This repository contains O-RAN Alliance compliant E2 node Agent emulators, a NearRT-RIC, xApps written in C/C++ and Python, as well as patches to 5G/4G OpenAirInterface and 4G srsRAN. It implements various service models (NG/GTP, PDCP, RLC, MAC, KPM v2, SC, TC) and a built-in emulation. Depending on the service model, different encoding schemes have been developed (ASN.1, flatbuffer, plain). The indication data received in the xApp uses as persistence mechanism an sqlite3 database for enabling offline processing applications (e.g., ML/AI).
If you want to know more about FlexRIC and its original architecture, you can find more details at: Robert Schmidt, Mikel Irazabal, and Navid Nikaein. 2021. FlexRIC: an SDK for next-generation SD-RANs. In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (CoNEXT '21). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 411–425. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3485983.3494870. A pdf copy is available at https://bit.ly/3uOXuCV
Below is the list of features available in this version divided per component and per service model:
OAI-4g | OAI-5g | SRS-4g | E2 Agent emulator | Near RT-RIC | xApp c/c++ SDK | xApp python SDK | O-RAN standardized | |
MAC | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | N |
RLC | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | N |
PDCP | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | N |
SLICE | Y | N | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | N |
TC | N | N | N | Y | Y | Y | N | N |
GTP | N | N | N | Y | Y | Y | N | N |
KPM | N | N | N | Y | Y | Y | N | Y |
1. Installation
1.1 Install prerequisites
A recent CMake (at least v3.22).
On Ubuntu, you might want to use this PPA to install an up-to-date version.
SWIG (at least v.4.0).
We use SWIG as an interface generator to enable the multi-language feature (i.e., C/C++ and Python) for the xApps. Please, check your SWIG version (i.e,
swig -version
) and install it from scratch if necessary as described here: https://swig.org/svn.html or via the code below:git clone https://github.com/swig/swig.git cd swig git checkout release-4.1 ./autogen.sh ./configure --prefix=/usr/ make -j8 make install
Flatbuffer encoding(optional).
We also provide a flatbuffers encoding/decoding scheme as alternative to ASN.1. In case that you want to use it follow the instructions at https://github.com/dvidelabs/flatcc and provide the path for the lib and include when selecting it at
ccmake ..
from the build directory
1.2 Download the required dependencies.
Below an example of how to install it in ubuntu
sudo apt install libsctp-dev python3.8 cmake-curses-gui libpcre2-dev python-dev
1.3 Clone the FlexRIC project, build and install it.
Download the code
# i.e.: $ git clone https://gitlab.eurecom.fr/mosaic5g/flexric.git
$ cd flexric && mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make
You can install the Service Models (SM) in your computer via:
sudo make install
By default the service model libraries will be installed in the path /usr/local/lib/flexric while the configuration file in /usr/local/etc/flexric.
1.4 Test (optional step)
There are some tests you can run. Precisely:
- Service Model unit test. See directory
- 3 nodes test. See directory
. This test simulates an scenario with an E2 node's, a nearRT-RIC and an xApp. Data is randomly filled. Example running in 3 terminals.# terminal 1: start E2 Node agent ./build/examples/emulator/agent/agent_1 # terminal 2: start nearRT-RIC ./build/examples/ric/nearRT-RIC # terminal 3 build/examples/xApp/c/monitor/xapp_mac_rlc_pdcp_moni
- All-in-one test. See directory
Most of the tests can be triggered using ctest
. From the build directory launch ctest
to start the tests.
2. Usage/deployment
Before starting the nearRT-RIC, check that the IP address where your nearRT-RIC will be listening is the desired one at /usr/local/lib/flexric/flexric.conf
The default configuration assumes that all the components are located in localhost.
Start the nearRT-RIC with:
$ ./build/examples/ric/nearRT-RIC
Start one or multiple E2 node Agent emulators using default configuration
$ ./build/examples/emulator/agent/emu_agent_gnb_cu
$ ./build/examples/emulator/agent/emu_agnet_gnb_du
or a customized one, i.e.:
$ ./build/examples/emulator/agent/emu_agent_gnb_cu -c ~/flexric1.conf &
$ ./build/examples/emulator/agent/emu_agnet_gnb_du -c ~/flexric2.conf &
where, for example, flexric1.conf is:
DB_PATH = /tmp/
DB_NAME = xapp_db1
flexric2.conf is:
DB_PATH = /tmp/
DB_NAME = xapp_db2
Next, you can fetch some statistics from the E2 Agents using python xApps via $ python3 build/examples/xApp/python3/xapp_gtp_moni.py
, while in other window you can start a second xApp developed in c $ build/examples/xApp/c/monitor/xapp_monitor_all
You can also start wireshark and see how E2AP messages are flowing. At this point, FlexRIC is working correctly in your computer and you have already tested the multi-agent, multi-xApp and multi-language capabilities.
The latency that you observe in your monitor xApp is the latency from the E2 Agent to the nearRT-RIC and xApp. In modern computers the latency should be less than 200 microseconds or 50x faster than the O-RAN specified maximum nearRT-RIC latency of 10 ms. Additionally, all the data received in the xApp is also written to /tmp/xapp_db in case that offline data processing is wanted (e.g., Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence applications). Please, check the example folder for other working xApp use cases.
3. Integration with RAN and example of deployment
3.1 Integration with OpenAirInterface 4G/5G RAN
We will use the patch provided in flexric repository
$ git clone https://gitlab.eurecom.fr/oai/openairinterface5g.git oai
$ cd oai/
$ git checkout 2022.41
$ git am path/to/flexric/multiRAT/oai/oai.patch --whitespace=nowarn
$ source oaienv
$ cd cmake_targets
$ ./build_oai -I -w USRP -i #For OAI first time installation
$ ./build_oai --eNB --gNB -c -C -w USRP --ninja
Prepare you favourite hot/cold beverage as the compilation of OAI may take 10 minutes. Example configuration files using a B210 USRP are provided to facilitate the integration.
In this release MAC, RLC, PDCP SMs are operative for 5G/4G and slicing for 4G
3.2 Integration with srsRAN 4G RAN
Install srsRAN from source https://docs.srsran.com/en/latest/general/source/1_installation.html#installation-from-source and follow their instructions.
cd path/to/srsran
git checkout release_21_10
git am path/to/flexric/multiRAT/srsran/srsenb.patch --whitespace=nowarn
mkdir build && cmake .. && make -j8
cd srsenb/src/
sudo ./srsenb
In this release MAC, RLC, PDCP and partially Slicing are supported SMs.
3.3 (opt) Synchronize clock
Before running the various components (RAN/flexric), you probably want to align the machines' clock. At this aim, you can use ptp4l
in all the machines
involved (if you have for example deployed the various components on different hosts)
sudo ptp4l -m -i InterfaceName #for master
sudo ptp4l -m -i InterfaceName -s #for slaves
Following make sure that no ntpd, chrondy or timesyncd is running in the system (e.g., sudo systemctl stop systemd-timesyncd
sudo phc2sys -m -s InterfaceName -w
3.4 Start the processes
Start some eNodeB/gNodeB
Below an example with 5G or 4G OAI gNodeB/eNodeB
# eNB $ cd oai/cmake_targets/ran_build/build $ sudo ./lte-softmodem -O path/to/flexric/multiRAT/oai/enb.band7.tm1.25PRB.usrpb210.replay.conf # gNB $ cd oai/cmake_targets/ran_build/build $ sudo ./nr-softmodem -O path/to/flexric/multiRAT/oai/gnb.sa.band78.fr1.106PRB.usrpb210.conf --sa -E --continuous-tx
Start the nearRT-RIC
$ ./build/examples/ric/nearRT-RIC
Start different xApps
e.g, start the monitoring xApp with
. The monitoring sequence diagram is represented below:e.g, start the slicing control xApp via
$ python3 build/examples/xApp/python3/xapp_slice_moni_ctrl.py
. The controlling sequence diagram is represented below:
4. Support/further resources
- Mailing list: if you need help, you can subscribe to the mailing list
that you can find at https://gitlab.eurecom.fr/mosaic5g/mosaic5g/-/wikis/mailing-lists - demo: here you can find a demo
- wiki page
- ppt presentation with a gentle introduction to flexric
- Original FlexRIC paper ACM CoNEXT 2021
5. Roadmap
Check https://gitlab.eurecom.fr/mosaic5g/flexric/-/milestones