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Implementation of Latseq (Latency Sequency analysis) latency measurement tool to OAI eNodeB

Flavien Ronteix--Jacquet requested to merge latseq into develop

LatSeq is a tool for Base Station internal latency analysis. Measurement and analysis part source codes are published in open-source under BSD-3 licence on

The object of this Merge Request is the integration of LatSeq measurement tool to OAI. It includes the LatSeq measurement module already published and LatSeq measurement points inside OAI eNodeB (LTE only).

Latency is becoming an important RAN KPI with emerging low latency services and 5G deployement. The interest for the community to integrate latseq is to debug and view internal latencies in the RAN to detect and improve slow parts of code and to check regressions in CI/CD.

LatSeq is already known by the OAI community since it was the subject of presentation at OAI Summer workshop 2021.


  • LatSeq source code : common/utils/LATSEQ
  • compilation flag : --enable-latseq

Merge request reports