in this version the UE works on USRP
osa-etsi-ws-try234eda38c · ·
second try for demo. PBCH encoding and decoding works in realtime now.
January 2019 Release -- nFAPI support and more
Last Master version without NFAPI with a TDD fix
Integration 2018 week 51: L1 renaming, dlsim format1A, Iris HW support, ASN1C and limeSDR fix
Missing RRC inactivity timer, fixing RU DFT init, adding MAC main config to RRC connection setup
getoptions Error Handling, logging documentation, minor typo correction in T Tracer
Integration of S1-Flex, new ASN1C and fix for 256-user build
Integration of fix TDD in basic-sim, parallel-config, fix in GTPU init and X2-AP setup feature
Integration of ul_sim fixes, support for N3xx and proper 7.5kHx table initialization