This tutorial will help in understanding how to deploy OAI core network using docker-compose. In this tutorial we have used [dsTest]( a commercial paid gNB emulator. Though instead of this readers can also use gNBsim (an opensource gNB emulator), you can follow another tutorial for [this](./ Please follow the tutorial step by step to create a stable working testbed.
This tutorial will help in understanding how to deploy OAI core network using docker-compose. In this tutorial we have used [dsTest]( a commercial paid gNB emulator. Though instead of this readers can also use gNBsim (an opensource gNB emulator), you can follow another tutorial for [this](./ Please follow the tutorial step by step to create a stable working testbed.
**Reading time: ~20mins**
**Reading time: ~20mins**
**Tutorial replication time: ~1hr**
**Tutorial replication time: ~1hr**
Note: In case readers are interested in deploying debuggers/developers core network environment with more logs please follow [this tutorial](./
Note: In case readers are interested in deploying debuggers/developers core network environment with more logs please follow [this tutorial](./
Note: In case readers are interested in deploying debuggers/developers core network environment with more logs please follow [this tutorial](./
Note: In case readers are interested in deploying debuggers/developers core network environment with more logs please follow [this tutorial](./
Note: In case readers are interested in deploying debuggers/developers core network environment with more logs please follow [this tutorial](./
Note: In case readers are interested in deploying debuggers/developers core network environment with more logs please follow [this tutorial](./