diff --git a/ci-scripts/NU_cls_oaicitest.py b/ci-scripts/NU_cls_oaicitest.py
index 2cd78b77bd4dc1d22db5481af5b838df9d104cb0..99951671f750700d5a8ad43cb144138e1b788882 100755
--- a/ci-scripts/NU_cls_oaicitest.py
+++ b/ci-scripts/NU_cls_oaicitest.py
@@ -55,7 +55,8 @@ import helpreadme as HELP
 import constants as CONST
 import sshconnection
+import cls_module_ue
+import cls_ci_ueinfra		#class defining the multi Ue infrastrucure
@@ -130,6 +131,7 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 		self.iperf_packetloss_threshold = ''
 		self.iperf_profile = ''
 		self.iperf_options = ''
+		self.iperf_direction = ''
 		self.nbMaxUEtoAttach = -1
 		self.UEDevices = []
 		self.UEDevicesStatus = []
@@ -158,6 +160,8 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 		self.clean_repository = True
 		self.expectedNbOfConnectedUEs = 0
+		self.ue_id = '' #used for module identification
+		self.ue_trace ='' #used to enable QLog trace for Module UE, passed to Module UE object at InitializeUE()
 	def BuildOAIUE(self,HTML):
@@ -175,7 +179,7 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 			ue_prefix = ''
 		result = re.search('([a-zA-Z0-9\:\-\.\/])+\.git', self.ranRepository)
 		if result is not None:
-			full_ran_repo_name = self.ranRepository
+			full_ran_repo_name = self.ranRepository.replace('git/', 'git')
 			full_ran_repo_name = self.ranRepository + '.git'
 		SSH.command('mkdir -p ' + self.UESourceCodePath, '\$', 5)
@@ -218,7 +222,7 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 		# if the commit ID is provided use it to point to it
 		if self.ranCommitID != '':
-			SSH.command('git checkout -f ' + self.ranCommitID, '\$', 5)
+			SSH.command('git checkout -f ' + self.ranCommitID, '\$', 30)
 		# if the branch is not develop, then it is a merge request and we need to do 
 		# the potential merge. Note that merge conflicts should already been checked earlier
 		if self.ranAllowMerge:
@@ -365,29 +369,50 @@ class OaiCiTest():
-	def InitializeUE(self,HTML,COTS_UE):
-		if self.ADBIPAddress == '' or self.ADBUserName == '' or self.ADBPassword == '':
-			HELP.GenericHelp(CONST.Version)
-			sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter')
-		multi_jobs = []
-		i = 0
-		for device_id in self.UEDevices:
-			p = Process(target = self.InitializeUE_common, args = (device_id,i,COTS_UE,))
-			p.daemon = True
-			p.start()
-			multi_jobs.append(p)
-			i += 1
-		for job in multi_jobs:
-			job.join()
-		HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'OK', CONST.ALL_PROCESSES_OK)
+	def InitializeUE(self,HTML,RAN,EPC, COTS_UE, InfraUE,ue_trace):
+		if self.ue_id=='':#no ID specified, then it is a COTS controlled by ADB
+			if self.ADBIPAddress == '' or self.ADBUserName == '' or self.ADBPassword == '':
+				HELP.GenericHelp(CONST.Version)
+				sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter')
+			multi_jobs = []
+			i = 0
+			for device_id in self.UEDevices:
+				p = Process(target = self.InitializeUE_common, args = (device_id,i,COTS_UE,))
+				p.daemon = True
+				p.start()
+				multi_jobs.append(p)
+				i += 1
+			for job in multi_jobs:
+				job.join()
+			HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'OK', CONST.ALL_PROCESSES_OK)
+		else: #if an ID is specified, it is a module from the yaml infrastructure file
+			#RH
+			Module_UE = cls_module_ue.Module_UE(InfraUE.ci_ue_infra[self.ue_id])
+			Module_UE.ue_trace=ue_trace
+			is_module=Module_UE.CheckCMProcess()
+			if is_module:
+				Module_UE.EnableTrace()
+				time.sleep(5)
+				Module_UE.Command("wup")
+				logging.debug("Waiting for IP address to be assigned")
+				time.sleep(20)
+				logging.debug("Retrieve IP address")
+				status=Module_UE.GetModuleIPAddress()
+				if status==0:
+					HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow(Module_UE.UEIPAddress, 'OK', CONST.ALL_PROCESSES_OK)	
+					logging.debug('UE IP addresss : '+ Module_UE.UEIPAddress)
+				else: #status==-1 failed to retrieve IP address
+					HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'KO', CONST.UE_IP_ADDRESS_ISSUE)
+					self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC,InfraUE)
+					return
-	def InitializeOAIUE(self,HTML,RAN,EPC,COTS_UE):
+	def InitializeOAIUE(self,HTML,RAN,EPC,COTS_UE,InfraUE):
 		if self.UEIPAddress == '' or self.UEUserName == '' or self.UEPassword == '' or self.UESourceCodePath == '':
 			sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter')
 		if self.air_interface == 'lte-uesoftmodem':
 			result = re.search('--no-L2-connect', str(self.Initialize_OAI_UE_args))
 			if result is None:
@@ -404,13 +429,13 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 		SSH = sshconnection.SSHConnection()
 		SSH.open(self.UEIPAddress, self.UEUserName, self.UEPassword)
 		# b2xx_fx3_utils reset procedure
-		SSH.command('echo ' + self.UEPassword + ' | sudo -S uhd_find_devices', '\$', 60)
+		SSH.command('echo ' + self.UEPassword + ' | sudo -S uhd_find_devices', '\$', 90)
 		result = re.search('type: b200', SSH.getBefore())
 		if result is not None:
 			logging.debug('Found a B2xx device --> resetting it')
 			SSH.command('echo ' + self.UEPassword + ' | sudo -S b2xx_fx3_utils --reset-device', '\$', 10)
 			# Reloading FGPA bin firmware
-			SSH.command('echo ' + self.UEPassword + ' | sudo -S uhd_find_devices', '\$', 60)
+			SSH.command('echo ' + self.UEPassword + ' | sudo -S uhd_find_devices', '\$', 90)
 		result = re.search('type: n3xx', str(SSH.getBefore()))
 		if result is not None:
 			logging.debug('Found a N3xx device --> resetting it')
@@ -564,7 +589,7 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 				SSH.command('ifconfig oaitun_ue1', '\$', 4)
 				SSH.command('ifconfig oaitun_ue1', '\$', 4)
 				# ifconfig output is different between ubuntu 16 and ubuntu 18
-				result = re.search('inet addr:1|inet 1', SSH.getBefore())
+				result = re.search('inet addr:[0-9]|inet [0-9]', SSH.getBefore())
 				if result is not None:
 					logging.debug('\u001B[1m oaitun_ue1 interface is mounted and configured\u001B[0m')
 					tunnelInterfaceStatus = True
@@ -606,7 +631,7 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 				HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg='nr-uesoftmodem did NOT synced'
 				HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow(self.air_interface + ' ' +  self.Initialize_OAI_UE_args, 'KO', CONST.OAI_UE_PROCESS_COULD_NOT_SYNC, 'OAI UE')
 			logging.error('\033[91mInitialize OAI UE Failed! \033[0m')
-			self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC)
+			self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC,InfraUE)
 	def checkDevTTYisUnlocked(self):
 		SSH = sshconnection.SSHConnection()
@@ -684,7 +709,7 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 		HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'OK', CONST.ALL_PROCESSES_OK)
-	def AttachCatM(self,HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC):
+	def AttachCatM(self,HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC,InfraUE):
 		if self.ADBIPAddress == '' or self.ADBUserName == '' or self.ADBPassword == '':
 			sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter')
@@ -757,9 +782,9 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 			html_cell = '<pre style="background-color:white">CAT-M module Attachment Failed</pre>'
 			HTML.CreateHtmlTestRowQueue('N/A', 'KO', 1, html_queue)
-			self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC)
+			self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC,InfraUE)
-	def PingCatM(self,HTML,RAN,EPC,COTS_UE):
+	def PingCatM(self,HTML,RAN,EPC,COTS_UE,InfraUE):
 		if EPC.IPAddress == '' or EPC.UserName == '' or EPC.Password == '' or EPC.SourceCodePath == '':
 			sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter')
@@ -768,7 +793,7 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 		pStatus = self.CheckProcessExist(check_eNB, check_OAI_UE,RAN,EPC)
 		if (pStatus < 0):
 			HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow(self.ping_args, 'KO', pStatus)
-			self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC)
+			self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC,InfraUE)
 			statusQueue = SimpleQueue()
@@ -789,7 +814,7 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 					moduleIPAddr = result.group('ipaddr')
 					HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow(self.ping_args, 'KO', pStatus)
-					self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC)
+					self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC,InfraUE)
 			ping_time = re.findall("-c (\d+)",str(self.ping_args))
 			device_id = 'catm'
@@ -853,7 +878,7 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 				HTML.CreateHtmlTestRowQueue(self.ping_args, 'OK', 1, statusQueue)
 				HTML.CreateHtmlTestRowQueue(self.ping_args, 'KO', 1, statusQueue)
-				self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC)
+				self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC,InfraUE)
@@ -945,64 +970,82 @@ class OaiCiTest():
-	def AttachUE(self,HTML,RAN,EPC,COTS_UE):
-		if self.ADBIPAddress == '' or self.ADBUserName == '' or self.ADBPassword == '':
-			HELP.GenericHelp(CONST.Version)
-			sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter')
-		check_eNB = True
-		check_OAI_UE = False
-		pStatus = self.CheckProcessExist(check_eNB, check_OAI_UE,RAN,EPC)
-		if (pStatus < 0):
-			HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'KO', pStatus)
-			self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC)
-			return
-		multi_jobs = []
-		status_queue = SimpleQueue()
-		lock = Lock()
-		nb_ue_to_connect = 0
-		for device_id in self.UEDevices:
-			if (self.nbMaxUEtoAttach == -1) or (nb_ue_to_connect < self.nbMaxUEtoAttach):
-				self.UEDevicesStatus[nb_ue_to_connect] = CONST.UE_STATUS_ATTACHING
-				p = Process(target = self.AttachUE_common, args = (device_id, status_queue, lock,nb_ue_to_connect,COTS_UE,))
-				p.daemon = True
-				p.start()
-				multi_jobs.append(p)
-			nb_ue_to_connect = nb_ue_to_connect + 1
-		for job in multi_jobs:
-			job.join()
-		if (status_queue.empty()):
-			HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'KO', CONST.ALL_PROCESSES_OK)
-			self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC)
-			return
-		else:
-			attach_status = True
-			html_queue = SimpleQueue()
-			while (not status_queue.empty()):
-				count = status_queue.get()
-				if (count < 0):
-					attach_status = False
-				device_id = status_queue.get()
-				message = status_queue.get()
-				if (count < 0):
-					html_cell = '<pre style="background-color:white">UE (' + device_id + ')\n' + message + '</pre>'
-				else:
-					html_cell = '<pre style="background-color:white">UE (' + device_id + ')\n' + message + ' in ' + str(count + 2) + ' seconds</pre>'
-				html_queue.put(html_cell)
-			if (attach_status):
-				cnt = 0
-				while cnt < len(self.UEDevices):
-					if self.UEDevicesStatus[cnt] == CONST.UE_STATUS_ATTACHING:
-						self.UEDevicesStatus[cnt] = CONST.UE_STATUS_ATTACHED
-					cnt += 1
-				HTML.CreateHtmlTestRowQueue('N/A', 'OK', len(self.UEDevices), html_queue)
-				result = re.search('T_stdout', str(RAN.Initialize_eNB_args))
-				if result is not None:
-					logging.debug('Waiting 5 seconds to fill up record file')
-					time.sleep(5)
+	def AttachUE(self,HTML,RAN,EPC,COTS_UE,InfraUE):
+		if self.ue_id=='':#no ID specified, then it is a COTS controlled by ADB
+			if self.ADBIPAddress == '' or self.ADBUserName == '' or self.ADBPassword == '':
+				HELP.GenericHelp(CONST.Version)
+				sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter')
+			check_eNB = True
+			check_OAI_UE = False
+			pStatus = self.CheckProcessExist(check_eNB, check_OAI_UE,RAN,EPC)
+			if (pStatus < 0):
+				HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'KO', pStatus)
+				self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC,InfraUE)
+				return
+			multi_jobs = []
+			status_queue = SimpleQueue()
+			lock = Lock()
+			nb_ue_to_connect = 0
+			for device_id in self.UEDevices:
+				if (self.nbMaxUEtoAttach == -1) or (nb_ue_to_connect < self.nbMaxUEtoAttach):
+					self.UEDevicesStatus[nb_ue_to_connect] = CONST.UE_STATUS_ATTACHING
+					p = Process(target = self.AttachUE_common, args = (device_id, status_queue, lock,nb_ue_to_connect,COTS_UE,))
+					p.daemon = True
+					p.start()
+					multi_jobs.append(p)
+				nb_ue_to_connect = nb_ue_to_connect + 1
+			for job in multi_jobs:
+				job.join()
+			if (status_queue.empty()):
+				HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'KO', CONST.ALL_PROCESSES_OK)
+				self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC,InfraUE)
+				return
-				HTML.CreateHtmlTestRowQueue('N/A', 'KO', len(self.UEDevices), html_queue)
-				self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC)
+				attach_status = True
+				html_queue = SimpleQueue()
+				while (not status_queue.empty()):
+					count = status_queue.get()
+					if (count < 0):
+						attach_status = False
+					device_id = status_queue.get()
+					message = status_queue.get()
+					if (count < 0):
+						html_cell = '<pre style="background-color:white">UE (' + device_id + ')\n' + message + '</pre>'
+					else:
+						html_cell = '<pre style="background-color:white">UE (' + device_id + ')\n' + message + ' in ' + str(count + 2) + ' seconds</pre>'
+					html_queue.put(html_cell)
+				if (attach_status):
+					cnt = 0
+					while cnt < len(self.UEDevices):
+						if self.UEDevicesStatus[cnt] == CONST.UE_STATUS_ATTACHING:
+							self.UEDevicesStatus[cnt] = CONST.UE_STATUS_ATTACHED
+						cnt += 1
+					HTML.CreateHtmlTestRowQueue('N/A', 'OK', len(self.UEDevices), html_queue)
+					result = re.search('T_stdout', str(RAN.Initialize_eNB_args))
+					if result is not None:
+						logging.debug('Waiting 5 seconds to fill up record file')
+						time.sleep(5)
+				else:
+					HTML.CreateHtmlTestRowQueue('N/A', 'KO', len(self.UEDevices), html_queue)
+					self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC,InfraUE)
+		else: #if an ID is specified, it is a module from the yaml infrastructure file
+			#Attention, as opposed to InitializeUE, the connect manager process is not checked as it is supposed to be active already
+			#only 1- module wakeup, 2- check IP address
+			Module_UE = cls_module_ue.Module_UE(InfraUE.ci_ue_infra[self.ue_id])
+			Module_UE.Command("wup")
+			logging.debug("Waiting for IP address to be assigned")
+			time.sleep(20)
+			logging.debug("Retrieve IP address")
+			status=Module_UE.GetModuleIPAddress()
+			if status==0:
+				HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow(Module_UE.UEIPAddress, 'OK', CONST.ALL_PROCESSES_OK)	
+				logging.debug('UE IP addresss : '+ Module_UE.UEIPAddress)
+			else: #status==-1 failed to retrieve IP address
+				HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'KO', CONST.UE_IP_ADDRESS_ISSUE)
+				self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC,InfraUE)
+				return					
 	def DetachUE_common(self, device_id, idx,COTS_UE):
@@ -1026,37 +1069,44 @@ class OaiCiTest():
-	def DetachUE(self,HTML,RAN,EPC,COTS_UE):
-		if self.ADBIPAddress == '' or self.ADBUserName == '' or self.ADBPassword == '':
-			HELP.GenericHelp(CONST.Version)
-			sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter')
-		check_eNB = True
-		check_OAI_UE = False
-		pStatus = self.CheckProcessExist(check_eNB, check_OAI_UE,RAN,EPC)
-		if (pStatus < 0):
-			HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'KO', pStatus)
-			self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC)
-			return
-		multi_jobs = []
-		cnt = 0
-		for device_id in self.UEDevices:
-			self.UEDevicesStatus[cnt] = CONST.UE_STATUS_DETACHING
-			p = Process(target = self.DetachUE_common, args = (device_id,cnt,COTS_UE,))
-			p.daemon = True
-			p.start()
-			multi_jobs.append(p)
-			cnt += 1
-		for job in multi_jobs:
-			job.join()
-		HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'OK', CONST.ALL_PROCESSES_OK)
-		result = re.search('T_stdout', str(RAN.Initialize_eNB_args))
-		if result is not None:
-			logging.debug('Waiting 5 seconds to fill up record file')
-			time.sleep(5)
-		cnt = 0
-		while cnt < len(self.UEDevices):
-			self.UEDevicesStatus[cnt] = CONST.UE_STATUS_DETACHED
-			cnt += 1
+	def DetachUE(self,HTML,RAN,EPC,COTS_UE,InfraUE):
+		if self.ue_id=='':#no ID specified, then it is a COTS controlled by ADB
+			if self.ADBIPAddress == '' or self.ADBUserName == '' or self.ADBPassword == '':
+				HELP.GenericHelp(CONST.Version)
+				sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter')
+			check_eNB = True
+			check_OAI_UE = False
+			pStatus = self.CheckProcessExist(check_eNB, check_OAI_UE,RAN,EPC)
+			if (pStatus < 0):
+				HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'KO', pStatus)
+				self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC,InfraUE)
+				return
+			multi_jobs = []
+			cnt = 0
+			for device_id in self.UEDevices:
+				self.UEDevicesStatus[cnt] = CONST.UE_STATUS_DETACHING
+				p = Process(target = self.DetachUE_common, args = (device_id,cnt,COTS_UE,))
+				p.daemon = True
+				p.start()
+				multi_jobs.append(p)
+				cnt += 1
+			for job in multi_jobs:
+				job.join()
+			HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'OK', CONST.ALL_PROCESSES_OK)
+			result = re.search('T_stdout', str(RAN.Initialize_eNB_args))
+			if result is not None:
+				logging.debug('Waiting 5 seconds to fill up record file')
+				time.sleep(5)
+			cnt = 0
+			while cnt < len(self.UEDevices):
+				self.UEDevicesStatus[cnt] = CONST.UE_STATUS_DETACHED
+				cnt += 1
+		else:#if an ID is specified, it is a module from the yaml infrastructure file
+			Module_UE = cls_module_ue.Module_UE(InfraUE.ci_ue_infra[self.ue_id])
+			Module_UE.Command("detach")
+			HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow('NA', 'OK', CONST.ALL_PROCESSES_OK)	
 	def RebootUE_common(self, device_id):
@@ -1304,7 +1354,7 @@ class OaiCiTest():
-	def CheckStatusUE(self,HTML,RAN,EPC,COTS_UE):
+	def CheckStatusUE(self,HTML,RAN,EPC,COTS_UE,InfraUE):
 		if self.ADBIPAddress == '' or self.ADBUserName == '' or self.ADBPassword == '':
 			sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter')
@@ -1351,7 +1401,7 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 		if (status_queue.empty()):
 			HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow(htmlOptions, 'KO', CONST.ALL_PROCESSES_OK)
-			self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC)
+			self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC,InfraUE)
 			check_status = True
 			html_queue = SimpleQueue()
@@ -1367,7 +1417,7 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 				HTML.CreateHtmlTestRowQueue(htmlOptions, 'OK', len(self.UEDevices), html_queue)
 				HTML.CreateHtmlTestRowQueue(htmlOptions, 'KO', len(self.UEDevices), html_queue)
-				self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC)
+				self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC,InfraUE)
 	def GetAllUEIPAddresses(self):
 		SSH = sshconnection.SSHConnection()
@@ -1438,14 +1488,20 @@ class OaiCiTest():
-	def Ping_common(self, lock, UE_IPAddress, device_id, statusQueue,EPC):
+	def Ping_common(self, lock, UE_IPAddress, device_id, statusQueue,EPC, Module_UE):
 			SSH = sshconnection.SSHConnection()
 			# Launch ping on the EPC side (true for ltebox and old open-air-cn)
 			# But for OAI-Rel14-CUPS, we launch from python executor
 			launchFromEpc = True
+			launchFromModule = False
 			if re.match('OAI-Rel14-CUPS', EPC.Type, re.IGNORECASE):
 				launchFromEpc = False
+			#if module, ping from module to EPC
+			if self.ue_id!='':
+				launchFromEpc = False
+				launchfromModule = True
 			ping_time = re.findall("-c (\d+)",str(self.ping_args))
 			if launchFromEpc:
@@ -1463,21 +1519,39 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 				#copy the ping log file to have it locally for analysis (ping stats)
 				SSH.copyin(EPC.IPAddress, EPC.UserName, EPC.Password, EPC.SourceCodePath + '/scripts/ping_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log', '.')				
-				#ping log file is on the python executor
-				cmd = 'ping ' + self.ping_args + ' ' + UE_IPAddress + ' 2>&1 > ping_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log' 
-				message = cmd + '\n'
-				logging.debug(cmd)
-				ret = subprocess.run(cmd, shell=True)
-				ping_status = ret.returncode
-				#copy the ping log file to an other folder for log collection (source and destination are EPC)
-				SSH.copyout(EPC.IPAddress, EPC.UserName, EPC.Password, 'ping_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log', EPC.SourceCodePath + '/scripts')
-                #copy the ping log file to have it locally for analysis (ping stats)
-				logging.debug(EPC.SourceCodePath + 'ping_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log')
-				SSH.copyin(EPC.IPAddress, EPC.UserName, EPC.Password, EPC.SourceCodePath  +'/scripts/ping_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log', '.')
+				if launchfromModule == False:
+					#ping log file is on the python executor
+					cmd = 'ping ' + self.ping_args + ' ' + UE_IPAddress + ' 2>&1 > ping_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log' 
+					message = cmd + '\n'
+					logging.debug(cmd)
+					ret = subprocess.run(cmd, shell=True)
+					ping_status = ret.returncode
+					#copy the ping log file to an other folder for log collection (source and destination are EPC)
+					SSH.copyout(EPC.IPAddress, EPC.UserName, EPC.Password, 'ping_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log', EPC.SourceCodePath + '/scripts')
+                	#copy the ping log file to have it locally for analysis (ping stats)
+					logging.debug(EPC.SourceCodePath + 'ping_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log')
+					SSH.copyin(EPC.IPAddress, EPC.UserName, EPC.Password, EPC.SourceCodePath  +'/scripts/ping_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log', '.')
+					SSH.open(EPC.IPAddress, EPC.UserName, EPC.Password)
+					#cat is executed on EPC
+					SSH.command('cat ' + EPC.SourceCodePath + '/scripts/ping_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log', '\$', 5)
+				else: #launch from Module
+					SSH.open(Module_UE.HostIPAddress, Module_UE.HostUsername, Module_UE.HostPassword)
+					#target address is different depending on EPC type
+					if re.match('OAI-Rel14-Docker', EPC.Type, re.IGNORECASE):
+						Target = EPC.MmeIPAddress
+					else:
+						Target = EPC.IPAddress
+					#ping from module NIC rather than IP address to make sure round trip is over the air	
+					cmd = 'ping -I ' + Module_UE.UENetwork  + ' ' + self.ping_args + ' ' +  Target  + ' 2>&1 > ping_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log' 
+					SSH.command(cmd,'\$',int(ping_time[0])*1.5)
+					#copy the ping log file to have it locally for analysis (ping stats)
+					SSH.copyin(Module_UE.HostIPAddress, Module_UE.HostUsername, Module_UE.HostPassword, 'ping_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log', '.')
+					#cat is executed locally 
+					SSH.command('cat ping_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log', '\$', 5)
+					ping_status=0
-				SSH.open(EPC.IPAddress, EPC.UserName, EPC.Password)
-				#cat is executed on EPC
-				SSH.command('cat ' + EPC.SourceCodePath + '/scripts/ping_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log', '\$', 5)
 			if ping_status < 0:
 				message = 'Ping with UE (' + str(UE_IPAddress) + ') crashed due to TIMEOUT!'
@@ -1568,14 +1642,14 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 		HTML.CreateHtmlTestRowQueue(self.ping_args, 'KO', len(self.UEDevices), html_queue)
-	def PingNoS1(self,HTML,RAN,EPC,COTS_UE):
+	def PingNoS1(self,HTML,RAN,EPC,COTS_UE,InfraUE):
 		check_eNB = True
 		check_OAI_UE = True
 		pStatus = self.CheckProcessExist(check_eNB, check_OAI_UE,RAN,EPC)
 		if (pStatus < 0):
 			HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow(self.ping_args, 'KO', pStatus)
-			self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC)
+			self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC,InfraUE)
 		ping_from_eNB = re.search('oaitun_enb1', str(self.ping_args))
 		if ping_from_eNB is not None:
@@ -1661,10 +1735,10 @@ class OaiCiTest():
-	def Ping(self,HTML,RAN,EPC,COTS_UE):
+	def Ping(self,HTML,RAN,EPC,COTS_UE, InfraUE):
 		result = re.search('noS1', str(RAN.Initialize_eNB_args))
 		if result is not None:
-			self.PingNoS1(HTML,RAN,EPC,COTS_UE)
+			self.PingNoS1(HTML,RAN,EPC,COTS_UE,InfraUE)
 		if EPC.IPAddress == '' or EPC.UserName == '' or EPC.Password == '' or EPC.SourceCodePath == '':
@@ -1677,20 +1751,32 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 		pStatus = self.CheckProcessExist(check_eNB, check_OAI_UE,RAN,EPC)
 		if (pStatus < 0):
 			HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow(self.ping_args, 'KO', pStatus)
-			self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC)
-			return
-		ueIpStatus = self.GetAllUEIPAddresses()
-		if (ueIpStatus < 0):
-			HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow(self.ping_args, 'KO', CONST.UE_IP_ADDRESS_ISSUE)
-			self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC)
+			self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC,InfraUE)
+		if self.ue_id=="":
+			Module_UE = cls_module_ue.Module_UE(InfraUE.ci_ue_infra['dummy']) #RH, temporary, we need a dummy Module_UE object to pass to Ping_common
+			ueIpStatus = self.GetAllUEIPAddresses()
+			if (ueIpStatus < 0):
+				HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow(self.ping_args, 'KO', CONST.UE_IP_ADDRESS_ISSUE)
+				self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC,InfraUE)
+				return
+		else:
+			self.UEIPAddresses=[]
+			Module_UE = cls_module_ue.Module_UE(InfraUE.ci_ue_infra[self.ue_id])
+			Module_UE.GetModuleIPAddress()
+			self.UEIPAddresses.append(Module_UE.UEIPAddress)
+		logging.debug(self.UEIPAddresses)
 		multi_jobs = []
 		i = 0
 		lock = Lock()
 		status_queue = SimpleQueue()
 		for UE_IPAddress in self.UEIPAddresses:
-			device_id = self.UEDevices[i]
-			p = Process(target = self.Ping_common, args = (lock,UE_IPAddress,device_id,status_queue,EPC,))
+			if self.ue_id=="":
+				device_id = self.UEDevices[i]
+			else:
+				device_id = Module_UE.ID + "-" + Module_UE.Kind 
+			p = Process(target = self.Ping_common, args = (lock,UE_IPAddress,device_id,status_queue,EPC,Module_UE,))
 			p.daemon = True
@@ -1700,7 +1786,7 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 		if (status_queue.empty()):
 			HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow(self.ping_args, 'KO', CONST.ALL_PROCESSES_OK)
-			self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC)
+			self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC,InfraUE)
 			ping_status = True
 			html_queue = SimpleQueue()
@@ -1717,7 +1803,7 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 				HTML.CreateHtmlTestRowQueue(self.ping_args, 'OK', len(self.UEDevices), html_queue)
 				HTML.CreateHtmlTestRowQueue(self.ping_args, 'KO', len(self.UEDevices), html_queue)
-				self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC)
+				self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC,InfraUE)
 	def Iperf_ComputeTime(self):
 		result = re.search('-t (?P<iperf_time>\d+)', str(self.iperf_args))
@@ -1865,8 +1951,8 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 			return -2
-	def Iperf_analyzeV2Server(self, lock, UE_IPAddress, device_id, statusQueue, iperf_real_options):
-		if (not os.path.isfile('iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log')):
+	def Iperf_analyzeV2Server(self, lock, UE_IPAddress, device_id, statusQueue, iperf_real_options, filename,type):
+		if (not os.path.isfile(filename)):
 			self.ping_iperf_wrong_exit(lock, UE_IPAddress, device_id, statusQueue, 'Could not analyze from server log')
 		# Computing the requested bandwidth in float
@@ -1891,14 +1977,18 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 				req_bandwidth = '%.1f Gbits/sec' % req_bw
 				req_bw = req_bw * 1000000000
-		server_file = open('iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log', 'r')
+		server_file = open(filename, 'r')
 		br_sum = 0.0
 		ji_sum = 0.0
 		pl_sum = 0
 		ps_sum = 0
 		row_idx = 0
 		for line in server_file.readlines():
-			result = re.search('(?P<bitrate>[0-9\.]+ [KMG]bits\/sec) +(?P<jitter>[0-9\.]+ ms) +(?P<lostPack>[0-9]+)/ +(?P<sentPack>[0-9]+)', str(line))
+			if type==0:
+				result = re.search('(?P<bitrate>[0-9\.]+ [KMG]bits\/sec) +(?P<jitter>[0-9\.]+ ms) +(?P<lostPack>[0-9]+)/ +(?P<sentPack>[0-9]+)', str(line))
+			else:
+				result = re.search('^\[  \d\].+ +(?P<bitrate>[0-9\.]+ [KMG]bits\/sec) +(?P<jitter>[0-9\.]+ ms) +(?P<lostPack>[0-9]+)\/(?P<sentPack>[0-9]+)', str(line))
 			if result is not None:
 				bitrate = result.group('bitrate')
 				jitter = result.group('jitter')
@@ -2128,12 +2218,95 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 					SSH.command('docker cp prod-trf-gen:/iperf-2.0.5/iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log ' + EPC.SourceCodePath + '/scripts', '\$', 5)
 				SSH.copyin(EPC.IPAddress, EPC.UserName, EPC.Password, EPC.SourceCodePath+ '/scripts/iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log', '.')
-			self.Iperf_analyzeV2Server(lock, UE_IPAddress, device_id, statusQueue, modified_options)
+			filename='iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log'
+			self.Iperf_analyzeV2Server(lock, UE_IPAddress, device_id, statusQueue, modified_options,filename,0)
 		# in case of OAI-UE 
 		if (device_id == 'OAI-UE'):
 			SSH.copyin(self.UEIPAddress, self.UEUserName, self.UEPassword, self.UESourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets/iperf_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log', '.')
 			SSH.copyout(EPC.IPAddress, EPC.UserName, EPC.Password, 'iperf_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log', EPC.SourceCodePath + '/scripts')
+	def Iperf_Module(self, lock, UE_IPAddress, device_id, idx, ue_num, statusQueue,EPC, Module_UE):
+		SSH = sshconnection.SSHConnection()
+		#RH temporary quick n dirty for test
+		SSH.open(EPC.IPAddress, EPC.UserName, EPC.Password)
+		cmd = 'echo ' + EPC.Password + ' | sudo -S ip link set dev tun5 mtu 1358'
+		SSH.command(cmd,'\$',5)	
+		SSH.close()
+		#kill iperf processes before (in case there are still some remaining)
+		SSH.open(Module_UE.HostIPAddress, Module_UE.HostUsername, Module_UE.HostPassword)
+		cmd = 'killall --signal=SIGKILL iperf'
+		SSH.command(cmd,'\$',5)
+		SSH.close()
+		SSH.open(EPC.IPAddress, EPC.UserName, EPC.Password)
+		cmd = 'killall --signal=SIGKILL iperf'
+		SSH.command(cmd,'\$',5)
+		SSH.close()
+		iperf_time = self.Iperf_ComputeTime()	
+		if self.iperf_direction=="DL":
+			logging.debug("Iperf for Module in DL mode detected")
+			#server side UE
+			SSH.open(Module_UE.HostIPAddress, Module_UE.HostUsername, Module_UE.HostPassword)
+			cmd = 'rm iperf_server_' +  self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log'
+			SSH.command(cmd,'\$',5)
+			cmd = 'echo $USER; nohup /opt/iperf-2.0.10/iperf -s -B ' + UE_IPAddress + ' -u  2>&1 > iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log' 
+			SSH.command(cmd,'\$',5)
+			SSH.close()
+			#client side EPC
+			SSH.open(EPC.IPAddress, EPC.UserName, EPC.Password)
+			cmd = 'rm iperf_client_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log'
+			SSH.command(cmd,'\$',5)
+			cmd = 'iperf -c ' + UE_IPAddress + ' ' + self.iperf_args + ' 2>&1 > iperf_client_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log' 
+			SSH.command(cmd,'\$',int(iperf_time)*5.0)
+			SSH.close()
+			#copy the 2 resulting files locally
+			SSH.copyin(Module_UE.HostIPAddress, Module_UE.HostUsername, Module_UE.HostPassword, 'iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log', '.')
+			SSH.copyin(EPC.IPAddress, EPC.UserName, EPC.Password, 'iperf_client_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log', '.')
+			#send for analysis
+			filename='iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log'
+			self.Iperf_analyzeV2Server(lock, UE_IPAddress, device_id, statusQueue, self.iperf_args,filename,1)	
+		elif self.iperf_direction=="UL":#does not work at the moment
+			logging.debug("Iperf for Module in UL mode detected")
+			#server side EPC
+			SSH.open(EPC.IPAddress, EPC.UserName, EPC.Password)
+			cmd = 'rm iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log'
+			SSH.command(cmd,'\$',5)
+			cmd = 'echo $USER; nohup iperf -s -u 2>&1 > iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log'
+			SSH.command(cmd,'\$',5)
+			SSH.close()
+			#client side UE
+			SSH.open(Module_UE.HostIPAddress, Module_UE.HostUsername, Module_UE.HostPassword)
+			cmd = 'rm iperf_client_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log'
+			SSH.command(cmd,'\$',5)
+			SSH.command('/opt/iperf-2.0.10/iperf -c ' + self.iperf_args + ' 2>&1 > iperf_client_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log', '\$', int(iperf_time)*5.0)
+			SSH.close()
+			#copy the 2 resulting files locally
+			SSH.copyin(Module_UE.HostIPAddress, Module_UE.HostUsername, Module_UE.HostPassword, 'iperf_client_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log', '.')
+			SSH.copyin(EPC.IPAddress, EPC.UserName, EPC.Password, 'iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log', '.')
+			#send for analysis
+			filename='iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log'
+			self.Iperf_analyzeV2Server(lock, UE_IPAddress, device_id, statusQueue, self.iperf_args,filename,1)
+		else :
+			logging.debug("Incorrect or missing IPERF direction in XML")
+		#kill iperf processes after to be clean
+		SSH.open(Module_UE.HostIPAddress, Module_UE.HostUsername, Module_UE.HostPassword)
+		cmd = 'killall --signal=SIGKILL iperf'
+		SSH.command(cmd,'\$',5)
+		SSH.close()
+		SSH.open(EPC.IPAddress, EPC.UserName, EPC.Password)
+		cmd = 'killall --signal=SIGKILL iperf'
+		SSH.command(cmd,'\$',5)
+		SSH.close()
+		return
 	def Iperf_common(self, lock, UE_IPAddress, device_id, idx, ue_num, statusQueue,EPC):
 			SSH = sshconnection.SSHConnection()
@@ -2230,8 +2403,13 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 			# Launch the IPERF client on the EPC side for DL (true for ltebox and old open-air-cn
 			# But for OAI-Rel14-CUPS, we launch from python executor
 			launchFromEpc = True
+			launchFromModule = False
 			if re.match('OAI-Rel14-CUPS', EPC.Type, re.IGNORECASE):
 				launchFromEpc = False
+			#if module
+			if self.ue_id!='' and self.iperf :
+				launchFromEpc = False
+				launchfromModule = True
 			# When using a docker-based deployment, IPERF client shall be launched from trf container
 			launchFromTrfContainer = False
 			if re.match('OAI-Rel14-Docker', EPC.Type, re.IGNORECASE):
@@ -2335,7 +2513,8 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 					subprocess.run(cmd, shell=True)
-				self.Iperf_analyzeV2Server(lock, UE_IPAddress, device_id, statusQueue, modified_options)
+				filename='iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log'
+				self.Iperf_analyzeV2Server(lock, UE_IPAddress, device_id, statusQueue, modified_options,filename,0)
 			# in case of OAI UE: 
 			if (device_id == 'OAI-UE'):
@@ -2348,7 +2527,7 @@ class OaiCiTest():
-	def IperfNoS1(self,HTML,RAN,EPC,COTS_UE):
+	def IperfNoS1(self,HTML,RAN,EPC,COTS_UE,InfraUE):
 		SSH = sshconnection.SSHConnection()
 		if RAN.eNBIPAddress == '' or RAN.eNBUserName == '' or RAN.eNBPassword == '' or self.UEIPAddress == '' or self.UEUserName == '' or self.UEPassword == '':
@@ -2358,7 +2537,7 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 		pStatus = self.CheckProcessExist(check_eNB, check_OAI_UE,RAN,EPC)
 		if (pStatus < 0):
 			HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow(self.iperf_args, 'KO', pStatus)
-			self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC)
+			self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC,InfraUE)
 		server_on_enb = re.search('-R', str(self.iperf_args))
 		if server_on_enb is not None:
@@ -2423,7 +2602,8 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 			if (os.path.isfile('iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '.log')):
 				os.remove('iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '.log')
 			SSH.copyin(iServerIPAddr, iServerUser, iServerPasswd, '/tmp/tmp_iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '.log', 'iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_OAI-UE.log')
-			self.Iperf_analyzeV2Server(lock, '', 'OAI-UE', status_queue, modified_options)
+			filename='iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_OAI-UE.log'
+			self.Iperf_analyzeV2Server(lock, '', 'OAI-UE', status_queue, modified_options,filename,0)
 		# copying on the EPC server for logCollection
 		if (clientStatus == -1):
@@ -2456,12 +2636,12 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 			HTML.CreateHtmlTestRowQueue(self.iperf_args, 'OK', len(self.UEDevices), html_queue)
 			HTML.CreateHtmlTestRowQueue(self.iperf_args, 'KO', len(self.UEDevices), html_queue)
-			self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC)
+			self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC,InfraUE)
-	def Iperf(self,HTML,RAN,EPC,COTS_UE):
+	def Iperf(self,HTML,RAN,EPC,COTS_UE, InfraUE):
 		result = re.search('noS1', str(RAN.Initialize_eNB_args))
 		if result is not None:
-			self.IperfNoS1(HTML,RAN,EPC,COTS_UE)
+			self.IperfNoS1(HTML,RAN,EPC,COTS_UE,InfraUE)
 		if EPC.IPAddress == '' or EPC.UserName == '' or EPC.Password == '' or EPC.SourceCodePath == '' or self.ADBIPAddress == '' or self.ADBUserName == '' or self.ADBPassword == '':
@@ -2474,15 +2654,24 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 		pStatus = self.CheckProcessExist(check_eNB, check_OAI_UE,RAN,EPC)
 		if (pStatus < 0):
 			HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow(self.iperf_args, 'KO', pStatus)
-			self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC)
-			return
-		ueIpStatus = self.GetAllUEIPAddresses()
-		if (ueIpStatus < 0):
-			logging.debug('going here')
-			HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow(self.iperf_args, 'KO', CONST.UE_IP_ADDRESS_ISSUE)
-			self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC)
+			self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC,InfraUE)
+		if self.ue_id=="":#is not a module, follow legacy code
+			ueIpStatus = self.GetAllUEIPAddresses()
+			if (ueIpStatus < 0):
+				HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow(self.iperf_args, 'KO', CONST.UE_IP_ADDRESS_ISSUE)
+				self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC,InfraUE)
+				return
+		else: #is a module
+			self.UEIPAddresses=[]
+			Module_UE = cls_module_ue.Module_UE(InfraUE.ci_ue_infra[self.ue_id])
+			Module_UE.GetModuleIPAddress()
+			self.UEIPAddresses.append(Module_UE.UEIPAddress)
 		self.dummyIperfVersion = '2.0.10'
 		#cmd = 'iperf --version'
 		#logging.debug(cmd + '\n')
@@ -2499,9 +2688,15 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 		ue_num = len(self.UEIPAddresses)
 		lock = Lock()
 		status_queue = SimpleQueue()
+		logging.debug(self.UEIPAddresses)
 		for UE_IPAddress in self.UEIPAddresses:
 			device_id = self.UEDevices[i]
-			p = Process(target = self.Iperf_common, args = (lock,UE_IPAddress,device_id,i,ue_num,status_queue,EPC,))
+        	#special quick and dirty treatment for modules, iperf to be restructured
+			if self.ue_id!="": #is module
+				device_id = Module_UE.ID + "-" + Module_UE.Kind
+				p = Process(target = self.Iperf_Module ,args = (lock, UE_IPAddress, device_id, i, ue_num, status_queue, EPC, Module_UE,))
+			else: #legacy code
+				p = Process(target = self.Iperf_common, args = (lock, UE_IPAddress, device_id, i, ue_num, status_queue, EPC, ))
 			p.daemon = True
@@ -2511,7 +2706,7 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 		if (status_queue.empty()):
 			HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow(self.iperf_args, 'KO', CONST.ALL_PROCESSES_OK)
-			self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC)
+			self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC,InfaUE)
 			iperf_status = True
 			iperf_noperf = False
@@ -2533,7 +2728,7 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 				HTML.CreateHtmlTestRowQueue(self.iperf_args, 'OK', len(self.UEDevices), html_queue)
 				HTML.CreateHtmlTestRowQueue(self.iperf_args, 'KO', len(self.UEDevices), html_queue)
-				self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC)
+				self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC,InfraUE)
 	def CheckProcessExist(self, check_eNB, check_OAI_UE,RAN,EPC):
 		multi_jobs = []
@@ -2938,22 +3133,34 @@ class OaiCiTest():
-	def TerminateUE(self,HTML,COTS_UE):
-		terminate_ue_flag = False
-		self.GetAllUEDevices(terminate_ue_flag)
-		multi_jobs = []
-		i = 0
-		for device_id in self.UEDevices:
-			p = Process(target= self.TerminateUE_common, args = (device_id,i,COTS_UE,))
-			p.daemon = True
-			p.start()
-			multi_jobs.append(p)
-			i += 1
-		for job in multi_jobs:
-			job.join()
-		HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'OK', CONST.ALL_PROCESSES_OK)
+	def TerminateUE(self,HTML,COTS_UE,InfraUE,ue_trace):
+		if self.ue_id=='':#no ID specified, then it is a COTS controlled by ADB
+			terminate_ue_flag = False
+			self.GetAllUEDevices(terminate_ue_flag)
+			multi_jobs = []
+			i = 0
+			for device_id in self.UEDevices:
+				p = Process(target= self.TerminateUE_common, args = (device_id,i,COTS_UE,))
+				p.daemon = True
+				p.start()
+				multi_jobs.append(p)
+				i += 1
+			for job in multi_jobs:
+				job.join()
+			HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'OK', CONST.ALL_PROCESSES_OK)
+		else: #if an ID is specified, it is a module from the yaml infrastructure file
+			Module_UE = cls_module_ue.Module_UE(InfraUE.ci_ue_infra[self.ue_id])
+			Module_UE.ue_trace=ue_trace
+			Module_UE.Command("detach")	
+			Module_UE.DisableTrace()
+			Module_UE.DisableCM()
+			archive_destination=Module_UE.LogCollect()
+			if Module_UE.ue_trace=='yes':
+				HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow('QLog at : '+archive_destination, 'OK', CONST.ALL_PROCESSES_OK)
+			else:
+				HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow('QLog trace is disabled', 'OK', CONST.ALL_PROCESSES_OK)			
-	def TerminateOAIUE(self,HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC):
+	def TerminateOAIUE(self,HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC, InfraUE):
 		SSH = sshconnection.SSHConnection()
 		SSH.open(self.UEIPAddress, self.UEUserName, self.UEPassword)
 		SSH.command('cd ' + self.UESourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets', '\$', 5)
@@ -2994,11 +3201,11 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 					# Not an error then
 					if (logStatus != CONST.OAI_UE_PROCESS_COULD_NOT_SYNC) or (ueAction != 'Sniffing'):
 						self.Initialize_OAI_UE_args = ''
-						self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC)
+						self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC,InfraUE)
 					if (logStatus == CONST.OAI_UE_PROCESS_COULD_NOT_SYNC):
 						self.Initialize_OAI_UE_args = ''
-						self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC)
+						self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC,InfraUE)
 				logging.debug('\u001B[1m' + ueAction + ' Completed \u001B[0m')
 				HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg='<b>' + ueAction + ' Completed</b>\n' + HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg
@@ -3042,21 +3249,21 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 			logging.info('\u001B[1m' + UELogFile + ' Not found \u001B[0m')
 			#HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'OK', CONST.ALL_PROCESSES_OK)
-	def AutoTerminateUEandeNB(self,HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC):
+	def AutoTerminateUEandeNB(self,HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC,InfraUE):
 		if (self.ADBIPAddress != 'none'):
 			self.testCase_id = 'AUTO-KILL-UE'
 			self.desc = 'Automatic Termination of UE'
 			HTML.desc='Automatic Termination of UE'
-			self.TerminateUE(HTML,COTS_UE)
+			self.TerminateUE(HTML,COTS_UE,InfraUE,self.ue_trace)
 		if (self.Initialize_OAI_UE_args != ''):
 			self.testCase_id = 'AUTO-KILL-OAI-UE'
 			self.desc = 'Automatic Termination of OAI-UE'
 			HTML.desc='Automatic Termination of OAI-UE'
-			self.TerminateOAIUE(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC)
+			self.TerminateOAIUE(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC,InfraUE)
 		if (RAN.Initialize_eNB_args != ''):
 			self.testCase_id = 'AUTO-KILL-RAN'
@@ -3309,7 +3516,7 @@ class OaiCiTest():
 				UhdVersion = result.group('uhd_version')
 				logging.debug('UHD Version is: ' + UhdVersion)
-		SSH.command('echo ' + Password + ' | sudo -S uhd_find_devices', '\$', 60)
+		SSH.command('echo ' + Password + ' | sudo -S uhd_find_devices', '\$', 90)
 		usrp_boards = re.findall('product: ([0-9A-Za-z]+)\\\\r\\\\n', SSH.getBefore())
 		count = 0
 		for board in usrp_boards:
diff --git a/ci-scripts/NU_main.py b/ci-scripts/NU_main.py
index 93436292f89791a2c8f9712d2444f8b4a6d73140..4282f8a5736b8f66801c0f9b650884176c7fc6a2 100755
--- a/ci-scripts/NU_main.py
+++ b/ci-scripts/NU_main.py
@@ -38,11 +38,13 @@ import helpreadme as HELP
 import constants as CONST
-import NU_cls_oaicitest		#main class for OAI CI test framework
-import cls_physim           #class PhySim for physical simulators build and test
-import cls_cots_ue			#class CotsUe for Airplane mode control
-import cls_containerize     #class Containerize for all container-based operations on RAN/UE objects
+import NU_cls_oaicitest            #main class for OAI CI test framework
+import cls_physim               #class PhySim for physical simulators build and test
+import cls_cots_ue              #class CotsUe for Airplane mode control
+import cls_containerize         #class Containerize for all container-based operations on RAN/UE objects
+import cls_static_code_analysis #class for static code analysis
+import cls_ci_ueinfra			#class defining the multi Ue infrastrucure
+import cls_physim1          #class PhySim for physical simulators deploy and run
 import sshconnection 
 import epc
@@ -63,6 +65,7 @@ import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
 import logging
 import datetime
 import signal
+import subprocess
 from multiprocessing import Process, Lock, SimpleQueue
@@ -150,8 +153,14 @@ def GetParametersFromXML(action):
 	elif action == 'Initialize_eNB':
+		RAN.eNB_Trace=test.findtext('eNB_Trace')
+		USRPIPAddress=test.findtext('USRP_IPAddress')
+		if USRPIPAddress is None:
+			RAN.USRPIPAddress=''
+		else:
+			RAN.USRPIPAddress=USRPIPAddress
 		if (eNB_instance is None):
@@ -192,13 +201,41 @@ def GetParametersFromXML(action):
 		else :
 			RAN.air_interface[RAN.eNB_instance] = 'ocp-enb'
+	elif action == 'Initialize_UE':
+		ue_id = test.findtext('id')
+		CiTestObj.ue_trace=test.findtext('UE_Trace')#temporary variable, to be passed to Module_UE in Initialize_UE call
+		if (ue_id is None):
+			CiTestObj.ue_id = ""
+		else:
+			CiTestObj.ue_id = ue_id
+	elif action == 'Detach_UE':
+		ue_id = test.findtext('id')
+		if (ue_id is None):
+			CiTestObj.ue_id = ""
+		else:
+			CiTestObj.ue_id = ue_id
 	elif action == 'Attach_UE':
+		ue_id = test.findtext('id')
+		if (ue_id is None):
+			CiTestObj.ue_id = ""
+		else:
+			CiTestObj.ue_id = ue_id
 		nbMaxUEtoAttach = test.findtext('nbMaxUEtoAttach')
 		if (nbMaxUEtoAttach is None):
 			CiTestObj.nbMaxUEtoAttach = -1
 			CiTestObj.nbMaxUEtoAttach = int(nbMaxUEtoAttach)
+	elif action == 'Terminate_UE':
+		ue_id = test.findtext('id')
+		if (ue_id is None):
+			CiTestObj.ue_id = ""
+		else:
+			CiTestObj.ue_id = ue_id
 	elif action == 'CheckStatusUE':
 		expectedNBUE = test.findtext('expectedNbOfConnectedUEs')
 		if (expectedNBUE is None):
@@ -252,9 +289,20 @@ def GetParametersFromXML(action):
 	elif (action == 'Ping') or (action == 'Ping_CatM_module'):
 		CiTestObj.ping_args = test.findtext('ping_args')
 		CiTestObj.ping_packetloss_threshold = test.findtext('ping_packetloss_threshold')
+		ue_id = test.findtext('id')
+		if (ue_id is None):
+			CiTestObj.ue_id = ""
+		else:
+			CiTestObj.ue_id = ue_id
 	elif action == 'Iperf':
 		CiTestObj.iperf_args = test.findtext('iperf_args')
+		ue_id = test.findtext('id')
+		if (ue_id is None):
+			CiTestObj.ue_id = ""
+		else:
+			CiTestObj.ue_id = ue_id
+		CiTestObj.iperf_direction = test.findtext('direction')#used for modules only	
 		CiTestObj.iperf_packetloss_threshold = test.findtext('iperf_packetloss_threshold')
 		CiTestObj.iperf_profile = test.findtext('iperf_profile')
 		if (CiTestObj.iperf_profile is None):
@@ -325,6 +373,41 @@ def GetParametersFromXML(action):
 		if (string_field is not None):
 			CONTAINERS.yamlPath[CONTAINERS.eNB_instance] = string_field
+	elif action == 'DeployGenObject' or action == 'UndeployGenObject':
+		string_field=test.findtext('yaml_path')
+		if (string_field is not None):
+			CONTAINERS.yamlPath[0] = string_field
+		string_field=test.findtext('services')
+		if (string_field is not None):
+			CONTAINERS.services[0] = string_field
+		string_field=test.findtext('nb_healthy')
+		if (string_field is not None):
+			CONTAINERS.nb_healthy[0] = int(string_field)
+	elif action == 'PingFromContainer':
+		string_field = test.findtext('container_name')
+		if (string_field is not None):
+			CONTAINERS.pingContName = string_field
+		string_field = test.findtext('options')
+		if (string_field is not None):
+			CONTAINERS.pingOptions = string_field
+		string_field = test.findtext('loss_threshold')
+		if (string_field is not None):
+			CONTAINERS.pingLossThreshold = string_field
+	elif action == 'IperfFromContainer':
+		string_field = test.findtext('server_container_name')
+		if (string_field is not None):
+			CONTAINERS.svrContName = string_field
+		string_field = test.findtext('server_options')
+		if (string_field is not None):
+			CONTAINERS.svrOptions = string_field
+		string_field = test.findtext('client_container_name')
+		if (string_field is not None):
+			CONTAINERS.cliContName = string_field
+		string_field = test.findtext('client_options')
+		if (string_field is not None):
+			CONTAINERS.cliOptions = string_field
 	else: # ie action == 'Run_PhySim':
 		ldpc.runargs = test.findtext('physim_run_args')
@@ -369,6 +452,20 @@ with open(yaml_file,'r') as f:
+#loading UE infrastructure from yaml
+if (os.path.isfile(ue_infra_file)):
+	yaml_file=ue_infra_file
+elif (os.path.isfile('ci-scripts/'+ue_infra_file)):
+	yaml_file='ci-scripts/'+ue_infra_file
+	logging.error("UE infrastructure yaml file cannot be found")
+	sys.exit("UE infrastructure file cannot be found")
+InfraUE=cls_ci_ueinfra.InfraUE() #initialize UE infrastructure class
+InfraUE.Get_UE_Infra(yaml_file) #read the UE infra, filename is hardcoded and unique for the moment but should be passed as parameter from the test suite
 mode = ''
 CiTestObj = NU_cls_oaicitest.OaiCiTest()
@@ -378,17 +475,18 @@ EPC = epc.EPCManagement()
 RAN = NU_ran.RANManagement()
 HTML = html.HTMLManagement()
 CONTAINERS = cls_containerize.Containerize()
+SCA = cls_static_code_analysis.StaticCodeAnalysis()
+PHYSIM = cls_physim1.PhySim()
 ldpc=cls_physim.PhySim()    #create an instance for LDPC test using GPU or CPU build
 # Parsing Command Line Arguments
 import args_parse
-py_param_file_present, py_params, mode = args_parse.ArgsParse(sys.argv,CiTestObj,RAN,HTML,EPC,ldpc,CONTAINERS,HELP)
+py_param_file_present, py_params, mode = args_parse.ArgsParse(sys.argv,CiTestObj,RAN,HTML,EPC,ldpc,CONTAINERS,HELP,SCA,PHYSIM)
@@ -417,6 +515,8 @@ if re.match('^TerminateeNB$', mode, re.IGNORECASE):
 	if RAN.eNBIPAddress == '' or RAN.eNBUserName == '' or RAN.eNBPassword == '':
 		sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter')
+	if RAN.eNBIPAddress == 'none':
+		sys.exit(0)
@@ -431,13 +531,13 @@ elif re.match('^TerminateUE$', mode, re.IGNORECASE):
 		sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter')
 	signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, receive_signal)
-	CiTestObj.TerminateUE(HTML,COTS_UE)
+	CiTestObj.TerminateUE(HTML,COTS_UE,InfraUE,CiTestObj.ue_trace)
 elif re.match('^TerminateOAIUE$', mode, re.IGNORECASE):
 	if CiTestObj.UEIPAddress == '' or CiTestObj.UEUserName == '' or CiTestObj.UEPassword == '':
 		sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter')
 	signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, receive_signal)
+	CiTestObj.TerminateOAIUE(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC,InfraUE)
 elif re.match('^AnalyzeOAIUE$', mode, re.IGNORECASE):
 	if CiTestObj.UEIPAddress == '' or CiTestObj.UEUserName == '' or CiTestObj.UEPassword == '':
@@ -463,11 +563,18 @@ elif re.match('^LogCollectBuild$', mode, re.IGNORECASE):
 	if (RAN.eNBIPAddress == '' or RAN.eNBUserName == '' or RAN.eNBPassword == '' or RAN.eNBSourceCodePath == '') and (CiTestObj.UEIPAddress == '' or CiTestObj.UEUserName == '' or CiTestObj.UEPassword == '' or CiTestObj.UESourceCodePath == ''):
 		sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter')
+	if RAN.eNBIPAddress == 'none':
+		sys.exit(0)
 elif re.match('^LogCollecteNB$', mode, re.IGNORECASE):
 	if RAN.eNBIPAddress == '' or RAN.eNBUserName == '' or RAN.eNBPassword == '' or RAN.eNBSourceCodePath == '':
 		sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter')
+	if RAN.eNBIPAddress == 'none':
+		cmd = 'zip -r enb.log.' + RAN.BuildId + '.zip cmake_targets/log'
+		logging.debug(cmd)
+		zipStatus = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True, timeout=60)
+		sys.exit(0)
 elif re.match('^LogCollectHSS$', mode, re.IGNORECASE):
 	if EPC.IPAddress == '' or EPC.UserName == '' or EPC.Password == '' or EPC.Type == '' or EPC.SourceCodePath == '':
@@ -522,7 +629,7 @@ elif re.match('^InitiateHtml$', mode, re.IGNORECASE):
 	if foundCount != HTML.nbTestXMLfiles:
-	if (CiTestObj.ADBIPAddress != 'none'):
+	if (CiTestObj.ADBIPAddress != 'none') and (CiTestObj.ADBIPAddress != 'modules'):
 		terminate_ue_flag = False
@@ -613,6 +720,7 @@ elif re.match('^TesteNB$', mode, re.IGNORECASE) or re.match('^TestUE$', mode, re
 	if (EPC.IPAddress != '') and (EPC.IPAddress != 'none'):
+		EPC.SetAmfIPAddress()
 	#get the list of tests to be done
@@ -625,10 +733,12 @@ elif re.match('^TesteNB$', mode, re.IGNORECASE) or re.match('^TestUE$', mode, re
 	signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, receive_signal)
-	if (CiTestObj.ADBIPAddress != 'none'):
+	if (CiTestObj.ADBIPAddress != 'none') and (CiTestObj.ADBIPAddress != 'modules'):
 		terminate_ue_flag = False
+	elif (CiTestObj.ADBIPAddress == 'modules'):
+		CiTestObj.UEDevices.append('COTS-Module')
 	HTML.SethtmlUEConnected(len(CiTestObj.UEDevices) + len(CiTestObj.CatMDevices))
@@ -662,7 +772,7 @@ elif re.match('^TesteNB$', mode, re.IGNORECASE) or re.match('^TestUE$', mode, re
 				if action == 'Initialize_UE' or action == 'Attach_UE' or action == 'Detach_UE' or action == 'Ping' or action == 'Iperf' or action == 'Reboot_UE' or action == 'DataDisable_UE' or action == 'DataEnable_UE' or action == 'CheckStatusUE':
-					if (CiTestObj.ADBIPAddress != 'none'):
+					if (CiTestObj.ADBIPAddress != 'none') and (CiTestObj.ADBIPAddress != 'modules'):
 						#in these cases, having no devices is critical, GetAllUEDevices function has to manage it as a critical error, reason why terminate_ue_flag is set to True
 						terminate_ue_flag = True 
 						# Now we stop properly the test-suite --> clean reporting
@@ -682,39 +792,39 @@ elif re.match('^TesteNB$', mode, re.IGNORECASE) or re.match('^TestUE$', mode, re
 				elif action == 'Terminate_eNB':
 					RAN.TerminateeNB(HTML, EPC)
 				elif action == 'Initialize_UE':
-					CiTestObj.InitializeUE(HTML,COTS_UE)
+					CiTestObj.InitializeUE(HTML,RAN, EPC, COTS_UE, InfraUE, CiTestObj.ue_trace)
 				elif action == 'Terminate_UE':
-					CiTestObj.TerminateUE(HTML,COTS_UE)
+					CiTestObj.TerminateUE(HTML,COTS_UE, InfraUE, CiTestObj.ue_trace)
 				elif action == 'Attach_UE':
-					CiTestObj.AttachUE(HTML,RAN,EPC,COTS_UE)
+					CiTestObj.AttachUE(HTML,RAN,EPC,COTS_UE,InfraUE)
 				elif action == 'Detach_UE':
-					CiTestObj.DetachUE(HTML,RAN,EPC,COTS_UE)
+					CiTestObj.DetachUE(HTML,RAN,EPC,COTS_UE,InfraUE)
 				elif action == 'DataDisable_UE':
 				elif action == 'DataEnable_UE':
 				elif action == 'CheckStatusUE':
-					CiTestObj.CheckStatusUE(HTML,RAN,EPC,COTS_UE)
+					CiTestObj.CheckStatusUE(HTML,RAN,EPC,COTS_UE,InfraUE)
 				elif action == 'Build_OAI_UE':
 				elif action == 'Initialize_OAI_UE':
-					CiTestObj.InitializeOAIUE(HTML,RAN,EPC,COTS_UE)
+					CiTestObj.InitializeOAIUE(HTML,RAN,EPC,COTS_UE,InfraUE)
 				elif action == 'Terminate_OAI_UE':
-					CiTestObj.TerminateOAIUE(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC)
+					CiTestObj.TerminateOAIUE(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC,InfraUE)
 				elif action == 'Initialize_CatM_module':
 				elif action == 'Terminate_CatM_module':
 				elif action == 'Attach_CatM_module':
-					CiTestObj.AttachCatM(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC)
+					CiTestObj.AttachCatM(HTML,RAN,COTS_UE,EPC,InfraUE)
 				elif action == 'Detach_CatM_module':
 				elif action == 'Ping_CatM_module':
-					CiTestObj.PingCatM(HTML,RAN,EPC,COTS_UE,EPC)
+					CiTestObj.PingCatM(HTML,RAN,EPC,COTS_UE,EPC,InfraUE)
 				elif action == 'Ping':
-					CiTestObj.Ping(HTML,RAN,EPC,COTS_UE)
+					CiTestObj.Ping(HTML,RAN,EPC,COTS_UE, InfraUE)
 				elif action == 'Iperf':
-					CiTestObj.Iperf(HTML,RAN,EPC,COTS_UE)
+					CiTestObj.Iperf(HTML,RAN,EPC,COTS_UE, InfraUE)
 				elif action == 'Reboot_UE':
 				elif action == 'Initialize_HSS':
@@ -729,6 +839,10 @@ elif re.match('^TesteNB$', mode, re.IGNORECASE) or re.match('^TestUE$', mode, re
 				elif action == 'Terminate_SPGW':
+				elif action == 'Initialize_5GCN':
+					EPC.Initialize5GCN(HTML)
+				elif action == 'Terminate_5GCN':
+					EPC.Terminate5GCN(HTML)
 				elif action == 'Deploy_EPC':
 				elif action == 'Undeploy_EPC':
@@ -743,7 +857,8 @@ elif re.match('^TesteNB$', mode, re.IGNORECASE) or re.match('^TestUE$', mode, re
 				elif action == 'Build_PhySim':
-					if ldpc.exitStatus==1:sys.exit()
+					if ldpc.exitStatus==1:
+						RAN.prematureExit = True
 				elif action == 'Run_PhySim':
 				elif action == 'Build_Image':
@@ -752,9 +867,29 @@ elif re.match('^TesteNB$', mode, re.IGNORECASE) or re.match('^TestUE$', mode, re
 					CONTAINERS.DeployObject(HTML, EPC)
 				elif action == 'Undeploy_Object':
 					CONTAINERS.UndeployObject(HTML, RAN)
+				elif action == 'Cppcheck_Analysis':
+					SCA.CppCheckAnalysis(HTML)
+				elif action == 'Deploy_Run_PhySim':
+					PHYSIM.Deploy_PhySim(HTML, RAN)
+				elif action == 'DeployGenObject':
+					CONTAINERS.DeployGenObject(HTML)
+					if CONTAINERS.exitStatus==1:
+						RAN.prematureExit = True
+				elif action == 'UndeployGenObject':
+					CONTAINERS.UndeployGenObject(HTML)
+					if CONTAINERS.exitStatus==1:
+						RAN.prematureExit = True
+				elif action == 'PingFromContainer':
+					CONTAINERS.PingFromContainer(HTML)
+					if CONTAINERS.exitStatus==1:
+						RAN.prematureExit = True
+				elif action == 'IperfFromContainer':
+					CONTAINERS.IperfFromContainer(HTML)
+					if CONTAINERS.exitStatus==1:
+						RAN.prematureExit = True
 					sys.exit('Invalid class (action) from xml')
-				if not RAN.prematureExit:
+				if RAN.prematureExit:
 					if CiTestObj.testCase_id == CiTestObj.testMinStableId:
 						logging.debug('Scenario has reached minimal stability point')
 						CiTestObj.testStabilityPointReached = True
diff --git a/ci-scripts/NU_ran.py b/ci-scripts/NU_ran.py
index c4d892d9887756063fc382de62d1e8a81365569c..c5377369da5a9819d87c7d8bbc396832e344a984 100755
--- a/ci-scripts/NU_ran.py
+++ b/ci-scripts/NU_ran.py
@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ import os
 from os import path
 import time
 from multiprocessing import Process, Lock, SimpleQueue
+import yaml
 # OAI Testing modules
@@ -91,6 +93,9 @@ class RANManagement():
 		self.testCase_id = ''
 		self.epcPcapFile = ''
 		self.runtime_stats= ''
+		self.datalog_rt_stats={}
+		self.eNB_Trace = '' #if 'yes', Tshark will be launched at initialization
+		self.USRPIPAddress = ''
@@ -128,12 +133,16 @@ class RANManagement():
 		result = re.search('--eNBocp', self.Build_eNB_args)
 		if result is not None:
 			self.air_interface[self.eNB_instance] = 'ocp-enb'
-		else:	
-			result = re.search('--gNB', self.Build_eNB_args)
+		else:
+			result = re.search('--RU', self.Build_eNB_args)
 			if result is not None:
-				self.air_interface[self.eNB_instance] = 'nr-softmodem'
+				self.air_interface[self.eNB_instance] = 'oairu'
-				self.air_interface[self.eNB_instance] = 'lte-softmodem'
+				result = re.search('--gNB', self.Build_eNB_args)
+				if result is not None:
+					self.air_interface[self.eNB_instance] = 'nr-softmodem'
+				else:
+					self.air_interface[self.eNB_instance] = 'lte-softmodem'
 		# Worakround for some servers, we need to erase completely the workspace
 		if self.Build_eNB_forced_workspace_cleanup:
@@ -142,7 +151,7 @@ class RANManagement():
 		# on RedHat/CentOS .git extension is mandatory
 		result = re.search('([a-zA-Z0-9\:\-\.\/])+\.git', self.ranRepository)
 		if result is not None:
-			full_ran_repo_name = self.ranRepository
+			full_ran_repo_name = self.ranRepository.replace('git/', 'git')
 			full_ran_repo_name = self.ranRepository + '.git'
 		mySSH.command('mkdir -p ' + lSourcePath, '\$', 5)
@@ -185,7 +194,7 @@ class RANManagement():
 		mySSH.command('echo ' + lPassWord + ' | sudo -S git clean -x -d -ff', '\$', 30)
 		# if the commit ID is provided use it to point to it
 		if self.ranCommitID != '':
-			mySSH.command('git checkout -f ' + self.ranCommitID, '\$', 5)
+			mySSH.command('git checkout -f ' + self.ranCommitID, '\$', 30)
 		# if the branch is not develop, then it is a merge request and we need to do 
 		# the potential merge. Note that merge conflicts should already been checked earlier
 		if (self.ranAllowMerge):
@@ -294,7 +303,7 @@ class RANManagement():
 				mySSH.open(self.eNBIPAddress, self.eNBUserName, self.eNBPassword)
 				mySSH.command('cd ' + self.eNBSourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets', '\$', 5)
 				#-qq quiet / -u update orcreate files
-				mySSH.command('unzip -u -qq -DD tmp_build' + testcaseId + '.zip', '\$', 5)
+				mySSH.command('unzip -o -u -qq -DD tmp_build' + testcaseId + '.zip', '\$', 5)
 				mySSH.command('rm -f tmp_build' + testcaseId + '.zip', '\$', 5)
@@ -334,10 +343,41 @@ class RANManagement():
 		self.testCase_id = HTML.testCase_id
 		mySSH = SSH.SSHConnection()
+		#reboot USRP if requested in xml
+		if self.USRPIPAddress!='':
+			logging.debug('USRP '+ self.USRPIPAddress +'reboot request')
+			mySSH.open(lIpAddr, lUserName, lPassWord)
+			cmd2usrp='ssh root@'+self.USRPIPAddress+' reboot'
+			mySSH.command2(cmd2usrp,1)
+			mySSH.close()
+			logging.debug('Waiting for USRP to be ready')
+			time.sleep(120)
 		if (self.pStatus < 0):
 			HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow(self.air_interface[self.eNB_instance] + ' ' + self.Initialize_eNB_args, 'KO', self.pStatus)
+		#Get pcap on enb and/or gnb if enabled in the xml 
+		if self.eNB_Trace=='yes':
+			if ((self.air_interface[self.eNB_instance] == 'lte-softmodem') or (self.air_interface[self.eNB_instance] == 'ocp-enb')):
+				pcapfile_prefix="enb_"
+			else:
+				pcapfile_prefix="gnb_"
+			mySSH.open(lIpAddr, lUserName, lPassWord)
+			mySSH.command('ip addr show | awk -f /tmp/active_net_interfaces.awk | egrep -v "lo|tun"', '\$', 5)
+			result = re.search('interfaceToUse=(?P<eth_interface>[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]+)done', mySSH.getBefore())
+			if result is not None:
+				eth_interface = result.group('eth_interface')
+				logging.debug('\u001B[1m Launching tshark on interface ' + eth_interface + '\u001B[0m')
+				pcapfile = pcapfile_prefix + self.testCase_id + '_log.pcap'
+				mySSH.command('echo ' + lPassWord + ' | sudo -S rm -f /tmp/' + pcapfile , '\$', 5)
+				mySSH.command('echo $USER; nohup sudo -E tshark  -i ' + eth_interface + ' -w /tmp/' + pcapfile + ' 2>&1 &','\$', 5)
+			mySSH.close()
 		# If tracer options is on, running tshark on EPC side and capture traffic b/ EPC and eNB
 		result = re.search('T_stdout', str(self.Initialize_eNB_args))
 		if (result is not None):
@@ -382,13 +422,13 @@ class RANManagement():
 		# do not reset board twice in IF4.5 case
 		result = re.search('^rru|^enb|^du.band', str(config_file))
 		if result is not None:
-			mySSH.command('echo ' + lPassWord + ' | sudo -S uhd_find_devices', '\$', 60)
+			mySSH.command('echo ' + lPassWord + ' | sudo -S uhd_find_devices', '\$', 90)
 			result = re.search('type: b200', mySSH.getBefore())
 			if result is not None:
 				logging.debug('Found a B2xx device --> resetting it')
 				mySSH.command('echo ' + lPassWord + ' | sudo -S b2xx_fx3_utils --reset-device', '\$', 10)
 				# Reloading FGPA bin firmware
-				mySSH.command('echo ' + lPassWord + ' | sudo -S uhd_find_devices', '\$', 60)
+				mySSH.command('echo ' + lPassWord + ' | sudo -S uhd_find_devices', '\$', 90)
 		# Make a copy and adapt to EPC / eNB IP addresses
 		mySSH.command('cp ' + full_config_file + ' ' + ci_full_config_file, '\$', 5)
 		localMmeIpAddr = EPC.MmeIPAddress
@@ -465,7 +505,7 @@ class RANManagement():
 				self.prematureExit = True
-				mySSH.command('stdbuf -o0 cat enb_' + self.testCase_id + '.log | egrep --text --color=never -i "wait|sync|Starting"', '\$', 4)
+				mySSH.command('stdbuf -o0 cat enb_' + self.testCase_id + '.log | egrep --text --color=never -i "wait|sync|Starting|Started"', '\$', 4)
 				if rruCheck:
 					result = re.search('wait RUs', mySSH.getBefore())
@@ -573,6 +613,10 @@ class RANManagement():
 				mySSH.command('echo ' + lPassWord + ' | sudo -S killall --signal SIGKILL -r .*-softmodem ocp-enb || true', '\$', 5)
 		mySSH.command('rm -f my-lte-softmodem-run' + str(self.eNB_instance) + '.sh', '\$', 5)
+		#stopping tshark (valid if eNB and enabled in xml, will not harm otherwise)
+		logging.debug('\u001B[1m Stopping tshark \u001B[0m')
+		mySSH.command('echo ' + lPassWord + ' | sudo -S killall --signal SIGKILL tshark', '\$', 5)
+		time.sleep(1)
 		# If tracer options is on, stopping tshark on EPC side
 		result = re.search('T_stdout', str(self.Initialize_eNB_args))
@@ -591,6 +635,7 @@ class RANManagement():
 			logging.debug('\u001B[1m Replaying RAW record file\u001B[0m')
 			mySSH.open(lIpAddr, lUserName, lPassWord)
+			mySSH.command('killall --signal SIGKILL record', '\$', 5)
 			mySSH.command('cd ' + lSourcePath + '/common/utils/T/tracer/', '\$', 5)
 			enbLogFile = self.eNBLogFiles[int(self.eNB_instance)]
 			raw_record_file = enbLogFile.replace('.log', '_record.raw')
@@ -633,6 +678,9 @@ class RANManagement():
 					HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow(self.runtime_stats, 'OK', CONST.ALL_PROCESSES_OK)
 				HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow(self.runtime_stats, 'OK', CONST.ALL_PROCESSES_OK)
+		#display rt stats for gNB only
+		if len(self.datalog_rt_stats)!=0 and nodeB_prefix == 'g':
+			HTML.CreateHtmlDataLogTable(self.datalog_rt_stats)
 		self.eNBmbmsEnables[int(self.eNB_instance)] = False
 		self.eNBstatuses[int(self.eNB_instance)] = -1
@@ -661,9 +709,11 @@ class RANManagement():
 		mySSH.open(self.eNBIPAddress, self.eNBUserName, self.eNBPassword)
 		mySSH.command('cd ' + self.eNBSourceCodePath, '\$', 5)
 		mySSH.command('cd cmake_targets', '\$', 5)
+		mySSH.command('echo ' + self.eNBPassword + ' | sudo -S mv /tmp/enb_*.pcap .','\$',20)
+		mySSH.command('echo ' + self.eNBPassword + ' | sudo -S mv /tmp/gnb_*.pcap .','\$',20)
 		mySSH.command('echo ' + self.eNBPassword + ' | sudo -S rm -f enb.log.zip', '\$', 5)
-		mySSH.command('echo ' + self.eNBPassword + ' | sudo -S zip enb.log.zip enb*.log core* enb_*record.raw enb_*.pcap enb_*txt physim_*.log', '\$', 60)
-		mySSH.command('echo ' + self.eNBPassword + ' | sudo -S rm enb*.log core* enb_*record.raw enb_*.pcap enb_*txt', '\$', 5)
+		mySSH.command('echo ' + self.eNBPassword + ' | sudo -S zip enb.log.zip enb*.log core* enb_*record.raw enb_*.pcap gnb_*.pcap enb_*txt physim_*.log *stats.log', '\$', 60)
+		mySSH.command('echo ' + self.eNBPassword + ' | sudo -S rm enb*.log core* enb_*record.raw enb_*.pcap gnb_*.pcap enb_*txt physim_*.log *stats.log', '\$', 5)
 	def AnalyzeLogFile_eNB(self, eNBlogFile, HTML):
@@ -714,12 +764,32 @@ class RANManagement():
 		NSA_RAPROC_PUSCH_check = 0
 		#dlsch and ulsch statistics (dictionary)
 		dlsch_ulsch_stats = {}
-		#count "L1 thread not ready" msg 	
-		L1_thread_not_ready_cnt = 0
+		#real time statistics (dictionary)
+		real_time_stats = {}
 		#count "problem receiving samples" msg
 		pb_receiving_samples_cnt = 0
+		#count "removing UE" msg
+		removing_ue = 0
+		#NSA specific log markers
+		nsa_markers ={'SgNBReleaseRequestAcknowledge': [],'FAILURE': [], 'scgFailureInformationNR-r15': [], 'SgNBReleaseRequest': []}
+		#the datalog config file has to be loaded
+		datalog_rt_stats_file='datalog_rt_stats.yaml'
+		if (os.path.isfile(datalog_rt_stats_file)):
+			yaml_file=datalog_rt_stats_file
+		elif (os.path.isfile('ci-scripts/'+datalog_rt_stats_file)):
+			yaml_file='ci-scripts/'+datalog_rt_stats_file
+		else:
+			logging.error("Datalog RT stats yaml file cannot be found")
+			sys.exit("Datalog RT stats yaml file cannot be found")
+		with open(yaml_file,'r') as f:
+			datalog_rt_stats = yaml.load(f,Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
+		rt_keys = datalog_rt_stats['Ref'] #we use the keys from the Ref field  
+		line_cnt=0 #log file line counter
 		for line in enb_log_file.readlines():
+			line_cnt+=1
 			# Runtime statistics
 			result = re.search('Run time:' ,str(line))
 			if result is not None:
@@ -877,20 +947,36 @@ class RANManagement():
 			#keys below are the markers we are loooking for, loop over this keys list
 			#everytime these markers are found in the log file, the previous ones are overwritten in the dict
 			#eventually we record and print only the last occurence 
-			keys = {'dlsch_rounds','dlsch_total_bytes','ulsch_rounds','ulsch_total_bytes_scheduled'}
+			keys = {'UE ID','dlsch_rounds','dlsch_total_bytes','ulsch_rounds','ulsch_total_bytes_scheduled'}
 			for k in keys:
 				result = re.search(k, line)
 				if result is not None:
 					#remove 1- all useless char before relevant info (ulsch or dlsch) 2- trailing char
 					dlsch_ulsch_stats[k]=re.sub(r'^.*\]\s+', r'' , line.rstrip())
-			#count "L1 thread not ready" msg
-			result = re.search('\[PHY\]\s+L1_thread isn\'t ready', str(line))
-			if result is not None:
-				L1_thread_not_ready_cnt += 1	
+			#real time statistics for gNB
+			for k in rt_keys:
+				result = re.search(k, line)     
+				if result is not None:
+					#remove 1- all useless char before relevant info  2- trailing char
+					line=line.replace('[0m','')
+					tmp=re.match(rf'^.*?(\b{k}\b.*)',line.rstrip()) #from python 3.6 we can use literal string interpolation for the variable k, using rf' in the regex
+					if tmp!=None: #with ULULULUULULULLLL at the head of the line, we skip it
+						real_time_stats[k]=tmp.group(1)
 			#count "problem receiving samples" msg
 			result = re.search('\[PHY\]\s+problem receiving samples', str(line))
 			if result is not None:
-				pb_receiving_samples_cnt += 1				
+				pb_receiving_samples_cnt += 1
+			#count "Removing UE" msg
+			result = re.search('\[MAC\]\s+Removing UE', str(line))
+			if result is not None:
+				removing_ue += 1
+			#nsa markers logging
+			for k in nsa_markers:
+				result = re.search(k, line)
+				if result is not None:
+					nsa_markers[k].append(line_cnt)					
 		logging.debug('   File analysis completed')
@@ -899,7 +985,7 @@ class RANManagement():
 			nodeB_prefix = 'g'
-		if self.air_interface[self.eNB_instance] == 'nr-softmodem':
+		if nodeB_prefix == 'g':
 			if ulschReceiveOK > 0:
 				statMsg = nodeB_prefix + 'NB showed ' + str(ulschReceiveOK) + ' "ULSCH received ok" message(s)'
 				logging.debug('\u001B[1;30;43m ' + statMsg + ' \u001B[0m')
@@ -917,17 +1003,28 @@ class RANManagement():
 				statMsg = '[RAPROC] PUSCH with TC_RNTI message check for ' + nodeB_prefix + 'NB : PASS '
 				htmlMsg = statMsg+'\n'
-				statMsg = '[RAPROC] PUSCH with TC_RNTI message check for ' + nodeB_prefix + 'NB : FAIL '
+				statMsg = '[RAPROC] PUSCH with TC_RNTI message check for ' + nodeB_prefix + 'NB : FAIL or not relevant'
 				htmlMsg = statMsg+'\n'
 			htmleNBFailureMsg += htmlMsg
-			#L1 thread not ready log
-			statMsg = '[PHY] L1 thread is not ready msg count =  '+str(L1_thread_not_ready_cnt)
+			#problem receiving samples log
+			statMsg = '[PHY] problem receiving samples msg count =  '+str(pb_receiving_samples_cnt)
 			htmlMsg = statMsg+'\n'
 			htmleNBFailureMsg += htmlMsg
-			#problem receiving samples log
-			statMsg = '[PHY] problem receiving samples msg count =  '+str(pb_receiving_samples_cnt)
+			#nsa markers
+			statMsg = 'logfile line count = ' + str(line_cnt)			
+			htmlMsg = statMsg+'\n'
+			logging.debug(statMsg)
+			htmleNBFailureMsg += htmlMsg
+			if len(nsa_markers['SgNBReleaseRequestAcknowledge'])!=0:
+				statMsg = 'SgNBReleaseRequestAcknowledge = ' + str(len(nsa_markers['SgNBReleaseRequestAcknowledge'])) + ' occurences , starting line ' + str(nsa_markers['SgNBReleaseRequestAcknowledge'][0])
+			else:
+				statMsg = 'SgNBReleaseRequestAcknowledge = ' + str(len(nsa_markers['SgNBReleaseRequestAcknowledge'])) + ' occurences' 
+			htmlMsg = statMsg+'\n'
+			logging.debug(statMsg)
+			htmleNBFailureMsg += htmlMsg
+			statMsg = 'FAILURE = ' + str(len(nsa_markers['FAILURE'])) + ' occurences'
 			htmlMsg = statMsg+'\n'
 			htmleNBFailureMsg += htmlMsg
@@ -940,6 +1037,52 @@ class RANManagement():
 				htmleNBFailureMsg += statMsg
+			#real time statistics
+			datalog_rt_stats['Data']={}
+			if len(real_time_stats)!=0: #check if dictionary is not empty
+				for k in real_time_stats:
+					tmp=re.match(r'^(?P<metric>.*):\s+(?P<avg>\d+\.\d+) us;\s+\d+;\s+(?P<max>\d+\.\d+) us;',real_time_stats[k])
+					if tmp is not None:
+						metric=tmp.group('metric')
+						avg=float(tmp.group('avg'))
+						max=float(tmp.group('max'))
+						datalog_rt_stats['Data'][metric]=["{:.0f}".format(avg),"{:.0f}".format(max),"{:.2f}".format(avg/datalog_rt_stats['Ref'][metric])]
+				#once all metrics are collected, store the data as a class attribute to build a dedicated HTML table afterward
+				self.datalog_rt_stats=datalog_rt_stats
+				#check if there is a fail => will render the test as failed
+				for k in datalog_rt_stats['Data']:
+					if float(datalog_rt_stats['Data'][k][2])> datalog_rt_stats['Threshold'][k]: #condition for fail : avg/ref is greater than the fixed threshold
+						#setting prematureExit is ok although not the best option
+						self.prematureExit=True
+			else:
+				statMsg = 'No real time stats found in the log file\n'
+				logging.debug('No real time stats found in the log file')
+				htmleNBFailureMsg += statMsg
+		else:
+			#Removing UE log
+			statMsg = '[MAC] Removing UE msg count =  '+str(removing_ue)
+			htmlMsg = statMsg+'\n'
+			logging.debug(statMsg)
+			htmleNBFailureMsg += htmlMsg
+			#nsa markers
+			statMsg = 'logfile line count = ' + str(line_cnt)			
+			htmlMsg = statMsg+'\n'
+			logging.debug(statMsg)
+			htmleNBFailureMsg += htmlMsg
+			if len(nsa_markers['SgNBReleaseRequest'])!=0:
+				statMsg = 'SgNBReleaseRequest = ' + str(len(nsa_markers['SgNBReleaseRequest'])) + ' occurences , starting line ' + str(nsa_markers['SgNBReleaseRequest'][0])
+			else:
+				statMsg = 'SgNBReleaseRequest = ' + str(len(nsa_markers['SgNBReleaseRequest'])) + ' occurences'
+			htmlMsg = statMsg+'\n'
+			logging.debug(statMsg)
+			htmleNBFailureMsg += htmlMsg
+			statMsg = 'scgFailureInformationNR-r15 = ' + str(len(nsa_markers['scgFailureInformationNR-r15'])) + ' occurences'
+			htmlMsg = statMsg+'\n'
+			logging.debug(statMsg)
+			htmleNBFailureMsg += htmlMsg			
 		if uciStatMsgCount > 0:
 			statMsg = nodeB_prefix + 'NB showed ' + str(uciStatMsgCount) + ' "uci->stat" message(s)'
 			logging.debug('\u001B[1;30;43m ' + statMsg + ' \u001B[0m')