Sagar Arora authoredSagar Arora authored
![]() |
OpenAirInterface 5G Core Network Deployment and Testing with My5g-RANTester |
Reading time: ~ 30mins
Tutorial replication time: ~ 1h30mins
Note: In case readers are interested in deploying debuggers/developers core network environment with more logs please follow this tutorial
- Pre-requisites
- Building Container Images
- Configuring Host Machines
- Configuring OAI 5G Core Network Functions
- Deploying OAI 5G Core Network
- Getting a
docker image - Executing
Scenario - Analysing Scenario Results
- Trying some advanced stuff
- In this demo the image tags which were used are listed below, follow the Building images to build images with below tags. When pulling images of network functions from dockerhub pull images for
CNF Name | Branch Name | Tag used at time of writing | Ubuntu 18.04 | RHEL8 |
AMF | master |
v1.4.0 |
X | X |
AUSF | master |
v1.4.0 |
X | X |
NRF | master |
v1.4.0 |
X | X |
SMF | master |
v1.4.0 |
X | X |
UDR | master |
v1.4.0 |
X | X |
UDM | master |
v1.4.0 |
X | X |
SPGWU | master |
v1.4.0 |
X | X |
UPF-VPP | master |
v1.4.0 |
X | X |
This tutorial is an extension of a previous tutorial: testing a basic
deployment with dsTester. In previous tutorial, we have seen the advanced testing tool dsTester, which is useful for validating even more complex scenarios.
Moreover, there are various other opensource gnb/ue simulator tools that are available for SA5G test. In this tutorial, we use an opensource simulator tool called My5g-RANTester
. With the help of My5g-RANTester
tool, we can perform very basic SA5G test by simulating one gnb and multiple ues.
About My5g-RANTester -
My5g-RANTester is the open-source state-of-the-art 5G UE and RAN (gNodeB) implementation. my5G-RANTester follows the 3GPP Release 15 standard for NG-RAN. Using my5G-RANTester, it is possible to generate different workloads and test several functionalities of a 5G core, including its complaince to the 3GPP standards. Scalability is also a relevant feature of the my5G-RANTester, which is able mimic the behaviour of a large number of UEs and gNBs accessing simultaneously a 5G core.
Let's begin !!
- Steps 1 to 5 are similar as previous tutorial on vpp-upf. Please follow these steps to deploy OAI 5G core network components.
- We deploy my5G-RANTester docker service on same host as of core network, so there is no need to create additional route as we did for dsTest-host.
- Before we proceed further for end-to-end SA5G test, make sure you have healthy docker services for OAI cn5g
1. Pre-requisites
Create a folder where you can store all the result files of the tutorial and later compare them with our provided result files, we recommend creating exactly the same folder to not break the flow of commands afterwards.
docker-compose-host $: mkdir -p /tmp/oai/vpp-upf-my5g
docker-compose-host $: chmod 777 /tmp/oai/vpp-upf-my5g
5. Deploying OAI 5g Core Network
- We will use same wrapper script for docker-compose that used for previous tutorials to set up 5gcn with
. Use help option to check how to use this wrapper script.
docker-compose-host $: python3 ./core-network.py --type start-basic-vpp --scenario 1 --capture /tmp/oai/vpp-upf-my5g/vpp-upf-my5g.pcap
[2022-02-08 16:18:19,328] root:DEBUG: Starting 5gcn components... Please wait....
[2022-02-08 16:18:19,328] root:DEBUG: docker-compose -f docker-compose-basic-vpp-nrf.yaml up -d mysql
Creating network "oai-public-cp" with the default driver
Creating network "oai-public-access" with the default driver
Creating network "oai-public-core" with the default driver
Creating mysql ... done
[2022-02-08 16:18:32,203] root:DEBUG: nohup sudo tshark -i demo-oai -i cn5g-core -f "(not host and not arp and not port 53 and not port 2152) or (host and icmp)" -w /tmp/oai/vpp-upf-gnbsim/vpp-upf-gnbsim.pcap > /dev/null 2>&1 &
[2022-02-08 16:18:52,217] root:DEBUG: docker-compose -f docker-compose-basic-vpp-nrf.yaml up -d
mysql is up-to-date
Creating oai-nrf ... done
Creating vpp-upf ... done
Creating oai-udr ... done
Creating oai-udm ... done
Creating oai-ext-dn ... done
Creating oai-ausf ... done
Creating oai-amf ... done
Creating oai-smf ... done
[2022-02-08 16:19:47,977] root:DEBUG: OAI 5G Core network started, checking the health status of the containers... takes few secs....
[2022-02-08 16:19:47,977] root:DEBUG: docker-compose -f docker-compose-basic-vpp-nrf.yaml ps -a
[2022-02-08 16:20:11,681] root:DEBUG: All components are healthy, please see below for more details....
Name Command State Ports
mysql docker-entrypoint.sh mysqld Up (healthy) 3306/tcp, 33060/tcp
oai-amf /bin/bash /openair-amf/bin ... Up (healthy) 38412/sctp, 80/tcp, 9090/tcp
oai-ausf /bin/bash /openair-ausf/bi ... Up (healthy) 80/tcp
oai-ext-dn /bin/bash -c apt update; ... Up
oai-nrf /bin/bash /openair-nrf/bin ... Up (healthy) 80/tcp, 9090/tcp
oai-smf /bin/bash /openair-smf/bin ... Up (healthy) 80/tcp, 8805/udp, 9090/tcp
oai-udm /bin/bash /openair-udm/bin ... Up (healthy) 80/tcp
oai-udr /bin/bash /openair-udr/bin ... Up (healthy) 80/tcp
vpp-upf /openair-upf/bin/entrypoin ... Up (healthy) 2152/udp, 8085/udp
[2022-02-08 16:20:11,681] root:DEBUG: Checking if the containers are configured....
[2022-02-08 16:20:11,681] root:DEBUG: Checking if AMF, SMF and UPF registered with nrf core network....
[2022-02-08 16:20:11,681] root:DEBUG: curl -s -X GET"AMF" | grep -o ""
[2022-02-08 16:20:11,694] root:DEBUG: curl -s -X GET"SMF" | grep -o ""
[2022-02-08 16:20:11,706] root:DEBUG: curl -s -X GET"UPF" | grep -o ""
[2022-02-08 16:20:11,717] root:DEBUG: Checking if AUSF, UDM and UDR registered with nrf core network....
[2022-02-08 16:20:11,717] root:DEBUG: curl -s -X GET"AUSF" | grep -o ""
[2022-02-08 16:20:11,728] root:DEBUG: curl -s -X GET"UDM" | grep -o ""
[2022-02-08 16:20:11,739] root:DEBUG: curl -s -X GET"UDR" | grep -o ""
[2022-02-08 16:20:11,750] root:DEBUG: AUSF, UDM, UDR, AMF, SMF and UPF are registered to NRF....
[2022-02-08 16:20:11,750] root:DEBUG: Checking if SMF is able to connect with UPF....
[2022-02-08 16:20:11,868] root:DEBUG: UPF did answer to N4 Association request from SMF....
[2022-02-08 16:20:11,927] root:DEBUG: SMF receiving heathbeats from UPF....
[2022-02-08 16:20:11,928] root:DEBUG: OAI 5G Core network is configured and healthy....
More details in section 5 of the basic
vpp tutorial.
docker image
6. Building a - Pull pre-built docker image
docker-compose-host $: docker pull rohankharade/my5grantester:latest
docker-compose-host $: docker tag rohankharade/my5grantester:latest my5grantester:latest
- Build
docker image
docker-compose-host $: git clone https://github.com/my5G/my5G-RANTester
docker-compose-host $: cd my5G-RANTester/
docker-compose-host $: docker build -f docker/Dockerfile --target my5grantester --tag my5grantester:latest .
7. Executing the - The configuration parameters, are preconfigured in docker-compose-basic-vpp-nrf.yaml and docker-compose-my5grantester-vpp.yaml and one can modify it for test.
- Launch my5G-RANTester docker service
docker-compose-host $: docker-compose -f docker-compose-my5grantester-vpp.yaml up -d
Creating my5grantester ... done
- After launching My5g-RANTester, make sure service status is healthy -
docker-compose-host $: docker-compose -f docker-compose-my5grantester-vpp.yaml ps -a
Name Command State Ports
my5grantester ./app ue Up (healthy)
We can verify it using my5grantester container logs as below -
docker-compose-host $: docker logs my5G-RANTester
Creating my5grantester ... done
Attaching to my5grantester
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:28Z" level=info msg="my5G-RANTester version 0.1"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:28Z" level=info msg=---------------------------------------
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:28Z" level=info msg="[TESTER] Starting test function: Testing registration of multiple UEs"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:28Z" level=info msg="[TESTER][UE] Number of UEs: 1"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:28Z" level=info msg="[TESTER][GNB] gNodeB control interface IP/Port:"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:28Z" level=info msg="[TESTER][GNB] gNodeB data interface IP/Port:"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:28Z" level=info msg="[TESTER][AMF] AMF IP/Port:"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:28Z" level=info msg=---------------------------------------
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:28Z" level=info msg="[GNB] SCTP/NGAP service is running"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:28Z" level=info msg="[GNB] UNIX/NAS service is running"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:28Z" level=info msg="[GNB][SCTP] Receive message in 0 stream\n"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:28Z" level=info msg="[GNB][NGAP] Receive Ng Setup Response"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:28Z" level=info msg="[GNB][AMF] AMF Name: OAI-AMF"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:28Z" level=info msg="[GNB][AMF] State of AMF: Active"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:28Z" level=info msg="[GNB][AMF] Capacity of AMF: 30"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:28Z" level=info msg="[GNB][AMF] PLMNs Identities Supported by AMF -- mcc: 208 mnc:95"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:28Z" level=info msg="[GNB][AMF] List of AMF slices Supported by AMF -- sst:de sd:000000"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:28Z" level=info msg="[GNB][AMF] List of AMF slices Supported by AMF -- sst:01 sd:000001"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:28Z" level=info msg="[GNB][AMF] List of AMF slices Supported by AMF -- sst:04 sd:000000"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:29Z" level=info msg="[TESTER] TESTING REGISTRATION USING IMSI 0000000043 UE"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:29Z" level=info msg="[UE] UNIX/NAS service is running"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:29Z" level=info msg="[GNB][SCTP] Receive message in 0 stream\n"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:29Z" level=info msg="[GNB][NGAP] Receive Downlink NAS Transport"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:29Z" level=info msg="[UE][NAS] Message without security header"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:29Z" level=info msg="[UE][NAS] Receive Authentication Request"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:29Z" level=info msg="[UE][NAS][MAC] Authenticity of the authentication request message: OK"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:29Z" level=info msg="[UE][NAS][SQN] SQN of the authentication request message: VALID"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:29Z" level=info msg="[UE][NAS] Send authentication response"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:29Z" level=info msg="[GNB][SCTP] Receive message in 0 stream\n"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:29Z" level=info msg="[GNB][NGAP] Receive Downlink NAS Transport"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:29Z" level=info msg="[UE][NAS] Message with security header"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:29Z" level=info msg="[UE][NAS] Message with integrity and with NEW 5G NAS SECURITY CONTEXT"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:29Z" level=info msg="[UE][NAS] successful NAS MAC verification"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:29Z" level=info msg="[UE][NAS] Receive Security Mode Command"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:29Z" level=info msg="[UE][NAS] Type of ciphering algorithm is 5G-EA0"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:29Z" level=info msg="[UE][NAS] Type of integrity protection algorithm is 128-5G-IA2"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:29Z" level=info msg="[GNB][SCTP] Receive message in 0 stream\n"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:29Z" level=info msg="[GNB][NGAP] Receive Initial Context Setup Request"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:29Z" level=info msg="[GNB][UE] UE Context was created with successful"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:29Z" level=info msg="[GNB][UE] UE RAN ID 1"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:29Z" level=info msg="[GNB][UE] UE AMF ID 1"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:29Z" level=info msg="[GNB][UE] UE Mobility Restrict --Plmn-- Mcc: not informed Mnc: not informed"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:29Z" level=info msg="[GNB][UE] UE Masked Imeisv: "
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:29Z" level=info msg="[GNB][UE] Allowed Nssai-- Sst: de Sd: 00007b"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:29Z" level=info msg="[GNB][NAS][UE] Send Registration Accept."
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:29Z" level=info msg="[GNB][NGAP][AMF] Send Initial Context Setup Response."
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:29Z" level=info msg="[UE][NAS] Message with security header"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:29Z" level=info msg="[UE][NAS] Message with integrity and ciphered"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:29Z" level=info msg="[UE][NAS] successful NAS MAC verification"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:29Z" level=info msg="[UE][NAS] successful NAS CIPHERING"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:29Z" level=info msg="[UE][NAS] Receive Registration Accept"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:29Z" level=info msg="[UE][NAS] UE 5G GUTI: [0 0 0 1]"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:30Z" level=info msg="[GNB][SCTP] Receive message in 0 stream\n"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:30Z" level=info msg="[GNB][NGAP] Receive PDU Session Resource Setup Request"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:30Z" level=info msg="[GNB][NGAP][UE] PDU Session was created with successful."
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:30Z" level=info msg="[GNB][NGAP][UE] PDU Session Id: 1"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:30Z" level=info msg="[GNB][NGAP][UE] NSSAI Selected --- sst: de sd: 00007b"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:30Z" level=info msg="[GNB][NGAP][UE] PDU Session Type: ipv4"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:30Z" level=info msg="[GNB][NGAP][UE] QOS Flow Identifier: 6"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:30Z" level=info msg="[GNB][NGAP][UE] Uplink Teid: 231454274"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:30Z" level=info msg="[GNB][NGAP][UE] Downlink Teid: 1"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:30Z" level=info msg="[GNB][NGAP][UE] Non-Dynamic-5QI: 6"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:30Z" level=info msg="[GNB][NGAP][UE] Priority Level ARP: 1"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:30Z" level=info msg="[GNB][NGAP][UE] UPF Address: :2152"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:30Z" level=info msg="[UE][NAS] Message with security header"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:30Z" level=info msg="[UE][NAS] Message with integrity and ciphered"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:30Z" level=info msg="[UE][NAS] successful NAS MAC verification"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:30Z" level=info msg="[UE][NAS] successful NAS CIPHERING"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:30Z" level=info msg="[UE][NAS] Receive DL NAS Transport"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:30Z" level=info msg="[UE][NAS] Receiving PDU Session Establishment Accept"
my5grantester | time="2022-05-11T21:59:30Z" level=info msg="[UE][DATA] UE is ready for using data plane"
Traffic test
UL Test ->
docker-compose-host $: docker exec my5grantester ping -c4 -I uetun1
PING ( from uetun1: 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=63 time=5.35 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=63 time=0.456 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=63 time=0.595 ms
--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2016ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.456/2.136/5.357/2.278 ms
DL Test ->
docker-compose-host $: docker exec oai-ext-dn ping -c4
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=63 time=1.01 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=63 time=0.531 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=63 time=0.467 ms
--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2010ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.467/0.670/1.013/0.244 ms
Multiple UEs registration test
Load-test with UEs in queue*:
- Update value in the docker-compose-my5grantester-vpp.yaml
NUM_UE: 10
- Verify at AMF logs
docker-compose-host $: docker logs oai-amf
[2022-05-11T21:53:21.866098] [AMF] [amf_app] [info ] |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
[2022-05-11T21:53:21.866102] [AMF] [amf_app] [info ] |----------------------------------------------------gNBs' information-------------------------------------------|
[2022-05-11T21:53:21.866105] [AMF] [amf_app] [info ] | Index | Status | Global ID | gNB Name | PLMN |
[2022-05-11T21:53:21.866110] [AMF] [amf_app] [info ] | 1 | Connected | 0x300 | my5gRANTester | 208, 95 |
[2022-05-11T21:53:21.866113] [AMF] [amf_app] [info ] |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
[2022-05-11T21:53:21.866115] [AMF] [amf_app] [info ]
[2022-05-11T21:53:21.866117] [AMF] [amf_app] [info ] |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
[2022-05-11T21:53:21.866120] [AMF] [amf_app] [info ] |----------------------------------------------------UEs' information--------------------------------------------|
[2022-05-11T21:53:21.866122] [AMF] [amf_app] [info ] | Index | 5GMM state | IMSI | GUTI | RAN UE NGAP ID | AMF UE ID | PLMN |Cell ID|
[2022-05-11T21:53:21.866127] [AMF] [amf_app] [info ] | 1| 5GMM-REGISTERED| 208950000000043| | 1| 1| 208, 95 | 16|
[2022-05-11T21:53:21.866131] [AMF] [amf_app] [info ] | 2| 5GMM-REGISTERED| 208950000000044| | 2| 2| 208, 95 | 16|
[2022-05-11T21:53:21.866134] [AMF] [amf_app] [info ] | 3| 5GMM-REGISTERED| 208950000000045| | 3| 3| 208, 95 | 16|
[2022-05-11T21:53:21.866138] [AMF] [amf_app] [info ] | 4| 5GMM-REGISTERED| 208950000000046| | 4| 4| 208, 95 | 16|
[2022-05-11T21:53:21.866141] [AMF] [amf_app] [info ] | 5| 5GMM-REGISTERED| 208950000000047| | 5| 5| 208, 95 | 16|
[2022-05-11T21:53:21.866144] [AMF] [amf_app] [info ] | 6| 5GMM-REGISTERED| 208950000000048| | 6| 6| 208, 95 | 16|
[2022-05-11T21:53:21.866148] [AMF] [amf_app] [info ] | 7| 5GMM-REGISTERED| 208950000000049| | 7| 7| 208, 95 | 16|
[2022-05-11T21:53:21.866151] [AMF] [amf_app] [info ] | 8| 5GMM-REGISTERED| 208950000000050| | 8| 8| 208, 95 | 16|
[2022-05-11T21:53:21.866155] [AMF] [amf_app] [info ] | 9| 5GMM-REGISTERED| 208950000000051| | 9| 9| 208, 95 | 16|
[2022-05-11T21:53:21.866158] [AMF] [amf_app] [info ] | 10| 5GMM-REGISTERED| 208950000000052| | 10| 10| 208, 95 | 16|
[2022-05-11T21:53:21.866161] [AMF] [amf_app] [info ] |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
Recover the logs
docker-compose-host $: docker logs oai-amf > /tmp/oai/vpp-upf-my5g/amf.log 2>&1
docker-compose-host $: docker logs oai-smf > /tmp/oai/vpp-upf-my5g/smf.log 2>&1
docker-compose-host $: docker logs oai-nrf > /tmp/oai/vpp-upf-my5g/nrf.log 2>&1
docker-compose-host $: docker logs vpp-upf > /tmp/oai/vpp-upf-my5g/vpp-upf.log 2>&1
docker-compose-host $: docker logs oai-udr > /tmp/oai/vpp-upf-my5g/udr.log 2>&1
docker-compose-host $: docker logs oai-udm > /tmp/oai/vpp-upf-my5g/udm.log 2>&1
docker-compose-host $: docker logs oai-ausf > /tmp/oai/vpp-upf-my5g/ausf.log 2>&1
docker-compose-host $: docker logs my5grantester > /tmp/oai/vpp-upf-my5g/my5grantester.log 2>&1
Stop the core network
docker-compose-host $: docker-compose -f docker-compose-my5grantester-vpp.yaml down
docker-compose-host $: python3 ./core-network.py --type stop-basic-vpp --scenario 1
8. Analysing the Scenario Results
Pcap/log files |
5gcn-deployment-my5G-RANTester.pcap |
- For detailed analysis of messages, please refer previous tutorial of testing with dsTester.