- Jul 25, 2018
Cédric Roux authored
- Jul 24, 2018
knopp authored
2. minor modifications in dlsch_demodulation.c for 2 eNB TX antennas, 1 RX antenna. Inconsistant indexing of some arrays in this case. 3. change in config_load_configmodule.c : removed exit(-1) when no configuration file is used. This makes unitary simulators exit. Effect on lte-XXsoftmodem TBC.
Cédric Roux authored
- use OAI location to retrieve asn1c - use a specific commit instead of a branch name
Cédric Roux authored
This was used for the ITTI analyzer. The ITTI analyzer is now to be considered obsolete. The source code will be removed at some point.
- Jul 23, 2018
Cédric Roux authored
Cédric Roux authored
- Jul 20, 2018
Elena Lukashova authored
receiver. THe proposed solution is to replace the average channel level with median = (max+min)>>1. For these reasons lsch_channel_level_median is introduced.
Cédric Roux authored
Elena Lukashova authored
instead of _mm_srai_epi16 _mm_srai_epi32 should be used as _mm_madd_epi16 packs multiply-adds 16 bits and packs into 4 blocks of 32 bits.
Cédric Roux authored
Cédric Roux authored
Cédric Roux authored
Cédric Roux authored
Cédric Roux authored
Cédric Roux authored
Conflicts: openair2/LAYER2/MAC/eNB_scheduler_primitives.c
Cédric Roux authored
Conflicts: cmake_targets/CMakeLists.txt
Cédric Roux authored
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feature-s1ap-r14-based-on-new-asn1c' into develop_integration_2018_w29 Conflicts: targets/SIMU/PROC/channel_sim_proc.c targets/SIMU/USER/oaisim_pad.c
Cédric Roux authored
Conflicts: cmake_targets/CMakeLists.txt
Cédric Roux authored
Conflicts: openair2/LAYER2/MAC/eNB_scheduler_primitives.c openair2/UTIL/LOG/log.c targets/RT/USER/lte-uesoftmodem.c targets/SIMU/USER/oaisim.c targets/SIMU/USER/oaisim_functions.c
Rajeev Gangula authored
- Jul 17, 2018
Haruki Naoi authored
- Jul 13, 2018
knopp authored
Log review step 1: legacy VCD removal, LOG macro modified, TTracer enabled at build time by default, in a way it, by default configuration, provides console logs, as in previous versions
Bi-Ruei, Chiu authored
Add `autoreconf -iv` in build_helper to create configure file for asn1c.
Haruki Naoi authored
Haruki Naoi authored
# Conflicts: # openair2/UTIL/LOG/log.c
Bi-Ruei, Chiu authored
Bi-Ruei, Chiu authored
1. It's no need to modify LTE-RRC's ASN.1 file for enabling option group feature in generate_asn1. 2. It's no need to patch the C header files generated from LTE-RRC/S1AP/X2AP's ASN.1 in fix_asn1. 3. It's no need to pre-process S1AP/X2AP's ASN.1 for enabling information object class feature by asn1tostruct.py. This commit requires an un-official version of asn1c which are collaboration of asn1c community members and `build_helper` is modified in this commit accordingly : https://github.com/brchiu/asn1c/tree/velichkov_s1ap_plus_option_group This asn1c can also convert ASN.1 of 5G NR RRC (38.331, v15.1.0) and generate C files with -findirect-choice command line option without tweaking ASN.1 file. Examples for how to use this asn1c for S1AP are in S1AP files, e.g. s1ap_eNB_nas_procedures.c and s1ap_eNB_handler.c. There is an modified openair-cn (based on tag 0.5.0) with this new asn1c at : https://github.com/brchiu/openair-cn/tree/new-asn1c Basic S1AP interaction and data transfer operation between OAI eNB and this modified openair-cn has been tested. Note: Community version of asn1c is keeping evolved to provide better usage.
- Jul 12, 2018
Bi-Ruei, Chiu authored
- Jul 11, 2018
Elena Lukashova authored
Elena Lukashova authored
Elena Lukashova authored
Raphael Defosseux authored
fix: avoid assertion when terminating lte-softmodem process. See merge request oai/openairinterface5g!341
Raphael Defosseux authored
Remove compilation warnings, also fix telnet server compilation failure and… See merge request oai/openairinterface5g!340
Raphael Defosseux authored
Raphael Defosseux <raphael.defosseux@eurecom.fr>
Raphael Defosseux authored
Remove wrong prototypes rlc pdcp See merge request oai/openairinterface5g!338
- Jul 10, 2018
Elena Lukashova authored
2. Remove get_pmi from PHY_SRC_UE and add it instead to PHY_SRC_COMMON. 3. Linking lte-uesoftmodem and lte-uesoftmodem-nos1 targets with ${ATLAS_LIBRARIES}.
frtabu authored
Elena Lukashova authored
- Jul 09, 2018
knopp authored
T tracer configuration identical for all executables, no ref to T Tracer config variables (T_port, T_wait...) outside the T tracer
- Jul 08, 2018
Elena Lukashova authored