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Commit 0f2eae24 authored by gauthier's avatar gauthier
Browse files

git-svn-id: 818b1a75-f10b-46b9-bf7c-635c3b92a50f
parent ae8324dd
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#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <nettle/nettle-meta.h>
#include <nettle/aes.h>
#include <nettle/ctr.h>
#include "assertions.h"
#include "conversions.h"
#include "secu_defs.h"
#include "snow3g.h"
#include "test_util.h"
// #define SECU_DEBUG
void small_test() {
/* Test Set 1
* input : Key and IV
* output : z1 and z2
printf("Set of tests for Snow3G\n");
uint32_t k[4]; /*Key */
uint32_t IV[4];
uint32_t ks[2];
uint32_t zf1 ; /*output 1*/
uint32_t zf2 ; /*output 2*/
int success = 0;
int fail = 0;
snow_3g_context_t snow_3g_context;
memset(&snow_3g_context, 0, sizeof(snow_3g_context));
printf("---------------------------------- TEST SET 1 ----------------------------------\n");
printf ("key = 2B D6 45 9F 82 C5 B3 00 95 2C 49 10 48 81 FF 48 \n");
printf ("IV = EA 02 47 14 AD 5C 4D 84 DF 1F 9B 25 1C 0B F4 5F \n");
zf1 = 0xabee9704;
zf2 = 0x7ac31373;
k[0] = 0x2BD6459F ;
k[1] = 0x82C5B300 ;
k[2] = 0x952C4910 ;
k[3] = 0x4881FF48 ;
IV[0] = 0xEA024714 ;
IV[1] = 0xAD5C4D84 ;
IV[2] = 0xDF1F9B25 ;
IV[3] = 0x1C0BF45F ;
printf("Initialisation Mode \n");
snow3g_initialize(k, IV, &snow_3g_context);
printf("Keystream Mode \n");
snow3g_generate_key_stream(2,(uint32_t*)ks, &snow_3g_context);
if (ks[0] == zf1 && ks[1] == zf2){
printf(" z1 = 0x%x\n",ks[0]);
printf(" z2 = 0x%x\n",ks[1]);
printf("TEST 1 OK ! \n");
success = success +1 ;
else {
printf("TEST 1 Failed ! \n");
fail = fail + 1;
/*---------------------------TEST 2--------------------------------*/
memset(&snow_3g_context, 0, sizeof(snow_3g_context));
printf("---------------------------------- TEST SET 2 ----------------------------------\n");
printf ("key = 8C E3 3E 2C C3 C0 B5 FC 1F 3D E8 A6 DC 66 B1 F3 \n");
printf ("IV = D3 C5 D5 92 32 7F B1 1C DE 55 19 88 CE B2 F9 B7 \n");
zf1 = 0xeff8a342;
zf2 = 0xf751480f;
k[0] = 0x8CE33E2C ;
k[1] = 0xC3C0B5FC ;
k[2] = 0x1F3DE8A6 ;
k[3] = 0xDC66B1F3 ;
IV[0] = 0xD3C5D592 ;
IV[1] = 0x327FB11C ;
IV[2] = 0xDE551988 ;
IV[3] = 0xCEB2F9B7 ;
printf("Initialisation Mode \n");
snow3g_initialize(k, IV, &snow_3g_context);
printf("Keystream Mode \n");
snow3g_generate_key_stream(2,ks, &snow_3g_context);
if (ks[0] == zf1 && ks[1] == zf2){
printf(" z1 = 0x%x\n",ks[0]);
printf(" z2 = 0x%x\n",ks[1]);
printf("TEST 2 OK ! \n");
success = success +1 ;
else {
printf("TEST 2 Failed ! \n");
fail = fail + 1;
/*---------------------------TEST 3--------------------------------*/
printf("---------------------------------- TEST SET 3 ----------------------------------\n");
printf ("key = 40 35 C6 68 0A F8 C6 D1 A8 FF 86 67 B1 71 40 13\n");
printf ("IV = 62 A5 40 98 1B A6 F9 B7 45 92 B0 E7 86 90 F7 1B \n");
zf1 = 0xa8c874a9;
zf2 = 0x7ae7c4f8;
k[0] = 0x4035C668 ;
k[1] = 0x0AF8C6D1 ;
k[2] = 0xA8FF8667 ;
k[3] = 0xB1714013 ;
IV[0] = 0x62A54098 ;
IV[1] = 0x1BA6F9B7 ;
IV[2] = 0x4592B0E7 ;
IV[3] = 0x8690F71B ;
printf("Initialisation Mode \n");
snow3g_initialize(k, IV, &snow_3g_context);
printf("Keystream Mode \n");
snow3g_generate_key_stream(2,ks, &snow_3g_context);
if (ks[0] == zf1 && ks[1] == zf2){
printf(" z1 = 0x%x\n",ks[0]);
printf(" z2 = 0x%x\n",ks[1]);
printf("TEST 3 OK ! \n");
success = success +1 ;
else {
printf("TEST 3 Failed ! \n");
fail = fail + 1;
/*---------------------------TEST 4--------------------------------*/
printf("---------------------------------- TEST SET 4 ----------------------------------\n");
printf ("key = 0D ED 72 63 10 9C F9 2E 33 52 25 5A 14 0E 0F 76\n");
printf ("IV = 6B 68 07 9A 41 A7 C4 C9 1B EF D7 9F 7F DC C2 33 \n");
zf1 = 0xd712c05c;
zf2 = 0xa937c2a6;
uint32_t zf3 = 0xeb7eaae3 ;
uint32_t zf2500 = 0x9c0db3aa;
uint32_t ks2[2500];
k[0] = 0x0DED7263 ;
k[1] = 0x109CF92E ;
k[2] = 0x3352255A ;
k[3] = 0x140E0F76 ;
IV[0] = 0x6B68079A ;
IV[1] = 0x41A7C4C9 ;
IV[2] = 0x1BEFD79F ;
IV[3] = 0x7FDCC233 ;
printf("Initialisation Mode \n");
snow3g_initialize(k, IV, &snow_3g_context);
printf("Keystream Mode \n");
snow3g_generate_key_stream(2500,ks2, &snow_3g_context);
if (ks2[0] == zf1 && ks2[1] == zf2 && ks2[2] == zf3 && ks2[2499] == zf2500){
printf(" z1 = 0x%x\n",ks2[0]);
printf(" z2 = 0x%x\n",ks2[1]);
printf(" z3 = 0x%x\n",ks2[2]);
printf(" ...\n");
printf(" z2500 = 0x%x\n",ks2[2499]);
printf("TEST 4 OK ! \n");
success = success +1 ;
else {
printf("TEST 4 Failed ! \n");
fail = fail + 1;
printf("4 tests run, %d succeded, %d failed. \n",success,fail);
int nas_stream_encrypt_eea1(nas_stream_cipher_t *stream_cipher, uint8_t **out)
snow_3g_context_t snow_3g_context;
int n ;
int i = 0;
uint32_t zero_bit = 0;
uint32_t byte_length;
uint32_t *KS;
uint32_t K[4],IV[4];
DevAssert(stream_cipher != NULL);
DevAssert(stream_cipher->key != NULL);
DevAssert(stream_cipher->key_length == 16);
DevAssert(out != NULL);
n = ( stream_cipher->blength + 31 ) / 32;
zero_bit = stream_cipher->blength & 0x7;
byte_length = stream_cipher->blength >> 3;
memset(&snow_3g_context, 0, sizeof(snow_3g_context));
/* Load the confidentiality key for SNOW 3G initialization as in section
3.4. */
memcpy(K+3,stream_cipher->key+0,4); /*K[3] = key[0]; we assume
K[3]=key[0]||key[1]||...||key[31] , with key[0] the
* most important bit of key*/
memcpy(K+2,stream_cipher->key+4,4); /*K[2] = key[1];*/
memcpy(K+1,stream_cipher->key+8,4); /*K[1] = key[2];*/
memcpy(K+0,stream_cipher->key+12,4); /*K[0] = key[3]; we assume
K[0]=key[96]||key[97]||...||key[127] , with key[127] the
* least important bit of key*/
K[3] = hton_int32(K[3]);
K[2] = hton_int32(K[2]);
K[1] = hton_int32(K[1]);
K[0] = hton_int32(K[0]);
/* Prepare the initialization vector (IV) for SNOW 3G initialization as in
section 3.4. */
IV[3] = stream_cipher->count;
IV[2] = ((((uint32_t)stream_cipher->bearer) << 3) | ((((uint32_t)stream_cipher->direction) & 0x1) << 2)) << 24;
IV[1] = IV[3];
IV[0] = IV[2];
printf ("K:\n");
hexprint(K, 16);
printf ("K[0]:%08X\n",K[0]);
printf ("K[1]:%08X\n",K[1]);
printf ("K[2]:%08X\n",K[2]);
printf ("K[3]:%08X\n",K[3]);
printf ("IV:\n");
hexprint(IV, 16);
printf ("IV[0]:%08X\n",IV[0]);
printf ("IV[1]:%08X\n",IV[1]);
printf ("IV[2]:%08X\n",IV[2]);
printf ("IV[3]:%08X\n",IV[3]);
/* Run SNOW 3G algorithm to generate sequence of key stream bits KS*/
snow3g_initialize(K, IV, &snow_3g_context);
KS = (uint32_t *)malloc(4*n);
snow3g_generate_key_stream(n,(uint32_t*)KS, &snow_3g_context);
if (zero_bit > 0) {
printf ("changing KS[%u]: %08X to %08X remove %d bits\n",
n - 1,
KS[n - 1],
KS[n - 1] & (uint32_t)(0xFFFFFFFF << (8 - zero_bit)),
8 - zero_bit);
KS[n - 1] = KS[n - 1] & (uint32_t)(0xFFFFFFFF << (8 - zero_bit));
for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
KS[i] = hton_int32(KS[i]);
printf ("KS:\n");
hexprint(KS, 4*n);
for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
printf ("KS[%u]:%08X\n",i,KS[i]);
/* Exclusive-OR the input data with keystream to generate the output bit
stream */
for (i=0;i<n*4;i++) {
stream_cipher->message[i] ^= *(((uint8_t*)KS)+i);
if (zero_bit > 0) {
int ceil_index = (stream_cipher->blength+7) >> 3;
printf ("changing stream_cipher->message[%u]: %08X to %08X remove %d bits\n",
ceil_index - 1,
stream_cipher->message[ceil_index - 1],
stream_cipher->message[ceil_index - 1] & (uint8_t)(0xFF << (8 - zero_bit)),
8 - zero_bit);
stream_cipher->message[ceil_index - 1] = stream_cipher->message[ceil_index - 1] & (uint8_t)(0xFF << (8 - zero_bit));
*out = stream_cipher->message;
/* uint32_t local_count;
uint32_t zero_bit = 0;
uint32_t m_length;
snow_3g_context_t snow_3g_context;
uint32_t k[4];
uint32_t IV[4];
uint32_t *z = NULL;
uint32_t *OBS = NULL;
uint64_t L;
uint8_t *KS8 = NULL;
int i;
DevAssert(stream_cipher != NULL);
DevAssert(stream_cipher->key != NULL);
DevAssert(stream_cipher->key_length == 16);
DevAssert(out != NULL);
memset(&snow_3g_context, 0, sizeof(snow_3g_context));
zero_bit = stream_cipher->blength & 0x7;
m_length = stream_cipher->blength >> 3;
if (zero_bit > 0)
m_length += 1;
local_count = hton_int32(stream_cipher->count);
#warning "endianess"
// SPEC says: K3 = CK[0] || CK[1] || CK[2] || ... || CK[31]
// SPEC says: K2 = CK[32] || CK[33] || CK[34] || ... || CK[63]
// SPEC says: K1 = CK[64] || CK[65] || CK[66] || ... || CK[95]
// SPEC says: K0 = CK[96] || CK[97] || CK[98] || ... || CK[127]
k[3] = ((uint32_t*)&stream_cipher->key[0])[0]; k[3] = hton_int32(k[3]);
k[2] = ((uint32_t*)&stream_cipher->key[4])[0]; k[2] = hton_int32(k[2]);
k[1] = ((uint32_t*)&stream_cipher->key[8])[0]; k[1] = hton_int32(k[1]);
k[0] = ((uint32_t*)&stream_cipher->key[12])[0];k[0] = hton_int32(k[0]);
// SPEC says: IV3 = COUNT-C[0] || COUNT-C[1] || COUNT-C[2] || ... || COUNT-C[31]
// SPEC says: IV2 = BEARER[0] || BEARER[1] || ... || BEARER[4] || DIRECTION[0] || 0 || ... || 0
// SPEC says: IV1 = COUNT-C[0] || COUNT-C[1] || COUNT-C[2] || ... || COUNT-C[31]
// SPEC says: IV0 = BEARER[0] || BEARER[1] || ... || BEARER[4] || DIRECTION[0] || 0 || ... || 0
IV[3] = stream_cipher->count;// local_count; // NOT SURE endianess
IV[2] = (((uint32_t)(stream_cipher->bearer & 0x1F)) << 27) | (((uint32_t)(stream_cipher->direction & 0x01)) << 26);
IV[3] = stream_cipher->count;// local_count; // NOT SURE endianess
IV[0] = (((uint32_t)(stream_cipher->bearer & 0x1F)) << 27) | (((uint32_t)(stream_cipher->direction & 0x01)) << 26);
// SPEC says: SNOW 3G is initialised as described in document [5].
snow3g_initialize(k, IV, &snow_3g_context);
// 3.5. Keystream Generation
// Set L = LENGTH / 32.
// SNOW 3G is run as described in document [5] to produce the keystream consisting of the 32-
// bit words z1 ... zL. The word produced first is z1, the next word z2 and so on.
// The sequence of keystream bits is KS[0] ... KS[LENGTH-1], where KS[0] is the most
// significant bit and KS[31] is the least significant bit of z1, KS[32] is the most significant bit of
// z2 and so on.
L = (stream_cipher->blength + 31)/32;
z = malloc(L*sizeof(*z));
OBS = z;
DevAssert(z != NULL);
snow3g_generate_key_stream(L, z, &snow_3g_context);
KS8 = (uint8_t*)z;
// 3.6.Encryption/Decryption
// Encryption/decryption operations are identical operations and are performed by the exclusive-
// OR of the input data (IBS) with the generated keystream (KS).
// For each integer i with 0 ≤ i ≤ LENGTH-1 we define:
// OBS[i] = IBS[i] ⊕ KS[i].
for (i = 0; i < m_length; i++) {
OBS[i] = OBS[i] ^ KS8[i];
*out = OBS;
return 0;
#include <stdint.h>
/* Rijndael S-box SR */ /* Rijndael S-box SR */
u8 SR[256] = { uint8_t SR[256] = {
0x63,0x7C,0x77,0x7B,0xF2,0x6B,0x6F,0xC5,0x30,0x01,0x67,0x2B,0xFE,0xD7,0xAB,0x76, 0x63,0x7C,0x77,0x7B,0xF2,0x6B,0x6F,0xC5,0x30,0x01,0x67,0x2B,0xFE,0xD7,0xAB,0x76,
0xCA,0x82,0xC9,0x7D,0xFA,0x59,0x47,0xF0,0xAD,0xD4,0xA2,0xAF,0x9C,0xA4,0x72,0xC0, 0xCA,0x82,0xC9,0x7D,0xFA,0x59,0x47,0xF0,0xAD,0xD4,0xA2,0xAF,0x9C,0xA4,0x72,0xC0,
0xB7,0xFD,0x93,0x26,0x36,0x3F,0xF7,0xCC,0x34,0xA5,0xE5,0xF1,0x71,0xD8,0x31,0x15, 0xB7,0xFD,0x93,0x26,0x36,0x3F,0xF7,0xCC,0x34,0xA5,0xE5,0xF1,0x71,0xD8,0x31,0x15,
...@@ -21,7 +22,7 @@ u8 SR[256] = { ...@@ -21,7 +22,7 @@ u8 SR[256] = {
/* S-box SQ */ /* S-box SQ */
u8 SQ[256] = { uint8_t SQ[256] = {
0x25,0x24,0x73,0x67,0xD7,0xAE,0x5C,0x30,0xA4,0xEE,0x6E,0xCB,0x7D,0xB5,0x82,0xDB, 0x25,0x24,0x73,0x67,0xD7,0xAE,0x5C,0x30,0xA4,0xEE,0x6E,0xCB,0x7D,0xB5,0x82,0xDB,
0xE4,0x8E,0x48,0x49,0x4F,0x5D,0x6A,0x78,0x70,0x88,0xE8,0x5F,0x5E,0x84,0x65,0xE2, 0xE4,0x8E,0x48,0x49,0x4F,0x5D,0x6A,0x78,0x70,0x88,0xE8,0x5F,0x5E,0x84,0x65,0xE2,
0xD8,0xE9,0xCC,0xED,0x40,0x2F,0x11,0x28,0x57,0xD2,0xAC,0xE3,0x4A,0x15,0x1B,0xB9, 0xD8,0xE9,0xCC,0xED,0x40,0x2F,0x11,0x28,0x57,0xD2,0xAC,0xE3,0x4A,0x15,0x1B,0xB9,
...@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ ...@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
void kdf(const uint8_t *s, const uint32_t s_length, const uint8_t *key, void kdf(const uint8_t *s, const uint32_t s_length, const uint8_t *key,
const uint32_t key_length, uint8_t **out, uint32_t out_length); const uint32_t key_length, uint8_t **out, uint32_t out_length);
...@@ -56,6 +55,10 @@ typedef struct { ...@@ -56,6 +55,10 @@ typedef struct {
uint32_t blength; uint32_t blength;
} nas_stream_cipher_t; } nas_stream_cipher_t;
int nas_stream_encrypt_eea1(nas_stream_cipher_t *stream_cipher, uint8_t **out);
int nas_stream_encrypt_eia1(nas_stream_cipher_t *stream_cipher, uint8_t out[4]);
int nas_stream_encrypt_eea2(nas_stream_cipher_t *stream_cipher, uint8_t **out); int nas_stream_encrypt_eea2(nas_stream_cipher_t *stream_cipher, uint8_t **out);
int nas_stream_encrypt_eia2(nas_stream_cipher_t *stream_cipher, uint8_t out[4]); int nas_stream_encrypt_eia2(nas_stream_cipher_t *stream_cipher, uint8_t out[4]);
...@@ -81,6 +81,6 @@ void snow3g_initialize(uint32_t k[4], uint32_t IV[4], snow_3g_context_t *snow_3g ...@@ -81,6 +81,6 @@ void snow3g_initialize(uint32_t k[4], uint32_t IV[4], snow_3g_context_t *snow_3g
* output: generated keystream which is filled in z * output: generated keystream which is filled in z
*/ */
void snow3g_generate_keystream(uint32_t n, uint32_t *z, snow_3g_context_t *snow_3g_context_pP); void snow3g_generate_key_stream(uint32_t n, uint32_t *z, snow_3g_context_t *snow_3g_context_pP);
#endif #endif
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