0.5},  //rx 2
-                                   {0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0}};//rx 3
+        double H_awgn_mimo[4][4] ={{1.0, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05}, //rx 0
+                                   {0.2, 1.0, 0.2, 0.1}, //rx 1
+                                   {0.1, 0.2, 1.0, 0.2}, //rx 2
+                                   {0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 1.0}};//rx 3
         for (i=frame_parms->get_samples_slot_timestamp(slot,frame_parms,0); 
@@ -1260,7 +1279,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
       TBS                  = UE_harq_process->TBS;//rel15->TBSize[0];
       uint16_t length_dmrs = get_num_dmrs(rel15->dlDmrsSymbPos);
       uint16_t nb_rb       = rel15->rbSize;
-      uint8_t  nb_re_dmrs  = rel15->dmrsConfigType == NFAPI_NR_DMRS_TYPE1 ? 6 : 4;
+      uint8_t  nb_re_dmrs  = rel15->dmrsConfigType == NFAPI_NR_DMRS_TYPE1 ? 6*UE_harq_process->n_dmrs_cdm_groups : 4*UE_harq_process->n_dmrs_cdm_groups;
       uint8_t  mod_order   = rel15->qamModOrder[0];
       uint8_t  nb_symb_sch = rel15->NrOfSymbols;
diff --git a/openair1/SIMULATION/NR_PHY/prachsim.c b/openair1/SIMULATION/NR_PHY/prachsim.c
index bc4f4a0b60a33b22bc59b911628c9d3646890d68..f255ab53371c909e4aa387ae87798cb02d03b816 100644
--- a/openair1/SIMULATION/NR_PHY/prachsim.c
+++ b/openair1/SIMULATION/NR_PHY/prachsim.c
@@ -223,6 +223,8 @@ nrUE_params_t *get_nrUE_params(void) {
   return &nrUE_params;
+nr_bler_struct nr_bler_data[NR_NUM_MCS];
 void processSlotTX(void *arg) {}
 int main(int argc, char **argv){
diff --git a/openair1/SIMULATION/NR_PHY/ulsim.c b/openair1/SIMULATION/NR_PHY/ulsim.c
index 7cd745fed58f81291e8830c894dff9e91c155e77..17734d9889421327d02804e1b6a9286ccc53ac21 100644
--- a/openair1/SIMULATION/NR_PHY/ulsim.c
+++ b/openair1/SIMULATION/NR_PHY/ulsim.c
@@ -221,6 +221,8 @@ int DU_send_INITIAL_UL_RRC_MESSAGE_TRANSFER(module_id_t     module_idP,
   return 0;
+nr_bler_struct nr_bler_data[NR_NUM_MCS];
 //nFAPI P7 dummy functions
 int oai_nfapi_dl_tti_req(nfapi_nr_dl_tti_request_t *dl_config_req) { return(0);  }
@@ -731,7 +733,14 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
   // TODO do a UECAP for phy-sim
-  fill_default_secondaryCellGroup(scc, scd, secondaryCellGroup, NULL, 0, 1, n_tx, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+  const gNB_RrcConfigurationReq conf = {
+    .pdsch_AntennaPorts = { .N1 = n_tx, .N2 = 1, .XP = 1 },
+    .minRXTXTIME = 0,
+    .do_CSIRS = 0,
+    .do_SRS = 0,
+    .force_256qam_off = false
+  };
+  fill_default_secondaryCellGroup(scc, scd, secondaryCellGroup, NULL, 0, 1, &conf, 0);
   // xer_fprint(stdout, &asn_DEF_NR_CellGroupConfig, (const void*)secondaryCellGroup);
@@ -742,9 +751,9 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
   gNB->if_inst->NR_PHY_config_req      = nr_phy_config_request;
   // common configuration
-  rrc_mac_config_req_gNB(0,0, n_tx, n_rx, 0, 6, scc, &rrc.carrier.mib,0, 0, NULL);
+  rrc_mac_config_req_gNB(0,0, conf.pdsch_AntennaPorts, n_rx, 0, 6, scc, &rrc.carrier.mib, rrc.carrier.siblock1, 0, 0, NULL);
   // UE dedicated configuration
-  rrc_mac_config_req_gNB(0,0, n_tx, n_rx, 0, 6, scc, &rrc.carrier.mib,1, secondaryCellGroup->spCellConfig->reconfigurationWithSync->newUE_Identity,secondaryCellGroup);
+  rrc_mac_config_req_gNB(0,0, conf.pdsch_AntennaPorts, n_rx, 0, 6, scc, &rrc.carrier.mib, rrc.carrier.siblock1, 1, secondaryCellGroup->spCellConfig->reconfigurationWithSync->newUE_Identity,secondaryCellGroup);
   frame_parms->nb_antennas_tx = n_tx;
   frame_parms->nb_antennas_rx = n_rx;
   nfapi_nr_config_request_scf_t *cfg = &gNB->gNB_config;
@@ -773,10 +782,10 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
-  // initialize the pusch dmrs
-  uint16_t N_n_scid[2] = {frame_parms->Nid_cell,frame_parms->Nid_cell};
-  int n_scid = 0; // This quantity is indicated by higher layer parameter dmrs-SeqInitialization
-  nr_init_pusch_dmrs(UE, N_n_scid, n_scid);
+  for(int n_scid = 0; n_scid<2; n_scid++) {
+    UE->scramblingID_ulsch[n_scid] = frame_parms->Nid_cell;
+    nr_init_pusch_dmrs(UE, frame_parms->Nid_cell, n_scid);
+  }
   //Configure UE
   NR_UE_RRC_INST_t rrcue;
diff --git a/openair2/COMMON/platform_types.h b/openair2/COMMON/platform_types.h
index c24291de645460de2e063368cfb0566c82e54273..67300da308b92ed05e7f901ae15436794f675826 100644
--- a/openair2/COMMON/platform_types.h
+++ b/openair2/COMMON/platform_types.h
@@ -233,6 +233,7 @@ typedef uint8_t            pdusessionid_t;
 // may be ITTI not enabled, but type instance is useful also for OTG,
 typedef intptr_t instance_t;
 typedef struct protocol_ctxt_s {
   module_id_t module_id;     /*!< \brief  Virtualized module identifier      */
   eNB_flag_t  enb_flag;      /*!< \brief  Flag to indicate eNB (1) or UE (0) */
diff --git a/openair2/COMMON/rrc_messages_types.h b/openair2/COMMON/rrc_messages_types.h
index 769bc7d01d3bffd3569651dc1cb34d0bda946b8d..ac70dee0928f4d9586495938d6f50d375adf6cf5 100644
--- a/openair2/COMMON/rrc_messages_types.h
+++ b/openair2/COMMON/rrc_messages_types.h
@@ -401,6 +401,12 @@ typedef struct NbIoTRrcConfigurationReq_s {
   long                    ue_TimersAndConstants_n311_NB;
 } NbIoTRrcConfigurationReq;
+typedef struct {
+  int N1;
+  int N2;
+  int XP;
+} rrc_pdsch_AntennaPorts_t;
 // gNB: GNB_APP -> RRC messages
 typedef struct NRRrcConfigurationReq_s {
   uint64_t                cell_identity;
@@ -413,13 +419,15 @@ typedef struct NRRrcConfigurationReq_s {
   NR_ServingCellConfig_t  *scd;
   int                     ssb_SubcarrierOffset;
   int                     sib1_tda;
-  int                     pdsch_AntennaPorts;
+  rrc_pdsch_AntennaPorts_t pdsch_AntennaPorts;
   int                     pusch_AntennaPorts;
   int                     minRXTXTIME;
   int                     do_CSIRS;
   int                     do_SRS;
+  bool                    force_256qam_off;
   int                     pusch_TargetSNRx10;
   int                     pucch_TargetSNRx10;
+  bool                    enable_sdap;
 } gNB_RrcConfigurationReq;
 typedef struct NRDuDlReq_s {
diff --git a/openair2/F1AP/dummy_enb.c b/openair2/F1AP/dummy_enb.c
index d54f9b8df7b21bb90ec9ea8ca182f785e7e20787..9085fdb57cd772eb39319199540f2a22817a94da 100644
--- a/openair2/F1AP/dummy_enb.c
+++ b/openair2/F1AP/dummy_enb.c
@@ -32,16 +32,18 @@ void apply_macrlc_config(gNB_RRC_INST *rrc,
-boolean_t sdap_gnb_data_req(protocol_ctxt_t *ctxt_p,
-                            const srb_flag_t srb_flag,
-                            const rb_id_t rb_id,
-                            const mui_t mui,
-                            const confirm_t confirm,
-                            const sdu_size_t sdu_buffer_size,
-                            unsigned char *const sdu_buffer,
-                            const pdcp_transmission_mode_t pt_mode,
-                            const uint32_t *sourceL2Id,
-                            const uint32_t *destinationL2Id
-                           ) {
+boolean_t sdap_data_req(protocol_ctxt_t *ctxt_p,
+                        const srb_flag_t srb_flag,
+                        const rb_id_t rb_id,
+                        const mui_t mui,
+                        const confirm_t confirm,
+                        const sdu_size_t sdu_buffer_size,
+                        unsigned char *const sdu_buffer,
+                        const pdcp_transmission_mode_t pt_mode,
+                        const uint32_t *sourceL2Id,
+                        const uint32_t *destinationL2Id,
+                        const uint8_t qfi,
+                        const boolean_t rqi,
+                        const int pdusession_id) {
diff --git a/openair2/GNB_APP/gnb_config.c b/openair2/GNB_APP/gnb_config.c
index f5ff7ddf9e6ebd05324cc4e27f0ff721e4532a41..434a2896de95e72071931f50d422bdedce49513b 100644
--- a/openair2/GNB_APP/gnb_config.c
+++ b/openair2/GNB_APP/gnb_config.c
@@ -621,8 +621,11 @@ void RCconfig_NR_L1(void) {
   int num_gnbs = GNBSParams[GNB_ACTIVE_GNBS_IDX].numelt;
   AssertFatal (num_gnbs > 0,"Failed to parse config file no gnbs %s \n",GNB_CONFIG_STRING_ACTIVE_GNBS);
-  config_getlist( &GNBParamList,GNBParams,sizeof(GNBParams)/sizeof(paramdef_t),NULL); 
-  char *ulprbbl = *GNBParamList.paramarray[0][GNB_ULPRBBLACKLIST_IDX].strptr; 
+  config_getlist( &GNBParamList,GNBParams,sizeof(GNBParams)/sizeof(paramdef_t),NULL);
+  int N1 = *GNBParamList.paramarray[0][GNB_PDSCH_ANTENNAPORTS_N1_IDX].iptr;
+  int N2 = *GNBParamList.paramarray[0][GNB_PDSCH_ANTENNAPORTS_N2_IDX].iptr;
+  int XP = *GNBParamList.paramarray[0][GNB_PDSCH_ANTENNAPORTS_XP_IDX].iptr;
+  char *ulprbbl = *GNBParamList.paramarray[0][GNB_ULPRBBLACKLIST_IDX].strptr;
   if (ulprbbl) LOG_I(NR_PHY,"PRB blacklist %s\n",ulprbbl);
   char *save = NULL;
   char *pt = strtok_r(ulprbbl, ",", &save);
@@ -669,6 +672,9 @@ void RCconfig_NR_L1(void) {
       RC.gNB[j]->prach_thres        = *(L1_ParamList.paramarray[j][L1_PRACH_DTX_THRESHOLD].uptr);
       RC.gNB[j]->pusch_thres        = *(L1_ParamList.paramarray[j][L1_PUSCH_DTX_THRESHOLD].uptr);
       RC.gNB[j]->num_ulprbbl        = num_prbbl;
+      RC.gNB[j]->ap_N1              = N1;
+      RC.gNB[j]->ap_N2              = N2;
+      RC.gNB[j]->ap_XP              = XP;
       LOG_I(NR_PHY,"Copying %d blacklisted PRB to L1 context\n",num_prbbl);
       if(strcmp(*(L1_ParamList.paramarray[j][L1_TRANSPORT_N_PREFERENCE_IDX].strptr), "local_mac") == 0) {
@@ -1166,8 +1172,12 @@ void RCconfig_NRRRC(MessageDef *msg_p, uint32_t i, gNB_RRC_INST *rrc) {
         LOG_I(RRC,"SSB SCO %d\n",*GNBParamList.paramarray[i][GNB_SSB_SUBCARRIEROFFSET_IDX].iptr);
         NRRRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).ssb_SubcarrierOffset = *GNBParamList.paramarray[i][GNB_SSB_SUBCARRIEROFFSET_IDX].iptr;
-        LOG_I(RRC,"pdsch_AntennaPorts %d\n",*GNBParamList.paramarray[i][GNB_PDSCH_ANTENNAPORTS_IDX].iptr);
-        NRRRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pdsch_AntennaPorts = *GNBParamList.paramarray[i][GNB_PDSCH_ANTENNAPORTS_IDX].iptr;
+        LOG_I(RRC,"pdsch_AntennaPorts N1 %d\n",*GNBParamList.paramarray[i][GNB_PDSCH_ANTENNAPORTS_N1_IDX].iptr);
+        NRRRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pdsch_AntennaPorts.N1 = *GNBParamList.paramarray[i][GNB_PDSCH_ANTENNAPORTS_N1_IDX].iptr;
+        LOG_I(RRC,"pdsch_AntennaPorts N2 %d\n",*GNBParamList.paramarray[i][GNB_PDSCH_ANTENNAPORTS_N2_IDX].iptr);
+        NRRRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pdsch_AntennaPorts.N2 = *GNBParamList.paramarray[i][GNB_PDSCH_ANTENNAPORTS_N2_IDX].iptr;
+        LOG_I(RRC,"pdsch_AntennaPorts XP %d\n",*GNBParamList.paramarray[i][GNB_PDSCH_ANTENNAPORTS_XP_IDX].iptr);
+        NRRRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pdsch_AntennaPorts.XP = *GNBParamList.paramarray[i][GNB_PDSCH_ANTENNAPORTS_XP_IDX].iptr;
         LOG_I(RRC,"pusch_AntennaPorts %d\n",*GNBParamList.paramarray[i][GNB_PUSCH_ANTENNAPORTS_IDX].iptr);
         NRRRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pusch_AntennaPorts = *GNBParamList.paramarray[i][GNB_PUSCH_ANTENNAPORTS_IDX].iptr;
         LOG_I(RRC,"minTXRXTIME %d\n",*GNBParamList.paramarray[i][GNB_MINRXTXTIME_IDX].iptr);
@@ -1176,11 +1186,15 @@ void RCconfig_NRRRC(MessageDef *msg_p, uint32_t i, gNB_RRC_INST *rrc) {
         NRRRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).sib1_tda = *GNBParamList.paramarray[i][GNB_SIB1_TDA_IDX].iptr;
         LOG_I(RRC,"Do CSI-RS %d\n",*GNBParamList.paramarray[i][GNB_DO_CSIRS_IDX].iptr);
         NRRRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).do_CSIRS = *GNBParamList.paramarray[i][GNB_DO_CSIRS_IDX].iptr;
-        printf("Do SRS %d\n",*GNBParamList.paramarray[i][GNB_DO_SRS_IDX].iptr);
+        LOG_I(RRC, "Do SRS %d\n",*GNBParamList.paramarray[i][GNB_DO_SRS_IDX].iptr);
         NRRRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).do_SRS = *GNBParamList.paramarray[i][GNB_DO_SRS_IDX].iptr;
+        NRRRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).force_256qam_off = *GNBParamList.paramarray[i][GNB_FORCE256QAMOFF_IDX].iptr;
+        LOG_I(RRC, "256 QAM: %s\n", NRRRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).force_256qam_off ? "force off" : "may be on");
         NRRRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).scc = scc;
         NRRRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).scd = scd;
+	    NRRRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).enable_sdap = *GNBParamList.paramarray[i][GNB_ENABLE_SDAP_IDX].iptr;
+        LOG_I(GNB_APP, "SDAP layer is %s\n", NRRRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).enable_sdap ? "enabled" : "disabled");
     }//End for (k=0; k <num_gnbs ; k++)
     memcpy(&rrc->configuration, &NRRRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ(msg_p), sizeof(NRRRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ(msg_p)));
@@ -2049,6 +2063,7 @@ void configure_gnb_du_mac(int inst) {
+                        NULL,
                         0, // rnti
                         (NR_CellGroupConfig_t *)NULL
diff --git a/openair2/GNB_APP/gnb_paramdef.h b/openair2/GNB_APP/gnb_paramdef.h
index cde7819e2556070fd095a0195e17db6fd60a43e6..8cd831970fae7b9b6a4a84aa6b4959b0ab2893b1 100644
--- a/openair2/GNB_APP/gnb_paramdef.h
+++ b/openair2/GNB_APP/gnb_paramdef.h
@@ -114,7 +114,9 @@ typedef enum {
 #define GNB_CONFIG_STRING_LOCAL_S_PORTD                 "local_s_portd"
 #define GNB_CONFIG_STRING_REMOTE_S_PORTD                "remote_s_portd"
 #define GNB_CONFIG_STRING_SSBSUBCARRIEROFFSET           "ssb_SubcarrierOffset"
-#define GNB_CONFIG_STRING_PDSCHANTENNAPORTS             "pdsch_AntennaPorts"
+#define GNB_CONFIG_STRING_PDSCHANTENNAPORTS_N1          "pdsch_AntennaPorts_N1"
+#define GNB_CONFIG_STRING_PDSCHANTENNAPORTS_N2          "pdsch_AntennaPorts_N2"
+#define GNB_CONFIG_STRING_PDSCHANTENNAPORTS_XP          "pdsch_AntennaPorts_XP"
 #define GNB_CONFIG_STRING_PUSCHANTENNAPORTS             "pusch_AntennaPorts"
 #define GNB_CONFIG_STRING_SIB1TDA                       "sib1_tda"
 #define GNB_CONFIG_STRING_DOCSIRS                       "do_CSIRS"
@@ -122,7 +124,11 @@ typedef enum {
 #define GNB_CONFIG_STRING_NRCELLID                      "nr_cellid"
 #define GNB_CONFIG_STRING_MINRXTXTIME                   "min_rxtxtime"
 #define GNB_CONFIG_STRING_ULPRBBLACKLIST                "ul_prbblacklist"
+#define GNB_CONFIG_STRING_FORCE256QAMOFF                "force_256qam_off"
+#define GNB_CONFIG_STRING_ENABLE_SDAP                   "enable_sdap"
+#define GNB_CONFIG_HLP_STRING_ENABLE_SDAP               "enable the SDAP layer\n"
+#define GNB_CONFIG_HLP_FORCE256QAMOFF                   "suppress activation of 256 QAM despite UE support"
 /*                                            cell configuration parameters                                                                */
@@ -144,14 +150,18 @@ typedef enum {
 {GNB_CONFIG_STRING_LOCAL_S_PORTD,                NULL,   0,            uptr:NULL,   defuintval:50001,            TYPE_UINT,      0},  \
 {GNB_CONFIG_STRING_REMOTE_S_PORTD,               NULL,   0,            uptr:NULL,   defuintval:50001,            TYPE_UINT,      0},  \
 {GNB_CONFIG_STRING_SSBSUBCARRIEROFFSET,          NULL,   0,            iptr:NULL,   defintval:31,                TYPE_INT,       0},  \
-{GNB_CONFIG_STRING_PDSCHANTENNAPORTS,            NULL,   0,            iptr:NULL,   defintval:1,                 TYPE_INT,       0},  \
+{GNB_CONFIG_STRING_PDSCHANTENNAPORTS_N1, "horiz. log. antenna ports", 0, iptr:NULL, defintval:1,                 TYPE_INT,       0},  \
+{GNB_CONFIG_STRING_PDSCHANTENNAPORTS_N2, "vert. log. antenna ports", 0, iptr:NULL,  defintval:1,                 TYPE_INT,       0},  \
+{GNB_CONFIG_STRING_PDSCHANTENNAPORTS_XP, "XP log. antenna ports",   0, iptr:NULL,   defintval:1,                 TYPE_INT,       0},  \
 {GNB_CONFIG_STRING_PUSCHANTENNAPORTS,            NULL,   0,            iptr:NULL,   defintval:1,                 TYPE_INT,       0},  \
-{GNB_CONFIG_STRING_SIB1TDA,                      NULL,   0,            iptr:NULL,   defintval:0,                 TYPE_INT,       0},  \
+{GNB_CONFIG_STRING_SIB1TDA,                      NULL,   0,            iptr:NULL,   defintval:1,                 TYPE_INT,       0},  \
 {GNB_CONFIG_STRING_DOCSIRS,                      NULL,   0,            iptr:NULL,   defintval:0,                 TYPE_INT,       0},  \
 {GNB_CONFIG_STRING_DOSRS,                        NULL,   0,            iptr:NULL,   defintval:0,                 TYPE_INT,       0},  \
 {GNB_CONFIG_STRING_NRCELLID,                     NULL,   0,            u64ptr:NULL, defint64val:1,               TYPE_UINT64,    0},  \
 {GNB_CONFIG_STRING_MINRXTXTIME,                  NULL,   0,            iptr:NULL,   defintval:2,                 TYPE_INT,       0},  \
-{GNB_CONFIG_STRING_ULPRBBLACKLIST,               NULL,   0,            strptr:NULL, defstrval:"",                TYPE_STRING,    0}   \
+{GNB_CONFIG_STRING_ULPRBBLACKLIST,               NULL,   0,            strptr:NULL, defstrval:"",                TYPE_STRING,    0},  \
 #define GNB_GNB_ID_IDX                  0
@@ -169,14 +179,18 @@ typedef enum {
 #define GNB_LOCAL_S_PORTD_IDX           12
 #define GNB_REMOTE_S_PORTD_IDX          13
-#define GNB_SIB1_TDA_IDX                17
-#define GNB_DO_CSIRS_IDX                18
-#define GNB_DO_SRS_IDX                  19
-#define GNB_NRCELLID_IDX                20
-#define GNB_MINRXTXTIME_IDX             21
-#define GNB_ULPRBBLACKLIST_IDX          22
+#define GNB_SIB1_TDA_IDX                19
+#define GNB_DO_CSIRS_IDX                20
+#define GNB_DO_SRS_IDX                  21
+#define GNB_NRCELLID_IDX                22
+#define GNB_MINRXTXTIME_IDX             23
+#define GNB_ULPRBBLACKLIST_IDX          24
+#define GNB_FORCE256QAMOFF_IDX          25
+#define GNB_ENABLE_SDAP_IDX             26
 #define GNBPARAMS_CHECK {                                         \
diff --git a/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_COMMON/nr_mac.h b/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_COMMON/nr_mac.h
index ba3128923fb32e86895f99fd183a7ec179db9619..9dd03ddcf6bdbf708874298260b4c8aae8a55164 100644
--- a/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_COMMON/nr_mac.h
+++ b/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_COMMON/nr_mac.h
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
 #include <stdbool.h>
 #include "NR_SubcarrierSpacing.h"
+#include "openair1/SCHED_NR_UE/harq_nr.h"
@@ -264,14 +265,29 @@ typedef struct {
   uint8_t nbits;
 } dci_field_t;
+typedef struct {
+  /* The active harq sfn/slot field was created to save the
+     scheduled SFN/Slot transmission for the ACK/NAK. If we
+     do not save it, then we have to calculate it again as the
+     NRUE MAC layer already does in get_downlink_ack(). */
+  int active_dl_harq_sfn;
+  int active_dl_harq_slot;
+  int active_ul_harq_sfn_slot;
+  bool active;
+} emul_l1_harq_t;
 typedef struct {
   bool expected_sib;
-  bool index_has_sib[16];
+  bool index_has_sib[NR_MAX_HARQ_PROCESSES];
   bool expected_rar;
-  bool index_has_rar[16];
+  bool index_has_rar[NR_MAX_HARQ_PROCESSES];
   bool expected_dci;
-  bool index_has_dci[16];
-  int active_harq_sfn_slot;
+  bool index_has_dci[NR_MAX_HARQ_PROCESSES];
+  emul_l1_harq_t harq[NR_MAX_HARQ_PROCESSES];
+  int active_uci_sfn_slot;
+  int num_srs;
+  int num_harqs;
+  int num_csi_reports;
 } nr_emulated_l1_t;
 typedef struct {
diff --git a/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_COMMON/nr_mac_common.c b/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_COMMON/nr_mac_common.c
index bbc8e65940bbcdb8888ad257ea4525869f1ff350..ad0f9c2c38d41357f862e82f473c286dffb89911 100644
--- a/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_COMMON/nr_mac_common.c
+++ b/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_COMMON/nr_mac_common.c
@@ -2593,9 +2593,10 @@ uint16_t nr_dci_size(const NR_BWP_DownlinkCommon_t *initialDownlinkBWP,
                      const NR_CellGroupConfig_t *cg,
                      dci_pdu_rel15_t *dci_pdu,
                      nr_dci_format_t format,
-		     nr_rnti_type_t rnti_type,
-		     uint16_t N_RB,
-                     int bwp_id) {
+                     nr_rnti_type_t rnti_type,
+                     uint16_t N_RB,
+                     int bwp_id,
+                     uint16_t cset0_bwp_size) {
   uint16_t size = 0;
   uint16_t numRBG = 0;
@@ -2625,15 +2626,17 @@ uint16_t nr_dci_size(const NR_BWP_DownlinkCommon_t *initialDownlinkBWP,
     srs_config = (ubwpd->srs_Config) ? ubwpd->srs_Config->choice.setup : NULL;
   else if (cg){
-    bwpd=cg->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated->initialDownlinkBWP;
-    bwpc=initialDownlinkBWP;
-    ubwpd=cg->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated->uplinkConfig->initialUplinkBWP; 
-    ubwpc=initialUplinkBWP;
-    pdsch_Config = (bwpd->pdsch_Config) ? bwpd->pdsch_Config->choice.setup : NULL;
-    pdcch_Config = (bwpd->pdcch_Config) ? bwpd->pdcch_Config->choice.setup : NULL;
-    pucch_Config = (ubwpd->pucch_Config) ? ubwpd->pucch_Config->choice.setup : NULL;
-    pusch_Config = (ubwpd->pusch_Config) ? ubwpd->pusch_Config->choice.setup :  NULL;
-    srs_config = (ubwpd->srs_Config) ? ubwpd->srs_Config->choice.setup: NULL;
+    bwpc = initialDownlinkBWP;
+    ubwpc = initialUplinkBWP;
+    bwpd = cg->spCellConfig && cg->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated ?
+           cg->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated->initialDownlinkBWP : NULL;
+    ubwpd = cg->spCellConfig && cg->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated && cg->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated->uplinkConfig ?
+            cg->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated->uplinkConfig->initialUplinkBWP : NULL;
+    pdsch_Config = (bwpd && bwpd->pdsch_Config) ? bwpd->pdsch_Config->choice.setup : NULL;
+    pdcch_Config = (bwpd && bwpd->pdcch_Config) ? bwpd->pdcch_Config->choice.setup : NULL;
+    pucch_Config = (ubwpd && ubwpd->pucch_Config) ? ubwpd->pucch_Config->choice.setup : NULL;
+    pusch_Config = (ubwpd && ubwpd->pusch_Config) ? ubwpd->pusch_Config->choice.setup :  NULL;
+    srs_config = (ubwpd && ubwpd->srs_Config) ? ubwpd->srs_Config->choice.setup: NULL;
   int n_ul_bwp=1,n_dl_bwp=1;
@@ -2643,7 +2646,9 @@ uint16_t nr_dci_size(const NR_BWP_DownlinkCommon_t *initialDownlinkBWP,
       /// fixed: Format identifier 1, Hop flag 1, MCS 5, NDI 1, RV 2, HARQ PID 4, PUSCH TPC 2 Time Domain assgnmt 4 --20
       size += 20;
       size += (uint8_t)ceil( log2( (N_RB*(N_RB+1))>>1 ) ); // Freq domain assignment -- hopping scenario to be updated
-      size += nr_dci_size(initialDownlinkBWP,initialUplinkBWP,cg,dci_pdu,NR_DL_DCI_FORMAT_1_0, rnti_type, N_RB, bwp_id) - size; // Padding to match 1_0 size
+      int dci_10_size = nr_dci_size(initialDownlinkBWP,initialUplinkBWP,cg,dci_pdu,NR_DL_DCI_FORMAT_1_0, rnti_type, N_RB, bwp_id, cset0_bwp_size);
+      AssertFatal(dci_10_size >= size, "NR_UL_DCI_FORMAT_0_0 size is bigger than NR_DL_DCI_FORMAT_1_0! 3GPP TS 38.212 Section DCI size alignment is not fully implemented");
+      size += dci_10_size - size; // Padding to match 1_0 size
       // UL/SUL indicator assumed to be 0
@@ -2861,6 +2866,14 @@ uint16_t nr_dci_size(const NR_BWP_DownlinkCommon_t *initialDownlinkBWP,
     case NR_DL_DCI_FORMAT_1_0:
       /// fixed: Format identifier 1, VRB2PRB 1, MCS 5, NDI 1, RV 2, HARQ PID 4, DAI 2, PUCCH TPC 2, PUCCH RInd 3, PDSCH to HARQ TInd 3 Time Domain assgnmt 4 -- 28
+      // 3GPP TS 38.212 Section DCI size alignment
+      // Size of DCI format 1_0 is given by the size of CORESET 0 if CORESET 0 is configured for the cell and the size
+      // of initial DL bandwidth part if CORESET 0 is not configured for the cell
+      if(cset0_bwp_size>0) {
+        N_RB = cset0_bwp_size;
+      }
       size = 28;
       size += (uint8_t)ceil( log2( (N_RB*(N_RB+1))>>1 ) ); // Freq domain assignment
diff --git a/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_COMMON/nr_mac_common.h b/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_COMMON/nr_mac_common.h
index 63277022ce8e4f3c67407c24c39c7710b52d0148..56e24792ccf5b8ed4ea59d083b7bc9a71808c3cd 100644
--- a/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_COMMON/nr_mac_common.h
+++ b/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_COMMON/nr_mac_common.h
@@ -54,7 +54,8 @@ uint16_t nr_dci_size(const NR_BWP_DownlinkCommon_t *initialDLBWP,
                      nr_dci_format_t format,
                      nr_rnti_type_t rnti_type,
                      uint16_t N_RB,
-                     int bwp_id);
+                     int bwp_id,
+                     uint16_t cset0_bwp_size);
 void find_aggregation_candidates(uint8_t *aggregation_level,
                                  uint8_t *nr_of_candidates,
diff --git a/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_UE/mac_defs.h b/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_UE/mac_defs.h
index ad86b1385df114294fbe2f131a9a568c75f06a38..fc2c2d2c8b7d6e4c08da99577f8bf748c0039d0a 100644
--- a/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_UE/mac_defs.h
+++ b/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_UE/mac_defs.h
@@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ typedef struct {
   // Defined for abstracted mode
   nr_downlink_indication_t dl_info;
-  NR_UE_HARQ_STATUS_t dl_harq_info[16];
   nr_emulated_l1_t nr_ue_emul_l1;
diff --git a/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_UE/nr_ue_dci_configuration.c b/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_UE/nr_ue_dci_configuration.c
index 3453e071b10c897cfdb0e8fb8190081e4dbf62b9..0ee6f5501c136b64834224657a184e30e53c330d 100644
--- a/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_UE/nr_ue_dci_configuration.c
+++ b/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_UE/nr_ue_dci_configuration.c
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ void config_dci_pdu(NR_UE_MAC_INST_t *mac, fapi_nr_dl_config_dci_dl_pdu_rel15_t
       rel15->SubcarrierSpacing = bwp_Common->genericParameters.subcarrierSpacing;
     for (int i = 0; i < rel15->num_dci_options; i++) {
-      rel15->dci_length_options[i] = nr_dci_size(initialDownlinkBWP,initialUplinkBWP, mac->cg, &mac->def_dci_pdu_rel15[rel15->dci_format_options[i]], rel15->dci_format_options[i], NR_RNTI_C, rel15->BWPSize, bwp_id);
+      rel15->dci_length_options[i] = nr_dci_size(initialDownlinkBWP,initialUplinkBWP, mac->cg, &mac->def_dci_pdu_rel15[rel15->dci_format_options[i]], rel15->dci_format_options[i], NR_RNTI_C, rel15->BWPSize, bwp_id, mac->type0_PDCCH_CSS_config.num_rbs);
     case NR_RNTI_RA:
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ void config_dci_pdu(NR_UE_MAC_INST_t *mac, fapi_nr_dl_config_dci_dl_pdu_rel15_t
       rel15->BWPStart = NRRIV2PRBOFFSET(bwp_Common->genericParameters.locationAndBandwidth, MAX_BWP_SIZE);
     rel15->SubcarrierSpacing = initialDownlinkBWP->genericParameters.subcarrierSpacing;
-    rel15->dci_length_options[0] = nr_dci_size(initialDownlinkBWP,initialUplinkBWP, mac->cg, &mac->def_dci_pdu_rel15[rel15->dci_format_options[0]], rel15->dci_format_options[0], NR_RNTI_RA, rel15->BWPSize, bwp_id);
+    rel15->dci_length_options[0] = nr_dci_size(initialDownlinkBWP,initialUplinkBWP, mac->cg, &mac->def_dci_pdu_rel15[rel15->dci_format_options[0]], rel15->dci_format_options[0], NR_RNTI_RA, rel15->BWPSize, bwp_id, mac->type0_PDCCH_CSS_config.num_rbs);
     case NR_RNTI_P:
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ void config_dci_pdu(NR_UE_MAC_INST_t *mac, fapi_nr_dl_config_dci_dl_pdu_rel15_t
       rel15->BWPStart = mac->type0_PDCCH_CSS_config.cset_start_rb;
       rel15->SubcarrierSpacing = initialDownlinkBWP->genericParameters.subcarrierSpacing;
       for (int i = 0; i < rel15->num_dci_options; i++) {
-        rel15->dci_length_options[i] = nr_dci_size(initialDownlinkBWP,initialUplinkBWP, mac->cg, &mac->def_dci_pdu_rel15[rel15->dci_format_options[i]], rel15->dci_format_options[i], NR_RNTI_TC, rel15->BWPSize, bwp_id);
+        rel15->dci_length_options[i] = nr_dci_size(initialDownlinkBWP,initialUplinkBWP, mac->cg, &mac->def_dci_pdu_rel15[rel15->dci_format_options[i]], rel15->dci_format_options[i], NR_RNTI_TC, rel15->BWPSize, bwp_id, mac->type0_PDCCH_CSS_config.num_rbs);
     case NR_RNTI_SP_CSI:
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ void config_dci_pdu(NR_UE_MAC_INST_t *mac, fapi_nr_dl_config_dci_dl_pdu_rel15_t
         rel15->SubcarrierSpacing = mac->mib->subCarrierSpacingCommon + 2;
       for (int i = 0; i < rel15->num_dci_options; i++) {
-        rel15->dci_length_options[i] = nr_dci_size(initialDownlinkBWP,initialUplinkBWP, mac->cg, &mac->def_dci_pdu_rel15[rel15->dci_format_options[i]], rel15->dci_format_options[i], NR_RNTI_SI, rel15->BWPSize, 0);
+        rel15->dci_length_options[i] = nr_dci_size(initialDownlinkBWP,initialUplinkBWP, mac->cg, &mac->def_dci_pdu_rel15[rel15->dci_format_options[i]], rel15->dci_format_options[i], NR_RNTI_SI, rel15->BWPSize, 0, mac->type0_PDCCH_CSS_config.num_rbs);
     case NR_RNTI_SFI:
diff --git a/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_UE/nr_ue_procedures.c b/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_UE/nr_ue_procedures.c
index effd8568e3ed470bbf4698434ea87a9a6f217e38..eac1cca54b4e351be2d5075ecc4587d08834e154 100644
--- a/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_UE/nr_ue_procedures.c
+++ b/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_UE/nr_ue_procedures.c
@@ -281,7 +281,6 @@ int get_rnti_type(NR_UE_MAC_INST_t *mac, uint16_t rnti){
     LOG_D(MAC, "In %s: returning rnti_type %s \n", __FUNCTION__, rnti_types[rnti_type]);
     return rnti_type;
@@ -874,14 +873,26 @@ int8_t nr_ue_process_dci(module_id_t module_id, int cc_id, uint8_t gNB_index, fr
     if(pdsch_TimeDomainAllocationList && rnti!=SI_RNTI)
       mappingtype = pdsch_TimeDomainAllocationList->list.array[dci->time_domain_assignment.val]->mappingType;
+    struct NR_DMRS_DownlinkConfig *dl_dmrs_config = NULL;
+    if(mac->DLbwp[0])
+      dl_dmrs_config = (mappingtype == typeA) ?
+                       mac->DLbwp[0]->bwp_Dedicated->pdsch_Config->choice.setup->dmrs_DownlinkForPDSCH_MappingTypeA->choice.setup :
+                       mac->DLbwp[0]->bwp_Dedicated->pdsch_Config->choice.setup->dmrs_DownlinkForPDSCH_MappingTypeB->choice.setup;
+    dlsch_config_pdu_1_0->nscid = 0;
+    if(dl_dmrs_config && dl_dmrs_config->scramblingID0)
+      dlsch_config_pdu_1_0->dlDmrsScramblingId = *dl_dmrs_config->scramblingID0;
+    else
+      dlsch_config_pdu_1_0->dlDmrsScramblingId = mac->physCellId;
     /* dmrs symbol positions*/
     dlsch_config_pdu_1_0->dlDmrsSymbPos = fill_dmrs_mask(pdsch_config,
                                                          (get_softmodem_params()->nsa) ? mac->scc->dmrs_TypeA_Position : mac->mib->dmrs_TypeA_Position,
                                                          mappingtype, 1);
-    dlsch_config_pdu_1_0->dmrsConfigType = (mac->DLbwp[0] != NULL) ?
-                                           (mac->DLbwp[0]->bwp_Dedicated->pdsch_Config->choice.setup->dmrs_DownlinkForPDSCH_MappingTypeA->choice.setup->dmrs_Type == NULL ? 0 : 1) : 0;
+    dlsch_config_pdu_1_0->dmrsConfigType = (dl_dmrs_config != NULL) ?
+                                           (dl_dmrs_config->dmrs_Type == NULL ? 0 : 1) : 0;
     /* number of DM-RS CDM groups without data according to subclause of 3GPP TS 38.214 version 15.9.0 Release 15 */
     if (dlsch_config_pdu_1_0->number_symbols == 2)
@@ -1092,7 +1103,30 @@ int8_t nr_ue_process_dci(module_id_t module_id, int cc_id, uint8_t gNB_index, fr
       mappingtype = pdsch_TimeDomainAllocationList->list.array[dci->time_domain_assignment.val]->mappingType;
-    dlsch_config_pdu_1_1->dmrsConfigType = pdsch_Config->dmrs_DownlinkForPDSCH_MappingTypeA->choice.setup->dmrs_Type == NULL ? NFAPI_NR_DMRS_TYPE1 : NFAPI_NR_DMRS_TYPE2;
+    struct NR_DMRS_DownlinkConfig *dl_dmrs_config = (mappingtype == typeA) ?
+                                                    pdsch_Config->dmrs_DownlinkForPDSCH_MappingTypeA->choice.setup :
+                                                    pdsch_Config->dmrs_DownlinkForPDSCH_MappingTypeB->choice.setup;
+    switch (dci->dmrs_sequence_initialization.val) {
+      case 0:
+        dlsch_config_pdu_1_1->nscid = 0;
+        if(dl_dmrs_config->scramblingID0)
+          dlsch_config_pdu_1_1->dlDmrsScramblingId = *dl_dmrs_config->scramblingID0;
+        else
+          dlsch_config_pdu_1_1->dlDmrsScramblingId = mac->physCellId;
+        break;
+      case 1:
+        dlsch_config_pdu_1_1->nscid = 1;
+        if(dl_dmrs_config->scramblingID1)
+          dlsch_config_pdu_1_1->dlDmrsScramblingId = *dl_dmrs_config->scramblingID1;
+        else
+          dlsch_config_pdu_1_1->dlDmrsScramblingId = mac->physCellId;
+        break;
+      default:
+        AssertFatal(1==0,"Invalid dmrs sequence initialization value\n");
+    }
+    dlsch_config_pdu_1_1->dmrsConfigType = dl_dmrs_config->dmrs_Type == NULL ? NFAPI_NR_DMRS_TYPE1 : NFAPI_NR_DMRS_TYPE2;
     /* TODO: fix number of DM-RS CDM groups without data according to subclause of 3GPP TS 38.214,
              using tables,,, of 3GPP TS 38.212 */
@@ -1153,17 +1187,11 @@ int8_t nr_ue_process_dci(module_id_t module_id, int cc_id, uint8_t gNB_index, fr
     /* ANTENNA_PORTS */
     uint8_t n_codewords = 1; // FIXME!!!
-    long *max_length = NULL;
-    long *dmrs_type = NULL;
+    long *max_length = dl_dmrs_config->maxLength;
+    long *dmrs_type = dl_dmrs_config->dmrs_Type;
     dlsch_config_pdu_1_1->n_front_load_symb = 1; // default value
-    if (pdsch_Config->dmrs_DownlinkForPDSCH_MappingTypeA) {
-      max_length = pdsch_Config->dmrs_DownlinkForPDSCH_MappingTypeA->choice.setup->maxLength;
-      dmrs_type = pdsch_Config->dmrs_DownlinkForPDSCH_MappingTypeA->choice.setup->dmrs_Type;
-    }
-    if (pdsch_Config->dmrs_DownlinkForPDSCH_MappingTypeB) {
-      max_length = pdsch_Config->dmrs_DownlinkForPDSCH_MappingTypeB->choice.setup->maxLength;
-      dmrs_type = pdsch_Config->dmrs_DownlinkForPDSCH_MappingTypeB->choice.setup->dmrs_Type;
-    }
     if ((dmrs_type == NULL) && (max_length == NULL)){
       // Table Antenna port(s) (1000 + DMRS port), dmrs-Type=1, maxLength=1
       dlsch_config_pdu_1_1->n_dmrs_cdm_groups = table_7_3_2_3_3_1[dci->antenna_ports.val][0];
@@ -1404,10 +1432,18 @@ void set_harq_status(NR_UE_MAC_INST_t *mac,
   // FIXME k0 != 0 currently not taken into consideration
   current_harq->dl_frame = frame;
   current_harq->dl_slot = slot;
-  mac->nr_ue_emul_l1.active_harq_sfn_slot = NFAPI_SFNSLOT2HEX(frame, (slot + data_toul_fb));
+  if (get_softmodem_params()->emulate_l1) {
+    int scs = get_softmodem_params()->numerology;
+    int slots_per_frame = nr_slots_per_frame[scs];
+    slot += data_toul_fb;
+    if (slot >= slots_per_frame) {
+      frame = (frame + 1) % 1024;
+      slot %= slots_per_frame;
+    }
+  }
   LOG_D(NR_PHY,"Setting harq_status for harq_id %d, dl %d.%d, sched ul %d.%d\n",
-        harq_id, frame, slot, frame, (slot + data_toul_fb));
+        harq_id, current_harq->dl_frame, current_harq->dl_slot, frame, slot);
@@ -1889,7 +1925,8 @@ int find_pucch_resource_set(NR_UE_MAC_INST_t *mac, int uci_size) {
          mac->cg->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated->uplinkConfig->initialUplinkBWP->pucch_Config->choice.setup &&
          mac->cg->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated->uplinkConfig->initialUplinkBWP->pucch_Config->choice.setup->resourceSetToAddModList &&
          mac->cg->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated->uplinkConfig->initialUplinkBWP->pucch_Config->choice.setup->resourceSetToAddModList->list.array[pucch_resource_set_id] != NULL)) {
-      if (uci_size <= 2) {
+      // PUCCH with format0 can be up to 3 bits (2 ack/nacks + 1 sr is 3 max bits)
+      if (uci_size <= 3) {
         pucch_resource_set_id = 0;
         return (pucch_resource_set_id);
@@ -2090,11 +2127,17 @@ uint8_t get_downlink_ack(NR_UE_MAC_INST_t *mac,
         sched_frame = current_harq->dl_frame;
         if (sched_slot>=slots_per_frame){
           sched_slot %= slots_per_frame;
-          sched_frame++;
+          sched_frame = (sched_frame + 1) % 1024;
+        AssertFatal(sched_slot < slots_per_frame, "sched_slot was calculated incorrect %d\n", sched_slot);
         LOG_D(PHY,"HARQ pid %d is active for %d.%d (dl_slot %d, feedback_to_ul %d, is_common %d\n",dl_harq_pid, sched_frame,sched_slot,current_harq->dl_slot,current_harq->feedback_to_ul,current_harq->is_common);
         /* check if current tx slot should transmit downlink acknowlegment */
         if (sched_frame == frame && sched_slot == slot) {
+          if (get_softmodem_params()->emulate_l1) {
+            mac->nr_ue_emul_l1.harq[dl_harq_pid].active = true;
+            mac->nr_ue_emul_l1.harq[dl_harq_pid].active_dl_harq_sfn = frame;
+            mac->nr_ue_emul_l1.harq[dl_harq_pid].active_dl_harq_slot = slot;
+          }
           if (current_harq->dai > NR_DL_MAX_DAI) {
             LOG_E(MAC,"PUCCH Downlink DAI has an invalid value : at line %d in function %s of file %s \n", LINE_FILE , __func__, FILE_NAME);
diff --git a/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_UE/nr_ue_scheduler.c b/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_UE/nr_ue_scheduler.c
index 2aa8fa2597640a22b62ca218e10c9ca9a84ade75..c62b2d34a6983288a57863d1e081f15af64ffc10 100644
--- a/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_UE/nr_ue_scheduler.c
+++ b/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_UE/nr_ue_scheduler.c
@@ -734,6 +734,11 @@ int nr_config_pusch_pdu(NR_UE_MAC_INST_t *mac,
                          ? pusch_Config->dmrs_UplinkForPUSCH_MappingTypeA->choice.setup : pusch_Config->dmrs_UplinkForPUSCH_MappingTypeB->choice.setup;
+    pusch_config_pdu->scid = 0;
+    pusch_config_pdu->ul_dmrs_scrambling_id = mac->physCellId;
+    if(*dci_format == NR_UL_DCI_FORMAT_0_1)
+      pusch_config_pdu->scid = dci->dmrs_sequence_initialization.val;
     /* TRANSFORM PRECODING ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
     if (pusch_config_pdu->transform_precoding == NR_PUSCH_Config__transformPrecoder_enabled) {
@@ -759,6 +764,14 @@ int nr_config_pusch_pdu(NR_UE_MAC_INST_t *mac,
       LOG_D(NR_MAC,"TRANSFORM PRECODING IS ENABLED. CDM groups: %d, U: %d \n", pusch_config_pdu->num_dmrs_cdm_grps_no_data,
+    else {
+      if (pusch_config_pdu->scid == 0 &&
+          NR_DMRS_ulconfig->transformPrecodingDisabled->scramblingID0)
+        pusch_config_pdu->ul_dmrs_scrambling_id = *NR_DMRS_ulconfig->transformPrecodingDisabled->scramblingID0;
+      if (pusch_config_pdu->scid == 1 &&
+          NR_DMRS_ulconfig->transformPrecodingDisabled->scramblingID1)
+        pusch_config_pdu->ul_dmrs_scrambling_id = *NR_DMRS_ulconfig->transformPrecodingDisabled->scramblingID1;
+    }
     /* TRANSFORM PRECODING --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
@@ -1079,6 +1092,10 @@ NR_UE_L2_STATE_t nr_ue_scheduler(nr_downlink_indication_t *dl_info, nr_uplink_in
         if(mac->if_module != NULL && mac->if_module->scheduled_response != NULL)
+      else
+      {
+        dl_config->number_pdus = 0;
+      }
   } else if (ul_info) {
@@ -2251,26 +2268,27 @@ void nr_ue_pucch_scheduler(module_id_t module_idP, frame_t frameP, int slotP, in
   int O_CSI = 0;
   int N_UCI = 0;
-  PUCCH_sched_t *pucch = calloc(1,sizeof(*pucch));
-  pucch->resource_indicator = -1;
-  pucch->initial_pucch_id = -1;
+  PUCCH_sched_t pucch = {
+    .resource_indicator = -1,
+    .initial_pucch_id = -1
+  };
   uint16_t rnti = mac->crnti;  //FIXME not sure this is valid for all pucch instances
   // SR
-  if(trigger_periodic_scheduling_request(mac, pucch, frameP, slotP)) {
+  if (trigger_periodic_scheduling_request(mac, &pucch, frameP, slotP)) {
     O_SR = 1;
     /* sr_payload = 1 means that this is a positive SR, sr_payload = 0 means that it is a negative SR */
-    pucch->sr_payload = nr_ue_get_SR(module_idP,
+    pucch.sr_payload = nr_ue_get_SR(module_idP,
   // CSI
   if (mac->ra.ra_state == RA_SUCCEEDED || get_softmodem_params()->phy_test == 1)
-    O_CSI = nr_get_csi_measurements(mac, frameP, slotP, pucch);
+    O_CSI = nr_get_csi_measurements(mac, frameP, slotP, &pucch);
-  O_ACK = get_downlink_ack(mac, frameP, slotP, pucch);
+  O_ACK = get_downlink_ack(mac, frameP, slotP, &pucch);
   NR_BWP_Id_t bwp_id = mac->UL_BWP_Id;
   NR_PUCCH_Config_t *pucch_Config = NULL;
@@ -2300,35 +2318,39 @@ void nr_ue_pucch_scheduler(module_id_t module_idP, frame_t frameP, int slotP, in
       pucch_Config->format2 &&
       (pucch_Config->format2->choice.setup->simultaneousHARQ_ACK_CSI == NULL)) {
     O_CSI = 0;
-    pucch->csi_part1_payload = 0;
-    pucch->csi_part2_payload = 0;
+    pucch.csi_part1_payload = 0;
+    pucch.csi_part2_payload = 0;
   N_UCI = O_SR + O_ACK + O_CSI;
+  mac->nr_ue_emul_l1.num_srs = O_SR;
+  mac->nr_ue_emul_l1.num_harqs = O_ACK;
+  mac->nr_ue_emul_l1.num_csi_reports = O_CSI;
   // do no transmit pucch if only SR scheduled and it is negative
-  if ((O_ACK + O_CSI) == 0 && pucch->sr_payload == 0)
+  if ((O_ACK + O_CSI) == 0 && pucch.sr_payload == 0)
   if (N_UCI > 0) {
     LOG_D(NR_MAC,"%d.%d configure pucch, O_SR %d, O_ACK %d, O_CSI %d\n",frameP,slotP,O_SR,O_ACK,O_CSI);
-    pucch->resource_set_id = find_pucch_resource_set(mac, O_ACK + O_CSI);
-    select_pucch_resource(mac, pucch);
+    pucch.resource_set_id = find_pucch_resource_set(mac, O_ACK + O_CSI);
+    select_pucch_resource(mac, &pucch);
     fapi_nr_ul_config_request_t *ul_config = get_ul_config_request(mac, slotP);
     AssertFatal(ul_config->number_pdus<FAPI_NR_UL_CONFIG_LIST_NUM, "ul_config->number_pdus %d out of bounds\n",ul_config->number_pdus);
     fapi_nr_ul_config_pucch_pdu *pucch_pdu = &ul_config->ul_config_list[ul_config->number_pdus].pucch_config_pdu;
     fill_ul_config(ul_config, frameP, slotP, FAPI_NR_UL_CONFIG_TYPE_PUCCH);
+    mac->nr_ue_emul_l1.active_uci_sfn_slot = NFAPI_SFNSLOT2HEX(frameP, slotP);
-                          pucch,
+                          &pucch,
                           O_SR, O_ACK, O_CSI);
-    LOG_D(NR_MAC,"Configuring pucch, is_common = %d\n",pucch->is_common);
+    LOG_D(NR_MAC, "Configuring pucch, is_common = %d\n", pucch.is_common);
     nr_scheduled_response_t scheduled_response;
     fill_scheduled_response(&scheduled_response, NULL, ul_config, NULL, module_idP, 0 /*TBR fix*/, frameP, slotP, thread_id);
     if(mac->if_module != NULL && mac->if_module->scheduled_response != NULL)
diff --git a/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_gNB/config.c b/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_gNB/config.c
index 3bc45b42ca87e86620145d1cfc93531eb144815b..6ba8629718a2ba134c5ff8805307f8c1b5766a26 100644
--- a/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_gNB/config.c
+++ b/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_gNB/config.c
@@ -160,11 +160,11 @@ void process_CellGroup(NR_CellGroupConfig_t *CellGroup, NR_UE_sched_ctrl_t *sche
-void config_common(int Mod_idP, int ssb_SubcarrierOffset, int pdsch_AntennaPorts, int pusch_AntennaPorts, NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc) {
+void config_common(int Mod_idP, int ssb_SubcarrierOffset, rrc_pdsch_AntennaPorts_t dl_antenna_ports_struct, int pusch_AntennaPorts, NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc) {
   nfapi_nr_config_request_scf_t *cfg = &RC.nrmac[Mod_idP]->config[0];
   RC.nrmac[Mod_idP]->common_channels[0].ServingCellConfigCommon = scc;
-  int i;
+  int pdsch_AntennaPorts = dl_antenna_ports_struct.N1 * dl_antenna_ports_struct.N2 * dl_antenna_ports_struct.XP;
   // Carrier configuration
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ void config_common(int Mod_idP, int ssb_SubcarrierOffset, int pdsch_AntennaPorts
   cfg->carrier_config.dl_frequency.tl.tag = NFAPI_NR_CONFIG_DL_FREQUENCY_TAG;
-  for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
+  for (int i=0; i<5; i++) {
     if (i==scc->downlinkConfigCommon->frequencyInfoDL->scs_SpecificCarrierList.list.array[0]->subcarrierSpacing) {
       cfg->carrier_config.dl_grid_size[i].value = scc->downlinkConfigCommon->frequencyInfoDL->scs_SpecificCarrierList.list.array[0]->carrierBandwidth;
       cfg->carrier_config.dl_k0[i].value = scc->downlinkConfigCommon->frequencyInfoDL->scs_SpecificCarrierList.list.array[0]->offsetToCarrier;
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ void config_common(int Mod_idP, int ssb_SubcarrierOffset, int pdsch_AntennaPorts
   cfg->carrier_config.uplink_frequency.tl.tag = NFAPI_NR_CONFIG_UPLINK_FREQUENCY_TAG;
-  for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
+  for (int i=0; i<5; i++) {
     if (i==scc->uplinkConfigCommon->frequencyInfoUL->scs_SpecificCarrierList.list.array[0]->subcarrierSpacing) {
       cfg->carrier_config.ul_grid_size[i].value = scc->uplinkConfigCommon->frequencyInfoUL->scs_SpecificCarrierList.list.array[0]->carrierBandwidth;
       cfg->carrier_config.ul_k0[i].value = scc->uplinkConfigCommon->frequencyInfoUL->scs_SpecificCarrierList.list.array[0]->offsetToCarrier;
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ void config_common(int Mod_idP, int ssb_SubcarrierOffset, int pdsch_AntennaPorts
   cfg->prach_config.num_prach_fd_occasions_list = (nfapi_nr_num_prach_fd_occasions_t *) malloc(cfg->prach_config.num_prach_fd_occasions.value*sizeof(nfapi_nr_num_prach_fd_occasions_t));
-  for (i=0; i<cfg->prach_config.num_prach_fd_occasions.value; i++) {
+  for (int i=0; i<cfg->prach_config.num_prach_fd_occasions.value; i++) {
 //    cfg->prach_config.num_prach_fd_occasions_list[i].num_prach_fd_occasions = i;
     if (cfg->prach_config.prach_sequence_length.value)
       cfg->prach_config.num_prach_fd_occasions_list[i].prach_root_sequence_index.value = scc->uplinkConfigCommon->initialUplinkBWP->rach_ConfigCommon->choice.setup->prach_RootSequenceIndex.choice.l139; 
@@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ void config_common(int Mod_idP, int ssb_SubcarrierOffset, int pdsch_AntennaPorts
     case 3 :
       cfg->ssb_table.ssb_mask_list[0].ssb_mask.value = 0;
       cfg->ssb_table.ssb_mask_list[1].ssb_mask.value = 0;
-      for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
+      for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
         cfg->ssb_table.ssb_mask_list[0].ssb_mask.value += (scc->ssb_PositionsInBurst->choice.longBitmap.buf[3-i]<<i*8);
         cfg->ssb_table.ssb_mask_list[1].ssb_mask.value += (scc->ssb_PositionsInBurst->choice.longBitmap.buf[7-i]<<i*8);
@@ -414,7 +414,8 @@ void config_common(int Mod_idP, int ssb_SubcarrierOffset, int pdsch_AntennaPorts
   cfg->carrier_config.num_rx_ant.value = pusch_AntennaPorts;
   AssertFatal(pusch_AntennaPorts > 0 && pusch_AntennaPorts < 13, "pusch_AntennaPorts in 1...12\n");
   cfg->carrier_config.num_rx_ant.tl.tag = NFAPI_NR_CONFIG_NUM_RX_ANT_TAG;
-  LOG_I(NR_MAC,"Set TX/RX antenna number to %d (num ssb %d: %x,%x)\n",cfg->carrier_config.num_tx_ant.value,num_ssb,cfg->ssb_table.ssb_mask_list[0].ssb_mask.value,cfg->ssb_table.ssb_mask_list[1].ssb_mask.value);
+  LOG_I(NR_MAC,"Set TX/RX antenna number to %d (num ssb %d: %x,%x)\n",
+        cfg->carrier_config.num_tx_ant.value,num_ssb,cfg->ssb_table.ssb_mask_list[0].ssb_mask.value,cfg->ssb_table.ssb_mask_list[1].ssb_mask.value);
   AssertFatal(cfg->carrier_config.num_tx_ant.value > 0,"carrier_config.num_tx_ant.value %d !\n",cfg->carrier_config.num_tx_ant.value );
@@ -451,15 +452,16 @@ void config_common(int Mod_idP, int ssb_SubcarrierOffset, int pdsch_AntennaPorts
 int rrc_mac_config_req_gNB(module_id_t Mod_idP,
                            int ssb_SubcarrierOffset,
-                           int pdsch_AntennaPorts,
+                           rrc_pdsch_AntennaPorts_t pdsch_AntennaPorts,
                            int pusch_AntennaPorts,
                            int sib1_tda,
                            int minRXTXTIMEpdsch,
                            NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc,
                            NR_BCCH_BCH_Message_t *mib,
-	                   int add_ue,
+                           NR_BCCH_DL_SCH_Message_t *sib1,
+                           int add_ue,
                            uint32_t rnti,
-	                   NR_CellGroupConfig_t *CellGroup) {
+                           NR_CellGroupConfig_t *CellGroup) {
   if (scc != NULL ) {
     AssertFatal((scc->ssb_PositionsInBurst->present > 0) && (scc->ssb_PositionsInBurst->present < 4), "SSB Bitmap type %d is not valid\n",scc->ssb_PositionsInBurst->present);
@@ -567,28 +569,34 @@ int rrc_mac_config_req_gNB(module_id_t Mod_idP,
-  if (mib) RC.nrmac[Mod_idP]->common_channels[0].mib = mib; 
+  if (mib) RC.nrmac[Mod_idP]->common_channels[0].mib = mib;
+  if (sib1) RC.nrmac[Mod_idP]->common_channels[0].sib1 = sib1;
   if (CellGroup) {
-    const NR_ServingCellConfig_t *servingCellConfig = CellGroup->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated;
-    const struct NR_ServingCellConfig__downlinkBWP_ToAddModList *bwpList = servingCellConfig->downlinkBWP_ToAddModList;
-    if(bwpList) {
-      AssertFatal(bwpList->list.count > 0, "downlinkBWP_ToAddModList has no BWPs!\n");
-      for (int i = 0; i < bwpList->list.count; ++i) {
-        const NR_BWP_Downlink_t *bwp = bwpList->list.array[i];
-        calculate_preferred_dl_tda(Mod_idP, bwp);
-      }
-    } else {
+    if (get_softmodem_params()->sa) {
       calculate_preferred_dl_tda(Mod_idP, NULL);
-    const struct NR_UplinkConfig__uplinkBWP_ToAddModList *ubwpList = servingCellConfig->uplinkConfig->uplinkBWP_ToAddModList;
-    if(ubwpList) {
-      AssertFatal(ubwpList->list.count > 0, "uplinkBWP_ToAddModList no BWPs!\n");
-      for (int i = 0; i < ubwpList->list.count; ++i) {
-        const NR_BWP_Uplink_t *ubwp = ubwpList->list.array[i];
-        calculate_preferred_ul_tda(Mod_idP, ubwp);
+    const NR_ServingCellConfig_t *servingCellConfig = NULL;
+    if(CellGroup->spCellConfig && CellGroup->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated) {
+      servingCellConfig = CellGroup->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated;
+      const struct NR_ServingCellConfig__downlinkBWP_ToAddModList *bwpList = servingCellConfig->downlinkBWP_ToAddModList;
+      if(bwpList) {
+        AssertFatal(bwpList->list.count > 0, "downlinkBWP_ToAddModList has no BWPs!\n");
+        for (int i = 0; i < bwpList->list.count; ++i) {
+          const NR_BWP_Downlink_t *bwp = bwpList->list.array[i];
+          calculate_preferred_dl_tda(Mod_idP, bwp);
+        }
+      }
+      const struct NR_UplinkConfig__uplinkBWP_ToAddModList *ubwpList = servingCellConfig->uplinkConfig->uplinkBWP_ToAddModList;
+      if(ubwpList) {
+        AssertFatal(ubwpList->list.count > 0, "uplinkBWP_ToAddModList no BWPs!\n");
+        for (int i = 0; i < ubwpList->list.count; ++i) {
+          const NR_BWP_Uplink_t *ubwp = ubwpList->list.array[i];
+          calculate_preferred_ul_tda(Mod_idP, ubwp);
+        }
@@ -648,7 +656,6 @@ int rrc_mac_config_req_gNB(module_id_t Mod_idP,
       UE_info->CellGroup[UE_id] = CellGroup;
       LOG_I(NR_MAC,"Modified UE_id %d/%x with CellGroup\n",UE_id,rnti);
-      const NR_ServingCellConfig_t *servingCellConfig = CellGroup ? CellGroup->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated : NULL;
       NR_UE_sched_ctrl_t *sched_ctrl = &UE_info->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id];
       sched_ctrl->update_pdsch_ps = true;
       sched_ctrl->update_pusch_ps = true;
@@ -673,16 +680,14 @@ int rrc_mac_config_req_gNB(module_id_t Mod_idP,
         bwpd = (void*)CellGroup->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated->initialDownlinkBWP;
         genericParameters = &scc->downlinkConfigCommon->initialDownlinkBWP->genericParameters;
-      else
-        AssertFatal(1==0,"Either initial BWP or active BWP should always be present\n");
-      sched_ctrl->search_space = get_searchspace(scc, bwpd, target_ss);
+      sched_ctrl->search_space = get_searchspace(sib1 ? sib1->message.choice.c1->choice.systemInformationBlockType1 : NULL, scc, bwpd, target_ss);
       sched_ctrl->coreset = get_coreset(Mod_idP, scc, bwpd, sched_ctrl->search_space, target_ss);
       sched_ctrl->sched_pdcch = set_pdcch_structure(RC.nrmac[Mod_idP],
-                                                    NULL);
+                                                    RC.nrmac[Mod_idP]->type0_PDCCH_CSS_config);
       sched_ctrl->maxL = 2;
diff --git a/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_gNB/gNB_scheduler_RA.c b/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_gNB/gNB_scheduler_RA.c
index 5a3656417bbc5611d546be00c694972f754c5d1d..59f0367090342b1f523da96c619f3c07e9a7a747 100644
--- a/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_gNB/gNB_scheduler_RA.c
+++ b/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_gNB/gNB_scheduler_RA.c
@@ -300,6 +300,8 @@ void schedule_nr_prach(module_id_t module_idP, frame_t frameP, sub_frame_t slotP
                               (RA_sfn_index + slot_index) * N_t_slot * fdm + td_index * fdm + fdm_index;
           if((prach_occasion_id < cc->total_prach_occasions) && (td_index == 0)){
+            AssertFatal(UL_tti_req->n_pdus < sizeof(UL_tti_req->pdus_list) / sizeof(UL_tti_req->pdus_list[0]),
+                        "Invalid UL_tti_req->n_pdus %d\n", UL_tti_req->n_pdus);
             UL_tti_req->pdus_list[UL_tti_req->n_pdus].pdu_type = NFAPI_NR_UL_CONFIG_PRACH_PDU_TYPE;
             UL_tti_req->pdus_list[UL_tti_req->n_pdus].pdu_size = sizeof(nfapi_nr_prach_pdu_t);
@@ -635,7 +637,7 @@ void nr_initiate_ra_proc(module_id_t module_idP,
-                                            NULL);
+                                            &nr_mac->type0_PDCCH_CSS_config[ra->beam_id]);
       // retrieving ra pdcch monitoring period and offset
       find_monitoring_periodicity_offset_common(ra->ra_ss, &monitoring_slot_period, &monitoring_offset);
@@ -803,6 +805,9 @@ void nr_generate_Msg3_retransmission(module_id_t module_idP, int CC_id, frame_t
+    AssertFatal(future_ul_tti_req->n_pdus <
+                sizeof(future_ul_tti_req->pdus_list) / sizeof(future_ul_tti_req->pdus_list[0]),
+                "Invalid future_ul_tti_req->n_pdus %d\n", future_ul_tti_req->n_pdus);
     future_ul_tti_req->pdus_list[future_ul_tti_req->n_pdus].pdu_type = NFAPI_NR_UL_CONFIG_PUSCH_PDU_TYPE;
     future_ul_tti_req->pdus_list[future_ul_tti_req->n_pdus].pdu_size = sizeof(nfapi_nr_pusch_pdu_t);
     nfapi_nr_pusch_pdu_t *pusch_pdu = &future_ul_tti_req->pdus_list[future_ul_tti_req->n_pdus].pusch_pdu;
@@ -871,7 +876,9 @@ void nr_generate_Msg3_retransmission(module_id_t module_idP, int CC_id, frame_t
     dci_pdu_rel15_t uldci_payload;
     memset(&uldci_payload, 0, sizeof(uldci_payload));
-    config_uldci(ubwp,
+    const NR_SIB1_t *sib1 = cc->sib1 ? cc->sib1->message.choice.c1->choice.systemInformationBlockType1 : NULL;
+    config_uldci(sib1,
+                 ubwp,
@@ -889,7 +896,8 @@ void nr_generate_Msg3_retransmission(module_id_t module_idP, int CC_id, frame_t
-                       ra->bwp_id);
+                       ra->bwp_id,
+                       nr_mac->cset0_bwp_size);
     // Mark the corresponding RBs as used
@@ -1461,7 +1469,8 @@ void nr_generate_Msg2(module_id_t module_idP, int CC_id, frame_t frameP, sub_fra
-                       bwpid);
+                       bwpid,
+                       nr_mac->cset0_bwp_size);
     // DL TX request
     nfapi_nr_pdu_t *tx_req = &nr_mac->TX_req[CC_id].pdu_list[nr_mac->TX_req[CC_id].Number_of_PDUs];
@@ -1603,17 +1612,11 @@ void nr_generate_Msg4(module_id_t module_idP, int CC_id, frame_t frameP, sub_fra
-    int n_rb=0;
-    for (int i=0;i<6;i++)
-      for (int j=0;j<8;j++) {
-        n_rb+=((coreset->frequencyDomainResources.buf[i]>>j)&1);
-      }
-    n_rb*=6;
-    const uint16_t N_cce = n_rb * coreset->duration / NR_NB_REG_PER_CCE;
     const int delta_PRI=0;
-    int r_pucch = ((CCEIndex<<1)/N_cce)+(delta_PRI<<1);
+    int r_pucch = nr_get_pucch_resource(coreset, sched_ctrl->active_ubwp, NULL, CCEIndex);
+    LOG_D(NR_MAC,"[RAPROC] Msg4 r_pucch %d (CCEIndex %d, nb_of_candidates %d, delta_PRI %d)\n", r_pucch, CCEIndex, nr_of_candidates, delta_PRI);
-    LOG_D(NR_MAC,"[RAPROC] Msg4 r_pucch %d (CCEIndex %d, N_cce %d, nb_of_candidates %d,delta_PRI %d)\n",r_pucch,CCEIndex,N_cce,nr_of_candidates,delta_PRI);
     int alloc = nr_acknack_scheduling(module_idP, UE_id, frameP, slotP, r_pucch, 1);
     AssertFatal(alloc>=0,"Couldn't find a pucch allocation for ack nack (msg4)\n");
     NR_sched_pucch_t *pucch = &sched_ctrl->sched_pucch[alloc];
@@ -1855,7 +1858,8 @@ void nr_generate_Msg4(module_id_t module_idP, int CC_id, frame_t frameP, sub_fra
-                       bwpid);
+                       bwpid,
+                       nr_mac->cset0_bwp_size);
     // Add padding header and zero rest out if there is space left
     if (ra->mac_pdu_length < harq->tb_size) {
diff --git a/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_gNB/gNB_scheduler_bch.c b/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_gNB/gNB_scheduler_bch.c
index cddeb364d519e666cd9e9bbd3c72de38d224e2ef..4b654e2ad18fe9285a924237e2d985b06feca362 100644
--- a/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_gNB/gNB_scheduler_bch.c
+++ b/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_gNB/gNB_scheduler_bch.c
@@ -545,7 +545,8 @@ void nr_fill_nfapi_dl_sib1_pdu(int Mod_idP,
-                     0);
+                     0,
+                     gNB_mac->cset0_bwp_size);
   LOG_D(MAC,"BWPSize: %i\n", pdcch_pdu_rel15->BWPSize);
   LOG_D(MAC,"BWPStart: %i\n", pdcch_pdu_rel15->BWPStart);
@@ -620,6 +621,8 @@ void schedule_nr_sib1(module_id_t module_idP, frame_t frameP, sub_frame_t slotP)
                                1, &is_typeA,
                                &startSymbolIndex, &nrOfSymbols);
+      AssertFatal((startSymbolIndex+nrOfSymbols)<14,"SIB1 TDA %d would cause overlap with CSI-RS. Please select a different SIB1 TDA.\n",time_domain_allocation);
       int mappingtype = is_typeA? typeA: typeB;
       uint16_t dlDmrsSymbPos = fill_dmrs_mask(NULL, gNB_mac->common_channels->ServingCellConfigCommon->dmrs_TypeA_Position, nrOfSymbols, startSymbolIndex, mappingtype, 1);
diff --git a/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_gNB/gNB_scheduler_dlsch.c b/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_gNB/gNB_scheduler_dlsch.c
index f030c40a01d1fc5ae22cdf827ddedebd19e98bb0..00dec1bd4d1be0ef8935d60434e6aa370d1f4f9a 100644
--- a/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_gNB/gNB_scheduler_dlsch.c
+++ b/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_gNB/gNB_scheduler_dlsch.c
@@ -86,16 +86,22 @@ void calculate_preferred_dl_tda(module_id_t module_id, const NR_BWP_Downlink_t *
   else {
     target_ss = NR_SearchSpace__searchSpaceType_PR_common;
-  NR_SearchSpace_t *search_space = get_searchspace(scc, bwp ? bwp->bwp_Dedicated : NULL, target_ss);
+  const NR_SIB1_t *sib1 = nrmac->common_channels[0].sib1 ? nrmac->common_channels[0].sib1->message.choice.c1->choice.systemInformationBlockType1 : NULL;
+  NR_SearchSpace_t *search_space = get_searchspace(sib1,
+                                                   scc,
+                                                   bwp ? bwp->bwp_Dedicated : NULL,
+                                                   target_ss);
   NR_ControlResourceSet_t *coreset = get_coreset(module_id, scc, bwp ? bwp->bwp_Dedicated : NULL, search_space, target_ss);
   // get coreset symbol "map"
   const uint16_t symb_coreset = (1 << coreset->duration) - 1;
-  /* check that TDA index 0 fits into DL and does not overlap CORESET */
-  const struct NR_PDSCH_TimeDomainResourceAllocationList *tdaList = bwp ?
-      bwp->bwp_Common->pdsch_ConfigCommon->choice.setup->pdsch_TimeDomainAllocationList :
-      scc->downlinkConfigCommon->initialDownlinkBWP->pdsch_ConfigCommon->choice.setup->pdsch_TimeDomainAllocationList;
+  NR_PDSCH_TimeDomainResourceAllocationList_t *tdaList = get_pdsch_TimeDomainAllocationList(bwp,
+                                                                                            scc,
+                                                                                            sib1);
   AssertFatal(tdaList->list.count >= 1, "need to have at least one TDA for DL slots\n");
+  /* check that TDA index 0 fits into DL and does not overlap CORESET */
   const NR_PDSCH_TimeDomainResourceAllocation_t *tdaP_DL = tdaList->list.array[0];
   AssertFatal(!tdaP_DL->k0 || *tdaP_DL->k0 == 0,
               "TimeDomainAllocation at index 1: non-null k0 (%ld) is not supported by the scheduler\n",
@@ -525,19 +531,33 @@ bool allocate_dl_retransmission(module_id_t module_id,
                                 int UE_id,
                                 int current_harq_pid) {
-  const NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc = RC.nrmac[module_id]->common_channels->ServingCellConfigCommon;
-  NR_UE_info_t *UE_info = &RC.nrmac[module_id]->UE_info;
+  gNB_MAC_INST *nr_mac = RC.nrmac[module_id];
+  const NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc = nr_mac->common_channels->ServingCellConfigCommon;
+  NR_UE_info_t *UE_info = &nr_mac->UE_info;
   NR_UE_sched_ctrl_t *sched_ctrl = &UE_info->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id];
   NR_sched_pdsch_t *retInfo = &sched_ctrl->harq_processes[current_harq_pid].sched_pdsch;
   NR_CellGroupConfig_t *cg = UE_info->CellGroup[UE_id];
-  NR_BWP_DownlinkDedicated_t *bwpd= cg ? cg->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated->initialDownlinkBWP:NULL;
-  NR_BWP_t *genericParameters = sched_ctrl->active_bwp ?
-                                &sched_ctrl->active_bwp->bwp_Common->genericParameters :
-                                &RC.nrmac[module_id]->common_channels[0].ServingCellConfigCommon->downlinkConfigCommon->initialDownlinkBWP->genericParameters;
-  const uint16_t bwpSize = NRRIV2BW(genericParameters->locationAndBandwidth, MAX_BWP_SIZE);
+  NR_BWP_DownlinkDedicated_t *bwpd =
+      cg &&
+      cg->spCellConfig &&
+      cg->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated ?
+      cg->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated->initialDownlinkBWP : NULL;
+  NR_BWP_UplinkDedicated_t *ubwpd =
+      cg &&
+      cg->spCellConfig &&
+      cg->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated &&
+      cg->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated->uplinkConfig ?
+      cg->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated->uplinkConfig->initialUplinkBWP : NULL;
+  const NR_SIB1_t *sib1 = RC.nrmac[module_id]->common_channels[0].sib1 ? RC.nrmac[module_id]->common_channels[0].sib1->message.choice.c1->choice.systemInformationBlockType1 : NULL;
+  NR_BWP_t *genericParameters = get_dl_bwp_genericParameters(sched_ctrl->active_bwp,
+                                                             RC.nrmac[module_id]->common_channels[0].ServingCellConfigCommon,
+                                                             sib1);
+  const int coresetid = (sched_ctrl->active_bwp||bwpd) ? sched_ctrl->coreset->controlResourceSetId : RC.nrmac[module_id]->sched_ctrlCommon->coreset->controlResourceSetId;
+  const uint16_t bwpSize = coresetid == 0 ? RC.nrmac[module_id]->cset0_bwp_size : NRRIV2BW(genericParameters->locationAndBandwidth, MAX_BWP_SIZE);
   int rbStart = 0; // start wrt BWPstart
   NR_pdsch_semi_static_t *ps = &sched_ctrl->pdsch_semi_static;
@@ -565,7 +585,15 @@ bool allocate_dl_retransmission(module_id_t module_id,
     /* check whether we need to switch the TDA allocation since the last
      * (re-)transmission */
     if (ps->time_domain_allocation != tda || sched_ctrl->update_pdsch_ps) {
-      nr_set_pdsch_semi_static(scc, cg, sched_ctrl->active_bwp, bwpd, tda, ps->nrOfLayers, sched_ctrl, ps);
+      nr_set_pdsch_semi_static(sib1,
+                               scc,
+                               cg,
+                               sched_ctrl->active_bwp,
+                               bwpd,
+                               tda,
+                               ps->nrOfLayers,
+                               sched_ctrl,
+                               ps);
       sched_ctrl->update_pdsch_ps = false;
   } else {
@@ -573,7 +601,15 @@ bool allocate_dl_retransmission(module_id_t module_id,
      * that we have enough resources */
     NR_pdsch_semi_static_t temp_ps = *ps;
-    nr_set_pdsch_semi_static(scc, UE_info->CellGroup[UE_id], sched_ctrl->active_bwp, bwpd, tda, ps->nrOfLayers, sched_ctrl, &temp_ps);
+    nr_set_pdsch_semi_static(sib1,
+                             scc,
+                             UE_info->CellGroup[UE_id],
+                             sched_ctrl->active_bwp,
+                             bwpd,
+                             tda,
+                             ps->nrOfLayers,
+                             sched_ctrl,
+                             &temp_ps);
     while (rbStart < bwpSize &&
            !(rballoc_mask[rbStart]&SL_to_bitmap(temp_ps.startSymbolIndex, temp_ps.nrOfSymbols)))
@@ -634,7 +670,8 @@ bool allocate_dl_retransmission(module_id_t module_id,
   /* Find PUCCH occasion: if it fails, undo CCE allocation (undoing PUCCH
    * allocation after CCE alloc fail would be more complex) */
-  const int alloc = nr_acknack_scheduling(module_id, UE_id, frame, slot, -1, 0);
+  int r_pucch = nr_get_pucch_resource(sched_ctrl->coreset, sched_ctrl->active_ubwp, ubwpd, CCEIndex);
+  const int alloc = nr_acknack_scheduling(module_id, UE_id, frame, slot, r_pucch, 0);
   if (alloc<0) {
           "%s(): could not find PUCCH for UE %d/%04x@%d.%d\n",
@@ -765,15 +802,30 @@ void pf_dl(module_id_t module_id,
     *max = UE_sched.next[*max];
     *p = -1;
     NR_CellGroupConfig_t *cg = UE_info->CellGroup[UE_id];
-    NR_BWP_DownlinkDedicated_t *bwpd= cg ? cg->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated->initialDownlinkBWP:NULL;
+    NR_BWP_DownlinkDedicated_t *bwpd =
+        cg &&
+        cg->spCellConfig &&
+        cg->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated ?
+        cg->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated->initialDownlinkBWP : NULL;
+    NR_BWP_UplinkDedicated_t *ubwpd =
+        cg &&
+        cg->spCellConfig &&
+        cg->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated &&
+        cg->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated->uplinkConfig ?
+        cg->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated->uplinkConfig->initialUplinkBWP : NULL;
     NR_UE_sched_ctrl_t *sched_ctrl = &UE_info->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id];
     const uint16_t rnti = UE_info->rnti[UE_id];
-    NR_BWP_t *genericParameters = sched_ctrl->active_bwp ?
-      &sched_ctrl->active_bwp->bwp_Common->genericParameters:
-      &scc->downlinkConfigCommon->initialDownlinkBWP->genericParameters;
+    const NR_SIB1_t *sib1 = RC.nrmac[module_id]->common_channels[0].sib1 ? RC.nrmac[module_id]->common_channels[0].sib1->message.choice.c1->choice.systemInformationBlockType1 : NULL;
+    NR_BWP_t *genericParameters = get_dl_bwp_genericParameters(sched_ctrl->active_bwp,
+                                                               RC.nrmac[module_id]->common_channels[0].ServingCellConfigCommon,
+                                                               sib1);
-    const uint16_t bwpSize = NRRIV2BW(genericParameters->locationAndBandwidth,MAX_BWP_SIZE);
+    const int coresetid = (sched_ctrl->active_bwp||bwpd) ? sched_ctrl->coreset->controlResourceSetId : RC.nrmac[module_id]->sched_ctrlCommon->coreset->controlResourceSetId;
+    const uint16_t bwpSize = coresetid == 0 ? RC.nrmac[module_id]->cset0_bwp_size : NRRIV2BW(genericParameters->locationAndBandwidth, MAX_BWP_SIZE);
     int rbStart = 0; // start wrt BWPstart
     if (sched_ctrl->available_dl_harq.head < 0) {
@@ -809,7 +861,8 @@ void pf_dl(module_id_t module_id,
     /* Find PUCCH occasion: if it fails, undo CCE allocation (undoing PUCCH
     * allocation after CCE alloc fail would be more complex) */
-    const int alloc = nr_acknack_scheduling(module_id, UE_id, frame, slot, -1, 0);
+    int r_pucch = nr_get_pucch_resource(sched_ctrl->coreset, sched_ctrl->active_ubwp, ubwpd, CCEIndex);
+    const int alloc = nr_acknack_scheduling(module_id, UE_id, frame, slot, r_pucch, 0);
     if (alloc<0) {
             "%s(): could not find PUCCH for UE %d/%04x@%d.%d\n",
@@ -846,10 +899,16 @@ void pf_dl(module_id_t module_id,
     NR_sched_pdsch_t *sched_pdsch = &sched_ctrl->sched_pdsch;
     NR_pdsch_semi_static_t *ps = &sched_ctrl->pdsch_semi_static;
-    if (ps->nrOfLayers != layers[UE_id] ||
-        ps->time_domain_allocation != tda ||
-        sched_ctrl->update_pdsch_ps) {
-      nr_set_pdsch_semi_static(scc, UE_info->CellGroup[UE_id], sched_ctrl->active_bwp, bwpd, tda, layers[UE_id], sched_ctrl, ps);
+    if (ps->nrOfLayers != layers[UE_id] || ps->time_domain_allocation != tda || sched_ctrl->update_pdsch_ps) {
+      nr_set_pdsch_semi_static(sib1,
+                               scc,
+                               UE_info->CellGroup[UE_id],
+                               sched_ctrl->active_bwp,
+                               bwpd,
+                               tda,
+                               layers[UE_id],
+                               sched_ctrl,
+                               ps);
       sched_ctrl->update_pdsch_ps = false;
@@ -921,14 +980,21 @@ void nr_fr1_dlsch_preprocessor(module_id_t module_id, frame_t frame, sub_frame_t
   const int startSymbolAndLength = tdaList->list.array[tda]->startSymbolAndLength;
   SLIV2SL(startSymbolAndLength, &startSymbolIndex, &nrOfSymbols);
-  const uint16_t bwpSize = NRRIV2BW(sched_ctrl->active_bwp ?
-				    sched_ctrl->active_bwp->bwp_Common->genericParameters.locationAndBandwidth:
-				    scc->downlinkConfigCommon->initialDownlinkBWP->genericParameters.locationAndBandwidth,
-				    MAX_BWP_SIZE);
-  const uint16_t BWPStart = NRRIV2PRBOFFSET(sched_ctrl->active_bwp ?
-				            sched_ctrl->active_bwp->bwp_Common->genericParameters.locationAndBandwidth:
-				            scc->downlinkConfigCommon->initialDownlinkBWP->genericParameters.locationAndBandwidth,
-				            MAX_BWP_SIZE);
+  const NR_SIB1_t *sib1 = RC.nrmac[module_id]->common_channels[0].sib1 ? RC.nrmac[module_id]->common_channels[0].sib1->message.choice.c1->choice.systemInformationBlockType1 : NULL;
+  NR_BWP_t *genericParameters = get_dl_bwp_genericParameters(sched_ctrl->active_bwp,
+                                                             RC.nrmac[module_id]->common_channels[0].ServingCellConfigCommon,
+                                                             sib1);
+  NR_BWP_DownlinkDedicated_t *bwpd =
+      UE_info->CellGroup[UE_id] &&
+      UE_info->CellGroup[UE_id]->spCellConfig &&
+      UE_info->CellGroup[UE_id]->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated ?
+      UE_info->CellGroup[UE_id]->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated->initialDownlinkBWP : NULL;
+  const int coresetid = (sched_ctrl->active_bwp||bwpd) ? sched_ctrl->coreset->controlResourceSetId : RC.nrmac[module_id]->sched_ctrlCommon->coreset->controlResourceSetId;
+  const uint16_t bwpSize = coresetid == 0 ? RC.nrmac[module_id]->cset0_bwp_size : NRRIV2BW(genericParameters->locationAndBandwidth,MAX_BWP_SIZE);
+  const uint16_t BWPStart = coresetid == 0 ? RC.nrmac[module_id]->cset0_bwp_start : NRRIV2PRBOFFSET(genericParameters->locationAndBandwidth,MAX_BWP_SIZE);
   const uint16_t slbitmap = SL_to_bitmap(startSymbolIndex, nrOfSymbols);
   uint16_t *vrb_map = RC.nrmac[module_id]->common_channels[CC_id].vrb_map;
@@ -1008,7 +1074,12 @@ void nr_schedule_ue_spec(module_id_t module_id,
     NR_sched_pdsch_t *sched_pdsch = &sched_ctrl->sched_pdsch;
     UE_info->mac_stats[UE_id].dlsch_current_bytes = 0;
     NR_CellGroupConfig_t *cg = UE_info->CellGroup[UE_id];
-    NR_BWP_DownlinkDedicated_t *bwpd= cg ? cg->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated->initialDownlinkBWP:NULL;
+    NR_BWP_DownlinkDedicated_t *bwpd =
+        cg &&
+        cg->spCellConfig &&
+        cg->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated ?
+        cg->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated->initialDownlinkBWP : NULL;
     /* update TA and set ta_apply every 10 frames.
      * Possible improvement: take the periodicity from input file.
@@ -1087,15 +1158,17 @@ void nr_schedule_ue_spec(module_id_t module_id,
     NR_BWP_Downlink_t *bwp = sched_ctrl->active_bwp;
+    const NR_SIB1_t *sib1 = RC.nrmac[module_id]->common_channels[0].sib1 ? RC.nrmac[module_id]->common_channels[0].sib1->message.choice.c1->choice.systemInformationBlockType1 : NULL;
+    NR_BWP_t *genericParameters = get_dl_bwp_genericParameters(bwp,
+                                                               RC.nrmac[module_id]->common_channels[0].ServingCellConfigCommon,
+                                                               sib1);
-    /* look up the PDCCH PDU for this CC, BWP, and CORESET. If it does not
-     * exist, create it */
-    // BWP
-    NR_BWP_t *genericParameters = bwp ? &bwp->bwp_Common->genericParameters : &scc->downlinkConfigCommon->initialDownlinkBWP->genericParameters;
+    NR_SearchSpace_t *ss = (bwp||bwpd) ? sched_ctrl->search_space : gNB_mac->sched_ctrlCommon->search_space;
     const int bwpid = bwp ? bwp->bwp_Id : 0;
     const int coresetid = (bwp||bwpd) ? sched_ctrl->coreset->controlResourceSetId : gNB_mac->sched_ctrlCommon->coreset->controlResourceSetId;
+    /* look up the PDCCH PDU for this CC, BWP, and CORESET. If it does not exist, create it */
     nfapi_nr_dl_tti_pdcch_pdu_rel15_t *pdcch_pdu = gNB_mac->pdcch_pdu_idx[CC_id][coresetid];
     if (!pdcch_pdu) {
       LOG_D(NR_MAC, "creating pdcch pdu, pdcch_pdu = NULL. \n");
@@ -1126,8 +1199,14 @@ void nr_schedule_ue_spec(module_id_t module_id,
     const int pduindex = gNB_mac->pdu_index[CC_id]++;
     pdsch_pdu->pduIndex = pduindex;
-    pdsch_pdu->BWPSize  = NRRIV2BW(genericParameters->locationAndBandwidth, MAX_BWP_SIZE);
-    pdsch_pdu->BWPStart = NRRIV2PRBOFFSET(genericParameters->locationAndBandwidth,MAX_BWP_SIZE);
+    if (coresetid == 0) {
+      pdsch_pdu->BWPSize  = gNB_mac->cset0_bwp_size;
+      pdsch_pdu->BWPStart = gNB_mac->cset0_bwp_start;
+    } else {
+      pdsch_pdu->BWPSize  = NRRIV2BW(genericParameters->locationAndBandwidth, MAX_BWP_SIZE);
+      pdsch_pdu->BWPStart = NRRIV2PRBOFFSET(genericParameters->locationAndBandwidth,MAX_BWP_SIZE);
+    }
     pdsch_pdu->SubcarrierSpacing = genericParameters->subcarrierSpacing;
     pdsch_pdu->CyclicPrefix = genericParameters->cyclicPrefix ? *genericParameters->cyclicPrefix : 0;
@@ -1258,14 +1337,9 @@ void nr_schedule_ue_spec(module_id_t module_id,
-    const long f = sched_ctrl->search_space->searchSpaceType->choice.ue_Specific->dci_Formats;
-    int dci_format;
-    if (sched_ctrl->search_space) {
-       dci_format = f ? NR_DL_DCI_FORMAT_1_1 : NR_DL_DCI_FORMAT_1_0;
-    }
-    else {
-       dci_format = NR_DL_DCI_FORMAT_1_0;
-    }
+    int dci_format = ss && ss->searchSpaceType && ss->searchSpaceType->present == NR_SearchSpace__searchSpaceType_PR_ue_Specific ?
+                     NR_DL_DCI_FORMAT_1_1 : NR_DL_DCI_FORMAT_1_0;
     const int rnti_type = NR_RNTI_C;
@@ -1275,7 +1349,8 @@ void nr_schedule_ue_spec(module_id_t module_id,
-                       bwp? bwp->bwp_Id : 0);
+                       bwp? bwp->bwp_Id : 0,
+                       gNB_mac->cset0_bwp_size);
           "coreset params: FreqDomainResource %llx, start_symbol %d  n_symb %d\n",
diff --git a/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_gNB/gNB_scheduler_phytest.c b/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_gNB/gNB_scheduler_phytest.c
index 7891c5bcd330849b8dc02f9ae65ee6c8ff445b4d..338fc7dcd52627a4b843235605dfdc656db7648f 100644
--- a/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_gNB/gNB_scheduler_phytest.c
+++ b/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_gNB/gNB_scheduler_phytest.c
@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ void nr_preprocessor_phytest(module_id_t module_id,
   ps->nrOfLayers = target_dl_Nl;
   if (ps->time_domain_allocation != tda || ps->nrOfLayers != target_dl_Nl)
-    nr_set_pdsch_semi_static(scc, UE_info->CellGroup[UE_id], sched_ctrl->active_bwp, NULL, tda, target_dl_Nl, sched_ctrl, ps);
+    nr_set_pdsch_semi_static(NULL, scc, UE_info->CellGroup[UE_id], sched_ctrl->active_bwp, NULL, tda, target_dl_Nl, sched_ctrl, ps);
   /* find largest unallocated chunk */
   const int bwpSize = NRRIV2BW(sched_ctrl->active_bwp->bwp_Common->genericParameters.locationAndBandwidth, MAX_BWP_SIZE);
@@ -357,7 +357,8 @@ void nr_preprocessor_phytest(module_id_t module_id,
-  const int alloc = nr_acknack_scheduling(module_id, UE_id, frame, slot, -1, 0);
+  int r_pucch = nr_get_pucch_resource(sched_ctrl->coreset, sched_ctrl->active_ubwp, NULL, CCEIndex);
+  const int alloc = nr_acknack_scheduling(module_id, UE_id, frame, slot, r_pucch, 0);
   if (alloc < 0) {
           "%s(): could not find PUCCH for UE %d/%04x@%d.%d\n",
@@ -442,7 +443,7 @@ bool nr_ul_preprocessor_phytest(module_id_t module_id, frame_t frame, sub_frame_
               "time domain assignment %d >= %d\n",
-  int K2 = get_K2(scc,sched_ctrl->active_ubwp, tda, mu);
+  int K2 = get_K2(scc,NULL,sched_ctrl->active_ubwp, tda, mu);
   const int sched_frame = frame + (slot + K2 >= nr_slots_per_frame[mu]);
   const int sched_slot = (slot + K2) % nr_slots_per_frame[mu];
   /* check if slot is UL, and that slot is 8 (assuming K2=6 because of UE
@@ -451,7 +452,9 @@ bool nr_ul_preprocessor_phytest(module_id_t module_id, frame_t frame, sub_frame_
   if (!is_xlsch_in_slot(ulsch_slot_bitmap, sched_slot))
     return false;
-  const long f = sched_ctrl->search_space->searchSpaceType->choice.ue_Specific->dci_Formats;
+  const long f = (sched_ctrl->active_bwp && sched_ctrl->search_space &&
+                  sched_ctrl->search_space->searchSpaceType->present == NR_SearchSpace__searchSpaceType_PR_ue_Specific) ?
+                    sched_ctrl->search_space->searchSpaceType->choice.ue_Specific->dci_Formats : 0;
   const int dci_format = f ? NR_UL_DCI_FORMAT_0_1 : NR_UL_DCI_FORMAT_0_0;
   const uint8_t num_dmrs_cdm_grps_no_data = 1;
   /* we want to avoid a lengthy deduction of DMRS and other parameters in
@@ -461,7 +464,7 @@ bool nr_ul_preprocessor_phytest(module_id_t module_id, frame_t frame, sub_frame_
   if (ps->time_domain_allocation != tda
       || ps->dci_format != dci_format
       || ps->num_dmrs_cdm_grps_no_data != num_dmrs_cdm_grps_no_data)
-    nr_set_pusch_semi_static(scc, sched_ctrl->active_ubwp, NULL,dci_format, tda, num_dmrs_cdm_grps_no_data, ps);
+    nr_set_pusch_semi_static(NULL, scc, sched_ctrl->active_ubwp, NULL,dci_format, tda, num_dmrs_cdm_grps_no_data, ps);
   uint16_t rbStart = 0;
   uint16_t rbSize;
diff --git a/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_gNB/gNB_scheduler_primitives.c b/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_gNB/gNB_scheduler_primitives.c
index 38f34f710b7e39db220fdee74eb1e8df6698667e..67c97a683592d5d7264be9e74a7c2becde84ded1 100644
--- a/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_gNB/gNB_scheduler_primitives.c
+++ b/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_gNB/gNB_scheduler_primitives.c
@@ -226,6 +226,49 @@ void set_dl_dmrs_ports(NR_pdsch_semi_static_t *ps) {
+NR_BWP_t *get_dl_bwp_genericParameters(NR_BWP_Downlink_t *active_bwp,
+                                       NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *ServingCellConfigCommon,
+                                       const NR_SIB1_t *sib1) {
+  NR_BWP_t *genericParameters = NULL;
+  if (active_bwp) {
+    genericParameters = &active_bwp->bwp_Common->genericParameters;
+  } else if (ServingCellConfigCommon) {
+    genericParameters = &ServingCellConfigCommon->downlinkConfigCommon->initialDownlinkBWP->genericParameters;
+  } else {
+    genericParameters = &sib1->servingCellConfigCommon->downlinkConfigCommon.initialDownlinkBWP.genericParameters;
+  }
+  return genericParameters;
+NR_BWP_t *get_ul_bwp_genericParameters(NR_BWP_Uplink_t *active_ubwp,
+                                       NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *ServingCellConfigCommon,
+                                       const NR_SIB1_t *sib1) {
+  NR_BWP_t *genericParameters = NULL;
+  if (active_ubwp) {
+    genericParameters = &active_ubwp->bwp_Common->genericParameters;
+  } else if (ServingCellConfigCommon) {
+    genericParameters = &ServingCellConfigCommon->uplinkConfigCommon->initialUplinkBWP->genericParameters;
+  } else {
+    genericParameters = &sib1->servingCellConfigCommon->uplinkConfigCommon->initialUplinkBWP.genericParameters;
+  }
+  return genericParameters;
+NR_PDSCH_TimeDomainResourceAllocationList_t *get_pdsch_TimeDomainAllocationList(const NR_BWP_Downlink_t *active_bwp,
+                                                                                const NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *ServingCellConfigCommon,
+                                                                                const NR_SIB1_t *sib1) {
+  NR_PDSCH_TimeDomainResourceAllocationList_t *tdaList = NULL;
+  if (active_bwp) {
+    tdaList = active_bwp->bwp_Common->pdsch_ConfigCommon->choice.setup->pdsch_TimeDomainAllocationList;
+  } else if (ServingCellConfigCommon) {
+    tdaList = ServingCellConfigCommon->downlinkConfigCommon->initialDownlinkBWP->pdsch_ConfigCommon->choice.setup->pdsch_TimeDomainAllocationList;
+  } else {
+    tdaList = sib1->servingCellConfigCommon->downlinkConfigCommon.initialDownlinkBWP.pdsch_ConfigCommon->choice.setup->pdsch_TimeDomainAllocationList;
+  }
+  return tdaList;
 NR_ControlResourceSet_t *get_coreset(module_id_t module_idP,
                                      NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc,
                                      void *bwp,
@@ -262,17 +305,29 @@ NR_ControlResourceSet_t *get_coreset(module_id_t module_idP,
-NR_SearchSpace_t *get_searchspace(NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc,
-				  NR_BWP_DownlinkDedicated_t *bwp_Dedicated,
-				  NR_SearchSpace__searchSpaceType_PR target_ss) {
+NR_SearchSpace_t *get_searchspace(const NR_SIB1_t *sib1,
+                                  NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc,
+                                  NR_BWP_DownlinkDedicated_t *bwp_Dedicated,
+                                  NR_SearchSpace__searchSpaceType_PR target_ss) {
+  int n = 0;
+  if(bwp_Dedicated) {
+    n = bwp_Dedicated->pdcch_Config->choice.setup->searchSpacesToAddModList->list.count;
+  } else if(scc) {
+    n = scc->downlinkConfigCommon->initialDownlinkBWP->pdcch_ConfigCommon->choice.setup->commonSearchSpaceList->list.count;
+  } else {
+    n = sib1->servingCellConfigCommon->downlinkConfigCommon.initialDownlinkBWP.pdcch_ConfigCommon->choice.setup->commonSearchSpaceList->list.count;
+  }
-  const int n = bwp_Dedicated ?
-    bwp_Dedicated->pdcch_Config->choice.setup->searchSpacesToAddModList->list.count:
-    scc->downlinkConfigCommon->initialDownlinkBWP->pdcch_ConfigCommon->choice.setup->commonSearchSpaceList->list.count;
   for (int i=0;i<n;i++) {
-    NR_SearchSpace_t *ss = bwp_Dedicated ?
-      bwp_Dedicated->pdcch_Config->choice.setup->searchSpacesToAddModList->list.array[i]:
-      scc->downlinkConfigCommon->initialDownlinkBWP->pdcch_ConfigCommon->choice.setup->commonSearchSpaceList->list.array[i];
+    NR_SearchSpace_t *ss = NULL;
+    if(bwp_Dedicated) {
+      ss = bwp_Dedicated->pdcch_Config->choice.setup->searchSpacesToAddModList->list.array[i];
+    } else if(scc) {
+      ss = scc->downlinkConfigCommon->initialDownlinkBWP->pdcch_ConfigCommon->choice.setup->commonSearchSpaceList->list.array[i];
+    } else {
+      ss = sib1->servingCellConfigCommon->downlinkConfigCommon.initialDownlinkBWP.pdcch_ConfigCommon->choice.setup->commonSearchSpaceList->list.array[i];
+    }
     AssertFatal(ss->controlResourceSetId != NULL, "ss->controlResourceSetId is null\n");
     AssertFatal(ss->searchSpaceType != NULL, "ss->searchSpaceType is null\n");
     if (ss->searchSpaceType->present == target_ss) {
@@ -504,7 +559,8 @@ bool nr_find_nb_rb(uint16_t Qm,
   return *tbs >= bytes && *nb_rb <= nb_rb_max;
-void nr_set_pdsch_semi_static(const NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc,
+void nr_set_pdsch_semi_static(const NR_SIB1_t *sib1,
+                              const NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc,
                               const NR_CellGroupConfig_t *secondaryCellGroup,
                               const NR_BWP_Downlink_t *bwp,
                               const NR_BWP_DownlinkDedicated_t *bwpd0,
@@ -523,7 +579,8 @@ void nr_set_pdsch_semi_static(const NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc,
     bwpd = (NR_BWP_DownlinkDedicated_t*)bwpd0;
-  if (bwpd->pdsch_Config &&
+  if (bwpd &&
+      bwpd->pdsch_Config &&
       bwpd->pdsch_Config->choice.setup &&
       bwpd->pdsch_Config->choice.setup->mcs_Table) {
     if (*bwpd->pdsch_Config->choice.setup->mcs_Table == 0)
@@ -546,9 +603,7 @@ void nr_set_pdsch_semi_static(const NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc,
   if (ps->time_domain_allocation != tda) {
     reset_dmrs = true;
     ps->time_domain_allocation = tda;
-    const struct NR_PDSCH_TimeDomainResourceAllocationList *tdaList = bwp ?
-      bwp->bwp_Common->pdsch_ConfigCommon->choice.setup->pdsch_TimeDomainAllocationList :
-      scc->downlinkConfigCommon->initialDownlinkBWP->pdsch_ConfigCommon->choice.setup->pdsch_TimeDomainAllocationList;
+    NR_PDSCH_TimeDomainResourceAllocationList_t *tdaList = get_pdsch_TimeDomainAllocationList(bwp, scc, sib1);
     AssertFatal(tda < tdaList->list.count, "time_domain_allocation %d>=%d\n", tda, tdaList->list.count);
     ps->mapping_type = tdaList->list.array[tda]->mappingType;
     if (pdsch_Config) {
@@ -563,7 +618,11 @@ void nr_set_pdsch_semi_static(const NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc,
     SLIV2SL(startSymbolAndLength, &ps->startSymbolIndex, &ps->nrOfSymbols);
-  const long f = sched_ctrl->search_space->searchSpaceType->choice.ue_Specific->dci_Formats;
+  const long f = ((bwp || bwpd) &&
+                  sched_ctrl->search_space &&
+                  sched_ctrl->search_space->searchSpaceType->present == NR_SearchSpace__searchSpaceType_PR_ue_Specific) ?
+                 sched_ctrl->search_space->searchSpaceType->choice.ue_Specific->dci_Formats : 0;
   int dci_format;
   if (sched_ctrl->search_space) {
     dci_format = f ? NR_DL_DCI_FORMAT_1_1 : NR_DL_DCI_FORMAT_1_0;
@@ -592,33 +651,39 @@ void nr_set_pdsch_semi_static(const NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc,
   ps->N_PRB_DMRS = ps->numDmrsCdmGrpsNoData * (ps->dmrsConfigType == NFAPI_NR_DMRS_TYPE1 ? 6 : 4);
   if (reset_dmrs) {
-    ps->dl_dmrs_symb_pos = fill_dmrs_mask(bwpd ? bwpd->pdsch_Config->choice.setup : NULL, scc->dmrs_TypeA_Position, ps->nrOfSymbols, ps->startSymbolIndex, ps->mapping_type, ps->frontloaded_symb);
+    ps->dl_dmrs_symb_pos = fill_dmrs_mask(bwpd ? bwpd->pdsch_Config->choice.setup : NULL, scc ? scc->dmrs_TypeA_Position : 0, ps->nrOfSymbols, ps->startSymbolIndex, ps->mapping_type, ps->frontloaded_symb);
     ps->N_DMRS_SLOT = get_num_dmrs(ps->dl_dmrs_symb_pos);
   LOG_D(NR_MAC,"bwpd0 %p, bwpd %p : Filling dmrs info, ps->N_PRB_DMRS %d, ps->dl_dmrs_symb_pos %x, ps->N_DMRS_SLOT %d\n",bwpd0,bwpd,ps->N_PRB_DMRS,ps->dl_dmrs_symb_pos,ps->N_DMRS_SLOT);
-void nr_set_pusch_semi_static(const NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc,
+void nr_set_pusch_semi_static(const NR_SIB1_t *sib1,
+                              const NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc,
                               const NR_BWP_Uplink_t *ubwp,
                               const NR_BWP_UplinkDedicated_t *ubwpd,
                               long dci_format,
                               int tda,
                               uint8_t num_dmrs_cdm_grps_no_data,
-                              NR_pusch_semi_static_t *ps)
+                              NR_pusch_semi_static_t *ps) {
   ps->dci_format = dci_format;
   ps->time_domain_allocation = tda;
-  const struct NR_PUSCH_TimeDomainResourceAllocationList *tdaList =
-    ubwp?
-    ubwp->bwp_Common->pusch_ConfigCommon->choice.setup->pusch_TimeDomainAllocationList:
-    scc->uplinkConfigCommon->initialUplinkBWP->pusch_ConfigCommon->choice.setup->pusch_TimeDomainAllocationList ;
+  NR_PUSCH_TimeDomainResourceAllocationList_t *tdaList = NULL;
+  if(ubwp) {
+    tdaList = ubwp->bwp_Common->pusch_ConfigCommon->choice.setup->pusch_TimeDomainAllocationList;
+  } else if(scc) {
+    tdaList = scc->uplinkConfigCommon->initialUplinkBWP->pusch_ConfigCommon->choice.setup->pusch_TimeDomainAllocationList;
+  } else {
+    tdaList = sib1->servingCellConfigCommon->uplinkConfigCommon->initialUplinkBWP.pusch_ConfigCommon->choice.setup->pusch_TimeDomainAllocationList;
+  }
   const int startSymbolAndLength = tdaList->list.array[tda]->startSymbolAndLength;
-  ps->pusch_Config = ubwp?ubwp->bwp_Dedicated->pusch_Config->choice.setup:(ubwpd ? ubwpd->pusch_Config->choice.setup : NULL);
+  ps->pusch_Config = ubwp && ubwp->bwp_Dedicated && ubwp->bwp_Dedicated->pusch_Config ?
+                    ubwp->bwp_Dedicated->pusch_Config->choice.setup : (ubwpd ? ubwpd->pusch_Config->choice.setup : NULL);
   if (ps->pusch_Config == NULL || !ps->pusch_Config->transformPrecoder)
     ps->transform_precoding = !scc->uplinkConfigCommon->initialUplinkBWP->rach_ConfigCommon->choice.setup->msg3_transformPrecoder;
@@ -892,7 +957,8 @@ void nr_configure_css_dci_initial(nfapi_nr_dl_tti_pdcch_pdu_rel15_t* pdcch_pdu,
-void config_uldci(const NR_BWP_Uplink_t *ubwp,
+void config_uldci(const NR_SIB1_t *sib1,
+                  const NR_BWP_Uplink_t *ubwp,
 		              const NR_BWP_UplinkDedicated_t *ubwpd,
                   const NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc,
                   const nfapi_nr_pusch_pdu_t *pusch_pdu,
@@ -903,9 +969,11 @@ void config_uldci(const NR_BWP_Uplink_t *ubwp,
                   int n_ubwp,
                   int bwp_id) {
-  const int bw = NRRIV2BW(ubwp ?
-			  ubwp->bwp_Common->genericParameters.locationAndBandwidth :
-			  scc->uplinkConfigCommon->initialUplinkBWP->genericParameters.locationAndBandwidth, MAX_BWP_SIZE);
+  NR_BWP_t *genericParameters = get_ul_bwp_genericParameters((NR_BWP_Uplink_t *)ubwp,
+                                                             (NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *)scc,
+                                                             (NR_SIB1_t *)sib1);
+  const int bw = NRRIV2BW(genericParameters->locationAndBandwidth, MAX_BWP_SIZE);
   dci_pdu_rel15->frequency_domain_assignment.val =
       PRBalloc_to_locationandbandwidth0(pusch_pdu->rb_size, pusch_pdu->rb_start, bw);
@@ -1012,9 +1080,24 @@ void nr_configure_pdcch(nfapi_nr_dl_tti_pdcch_pdu_rel15_t *pdcch_pdu,
   pdcch_pdu->precoderGranularity = coreset->precoderGranularity;
+int nr_get_pucch_resource(NR_ControlResourceSet_t *coreset,
+                          NR_BWP_Uplink_t *bwp,
+                          NR_BWP_UplinkDedicated_t *bwpd,
+                          int CCEIndex) {
+  int r_pucch = -1;
+  if(bwp == NULL && bwpd == NULL) {
+    int n_rb,rb_offset;
+    get_coreset_rballoc(coreset->frequencyDomainResources.buf,&n_rb,&rb_offset);
+    const uint16_t N_cce = n_rb * coreset->duration / NR_NB_REG_PER_CCE;
+    const int delta_PRI=0;
+    r_pucch = ((CCEIndex<<1)/N_cce)+(delta_PRI<<1);
+  }
+  return r_pucch;
 // This function configures pucch pdu fapi structure
-void nr_configure_pucch(nfapi_nr_pucch_pdu_t* pucch_pdu,
+void nr_configure_pucch(const NR_SIB1_t *sib1,
+                        nfapi_nr_pucch_pdu_t* pucch_pdu,
                         NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc,
                         NR_CellGroupConfig_t *CellGroup,
                         NR_BWP_Uplink_t *bwp,
@@ -1042,7 +1125,13 @@ void nr_configure_pucch(nfapi_nr_pucch_pdu_t* pucch_pdu,
   uint16_t O_uci = O_csi + O_ack;
-  NR_PUSCH_Config_t *pusch_Config = bwp ? bwp->bwp_Dedicated->pusch_Config->choice.setup : bwpd->pusch_Config->choice.setup;
+  NR_PUSCH_Config_t *pusch_Config = NULL;
+  if(bwp && bwp->bwp_Dedicated && bwp->bwp_Dedicated->pusch_Config) {
+    pusch_Config = bwp->bwp_Dedicated->pusch_Config->choice.setup;
+  } else if(bwpd && bwpd->pusch_Config) {
+    pusch_Config = bwpd->pusch_Config->choice.setup;
+  }
   long *pusch_id = pusch_Config ? pusch_Config->dataScramblingIdentityPUSCH : NULL;
   if (pusch_Config && pusch_Config->dmrs_UplinkForPUSCH_MappingTypeA != NULL)
@@ -1051,9 +1140,15 @@ void nr_configure_pucch(nfapi_nr_pucch_pdu_t* pucch_pdu,
     id0 = pusch_Config->dmrs_UplinkForPUSCH_MappingTypeB->choice.setup->transformPrecodingDisabled->scramblingID0;
   else id0 = scc->physCellId;
-  NR_PUCCH_ConfigCommon_t *pucch_ConfigCommon = bwp ?
-    bwp->bwp_Common->pucch_ConfigCommon->choice.setup :
-    scc->uplinkConfigCommon->initialUplinkBWP->pucch_ConfigCommon->choice.setup;
+  NR_PUCCH_ConfigCommon_t *pucch_ConfigCommon = NULL;
+  if(bwp) {
+    pucch_ConfigCommon = bwp->bwp_Common->pucch_ConfigCommon->choice.setup;
+  } else if(scc) {
+    pucch_ConfigCommon = scc->uplinkConfigCommon->initialUplinkBWP->pucch_ConfigCommon->choice.setup;
+  } else {
+    pucch_ConfigCommon =  sib1->servingCellConfigCommon->uplinkConfigCommon->initialUplinkBWP.pucch_ConfigCommon->choice.setup;
+  }
   // hop flags and hopping id are valid for any BWP
   switch (pucch_ConfigCommon->pucch_GroupHopping){
   case 0 :
@@ -1079,9 +1174,9 @@ void nr_configure_pucch(nfapi_nr_pucch_pdu_t* pucch_pdu,
     pucch_pdu->hopping_id = *pucch_ConfigCommon->hoppingId;
     pucch_pdu->hopping_id = *scc->physCellId;
-  NR_BWP_t *genericParameters = bwp ?
-    &bwp->bwp_Common->genericParameters:
-    &scc->uplinkConfigCommon->initialUplinkBWP->genericParameters;
+  NR_BWP_t *genericParameters = get_ul_bwp_genericParameters(bwp,scc, sib1);
   pucch_pdu->bwp_size  = NRRIV2BW(genericParameters->locationAndBandwidth, MAX_BWP_SIZE);
   pucch_pdu->bwp_start = NRRIV2PRBOFFSET(genericParameters->locationAndBandwidth,MAX_BWP_SIZE);
   pucch_pdu->subcarrier_spacing = genericParameters->subcarrierSpacing;
@@ -1090,9 +1185,8 @@ void nr_configure_pucch(nfapi_nr_pucch_pdu_t* pucch_pdu,
       LOG_D(NR_MAC,"pucch_acknak: Filling dedicated configuration for PUCCH\n");
    // we have either a dedicated BWP or Dedicated PUCCH configuration on InitialBWP
       AssertFatal(bwp!=NULL || bwpd!=NULL,"We need one dedicated configuration for a BWP (neither additional or initial BWP has a dedicated configuration)\n");
-      pucch_Config = bwp ?
-	  bwp->bwp_Dedicated->pucch_Config->choice.setup:
-	  bwpd->pucch_Config->choice.setup;
+    pucch_Config = bwp && bwp->bwp_Dedicated && bwp->bwp_Dedicated->pucch_Config ?
+                   bwp->bwp_Dedicated->pucch_Config->choice.setup : bwpd->pucch_Config->choice.setup;
 		    "PUCCH resourceSetToAddModList is null\n");
@@ -1387,12 +1481,13 @@ void fill_dci_pdu_rel15(const NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc,
                         int dci_format,
                         int rnti_type,
                         int N_RB,
-                        int bwp_id) {
+                        int bwp_id,
+                        uint16_t cset0_bwp_size) {
   uint8_t fsize = 0, pos = 0;
   uint64_t *dci_pdu = (uint64_t *)pdcch_dci_pdu->Payload;
-  int dci_size = nr_dci_size(scc->downlinkConfigCommon->initialDownlinkBWP,scc->uplinkConfigCommon->initialUplinkBWP, CellGroup, dci_pdu_rel15, dci_format, rnti_type, N_RB, bwp_id);
+  int dci_size = nr_dci_size(scc->downlinkConfigCommon->initialDownlinkBWP,scc->uplinkConfigCommon->initialUplinkBWP, CellGroup, dci_pdu_rel15, dci_format, rnti_type, N_RB, bwp_id, cset0_bwp_size);
   pdcch_dci_pdu->PayloadSizeBits = dci_size;
   AssertFatal(dci_size <= 64, "DCI sizes above 64 bits not yet supported");
   if (dci_format == NR_DL_DCI_FORMAT_1_1 || dci_format == NR_UL_DCI_FORMAT_0_1)
@@ -1736,7 +1831,7 @@ void fill_dci_pdu_rel15(const NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc,
       *dci_pdu |= ((uint64_t)dci_pdu_rel15->harq_pid & 0xf) << (dci_size - pos);
       // Padding bits
-      for (int a = pos; a < 32; a++)
+      for (int a = pos; a < dci_size; a++)
         *dci_pdu |= ((uint64_t)dci_pdu_rel15->padding & 1) << (dci_size - pos++);
       // UL/SUL indicator – 1 bit
       /* commented for now (RK): need to get this from BWP descriptor
@@ -2182,8 +2277,9 @@ int get_ul_bwp_id(const NR_ServingCellConfig_t *servingCellConfig)
 int add_new_nr_ue(module_id_t mod_idP, rnti_t rntiP, NR_CellGroupConfig_t *CellGroup)
-  NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc = RC.nrmac[mod_idP]->common_channels[0].ServingCellConfigCommon;
-  NR_UE_info_t *UE_info = &RC.nrmac[mod_idP]->UE_info;
+  gNB_MAC_INST *nr_mac = RC.nrmac[mod_idP];
+  NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc = nr_mac->common_channels[0].ServingCellConfigCommon;
+  NR_UE_info_t *UE_info = &nr_mac->UE_info;
   LOG_I(NR_MAC, "[gNB %d] Adding UE with rnti 0x%04x (num_UEs %d)\n",
@@ -2208,7 +2304,7 @@ int add_new_nr_ue(module_id_t mod_idP, rnti_t rntiP, NR_CellGroupConfig_t *CellG
       compute_csi_bitlen (CellGroup->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated->csi_MeasConfig->choice.setup, UE_info, UE_id, mod_idP);
     NR_UE_sched_ctrl_t *sched_ctrl = &UE_info->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id];
     memset(sched_ctrl, 0, sizeof(*sched_ctrl));
-    sched_ctrl->set_mcs = TRUE;
+    sched_ctrl->set_mcs = true;
     sched_ctrl->ta_frame = 0;
     sched_ctrl->ta_update = 31;
     sched_ctrl->ta_apply = false;
@@ -2224,7 +2320,7 @@ int add_new_nr_ue(module_id_t mod_idP, rnti_t rntiP, NR_CellGroupConfig_t *CellG
     /* set illegal time domain allocation to force recomputation of all fields */
     sched_ctrl->pdsch_semi_static.time_domain_allocation = -1;
     sched_ctrl->pusch_semi_static.time_domain_allocation = -1;
-    const NR_ServingCellConfig_t *servingCellConfig = CellGroup ? CellGroup->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated : NULL;
+    const NR_ServingCellConfig_t *servingCellConfig = CellGroup && CellGroup->spCellConfig ? CellGroup->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated : NULL;
     /* Set default BWPs */
     const struct NR_ServingCellConfig__downlinkBWP_ToAddModList *bwpList = servingCellConfig ? servingCellConfig->downlinkBWP_ToAddModList : NULL;
@@ -2238,7 +2334,9 @@ int add_new_nr_ue(module_id_t mod_idP, rnti_t rntiP, NR_CellGroupConfig_t *CellG
     const int target_ss = sched_ctrl->active_bwp ? NR_SearchSpace__searchSpaceType_PR_ue_Specific : NR_SearchSpace__searchSpaceType_PR_common;
-    sched_ctrl->search_space = get_searchspace(scc,
+    const NR_SIB1_t *sib1 = nr_mac->common_channels[0].sib1 ? nr_mac->common_channels[0].sib1->message.choice.c1->choice.systemInformationBlockType1 : NULL;
+    sched_ctrl->search_space = get_searchspace(sib1,
+                                               scc,
                                                sched_ctrl->active_bwp ? sched_ctrl->active_bwp->bwp_Dedicated : NULL,
     sched_ctrl->coreset = get_coreset(mod_idP, scc,
@@ -2433,7 +2531,7 @@ void get_pdsch_to_harq_feedback(int Mod_idP,
     bwpd = CellGroup->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated->downlinkBWP_ToAddModList->list.array[bwp_id-1]->bwp_Dedicated;
     ubwpd = CellGroup->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated->uplinkConfig->uplinkBWP_ToAddModList->list.array[bwp_id-1]->bwp_Dedicated;
-  else if (CellGroup) { // this is an initialBWP
+  else if (CellGroup && CellGroup->spCellConfig && CellGroup->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated) { // this is an initialBWP
                 "CellGroup->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated->initialDownlinkBWP is null\n");
diff --git a/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_gNB/gNB_scheduler_srs.c b/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_gNB/gNB_scheduler_srs.c
index a2b27357dd99dbee1883860d753e7a512986bf28..bf2af3b388f19ad92fd13976c99fef86a72e7fd0 100644
--- a/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_gNB/gNB_scheduler_srs.c
+++ b/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_gNB/gNB_scheduler_srs.c
@@ -85,7 +85,9 @@ void nr_configure_srs(nfapi_nr_srs_pdu_t *srs_pdu, int module_id, int CC_id, int
 void nr_fill_nfapi_srs(int module_id, int CC_id, int UE_id, sub_frame_t slot, NR_SRS_Resource_t *srs_resource) {
   nfapi_nr_ul_tti_request_t *future_ul_tti_req = &RC.nrmac[module_id]->UL_tti_req_ahead[0][slot];
+  AssertFatal(future_ul_tti_req->n_pdus <
+              sizeof(future_ul_tti_req->pdus_list) / sizeof(future_ul_tti_req->pdus_list[0]),
+              "Invalid future_ul_tti_req->n_pdus %d\n", future_ul_tti_req->n_pdus);
   future_ul_tti_req->pdus_list[future_ul_tti_req->n_pdus].pdu_type = NFAPI_NR_UL_CONFIG_SRS_PDU_TYPE;
   future_ul_tti_req->pdus_list[future_ul_tti_req->n_pdus].pdu_size = sizeof(nfapi_nr_srs_pdu_t);
   nfapi_nr_srs_pdu_t *srs_pdu = &future_ul_tti_req->pdus_list[future_ul_tti_req->n_pdus].srs_pdu;
diff --git a/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_gNB/gNB_scheduler_uci.c b/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_gNB/gNB_scheduler_uci.c
index cedc78097e0622a560931af53bd10e6c4d4a4389..e21d1e50f7ccd15823068bf15470ca9cbe781ad8 100644
--- a/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_gNB/gNB_scheduler_uci.c
+++ b/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_gNB/gNB_scheduler_uci.c
@@ -44,7 +44,8 @@ void nr_fill_nfapi_pucch(module_id_t mod_id,
                          const NR_sched_pucch_t *pucch,
                          int UE_id)
-  NR_UE_info_t *UE_info = &RC.nrmac[mod_id]->UE_info;
+  gNB_MAC_INST *nr_mac = RC.nrmac[mod_id];
+  NR_UE_info_t *UE_info = &nr_mac->UE_info;
   nfapi_nr_ul_tti_request_t *future_ul_tti_req =
@@ -55,6 +56,9 @@ void nr_fill_nfapi_pucch(module_id_t mod_id,
+  AssertFatal(future_ul_tti_req->n_pdus <
+              sizeof(future_ul_tti_req->pdus_list) / sizeof(future_ul_tti_req->pdus_list[0]),
+              "Invalid future_ul_tti_req->n_pdus %d\n", future_ul_tti_req->n_pdus);
   future_ul_tti_req->pdus_list[future_ul_tti_req->n_pdus].pdu_type = NFAPI_NR_UL_CONFIG_PUCCH_PDU_TYPE;
   future_ul_tti_req->pdus_list[future_ul_tti_req->n_pdus].pdu_size = sizeof(nfapi_nr_pucch_pdu_t);
   nfapi_nr_pucch_pdu_t *pucch_pdu = &future_ul_tti_req->pdus_list[future_ul_tti_req->n_pdus].pucch_pdu;
@@ -76,13 +80,16 @@ void nr_fill_nfapi_pucch(module_id_t mod_id,
   NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc = RC.nrmac[mod_id]->common_channels->ServingCellConfigCommon;
   NR_CellGroupConfig_t *cg=UE_info->CellGroup[UE_id];
-  NR_BWP_UplinkDedicated_t *ubwpd;
-  ubwpd = cg ? cg->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated->uplinkConfig->initialUplinkBWP:NULL;
+  NR_BWP_UplinkDedicated_t *ubwpd = cg && cg->spCellConfig && cg->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated &&
+                                    cg->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated->uplinkConfig ?
+                                    cg->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated->uplinkConfig->initialUplinkBWP : NULL;
   LOG_D(NR_MAC,"%d.%d Calling nr_configure_pucch (ubwpd %p,r_pucch %d) pucch to be scheduled in %d.%d\n",
-  nr_configure_pucch(pucch_pdu,
+  const NR_SIB1_t *sib1 = nr_mac->common_channels[0].sib1 ? nr_mac->common_channels[0].sib1->message.choice.c1->choice.systemInformationBlockType1 : NULL;
+  nr_configure_pucch(sib1,
+                     pucch_pdu,
@@ -742,9 +749,11 @@ void nr_csi_meas_reporting(int Mod_idP,
       curr_pucch->csi_bits +=
-      NR_BWP_t *genericParameters = sched_ctrl->active_ubwp ?
-        &sched_ctrl->active_ubwp->bwp_Common->genericParameters:
-        &scc->uplinkConfigCommon->initialUplinkBWP->genericParameters;
+      const NR_SIB1_t *sib1 = RC.nrmac[Mod_idP]->common_channels[0].sib1 ? RC.nrmac[Mod_idP]->common_channels[0].sib1->message.choice.c1->choice.systemInformationBlockType1 : NULL;
+      NR_BWP_t *genericParameters = get_ul_bwp_genericParameters(sched_ctrl->active_ubwp,
+                                                                 scc,
+                                                                 sib1);
       int bwp_start = NRRIV2PRBOFFSET(genericParameters->locationAndBandwidth,MAX_BWP_SIZE);
       // going through the list of PUCCH resources to find the one indexed by resource_id
diff --git a/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_gNB/gNB_scheduler_ulsch.c b/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_gNB/gNB_scheduler_ulsch.c
index c4582918dc4a3bb98967d39ecd5eebe8cfd2b422..5d1ddcb8ef3b894486bad3d9898d15a1f166101f 100644
--- a/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_gNB/gNB_scheduler_ulsch.c
+++ b/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_gNB/gNB_scheduler_ulsch.c
@@ -39,16 +39,11 @@
 int get_dci_format(NR_UE_sched_ctrl_t *sched_ctrl) {
-    const long f = sched_ctrl->search_space->searchSpaceType->choice.ue_Specific->dci_Formats;
-    int dci_format;
-    if (sched_ctrl->search_space) {
-       dci_format = f ? NR_UL_DCI_FORMAT_0_1 : NR_UL_DCI_FORMAT_0_0;
-    }
-    else {
-       dci_format = NR_UL_DCI_FORMAT_0_0;
-    }
+  int dci_format = sched_ctrl->search_space && sched_ctrl->search_space->searchSpaceType &&
+                   sched_ctrl->search_space->searchSpaceType->present == NR_SearchSpace__searchSpaceType_PR_ue_Specific ?
+                   NR_UL_DCI_FORMAT_0_1 : NR_UL_DCI_FORMAT_0_0;
-    return(dci_format);
+  return(dci_format);
 void calculate_preferred_ul_tda(module_id_t module_id, const NR_BWP_Uplink_t *ubwp)
@@ -62,9 +57,22 @@ void calculate_preferred_ul_tda(module_id_t module_id, const NR_BWP_Uplink_t *ub
   NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc = nrmac->common_channels->ServingCellConfigCommon;
   lte_frame_type_t frame_type = nrmac->common_channels->frame_type;
   const int n = nr_slots_per_frame[*scc->ssbSubcarrierSpacing];
-  const int mu = scc->uplinkConfigCommon->initialUplinkBWP->genericParameters.subcarrierSpacing;
-  const NR_TDD_UL_DL_Pattern_t *tdd =
-      scc->tdd_UL_DL_ConfigurationCommon ? &scc->tdd_UL_DL_ConfigurationCommon->pattern1 : NULL;
+  NR_ServingCellConfigCommonSIB_t *scc_sib1 = get_softmodem_params()->sa ?
+      RC.nrmac[module_id]->common_channels[0].sib1->message.choice.c1->choice.systemInformationBlockType1->servingCellConfigCommon : NULL;
+  AssertFatal(scc!=NULL || scc_sib1!=NULL,"We need one serving cell config common\n");
+  const int mu = scc ? scc->uplinkConfigCommon->initialUplinkBWP->genericParameters.subcarrierSpacing :
+                 scc_sib1->uplinkConfigCommon->initialUplinkBWP.genericParameters.subcarrierSpacing;
+  NR_TDD_UL_DL_Pattern_t *tdd = NULL;
+  if (scc && scc->tdd_UL_DL_ConfigurationCommon) {
+    tdd = &scc->tdd_UL_DL_ConfigurationCommon->pattern1;
+  } else if (scc_sib1 && scc_sib1->tdd_UL_DL_ConfigurationCommon) {
+    tdd = &scc_sib1->tdd_UL_DL_ConfigurationCommon->pattern1;
+  }
   /* Uplink symbols are at the end of the slot */
   int symb_ulMixed = 0;
   int nr_mix_slots = 0;
@@ -118,7 +126,7 @@ void calculate_preferred_ul_tda(module_id_t module_id, const NR_BWP_Uplink_t *ub
   /* check that TDA index 1 fits into UL slot and does not overlap with PUCCH */
   const struct NR_PUSCH_TimeDomainResourceAllocationList *tdaList = ubwp->bwp_Common->pusch_ConfigCommon->choice.setup->pusch_TimeDomainAllocationList;
   const NR_PUSCH_TimeDomainResourceAllocation_t *tdaP_UL = tdaList->list.array[0];
-  const int k2 = get_K2(scc, (NR_BWP_Uplink_t*)ubwp,0, mu);
+  const int k2 = get_K2(scc, scc_sib1, (NR_BWP_Uplink_t*)ubwp,0, mu);
   int start, len;
   SLIV2SL(tdaP_UL->startSymbolAndLength, &start, &len);
   const uint16_t symb_tda = ((1 << len) - 1) << start;
@@ -131,10 +139,10 @@ void calculate_preferred_ul_tda(module_id_t module_id, const NR_BWP_Uplink_t *ub
   int tdaMi = -1;
   if (nr_mix_slots>0) {
     const NR_PUSCH_TimeDomainResourceAllocation_t *tdaP_Mi = tdaList->list.array[1];
-    AssertFatal(k2 == get_K2(scc, (NR_BWP_Uplink_t*)ubwp, 1, mu),
+    AssertFatal(k2 == get_K2(scc, scc_sib1, (NR_BWP_Uplink_t*)ubwp, 1, mu),
                 "scheduler cannot handle different k2 for UL slot (%d) and UL Mixed slot (%ld)\n",
-                get_K2(scc, (NR_BWP_Uplink_t*)ubwp, 1, mu));
+                get_K2(scc, scc_sib1, (NR_BWP_Uplink_t*)ubwp, 1, mu));
     SLIV2SL(tdaP_Mi->startSymbolAndLength, &start, &len);
     const uint16_t symb_tda_mi = ((1 << len) - 1) << start;
     // check whether PUCCH and TDA overlap: then, we cannot use it. Also, check
@@ -271,9 +279,18 @@ int nr_process_mac_pdu(module_id_t module_idP,
         	//38.321 section
         	//variable length
+                /* Several checks have been added to this function to
+                   ensure that the casting of the pduP is possible. There seems
+                   to be a partial PDU at the end of this buffer, so here
+                   we gracefully ignore that by returning 0. See:
+                   https://gitlab.eurecom.fr/oai/openairinterface5g/-/issues/534 */
+                if (pdu_len < sizeof(NR_MAC_SUBHEADER_SHORT))
+                        return 0;
         	mac_ce_len |= (uint16_t)((NR_MAC_SUBHEADER_SHORT *)pduP)->L;
         	mac_subheader_len = 2;
         	if(((NR_MAC_SUBHEADER_SHORT *)pduP)->F){
+                        if (pdu_len < sizeof(NR_MAC_SUBHEADER_LONG))
+                                return 0;
         		mac_ce_len |= (uint16_t)(((NR_MAC_SUBHEADER_LONG *)pduP)->L2)<<8;
         		mac_subheader_len = 3;
@@ -350,9 +367,13 @@ int nr_process_mac_pdu(module_id_t module_idP,
         	//38.321 section
         	//  varialbe length
+                if (pdu_len < sizeof(NR_MAC_SUBHEADER_SHORT))
+                        return 0;
         	mac_ce_len |= (uint16_t)((NR_MAC_SUBHEADER_SHORT *)pduP)->L;
         	mac_subheader_len = 2;
         	if(((NR_MAC_SUBHEADER_SHORT *)pduP)->F){
+                        if (pdu_len < sizeof(NR_MAC_SUBHEADER_LONG))
+                                return 0;
         		mac_ce_len |= (uint16_t)(((NR_MAC_SUBHEADER_LONG *)pduP)->L2)<<8;
         		mac_subheader_len = 3;
@@ -362,9 +383,13 @@ int nr_process_mac_pdu(module_id_t module_idP,
         	//38.321 section
         	//  varialbe length
+                if (pdu_len < sizeof(NR_MAC_SUBHEADER_SHORT))
+                        return 0;
         	mac_ce_len |= (uint16_t)((NR_MAC_SUBHEADER_SHORT *)pduP)->L;
         	mac_subheader_len = 2;
         	if(((NR_MAC_SUBHEADER_SHORT *)pduP)->F){
+                        if (pdu_len < sizeof(NR_MAC_SUBHEADER_LONG))
+                                return 0;
         		mac_ce_len |= (uint16_t)(((NR_MAC_SUBHEADER_LONG *)pduP)->L2)<<8;
         		mac_subheader_len = 3;
@@ -378,8 +403,12 @@ int nr_process_mac_pdu(module_id_t module_idP,
         case UL_SCH_LCID_SRB1:
         case UL_SCH_LCID_SRB2:
+          if (pdu_len < sizeof(NR_MAC_SUBHEADER_SHORT))
+                return 0;
           if(((NR_MAC_SUBHEADER_SHORT *)pduP)->F){
             //mac_sdu_len |= (uint16_t)(((NR_MAC_SUBHEADER_LONG *)pduP)->L2)<<8;
+            if (pdu_len < sizeof(NR_MAC_SUBHEADER_LONG))
+                  return 0;
             mac_subheader_len = 3;
             mac_sdu_len = ((uint16_t)(((NR_MAC_SUBHEADER_LONG *) pduP)->L1 & 0x7f) << 8)
                 | ((uint16_t)((NR_MAC_SUBHEADER_LONG *) pduP)->L2 & 0xff);
@@ -463,8 +492,12 @@ int nr_process_mac_pdu(module_id_t module_idP,
         case UL_SCH_LCID_DTCH:
           //  check if LCID is valid at current time.
+          if (pdu_len < sizeof(NR_MAC_SUBHEADER_SHORT))
+                return 0;
           if (((NR_MAC_SUBHEADER_SHORT *)pduP)->F) {
             // mac_sdu_len |= (uint16_t)(((NR_MAC_SUBHEADER_LONG *)pduP)->L2)<<8;
+            if (pdu_len < sizeof(NR_MAC_SUBHEADER_LONG))
+                  return 0;
             mac_subheader_len = 3;
             mac_sdu_len = ((uint16_t)(((NR_MAC_SUBHEADER_LONG *)pduP)->L1 & 0x7f) << 8)
                           | ((uint16_t)((NR_MAC_SUBHEADER_LONG *)pduP)->L2 & 0xff);
@@ -897,11 +930,21 @@ void nr_rx_sdu(const module_id_t gnb_mod_idP,
-long get_K2(NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc,NR_BWP_Uplink_t *ubwp, int time_domain_assignment, int mu) {
-  DevAssert(scc);
-  const NR_PUSCH_TimeDomainResourceAllocation_t *tda_list = ubwp ?
-    ubwp->bwp_Common->pusch_ConfigCommon->choice.setup->pusch_TimeDomainAllocationList->list.array[time_domain_assignment]:
-    scc->uplinkConfigCommon->initialUplinkBWP->pusch_ConfigCommon->choice.setup->pusch_TimeDomainAllocationList->list.array[time_domain_assignment];
+long get_K2(NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc,
+            NR_ServingCellConfigCommonSIB_t *scc_sib1,
+            NR_BWP_Uplink_t *ubwp,
+            int time_domain_assignment,
+            int mu) {
+  NR_PUSCH_TimeDomainResourceAllocation_t *tda_list = NULL;
+  if(ubwp) {
+    tda_list = ubwp->bwp_Common->pusch_ConfigCommon->choice.setup->pusch_TimeDomainAllocationList->list.array[time_domain_assignment];
+  } else if(scc) {
+    tda_list = scc->uplinkConfigCommon->initialUplinkBWP->pusch_ConfigCommon->choice.setup->pusch_TimeDomainAllocationList->list.array[time_domain_assignment];
+  } else if(scc_sib1) {
+    tda_list = scc_sib1->uplinkConfigCommon->initialUplinkBWP.pusch_ConfigCommon->choice.setup->pusch_TimeDomainAllocationList->list.array[time_domain_assignment];
+  }
   if (tda_list->k2)
     return *tda_list->k2;
   else if (mu < 2)
@@ -964,13 +1007,22 @@ bool allocate_ul_retransmission(module_id_t module_id,
                                 int harq_pid)
   const int CC_id = 0;
-  const NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc = RC.nrmac[module_id]->common_channels[CC_id].ServingCellConfigCommon;
-  NR_UE_info_t *UE_info = &RC.nrmac[module_id]->UE_info;
+  gNB_MAC_INST *nr_mac = RC.nrmac[module_id];
+  const NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc = nr_mac->common_channels[CC_id].ServingCellConfigCommon;
+  NR_UE_info_t *UE_info = &nr_mac->UE_info;
   NR_UE_sched_ctrl_t *sched_ctrl = &UE_info->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id];
   NR_sched_pusch_t *retInfo = &sched_ctrl->ul_harq_processes[harq_pid].sched_pusch;
   NR_CellGroupConfig_t *cg = UE_info->CellGroup[UE_id];
-  NR_BWP_UplinkDedicated_t *ubwpd= cg ? cg->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated->uplinkConfig->initialUplinkBWP:NULL;
-  NR_BWP_t *genericParameters = sched_ctrl->active_ubwp ? &sched_ctrl->active_ubwp->bwp_Common->genericParameters : &scc->uplinkConfigCommon->initialUplinkBWP->genericParameters;
+  NR_BWP_UplinkDedicated_t *ubwpd = cg && cg->spCellConfig && cg->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated &&
+                                    cg->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated->uplinkConfig ?
+                                    cg->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated->uplinkConfig->initialUplinkBWP : NULL;
+  const NR_SIB1_t *sib1 = RC.nrmac[module_id]->common_channels[0].sib1 ? RC.nrmac[module_id]->common_channels[0].sib1->message.choice.c1->choice.systemInformationBlockType1 : NULL;
+  NR_BWP_t *genericParameters = get_ul_bwp_genericParameters(sched_ctrl->active_ubwp,
+                                                             (NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *)scc,
+                                                             sib1);
   int rbStart = 0; // wrt BWP start
   const uint16_t bwpSize = NRRIV2BW(genericParameters->locationAndBandwidth, MAX_BWP_SIZE);
@@ -989,7 +1041,14 @@ bool allocate_ul_retransmission(module_id_t module_id,
         || ps->dci_format != dci_format
         || ps->num_dmrs_cdm_grps_no_data != num_dmrs_cdm_grps_no_data
         || sched_ctrl->update_pusch_ps) {
-      nr_set_pusch_semi_static(scc, sched_ctrl->active_ubwp, ubwpd, dci_format, tda, num_dmrs_cdm_grps_no_data, ps);
+      nr_set_pusch_semi_static(sib1,
+                               scc,
+                               sched_ctrl->active_ubwp,
+                               ubwpd,
+                               dci_format,
+                               tda,
+                               num_dmrs_cdm_grps_no_data,
+                               ps);
       sched_ctrl->update_pusch_ps = false;
@@ -1005,7 +1064,14 @@ bool allocate_ul_retransmission(module_id_t module_id,
   } else {
     NR_pusch_semi_static_t temp_ps;
     int dci_format = get_dci_format(sched_ctrl);
-    nr_set_pusch_semi_static(scc, sched_ctrl->active_ubwp,ubwpd, dci_format, tda, num_dmrs_cdm_grps_no_data, &temp_ps);
+    nr_set_pusch_semi_static(sib1,
+                             scc,
+                             sched_ctrl->active_ubwp,
+                             ubwpd,
+                             dci_format,
+                             tda,
+                             num_dmrs_cdm_grps_no_data,
+                             &temp_ps);
     /* the retransmission will use a different time domain allocation, check
      * that we have enough resources */
     while (rbStart < bwpSize &&
@@ -1127,6 +1193,7 @@ void pf_ul(module_id_t module_id,
   gNB_MAC_INST *nrmac = RC.nrmac[module_id];
   NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc = nrmac->common_channels[CC_id].ServingCellConfigCommon;
   NR_UE_info_t *UE_info = &nrmac->UE_info;
+  const NR_SIB1_t *sib1 = RC.nrmac[module_id]->common_channels[0].sib1 ? RC.nrmac[module_id]->common_channels[0].sib1->message.choice.c1->choice.systemInformationBlockType1 : NULL;
   const int min_rb = 5;
   float coeff_ue[MAX_MOBILES_PER_GNB];
   // UEs that could be scheduled
@@ -1140,10 +1207,16 @@ void pf_ul(module_id_t module_id,
     LOG_D(NR_MAC,"pf_ul: preparing UL scheduling for UE %d\n",UE_id);
     NR_UE_sched_ctrl_t *sched_ctrl = &UE_info->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id];
-    NR_BWP_t *genericParameters = sched_ctrl->active_ubwp ? &sched_ctrl->active_ubwp->bwp_Common->genericParameters : &scc->uplinkConfigCommon->initialUplinkBWP->genericParameters;
+    NR_BWP_t *genericParameters = get_ul_bwp_genericParameters(sched_ctrl->active_ubwp,
+                                                               scc,
+                                                               sib1);
     int rbStart = 0; // wrt BWP start
     NR_CellGroupConfig_t *cg = UE_info->CellGroup[UE_id];
-    NR_BWP_UplinkDedicated_t *ubwpd= cg ? cg->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated->uplinkConfig->initialUplinkBWP : NULL;
+    NR_BWP_UplinkDedicated_t *ubwpd = cg && cg->spCellConfig && cg->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated &&
+                                      cg->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated->uplinkConfig ?
+                                      cg->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated->uplinkConfig->initialUplinkBWP : NULL;
     const uint16_t bwpSize = NRRIV2BW(genericParameters->locationAndBandwidth, MAX_BWP_SIZE);
     NR_sched_pusch_t *sched_pusch = &sched_ctrl->sched_pusch;
@@ -1226,7 +1299,14 @@ void pf_ul(module_id_t module_id,
           || ps->dci_format != dci_format
           || ps->num_dmrs_cdm_grps_no_data != num_dmrs_cdm_grps_no_data
           || sched_ctrl->update_pusch_ps) {
-        nr_set_pusch_semi_static(scc, sched_ctrl->active_ubwp, ubwpd, dci_format, tda, num_dmrs_cdm_grps_no_data, ps);
+        nr_set_pusch_semi_static(sib1,
+                                 scc,
+                                 sched_ctrl->active_ubwp,
+                                 ubwpd,
+                                 dci_format,
+                                 tda,
+                                 num_dmrs_cdm_grps_no_data,
+                                 ps);
         sched_ctrl->update_pusch_ps = false;
@@ -1333,8 +1413,14 @@ void pf_ul(module_id_t module_id,
     AssertFatal(max_num_ue >= 0, "Illegal max_num_ue %d\n", max_num_ue);
     NR_CellGroupConfig_t *cg = UE_info->CellGroup[UE_id];
-    NR_BWP_UplinkDedicated_t *ubwpd= cg ? cg->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated->uplinkConfig->initialUplinkBWP:NULL;
-    NR_BWP_t *genericParameters = sched_ctrl->active_ubwp ? &sched_ctrl->active_ubwp->bwp_Common->genericParameters : &scc->uplinkConfigCommon->initialUplinkBWP->genericParameters;
+    NR_BWP_UplinkDedicated_t *ubwpd = cg && cg->spCellConfig && cg->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated
+                                      && cg->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated->uplinkConfig ?
+                                      cg->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated->uplinkConfig->initialUplinkBWP : NULL;
+    NR_BWP_t *genericParameters = get_ul_bwp_genericParameters(sched_ctrl->active_ubwp,
+                                                               scc,
+                                                               sib1);
     int rbStart = sched_ctrl->active_ubwp ? NRRIV2PRBOFFSET(genericParameters->locationAndBandwidth, MAX_BWP_SIZE) : 0;
     const uint16_t bwpSize = NRRIV2BW(genericParameters->locationAndBandwidth, MAX_BWP_SIZE);
     NR_sched_pusch_t *sched_pusch = &sched_ctrl->sched_pusch;
@@ -1351,7 +1437,14 @@ void pf_ul(module_id_t module_id,
         || ps->dci_format != dci_format
         || ps->num_dmrs_cdm_grps_no_data != num_dmrs_cdm_grps_no_data
         || sched_ctrl->update_pusch_ps) {
-      nr_set_pusch_semi_static(scc, sched_ctrl->active_ubwp, ubwpd, dci_format, tda, num_dmrs_cdm_grps_no_data, ps);
+      nr_set_pusch_semi_static(sib1,
+                               scc,
+                               sched_ctrl->active_ubwp,
+                               ubwpd,
+                               dci_format,
+                               tda,
+                               num_dmrs_cdm_grps_no_data,
+                               ps);
       sched_ctrl->update_pusch_ps = false;
     update_ul_ue_R_Qm(sched_pusch, ps);
@@ -1412,7 +1505,14 @@ bool nr_fr1_ulsch_preprocessor(module_id_t module_id, frame_t frame, sub_frame_t
   gNB_MAC_INST *nr_mac = RC.nrmac[module_id];
   NR_COMMON_channels_t *cc = nr_mac->common_channels;
   NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc = cc->ServingCellConfigCommon;
-  const int mu = scc->uplinkConfigCommon->initialUplinkBWP->genericParameters.subcarrierSpacing;
+  const NR_SIB1_t *sib1 = nr_mac->common_channels[0].sib1 ? nr_mac->common_channels[0].sib1->message.choice.c1->choice.systemInformationBlockType1 : NULL;
+  NR_ServingCellConfigCommonSIB_t *scc_sib1 = sib1 ? sib1->servingCellConfigCommon : NULL;
+  AssertFatal(scc!=NULL || scc_sib1!=NULL,"We need one serving cell config common\n");
+  const int mu = scc ? scc->uplinkConfigCommon->initialUplinkBWP->genericParameters.subcarrierSpacing :
+                 scc_sib1->uplinkConfigCommon->initialUplinkBWP.genericParameters.subcarrierSpacing;
   NR_UE_info_t *UE_info = &nr_mac->UE_info;
   if (UE_info->num_UEs == 0)
@@ -1429,7 +1529,7 @@ bool nr_fr1_ulsch_preprocessor(module_id_t module_id, frame_t frame, sub_frame_t
   const int tda = sched_ctrl->active_ubwp ? nr_mac->preferred_ul_tda[sched_ctrl->active_ubwp->bwp_Id][slot] : 0;
   if (tda < 0)
     return false;
-  int K2 = get_K2(scc, sched_ctrl->active_ubwp, tda, mu);
+  int K2 = get_K2(scc, scc_sib1, sched_ctrl->active_ubwp, tda, mu);
   const int sched_frame = frame + (slot + K2 >= nr_slots_per_frame[mu]);
   const int sched_slot = (slot + K2) % nr_slots_per_frame[mu];
@@ -1461,8 +1561,8 @@ bool nr_fr1_ulsch_preprocessor(module_id_t module_id, frame_t frame, sub_frame_t
   sched_ctrl->sched_pusch.frame = sched_frame;
   for (UE_id = UE_info->list.next[UE_id]; UE_id >= 0; UE_id = UE_info->list.next[UE_id]) {
     NR_UE_sched_ctrl_t *sched_ctrl = &UE_info->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id];
-    AssertFatal(K2 == get_K2(scc,sched_ctrl->active_ubwp, tda, mu),
-                "Different K2, %d(UE%d) != %ld(UE%d)\n", K2, 0, get_K2(scc,sched_ctrl->active_ubwp, tda, mu), UE_id);
+    AssertFatal(K2 == get_K2(scc,scc_sib1,sched_ctrl->active_ubwp, tda, mu),
+                "Different K2, %d(UE%d) != %ld(UE%d)\n", K2, 0, get_K2(scc,scc_sib1,sched_ctrl->active_ubwp, tda, mu), UE_id);
     sched_ctrl->sched_pusch.slot = sched_slot;
     sched_ctrl->sched_pusch.frame = sched_frame;
@@ -1472,17 +1572,24 @@ bool nr_fr1_ulsch_preprocessor(module_id_t module_id, frame_t frame, sub_frame_t
    * Calculate largest contiguous RBs */
   uint16_t *vrb_map_UL =
       &RC.nrmac[module_id]->common_channels[CC_id].vrb_map_UL[sched_slot * MAX_BWP_SIZE];
-  const uint16_t bwpSize = NRRIV2BW(sched_ctrl->active_ubwp ?
-                                    sched_ctrl->active_ubwp->bwp_Common->genericParameters.locationAndBandwidth:
-                                    scc->uplinkConfigCommon->initialUplinkBWP->genericParameters.locationAndBandwidth,
-                                    MAX_BWP_SIZE);
-  const uint16_t bwpStart = NRRIV2PRBOFFSET(sched_ctrl->active_ubwp ?
-                                            sched_ctrl->active_ubwp->bwp_Common->genericParameters.locationAndBandwidth:
-                                            scc->uplinkConfigCommon->initialUplinkBWP->genericParameters.locationAndBandwidth,
-                                            MAX_BWP_SIZE);
-  const struct NR_PUSCH_TimeDomainResourceAllocationList *tdaList = sched_ctrl->active_ubwp ?
-    sched_ctrl->active_ubwp->bwp_Common->pusch_ConfigCommon->choice.setup->pusch_TimeDomainAllocationList:
-    scc->uplinkConfigCommon->initialUplinkBWP->pusch_ConfigCommon->choice.setup->pusch_TimeDomainAllocationList;
+  NR_BWP_t *genericParameters = get_ul_bwp_genericParameters(sched_ctrl->active_ubwp,
+                                                             scc,
+                                                             sib1);
+  const uint16_t bwpSize = NRRIV2BW(genericParameters->locationAndBandwidth,MAX_BWP_SIZE);
+  const uint16_t bwpStart = NRRIV2PRBOFFSET(genericParameters->locationAndBandwidth,MAX_BWP_SIZE);
+  NR_PUSCH_TimeDomainResourceAllocationList_t *tdaList = NULL;
+  if (sched_ctrl->active_ubwp) {
+    tdaList = sched_ctrl->active_ubwp->bwp_Common->pusch_ConfigCommon->choice.setup->pusch_TimeDomainAllocationList;
+  } else if (scc) {
+    tdaList = scc->uplinkConfigCommon->initialUplinkBWP->pusch_ConfigCommon->choice.setup->pusch_TimeDomainAllocationList;
+  } else {
+    NR_SIB1_t *sib1 = RC.nrmac[module_id]->common_channels[0].sib1->message.choice.c1->choice.systemInformationBlockType1;
+    tdaList = sib1->servingCellConfigCommon->uplinkConfigCommon->initialUplinkBWP.pusch_ConfigCommon->choice.setup->pusch_TimeDomainAllocationList;
+  }
   const int startSymbolAndLength = tdaList->list.array[tda]->startSymbolAndLength;
   int startSymbolIndex, nrOfSymbols;
   SLIV2SL(startSymbolAndLength, &startSymbolIndex, &nrOfSymbols);
@@ -1577,13 +1684,18 @@ void nr_schedule_ulsch(module_id_t module_id, frame_t frame, sub_frame_t slot)
   NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc = RC.nrmac[module_id]->common_channels[0].ServingCellConfigCommon;
   NR_UE_info_t *UE_info = &RC.nrmac[module_id]->UE_info;
+  const NR_SIB1_t *sib1 = RC.nrmac[module_id]->common_channels[0].sib1 ? RC.nrmac[module_id]->common_channels[0].sib1->message.choice.c1->choice.systemInformationBlockType1 : NULL;
   const NR_list_t *UE_list = &UE_info->list;
   for (int UE_id = UE_list->head; UE_id >= 0; UE_id = UE_list->next[UE_id]) {
     NR_UE_sched_ctrl_t *sched_ctrl = &UE_info->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id];
     if (sched_ctrl->ul_failure == 1 && get_softmodem_params()->phy_test==0) continue;
     NR_CellGroupConfig_t *cg = UE_info->CellGroup[UE_id];
-    NR_BWP_UplinkDedicated_t *ubwpd= cg ? cg->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated->uplinkConfig->initialUplinkBWP:NULL;
+    NR_BWP_UplinkDedicated_t *ubwpd = cg && cg->spCellConfig && cg->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated &&
+                                      cg->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated->uplinkConfig ?
+                                      cg->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated->uplinkConfig->initialUplinkBWP : NULL;
     UE_info->mac_stats[UE_id].ulsch_current_bytes = 0;
     /* dynamic PUSCH values (RB alloc, MCS, hence R, Qm, TBS) that change in
@@ -1690,6 +1802,9 @@ void nr_schedule_ulsch(module_id_t module_id, frame_t frame, sub_frame_t slot)
+    AssertFatal(future_ul_tti_req->n_pdus <
+                sizeof(future_ul_tti_req->pdus_list) / sizeof(future_ul_tti_req->pdus_list[0]),
+                "Invalid future_ul_tti_req->n_pdus %d\n", future_ul_tti_req->n_pdus);
     future_ul_tti_req->pdus_list[future_ul_tti_req->n_pdus].pdu_type = NFAPI_NR_UL_CONFIG_PUSCH_PDU_TYPE;
     future_ul_tti_req->pdus_list[future_ul_tti_req->n_pdus].pdu_size = sizeof(nfapi_nr_pusch_pdu_t);
     nfapi_nr_pusch_pdu_t *pusch_pdu = &future_ul_tti_req->pdus_list[future_ul_tti_req->n_pdus].pusch_pdu;
@@ -1704,7 +1819,10 @@ void nr_schedule_ulsch(module_id_t module_id, frame_t frame, sub_frame_t slot)
     pusch_pdu->handle = 0; //not yet used
     /* FAPI: BWP */
-    NR_BWP_t *genericParameters = sched_ctrl->active_ubwp ? &sched_ctrl->active_ubwp->bwp_Common->genericParameters:&scc->uplinkConfigCommon->initialUplinkBWP->genericParameters;
+    NR_BWP_t *genericParameters = get_ul_bwp_genericParameters(sched_ctrl->active_ubwp,
+                                                               scc,
+                                                               sib1);
     pusch_pdu->bwp_size  = NRRIV2BW(genericParameters->locationAndBandwidth, MAX_BWP_SIZE);
     pusch_pdu->bwp_start = NRRIV2PRBOFFSET(genericParameters->locationAndBandwidth, MAX_BWP_SIZE);
     pusch_pdu->subcarrier_spacing = genericParameters->subcarrierSpacing;
@@ -1846,10 +1964,16 @@ void nr_schedule_ulsch(module_id_t module_id, frame_t frame, sub_frame_t slot)
     dci_pdu_rel15_t uldci_payload;
     memset(&uldci_payload, 0, sizeof(uldci_payload));
     int n_ubwp=1;
-    if (cg->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated->uplinkConfig->uplinkBWP_ToAddModList)
-        n_ubwp = cg->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated->uplinkConfig->uplinkBWP_ToAddModList->list.count;
+    if (cg &&
+        cg->spCellConfig &&
+        cg->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated &&
+        cg->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated->uplinkConfig &&
+        cg->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated->uplinkConfig->uplinkBWP_ToAddModList) {
+      n_ubwp = cg->spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated->uplinkConfig->uplinkBWP_ToAddModList->list.count;
+    }
-    config_uldci(sched_ctrl->active_ubwp,
+    config_uldci(sib1,
+                 sched_ctrl->active_ubwp,
@@ -1866,7 +1990,8 @@ void nr_schedule_ulsch(module_id_t module_id, frame_t frame, sub_frame_t slot)
-                       bwpid);
+                       bwpid,
+                       nr_mac->cset0_bwp_size);
     memset(sched_pusch, 0, sizeof(*sched_pusch));
diff --git a/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_gNB/mac_proto.h b/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_gNB/mac_proto.h
index 2aacacb74f9525486480c77e88b4984ebdbd86c2..a0254c823381ff2039c805d7147090a926fa1a7b 100644
--- a/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_gNB/mac_proto.h
+++ b/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_gNB/mac_proto.h
@@ -38,21 +38,23 @@ void set_cset_offset(uint16_t);
 void mac_top_init_gNB(void);
+void process_CellGroup(NR_CellGroupConfig_t *CellGroup, NR_UE_sched_ctrl_t *sched_ctrl);
 void config_common(int Mod_idP,
                    int ssb_SubcarrierOffset,
-                   int pdsch_AntennaPorts,
+                   rrc_pdsch_AntennaPorts_t pdsch_AntennaPorts,
                    int pusch_AntennaPorts,
-		   NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc
-		   );
+                   NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc);
 int rrc_mac_config_req_gNB(module_id_t Mod_idP,
                            int ssb_SubcarrierOffset,
-                           int pdsch_AntennaPorts,
+                           rrc_pdsch_AntennaPorts_t pdsch_AntennaPorts,
                            int pusch_AntennaPorts,
                            int sib1_tda,
                            int minRXTXTIMEpdsch,
                            NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc,
                            NR_BCCH_BCH_Message_t *mib,
+                           NR_BCCH_DL_SCH_Message_t *sib1,
                            int add_ue,
                            uint32_t rnti,
                            NR_CellGroupConfig_t *CellGroup);
@@ -176,7 +178,8 @@ void handle_nr_uci_pucch_2_3_4(module_id_t mod_id,
                                const nfapi_nr_uci_pucch_pdu_format_2_3_4_t *uci_234);
-void config_uldci(const NR_BWP_Uplink_t *ubwp,
+void config_uldci(const NR_SIB1_t *sib1,
+                  const NR_BWP_Uplink_t *ubwp,
                   const NR_BWP_UplinkDedicated_t *ubwpd,
                   const NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc,
                   const nfapi_nr_pusch_pdu_t *pusch_pdu,
@@ -235,7 +238,13 @@ int nr_is_dci_opportunity(nfapi_nr_search_space_t search_space,
                           nfapi_nr_config_request_scf_t cfg);
-void nr_configure_pucch(nfapi_nr_pucch_pdu_t* pucch_pdu,
+int nr_get_pucch_resource(NR_ControlResourceSet_t *coreset,
+                          NR_BWP_Uplink_t *bwp,
+                          NR_BWP_UplinkDedicated_t *bwpd,
+                          int CCEIndex);
+void nr_configure_pucch(const NR_SIB1_t *sib1,
+                        nfapi_nr_pucch_pdu_t* pucch_pdu,
                         NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc,
                         NR_CellGroupConfig_t *CellGroup,
                         NR_BWP_Uplink_t *bwp,
@@ -284,7 +293,8 @@ void fill_dci_pdu_rel15(const NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc,
                         int dci_formats,
                         int rnti_types,
                         int N_RB,
-                        int bwp_id);
+                        int bwp_id,
+                        uint16_t cset0_bwp_size);
 void prepare_dci(const NR_CellGroupConfig_t *CellGroup,
                  dci_pdu_rel15_t *dci_pdu_rel15,
@@ -299,6 +309,18 @@ void set_r_pucch_parms(int rsetindex,
                        int *nr_of_symbols,
                        int *start_symbol_index);
+NR_BWP_t *get_dl_bwp_genericParameters(NR_BWP_Downlink_t *active_bwp,
+                                       NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *ServingCellConfigCommon,
+                                       const NR_SIB1_t *sib1);
+NR_BWP_t *get_ul_bwp_genericParameters(NR_BWP_Uplink_t *active_ubwp,
+                                       NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *ServingCellConfigCommon,
+                                       const NR_SIB1_t *sib1);
+NR_PDSCH_TimeDomainResourceAllocationList_t *get_pdsch_TimeDomainAllocationList(const NR_BWP_Downlink_t *active_bwp,
+                                                                                const NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *ServingCellConfigCommon,
+                                                                                const NR_SIB1_t *sib1);
 /* find coreset within the search space */
 NR_ControlResourceSet_t *get_coreset(module_id_t module_idP,
                                      NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc,
@@ -307,13 +329,19 @@ NR_ControlResourceSet_t *get_coreset(module_id_t module_idP,
                                      NR_SearchSpace__searchSpaceType_PR ss_type);
 /* find a search space within a BWP */
-NR_SearchSpace_t *get_searchspace(NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc,
+NR_SearchSpace_t *get_searchspace(const NR_SIB1_t *sib1,
+                                  NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc,
                                   NR_BWP_DownlinkDedicated_t *bwp_Dedicated,
                                   NR_SearchSpace__searchSpaceType_PR target_ss);
-long get_K2(NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc, NR_BWP_Uplink_t *ubwp, int time_domain_assignment, int mu);
+long get_K2(NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc,
+            NR_ServingCellConfigCommonSIB_t *scc_sib1,
+            NR_BWP_Uplink_t *ubwp,
+            int time_domain_assignment,
+            int mu);
-void nr_set_pdsch_semi_static(const NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc,
+void nr_set_pdsch_semi_static(const NR_SIB1_t *sib1,
+                              const NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc,
                               const NR_CellGroupConfig_t *secondaryCellGroup,
                               const NR_BWP_Downlink_t *bwp,
                               const NR_BWP_DownlinkDedicated_t *bwpd0,
@@ -322,9 +350,10 @@ void nr_set_pdsch_semi_static(const NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc,
                               NR_UE_sched_ctrl_t *sched_ctrl,
                               NR_pdsch_semi_static_t *ps);
-void nr_set_pusch_semi_static(const NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc,
+void nr_set_pusch_semi_static(const NR_SIB1_t *sib1,
+                              const NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc,
                               const NR_BWP_Uplink_t *ubwp,
-			                        const NR_BWP_UplinkDedicated_t *ubwpd,
+                              const NR_BWP_UplinkDedicated_t *ubwpd,
                               long dci_format,
                               int tda,
                               uint8_t num_dmrs_cdm_grps_no_data,
@@ -483,4 +512,7 @@ bool nr_find_nb_rb(uint16_t Qm,
 void nr_sr_reporting(int Mod_idP, frame_t frameP, sub_frame_t slotP);
 void dump_mac_stats(gNB_MAC_INST *gNB, char *output, int strlen, bool reset_rsrp);
+void process_CellGroup(NR_CellGroupConfig_t *CellGroup, NR_UE_sched_ctrl_t *sched_ctrl);
 #endif /*__LAYER2_NR_MAC_PROTO_H__*/
diff --git a/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_gNB/nr_mac_gNB.h b/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_gNB/nr_mac_gNB.h
index 4141976b5dd3ff6af6d4b6f729e9e214560eaf4d..0f538131dddb0b4c6071ef46d17c28cfd9a72a15 100644
--- a/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_gNB/nr_mac_gNB.h
+++ b/openair2/LAYER2/NR_MAC_gNB/nr_mac_gNB.h
@@ -205,6 +205,7 @@ typedef struct {
   lte_frame_type_t frame_type;
   uint64_t dl_CarrierFreq;
   NR_BCCH_BCH_Message_t *mib;
+  NR_BCCH_DL_SCH_Message_t *sib1;
   NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *ServingCellConfigCommon;
   NR_ARFCN_ValueEUTRA_t ul_CarrierFreq;
   long ul_Bandwidth;
diff --git a/openair2/LAYER2/nr_pdcp/nr_pdcp_entity.c b/openair2/LAYER2/nr_pdcp/nr_pdcp_entity.c
index 62aa101a500534a1837579157b0825f0ee321cb4..c20871f6c0422c13a0193c1b7f83a1919d9e3172 100644
--- a/openair2/LAYER2/nr_pdcp/nr_pdcp_entity.c
+++ b/openair2/LAYER2/nr_pdcp/nr_pdcp_entity.c
@@ -51,7 +51,12 @@ static void nr_pdcp_entity_recv_pdu(nr_pdcp_entity_t *entity,
   if (entity->type != NR_PDCP_SRB && !(buffer[0] & 0x80)) {
     LOG_E(PDCP, "%s:%d:%s: fatal\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
-    exit(1);
+    /* TODO: This is something of a hack. The most significant bit
+       in buffer[0] should be 1 if the packet is a data packet. We are
+       processing malformed data packets if the most significant bit
+       is 0. Rather than exit(1), this hack allows us to continue for now.
+       We need to investigate why this hack is neccessary. */
+    buffer[0] |= 128;
   if (entity->sn_size == 12) {
@@ -368,8 +373,8 @@ nr_pdcp_entity_t *new_nr_pdcp_entity(
   ret->set_security = nr_pdcp_entity_set_security;
   ret->set_time     = nr_pdcp_entity_set_time;
-  ret->delete = nr_pdcp_entity_delete;
+  ret->delete_entity = nr_pdcp_entity_delete;
   ret->deliver_sdu = deliver_sdu;
   ret->deliver_sdu_data = deliver_sdu_data;
diff --git a/openair2/LAYER2/nr_pdcp/nr_pdcp_entity.h b/openair2/LAYER2/nr_pdcp/nr_pdcp_entity.h
index fbcc2b96cd37d31cb35a02277721b4da6dee85d0..49e9c4142b5da3885d18e9bb2c809e23d3cd7164 100644
--- a/openair2/LAYER2/nr_pdcp/nr_pdcp_entity.h
+++ b/openair2/LAYER2/nr_pdcp/nr_pdcp_entity.h
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ typedef struct nr_pdcp_entity_t {
   void (*recv_pdu)(struct nr_pdcp_entity_t *entity, char *buffer, int size);
   void (*recv_sdu)(struct nr_pdcp_entity_t *entity, char *buffer, int size,
                    int sdu_id);
-  void (*delete)(struct nr_pdcp_entity_t *entity);
+  void (*delete_entity)(struct nr_pdcp_entity_t *entity);
   /* set_security: pass -1 to integrity_algorithm / ciphering_algorithm
    *               to keep the current algorithm
diff --git a/openair2/LAYER2/nr_pdcp/nr_pdcp_oai_api.c b/openair2/LAYER2/nr_pdcp/nr_pdcp_oai_api.c
index 7d1e2f493184ae675882b8f2aeaa900506b6b37e..74ca77a9c53c34ab8a11153b148a245cd4a520e1 100644
--- a/openair2/LAYER2/nr_pdcp/nr_pdcp_oai_api.c
+++ b/openair2/LAYER2/nr_pdcp/nr_pdcp_oai_api.c
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 #include "pdcp.h"
 #include "LAYER2/nr_rlc/nr_rlc_oai_api.h"
 #include <openair3/ocp-gtpu/gtp_itf.h>
-#include "openair2/SDAP/nr_sdap/nr_sdap_gnb.h"
+#include "openair2/SDAP/nr_sdap/nr_sdap.h"
 #define TODO do { \
     printf("%s:%d:%s: todo\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); \
@@ -438,9 +438,13 @@ static void *enb_tun_read_thread(void *_)
     ctxt.rnti = rnti;
-    pdcp_data_req(&ctxt, SRB_FLAG_NO, rb_id, RLC_MUI_UNDEFINED,
+    uint8_t qfi = 7;
+    boolean_t rqi = 0;
+    int pdusession_id = 10;
+    sdap_data_req(&ctxt, SRB_FLAG_NO, rb_id, RLC_MUI_UNDEFINED,
                   RLC_SDU_CONFIRM_NO, len, (unsigned char *)rx_buf,
+                  PDCP_TRANSMISSION_MODE_DATA, NULL, NULL, qfi, rqi, pdusession_id);
   return NULL;
@@ -481,9 +485,13 @@ static void *ue_tun_read_thread(void *_)
     ctxt.rnti = rnti;
-    pdcp_data_req(&ctxt, SRB_FLAG_NO, rb_id, RLC_MUI_UNDEFINED,
+    boolean_t dc = SDAP_HDR_UL_DATA_PDU;
+    uint8_t qfi = 7;
+    int pdusession_id = 10;
+    sdap_data_req(&ctxt, SRB_FLAG_NO, rb_id, RLC_MUI_UNDEFINED,
                   RLC_SDU_CONFIRM_NO, len, (unsigned char *)rx_buf,
+                  PDCP_TRANSMISSION_MODE_DATA, NULL, NULL, qfi, dc, pdusession_id);
   return NULL;
@@ -607,28 +615,20 @@ uint64_t nr_pdcp_module_init(uint64_t _pdcp_optmask, int id)
 static void deliver_sdu_drb(void *_ue, nr_pdcp_entity_t *entity,
                             char *buf, int size)
-  extern int nas_sock_fd[];
-  int len;
   nr_pdcp_ue_t *ue = _ue;
-  MessageDef  *message_p;
-  uint8_t     *gtpu_buffer_p;
   int rb_id;
   int i;
-    LOG_D(PDCP, "IP packet received, to be sent to TUN interface");
-    if(entity->has_sdapDLheader){
-      size -= SDAP_HDR_LENGTH;
-      len = write(nas_sock_fd[0], &buf[SDAP_HDR_LENGTH], size);
-    } else {
-      len = write(nas_sock_fd[0], buf, size);
-    }
-    if (len != size) {
-      LOG_E(PDCP, "%s:%d:%s: fatal error %d: %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, errno, strerror(errno));
-    }
+    LOG_D(PDCP, "IP packet received with size %d, to be sent to SDAP interface, UE rnti: %d\n", size, ue->rnti);
+    sdap_data_ind(entity->rb_id,
+                  entity->is_gnb,
+                  entity->has_sdap,
+                  entity->has_sdapULheader,
+                  entity->pdusession_id,
+                  ue->rnti,
+                  buf,
+                  size);
     for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
@@ -644,31 +644,16 @@ static void deliver_sdu_drb(void *_ue, nr_pdcp_entity_t *entity,
-      int offset=0;
-      if (entity->has_sdap == 1 && entity->has_sdapULheader == 1)
-	offset = 1; // this is the offset of the SDAP header in bytes
-      message_p = itti_alloc_new_message_sized(TASK_PDCP_ENB, 0,
-					       sizeof(gtpv1u_gnb_tunnel_data_req_t) + size
-					       + GTPU_HEADER_OVERHEAD_MAX - offset);
-      AssertFatal(message_p != NULL, "OUT OF MEMORY");
-      gtpv1u_gnb_tunnel_data_req_t *req=&GTPV1U_GNB_TUNNEL_DATA_REQ(message_p);
-      gtpu_buffer_p = (uint8_t*)(req+1);
-      memcpy(gtpu_buffer_p+GTPU_HEADER_OVERHEAD_MAX, buf+offset, size-offset);
-      req->buffer              = gtpu_buffer_p;
-      req->length              = size-offset;
-      req->offset              = GTPU_HEADER_OVERHEAD_MAX;
-      req->rnti                = ue->rnti;
-      req->pdusession_id       = entity->pdusession_id;
-      if (offset==1) {
-        LOG_I(PDCP, "%s() (drb %d) SDAP header %2x\n",__func__, rb_id, buf[0]);
-        sdap_gnb_ul_header_handler(buf[0]); // Handler for the UL gNB SDAP Header
-      }
-      LOG_D(PDCP, "%s() (drb %d) sending message to gtp size %d\n", __func__, rb_id, size-offset);
-      itti_send_msg_to_task(TASK_GTPV1_U, INSTANCE_DEFAULT, message_p);
-   }
+      LOG_D(PDCP, "%s() (drb %d) sending message to SDAP size %d\n", __func__, rb_id, size);
+      sdap_data_ind(rb_id,
+                    ue->drb[rb_id-1]->is_gnb,
+                    ue->drb[rb_id-1]->has_sdap,
+                    ue->drb[rb_id-1]->has_sdapULheader,
+                    ue->drb[rb_id-1]->pdusession_id,
+                    ue->rnti,
+                    buf,
+                    size);
+    }
@@ -967,6 +952,9 @@ static void add_drb_am(int is_gnb, int rnti, struct NR_DRB_ToAddMod *s,
   int has_sdap = 0;
   int has_sdapULheader=0;
   int has_sdapDLheader=0;
+  boolean_t is_sdap_DefaultDRB = false;
+  NR_QFI_t *mappedQFIs2Add = NULL;
+  uint8_t mappedQFIs2AddCount=0;
   if (s->cnAssociation->present == NR_DRB_ToAddMod__cnAssociation_PR_eps_BearerIdentity)
      pdusession_id = s->cnAssociation->choice.eps_BearerIdentity;
   else {
@@ -975,9 +963,13 @@ static void add_drb_am(int is_gnb, int rnti, struct NR_DRB_ToAddMod *s,
     pdusession_id = s->cnAssociation->choice.sdap_Config->pdu_Session;
-    has_sdap = 1;
     has_sdapULheader = s->cnAssociation->choice.sdap_Config->sdap_HeaderUL == NR_SDAP_Config__sdap_HeaderUL_present ? 1 : 0;
     has_sdapDLheader = s->cnAssociation->choice.sdap_Config->sdap_HeaderDL == NR_SDAP_Config__sdap_HeaderDL_present ? 1 : 0;
+    has_sdap = has_sdapULheader | has_sdapDLheader;
+    is_sdap_DefaultDRB = s->cnAssociation->choice.sdap_Config->defaultDRB == true ? 1 : 0;
+    mappedQFIs2Add = (NR_QFI_t*)s->cnAssociation->choice.sdap_Config->mappedQoS_FlowsToAdd->list.array[0]; 
+    mappedQFIs2AddCount = s->cnAssociation->choice.sdap_Config->mappedQoS_FlowsToAdd->list.count;
+    LOG_D(SDAP, "Captured mappedQoS_FlowsToAdd from RRC: %ld \n", *mappedQFIs2Add);
   /* TODO(?): accept different UL and DL SN sizes? */
   if (sn_size_ul != sn_size_dl) {
@@ -1009,6 +1001,15 @@ static void add_drb_am(int is_gnb, int rnti, struct NR_DRB_ToAddMod *s,
     nr_pdcp_ue_add_drb_pdcp_entity(ue, drb_id, pdcp_drb);
     LOG_D(PDCP, "%s:%d:%s: added drb %d to ue rnti %x\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, drb_id, rnti);
+    new_nr_sdap_entity(has_sdap,
+                       rnti,
+                       pdusession_id,
+                       is_sdap_DefaultDRB,
+                       drb_id,
+                       mappedQFIs2Add,
+                       mappedQFIs2AddCount);
+    LOG_D(SDAP, "Added SDAP entity to ue rnti %x with pdusession_id %d\n", rnti, pdusession_id);
@@ -1140,7 +1141,7 @@ void nr_DRB_preconfiguration(uint16_t crnti)
   NR_DRB_ToAddMod_t *drb_ToAddMod = calloc(1,sizeof(*drb_ToAddMod));
   drb_ToAddMod->cnAssociation = calloc(1,sizeof(*drb_ToAddMod->cnAssociation));
   drb_ToAddMod->cnAssociation->present = NR_DRB_ToAddMod__cnAssociation_PR_eps_BearerIdentity;
-  drb_ToAddMod->cnAssociation->choice.eps_BearerIdentity= 5;
+  drb_ToAddMod->cnAssociation->choice.eps_BearerIdentity= 10;
   drb_ToAddMod->drb_Identity = 1;
   drb_ToAddMod->reestablishPDCP = NULL;
   drb_ToAddMod->recoverPDCP = NULL;
@@ -1450,3 +1451,10 @@ void nr_pdcp_tick(int frame, int subframe)
+ * For the SDAP API
+ */
+nr_pdcp_ue_manager_t *nr_pdcp_sdap_get_ue_manager(){
+    return nr_pdcp_ue_manager;
diff --git a/openair2/LAYER2/nr_pdcp/nr_pdcp_ue_manager.c b/openair2/LAYER2/nr_pdcp/nr_pdcp_ue_manager.c
index 160c5ebb22697c70ee2b16685a97bbdd71834fb5..1f21593c630387bcfbe2620acca8a4e5132d8fad 100644
--- a/openair2/LAYER2/nr_pdcp/nr_pdcp_ue_manager.c
+++ b/openair2/LAYER2/nr_pdcp/nr_pdcp_ue_manager.c
@@ -127,11 +127,11 @@ void nr_pdcp_manager_remove_ue(nr_pdcp_ue_manager_t *_m, int rnti)
   for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
     if (ue->srb[j] != NULL)
-      ue->srb[j]->delete(ue->srb[j]);
+      ue->srb[j]->delete_entity(ue->srb[j]);
   for (j = 0; j < 5; j++)
     if (ue->drb[j] != NULL)
-      ue->drb[j]->delete(ue->drb[j]);
+      ue->drb[j]->delete_entity(ue->drb[j]);
diff --git a/openair2/NR_UE_PHY_INTERFACE/NR_IF_Module.c b/openair2/NR_UE_PHY_INTERFACE/NR_IF_Module.c
index f7323010cb05fcdbe3c9cdbac2ee97ba03aa2333..26c60fbb9bba5eaf90e25c0b72193272efab38c3 100644
--- a/openair2/NR_UE_PHY_INTERFACE/NR_IF_Module.c
+++ b/openair2/NR_UE_PHY_INTERFACE/NR_IF_Module.c
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
 #include "SCHED_NR_UE/fapi_nr_ue_l1.h"
 #include "executables/softmodem-common.h"
 #include "openair2/RRC/NR_UE/rrc_proto.h"
+#include "openair2/RRC/NR_UE/rrc_vars.h"
 #include "openair2/GNB_APP/L1_nr_paramdef.h"
 #include "openair2/GNB_APP/gnb_paramdef.h"
 #include "targets/ARCH/ETHERNET/USERSPACE/LIB/if_defs.h"
@@ -64,7 +65,17 @@ queue_t nr_dl_tti_req_queue;
 queue_t nr_tx_req_queue;
 queue_t nr_ul_dci_req_queue;
 queue_t nr_ul_tti_req_queue;
-queue_t nr_wait_ul_tti_req_queue;
+static slot_rnti_mcs_s slot_rnti_mcs[NUM_NFAPI_SLOT];
+//static int get_mcs_from_sinr(float sinr);
+//static int get_cqi_from_mcs(void);
+static void read_channel_param(const nfapi_nr_dl_tti_pdsch_pdu_rel15_t * pdu, int sf, int index);
+//static bool did_drop_transport_block(int slot, uint16_t rnti);
+static float get_bler_val(uint8_t mcs, int sinr);
+static bool should_drop_transport_block(int slot, uint16_t rnti);
+static void save_pdsch_pdu_for_crnti(nfapi_nr_dl_tti_request_t *dl_tti_request);
+static inline bool is_channel_modeling(void);
 void nrue_init_standalone_socket(int tx_port, int rx_port)
@@ -98,7 +109,7 @@ void nrue_init_standalone_socket(int tx_port, int rx_port)
     assert(ue_tx_sock_descriptor == -1);
     ue_tx_sock_descriptor = sd;
-    LOG_D(NR_RRC, "Successfully set up tx_socket in %s.\n", __FUNCTION__);
+    LOG_T(NR_RRC, "Successfully set up tx_socket in %s.\n", __FUNCTION__);
@@ -124,9 +135,9 @@ void nrue_init_standalone_socket(int tx_port, int rx_port)
     assert(ue_rx_sock_descriptor == -1);
     ue_rx_sock_descriptor = sd;
-    LOG_D(NR_RRC, "Successfully set up rx_socket in %s.\n", __FUNCTION__);
+    LOG_T(NR_RRC, "Successfully set up rx_socket in %s.\n", __FUNCTION__);
-  LOG_I(NR_RRC, "NRUE standalone socket info: tx_port %d  rx_port %d on %s.\n",
+  LOG_D(NR_RRC, "NRUE standalone socket info: tx_port %d  rx_port %d on %s.\n",
         tx_port, rx_port, stub_eth_params.remote_addr);
@@ -137,7 +148,7 @@ void send_nsa_standalone_msg(NR_UL_IND_t *UL_INFO, uint16_t msg_id)
         char buffer[NFAPI_MAX_PACKED_MESSAGE_SIZE];
-        LOG_D(NR_MAC, "RACH header id :%d", UL_INFO->rach_ind.header.message_id);
+        LOG_T(NR_MAC, "RACH header id :%d\n", UL_INFO->rach_ind.header.message_id);
         int encoded_size = nfapi_nr_p7_message_pack(&UL_INFO->rach_ind, buffer, sizeof(buffer), NULL);
         if (encoded_size <= 0)
@@ -145,7 +156,7 @@ void send_nsa_standalone_msg(NR_UL_IND_t *UL_INFO, uint16_t msg_id)
-        LOG_I(NR_MAC, "NR_RACH_IND sent to Proxy, Size: %d Frame %d Slot %d Num PDUS %d\n", encoded_size,
+        LOG_D(NR_MAC, "NR_RACH_IND sent to Proxy, Size: %d Frame %d Slot %d Num PDUS %d\n", encoded_size,
                 UL_INFO->rach_ind.sfn, UL_INFO->rach_ind.slot, UL_INFO->rach_ind.number_of_pdus);
         if (send(ue_tx_sock_descriptor, buffer, encoded_size, 0) < 0)
@@ -157,7 +168,7 @@ void send_nsa_standalone_msg(NR_UL_IND_t *UL_INFO, uint16_t msg_id)
         char buffer[NFAPI_MAX_PACKED_MESSAGE_SIZE];
-        LOG_D(NR_MAC, "RX header id :%d", UL_INFO->rx_ind.header.message_id);
+        LOG_T(NR_MAC, "RX header id :%d\n", UL_INFO->rx_ind.header.message_id);
         int encoded_size = nfapi_nr_p7_message_pack(&UL_INFO->rx_ind, buffer, sizeof(buffer), NULL);
         if (encoded_size <= 0)
@@ -165,7 +176,7 @@ void send_nsa_standalone_msg(NR_UL_IND_t *UL_INFO, uint16_t msg_id)
-        LOG_I(NR_MAC, "NR_RX_IND sent to Proxy, Size: %d Frame %d Slot %d Num PDUS %d\n", encoded_size,
+        LOG_D(NR_MAC, "NR_RX_IND sent to Proxy, Size: %d Frame %d Slot %d Num PDUS %d\n", encoded_size,
                 UL_INFO->rx_ind.sfn, UL_INFO->rx_ind.slot, UL_INFO->rx_ind.number_of_pdus);
         if (send(ue_tx_sock_descriptor, buffer, encoded_size, 0) < 0)
@@ -177,7 +188,7 @@ void send_nsa_standalone_msg(NR_UL_IND_t *UL_INFO, uint16_t msg_id)
         char buffer[NFAPI_MAX_PACKED_MESSAGE_SIZE];
-        LOG_D(NR_MAC, "CRC header id :%d", UL_INFO->crc_ind.header.message_id);
+        LOG_T(NR_MAC, "CRC header id :%d\n", UL_INFO->crc_ind.header.message_id);
         int encoded_size = nfapi_nr_p7_message_pack(&UL_INFO->crc_ind, buffer, sizeof(buffer), NULL);
         if (encoded_size <= 0)
@@ -185,7 +196,7 @@ void send_nsa_standalone_msg(NR_UL_IND_t *UL_INFO, uint16_t msg_id)
-        LOG_I(NR_MAC, "NR_CRC_IND sent to Proxy, Size: %d Frame %d Slot %d Num PDUS %d\n", encoded_size,
+        LOG_D(NR_MAC, "NR_CRC_IND sent to Proxy, Size: %d Frame %d Slot %d Num PDUS %d\n", encoded_size,
                 UL_INFO->crc_ind.sfn, UL_INFO->crc_ind.slot, UL_INFO->crc_ind.number_crcs);
         if (send(ue_tx_sock_descriptor, buffer, encoded_size, 0) < 0)
@@ -197,7 +208,7 @@ void send_nsa_standalone_msg(NR_UL_IND_t *UL_INFO, uint16_t msg_id)
         char buffer[NFAPI_MAX_PACKED_MESSAGE_SIZE];
-        LOG_I(NR_MAC, "UCI header id :%d", UL_INFO->uci_ind.header.message_id);
+        LOG_D(NR_MAC, "UCI header id :%d\n", UL_INFO->uci_ind.header.message_id);
         int encoded_size = nfapi_nr_p7_message_pack(&UL_INFO->uci_ind, buffer, sizeof(buffer), NULL);
         if (encoded_size <= 0)
@@ -205,7 +216,7 @@ void send_nsa_standalone_msg(NR_UL_IND_t *UL_INFO, uint16_t msg_id)
-        LOG_I(NR_MAC, "NR_UCI_IND sent to Proxy, Size: %d Frame %d Slot %d Num PDUS %d\n", encoded_size,
+        LOG_D(NR_MAC, "NR_UCI_IND sent to Proxy, Size: %d Frame %d Slot %d Num PDUS %d\n", encoded_size,
                 UL_INFO->uci_ind.sfn, UL_INFO->uci_ind.slot, UL_INFO->uci_ind.num_ucis);
         if (send(ue_tx_sock_descriptor, buffer, encoded_size, 0) < 0)
@@ -221,18 +232,83 @@ void send_nsa_standalone_msg(NR_UL_IND_t *UL_INFO, uint16_t msg_id)
+bool sfn_slot_matcher(void *wanted, void *candidate)
+  nfapi_p7_message_header_t *msg = candidate;
+  int sfn_sf = *(int*)wanted;
+  switch (msg->message_id)
+  {
+    {
+      nfapi_nr_rach_indication_t *ind = candidate;
+      return NFAPI_SFNSLOT2SFN(sfn_sf) == ind->sfn && NFAPI_SFNSLOT2SLOT(sfn_sf) == ind->slot;
+    }
+    {
+      nfapi_nr_rx_data_indication_t *ind = candidate;
+      return NFAPI_SFNSLOT2SFN(sfn_sf) == ind->sfn && NFAPI_SFNSLOT2SLOT(sfn_sf) == ind->slot;
+    }
+    {
+      nfapi_nr_crc_indication_t *ind = candidate;
+      return NFAPI_SFNSLOT2SFN(sfn_sf) == ind->sfn && NFAPI_SFNSLOT2SLOT(sfn_sf) == ind->slot;
+    }
+    {
+      nfapi_nr_uci_indication_t *ind = candidate;
+      return NFAPI_SFNSLOT2SFN(sfn_sf) == ind->sfn && NFAPI_SFNSLOT2SLOT(sfn_sf) == ind->slot;
+    }
+    {
+      nfapi_nr_dl_tti_request_t *ind = candidate;
+      return NFAPI_SFNSLOT2SFN(sfn_sf) == ind->SFN && NFAPI_SFNSLOT2SLOT(sfn_sf) == ind->Slot;
+    }
+    {
+      nfapi_nr_tx_data_request_t *ind = candidate;
+      return NFAPI_SFNSLOT2SFN(sfn_sf) == ind->SFN && NFAPI_SFNSLOT2SLOT(sfn_sf) == ind->Slot;
+    }
+    {
+      nfapi_nr_ul_dci_request_t *ind = candidate;
+      return NFAPI_SFNSLOT2SFN(sfn_sf) == ind->SFN && NFAPI_SFNSLOT2SLOT(sfn_sf) == ind->Slot;
+    }
+    {
+      nfapi_nr_ul_tti_request_t *ind = candidate;
+      return NFAPI_SFNSLOT2SFN(sfn_sf) == ind->SFN && NFAPI_SFNSLOT2SLOT(sfn_sf) == ind->Slot;
+    }
+    default:
+      LOG_E(NR_MAC, "sfn_slot_match bad ID: %d\n", msg->message_id);
+  }
+  return false;
 static void fill_dl_info_with_pdcch(fapi_nr_dci_indication_t *dci, nfapi_nr_dl_dci_pdu_t *rx_dci, int idx)
     int num_bytes = (rx_dci->PayloadSizeBits + 7) / 8;
-    LOG_I(NR_PHY, "[%d, %d] PDCCH DCI (Payload) for rnti %x with PayloadSizeBits %d, num_bytes %d\n",
+    LOG_D(NR_PHY, "[%d, %d] PDCCH DCI (Payload) for rnti %x with PayloadSizeBits %d, num_bytes %d\n",
           dci->SFN, dci->slot, rx_dci->RNTI, rx_dci->PayloadSizeBits, num_bytes);
     for (int k = 0; k < num_bytes; k++)
-        LOG_I(NR_MAC, "PDCCH DCI PDU payload[%d] = %d\n", k, rx_dci->Payload[k]);
+        LOG_D(NR_MAC, "PDCCH DCI PDU payload[%d] = %d\n", k, rx_dci->Payload[k]);
         dci->dci_list[idx].payloadBits[k] = rx_dci->Payload[k];
     dci->dci_list[idx].payloadSize = rx_dci->PayloadSizeBits;
     dci->dci_list[idx].rnti = rx_dci->RNTI;
+    dci->dci_list[idx].n_CCE = rx_dci->CceIndex;
+    dci->dci_list[idx].N_CCE = rx_dci->AggregationLevel;
     dci->number_of_dcis = idx + 1;
@@ -242,7 +318,7 @@ static void fill_mib_in_rx_ind(nfapi_nr_dl_tti_request_pdu_t *pdu_list, fapi_nr_
                 "pdu_index (%d) is greater than rx_indication_body size!\n", pdu_idx);
     AssertFatal(pdu_idx == rx_ind->number_pdus,  "Invalid pdu_idx %d!\n", pdu_idx);
-    LOG_D(NR_MAC, "Recevied an SSB and are filling rx_ind with the MIB!\n");
+    LOG_T(NR_MAC, "Recevied an SSB and are filling rx_ind with the MIB!\n");
     nfapi_nr_dl_tti_ssb_pdu_rel15_t *ssb_pdu = &pdu_list->ssb_pdu.ssb_pdu_rel15;
     rx_ind->rx_indication_body[pdu_idx].ssb_pdu.cell_id = ssb_pdu->PhysCellId;
@@ -311,13 +387,13 @@ static void copy_dl_tti_req_to_dl_info(nr_downlink_indication_t *dl_info, nfapi_
         nfapi_nr_dl_tti_request_pdu_t *pdu_list = &dl_tti_request->dl_tti_request_body.dl_tti_pdu_list[i];
         if (pdu_list->PDUType == NFAPI_NR_DL_TTI_PDSCH_PDU_TYPE)
-            LOG_I(NR_PHY, "[%d, %d] PDSCH PDU for rnti %x\n",
+            LOG_D(NR_PHY, "[%d, %d] PDSCH PDU for rnti %x\n",
                 dl_tti_request->SFN, dl_tti_request->Slot, pdu_list->pdsch_pdu.pdsch_pdu_rel15.rnti);
         if (pdu_list->PDUType == NFAPI_NR_DL_TTI_PDCCH_PDU_TYPE)
-            LOG_I(NR_PHY, "[%d, %d] PDCCH DCI PDU (Format for incoming PDSCH PDU)\n",
+            LOG_D(NR_PHY, "[%d, %d] PDCCH DCI PDU (Format for incoming PDSCH PDU)\n",
                 dl_tti_request->SFN, dl_tti_request->Slot);
             uint16_t num_dcis = pdu_list->pdcch_pdu.pdcch_pdu_rel15.numDlDci;
             if (num_dcis > 0)
@@ -342,19 +418,19 @@ static void copy_dl_tti_req_to_dl_info(nr_downlink_indication_t *dl_info, nfapi_
                         mac->nr_ue_emul_l1.expected_sib = true;
                         mac->nr_ue_emul_l1.index_has_sib[j] = true;
-                        LOG_D(NR_MAC, "Setting index_has_sib[%d] = true\n", j);
+                        LOG_T(NR_MAC, "Setting index_has_sib[%d] = true\n", j);
                     else if (dci_pdu_list->RNTI == mac->ra.ra_rnti)
                         mac->nr_ue_emul_l1.expected_rar = true;
                         mac->nr_ue_emul_l1.index_has_rar[j] = true;
-                        LOG_D(NR_MAC, "Setting index_has_rar[%d] = true\n", j);
+                        LOG_T(NR_MAC, "Setting index_has_rar[%d] = true\n", j);
                         mac->nr_ue_emul_l1.expected_dci = true;
                         mac->nr_ue_emul_l1.index_has_dci[j] = true;
-                        LOG_D(NR_MAC, "Setting index_has_dci[%d] = true\n", j);
+                        LOG_T(NR_MAC, "Setting index_has_dci[%d] = true\n", j);
@@ -388,13 +464,14 @@ static void copy_dl_tti_req_to_dl_info(nr_downlink_indication_t *dl_info, nfapi_
 static void fill_rx_ind(nfapi_nr_pdu_t *pdu_list, fapi_nr_rx_indication_t *rx_ind, int pdu_idx, int pdu_type)
+    NR_UE_MAC_INST_t *mac = get_mac_inst(0);
     AssertFatal(pdu_list->num_TLV < sizeof(pdu_list->TLVs) / sizeof(pdu_list->TLVs[0]), "Num TLVs exceeds TLV array size");
     int length = 0;
     for (int j = 0; j < pdu_list->num_TLV; j++)
         length += pdu_list->TLVs[j].length;
-    LOG_I(NR_PHY, "%s: num_tlv %d and length %d, pdu index %d\n",
+    LOG_D(NR_PHY, "%s: num_tlv %d and length %d, pdu index %d\n",
         __FUNCTION__, pdu_list->num_TLV, length, pdu_idx);
     uint8_t *pdu = malloc(length);
     AssertFatal(pdu != NULL, "%s: Out of memory in malloc", __FUNCTION__);
@@ -409,7 +486,12 @@ static void fill_rx_ind(nfapi_nr_pdu_t *pdu_list, fapi_nr_rx_indication_t *rx_in
         memcpy(pdu, ptr, pdu_list->TLVs[j].length);
         pdu += pdu_list->TLVs[j].length;
-    rx_ind->rx_indication_body[pdu_idx].pdsch_pdu.ack_nack = 1;
+    bool ack_nack = true;
+    if (mac->ra.ra_state >= RA_SUCCEEDED && should_drop_transport_block(rx_ind->slot, mac->crnti))
+    {
+      ack_nack = false;
+    }
+    rx_ind->rx_indication_body[pdu_idx].pdsch_pdu.ack_nack = ack_nack;
     rx_ind->rx_indication_body[pdu_idx].pdsch_pdu.pdu_length = length;
     rx_ind->rx_indication_body[pdu_idx].pdu_type = pdu_type;
@@ -455,7 +537,7 @@ static void copy_tx_data_req_to_dl_info(nr_downlink_indication_t *dl_info, nfapi
-            LOG_D(NR_MAC, "mac->nr_ue_emul_l1.index_has_dci[%d] = 0, so this index contained a DCI for a different UE\n", i);
+            LOG_T(NR_MAC, "mac->nr_ue_emul_l1.index_has_dci[%d] = 0, so this index contained a DCI for a different UE\n", i);
@@ -476,7 +558,7 @@ static void copy_ul_dci_data_req_to_dl_info(nr_downlink_indication_t *dl_info, n
         nfapi_nr_ul_dci_request_pdus_t *pdu_list = &ul_dci_req->ul_dci_pdu_list[i];
         AssertFatal(pdu_list->PDUType == 0, "ul_dci_req pdu type != PUCCH");
-        LOG_I(NR_PHY, "[%d %d] PUCCH PDU in ul_dci for rnti %x and numDLDCI = %d\n",
+        LOG_D(NR_PHY, "[%d %d] PUCCH PDU in ul_dci for rnti %x and numDLDCI = %d\n",
              ul_dci_req->SFN, ul_dci_req->Slot, pdu_list->pdcch_pdu.pdcch_pdu_rel15.dci_pdu->RNTI,
         uint16_t num_dci = pdu_list->pdcch_pdu.pdcch_pdu_rel15.numDlDci;
@@ -495,7 +577,7 @@ static void copy_ul_dci_data_req_to_dl_info(nr_downlink_indication_t *dl_info, n
                 nfapi_nr_dl_dci_pdu_t *dci_pdu_list = &pdu_list->pdcch_pdu.pdcch_pdu_rel15.dci_pdu[j];
                 if (dci_pdu_list->RNTI != mac->crnti)
-                  LOG_D(NR_MAC, "dci_pdu_list->RNTI (%x) != mac->crnti (%x)\n", dci_pdu_list->RNTI, mac->crnti);
+                  LOG_T(NR_MAC, "dci_pdu_list->RNTI (%x) != mac->crnti (%x)\n", dci_pdu_list->RNTI, mac->crnti);
                 fill_dl_info_with_pdcch(dl_info->dci_ind, dci_pdu_list, pdu_idx);
@@ -507,148 +589,59 @@ static void copy_ul_dci_data_req_to_dl_info(nr_downlink_indication_t *dl_info, n
     dl_info->slot = ul_dci_req->Slot;
-static nfapi_nr_uci_indication_t *multiplex_uci_ind(NR_UE_MAC_INST_t *mac, int num_active_harqs)
+static bool send_crc_ind_and_rx_ind(int sfn_slot)
-    AssertFatal(num_active_harqs >= 0, "Invalid value for num_active_harqs %d\n", num_active_harqs);
-    if (num_active_harqs == 0)
-    {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    if (num_active_harqs != nr_uci_ind_queue.num_items)
-    {
-        LOG_I(NR_MAC, "The number of active harqs %d doesn't match the number of UCIs in the queue %lu\n",
-                       num_active_harqs, nr_uci_ind_queue.num_items);
-        return NULL;
-    }
+  bool sent_crc_rx = true;
-    nfapi_nr_uci_indication_t *uci_ind = MALLOC(sizeof(*uci_ind));
-    uci_ind->header.message_id = NFAPI_NR_PHY_MSG_TYPE_UCI_INDICATION;
-    uci_ind->sfn = NFAPI_SFNSLOT2SFN(mac->nr_ue_emul_l1.active_harq_sfn_slot);
-    uci_ind->slot = NFAPI_SFNSLOT2SLOT(mac->nr_ue_emul_l1.active_harq_sfn_slot);
-    uci_ind->num_ucis = num_active_harqs;
-    uci_ind->uci_list = CALLOC(uci_ind->num_ucis, sizeof(*uci_ind->uci_list));
-    for (int i = 0; i < num_active_harqs; i++)
-    {
-        nfapi_nr_uci_indication_t *queued_uci_ind = get_queue(&nr_uci_ind_queue);
-        AssertFatal(queued_uci_ind, "There was not a UCI in the queue!\n");
-        nfapi_nr_uci_pucch_pdu_format_0_1_t *pdu_0_1 = &uci_ind->uci_list[i].pucch_pdu_format_0_1;
-        /* In openair1/SCHED_NR_UE/fapi_nr_ue_l1.c nr_ue_schedule_response_stub(), the
-        number of UCIs is hard coded to 1. This is why we always use index 0 of the
-        queued UCI indication to fill the new multiplexed UCI indication */
-        AssertFatal(queued_uci_ind->num_ucis == 1, "The number of UCIs from de-queueud UCI is not 1, its %d\n",
-                    queued_uci_ind->num_ucis);
-        uci_ind->uci_list[i].pdu_type = queued_uci_ind->uci_list[0].pdu_type;
-        uci_ind->uci_list[i].pdu_size = queued_uci_ind->uci_list[0].pdu_size;
-        nfapi_nr_uci_pucch_pdu_format_0_1_t *queued_pdu_0_1 = &queued_uci_ind->uci_list[0].pucch_pdu_format_0_1;
-        pdu_0_1->handle = queued_pdu_0_1->handle;
-        pdu_0_1->rnti = queued_pdu_0_1->rnti;
-        pdu_0_1->pucch_format = queued_pdu_0_1->pucch_format;
-        pdu_0_1->ul_cqi = queued_pdu_0_1->ul_cqi;
-        pdu_0_1->timing_advance = queued_pdu_0_1->timing_advance;
-        pdu_0_1->rssi = queued_pdu_0_1->rssi;
-        free(queued_uci_ind->uci_list);
-        queued_uci_ind->uci_list = NULL;
-        free(queued_uci_ind);
-        queued_uci_ind = NULL;
+  nfapi_nr_rx_data_indication_t *rx_ind = unqueue_matching(&nr_rx_ind_queue, MAX_QUEUE_SIZE, sfn_slot_matcher, &sfn_slot);
+  nfapi_nr_crc_indication_t *crc_ind = unqueue_matching(&nr_crc_ind_queue, MAX_QUEUE_SIZE, sfn_slot_matcher, &sfn_slot);
+  if (crc_ind && crc_ind->number_crcs > 0)
+  {
+    NR_UE_MAC_INST_t *mac = get_mac_inst(0);
+    for (int i = 0; i < crc_ind->number_crcs; i++) {
+        int harq_pid = crc_ind->crc_list[i].harq_id;
+        LOG_T(NR_MAC, "Resetting harq_pid %d active_ul_harq_sfn_slot\n", harq_pid);
+        mac->nr_ue_emul_l1.harq[harq_pid].active_ul_harq_sfn_slot = -1;
-    return uci_ind;
+    NR_UL_IND_t UL_INFO = {
+      .crc_ind = *crc_ind,
+    };
+    send_nsa_standalone_msg(&UL_INFO, crc_ind->header.message_id);
+    free(crc_ind->crc_list);
+    free(crc_ind);
+  }
+  if (rx_ind && rx_ind->number_of_pdus > 0)
+  {
+    NR_UL_IND_t UL_INFO = {
+      .rx_ind = *rx_ind,
+    };
+    send_nsa_standalone_msg(&UL_INFO, rx_ind->header.message_id);
+    free(rx_ind->pdu_list);
+    free(rx_ind);
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    sent_crc_rx = false;
+  }
+  return sent_crc_rx;
 static void copy_ul_tti_data_req_to_dl_info(nr_downlink_indication_t *dl_info, nfapi_nr_ul_tti_request_t *ul_tti_req)
-    NR_UE_MAC_INST_t *mac = get_mac_inst(dl_info->module_id);
     int num_pdus = ul_tti_req->n_pdus;
+    int sfn_slot = NFAPI_SFNSLOT2HEX(ul_tti_req->SFN, ul_tti_req->Slot);
     AssertFatal(num_pdus >= 0, "Invalid ul_tti_request number of PDUS\n");
     AssertFatal(num_pdus <= sizeof(ul_tti_req->pdus_list) / sizeof(ul_tti_req->pdus_list[0]),
                 "Too many pdus %d in ul_tti_req\n", num_pdus);
-    bool sent_uci = false;
-    for (int i = 0; i < num_pdus; i++)
-    {
-        nfapi_nr_ul_tti_request_number_of_pdus_t *pdu_list = &ul_tti_req->pdus_list[i];
-        LOG_D(NR_PHY, "This is the pdu type %d and rnti %x and SR flag %d and harq_pdu_len %d in in ul_tti_req\n",
-              pdu_list->pdu_type, ul_tti_req->pdus_list[i].pucch_pdu.rnti, pdu_list->pucch_pdu.sr_flag, pdu_list->pucch_pdu.bit_len_harq);
-        if (pdu_list->pdu_type == NFAPI_NR_UL_CONFIG_PUCCH_PDU_TYPE && pdu_list->pucch_pdu.rnti == mac->crnti)
-        {
-            AssertFatal(nr_uci_ind_queue.num_items >= 0, "Invalid num_items in UCI_ind queue %lu\n",
-                        nr_uci_ind_queue.num_items);
-            int num_active_harqs = pdu_list->pucch_pdu.bit_len_harq;
-            LOG_I(NR_MAC, "The number of active harqs %d from ul_tti_req\n", num_active_harqs);
-            nfapi_nr_uci_indication_t *uci_ind = multiplex_uci_ind(mac, num_active_harqs);
-            if (uci_ind && uci_ind->num_ucis > 0)
-            {
-                LOG_D(NR_MAC, "This is the SFN/SF [%d, %d] and RNTI %x of the UCI ind. ul_tti_req.pdu[%d]->rnti = %x \n",
-                        uci_ind->sfn, uci_ind->slot, uci_ind->uci_list[0].pucch_pdu_format_0_1.rnti, i, ul_tti_req->pdus_list[i].pucch_pdu.rnti);
-                uci_ind->sfn = ul_tti_req->SFN;
-                uci_ind->slot = ul_tti_req->Slot;
-                for (int j = 0; j < uci_ind->num_ucis; j++)
-                {
-                    nfapi_nr_uci_pucch_pdu_format_0_1_t *pdu_0_1 = &uci_ind->uci_list[j].pucch_pdu_format_0_1;
-                    if (pdu_list->pucch_pdu.sr_flag)
-                    {
-                        LOG_D(NR_MAC, "We have the SR flag in pdu i %d\n", i);
-                        pdu_0_1->pduBitmap = 1; // (value->pduBitmap >> 1) & 0x01) == HARQ and (value->pduBitmap) & 0x01) == SR
-                        pdu_0_1->sr = CALLOC(1, sizeof(*pdu_0_1->sr));
-                        pdu_0_1->sr->sr_confidence_level = 0;
-                        pdu_0_1->sr->sr_indication = 1;
-                    }
-                    if (pdu_list->pucch_pdu.bit_len_harq > 0)
-                    {
-                        LOG_D(NR_MAC, "We have the Harq len bits %d\n", pdu_list->pucch_pdu.bit_len_harq);
-                        pdu_0_1->pduBitmap = 2; // (value->pduBitmap >> 1) & 0x01) == HARQ and (value->pduBitmap) & 0x01) == SR
-                        pdu_0_1->harq = CALLOC(1, sizeof(*pdu_0_1->harq));
-                        pdu_0_1->harq->num_harq = 1;
-                        pdu_0_1->harq->harq_confidence_level = 0;
-                        pdu_0_1->harq->harq_list = CALLOC(pdu_0_1->harq->num_harq, sizeof(*pdu_0_1->harq->harq_list));
-                        for (int k = 0; k < pdu_0_1->harq->num_harq; k++)
-                        {
-                            pdu_0_1->harq->harq_list[k].harq_value = 0;
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                LOG_I(NR_MAC, "We have dequeued the previously filled uci_ind and updated the snf/slot to %d/%d.\n",
-                      uci_ind->sfn, uci_ind->slot);
-                NR_UL_IND_t UL_INFO = {
-                    .uci_ind = *uci_ind,
-                };
-                send_nsa_standalone_msg(&UL_INFO, uci_ind->header.message_id);
-                sent_uci = true;
-                for (int k = 0; k < uci_ind->num_ucis; k++)
-                {
-                    nfapi_nr_uci_pucch_pdu_format_0_1_t *pdu_0_1 = &uci_ind->uci_list[k].pucch_pdu_format_0_1;
-                    if (pdu_list->pucch_pdu.sr_flag)
-                    {
-                        free(pdu_0_1->sr);
-                        pdu_0_1->sr = NULL;
-                    }
-                    if (pdu_list->pucch_pdu.bit_len_harq > 1)
-                    {
-                        free(pdu_0_1->harq->harq_list);
-                        pdu_0_1->harq->harq_list = NULL;
-                        free(pdu_0_1->harq);
-                        pdu_0_1->harq = NULL;
-                    }
-                }
-                free(uci_ind->uci_list);
-                uci_ind->uci_list = NULL;
-                free(uci_ind);
-                uci_ind = NULL;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if (!sent_uci)
+    if (!send_crc_ind_and_rx_ind(sfn_slot))
-        LOG_E(NR_MAC, "UCI ind not sent\n");
+        LOG_T(NR_MAC, "CRC_RX ind not sent\n");
         if (!put_queue(&nr_ul_tti_req_queue, ul_tti_req))
             LOG_E(NR_PHY, "put_queue failed for ul_tti_req.\n");
-            free(ul_tti_req);
-            ul_tti_req = NULL;
+        return;
@@ -663,13 +656,13 @@ static void fill_dci_from_dl_config(nr_downlink_indication_t*dl_ind, fapi_nr_dl_
               "Too many dl_config pdus %d", dl_config->number_pdus);
   for (int i = 0; i < dl_config->number_pdus; i++)
-    LOG_I(PHY, "In %s: filling DCI with a total of %d total DL PDUs (dl_config %p) \n",
+    LOG_D(PHY, "In %s: filling DCI with a total of %d total DL PDUs (dl_config %p) \n",
           __FUNCTION__, dl_config->number_pdus, dl_config);
     fapi_nr_dl_config_dci_dl_pdu_rel15_t *rel15_dci = &dl_config->dl_config_list[i].dci_config_pdu.dci_config_rel15;
     int num_dci_options = rel15_dci->num_dci_options;
     if (num_dci_options <= 0)
-      LOG_I(NR_MAC, "num_dci_opts = %d for pdu[%d] in dl_config_list\n", rel15_dci->num_dci_options, i);
+      LOG_D(NR_MAC, "num_dci_opts = %d for pdu[%d] in dl_config_list\n", rel15_dci->num_dci_options, i);
     AssertFatal(num_dci_options <= sizeof(rel15_dci->dci_length_options) / sizeof(rel15_dci->dci_length_options[0]),
                 "num_dci_options %d > dci_length_options array\n", num_dci_options);
@@ -683,17 +676,15 @@ static void fill_dci_from_dl_config(nr_downlink_indication_t*dl_ind, fapi_nr_dl_
                   "dl_config->number_pdus %d > dci_ind->dci_list array\n", num_dcis);
       for (int k = 0; k < num_dcis; k++)
-        LOG_I(NR_PHY, "Received len %d, length options[%d] %d, format assigned %d, format options[%d] %d\n",
+        LOG_T(NR_PHY, "Received len %d, length options[%d] %d, format assigned %d, format options[%d] %d\n",
                   dl_ind->dci_ind->dci_list[k].payloadSize, j, rel15_dci->dci_length_options[j],
                   dl_ind->dci_ind->dci_list[k].dci_format, j, rel15_dci->dci_format_options[j]);
         if (rel15_dci->dci_length_options[j] == dl_ind->dci_ind->dci_list[k].payloadSize)
             dl_ind->dci_ind->dci_list[k].dci_format = rel15_dci->dci_format_options[j];
+            LOG_D(NR_PHY, "format assigned dl_ind->dci_ind->dci_list[k].dci_format %d\n",
+                  dl_ind->dci_ind->dci_list[k].dci_format);
-        int CCEind = rel15_dci->CCE[j];
-        int L = rel15_dci->L[j];
-        dl_ind->dci_ind->dci_list[k].n_CCE = CCEind;
-        dl_ind->dci_ind->dci_list[k].N_CCE = L;
@@ -714,41 +705,52 @@ void check_and_process_dci(nfapi_nr_dl_tti_request_t *dl_tti_request,
         frame = dl_tti_request->SFN;
         slot = dl_tti_request->Slot;
-        LOG_I(NR_PHY, "[%d, %d] dl_tti_request\n", frame, slot);
+        LOG_D(NR_PHY, "[%d, %d] dl_tti_request\n", frame, slot);
         copy_dl_tti_req_to_dl_info(&mac->dl_info, dl_tti_request);
+        free_and_zero(dl_tti_request);
     /* This checks if the previously recevied DCI matches our current RNTI
        value. The assumption is that if the DCI matches our RNTI, then the
        incoming tx_data_request is also destined for the current UE. If the
        RAR hasn't been processed yet, we do not want to be filtering the
        tx_data_requests. */
-    if (tx_data_request && (mac->nr_ue_emul_l1.expected_sib ||
-                            mac->nr_ue_emul_l1.expected_rar ||
-                            mac->nr_ue_emul_l1.expected_dci))
+    if (tx_data_request)
-        frame = tx_data_request->SFN;
-        slot = tx_data_request->Slot;
-        LOG_I(NR_PHY, "[%d, %d] PDSCH in tx_request\n", frame, slot);
-        copy_tx_data_req_to_dl_info(&mac->dl_info, tx_data_request);
+        if (mac->nr_ue_emul_l1.expected_sib ||
+            mac->nr_ue_emul_l1.expected_rar ||
+            mac->nr_ue_emul_l1.expected_dci)
+        {
+            frame = tx_data_request->SFN;
+            slot = tx_data_request->Slot;
+            LOG_I(NR_PHY, "[%d, %d] PDSCH in tx_request\n", frame, slot);
+            copy_tx_data_req_to_dl_info(&mac->dl_info, tx_data_request);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            LOG_D(NR_MAC, "Unexpected tx_data_req\n");
+        }
+        free_and_zero(tx_data_request);
     else if (ul_dci_request)
         frame = ul_dci_request->SFN;
         slot = ul_dci_request->Slot;
-        LOG_I(NR_PHY, "[%d, %d] ul_dci_request\n", frame, slot);
+        LOG_D(NR_PHY, "[%d, %d] ul_dci_request\n", frame, slot);
         copy_ul_dci_data_req_to_dl_info(&mac->dl_info, ul_dci_request);
+        free_and_zero(ul_dci_request);
     else if (ul_tti_request)
         frame = ul_tti_request->SFN;
         slot = ul_tti_request->Slot;
-        LOG_I(NR_PHY, "[%d, %d] ul_tti_request\n", frame, slot);
+        LOG_T(NR_PHY, "[%d, %d] ul_tti_request\n", frame, slot);
         copy_ul_tti_data_req_to_dl_info(&mac->dl_info, ul_tti_request);
+        free_and_zero(ul_tti_request);
         if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&mac->mutex_dl_info)) abort();
-        LOG_E(NR_MAC, "Error! All indications were NULL\n");
+        LOG_T(NR_MAC, "All indications were NULL in %s\n", __FUNCTION__);
@@ -756,6 +758,7 @@ void check_and_process_dci(nfapi_nr_dl_tti_request_t *dl_tti_request,
     NR_UL_TIME_ALIGNMENT_t ul_time_alignment;
     memset(&ul_time_alignment, 0, sizeof(ul_time_alignment));
     fill_dci_from_dl_config(&mac->dl_info, &mac->dl_config_request);
+    nr_ue_scheduler(&mac->dl_info, NULL);
     nr_ue_dl_indication(&mac->dl_info, &ul_time_alignment);
     if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&mac->mutex_dl_info)) abort();
@@ -776,8 +779,11 @@ void check_and_process_dci(nfapi_nr_dl_tti_request_t *dl_tti_request,
                           mac->scc->tdd_UL_DL_ConfigurationCommon :
-                          mac->frame_type))
-            nr_ue_ul_indication(&ul_info);
+                          mac->frame_type) && mac->ra.ra_state != RA_SUCCEEDED)
+        {
+            nr_ue_scheduler(NULL, &ul_info);
+            nr_ue_prach_scheduler(ul_info.module_id, ul_info.frame_tx, ul_info.slot_tx, ul_info.thread_id);
+        }
@@ -790,19 +796,19 @@ void save_nr_measurement_info(nfapi_nr_dl_tti_request_t *dl_tti_request)
         LOG_E(NR_PHY, "%s: dl_tti_request number of PDUS <= 0\n", __FUNCTION__);
-    LOG_D(NR_PHY, "%s: dl_tti_request number of PDUS: %d\n", __FUNCTION__, num_pdus);
+    LOG_T(NR_PHY, "%s: dl_tti_request number of PDUS: %d\n", __FUNCTION__, num_pdus);
     for (int i = 0; i < num_pdus; i++)
         nfapi_nr_dl_tti_request_pdu_t *pdu_list = &dl_tti_request->dl_tti_request_body.dl_tti_pdu_list[i];
         if (pdu_list->PDUType == NFAPI_NR_DL_TTI_SSB_PDU_TYPE)
-            LOG_D(NR_PHY, "Cell_id: %d, the ssb_block_idx %d, sc_offset: %d and payload %d\n",
+            LOG_T(NR_PHY, "Cell_id: %d, the ssb_block_idx %d, sc_offset: %d and payload %d\n",
             pdu_list->ssb_pdu.ssb_pdu_rel15.ssbRsrp = 60;
-            LOG_D(NR_RRC, "Setting pdulist[%d].ssbRsrp to %d\n", i, pdu_list->ssb_pdu.ssb_pdu_rel15.ssbRsrp);
+            LOG_T(NR_RRC, "Setting pdulist[%d].ssbRsrp to %d\n", i, pdu_list->ssb_pdu.ssb_pdu_rel15.ssbRsrp);
@@ -820,7 +826,7 @@ void save_nr_measurement_info(nfapi_nr_dl_tti_request_t *dl_tti_request)
 static void enqueue_nr_nfapi_msg(void *buffer, ssize_t len, nfapi_p7_message_header_t header)
+    NR_UE_MAC_INST_t *mac = get_mac_inst(0);
     switch (header.message_id)
@@ -832,8 +838,12 @@ static void enqueue_nr_nfapi_msg(void *buffer, ssize_t len, nfapi_p7_message_hea
                 LOG_E(NR_PHY, "Message dl_tti_request failed to unpack\n");
-            LOG_I(NR_PHY, "Received an NFAPI_NR_PHY_MSG_TYPE_DL_TTI_REQUEST message in sfn/slot %d %d. \n",
+            LOG_D(NR_PHY, "Received an NFAPI_NR_PHY_MSG_TYPE_DL_TTI_REQUEST message in sfn/slot %d %d. \n",
                     dl_tti_request->SFN, dl_tti_request->Slot);
+            if (is_channel_modeling())
+                save_pdsch_pdu_for_crnti(dl_tti_request);
             if (!put_queue(&nr_dl_tti_req_queue, dl_tti_request))
                 LOG_E(NR_PHY, "put_queue failed for dl_tti_request.\n");
@@ -852,7 +862,7 @@ static void enqueue_nr_nfapi_msg(void *buffer, ssize_t len, nfapi_p7_message_hea
                 LOG_E(NR_PHY, "Message tx_data_request failed to unpack\n");
-            LOG_I(NR_PHY, "Received an NFAPI_NR_PHY_MSG_TYPE_TX_DATA_REQUEST message in SFN/slot %d %d. \n",
+            LOG_D(NR_PHY, "Received an NFAPI_NR_PHY_MSG_TYPE_TX_DATA_REQUEST message in SFN/slot %d %d. \n",
                     tx_data_request->SFN, tx_data_request->Slot);
             if (!put_queue(&nr_tx_req_queue, tx_data_request))
@@ -872,7 +882,7 @@ static void enqueue_nr_nfapi_msg(void *buffer, ssize_t len, nfapi_p7_message_hea
                 LOG_E(NR_PHY, "Message ul_dci_request failed to unpack\n");
-            LOG_I(NR_PHY, "Received an NFAPI_NR_PHY_MSG_TYPE_UL_DCI_REQUEST message in SFN/slot %d %d. \n",
+            LOG_D(NR_PHY, "Received an NFAPI_NR_PHY_MSG_TYPE_UL_DCI_REQUEST message in SFN/slot %d %d. \n",
                     ul_dci_request->SFN, ul_dci_request->Slot);
             if (!put_queue(&nr_ul_dci_req_queue, ul_dci_request))
@@ -892,30 +902,30 @@ static void enqueue_nr_nfapi_msg(void *buffer, ssize_t len, nfapi_p7_message_hea
                 LOG_E(NR_PHY, "Message ul_tti_request failed to unpack\n");
-            LOG_I(NR_PHY, "Received an NFAPI_NR_PHY_MSG_TYPE_UL_TTI_REQUEST message in SFN/slot %d %d.\n",
-                  ul_tti_request->SFN, ul_tti_request->Slot);
-            if (nr_uci_ind_queue.num_items > 0) //TODO: In the future UL_TTIs can be for ULSCH and SRS.
-            {
-                LOG_D(NR_MAC, "We added UL_TTI_REQ to queue for sfn slot %d %d\n",
-                      ul_tti_request->SFN, ul_tti_request->Slot);
-                if (!put_queue(&nr_ul_tti_req_queue, ul_tti_request))
-                {
-                    LOG_E(NR_PHY, "put_queue failed for ul_tti_request.\n");
-                    free(ul_tti_request);
-                    ul_tti_request = NULL;
+            /* We are filtering UL_TTI_REQs below. We only care about UL_TTI_REQs that
+               will trigger sending a ul_harq (CRC/RX pair). This UL_TTI_REQ will have
+               NFAPI_NR_UL_CONFIG_PUSCH_PDU_TYPE. If we have not yet completed the CBRA/
+               CFRA procedure, we need to queue all UL_TTI_REQs. */
+            for (int i = 0; i < ul_tti_request->n_pdus; i++) {
+                if (ul_tti_request->pdus_list[i].pdu_type == NFAPI_NR_UL_CONFIG_PUSCH_PDU_TYPE &&
+                    mac->ra.ra_state >= RA_SUCCEEDED) {
+                    if (!put_queue(&nr_ul_tti_req_queue, ul_tti_request))
+                    {
+                        LOG_D(NR_PHY, "put_queue failed for ul_tti_request, calling put_queue_replace.\n");
+                        nfapi_nr_ul_tti_request_t *evicted_ul_tti_req = put_queue_replace(&nr_ul_tti_req_queue, ul_tti_request);
+                        free(evicted_ul_tti_req);
+                    }
+                    break;
+                }
+                else if (mac->ra.ra_state < RA_SUCCEEDED) {
+                    if (!put_queue(&nr_ul_tti_req_queue, ul_tti_request))
+                    {
+                        LOG_D(NR_PHY, "put_queue failed for ul_tti_request, calling put_queue_replace.\n");
+                        nfapi_nr_ul_tti_request_t *evicted_ul_tti_req = put_queue_replace(&nr_ul_tti_req_queue, ul_tti_request);
+                        free(evicted_ul_tti_req);
+                    }
+                    break;
-            }
-            /* TODO: This indicates that dl_tti_req was late or never arrived. If there are
-               not any prepared uci indications, the NRUE likely never had time to
-               populate the message is the dl_tti_req came in late and we received a
-               ul_tti_req immediately after the dl_tti_request. This is an attempt to
-               mitigate proxy timing issues. */
-            else if (nr_uci_ind_queue.num_items == 0)
-            {
-                LOG_D(NR_MAC, "We added UL_TTI_REQ to queue for sfn slot %d %d\n",
-                      ul_tti_request->SFN, ul_tti_request->Slot);
-                nfapi_nr_ul_tti_request_t *evicted_ul_tti_req = put_queue_replace(&nr_wait_ul_tti_req_queue, ul_tti_request);
-                free(evicted_ul_tti_req);
@@ -928,6 +938,46 @@ static void enqueue_nr_nfapi_msg(void *buffer, ssize_t len, nfapi_p7_message_hea
+static void save_pdsch_pdu_for_crnti(nfapi_nr_dl_tti_request_t *dl_tti_request)
+  int count_sent = 0;
+  NR_UE_MAC_INST_t *mac = get_mac_inst(0);
+  int number_of_pdu = dl_tti_request->dl_tti_request_body.nPDUs;
+  if (number_of_pdu <= 0)
+  {
+    LOG_E(NR_MAC, "%s: dl_tti_request pdu size <= 0\n", __FUNCTION__);
+    abort();
+  }
+  for (int i = 0; i < number_of_pdu; i++)
+  {
+    const nfapi_nr_dl_tti_request_pdu_t *pdu_list = &dl_tti_request->dl_tti_request_body.dl_tti_pdu_list[i];
+    if (pdu_list->PDUType == NFAPI_NR_DL_TTI_PDSCH_PDU_TYPE)
+    {
+      const nfapi_nr_dl_tti_pdsch_pdu_rel15_t *pdsch_pdu = &pdu_list->pdsch_pdu.pdsch_pdu_rel15;
+      if (pdsch_pdu->rnti == mac->crnti && mac->ra.ra_state == RA_SUCCEEDED)
+      {
+        read_channel_param(pdsch_pdu, dl_tti_request->Slot, count_sent);
+        count_sent++;
+        LOG_T(NR_MAC, "pdsch_pdu->rnti %x  mac->crnti %x mac->ra.ra_state %d count_sent %d\n",
+                      pdsch_pdu->rnti, mac->crnti, mac->ra.ra_state, count_sent);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+static uint16_t get_message_id(const uint8_t *buffer, ssize_t len)
+  if (len < 4)
+    return 0;
+  // Unpack 2 bytes message_id from buffer.
+  uint16_t v;
+  memcpy(&v, buffer + 2, sizeof(v));
+  return ntohs(v);
 void *nrue_standalone_pnf_task(void *context)
   struct sockaddr_in server_address;
@@ -957,7 +1007,7 @@ void *nrue_standalone_pnf_task(void *context)
       uint16_t *sfn_slot = CALLOC(1, sizeof(*sfn_slot));
       memcpy(sfn_slot, buffer, sizeof(*sfn_slot));
-      LOG_I(NR_PHY, "Received from proxy sfn %d slot %d\n",
+      LOG_D(NR_PHY, "Received from proxy sfn %d slot %d\n",
             NFAPI_SFNSLOT2SFN(*sfn_slot), NFAPI_SFNSLOT2SLOT(*sfn_slot));
       if (!put_queue(&nr_sfn_slot_queue, sfn_slot))
@@ -971,13 +1021,22 @@ void *nrue_standalone_pnf_task(void *context)
-    else if (len == sizeof(nr_phy_channel_params_t))
+    else if (get_message_id((const uint8_t *)buffer, len) == 0x0FFF) // 0x0FFF : channel info identifier.
       nr_phy_channel_params_t *ch_info = CALLOC(1, sizeof(*ch_info));
       memcpy(ch_info, buffer, sizeof(*ch_info));
-      LOG_D(NR_PHY, "Received_SINR = %f, sfn:slot %d:%d\n",
-            ch_info->sinr, NFAPI_SFNSLOT2SFN(ch_info->sfn_slot), NFAPI_SFNSLOT2SLOT(ch_info->sfn_slot));
+      if (ch_info->nb_of_sinrs > 1)
+        LOG_W(NR_PHY, "Expecting at most one SINR.\n");
+      // TODO: Update sinr field of slot_rnti_mcs to be array.
+      for (int i = 0; i < ch_info->nb_of_sinrs; ++i)
+      {
+        slot_rnti_mcs[NFAPI_SFNSLOT2SLOT(ch_info->sfn_slot)].sinr = ch_info->sinr[i];
+        LOG_T(NR_PHY, "Received_SINR[%d] = %f, sfn:slot %d:%d\n",
+              i, ch_info->sinr[i], NFAPI_SFNSLOT2SFN(ch_info->sfn_slot), NFAPI_SFNSLOT2SLOT(ch_info->sfn_slot));
+      }
       if (!put_queue(&nr_chan_param_queue, ch_info))
@@ -1037,7 +1096,10 @@ int handle_dci(module_id_t module_id, int cc_id, unsigned int gNB_index, frame_t
 // L2 Abstraction Layer
 // Note: sdu should always be processed because data and timing advance updates are transmitted by the UE
 int8_t handle_dlsch(nr_downlink_indication_t *dl_info, NR_UL_TIME_ALIGNMENT_t *ul_time_alignment, int pdu_id){
+  /* L1 assigns harq_pid, but in emulated L1 mode we need to assign
+     the harq_pid based on the saved global g_harq_pid. Because we are
+     emulating L1, no antenna measurements are conducted to calculate
+     a harq_pid, therefore we must set it here. */
   if (get_softmodem_params()->emulate_l1)
     dl_info->rx_ind->rx_indication_body[pdu_id].pdsch_pdu.harq_pid = g_harq_pid;
@@ -1058,7 +1120,7 @@ void update_harq_status(module_id_t module_id, uint8_t harq_pid, uint8_t ack_nac
   if (current_harq->active) {
     current_harq->ack = ack_nack;
     current_harq->ack_received = true;
-    LOG_D(PHY,"Updating harq_status for harq_id %d,ack/nak %d\n",harq_pid,current_harq->ack);
+    LOG_T(PHY,"Updating harq_status for harq_id %d,ack/nak %d\n",harq_pid,current_harq->ack);
   else {
     //shouldn't get here
@@ -1066,7 +1128,6 @@ void update_harq_status(module_id_t module_id, uint8_t harq_pid, uint8_t ack_nac
 int nr_ue_ul_indication(nr_uplink_indication_t *ul_info){
   NR_UE_L2_STATE_t ret;
@@ -1081,7 +1142,7 @@ int nr_ue_ul_indication(nr_uplink_indication_t *ul_info){
     ret = nr_ue_scheduler(NULL, ul_info);
-    LOG_D(NR_MAC, "In %s():%d not calling scheduler. sched mode = %d and mac->ra.ra_state = %d\n",
+    LOG_T(NR_MAC, "In %s():%d not calling scheduler. sched mode = %d and mac->ra.ra_state = %d\n",
         __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ul_info->ue_sched_mode, mac->ra.ra_state);
   NR_TDD_UL_DL_ConfigCommon_t *tdd_UL_DL_ConfigurationCommon = mac->scc != NULL ? mac->scc->tdd_UL_DL_ConfigurationCommon : mac->scc_SIB->tdd_UL_DL_ConfigurationCommon;
@@ -1121,9 +1182,9 @@ int nr_ue_dl_indication(nr_downlink_indication_t *dl_info, NR_UL_TIME_ALIGNMENT_
   } else {
     // UL indication after reception of DCI or DL PDU
     if (dl_info && dl_info->dci_ind && dl_info->dci_ind->number_of_dcis) {
       for (int i = 0; i < dl_info->dci_ind->number_of_dcis; i++) {
-        LOG_D(MAC,">>>NR_IF_Module i=%d, dl_info->dci_ind->number_of_dcis=%d\n",i,dl_info->dci_ind->number_of_dcis);
+        LOG_T(MAC,">>>NR_IF_Module i=%d, dl_info->dci_ind->number_of_dcis=%d\n",i,dl_info->dci_ind->number_of_dcis);
         nr_scheduled_response_t scheduled_response;
         int8_t ret = handle_dci(dl_info->module_id,
@@ -1136,12 +1197,12 @@ int nr_ue_dl_indication(nr_downlink_indication_t *dl_info, NR_UL_TIME_ALIGNMENT_
         /* The check below filters out UL_DCIs (format 7) which are being processed as DL_DCIs. */
         if (dci_index->dci_format == 7 && mac->ra.ra_state == RA_SUCCEEDED) {
-          LOG_D(NR_MAC, "We are filtering a UL_DCI to prevent it from being treated like a DL_DCI\n");
+          LOG_T(NR_MAC, "We are filtering a UL_DCI to prevent it from being treated like a DL_DCI\n");
         dci_pdu_rel15_t *def_dci_pdu_rel15 = &mac->def_dci_pdu_rel15[dci_index->dci_format];
         g_harq_pid = def_dci_pdu_rel15->harq_pid;
-        LOG_D(NR_MAC, "Setting harq_pid = %d and dci_index = %d (based on format)\n", g_harq_pid, dci_index->dci_format);
+        LOG_T(NR_MAC, "Setting harq_pid = %d and dci_index = %d (based on format)\n", g_harq_pid, dci_index->dci_format);
         ret_mask |= (ret << FAPI_NR_DCI_IND);
         if (ret >= 0) {
@@ -1160,7 +1221,7 @@ int nr_ue_dl_indication(nr_downlink_indication_t *dl_info, NR_UL_TIME_ALIGNMENT_
       for (int i=0; i<dl_info->rx_ind->number_pdus; ++i) {
-        LOG_D(MAC, "In %s sending DL indication to MAC. 1 PDU type %d of %d total number of PDUs \n",
+        LOG_T(MAC, "In %s sending DL indication to MAC. 1 PDU type %d of %d total number of PDUs \n",
@@ -1244,7 +1305,7 @@ int nr_ue_dcireq(nr_dcireq_t *dcireq) {
   dl_config->sfn = UE_mac->dl_config_request.sfn;
   dl_config->slot = UE_mac->dl_config_request.slot;
-  LOG_D(PHY, "Entering UE DCI configuration frame %d slot %d \n", dcireq->frame, dcireq->slot);
+  LOG_T(PHY, "Entering UE DCI configuration frame %d slot %d \n", dcireq->frame, dcireq->slot);
   ue_dci_configuration(UE_mac, dl_config, dcireq->frame, dcireq->slot);
@@ -1279,3 +1340,245 @@ void RCconfig_nr_ue_L1(void) {
+static int get_mcs_from_sinr(float sinr)
+  if (sinr < (nr_bler_data[0].bler_table[0][0]))
+  {
+    LOG_D(NR_MAC, "The SINR found is smaller than first MCS table\n");
+    return 0;
+  }
+  if (sinr > (nr_bler_data[NR_NUM_MCS-1].bler_table[nr_bler_data[NR_NUM_MCS-1].length - 1][0]))
+  {
+    LOG_D(NR_MAC, "The SINR found is larger than last MCS table\n");
+    return NR_NUM_MCS-1;
+  }
+  for (int n = NR_NUM_MCS-1; n >= 0; n--)
+  {
+    CHECK_INDEX(nr_bler_data, n);
+    float largest_sinr = (nr_bler_data[n].bler_table[nr_bler_data[n].length - 1][0]);
+    float smallest_sinr = (nr_bler_data[n].bler_table[0][0]);
+    if (sinr < largest_sinr && sinr > smallest_sinr)
+    {
+      LOG_D(NR_MAC, "The SINR found in MCS %d table\n", n);
+      return n;
+    }
+  }
+  LOG_E(NR_MAC, "Unable to get an MCS value.\n");
+  abort();
+static int get_cqi_from_mcs(void)
+  static const int mcs_to_cqi[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8,
+                                   9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 14, 14, 15};
+  assert(NUM_ELEMENTS(mcs_to_cqi) == NR_NUM_MCS);
+  int slot = 0;
+  while (slot < NUM_NFAPI_SLOT)
+  {
+    if (slot_rnti_mcs[slot].latest)
+    {
+      int num_pdus = slot_rnti_mcs[slot].num_pdus;
+      if (num_pdus <= 0)
+      {
+        LOG_E(NR_MAC, "%s: slot_rnti_mcs[%d].num_pdus = 0\n", __FUNCTION__, slot);
+        abort();
+      }
+      CHECK_INDEX(slot_rnti_mcs[slot].mcs, num_pdus);
+      int mcs = get_mcs_from_sinr(slot_rnti_mcs[slot].sinr);
+      CHECK_INDEX(mcs_to_cqi, mcs);
+      int cqi = mcs_to_cqi[mcs];
+      LOG_D(NR_MAC, "SINR: %f -> MCS: %d -> CQI: %d\n", slot_rnti_mcs[slot].sinr, mcs, cqi);
+      return cqi;
+    }
+    slot++;
+  }
+  LOG_E(NR_MAC, "Unable to get CQI value because no MCS found\n");
+  abort();
+static void read_channel_param(const nfapi_nr_dl_tti_pdsch_pdu_rel15_t * pdu, int slot, int index)
+  if (pdu == NULL)
+  {
+    LOG_E(NR_MAC,"PDU NULL\n");
+    abort();
+  }
+  /* This function is executed for every pdsch pdu type in a dl_tti_request. We save
+     the assocaited MCS and RNTI value for each. The 'index' passed in is a count of
+     how many times we have called this function for a particular dl_tti_request. It
+     allows us to save MCS/RNTI data in correct indicies when multiple pdsch pdu's are received.*/
+  for (int i = 0; i < NUM_NFAPI_SLOT; i++)
+  {
+    slot_rnti_mcs[i].latest = false;
+  }
+  CHECK_INDEX(slot_rnti_mcs[slot].rnti, index);
+  CHECK_INDEX(slot_rnti_mcs[slot].mcs, index);
+  CHECK_INDEX(slot_rnti_mcs[slot].drop_flag, index);
+  slot_rnti_mcs[slot].rnti[index] = pdu->rnti;
+  slot_rnti_mcs[slot].mcs[index] = pdu->mcsIndex[0];
+  slot_rnti_mcs[slot].rvIndex[index] = pdu->rvIndex[0];
+  slot_rnti_mcs[slot].drop_flag[index] = false;
+  slot_rnti_mcs[slot].num_pdus = index+1; //index starts at 0 so we incrament to get num of pdus
+  slot_rnti_mcs[slot].latest = true;
+  LOG_D(NR_MAC, "Adding MCS %d and RNTI %x for slot_rnti_mcs[%d]\n", slot_rnti_mcs[slot].mcs[index], slot_rnti_mcs[slot].rnti[index], slot);
+  return;
+static bool did_drop_transport_block(int slot, uint16_t rnti)
+  int num_pdus = slot_rnti_mcs[slot].num_pdus;
+  if (num_pdus <= 0)
+  {
+    LOG_E(MAC, "Problem, the PDU size is <= 0. We dropped this packet\n");
+    return true;
+  }
+  CHECK_INDEX(slot_rnti_mcs[slot].rnti, num_pdus);
+  CHECK_INDEX(slot_rnti_mcs[slot].drop_flag, num_pdus);
+  for (int n = 0; n < num_pdus; n++)
+  {
+    if (slot_rnti_mcs[slot].rnti[n] == rnti && slot_rnti_mcs[slot].drop_flag[n])
+    {
+      return true;
+    }
+  }
+  return false;
+static float get_bler_val(uint8_t mcs, int sinr)
+  // 4th col = dropped packets, 5th col = total packets
+  float bler_val = 0.0;
+  CHECK_INDEX(nr_bler_data, mcs);
+  LOG_D(NR_MAC, "sinr %d min %d max %d\n", sinr,
+                (int)(nr_bler_data[mcs].bler_table[0][0] * 10),
+                (int)(nr_bler_data[mcs].bler_table[nr_bler_data[mcs].length - 1][0] * 10)
+  );
+  if (sinr < (int)(nr_bler_data[mcs].bler_table[0][0] * 10))
+  {
+    LOG_D(NR_MAC, "MCS %d table. SINR is smaller than lowest SINR, bler_val is set based on lowest SINR in table\n", mcs);
+    bler_val = nr_bler_data[mcs].bler_table[0][4] / nr_bler_data[mcs].bler_table[0][5];
+    return bler_val;
+  }
+  if (sinr > (int)(nr_bler_data[mcs].bler_table[nr_bler_data[mcs].length - 1][0] * 10))
+  {
+    LOG_D(NR_MAC, "MCS %d table. SINR is greater than largest SINR. bler_val is set based on largest SINR in table\n", mcs);
+    bler_val = nr_bler_data[mcs].bler_table[(nr_bler_data[mcs].length - 1)][4] / nr_bler_data[mcs].bler_table[(nr_bler_data[mcs].length - 1)][5];
+    return bler_val;
+  }
+  // Loop through bler table to find sinr_index
+  for (int i = 0; i < nr_bler_data[mcs].length; i++)
+  {
+    int temp_sinr = (int)(nr_bler_data[mcs].bler_table[i][0] * 10);
+    if (temp_sinr == sinr)
+    {
+      bler_val = nr_bler_data[mcs].bler_table[i][4] / nr_bler_data[mcs].bler_table[i][5];
+      return bler_val;
+    }
+    // Linear interpolation when SINR is between indices
+    if (temp_sinr > sinr)
+    {
+      float bler_val1 = nr_bler_data[mcs].bler_table[i - 1][4] / nr_bler_data[mcs].bler_table[i - 1][5];
+      float bler_val2 = nr_bler_data[mcs].bler_table[i][4] / nr_bler_data[mcs].bler_table[i][5];
+      LOG_D(NR_MAC, "sinr %d min %f max %f\n", sinr, bler_val1, bler_val2);
+      return ((bler_val1 + bler_val2) / 2);
+    }
+  }
+  abort();
+static inline bool is_channel_modeling(void)
+  /* TODO: For now we enable channel modeling based on the node_number.
+     Replace with a command line option to enable/disable channel modeling.
+     The LTE UE will crash when channel modeling is conducted for NSA
+     mode. It does not crash for LTE mode. We have not implemented channel
+     modeling for NSA mode yet. For now, we ensure only do do channel modeling
+     in LTE/NR mode. */
+  return get_softmodem_params()->node_number == 0 && !get_softmodem_params()->nsa;
+static bool should_drop_transport_block(int slot, uint16_t rnti)
+  if (!is_channel_modeling())
+  {
+    return false;
+  }
+  /* We want to avoid dropping setup messages because this would be pathological. */
+  NR_UE_MAC_INST_t *mac = get_mac_inst(0);
+  if (mac->ra.ra_state < RA_SUCCEEDED)
+  {
+    LOG_D(NR_MAC, "Not dropping because MAC state: %d", mac->ra.ra_state);
+    return false;
+  }
+  /* Get block error rate (bler_val) from table based on every saved
+     MCS and SINR to be used as the cutoff rate for dropping packets.
+     Generate random uniform vairable to compare against bler_val. */
+  int num_pdus = slot_rnti_mcs[slot].num_pdus;
+  assert(slot < 20 && slot >= 0);
+  LOG_D(NR_MAC, "rnti: %x  num_pdus %d state %d slot %u sinr %f\n",
+        rnti, num_pdus, mac->ra.ra_state, slot, slot_rnti_mcs[slot].sinr);
+  assert(num_pdus > 0);
+  CHECK_INDEX(slot_rnti_mcs[slot].rnti, num_pdus);
+  CHECK_INDEX(slot_rnti_mcs[slot].mcs, num_pdus);
+  CHECK_INDEX(slot_rnti_mcs[slot].drop_flag, num_pdus);
+  int n = 0;
+  uint8_t mcs = 99;
+  for (n = 0; n < num_pdus; n++)
+  {
+    if (slot_rnti_mcs[slot].rnti[n] == rnti)
+    {
+      mcs = slot_rnti_mcs[slot].mcs[n];
+    }
+    if (mcs != 99)
+    {
+      /* Use MCS to get the bler value. Since there can be multiple MCS
+         values for a particular slot, we verify that all PDUs are not
+         flagged for drop before returning. If even one is flagged for drop
+         we return immediately because we drop the entire packet. */
+      LOG_D(NR_MAC, "rnti: %x mcs %u slot %u sinr %f\n",
+        slot_rnti_mcs[slot].rnti[n], mcs, slot, slot_rnti_mcs[slot].sinr);
+      float bler_val;
+      if (slot_rnti_mcs[slot].rvIndex[n] != 0)
+        bler_val = 0;
+      else
+        bler_val = get_bler_val(mcs, ((int)(slot_rnti_mcs[slot].sinr * 10)));
+      double drop_cutoff = ((double) rand() / (RAND_MAX));
+      assert(drop_cutoff <= 1);
+      LOG_D(NR_MAC, "SINR = %f, Bler_val = %f, MCS = %"PRIu8"\n", slot_rnti_mcs[slot].sinr, bler_val, slot_rnti_mcs[slot].mcs[n]);
+      if (drop_cutoff <= bler_val)
+      {
+        slot_rnti_mcs[slot].drop_flag[n] = true;
+        LOG_T(NR_MAC, "We are dropping this packet. Bler_val = %f, MCS = %"PRIu8", slot = %d\n", bler_val, slot_rnti_mcs[slot].mcs[n], slot);
+        return slot_rnti_mcs[slot].drop_flag[n];
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (mcs == 99)
+  {
+    LOG_E(NR_MAC, "NO MCS Found for rnti %x. slot_rnti_mcs[%d].mcs[%d] \n", rnti, slot, n);
+    abort();
+  }
+  return false;
diff --git a/openair2/NR_UE_PHY_INTERFACE/NR_IF_Module.h b/openair2/NR_UE_PHY_INTERFACE/NR_IF_Module.h
index 2a8a5147694b8d86dd6d0c488f2cf717cb8ef9f3..034c1c6b48b2ec4dac7046c9c4a03c486ac67380 100755
--- a/openair2/NR_UE_PHY_INTERFACE/NR_IF_Module.h
+++ b/openair2/NR_UE_PHY_INTERFACE/NR_IF_Module.h
@@ -41,15 +41,44 @@
 #include "nfapi_nr_interface_scf.h"
 #include "openair2/NR_PHY_INTERFACE/NR_IF_Module.h"
+#define NR_NUM_MCS 29
+#define NUM_SINR 100
+#define NUM_BLER_COL 13
+#define NUM_NFAPI_SLOT 20
+#define NR_NUM_LAYER 1
 typedef struct nr_phy_channel_params_t
     uint16_t sfn_slot;
-    float sinr;
+    uint16_t message_id;
+    uint16_t nb_of_sinrs;
+    float sinr[NR_NUM_LAYER];
     // Incomplete, need all channel parameters
 } nr_phy_channel_params_t;
+typedef struct
+    uint8_t slot;
+    uint16_t rnti[256];
+    uint8_t mcs[256];
+    uint8_t rvIndex[256];
+    float sinr;
+    uint16_t num_pdus;
+    bool drop_flag[256];
+    bool latest;
+} slot_rnti_mcs_s;
+typedef struct
+    uint16_t length;
+    float bler_table[NUM_SINR][NUM_BLER_COL];
+} nr_bler_struct;
+extern nr_bler_struct nr_bler_data[NR_NUM_MCS];
 typedef enum {
@@ -240,6 +269,8 @@ void check_and_process_dci(nfapi_nr_dl_tti_request_t *dl_tti_request,
                            nfapi_nr_ul_dci_request_t *ul_dci_request,
                            nfapi_nr_ul_tti_request_t *ul_tti_request);
+bool sfn_slot_matcher(void *wanted, void *candidate);
 /**\brief done free of memory allocation by module_id and release to pointer pool.
    \param module_id module id*/
 int nr_ue_if_module_kill(uint32_t module_id);
diff --git a/openair2/PHY_INTERFACE/phy_stub_UE.c b/openair2/PHY_INTERFACE/phy_stub_UE.c
index 1598e3d6203c91a80a838a538f55144544d7eaa4..c4650f18f3a93e8c7e1878bbc5e687b6b0da81b2 100644
--- a/openair2/PHY_INTERFACE/phy_stub_UE.c
+++ b/openair2/PHY_INTERFACE/phy_stub_UE.c
@@ -1259,6 +1259,17 @@ void ue_init_standalone_socket(int tx_port, int rx_port)
+static uint16_t get_message_id(const uint8_t *buffer, ssize_t len)
+  if (len < 4)
+    return 0;
+  // Unpack 2 bytes message_id from buffer.
+  uint16_t v;
+  memcpy(&v, buffer + 2, sizeof(v));
+  return ntohs(v);
 void *ue_standalone_pnf_task(void *context)
   struct sockaddr_in server_address;
@@ -1301,7 +1312,7 @@ void *ue_standalone_pnf_task(void *context)
-    else if (len == sizeof(phy_channel_params_t))
+    else if (get_message_id((const uint8_t *)buffer, len) == 0x0FFF) // 0x0FFF : channel info identifier.
       phy_channel_params_t ch_info;
       memcpy(&ch_info, buffer, sizeof(phy_channel_params_t));
@@ -1314,8 +1325,15 @@ void *ue_standalone_pnf_task(void *context)
       uint16_t sf = ch_info.sfn_sf & 15;
       assert(sf < 10);
-      sf_rnti_mcs[sf].sinr = ch_info.sinr;
-      LOG_D(MAC, "Received_SINR = %f\n",ch_info.sinr);
+      if (ch_info.nb_of_sinrs > 1)
+        LOG_W(MAC, "Expecting at most one SINR.\n");
+      // TODO: Update sinr field of slot_rnti_mcs to be array.
+      for (int i = 0; i < ch_info.nb_of_sinrs; ++i)
+      {
+        sf_rnti_mcs[sf].sinr = ch_info.sinr[i];
+        LOG_D(MAC, "Received_SINR[%d] = %f\n", i, ch_info.sinr[i]);
+      }
diff --git a/openair2/PHY_INTERFACE/phy_stub_UE.h b/openair2/PHY_INTERFACE/phy_stub_UE.h
index ebaae6e667b8aa7f8a7a88415871ba73df23f34f..d68d1dffdd91a25371c7193521bd2ae68f8a3298 100644
--- a/openair2/PHY_INTERFACE/phy_stub_UE.h
+++ b/openair2/PHY_INTERFACE/phy_stub_UE.h
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
 #define NUM_MCS 28
 #define NUM_SINR 100
 #define NUM_BLER_COL 13
+#define LTE_NUM_LAYER 1
 // this mutex is used to set multiple UE's UL value in L2 FAPI simulator.
 extern FILL_UL_INFO_MUTEX_t fill_ul_mutex;
@@ -126,7 +127,9 @@ void handle_nfapi_ul_pdu_UE_MAC(module_id_t Mod_id,
 typedef struct phy_channel_params_t
     uint16_t sfn_sf;
-    float sinr;
+    uint16_t message_id;
+    uint16_t nb_of_sinrs;
+    float sinr[LTE_NUM_LAYER];
     // Incomplete, need all channel parameters
 } phy_channel_params_t;
diff --git a/openair2/PHY_INTERFACE/queue_t.h b/openair2/PHY_INTERFACE/queue_t.h
index 4678e310301ac4934ca1f7e2c241e18f481a01c4..5c644a320cf6ace6da00c7a4aa596c400d310ea6 100644
--- a/openair2/PHY_INTERFACE/queue_t.h
+++ b/openair2/PHY_INTERFACE/queue_t.h
@@ -24,7 +24,8 @@
-#pragma once
 #include <stdbool.h>
 #include <stdint.h>
@@ -62,3 +63,5 @@ typedef bool queue_matcher_t(void *wanted, void *candidate);
    Look only at the last `max_depth` items on the queue, at most.
    Returns the candidate item, or NULL if none matches */
 void *unqueue_matching(queue_t *q, size_t max_depth, queue_matcher_t *matcher, void *wanted);
+#endif  /* __OPENAIR2_PHY_INTERFACE_QUEUE_T__H__ */
diff --git a/openair2/RRC/LTE/MESSAGES/asn1_msg.h b/openair2/RRC/LTE/MESSAGES/asn1_msg.h
index d1d1d3febe15254bac219f28f439bd1578b8a749..8373bb53f330b0c7bae733322ea0ace7089fd318 100644
--- a/openair2/RRC/LTE/MESSAGES/asn1_msg.h
+++ b/openair2/RRC/LTE/MESSAGES/asn1_msg.h
@@ -28,6 +28,9 @@
 * \email: raymond.knopp@eurecom.fr and  navid.nikaein@eurecom.fr
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <stdlib.h> /* for atoi(3) */
@@ -405,3 +408,5 @@ uint8_t do_SecurityModeCommand(
   const uint8_t Transaction_id,
   const uint8_t cipheringAlgorithm,
   const uint8_t integrityProtAlgorithm);
+#endif  /* __RRC_LTE_MESSAGES_ASN1_MSG__H__ */
diff --git a/openair2/RRC/NR/L2_nr_interface.c b/openair2/RRC/NR/L2_nr_interface.c
index 1cf690ac0c064ac68e1d8b35f64ff77507a3ed97..e30b55cc94dfe346f132f8cd095ec2c841848cd0 100644
--- a/openair2/RRC/NR/L2_nr_interface.c
+++ b/openair2/RRC/NR/L2_nr_interface.c
@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ int8_t nr_mac_rrc_data_ind(const module_id_t     module_idP,
     ue_context_p->ue_context.Srb0.Active        = 1;
     RB_INSERT(rrc_nr_ue_tree_s, &RC.nrrrc[module_idP]->rrc_ue_head, ue_context_p);
-    fill_initial_cellGroupConfig(ue_context_p->local_uid,&cellGroupConfig,scc,&RC.nrrrc[module_idP]->carrier);
+    fill_initial_cellGroupConfig(ue_context_p->local_uid,&cellGroupConfig,scc, &RC.nrrrc[module_idP]->configuration);
     MessageDef* tmp=itti_alloc_new_message_sized(TASK_RRC_GNB, 0, F1AP_INITIAL_UL_RRC_MESSAGE, sizeof(f1ap_initial_ul_rrc_message_t) + sdu_lenP);
     f1ap_initial_ul_rrc_message_t *msg = &F1AP_INITIAL_UL_RRC_MESSAGE(tmp);
diff --git a/openair2/RRC/NR/MESSAGES/asn1_msg.c b/openair2/RRC/NR/MESSAGES/asn1_msg.c
index d04ed78270f0efd56ef135bd6b3cd2760128b4ff..9252a23596156771840f8f939f39ee3d52c4abcb 100755
--- a/openair2/RRC/NR/MESSAGES/asn1_msg.c
+++ b/openair2/RRC/NR/MESSAGES/asn1_msg.c
@@ -197,6 +197,7 @@ uint8_t do_MIB_NR(gNB_RRC_INST *rrc,uint32_t frame) {
   asn_enc_rval_t enc_rval;
   rrc_gNB_carrier_data_t *carrier = &rrc->carrier;  
+  const gNB_RrcConfigurationReq *configuration = &rrc->configuration;
   NR_BCCH_BCH_Message_t *mib = &carrier->mib;
   NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc = carrier->servingcellconfigcommon;
@@ -220,7 +221,7 @@ uint8_t do_MIB_NR(gNB_RRC_INST *rrc,uint32_t frame) {
   mib->message.choice.mib->spare.size = 1;
   mib->message.choice.mib->spare.bits_unused = 7;  // This makes a spare of 1 bits
-  mib->message.choice.mib->ssb_SubcarrierOffset = (carrier->ssb_SubcarrierOffset)&15;
+  mib->message.choice.mib->ssb_SubcarrierOffset = (configuration->ssb_SubcarrierOffset)&15;
   * The SIB1 will be sent in this allocation (Type0-PDCCH) : 38.213, 13-4 Table and 38.213 13-11 to 13-14 tables
@@ -1007,8 +1008,8 @@ long rrc_get_max_nr_csrs(uint8_t max_rbs, long b_SRS) {
 void fill_initial_SpCellConfig(int uid,
                                NR_SpCellConfig_t *SpCellConfig,
                                NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc,
-                               rrc_gNB_carrier_data_t *carrier) {
+                               const gNB_RrcConfigurationReq *configuration)
   // This assert will never happen in the current implementation because NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX = 4.
   // However, if in the future NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX is increased, it will be necessary to improve the allocation of SRS resources,
   // where the startPosition = 2 or 3 and sl160 = 17, 17, 27 ... 157 only give us 30 different allocations.
@@ -1139,7 +1140,7 @@ void fill_initial_SpCellConfig(int uid,
-  if(carrier->do_SRS) {
+  if (configuration->do_SRS) {
     srs_resset0->resourceType.present =  NR_SRS_ResourceSet__resourceType_PR_periodic;
     srs_resset0->resourceType.choice.periodic = calloc(1,sizeof(*srs_resset0->resourceType.choice.periodic));
     srs_resset0->resourceType.choice.periodic->associatedCSI_RS = NULL;
@@ -1183,7 +1184,7 @@ void fill_initial_SpCellConfig(int uid,
-  if(carrier->do_SRS) {
+  if (configuration->do_SRS) {
     srs_res0->resourceType.present= NR_SRS_Resource__resourceType_PR_periodic;
     srs_res0->resourceType.choice.periodic->periodicityAndOffset_p.present = NR_SRS_PeriodicityAndOffset_PR_sl160;
@@ -1229,9 +1230,9 @@ void fill_initial_SpCellConfig(int uid,
  long *delay[8];
  for (int i=0;i<8;i++) {
    delay[i] = calloc(1,sizeof(*delay[i]));
-   AssertFatal(carrier->minRXTXTIME >=2 && carrier->minRXTXTIME <7,
-               "check minRXTXTIME %d\n",carrier->minRXTXTIME);
-   *delay[i] = (i+carrier->minRXTXTIME);
+   AssertFatal(configuration->minRXTXTIME >= 2 && configuration->minRXTXTIME < 7,
+               "minRXTXTIME is %d but should be within [2,7)\n", configuration->minRXTXTIME);
+   *delay[i] = i + configuration->minRXTXTIME;
@@ -1451,25 +1452,26 @@ void fill_mastercellGroupConfig(NR_CellGroupConfig_t *cellGroupConfig, NR_CellGr
   ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&ue_context_mastercellGroup->rlc_BearerToAddModList->list, rlc_BearerConfig_drb);
 void update_cellGroupConfig(NR_CellGroupConfig_t *cellGroupConfig,
-                            rrc_gNB_carrier_data_t *carrier,
-                            NR_UE_NR_Capability_t *uecap) {
+                            NR_UE_NR_Capability_t *uecap,
+                            const gNB_RrcConfigurationReq* configuration) {
   NR_SpCellConfig_t *SpCellConfig = cellGroupConfig->spCellConfig;
   if (SpCellConfig == NULL) return;
-  NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc = carrier->servingcellconfigcommon;
+  NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc = configuration->scc;
   NR_BWP_DownlinkDedicated_t *bwp_Dedicated = SpCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated->initialDownlinkBWP;
-                   uecap, bwp_Dedicated, scc);
+                   configuration->force_256qam_off ? NULL : uecap, bwp_Dedicated, scc);
   struct NR_ServingCellConfig__downlinkBWP_ToAddModList *DL_BWP_list = SpCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated->downlinkBWP_ToAddModList;
   if (DL_BWP_list) {
     for (int i=0; i<DL_BWP_list->list.count; i++){
       NR_BWP_Downlink_t *bwp = DL_BWP_list->list.array[i];
       int scs = bwp->bwp_Common->genericParameters.subcarrierSpacing;
-      set_dl_mcs_table(scs, uecap, bwp->bwp_Dedicated, carrier->servingcellconfigcommon);
+      set_dl_mcs_table(scs, configuration->force_256qam_off ? NULL : uecap, bwp->bwp_Dedicated, scc);
@@ -1478,8 +1480,8 @@ void update_cellGroupConfig(NR_CellGroupConfig_t *cellGroupConfig,
 void fill_initial_cellGroupConfig(int uid,
                                   NR_CellGroupConfig_t *cellGroupConfig,
                                   NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc,
-                                  rrc_gNB_carrier_data_t *carrier) {
+                                  const gNB_RrcConfigurationReq *configuration)
   NR_RLC_BearerConfig_t                            *rlc_BearerConfig     = NULL;
   NR_RLC_Config_t                                  *rlc_Config           = NULL;
   NR_LogicalChannelConfig_t                        *logicalChannelConfig = NULL;
@@ -1569,7 +1571,7 @@ void fill_initial_cellGroupConfig(int uid,
   cellGroupConfig->spCellConfig                                             = calloc(1,sizeof(*cellGroupConfig->spCellConfig));
-  fill_initial_SpCellConfig(uid,cellGroupConfig->spCellConfig,scc,carrier);
+  fill_initial_SpCellConfig(uid,cellGroupConfig->spCellConfig,scc,configuration);
   cellGroupConfig->sCellToAddModList                                        = NULL;
   cellGroupConfig->sCellToReleaseList                                       = NULL;
@@ -1581,7 +1583,7 @@ uint8_t do_RRCSetup(rrc_gNB_ue_context_t         *const ue_context_pP,
                     const uint8_t                transaction_id,
                     OCTET_STRING_t               *masterCellGroup_from_DU,
                     NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc,
-                    rrc_gNB_carrier_data_t *carrier)
+                    const gNB_RrcConfigurationReq *configuration)
     asn_enc_rval_t                                   enc_rval;
@@ -1648,7 +1650,7 @@ uint8_t do_RRCSetup(rrc_gNB_ue_context_t         *const ue_context_pP,
     else {
       cellGroupConfig = calloc(1, sizeof(NR_CellGroupConfig_t));
-      fill_initial_cellGroupConfig(ue_context_pP->local_uid,cellGroupConfig,scc,carrier);
+      fill_initial_cellGroupConfig(ue_context_pP->local_uid, cellGroupConfig, scc, configuration);
       enc_rval = uper_encode_to_buffer(&asn_DEF_NR_CellGroupConfig,
@@ -1896,6 +1898,7 @@ int16_t do_RRCReconfiguration(
     struct NR_RRCReconfiguration_v1530_IEs__dedicatedNAS_MessageList *dedicatedNAS_MessageList,
     rrc_gNB_ue_context_t         *const ue_context_pP,
     rrc_gNB_carrier_data_t       *carrier,
+    const gNB_RrcConfigurationReq *configuration,
     NR_MAC_CellGroupConfig_t     *mac_CellGroupConfig,
     NR_CellGroupConfig_t         *cellGroupConfig)
@@ -1948,8 +1951,9 @@ int16_t do_RRCReconfiguration(
-                             carrier,
-                             ue_context_pP->ue_context.UE_Capability_nr);
+                             ue_context_pP->ue_context.UE_Capability_nr,
+                             configuration);
       enc_rval = uper_encode_to_buffer(&asn_DEF_NR_CellGroupConfig,
           (void *)cellGroupConfig,
diff --git a/openair2/RRC/NR/MESSAGES/asn1_msg.h b/openair2/RRC/NR/MESSAGES/asn1_msg.h
index 7fe08704c2bdb64d0f90ea71e48a851ed34553ec..aeef5f93a7ef1eac76400206cd0bbf44c9fe595e 100644
--- a/openair2/RRC/NR/MESSAGES/asn1_msg.h
+++ b/openair2/RRC/NR/MESSAGES/asn1_msg.h
@@ -28,7 +28,8 @@
 * \email: raymond.knopp@eurecom.fr and  navid.nikaein@eurecom.fr, kroempa@gmail.com
-#pragma once
+#ifndef __RRC_NR_MESSAGES_ASN1_MSG__H__
+#define __RRC_NR_MESSAGES_ASN1_MSG__H__
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <sys/types.h>
@@ -101,18 +102,18 @@ uint8_t do_RRCReject(uint8_t Mod_id,
                      uint8_t *const buffer);
 void fill_initial_SpCellConfig(int uid,
-			       NR_SpCellConfig_t *SpCellConfig,
-			       NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc,
-                               rrc_gNB_carrier_data_t *carrier);
+                               NR_SpCellConfig_t *SpCellConfig,
+                               NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc,
+                               const gNB_RrcConfigurationReq *configuration);
 void fill_initial_cellGroupConfig(int uid,
-				  NR_CellGroupConfig_t *cellGroupConfig,
-				  NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc,
-                                  rrc_gNB_carrier_data_t *carrier);
+                                  NR_CellGroupConfig_t *cellGroupConfig,
+                                  NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc,
+                                  const gNB_RrcConfigurationReq *configuration);
 void update_cellGroupConfig(NR_CellGroupConfig_t *cellGroupConfig,
-                            rrc_gNB_carrier_data_t *carrier,
-                            NR_UE_NR_Capability_t *uecap);
+                            NR_UE_NR_Capability_t *uecap,
+                            const gNB_RrcConfigurationReq *configuration);
 void fill_mastercellGroupConfig(NR_CellGroupConfig_t *cellGroupConfig, NR_CellGroupConfig_t *ue_context_mastercellGroup);
@@ -121,7 +122,7 @@ uint8_t do_RRCSetup(rrc_gNB_ue_context_t         *const ue_context_pP,
                     const uint8_t                transaction_id,
                     OCTET_STRING_t               *masterCellGroup_from_DU,
                     NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc,
-                    rrc_gNB_carrier_data_t *carrier);
+                    const gNB_RrcConfigurationReq *configuration);
 uint8_t do_NR_SecurityModeCommand(
                     const protocol_ctxt_t *const ctxt_pP,
@@ -151,6 +152,7 @@ int16_t do_RRCReconfiguration(
     struct NR_RRCReconfiguration_v1530_IEs__dedicatedNAS_MessageList *dedicatedNAS_MessageList,
     rrc_gNB_ue_context_t         *const ue_context_pP,
     rrc_gNB_carrier_data_t       *carrier,
+    const gNB_RrcConfigurationReq *configuration,
     NR_MAC_CellGroupConfig_t     *mac_CellGroupConfig,
     NR_CellGroupConfig_t         *cellGroupConfig);
@@ -205,3 +207,4 @@ do_RRCReestablishmentComplete(
     uint8_t *buffer, size_t buffer_size,
     int64_t rrc_TransactionIdentifier);
+#endif  /* __RRC_NR_MESSAGES_ASN1_MSG__H__ */
diff --git a/openair2/RRC/NR/nr_rrc_config.c b/openair2/RRC/NR/nr_rrc_config.c
index f8f05f2fe59abd98efc07f35637685d81910dd7c..bb2a180146c12bc92e65ba768e57289dada83075 100644
--- a/openair2/RRC/NR/nr_rrc_config.c
+++ b/openair2/RRC/NR/nr_rrc_config.c
@@ -31,6 +31,145 @@
 #include "nr_rrc_config.h"
 #include "common/utils/nr/nr_common.h"
+const uint8_t slotsperframe[5] = {10, 20, 40, 80, 160};
+void set_csirs_periodicity(NR_NZP_CSI_RS_Resource_t *nzpcsi0, int uid, int nb_slots_per_period) {
+  nzpcsi0->periodicityAndOffset = calloc(1,sizeof(*nzpcsi0->periodicityAndOffset));
+  int ideal_period = nb_slots_per_period*MAX_MOBILES_PER_GNB;
+  if (ideal_period<5) {
+    nzpcsi0->periodicityAndOffset->present = NR_CSI_ResourcePeriodicityAndOffset_PR_slots4;
+    nzpcsi0->periodicityAndOffset->choice.slots4 = nb_slots_per_period*uid;
+  }
+  else if (ideal_period<6) {
+    nzpcsi0->periodicityAndOffset->present = NR_CSI_ResourcePeriodicityAndOffset_PR_slots5;
+    nzpcsi0->periodicityAndOffset->choice.slots5 = nb_slots_per_period*uid;
+  }
+  else if (ideal_period<9) {
+    nzpcsi0->periodicityAndOffset->present = NR_CSI_ResourcePeriodicityAndOffset_PR_slots8;
+    nzpcsi0->periodicityAndOffset->choice.slots8 = nb_slots_per_period*uid;
+  }
+  else if (ideal_period<11) {
+    nzpcsi0->periodicityAndOffset->present = NR_CSI_ResourcePeriodicityAndOffset_PR_slots10;
+    nzpcsi0->periodicityAndOffset->choice.slots10 = nb_slots_per_period*uid;
+  }
+  else if (ideal_period<17) {
+    nzpcsi0->periodicityAndOffset->present = NR_CSI_ResourcePeriodicityAndOffset_PR_slots16;
+    nzpcsi0->periodicityAndOffset->choice.slots16 = nb_slots_per_period*uid;
+  }
+  else if (ideal_period<21) {
+    nzpcsi0->periodicityAndOffset->present = NR_CSI_ResourcePeriodicityAndOffset_PR_slots20;
+    nzpcsi0->periodicityAndOffset->choice.slots20 = nb_slots_per_period*uid;
+  }
+  else if (ideal_period<41) {
+    nzpcsi0->periodicityAndOffset->present = NR_CSI_ResourcePeriodicityAndOffset_PR_slots40;
+    nzpcsi0->periodicityAndOffset->choice.slots40 = nb_slots_per_period*uid;
+  }
+  else if (ideal_period<81) {
+    nzpcsi0->periodicityAndOffset->present = NR_CSI_ResourcePeriodicityAndOffset_PR_slots80;
+    nzpcsi0->periodicityAndOffset->choice.slots80 = nb_slots_per_period*uid;
+  }
+  else if (ideal_period<161) {
+    nzpcsi0->periodicityAndOffset->present = NR_CSI_ResourcePeriodicityAndOffset_PR_slots160;
+    nzpcsi0->periodicityAndOffset->choice.slots160 = nb_slots_per_period*uid;
+  }
+  else {
+    nzpcsi0->periodicityAndOffset->present = NR_CSI_ResourcePeriodicityAndOffset_PR_slots320;
+    nzpcsi0->periodicityAndOffset->choice.slots320 = (nb_slots_per_period*uid)%320 + (nb_slots_per_period*uid)/320;
+  }
+void config_csirs(NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *servingcellconfigcommon,
+                  NR_CSI_MeasConfig_t *csi_MeasConfig,
+                  int uid,
+                  int num_dl_antenna_ports,
+                  int curr_bwp,
+                  int do_csirs) {
+  if (do_csirs) {
+    csi_MeasConfig->nzp_CSI_RS_ResourceSetToAddModList  = calloc(1,sizeof(*csi_MeasConfig->nzp_CSI_RS_ResourceSetToAddModList));
+    NR_NZP_CSI_RS_ResourceSet_t *nzpcsirs0 = calloc(1,sizeof(*nzpcsirs0));
+    nzpcsirs0->nzp_CSI_ResourceSetId = 0;
+    NR_NZP_CSI_RS_ResourceId_t *nzpid0 = calloc(1,sizeof(*nzpid0));
+    *nzpid0 = 0;
+    ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&nzpcsirs0->nzp_CSI_RS_Resources,nzpid0);
+    nzpcsirs0->repetition = NULL;
+    nzpcsirs0->aperiodicTriggeringOffset = NULL;
+    nzpcsirs0->trs_Info = NULL;
+    ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&csi_MeasConfig->nzp_CSI_RS_ResourceSetToAddModList->list,nzpcsirs0);
+    const NR_TDD_UL_DL_Pattern_t *tdd = servingcellconfigcommon->tdd_UL_DL_ConfigurationCommon ?
+                                        &servingcellconfigcommon->tdd_UL_DL_ConfigurationCommon->pattern1 : NULL;
+    const int n_slots_frame = slotsperframe[*servingcellconfigcommon->ssbSubcarrierSpacing];
+    int nb_slots_per_period = n_slots_frame;
+    if (tdd)
+      nb_slots_per_period = n_slots_frame/get_nb_periods_per_frame(tdd->dl_UL_TransmissionPeriodicity);
+    csi_MeasConfig->nzp_CSI_RS_ResourceToAddModList = calloc(1,sizeof(*csi_MeasConfig->nzp_CSI_RS_ResourceToAddModList));
+    NR_NZP_CSI_RS_Resource_t *nzpcsi0 = calloc(1,sizeof(*nzpcsi0));
+    nzpcsi0->nzp_CSI_RS_ResourceId = 0;
+    NR_CSI_RS_ResourceMapping_t resourceMapping;
+    switch (num_dl_antenna_ports) {
+      case 1:
+        resourceMapping.frequencyDomainAllocation.present = NR_CSI_RS_ResourceMapping__frequencyDomainAllocation_PR_row2;
+        resourceMapping.frequencyDomainAllocation.choice.row2.buf = calloc(2, sizeof(uint8_t));
+        resourceMapping.frequencyDomainAllocation.choice.row2.size = 2;
+        resourceMapping.frequencyDomainAllocation.choice.row2.bits_unused = 4;
+        resourceMapping.frequencyDomainAllocation.choice.row2.buf[0] = 0;
+        resourceMapping.frequencyDomainAllocation.choice.row2.buf[1] = 16;
+        resourceMapping.nrofPorts = NR_CSI_RS_ResourceMapping__nrofPorts_p1;
+        resourceMapping.cdm_Type = NR_CSI_RS_ResourceMapping__cdm_Type_noCDM;
+        break;
+      case 2:
+        resourceMapping.frequencyDomainAllocation.present = NR_CSI_RS_ResourceMapping__frequencyDomainAllocation_PR_other;
+        resourceMapping.frequencyDomainAllocation.choice.other.buf = calloc(2, sizeof(uint8_t));
+        resourceMapping.frequencyDomainAllocation.choice.other.size = 1;
+        resourceMapping.frequencyDomainAllocation.choice.other.bits_unused = 2;
+        resourceMapping.frequencyDomainAllocation.choice.other.buf[0] = 4;
+        resourceMapping.nrofPorts = NR_CSI_RS_ResourceMapping__nrofPorts_p2;
+        resourceMapping.cdm_Type = NR_CSI_RS_ResourceMapping__cdm_Type_fd_CDM2;
+        break;
+      case 4:
+        resourceMapping.frequencyDomainAllocation.present = NR_CSI_RS_ResourceMapping__frequencyDomainAllocation_PR_row4;
+        resourceMapping.frequencyDomainAllocation.choice.row4.buf = calloc(2, sizeof(uint8_t));
+        resourceMapping.frequencyDomainAllocation.choice.row4.size = 1;
+        resourceMapping.frequencyDomainAllocation.choice.row4.bits_unused = 5;
+        resourceMapping.frequencyDomainAllocation.choice.row4.buf[0] = 32;
+        resourceMapping.nrofPorts = NR_CSI_RS_ResourceMapping__nrofPorts_p4;
+        resourceMapping.cdm_Type = NR_CSI_RS_ResourceMapping__cdm_Type_fd_CDM2;
+        break;
+      default:
+        AssertFatal(1==0,"Number of ports not yet supported\n");
+    }
+    resourceMapping.firstOFDMSymbolInTimeDomain = 13;  // last symbol of slot
+    resourceMapping.firstOFDMSymbolInTimeDomain2 = NULL;
+    resourceMapping.density.present = NR_CSI_RS_ResourceMapping__density_PR_one;
+    resourceMapping.density.choice.one = (NULL_t)0;
+    resourceMapping.freqBand.startingRB = 0;
+    resourceMapping.freqBand.nrofRBs = ((curr_bwp>>2)+(curr_bwp%4>0))<<2;
+    nzpcsi0->resourceMapping = resourceMapping;
+    nzpcsi0->powerControlOffset = 0;
+    nzpcsi0->powerControlOffsetSS=calloc(1,sizeof(*nzpcsi0->powerControlOffsetSS));
+    *nzpcsi0->powerControlOffsetSS = NR_NZP_CSI_RS_Resource__powerControlOffsetSS_db0;
+    nzpcsi0->scramblingID = *servingcellconfigcommon->physCellId;
+    set_csirs_periodicity(nzpcsi0, uid, nb_slots_per_period);
+    nzpcsi0->qcl_InfoPeriodicCSI_RS = NULL;
+    ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&csi_MeasConfig->nzp_CSI_RS_ResourceToAddModList->list,nzpcsi0);
+  }
+  else {
+    csi_MeasConfig->nzp_CSI_RS_ResourceToAddModList = NULL;
+    csi_MeasConfig->nzp_CSI_RS_ResourceSetToAddModList  = NULL;
+  }
+  csi_MeasConfig->nzp_CSI_RS_ResourceSetToReleaseList = NULL;
+  csi_MeasConfig->nzp_CSI_RS_ResourceToReleaseList = NULL;
 void prepare_sim_uecap(NR_UE_NR_Capability_t *cap,
                        NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc,
                        int numerology,
diff --git a/openair2/RRC/NR/nr_rrc_config.h b/openair2/RRC/NR/nr_rrc_config.h
index 1a0d091e3594ef01f77dbc3185d01f5ec764c5d8..7a0fe892fdc850f02138959e4b9261fa8f987636 100644
--- a/openair2/RRC/NR/nr_rrc_config.h
+++ b/openair2/RRC/NR/nr_rrc_config.h
@@ -113,6 +113,12 @@ typedef struct physicalcellgroup_s{
 void nr_rrc_config_dl_tda(NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc);
 void nr_rrc_config_ul_tda(NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc, int min_fb_delay);
+void config_csirs(NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *servingcellconfigcommon,
+                  NR_CSI_MeasConfig_t *csi_MeasConfig,
+                  int uid,
+                  int num_dl_antenna_ports,
+                  int curr_bwp,
+                  int do_csirs);
 void set_dl_mcs_table(int scs, NR_UE_NR_Capability_t *cap,
                       NR_BWP_DownlinkDedicated_t *bwp_Dedicated,
                       NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *scc);
diff --git a/openair2/RRC/NR/nr_rrc_defs.h b/openair2/RRC/NR/nr_rrc_defs.h
index 1b2c38c8356e90cc5a4daff789b2d86f9e2797ae..b26f8243a073195e47f4e02eece9ce61f5a89709 100644
--- a/openair2/RRC/NR/nr_rrc_defs.h
+++ b/openair2/RRC/NR/nr_rrc_defs.h
@@ -424,7 +424,6 @@ typedef struct rrc_gNB_ue_context_s {
   struct gNB_RRC_UE_s   ue_context;
 } rrc_gNB_ue_context_t;
 typedef struct {
   // buffer that contains the encoded messages
@@ -449,13 +448,6 @@ typedef struct {
   NR_SIB2_t                                *sib2;
   NR_SIB3_t                                *sib3;
   NR_BCCH_DL_SCH_Message_t                  systemInformation; // SIB23
-  int ssb_SubcarrierOffset;
-  int sib1_tda;
-  int pdsch_AntennaPorts;
-  int pusch_AntennaPorts;
-  int minRXTXTIME;
-  int do_CSIRS;
-  int do_SRS;
   NR_BCCH_DL_SCH_Message_t                  *siblock1;
   NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t              *servingcellconfigcommon;
   NR_PDCCH_ConfigSIB1_t                     *pdcch_ConfigSIB1;
diff --git a/openair2/RRC/NR/nr_rrc_proto.h b/openair2/RRC/NR/nr_rrc_proto.h
index 7dceb55a4bb98444e7534708665e3419dcaa880b..006040bbb9417f842d6e028acd39bee8f9c958a6 100644
--- a/openair2/RRC/NR/nr_rrc_proto.h
+++ b/openair2/RRC/NR/nr_rrc_proto.h
@@ -79,27 +79,15 @@ void fill_default_secondaryCellGroup(NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *servingcellco
                                      NR_UE_NR_Capability_t *uecap,
                                      int scg_id,
                                      int servCellIndex,
-                                     int dl_antenna_ports,
-                                     int minRXTXTIMEpdsch,
-                                     int do_csirs,
-                                     int do_srs,
+                                     const gNB_RrcConfigurationReq *configuration,
                                      int uid);
-void config_csirs(NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *servingcellconfigcommon,
-                  NR_CSI_MeasConfig_t *csi_MeasConfig,
-                  int dl_antenna_ports,
-                  int curr_bwp,
-                  int do_csirs);
 void fill_default_reconfig(NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *servingcellconfigcommon,
                            NR_ServingCellConfig_t *servingcellconfigdedicated,
                            NR_RRCReconfiguration_IEs_t *reconfig,
                            NR_CellGroupConfig_t *secondaryCellGroup,
                            NR_UE_NR_Capability_t *uecap,
-                           int dl_antenna_ports,
-                           int minRXTXTIMEpdsch,
-                           int do_csirs,
-                           int do_srs,
+                           const gNB_RrcConfigurationReq *configuration,
                            int uid);
 void fill_default_rbconfig(NR_RadioBearerConfig_t *rbconfig,
diff --git a/openair2/RRC/NR/rrc_gNB.c b/openair2/RRC/NR/rrc_gNB.c
index d6c658f01d1f3fa61780b30a5a155ff0e7ddac57..1715677c6df6fed74a2d1301af30157962984aaa 100755
--- a/openair2/RRC/NR/rrc_gNB.c
+++ b/openair2/RRC/NR/rrc_gNB.c
@@ -166,17 +166,17 @@ static void init_NR_SI(gNB_RRC_INST *rrc, gNB_RrcConfigurationReq *configuration
   if (NODE_IS_MONOLITHIC(rrc->node_type)){
-			   rrc->carrier.ssb_SubcarrierOffset,
-			   rrc->carrier.pdsch_AntennaPorts,
-			   rrc->carrier.pusch_AntennaPorts,
-                           rrc->carrier.sib1_tda,
-                           rrc->carrier.minRXTXTIME,
-			   (NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *)rrc->carrier.servingcellconfigcommon,
-			   &rrc->carrier.mib,
-			   0,
-			   0, // WIP hardcoded rnti
-			   (NR_CellGroupConfig_t *)NULL
-			   );
+                           rrc->configuration.ssb_SubcarrierOffset,
+                           rrc->configuration.pdsch_AntennaPorts,
+                           rrc->configuration.pusch_AntennaPorts,
+                           rrc->configuration.sib1_tda,
+                           rrc->configuration.minRXTXTIME,
+                           rrc->carrier.servingcellconfigcommon,
+                           &rrc->carrier.mib,
+                           rrc->carrier.siblock1,
+                           0,
+                           0, // WIP hardcoded rnti
+                           NULL);
   /* set flag to indicate that cell information is configured. This is required
@@ -216,14 +216,8 @@ char openair_rrc_gNB_configuration(const module_id_t gnb_mod_idP, gNB_RrcConfigu
   rrc->s1ap_id2_s1ap_ids    = hashtable_create (NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX * 2, NULL, NULL);
   rrc->initial_id2_ngap_ids = hashtable_create (NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX * 2, NULL, NULL);
   rrc->ngap_id2_ngap_ids    = hashtable_create (NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX * 2, NULL, NULL);
+  rrc->configuration = *configuration;
   rrc->carrier.servingcellconfigcommon = configuration->scc;
-  rrc->carrier.ssb_SubcarrierOffset = configuration->ssb_SubcarrierOffset;
-  rrc->carrier.pdsch_AntennaPorts = configuration->pdsch_AntennaPorts;
-  rrc->carrier.pusch_AntennaPorts = configuration->pusch_AntennaPorts;
-  rrc->carrier.minRXTXTIME = configuration->minRXTXTIME;
-  rrc->carrier.sib1_tda = configuration->sib1_tda;
-  rrc->carrier.do_CSIRS = configuration->do_CSIRS;
-  rrc->carrier.do_SRS = configuration->do_SRS;
    /// System Information INIT
@@ -279,24 +273,26 @@ void apply_macrlc_config(gNB_RRC_INST *rrc,
                          rrc_gNB_ue_context_t         *const ue_context_pP,
                          const protocol_ctxt_t        *const ctxt_pP ) {
-      rrc_mac_config_req_gNB(rrc->module_id,
-			     rrc->carrier.ssb_SubcarrierOffset,
-			     rrc->carrier.pdsch_AntennaPorts,
-			     rrc->carrier.pusch_AntennaPorts,
-			     rrc->carrier.sib1_tda,
-                             rrc->carrier.minRXTXTIME,
-			     NULL,
-                             NULL,
-			     0,
-			     ue_context_pP->ue_context.rnti,
-			     get_softmodem_params()->sa ? ue_context_pP->ue_context.masterCellGroup : (NR_CellGroupConfig_t *)NULL);
+  NR_CellGroupConfig_t *cgc = get_softmodem_params()->sa ? ue_context_pP->ue_context.masterCellGroup : NULL;
+  rrc_mac_config_req_gNB(rrc->module_id,
+                         rrc->configuration.ssb_SubcarrierOffset,
+                         rrc->configuration.pdsch_AntennaPorts,
+                         rrc->configuration.pusch_AntennaPorts,
+                         rrc->configuration.sib1_tda,
+                         rrc->configuration.minRXTXTIME,
+                         NULL,
+                         NULL,
+                         NULL,
+                         0,
+                         ue_context_pP->ue_context.rnti,
+                         cgc);
-      nr_rrc_rlc_config_asn1_req(ctxt_pP,
-                                 ue_context_pP->ue_context.SRB_configList,
-                                 ue_context_pP->ue_context.DRB_configList,
-                                 NULL,
-                                 NULL,
-                                 get_softmodem_params()->sa ? ue_context_pP->ue_context.masterCellGroup->rlc_BearerToAddModList : NULL);
+  nr_rrc_rlc_config_asn1_req(ctxt_pP,
+                             ue_context_pP->ue_context.SRB_configList,
+                             ue_context_pP->ue_context.DRB_configList,
+                             NULL,
+                             NULL,
+                             get_softmodem_params()->sa ? cgc->rlc_BearerToAddModList : NULL);
@@ -340,10 +336,11 @@ rrc_gNB_generate_RRCSetup(
   gNB_RRC_UE_t *ue_p = &ue_context_pP->ue_context;
   gNB_RRC_INST *rrc = RC.nrrrc[ctxt_pP->module_id];
   ue_p->Srb0.Tx_buffer.payload_size = do_RRCSetup(ue_context_pP,
-						  (uint8_t *) ue_p->Srb0.Tx_buffer.Payload,
-						  rrc_gNB_get_next_transaction_identifier(ctxt_pP->module_id),
-						  masterCellGroup_from_DU,
-						  scc,&rrc->carrier);
+                                                  (uint8_t *) ue_p->Srb0.Tx_buffer.Payload,
+                                                  rrc_gNB_get_next_transaction_identifier(ctxt_pP->module_id),
+                                                  masterCellGroup_from_DU,
+                                                  scc,
+                                                  &rrc->configuration);
               (char *)(ue_p->Srb0.Tx_buffer.Payload),
@@ -450,10 +447,11 @@ rrc_gNB_generate_RRCSetup_for_RRCReestablishmentRequest(
   gNB_RRC_UE_t *ue_p = &ue_context_pP->ue_context;
   ue_p->Srb0.Tx_buffer.payload_size = do_RRCSetup(ue_context_pP,
-						  (uint8_t *) ue_p->Srb0.Tx_buffer.Payload,
-						  rrc_gNB_get_next_transaction_identifier(ctxt_pP->module_id),
-						  NULL,
-						  scc,&rrc_instance_p->carrier);
+                                                  (uint8_t *) ue_p->Srb0.Tx_buffer.Payload,
+                                                  rrc_gNB_get_next_transaction_identifier(ctxt_pP->module_id),
+                                                  NULL,
+                                                  scc,
+                                                  &rrc_instance_p->configuration);
               (char *)(ue_p->Srb0.Tx_buffer.Payload),
@@ -465,17 +463,17 @@ rrc_gNB_generate_RRCSetup_for_RRCReestablishmentRequest(
-                         rrc_instance_p->carrier.ssb_SubcarrierOffset,
-                         rrc_instance_p->carrier.pdsch_AntennaPorts,
-                         rrc_instance_p->carrier.pusch_AntennaPorts,
-                         rrc_instance_p->carrier.sib1_tda,
-                         rrc_instance_p->carrier.minRXTXTIME,
-                         (NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *)rrc_instance_p->carrier.servingcellconfigcommon,
+                         rrc_instance_p->configuration.ssb_SubcarrierOffset,
+                         rrc_instance_p->configuration.pdsch_AntennaPorts,
+                         rrc_instance_p->configuration.pusch_AntennaPorts,
+                         rrc_instance_p->configuration.sib1_tda,
+                         rrc_instance_p->configuration.minRXTXTIME,
+                         rrc_instance_p->carrier.servingcellconfigcommon,
+                         rrc_instance_p->carrier.siblock1,
-                         (NR_CellGroupConfig_t *)NULL
-			 );
+                         NULL);
         PROTOCOL_NR_RRC_CTXT_UE_FMT" [RAPROC] Logical Channel DL-CCCH, Generating RRCSetup (bytes %d)\n",
@@ -723,6 +721,7 @@ rrc_gNB_generate_defaultRRCReconfiguration(
+                                &rrc->configuration,
@@ -822,7 +821,6 @@ rrc_gNB_generate_dedicatedRRCReconfiguration(
   uint8_t                        buffer[RRC_BUF_SIZE];
   uint16_t                       size;
   int                            qos_flow_index = 0;
-  NR_QFI_t                       qfi = 0;
   int                            pdu_sessions_done = 0;
   int i;
   NR_CellGroupConfig_t *cellGroupConfig;
@@ -873,15 +871,21 @@ rrc_gNB_generate_dedicatedRRCReconfiguration(
     sdap_config = CALLOC(1, sizeof(NR_SDAP_Config_t));
     memset(sdap_config, 0, sizeof(NR_SDAP_Config_t));
     sdap_config->pdu_Session = ue_context_pP->ue_context.pduSession[i].param.pdusession_id;
-    sdap_config->sdap_HeaderDL = NR_SDAP_Config__sdap_HeaderDL_present;
-    sdap_config->sdap_HeaderUL = NR_SDAP_Config__sdap_HeaderUL_absent;
+    if (rrc->configuration.enable_sdap) {
+      sdap_config->sdap_HeaderDL = NR_SDAP_Config__sdap_HeaderDL_present;
+      sdap_config->sdap_HeaderUL = NR_SDAP_Config__sdap_HeaderUL_present;
+    } else {
+      sdap_config->sdap_HeaderDL = NR_SDAP_Config__sdap_HeaderDL_absent;
+      sdap_config->sdap_HeaderUL = NR_SDAP_Config__sdap_HeaderUL_absent;
+    }
     sdap_config->defaultDRB = TRUE;
     sdap_config->mappedQoS_FlowsToAdd = calloc(1, sizeof(struct NR_SDAP_Config__mappedQoS_FlowsToAdd));
     memset(sdap_config->mappedQoS_FlowsToAdd, 0, sizeof(struct NR_SDAP_Config__mappedQoS_FlowsToAdd));
     for (qos_flow_index = 0; qos_flow_index < ue_context_pP->ue_context.pduSession[i].param.nb_qos; qos_flow_index++) {
-      qfi = ue_context_pP->ue_context.pduSession[i].param.qos[qos_flow_index].qfi;
-      ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&sdap_config->mappedQoS_FlowsToAdd->list, &qfi);
+      NR_QFI_t *qfi = calloc(1, sizeof(NR_QFI_t));
+      *qfi = ue_context_pP->ue_context.pduSession[i].param.qos[qos_flow_index].qfi;
+      ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&sdap_config->mappedQoS_FlowsToAdd->list, qfi);
     sdap_config->mappedQoS_FlowsToRelease = NULL;
     DRB_config->cnAssociation->choice.sdap_Config = sdap_config;
@@ -986,6 +990,7 @@ rrc_gNB_generate_dedicatedRRCReconfiguration(
+                                &rrc->configuration,
   LOG_DUMPMSG(NR_RRC,DEBUG_RRC,(char *)buffer,size,"[MSG] RRC Reconfiguration\n");
@@ -1159,6 +1164,7 @@ rrc_gNB_modify_dedicatedRRCReconfiguration(
+                                NULL,
   LOG_DUMPMSG(NR_RRC, DEBUG_RRC, (char *)buffer, size, "[MSG] RRC Reconfiguration\n");
@@ -1259,6 +1265,7 @@ rrc_gNB_generate_dedicatedRRCReconfiguration_release(
+                               NULL,
   ue_context_pP->ue_context.pdu_session_release_command_flag = 1;
@@ -1362,17 +1369,17 @@ rrc_gNB_process_RRCReconfigurationComplete(
   if (!NODE_IS_CU(RC.nrrrc[ctxt_pP->module_id]->node_type)) {
-                           rrc->carrier.ssb_SubcarrierOffset,
-                           rrc->carrier.pdsch_AntennaPorts,
-                           rrc->carrier.pusch_AntennaPorts,
-                           rrc->carrier.sib1_tda,
-                           rrc->carrier.minRXTXTIME,
+                           rrc->configuration.ssb_SubcarrierOffset,
+                           rrc->configuration.pdsch_AntennaPorts,
+                           rrc->configuration.pusch_AntennaPorts,
+                           rrc->configuration.sib1_tda,
+                           rrc->configuration.minRXTXTIME,
+                           NULL,
-                           ue_context_pP->ue_context.masterCellGroup
-                           );
+                           ue_context_pP->ue_context.masterCellGroup);
     LOG_D(NR_RRC,"Configuring RLC DRBs/SRBs for UE %x\n",ue_context_pP->ue_context.rnti);
                                SRB_configList, // NULL,
@@ -1810,6 +1817,7 @@ rrc_gNB_process_RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete(
+                                NULL,
   LOG_DUMPMSG(NR_RRC,DEBUG_RRC,(char *)buffer,size,
               "[MSG] RRC Reconfiguration\n");
diff --git a/openair2/RRC/NR/rrc_gNB_nsa.c b/openair2/RRC/NR/rrc_gNB_nsa.c
index 70dfebaaf7d60a5a1f7520babfee1ed492dc90bb..bb66d1513b77d43c20c9a0897556123f6a578b7c 100644
--- a/openair2/RRC/NR/rrc_gNB_nsa.c
+++ b/openair2/RRC/NR/rrc_gNB_nsa.c
@@ -116,6 +116,7 @@ RB_PROTOTYPE(rrc_nr_ue_tree_s, rrc_gNB_ue_context_s, entries,
 void rrc_add_nsa_user(gNB_RRC_INST *rrc,struct rrc_gNB_ue_context_s *ue_context_p, x2ap_ENDC_sgnb_addition_req_t *m) {
   // generate nr-Config-r15 containers for LTE RRC : inside message for X2 EN-DC (CG-Config Message from 38.331)
   rrc_gNB_carrier_data_t *carrier=&rrc->carrier;
+  const gNB_RrcConfigurationReq *configuration = &rrc->configuration;
   MessageDef *msg;
   msg = itti_alloc_new_message(TASK_RRC_ENB, 0, X2AP_ENDC_SGNB_ADDITION_REQ_ACK);
   gtpv1u_enb_create_tunnel_req_t  create_tunnel_req;
@@ -240,29 +241,16 @@ void rrc_add_nsa_user(gNB_RRC_INST *rrc,struct rrc_gNB_ue_context_s *ue_context_
-  if (ue_context_p->ue_context.spCellConfig) {
-    fill_default_reconfig(carrier->servingcellconfigcommon,
-                          ue_context_p->ue_context.spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated,
-                          reconfig_ies,
-                          ue_context_p->ue_context.secondaryCellGroup,
-                          ue_context_p->ue_context.UE_Capability_nr,
-                          carrier->pdsch_AntennaPorts,
-                          carrier->minRXTXTIME,
-                          carrier->do_CSIRS,
-                          carrier->do_SRS,
-                          ue_context_p->local_uid);
-  } else {
-    fill_default_reconfig(carrier->servingcellconfigcommon,
-                          NULL,
-                          reconfig_ies,
-                          ue_context_p->ue_context.secondaryCellGroup,
-                          ue_context_p->ue_context.UE_Capability_nr,
-                          carrier->pdsch_AntennaPorts,
-                          carrier->minRXTXTIME,
-                          carrier->do_CSIRS,
-                          carrier->do_SRS,
-                          ue_context_p->local_uid);
-  }
+  NR_ServingCellConfig_t *scc = ue_context_p->ue_context.spCellConfig
+      ? ue_context_p->ue_context.spCellConfig->spCellConfigDedicated
+      : NULL;
+  fill_default_reconfig(carrier->servingcellconfigcommon,
+                        scc,
+                        reconfig_ies,
+                        ue_context_p->ue_context.secondaryCellGroup,
+                        ue_context_p->ue_context.UE_Capability_nr,
+                        configuration,
+                        ue_context_p->local_uid);
   ue_context_p->ue_id_rnti = ue_context_p->ue_context.secondaryCellGroup->spCellConfig->reconfigurationWithSync->newUE_Identity;
   NR_CG_Config_t *CG_Config = calloc(1,sizeof(*CG_Config));
   memset((void *)CG_Config,0,sizeof(*CG_Config));
@@ -359,23 +347,25 @@ void rrc_add_nsa_user(gNB_RRC_INST *rrc,struct rrc_gNB_ue_context_s *ue_context_
   // configure MAC and RLC
   if (NODE_IS_DU(rrc->node_type)) {
-                           rrc->carrier.ssb_SubcarrierOffset,
-                           rrc->carrier.pdsch_AntennaPorts,
-			   rrc->carrier.pusch_AntennaPorts,
-                           rrc->carrier.sib1_tda,
-                           rrc->carrier.minRXTXTIME,
+                           rrc->configuration.ssb_SubcarrierOffset,
+                           rrc->configuration.pdsch_AntennaPorts,
+                           rrc->configuration.pusch_AntennaPorts,
+                           rrc->configuration.sib1_tda,
+                           rrc->configuration.minRXTXTIME,
+                           NULL,
                            1, // add_ue flag
   } else {
-                           rrc->carrier.ssb_SubcarrierOffset,
-                           rrc->carrier.pdsch_AntennaPorts,
-                           rrc->carrier.pusch_AntennaPorts,
-                           rrc->carrier.sib1_tda,
-                           rrc->carrier.minRXTXTIME,
+                           rrc->configuration.ssb_SubcarrierOffset,
+                           rrc->configuration.pdsch_AntennaPorts,
+                           rrc->configuration.pusch_AntennaPorts,
+                           rrc->configuration.sib1_tda,
+                           rrc->configuration.minRXTXTIME,
+                           NULL,
                            1, // add_ue flag
diff --git a/openair2/RRC/NR/rrc_gNB_reconfig.c b/openair2/RRC/NR/rrc_gNB_reconfig.c
index 1a67a9c164df38d3dbf76e01d9bb99ff7ac8e916..36113fb7eea025f70d09e5cf5c70916450f15a5e 100644
--- a/openair2/RRC/NR/rrc_gNB_reconfig.c
+++ b/openair2/RRC/NR/rrc_gNB_reconfig.c
@@ -56,11 +56,12 @@ void fill_default_secondaryCellGroup(NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *servingcellco
                                      NR_UE_NR_Capability_t *uecap,
                                      int scg_id,
                                      int servCellIndex,
-                                     int dl_antenna_ports,
-                                     int minRXTXTIME,
-                                     int do_csirs,
-                                     int do_srs,
-                                     int uid) {
+                                     const gNB_RrcConfigurationReq *configuration,
+                                     int uid)
+  const rrc_pdsch_AntennaPorts_t* pdschap = &configuration->pdsch_AntennaPorts;
+  const int dl_antenna_ports = pdschap->N1 * pdschap->N2 * pdschap->XP;
+  const int do_csirs = configuration->do_CSIRS;
   AssertFatal(servingcellconfigcommon!=NULL,"servingcellconfigcommon is null\n");
   AssertFatal(secondaryCellGroup!=NULL,"secondaryCellGroup is null\n");
@@ -603,7 +604,10 @@ void fill_default_secondaryCellGroup(NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *servingcellco
- set_dl_mcs_table(bwp->bwp_Common->genericParameters.subcarrierSpacing, uecap, bwp->bwp_Dedicated, servingcellconfigcommon);
+ set_dl_mcs_table(bwp->bwp_Common->genericParameters.subcarrierSpacing,
+                  configuration->force_256qam_off ? NULL : uecap,
+                  bwp->bwp_Dedicated,
+                  servingcellconfigcommon);
  bwp->bwp_Dedicated->pdsch_Config->choice.setup->maxNrofCodeWordsScheduledByDCI = calloc(1,sizeof(*bwp->bwp_Dedicated->pdsch_Config->choice.setup->maxNrofCodeWordsScheduledByDCI));
  *bwp->bwp_Dedicated->pdsch_Config->choice.setup->maxNrofCodeWordsScheduledByDCI = NR_PDSCH_Config__maxNrofCodeWordsScheduledByDCI_n1;
  bwp->bwp_Dedicated->pdsch_Config->choice.setup->prb_BundlingType.present = NR_PDSCH_Config__prb_BundlingType_PR_staticBundling;
@@ -768,7 +772,7 @@ void fill_default_secondaryCellGroup(NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *servingcellco
-  if(do_srs) {
+  if (configuration->do_SRS) {
     srs_resset0->resourceType.present =  NR_SRS_ResourceSet__resourceType_PR_periodic;
     srs_resset0->resourceType.choice.periodic = calloc(1,sizeof(*srs_resset0->resourceType.choice.periodic));
     srs_resset0->resourceType.choice.periodic->associatedCSI_RS = NULL;
@@ -812,7 +816,7 @@ void fill_default_secondaryCellGroup(NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *servingcellco
-  if(do_srs) {
+  if (configuration->do_SRS) {
     srs_res0->resourceType.present= NR_SRS_Resource__resourceType_PR_periodic;
     srs_res0->resourceType.choice.periodic->periodicityAndOffset_p.present = NR_SRS_PeriodicityAndOffset_PR_sl160;
@@ -933,7 +937,7 @@ void fill_default_secondaryCellGroup(NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *servingcellco
  long *delay[8];
  for (int i=0;i<8;i++) {
    delay[i] = calloc(1,sizeof(*delay[i]));
-   *delay[i] = i+minRXTXTIME;
+   *delay[i] = i + configuration->minRXTXTIME;
  pucch_Config->spatialRelationInfoToAddModList = calloc(1,sizeof(*pucch_Config->spatialRelationInfoToAddModList));
@@ -1062,24 +1066,7 @@ void fill_default_secondaryCellGroup(NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *servingcellco
  csi_MeasConfig->csi_IM_ResourceToReleaseList = NULL;
  csi_MeasConfig->csi_IM_ResourceSetToReleaseList = NULL;
- if (do_csirs) {
-   csi_MeasConfig->nzp_CSI_RS_ResourceSetToAddModList  = calloc(1,sizeof(*csi_MeasConfig->nzp_CSI_RS_ResourceSetToAddModList));
-   NR_NZP_CSI_RS_ResourceSet_t *nzpcsirs0 = calloc(1,sizeof(*nzpcsirs0));
-   nzpcsirs0->nzp_CSI_ResourceSetId = 0;
-   NR_NZP_CSI_RS_ResourceId_t *nzpid0 = calloc(1,sizeof(*nzpid0));
-   *nzpid0 = 0;
-   ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&nzpcsirs0->nzp_CSI_RS_Resources,nzpid0);
-   nzpcsirs0->repetition = NULL;
-   nzpcsirs0->aperiodicTriggeringOffset = NULL;
-   nzpcsirs0->trs_Info = NULL;
-   ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&csi_MeasConfig->nzp_CSI_RS_ResourceSetToAddModList->list,nzpcsirs0);
- }
- else
-   csi_MeasConfig->nzp_CSI_RS_ResourceSetToAddModList  = NULL;
- csi_MeasConfig->nzp_CSI_RS_ResourceSetToReleaseList = NULL;
- config_csirs(servingcellconfigcommon, csi_MeasConfig,dl_antenna_ports,curr_bwp,do_csirs);
+ config_csirs(servingcellconfigcommon, csi_MeasConfig, uid, dl_antenna_ports, curr_bwp, do_csirs);
  csi_MeasConfig->csi_SSB_ResourceSetToAddModList = calloc(1,sizeof(*csi_MeasConfig->csi_SSB_ResourceSetToAddModList));
  csi_MeasConfig->csi_SSB_ResourceSetToReleaseList = NULL;
@@ -1098,9 +1085,9 @@ void fill_default_secondaryCellGroup(NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *servingcellco
  csi_MeasConfig->csi_ResourceConfigToAddModList = calloc(1,sizeof(*csi_MeasConfig->csi_ResourceConfigToAddModList));
+ csi_MeasConfig->csi_ResourceConfigToReleaseList = NULL;
  if (do_csirs) {
-   csi_MeasConfig->csi_ResourceConfigToReleaseList = NULL;
    NR_CSI_ResourceConfig_t *csires0 = calloc(1,sizeof(*csires0));
    csires0->csi_RS_ResourceSetList.present = NR_CSI_ResourceConfig__csi_RS_ResourceSetList_PR_nzp_CSI_RS_SSB;
@@ -1178,19 +1165,50 @@ void fill_default_secondaryCellGroup(NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *servingcellco
    csirep1->codebookConfig->codebookType.choice.type1 = calloc(1,sizeof(*csirep1->codebookConfig->codebookType.choice.type1));
-   csirep1->codebookConfig->codebookType.choice.type1->subType.choice.typeI_SinglePanel->nrOfAntennaPorts.present=
-     NR_CodebookConfig__codebookType__type1__subType__typeI_SinglePanel__nrOfAntennaPorts_PR_two;
-   csirep1->codebookConfig->codebookType.choice.type1->subType.choice.typeI_SinglePanel->nrOfAntennaPorts.choice.two=
-     calloc(1,sizeof(*csirep1->codebookConfig->codebookType.choice.type1->subType.choice.typeI_SinglePanel->nrOfAntennaPorts.choice.two));
-   csirep1->codebookConfig->codebookType.choice.type1->subType.choice.typeI_SinglePanel->nrOfAntennaPorts.choice.two->twoTX_CodebookSubsetRestriction.size=1;
-   csirep1->codebookConfig->codebookType.choice.type1->subType.choice.typeI_SinglePanel->nrOfAntennaPorts.choice.two->twoTX_CodebookSubsetRestriction.bits_unused=2;
-   csirep1->codebookConfig->codebookType.choice.type1->subType.choice.typeI_SinglePanel->nrOfAntennaPorts.choice.two->twoTX_CodebookSubsetRestriction.buf=malloc(1);
-   csirep1->codebookConfig->codebookType.choice.type1->subType.choice.typeI_SinglePanel->nrOfAntennaPorts.choice.two->twoTX_CodebookSubsetRestriction.buf[0]=0xfc;
-   csirep1->codebookConfig->codebookType.choice.type1->subType.choice.typeI_SinglePanel->typeI_SinglePanel_ri_Restriction.size=1;
-   csirep1->codebookConfig->codebookType.choice.type1->subType.choice.typeI_SinglePanel->typeI_SinglePanel_ri_Restriction.bits_unused=0;
-   csirep1->codebookConfig->codebookType.choice.type1->subType.choice.typeI_SinglePanel->typeI_SinglePanel_ri_Restriction.buf=malloc(1);
-   csirep1->codebookConfig->codebookType.choice.type1->subType.choice.typeI_SinglePanel->typeI_SinglePanel_ri_Restriction.buf[0]=0x03;
-   csirep1->codebookConfig->codebookType.choice.type1->codebookMode=1;
+   if (dl_antenna_ports == 2) {
+     csirep1->codebookConfig->codebookType.choice.type1->subType.choice.typeI_SinglePanel->nrOfAntennaPorts.present=
+       NR_CodebookConfig__codebookType__type1__subType__typeI_SinglePanel__nrOfAntennaPorts_PR_two;
+     csirep1->codebookConfig->codebookType.choice.type1->subType.choice.typeI_SinglePanel->nrOfAntennaPorts.choice.two=
+       calloc(1,sizeof(*csirep1->codebookConfig->codebookType.choice.type1->subType.choice.typeI_SinglePanel->nrOfAntennaPorts.choice.two));
+     csirep1->codebookConfig->codebookType.choice.type1->subType.choice.typeI_SinglePanel->nrOfAntennaPorts.choice.two->twoTX_CodebookSubsetRestriction.size=1;
+     csirep1->codebookConfig->codebookType.choice.type1->subType.choice.typeI_SinglePanel->nrOfAntennaPorts.choice.two->twoTX_CodebookSubsetRestriction.bits_unused=2;
+     csirep1->codebookConfig->codebookType.choice.type1->subType.choice.typeI_SinglePanel->nrOfAntennaPorts.choice.two->twoTX_CodebookSubsetRestriction.buf=malloc(1);
+     csirep1->codebookConfig->codebookType.choice.type1->subType.choice.typeI_SinglePanel->nrOfAntennaPorts.choice.two->twoTX_CodebookSubsetRestriction.buf[0]=0xfc;
+     csirep1->codebookConfig->codebookType.choice.type1->subType.choice.typeI_SinglePanel->typeI_SinglePanel_ri_Restriction.size=1;
+     csirep1->codebookConfig->codebookType.choice.type1->subType.choice.typeI_SinglePanel->typeI_SinglePanel_ri_Restriction.bits_unused=0;
+     csirep1->codebookConfig->codebookType.choice.type1->subType.choice.typeI_SinglePanel->typeI_SinglePanel_ri_Restriction.buf=malloc(1);
+     csirep1->codebookConfig->codebookType.choice.type1->subType.choice.typeI_SinglePanel->typeI_SinglePanel_ri_Restriction.buf[0]=0x03;
+     csirep1->codebookConfig->codebookType.choice.type1->codebookMode=1;
+   } else if (dl_antenna_ports < 16) {
+     csirep1->codebookConfig->codebookType.choice.type1->subType.choice.typeI_SinglePanel->nrOfAntennaPorts.present=
+       NR_CodebookConfig__codebookType__type1__subType__typeI_SinglePanel__nrOfAntennaPorts_PR_moreThanTwo;
+     csirep1->codebookConfig->codebookType.choice.type1->subType.choice.typeI_SinglePanel->nrOfAntennaPorts.choice.moreThanTwo=
+       calloc(1,sizeof(*csirep1->codebookConfig->codebookType.choice.type1->subType.choice.typeI_SinglePanel->nrOfAntennaPorts.choice.moreThanTwo));
+     if(dl_antenna_ports == 4)
+     csirep1->codebookConfig->codebookType.choice.type1->subType.choice.typeI_SinglePanel->nrOfAntennaPorts.choice.moreThanTwo->n1_n2.present=
+       NR_CodebookConfig__codebookType__type1__subType__typeI_SinglePanel__nrOfAntennaPorts__moreThanTwo__n1_n2_PR_two_one_TypeI_SinglePanel_Restriction;
+     else if(dl_antenna_ports == 8)
+       csirep1->codebookConfig->codebookType.choice.type1->subType.choice.typeI_SinglePanel->nrOfAntennaPorts.choice.moreThanTwo->n1_n2.present=
+         NR_CodebookConfig__codebookType__type1__subType__typeI_SinglePanel__nrOfAntennaPorts__moreThanTwo__n1_n2_PR_four_one_TypeI_SinglePanel_Restriction;
+     else if(dl_antenna_ports == 12)
+       csirep1->codebookConfig->codebookType.choice.type1->subType.choice.typeI_SinglePanel->nrOfAntennaPorts.choice.moreThanTwo->n1_n2.present=
+         NR_CodebookConfig__codebookType__type1__subType__typeI_SinglePanel__nrOfAntennaPorts__moreThanTwo__n1_n2_PR_six_one_TypeI_SinglePanel_Restriction;
+     else//default
+       csirep1->codebookConfig->codebookType.choice.type1->subType.choice.typeI_SinglePanel->nrOfAntennaPorts.choice.moreThanTwo->n1_n2.present=
+         NR_CodebookConfig__codebookType__type1__subType__typeI_SinglePanel__nrOfAntennaPorts__moreThanTwo__n1_n2_PR_two_one_TypeI_SinglePanel_Restriction;
+     /*csirep1->codebookConfig->codebookType.choice.type1->subType.choice.typeI_SinglePanel->nrOfAntennaPorts.choice.moreThanTwo->n1_n2.choice.two_one_TypeI_SinglePanel_Restriction.size=1;
+     csirep1->codebookConfig->codebookType.choice.type1->subType.choice.typeI_SinglePanel->nrOfAntennaPorts.choice.moreThanTwo->n1_n2.choice.two_one_TypeI_SinglePanel_Restriction.bits_unused=1;
+     csirep1->codebookConfig->codebookType.choice.type1->subType.choice.typeI_SinglePanel->nrOfAntennaPorts.choice.moreThanTwo->n1_n2.choice.two_one_TypeI_SinglePanel_Restriction.buf=malloc(1);
+     csirep1->codebookConfig->codebookType.choice.type1->subType.choice.typeI_SinglePanel->nrOfAntennaPorts.choice.moreThanTwo->n1_n2.choice.two_one_TypeI_SinglePanel_Restriction.buf[0]=0xc0; //'00000011'B
+     csirep1->codebookConfig->codebookType.choice.type1->subType.choice.typeI_SinglePanel->nrOfAntennaPorts.choice.moreThanTwo->typeI_SinglePanel_codebookSubsetRestriction_i2->size = 1;
+     csirep1->codebookConfig->codebookType.choice.type1->subType.choice.typeI_SinglePanel->nrOfAntennaPorts.choice.moreThanTwo->typeI_SinglePanel_codebookSubsetRestriction_i2->bits_unused=1;
+     csirep1->codebookConfig->codebookType.choice.type1->subType.choice.typeI_SinglePanel->nrOfAntennaPorts.choice.moreThanTwo->typeI_SinglePanel_codebookSubsetRestriction_i2->buf=malloc(1);
+     csirep1->codebookConfig->codebookType.choice.type1->subType.choice.typeI_SinglePanel->nrOfAntennaPorts.choice.moreThanTwo->typeI_SinglePanel_codebookSubsetRestriction_i2->buf[0]=0xc0;*/
+     csirep1->codebookConfig->codebookType.choice.type1->codebookMode=1;
+   } else {//32 antennas are Not implemented yet
+     csirep1->codebookConfig->codebookType.choice.type1->codebookMode=2;
+   }
    csirep1->dummy = NULL;
    csirep1->groupBasedBeamReporting.present = NR_CSI_ReportConfig__groupBasedBeamReporting_PR_disabled;
@@ -1280,71 +1298,12 @@ void fill_default_secondaryCellGroup(NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *servingcellco
-void config_csirs(NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *servingcellconfigcommon,
-                  NR_CSI_MeasConfig_t *csi_MeasConfig,
-                  int dl_antenna_ports,
-                  int curr_bwp,
-                  int do_csirs) {
- if (do_csirs) {
-   csi_MeasConfig->nzp_CSI_RS_ResourceToAddModList = calloc(1,sizeof(*csi_MeasConfig->nzp_CSI_RS_ResourceToAddModList));
-   NR_NZP_CSI_RS_Resource_t *nzpcsi0 = calloc(1,sizeof(*nzpcsi0));
-   nzpcsi0->nzp_CSI_RS_ResourceId = 0;
-   NR_CSI_RS_ResourceMapping_t resourceMapping;
-   switch (dl_antenna_ports) {
-     case 1:
-       resourceMapping.frequencyDomainAllocation.present = NR_CSI_RS_ResourceMapping__frequencyDomainAllocation_PR_row2;
-       resourceMapping.frequencyDomainAllocation.choice.row2.buf = calloc(2, sizeof(uint8_t));
-       resourceMapping.frequencyDomainAllocation.choice.row2.size = 2;
-       resourceMapping.frequencyDomainAllocation.choice.row2.bits_unused = 4;
-       resourceMapping.frequencyDomainAllocation.choice.row2.buf[0] = 0;
-       resourceMapping.frequencyDomainAllocation.choice.row2.buf[1] = 16;
-       resourceMapping.nrofPorts = NR_CSI_RS_ResourceMapping__nrofPorts_p1;
-       resourceMapping.cdm_Type = NR_CSI_RS_ResourceMapping__cdm_Type_noCDM;
-       break;
-     case 2:
-       resourceMapping.frequencyDomainAllocation.present = NR_CSI_RS_ResourceMapping__frequencyDomainAllocation_PR_other;
-       resourceMapping.frequencyDomainAllocation.choice.other.buf = calloc(2, sizeof(uint8_t));
-       resourceMapping.frequencyDomainAllocation.choice.other.size = 1;
-       resourceMapping.frequencyDomainAllocation.choice.other.bits_unused = 2;
-       resourceMapping.frequencyDomainAllocation.choice.other.buf[0] = 4;
-       resourceMapping.nrofPorts = NR_CSI_RS_ResourceMapping__nrofPorts_p2;
-       resourceMapping.cdm_Type = NR_CSI_RS_ResourceMapping__cdm_Type_fd_CDM2;
-       break;
-     default:
-       AssertFatal(1==0,"Number of ports not yet supported\n");
-   }
-   resourceMapping.firstOFDMSymbolInTimeDomain = 6;
-   resourceMapping.firstOFDMSymbolInTimeDomain2 = NULL;
-   resourceMapping.density.present = NR_CSI_RS_ResourceMapping__density_PR_one;
-   resourceMapping.density.choice.one = (NULL_t)0;
-   resourceMapping.freqBand.startingRB = 0;
-   resourceMapping.freqBand.nrofRBs = ((curr_bwp>>2)+(curr_bwp%4>0))<<2;
-   nzpcsi0->resourceMapping = resourceMapping;
-   nzpcsi0->powerControlOffset = 0;
-   nzpcsi0->powerControlOffsetSS=calloc(1,sizeof(*nzpcsi0->powerControlOffsetSS));
-   *nzpcsi0->powerControlOffsetSS = NR_NZP_CSI_RS_Resource__powerControlOffsetSS_db0;
-   nzpcsi0->scramblingID = *servingcellconfigcommon->physCellId;
-   nzpcsi0->periodicityAndOffset = calloc(1,sizeof(*nzpcsi0->periodicityAndOffset));
-   nzpcsi0->periodicityAndOffset->present = NR_CSI_ResourcePeriodicityAndOffset_PR_slots320;
-   nzpcsi0->periodicityAndOffset->choice.slots320 = 0;
-   nzpcsi0->qcl_InfoPeriodicCSI_RS = NULL;
-   ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&csi_MeasConfig->nzp_CSI_RS_ResourceToAddModList->list,nzpcsi0);
- }
- else
-   csi_MeasConfig->nzp_CSI_RS_ResourceToAddModList = NULL;
 void fill_default_reconfig(NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *servingcellconfigcommon,
                            NR_ServingCellConfig_t *servingcellconfigdedicated,
                            NR_RRCReconfiguration_IEs_t *reconfig,
                            NR_CellGroupConfig_t *secondaryCellGroup,
                            NR_UE_NR_Capability_t *uecap,
-                           int dl_antenna_ports,
-                           int minRXTXTIME,
-                           int do_csirs,
-                           int do_srs,
+                           const gNB_RrcConfigurationReq *configuration,
                            int uid) {
   AssertFatal(servingcellconfigcommon!=NULL,"servingcellconfigcommon is null\n");
   AssertFatal(reconfig!=NULL,"reconfig is null\n");
@@ -1358,10 +1317,7 @@ void fill_default_reconfig(NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *servingcellconfigcommon
-                                  dl_antenna_ports,
-                                  minRXTXTIME,
-                                  do_csirs,
-                                  do_srs,
+                                  configuration,
   xer_fprint(stdout, &asn_DEF_NR_CellGroupConfig, (const void*)secondaryCellGroup);
diff --git a/openair2/RRC/NR_UE/rrc_UE.c b/openair2/RRC/NR_UE/rrc_UE.c
index fa1690e450cb060f884363b2be539eacadd15790..6a678d0e183700d84b444eecde4eacadaa18849f 100644
--- a/openair2/RRC/NR_UE/rrc_UE.c
+++ b/openair2/RRC/NR_UE/rrc_UE.c
@@ -2795,7 +2795,6 @@ void start_oai_nrue_threads()
-    init_queue(&nr_wait_ul_tti_req_queue);
     if (sem_init(&sfn_slot_semaphore, 0, 0) != 0)
diff --git a/openair2/RRC/NR_UE/rrc_proto.h b/openair2/RRC/NR_UE/rrc_proto.h
index 62d9167251300a064289082f07ddb7a6e6ed5fe5..510fbff230ebec811f9dd9a5c6b0c7ea5fe1454e 100644
--- a/openair2/RRC/NR_UE/rrc_proto.h
+++ b/openair2/RRC/NR_UE/rrc_proto.h
@@ -51,7 +51,6 @@ extern queue_t nr_dl_tti_req_queue;
 extern queue_t nr_tx_req_queue;
 extern queue_t nr_ul_dci_req_queue;
 extern queue_t nr_ul_tti_req_queue;
-extern queue_t nr_wait_ul_tti_req_queue;
 //  main_rrc.c
diff --git a/openair2/SDAP/nr_sdap/nr_sdap.c b/openair2/SDAP/nr_sdap/nr_sdap.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..74ef93aff743fa9929e9c0d3aa2227dc5c45ec5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openair2/SDAP/nr_sdap/nr_sdap.c
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+ * Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under
+ * the OAI Public License, Version 1.1  (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *      http://www.openairinterface.org/?page_id=698
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance:
+ *      contact@openairinterface.org
+ */
+#include "nr_sdap.h"
+boolean_t sdap_data_req(protocol_ctxt_t *ctxt_p,
+                        const srb_flag_t srb_flag,
+                        const rb_id_t rb_id,
+                        const mui_t mui,
+                        const confirm_t confirm,
+                        const sdu_size_t sdu_buffer_size,
+                        unsigned char *const sdu_buffer,
+                        const pdcp_transmission_mode_t pt_mode,
+                        const uint32_t *sourceL2Id,
+                        const uint32_t *destinationL2Id,
+                        const uint8_t qfi,
+                        const boolean_t rqi,
+                        const int pdusession_id) {
+  nr_sdap_entity_t *sdap_entity;
+  sdap_entity = nr_sdap_get_entity(ctxt_p->rnti, pdusession_id);
+  if(sdap_entity == NULL) {
+    LOG_E(SDAP, "%s:%d:%s: Entity not found with ue rnti: %x and pdusession id: %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, ctxt_p->rnti, pdusession_id);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  boolean_t ret = sdap_entity->tx_entity(sdap_entity,
+                                         ctxt_p,
+                                         srb_flag,
+                                         rb_id,
+                                         mui,
+                                         confirm,
+                                         sdu_buffer_size,
+                                         sdu_buffer,
+                                         pt_mode,
+                                         sourceL2Id,
+                                         destinationL2Id,
+                                         qfi,
+                                         rqi);
+  return ret;
+void sdap_data_ind(rb_id_t pdcp_entity,
+                   int is_gnb,
+                   int has_sdap,
+                   int has_sdapULheader,
+                   int pdusession_id,
+                   int rnti,
+                   char *buf,
+                   int size) {
+  nr_sdap_entity_t *sdap_entity;
+  sdap_entity = nr_sdap_get_entity(rnti, pdusession_id);
+  if(sdap_entity == NULL) {
+    LOG_E(SDAP, "%s:%d:%s: Entity not found\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+    return;
+  }
+  sdap_entity->rx_entity(sdap_entity,
+                         pdcp_entity,
+                         is_gnb,
+                         has_sdap,
+                         has_sdapULheader,
+                         pdusession_id,
+                         rnti,
+                         buf,
+                         size);
diff --git a/openair2/SDAP/nr_sdap/nr_sdap.h b/openair2/SDAP/nr_sdap/nr_sdap.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cd702cfd7f39d2b6698842b3fa1b643458ba0710
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openair2/SDAP/nr_sdap/nr_sdap.h
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+ * Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under
+ * the OAI Public License, Version 1.1  (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *      http://www.openairinterface.org/?page_id=698
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance:
+ *      contact@openairinterface.org
+ */
+#ifndef _NR_SDAP_GNB_H_
+#define _NR_SDAP_GNB_H_
+#include "openair2/COMMON/platform_types.h"
+#include "common/utils/LOG/log.h"
+#include "nr_sdap_entity.h"
+ * TS 37.324 4.4 Functions
+ * Transfer of user plane data
+ * Downlink - gNB
+ * Uplink   - nrUE
+ */
+boolean_t sdap_data_req(protocol_ctxt_t *ctxt_p,
+                        const srb_flag_t srb_flag,
+                        const rb_id_t rb_id,
+                        const mui_t mui,
+                        const confirm_t confirm,
+                        const sdu_size_t sdu_buffer_size,
+                        unsigned char *const sdu_buffer,
+                        const pdcp_transmission_mode_t pt_mode,
+                        const uint32_t *sourceL2Id,
+                        const uint32_t *destinationL2Id,
+                        const uint8_t qfi,
+                        const boolean_t rqi,
+                        const int pdusession_id
+                       );
+ * TS 37.324 4.4 Functions
+ * Transfer of user plane data
+ * Uplink   - gNB
+ * Downlink - nrUE
+ */
+void sdap_data_ind(rb_id_t pdcp_entity,
+                   int is_gnb,
+                   int has_sdap,
+                   int has_sdapULheader,
+                   int pdusession_id,
+                   int rnti,
+                   char *buf,
+                   int size
+                  );
diff --git a/openair2/SDAP/nr_sdap/nr_sdap_entity.c b/openair2/SDAP/nr_sdap/nr_sdap_entity.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c5d1c1d6fe1dd1d630c464dd9e7fb2f79a491301
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openair2/SDAP/nr_sdap/nr_sdap_entity.c
@@ -0,0 +1,481 @@
+ * Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under
+ * the OAI Public License, Version 1.1  (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *      http://www.openairinterface.org/?page_id=698
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance:
+ *      contact@openairinterface.org
+ */
+#include "nr_sdap_entity.h"
+#include "common/utils/LOG/log.h"
+#include <openair2/LAYER2/PDCP_v10.1.0/pdcp.h>
+#include <openair3/ocp-gtpu/gtp_itf.h>
+#include "openair2/LAYER2/nr_pdcp/nr_pdcp_ue_manager.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <pthread.h>
+typedef struct {
+  nr_sdap_entity_t *sdap_entity_llist;
+} nr_sdap_entity_info;
+static nr_sdap_entity_info sdap_info;
+nr_pdcp_ue_manager_t *nr_pdcp_sdap_get_ue_manager(void);
+void nr_pdcp_submit_sdap_ctrl_pdu(int rnti, rb_id_t sdap_ctrl_pdu_drb, nr_sdap_ul_hdr_t ctrl_pdu){
+  nr_pdcp_ue_t *ue;
+  nr_pdcp_ue_manager_t *nr_pdcp_ue_manager;
+  nr_pdcp_ue_manager = nr_pdcp_sdap_get_ue_manager();
+  ue = nr_pdcp_manager_get_ue(nr_pdcp_ue_manager, rnti);
+  ue->drb[sdap_ctrl_pdu_drb-1]->recv_sdu(ue->drb[sdap_ctrl_pdu_drb-1], (char*)&ctrl_pdu, SDAP_HDR_LENGTH, RLC_MUI_UNDEFINED);
+  return;
+static boolean_t nr_sdap_tx_entity(nr_sdap_entity_t *entity,
+                                   protocol_ctxt_t *ctxt_p,
+                                   const srb_flag_t srb_flag,
+                                   const rb_id_t rb_id,
+                                   const mui_t mui,
+                                   const confirm_t confirm,
+                                   const sdu_size_t sdu_buffer_size,
+                                   unsigned char *const sdu_buffer,
+                                   const pdcp_transmission_mode_t pt_mode,
+                                   const uint32_t *sourceL2Id,
+                                   const uint32_t *destinationL2Id,
+                                   const uint8_t qfi,
+                                   const boolean_t rqi
+                                  ) {
+  /* The offset of the SDAP header, it might be 0 if the has_sdap is not true in the pdcp entity. */
+  int offset=0;
+  boolean_t ret=false;
+  /*Hardcode DRB ID given from upper layer (ue/enb_tun_read_thread rb_id), it will change if we have SDAP*/
+  rb_id_t sdap_drb_id = rb_id;
+  int pdcp_ent_has_sdap = 0;
+  if(sdu_buffer == NULL) {
+    LOG_E(SDAP, "%s:%d:%s: NULL sdu_buffer \n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  uint8_t sdap_buf[SDAP_MAX_PDU];
+  rb_id_t pdcp_entity = entity->qfi2drb_map(entity, qfi, rb_id);
+  if(pdcp_entity){
+    sdap_drb_id = pdcp_entity;
+    pdcp_ent_has_sdap = entity->qfi2drb_table[qfi].hasSdap;
+  }
+  if(!pdcp_ent_has_sdap){
+    ret = pdcp_data_req(ctxt_p,
+                        srb_flag,
+                        sdap_drb_id,
+                        mui,
+                        confirm,
+                        sdu_buffer_size,
+                        sdu_buffer,
+                        pt_mode,
+                        sourceL2Id,
+                        destinationL2Id);
+    if(!ret)
+      LOG_E(SDAP, "%s:%d:%s: PDCP refused PDU\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+    return ret;
+  }
+  if(sdu_buffer_size == 0 || sdu_buffer_size > 8999) {
+    LOG_E(SDAP, "%s:%d:%s: NULL or 0 or exceeded sdu_buffer_size (over max PDCP SDU)\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  if(ctxt_p->enb_flag) { // gNB
+    offset = SDAP_HDR_LENGTH;
+    /*
+     * TS 37.324 4.4 Functions
+     * marking QoS flow ID in DL packets.
+     *
+     * Construct the DL SDAP data PDU.
+     */
+    nr_sdap_dl_hdr_t sdap_hdr;
+    sdap_hdr.QFI = qfi;
+    sdap_hdr.RQI = rqi;
+    sdap_hdr.RDI = 0; // SDAP Hardcoded Value
+    /* Add the SDAP DL Header to the buffer */
+    memcpy(&sdap_buf[0], &sdap_hdr, SDAP_HDR_LENGTH);
+    memcpy(&sdap_buf[SDAP_HDR_LENGTH], sdu_buffer, sdu_buffer_size);
+    LOG_D(SDAP, "TX Entity QFI: %u \n", sdap_hdr.QFI);
+    LOG_D(SDAP, "TX Entity RQI: %u \n", sdap_hdr.RQI);
+    LOG_D(SDAP, "TX Entity RDI: %u \n", sdap_hdr.RDI);
+  } else { // nrUE
+    offset = SDAP_HDR_LENGTH;
+    /*
+     * TS 37.324 4.4 Functions
+     * marking QoS flow ID in UL packets.
+     *
+     * 5.2.1 Uplink
+     * construct the UL SDAP data PDU as specified in the subclause
+     */
+    nr_sdap_ul_hdr_t sdap_hdr;
+    sdap_hdr.QFI = qfi;
+    sdap_hdr.R = 0;
+    sdap_hdr.DC = rqi;
+    /* Add the SDAP UL Header to the buffer */
+    memcpy(&sdap_buf[0], &sdap_hdr, SDAP_HDR_LENGTH);
+    memcpy(&sdap_buf[SDAP_HDR_LENGTH], sdu_buffer, sdu_buffer_size);
+    LOG_D(SDAP, "TX Entity QFI: %u \n", sdap_hdr.QFI);
+    LOG_D(SDAP, "TX Entity R: %u \n", sdap_hdr.R);
+    LOG_D(SDAP, "TX Entity DC: %u \n", sdap_hdr.DC);
+  }
+  /*
+   * TS 37.324 5.2 Data transfer
+   * 5.2.1 Uplink UE side
+   * submit the constructed UL SDAP data PDU to the lower layers
+   *
+   * Downlink gNB side
+   */
+  ret = pdcp_data_req(ctxt_p,
+                      srb_flag,
+                      sdap_drb_id,
+                      mui,
+                      confirm,
+                      sdu_buffer_size+offset,
+                      sdap_buf,
+                      pt_mode,
+                      sourceL2Id,
+                      destinationL2Id);
+  if(!ret)
+    LOG_E(SDAP, "%s:%d:%s: PDCP refused PDU\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+  return ret;
+static void nr_sdap_rx_entity(nr_sdap_entity_t *entity,
+                              rb_id_t pdcp_entity,
+                              int is_gnb,
+                              int has_sdap,
+                              int has_sdapHeader,
+                              int pdusession_id,
+                              int rnti,
+                              char *buf,
+                              int size) {
+  /* The offset of the SDAP header, it might be 0 if the has_sdap is not true in the pdcp entity. */
+  int offset=0;
+  if(is_gnb) { // gNB
+    if(has_sdap && has_sdapHeader ) { // Handling the SDAP Header
+      offset = SDAP_HDR_LENGTH;
+      nr_sdap_ul_hdr_t *sdap_hdr = (nr_sdap_ul_hdr_t *)buf;
+      LOG_D(SDAP, "RX Entity Received QFI : %u\n", sdap_hdr->QFI);
+      LOG_D(SDAP, "RX Entity Received Reserved bit : %u\n", sdap_hdr->R);
+      LOG_D(SDAP, "RX Entity Received DC bit : %u\n", sdap_hdr->DC);
+      switch (sdap_hdr->DC) {
+        case SDAP_HDR_UL_DATA_PDU:
+          LOG_D(SDAP, "RX Entity Received SDAP Data PDU\n");
+          break;
+        case SDAP_HDR_UL_CTRL_PDU:
+          LOG_D(SDAP, "RX Entity Received SDAP Control PDU\n");
+          break;
+      }
+    }
+    // Pushing SDAP SDU to GTP-U Layer
+    MessageDef *message_p;
+    uint8_t *gtpu_buffer_p;
+    gtpu_buffer_p = itti_malloc(TASK_PDCP_ENB, TASK_GTPV1_U, size + GTPU_HEADER_OVERHEAD_MAX - offset);
+    AssertFatal(gtpu_buffer_p != NULL, "OUT OF MEMORY");
+    memcpy(&gtpu_buffer_p[GTPU_HEADER_OVERHEAD_MAX], buf+offset, size-offset);
+    message_p = itti_alloc_new_message(TASK_PDCP_ENB, 0 , GTPV1U_GNB_TUNNEL_DATA_REQ);
+    AssertFatal(message_p != NULL, "OUT OF MEMORY");
+    GTPV1U_GNB_TUNNEL_DATA_REQ(message_p).buffer = gtpu_buffer_p;
+    GTPV1U_GNB_TUNNEL_DATA_REQ(message_p).length              = size-offset;
+    GTPV1U_GNB_TUNNEL_DATA_REQ(message_p).offset              = GTPU_HEADER_OVERHEAD_MAX;
+    GTPV1U_GNB_TUNNEL_DATA_REQ(message_p).rnti                = rnti;
+    GTPV1U_GNB_TUNNEL_DATA_REQ(message_p).pdusession_id       = pdusession_id;
+    LOG_D(SDAP, "%s()  sending message to gtp size %d\n", __func__,  size-offset);
+    itti_send_msg_to_task(TASK_GTPV1_U, INSTANCE_DEFAULT, message_p);
+  } else { //nrUE
+    /*
+     * TS 37.324 5.2 Data transfer
+     * 5.2.2 Downlink
+     * if the DRB from which this SDAP data PDU is received is configured by RRC with the presence of SDAP header.
+     */
+    if(has_sdap && has_sdapHeader) { // Handling the SDAP Header
+      offset = SDAP_HDR_LENGTH;
+      /*
+       * TS 37.324 5.2 Data transfer
+       * 5.2.2 Downlink
+       * retrieve the SDAP SDU from the DL SDAP data PDU as specified in the subclause
+       */
+      nr_sdap_dl_hdr_t *sdap_hdr = (nr_sdap_dl_hdr_t *)buf;
+      LOG_D(SDAP, "RX Entity Received QFI : %u\n", sdap_hdr->QFI);
+      LOG_D(SDAP, "RX Entity Received RQI : %u\n", sdap_hdr->RQI);
+      LOG_D(SDAP, "RX Entity Received RDI : %u\n", sdap_hdr->RDI);
+      /*
+       * TS 37.324 5.2 Data transfer
+       * 5.2.2 Downlink
+       * Perform reflective QoS flow to DRB mapping as specified in the subclause 5.3.2.
+       */
+      if(sdap_hdr->RDI == SDAP_REFLECTIVE_MAPPING) {
+        /*
+         * TS 37.324 5.3 QoS flow to DRB Mapping 
+         * 5.3.2 Reflective mapping
+         * If there is no stored QoS flow to DRB mapping rule for the QoS flow and a default DRB is configured.
+         */
+        if(!entity->qfi2drb_table[sdap_hdr->QFI].drb_id && entity->default_drb){
+          nr_sdap_ul_hdr_t sdap_ctrl_pdu = entity->sdap_construct_ctrl_pdu(sdap_hdr->QFI);
+          rb_id_t sdap_ctrl_pdu_drb = entity->sdap_map_ctrl_pdu(entity, pdcp_entity, SDAP_CTRL_PDU_MAP_DEF_DRB, sdap_hdr->QFI);
+          entity->sdap_submit_ctrl_pdu(rnti, sdap_ctrl_pdu_drb, sdap_ctrl_pdu);
+        }
+        /*
+         * TS 37.324 5.3 QoS flow to DRB mapping 
+         * 5.3.2 Reflective mapping
+         * if the stored QoS flow to DRB mapping rule for the QoS flow 
+         * is different from the QoS flow to DRB mapping of the DL SDAP data PDU
+         * and
+         * the DRB according to the stored QoS flow to DRB mapping rule is configured by RRC
+         * with the presence of UL SDAP header
+         */
+        if( (pdcp_entity != entity->qfi2drb_table[sdap_hdr->QFI].drb_id) && 
+             has_sdapHeader ){
+          nr_sdap_ul_hdr_t sdap_ctrl_pdu = entity->sdap_construct_ctrl_pdu(sdap_hdr->QFI);
+          rb_id_t sdap_ctrl_pdu_drb = entity->sdap_map_ctrl_pdu(entity, pdcp_entity, SDAP_CTRL_PDU_MAP_RULE_DRB, sdap_hdr->QFI);
+          entity->sdap_submit_ctrl_pdu(rnti, sdap_ctrl_pdu_drb, sdap_ctrl_pdu);
+        }
+        /*
+         * TS 37.324 5.3 QoS flow to DRB Mapping 
+         * 5.3.2 Reflective mapping
+         * store the QoS flow to DRB mapping of the DL SDAP data PDU as the QoS flow to DRB mapping rule for the UL. 
+         */ 
+        entity->qfi2drb_table[sdap_hdr->QFI].drb_id = pdcp_entity;
+      }
+      /*
+       * TS 37.324 5.2 Data transfer
+       * 5.2.2 Downlink
+       * perform RQI handling as specified in the subclause 5.4
+       */
+      if(sdap_hdr->RQI == SDAP_RQI_HANDLING) {
+        LOG_W(SDAP, "UE - TODD 5.4\n");
+      }
+    } /*  else - retrieve the SDAP SDU from the DL SDAP data PDU as specified in the subclause */
+    /*
+     * TS 37.324 5.2 Data transfer
+     * 5.2.2 Downlink
+     * deliver the retrieved SDAP SDU to the upper layer.
+     */
+    extern int nas_sock_fd[];
+    int len = write(nas_sock_fd[0], &buf[offset], size-offset);
+    LOG_D(SDAP, "RX Entity len : %d\n", len);
+    LOG_D(SDAP, "RX Entity size : %d\n", size);
+    LOG_D(SDAP, "RX Entity offset : %d\n", offset);
+    if (len != size-offset)
+      LOG_E(SDAP, "%s:%d:%s: fatal\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
+  }
+void nr_sdap_qfi2drb_map_update(nr_sdap_entity_t *entity, uint8_t qfi, rb_id_t drb, boolean_t hasSdap){
+  if(qfi < SDAP_MAX_QFI &&
+     qfi > SDAP_MAP_RULE_EMPTY &&
+     drb > 0 &&
+     drb <= AVLBL_DRB)
+  {
+    entity->qfi2drb_table[qfi].drb_id = drb;
+    entity->qfi2drb_table[qfi].hasSdap = hasSdap;
+    LOG_D(SDAP, "Updated QFI to DRB Map: QFI %u -> DRB %ld \n", qfi, entity->qfi2drb_table[qfi].drb_id);
+    LOG_D(SDAP, "DRB %ld %s\n", entity->qfi2drb_table[qfi].drb_id, hasSdap ? "has SDAP" : "does not have SDAP");
+  }
+void nr_sdap_qfi2drb_map_del(nr_sdap_entity_t *entity, uint8_t qfi){
+  entity->qfi2drb_table[qfi].drb_id = SDAP_NO_MAPPING_RULE;
+  LOG_D(SDAP, "Deleted QFI to DRB Map for QFI %u \n", qfi);
+rb_id_t nr_sdap_qfi2drb_map(nr_sdap_entity_t *entity, uint8_t qfi, rb_id_t upper_layer_rb_id){
+  rb_id_t pdcp_entity;
+  pdcp_entity = entity->qfi2drb_table[qfi].drb_id;
+  if(pdcp_entity){
+    return pdcp_entity;
+  } else if(entity->default_drb) {
+    LOG_D(SDAP, "Mapped QFI %u to Default DRB\n", qfi);
+    return entity->default_drb;
+  } else {
+    return SDAP_MAP_RULE_EMPTY;
+  }
+  return pdcp_entity;
+nr_sdap_ul_hdr_t nr_sdap_construct_ctrl_pdu(uint8_t qfi){
+  nr_sdap_ul_hdr_t sdap_end_marker_hdr;
+  sdap_end_marker_hdr.QFI = qfi;
+  sdap_end_marker_hdr.R = 0;
+  sdap_end_marker_hdr.DC = SDAP_HDR_UL_CTRL_PDU;
+  LOG_D(SDAP, "Constructed Control PDU with QFI:%u R:%u DC:%u \n", sdap_end_marker_hdr.QFI,
+                                                                   sdap_end_marker_hdr.R,
+                                                                   sdap_end_marker_hdr.DC);
+  return sdap_end_marker_hdr;
+rb_id_t nr_sdap_map_ctrl_pdu(nr_sdap_entity_t *entity, rb_id_t pdcp_entity, int map_type, uint8_t dl_qfi){
+  rb_id_t drb_of_endmarker = 0;
+  if(map_type == SDAP_CTRL_PDU_MAP_DEF_DRB){
+    drb_of_endmarker = entity->default_drb;
+    LOG_D(SDAP, "Mapped Control PDU to default drb\n");
+  }
+  if(map_type == SDAP_CTRL_PDU_MAP_RULE_DRB){
+    drb_of_endmarker = entity->qfi2drb_map(entity, dl_qfi, pdcp_entity);
+    LOG_D(SDAP, "Mapped Control PDU according to the mapping rule, qfi %u \n", dl_qfi);
+  }
+  return drb_of_endmarker;
+void nr_sdap_submit_ctrl_pdu(int rnti, rb_id_t sdap_ctrl_pdu_drb, nr_sdap_ul_hdr_t ctrl_pdu){
+  if(sdap_ctrl_pdu_drb){
+    nr_pdcp_submit_sdap_ctrl_pdu(rnti, sdap_ctrl_pdu_drb, ctrl_pdu);
+    LOG_D(SDAP, "Sent Control PDU to PDCP Layer.\n");
+  }
+void nr_sdap_ue_qfi2drb_config(nr_sdap_entity_t *existing_sdap_entity,
+                               rb_id_t pdcp_entity,
+                               uint16_t rnti,
+                               NR_QFI_t *mapped_qfi_2_add,
+                               uint8_t mappedQFIs2AddCount,
+                               uint8_t drb_identity)
+  uint8_t qfi = 0;
+  for(int i = 0; i < mappedQFIs2AddCount; i++){
+    qfi = mapped_qfi_2_add[i];
+    if(existing_sdap_entity->default_drb && existing_sdap_entity->qfi2drb_table[qfi].drb_id == SDAP_NO_MAPPING_RULE){
+      nr_sdap_ul_hdr_t sdap_ctrl_pdu = existing_sdap_entity->sdap_construct_ctrl_pdu(qfi);
+      rb_id_t sdap_ctrl_pdu_drb = existing_sdap_entity->sdap_map_ctrl_pdu(existing_sdap_entity, pdcp_entity, SDAP_CTRL_PDU_MAP_DEF_DRB, qfi);
+      existing_sdap_entity->sdap_submit_ctrl_pdu(rnti, sdap_ctrl_pdu_drb, sdap_ctrl_pdu);
+    }
+    if(existing_sdap_entity->qfi2drb_table[qfi].drb_id != drb_identity && existing_sdap_entity->qfi2drb_table[qfi].hasSdap){
+      nr_sdap_ul_hdr_t sdap_ctrl_pdu = existing_sdap_entity->sdap_construct_ctrl_pdu(qfi);
+      rb_id_t sdap_ctrl_pdu_drb = existing_sdap_entity->sdap_map_ctrl_pdu(existing_sdap_entity, pdcp_entity, SDAP_CTRL_PDU_MAP_RULE_DRB, qfi);
+      existing_sdap_entity->sdap_submit_ctrl_pdu(rnti, sdap_ctrl_pdu_drb, sdap_ctrl_pdu);
+    }
+  }
+nr_sdap_entity_t *new_nr_sdap_entity(int has_sdap,
+                                     uint16_t rnti,
+                                     int pdusession_id,
+                                     boolean_t is_defaultDRB,
+                                     uint8_t drb_identity,
+                                     NR_QFI_t *mapped_qfi_2_add,
+                                     uint8_t mappedQFIs2AddCount)
+  if(nr_sdap_get_entity(rnti, pdusession_id)) {
+    LOG_E(SDAP, "SDAP Entity for UE already exists.\n");
+    nr_sdap_entity_t *existing_sdap_entity = nr_sdap_get_entity(rnti, pdusession_id);
+    rb_id_t pdcp_entity = existing_sdap_entity->default_drb;
+    nr_sdap_ue_qfi2drb_config(existing_sdap_entity, pdcp_entity, rnti, mapped_qfi_2_add, mappedQFIs2AddCount, drb_identity);
+    return existing_sdap_entity;
+  }
+  nr_sdap_entity_t *sdap_entity;
+  sdap_entity = calloc(1, sizeof(nr_sdap_entity_t));
+  if(sdap_entity == NULL) {
+    LOG_E(SDAP, "SDAP Entity creation failed, out of memory\n");
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  sdap_entity->rnti = rnti;
+  sdap_entity->pdusession_id = pdusession_id;
+  sdap_entity->tx_entity = nr_sdap_tx_entity;
+  sdap_entity->rx_entity = nr_sdap_rx_entity;
+  sdap_entity->sdap_construct_ctrl_pdu = nr_sdap_construct_ctrl_pdu;
+  sdap_entity->sdap_map_ctrl_pdu = nr_sdap_map_ctrl_pdu;
+  sdap_entity->sdap_submit_ctrl_pdu = nr_sdap_submit_ctrl_pdu;
+  sdap_entity->qfi2drb_map_update = nr_sdap_qfi2drb_map_update;
+  sdap_entity->qfi2drb_map_delete = nr_sdap_qfi2drb_map_del;
+  sdap_entity->qfi2drb_map = nr_sdap_qfi2drb_map;
+  if(is_defaultDRB) {
+    sdap_entity->default_drb = drb_identity;
+    LOG_I(SDAP, "Default DRB for the created SDAP entity: %ld \n", sdap_entity->default_drb);
+    if(mappedQFIs2AddCount) {
+      for (int i = 0; i < mappedQFIs2AddCount; i++)
+      {
+        LOG_D(SDAP, "Mapped QFI to Add : %ld \n", mapped_qfi_2_add[i]);
+        sdap_entity->qfi2drb_map_update(sdap_entity, mapped_qfi_2_add[i], sdap_entity->default_drb, has_sdap);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  sdap_entity->next_entity = sdap_info.sdap_entity_llist;
+  sdap_info.sdap_entity_llist = sdap_entity;
+  return sdap_entity;
+nr_sdap_entity_t *nr_sdap_get_entity(uint16_t rnti, int pdusession_id) {
+  nr_sdap_entity_t *sdap_entity;
+  sdap_entity = sdap_info.sdap_entity_llist;
+  if(sdap_entity == NULL)
+    return NULL;
+  while(sdap_entity->rnti != rnti && sdap_entity->next_entity != NULL) {
+    sdap_entity = sdap_entity->next_entity;
+  }
+  if (sdap_entity->rnti == rnti && sdap_entity->pdusession_id == pdusession_id)
+    return sdap_entity;
+  return NULL;
+void delete_nr_sdap_entity(uint16_t rnti) {
+  nr_sdap_entity_t *entityPtr, *entityPrev = NULL;
+  entityPtr = sdap_info.sdap_entity_llist;
+  if(entityPtr->rnti == rnti) {
+    sdap_info.sdap_entity_llist = sdap_info.sdap_entity_llist->next_entity;
+    free(entityPtr);
+  } else {
+    while(entityPtr->rnti != rnti && entityPtr->next_entity != NULL) {
+      entityPrev = entityPtr;
+      entityPtr = entityPtr->next_entity;
+    }
+    if(entityPtr->rnti != rnti) {
+      entityPrev->next_entity = entityPtr->next_entity;
+      free(entityPtr);
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/openair2/SDAP/nr_sdap/nr_sdap_entity.h b/openair2/SDAP/nr_sdap/nr_sdap_entity.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b46e5bf4e3462bef98b65b5e2e799b14dc7b6319
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openair2/SDAP/nr_sdap/nr_sdap_entity.h
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+ * Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under
+ * the OAI Public License, Version 1.1  (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *      http://www.openairinterface.org/?page_id=698
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance:
+ *      contact@openairinterface.org
+ */
+#ifndef _NR_SDAP_ENTITY_H_
+#define _NR_SDAP_ENTITY_H_
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include "openair2/COMMON/platform_types.h"
+#include "openair2/LAYER2/nr_pdcp/nr_pdcp_entity.h"
+#include "NR_RadioBearerConfig.h"
+#define SDAP_BITMASK_DC             (0x80)
+#define SDAP_BITMASK_R              (0x40)
+#define SDAP_BITMASK_QFI            (0x3F)
+#define SDAP_BITMASK_RQI            (0x40)
+#define SDAP_HDR_UL_DATA_PDU        (1)
+#define SDAP_HDR_UL_CTRL_PDU        (0)
+#define SDAP_HDR_LENGTH             (1)
+#define SDAP_MAX_QFI                (64)
+#define SDAP_MAP_RULE_EMPTY         (0)
+#define AVLBL_DRB                   (5)
+#define SDAP_NO_MAPPING_RULE        (0)
+#define SDAP_RQI_HANDLING           (1)
+#define SDAP_CTRL_PDU_MAP_DEF_DRB   (0)
+#define SDAP_MAX_PDU                (9000)
+ * The values of QoS Flow ID (QFI) and Reflective QoS Indication,
+ * are located in the PDU Session Container, which is conveyed by
+ * the GTP-U Extension Header. Inside the DL PDU SESSION INFORMATION frame.
+ * TS 38.415 Fig.
+ */
+typedef struct nr_sdap_dl_hdr_s {
+  uint8_t QFI:6;
+  uint8_t RQI:1;
+  uint8_t RDI:1;
+} __attribute__((packed)) nr_sdap_dl_hdr_t;
+typedef struct nr_sdap_ul_hdr_s {
+  uint8_t QFI:6;
+  uint8_t R:1;
+  uint8_t DC:1;
+} __attribute__((packed)) nr_sdap_ul_hdr_t;
+typedef struct qfi2drb_s {
+  rb_id_t drb_id;
+  boolean_t hasSdap;
+} qfi2drb_t;
+void nr_pdcp_submit_sdap_ctrl_pdu(int rnti, rb_id_t sdap_ctrl_pdu_drb, nr_sdap_ul_hdr_t ctrl_pdu);
+typedef struct nr_sdap_entity_s {
+  uint16_t rnti;
+  rb_id_t default_drb;
+  int pdusession_id;
+  qfi2drb_t qfi2drb_table[SDAP_MAX_QFI];
+  void (*qfi2drb_map_update)(struct nr_sdap_entity_s *entity, uint8_t qfi, rb_id_t drb, boolean_t hasSdap);
+  void (*qfi2drb_map_delete)(struct nr_sdap_entity_s *entity, uint8_t qfi);
+  rb_id_t (*qfi2drb_map)(struct nr_sdap_entity_s *entity, uint8_t qfi, rb_id_t upper_layer_rb_id);
+  nr_sdap_ul_hdr_t (*sdap_construct_ctrl_pdu)(uint8_t qfi);
+  rb_id_t (*sdap_map_ctrl_pdu)(struct nr_sdap_entity_s *entity, rb_id_t pdcp_entity, int map_type, uint8_t dl_qfi);
+  void (*sdap_submit_ctrl_pdu)(int rnti, rb_id_t sdap_ctrl_pdu_drb, nr_sdap_ul_hdr_t ctrl_pdu);
+  boolean_t (*tx_entity)(struct nr_sdap_entity_s *entity,
+                         protocol_ctxt_t *ctxt_p,
+                         const srb_flag_t srb_flag,
+                         const rb_id_t rb_id,
+                         const mui_t mui,
+                         const confirm_t confirm,
+                         const sdu_size_t sdu_buffer_size,
+                         unsigned char *const sdu_buffer,
+                         const pdcp_transmission_mode_t pt_mode,
+                         const uint32_t *sourceL2Id,
+                         const uint32_t *destinationL2Id,
+                         const uint8_t qfi,
+                         const boolean_t rqi
+                         );
+  void (*rx_entity)(struct nr_sdap_entity_s *entity,
+                    rb_id_t pdcp_entity,
+                    int is_gnb,
+                    int has_sdap,
+                    int has_sdapULheader,
+                    int pdusession_id,
+                    int rnti,
+                    char *buf,
+                    int size);
+  /* List of entities */
+  struct nr_sdap_entity_s *next_entity;
+} nr_sdap_entity_t;
+/* QFI to DRB Mapping Related Function */
+void nr_sdap_qfi2drb_map_update(nr_sdap_entity_t *entity, uint8_t qfi, rb_id_t drb, boolean_t hasSdap);
+/* QFI to DRB Mapping Related Function */
+void nr_sdap_qfi2drb_map_del(nr_sdap_entity_t *entity, uint8_t qfi);
+ * TS 37.324
+ * 4.4 Functions
+ * Mapping between a QoS flow and a DRB for both DL and UL.
+ *
+ * 5.2.1 Uplink
+ * If there is no stored QoS flow to DRB mapping rule for the QoS flow as specified in the subclause 5.3, map the SDAP SDU to the default DRB
+ * else, map the SDAP SDU to the DRB according to the stored QoS flow to DRB mapping rule.
+ */
+rb_id_t nr_sdap_qfi2drb_map(nr_sdap_entity_t *entity, uint8_t qfi, rb_id_t upper_layer_rb_id);
+ * TS 37.324 5.3 QoS flow to DRB Mapping 
+ * construct an end-marker control PDU, as specified in the subclause 6.2.3, for the QoS flow;
+ */
+nr_sdap_ul_hdr_t nr_sdap_construct_ctrl_pdu(uint8_t qfi);
+ * TS 37.324 5.3 QoS flow to DRB Mapping 
+ * map the end-marker control PDU to the
+ * 1.) default DRB or 
+ * 2.) DRB according to the stored QoS flow to DRB mapping rule
+ */
+rb_id_t nr_sdap_map_ctrl_pdu(nr_sdap_entity_t *entity, rb_id_t pdcp_entity, int map_type, uint8_t dl_qfi);
+ * TS 37.324 5.3 QoS flow to DRB Mapping 
+ * Submit the end-marker control PDU to the lower layer.
+ */
+void nr_sdap_submit_ctrl_pdu(int rnti, rb_id_t sdap_ctrl_pdu_drb, nr_sdap_ul_hdr_t ctrl_pdu);
+ * TS 37.324 5.3 QoS flow to DRB Mapping 
+ * 5.3.1 Configuration Procedures
+ */
+void nr_sdap_ue_qfi2drb_config(nr_sdap_entity_t *existing_sdap_entity, 
+                               rb_id_t pdcp_entity, 
+                               uint16_t rnti,
+                               NR_QFI_t *mapped_qfi_2_add, 
+                               uint8_t mappedQFIs2AddCount,
+                               uint8_t drb_identity);
+ * TS 37.324 4.4 5.1.1 SDAP entity establishment
+ * Establish an SDAP entity.
+ */
+nr_sdap_entity_t *new_nr_sdap_entity(int has_sdap,
+                                     uint16_t rnti,
+                                     int pdusession_id,
+                                     boolean_t is_defaultDRB,
+                                     uint8_t default_DRB,
+                                     NR_QFI_t *mapped_qfi_2_add,
+                                     uint8_t mappedQFIs2AddCount);
+/* Entity Handling Related Functions */
+nr_sdap_entity_t *nr_sdap_get_entity(uint16_t rnti, int pdusession_id);
+/* Entity Handling Related Functions */
+void delete_nr_sdap_entity(uint16_t rnti);
diff --git a/openair2/SDAP/nr_sdap/nr_sdap_gnb.c b/openair2/SDAP/nr_sdap/nr_sdap_gnb.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f0a2640e960ddd6b660c21a4035cd64152b79a3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/openair2/SDAP/nr_sdap/nr_sdap_gnb.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under
- * the OAI Public License, Version 1.1  (the "License"); you may not use this file
- * except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *      http://www.openairinterface.org/?page_id=698
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance:
- *      contact@openairinterface.org
- */
-#include "nr_sdap_gnb.h"
-#include <openair2/LAYER2/PDCP_v10.1.0/pdcp.h>
-boolean_t sdap_gnb_data_req(protocol_ctxt_t *ctxt_p,
-                            const srb_flag_t srb_flag,
-                            const rb_id_t rb_id,
-                            const mui_t mui,
-                            const confirm_t confirm,
-                            const sdu_size_t sdu_buffer_size,
-                            unsigned char *const sdu_buffer,
-                            const pdcp_transmission_mode_t pt_mode,
-                            const uint32_t *sourceL2Id,
-                            const uint32_t *destinationL2Id
-                           ) {
-  if(sdu_buffer == NULL) {
-    LOG_E(PDCP, "%s:%d:%s: SDAP Layer gNB - NULL sdu_buffer \n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
-    exit(1);
-  }
-  if(sdu_buffer_size == 0) {
-    LOG_E(PDCP, "%s:%d:%s: SDAP Layer gNB - NULL or 0 sdu_buffer_size \n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
-    exit(1);
-  }
-  uint8_t *sdap_buf = (uint8_t *)malloc(sdu_buffer_size+SDAP_HDR_LENGTH);
-  nr_sdap_dl_hdr_t sdap_hdr;
-  sdap_hdr.RDI = 0; // SDAP_Hardcoded -
-  sdap_hdr.RQI = 0; // SDAP_Hardcoded - Should get this info from DL_PDU_SESSION_INFORMATION
-  sdap_hdr.QFI = 1; // SDAP_Hardcoded - Should get this info from DL_PDU_SESSION_INFORMATION
-  memcpy(&sdap_buf[0], &sdap_hdr, 1);
-  memcpy(&sdap_buf[1], sdu_buffer, sdu_buffer_size);
-  rb_id_t sdap_drb_id = rb_id; // SDAP_Hardcoded - Should get this info from QFI to DRB mapping table
-  boolean_t ret = pdcp_data_req(ctxt_p,
-                                srb_flag,
-                                sdap_drb_id,
-                                mui,
-                                confirm,
-                                sdu_buffer_size+1,
-                                sdap_buf,
-                                pt_mode,
-                                sourceL2Id,
-                                destinationL2Id);
-  if(!ret) {
-    LOG_E(PDCP, "%s:%d:%s: SDAP Layer gNB - PDCP DL refused PDU\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
-    free(sdap_buf);
-    return 0;
-  }
-  free(sdap_buf);
-  return 1;
-void sdap_gnb_ul_header_handler(char sdap_gnb_ul_hdr) {
-  nr_sdap_ul_hdr_t *sdap_hdr_ul = (nr_sdap_ul_hdr_t *)&sdap_gnb_ul_hdr;
-  switch (sdap_hdr_ul->DC) {
-      LOG_I(PDCP, "%s:%d:%s: SDAP Layer gNB - UL Received SDAP Data PDU\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
-      break;
-      LOG_I(PDCP, "%s:%d:%s: SDAP Layer gNB - Received SDAP Control PDU\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
-      break;
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/openair2/SDAP/nr_sdap/nr_sdap_gnb.h b/openair2/SDAP/nr_sdap/nr_sdap_gnb.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 243aa8901088d81039cfa8576883e49d6572e4c2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/openair2/SDAP/nr_sdap/nr_sdap_gnb.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under
- * the OAI Public License, Version 1.1  (the "License"); you may not use this file
- * except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *      http://www.openairinterface.org/?page_id=698
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance:
- *      contact@openairinterface.org
- */
-#ifndef _NR_SDAP_GNB_
-#define _NR_SDAP_GNB_
-#include "openair2/COMMON/platform_types.h"
-#include "common/utils/LOG/log.h"
-#define SDAP_BITMASK_DC         (0x80)
-#define SDAP_BITMASK_R          (0x40)
-#define SDAP_BITMASK_QFI        (0x3F)
-#define SDAP_HDR_UL_DATA_PDU    (1)
-#define SDAP_HDR_UL_CTRL_PDU    (0)
-#define SDAP_HDR_LENGTH         (1)
-typedef struct nr_sdap_dl_hdr_s {
-  uint8_t QFI:6;
-  uint8_t RQI:1;
-  uint8_t RDI:1;
-} __attribute__((packed)) nr_sdap_dl_hdr_t;
-typedef struct nr_sdap_ul_hdr_s {
-  uint8_t QFI:6;
-  uint8_t R:1;
-  uint8_t DC:1;
-} __attribute__((packed)) nr_sdap_ul_hdr_t;
-boolean_t sdap_gnb_data_req(protocol_ctxt_t *ctxt_p,
-                            const srb_flag_t srb_flag,
-                            const rb_id_t rb_id,
-                            const mui_t mui,
-                            const confirm_t confirm,
-                            const sdu_size_t sdu_buffer_size,
-                            unsigned char *const sdu_buffer,
-                            const pdcp_transmission_mode_t pt_mode,
-                            const uint32_t *sourceL2Id,
-                            const uint32_t *destinationL2Id
-                           );
-void sdap_gnb_ul_header_handler(char sdap_gnb_ul_hdr);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/openair2/SDAP/nr_sdap/sdap_gNB.c b/openair2/SDAP/nr_sdap/sdap_gNB.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ad84e4c273a63a01331453c738080b675467f23d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/openair2/SDAP/nr_sdap/sdap_gNB.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under
- * the OAI Public License, Version 1.1  (the "License"); you may not use this file
- * except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *      http://www.openairinterface.org/?page_id=698
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance:
- *      contact@openairinterface.org
- */
-/*! \file sdap_gNB.c
- * \brief sdap tasks for gNB
- * \author Konstantinos Alexandris <Konstantinos.Alexandris@eurecom.fr>, Cedric Roux <Cedric.Roux@eurecom.fr>, Navid Nikaein <Navid.Nikaein@eurecom.fr>
- * \date 2018
- * \version 1.0
- */
-#define SDAP_GNB
-#define SDAP_GNB_C
diff --git a/openair3/ocp-gtpu/gtp_itf.cpp b/openair3/ocp-gtpu/gtp_itf.cpp
index cc41de3550bb701e3b04cf09733aab6fb96dc347..7b8ba308bfb41a979b97c5244dc9052befe74a05 100644
--- a/openair3/ocp-gtpu/gtp_itf.cpp
+++ b/openair3/ocp-gtpu/gtp_itf.cpp
@@ -17,9 +17,11 @@ extern "C" {
 #include <openair2/COMMON/gtpv1_u_messages_types.h>
 #include <openair3/ocp-gtpu/gtp_itf.h>
 #include <openair2/LAYER2/PDCP_v10.1.0/pdcp.h>
-#include "openair2/SDAP/nr_sdap/nr_sdap_gnb.h"
+#include "openair2/SDAP/nr_sdap/nr_sdap.h"
 //#include <openair1/PHY/phy_extern.h>
+static boolean_t is_gnb = false;
 #pragma pack(1)
 typedef struct Gtpv1uMsgHeader {
@@ -34,8 +36,35 @@ typedef struct Gtpv1uMsgHeader {
   teid_t teid;
 } __attribute__((packed)) Gtpv1uMsgHeaderT;
+typedef struct Gtpv1uMsgHeaderOptFields {
+  uint8_t seqNum1Oct;
+  uint8_t seqNum2Oct;
+  uint8_t NPDUNum;
+  uint8_t NextExtHeaderType;    
+} __attribute__((packed)) Gtpv1uMsgHeaderOptFieldsT;
+typedef struct PDUSessionContainer {
+  uint8_t spare:4;
+  uint8_t PDU_type:4;
+  uint8_t QFI:6;
+  uint8_t RQI:1;
+  uint8_t PPP:1;
+} __attribute__((packed)) PDUSessionContainerT;
+typedef struct Gtpv1uExtHeader {
+  uint8_t ExtHeaderLen;
+  PDUSessionContainerT pdusession_cntr;
+  //uint8_t NextExtHeaderType;
+}__attribute__((packed)) Gtpv1uExtHeaderT;
 #pragma pack()
+// TS 29.281, fig 5.2.1-3
+#define PDU_SESSION_CONTAINER       (0x85)
+// TS 29.281, 5.2.1
+#define EXT_HDR_LNTH_OCTET_UNITS    (4)
+#define NO_MORE_EXT_HDRS            (0)
 // TS 29.060, table 7.1 defines the possible message types
 // here are all the possible messages (3GPP R16)
 #define GTP_ECHO_REQ                                         (1)
@@ -65,6 +94,8 @@ typedef struct {
   rnti_t rnti;
   ebi_t incoming_rb_id;
   gtpCallback callBack;
+  gtpCallbackSDAP callBackSDAP;
+  int pdusession_id;
 } rntiData_t;
 class gtpEndPoint {
@@ -448,6 +479,10 @@ teid_t newGtpuCreateTunnel(instance_t instance, rnti_t rnti, int incoming_bearer
   inst->te2ue_mapping[incoming_teid].incoming_rb_id= incoming_bearer_id;
+  inst->te2ue_mapping[incoming_teid].callBackSDAP = sdap_data_req;
+  inst->te2ue_mapping[incoming_teid].pdusession_id = (uint8_t)outgoing_bearer_id;
   gtpv1u_bearer_t *tmp=&inst->ue2te_mapping[rnti].bearers[outgoing_bearer_id];
@@ -567,14 +602,14 @@ int gtpv1u_create_ngu_tunnel(  const instance_t instance,
   tcp_udp_port_t dstport=globGtp.instances[compatInst(instance)].get_dstport();
+  is_gnb = true;
   for (int i = 0; i < create_tunnel_req->num_tunnels; i++) {
     teid_t teid=newGtpuCreateTunnel(instance, create_tunnel_req->rnti,
                                     create_tunnel_req->dst_addr[i], dstport,
-                                    sdap_gnb_data_req);
+                                    pdcp_data_req);
@@ -815,10 +850,28 @@ static int Gtpv1uHandleGpdu(int h,
     return GTPNOK;
-  int offset=8;
-  if( msgHdr->E ||  msgHdr->S ||msgHdr->PN)
-    offset+=8;
+  int offset=sizeof(Gtpv1uMsgHeaderT);
+  uint8_t qfi = 0;
+  boolean_t rqi = FALSE;
+  if( msgHdr->E || msgHdr->S || msgHdr->PN){
+   Gtpv1uMsgHeaderOptFieldsT *msgHdrOpt = (Gtpv1uMsgHeaderOptFieldsT *)(msgBuf+offset);
+   offset+=sizeof(Gtpv1uMsgHeaderOptFieldsT);
+    if( msgHdr->E && msgHdrOpt->NextExtHeaderType == PDU_SESSION_CONTAINER){
+      Gtpv1uExtHeaderT *msgHdrExt = (Gtpv1uExtHeaderT *)(msgBuf+offset);
+      offset+=msgHdrExt->ExtHeaderLen*EXT_HDR_LNTH_OCTET_UNITS;
+      qfi = msgHdrExt->pdusession_cntr.QFI;
+      rqi = msgHdrExt->pdusession_cntr.RQI;
+      /* 
+       * Check if the next extension header type of GTP extension header is set to 0
+       * We can not put it in the struct Gtpv1uExtHeaderT because the length is dynamic.
+       */
+      if(*(msgBuf+offset-1) != NO_MORE_EXT_HDRS)
+        LOG_W(GTPU, "Warning -  Next extension header is not zero, handle it \n");
+    }
+  }
   // This context is not good for gtp
   // frame, ... has no meaning
@@ -843,17 +896,34 @@ static int Gtpv1uHandleGpdu(int h,
   const uint32_t destinationL2Id=0;
-  if ( !tunnel->second.callBack(&ctxt,
-                                srb_flag,
-                                rb_id,
-                                mui,
-                                confirm,
-                                sdu_buffer_size,
-                                sdu_buffer,
-                                mode,
-                                &sourceL2Id,
-                                &destinationL2Id) )
-    LOG_E(GTPU,"[%d] down layer refused incoming packet\n", h);
+  if(is_gnb && qfi){
+    if ( !tunnel->second.callBackSDAP(&ctxt,
+                                      srb_flag,
+                                      rb_id,
+                                      mui,
+                                      confirm,
+                                      sdu_buffer_size,
+                                      sdu_buffer,
+                                      mode,
+                                      &sourceL2Id,
+                                      &destinationL2Id,
+                                      qfi,
+                                      rqi,
+                                      tunnel->second.pdusession_id) )
+      LOG_E(GTPU,"[%d] down layer refused incoming packet\n", h);
+  } else {
+    if ( !tunnel->second.callBack(&ctxt,
+                                  srb_flag,
+                                  rb_id,
+                                  mui,
+                                  confirm,
+                                  sdu_buffer_size,
+                                  sdu_buffer,
+                                  mode,
+                                  &sourceL2Id,
+                                  &destinationL2Id) )
+      LOG_E(GTPU,"[%d] down layer refused incoming packet\n", h);
+  }
   LOG_D(GTPU,"[%d] Received a %d bytes packet for: teid:%x\n", h,
diff --git a/openair3/ocp-gtpu/gtp_itf.h b/openair3/ocp-gtpu/gtp_itf.h
index ba6cf0f8bb98e3da99af0e7c4162c5fe2ffb731d..17882ebf1e7e0f04846782a2e0733c123a5def7f 100644
--- a/openair3/ocp-gtpu/gtp_itf.h
+++ b/openair3/ocp-gtpu/gtp_itf.h
@@ -20,6 +20,21 @@ typedef boolean_t (*gtpCallback)(
   const uint32_t *sourceL2Id,
   const uint32_t *destinationL2Id);
+typedef boolean_t (*gtpCallbackSDAP)(
+  protocol_ctxt_t  *ctxt_pP,
+  const srb_flag_t     srb_flagP,
+  const rb_id_t        rb_idP,
+  const mui_t          muiP,
+  const confirm_t      confirmP,
+  const sdu_size_t     sdu_buffer_sizeP,
+  unsigned char *const sdu_buffer_pP,
+  const pdcp_transmission_mode_t modeP,
+  const uint32_t *sourceL2Id,
+  const uint32_t *destinationL2Id,
+  const uint8_t   qfi,
+  const boolean_t rqi,
+  const int       pdusession_id);
 typedef struct openAddr_s {
   char originHost[HOST_NAME_MAX];
   char originService[HOST_NAME_MAX];
diff --git a/targets/ARCH/rfsimulator/simulator.c b/targets/ARCH/rfsimulator/simulator.c
index 013e542689a54ea0982bbde323c1154d71f5ed7b..24a0348d35d6857f13bdfda34dc0f175de3aab96 100644
--- a/targets/ARCH/rfsimulator/simulator.c
+++ b/targets/ARCH/rfsimulator/simulator.c
@@ -736,10 +736,10 @@ static int rfsimulator_read(openair0_device *device, openair0_timestamp *ptimest
         else { // no channel modeling
-          double H_awgn_mimo[4][4] ={{1.0, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125},//rx 0
-                                     {0.5, 1.0, 0.5, 0.25},  //rx 1
-                                     {0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 0.5},  //rx 2
-                                     {0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0}};//rx 3
+          double H_awgn_mimo[4][4] ={{1.0, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05}, //rx 0
+                                      {0.2, 1.0, 0.2, 0.1}, //rx 1
+                                     {0.1, 0.2, 1.0, 0.2}, //rx 2
+                                     {0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 1.0}};//rx 3
           sample_t *out=(sample_t *)samplesVoid[a];
           int nbAnt_tx = ptr->th.nbAnt;//number of Tx antennas
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/benetel-5g.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/benetel-5g.conf
index f13f20efbab0eba909eac48ade4f9fb2e773fad9..d14267dcd84f89441248b2655789c433c8a7f268 100644
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/benetel-5g.conf
+++ b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/benetel-5g.conf
@@ -23,8 +23,6 @@ gNBs =
     ////////// Physical parameters:
     ssb_SubcarrierOffset                                      = 31; //0;
-    pdsch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
-    pusch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
     servingCellConfigCommon = (
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band257.tm1.32PRB.usrpn300.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band257.tm1.32PRB.usrpn300.conf
index 483aac6deb9a45c8e936c233054945009c4ed73a..52e4eec30e89325f4eb7f246441ff4cf6e9eb2e7 100644
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band257.tm1.32PRB.usrpn300.conf
+++ b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band257.tm1.32PRB.usrpn300.conf
@@ -22,8 +22,6 @@ gNBs =
     ////////// Physical parameters:
     ssb_SubcarrierOffset                                      = 0;
-    pdsch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
-    pusch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
     servingCellConfigCommon = (
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band257.tm1.32PRB.usrpx300.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band257.tm1.32PRB.usrpx300.conf
index 9a91640a080d2b2ab14ed402759a35f0ba42fdd4..ab435c9686684d4b97a7b58d017dbd300eea48ee 100644
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band257.tm1.32PRB.usrpx300.conf
+++ b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band257.tm1.32PRB.usrpx300.conf
@@ -22,8 +22,6 @@ gNBs =
     ////////// Physical parameters:
     ssb_SubcarrierOffset                                      = 0;
-    pdsch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
-    pusch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
     servingCellConfigCommon = (
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band257.tm1.66PRB.usrpn300.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band257.tm1.66PRB.usrpn300.conf
index 05c81b5c512f4e6aa62e2f8ebaa237334cb931a8..a04e0e6123f398948b5bd9f85345998f83a2c0d0 100644
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band257.tm1.66PRB.usrpn300.conf
+++ b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band257.tm1.66PRB.usrpn300.conf
@@ -22,9 +22,7 @@ gNBs =
     ////////// Physical parameters:
     ssb_SubcarrierOffset                                      = 0;
-    pdsch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
-    pusch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
     servingCellConfigCommon = (
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band261.tm1.32PRB.usrpn300.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band261.tm1.32PRB.usrpn300.conf
index fbae1136b0b786c3abcdbff49ad683943e2a7a45..426f9e782b1a0cc3196af816495c936646b0828e 100644
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band261.tm1.32PRB.usrpn300.conf
+++ b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band261.tm1.32PRB.usrpn300.conf
@@ -22,8 +22,6 @@ gNBs =
     ////////// Physical parameters:
     ssb_SubcarrierOffset                                      = 0;
-    pdsch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
-    pusch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
     servingCellConfigCommon = (
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band66.tm1.106PRB.usrpn300.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band66.tm1.106PRB.usrpn300.conf
index e5685d00a4af4575bebdd277d403e236465d174e..216728577a775fb8db3a4375894753ba49c3435f 100644
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band66.tm1.106PRB.usrpn300.conf
+++ b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band66.tm1.106PRB.usrpn300.conf
@@ -22,8 +22,6 @@ gNBs =
     ////////// Physical parameters:
     ssb_SubcarrierOffset                                      = 0;
-    pdsch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
-    pusch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
     servingCellConfigCommon = (
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band66.tm1.106PRB.usrpx300.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band66.tm1.106PRB.usrpx300.conf
index b0126589cd81461716074401e5bd1494c24908c7..59d466656c66319d08cec18df5c3d9619b20c907 100644
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band66.tm1.106PRB.usrpx300.conf
+++ b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band66.tm1.106PRB.usrpx300.conf
@@ -22,8 +22,6 @@ gNBs =
     ////////// Physical parameters:
     ssb_SubcarrierOffset                                      = 0;
-    pdsch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
-    pusch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
     servingCellConfigCommon = (
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band78.106PRB.30kHz,usrpb2x0.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band78.106PRB.30kHz,usrpb2x0.conf
index 683cdaeb2c40885393fc285eeddff5e5e34f1631..2ae4df07d9c80b3bc2dff2ee4414799279cbcef1 100644
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band78.106PRB.30kHz,usrpb2x0.conf
+++ b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band78.106PRB.30kHz,usrpb2x0.conf
@@ -22,8 +22,6 @@ gNBs =
     ////////// Physical parameters:
     ssb_SubcarrierOffset                                      = 31;
-    pdsch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
-    pusch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
     servingCellConfigCommon = (
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band78.106PRB.slave.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band78.106PRB.slave.conf
index 2d85f446d7b319c79f300f85c92dd27fdc6899f4..21267870bd5e8b468c41afe7fcdd2b2cab91290e 100644
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band78.106PRB.slave.conf
+++ b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band78.106PRB.slave.conf
@@ -22,9 +22,7 @@ gNBs =
     ////////// Physical parameters:
     ssb_SubcarrierOffset                                      = 0;
-    pdsch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
-    pusch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
     servingCellConfigCommon = (
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band78.slave.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band78.slave.conf
index e1c9e9e167814760fc4dd204a2c17c8d0b8ae4db..a0fd0bda9f0221dc5c36419a17e9add1fa8f26bf 100644
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band78.slave.conf
+++ b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band78.slave.conf
@@ -22,8 +22,6 @@ gNBs =
     ////////// Physical parameters:
     ssb_SubcarrierOffset                                      = 0;
-    pdsch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
-    pusch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
     servingCellConfigCommon = (
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band78.tm1.106PRB.PTRS.usrpx300.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band78.tm1.106PRB.PTRS.usrpx300.conf
index 367ced1c8a936c55fd7b8e8c49910b284c118327..5c8f90d9b5555a1ce02aa3ee8c3743c3d9c20b6f 100644
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band78.tm1.106PRB.PTRS.usrpx300.conf
+++ b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band78.tm1.106PRB.PTRS.usrpx300.conf
@@ -22,8 +22,6 @@ gNBs =
    ////////// Physical parameters:
    ssb_SubcarrierOffset                                           = 0;
-   pdsch_AntennaPorts                                             = 1;
-   pusch_AntennaPorts                                             = 1;
    servingCellConfigCommon = (
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band78.tm1.106PRB.usrpb210.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band78.tm1.106PRB.usrpb210.conf
index e7d671e6a438f031d5acd08c4d546325039a8cd2..7bf3626870a6604c8a6c576347ceb7425ce6c386 100644
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band78.tm1.106PRB.usrpb210.conf
+++ b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band78.tm1.106PRB.usrpb210.conf
@@ -22,9 +22,7 @@ gNBs =
     ////////// Physical parameters:
     ssb_SubcarrierOffset                                      = 0;
-    pdsch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
-    pusch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
     servingCellConfigCommon = (
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band78.tm1.106PRB.usrpn300.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band78.tm1.106PRB.usrpn300.conf
index c9363da7f8e9658b03d2c39aa1108e95b17f7831..1773e1fb7921be8a563c70001243c37e547b2e44 100644
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band78.tm1.106PRB.usrpn300.conf
+++ b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band78.tm1.106PRB.usrpn300.conf
@@ -22,8 +22,6 @@ gNBs =
     ////////// Physical parameters:
     ssb_SubcarrierOffset                                      = 0;
-    pdsch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
-    pusch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
     servingCellConfigCommon = (
@@ -203,7 +201,7 @@ L1s = (
 RUs = (
          local_rf       = "yes"
-         nb_tx          = 1
+         nb_tx          = 4
          nb_rx          = 1
          att_tx         = 0
          att_rx         = 0;
@@ -217,8 +215,10 @@ RUs = (
          #bf_weights = [0x00007fff, 0x0000,0x0000, 0x0000];
          ## beamforming 2x2 matrix:
          #bf_weights = [0x00007fff, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00007fff];
-         ## beamforming 4x4 matrix:
-         #bf_weights = [0x00007fff, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x00000000, 0x00007fff, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x00007fff, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x00007fff];
+         ## beamforming 2x4 matrix:
+         #bf_weights = [0x00007fff, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x00007fff, 0x0000, 0x0000];
+         #beamforming 4x4 matrix:
+         bf_weights = [0x00007fff, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x00007fff, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x00007fff, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x00007fff];
          sdr_addrs = "addr=,mgmt_addr=,second_addr=";
          clock_src = "external";
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band78.tm1.106PRB.usrpx300.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band78.tm1.106PRB.usrpx300.conf
index 0e5ee33950fa5a5a269c9a1c3dfd71666e4cb4fc..d0f394be16a648c0efba3d26bd474647f435e674 100644
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band78.tm1.106PRB.usrpx300.conf
+++ b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band78.tm1.106PRB.usrpx300.conf
@@ -22,8 +22,6 @@ gNBs =
     ////////// Physical parameters:
     ssb_SubcarrierOffset                                      = 0;
-    pdsch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
-    pusch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
     servingCellConfigCommon = (
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band78.tm1.217PRB.usrpn300.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band78.tm1.217PRB.usrpn300.conf
index 019a0f0a363664d43f2059018e740e3ce05bbb5f..0438e61337210d1e37ec783d253b983f41d40e26 100644
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band78.tm1.217PRB.usrpn300.conf
+++ b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band78.tm1.217PRB.usrpn300.conf
@@ -22,8 +22,6 @@ gNBs =
     ////////// Physical parameters:
     ssb_SubcarrierOffset                                      = 0;
-    pdsch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
-    pusch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
     servingCellConfigCommon = (
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band78.tm1.217PRB.usrpx300.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band78.tm1.217PRB.usrpx300.conf
index 35e742900ad5d65cd4af11ceb0bc15c6ea3021fe..66c2151eb83997cabe07d0016c269a01b71c9a10 100644
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band78.tm1.217PRB.usrpx300.conf
+++ b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band78.tm1.217PRB.usrpx300.conf
@@ -22,9 +22,7 @@ gNBs =
     ////////// Physical parameters:
     ssb_SubcarrierOffset                                      = 0;
-    pdsch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
-    pusch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
     servingCellConfigCommon = (
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band78.tm1.24PRB.usrpb210.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band78.tm1.24PRB.usrpb210.conf
index 37cde2feb1d1217615ddae9bc591e48ce12d35ee..c6ea066fc48aa0c9dae1d446f9f4d6962d438373 100644
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band78.tm1.24PRB.usrpb210.conf
+++ b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band78.tm1.24PRB.usrpb210.conf
@@ -22,9 +22,7 @@ gNBs =
     ////////// Physical parameters:
     ssb_SubcarrierOffset                                      = 0;
-    pdsch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
-    pusch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
     servingCellConfigCommon = (
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band78.tm1.24PRB.usrpn300.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band78.tm1.24PRB.usrpn300.conf
index f3922404010f4d0cbb13ce684c83cea580d8a863..fcfe58a3c024e059e0417d927962531f6c16e4c6 100644
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band78.tm1.24PRB.usrpn300.conf
+++ b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band78.tm1.24PRB.usrpn300.conf
@@ -22,9 +22,7 @@ gNBs =
     ////////// Physical parameters:
     ssb_SubcarrierOffset                                      = 0;
-    pdsch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
-    pusch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
     servingCellConfigCommon = (
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band78.tm1.24PRB.usrpx300.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band78.tm1.24PRB.usrpx300.conf
index 59af2a9187fbc74c0ed21f68f72a69f330fa5a7d..2ad9757cb132fa517500d2d746d4c09572ec08c3 100644
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band78.tm1.24PRB.usrpx300.conf
+++ b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band78.tm1.24PRB.usrpx300.conf
@@ -22,8 +22,6 @@ gNBs =
     ////////// Physical parameters:
     ssb_SubcarrierOffset                                      = 0;
-    pdsch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
-    pusch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
     servingCellConfigCommon = (
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band78.tm1.273PRB.usrpn300.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band78.tm1.273PRB.usrpn300.conf
index 9358c3370f5fa522554f64e96d72c38a556f8311..44074f3fd91e18a00bfe60080484594be6014ecf 100644
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band78.tm1.273PRB.usrpn300.conf
+++ b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/gnb.band78.tm1.273PRB.usrpn300.conf
@@ -22,8 +22,6 @@ gNBs =
     ////////// Physical parameters:
     ssb_SubcarrierOffset                                      = 0;
-    pdsch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
-    pusch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
     servingCellConfigCommon = (
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rcc.band78.tm1.106PRB.nfapi.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rcc.band78.tm1.106PRB.nfapi.conf
index 004ad4db78ce18775dafe89b569f09c482143d01..7ce150506f0da42c6f2f5c67763e1ce347004dd3 100644
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rcc.band78.tm1.106PRB.nfapi.conf
+++ b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rcc.band78.tm1.106PRB.nfapi.conf
@@ -22,8 +22,6 @@ gNBs =
     ////////// Physical parameters:
     ssb_SubcarrierOffset                                      = 0;
-    pdsch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
-    pusch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
     servingCellConfigCommon = (
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/testing_gnb.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/testing_gnb.conf
index 4ec53064f11c2400c3c0ab53cd069c7cd717c08f..306e652eaa9b5d1e763b3d0e97867173d03565e1 100644
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/testing_gnb.conf
+++ b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/testing_gnb.conf
@@ -22,8 +22,6 @@ gNBs =
     ////////// Physical parameters:
     ssb_SubcarrierOffset                                      = 31; //0;
-    pdsch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
-    pusch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
     servingCellConfigCommon = (
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/testing_gnb_24PRB.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/testing_gnb_24PRB.conf
index 7c0fa96adbb12b2ed16fcee3bcc23181e69d6165..d08c0f14a08ad55c3b0c30daf6388c416ab59cc4 100644
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/testing_gnb_24PRB.conf
+++ b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/testing_gnb_24PRB.conf
@@ -22,8 +22,6 @@ gNBs =
     ////////// Physical parameters:
     ssb_SubcarrierOffset                                      = 31; //0;
-    pdsch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
-    pusch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
     servingCellConfigCommon = (
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/testing_gnb_n310.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/testing_gnb_n310.conf
index 57aa459d49e7b00c33eafe565b1f52caa68af29e..e3204db8faeb657aca5ea06d1da289c947266351 100644
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/testing_gnb_n310.conf
+++ b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/testing_gnb_n310.conf
@@ -22,8 +22,6 @@ gNBs =
     ////////// Physical parameters:
     ssb_SubcarrierOffset                                      = 31; //0;
-    pdsch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
-    pusch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
     servingCellConfigCommon = (
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/testing_gnb_nsa_n310.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/testing_gnb_nsa_n310.conf
index 89dca2a75c4892f999aa0df87a81875e7199bc46..030dc102267bafc37ce9a97b16d57cad20ae0737 100644
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/testing_gnb_nsa_n310.conf
+++ b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/testing_gnb_nsa_n310.conf
@@ -22,8 +22,6 @@ gNBs =
     ////////// Physical parameters:
     ssb_SubcarrierOffset                                      = 31; //0;
-    pdsch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
-    pusch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
     pusch_TargetSNRx10                                        = 200;
     pucch_TargetSNRx10                                        = 200;
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-NR-5GC/CONF/du_gnb.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-NR-5GC/CONF/du_gnb.conf
index c30805a2d9b6021db0df7b3c38186a0fd70b0e3d..256d724f3ff9898e942244b2cdc8443de355e515 100644
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-NR-5GC/CONF/du_gnb.conf
+++ b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-NR-5GC/CONF/du_gnb.conf
@@ -37,8 +37,6 @@ gNBs =
     ////////// Physical parameters:
     ssb_SubcarrierOffset                                      = 0;
-    pdsch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
-    pusch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
     min_rxtxtime                                              = 6;
     sib1_tda                                                  = 0;
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-NR-5GC/CONF/gnb.band78.tm1.106PRB.usrpn300.gtp-itti.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-NR-5GC/CONF/gnb.band78.tm1.106PRB.usrpn300.gtp-itti.conf
index b0e02ff2bc340a24667934a8a706cfc9c1f19144..726e43d7ad333ed90f1b2f86f3b4eba33d4baf85 100644
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-NR-5GC/CONF/gnb.band78.tm1.106PRB.usrpn300.gtp-itti.conf
+++ b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-NR-5GC/CONF/gnb.band78.tm1.106PRB.usrpn300.gtp-itti.conf
@@ -37,8 +37,6 @@ gNBs =
     ////////// Physical parameters:
     ssb_SubcarrierOffset                                      = 0;
-    pdsch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
-    pusch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
     sib1_tda                                                  = 0;
     servingCellConfigCommon = (
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-NR-5GC/CONF/gnb.sa.band41.fr1.106PRB.usrpb210.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-NR-5GC/CONF/gnb.sa.band41.fr1.106PRB.usrpb210.conf
index 9bf20b54aba8c63e71dcb7ddae9aefee8d54ec63..7e2db64aaa72bc1cb5f6e506313e13fd4aeaec6b 100644
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-NR-5GC/CONF/gnb.sa.band41.fr1.106PRB.usrpb210.conf
+++ b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-NR-5GC/CONF/gnb.sa.band41.fr1.106PRB.usrpb210.conf
@@ -33,8 +33,6 @@ gNBs =
     ////////// Physical parameters:
     ssb_SubcarrierOffset                                      = 0;
-    pdsch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
-    pusch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
     min_rxtxtime                                              = 6;
     sib1_tda                                                  = 0;
     do_SRS                                                    = 1;
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-NR-5GC/CONF/gnb.sa.band78.fr1.106PRB.2x2.usrpn300.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-NR-5GC/CONF/gnb.sa.band78.fr1.106PRB.2x2.usrpn300.conf
index 9452f00eed10a9e21117a6522df566b9811c47cb..950e9c1d38fb18ba018f68a6506f10771a6eadfe 100644
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-NR-5GC/CONF/gnb.sa.band78.fr1.106PRB.2x2.usrpn300.conf
+++ b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-NR-5GC/CONF/gnb.sa.band78.fr1.106PRB.2x2.usrpn300.conf
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ gNBs =
     ////////// Physical parameters:
     ssb_SubcarrierOffset                                      = 0;
-    pdsch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
+    pdsch_AntennaPorts_N1                                     = 2;
     pusch_AntennaPorts                                        = 2;
     sib1_tda                                                  = 0;
     do_SRS                                                    = 1;
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ gNBs =
           prach_msg1_FDM                                            = 0;
           prach_msg1_FrequencyStart                                 = 0;
           zeroCorrelationZoneConfig                                 = 12;
-          preambleReceivedTargetPower                               = -104;
+          preambleReceivedTargetPower                               = -96;
 #preamblTransMax (0...10) = (3,4,5,6,7,8,10,20,50,100,200)
           preambleTransMax                                          = 6;
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-NR-5GC/CONF/gnb.sa.band78.fr1.106PRB.usrpb210.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-NR-5GC/CONF/gnb.sa.band78.fr1.106PRB.usrpb210.conf
index 09cf892b917b009d9dc2729a5744330f9f242868..1dc903b811232d2b01bcacba686646823f480b34 100644
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-NR-5GC/CONF/gnb.sa.band78.fr1.106PRB.usrpb210.conf
+++ b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-NR-5GC/CONF/gnb.sa.band78.fr1.106PRB.usrpb210.conf
@@ -33,8 +33,6 @@ gNBs =
     ////////// Physical parameters:
     ssb_SubcarrierOffset                                      = 0;
-    pdsch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
-    pusch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
     min_rxtxtime                                              = 6;
     sib1_tda                                                  = 0;
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-NR-5GC/CONF/gnb.sa.band78.fr1.106PRB.usrpb210.sabox.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-NR-5GC/CONF/gnb.sa.band78.fr1.106PRB.usrpb210.sabox.conf
index 280461d2abf9be9d65343625afbbe7a5e601081e..8ca0c0887692f7c0a0747556334c245cfc1e4cab 100644
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-NR-5GC/CONF/gnb.sa.band78.fr1.106PRB.usrpb210.sabox.conf
+++ b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-NR-5GC/CONF/gnb.sa.band78.fr1.106PRB.usrpb210.sabox.conf
@@ -31,8 +31,6 @@ gNBs =
     ////////// Physical parameters:
     ssb_SubcarrierOffset                                      = 0;
-    pdsch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
-    pusch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
      pdcch_ConfigSIB1 = (
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-NR-5GC/CONF/gnb.sa.band78.fr1.162PRB.2x2.usrpn300.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-NR-5GC/CONF/gnb.sa.band78.fr1.162PRB.2x2.usrpn300.conf
index fac54a298b7cf9901c6673efcb97cad30951af6b..74f8f2cb3b50f16f07cb7a3d5d66172152f7d03c 100644
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-NR-5GC/CONF/gnb.sa.band78.fr1.162PRB.2x2.usrpn300.conf
+++ b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-NR-5GC/CONF/gnb.sa.band78.fr1.162PRB.2x2.usrpn300.conf
@@ -33,10 +33,8 @@ gNBs =
     ////////// Physical parameters:
     ssb_SubcarrierOffset                                      = 0;
-    pdsch_AntennaPorts                                        = 1;
+    pdsch_AntennaPorts_N1                                     = 2;
     pusch_AntennaPorts                                        = 2;
-#    do_CSIRS                                                  = 1;
-    min_rxtxtime_pdsch                                        = 2;
     ul_prbblacklist                                           = "79,80,81,82"
     pdcch_ConfigSIB1 = (
@@ -66,7 +64,7 @@ gNBs =
        # this is RBstart=0,L=162 (275*(275-L+1))+(274-RBstart))
-       initialDLBWPlocationAndBandwidth                                        = 31899;
+       initialDLBWPlocationAndBandwidth                                        = 31624;
 # subcarrierSpacing
 # 0=kHz15, 1=kHz30, 2=kHz60, 3=kHz120
@@ -100,7 +98,7 @@ gNBs =
       pMax                                                          = 20;
-        initialULBWPlocationAndBandwidth                                        = 31899;
+        initialULBWPlocationAndBandwidth                                        = 31624;
 # subcarrierSpacing
 # 0=kHz15, 1=kHz30, 2=kHz60, 3=kHz120
         initialULBWPsubcarrierSpacing                                           = 1;
@@ -112,7 +110,7 @@ gNBs =
           prach_msg1_FDM                                            = 0;
           prach_msg1_FrequencyStart                                 = 0;
           zeroCorrelationZoneConfig                                 = 12;
-          preambleReceivedTargetPower                               = -104;
+          preambleReceivedTargetPower                               = -96;
 #preamblTransMax (0...10) = (3,4,5,6,7,8,10,20,50,100,200)
           preambleTransMax                                          = 6;