format EurecomEquipmentStatusauthoredbyCedric Roux
format FAQ
format GoogleSummerOfCode
format NetworksUEs
format OAITestSetup
format OpenAir1CoreDev
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format OpenAirEmulDev
format OpenAirLTEGuidelines
update TODO
On this page we are collecting information about existing LTE Networks around the world and different LTE UEs.
---+ Networks
# Networks
<atarget="_blank"href="">Wikipedia </a>already provides a pretty good overview, but here we can potentially save dumps of the SIBs for more detailed information
[Wikipedia]( provides a pretty good overview, but here we can potentially save dumps of the SIBs for more detailed information.
---+ User Equipments
# User Equipments
Here we are displaying the UE-capability information of different UEs
| Manufacturer | Model Name | Model Number | Link to UE capabilites |
| Asus | ZenFone 2 | ZE551ML | [Asus-Zenfone2-Capabilities.xml](NetworksUEs/Asus-Zenfone2-Capabilities.xml) |
| LG | Nexus 5 | | [Nexus5_UE_capability.txt](NetworksUEs/Nexus5_UE_capability.txt) |
---+ Frequency Licenses at Eurecom
# Frequency Licenses at Eurecom
Currently (01 Jul 2008), we have an UMTS TDD license for 1905.1 - 1910.1 MHz and an WiMAX FDD license for 2650-2670 MHz for the Downlink and 2570-2590 MHz for the Uplink.