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chore(ci): CI Infrastructure Refactoring: Streamlining Deployment function, Logging, and docker images

Bipin Adhikari requested to merge ci-deploy-restructure into develop

This merge request implements several key improvements to our CI infrastructure.

  • Improved DeployObject and UndeployObject cohesion by adding helper functions: CopyinContainerLog, GetRunningServices, CheckLogs,GetCredentials, GetContainerName, GetImageInfo, GetContainerHealth, ReTagImages, DeployServices
  • Log Directory Restructuring: Implemented a nested folder structure for scenario logs, improving organization and accessibility

Overhaul of Deployment Functions:

  • Unified DeployGenObject and UndeployGenObject functions into the DeployObject and UndeployObject functions, respectively. Support for running multiple services simultaneously.
  • Elimination of docker readiness checks based on specific phrases like "sync|Starting|ready".
  • Improved flexibility to run from separate Python executors if needed.

Other changes

  • ci_infra placeholder implementation. Now requires xml tag to say where the module will run. These modules don't necessarily need to run on the same machine as python executor? and can be deployed with the DeployObject function
  • create_workspace XML class eliminates running createworkspace in very deployObject function call.
  • all images shall be directly pullable: for CN5G example: oaisoftwarealliance/oai-amf:v2.0.0
Edited by Bipin Adhikari

Merge request reports
