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  • clang-format-11
  • develop default protected
  • pills-and-tab
  • upf-update
  • v2.1-rc
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.014Jan19Nov1410Oct19Sep7May9Apr23Feb211319Jan1716529Sep2625May921Apr19181329Mar15chore(ci): changing copyright yeardevelopdevelopchore(ci): changing entitlement creation processes for openshift 4.17chore(ci): updating for python 3.12fix(ci): extend to 30 minutes for Cluster buildschore(ci): adding new apis for HTML generationpills-and-tabpills-and-tabchore: adding unit-tests run analysisMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into display-libcpr-installationv2.1-rc v2.1.0v2.1-rc v2.1.0chore(ci): copying clang-format results files to archivesfix(ci): in case of merge request, formatting is done on whole common-src submodule folderchore(ci): being a bit more generic for RHEL flexric buildchore(ci): switch flexric to ninja-buildchore(ci): adding support for flexric buildchore(ci): enabling the case RHEL variant is not builtchore(ci): displaying libcpr installation statuschore(ci): adding bpf packages installation statuschore(ci): some adaptation for the HTML report post-oc-buildchore(ci): new utility scripts to OC buildschore(ci): use CPU parallelism to speed up cppcheckchore(ci): adding bpf packages installation statusupf-updateupf-updatechore(ci): switching to clang-format-12v2.0-rc v2.0.0v2.0-rc v2.0.0chore(ci): switching to clang-format-11clang-format-11clang-format-11chore(ci): the docker build or the clang_format check should not fail; check is done in Jenkinsfilechore(ci): botched the clang-format installationchore(ci): forgot to printchore(ci): forgot the cpp-jwt installationchore(ci): handling better cppcheck errors from header fileschore(ci): one last common file to moveMerge branch 'ci-refactoring-python' into 'develop'chore(ci): moving the dockerfiles used for checkschore(ci): refactoring at the NF levelchore(ci): first refactoring effort on python scriptsfeat(ci): initial commit