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Commit 07b07e4c authored by Raphael Defosseux's avatar Raphael Defosseux
Browse files

feat(ci): adding AUSF/UDM/UDR deployment in pipeline

  * delayed deployment of the mySql container
  * added new components in deployment summary
  * smarter end-of-deployment detection

Signed-off-by: default avatarRaphael Defosseux <>
parent c5294fa5
No related branches found
No related tags found
No related merge requests found
......@@ -41,11 +41,6 @@ def ds_tester_ci_resource = params.DsTester
// When triggered by upstream, specify which tag to use
def upstreamTagToUse = params.upstreamTagToUse
// Location of the 2nd CN executor
def new_host_flag = false
def new_host = ""
def new_host_user = ""
// Location of the CN tester
def dsT_host_flag = false
def dsT_host = ""
......@@ -70,6 +65,13 @@ def smfBranch = params.smfBranch
def spgwuTag = params.spgwuTag
def spgwuBranch = params.spgwuBranch
def ausfTag = params.ausfTag
def ausfBranch = params.ausfBranch
def udmTag = params.udmTag
def udmBranch = params.udmBranch
def udrTag = params.udrTag
def udrBranch = params.udrBranch
// Pipeline start
pipeline {
......@@ -91,19 +93,8 @@ pipeline {
JOB_TIMESTAMP = sh returnStdout: true, script: 'date --utc --rfc-3339=seconds | sed -e "s#+00:00##"'
if (params.Host_CN_CI_2nd_Server_Flag != null) {
new_host_flag = params.Host_CN_CI_2nd_Server_Flag
if (new_host_flag) {
new_host = params.Host_CN_CI_2nd_Server
new_host_user = params.Host_CN_CI_2nd_Server_Login
echo "1st Node is ${NODE_NAME}"
echo "2nd Node is ${new_host}"
} else {
echo "Node is ${NODE_NAME}"
} else {
echo "Node is ${NODE_NAME}"
echo "Node is ${NODE_NAME}"
if (params.DS_Tester_Server_Flag != null) {
dsT_host_flag = params.DS_Tester_Server_Flag
if (dsT_host_flag) {
......@@ -180,13 +171,6 @@ pipeline {
sh "zip -r -qq .git"
sh "mkdir -p archives DS-TEST-RESULTS"
sh './scripts/ --nrf-branch ' + nrfBranch + ' --amf-branch ' + amfBranch + ' --smf-branch ' + smfBranch + ' --spgwu-tiny-branch ' + spgwuBranch
if (new_host_flag) {
// Prepare the workspace in remote server
copyTo2ndServer('', new_host_flag, new_host_user, new_host)
myShCmd('git clean -x -d -f > /dev/null 2>&1', new_host_flag, new_host_user, new_host)
myShCmd('mkdir -p archives DS-TEST-RESULTS', new_host_flag, new_host_user, new_host)
myShCmd('./scripts/ --nrf-branch ' + nrfBranch + ' --amf-branch ' + amfBranch + ' --smf-branch ' + smfBranch + ' --spgwu-tiny-branch ' + spgwuBranch, new_host_flag, new_host_user, new_host)
if (scmEvent) {
sh "git clean -x -d -f > /dev/null 2>&1"
......@@ -196,16 +180,6 @@ pipeline {
sh "zip -r -qq .git"
sh "mkdir -p archives DS-TEST-RESULTS"
sh './scripts/ --nrf-branch develop --amf-branch develop --smf-branch develop --spgwu-tiny-branch develop'
if (new_host_flag) {
// Prepare the workspace in remote server
copyTo2ndServer('', new_host_flag, new_host_user, new_host)
myShCmd('git clean -x -d -f > /dev/null 2>&1', new_host_flag, new_host_user, new_host)
if ("MERGE".equals(env.gitlabActionType)) {
myShCmd("./ci-scripts/ --src-branch ${env.gitlabSourceBranch} --src-commit ${env.gitlabMergeRequestLastCommit} --target-branch ${env.gitlabTargetBranch} --target-commit ${GIT_COMMIT}", new_host_flag, new_host_user, new_host)
myShCmd('mkdir -p archives DS-TEST-RESULTS', new_host_flag, new_host_user, new_host)
myShCmd('./scripts/ --nrf-branch develop --amf-branch develop --smf-branch develop --spgwu-tiny-branch develop', new_host_flag, new_host_user, new_host)
if ((!upstreamEvent) && (!scmEvent)) {
sh "git clean -x -d -f > /dev/null 2>&1"
......@@ -241,6 +215,27 @@ pipeline {
} catch (Exception e) {
error "OAI SPGW-U-Tiny Image tag to test does not exist!"
try {
sh 'echo "OAI_AUSF_TAG: oai-ausf:' + ausfTag +'" > archives/oai_ausf_image_info.log'
sh 'docker image inspect --format=\'Size = {{.Size}} bytes\' oai-ausf:' + ausfTag + ' >> archives/oai_ausf_image_info.log'
sh 'docker image inspect --format=\'Date = {{.Created}}\' oai-ausf:' + ausfTag + ' >> archives/oai_ausf_image_info.log'
} catch (Exception e) {
error "OAI AUSF Image tag to test does not exist!"
try {
sh 'echo "OAI_UDM_TAG: oai-udm:' + udmTag +'" > archives/oai_udm_image_info.log'
sh 'docker image inspect --format=\'Size = {{.Size}} bytes\' oai-udm:' + udmTag + ' >> archives/oai_udm_image_info.log'
sh 'docker image inspect --format=\'Date = {{.Created}}\' oai-udm:' + udmTag + ' >> archives/oai_udm_image_info.log'
} catch (Exception e) {
error "OAI UDM Image tag to test does not exist!"
try {
sh 'echo "OAI_UDR_TAG: oai-udr:' + udrTag +'" > archives/oai_udr_image_info.log'
sh 'docker image inspect --format=\'Size = {{.Size}} bytes\' oai-udr:' + udrTag + ' >> archives/oai_udr_image_info.log'
sh 'docker image inspect --format=\'Date = {{.Created}}\' oai-udr:' + udrTag + ' >> archives/oai_udr_image_info.log'
} catch (Exception e) {
error "OAI UDR Image tag to test does not exist!"
......@@ -250,17 +245,27 @@ pipeline {
echo '\u2705 \u001B[32mDeploy CN5G using Docker-Compose\u001B[0m'
// Prepare all needed files for docker-compose
// First put all correct tags to test
sh 'sed -e "s#NRF_IMAGE_TAG#' + nrfTag + '#" -e "s#AMF_IMAGE_TAG#' + amfTag + '#" -e "s#SMF_IMAGE_TAG#' + smfTag + '#" -e "s#SPGWU_IMAGE_TAG#' + spgwuTag + '#" ci-scripts/dsTesterDockerCompose/docker-compose.tplt > ci-scripts/dsTesterDockerCompose/docker-compose.yml'
sh 'sed -e "s#NRF_IMAGE_TAG#' + nrfTag + '#" -e "s#AMF_IMAGE_TAG#' + amfTag + '#" -e "s#SMF_IMAGE_TAG#' + smfTag + '#" -e "s#SPGWU_IMAGE_TAG#' + spgwuTag + '#" -e "s#AUSF_IMAGE_TAG#' + ausfTag + '#" -e "s#UDM_IMAGE_TAG#' + udmTag + '#" -e "s#UDR_IMAGE_TAG#' + udrTag + '#" ci-scripts/dsTesterDockerCompose/docker-compose.tplt > ci-scripts/dsTesterDockerCompose/docker-compose.yml'
dir('ci-scripts/dsTesterDockerCompose') {
sh 'docker-compose up -d > ../../archives/compose_5gcn_up.log 2>&1'
sh 'sleep 100'
// Do a check on number of healthy containers
// 5 == mysql + nrf + amf + smf + upf(spgwu-tiny)
ret = sh returnStdout: true, script: 'docker-compose ps -a | grep -v unhealthy | grep -c healthy || true'
ret = ret.trim()
if (ret != '5') {
// Tricking because mySql container takes a long time to be healthy
sh 'docker-compose up -d cicd_mysql > ../../archives/compose_5gcn_up.log 2>&1'
sh 'sleep 30'
sh 'docker-compose up -d >> ../../archives/compose_5gcn_up.log 2>&1'
int count = 0
while (count < 10) {
sh 'sleep 10'
// Do a check on number of healthy containers
// 8 == mysql + nrf + amf + smf + upf(spgwu-tiny) + ausf + udm + udr
ret = sh returnStdout: true, script: 'docker-compose ps -a | grep -v unhealthy | grep -c healthy || true'
ret = ret.trim()
if (ret == '8') {
count = 20
if (count < 20) {
error "Deployment went wrong!"
......@@ -276,29 +281,40 @@ pipeline {
// Do docker logs to recover the configuration results
try {
//sh 'docker logs cicd-oai-nrf > archives/nrf_config.log 2>&1'
sh 'docker inspect --format=\'STATUS: {{.State.Health.Status}}\' cicd-oai-nrf >> archives/nrf_config.log'
} catch (Exception e) {
sh 'echo "STATUS: KO" >> archives/nrf_config.log'
try {
//sh 'docker logs cicd-oai-amf > archives/amf_config.log 2>&1'
sh 'docker inspect --format=\'STATUS: {{.State.Health.Status}}\' cicd-oai-amf >> archives/amf_config.log'
} catch (Exception e) {
sh 'echo "STATUS: KO" >> archives/amf_config.log'
try {
//sh 'docker logs cicd-oai-smf > archives/smf_config.log 2>&1'
sh 'docker inspect --format=\'STATUS: {{.State.Health.Status}}\' cicd-oai-smf >> archives/smf_config.log'
} catch (Exception e) {
sh 'echo "STATUS: OK" >> archives/smf_config.log'
try {
//sh 'docker logs cicd-oai-upf > archives/spgwu_config.log 2>&1'
sh 'docker inspect --format=\'STATUS: {{.State.Health.Status}}\' cicd-oai-upf >> archives/spgwu_config.log'
} catch (Exception e) {
sh 'echo "STATUS: KO" >> archives/spgwu_config.log'
try {
sh 'docker inspect --format=\'STATUS: {{.State.Health.Status}}\' cicd-oai-ausf >> archives/ausf_config.log'
} catch (Exception e) {
sh 'echo "STATUS: OK" >> archives/ausf_config.log'
try {
sh 'docker inspect --format=\'STATUS: {{.State.Health.Status}}\' cicd-oai-udm >> archives/udm_config.log'
} catch (Exception e) {
sh 'echo "STATUS: OK" >> archives/udm_config.log'
try {
sh 'docker inspect --format=\'STATUS: {{.State.Health.Status}}\' cicd-oai-udr >> archives/udr_config.log'
} catch (Exception e) {
sh 'echo "STATUS: OK" >> archives/udr_config.log'
success {
......@@ -350,18 +366,20 @@ pipeline {
script {
// Copy the pcaps and logs from the containers
sh "mkdir -p archives/pcaps archives/logs"
try {
sh 'docker cp cicd-oai-nrf:/tmp/nrf.pcap archives/pcaps/oai_nrf.pcap'
sh 'docker cp cicd-oai-nrf:/tmp/nrf.log archives/logs/oai_nrf.log'
sh 'docker cp cicd-oai-amf:/tmp/amf.pcap archives/pcaps/oai_amf.pcap'
sh 'docker cp cicd-oai-amf:/tmp/amf.log archives/logs/oai_amf.log'
sh 'docker cp cicd-oai-smf:/tmp/smf.pcap archives/pcaps/oai_smf.pcap'
sh 'docker cp cicd-oai-smf:/tmp/smf.log archives/logs/oai_smf.log'
sh 'docker cp cicd-oai-upf:/tmp/spgwu.pcap archives/pcaps/oai_spgwu.pcap'
sh 'docker cp cicd-oai-upf:/tmp/spgwu.log archives/logs/oai_spgwu.log'
} catch (Exception e) {
sh 'echo "Error in copying pcaps & logs from the containers"'
sh 'docker cp cicd-oai-nrf:/tmp/nrf.pcap archives/pcaps/oai_nrf.pcap || true'
sh 'docker cp cicd-oai-nrf:/tmp/nrf.log archives/logs/oai_nrf.log || true'
sh 'docker cp cicd-oai-amf:/tmp/amf.pcap archives/pcaps/oai_amf.pcap || true'
sh 'docker cp cicd-oai-amf:/tmp/amf.log archives/logs/oai_amf.log || true'
sh 'docker cp cicd-oai-smf:/tmp/smf.pcap archives/pcaps/oai_smf.pcap || true'
sh 'docker cp cicd-oai-smf:/tmp/smf.log archives/logs/oai_smf.log || true'
sh 'docker cp cicd-oai-upf:/tmp/spgwu.pcap archives/pcaps/oai_spgwu.pcap || true'
sh 'docker cp cicd-oai-upf:/tmp/spgwu.log archives/logs/oai_spgwu.log || true'
sh 'docker cp cicd-oai-ausf:/tmp/ausf.pcap archives/pcaps/oai_ausf.pcap || true'
sh 'docker cp cicd-oai-ausf:/tmp/ausf.log archives/logs/oai_ausf.log || true'
sh 'docker cp cicd-oai-udm:/tmp/udm.pcap archives/pcaps/oai_udm.pcap || true'
sh 'docker cp cicd-oai-udm:/tmp/udm.log archives/logs/oai_udm.log || true'
sh 'docker cp cicd-oai-udr:/tmp/udr.pcap archives/pcaps/oai_udr.pcap || true'
sh 'docker cp cicd-oai-udr:/tmp/udr.log archives/logs/oai_udr.log || true'
......@@ -383,11 +401,14 @@ pipeline {
script {
// Get logs if deployment fail
if (deployed != true) {
sh "mkdir -p archives/logs"
sh 'docker logs cicd-oai-nrf > archives/logs/oai_nrf.log'
sh 'docker logs cicd-oai-amf > archives/logs/oai_amf.log'
sh 'docker logs cicd-oai-smf > archives/logs/oai_smf.log'
sh 'docker logs cicd-oai-upf > archives/logs/oai_spgwu.log'
sh "mkdir -p archives/logs"
sh 'docker logs cicd-oai-nrf > archives/logs/oai_nrf.log'
sh 'docker logs cicd-oai-amf > archives/logs/oai_amf.log'
sh 'docker logs cicd-oai-smf > archives/logs/oai_smf.log'
sh 'docker logs cicd-oai-upf > archives/logs/oai_spgwu.log'
sh 'docker logs cicd-oai-ausf > archives/logs/oai_ausf.log'
sh 'docker logs cicd-oai-udm > archives/logs/oai_udm.log'
sh 'docker logs cicd-oai-udr > archives/logs/oai_udr.log'
// Remove any leftover containers/networks
sh 'python3 ./ci-scripts/ --mode=Delete --userName=' + dsT_host_user + ' --hostName=' + dsT_host
......@@ -122,6 +122,9 @@ class HtmlReport():
self.file.write(' </table>\n')
self.file.write(' </div>\n')
......@@ -143,6 +146,18 @@ class HtmlReport():
containerName = 'oai-spgwu-tiny'
tagPattern = 'OAI_SPGWU_TAG'
statusPrefix = 'spgwu'
if imageInfoPrefix == 'oai_ausf':
containerName = 'oai-ausf'
tagPattern = 'OAI_AUSF_TAG'
statusPrefix = 'ausf'
if imageInfoPrefix == 'oai_udm':
containerName = 'oai-udm'
tagPattern = 'OAI_UDM_TAG'
statusPrefix = 'udm'
if imageInfoPrefix == 'oai_udr':
containerName = 'oai-udr'
tagPattern = 'OAI_UDR_TAG'
statusPrefix = 'udr'
if imageInfoPrefix == 'mysql':
containerName = imageInfoPrefix
tagPattern = 'N/A'
......@@ -252,7 +267,7 @@ class HtmlReport():
cwd = os.getcwd()
if os.path.isfile(cwd + '/DS-TEST-RESULTS/mvc.yaml'):
with open(cwd + '/DS-TEST-RESULTS/mvc.yaml') as f:
data = yaml.load(f)
data = yaml.full_load(f)
nScenarios = len(data['scenarios'])
for scenario in range(nScenarios):
self.file.write(' <tr>\n')
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ except IOError:
if locexist:
with open(cwd + f'/DS-TEST-RESULTS/{}') as f:
data = yaml.load(f)
data = yaml.full_load(f)
if data["final-result"] == 'fail':
sys.exit('DsTester final result FAILED')
except IOError:
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