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Correctly handle SIGINT/stop signal in nr-softmodem

Robert Schmidt requested to merge fix-nrsoftmodem-stop into develop
  • Correctly handle SIGINT, so that the nr-softmodem stops regularly
  • Implement abortTpool() to stop the complete Tpool (the previous abortTpool() function has been renamed to abortTpoolJob())
  • Implement abortNotifiedFIFO() to unblock an existing FIFO (the previous abortNotifiedFIFO() function has been renamed to abortNotifiedFIFOJob())
  • Improve the Tpool documentation markup, see
  • Correctly stop the USRP: it is possible to start the nr/lte-softmodem immediately after it has been stopped, without the need to wait: should solve #519 (closed)
  • Some memory fixes: on L1, for NFAPI PUCCH PDUs, and a big memory leak for UP traffic in UL at the GTP
Edited by Robert Schmidt

Merge request reports
