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Commit 6b383347 authored by Raphael Defosseux's avatar Raphael Defosseux
Browse files

CI: integration of the "test with equipment" script

  -- temporary into a separate jenkins job
  -- parameters are not in the pipeline script file
     they have to be set up manually in the Jenkins GUI configuration page
     they are then check if present in pipeline script
  -- call to python script
     -- build on a server with RF HW capabilities
        for the moment USRP B2x0
        also handles merge request process for gitlab
     -- since it is for CI, it is a clean build
     -- connect to an EPC (OAI or LTEBOX)
     -- terminates eNB / EPC
  -- log collection

Signed-off-by: default avatarRaphael Defosseux <>
parent a87a4638
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// Comments
pipeline {
// The node should be selected with a 'label' parameter
// trying to use NodeLabel plugin to pass it, currently failing to do so
agent {
label 'bellatrix'
options {
// When performing commit status updates and merge requests comments
// the connection name SHALL be here.
// So please use the same connection name and use proper credentials
gitLabConnection('OAI GitLab')
// the following parameter options are commented out so it shows the ones
// that you SHALL have to run the job.
// You can use them as template
parameters {
//eNB parameters
string(name: 'eNB_IPAddress', defaultValue: '192.168.XX.XX', description: 'IP Address of eNB')
credentials(name: 'eNB_Credentials', defaultValue: 'XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX', credentialType: "Username with password", required: true, description: 'Credentials for eNB')
string(name: 'eNB_SourceCodePath', defaultValue: '/home/starsky/CI-enb', description: 'Full path of eNB source code')
//EPC parameters
string(name: 'EPC_IPAddress', defaultValue: '192.168.XX.XX', description: 'IP Address of EPC')
string(name: 'EPC_Type', defaultValue: 'OAI', description: 'EPC type: OAI or ltebox')
credentials(name: 'EPC_Credentials', defaultValue: 'XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX', credentialType: "Username with password", required: true, description: 'Credentials for EPC')
string(name: 'EPC_SourceCodePath', defaultValue: '/home/nano/CI_oai-cn/openair-cn', description: 'Full path of EPC source code')
//ADB server parameters
string(name: 'ADB_IPAddress', defaultValue: '192.168.XX.XX', description: 'IP Address of ADB server')
credentials(name: 'ADB_Credentials', defaultValue: 'XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX', credentialType: "Username with password", required: true, description: 'Credentials for ADB')
stages {
stage ("Verify Parameters") {
steps {
script {
def allParametersPresent = true
if (params.CI_MASTER_NODE != null) {
echo "eNB CI parameter node : $params.CI_MASTER_NODE"
} else {
echo "eNB CI master node : $NODE_NAME"
if (params.eNB_IPAddress == null) {
allParametersPresent = false
if (params.eNB_SourceCodePath == null) {
allParametersPresent = false
if (params.eNB_Credentials == null) {
allParametersPresent = false
if (params.EPC_IPAddress == null) {
allParametersPresent = false
if (params.EPC_Type == null) {
allParametersPresent = false
if (params.EPC_SourceCodePath == null) {
allParametersPresent = false
if (params.EPC_Credentials == null) {
allParametersPresent = false
if (params.ADB_IPAddress == null) {
allParametersPresent = false
if (params.ADB_Credentials == null) {
allParametersPresent = false
if (allParametersPresent) {
echo "All parameters are present"
} else {
echo "Some parameters are missing"
sh "./ci-scripts/"
stage ("Build on eNB server") {
steps {
script {
dir ('ci-scripts') {
try {
[$class: 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding', credentialsId: "${params.eNB_Credentials}", usernameVariable: 'eNB_Username', passwordVariable: 'eNB_Password'],
[$class: 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding', credentialsId: "${params.EPC_Credentials}", usernameVariable: 'EPC_Username', passwordVariable: 'EPC_Password'],
[$class: 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding', credentialsId: "${params.ADB_Credentials}", usernameVariable: 'ADB_Username', passwordVariable: 'ADB_Password']
]) {
sh "python3 --mode=TesteNB --eNBIPAddress=${params.eNB_IPAddress} --eNBRepository=${GIT_URL} --eNBBranch=${GIT_BRANCH} --eNBCommitID=${GIT_COMMIT} --eNBUserName=${eNB_Username} --eNBPassword=${eNB_Password} --eNBSourceCodePath=${params.eNB_SourceCodePath} --EPCIPAddress=${params.EPC_IPAddress} --EPCType=${params.EPC_Type} --EPCUserName=${EPC_Username} --EPCPassword=${EPC_Password} --EPCSourceCodePath=${params.EPC_SourceCodePath} --ADBIPAddress=${params.ADB_IPAddress} --ADBUserName=${ADB_Username} --ADBPassword=${ADB_Password}"
} catch (Exception e) {
//sh "./ci-scripts/"
currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
stage('Log Collection') {
parallel {
stage('Log Collection (eNB)') {
steps {
script {
dir ('ci-scripts') {
[$class: 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding', credentialsId: "${params.eNB_Credentials}", usernameVariable: 'eNB_Username', passwordVariable: 'eNB_Password']
]) {
sh "python3 --mode=LogCollectBuild --eNBIPAddress=${params.eNB_IPAddress} --eNBUserName=${eNB_Username} --eNBPassword=${eNB_Password} --eNBSourceCodePath=${params.eNB_SourceCodePath}"
sh "python3 --mode=LogCollecteNB --eNBIPAddress=${params.eNB_IPAddress} --eNBUserName=${eNB_Username} --eNBPassword=${eNB_Password} --eNBSourceCodePath=${params.eNB_SourceCodePath}"
sh "sshpass -p \'${eNB_Password}\' scp -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -o 'ConnectTimeout 10' ${eNB_Username}@${params.eNB_IPAddress}:${eNB_SourceCodePath}/cmake_targets/ ./build.log.${env.BUILD_ID}.zip || true"
sh "sshpass -p \'${eNB_Password}\' scp -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -o 'ConnectTimeout 10' ${eNB_Username}@${params.eNB_IPAddress}:${eNB_SourceCodePath}/cmake_targets/ ./enb.log.${env.BUILD_ID}.zip || true"
// No need to remove since we are wiping out the folder on the eNB server during build
// sh "sshpass -p \'${eNB_Password}\' ssh -t -t -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -o 'ConnectTimeout 10' ${eNB_Username}@${params.eNB_IPAddress} 'cd ${eNB_SourceCodePath}; cd cmake_targets; if [ -e ]; then rm; fi;'"
// sh "sshpass -p \'${eNB_Password}\' ssh -t -t -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -o 'ConnectTimeout 10' ${eNB_Username}@${params.eNB_IPAddress} 'cd ${eNB_SourceCodePath}; cd cmake_targets; if [ -e ]; then rm; fi;'"
if(fileExists("build.log.${env.BUILD_ID}.zip")) {
archiveArtifacts "build.log.${env.BUILD_ID}.zip"
// Same thing here, no need to remove.
// SCM folder is wiped out at build start on node
// sh "rm build.log.${env.BUILD_ID}.zip"
if(fileExists("enb.log.${env.BUILD_ID}.zip")) {
archiveArtifacts "enb.log.${env.BUILD_ID}.zip"
// Same thing here, no need to remove.
// SCM folder is wiped out at build start on node
// sh "rm enb.log.${env.BUILD_ID}.zip"
stage('Log Collection (EPC)') {
steps {
script {
dir ('ci-scripts') {
[$class: 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding', credentialsId: "${params.EPC_Credentials}", usernameVariable: 'EPC_Username', passwordVariable: 'EPC_Password']
]) {
sh "python3 --mode=LogCollectSPGW --EPCIPAddress=${params.EPC_IPAddress} --EPCUserName=${EPC_Username} --EPCPassword=${EPC_Password} --EPCSourceCodePath=${params.EPC_SourceCodePath} --EPCType=${params.EPC_Type} "
sh "python3 --mode=LogCollectMME --EPCIPAddress=${params.EPC_IPAddress} --EPCUserName=${EPC_Username} --EPCPassword=${EPC_Password} --EPCSourceCodePath=${params.EPC_SourceCodePath} --EPCType=${params.EPC_Type} "
sh "python3 --mode=LogCollectHSS --EPCIPAddress=${params.EPC_IPAddress} --EPCUserName=${EPC_Username} --EPCPassword=${EPC_Password} --EPCSourceCodePath=${params.EPC_SourceCodePath} --EPCType=${params.EPC_Type} "
if ("OAI".equals(params.EPC_Type)) {
sh "sshpass -p \'${EPC_Password}\' scp -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -o 'ConnectTimeout 10' ${EPC_Username}@${params.EPC_IPAddress}:${EPC_SourceCodePath}/scripts/ ./spgw.log.${env.BUILD_ID}.zip || true"
sh "sshpass -p \'${EPC_Password}\' scp -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -o 'ConnectTimeout 10' ${EPC_Username}@${params.EPC_IPAddress}:${EPC_SourceCodePath}/scripts/ ./mme.log.${env.BUILD_ID}.zip || true"
sh "sshpass -p \'${EPC_Password}\' scp -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -o 'ConnectTimeout 10' ${EPC_Username}@${params.EPC_IPAddress}:${EPC_SourceCodePath}/scripts/ ./hss.log.${env.BUILD_ID}.zip || true"
sh "sshpass -p \'${EPC_Password}\' ssh -t -t -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -o 'ConnectTimeout 10' ${EPC_Username}@${params.EPC_IPAddress} 'cd ${EPC_SourceCodePath}; cd scripts; if [ -e ]; then rm; fi;'"
sh "sshpass -p \'${EPC_Password}\' ssh -t -t -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -o 'ConnectTimeout 10' ${EPC_Username}@${params.EPC_IPAddress} 'cd ${EPC_SourceCodePath}; cd scripts; if [ -e ]; then rm; fi;'"
sh "sshpass -p \'${EPC_Password}\' ssh -t -t -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -o 'ConnectTimeout 10' ${EPC_Username}@${params.EPC_IPAddress} 'cd ${EPC_SourceCodePath}; cd scripts; if [ -e ]; then rm; fi;'"
} else {
sh "sshpass -p \'${EPC_Password}\' scp -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -o 'ConnectTimeout 10' ${EPC_Username}@${params.EPC_IPAddress}:/home/${EPC_Username}/ ./spgw.log.${env.BUILD_ID}.zip || true"
sh "sshpass -p \'${EPC_Password}\' scp -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -o 'ConnectTimeout 10' ${EPC_Username}@${params.EPC_IPAddress}:/home/${EPC_Username}/ ./mme.log.${env.BUILD_ID}.zip || true"
sh "sshpass -p \'${EPC_Password}\' scp -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -o 'ConnectTimeout 10' ${EPC_Username}@${params.EPC_IPAddress}:/home/${EPC_Username}/ ./hss.log.${env.BUILD_ID}.zip || true"
sh "sshpass -p \'${EPC_Password}\' ssh -t -t -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -o 'ConnectTimeout 10' ${EPC_Username}@${params.EPC_IPAddress} 'cd /home/${EPC_Username}; if [ -e ]; then rm; fi;'"
sh "sshpass -p \'${EPC_Password}\' ssh -t -t -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -o 'ConnectTimeout 10' ${EPC_Username}@${params.EPC_IPAddress} 'cd /home/${EPC_Username}; if [ -e ]; then rm; fi;'"
sh "sshpass -p \'${EPC_Password}\' ssh -t -t -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -o 'ConnectTimeout 10' ${EPC_Username}@${params.EPC_IPAddress} 'cd /home/${EPC_Username}; if [ -e ]; then rm; fi;'"
if(fileExists("spgw.log.${env.BUILD_ID}.zip")) {
archiveArtifacts "spgw.log.${env.BUILD_ID}.zip"
sh "rm spgw.log.${env.BUILD_ID}.zip"
if(fileExists("mme.log.${env.BUILD_ID}.zip")) {
archiveArtifacts "mme.log.${env.BUILD_ID}.zip"
sh "rm mme.log.${env.BUILD_ID}.zip"
if(fileExists("hss.log.${env.BUILD_ID}.zip")) {
archiveArtifacts "hss.log.${env.BUILD_ID}.zip"
sh "rm hss.log.${env.BUILD_ID}.zip"
post {
always {
echo "Archiving Jenkins console log"
// Not working in Eurecom environment
sh "wget --no-check-certificate --no-proxy ${env.JENKINS_URL}/job/${env.JOB_NAME}/${env.BUILD_ID}/consoleText -O consoleText.log || true"
sh "zip -m consoleText.log.${env.BUILD_ID}.zip consoleText.log || true"
script {
if(fileExists("consoleText.log.${env.BUILD_ID}.zip")) {
archiveArtifacts "consoleText.log.${env.BUILD_ID}.zip"
sh "rm consoleText.log.${env.BUILD_ID}.zip"
exit -1
This diff is collapsed.
<TestCaseRequestedList>010101 050101 060101 070101 030101 030201 050201 060201 070201</TestCaseRequestedList>
<testCase id="010101">
<desc>Build eNB (USRP)</desc>
<Build_eNB_args>-w USRP -x -c --eNB</Build_eNB_args>
<testCase id="030101">
<desc>Initialize eNB (FDD/Band1/5MHz/info)</desc>
<testCase id="030201">
<desc>Terminate eNB</desc>
<testCase id="050101">
<desc>Initialize HSS</desc>
<testCase id="050201">
<desc>Terminate HSS</desc>
<testCase id="060101">
<desc>Initialize MME</desc>
<testCase id="060201">
<desc>Terminate MME</desc>
<testCase id="070101">
<desc>Initialize SPGW</desc>
<testCase id="070201">
<desc>Terminate SPGW</desc>
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