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OpenAirInterface 5G Core Network Basic Deployment using Docker-Compose

SA Demo


This tutorial will help in understanding how to deploy a basic OAI core network using docker-compose. The recommended hardware to install the above core network setting is

  • 4 CPU
  • 16GiB RAM
  • Minimum 1.5 GiB of free storage for docker images

Please follow the tutorial step by step to create a stable working testbed. You can use this tutorial to deploy OAI-5G core and test it with oai-gNB and oai-nr-ue.

Reading time: ~ 20 mins

Tutorial replication time: ~ 30 mins


  • In case readers are interested in deploying debuggers/developers core network environment with more logs please follow this tutorial.
  • In this tutorial we have considered two different host machines, docker-compose-host as the host machine to deploy core network functions and gNB-host as gNB host machine.


  1. Basic Deployment Flavours
  2. Pre-requisites
  3. Network Function Container Images
  4. Configuring Host Machines
  5. Configuring OAI 5G Core Network Functions
  6. Deploying OAI 5G Core Network
  7. Notes
  8. Report an Issue

1. Basic Deployment Flavours

The Basic functional 5g core network can be deployed into 2 scenarios:


2. Pre-requisites

The container images are built using docker build command on Ubuntu 18.04 host machine. The base image for all the containers is Ubuntu 18.04.

The requried softwares and their respected versions are listed below. To replicate the testbed use these versions.

Software Version
docker engine 19.03.6, build 369ce74a3c
docker-compose 1.27.4, build 40524192
Host operating system Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS
Container operating system Ubuntu 18.04
tshark Minimum 3.4.4 (Git commit c33f6306cbb2)
wireshark Minimum 3.4.4 (Git commit c33f6306cbb2)

2.1. Wireshark

The new version of wireshark may not be available in ubuntu 18.04 repository:

  • You can either build it from source or you may also use the developer PPA:
docker-compose-host $: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:wireshark-dev/stable
docker-compose-host $: sudo apt update
docker-compose-host $: sudo apt install wireshark

docker-compose-host $: wireshark --version
Wireshark 3.4.7 (Git v3.4.7 packaged as 3.4.7-1~ubuntu18.04.0+wiresharkdevstable1)

2.2. Networking considerations

Most of the times the docker-compose-host machine is not configured with packet forwarding then it can be done using below command (if you have already done it in any other section then don't repeat).

This is the most important step towards end-to-end connectivity.

docker-compose-host $: sudo sysctl net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding=1
docker-compose-host $: sudo iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT

3. Network Function Container Images

  • In this demo the network function branch and tags which were used are listed below, follow the Retrieving images or the Building images to build images with below tags.
CNF Name Branch Name Tag Ubuntu 18.04 RHEL8 (UBI8)
AMF master v1.4.0 X X
SMF master v1.4.0 X X
NRF master v1.4.0 X X
SPGW-U-TINY master v1.4.0 X X
UDR master v1.4.0 X X
UDM master v1.4.0 X X
AUSF master v1.4.0 X X
  • In case readers are interested in making images using different branch than master or develop then, they have to build images from scratch they can't use the docker-hub images.

4. Configuring Host Machines

All the network functions are connected using demo-oai bridge.

There are two ways to create this bridge either manually or automatically using docker-compose.

  • The manual version will allow packet capturing while network functions are getting deployed. So the initial tested setup packets can be captured for debugging purposes or checking if network functions registered properly to NRF.
  • The second option of automatic deployment is good when initial packet capture is not important.

4.1 Creating bridge manually

Since this is not the default behavior, you have to edit the docker-compose file.

                  name: demo-oai-public-net
        # public_net:
        #     driver: bridge
        #     name: demo-oai-public-net
        #     ipam:
        #         config:
        #             - subnet:
        #     driver_opts:
        # "demo-oai"
  • The docker-compose-host machine needs to be configured with demo-oai bridge before deploying core network components. To capture initial message exchange between network functions.

    docker-compose-host $: docker network create \
      --driver=bridge \
      --subnet= \
      -o ""="demo-oai" \
    docker-compose-host $: ifconfig demo-oai
    demo-oai: flags=4099<UP,BROADCAST,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
            inet  netmask  broadcast
            RX packets 0  bytes 0 (0.0 B)
            RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
            TX packets 0  bytes 0 (0.0 B)
            TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0
    docker-compose-host $: docker network ls
    NETWORK ID          NAME                  DRIVER              SCOPE
    d2d34e05bb2d        bridge                bridge              local
    455631b3749c        demo-oai-public-net   bridge              local

4.2 Create bridge automatically

  • Though the bridge can be automatically created using docker-compose file if there is no need to capture initial packets.

This is the default version in the docker-compose-basic-nrf.yaml or docker-compose-basic-nonrf.yaml.

The bottom section SHALL look like this:

    # public_net:
    #     external:
    #         name: demo-oai-public-net
          driver: bridge
          name: demo-oai-public-net
                  - subnet:

4.3 In case you forgot, the below section is for both manual and automatic network creation.

  • If the docker-compose-host machine is not configured with packet forwarding then it can be done using below command (important step),

    docker-compose-host $: sudo sysctl net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding=1
    docker-compose-host $: sudo iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT
  • The gNB-host needs to configured with a route to reach docker-compose-host. Assuming gNB-host physical interface which is connected with docker-compose-host is NIC1 and the ip-address of this interface is IP_ADDR_NIC1 then,

    gNB-host$: sudo ip route add route \
                           via IP_ADDR_NIC1\
                           dev NIC1_NAME
  • To verify ping the ip-address of the docker-compose-host interface connected to demo-oai bridge, if possible also ping amf from the gNB host machine.

    gNB-host$: ping
    PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.260 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.147 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.187 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.187 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=64 time=0.181 ms
    --- ping statistics ---
    5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% packet loss, time 108ms
    rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.147/0.192/0.260/0.038 ms    

5. Configuring the OAI-5G Core Network Functions

5G core network have two architectures service based or reference point which makes the NRF component optional, similarly you can choose to deploy the OAI core network components with or without NRF. Additionally in cloud native world it is refered to provide a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) to a service rather than static ip-address. Each of our network functions can communicate to other core network function's using ip-address or FQDN. For example, AMF can register to NRF either with NRFs ip-address or FQDN.

Configuring network functions with static ip-addresses is prefered for bare-metal deployment of network functions. Whereas for docker-compose or helm chart based deployment it is better to use FQDN of network functions. In the docker-compose file you will see each network function is configured with both ip-address and FQDN, but if you are using FQDN then the code of network function will ignore the ip-address configuration.

In docker-compose the service-name is actually the FQDN of the service.

5.1. Core Network Configuration

The docker-compose file has configuration parameters of each core network component. The file is pre-configured with parameters related to this scenario. The table contains the location of the configuration files. These files contains allowed configurable parameters. Keep checking this file it is possible that we will add new parameters for new features.

You can also check configuration on our wiki

| File Name   | Repository                                   | Location                                                                                              |
|:----------- |:-------------------------------------------- |:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| amf.conf    | (Gitlab) cn5g/oai-cn5g-amf                   | [etc/amf.conf](            |
| smf.conf    | (Gitlab) cn5g/oai-cn5g-smf                   | [etc/smf.conf](            |
| nrf.conf    | (Gitlab) cn5g/oai-cn5g-nrf                   | [etc/nrf.conf](            |
| spgw_u.conf | (Github) OPENAIRINTERFACE/openair-spgwu-tiny | [etc/spgw_u.conf]( |
| udr.conf    | (Gitlab) cn5g/oai-cn5g-udr                   | [etc/udr.conf](            |
| udm.conf    | (Gitlab) cn5g/oai-cn5g-udm                   | [etc/udm.conf](            |
| ausf.conf   | (Gitlab) cn5g/oai-cn5g-ausf                  | [etc/ausf.conf](         |

5.2. User Subscprition Profile

There are two ways to configure the User Subscription Profile,

  1. Pre-configure all the users in the database file. This way when the core network will start it will have all the users.
  2. Add a new user when the core-network is already running.

For the first method, you have to edit the database file and add or change the entries in table AuthenticationSubscription, either remove the already present entries or add new one like below

INSERT INTO `AuthenticationSubscription` (`ueid`, `authenticationMethod`, `encPermanentKey`, `protectionParameterId`, `sequenceNumber`, `authenticationManagementField`, `algorithmId`, `encOpcKey`, `encTopcKey`, `vectorGenerationInHss`, `n5gcAuthMethod`, `rgAuthenticationInd`, `supi`) VALUES
('208950000000031', '5G_AKA', '0C0A34601D4F07677303652C0462535B', '0C0A34601D4F07677303652C0462535B', '{\"sqn\": \"000000000020\", \"sqnScheme\": \"NON_TIME_BASED\", \"lastIndexes\": {\"ausf\": 0}}', '8000', 'milenage', '63bfa50ee6523365ff14c1f45f88737d', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '208950000000031'),

Make sure you edit the IMSI, opc and key according to your setting user device

For second method, you have to add the entry when the core network is already running. This step can only be performed after deploying the core network docker-containers.

docker-compose-host $: docker exec -it mysql /bin/bash
mysql-container$: mysql -uroot -plinux
mysql-container$: use oai_db;
mysql-container$: INSERT INTO `AuthenticationSubscription` (`ueid`, `authenticationMethod`, `encPermanentKey`, `protectionParameterId`, `sequenceNumber`, `authenticationManagementField`, `algorithmId`, `encOpcKey`, `encTopcKey`, `vectorGenerationInHss`, `n5gcAuthMethod`, `rgAuthenticationInd`, `supi`) VALUES
('208950000000031', '5G_AKA', '0C0A34601D4F07677303652C0462535B', '0C0A34601D4F07677303652C0462535B', '{\"sqn\": \"000000000020\", \"sqnScheme\": \"NON_TIME_BASED\", \"lastIndexes\": {\"ausf\": 0}}', '8000', 'milenage', '63bfa50ee6523365ff14c1f45f88737d', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '208950000000031'),

Make sure you edit the IMSI, opc and key according to your setting user device.

6. Deploying OAI 5g Core Network

  • The core network is deployed using a python script which is a wrapper around docker-compose and docker command. The script is to make the deployment easy.

  • The script informs the user when the core-network is correctly configured by checking health status of containers and connectivity between different core network components.

  • To know how to use the script look for the helper menu as shown below.

  • There are three parameters, which can be provided

    • --type mandatory option to start/stop the 5g core components with minimum/basic functional architecture.
    • --scenario is optional and if not provided by default it is considered to use nrf component.
    • --capture will start capturing packets with above defined filters on demo-oai bridge
  • In case if there is a problem or you don't want to use this python script it is better to use docker-compose manually read the notes section

    docker-compose-host $: pwd
    docker-compose-host $: python3 --help
    usage: [-h] --type {start-mini,start-basic,start-basic-vpp,stop-mini,stop-basic,stop-basic-vpp} [--scenario {1,2}] [--capture CAPTURE]
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      --type {start-mini,start-basic,start-basic-vpp,stop-mini,stop-basic,stop-basic-vpp}, -t {start-mini,start-basic,start-basic-vpp,stop-mini,stop-basic,stop-basic-vpp}
                            Functional type of 5g core network ("start-mini"|"start-basic"|"start-basic-vpp"|"stop-mini"|"stop-basic"|"stop-basic-vpp")
      --scenario {1,2}, -s {1,2}
                            Scenario with NRF ("1") and without NRF ("2")
      --capture CAPTURE, -c CAPTURE
                            Add an automatic PCAP capture on docker networks to CAPTURE file
            python3 --type start-mini
            python3 --type start-basic
            python3 --type start-basic-vpp
            python3 --type stop-mini
            python3 --type start-mini --scenario 2
            python3 --type start-basic --scenario 2
  • Optional Before executing the script it is better to start capturing packets to see the message flow between smf <--> nrf <--> upf. The packets will be captured on demo-oai bridge which should be configured on the docker-compose-host machine.

    docker-compose-host $: sudo tshark -i demo-oai 
         -f "not arp and not port 53 and not host and not host" \
         -w /tmp/5gcn-basic-deployment-nrf.pcap
  • Explanation on the capture filter:

    • not arp : Not capturing ARP traffic
    • not port 53 : Not capturing DNS traffic
    • not host and not host : Not capturing traffic from oai-ext-dn container when installing tools
  • Starting the core network components, it will take around 2-3 mins to deploy the core network and get it configured. The time depends on the computational resources you have in your machine

    docker-compose-host $: python3 --type start-basic --scenario 1
    [2022-06-29 16:13:16,657] root:DEBUG:  Starting 5gcn components... Please wait....
    [2022-06-29 16:13:16,657] root:DEBUG: docker-compose -f docker-compose-basic-nrf.yaml up -d
    Creating network "demo-oai-public-net" with driver "bridge"
    Creating mysql   ... done
    Creating oai-nrf ... done
    Creating oai-udr ... done
    Creating oai-udm ... done
    Creating oai-ausf ... done
    Creating oai-amf  ... done
    Creating oai-smf  ... done
    Creating oai-spgwu ... done
    Creating oai-ext-dn ... done
    [2022-06-29 16:14:02,294] root:DEBUG:  OAI 5G Core network started, checking the health status of the containers... takes few secs....
    [2022-06-29 16:14:02,294] root:DEBUG: docker-compose -f docker-compose-basic-nrf.yaml ps -a
    [2022-06-29 16:15:00,842] root:DEBUG:  All components are healthy, please see below for more details....
    Name                    Command                  State                  Ports            
    mysql    mysqld      Up (healthy)   3306/tcp, 33060/tcp         
    oai-amf           /bin/bash /openair-amf/bin ...   Up (healthy)   38412/sctp, 80/tcp, 9090/tcp
    oai-ausf          /bin/bash /openair-ausf/bi ...   Up (healthy)   80/tcp                      
    oai-nrf           /bin/bash /openair-nrf/bin ...   Up (healthy)   80/tcp, 9090/tcp            
    oai-smf           /bin/bash /openair-smf/bin ...   Up (healthy)   80/tcp, 8080/tcp, 8805/udp  
    oai-spgwu         /bin/bash /openair-spgwu-t ...   Up (healthy)   2152/udp, 8805/udp          
    oai-ext-dn   /bin/bash -c  ip route add ...   Up                                         
    oai-udm           /bin/bash /openair-udm/bin ...   Up (healthy)   80/tcp                      
    oai-udr           /bin/bash /openair-udr/bin ...   Up (healthy)   80/tcp
    [2022-06-29 16:15:00,843] root:DEBUG:  Checking if the containers are configured....
    [2022-06-29 16:15:00,843] root:DEBUG:  Checking if AMF, SMF and UPF registered with nrf core network....
    [2022-06-29 16:15:00,843] root:DEBUG: curl -s -X GET"AMF" | grep -o ""
    [2022-06-29 16:15:01,113] root:DEBUG: curl -s -X GET"SMF" | grep -o ""
    [2022-06-29 16:15:01,146] root:DEBUG: curl -s -X GET"UPF" | grep -o ""
    [2022-06-29 16:15:01,174] root:DEBUG:  Checking if AUSF, UDM and UDR registered with nrf core network....
    [2022-06-29 16:15:01,175] root:DEBUG: curl -s -X GET"AUSF" | grep -o ""
    [2022-06-29 16:15:01,187] root:DEBUG: curl -s -X GET"UDM" | grep -o ""
    [2022-06-29 16:15:01,197] root:DEBUG: curl -s -X GET"UDR" | grep -o ""
    [2022-06-29 16:15:01,207] root:DEBUG:  AUSF, UDM, UDR, AMF, SMF and UPF are registered to NRF....
    [2022-06-29 16:15:01,207] root:DEBUG:  Checking if SMF is able to connect with UPF....
    [2022-06-29 16:15:01,271] root:DEBUG:  UPF did answer to N4 Association request from SMF....
    [2022-06-29 16:15:01,304] root:DEBUG:  SMF receiving heathbeats from UPF....
    [2022-06-29 16:15:01,304] root:DEBUG:  OAI 5G Core network is configured and healthy....
  • To stop the core network you can use

    docker-compose-host $: python3 --type stop-basic --scenario 1
  • In case you see some issue in the end of the script, like NRF registration issue or SMF<-->UPF heartbeat issue then you can stop the core network and re-deploy it using the script or you can do it directly via docker-compose command. As explained in last section.

Your core network is ready you can use it this your gNB.

You can use oai-ext-dn to perform iperf or ping towards the UE, just make sure that the subnet used by the UE is properly defined in the oai-ext-dn contianer using ip route command.

docker-compose-host $: docker exec -it oai-ext-dn bash
docker-compose-host $: ping <ue-ip-address>

7. Notes

  • The oai-ext-dn container is optional and is only required if the user wants to ping from the UE. In general this container is not required except for testing purposes.
  • Using the python script from above you can perform minimum AMF, SMF, UPF (SPGWU), NRF, MYSQL and basic AMF, SMF, UPF (SPGWU), NRF, UDM, UDR, AUSF, MYSQL 5g core funtional testing with FQDN/IP based feature along with NRF/noNRF. Check the configuration before using the docker compose files.
  • This tutorial can be taken as reference to test the OAI 5G core with a COTS UE. The configuration files has to be changed according to the gNB and COTS UE information should be present in the mysql database.
  • In case you are interested to use HTTP V2 for SBI between the network functions instead of HTTP V1 then you have to use docker-compose-basic-nrf-http2.yaml
  • Generally, in a COTS UE two PDN sessions are created by default so configure the IMS in SMF properly.
  • In case you want to deploy debuggers/developers core network environment with more logs please follow this tutorial
  • It is not necessary to use bash script, it is possible to directly deploy using docker-compose command
    #To start the containers 
    docker-compose-host $: docker-compose -f <file-name> up -d
    #To check their health status and wait till the time they are healthy, you ctrl + c to exit watch command
    docker-compose-host $: watch docker-compose -f <file-name> ps -a
    #To stop the containers with zero graceful period
    docker-compose-host $: docker-compose -f <file-name> down -t 0

8. Report an Issue

To report an issue regarding any-component of CN5G,

  1. Share the testing scenario, what the test is trying to achieve
  2. Logs of the 5GCN components and packet capture/tcpdump of the 5GCN components. Depending on where the packets are captured take care of interface on which the packets are captured. Also it will be nice to capture packets using a filter ngap || http || pfcp || gtp. So that the size of .pcap file is not huge.
  3. You can send an email at with the configuration files, log files in debug mode and pcaps with appropriate filters. Choose an appropriate subject.
  4. You can also report an issue or create bug directly on gitlab. You don't need to sign Contributor License Agreement for opening issues, it is only needed when you want to contribute and push your changes. You have to send us an email to whitelist your domain/email-address for creating a gitlab account, please contact us at
  5. If you are interested to contribute then please follow contribution guidelines.