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Draft: Repair cluster-build pipeline

Merged Robert Schmidt requested to merge build-cluster-hotfix into develop
All threads resolved!
+ 7
@@ -98,11 +98,13 @@ class Cluster:
if'{name} created', before) is None:
logging.error('error while creating imagestream: ' + sshSession.getBefore())
return False
logging.debug(f'-> imagestream {name} found')
image = f'{name}:{newTag}'
sshSession.command(f'oc delete istag {image}', '\$', 5) # we don't care if this fails, e.g., if it is missing
sshSession.command(f'oc create istag {image}', '\$', 5)
before = sshSession.getBefore()
if'{image} created ', before) is not None:
if'{image} created', before) is not None:
return True
logging.error('error while creating imagestreamtag: ' + sshSession.getBefore())
return False
@@ -132,7 +134,7 @@ class Cluster:
while timeout_sec > 0:
# check status
for j in jobs:
sshSession.command(f'oc get pods | grep {j}', '\$', 5, silent = True)
sshSession.command(f'oc get pods | grep {j}', '\$', 10, silent = True)
if sshSession.getBefore().count('Completed') > 0: jobs.remove(j)
if sshSession.getBefore().count('Error') > 0:
logging.error(f'error for job {j}: ' + sshSession.getBefore())
@@ -236,7+238,7 @@
# logging to OC Cluster and then switch to corresponding project
mySSH.command(f'oc login -u {ocUserName} -p {ocPassword} --server {self.OCUrl}', '\$', 31)
if mySSH.getBefore().count('Login successful.') == 0:
logging.error('\u001B[1m OC Cluster Login Failed\u001B[0m')
HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'KO', CONST.OC_LOGIN_FAIL)
return False
@@ -258,7+260,7 @@
self._recreate_bc(mySSH, 'ran-base', baseTag, 'openshift/ran-base-bc.yaml')
ranbase_job = self._start_build(mySSH, 'ran-base')
attemptedImages += ['ran-base']
status = ranbase_job is not None and self._wait_build_end(mySSH, [ranbase_job], 600)
if not status: logging.error('failure during build of ran-base')
mySSH.command(f'oc logs {ranbase_job} > cmake_targets/log/ran-base.log', '\$', 10)
# recover logs by mounting image
@@ -343,7+345,7 @@
imageSize[image] = f'{sizeMb:.1f} Mbytes (uncompressed: ~{sizeMb*2.5:.1f} Mbytes)''\u001B[1m{image} size is {imageSize[image]}\u001B[0m')
grep_exp = "\|".join(attemptedImages)
mySSH.command(f'oc get images | grep -e \'{grep_exp}\' > cmake_targets/log/image_registry.log', '\$', 10);
build_log_name = f'build_log_{self.testCase_id}'
cls_containerize.CopyLogsToExecutor(mySSH, lSourcePath, build_log_name, lIpAddr, 'oaicicd', CONST.CI_NO_PASSWORD)