Draft: L1 and L3 measurements for the active and neighboring cells
4th MR related to the sequence of handover MRs (MR !2111 (closed))
- A3 event configuration in gNB
- L1 and L3 measurements for the active and neighboring cells
- Implementation of procedures related to MeasurementReport
In the code, we have this LOG:
LOG_D(NR_RRC, "[%s][Nid_cell %i] Received %s measurements: RSRP = %i (dBm)\n",
NR_RRC_MAC_MEAS_DATA_IND(msg_p).is_neighboring_cell == 0 ? "Active cell" : "Neighboring cell",
NR_RRC_MAC_MEAS_DATA_IND(msg_p).meas_type == 0 ? "SS" : "CSI",
Which, if activated, puts LOGs in the UE terminal like:
[NR_RRC] [Neighboring cell][Nid_cell 1] Received SS measurements: RSRP = -44 (dBm)
[NR_RRC] [Active cell][Nid_cell 0] Received SS measurements: RSRP = -44 (dBm)
[NR_RRC] [Active cell][Nid_cell 0] Received CSI measurements: RSRP = -44 (dBm)
For a detailed debug of measurements in the PHY layer, the following line can be uncommented: