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Draft: Robot-framework based QoS tests

Stefan Spettel requested to merge qos_tests into master


Implement the CN tests from the QoS project with robot framework

Added four test cases, each test starts one or more iperf3 speedtests and expects different results


  • Make a Python file to interact with docker containers using the Docker SDK
  • Make a Python library for test-related helper functions
  • Make a robot framework file to define test cases

How to run

You need to install robotframework, docker and PyYaml

pip3 install robotframework
pip3 install docker
pip3 install PyYaml

Then, just call robot framework from the test directory: robot .

Example Log Files

log.html report.html

Open Features

  • The QoS enforcement is not done in the CN, which is why the tests log an error (I ignore this for now so that the tests don't fail)
  • QoS provisioning is not done in the tests and in the CN
Edited by Stefan Spettel

Merge request reports
