ASN1 message from S1AP TS 36.413-8a0 To successfully parse messages, the asn1c util should be patched with the patch provided (asn1cpatch.p0). To do so: 0) create asn1c directory 1) Get the last revision of asn1c: svn co asn1c -r 1516 2) Go to asn1c directory 3) patch -p0 < ../asn1cpatch.p0 4) ./configure 5) make 6) make install Aligned PER support is now included when parsing and generating asn1 code. To generate S1AP ASN1 descriptions: Files are automatically generated when changes are made on ASN1 files via Make build system.
Forked from
oai / openairinterface5G
20409 commits behind the upstream repository.

Cédric Roux
For whatever reason most of the files had their permission changed from 644 to 755, which is not wanted.