@@ -43,6 +43,17 @@ The requried softwares and their respected versions are listed below. To replica
The new version of `wireshark` may not be available in the ubuntu repository so it is better to build it from source.
## 2. Building Container Images ##
- In this demo the image tags and commits which were used are listed below, follow the [Building images](./BUILD_IMAGES.md) to build images with below tags.
**cNF Name** | **Branch Name** | **Commit at time of writing** | Ubuntu18 | CentOS7 | CentOS8
AMF | `multiple-pdu-sessions` | `3c59c6977ac8ecd943c3e77579cda84d4bb396e7` | X | |
SMF | `develop` | `0dba68d6a01e1dad050f47437647f62d40acaec6` | X | |
NRF | `develop` | `0e877cb5b80a9c74fa6abca60b95e2d3d22f7a52` | X | |
SPGW-U-TINY | `gtp_extension_header` | `f13f4a5e2807355d23f136119f85fbf48ed569ea` | X | |
## 3. Configuring Host Machines ##
- The `docker-compose-host` machine needs to be configured with `demo-oai-public-net` bridge before deploying core network components. To capture initial message exchange between smf<-->nrf<-->upf. Though the bridge can be automatically created using docker-compose file if there is no need to capture initial packets.
@@ -309,7 +320,7 @@ Using wireshark open scenario.pcap use the filter ngap || http || pfcp || gtp