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OpenShift Build and Usage Procedures |
CAUTION: this is experimental. Still a lot to be done.
1. Build pre-requisites
To build our RAN images, we SHALL use the codeready-builder-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
repository with all the proper development libraries.
This repository is not directly accessible from the UBI RHEL8 image (registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi:latest
So we need to copy from a register RHEL8 machine certificates and subsccription manager configuration files.
SO on a RHEL8
physical machine (or a virtual machine) connected to the OpenShift Cluster, recover the entitlement and the RH subscription manager configs:
oc create configmap rhsm-conf --from-file /etc/rhsm/rhsm.conf
oc create configmap rhsm-ca --from-file /etc/rhsm/ca/redhat-uep.pem
oc create secret generic etc-pki-entitlement --from-file /etc/pki/entitlement/{NUMBER_ON_YOUR_COMPUTER}.pem --from-file /etc/pki/entitlement/{NUMBER_ON_YOUR_COMPUTER}-key.pem
These configmaps and secret will be shared by all the build configs in your OC project. No need to do it each time.
CAUTION: these files expire every month or so. If you have done a build on your OC project and try again a few weeks later, you may need to re-copy them.
oc delete secret etc-pki-entitlement
oc delete cm rhsm-conf
oc delete cm rhsm-ca
LAST POINT: your OC project SHALL be oai
2. Build the Builder shared image
In our Eurecom/OSA environment we need to pass a GIT proxy.
2 things are impacted by this situation:
- In
filehttpProxy: http://proxy.eurecom.fr:8080
httpsProxy: https://proxy.eurecom.fr:8080
- Add a environment variable to the build config
oc apply -f openshift/oai-ran-rh8-image-stream.yml
oc apply -f openshift/oai-ran-rh8-build-config.yml
oc set env bc/oai-ran-rhel8-build-config NEEDED_GIT_PROXY=http://proxy.eurecom.fr:8080
oc start-build oai-ran-rhel8-build-config --follow
In case you do NOT require a GIT proxy: you SHALL remove the 2 lines in openshift/oai-ran-rh8-build-config.yml
And no need to add a NEEDED_GIT_PROXY
variable to the build config.
oc apply -f openshift/oai-ran-rh8-image-stream.yml
oc apply -f openshift/modified-oai-ran-rh8-build-config.yml
oc start-build oai-ran-rhel8-build-config --follow
After a while it should be successful.
3. Build an OAI target image
For the example the eNB:
oc apply -f openshift/oai-enb-rh8-image-stream.yml
oc apply -f openshift/oai-enb-rh8-build-config.yml
oc start-build oai-enb-rh8-build-config --follow
CAUTION: if you are pushing modifications to the branch you are using, it won't be taken into account besides the Dockerfile.
Because the source files are copied during the shared image creation.
Only way to regenerate images w/ modified source code is to re-start from step #2 (closed).
4. Deployment using HELM charts
CAUTION: even more experimental.
Helm charts are located in another repository:
git clone https://github.com/OPENAIRINTERFACE/openair-k8s.git
cd openair-k8s
git checkout helm-deployment-S6a-S1C-S1U-in-network-18-with-enb
helm install mme /path-to-your-cloned/openair-k8s/charts/oai-mme/