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  • pasolini/openairinterface5g
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  • ewa/openairinterface5g
  • deksprime/openairinterface5g
  • jackokie/openairinterface5g
  • Srushti16/openairinterface5g
  • BRodolphe/openairinterface5g
  • kramantas/openairinterface5g
  • suraj_4g5g/openairinterface5g
  • turletti/openairinterface5g
  • anandriisc/openairinterface5g
  • lvguorong/openairinterface5g
  • dast/openairinterface5g
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  • ajiti2tb/openairinterface5g
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  • nickmxxx/openairinterface5g
  • bin_he4/openairinterface5g
  • delarco/openairinterface5g
  • limx1980/openairinterface5g
  • Aniq/openairinterface5g
  • yassir63/openairinterface5g
  • orc318/openairinterface5g
  • vader/openairinterface5g
  • limx59/openairinterface5g
  • nadavaati_12345/openairinterface5g
  • jenshz/openairinterface5g
  • kuldeep/openairinterface5g
  • lurker/openairinterface5g
  • shariat/openairinterface5g
  • Alireza.najafzadeh/openairinterface5g
  • Ling/openairinterface5g
  • EvanKrall/openairinterface5g
  • youyih/openairinterface5g
  • anindya/openairinterface5g
  • ahan/openairinterface5g
  • beraoud/openairinterface5g
  • obejarano/openairinterface5g
  • Monti/openairinterface5g
  • akhamsi/openairinterface5g
  • Worker.N/openairinterface5g
  • zhangtu/openairinterface5g
  • desouza/openairinterface5g
  • zhijun/openairinterface5g
  • sureshkumar/openairinterface5g
  • milan/openairinterface5g
  • bigbangbingo/openairinterface5g
  • platini/openairinterface5g
  • muralir-nv/openairinterface5g
  • Joshua_Zhang/openairinterface5g
  • siddharthmurali1/openairinterface5g
  • sorinros/openairinterface5g
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  • sneltved/openairinterface5g
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  • wujunning11/openairinterface5g
  • magounak/openairinterface5g
  • ycl1729020039/openairinterface5g
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  • ppokar/openairinterface5g
  • emest/openairinterface5g
  • Najib/openairinterface5g
  • liqing/openairinterface5g
  • gprshome/openairinterface5g
  • Dvevgedveccc/openairinterface5g
  • Elena_Lukashova/openairinterface5g
  • imaneouss/openairinterface5g
  • yangyuan/openairinterface5g
  • ycliang/openairinterface5g
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  • TianyuChen/openairinterface5g
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  • TofunmiA/openairinterface5g
  • razvanursu/openairinterface5g-mac-scheduling
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  • buptxiaofeng/openairinterface5g
  • fjgh_759/openairinterface5g
  • calcel/openairinterface5g
  • Reem/openairinterface5g
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  • YANGHELINDE/openairinterface5g
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  • Rakesh_B_B/openairinterface5g
  • baleeiro/openairinterface5g
  • 19125064/openairinterface5g
  • linlin/openairinterface5g
  • NA1VE/openairinterface5g
  • oai1B/openairinterface5g
  • daveprice/openairinterface5g
  • mo/openairinterface5g
  • dhanmeet/openairinterface5g
  • mv2290/openairinterface-5-g-test
  • pagmatt/openairinterface5g
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  • mmezzavilla/openairinterface5g
  • sudhakarb/openairinterface5g
  • mekki/openairinterface5g
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  • dyyu/openairinterface5g
  • mohammed_safwan/openairinterface5g
  • venkat/openairinterface5g
  • rupadhya/openairinterface5g
  • adjou/openairinterface5g
  • samiemostafavi/openairinterface5g-edaf
  • Sreeram/openairinterface5g
  • oliverxsch/openairinterface5g
  • oai/openairinterface5g
160 results
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Commits on Source (19060)
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......@@ -2,7 +2,27 @@
# log and exec file
# IDE files
# Tags for vim/global
# others
[submodule "openair2/E2AP/flexric"]
path = openair2/E2AP/flexric
url =
branch = remotes/origin/service-models-integration
## [v2.2.0]( -> November 2024. ##
General 5G improvements (both gNB and UE):
- Make standalone mode (SA) the default (see [``](doc/
- Experimental support for FR2 operation
- Support for GEO NTN and simulation of GEO satellite channel in RFsimulator
(see [``](doc/
- Support 2-step RA
- Add optional LTTng logger in logging module (see
- Support for YAML-based config files (alongside libconfig) (see
[``](ci-scripts/conf_files/ and
- Add new L1 scope based on Dear ImGui (see [``](openair1/PHY/TOOLS/
- Allow cross-compilation on ARM (via SIMDE SIMD emulation library)
- Allow to build and run with clang
- Support/check for Linux capabilities, allow to run without sudo (see
- OAI does not modify CPU frequency and networking stack
- Bugfixes in the entire stack (e.g. #547, #663, #674, #687, #712, #736, #739,
#741, #756, #762, #773, ...)
5G gNB:
- Support for FR2 interoperability with COTS UE (no beam switching supported yet)
- Add 4-layer DL MIMO (experimental)
- Add gNB Neighbour configuration and Mobility over F1 interface (see
- Enhance O-RAN FHI 7.2: (see [``](doc/
* Support different bandwidths (40/60/80/100MHz) and antenna configs (1x1 up
to 4x4) for Benetel/VVDN/LITEON RUs
* Add support for multi-RU support (single-cell/distributed antenna)
- Support AMD T2 Telco card look-aside L1 accelerator (see
- Support Nvidia Aerial/ARC in-line L1 accelerator (see
- Various fixes for multi-UE operation: by default support of up to 16 UEs concurrently
- Documentation for
- 5G MAC (see [``](doc/MAC/
- 5G RRC (see [``](doc/RRC/
- E1 (see [``](doc/E1AP/
- F1 (see [``](doc/F1AP/
5G UE:
- Basic interoperability with COTS gNB (Nokia gNB)
- Implement PHR reporting
- Implement RRC re-establishment
- Implement PUCCH/PUSCH/SRS power control
- Implement UCI on PUSCH and aperiodic CSI reporting
- Support of cell search (within the selected UE bandwidth) (see [``](doc/
- Enhance connection control: implement timers, resync
- A lot of internal cleanup
This release also includes many fixes and documentation updates. See
`doc/` in the repository for an overview of documentation.
## [v2.1.0]( -> February 2024. ##
This release improves existing 5G support and adds various new features.
* 5G gNB
- Add support for O-RAN 7.2 fronthaul interface
(tested with 3 O-RUs: Benetel, LITEON, VVDN)
- Add support for 2-layer UL MIMO
- FDD interoperability with COTS UE
- Compiles on ARM (through SIMDE)
- Introduce E2 agent and basic support for E2SM-KPM and E2SM-RC
- Add support for E1AP
- Add support for multiple DUs and CU-UPs at one CU-CP
- FR2 SA with OAI UE
- Improve computational efficiency
* 5G UE
- Cleanup in MAC and RRC towards support of 3rd-party gNB
- FR2 SA with OAI gNB
- Improve computational efficiency
Overall the stability is improved for the same resource usage.
There is basic FR2 support between OAI gNB and OAI nrUE. COTS UE
interoperability is under testing.
This release also includes many fixes and documentation updates.
## [v2.0.0]( -> August 2023. ##
This release adds support for 5G and maintains previous features:
* 5G SA in gNB
- 2x2 MIMO and 256-QAM for UL/DL
- 15 and 30 kHz subcarrier spacings; 10-100 MHz bandwidths
- Up to 800Mbps throughput or 5ms latency
- F1, basic E1, 5G FAPI (SCF 222.10.02), split 8 split options
- Handling of up to 16 UEs
- RRC procedures for connection setup, multiple PDU sessions, reestablishment
* 5G SA in UE
- 2x2 MIMO and 256-QAM for UL/DL
- 15 and 30 kHz subcarrier spacings; 10-100 MHz bandwidths
- Custom FAPI-like MAC/PHY interface
- RRC procedures for connection setup and cell measurement
* Basic 5G NSA in gNB
- X2 sgNB Addition Request between OAI eNB and gNB
* 4G eNB and UE
- Bugfixes in fairRR scheduler (eNB)
- Non-standard F1 midhaul removed (eNB)
- FlexRAN removed (eNB)
- Sync fixes (UE)
* LTE-M supported
* Support for AW2S devices, RFsimulator channel emulation support
For more information on supported features, please refer to the [feature set](doc/
## [v1.2.1]( -> February 2020. ##
* Bug fix for mutex lock for wake-up signal
## [v1.2.0]( -> January 2020. ##
This version adds the following implemented features:
* LTE-M : eNB support for Mode A repetitions
- PUSCH CE - 8 Repetitions
* Improved CDRX implementation for monolithic eNB
* Experimental eMBMS support (now also on eNB side)
* Experimental MCE - Multicast Coordination Entity
* Bug fixes
This version also has an improved code quality:
* Better Test Coverage in Continuous Integration:
- Initial framework to do long-run testing at R2LAB
## [v1.1.1]( -> November 2019. ##
- Bug fix in the TDD Fair Round-Robin scheduler
## [v1.1.0]( -> July 2019. ##
This version adds the following implemented features:
* Experimental support of LTE-M
- Single LTE-M UE attachment, legacy-LTE UE attachment is disabled
* X2 interface and handover (also X2-U interface)
- In FDD and TDD
* CU/DU split (F1 interface)
- Tested only in FDD
- Tested only in FDD
* Experimental eMBMS support (only on UE side)
* Experimental multi-RRU support
- Tested only in TDD
This version has an improved code quality:
* Simplification of the Build System
- A single build includes all full-stack simulators, S1/noS1 modes and one HW platform (such as USRP, BladeRF, ...)
* TUN interface is now used as default for the data plane
- for UE, eNB-noS1 and UE-noS1
* Code Cleanup
* Better Static Code Analysis:
- Limited number of errors in cppcheck
- Important Decrease on high Impact errors in CoverityScan
* Better Test Coverage in Continuous Integration:
- TM2, CDRX, IF4.5, F1
- OAI UE is tested in S1 and noS1 modes with USRP board
- Multi-RRU TDD mode
- X2 Handover in FDD mode
## [v1.0.3]( -> June 2019. ##
- Bug fix for LimeSuite v19.04.0 API
## [v1.0.2]( -> February 2019. ##
- Full OAI support for 3.13.1 UHD
## [v1.0.1]( -> February 2019. ##
- Bug fix for the UE L1 simulator.
## [v1.0.0]( -> January 2019. ##
This version first implements the architectural split described in the following picture.
![Block Diagram](./doc/images/oai_lte_enb_func_split_arch.png)
* Only FAPI, nFAPI and IF4.5 interfaces are implemented.
* Repository tree structure prepares future integrations of features such as LTE-M, nbIOT or 5G-NR.
* Preliminary X2 support has been implemented.
* S1-flex has been introduced.
* New tools: config library, telnet server, ...
* A lot of bugfixes and a proper automated Continuous Integration process validates contributions.
Old Releases:
* v0.6.1 -> Mostly bugfixes. This is the last version without NFAPI.
* v0.6 -> RRH functionality, UE greatly improved, better TDD support, a lot of bugs fixed.
- WARNING: oaisim in PHY abstraction mode does not work, you need to use v0.5.2 for that.
* v0.5.2 -> Last version with old code for oaisim (abstraction mode works)
* v0.5.1 -> Merge of bugfix-137-uplink-fixes. It includes stablity fixes for eNB
* v0.5 -> Merge of enhancement-10-harmony-lts. It includes fixes for Ubuntu 16.04 support
* v0.4 -> Merge of feature-131-new-license. It closes issue#131 and changes the license to OAI Public License V1.0
* v0.3 -> Last stable commit on develop branch before the merge of feature-131-new-license. This is the last commit with GPL License
* v0.2 -> Merge of enhancement-10-harmony to include NGFI RRH + New Interface for RF/BBU
* v0.1 -> Last stable commit on develop branch before enhancement-10-harmony
This diff is collapsed.
"version": 3,
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"name": "default",
"displayName": "Default Config",
"description": "Default build using Ninja generator",
"generator": "Ninja",
"binaryDir": "${sourceDir}/cmake_targets/ran_build/build",
"cacheVariables": {
"CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE": "RelWithDebInfo"
"name": "tests",
"displayName": "Default unit test config",
"inherits": "default",
"binaryDir": "${sourceDir}/cmake_targets/ran_build/build_test",
"cacheVariables": {
"CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE": "RelWithDebInfo"
"buildPresets": [
"name": "5gdefault",
"configurePreset": "default",
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"name": "default",
"inherits": "5gdefault"
"name": "4gdefault",
"configurePreset": "default",
"targets": [
"name": "tests",
"configurePreset": "tests",
"targets": [
# Contributing to OpenAirInterface #
We want to make contributing to this project as easy and transparent as possible.
Please refer to the steps described on our website: [How to contribute to OAI](
1. Sign and return a Contributor License Agreement to OAI team.
2. Register on [Eurecom GitLab Server](
if you do not have any.
- We recommend that you register with a professional or student email address.
- If your email domain (``) is not whitelisted, please contact us
- Eurecom GitLab does NOT accept public email domains.
3. Provide the OAI team with the **username** of this account to
( ; we will give you the developer
rights on this repository.
4. The contributing policies are described in the [corresponding documentation
- PLEASE DO NOT FORK the OAI repository on your own Eurecom GitLab account.
It just eats up space on our servers.
- You can fork onto another hosting system. But we will NOT accept a merge
request from a forked repository.
* This decision was made for the license reasons.
* The Continuous Integration will reject your merge request.
# License #
By contributing to OpenAirInterface, you agree that your contributions will be
licensed under the license described in the file [`LICENSE`](./LICENSE) in the
root directory of this source tree.
File mode changed from 100644 to 100755
The source code of openairinterface5g is distributed under **OAI Public License V1.1**.
For more details of the license, refer to [LICENSE](LICENSE) file in the same directory.
However, the source code also contains third party software that is acknowledged here for reference.
## Credits for source code common/utils/collection/queue.h: ##
The Regents of the University of California: BSD 3-Clause Licence.
## Credits for source code common/utils/collection/tree.h: ##
Niels Provos <>: BSD 2-Clause Licence.
## Credits for source code openair1/PHY/CODING/nrLDPC_decoder/nrLDPC_decoder_offload.c and nrLDPC_offload.h: ##
Intel Corporation SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause Licence
The source code of openairinterface5g is distributed under OAI Public License V1.0.
For more details of the license, refer to LICENSE file in the same directory.
However, the source code also contains third party software that is acknowledged here for reference.
Credits for LFDS user space source code located in folder openair2/UTILS/LFDS/liblfds6.1.1/
Extract from
"There is no license. You are free to use this software in any way, for any purpose. Go forth and create wealth!
If however for legal reasons a licence is required, the license of your choice will be granted."
Credits for source code common/utils/collection/queue.h:
The Regents of the University of California: BSD 3-Clause Licence.
Credits for source code common/utils/collection/tree.h:
Niels Provos <>: BSD 2-Clause Licence.
<h1 align="center">
<a href=""><img src="" alt="OAI" width="550"></a>
<p align="center">
<a href=""><img src="" alt="License"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Supported OS Ubuntu 20"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Supported OS Ubuntu 22"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Supported OS Ubuntu 24"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Supported OS RELH9"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Supported OS Fedora 41"></a>
<p align="center">
<a href=""><img alt="GitLab Release (custom instance)" src=""></a>
<p align="center">
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<p align="center">
<a href=""><img alt="Docker Pulls" src=""></a>
<a href=""><img alt="Docker Pulls" src=""></a>
<a href=""><img alt="Docker Pulls" src=""></a>
<a href=""><img alt="Docker Pulls" src=""></a>
<a href=""><img alt="Docker Pulls" src=""></a>
# OpenAirInterface License #
* [OAI License Model](
* [OAI License v1.1 on our website](
It is distributed under **OAI Public License V1.1**.
The license information is distributed under [LICENSE](LICENSE) file in the same directory.
Please see [NOTICE]( file for third party software that is included in the sources.
# Where to Start #
* [General overview of documentation](./doc/
* [The implemented features](./doc/
* [System Requirements for Using OAI Stack](./doc/
* [How to build](./doc/
* [How to run the modems](./doc/
Not all information is available in a central place, and information for
specific sub-systems might be available in the corresponding sub-directories.
To find all READMEs, this command might be handy:
find . -iname "readme*"
# RAN repository structure #
The OpenAirInterface (OAI) software is composed of the following parts:
├── charts
├── ci-scripts : Meta-scripts used by the OSA CI process. Contains also configuration files used day-to-day by CI.
├── CMakeLists.txt : Top-level CMakeLists.txt for building
├── cmake_targets : Build utilities to compile (simulation, emulation and real-time platforms), and generated build files.
├── common : Some common OAI utilities, some other tools can be found at openair2/UTILS.
├── doc : Documentation
├── docker : Dockerfiles to build for Ubuntu and RHEL
├── executables : Top-level executable source files (gNB, eNB, ...)
├── maketags : Script to generate emacs tags.
├── nfapi : (n)FAPI code for MAC-PHY interface
├── openair1 : Layer 1 (3GPP LTE Rel-10/12 PHY, NR Rel-15 PHY)
├── openair2 : Layer 2 (3GPP LTE Rel-10 MAC/RLC/PDCP/RRC/X2AP, LTE Rel-14 M2AP, NR Rel-15+ MAC/RLC/PDCP/SDAP/RRC/X2AP/F1AP/E1AP), E2AP
├── openair3 : Layer 3 (3GPP LTE Rel-10 S1AP/GTP, NR Rel-15 NGAP/GTP)
├── openshift : OpenShift helm charts for some deployment options of OAI
├── radio : Drivers for various radios such as USRP, AW2S, RFsim, 7.2 FHI, ...
├── targets : Some configuration files; only historical relevance, and might be deleted in the future
└── tools : Tools for use by the developers/ci machines: code analysis and formatting
# How to get support from the OAI Community #
You can ask your question on the [mailing lists](
Your email should contain below information:
- A clear subject in your email.
- For all the queries there should be [Query\] in the subject of the email and for problems there should be [Problem\].
- In case of a problem, add a small description.
- Do not share any photos unless you want to share a diagram.
- OAI gNB/DU/CU/CU-CP/CU-UP configuration file in `.conf` format only.
- Logs of OAI gNB/DU/CU/CU-CP/CU-UP in `.log` or `.txt` format only.
- In case your question is related to performance, include a small description of the machine (Operating System, Kernel version, CPU, RAM and networking card) and diagram of your testing environment.
- Known/open issues are present on [GitLab](, so keep checking.
Always remember a structured email will help us understand your issues quickly.
OpenAirInterface is under OpenAirInterface Software Alliance license.
It is distributed under OAI Public License V1.0.
The license information is distributed under LICENSE file in the same directory.
Please see NOTICE.txt for third party software that is included in the sources.
The OpenAirInterface (OAI) software is composed of the following parts:
├── ci-scripts: Meta-scripts used by the OSA CI process. Contains also configuration files used day-to-day by CI.
├── cmake_targets: Build utilities to compile (simulation, emulation and real-time platforms), and generated build files
├── common : Some common OAI utilities, other tools can be found at openair2/UTILS
├── doc : Contains an up-to-date feature set list
├── maketags : Script to generate emacs tags
├── nfapi : Contains the NFAPI code. A local Readme file provides more details.
├── openair1 : 3GPP LTE Rel-10/12 PHY layer + PHY RF simulation. A local Readme file provides more details.
├── openair2 : 3GPP LTE Rel-10 RLC/MAC/PDCP/RRC/X2AP implementation.
├── DOCS
├── LAYER2/RLC/ with the following subdirectories: UM_v9.3.0, TM_v9.3.0, and AM_v9.3.0.
├── LAYER2/PDCP/PDCP_v10.1.0.
├── UTIL
├── X2AP
├── openair3: 3GPP LTE Rel10 for S1AP, NAS GTPV1-U for both ENB and UE.
├── DOCS
├── GTPV1-U
├── NAS
├── S1AP
├── SCTP
├── SECU
├── UDP
└── targets: Top-level wrappers for unitary simulation for PHY channels, system-level emulation (eNB-UE with and without S1), and realtime eNB and UE and RRH GW.
v0.1 -> Last stable commit on develop branch before enhancement-10-harmony
v0.2 -> Merge of enhancement-10-harmony to include NGFI RRH + New Interface for RF/BBU
v0.3 -> Last stable commit on develop branch before the merge of feature-131-new-license. This is the last commit with GPL License
v0.4 -> Merge of feature-131-new-license. It closes issue#131 and changes the license to OAI Public License V1.0
v0.5 -> Merge of enhancement-10-harmony-lts. It includes fixes for Ubuntu 16.04 support
v0.5.1 -> Merge of bugfix-137-uplink-fixes. It includes stablity fixes for eNB
v0.5.2 -> Last version with old code for oaisim (abstraction mode works)
v0.6 -> RRH functionality, UE greatly improved, better TDD support,
a lot of bugs fixed. WARNING: oaisim in PHY abstraction mode does not
work, you need to use v0.5.2 for that.
v0.6.1 -> Mostly bugfixes. This is the last version without NFAPI.
v1.0.0 -> January 2019. This version first implements the architectural split described in doc/oai_lte_enb_func_split_arch.png picture.
Only FAPI, nFAPI and IF4.5 interfaces are implemented.
Repository tree structure prepares future integrations of features such as LTE-M, nbIOT or 5G-NR.
Preliminary X2 support has been implemented.
S1-flex has been introduced.
New tools: config library, telnet server, ...
A lot of bugfixes and a proper automated Continuous Integration process validates contributions.
v1.0.1 -> February 2019: Bug fix for the UE L1 simulator.
v1.0.2 -> February 2019: Full OAI support for 3.13.1 UHD
v1.0.3 -> June 2019: Bug fix for LimeSuite v19.04.0 API
apiVersion: v1
name: oai-physim
description: A Helm chart for physical simulators network function
# A chart can be either an 'application' or a 'library' chart.
# Application charts are a collection of templates that can be packaged into versioned archives
# to be deployed.
# Library charts provide useful utilities or functions for the chart developer. They're included as
# a dependency of application charts to inject those utilities and functions into the rendering
# pipeline. Library charts do not define any templates and therefore cannot be deployed.
type: application
# This is the chart version. This version number should be incremented each time you make changes
# to the chart and its templates, including the app version.
version: 1.0.0
# This is the version number of the application being deployed. This version number should be
# incremented each time you make changes to the application.
appVersion: v1
- Physical Simulators
- 4G
- 5G
apiVersion: v1
name: oai-dlsim-100rb-tm2
description: A Helm subchart for dlsim network function ("100rb+tm2" tests)
# A chart can be either an 'application' or a 'library' chart.
# Application charts are a collection of templates that can be packaged into versioned archives
# to be deployed.
# Library charts provide useful utilities or functions for the chart developer. They're included as
# a dependency of application charts to inject those utilities and functions into the rendering
# pipeline. Library charts do not define any templates and therefore cannot be deployed.
type: application
# This is the chart version. This version number should be incremented each time you make changes
# to the chart and its templates, including the app version.
version: 0.1.1
# This is the version number of the application being deployed. This version number should be
# incremented each time you make changes to the application.
appVersion: v1
- Physical Simulator
- dlsim
- 4G
{{/* vim: set filetype=mustache: */}}
Expand the name of the chart.
{{- define "" -}}
{{- default .Chart.Name .Values.nameOverride | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" -}}
{{- end -}}
Create a default fully qualified app name.
We truncate at 63 chars because some Kubernetes name fields are limited to this (by the DNS naming spec).
If release name contains chart name it will be used as a full name.
{{- define "oai-dlsim-100rb-tm2.fullname" -}}
{{- if .Values.fullnameOverride -}}
{{- .Values.fullnameOverride | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- $name := default .Chart.Name .Values.nameOverride -}}
{{- if contains $name .Release.Name -}}
{{- .Release.Name | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- printf "%s-%s" .Release.Name $name | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
Create chart name and version as used by the chart label.
{{- define "oai-dlsim-100rb-tm2.chart" -}}
{{- printf "%s-%s" .Chart.Name .Chart.Version | replace "+" "_" | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" -}}
{{- end -}}
Common labels
{{- define "oai-dlsim-100rb-tm2.labels" -}} {{ include "oai-dlsim-100rb-tm2.chart" . }}
{{ include "oai-dlsim-100rb-tm2.selectorLabels" . }}
{{- if .Chart.AppVersion }} {{ .Chart.AppVersion | quote }}
{{- end }} {{ .Release.Service }}
{{- end -}}
Selector labels
{{- define "oai-dlsim-100rb-tm2.selectorLabels" -}} {{ include "" . }} {{ .Release.Name }}
{{- end -}}
Create the name of the service account to use
{{- define "oai-dlsim-100rb-tm2.serviceAccountName" -}}
{{- if .Values.serviceAccount.create -}}
{{ default (include "oai-dlsim-100rb-tm2.fullname" .) }}
{{- else -}}
{{ default "default" }}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
name: {{ .Chart.Name }}
app: physim
{{- toYaml .Values.podSecurityContext | nindent 8 }}
{{- if .Values.imagePullSecrets }}
{{- toYaml . | nindent 8 }}
{{- end }}
- name: physim
image: "{{ }}:{{ }}"
imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.image.pullPolicy }}
{{- if}}
cpu: {{ | quote }}
{{- end}}
{{- toYaml .Values.securityContext | nindent 12 }}
value: /opt/oai-physim
command: ["/bin/sh", "-c"]
- >
cmake_targets/autotests/run_exec_autotests.bash -g "dlsim.100rb+tm2" -d bin/ &&
echo "FINISHED" && sleep infinity
dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
restartPolicy: Never
schedulerName: default-scheduler
serviceAccountName: {{ }}
terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30
{{- if}}
{{- toYaml | nindent 12 }}
{{- end }}
{{- if}}
nodeName: {{ }}
{{- end }}
# Default values for oai-dlsim-100rb+tm2
# This is a YAML-formatted file.
# Declare variables to be passed into your templates.
replicaCount: 1
# pullPolicy: IfNotPresent or Never or Always
pullPolicy: Always
imagePullSecrets: []
nameOverride: ""
fullnameOverride: ""
# Specifies whether a service account should be created
create: true
# Annotations to add to the service account
annotations: {}
# The name of the service account to use.
# If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template
name: "oai-dlsim-100rb-tm2"
runAsUser: 0
runAsGroup: 0
privileged: false
resources: {}
# We usually recommend not to specify default resources and to leave this as a conscious
# choice for the user. This also increases chances charts run on environments with little
# resources, such as Minikube. If you do want to specify resources, uncomment the following
# lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'.
# limits:
# cpu: 100m
# memory: 128Mi
# requests:
# cpu: 100m
# memory: 128Mi
nodeSelector: {}
tolerations: []
affinity: {}
apiVersion: v1
name: oai-dlsim-basic
description: A Helm subchart for dlsim network function ("basic" tests)
# A chart can be either an 'application' or a 'library' chart.
# Application charts are a collection of templates that can be packaged into versioned archives
# to be deployed.
# Library charts provide useful utilities or functions for the chart developer. They're included as
# a dependency of application charts to inject those utilities and functions into the rendering
# pipeline. Library charts do not define any templates and therefore cannot be deployed.
type: application
# This is the chart version. This version number should be incremented each time you make changes
# to the chart and its templates, including the app version.
version: 0.1.1
# This is the version number of the application being deployed. This version number should be
# incremented each time you make changes to the application.
appVersion: v1
- Physical Simulator
- dlsim
- 4G
{{/* vim: set filetype=mustache: */}}
Expand the name of the chart.
{{- define "" -}}
{{- default .Chart.Name .Values.nameOverride | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" -}}
{{- end -}}
Create a default fully qualified app name.
We truncate at 63 chars because some Kubernetes name fields are limited to this (by the DNS naming spec).
If release name contains chart name it will be used as a full name.
{{- define "oai-dlsim-basic.fullname" -}}
{{- if .Values.fullnameOverride -}}
{{- .Values.fullnameOverride | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- $name := default .Chart.Name .Values.nameOverride -}}
{{- if contains $name .Release.Name -}}
{{- .Release.Name | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- printf "%s-%s" .Release.Name $name | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
Create chart name and version as used by the chart label.
{{- define "oai-dlsim-basic.chart" -}}
{{- printf "%s-%s" .Chart.Name .Chart.Version | replace "+" "_" | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" -}}
{{- end -}}
Common labels
{{- define "oai-dlsim-basic.labels" -}} {{ include "oai-dlsim-basic.chart" . }}
{{ include "oai-dlsim-basic.selectorLabels" . }}
{{- if .Chart.AppVersion }} {{ .Chart.AppVersion | quote }}
{{- end }} {{ .Release.Service }}
{{- end -}}
Selector labels
{{- define "oai-dlsim-basic.selectorLabels" -}} {{ include "" . }} {{ .Release.Name }}
{{- end -}}
Create the name of the service account to use
{{- define "oai-dlsim-basic.serviceAccountName" -}}
{{- if .Values.serviceAccount.create -}}
{{ default (include "oai-dlsim-basic.fullname" .) }}
{{- else -}}
{{ default "default" }}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}