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Northbound testing

jadalaou requested to merge northbound-testing into develop

Pending access to for raphael, stefan and jenkinsbot

@phine_stefan here is what we did on selfix to run:

# install some python3 libraries, maybe more for you
pip3 install Flask pymongo psutil
# clone of 5gsdk in `test folder for develop-testing
cd test; git clone -b develop-testing; cd ..
# run the robot Northbound API test suite
rm -Rf archives; mkdir -p archives; robot -i North --outputdir archives test

Sometimes the 5gsdk-handler does not kill itself properly (they will fix that)

ps aux | grep handler  --> kill the python3 process
cd test/5gsdk; git checkout -- etc/handler_status.yaml

changes made to docker-compose/ran-conf/gnb.conf was pushed by mistake

Edited by Raphael Defosseux

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