diff --git a/cmake_targets/autotests/run_exec_lte-softmodem_tests.py b/cmake_targets/autotests/run_exec_lte-softmodem_tests.py
index f387cce1704839dbab442ab60a1f0e8ec7935913..77c3006fea9a54a16dab673d8bfa4fde9c365fe9 100755
--- a/cmake_targets/autotests/run_exec_lte-softmodem_tests.py
+++ b/cmake_targets/autotests/run_exec_lte-softmodem_tests.py
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ def SSHSessionWrapper(machine, username, key_file, password, logdir_remote, logd
 # \param CleanUpAluLteBox program to terminate AlU Bell Labs LTE Box
 # \param ExmimoRfStop String to stop EXMIMO card (specified in test_case_list.xml)
 def cleanOldPrograms(oai, programList, CleanUpAluLteBox, ExmimoRfStop):
-  cmd = 'killall -q -r ' + programList
+  cmd = 'killall -9 -q -r ' + programList
   result = oai.send(cmd, True)
   print "Killing old programs..." + result
   programArray = programList.split()