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Recursive cmake: faster builds

Robert Schmidt requested to merge recursive-cmake into develop

This partially rewrites the CMakeLists.txt to use subdirectories to enable faster builds:

  • top-level CMakeLists.txt to enable use of add_subdirectory
  • build all targets for ASN.1 generated source files (RRC, S1AP, F1AP...) in subdirectory to improve speed (See below)
  • committed generated ASN.1 source files. This increased the repository size from 126.5 to 133.5 MB but avoids the generation phase, which in 99.99% creates the same source as what would have been committed (See below)

Remaining issues:

  • currently, the CMakeLists.txt for the ASN.1 targets use globbing to collect ASN.1 generated source files which can lead to problems. We might list them explicitly to avoid problems
  • Don't compile protobuf source but install through package manager

Some other changes:

Edited by Remi Hardy

Merge request reports
