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Improve thread pool documentation

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# Thread pool
The thread pool is a working server, made of a set of worker threads that can be mapped on CPU cores.
The **thread pool** is a working server, made of a set of worker threads that can be mapped on CPU cores. Each thread pool has an **input queue** ("**FIFO**"), from which its workers pick **jobs** (FIFO element) to execute. When a job is done, the worker sends a message to an output queue, if it has been defined.
Each worker loop on pick from the same input queue jobs to do.
A selective abort allows to cancel parallel jobs. This can be useful, e.g., if a client pushed jobs, but from a response of one job, the other linked jobs become useless.
When a job is done, the worker sends a return if a return is defined.
A selective abort allows to cancel parallel jobs (usage: a client pushed jobs, but from a response of one job, the other linked jobs becomes useless).
All the thread pool functions are thread safe, nevertheless the working functions are implemented by the thread pool client, so the client has to tackle the parallel execution of his functions called "processingFunc" hereafter.
All the thread pool functions are thread safe. The functions executed by worker threads are provided by the thread pool client, so the client has to handle the concurrency/parallel execution of his functions.
## license
Laurent Thomas, Open cells project
The owner share this piece code to Openairsoftware alliance as per OSA license terms
With contributions from Robert Schmidt, OSA
# jobs
# Jobs
A job is a message (`notifiedFIFO_elt_t`):
A job is a message of type `notifiedFIFO_elt_t`:
* `next`:
internal FIFO chain, do not set it
* `key`:
a long int that the client can use to identify a message or a group of messages
* `ResponseFifo`:
if the client defines a response FIFO, the message will be posted back after processing
* `processingFunc`:
any funtion (type `void processingFunc(void *)`) that the worker will launch
* `msgData`:
the data passed to processingFunc. It can be added automatically, or you can set it to a buffer you are managing
* `malloced`:
a boolean that enable internal free in these cases:
no return Fifo or Abort feature
* `next`: internal FIFO chain, do not set it
* `key`: a `long int` that the client can use to identify a job or a group of messages
* `ResponseFifo`: if the client defines a response FIFO, the job will be posted back after processing
* `processingFunc`: any function (of type `void processingFunc(void *)`) that a worker will process
* `msgData`: the data passed to `processingFunc`. It can be added automatically, or you can set it to a buffer you are managing
* `malloced`: a boolean that enables internal free in the case of no return FIFO or abort feature
The job messages can be created with `newNotifiedFIFO_elt()` and `delNotifiedFIFO_elt()` or managed by the client.
The job messages can be created and destroyed with `newNotifiedFIFO_elt()` and `delNotifiedFIFO_elt()`, or managed by the client:
# Queues of jobs
* `newNotifiedFIFO_elt()`: Creates a job, that will later be used in queues/FIFO
* `delNotifiedFIFO_elt()`: Deletes a job
* `NotifiedFifoData()`: gives a pointer to the beginning of free usage memory in a job (you can put any data there, up to 'size' parameter you passed to `newNotifiedFIFO_elt()`)
Queues are type of:
These 3 calls are not mandatory, you can also use your own memory to save the `malloc()`/`free()` that are behind these calls.
* `notifiedFIFO_t` that must be initialized by `init_notifiedFIFO()`
* No delete function is required, the creator has only to free the data of type `notifiedFIFO_t`
* `push_notifiedFIFO()` add a job in the queue
* `pull_notifiedFIFO()` is blocking, `poll_notifiedFIFO()` is non blocking
* `abort_notifiedFIFO()` allows the customer to delete all waiting jobs that match with the key (see key in jobs definition)
## API details
### `notifiedFIFO_elt_t *newNotifiedFIFO_elt(int size, uint64_t key, notifiedFIFO_t *reponseFifo, void (*processingFunc)(void *))`
Creates a new job. The data part of the job will have size `size`, the job can be identified via `key`. `reponseFifo` is a FIFO queue to which the job should be pushed after being processed by a thread pool (see below for details) using function `processingFunc()`.
The function returns a pointer to an allocated job.
### `void delNotifiedFIFO_elt(notifiedFIFO_elt_t *elt)`
Free the memory allocated for a job `elt`.
## Thread-safe functions
### `void *NotifiedFifoData(notifiedFIFO_elt_t *elt)`
* `newNotifiedFIFO_elt()`: creates a message, that will later be used in queues/FIFO
* `delNotifiedFIFO_elt()`: deletes it
* `NotifiedFifoData()`: gives a pointer to the beginning of free usage memory in a message (you can put any data there, up to 'size' parameter you passed to `newNotifiedFIFO_elt()`)
Returns a pointer (`void *`) to the data segment of an allocated job.
These 3 calls are not mandatory, you can also use your own memory to save the `malloc()`/`free()` that are behind these calls
# Queues of jobs (`FIFO`)
# Low level: fast and simple, but not thread-safe
Queues can be used to enqueue messages/jobs, of type `notifiedFIFO_t`.
* `initNotifiedFIFO()`: Create a queue
* No delete function is required, the creator has only to free the data of type `notifiedFIFO_t`
* `pushNotifiedFIFO()`: Add a job to a queue
* `pullNotifiedFIFO()`: Pull a job from a queue. This call is blocking until a job arrived.
* `pollNotifiedFIFO()`: Pull a job from a queue. This call is not blocking, so it returns always very shortly
* `abortNotifiedFIFOJob()`: Allows to delete all waiting jobs that match a key (see `key` in jobs definition)
* `abortNotifiedFIFO()`: Aborts a FIFO, such that it will always return `NULL`
Note that in 99.9% of cases, `pull()` is better than `poll()`.
The above push/pull/poll functions are built on not-thread-safe versions of these functions that are described below.
## Low level: fast and simple, but not thread-safe
* `initNotifiedFIFO_nothreadSafe()`: Create a queue
* `pushNotifiedFIFO_nothreadSafe()`: Add a element in a queue
......@@ -63,113 +73,144 @@ As these queues are not thread safe, there is NO blocking mechanism, neither `pu
There is no delete for a message queue: you only have to abandon the memory you allocated to call `initNotifiedFIFO_nothreadSafe(notifiedFIFO_t *nf)`
So if you malloced the memory under 'nf' parameter you have to free it, if it is automatic variable (local variable) or global variable, nothing is to be done.
If you malloced the memory under `nf` parameter, you have to free it.
## FIFO queue abort
It is possible to *abort* the FIFO queue. In this case, any pulling/polling of jobs in the queue will return `NULL`. This can be used when stopping a program, to release multiple queues that might depend on each other (a proper design would try to avoid such dependencies, though).
## thread safe queues
## API details
These queues are built on not thread safe queues when we need thread to thread protection
### `void initNotifiedFIFO(notifiedFIFO_t *nf)`
### `void initNotifiedFIFO_nothreadSafe(notifiedFIFO_t *nf)`
* `initNotifiedFIFO()`: Create a queue
* `pushNotifiedFIFO()`: Add a element in a queue
* `pullNotifiedFIFO()`: Pull a element from a queue, this call is blocking until a message arrived
* `pollNotifiedFIFO()`: Pull a element from a queue, this call is not blocking, so it returns always very shortly
Initializes a FIFO queue pointed to by `nf` ("notified FIFO").
Note that in 99.9% cases, `pull()` is better than `poll()`
### `void pushNotifiedFIFO(notifiedFIFO_t *nf, notifiedFIFO_elt_t *msg)`
### `void pushNotifiedFIFO_nothreadSafe(notifiedFIFO_t *nf, notifiedFIFO_elt_t *msg)`
No `delete()` call, same principle as not thread safe queues
Pushes a job `msg` to the FIFO queue `nf`.
### `notifiedFIFO_elt_t *pullNotifiedFIFO(notifiedFIFO_t *nf)`
Pulls a job from a FIFO queue `nf`. The returned pointer points to the job. This call is blocking, i.e., a caller will be blocked until there is a message.
If the FIFO has been aborted, the returned pointer will be `NULL`. In other words, if the call to this functions returns `NULL`, the FIFO has been deactivated.
### `notifiedFIFO_elt_t *pollNotifiedFIFO(notifiedFIFO_t *nf)`
### `notifiedFIFO_elt_t *pullNotifiedFIFO_nothreadSafe(notifiedFIFO_t *nf)`
Like `pullNotifiedFIFO()`, but non-blocking: they check if the queue `nf` contains a job, and return it. Otherwise, they return `NULL`. Note the slight difference in naming: the thread-safe function is called *poll*, not *pull*.
Note that unlike for `pullNotifiedFIFO()`, returning `NULL` does not inform whether the queue has been aborted; the caller should manually check the `abortFIFO` flag of `nf` in this case.
### `int abortNotifiedFIFOJob(notifiedFIFO_t *nf, uint64_t key)`
Aborts all jobs in FIFO queue `nf` with key `key`. Jobs already under execution will be silently dropped and not put in the FIFO return queue, if any.
Returns the number of aborted jobs.
### `void abortNotifiedFIFO(notifiedFIFO_t *nf)`
Aborts the entire FIFO queue `nf`: all jobs will be dropped, and the FIFO is marked as aborted, such that a call to `pullNotifiedFIFO()` returns `NULL`.
Returns the total number of jobs that were waiting or under execution.
# Thread pools
## initialization
## Initialization
The clients can create one or more thread pools with `initTpool(char *params,tpool_t *pool, bool performanceMeas )` or `initNamedTpool(char *params,tpool_t *pool, bool performanceMeas , char *name)`
The clients can create one or more thread pools with
the `params` string structure: describes a list of cores, separated by "," that run a worker thread
* `initTpool(char *params, tpool_t *pool, bool performanceMeas)` or
* `initNamedTpool(char *params,tpool_t *pool, bool performanceMeas , char *name)`
If the core exists on the CPU, the thread pool initialization sets the affinity between this thread and the related code (use negative values is allowed, so the thread will never be mapped on a specific core).
The threads are governed by the Linux real time scheduler, and their name is set automatically to `Tpool<thread index>_<core id>` if `initTpool()` is used or to `<name><thread index>_<core id>` when `initNamedTpool()` is used.
The threads are all Linux real time scheduler, their name is set automatically to `Tpool<thread index>_<core id>` if initTpool is used or to `<name><thread index>_<core id>` when initNamedTpool is used.
## Adding jobs
## adding jobs
The client create their jobs messages as a `notifiedFIFO_elt_t`, then they push it with `pushTpool()` (that internally calls `push_notifiedFIFO()`)
The client create their jobs messages as a `notifiedFIFO_elt_t`. They then push it with `pushTpool()` which internally calls `push_notifiedFIFO()`.
If they need a return, they have to create response queues with `init_notifiedFIFO()` and set this FIFO pointer in the `notifiedFIFO_elt_t` before pushing the job.
If they need a return value (e.g., result of a computation), they have to create response queues with `init_notifiedFIFO()` and set this FIFO pointer in the `notifiedFIFO_elt_t` before pushing the job. This way, multiple result queues can be used in one thread pool.
## abort
## Abort
A abort service `abortTpoolJob()` allows to abort all jobs that match a key (see jobs "key"). When the abort returns, it garanties no job (matching the key) response will be posted on response queues.
A abort service `abortTpoolJob()` allows to abort all jobs that match a key (see a job's `key`). When the abort returns, it garanties that no job (matching the key) response will be posted on response queues.
Nevertheless, jobs already performed before the return of `abortTpoolJob()` are pushed in the response Fifo queue.
`abortTpool()` kills all jobs in the Tpool.
`abortTpool()` kills all jobs in the Tpool, and terminates the pool.
## API details
Each thread pool (there can be several in the same process) should be initialized once using one of the two API's:
### `initNamedTpool(char *params,tpool_t *pool, bool performanceMeas,char *name)`
### `void initNamedTpool(char *params, tpool_t *pool, bool performanceMeas, char *name)`
### `void initTpool(char *params, tpool_t *pool, bool performanceMeas)`
### `initTpool(char *params,tpool_t *pool, bool performanceMeas)`
`params`: the configuration parameter is a string, elements separator is a comma ",". An element can be:
The `params` string describes a list of cores, separated by "," that run a worker thread. If the core exists on the CPU, the thread pool initialization sets the affinity between this thread and the related core. The following options are available:
* `N`: if a N is in the parameter list, no threads are created
The purpose is to keep the same API in any case
* a CPU with a little number of cores,
or in debugging sessions to simplify the human work
* a number that represent a valid CPU core on the target CPU
A thread is created and stick on the core (with set affinity)
* a number that is not a valid CPU core
a floating thread is created (Linux is responsible of the real time core allocation)
* `N`: if an `N` is in the parameter list, no threads are created, and the threadpool will be disabled (jobs will be treated by each calling thread independently).
* A number that represent a valid CPU core on the target CPU, i.e., if there are `M` cores, a number within `[0,M-1]`: A thread is created and pinned to the core (with set affinity)
* `-1`: The thread will not be mapped onto a specific core (a "floating" thread)
example: `"-1,-1,-1"`
as there is no core number -1, the thread pool is made of 3 floating threads
be careful with fix allocation: it is hard to be more clever than Linux kernel
Example: `-1,-1,-1`: the thread pool is made of 3 floating threads.
Be careful with a fixed allocation: it is hard to be more clever than Linux kernel!
`pool` is the memory you allocated before to store the thread pool internal state (same concept as above queues)
`pool` is a pointer to the thread pool object.
`performanceMeas` is a flag to enable measurements (well described in documentation)
`performanceMeas` is a flag to enable measurements (see also below).
`name` is used to build the thread names.
### `pushTpool(tpool_t *t, notifiedFIFO_elt_t *msg)`
### `void pushTpool(tpool_t *t, notifiedFIFO_elt_t *msg)`
Adds a job for processing in the thread pool.
The job data you can set are, inside `msg`:
* `key`: an arbitrary key to find a job in a response queue, and which can be used to abort jobs using `abortTpoolJob()`.
* `reponseFifo`: if non-`NULL`, the message will be sent back on this queue when the job is done. If `NULL`, the thread pool automatically frees the job when it is done.
* `processingFunc`: the function to execute for this job.
The `processingFunc` prototype is `void <func>(void *memory)`. The data part of the job (the pointer returned by `NotifiedFifoData(msg)`) is passed to the function. The job data will be updated by `processingFunc`, and the job will be pushed into return queue (the parameter `reponseFifo`).
adds a job to do in the thread pool
### `notifiedFIFO_elt_t *pullTpool(notifiedFIFO_t *responseFifo, tpool_t *t)`
The msg data you can set are:
Collects a job result in a return queue that has been defined in `msg` when calling `pushTpool()`, and that has been updated by `processingFunc()`. Returns the corresponding job pointer of type `notifiedFIFO_elt_t *`.
* `key`: a value for you that you will find back in the response it is also the key for `abortTpoolJob()`
* `reponseFifo`: if you set it, the message will be sent back on this queue when the job is done if you don't set it, no return is performed, the thread pool frees the message 'msg' when the job is done
* `processingFunc`: the function the job will run. the function prototype is `void <func>(void *memory)` the data part (the pointer returned by `NotifiedFifoData(msg)`) is passed to the function it is used to send data to the processing function and also to write back results of course, writing back results will lead you to use also a return queue (the parameter `reponseFifo`)
Multiple return queues might be useful. Consider the following example in the eNB: I created one single thread pool (because it depends mainly on CPU hardware), but i use two return queues: one for turbo encode, one for turbo decode. Thus, when performing Turbo encoding/decoding, jobs are pushed into a single thread pool, but will end up in different result queues, such that DL/UL processing can be separated more easily.
### `pullTpool()` collects job result in a return queue
### `notifiedFIFO_elt_t *tryPullTpool(notifiedFIFO_t *responseFifo, tpool_t *t)`
you collect results in one result queue: the message you gave to `pushTpool()`, nevertheless it has been updated by `processingFunc()`
The same as `pullTpool()` in a non-blocking fashion (an alternative name would have been `pollTpool()`).
An example of multiple return queues, in eNB: I created one single thread pool (because it depends mainly on CPU hardware), but i use two return queues: one for turbo encode, one for turbo decode.
### `int abortTpoolJob(tpool_t *t, uint64_t key)`
### `tryPullTpool()`
Is a facility to cancel work you pushed to a thread pool: every job with a given `key` will be deleted, and results of jobs with such `key` under execution will be dropped.
is the same, but not blocking (`pollTpool()` would have been a better name)
It returns the number of aborted jobs, including the ones that are currently being executed.
### `abortTpoolJob()`
I used it once: when eNB performs turbo decode, I push all segments in the thread pool. But when I get back the decoding results, if one segment can't be decoded, I don't need the results of the other segments of the same UE.
Is a facility to cancel work you pushed to a thread pool
### `int abortTpool(tpool_t *t)`
I used it once: when eNB performs turbo decode, I push all segments in the thread pool.
Aborts the complete Tpool: cancel every work in the input queue, marks to drop existing jobs in processing, and terminates all worker threads. It is afterwards still possible to call functions such as `pushTpool()`, but each calling thread will execute the job itself.
But when I get back the decoding results, if one segment can't be decoded, I don't need the results of the other segments of the same UE.
Returns the total number of jobs that were aborted, i.e., waiting for execution or being executed.
## Performance measurements
A performance measurement is integrated: the pool will automacillay fill timestamps if you set the environement variable `threadPoolMeasurements` to a valid file name. The following measurements will be written to Linux pipe.
A performance measurement is integrated: the pool will automacillay fill timestamps if you set the environement variable `threadPoolMeasurements` to a valid file name. The following measurements will be written to Linux pipe on a per-job basis:
* `creationTime`: time the request is push to the pool;
* `startProcessingTime`: time a worker start to run on the job
* `endProcessingTime`: time the worker finished the job
* `returnTime`: time the client reads the result
The `measurement_display` tool to read the Linux pipe and display it in ascii is provided.
The `measurement_display` tool to read the Linux pipe and display it in ASCII is provided.
In the cmake build directory, type `make/ninja measurement_display`. Use as
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