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  • Sagar Arora's avatar
    Major Update of Helm-Charts: · c3601664
    Sagar Arora authored and Raphael Defosseux's avatar Raphael Defosseux committed
    Updating the helm-charts and adding new charts for CU-CP and CU-UP.
    * Added readme for individual charts.
    * New charts for CU-CP and CU-UP
    * Made defaultGateway of multus optional
    * Solved the bugs for resource assignment and tcpdump capture
    Major Update of Helm-Charts:
    Sagar Arora authored and Raphael Defosseux's avatar Raphael Defosseux committed
    Updating the helm-charts and adding new charts for CU-CP and CU-UP.
    * Added readme for individual charts.
    * New charts for CU-CP and CU-UP
    * Made defaultGateway of multus optional
    * Solved the bugs for resource assignment and tcpdump capture
To learn more about this project, read the wiki.

Helm Chart for OAI Access and Mobility Function (AMF)

The helm-chart is tested on Minikube and Red Hat Openshift 4.10 and 4.12. There are no special resource requirements for AMF.

NOTE: All the extra interfaces/multus interfaces created inside the pod are using macvlan mode. If your environment does not allow using macvlan then you need to change the multus definations.


OAI-AMF follows 3GPP release 16, more information about the feature set can be found on AMFs WiKi page. The source code be downloaded from GitLab

OAI Jenkins Platform publishes every develop and master branch image of OAI-AMF on docker-hub with tag develop and latest respectively. Apart from that you can find tags for every release VX.X.X. We only publish Ubuntu 18.04/20.04/22.04 images. We do not publish RedHat/UBI images. These images you have to build from the source code on your RedHat systems or Openshift Platform. You can follow this tutorial for that.

The helm chart of OAI-AMF creates multiples Kubernetes resources,

  1. Service
  2. Role Base Access Control (RBAC) (role and role bindings)
  3. Deployment
  4. Configmap (Contains the configuration file for AMF)
  5. Service account
  6. Network-attachment-definition (Optional only when multus is used)

The directory structure

├── Chart.yaml
├── templates
│   ├── configmap.yaml
│   ├── deployment.yaml
│   ├── _helpers.tpl
│   ├── multus.yaml
│   ├── NOTES.txt
│   ├── rbac.yaml
│   ├── serviceaccount.yaml
│   └── service.yaml
└── values.yaml (Parent file contains all the configurable parameters)


Values.yaml contains all the configurable parameters. Below table defines the configurable parameters.

Parameter Allowed Values Remark
kubernetesType Vanilla/Openshift Vanilla Kubernetes or Openshift
nfimage.repository Image Name
nfimage.version Image tag
nfimage.pullPolicy IfNotPresent or Never or Always String Good to use for docker hub
serviceAccount.create true/false
serviceAccount.annotations String String
podSecurityContext.runAsUser Integer (0,65534) Mandatory to use 0
podSecurityContext.runAsGroup Integer (0,65534) Mandatory to use 0
multus.create true/false default false
multus.n2IPadd IPV4 NA
multus.n2Netmask Netmask NA
multus.defaultGateway IPV4 Default route inside container (optional)
multus.hostInterface HostInterface Name NA

Configuration parameter

Parameter Mandatory/Optional Remark
config.mcc Mandatory Mobile Country Code
config.mnc Mandatory Mobile Network Code
config.regionId Mandatory Region ID
config.amfSetId Mandatory AMF SetID
config.logLevel Optional Default info, select info/debug/error
config.tac Hexadecimal/Mandatory Tracking aread code
config.sst0 Integer 1-256/Mandatory Slice Service Type 0
config.sd0 Integer/Hexadecimal/Optional
config.sst1 Optional
config.sd1 Optional
config.amfInterfaceNameForNGAP eth0/net1/Mandatory net1 when multus is used
config.amfInterfaceNameForSBI eth0/Mandatory
config.amfInterfaceSBIHTTPPort Integer/Mandatory Standard port 80
config.amfInterfaceSBIHTTP2Port Integer/Mandatory 8080 if 80 is already inused
config.smfFqdn Mandatory SMF ip-address/FQDN
config.nrfFqdn Mandatory NRF ip-address/FQDN
config.ausfFqdn Mandatory AUSF ip-address/FQDN
config.nfRegistration Mandatory yes/no
config.nrfSelection Optional yes/no
config.smfSelection Mandatory It helps in selecting the SMF via NRF
config.externalAusf Mandatory Always yes when using AUSF
config.useHttp2 Mandatory (yes/no) if using HTTP/2 change the port for HTTP/1.1
config.mySqlServer Optional if not using AUSF
config.mySqlUser Optional if not using AUSF
config.externalNssf Optional if not using AUSF
config.mySqlPass Optional if not using AUSF

Advanced Debugging Parameters

Only needed if you are doing advanced debugging

Parameter Allowed Values Remark
start.amf true/false If true amf container will go in sleep mode
start.tcpdump true/false If true tcpdump container will go in sleepmode
includeTcpDumpContainer true/false If false no tcpdump container will be there
tcpdumpimage.repository Image Name
tcpdumpimage.version Image tag
tcpdumpimage.pullPolicy IfNotPresent or Never or Always
persistent.sharedvolume true/false Save the pcaps in a shared volume with NRF
resources.define true/false
resources.limits.tcpdump.cpu string Unit m for milicpu or cpu
resources.limits.tcpdump.memory string Unit Mi/Gi/MB/GB string Unit m for milicpu or cpu string Unit Mi/Gi/MB/GB
resources.requests.tcpdump.cpu string Unit m for milicpu or cpu
resources.requests.tcpdump.memory string Unit Mi/Gi/MB/GB string Unit m for milicpu or cpu string Unit Mi/Gi/MB/GB
readinessProbe true/false default true
livenessProbe true/false default false
terminationGracePeriodSeconds 5 In seconds (default 5)
nodeSelector Node label
nodeName Node Name


Better to use the parent charts from:

  1. oai-5g-basic for basic deployment of OAI-5G Core
  2. oai-5g-mini for mini deployment (AMF, SMF, NRF, UPF) of OAI-5G Core. In this type of deployment AMF plays the role of AUSF and UDR
  3. oai-5g-slicing for basic deployment with NSSF extra


  1. If you are using multus then make sure it is properly configured and if you don't have a gateway for your multus interface then avoid using gateway and defaultGateway parameter. Either comment them or leave them empty. Wrong gateway configuration can create issues with pod networking and pod will not be able to resolve service names.
  2. If you are using tcpdump container to take pcaps automatically (start.tcpdump is true) you can enable persistent.sharedvolume and presistent volume in NRF. To store the pcaps of all the NFs in one location. It is to ease the automated collection of pcaps.