This is the ideas list for the Google Summer of Code (GSoc) 2014.
Unfortunately OpenAirInterface did not get selected to participate in GSoC. However, the first of the two projects listed here has been adapted by GNU Radio and you can still apply for it. More details here:
Integration of LTE software modem blocks into GNU Radio
OpenAirInterface is open-source project created and maintained by Eurecom (France). It features an open-source software modem for LTE (both UE and eNB) entirely written in C. This software modem uses highly optimized SMID kernles and is performant enought to run a 20MHz eNB on a dual-core off-the shelf x86 PC. The goal of this project is to integrate some of the building blocks of this software modem such as the FFTs or the channel codes into the VOLK framework of GNURadio.
Project Goals
The project should integrate the following blocks from OpenAirInterface into VOLK:
- Turbo channel coder and decoder
- Viterbi channel coder and decoder
Functional tests and benchmarking of the above block should be performed as well
The student should have good knowledge in C (for OpenAirInterface) and C++ (for VOLK) as well as basic knowledge of channel coding and SIMD processing.
Potential Mentors
Nathan West (for support with VOLK), Florian Kaltenberger and Raymond Knopp (for support with OpenAirInterface)
Porting of the LTE software modem to the USRP X300
The Ettus USRP X300 (or X310) features a PCI Express Interface for communication with the host PC. This architecture is similar to the one of the Eurecom ExpressMIMO2 board and therefore we beleive that the X300 could be performant enought to run the OpenAirInterface LTE software modem.
Project goals
- Study the architectures of both the Ettus UHD and the Eurecom ExpressMIMO2 drivers and come up with a solution how the two can be integrated. This could be either by using the existing UHD API or by adapting the UHD accordingly
- Implement the driver or the API according to the specifications
Project requirements
The student should have good knowledge in C and system programming (especially PCIe). Some prior knowledge of the UHD and the USRP are beneficial.
Potential Mentors
Martin Braun (Ettus) for support with the USRP and the UHD, Florian Kaltenberger and Raymond Knopp (Eurecom) for the support with OpenAirInterface and ExpressMIMO2
-- @florian.kaltenberger - 09 Mar 2014